I'llK V. AT I* It FO1J I> N l-: \V S >.: IM:il<lll l> 1SIT. |A| I 1. IM : UI Ki loiuMs ri"priitoi.) I.\ M-I-I t ' u;i i i vm>\ i\'I I IK Snrrii i>r II:KI.AM < . |V(. . 'I . I.. ¦ ' ¦ ¦ .., •! . /• " , > ' ¦ ' .¦;) Hn- . iiM , nl Xn. -HI f i lV f iMnvl uri i>-111. i in t i.ovist I \l. I \si:.] ! i .H i. 'I' m;i i l' i M i ; Ys.u-i.v ( IN A DV.\. \ I K) 1:!S,; li l I' n - ' -T. Yl'lliLV , l. ' i .-s . IN A))V.\.NfK. Agents lor Sali; of THE NEWS: \v .\'i'!• ' .!;i- "ni:n- \:,- . \y. KHU , Liiiii' d' niL-rV-siiivt. TKAMHUK—Mi. -s CI . AMI , KffTo.liiui'iil liuum.s , in Stnitiil-Mtvrt . PASSAHi: KAST—Tin. Mis:.s l. r .v i , llok' l , S<|ii;nc. ?AllKI!'K-OX.Sfll(- .Mi- . .I..M.Mn:i in , NV«sA' , Tnt . tJt'Xd'AIIVA. V—Mr. K KU MSH I! I; KNN \ N , Slatiunrr , kv., I'usl nnil TrlcKriip li OfiUv, Tim Si|U:nc. KII.M. UTIIO .MA* Mr. M. Diw. xr , CK. UIT, Ai\ I.ISMUI. 'K—Mr. .Icui . v Xui.xw . Tin- M. -ill IVari'lmiiM! X^: \V K()S. <—Mr. V. M OICAN , NYWS A gnil , A. - . S 11 I Pl» l NG. NATIONAL LINE TO NEW YORK '^j. vJK l.AKliKST KTKAMKKK Ar'l.OAT. j[[||spS_Kv> Ki- .... i ;.;.-.rjii-.. » i-rfni lrawfc' . s/' .n *^^^C^' v-*^vC ^--. »¦¦ ^'•»>¦•*» t > _ i. T]|K wi lM.Nimn Kull-IVnvrml Iron !-VIIU SI i:.\ .U.silll'S . VAl/i . . . T> "> * t . 7i'»' l' i;Vf"T , (Ir.^-i.u . ... :.m;| I' NIM.AM- . K I II||. linn M'WX . llraii- ¦«»•' 'I Hi: I . H'KKX . .Wlrov .... 1111 ITALY, llrijv- Vt'l ¦ HuI.I.AXM , i:i->:- ::sl7 ri:.\xci-:, TiiiiiiiM .n ::¦?? I;I:IN . I ,:I « H .H .. ' . -•.-; ; - .\NAHA , >V. I .-M- .;M< ''iA , sp. m- r :aci liKIXc i:, Tln-lna- ¦ - •"•' : I)I;.NMA1:K , Wimm r :;7J. : gf Whl Sii.I in-iii l.iv.ii.,..! to X«v Yinlc :.- ntiiitr: Kli 'YIT Wi-ili i.-Mlay Sr j.l. Hull CKKKCK Wi-iliicstla> Sc|.i. 17th. SI'AIX. . WiiliiL-silny... Sq.l.. -Jlth l.l- .lVlllf; I.JlUl'lMnWII till- ll.ll.t-AIIU tl-IVs . I l.i :,iiuH.liinJ.ili.m I,| ,tin- Slalc-l iKillill liriti j unusually hr^r , -,n,l op, i, cli ' llii; Saloons , ^itu;ilnl in |>oop un drill *. Kali' ol p:i«.*.i;:r VJ, 15, aud 17 tl .linra- , .lLYOldiu;r lo ai:- ruultiti datiuu in M.iit! mi m—:.|| bavin* itrif ili - L -i- i n S-l.-.i. IMu-i, l.l.i. . *l \V I- .. \TV-KIVI - . lil'IXKAS . C-? TI:.- CIIMI . ' HUT nl STI :I-:I : A <; I-: I -ASSKXW-.I : S -pi tl.ill y roiiMiittiit—llu- arcoiiiinuttatii-u l-i-lng mil .]lt:t i'. il (or -| ¦ . ¦* ¦ ! ' , lin lit . tii-! v> mi! I'rt.n. ..I IWip— .,. lo.v a< 1-y any i.llil-r lim—ilnlild. - iilmnilainv .¦! Kiish l' i. HIM . ins -i I v. il ui> IViAul liy ll" t . ' orn|-au _\ \ . ' i i vanN. Mr.licil alti i.d.uiiv I- ' ni- . >:ri\..iil. I . M * in att.t»h,ni * I Kt In.ili * Slu lay r..!-sriij;otv . Slirraji e I' [ IT> II ,I >?:IH |. .1 lo IJui-hiv , I' .osl. n , I'l ;1- n.I<rl ].lii.. t ami l<a!liinon>. uiilmut rxtra i7in;y;i - , ami I Inl llinmcli to l- ' mnrisri., :uul all inland inn. .1 fniii-l Stati- . auiK'anulu on U\oural.!»- lnni« . I'a niiv-.- v.* l.t>i>L.- -l llirm.^litu .Wtiaiia, Nrw /.. ;t!,t»>l , t 'liiun , a n.I .lup.m. Ki.r Kr^ultt or l'a>- .n;c app l y to TIIK - N' ATK . NAI . SHAM sinr 1 ' iinriw (I. IMITK I ) . ¦^1 an il _ •:! . \V.iln->tti.t , l , i u i p . .' l ; N. ami .1. l'rM\n>fl anil 111.*-?., ^i:n u>t.-wn. I' a-^i PC. r* me ;.<l\ i^. il in >n uu- tli. ir l' a?-* .i p-* 1 ' r.un tin l.(<Ci«l A^nit.- Irloie 1*.tviitir linuu- . THE GUION LINE. L'NI'I 'KD STATES MA Hi STEA J MKKS ^ | ~K- 3>X ^ ~ |^'' : "' ll "" '"H""'" ' ' "'' "'I" '' I'irsi ^PB iiriV ^ ^ ' v \ »f » , fiill-jiowpn-il Slc:iinslii i ^/,,. i * rfj&3 will !"¦ i]r-|i:il')iiii IVmn 1. 1 VDUT'il l| TO NRW YUKK , KVEKY WKILNKSDAY. Cai'lilin. l ' ii)ilnin. WV(I\HXC ..1 AMI :- M OCBJI UlXXKsUTA . 'I )' l'...i U lSCONslX T-W .I- ' HI MAXI1ATTAX..I . It . I' uiri: IDAHO . ' A 1 - . lifAUu MOXTAXA I A . -. I' I MCK NEVAI'A W. l- *>j KAICDIA 'Cml'l'm: ) Ar- ii.l-n.l.i! to S. il l . I..1I..1V : IDAHO \Voiliip«il:iy K'tli Hi.|.t. M1NNKS. OTA... . WViliirfilsiy 17tli Sopl. WlSCOXSl. V Wi-ilm- vilay ... - 111. Sept . XKVA1 IA . ..Wi-dncMliiV l.M (let. (A1.I.IM ; at (jKKI- .XSriittX lli- .lay I UII'- IVMII :, to i mbaiV l'a.^i-n^rt^. l'»—.ni;.i. lii-iilt-il tliruusli Kr:iiii . i<c'iati'l allinl.incl lo»n- «t low iali->. l;»l.-.f I' a~-Jt<- (linn l. iv.rp'i l lo X--»- YorL : < Miill 1' a-^ .iL-i . tlo In. , anil .C17 17.., mill XJ1. Sll-i'l-aur I' as^ci. ' atti.Iur.U ¦;.:«. . 'll.i- l .ilt.-i iiiclui!. 1 . an tinliniili .1 >npp ) y it piovi.i.m. , *.- Iril -in.l M rvi-.l nj i l.v tin- Vimipaii} ' * sU-wauU' K,.r t i.-iflit nr . app l y to .KilIX liKVKIiKI 'X. ^ii.v . Waiirl.i.l . I I|(IMA> KAVAXA'i|l.tli<: Squau- , IIUM. .1 A .MVS MOTT . ' ; ('".. IJui.ii.fmn; or to IJl'IOX \ L'O . . " . ' " i Wnti-r-slri-i:l . l.ivi 11...1.I KXiil.AXD ANliM . 'l. 'Tll \V.\l.i:< . AM . TIIK sol TK UK IUI ; I . A . \ I ». BY ( . ; I : I : AT uK-ii:i;x UAII . UAY , via M1LF0KI) IIAYKX , I n I'l .iii.icti'in with ilieWAK.Kjui.iiAM " I.IMI:KH 1. and WAIKIUUKI . AM > C KMKAI . I KH .ANI . I.iuo?. SHORTEST ROUTE , and REDUCED FAKES, «.-. f. W i. r.'u,. .< ..„.; . v.-.- f..,i .U...7 Mf t i 5^. . S7,.,,...v. . KYF.ll Y Wr.KK KA Y. y/fe' .V. \jp. l.tiivo \V\inii'i;|ial I p.m., on Aniv iil nf 11. ' -' 11.111. Tiaiii fi' j tu J.itiit-i'icl. ' , ami IO.:i. * > a.m 'i' r.ii ii IVuin M:ny buriio;;li , Al:t:lUM: ili Li>N|."N (wi-a- tin . ra inl circmn. ' . -: p'-rinitliu^) al l-.S "ii li.lli.wn .f .Iny. lj()\VN. - - Luii: l.i>M.i.\ (l'atl>lii';:l"i>) nl l. . 'li p.m., Ai.iaM \t U'. MH. I.. I . I - (wcatlii-r anil irir- -iiiti>.iaiiL-rs p. - rlnittili^) alj..llt |i' . :iU a.m.. in I Inn 1 firtr.r 'i' iainsiiii tin: ' -Van il ' onl an.l l.imi- - ii.-l; ai. .l On I nil IK-IJIMI I.II I-S . v A 1: K s— \YA 'n:i:Fi>i:i> . .i. \y» /. O. Y /"> . Y . - SIM. 11> (avtiiialj ' .i- I Dav. -) 1 M Cla. -s A Sulnun. -ir^ <¦»! ,. " - nil (;la. . . - A- Saloim , :i ' i. < M :( ril< . 'las« .v Knn? Ciil>iii , :!" . < "" ! ]{n> i.. \-(a\:.ii:.l»!.- k.rl nn.illi) 1st Cls.^A Sal.ic.h , 7^. I' MlClfsA- .Saliicin, ;.. 1 )^ Ku itl. '-r iiifiii'iiiuin.ii i-an l.i- i.litaim-il frum Mi-s-ri ,I A , K^n\ ami ( . ' " ¦. X<-«" ; ami Mr. DI.W . MI Acirl p l ii Wharf , Wa ti-i liml 1 ami llic K IHU M . KAI :> lii-twi-di i.ll. rr i i i ip o r i a n l S1ali1.11> , tin- Turn- TaM.- . - nml T l . n. M"li Katr-s for li..i. .U , A. . - ., nf Mr. W . .1. Il l ; M, l. ( |1,,- D M :,! W I M IIII l' . ln| :.ny V A f i-ni . 1'al il' S'.nr.n- , Wal' .1. (; I :II ; I ; S ( IN , iimmi .Mait.p > i' a.l(linj. M<.n , .lul y l^7:t. i iiiy. 'JS WATERFORD STEAM COMPANY . jy rnyDKD OUDKR «/ SAILIX V UKPT ., IST ;:. yyo'l'lCK. —Tin- \ValrrfnrilSti\ -inislii| ^^ " KAj. j\| Onni-am r.r.-n. - Crv.n!. fur Sliiptninl ^*SNt ^, imtlipfollo»iti(! T.TMK. onl y:—Tln-j ri-n-rw i&S3 3*- ''"' f'f ' 1 ' •'"¦ "'">' '. .»«» . ». ''"' I'} V^TTwilli liUily to low Ship, ati.l tall .11 utlu-r I' orl- ru 1 -1 it! not l.«: aca.uiit.iMi' tor injia-n- . 01 lo.».->^ I r-m J cJ ^v .. .Mints ut tin Sra> , Kiii r. , I'i ri- , lln- (j u. - .-ii ° s I' .ni mi^« , i!il.-ctivc Xavi ifaliuii . urawiilL-ntslruiiiaii}' "itlii-i rnu-i nor lor .my l'» s wlucti iniirlil Iwvn I H - I- H civ.-r.-il l.y l.i>ur.ii.c.- nor f or laaVa^. , Hr ralusc , f'onjition ,Quali t y , .. r ,1 nl-.. iinv i'Htiil. •<rrar««L-<'s, nnlr-,- >p.i iull y <rit. r.-l aii-l •<¦> '••<¦ trim Frii;:!. ! |i.inl. ( MKH I. - not mnuvi'.l to In- Stotul at tin ri sV. an-1 .-xpruse ol the * ' ousisn.»-. . WATKUKOKI ) AXI> H II I S. T O I.. tii f -sv, or iilliu i l.uiL!.' \\->nl , .lini . K 1 Watu ' lnrd to lln-tol - . hum lir'.l. l <¦> VV»tMlnr.l : Tup-il»v . SriO -J . :;' . Ad'li. '1'liurnliiv , Si-pt. I . ' ¦ ' . V(fn. Tii.<.lav , ,. :• ... :• Morn. Tl,ur,.l»v , ,, II ... :. Morn. Tui-iiiT, .. I" . ••¦ ' Att ' n. ThiiMlay, ,. l>> ._ t At: n TiH- -'l.' ", .. -• K -Morn T?inr-I:.v , ,, £< ... >; Mot u. Tiiwl-iJ'! .. '" ¦ IJ >'"'" iluve rw. Finn Wiiliilinil to l!ri.l'-l , 1' IMH linM.I to Wai. rl..|.| , Dinrl. CHllilC al 1'i lnl.lbLc llu.k. Til. .lay, Sti-I. - ... I Afl l: FrMav, S*pt. ¦ . ... ', M-.rii Tu.-l..y. :> 71 .M-.n: Fri.laV . I. ' .. II Mi.rn Tin-lay, 1'. J Aft 'ii lrl'lav , ., I' . ' ... " Mom Tm j.!.iv ,. J^ .. 7 M.-rn Iri.l a . v. ,. - >¦ I'.J MMiiTm. ilay, ., X II M %*f~ (111 Karl y Moriiine Sailing, I In < 'J,iii .,1 lln-sirani er .s will be ('('in I'* n. 'i i-ive I'a.sriiKt.sarrivingIruin Loii'loi by tin- XiKlit Mail Trail-. " diliin I' .iti- , 1-J' . *>1. ; Srrvxnls iuj«l t'lnl.lri n, ]n. . n.l, li cluui ¦!•• ., S- " . : " r W' 1 ' 1 l'b.-iij to icdrii llul.i.n Curl . 01 Wi-jlnfl , -ll>. r. .l., M.-».«.rs (i-i- milii-liil ; |.i-.l i>. li.i. I' " ' lll.l!ri "I I' H'l I'"" l«i|.lir> " Cabin. \V A I' K I! F " I: H A N H I, I V K K )' 111) I.. Xnr.i ' /.i t hur , or o'li.r . hjiV. .' V.-.-. I. . Tuui; Sailings Wuklv. fniw nMKE'iri'- . ri.nM".'.!. : MOII .\» T, {. pi I - - I Att 'u M..ii-;:u , :.|.t. 1 I Alt 11 Wi,lt,.U. .>, .: I" M.-l l. W.ili.i ' -liiy .: .... 7 V-111 Vri'lnv * ,, . ' . - - !' M'- 'n Kii-lay ., :. :t Mr-rn Momlay. s- 1 Afl ' ti Munilnv . ., s II .M'. III \V»lin'ilaT,,, lo 1 Alt nW.«lii. vt, 7 10 -- |j Ni... liiil av ' !- - I All n I n-lay, |-j - -j Ali ' i, M.i intiiv . ., I.' , - I AI I VM- IL I. - IT . ,, I. - , 1 .Ml Wnlnculav , ,. I7--IO Mui ii \V. .lm -.|., - . ., 17- s M Vri.lav ' •• I- '¦- ' MMIII 1-Vi.lay. ' ,, I'. ;' M«i ,, Vurthv .- - ' - ' - I AIiV. M >»•: .. __ .- |u M-.. ,, Tft illK t'lav . ,. ' . 'I - I .MI ' ri;,. ,.i.,y, . ¦ ( - II )li,i ,, lridii y. ' •• ' -' I All ' j.. . U N-' ,, .M.m.liiy. .. ' - ¦'-¦ - A (l 'iilMoii. |- iv , -J:I _ J All Ol.i ii Kiin:, )7>. li-1 ; Scivanls tTi.iv.ilini. - mil, FJII.IIM ¦ •' aud C 'liildrm , 1U-; Uitk , ll" » , Cbil-lun. T.s. Ft-iualn »:t.-ml llic LHilii-n 'C abm Goo«l<* ii-ii-ivpil at ( , 'lari-iirw iJ.K-k , Ln<i| H ,- .|, W A 'I' K llFOllli AXli XKVV l{(.^.-. . F ROM W A II HO KD Ijail y, Sniiilaj. unpi. l , : , ( | i.r.M . FkOM X8» lima—Ilaily, Slllnlajs , u>-pti,| , at b.l.»A.M WATK KFOK I) AND l> V X r A X X 0 X . FBOM WiitnroKU—I' aily, S-n- .tiaj f utrpu.l , at I. . " . r.s . FROH DCNCASNON— Dail y, Sini.liivscmplnl , at (j.lii.M , Iltrllis si-cnri'il unit i-vcry iiilonn»tiuiipven l>y I In: ,\f i nlii; ffri 'tnl . - Hie tiein ral Sli-ani l'.lrket Oflii p. I.irtrpaol : JVatt-rlnnl Strain Shi p I' oinpany, 23, llruiiswi.l-.lrn t , WHSIMIIK I I'" linililinE8 , ami KI tin-Company ' s ;)n M t- tin- MALL , WATKI' .FOKl' . UCNSM1T11S AND DKALKKS IX ALL KIXD.S 01 AMMUNITIONS. COMMINS AND CO.. 60 , O . UAY, WAXJiJBi'OKJU. SHIPPING ALLAN LINE OF STEAMERS. Ar "OHOM DIIHI J IN to AAILMJ1CA ¦^^^^St ' HI 'WWC SKA I 1 ASS AUK. TI I.-M: Mi- .uuua »:nl Iroin DU15I.IX Kvny TlllMtSDAY QL'KUKC, . MllX i li:i:Al. ' , ' n ' ()V| ux ' , " ai.,l XKW YORK TI - I .. II ;:!I Ti.l..-. . i-.n.-.l to all il,, . I' niui pait» ul CANADA ami 1:XITK1) M ATKS mi tin- |..«- i>t inni- . Saloon (Mon li>(jn.-b.-i- fill 1.1 I I ' lolj.n ' -. i- , Huston , or Xnv Yolk , ' . ' ! Sli-1-r.ijc t-. (Ju.ln- , l!,..i,n , or Ni-» Vulk l> H /t 'ri«rii/in' r J, ' ii/* - hiihi.lrx Oiitlit , ,J. -. I'.llllphlels nn CANADA lire nil app lu.ilion. K01 Itittli.r p utaolat. ai-i-lv I.. ,1AMI-: S A- ALKXANDKK ALLAN , 71.', (ill - .1 t. 'lvdl! SlUTt . UI.I.^UW , 'i to tn.l ) ' :i , K.l.,, (;.,^ . |i ,.|.lin Tlll .iMAS l'DIICKLL , Watnfiml . I. M .MUIU'HY , KDVi'AKD HUTLKIt , Inni.-tioyui' .. CliYDK sjlll lM'INCi COJU'ANY. SKl-TUMHKi: , 18 7;i . /. . ;,.¦'. . ,.S7Y..1. 1/ COMMUNICATION Miccm W. -itciTord and London , Plymouth and Sontbamplcn* Cork , Dublin , Belfast , A N i) c; I, A sc; o w. M *i' " i. r PU)' - n. -n anil jioivrilul S< ILK Stratum 1 a. '**jtT ' \ . L M»\VAUi i , i:uMi;i;Ai-; , iiAi.ATA, ' ¦V2JL*^i>- h M-:i:i!YVl>UK , i:iil)YhTONK , SANDA , vS***"*** AUKHiW . atr tnti-n.h-il in Sail as unik r (U' l-a lln-r prrn-illit - j t ill:!- . -. -, pir\.-n(ol hy uny tntfulL-si-ni r.iti-iiin>l.ii-i- i.!. «i.ili l.:-ily to Tun Yrtscls, ami lo rc-mli -r A-.-i . sl.iun: In Yi-.-i-is in Pi-lir- .s :— FI : OV \VATt-:i:i(u:ii Tti CI . AMJOW , Tm-s.lav , o n( ] M.- |,i_ I ^ VM Dublin W.Jn.-il.iy, :!i.l 1 p. m., via Curk. Fi»i.iy, - ' .:li ., 1 p.ui., via Cnk .mil lleKasl. Tnis.lay, ' . t ill 1 p. m., via Dublin \V . |liii-.-lay, inili ,. 1 p.m., via C.jik. Fi- d-ij- , l' . 'tli 1 p.m., ri« Coik ami liuKas:. T" .ii -. ..).iy, HI:It ,, 1 1.111., via Dublin Wi- .lm >.l-.y, I7i ' n 1 p.m., vi.i Cork. Fiiil.iy, l:i:li 1| , via C::ik anil Hell.iSl. Tm-il.n , ' . ':l:il ,. 1 p.m., via Dublin. Wiilm-Ml.iy 'Jl'li ., I p. m., via Cork. Kinl.ij , •jr. tli ., 1 p in., via Coik ami liclfa-l. Tn. -.I n . . " Jl:h ., 1 p. via D11VI111. - , l-l dil . 1 p. m., v.:i Coik. Fi:i)M. (il.AMClHY 111 WATI :I :I () I ; D, uny MHXHAY , WI -: DXI -:SIIAV , . HH! Fi:lHAY , at -J p.m. ; Hail ioi; r,v,,..L-k ,7 N.'li:. —Tl »- ^l.iiin.r i-r l-' n.l-.v cors via Cork. ll. n.M WATKIiFOKI ) TO MKlJ'AST, J'IH C(JKK. l-.\i-iv Fi:iI>AY , ... .. at 1 p.m. ;:i-:i.FAsr in WATKIIFOKD . via CLA ^ UUW . KVKKY MONDAY. FI. 'O .M WAI KliFOliD TO DIT.I.IN, Dinct , Kvi-t> TL' I->1>AY ... al 1 p.1,1 Dl'liLIXTd WAl' K.i:i-Ol:ii , IV,» CLASlUtW. KYI :KY WI : II . NI > IIAY . KUO.M WATUKFOKD Til l OIMC Kv. iy WKDXKSDAY ... 1.1 1 p.m. I-. ' v.iy I'KIIUY , ... .11 1 I- I : OM CHI .K in WATKI ;F( II :D J UM- I . KYKUY MONDAY. W AT Ki; Fill! D To I. OX DON. I' allm^at I'U month . ¦ ' atin.lay, . v; . pi. ii :: ] Sal unlay. Sept . "7 . " p.m. Tnclav , ,. l.i :' . | 'I'lir . -ilav , Octoli^r 7 . " .p.m . LONDON 'Id \\ A'1K1M-Oiil> . 1 alluif al (M UIIOII II I an.l I'III /JIII .T. TII .- . I I:IV , . -.pi. _ ' ¦ - "i a.m. I Tm-Mlav , Sept. : 'l - ,i j.«. Thiinil r. - , ,, II li a.m. rHiiir. -.l ' av , i»l. - ¦ H a.m. i: 1^ IIII I \ I .I li-r sluplu. i.l al .Mil ' l.r ' . - ami Wi->t KlUt Wh arvi . up to ii p in. on day l.i fi<ri-;ai)iut:. u .\n l:> <-l.l- 1" |-|.)M"llll. ri.lMollll 1<> » tiiKiol:}. . I' allius at l' i ii/ani-. . Sal unlay, Si pi. .i - :: p. n.. Wi .1 n. . ..l:,v . Sent. .1 ¦ s p.m. TIII - . -I V , .. l>, :; p.m. Kriilav , ,, IJ— Hpm. Sat.n.l..v , ,. 17 •¦ :: p.m. Wi-ilnV. -ilar . .. ' Jl X JI . IU . Tu.Mliiv , O.I. 7- :: I' ri.lay, ih-tnl»-r :i - s UM |.l.|..t:|. To : ..fl ||.\M|'1.. . S . M>r| II AM 1-ToN -In UATI.JUOItl. . Trin-hippili- at l'lyuu.iilh. Tlaii^liippili^ - al Pl ymouth. Salwt.l.iy, S. |.t. 1. •¦- :. p.m. 'I'lirMlav , ,, I". : p.m. l>i ry Widlio-lay, al b p.m. Satiiriiay, ,, -V - - :: p 111. i' lir . -.inv , (KtolMT 7 - - :: 11 .tit . I'KNZANCK TO WATKICFOl!!' . Thiiir.lay, S. |.t . I :> a.m. I ThniY.lav , Si-pt. ' 2> !• a.til Satui.l.iy, I.; !' a.m. | Sat unlay, Del. I— II a.111 J In -1- SI .MII .I'I t h.tvi 1 ictllrnl AixoiiiuloJation tor I' as- <li|(i-i f . rAsSAi;. ' - . ( , ' nbili . li ' t-liirii. IJt-i-fc. WaUiFoiil in i:l:ni:ow A. )Ml ' .i- l , 17. . M. ' - ' o.. His. l urk . .. :<« II l. ' ul.lni ... ]iK i:« ., 1'huiMiill. A- S>iith.ini|.!»u ' Jl' i . 'J "< J»- L.tulmi ... -J. ' M il7s liil lo: Z. -S XtlTK. 'Mi- Ci sh. 1 t.iiK Company In-un: »ll lioitU .rhil.i-i-il I.) lh...-l.iu. s ol Mi-;uiH r> , at . 'l. -W | " .i Crnl. tu Ti:. '-l- l.aiins! j ravl y a^inii. i l>l- .:iti.l n, p. r C-1:1. lo nc- rasn.nal sl.i pp.i—V.1I11.-< to I-.- .In t.o.-.l o t linn-1,1 Shi p, min i . l- * >.rin- ami all iiiiorm. ' .iii.n to In- h.ul at ih<- illlics. IM.I- Kali-, ot Kicinht , Arc. app ly til—<' ol( K MMMMllt C..., I' mi .... - yiiay, Cork ; ( nK-il.iN and KUAN , N.. . "J" Kdiu \Jiliy, Dllll.l. v ; J. (' . l' l. VKKKTON. Ill Virlorl.t St ., luitasl ; ll|;.\i:r I. W.\l:|.Mi , l'l yuiulllll ; J » a« )1 A KI1.|:V . A' Co ., l. * )7. I.raJ'-lihall ..Irc. t , Lnm.iili ; ,il»o .il •Mn.iki: ~ M W IIAI . I , ivi-t S>i,iil,li, -li | , 1 W' IM K KM WllATF , S.-u tlin ilk , I. ii iuliili ; ,ll>||. % LviiliY , LluHink ; W. 11 . M AI 1111.»" iV SON. l'lii/ iai- -. ami tin ' i:i.Yi'i-: siiiri'ixi; COMPANY , SoHihsinpioti . I .WnnL-fc , <;i.?s . - .. «- . ..n.l Wain foul •• \v 11 IT I-: si A j; " i; 1 x J-;. 1 XITKU . STATKS .MAIL STKA.MKJIS. LIVERPOOL to and from NEW YORK. IW^ VTl^T-^ riVESK ni'W, l' iill-]vin-i.|i'il Sl c iiin - I H is! ' yj bi'*' ' ^ -*- !: ' '' | " : S: "' '""" I aBff^^ht*. 1 ' 1 ^' 1 ' 1 "' 01 "'¦ ¦ -"" ' I|M 1 ^" U> 111 l , iL"KKXSTOWX - mi l' l-ti' . u' - . ni KANIC 'I'I IUI -MI. - IV , ... S<-|.l. lltli. CKI'I'liLIC .. Tlitii..i!,i ' y, .. Si-|.t. I. MII . AHIIIATIC ... Tliu rsd.iv, ... Si-pt. li. - .tli. CliLTIC ... 'I'lmr. sil.iy, ... On. !li)j. Tin- ¦ %; :.-i iii.1.i p-i -in- ul! i.niloiin ..I Ih" hislu-.t .|-. r.i , an-i ;i-> I. ' •• w il Ii it - . ...1. 111 r. nv.-in- 1 ).. is :u 1 v. 1 v ill p.n Inn nl. Tin- ...I..- I- . -i;.li- .ioi in- , MMI >mi ,U. t .ri! a u . i iK l i i , l'.|. .o l. . -ns l, ihibllilli to all pa itaof L' u itl-I Slati - . , l:i't> Aiii.'iii-a . China . Japan, Iii'li.i , ami Australia. D u l l. 1. 11..I 1 .11 Ni-» Y'.lk In u 11I rh.ilL'i- - S.IIIII II , ilH I- -- , nil Jl liililn .!• :; III I III 11 T l i kr l s Jj Clillii as ; Mn-iaiM. .ft; 1: . il j" -On .n. -l .ill. r )-t .Inl y mxt , Salonn Fans will I.. - ' . - I ami I'J- - . ; l. 'i-lui n Ttiii-I» , i In. I' ..1 l..: , -l.l :,uil loiilnr piiliiulat h , apply ill Iho <Jl)i<. ill Ihr Ci inpaiiy, V.i r.niaihvay, Ni-w Yutk , ami !"i M:nki:t Sim! . CI IH .ISO ; in Qun-ti.|nwn , tn Jaliu-s Scutt A I . V. ; or IsMAY , IMWII - : , A: C(l ., KI W»ni->linl , I.ivii| I; :..-! 7. Ka.t fi.ih.i.avi-nur , LoiiJoti. [j.itf-tl | I. s. IIAliVKY , Littli- litua-i ' s stint , ami .lAMlS IIKXXKS.sY, (irnat (ii-iirBi- ' n si , Wait-rrord. .1 . M . M Ul tl'IIY , -I- ! , New Lam-. ( . .iirirV.iin-Suii. AMERICAN LINE. rii ll i: AMKIMCAN STKAM.SIIH 1 COMPANY'S I. I'llll.Al iKLl'IIIA ami LIVlilCl'OOL LINKuf New l- * if.I-rla-. I- ' II IU IHI ^ I- II -I I. him Strauui*. I'KXXsYLYANIA . 'll'il Tmi, 1' jp l.iiii SCJIMH , OHIO .lliilTon. Captain MOKBISO . V . INDIANA Ulul 'l' mu Captain ILl.lXOln UllllTui.r Calilain ¦ Tim mil ! , -ii lnijt.i II . - IIII I.ivi rponl will \*t the [JUKI ... ... . Wfilncstluy, August, l!7. I'KNNSYl.VANIA WdluiaiJuy , Kopt . l<> . <) lll<i .. .. Wi-.Jnci'Jay, Ovlvlci *) 1'KXXSYI.YAXIA.. Wcilmwilay, fJct. ' 22. Calling al (Juu I.,toil 11 llu- lol!|,»illR i\-y to unliark l' as ¦ .ilicri. . Ti n -i S' t .1 .pt-iiall y rollsliurlci! U,x Ibis U'rviro . aml llav. >U[inor aiC'iiiimntlntiuii lur all ut rjsscilf. r tls . CAI . I . V l' . ifl AI.K. Filtuu to Twruly (iiiini-aii , Clnlilnn b.t.vini t«.. ami imivi \iai- , H ull Km. IMurii Ticktt. 4 at nl ...I.?. SIKI. I; W,K PASMI ,|: a. I ll- :.. by any .it III r l.ilir , in cluil. ii.C aii aii.p l. -np pli ol> , rnoki.l inni smvil up by lln- r. ii.p.niy ' - S MI - MHII I S. ]' .*..riitff r. -< an- li-l w-tr. I1. 1) lo Xiiv Yoik . I' ostuii , QU.I T, in l' .illiuinii' , tvillunil a.M' An;.'- I > 1 I - KMI l-l All: I' ASMAI . I '. k upciioi 111 ii . in. In,line I!. .U, I!- il.lini. ' , aul »,l I,,,.,-: II ( Ul.n-iU nu.l si - |. .. I .. I . . I ..b'i. -, J.:i -i- . .Mi.. . l'., -fii.i:.i- an- l.ik.l «l 11..- Thioni; !. Kali- , ri.< tl.i: rit-nsvlv.nil.i l. 'atli- 'ii-l ; t.- l il. H.IIIH I lii.11- , lo all pulls it II,.- I IO I MI C.l.ii.l:. , ,.il-l Iy Miallin- , tlolll - ..II Fian. - .-co lo tl.i - |.ril.. i|.al | nn lln- W.- - I C.M.I "I Ailiu.l.i ; "I-', lo .l. i| an , I' Liu. . , Anslrab.i , Niw Z-..I ..10I . \ J- Hi I ' mII- \U.. I,I . 1 l:a.In-a.l is tin- 1 aul in.+1 ' loii ii tloIII I'hil.iil.ll.h a Ml,I Ni*' Ymk In all | I !HI > . « 111 II.. M.,l,,,, Mali.. <unl lin>1. .ri.s . Ap|- 'y >i> I' lulailrl phla lo l. i I pi C. MtlilbU , al tin- C. u.paiij ' s uilinVJ. 'l" ai»l ' - ' •I:' , 11- tk Si nil; in l. nmlui , in •illfAl.A. S. M1II1 i\. CiV . IS. ,|l,,.:,, .!.« l|i.UM , < l-pIi..Mll' lln; I! ¦¦.L 1 ; in K. il.i.l , lo K. .1 . 1 . Al'UV , i' i Cll-I.tu ll'lU-i- >ijiin, : 11 (, ".,, 1,.I.,><|, , to , ' , ' . >i,,| ,|. Cl'MMI'-a ai. 'l Hi' s .; illl.l III l.ltl-IJ-M.I . lo I ; K. HAI : LI . -" N , M 'KNC I : A CO., 17 ami 1!', Wi, i i-|.,init. iir. lt .IOIIN DKVKIiKl'X , Q iay. Wnt.ilor.l . •10 in-: cm::; AWAY : AX' - . V M IOI -, W.-lk i-n M .Ml:. ,.. , I III' rail- all'l I Illf ol pntiiatiir. In. -in man , Knviais Di bihly, i inpntrnry, Ar ., ivilb liulis t-.r ri nioviru uiiaiii il:>iiii»litii' <iliiins il.suoy 'In- happimsi nl Wul.l.,1 |.,l^, or EVKRY .MAN HIS OWN IHtCTUK. KnrTun StnuipH «mt * . ins may avoid the numerous linpu-loi. "bo -tn,l llnir l-.,,k« l,,r notlnuK, publikh U BII - 1u1.11i.1ls ttliii'ii tin J wnit- lluu.siltis, liclilious iivK-ivs from ilu.i|!lliaty ili.iirintls ,piuliss lui .un- .luas i- . with instrument! "I Mulleins, ami oil" r absunlilii'^ a^ trm I »a tbey an-din pi it r. A iilijMCiaii i 'J- ' l ) lutipcil in tliftn-ntiwiil of Debility ami I In- vaiinu. mnital anil nervous ntktlli-m rr- siilnni Ibutilinm , mil M-ml lur , 1,11 rrcci|it of Two Prni.) Si.imps 'a in pay p. sl Jff , a | Hmpbh-t tuiitsimnR bit b'p bly sticosslul and y >:.!.' trraliurul , w ith nil iho nrccsnaiy proiiri ptiotiH ami ilircttious by uliicli suHtrtrs mav iurc tlicui M-lvih al trillini! cui.1. AddtikK Mr. LlWIs, Mi dicus l'ubliabtr, 14 llauj C' uuit , llultiuru , Luuduu. HA\L\YA Y TUli: TAIil.KS FOIl Mil"l WA I KKIO KD AND Cl-.XTI. 'AL IKKLAND AND KII.KKXNY JUNCTION KAILWAYS. Til A IN AI/l'KKATIOXS. lln Siinilnjr i die llp Ttani. . will leave- Wnlcrforil at ll. :itl a.m., ami C.I.' , , mill iho U.nvn TraniK will leave Maty- liuu.ugh 11I (.. ' in a.m., an,I ' ). IS p.m. Tiir s-hmlcu route froui \V.ilnIo,il auJ Kilkenny to Duhlm, Aililoni; , 1*. iluuinu , I' ai.uiipli.ivii.oii iVcu^ifli , 1^*. C> lu.p:o<cil .puck ai, l II i-. 'n rumuiiinitation I,.: uv.- i'.i \|aryl nrou-li anil nllnT btatiuiia l'i Wjtwilor'l , tbcai-o via i\. - .v Mjllorii to Uinilun mi'l n" ht.ltinnHUn tlio Oroii l \^'l¦^• I .ni la.lii ojit Hmlaull. KiinM WATKItr OKll . J TKAl. S* O. S M'KKk 1IAV.S . ^UNIIAV ^ . ..... ,.,, l|a\3 16, 'J! A; ill tl ' i ~ l!l .<LJ.l2tt :l " Class i;las». Class. Uass . Ola»«. . CI BM ,\. V . T.M. I CM. I' . H. 111.IID |- . »I . I Ii ni I Ii 111 , h in h 111 ll ni h 111 \i ';i,ir/..rf ' 7 If, 1 II ' -1 0 II a'l c -I. " . 'til con _ 1 7 - .. ' > I in ¦ I III It lo 1, 5j . Mull,i,iv,,i 7 :)r , , t -jn ' I -JO j _ II 511 7 . - , C'llllliali- , ¦ 7 ii I ,11 ¦ 4 ' ,!) I _ M 10 7 25 Tli-miaMutiu I K in : I i.i I 1 55 : _ \> Jll 7 \% tlcl- ur-lsliriil yi; H - . ' . ' i I i i i . ' , i| _ ia 15 8 5 Itilkinuy tir>fifi/l K III , 'i 'l\' Ct yll I 15 8 2. ' . I'" rfr/uir/nrr' b AS a ilO . " :in I I 15 H ;). - , lUIIyrnecri ' 0 IS i -J 5n . ' 1 Oil I . "IS I s AS ,Mtaiia K li ; •! -j., : .1 0 Ii (1 _ 1 4;, I ,, s Mil.. yi.:ix i ii ;,n :i ]. - , ' r. 1:, _ ^ 11 |«• Marjlinn, " nriirWIll I" - ' I , » -IA i ' JO ¦ a 10 Ma vlnrciiji il, -;, .. I , J , -|| I , ' ,J i t J ; 7 :U .1 -M i ._ l' illui!ln|;ti.ii June ' i.ill II ' I 17 7 . ' .l ' i .1 4:1 ! -- I'uhliii i/riir.i/ , I . ' . . .1 111 . a 10 . ' . 15 i Alhlonp Jnnclii n nrrl , ' 4 s ) f VII ; [ .- Miii) lmio - ...i/ry> ,loini \O .in ! _ 7 n _ !) .12 ' ¦ ¦ Hull j l,r. |.lij Ill ftii I 7 4"i 10 27 ; UIIM-ICII i ll :n , .us -- _ I' .irKoiiM.iwu I-J < ; K -i:i l'*»tliiiniia I-J i\ ' f ;i :ia Kvitnirli ;rj so ¦ " •» 1 I I'eliip' rlnnro ' S 17] HI SB I'l'iirlt nrriinl- - S IIS II la TO U'ATKtll' UUJj. 7nAl. s.H »s 1V»;IH I>»1H. HUM,AVV. uTArinVi ism ' - * >:• t 2 u : 1 - '«-'i 1 a 4- .1 Clni.>. Clnt-b. Clans. Clahi. . OlaKB. Olnnii . ._ A .M. A.M . ' A. M. j I- .M. I- .M. r.M. Ii 111 Ii in ; h in ! h in a 111 ¦ ¦ m I Inirlrs tltjiiirhirr ¦ 7 111 ; | 1 *JC -i 2 I' l'iii plrniiirc _ 7 ' -- 1 -11 -J ill ll<H;liiU|ilij.., _... _ 7 1.1 J | - J (1 2 -11 ^tung] ii an n\l :jj I nituniim _.,. _ r, 11 ] _ _ ¦ _ immisiuiui , . , i; 111 i _ 12 . ' ,. ' , _ ¦a ri a _ 7 1.1 ; _ 1 30 ; _ M:.r> ... ,in-j...i</. _ ti :;s ¦ _ ; j <ii Hal A1I1I1.11-: Jouction I . 1 If, Hiililiu ^ /i.Miio r Ii 11 ' 0 II : I II I n - 111 J'-iM>iiiJKi.»i Juoci 'n 1 ' •:> in y.t ' ¦ 2 4 ' > 11 :n Mnry|.orn' .. (.>r/...,;iru _ ;x -JS III H.l J II 11 52 noviN TI . AISS : ¦ Mail , M i ryl.i-ro " ...ilr/. /irtnte '^ 1" . 1" J * > 4 A H :i" : 5 l.S Abl'Vylelx ii n 111 55 i 1 ' . '5 S ill I 5 :(, .MliiiiaBl _ il l:, _ I 1 til n 5 I . ' , 5o llallyrasael !> JS ll 13 ! I .VI !> 15 | 6 II Kilkenny .... arriral IMi II lu A in fl 111 |J o;, I'n /./.nrlnri 7 31 III I. '11 15 5 - JO ' J Ju e X, I'i:iin«|sl.r,,| t .,. ) ' . In U j X III " . R All TIli'lnaKlnwu s. . ' i in V. " . 12 S A 15 10 IS } .1 llalltlulc K l.i HUN IJ 15 ! ii 11 111 31) 7 -j|i Mulliiiuviu S II n . ii •;:. HI 53 I 7 <5 ii ;, ni" la if, , II U 11 . ' , : 7 .15 Wati -i/onl nrrirot ;l on II . 'III I II ' 7 0 I! ;|U , 8 \' /l . .N' uli- .'I Ii I, il 1 , 'iaK, in kds urr- isaui-il at nil il,c KilXcmn Jilil'ln.ii KI n.nliy t|,i, irnm . ( M ul trains) . Tn-kils isMinl lor Sun!,: ilo.uncy ire auilablc only (nr tin 11-111 hy «liirh ihiy arc ii« i»uc<t . l-iihi jmt Srcuml Class Itcluin Tic ' *i-lb aro isvuml l.etirr cn an) luo Slalioim iiiailahlc for I lit lalnu ilay ; tliObC isaiail lor aii) •Msi .iiu-i- ncciilinx in IIII I PM, will tin a»a.lnblo for return on thi ilaj ifter tbe .lin e nl the Ticket I mil tho,o ifvmil liutwtvn \V» tril.iniaii.l Ma i-in Kilkninir. ir.cliuiu- , an.l Mao Imrouch , i,il U. ai:.ilal,l a l,,, UI .IIII lur iwu i!a)i. alter the dale «f Iho Tirkel ru.-l iinil Sci;niiil i:!a n , llctnri Titki-t^ Msui-.l nit Satur.lar ait rctuilinhli. un Maiiir.!.i;, . Suiiilar. ,, r Mon.lny i ami llim.g I VMICI I on . SuH,l»> am ii-tiiinalilu un Sutnljj nr MmiiU y. I'liinl UHMI Iti-lulu Tiiki-t- issunl at ull Nlatinna l,j Tliinl C.a.s run,!. , aw.iI.,Me 1,, iciiun llio haum Jar l.v.oiy 'Irain cm-pi llu .Vails. 1 > llnoutlriukits , al Ion laii-K, an- i.^in-il al Muiil.uii.ut li ami K.ILvi.u), ,i.i Uuliiluitl ami Milt.jin lint- en , to an.l Irulu U111- 1 I..D , Doltl , Kid Hill , Alilurkl.ol . Iti-ailini:, l!a in^luki- . Swin- ilmi , Hiloid , l!iiiiiu,fln,ni , \V,.i«.ilii, II, rifunl. Clielieubam , In Mol , (Jloiicistir , N I »|. TI. Mi-rtliyr , Alit-ribri . - , Danlill , I.ealli , l»vr«nn», Jjauclly, CaiinarlliL'D, ami Uai man lien JunUinn . anil ^tw .tlllrorll. IV , Wir 1 IAKS S.clilirrr. \VAII: I;KOI; D AND LIMKUICK KAILWAV . f/;i 2' ratus /rum H' tilcr/ord. TKAIKS Off 1VH.K IIAVR. s ' |» V iv. nn:i..Kii I i * •* *J ' 1 5 C* M in '-* 3 '*" lfc - ' .-• 1*'J I 4SI24. " " CI.IMI . | CI II . S«. Clam. t;iak f. Cla... ClaHH. i:i a«, *•" _ *" *: " I' -- 1 " . ' r. M . I- .M . | . M . h in ! ii m h in Ii ' m " |i m h in ii' ni tt aicifonl ... 1I111 . :. 15 ... n in 11 43 ' 2 1.1 K B. ' , p , - , i:loiinn. i ; i ... 111 .;, l^ <:, ^ 1 \n ri yv .n l il' .- . '10 W ill I :,n A il M 4I, 11 tu liun-litiii nnrl H * , ' i, II II ... - . . in A I' ll |1 ' ,5 |) ;, I^.II K H,r\rnl I 3n \ 1 35 x |;, | . t 2 n ...ti l nf i l \ 1 5 [ ... ... . ' , 1i» u 40 4 ^ ^ / , linhiin <!' ¦ /' ' , ... . :i U ... In :jn . I 1. 745 7 4:, ; oii- 1 I- :n •: I:. 111 t m t Ini.iii. , s .I 1 ' :¦! I-J ... ¦: 2S A ir. |-J 3 |a";| L.111111H :> :. n 1 15 : ... : i 1:, , ii 4i . 1 nn 1 .a- I)nvn Trains from J.imiriv 'l. TK AIM. O. S- MIRK I.AtK . .S ' liy . ,,„,?„ « I •! . 3' 1 ¦>' 5 l, » ^j. , „„,,„„.„. i-M ;iiifci u : ,U : 1-j.i na i ajt a ' .Mi,. .. . Uia».s. Clans CI UN. . CiasK l. 'lnv . . i:| ala ».>l . * H . A.M. j r.M. , r.M. r.M, P.M . II 10 ll III ll •" ll III ' ll ra h III Ii in I.njn. rick >tij - '. n 7 11 11 )n 1 -jn , 4 u III .Tl 111 411 Jiun:liuli..niriliil 7 !. , >¦ I;, I? Ill "J Wll 5 15 II ,V, n s o.« ...- in u t M ' . ' 11 -1 :r, ' H IA a :i 2 0 , ... 1 ;, I X, I . - , 4" ' !> 411 15 4 A ''""1- - ¦"¦¦¦ - ¦ > " | ... I II . 7 15 7 4A '•¦•'••> !'• " ' ¦ " ' ... a 45 .in i: in i, ¦'<""¦'" 7 IA - .in !-j VII I ... . :, :i; \> »:; |2 -i.\ T'l'lil...)- 7 . 01 il 4'i IJ :if. I ... : , .|f, UAH 1-2 511 ' -iiniiin-i s 1. " , ... ; :c, j ^ y i- ,. - , . ., o(| ., .,„ w l.'i.i.. unri 111 in , . \ :j:. ' '" . H i i i i J:, " , 1- , . MnilTiaina matkij will, an aMeri.k . I H >, I ii»i n»s>. MUK II - 'l icki-i , n.r,. i : >.- IOI ,. I .1., . n I - , I I Inni ,:(l | i.s.i,i . ICciiiin l-iut CIIIII- .VIK in] ; . -cmml i ln . His c< _________ J ' ' ' '""¦"'¦' i SMrular). \YAT|-:i;l-' OKD AND TKAMOKK KAILWAY. H,lk l l t lj , Tinins. ,,„.„ ' - :' I ' . 0 7 :i :i :i m .1 111 p 111 p 111 p 111 p 111 p 111 p m p 111 l> in Ii Ii 111 Ii 111 ll 111 Ii m Ii JII li ' in )i JII •„ U l| II 1-j | i - -J II 4 0 ;, 31; - ., , t ., T' ui'i :. 1;. 'ii :;n 1 1. - , :i 1, 4 ^u . (, n H ' ,,,>,„ "] Sj ut 't 'ty Trains. ,„.,„ ' - : ' ' ¦ '• " » !' ' " P in p 111 |- 111 n 111 p in p in p in " ¦" h u. Ii in li HI Ii 111 Ii in Ii n, |i II . |, ni "• •nil •- n 11 15 i-j I. - , 1 :m -j ;|ii 1 :>j A :in i; jg n n room. il l. ' . II I:, I! I , ¦; 0 I II 5 II N; I u 0 ., t! , •Mail trains Ii. ,\ . HAKEK , SI rrctarj. WUOLKSALH WINE AND SPIRIT STORES , bo QL'AY, niiil (WitT of CONDUIT LANK , WA TKUhVlll) . \V I JJ 1 V 1 A .M. J'C) WKK lii. 't's U'spccll ' iilly lo iiiliinalii to liia Fiiondu mid I' nblic " . euerall y, that lie lias NOW (H'KN , the nliiivi- KTOKKS , wbt-re ho I iy strict ul ti nt ii.ri t ( , ImsinusK , anil kcop iug HIM very HKST WINKS nml SJ'IHITS , to mtriL 11 sliir.i! of ]Kittonn^c. llni M'KKKI 'K KS will liinl il Ilicii- iitlurunl tu |i:ilnm- isn tin. 1 iiliuvrn btnlilislimciit. Ifvj* ." I'lrirdiliiiiii vc thci aililrcss : No. Hi TJIK QUA Y, (I .Wi.. -r <./ !. ' »»'(111 '< l. ' i i '- J , I~ H WA TEliVOllI). HATS ! HATS ! HATS ! KTSB h (uJ5J"iV'iiin/nr(»ii . ' fVniijni.s -1-). Js nVlV I , LITTLK (JKOKCK 'S STKKKT , P _ ** X WATKKI - 'Oltl). Q^)*ll:il:i Huuglil in Ihi. s Kstuliliuliiiiciil , DHISHKU I' KKI : H I CiiAiii iK. VAI.L'AJJLK I'ATKN'IKD I.Ml'UUVK.MKNTH. WEIR'S 55s. SEWING MACHINE. 5WIP /"loXiS i sTiNi; ni' .). <;, . ' Rr /< V. . ' W. ' rf J' ATJ . NT I MKIIMI :- PHEW MI1MAI. TKMilllJI (IIM iltlallllil l f[| y^_^j l]ffVir ~Jlnlt' . 1: ' , nr -priilii), DII.KAT f lfei^KJSSiMnil SplKAL (ikAll . S4I-KTV HTI'ICII Tj* frxSi l Hii'ULAloi: , I.ill uiiVKIi Nn ilia *^HLi ^-M ' ^ "Wf f l si.inK . l^n.iMi H ULKS , inni othir ^>HJJRi^vyp / sp^cialilii H, ii'iiileruiK Ihis nhl- Mmhini- Ho- Miiip !r.l ami IIIOI -I pi ol all »y*ll'm<< . Tln- .c i;ilu.l.l. In.plovi mint, ran Ii' app lnil In all Wnlli ' ll Tin' . M.i, Inn.- , iii_lllllac'ur<il i.ul.1 by hull 1I111111 K li.ali)' CA I 'IM. N . -Mill- in, Malhlln'saiil tn lip on the n.nncpiin- iip h- ii. W' I IK ' K. >> * ' an- k'< ni' unless Mam|i. -.l with lh>' lull Name anil A.I I I KII - , a mi hatinc ill.- 1 in,I,- Mark japa iimil on tl.r- woik-p l.iii. Woikih y hai. ilur l i-nl. I' m y.-a is ' ? 'uaianti i- . /Iliisliatrtl l*/". -i'i i.t'js anil Nine I'alt. rn» I.l Wo.l. | 111. . llljil .l) * .lymts—Mrs. !s(iin A- . Co., 11^ (} u n y , Wati-rforil. T. (1 . II IIHKI . , IiiiimuinKnr, C' arrick.oti-Stiir. COUPKLLE . Dc ROOS & Co. ' s PREPARATIONS A FKKiSlI AiSSDHTMENT of tlic followinj; 1'nparation. s I I . IT - )usl hi-iii n-crivcil at Till- N' HWB Olliic , Kinn-stiTCI , WalPitnnl , frnm Courm.i.K , DK llcma A CIJ ., Liituiirii :-(iutl;c Yilr , or Vi's . -iaUlu Lilc 1> III | I », tho great n-iui'il y lor Ni-rvom.iiifw , Ai- . Dr. DB KIXJS ' Ciinipnuuil Krunl l'ill> , for l' ains in Hin hack , Kravi^l , rlu-uniatisin , iMiut , iVr. J' nco It. \\{\. lo 33* pur hux. Sri' advi-rti.rincnl i-tsriihrm for paiticul orK . Dr. DK Jtuos ' Vc. -iluble; 1'ill n, lur nt;ulatiii|; the stomach ami i:li'»nnnx tlm IWoml . M H,I.. IIH - •J OUPKLI .M' B Hair Urnioiini; KluiJ , whirh has lipen loiiml H'omli'rliill . v <Ilicaciini ii in luinuinK Ihc hair lo lUiiriKl linl color; also , COL'1'BI. I- B' S Hair Dtu IIALt'J'KNNY l'OSTAOE CAIIDS. All descriptions of Printing on such Cards gSg}" iivtufiit al TUB WiiEKroKD N EWS 0§lcc. ^V3VC. - " _rOTJ__M Gi-E_= _ &C OO'S EDINBURGH, INDIA PALE, AND DINNER ALES, SPARKLING , REFRESHING , NOURISHING , AND ECONOMICAri , to bo hivl of tho princi pal Itutailurd. Obaorro Trailo Murku , ii« uilior briinds aro froquoQlly mibatitutu il. Breweries—Edinburgh. Established 1749. Waterford Stores—81, Custom-Housc, duay. Dublin—7, lower Abbey-street and Sackville . Place. Belfast—5, Glo' ater- street. Cork—Merchant's Quay. Limerick—12, Brunswick-street. Drogheda—30 , Wcst-strcct. London—Belvedere Road , S.E, Liverpool—51, South John-street. WALTER O'DONNELL ' & CO., 47 , QUA Y, WA TERFORD (Opposit e Iho Market House), WILL , On MONDAY NEXT , and following Days , SHOW TU I'M lt NEW AJUUVALS OF SUMME R GOODS IN ALJi THEIR VAKIOUS DKPA I iTMENT.S , COWI'IMSING :— BONNETS , KIBIJONS , MILI JINKIIY , LACES, MANTLES, J1OSIUKY , SHAWLS GLOVES, UNDKKCLOTJIJNC ; , UABEUJJAKMEllY , DRESSES, IlUAl'EJiY , AGENTS for the LITTLE WANZER and X.H. —WANTED a YODNU LADY of oxpcriciico to liikn cliargn ul' llio SHAWLS mill MANTI.KS ; al- rc , ospuriuncc'il KALKijJIKN lot- tlio KJJIHOXS , LACKS , JIDSIKH V , JIA-EJ.UASHIiRY , WOOLLKXS uud UIIKSSKS ; also , ti V0HEMAN CUTJvEK. Apprentic es ( required—YOUTHS ¦'¦ "' HUILX . .I /'J 1 ' :' immcdiaU-h j. julS-Gm M, POWEH EESl' ECTKULLY announce tlio l.durii or thcii wliuro ho has ncuurcil SEVERAL CHEAP LOTS OF RICH AND FASHIONABL E GOODS WHICH THEY WILL SHOW 0H. MONDA Y NEXT , and FOLLO WING DA YX. DRESS DEPARTMENT. I' ll: YAI :H. Sl i-i pt'd Tasscws . :t.\il. worlli (IJil i'luiti CI'nllirK mid (inmitu Top lins fr , 'il . ., NJil Leno Jluliairs mill til.m ' Lil. 'tns (!' .<!. ,, il'.i Jlul iairs niiil ' Lu. 't n s (iiil. !ll.l. Lymrs Jilm-k Silk ... Us . Ili il. -1«. till. \ LAIUiK LOT UF COISWIUiS , TIIIIIETS , ALI' .U- 'AS , KUSSEL C' lll.DS , .Vc , VKRY CHEA I WOOLLEN I I' KH YAI :K HurdeiTil Twist Trowscrin^n l!s. III. wuiili Us. (Ill Do. in Snipes mid Checks ... _s. lid. :i«. llil SHAWL DEPARTMENT. llcuvy Tasnianian Scpiiircis •>. lid. wottli . " s. r.icli . Jilack (. ' atilmirri; Lungs .. I. - - . (!il. worth I' m. M. each (Jui'r.iislutnl l«. (III. I!. -. ', rauli I'aislry Sipmrcs... ... lib. lid. ,, 1 Is. lid. eacli Otluuiaii Slri pi'S !• •>. 11<|. ,, S:i . racli | DRAPERY D I'l K VAItl ' . White Calicoi'K :iVI. :ij.l. ,t :i , 'il. wcirt li -Id li.l fc r,il. Univt'iBHis .. . ;t , 'd. iV. -ijii. ,, . * ni .v. . " iiii. ' .). •!¦ Whin- Slicctiiij; I K. Old. ., hi . -Id. Liuvii Tuwols . lid. .lid. HAT AND CAP U2 du / .eit Mcn ' b Kelt Hats Is. IKI. each , wurth _s. (til, ¦II ,, Is. (id. . " S. HI. il. ' l ,. -S. (I II. ¦] . ¦> . I III. ¦17 -s. lid. ,. -Is. lid. 65 ,, ' .is. (Id. ,, us. (Id. tiff HOSIERY und (iLOVES , TIES , SII1HT.S, COLLARS , UKACES , liELTS , l'UKSEH , Ac , in yioat vuricty, a ud Mlii 'li U KI . OW K WMI . AK I' IIICKS . 2 & 3, BROAD STREET , and 1 , LITTLE PATRICK STREET. HIE WATERFORD AGRICULTURA L HOUSE "W~ I ___ ___ I _^_. j_v_: _ R . O S_ B _ NOS. 5 AND 6 LITTLE GEORGE'S STREET, WATERFORD. A iiKNT roil THOMAS l\k;KENZI K & SONS, NOW OKKKK TIIK I-'AK.MKUS OF THE tiOl.TII V ICKBll 'S VALUABLE MANMES , DISSOLV ED lidXES , SPECIAL , A . M . M. KENXilE 'S X.X., The lic. <l MANISUK in ll, e M.iA.I ¦-.„;;• w r..e i .V,,/ . ,S../»l./. -. ALSO , GENUINE LKOPOLDSHAIL KAINIT. " W I! Y i; S K K A I X I T t " llcriinsu I'OTASII lonnii an iiiipijiliiiit Cou.stitUL'tit of . ' ill tlio CHOI'S , lliu Aslit. - i of which , on an average, ccnlaiu full y :):| per CVn( . of I'm \ MI . Ilir.niM' (i . I. . K. (a liiilural , Ulliiliilillfaciuicil Hull) is (lie onl y . 11 A -V IJ li K tvliicli contain:, ' . -( (argc (luatitity ol' J' OTASII in an :ivnil:ii h\ / . ¦ ., in a Milnblo I' onn. liccanw: it is :i CIKKOI- I ' IIKVK.VH \K a^aiiist WIKEWOItM , Ml I.I IKW , nml LIMPNESS (I' STKAW in Cereals j CIKliliS amuiigst Swedes , Mangolds , He; CLOVER SICKNESS and the. l'OT AT 0 E IIIJJKAS E. Ig&r KAINIT is particularl y lii. -nclicinl on LIGHT or .MIXED SOILS. For S. 'imiilrK , Hi.'purls , an d full particulars, app ly lo Wl), 1,1AM HOSE , MA NUKE DEP OT , W A T E U 1 ' O HI). BE ST HKED S, IMl'LEMKNTS , AND MAUJIINKS , AL WAY S IX HTOUK. IV, Tuns f iUl 'Ulll 'IIOM'HA TE, Tim 'finis KAINIT , i ' ,-<r,hij ,: IUI-1 , .>,U T, r o- Cad. «./ / •( ¦ „.,/,. M'KKNZLl. & SONS (LIMITED), CERES IRON WORKS , Pir^E STREET, CORK. AWAHDED tliollo. vnuRAiii.K TIIK lii^li SuciK'u ' s I' llK (ii;i.\K.\ C' liAi .i.KM.K Cur for Uust C' olleclioii ol ' ltnp luineutsi suited for Ireland , Manufactured by Exhibitors. M'KBNZIB'S NEW 0NE-H0RSB THRESHING MAO IJJKJ ____ te^ai?*** !S _ P ^^^a^gJ^s In bring iiiK out this Miieliim. ' , rqitaitrd trials and fxpi'rimentri were niiulu , mill it, \va3 proved to bo thorouglily cfllcient in its operation. Every i. nt.Knlciu tioii » ^ ivi. 'ii to render it. li y lit and cany m Work. Tlio (|uautity of Corn it, will Tlmmli , Iho elran ami pi'ilcel. manner in which it performs ild work , iind tlio j-reat denmud which follow* ove ry olio that is . si . ' it. oitl , justif y us in reconiti-iidinu (ho Hiinp lest , chcapcat , must, coinjiact , and perfect wording .Machinu urn' inaclc. Thin little Mauliino will , with ordinary ptoduelivi: Coin , Tliriisli about 110 liarroln ]ier day jvilli perfect ease. If^J" H can be worked with an ordinary ('Inn nin^' Ci eui*. PRICE , ... £10 I OH. 1'I.ICE , with l' uny Clear eoinp lnlo, ... .CIS. Agent in Waterford-WILLIAM ROSE, 5 and 6 LITTLE GEORGE'S STREET. M-s-I^-i^l-r-l-^i-g-l^rM-M-:-! -:-! : :-:-»-r^- ' i-: : :-:':-:-i-< :: r-:-;-:-i : :- " i ••: PLUMBERS AND GASF1TTERS 00MM 1NB AKD C O., 66, QUAY. IT, *zsm%siz j= _ i!li5--i^-_ l; ^.^^at: ^.: ,^- ^^ f (Mlli ' ' ¦ LINSEED C AKE FRED IN G CAKE mM ~mm ^j ^mmmx:Z WM Vb:\ !!i_i-i-l___1 RIOIJAllDSON, liltOS., & CO., JJBLFAST, DUBLIN , AND CORK [n.U7.Cm] Agent in Waterford-GEORGE WHITE. 1'JllN'l'b , TAILOKINC: , CAMCOKS , WOOLLENS. 1'AUASOIiS , l-TiANNKLS , SI I) JITS , KLANK ETS, TIKS , IJAJU'KTS. COLLAIi S, PAMASKS. SINGER SEWING MACHINE. & SONS lilJYER from iho LEAD1N0 MARKETS, 1'EII YATIi. Plain Jirps and Poplins !l 4 ; d. worth Is. l'Vc iiirli Merinos . la 7M A lull Jii _s ;id .t L' .s lid DEPARTMENT. I'i:u YillM. Id. Do. I' anev Silk Sdi peu , ouiid A lslid worlh l/i lid & Os Id. lilack Cliitlm list. lid. us . DEPARTMENT. I'KK ^ .Mill. il. Prititi'd (. ' iilicoi' : : (I ' .ist ci.l.n s) -Ijd. wiirth (iii Iliilliam. -i ... . ... li : ;d. Ni! JVinlid Mn I I . I . I (i;.l. 80 I P DEPARTMENT. d. I II dnzi:n Hoys ' Stra w IIal:i lOJd. each , wonh Is. Id il. I . " . Is. _id. la. Hi I. 7 M' - 'ti ' ii Tii::caii_ ... _s. (id. : J_. fid ¦1. :il- Cloth Caps 3d. M i+l+W+I-Vj .+!4_hl*L+l*fflS °Q 25 n < WANTED, A FEW IKDUOU.IDII OUTDOOR Al'1'BENTICES to llio Mll.LINKKV UUll DtESSMAKINO lit Mil. UBOTUIIHS, 118 Quuy. j o27.U HOTELS MILFORD HAVEN. THE SOUTH WALES HOTEL, ADJOINING the Terminus of the South. Wales Railway Company at New Jlilford, and the Landing Stage of tlic Waterford Royal Hail Packets. The Public; aro respectfull y informed , that the above extensivo Establishment is replete with ovcry accom- modation. Cofl' ee, Commercial , and Sitting Hooms ; Milliard and Smoking Rooms. Tlio Kootns nru largo lofty, und airy, beautifully decorated, elejjHiitl y fur- nished, ami aro otherwise fitted up with every regard to comfort and convenience. This Hotel ia situated on the banks of tho far- famed Milfuid Haven , and command / a most exten- sive view of Her Majesty ' s Dockyard , and of the romantic aud picturesque Scenerv of tho neighbour- liood. Visitors , Tuiirists, Commercial Gentlemen, and Families will liud tLis Establishment , for situation and comfort , combined with Moderate Charges, Bar. p;;ssod by no other iu tho Princi pality. \£2&° Hot , Cold, and Shower Hatlis. All communications :-liouId bo addressed lo (jy23-tf.) .1. U'UETTCN , JIana-;er. DUBLIN. Tlio European Hotel , Bolton Street, fjnil K EUHOPEAN is the largest , the best situate, JL and the most comfortable Iloirl in the Cily. All modern improvements hovc L' ' :u rcc-cntl y introduced, and tl«! rntire House papered , painted , and decorated. Twenty Suites of Apartments for Families. Draw- ing Hooms from " . = . 'id- lo ii*. Sitting Hooms on the ground , lloor free of eliaiyc. l£ivi" Soup, Fish , Joints , Fowl , and Entice in Coffee ltoom and ltc^tanntnl , front Two to .Seven o 'Clock ilailv. Ued, incliuiili' - ' Si'fvatils , _s. (3d., 2s.and Is. Cd. [nilil-tfj ' J. Mf . ir.OXV , Proprietor. JJ U IJ Ii 1 N . Commercial _ Private Lodging House ¦I 'J MAIILIIOIIOUOU STHEKT. PAUT.1KS Visiting Dublin can be accommodated , with or or without Hoard , and all tlic comfort! of a Injun*, un Moderali; Terms. [o'25-tfj tfV. " 'Situation central , close to Sackville-streU. IMPERIAL HOTEL, KILKENNY. WA LTER IJAXLON , Pnoi-uiKTCJ i , BEC1 S lo inform hia Commercial friends aud the public ¦generall y, that he has just made large additions aud improvements iu his Hotel , aud trusts by strict attention to business , to merit that, kind pa. nonage wh ieli they have h i iherto so I iberall y bestowed. Tin! 1' os'rixii ]\.si.uiLisii.MK.vr conducted as hereto- I ' urr , and Omnibuses,aa .isual , attend all tho Trains. Kilkenny, .March S, LS7X [mlilO-if] KELLY'S CROWN HOTEL MONCK STREET, WEXF0UD. ri^lUS is a Cent ral and Comfortable Hotel , in whieli JL everything can be had o- the most moderate terms. If/}J" Host Uiibliii and Wexford Spirits; also linindica Wines, 1' iirler , Ale , f ee. (aulu-tf.) Ij^i" Cars mi Hire at the RUortest notice. DUMMORE EAST HOTEL. MAURICE WALSH bi-gs to acquaint the Nobility, Uenlry, and Tourists that Iho above Hole) , the Proprietorshi p of which lias been eon- frncd on him b y llie .Most Noble the Marquis of Waterford , nUord.-i all the sicconiniodatiou tliat may be required at the Seaside, and that he will use his best endeavours to sccuro comfort and satisfaction , combined with wodcrutc charges, lo all who may kindl y patronise bis Hotel. First-class IJVE11V (STAKIiKri and CARS , Ac , at this Shortest Notice. If-ii" A well-appointed U.MNIItUS runs dail y from Dtiumore to Walerford iu connection with tho Hotel. Uiimnoro East , .lulv I , 1*7:1. (jl-t-Uni) T It A M U I' L E. The Great Hotel , Tramorc , County Waterford, Jli-l.-nr-J //•.!.! I I " .'!. - ,/", -./ Irj liHil—ikaii MHv.<. aillE MAXACIEI! of the WATKIIIOIIII COI . NTV and CITY Ci.rii having Purchased the oid-estub- lishedaud reall y lint!hotel , Ijr-gn to. -ipprisi. 'tho Xoliilily a/nJ l. ' enlrv yf llii: ailjapt'.jt Counties, that it is now n-p leto with every n qliisite for the comfort of Vi.- . hors at this far-lamed liaihing resort. 11 contains r, n Hedrooms. Large Hall Kooni.M-vera l Silling Hooms ;md IJiiiing Jioomy , Spacious Coll' ee liooin , iiilliard und ¦Smuking Rooms , Ac , Ac. Special all'.rtiou will be devoted to tiie Wines and Spirits , and tin? Kiieln n will bo unde r tlm manage- ment uf a IV.-neh Cook. Horses , Carriages, faiv , «tc , and Pimi!l!iiiiis on tho >hoile. -.t notice. liall.s, Wedding /'. . ;• ¦» ..¦ .> , and all large entertain- ments supplied on lliu most libera l terms , aud in the best style. JAMES 11EAKNE, Manager , Walt'rford Ciub , Proprietor , l.alr Me. - .tin.isler , Mllh ltegiiiiunl , and Caterer to (Jariisou Assembly Jlu.ll - at Aldersliot Club House. June , Is7il. ' je.ti .tf IMPORTANT TO TKAVELLERS , TOURISTS , AXO OTHERS. If Unit. I' . viii! rt' - .m ' / i vt. f -''iri-c;nV)iOt' , and i'.:u;..-» ' '/ , T u V T II r. WATERFORD ARKS' HOTEL , Ci)K.\i:i: OK CDLHKCK ST. ,\ N :I THE MAI^i. E»5" I.L'NCHICONS reudy at all times. (jy ll (J U It E 1' U 11 A 1, I-! HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. TJ1E K KAHV AND J(-M AIILK K K )IKIIV . —AniiL-t; with tln> PoWuifui nntiilutu to ilisi-asi 1 , erny III :I : I his own l.un'ly i»liy. -ici;u i. 'I Im fusl H">|.ital Mnneull* aJ lint its un|iiir.iik'li-il mul lit- :iliiiK virtui-f. Futuu-a tio- fi-iunn-nt-i M.tcli.iti its u>c in tl.t-iv u;iral -iihl military KcrviK-^ , anil uipiikinil thruu _ liout lln. . wotld irpi»t ->. tin: utuio-l iruiitidi-iicu iu its curative propmti^s. Ciol- T, KuiiUMATI. -M , AM' DlloVlV. —TliC. -u Ore aillollj; ll iu UU.-.1 tciviblu ami »[;ui. -i>iu^ diteusm to which I lie liuumn framo is bulijcct ; yet in tlirir \vur*t fcrtns , J.II.1 ivlieu st'L-m- ing ly iiiL-uiublc, Ibey ihstippcar unJer H puisevotiiiK applica- tion of tU ib sontbiui; anU pmverful Oint tDiut , i t t>trict .iiu-titiuti be paid tu tin: printcvl instructiou wrapped ruuinl each put. Soiti: TIIKOAT, I'ii'rni:iu.i ,, SI UMPS, A SD ALL OKCAKCiK-KNIS Ot IIIK C' UEST AND TlIBAT.If , OU till' :ip|ii:.uaua: of i.ny ut I I ILML* d>. -ra-es, tlio Oilitinmt be well ruubt' il , ut least llncu tituw a day, upon the ntck und upper p:u t ot the cliif.t , MI :n lo pouetratc to tlio g ljuds— the wnnt t;iM-j will yieM in " u cooipaiativelv sliort time, I Mrticiilmly if lloll uway ' s Pills bettten in appropriate du«(S t n puiif y tli u uluacl . liA U LKGS , P,A1) liRllASIS , UlCEBOUS SOhnj , ASH Ol.i WouKUi.-Many tl ioinamlfl of martyrs from llie above cuuipliiiut.s liavo fouml life almost insopiMrlabln ; but in llollow iiy ' s Ointuiiiit Le bri=kl jr and plcnti lnll y rubl icd iqion uml around the parts allctid , i t will quickl y penetrate tu tl iu SUUILO ol the evil ; case nwy be sul t-ly RUntniitrcd , an il' driteu from llio syktetn . Nothing can he ILOIU »ico].lc or eatir tbnu ibe iDaDiiur in which it upplinl uotl iing more (military than its action on I be body, both locall y ana couulilutioually. THE II OIUEE ' - S t'— SKIS DISKASES IIOWBVBU UESI' BIIATI: JIAV DE UADICALLY CttiED. —^edd beads , i tch , bl uichcs on tho skin , scrofulous sores, king ' s eril , an il such l ike ndicuuiis , yi clil I D the migbty power of tbi « fin i! Oilltuu-iit , proviJcl it be well rubbed ii rouiul tbe atfectiul puts iir Ibifu times n day, and ite Pills li- taken accorili ll^ to tbr |.iiuteit ibrei:lious. A CKIITAI . N C' fUK roil PILLS ASII FIITILAS.Tbou- satnls nl |iuiMjni SU I H- T cxciuci.iliu ,; a^onr lot yearn iiom llii' -B li'iulul i-uii. .i.l :iiuls tlirouch liilse urlicary. Anyone >i. iiiilii'iiii^ should al utitc purcb.isu .1 Pol ol Hollowuy ' * Uiiitiin. -nl , u-iiil tin- Jiriitii.n-1 wlnc .li accon.|iany i: , art upon llii'iu In thu lillrr , and he w ill , witlionl d lliftilly, mtrcml ill jol ittr.iliu, ' ui-ery viati gc uf I bc. -u liam>.-iii^ cmiiplaiulr. Uutli tlic UintiMuts miii l'ills should he usal in the fullu tc- ing Cump lti ints. HJ .1 I, IV < CuriK Idull) Sca ' .ih did iiuHsls Kiiliilai him: Tliruats IJurus t - iuul -Sktil lli-iCii»» DuniuiiH lilaiululiir jwciliujs Siuivy CIII ILI HU ,, I. UIIIU.ICI) Ura.N Cliappiil ll.uul . 1M.» Turnouts CunlracUd ami :Still itluuilMti- iiu Ulcers Juintt Sim; Ni pples Wuun l. -i The (Jilitnlillt auJ Pills ait «,ld at Prufi-ssor H OLXUWA y ' s Estiiblislnneiit , 5' £l , Oitutd-,tu-et , Luiuluu ; uUo by ueurl uvury le^pi-ctablu Vi:iiJut nl .Mediciiu' tbroa^bnut llie Civilized Wi.ild , iu l' ut> , -i.d i!uxi> , nt 13. ljil., 2s. OJ., J- . liJ., 1b. -J-J'., ami liJt. ivtcli. Thu hin.ilUtt Pol of Unit- incut contains one ounce ; ami Hit* atuallot llux uf i'llls four du/en. full punted dirvclinlii are afllxed tu o.icb Put an.l ISux , und can be bad in nuy l.tu^uii^e , ewu HE Tuikis ' j , ArHbtt* , Armenian , Pcisiau , ut Cbtne-r. NERVOUS DKblLilT Y, nud ull NKHVOUS Al' "KKi;TIONS , wlielliir the result uttarly enorsor otherwise , lire by very simple und im. 'ipi'hsive mtaus quickly cureil in both Krancc aud lurioany. Tim adu-rlnur it list- dent in tbii country, will hi' happy to send free to nil appli- cants lull pjilicubtrii of thr mude ol trentnii'Ul tbcip adopti'il , on receipt of a directed envelupe. AH persuiis limy cure ttipin- solves , -iiiil tbus uol run thu risk ot beiui; viciiuiiM ^d. AilJreni. Moon. A. 1J UV_ L, 13, Newuiarket-striet UinuiugbiiD. HEALTH AND MANI.Y VIGOK. —A Meiliailman cf SO yi' iirs ' espeneuco iu the treatment ol NEKVUUS DE- BILITY , Spcroiatorrliu; mi.) other uftVctioiH which aw ottcu tcqoired in enrl y life , and unlit sutTen-rs tor marriage nnd other social ilulu-j , ba9 nubliabcd A Ifwk Riviiw the full benefit ot bis lunc txpcrieucc gratis , u nil plain uirectioos tor tbo recovery of Ilcidth uiul >ilreiietb. A single copy aunt ta Huy aiblreivi un ' njol ut One St,mip. Addr«sa to tho Secretary, lustilutu uf Aiiutouiy, Uiruaiugbam fjl- ly ] BUTLER'S CATECHISM TO CATHOUC CLERGY, BOOKSELLERS, 4 On Sale at The New * Office , With tlm Hecointnondanon of the JSishop of Waterford rnd Lijuiorc . tbe Right Rev. Dr.O BKIJB A Catechism for the Instrnction of Children IIV TIIE MOST Her. Ur. JAMES BUT r -EH A r«:hl.isbop of Cashcl and Kml y. Printed on Good Paper , und in large clea r Type KKCOSI.M KNI1ATIO N : " I approve of this Edition of the Ri ^ lit Hev. Dr. J AMKS DirtLKii ' s Catechism, and recommend it to tbo Faithful of thr. -e Dioceses. "?J. L). O'BKIEN , " Watcrrord, Jnuc 2, laG'J. " ItJJ" Orders from any part of the Diocese , sent iu and directed to C. KKII . VII . VH, Printer and Publisher Walcrjor.l . Xe»- * Ollice, iy Kin^-strucl , promptl y -t tended to. 'I'he Trade supp lied un moderate terms ilny bo bad Retail from every Catholic -ooksclle in tlic Diocese. SHIRTS. SHIRTS and COLLARS 1IAUE t.u 3l_.VSUK_ or PATTKRN , iu a SUPERIOR MANNKR—in «ARKAxri:n. OUK CASiniEJiK COTTON SHIRTS will be found nu a^'iecabb! sulistilue for I- 'binnel during ll.u Warm S CIMMI . Patterns, Price;- - , and Iii. slrueliotiE for Mciis:;n. '>mit. liei: on . 'ipritic' itioii. J' . TO 13IN & .SON.S. JiiiVi.i s, »!¦:¦ ¦' C'c!( ' . - , - .. - , y/. i?. ' iv.. - , i.7.. ¦ ¦ . . ¦ . - , II . ." ' y/i-!' Li- i tf^r C KU - KKT (. ' I IMI - I-:S. lutli:. anil C' olnnial Oiitlits " Fin 'the lilwl i. < ?/..; U f- :. '' —S. <: Ikn('; -i .. <<>;, vi, chip. Clarke 's World Famed Blood Mixture , FOK C' MvAN.SINi; and CIJiAillNG Hie liMJOUirmo ALL IMl'UUITIKS , wlictlii rr ari<iuu- I ' mm yuutbfu l indiscretion or any other ciusr , caiitinl bo tno hiubly rttuin- mcniicd. It nir.:s Ulil S.iirs ; i:nri> Ulrnratcd Aires in llie Nock ; Ulct-r-itril riorp Lc^s : Bl.iekhe;ids i.r I'iuipb-s un Kacc, Scurvy ^ ITS ; Cancttoni I. 'lccvs ; lilnoil and ^kin Dis. eases ; (iliii.dulai- dwelling* , and rlc.irs llic lilooil hum all Itnpuic Alait.T , Ironi wb.ilevcr cr.iive ari^inir. As Ibis iiiiMuie is plon'.uit tothctastr , and warranti . d tnu from mercury —wliicli alt ) iiils and most nnJn iiius sold fur tbe aiiove iH'.'.i^is cnutain—thi^ Proprietor solicits &ulfi:cm Eo give- it a tiial to ti fit it< value. TllOUSAMja OF Tl.tniMONIAI. S VHOll ALL I' Soid iii liottles 'J- . . 'id. rach , ami iu Ca?i*. c , coutaimn/ G lioltl-s , Us. each , sufficient tn i:Ili-ct a pmnaiu-nl lan e iu luiig-s ' .andins rases , hy all Chemists and Patent Mcdicim- Vendors ; or sent to any address on recei pt of 27 or ] 3- itAiiips , V«y y. J. (. 'LARKIC , Chemist , Hi'h-strccl , Lincolii. WUOLE3ALK AGKSI3: ISurclay & -Sm. ", l.onilon . .mil nil Hie Wholesale Hou^ Just l'uUisbcil r for Two Stamps. TO TIIK NERVOUS AND DEUIIATATED. I' Ibe New Publication , by Dr . J. A. II ARXES , M. U. (U.S.), entitled "VTEKV0U.S JJEJJJL1TY , or Woitusof WARN - JJK ING A Trrritise on tliu Cause*, Synip'nnc s , and Treatment i)f N KIIVOU . - NP .. -!* ami KXII A U»TKII V ITA LITY . The Author hn s for years givrn his delusive :it trillion to lli c in out "f Nrrvuus Ucbility, IMpnl. ' tl ;mil Physical [Ji*|in-s»ion t [' .il pilntioii ut t tie IJ cart , Noise* in thu Heart ;uitl , Ititlcci-iun , Impaired Si^lit and Memory, Indi ge s- ti on , 1' ro^tn iti'in , L.ivitndi' , lA'pr cssion of Spin tj. , Lo»s ot EiM' i-y und A ppi-tile, l l ai:i> in llie J!jtk :ind Liinhs , Titni- tlity, _uH-I>istrust , i Jizzinns- , Love of Solitutlt' , Lirouuiilca .s Kc;us, and many otlur ailinetitF , wliicli , t( urgl-clvd , briiij? I In* >uflVrcrs to an earl y death . This valuable Work , which h;ts I'ceu trul y called " \S'oi; i) , ov WABSINO /'U illurttrateil with Cases at.i) Tfslmionial^, and not only gives thu cau-c hut lli« ineaiih ut cur. .-. Hundreds ot c;ise« , thoug ht bope - l ir-is. li!iv«* bfi . Mi i'>iiirr d to perfect health and ri ({our after all other men (is liri'J t.riht). 'lo THE .MAII I. U:]> ASI > SI . VOXI; llit* bnuk i^ iuv.ihmMp. b' rnt jiost Irrr , im rrempt ct iwu h'iiiniis, or I'V Icltt'r post , thtei; >f;unp<« . IiJI'UKTA. NT TO C0L"5TRY TA TIKNT?. D». itARNK M may he coiiMiltcd por>ou*ill > v "r l>y letter , in nil private ami coulidutilial c.i?t> ; and for tho benefit ot Nervous ctifl.nT . who cannot vUit him, he will , on receiving » d.ycii ptiun m their cu-f. iruclositiK a nt a coped envelope for reply, hmcudy tu givu his tipiuii .u uy.uu the naluieul the case, thu nnaci- pies of triMtiM-nt tie t' i-ssary In t ITw.l _, petlcct cure. HIjPAihlii^s Ur . II ABSLS, 1 I.oni-dalc Square , I!;irn.burr . Loiidou . X. [inyJ3.Gro » " Post Free for U Stamps , open etuis, or 12 Stamp. * in an THE iMKDICAIj ' ADVISJ S l ., un premature cli-ciy ol t l if M' s 'ivm, und iN f -ftoi-d y le- tloi-itiun ; rbap- tcr-. on n it a in i:i»f.n).T< , wild llie h'-st tnr.ui* lor tlu-ir if- OJOV . -I ] ; th« . ' iMi-ro-rijpe a-i »i» aid to diagnosis ; .Marriage , its disqu.iltticatirnis ; rule* and pn-. -cri ptinns hir vel' - trcatment , ttc. : illustrati-il with nmii''tuiH r:is_ « t. Uy \)r. Walu-r l)v Uoo» , Uol turd Iloiiht 1 , lloiford Square , London , W.C DK. DK ROOS' celebrated <J_TT__ Vl'l'yK ur l.lKK DKOIS i lur Mpi!niiiitnri'li<i > .i , KuiissioiH , Iii-jiiili-m-y, ^-511:1) Ittc.ip;icity, I »«-i,ili lv , Kpilrji-v , niiil all tlio^t" iii-i-;i^i lor which .Mi 'rrury, S:ir>;ipanll;i , Ar., nrc tuu iifteii pu-p loyeil by Kng lMi 1'1I >. <ICIUII M to ' .he itlticu.t ** e ruin uf tho Sulli'rer ' a ln-iltli. 'flic (iUTlVK VlTiK ;iro thu ro-tilt HI'IOIIK pr.ii:licil in- vcsti|;ntioii of tin* it-int 'tlii ' . s hc<t :iJ:iptnI tor tho^u iliit-aM-; Their rich , IIIK , ntniuacliic 'pMlitic . :nnl , abuvu all tlioir cumplrti: rennvn t inn nf the iiercowj svitcm , ri'n'Jv, them iu tvi'iy rixpi 'rl. worth y tlh'ir sisniiiciint tilli- . Tin '} may be t;iki'ti \Mtluiut liintlrnm'r or n->traiut nl il'ol , iti . and iu this r^prct alsn tliu . v ui.iy rl^iin prc-iMuim'ncr. ovt r uiunt other a.lvt;rti-i. Hl itinliruu 1 -. . liy |irnniutiui; iiisi' stiuu—¦ uourinliin^ thi^ i:oiistitutinn—I:IITIC I MII^ without lntl.iuiitig thu tiliiod—brat -in^ without >lmiul.itiii(; tins iii-rvous systi-ru ton violentl y—tht*y stri 'ti^lhi-n tli'-^iim-ra l h.ibit , :ini! ri'stoia the mtui'.il hi'i ' .lhy tom- of tlii- iii-ivtm- ; auil i- .iu^cnhir libri-s , thu-i culiv.Mlit m an! mvi^niiitrii; liu ' ih Ii-nly nml tnuiil. Till! lil.'TM-: ViT/K li.iv.. - In—¦¦ parl ' ii. -uhrly -tir. es-fu Witli yotilti; [iii'^ li ' who h.tvi' tilt; :ip(ir-aMuct. ' ut oM lice ; u hu artp.ili: ami i-:Ulillli:ili- t anil who, h;ivui^ an ultiT Ji*.ta^tc Icr Every thiu^.ali- inr:iji:ii:it:iMl lur , -tlllly, liusilii-S or ellinymt'llt . Tliiiu>aiiils " ' ¦ :!|ipari<nt:y liiipi 'lpsi a-et , g iven xtp by 'hr fa, cult)/, h.ivi- I I ' . - TI iiiMiiima-nt Iy cmt'd , all'l liavi: Imuii: ^Tntclul evili'iitc ut Iho tart. I' l-ice -I- . HI.. 11- . 'iml , " ;K nl all Clicmis' is , ur Jirrct 011 rocvipt 11I i-Mmp- , or |..i-i-.,llii.u uiili-r aililn-i-i 'il to l)r. Uo Uoos, lliiiiui' .l llniiM' , lloll ' oril Si|Uaro , I.un.lon . W.C Sol.l l.y .Mc.M. istiT ,t Co., 121 , I'apel.itn-i-t , Duhliu ; ,Mi , Wliilr , Ot/trrrer Olflcc , Uallyoirn I; -Mr. li-iwlt , Southern Chronicle Ulllce, Limerick ; Mr. i'ulsnn Fermanag h Mail Oltici' , ICmiUkillcii ; or at The litws Ollico, Watoilnrd . Paiua in tho Buck , liravel , l.uuilwgo, UlieomrUiiro, Ciout Flatulency, Hcailachi-, Xerfousnesa, Debility, Strirture,Ac DK. DE KOOb 1 COMPOUND RENAL PILL S, (m their name lUnul , ur tbc Kidoeyii , iu. dicate-O, nro cclcbrutvU all over thu world , as tbc safest auil best ltiiinod y (or the nbovi' ilangerous romphiiiiH , Uiscbarget of any kind, nud JJise.iic or tbc Kidneys, Madder, und Urinary Organs ^'"crnl! }, which , if neglected , frequently end in Stone in thi' ittitdder , nnd n lingering, painfol death Kor depiction ol Spirits , Kicitemrut , Incnpacity lor So. ciety, .Stud y or liusiucs " , Lus» of Memory, Wretchedness, Nervousness , and even Insanity itself , when (as is olten thu case) arising from or combined with Urin.liy Disease. ' , they are. uin-qualled. Hy tlivir salutary Action on Bile ami Acidity of tlio Stouiacii , they purifjr Hud promote the Kenal secretions , thereby pvuvrnt tlnr Innnation nf Stone, and thus establish lor life the healthy linictions ot all these organs. Price U. lid., 2i. ltd., 4s. Cd., lls. aud 33s. per box , with full directions through all chemists. The Genuine bn?o the words " Walter Un I' .oos, I.onduu ," in wliito letters , ou tbu Stamp nDiieJ to each lot , by special direction of Her Ma- jestj'V Uonorabli! Cotnmissinners , to protect tbe public from fraud, nud to imitate wbicb is felony . 'ind transportation. CAUT10X.—Some uupiiuci pled Yenilon when askid for Ur. ~o Uoos ' l'ills , have attempted lo foist other medi- cines or compounds ut their own upon the purchaser, from which they obtain a Urge profit, but which invariabl y entail disappointment. Ask lor Us. DK Koos ' COMPOUSIJ Kr.tAL PILLS, ami do not be persuaded into trying anything else ; but should Mm least difficulty orrur , i-nclnse the amount b y post-ottice order or stamps as abuvn, and they will be sent per return. Sold by McMas ' .er i- Co., 121 , CapeHrect , Dublin ; Mr. White, dliscrctr Olliw, lUlly u:i ; Air. ll.l-solt , Southern Ch ronicle Ollici", Liuii'rirk ; .Mi. Poison , Fermanagh Mail Ollice, Knninkillen ; .Mul at 41) , Kinsr-slrivr , Waterlonl. DR. DE KOOS' PILUL^E VM. -K, or V K& E- TABLE I.1FK h/Ll», lire rapidly i-upirsfiliiij; c.islur- oil and llu: old-lnshionetl di^iurrrahlL' mrtlicinca lormerly ad- minielcied by the faculty, w hicb , it is now ailmtitcd, ti >u frequently rmultfil iu a i-iiiifmued Mtiiln ol costivtness. Th- j PilulrcVila; , ou Ihe contrary, de.iusc tin- Ktomach , pur if y thi: sreretions, reuiova li-.ulaclic , indigeition , &c , aiul iuslo.ul of renderiog it ueccu-ar}* to bu always ftwallowiug minlicitie , ;i few doses only, taken occasionall y, will be loiiml all that is required to keep up n linllhy state ol tlic sjstem. Equall y adapted lor all agi'-", it btini; mtrely necessaryto rticulate tliu dosu according to the age aud strength ol the patirnl; whilst for female comp laint* they are altogether unlivalled . I' tim Is. lid., 2s. ' Jd., 4s. 0,1., lls., and 33s. p t . r box. Sold by .McMasli'i ,t Co., Ac. '&c, [as above J, and at The Waterford Keuj * Oflire. DOES YOUH HA III FALL OFF, OR TUKN «KKV , ._. ¦ .? It -o, use UUSA-IK CUL' - PKLLE 'S CItlNUTUl A K, notnl all over tbi- uwlil lor Hi miraculous propertim, and us the onl y remedy that can Im depended ( upon. It is ifUnranteed to prodnce whisker- , moanUchios , &c, iu a lew weeks , and will lie found emin- ently successful in nourishing , curling, and boutilying tliu bair ; checking preying , strt'tiftheninir we.t k Inir, prevent- ing its fiiiliog ofl and restoring it in baldness from whatever cause. Upwards ol loo physicians have recommended it in the uuraory, lor promoting n fino, healthy brad of h.iir , anil averting buldoess iu ult*r years. In kuttlcs prico 2s each. OUS-UVK that a 1G p»£i: pamphlet in inclosed with each package , which his n red stamp outside beating tlm words Kosalie Coupelle in white letters ; the word s Coupdlc' a Crinntriar am also moulded in each bottle. " I wxi> bald nine yraro , bot 1 find ueiv hair coming r./. pidly. " —J. llniu' . " Thanks to your stulT, 1 have an tj. cellent moustache and whiskers." —Major llrownc. " I hail lost ray hair in patches, hut it has restored i». " —Misa Hewitt. " After -U ycai ' s baldness , it has acted rairacul- ously. Ii. Moir. yjo tl \ j Sff-Sold at TMB Nswfl Office, WatotforO. '



I ' l l K V. AT I* It FO1J I> N l-: \V S> .: I M : i l < l l l l> 1SIT.

|A | I 1. I M :UI K i loiuMs ri"priitoi.)

I . \ M- I - I t 'u;i i i vm>\ i \ ' I I I K Snrr i i i> r I I : K I . A M < .

|V(..'I .I.. ¦' ¦¦.•. , •!.• /•", • >' ¦'.¦;) Hn-.i i M , nl Xn. -HI fi lVf iMnvluri i > - 1 1 1 . i in t i . ov is t I \ l . I \si:.]

! i .H i. 'I'm;i i l ' i M i ; Ys.u- i .v ( IN A DV.\.\ I K ) 1:!S,;li l I 'n-'-T. Y l ' l l i L V , l .'i .-s . IN A))V . \ . N f K .

Agents lor Sali; of THE NEWS:\v .\ 'i '!•'.! ;i - "ni:n- \:,- . \y. K HU , Li i i i i ' d'niL- rV -s i i ivt .T K A M H U K — M i . -s C I .A M I , KffTo.liiui 'iil liuum.s, in

Stnitiil-Mtvrt .PASSAHi: KAST—Tin . Mi s : .s l. , llok' l , S<|ii ;nc.? A l l K I ! ' K- O X . S f l l ( - .Mi- . . I . .M.Mn:i in , NV«sA ',Tnt .t J t ' X d ' A I I V A .V—Mr. K KU M S H I! I;K N N \ N , Slatiunrr ,

kv., I'usl nnil TrlcKriip li OfiUv, Tim Si|U:nc.K I I . M . U T I I O .MA * Mr. M. Diw.xr, CK.UIT, Ai\I . ISMUI. 'K—Mr. .I cui .v Xui.xw . Tin- M.- ill IVari 'lmiiM!X :

\V K() S.<—Mr. V. M OICAN , NYWS Agnil , A. - .

S 11 I Pl» l N G .N A T I O N A L L I N E TO NEW YORK


j[[||spS_Kv> Ki-....i ;.;.-.rj ii-..» i-rfni lrawfc'.s/ '.n* ^ C 'v-*^vC --.

» ¦ ¦ ^ ' • » > ¦ • * » t > _ i.

T]|K wi lM.Nimn Kull-IVnvrml Iron !-VI I USI i:.\ .U.s i l ll 'S

.VA l/ i ... T> ">* S l . t f .t . 7i'» 'l'i;Vf "T , (Ir. ^-i. u . . . . :.m;| I' N I M . A M - . K I II||. linnM ' W X . llraii- ¦«»•' 'I Hi: I .H 'KKX . .Wlrov .... 1 1 1 1ITALY, llrijv- Vt'l ¦ H u I . I . A X M , i:i->:- ::sl7ri:.\xci-:, TiiiiiiiM .n ::¦?? I ; I : I N . I ,:I « H .H .. ' .-•.-;;-.\NAHA , >V . I .-M- .;M< ''iA , sp. m- r :acil i K I X c i:, Tln-lna- ¦ -•"•' : I ) I ; . N M A 1 : K , Wimm r :;7J. :

gf Whl Sii.I in-iii l . i v . i i . , . . ! to X«v Yinlc :.- n t i i i t r :Kli'YIT Wi- il i i.-Mlay Sr j . l . H u l lC K K K C K Wi-i liicstla> Sc|.i. 17th.SI'AIX. . WiiliiL-silny... Sq.l.. - J l t h

l.l- . lVlll f ; I.J lUl ' lMnWII t i l l - l l . l l . t -AII U tl -IV s .I l.i :,iiuH.liinJ.ili.m I,| ,tin- Slalc-l iKillill

liriti j unusually hr^r, -,n,l op, i, cli ' l l i i ; Saloons, ^itu;ilnl in|>oop un drill*.

Kali ' ol p:i«.*.i;:r VJ, 15, aud 17 t l .linra- , .lLYOldiu;r lo ai:-ruultiti datiuu in M.i it! mi m—:.|| bavin* itrif ili - L-i- i nS-l.- .i. IMu - i , l . l . i . . *l \V I- ..\ T V - K I V I - . l i l ' I X K A S .

C-? TI:.- C I I M I .'HUT nl STI :I-:I :A < ; I-: I -ASSKXW -.I :S-pi tl.illy roiiMiittiit—llu- arcoiiiinuttatii-u l-i-lng mil .]lt:t i'. il(or -| ¦.¦*¦!', lin lit . t i i - ! v > mi! I 'r t .n .

l i . tr- . ..I IWip— .,. lo.v a< 1-y any i. l l i l -r l i m — i l nl i l d. -i i lmnilainv .¦! K i i s h l'i. H I M .ins -i I v. il ui> IViAul liy l l"t .'orn|-au _\ \ .'i i vanN. M r . l i c i l a l t i i.d.uiiv I-'ni- . > :ri \ . . ii l.I .M * in a t t .t»h ,n i * I Kt In.ili * Slu lay r..!-sriij;otv .

Slirraji e I' [IT > I I ,I >?:IH |. .1 lo IJui-hiv , I'.osl. n , I'l ;1-n.I<rl].lii.. t ami l<a!liinon>. uiilmut rxtra i7in;y;i-, ami I Inll l inmcl i to l-'mnrisri., :uul all inland inn. . 1 fn i ii- lStati- . auiK'anulu on U\oural.!»- lnn i« . I'a n i i v-.- v.* l . t >i> L . - -lllirm.^l i t u .Wtiai ia, Nrw /.. ;t!,t»>l , t'liiun , an.I .lup.m.

Ki.r Kr^ultt or l'a>- .n;c app ly toTIIK -N'A T K .N A I . SH A M s inr 1'i inr iw ( I . IMITK I ) .

¦ 1 an il •_•:!. \ V . i l n - > t t i . t , l , i u i p . .'l ;N. ami .1. l'rM\n>fl anil 111.*-?., i:n u>t.-wn.I'a-^i PC. r* me ;.<l\ i . il in >n uu- t l i . ir l'a?-* .i p-* 1'r.un t in

l.(<Ci« l A^nit .- Ir loie 1*.tviit i r linuu-.



^~| '': "'

l l "" '"H""'"'' "'' "'I" '' I'irsi

PBiiriV^ ^—' v \ »f » , fiill-jiowpn-il Slc:iinslii p«i /,,. i*rfj&3 wil l !"¦ i ] r - | i : i l ' ) i i i i IVmn 1. 1 V D U T 'i l l|

TO N RW YU KK , K V E K Y W K I L N K SD A Y .Cai 'lilin. l 'i i ) i lnin.

W V ( I \ H X C ..1 A M I :- M O CBJ I U lXXKsUTA .'I ) ' l'. . . i n.inU lSCONslX T-W .I-' HI MAXI1ATTAX. . I . It . I' uiri:I D A H O .'A 1-. l i fAUu M O X T A X A I A .-. I' I MCK

N E V A I ' A W. l-*>j K A I C D I A 'Cml'l'm: )Ar- ii.l-n.l.i! to S.ill... I..1I..1V : —

I D A H O \Voiliip«il :iy K'tli Hi.|.t.M 1 N N K S.OTA.. . . WViliirfil siy 17t li Sopl.WlSCOXSl.V Wi-ilm-vilay . . . - 111. Sept .X K V A 1 IA . . .Wi- dncMliiV l.M ( l e t .

( A 1 . I . I M ; at (j K K I - . X S r i i t t X lli- .lay I U II'- IVMII :,to i mbaiV l'a.^i-n^rt^.

l'»—.ni; . i . lii-iilt-il tliruusli Kr:iiii . i<c'iati 'l a l l i nl . incllo»n- «t low ial i-> .

l ; » l . - . f I'a~ -J t <- (linn l.iv.rp 'i l lo X--»- YorL : — < Miill1'a-^ .iL-i . tlo In., anil .C17 17.., mill XJ1. Sll-i'l-aur I'as ci.'a t t i . I u r . U ¦;.:«. . 'll . i- l . i lt .- i iiiclui! . 1. an t inl in i i l i .1 >npp )y itpiovi.i .m. , *.- Iril -in.l M rvi-.l nj i l.v tin- Vimipaii} '* sU-wauU'

K,.r t i . - i f l i t nr . app ly to. K i l I X l i K V K I i K I ' X . ^ii .v . W a i i r l . i . l .I I | ( I M A > K A V A X A 'i | l . t l i < : Squau- ,

.1 A .MVS M O T T .'; ('".. IJ ui . i i . fmn; or toIJl 'IOX \ L'O. . ".'"i Wnti-r-slri-i:l . l.ivi 11...1.I

K X i i l . A X D A N l i M . 'l.'Tll \V.\l.i:< . A M . T I I K sol TKU K I U I ;I .A.\ I». BY (.; I:I:AT u K - i i : i;x U A I I .U A Y ,via M1LF 0KI ) I I A Y K X ,

I n I'l . i i i . ict i ' in wi th i l i e W A K . Kj u i . i i A M " I.IMI:KH 1. andWA I K IU U K I . A M > C K M K A I . I K H .A N I . I.iuo?.

SHORTEST ROUTE , and REDUCED FAKES,«.-. f.W i. r.'u,. .< ..„.; .v.-.- f..,i .U...7 Mf t i

5 . .S7,.,,...v.. KYF.ll Y Wr.KK KA Y. y/fe'.V.

\j p. l.ti ivo \ V\ i n i i' i ; |i a l I p.m., on A n i viil nf 1 1 . '-'

11.111. Tiai i i fi'j tu J.itiit- i'icl.' , ami IO.:i.*> a.m 'i'r.iiii

IVuin M :ny buriio;;li , Al :t : lUM: ili Li>N |. "N (wi-a-

t i n . r a inl circmn.' .-: p'-rinitliu^) al l- .S "ii

l i . l li . w n .f .Iny.

lj () \ V N . - - Luii: l.i>M.i .\ ( l'atl>l i i ' ; : l"i>) nl l ..'li p.m.,

ii i -. i l A i . i a M \ t U'.MH.I..I. I- (wcat l i i- r anil irir-

• -iiiti>.iaiiL-rs p.- rlnittili^) alj..llt |i'.:iU a.m.. in

I Inn 1 f i r t r . r 'i'i a i n s i i i i tin: '-Van i l 'onl an.l l . imi- -

i i .- l ; ai. .l O n I nil I K - I J I M I I . II I- S .

v A 1: K s— \YA 'n:i:Fi>i:i> ..i.\y» /.O.Y / "> .Y .-SIM. 1 1 > (avtiiialj '.i- I Dav.-) 1 M Cla.-s A Sulnun. -ir^ < ¦»!

,. " -nil (;la...- A- Saloim , :i 'i.< M:( ril< .'las« .v Knn? Ciil>iii , :!".< ""!

]{n> i..\-(a\ :. i i: . l»!.- k.rl nn . i l l i) 1st Cls.^A Sal.ic.h , 7 .I'M l C l f s A - .Saliicin, ;..1)^

Ku i t l . '-r i i i f ii i ' i iiu i n. i i i-an l . i- i . l i t a i m- il frum M i- s - r i

,I A , K^n\ ami ( .'"¦. X<-«" Mi l l i .n l ; ami Mr. D I . W .M I

Acirl pl i i Wharf , Wa t i - i l iml 1 ami l l i c K I H U M . K A I :>

l ii -t w i-d i i . l l . rr i i i ipor ian l S 1 a l i 1 . 1 1 > , t i n - Turn- TaM.- .-

nml Tl.n. M " l i K a tr- s for l i . .i..U , A ..- ., nf Mr. W . .1. I l l ;

M, l. ( | 1 , , - D M :,! W I M I I I I l ' . ln| :.ny V A f i- n i . 1'al i l '

S'.nr.n- , W a l ' i li . p l .

.1. (; I :I I ;I ;S( IN , iimmi .Mait.p >i'a.l(linj.M<.n , .lul y l^7:t. i iiiy. 'JS


yyo'l'lCK.—Tin- \ValrrfnrilSti\ - inislii |

^"KAj. j\| Onni-am r.r.-n. - Crv.n!. fur Sliiptninl

*SNt ,imtli p follo»iti(! T.TMK. onl y:—Tln-j ri-n-rwi&S33*- ''"' f'f '1' •'"¦"'">' '..»«» .». ''"' I'} parluul .ilV^TTwilli liUily to low Ship, ati.l tall .11 utlu-r I'orl-ru1 -1 it! not l.«: aca.uiit.iMi' tor inj ia-n-. 01 lo.».-> ai ^ I r-m

JcJ^v .. .Mints ut t in Sra> , K i i i r., I'i ri- , l ln- (ju. -.-i i °s I'.ni

mi^« , i!il.-ctivc Xavi ifaliuii . urawii lL-ntslrui i ia i i} ' "itlii -i rnu-i

nor lor .my l'»s wlucti ini irl i l Iwvn I H - I- H civ.-r.-il l.y l. i>ur.ii .c.-

nor for laaVa^. , Hrralusc , f'onj ition ,Quali t y , .. r ,1 n l - . .

iinv i'H t i i l . •<rrar««L-<'s, nnlr-,- >p . i iull y < r i t . r .- l a i i - l •< ¦> '••< ¦

trim Frii;:!.! |i.inl. ( MKH I.- not mnuvi'.l to In- Stotul at tin

ri sV. an-1 .-xpruse ol the * 'ousisn.»-..

W A T K U K O K I ) A X I > H II I S. T O I . .tii f -sv, or ii l liu i l.uiL!. ' \\->nl , . lini .

K 1 Watu'lnrd to lln-tol -. hum lir'.l. l <¦> VV»tMlnr . l :Tup-il»v . SriO -J . :;'. Ad'li. '1'liurnliiv , Si-pt. I . '¦'. V(f n .Tii.<.lav , ,. :• . . . :• Morn. Tl,ur,.l»v, ,, I I ... :. Morn.

Tui-iiiT, .. I" . •• ¦ ' Att 'n. ThiiMlay, ,. l>> ._ t At: n

TiH--'l.'", .. -• — K -Morn T?inr-I:.v , ,, £< ... >; Mot u.

Tiiwl-iJ'! .. •'" ¦ IJ >'"'"i luve rw.

Finn Wiiliilin il to l!ri.l'-l, 1' IMH linM.I to Wai. rl..|.|,Dinrl. CHllilC al 1'i lnl.lbLc llu.k.

Til. .lay, Sti - I . - ... I Af l l:FrMav, S*pt.

¦. ... ', M-.rii Tu.-l..y. „ :> 71 .M-.n:

Fri.laV . „ I.' .. I I Mi.rn Tin-lay, „ 1'. J A f t 'iil r l ' lav , ., I'.' ... " Mom Tm j. !.iv ,. J^ .. 7 M.-rnIr i. l a.v. ,. ->¦ I ' .J M M i i T m . ilay, ., X I I M

%*f~ (111 Karl y Moriiine Sailing, I In < 'J,iii .,1 l l n-s i r a n i

er .s wi l l be ('( ' in I'* n.'i i-ive I'a . sri iKt. sarr iv ingIruin Loii'loi

by tin - X i K l i t Mail Trail- ."diliin I'.iti-, 1-J'. *>1.; Srrvxnls iuj«l t'lnl.lri n, ]n.. n.l,

li cluui ¦!•• ., S-">» . : "r W' 1 '1 l'b.- i ij to icdrii l l u l . i . n

Curl . 01 Wi-j lnf l , - l l> . r..l., M.-».«.rs (i-i- mi l i i - l i i l ; | . i- . l

i>. li.i. I'"' lll.l!ri "I I' H'l I'"" l« i | . l ir> " Cabin.

\V A I' K I! F " I: H A N H I, I V K K )' 1 1 1 ) I. .Xnr.i '/.i t hur , or o'l i .r . hjiV..' V.-.-. I. .— Tuui; Sai l ings

Wuklv .f n i w nMKE'iri'-. ri.nM".'. !. :

M OII .\»T, { . pi I - - I Att 'u M..ii-;:u , : . | . t . 1 - ¦ I A l t 11Wi,lt,.U..>, „ .: I" M.-l l. W. il i . i '-liiy „ .: .... 7 V-111Vri'lnv * ,, .'. - - !' M'- 'n Kii- lay ., :. :t Mr-rnMomlay. „ s - 1 Afl 'ti Munilnv . ., s I I .M'.I I I

\V»lin'ilaT, , , lo 1 Alt nW.« l i i . vt, 7 „ 10 -- |j Ni...liiilav ' „ !-• - I All n I n-lay, „ |-j - -j Ali ' i,M.i intiiv . ., I.', - I AI I VM- IL I.-IT . ,, I.-, 1 .Ml „Wnlnculav, ,. I 7 - - I O Mui ii \V..lm -.|.,- . ., 1 7 - s M Vri.lav

' •• I - '¦- ••' M M I I I 1-Vi .lay. ' ,, I'. ;' M«i ,,

Vurthv .- -'-' - I AI i V .M >»•: .. _•_• .- |u M-.. ,,Tft illK t'lav . ,. '.'I - I .MI 'ri;W..l i , . ,.i.,y, „ .¦( - I I )li,i ,,lridi i y. '

•• '-'• I All ' „ j.. . U N-' ,,.M.m.liiy. .. '-¦'- ¦ - A (l'ii lMoii . |- iv , „ -J:I _ J All „

Ol.i ii Kiin:, )7>. li-1 ; Scivanls tTi . iv. i l in i .- mil, F J I I . I I M ¦• 'aud C 'liildrm, 1U-; Uitk , ll" », Cbil-lun. T.s. Ft-iualn »:t.-ml

llic LHilii-n 'C abmGoo«l<* ii- ii- ivpil at ( ,'lari-iirw iJ.K-k , L n <i | H ,- .|,

W A 'I' K l l F O l l l i A X l i X K V V l { ( . ^ .-..F RO M W AII HO KD — Ijaily, Sniiilaj . unpi. l , :,( | i . r . M .FkOM X8» lima—Ilaily, Slllnlajs , u>-pti,| , at b . l . » A . M

W A T K K F O K I ) AND l> V X r A X X 0 X .FBOM WiitnroKU—I 'aily, S-n-.tiaj f utrpu.l , at I. .". r.s .FROH DCNCASNON— Daily, Sini. l i ivscmplnl , at ( j . li i .M ,

Iltrllis si-cnri'il unit i-vcry iiilonn»tiuiipven l>y I In: , \f i nlii;ffri 'tnl .- Hie tiein ral Sli-ani l'.lrket Oflii p. I.irtrp aol :JVatt-rlnnl Strain Shi p I' oinpany, 23, l lruiiswi.l- . lrn t ,WHSIMIIK I I'" linililinE8 , ami KI tin-Company 's ;)n M t- tin-M A L L , WATKI '.FOKl' .


C O M M I N S A N D C O . .60, O.UAY, WAXJiJBi'OKJU.



¦ ^^ St ' HI 'WWC

SKA I 1 A S S A U K .TII.-M: Mi-.uuua »:nl Iroin DU15I.IX Kvny TlllMtSDAY

QL 'KUKC, .MllX ili:i:Al. ',' n'()V| ux',"ai. ,l XKW YORKTI - I ..II ;:!I Ti.l..-. . i-.n.-.l to all i l , , . I'niui pai t» ul

C A N A D A ami 1 : X I T K 1) M ATKS mi tin- |..«- i>t inn i - .Saloon (Mon li>(jn. -b.- i- f i l l 1.1I i i l .r i in- . l i . i l . - I '.-l . in lolj .n '-. i- , Huston , or Xnv Yolk , '.' !Sli-1-r.ijc t - . (J u . l n- , l !, . . i ,n , or Ni-» Vulk l> H

J» /t'ri«rii/in'r J,'ii/ * - hiihi. lrx Oii t l i t , ,J . -.I'. l l l lphlels nn C A N A D A l ire nil app lu. i l ion.

K01 I t i t t l i . r p u t a ola t . ai- i - lv I . .,1AMI- : S A- A L K X A N D K K A L L A N ,

71.', ( i l l - .1 t.'lvdl! SlUTt . UI.I .^UW ,' i to tn.l )':i, K. l . , , (;.,^ . |i, . | . l in

Tl l l .iMAS l 'DIICKLL , Watnfiml.I. M .MUIU'HY ,'AKD HUTLKI t , Inni.-tioyui '..

C l i Y D K sjlll lM 'INCi COJU 'ANY.SKl - TUMHKi: , 18 7;i .

/.•. ;,.¦'. . ,• .S7Y..1.1/ C O M M U N I C A T I O N MiccmW.-itciTord and London , Plymouth and

Sontbamplcn* Cork, Dublin, Belfast ,A N i) c; I, A sc; o w.

M *i' "i. rPU)'- n. -n anil j ioivri lul S< I L K Stratum1

a.'**jtT'\ .L M»\VAUi i , i :uMi;i;Ai - ; , i iAi .ATA,'¦V2JL* i>- h M-: i:i!YVl>UK , i:iil )Y hTONK , SANDA ,vS***"*** A U K H i W . atr tnti-n.h-il in Sail as unik r

(U'l-a lln- r p r r n - i l l i t -j t ill:!- .-.-, p ir\ .- n(ol hy uny tntfulL-si-nir.iti- iiin>l.ii-i-i. !. « i . i l i l . : - i l y to Tun Yrtscls, ami lo rc-mli-rA-.-i .sl.iun: In Yi-.-i-is in P i - l i r - .s :—

FI:OV \VATt - :i: i (u :ii Tti CI .AM J OW ,Tm-s.lav , on(] M.- |,i_ I VM DublinW.Jn.-il. iy , :!i.l „ 1 p.m., via Curk.Fi»i.iy, -'.:li ., 1 p.ui., via Cnk .mil lleKasl.Tnis.lay, '.t i l l „ 1 p.m., via Dublin\V . |liii- .- lay, inil i ,. 1 p.m., via C.j ik.Fi - d-ij- , l'.'tli „ 1 p.m., ri« Coik ami liuKas :.T".ii -...).iy, HI:It ,, 1 1.111., via DublinWi- .lm >.l-.y , I7i 'n „ 1 p.m., vi.i Cork.Fiiil.iy, l: i :li „ 1 | , via C::ik anil Hell.iSl.Tm-il.n , '.':l:il ,. 1 p.m., via Dublin.Wiilm-Ml.i y 'Jl'l i ., I p.m., via Cork.Kinl . i j , •jr.t l i ., 1 p in., via Coik ami l iclfa-l .Tn. -.I n . ."Jl:h ., 1 p. via D11VI111.W . i ln i . i l .n - , l- l dil . 1 p.m., v.:i Coik.

Fi: i)M. ( i l .AM C lHY 111WATI :I :I () I ;D, u n y M H X H A Y , WI -:DXI -:S I I A V , .HH!

F i : l H A Y , at -J p.m. ; Hail i o i ; r,v,,..L-k, 7'li:.—Tl »- ^l . i i in.r i-r l-'n.l-.v cors via Cork.

l l . n.M W A T K I i F O K I ) TO MKlJ 'AST, J'IH C(J KK.l-. \ i - i v F i : i I > A Y , ... .. at 1 p.m.

;:i- :i.FAsr in WATKI I FOKD . via CLA ^ UUW .KVKKY MONDAY.

FI.'O .M W A I K l i F O l i D TO DIT.I .IN, Dinct ,Kvi -t > TL'I->1>AY ... al 1 p.1,1

D l ' l i L I X T d W A l ' K. i : i - Ol : i i, IV,» CLASlUtW.KYI :KY WI :II .N I > I I AY .

K U O . M W A T U K F O K D Til l OIMC .l .Kv. iy W K D X K S D A Y ... 1.1 1 p.m.I-.'v . iy I ' K I I U Y , ... .11 1


W A T K i ; F i l l ! D T o I. O X D O N .I' allm^at I'U month

.¦•'atin.lay, .v;. pi. ii -¦ :: ] Sal unlay. Sept . "7 — ." p.m.Tnclav , ,. l.i — :'. |'I'lir .-ilav , Octoli^r 7 — .".p.m .

LONDON 'Id \\ A ' 1K1M - Oi i l > .1 alluif al (M UIIOII II I an.l I'I I I /J I I I .T.

TII .- . I I:I V , .-. p i . •_' ¦ - "i a.m. I Tm-Mlav , Sept. :'l - ,i j.«.Thiinil r.- , ,, I I — li a.m. rHiiir.-.l'av , i » l . - ¦¦ H a.m.

i: 1^ I I I I I \ I .I li-r sluplu. i.l al .Mil'l . r '.- ami Wi->t KlUtWh arvi . up to ii p in. on day l.i f i<ri - ;ai) iut: .

u .\n l:> < - l . l - 1" | - |. ) M " l l l l . r i . l M o l l l l 1 < > » t i i K i o l : } . .I 'allius at l'i ii/ani-. .

Sal unlay, Si pi. .i - :: p. n.. Wi .1 n. ...l:,v . Sent. .1 ¦ s p.m.TIII -.-I |«V , .. l> , :; p.m. Kriilav , ,, I J — H p m .Sat.n.l . .v , ,. 17 •¦ :: p.m. Wi-ilnV.-ilar . .. 'J l — X JI . IU .Tu.Ml i iv , O.I . 7 - :: I'ri.lay, ih- tnl» -r :i - s |.l.|..t:|. To : . . f l ||.\M|'1.. .S . M>r| II A M 1-ToN -In U A T I . J U O I t l . .

Trin-hippil i- at l' lyuu.iilh. Tlaii^liippili - al Plymouth.Salwt . l . iy , S. |.t. 1. •¦- :. p.m.'I'lirMlav , ,, I". — :: p.m. l>i ry Widlio-lay, al b p.m.Satiiriiay, ,, -V - - :: p 111.i'lir .-.inv , (Kto lMT 7 - - :: 11 .tit .

I 'KNZANCK TO W A T K I C F O l ! ! ' .Thiiir.lay, S. |.t . I — :> a.m. I ThniY.lav , Si-pt.' 2 > — !• a.tilSatui.l.iy , „ I.; — !' a.m. | Sat unlay, Del. I — II a.111

J In -1- SI .MII .I'I t h.tvi 1 ictllrnl AixoiiiuloJation tor I'as-<li |( i- i f .

rAsSAi;.' -.( ,'nbili . li't-li irii. IJ t-i - fc .

W a U i F o i i l in i:l:ni:ow A. )Ml'.i- l , 17. . M. '-'o.. His.l urk . .. :<« I I

l.'ul.lni ... ]i K — i:«

., 1'huiMii l l . A- S>iith.ini|.!»u 'Jl 'i .'J"< J » -„ L.tulmi ... -J.'M il7s liil lo:

Z.-S XtlTK.— 'Mi- Cij .li- sh. 1 t . i iK Company In-un: »lll io itU .rhil .i- i - i l I.) lh. . .- l . iu . s ol Mi-;uiH r> , at .'l. -W |".i Crnl.tu Ti:. '- l - l .a i ins ! j ravl y a^ini i . i l> l - .:iti.l n, p. r C-1:1. lo nc-rasn.nal sl.i pp. i—V.1I11 . -< to I-.- .In t.o.-.l o t l i n n - 1 , 1 Shi p,m i n i . l-*>.rin- ami all iiiiorm.'.i i i .n to In- h.ul at ih<- illlics.

IM.I- Kal i - , ot Kicinht , Arc. app ly t i l—< 'ol( K M M M M l l tC..., I'mi....- yiiay, Cork ; ( nK-il . iN and KU A N , N... "J"Kdiu \J i l i y , Dll l l . l .v ; J. ('. l'l.V K K K T O N . I l l Virlorl.tSt ., lu i t a s l ; ll|;.\i:r I. W.\l: | .Mi , l'l yuiul ll l l ; J » a«)1 A KI1. | :V . A' Co., l.*)7. I.raJ'- lihall ..Irc. t , Lnm.iili ; ,il»o .il•M n.iki:~ M W I I A I . I , ivi-t S > i , i i l , l i , -li |, 1 W'IM K KMW l l A T F , S.-u tlin ilk , I. ii iuli i l i ; , l l>| | .% Lv ii l iY , L l u H i n k ;W. 11 . M AI 1111.» " iV SON . l'l i i / iai- -. ami tin'

i:i.Yi 'i- : s i i i r i ' ix i ; C O M P A N Y ,SoHihsinpioti. I .WnnL-fc, <;i.?s.-..«- . ..n.l Wain foul

•• \v 11 I T I-: si A j; " i; 1 x J-;.1 X I T K U .STATKS . M A I L STKA.MKJ I S.LIVERPOOL to and from NEW YORK.

IW VTl^T- riVESK ni'W , l'iill-]vin-i.|i'il Slc iiin-I His!' yjbi'*'' -*- !:'''|": S:"' '"""I aBff^^ht*.1'1 ^' 1'1"'

01"'¦ ¦ -"" 'I | M 1^"U>111 l ,i L " K K XSTOWX - • mi l' l - t i ' .u'- .

ni K A N I C 'I'I I U I -M I.- I V , ... S<-|.l. l l t l i .CKI ' I ' l i LIC .. Tliti i ..i!,i

'y, .. Si-|.t. I.M II.

A H I I I A T I C ... Tliu rsd.iv, .. . Si-pt. i .C liLTIC ... 'I'lmr.sil.iy, . . . On. !li)j.

Tin- ¦ %; : .-i iii.1.i p-i -in- ul! i . n i l o i i n ..I Ih" his lu- .t .|-. r.i ,

an- i ; i -> I. ' •• w il Ii it -....1. 111 r. nv . - in- 1).. i s :u 1 v. 1 v i l l p.n Inn n l .

Tin- .. .I . . - I- . - i ; . l i - .ioi in- , MMI >mi ,U.t .ri! a u . i iK l i i p« ,

l'.|..o l. .-ns l , i .nl . . .1 ih i bl l i ll i t o a l l pa i t a o f L'u i t l - I S lat i-.,l : i ' t > A i i i. ' i ii - a . China . Japan, I i i'l i . i , ami Australia.

D u l l. 1. 1 1 . . I 1 .11 N i-» Y'. l k I n u 11I rh . i lL'i -- S . I I I I I II , i l HI - -- , n i l J l l i i l i l n .!• :; I I I I III 11 T l i kr l s Jj Cl i l l i i as ; Mn-iaiM.

.ft; 1: . il j"-O n .n. -l . i l l . r )-t .Inl y m x t , Salonn Fanswil l I.. - •'.•-• I ami I'J--. ; l.'i- lui n Tt iii-I» , i In.

I' ..1 l . . : ,-l.l :,uil l o i i l n r p i i l i i u l a t h , apply ill Iho <Jl ) i< .ill Ihr Ci inpaiiy, V.i r.niaihvay, Ni-w Yutk , ami !"i M:nki:tSim! . CI I H .ISO ; in Qun-ti.|nwn , tn Jaliu-s Scutt A I .V. ; or

I s M A Y , I M W I I - : , A: C(l ., KI W » n i - > l i n l , I . iv i i | I ;: . .- ! 7. Ka.t fi.ih.i.av i-nur , LoiiJoti. [j.itf-tl |

I . s. I I A l i V K Y , Littli- litua-i's stint , ami. l A M l S I I K X X K S . s Y, (irnat (ii-iirBi- 'n si , Wait-rrord.

.1. M . M Ul t l 'I IY , -I- !, New Lam-. ( ..iirirV.iin-Suii.

A M E R I C A N L I N E .rii ll i: A M K I M C A N STKAM.SIIH 1 COMPANY 'S

I. I ' l l l l . A l i K L l ' I I I A ami LIVlilCl'OOL L I N K u f Newl-*i f . I - r la - . I- 'II IU IHI ^I- I I -II. him Strauui*.I 'K X X sY L Y A N I A .'ll'il Tmi, 1'jpl.iii i SCJIMH ,O H I O . l li ilTon. Captain M O K B ISO .V .I N D I A N A Ulul 'l'mu Captain I L l . l X O l n Ulll lTui.r Calilain ¦

Tim mil !,-ii lnijt.i I I .-IIII I.ivi rponl will \*t the[J U K I . . . . . . . Wfilncstluy, August, l!7.I ' K N N S Y l . V A N I A WdluiaiJuy , Kopt . l<> .<) l l l < i .. . . Wi-.Jnci'Jay, Ovlvlci *)1'KXXSYI.YAXIA.. Wcilmwilay, fJct. '22.

Calling al (Juu I.,toil 11 l lu- lol!|,» illR i\-y to unliark l'as¦. i l icr i . .

Tin -i S't .1 m i l . a n : .pt-iiall y rollsl iurlci! U,x Ibis U'rviro.amlllav. > U [ i n o r aiC'i i i imntlntiuii lur all ut rjsscilf.r t ls .

CA I .I .V l' .i f l A I . K . F i l tuu to Twruly (iiiini-aii , Clnlilnnb . t . v in i t « . . ami i m i vi \ i a i - , H ull Km. IMuri i Ticktt.4at ...I.?.

SI K I . I; W , K P A S M I ,|: a. I ll- :.. by any .it III r l . i l ir , in cluil.

i i . C aii aii.p l. -np pli ol P i i . t i . i i . i l> , rnoki.l inni smvil up bylln- r. ii.p.niy '- SMI - M H I I I S. ]'.*..riitff r.-< an- li-l w- tr. I1 . 1) lo Xiiv

Yoik . I' ostuii , QU.IT, in l'. i l l iu in i i ', tvillunil a.M'lioii.itAn;.'-

I > 1 I - K M I l - l A l l : I'A S M A I . I '. — k upciioi 111 i i . in.In,line I!. .U, I!- il.lini.', aul »,l I,,,.,-:II ( Ul.n-iU nu.l si -

|. .. I .. I .. I ..b'i.-, J.:i -i- . . M i . . .l'., -f ii . i : . i - an- l . i k . l «l 11..- l- .uol Thioni; !. K a l i - , ri.<

tl . i : l. i l.'a t l i - 'ii-l ; t.- l i l . H.IIIH I l i i .11- , lo all pu l l s

i t I I , . - I IO I M I i- i l - . l i . C.l .ii.l:. , , . i l - l I y Mial l in- , t lol l l

- ..II Fian.- .-co lo t l . i - |.ril.. i |.al | . . . i t . nn l ln- W.- - I C.M.I

"I Ailiu.l . i ; "I-', lo .l.i| an , I ' Liu. ., Anslrab.i , ai.i l N i w

Z-..I..10I .\\ J- H i I 'mI I - \U . . I,I . 1 l :a .In-a. l is tin- shi . i t . 1 aul in.+1

' i l i . i t lo i i i i t lo I I I I 'h i l . i i l . l l .h a Ml, I N i*' Y m k In all |I !HI > .«

111 I I . . M . , l , , , , M a l i .. <unl l i n > 1 . . r i . s .Ap|- 'y >i> I ' lulailrl phla l o l. i I pi C. M t l i l b U , al tin-

C. u.paiij 's uilinVJ.'l" ai»l '-'•I:', 11- tk Si n i l ; in l.nmlui , in

• i l l f A l . A . S .M 1 I I 1 i\. CiV . IS. , |l , , .: , , . !.« l | i .UM , < l-pIi . .Mll 'lln; I! ¦¦.L 1 ; in K. il.i.l , lo K. .1 . 1 . Al'UV , i'i Cll-I.tu ll'lU-i-> i j i i n , : 11 (,".,, 1 , . I . , > < | , , to ,','. >i,,| ,|. C l 'M M I '-a ai. 'l Hi ' s. ;

il l l . l I I I l . l t l -IJ -M .I . lo

I ;K.HAI :LI .-"N , M 'KN C I : A CO.,17 ami 1!', Wi, i i- | . , init .

i i r . lt . IOIIN D K V K I i K l ' X , Q iay. Wnt.ilor. l .

•10 in-: cm::; AWAY :A X ' -.V M I O I - , W . - l k i-n M .Ml:. ,.. , I III' r a i l - all'l I I l lf ol

p n t i i at i i r . I n . - i n man , Knvia i s Di bihly, i inpntrnry,

Ar., ivilb l iul i s t- .r ri nioviru u i i a i i i il:>iiii» litii' <il i i ins th. il

il.suoy 'In- happimsi nl Wul.l.,1 |.,l^, or

E V K R Y .MAN HIS OWN I H t C T U K .KnrTun StnuipH «mt*. ins may avoid the numerous

linpu-loi. "bo -tn,l l l n i r l-., ,k« l,,r notlnuK, publikh U BI I-

1u1.11i.1ls t t l i i i ' i i t in J w n i t - l l u u . s i l t i s, liclilious i ivK- ivs from

ilu.i |!lliaty i l i . i ir int ls ,piuliss lui .un- .luasi-. w i t h instrument! "I Mul le ins, ami oil" r absunlilii'^ a^ trm

I »a tbey

an-din pi it r.A iil ijMCiaii i 'J-'i y r a i M i ti t i s . v i l) lut ipc i l in t l i f t n- nt i w i il

of Debility ami I In- vaiinu. mnital anil nervous ntktlli-m rr-

siilnni I b u t i l i n m , mil M-ml lur , 1,11 rrcci|it of Two Prni.)

Si.imps 'a in pay p. sl J f f , a | Hmpbh-t tui i ts imnR bit b'p blysticosslul and y >:.!.' trraliurul , w ith nil iho nrccsnaiy

proiiri ptiot iH ami ilircttious by uliicli suHtrtrs mav iurc

tlicui M- lvih al trillini! cui.1. Addti kK Mr. LlWIs, M idicusl'ubliabtr, 14 llauj C'uuit , llultiuru, Luuduu.

HA\L\YA Y TUli: T A I i l . K S FOIl Mil"l


Til A IN AI/ l 'KKATIOXS.l l n Siinilnjr i die llp Ttani.. wil l leave- Wnlcrforil at l l . :itl

a.m., ami C.I.', , mill iho U.nvn TraniK wi l l leave M a t y -liuu.ugh 11I (..'in a.m., an,I '). IS p.m.

Tiir s-hmlcu route froui \V.i lnIo,il auJ K i l k e n n y to Duhlm,Aili loni; , 1*. i luuinu , I'ai .uiipli . ivi i .oii iVcu^ifli , 1^*.

C> lu.p:o<cil .puck ai, l I I i-.'n . .al ly rumuii initat ion I,.:uv.- i'.i \ |aryl nrou-li anil nllnT btat iu i i a l'i Wj twilor 'l , tbcai-ovia i\.- .v Mjllor ii to Uinilun mi'l n" ht . l t innHUn tl io Oroii l \^'l¦ •I .ni la. l i i oj i t Hmlaull.

KiinM W A T K I t r O K l l .

J T K A l . S* O.S M'KKk 1IAV.S. ^U N I I A V ^ .. . . . . ,.,, l |a\3 16, ' J ! A; i l l tl 'i

~l!l . < L J . l 2 t t:l

" • Class i;las». Class. Uass. Ola»«. . CI BM,\.V. T.M. I CM. I'.H. 111.IID |- .»I .

I Ii ni I Ii 111 , h in h 111 ll ni h 111\i' ;i,ir/..rf ' 7 If, 1 II ' -1 0 I I a'l c -I.".'til con _ 1 7 -..'> I in ¦ I III — I t lo 1, 5j.Mull,i,iv,,i 7 :)r, , t -jn ' I -JO j _ II 511 7 .-,C'llllliali- ,

¦ 7 ii I ,11 ¦ 4 ', !) I _ M 10 7 25

Tli-miaMutiu I K in : I i.i I 1 55 : _ \ > Jll 7 \%tlcl- ur-lsliriil yi; H -.'.'i I i i i .', i | _ ia 15 8 5I t i lk inuy t i r > f i f i / l K III , 'i 'l\' • Ct yll I 1 5 8 2.'.

I'" rfr/uir/nrr' b AS a ilO ."• :in I — I 15 H ;).-,lUIIyrnecri ' 0 IS i -J 5n .'1 Oil — I ."IS I s AS,Mtaiia K li ; •! -j., : .1 0 Ii (1 _ 1 4;, I ,, sMil.. yi.:ix i ii ;,n :i ].-, ' r. 1:, _

11 | «• a«

Marj l inn, " nr i irWIl l I" -'I <« , » -IA — i 'JO ¦ a 10Ma vlnrciiji il,-;, .. I,J,-||I ,',J i t J ; 7 :U — .1 -M i ._l'illui!ln|;ti.ii June 'i . i l l I I ' I 17 7 .'.l'i — .1 4:1 ! --I'uhliii i/riir.i/ , I .'. . .1 111 . a 10 — .'. 15 i —A l h lo n p Jnnc l i i n nrrl , ' 4 s) f VII ; — — — [ .-M i i i ) lmio - ...i/ry> ,loini \O .in ! _ 7 n _ !) .12 ' ¦ ¦

Hull j l,r. |.lij Il l ftii I — 7 4"i — 10 27 ; —UIIM-ICII i ll :n , — . u s — -- _I' . irK oiiM. iwu I-J < ; — K -i:i — — —l'*»tli i iniia „ I- J i \ '

f ;i :ia — Kv itnirli ;rj so ¦ — " •» 1 — I — — —I'eliip'rlnnro ' — — S 1 7 ] — HI SBI'l'iirl t n r r i i n l - — - S IIS — I I la —

TO U'ATKtll 'UUJj .

7 n A l .s.H »s 1V»;IH I > » 1 H . H U M ,A V V .

uTArinVi i s m '- •*> :• • t 2 u : 1 -'«-'i 1 a 4-.1Clni .>. Clnt-b. Clans. Clahi. . OlaKB. Olnnii .

._ A .M. A.M . ' A.M. j I- .M. I- .M. r.M.Ii 111 Ii in ; h in ! h in a 111 ¦¦ m

I Inirlrs tltjiiirhirr ¦ 7 111 ; | 1 *JC — -i 2I' l'iii plrnii irc _ 7 a« ' -- 1 -11 — -J illll<H;liiU|ilij.., _... _ 7 1.1 J — | -J (1 — 2 -11^tung] ii an — n\l :jj — —I nituniim _.,. _ r, 11 ] _ _ —

¦ _'¦immisiuiui , . , i; 111 i _ 12 .',.', — _

¦a ri a _ 7 1.1 ; _ 1 30 — ; _M:.r>t .. .nr ... ,in-j ...i</. _ ti :;s ¦ _ ; j <ii — H a l

A1I1I1.11-: Jouction — — I .1 If, — Hiililiu /i.Miio r — Ii 11 ' 0 II : I II — I n -111J'-iM>iiiJKi.»i Juoci 'n 1 '•:> in y.t '¦ 2 4 '> — 11 :nMnry|.orn'.. (.>r/...,;iru _ ;x -JS III H. l J II — 11 52

noviN TI . A I S S : ¦ Mai l ,M i ryl.i-ro " ...i lr/ . / i r t n t e ' 1" . 1" J *> 4 A H :i" : 5 l.SAbl 'Vylel x ii n 111 55 i 1 '.'5 S ill I 5 :(,.Mli i i iaBl _ il l:, _ I 1 til n 5 I .', 5ollal lyrasael — !> JS l l 13 ! I .VI !> 15 | 6 IIKi lk e nny . . . .arriral — IMi II lu A in fl 111 |J o;,

I'n /./.nrlnri 7 31 III I. '11 15 5 -JO 'J Ju e X,I'i:iin« |sl.r,,|t.,. ) (¦'. In U — j X I I I ". R AllTIli'lnaKlnwu s. .'i in V.". 12 S A 15 10 IS } .1l la l l t lu lc K l.i HUN I J 15 ! ii 11 111 31) 7 -j|iMu l l i i iuviu S I I n . ii •;:. HI 53 I 7 < ii ;, n i " la if, , II U 11 .', : 7 .15Wat i -i/onl nrrirot ;l on II .'III I II ' 7 0 I! ;|U , 8 \'/l

.• .N'uli- .'— I Ii I, il 1,'iaK, in kds urr- isaui-il at nil il,c KilXcmnJil i l ' ln. i i KI n.nliy t|,i, irnm . ( • M ul trains) .

Tn-kils isMinl lor Sun!,: ilo.uncy ire auilablc only (nr tin11- 111 hy «liirh ihiy arc ii« i»uc<t .

l - i ihi jmt Srcuml Class It cluin Tic'*i-lb aro isvuml l.etirr cn an)luo Slalio im iiiailahlc for I lit lalnu ilay ; tliObC isaiail lor aii)•Msi .iiu-i- ncciilinx in II I I I PM , wil l tin a»a.lnblo for return on thiilaj ifter tbe .lin e nl the Ticket I mil tho,o ifvmil liutwtvn \V»tril . inia ii . l Ma i - i n Kilkninir. ir.cliuiu-, an.l Mao Imrouch, i,ilU. ai:.ilal,l a l,,, U I .I I I I lur iwu i!a)i. alter the dale «f Iho Tirkelru.-l iinil Sci;niiil i:!a n, llctnri Titki-t^ Msui-.l nit Satur.lar aitrctuilinhli . un Maiiir.!.i;, .Suiiilar. ,,r Mon.lny i ami llim.g IVMICI Ion .SuH,l» > am ii-tiiinalilu un Sutnljj nr MmiiU y.

I'liinl UHMI Iti- lulu Tiiki-t- issunl at ull Nlatinna l,j TliinlC.a.s run,!., aw.iI. ,Me 1,, ici iun llio haum Jar l .v .oiy 'Iraincm-pi llu .Vails. • 1 >

l lnoutlr iukits , al Ion laii -K, an- i. in-il al Muiil .uii.ut li amiK.ILvi.u), ,i.i Uuliiluitl ami Milt.j in lint- en , to an.l Irulu U111-1 I..D , Doltl , Kid Hil l , Alilurkl.ol . Iti-ailini :, l!a in^luki-. Swin-ilmi , Hiloid , l!iiiiiu,fln,ni , \V,.i« .ilii, II , rifunl. Clielieubam ,In Mol , (J loiicistir , N I »|.TI. Mi -rtliyr , Alit-ribri .- , Danlill , I.ealli ,l»vr«nn», Jjauclly, CaiinarlliL 'D, ami Uai man lien JunUinn . anil^tw .tlllrorll.

IV , W i r 1 I A K S S.clilirrr.

\ V A I I:I;KOI;D AND LIMKUICK K A I L W A V .f/;i 2'ratus / rum H 'tilcr/ ord.

T K A I K S Off 1VH.K IIAVR. s'|»Viv.nn:i..Kii I i *•* *J ' 1 5 C* M

in ' - * 3 '*" l f c - '.-• 1* 'J I 4 S I 2 4 ."" • CI.IMI.|CI II .S«. Clam. t;iak f. Cla... ClaHH . i:i a«,

*•"• _ *•"• *:"• I'--1". ' r.M . I- .M . |.M .h in ! ii m h in Ii' m" |i m h in ii' ni

tt a i c i fonl... 1I1 11 . :. 15 ... n in 11 43 ' 2 1.1 K B.', p •,-,i:loiinn. i ; i ... 111 .;, l^ <:,

1 \n ri yv .nl i l ' lt . a i ) .- .'1 0 W ill — I :,n A il M 4I , 11 tuliun- litiii nnrl H *,'i, I I II ... -.. in A I'll |1 ',5 |) ;,I^.II K H, r \rnl I 3n \ 1 35 x |;, | .t „ 2 nl lcn l . ls ...ti l nf i l \ 1 5 [ ... ... .', 1i» u 40 4

/,linhiin <!'

¦/' '

, ... . :i U ... In :jn . I 1. 745 7 4:,;oii- 1 I- :n •: I:. 111 t m tIn i . i i i . , s .I 1' :¦! I- J ... ¦: 2S A ir. |-J • 3 |a";|L.111111H :> :.n 1 15 : ... :i 1:, , ii 4i . 1 nn 1 .a-

I) nvn Trains from J.imiri v'l.TK A I M . O.S- M I R K I . A t K . .S'l iy .

, , „ , ? „ « I •! . 3' 1 ¦>' 5 l,» j.

,„„,,„„.„. i-M ; i ii f c i u : ,U : 1 - j . i na i ajt a'.Mi ,. ... Uia» .s. Clans CI UN. . CiasK l.'lnv .. i:|ala

».>l . * H . A . M . j r . M . , r.M. r.M, P.M .I I 10 ll III ll •" ll III ' ll ra h III Ii in

I.njn. rick >t ij - '. n 7 11 11 )n 1 -jn , 4 u III .Tl 111 411J iun: l iul i . .n ir i l i i l 7 !. , >¦ I;, I? Il l "J Wll 5 15 I I ,V, n s.¦o .« ...- in u t M '.' 11 -1 :r, ' H IA a :i 2 , ... 1 ;, I X, I .-, 4" ' !> 411 1 5 4 A''""1- - ¦"!¦ ¦¦¦ - ¦> " | ... I II . 7 15 7 4A'•¦•'••> ! ' • " '¦ " ' ... a 45 .in i: in i,¦'<""¦'" „ 7 IA :¦ !-j V I I I ... . :, :i; \ > »:; |2 -i.\T'l'lil...)- 7 .01 il 4'i IJ :if. I ... :, .|f, UAH 1-2 511'-iiniiin-i s 1.", ... ; :c, j ^ y i-,.-, . ., o(| ., .,„w l.'i.i.. unri 111 in , ... \ :j:. ' '" . H ii ii J:, ", 1-,

.MnilTiaina matkij will, an aMeri.k .I H > , I i i» i n»s>. M UK I I - 'l icki- i , n.r,.i : >.- I O I ,. I .1.,. n I -, I

I Inni ,:(l |i.s.i , i . IC ci i i in l- iut C I I I I I - . V I K in] ; .-cmml i ln. His c<_________

J ' ' ' •'""¦"'¦'• i SMrular).

\YAT|- :i;l-'OKD A N D T K A M O K K K A I L W A Y .H , l k l l t lj , T i n i n s .

,,„.„ ' - :' I •'. 0 7 :i :i:i m .1 111 p 111 p 111 p 111 p 111 p 111 p m p 111l> in Ii i» Ii 111 Ii 111 ll 111 Ii m Ii JII li 'in )i •„ U l| II 1-j |i - -J II 4 0 ;, 31; - .,,t ., „

T'ui'i :. 1;. 'i i :;n 1 1.-, :i 1, 4 u .(, n H '„ ,, ,>,„ "]

Sj ut 't 'ty Trains.,„.,„ ' - :: ' •'¦ '• " » !'

' " P in p 111 |- 111 n 111 p in p in p in" ¦" h u. Ii in li HI Ii 111 Ii in Ii n, |i II . |, ni

"• •nil •- n 11 15 i-j I.-, 1 :m -j ;|ii 1 :>j A :in i; jg n nroom. il l.'. I I I:, I ! I , ¦; 0 I II 5 II N; I u 0 •., t!,

• M a i l trains I i . ,\. H A K E K , SI rrctarj.


bo QL 'AY, nii il (WitT of CONDUIT LANK ,WA TKUh Vlll) .

\V I JJ 1V

1 A .M. J ' C ) W K Klii.'t's U'spccll'iilly lo iiiliinalii to liia Fiiondu mid

I'nblic ".euerally, that lie lias

NO W (H ' K N , the nl iiivi- KTOKKS , wbt-re hoI iy strict ul ti nt ii.ri t ( , ImsinusK , anil kcopiug

HIM very HKST W I N K S nml SJ'IHITS, to mtriL 11sliir.i! of ]Kittonn^c.

llni M'KKKI 'K KS will liinl il Ilicii- iitlurunl tu |i:ilnm-isn tin.1 ii l iuvrn btnlilislimciit.

Ifvj*." I'lrirdiliiiiii vc thci aililrcss :No. Hi TJIK QUA Y,

(I .Wi..-r <./ !.'»»'(111'< l.'i i '- J ,I ~ H WA TEliVOllI) .

HATS ! HATS ! HATS !KTSBh (uJ5J"iV 'iiin/nr(»ii.' fVniijni.s-1-).

JsnVlV I , LITTLK (JKOKCK 'S STKKKT ,P _ ** X WATKKI -'Oltl) .Q )*ll:il:i Huuglil in Ihi.s Kstuliliuliiiiciil , DHISH KU

I'KKI : H I Ci iAi i i i K .


W E I R ' S 55s. SEWING MACHINE.5WIP /"loXiSi sTiNi ; ni' .). <;,

.'Rr /< V. . ' W.'rf J ' ATJ .NT I M K I I M I :-PHEW M I 1 M A I . TKMill lJ I ( I IM i lt l a l l l l i llf[|y _ jl]ffVir~Jlnlt' . 1: ', nr -prii l i i ) , D I I . K A Tflfei^KJSSiMnil S p l K A L ( i k A l l . S4I - KTV H TI ' ICIITj* frxSil H i i ' U L A l o i : , I.ill u i iVKI i Nn ilia

* HLi ^-M '^

"Wf f l si . inK . l^n.iMi H ULKS , inni othir^>HJJRi vyp/ sp^cialilii H, ii'ii ileruiK Ihis nhl-

Mmhin i- Ho- Miiip !r.l ami IIIOI -I pi l l . i l ol all »y *ll'm<< . Tln- .ci;ilu.l .l. In . p lov i mint , ran I i ' app lnil In all W nl l i 'll Tin'.M.i, I n n . - , i i i_ l l l l l ac 'ur< i l Hl. i l i.ul.1 by hull 1I111111 K li.ali)'

C A I'IM.N . -Mill- in, M a l h l l n ' s a i i l tn lip on the n.nncpi in-

i ip h- ii. W' I I K 'K . >>* ' an- k'< ni' unless Mam|i.-.l w i t h

lh>' lu l l Name anil A.I I I K I I -, ami h a t i n c ill .- 1 in,I , - Mark

japai imi l on t l . r - wo ik -p l .i i i . W o i kih y hai. i lur l i-nl. I'my.-a is ' ?'uaiant i i-. / I l i i s l i a t r t l l*/".-i'i i.t'js anil Nine I'alt . rn»

I.l Wo.l. | 1 1 1 . . lllj il .l) *

. lymts—Mrs. !s(iin A-. Co., 11^ (}u ny , Wati-rforil.T. ( 1 . II I I H K I ., IiiiimuinKnr, C'arrick.oti-Stiir.


AFKK i SlI AiSSDHTMENT of tlic followinj;

1'nparation.s I I .IT - )usl hi- iii n-crivcil at Till- N'HWB

Olliic, Kinn-stiTCI , WalPitnnl , frnm Courm.i.K , D K llcmaA CIJ ., Liituiirii :-(iutl;c Yilr , or Vi's.-iaUlu Lilc 1> I I I |I », thogreat n-iui'il y lor Ni-rvom.iii fw , Ai- .

Dr. DB K IXJS' Ciinipnuuil Krunl l'ill> , for l'ains in Hinhack , Kravi^l , rlu-uniatisin , iMiut , iVr. J'nco I t . \\{\. lo 33*pur hux. Sri' advi-rti .rincnl i-tsriihrm for pait icul o rK .

Dr. D K Jtuos ' Vc.- i luble ; 1'ill n, lur nt;ulatiii|; thestomach ami i:li'»nnnx tlm IWoml .

M H ,I.. IIH - •J O U P K L I .M'B Hair Urnioiini; KluiJ , whirh haslipen loiiml H'omli'rliill .v <Ilicaciini ii in luinuinK Ihc hair lolUiiriKl l inl color; also , COL'1'BI. I- B'S Hair Dtu

IIALt 'J 'KNNY l'OSTAOE CAIIDS.All descriptions of Printing on such Cards

gSg}" iivtufiit al TUB WiiEKroKD N EWS 0§lcc.


SPARKLING , REFRESHING , NOURISHING , AND ECONOMICAri , to bo hivl of tho princi palItutailurd. Obaorro Trailo Murku , ii« uilior briinds aro froquoQlly mibatitutu il.

Breweries—Edinburgh. Established 1749. Waterford Stores—81, Custom-Housc,duay. Dublin—7, lower Abbey-street and Sackville .Place. Belfast—5, Glo'ater-street. Cork—Merchant's Quay. Limerick—12, Brunswick-street. Drogheda—30,Wcst-strcct. London—Belvedere Road, S.E, Liverpool—51, South John-street.

WALTER O'DONNELL ' & CO.,47 , QUA Y, WA TERFORD (Opposit e Iho Market House),


On M O N D A Y N E X T , and following Days,SHOW TU I'M lt




X.H.— W A N T E D a YODNU LADY of oxpcriciico to liikn cliargn ul' llio SHAWLS mill MANTI.KS ; al-rc,ospuriuncc'il KALKijJI KN lot- tlio KJJIHOXS , LACKS , J I D S I K H V , JIA-EJ.UASHIiRY , WOOLLKXS uudUIIKSSKS ; also, ti V0HEMAN CUTJvEK.

Apprentic es ( required—YOUTHS ¦'¦"' H U I L X . .I /'J 1':' imm cdiaU -hj . julS-Gm

M, POWEHEESl'ECTKULLY announce tlio l.durii or thcii

wliuro ho has ncuurcil




D R E S S D E P A R T M E N T .I'll: YAI :H.

Sli-i pt'd Tasscws . :t.\i l . worlli (I J i li'luiti CI'nllirK mid (inmitu Toplins fr,'il . ., N J i lLeno Jluliairs mill til.m' Lil.'t n s ( !'.<!. ,, i l '.iJlul iairs ni i i l' Lu.'t n s ( i iil . „ ! ll . l . Lymrs Jilm-k Si lk . . . Us . Il i i l . „ -1«. ti l l .


I' KH YA I :KHurdeiTil Twist Trowscrin^n l!s. III. wuiili Us. ( IllDo. in Snipes mid Checks ... _s. l i d . „ :i«. l lil

S H A W L D E P A R T M E N T .llcuvy Tasnianian Scpiiircis •>. lid. wot tl i ."s. r.icli . Jilack (.'atilmirri; Lungs . . I.-- . (!il. worth I 'm. M. each(Jui'r.iislutnl „ l«. (III. „ I!.-.', rauli I'aislry Sipmrcs... ... l ib . lid. ,, 1 Is. lid. eacliOtluuiaii Slri pi'S !• •>. 11< | . ,, S:i. racli |

D R A P E R Y DI 'l K V A I t l ' .

White Calicoi'K :iVI. :ij.l. ,t :i,'il. wcirt li -Id li.l fc r,il.Univt 'iBHis . . . ;t ,'d. iV. - i j i i . ,, .*ni .v. ."ii i i .'.). •!¦ Whin- Slicctiiij; I K. Old. ., hi . -Id .Liuvii Tuwols . lid. „ .l id.

H A T A N D C A PU2 du /.eit Mcn 'b Kelt Hats Is. I K I . each, wurth _s. (til ,¦I I ,, „ Is . (id. „ ."S. HI .

il.'l ,. „ -S. (I I I . „ ¦] . ¦> . I III .

¦17 „ „ -s. lid. ,. -Is. lid.65 „ ,, '.is. (Id. ,, us. (Id.

tiff HOSIERY und (iLOVES , TIES , SII1HT.S, COLLARS , UKACES , liELTS , l'UKSEH , Ac ,in yioat vuricty, aud Mlii'li U KI .OW K W M I .AK I' IIICKS .






The lic.<l M A N I S U K in l l , e M . i A . I ¦-.„;;• w r..e i .V,,/ . ,S../»l./.-.

A L S O , G E N U I N E L K O P O L D S H A I L K A I N I T ." W I! Y i; S K K A I X I T t "

llcriinsu I 'OTASII lonnii an i i i i p ij i l i i i i t Cou.stitUL'tit of .'ill tlio CHOI'S , l l iu Aslit.-i of which , on anaverage, ccnlaiu fully :):| per CVn(. of I'm \MI.

Il ir.niM' ( i . I. . K. (a l i i i lural , Ullii l i i l i l lfaciuic i l H u l l ) is (lie only .11 A -V IJ li K tvliicli contain:,' .-( (argc(luatit i ty ol' J'OTASII in an :ivnil:ii h\ /. •¦., in a Milnblo I'onn.

liccanw: it is :i C I K K O I - I 'I I K V K . V H \ K a^aiiist W I K E W O I t M , M l I . I IK W , nml L I M P N E S S ( I ' STKAWin Cereals j CIKli l iS amuiigst Swedes, Mangolds, H e ; CLOVER SICKNESS and the.

l 'O T A T 0 E I I I J J K A S E.Ig&r KAINIT is particularly lii.-nclicinl on LIGHT or .MIXED SOILS.

For S.'imiilrK , Hi.'purls , and full particulars, apply loW l ) , 1 , 1 A M H O S E , M A N U K E D E P OT , W A T E U 1' O H I ) .


IV, Tuns f iU l 'U l l l ' I IOM'HA TE, Tim 'finis K A I N I T , i ',- <r,hij , : IU I - 1 , .>,U T, ro- Cad. «./ /„• ( ¦„.,/ ,.


AW A H D E D tliollo.vnuRAiii.K TIIK lii ^li SuciK'u 's I'llK (i i;i . \K.\ C'liAi . i .KM.K Cur for Uust C'olleclioiiol' ltnp luineutsi suited for Ireland , Manufactured by Exhibitors.


i§ ____ te ai?*** !S_ P ^^^a^gJ^s

In bring iiiK out this Miieliim.', rqitaitrd trials and fxpi'rimentri were niiulu, mill it, \va3 proved to bo

thorouglily cfllcient in its operation. Every i.nt .Knlciu t ioii » a» ^ivi.'ii to render it. li ylit and cany m

Work. Tlio (|uautity of Corn it, wil l Tlmmli , Iho elran ami pi'ilcel. manner in which it performs ild

work , iind tlio j-reat denmud which follow* ove ry olio that is . si . 'it. oitl , justify us in reconiti-iidinu(ho Hiinp lest, chcapcat , must, coinjiact , and perfect wording .Machinu urn' inaclc.

Thin little Mauliino will , with ordinary ptoduelivi: Coin , Tliriisli about 110 liarroln ]ier day jvilli perfect

ease. If J" H can be worked with an ordinary ('Inn nin^' Ci eui*.

PRICE , . . . £10 I OH. 1'I.ICE , with l'uny Clear eoinp lnlo, . . . .CIS.

Agent in Waterford-WILLIAM ROSE, 5 and 6 LITTLE GEORGE'S STREET.

M-s-I^-i^l-r-l-^i-g-l^rM-M-:-! -:-!::-:-»-r^-'i-:::-:':-:-i-<::r-:-;-:-i ::-"i ••:


66, QUAY.

IT, *zsm%sizj =

_i!li5--i^-_l; ^. ^at: .:, - ^


mM ~mm j mmmx:ZWMVb:\!!i_i-i-l___1





1'EII YATIi.Plain Jirps and Popl i n s !l 4

;d. worth Is.

l'Vc iii rli Merinos. la 7 M A l u l l Ji i „ _s ;id .t L'.s lid

D E P A R T M E N T .I'i:u YillM.

Id. Do. I 'anev Silk Sdipeu , ouiid A lslid worlh l/i lid & OsId. lilack Cliit lm list. l id. „ us.

D E P A R T M E N T .I'KK ^ .Mill.

il. Prititi'd (.'iilicoi':: (I'.ist ci.l.n s) -Ijd. wiirth (iiiI l i i l l i a m .-i . . . . ... li :;d. „ Ni!J V i n l i d Mn I I . I .I (i;.l. „ 80

IP D E P A R T M E N T .d. I I I dnzi:n Hoys' Stra w IIal:i lOJ d. each,wonh Is. Idil. I .". „ „ Is. _ id. „ la. HiI. 7 M'-'ti 'ii Tii::caii_ . . . _s. (id. „ :J _. fid

¦1. :il- Cloth Caps 3d. „ M

i+l+W+I-Vj .+!4_hl*L+l*fflS

°Q25n <



to llio Ml l .LINKK V UUll DtESSMAKINO lit Mil.UBOTUIIHS, 118 Quuy. jo27.U

H O T E L SM I L F O R D H A V E N .

THE SOUTH WALES HOTEL,ADJOINING the Terminus of the South. Wales

Railway Company at New Jlilford, and theLanding Stage of tlic Waterford Royal Hail Packets.

The Public; aro respectfully informed, that the aboveextensivo Establishment is replete with ovcry accom-modation. Cofl'ee, Commercial, and Sitting Hooms ;Milliard and Smoking Rooms. Tlio Kootns nru largolofty, und airy, beautifully decorated, elejjHiitl y fur-nished, ami aro otherwise fitted up with every regardto comfort and convenience.

This Hotel ia situated on the banks of tho far-famed Mil fuid Haven , and command / a most exten-sive view of Her Majesty's Dockyard, and of theromantic aud picturesque Scenerv of tho neighbour-liood.

Visitors, Tuiirists, Commercial Gentlemen, andFamilies will liud tLis Establishment, for situationand comfort, combined with Moderate Charges, Bar.p;;ssod by no other iu tho Principality.

\£2&° Hot , Cold, and Shower Hatlis.All communications :-liouId bo addressed lo

(jy23-tf.) .1. U'UETTCN, JIana-;er.

D U B L I N .Tlio European Hotel, Bolton Street,

fjnil K EUHOPEAN is the largest , the best situate,JL and the most comfortable Iloirl in the Cily. Allmodern improvements hovc L'' :u rcc-cntly introduced,and tl«! rntire House papered , painted, and decorated.

Twenty Suites of Apartments for Families. Draw-ing Hooms from ".=. 'id- lo ii*. Sitting Hooms on theground, lloor free of eliaiyc.

l£ivi" Soup, Fish , Joints , Fowl , and Entice in Coffeeltoom and ltc^tanntnl , front Two to .Seven o'Clockilailv. Ued, incliuiili'-' Si'fvatils , _s. (3d., 2s.and Is. Cd.

[nil il-tfj ' J. , Proprietor.

JJ U IJ Ii 1 N .Commercial _ Private Lodging House

¦I 'J M A I I L I I O I I O U O U S T H E K T .PAUT.1KS Visiting Dublin can be accommodated ,

with or or without Hoard, and all tlic comfort!of a Injun*, un Moderali ; Terms. [o'25-tfj

tfV." 'Situation central , close to Sackville-streU.


WA LTER IJAXLON, Pnoi -uiKTCJ i ,BEC1S lo inform hia Commercial friends aud the

public ¦generally, that he has just made largeadditions aud improvements iu his Hotel , aud trustsby strict attention to business, to merit that, kind pa.nonage wh ieli they have h i iherto so I iberally bestowed.

Tin! 1'os'rixii ]\.si.uiLisii.MK.vr conducted as hereto-I'urr , and Omnibuses,aa .isual , attend all tho Trains.

Kilkenny, .March S, LS7X [mlilO-if]


ri^lUS is a Cent ral and Comfortable Hotel , in whieliJL everything can be had o- the most moderateterms.

If/}J" Host Uiibliii and Wexford Spirits; also linindicaWines, 1'iirler, Ale , f ee . (aulu-tf.)

Ij i" Cars mi Hire at the RUortest notice.


MAURICE WALSH bi-gs to acquaint the Nobility,Uenlry, and Tourists that Iho above

Hole) , the Proprietorshi p of which lias been eon-frncd on him by llie .Most Noble the Marquis ofWaterford , nUord.-i all the sicconiniodatiou tliat maybe required at the Seaside, and that he will use hisbest endeavours to sccuro comfort and satisfaction,combined with wodcrutc charges, lo all who maykindl y patronise bis Hotel. First-class IJV E11V(STAKIiKri and CARS, Ac, at this Shortest Notice.

If-ii" A well-appointed U .MNII tUS runs dail y fromDtiumore to Walerford iu connection with tho Hotel.

Uiimnoro East , .lulv I , 1*7:1. (jl-t-Uni)

T It A M U I'L E .

The Great Hotel, Tramorc , County Waterford,Jli - l. -nr-J //•.!.! I I ".'!.-,/",-./ Irj liHil—ikaii M H v .<.

aillE M A X A C I E I ! of the W A T K I I I O I I I I COI . NTV andC ITY Ci.rii having Purchased the oid-estub-

l ishedaud reall y lint!hotel , Ijr-gn to.-ipprisi.'tho Xoliililya/nJ l.'enlrv yf llii: ailja pt'.jt Counties, that it is nown-p leto wi th every n qliisite for the comfort ofVi.-.hors at this far-lamed liaihing resort. 11 containsr,n Hedrooms. Large Ha ll Kooni.M-vera l Silling Hooms;md IJiiiin g Jioomy , Spacious Coll'ee liooin , iiilliardund ¦Smuking Rooms, Ac , Ac.

Special all'.rtiou wil l be devoted to tiie Wines andSpirits, and tin? Kiieln n will bo under tlm manage-ment uf a IV .-neh Cook.

Horses, Carriages, faiv , «tc , and Pimi!l!iiiiis on tho>hoile.-.t notice.

liall.s, Wedding /'..;• ¦» ..¦ .> , and all large entertain-ments supplied on lliu most libera l terms, aud in thebest style. JAMES 11EAKNE,

Manager, Walt'rford Ciub, Proprietor ,l.alr Me.-.tin.isler , Mllh ltegiiiiunl , and Caterer to

(Jariisou Assembly Jlu.ll - at Aldersliot Club House.June , Is7il. '


If Unit. I'.viii ! rt ' -.m'/ i vt. f -''iri-c;nV)iOt', and i'.:u;..-» ''/,T u V T II r.


E»5" I.L 'NCHICONS reudy at all times. (jy ll


TJ1E K K A H V A N D J (-M A I I L K K K )I K I I V .—AniiL -t ;w i t h t ln > PoWuifui nnti i lut u to ilisi-asi1, erny III :I :I

his own l.un'ly i»liy.-ici;ui. 'I Im fusl H">|.ital Mnneull*aJ lint i ts un|iiir.i ik'li- il mul lit- :i l i i iK virtui- f. Futuu-a tio-fi- iunn-nt-i M.tcli .iti i ts u>c in tl.t-iv u;iral -iihl mil ita ryKcrviK-^ , anil uip i ikini l thruu _ liout lln.. wotld irpi»t->. tin:utuio-l iruiitidi-iicu iu its curative propmti^s.

Ciol- T, KuiiUMATI.-M , AM ' DlloVlV. —TliC.-u Ore aillollj;ll iu UU.-.1 tciviblu ami »[;ui.-i>iu^ diteusm to which I lie liuumnframo is bulijcct ; yet in tlirir \vur*t fcrtns , J.II. 1 ivlieu st'L-m-

ing ly iiiL-uiublc, Ibey ihstippcar unJer H puisevotiiiK applica-tion of tU ib sontbiui; anU pmverful Oint tDiut , it t>trict. i iu-titiuti be paid tu tin: printcvl instructiou wrapped ruuinleach put.

Soiti: TIIKOAT , I'ii'rni:iu.i, Ij, SI UMPS, A SD ALL

O K C A K C i K - K N I S Ot I I I K C'UEST AND TlIBAT.— If , OU till':ip|ii:.uaua: of i.ny ut I I I LM L* d>.-ra-es, tlio Oilitinmt be well

ruubt'il , ut least llncu tituw a day, upon the ntck und upperp:u t ot the cliif.t , MI :n lo pouetratc to tlio gljuds— the

wnnt t;iM-j wi l l yieM in" u cooipaiativelv sliort time,

I Mrtici i lmly if l loll uway 's Pills bettten in appropriate du«(S

tn pui i f y tli u uluacl .liA U LKGS , P,A1) liRl lASIS , UlCEBOUS SOhnj, ASH Ol.i

WouKUi.— -Many tl ioinamlfl of martyrs from llie above

cuuipliiiut.s liavo fouml life almost insopiMrlabln ; but in

l lol low iiy 's Ointuii i i t Le bri=kl jr and plcnti lnlly rubl icd iqion

uml around the parts al lctid , it will quickly penetrate tutl iu SUUILO ol the evil ; case nwy be sul t-ly RUntniit rcd , an' driteu from llio syktetn . Nothing can he ILOIU

»ico].lc or eatir tbnu ibe iDaDiiur in which it i» upplinluotl iing more (military than its action on I be body, bothlocall y ana couulilutioually.


UESI'BIIATI: JIAV DE UADICALLY CttiED. —^edd beads,i tch, bluichcs on tho skin , scrofulous sores, king's eril , an ilsuch l ike ndicuuiis , yi clil I D the migbty power of tbi « fin i!

Oilltuu-iit , proviJcl it be well rubbed ii rouiul tbe atfectiul

puts iir I b i f u times n day, and ite Pills li- taken

accorilill^ to tbr |.iiuteit ibrei:lious.

A CK I I T A I .N C'f U K roil P I LL S ASII FII TILAS.— Tbou-

satnls nl |iuiMjni SU I H-T cxciuci.iliu ,; a^onr lot yearn iiom

llii'-B l i ' iulul i-uii..i.l :iiuls tlirouch liilse urlicary. Anyone >i.

iiiilii'iiii^ should al utitc purcb.isu .1 Pol ol

Hollowuy '*Uiiitiin.-nl , u-iiil tin- Jirii t i i .n-1 accon.|iany i: , art upon

lli i'iu In thu l i l lrr, and he w ill , witlionl d lliftilly, mtrcml ill

jolittr.i l iu,' ui-ery viatigc uf Ibc.-u liam>.-iii^ cmiiplaiulr.

Uutli t l ic Uint iMuts miii l ' i lls should he usal in the ful lu t c -ing Cump lti ints.

HJ .1 I, IV < CuriK Idull) Sca'.ihdid iiuHsl s Kiiliilai him: TliruatsIJurus t-iuul - Sktil lli-iCii»»DuniuiiH lilaiululiir jwciliujs SiuivyCIII ILI HU ,, I.UIIIU.ICI) Ura.NCliappiil ll.uul . 1M.» TurnoutsCunlracUd ami :Still itluuilMti -iiu Ulcers

Juintt Sim; Ni pples Wuun l.-iThe (Jilitn lillt auJ Pills ait «,ld at Prufi-ssor H OLXUWA y's

Estiiblislnneiit , 5'£l , Oitutd-,tu-et , Luiuluu ; uUo by ueurluvury le^pi-ctablu Vi:iiJu t nl .Mediciiu' tbroa^bnut llieCivilized Wi.ild, iu l'ut> ,-i.d i!uxi>, nt 13. ljil., 2s. OJ.,J- . liJ., 1b. -J-J'., ami l i J t . ivtcli. Thu hin.ilUtt Pol of Unit-incut contains one ounce ; ami Hit* atuallot llux uf i'lllsfour du/en.

full punted dirvclinlii are afllxed tu o.icb Put an.l ISux ,und can be bad in nuy l.tu^uii^e , ewu HE Tuikis'j , ArHbtt* ,Armenian , Pcisiau , ut Cbtne-r.

NERVOUS DKblLilT Y, nud ull NKHVOUSAl'"KKi;TIONS , wlielliir the result uttarly enorsor

otherwise , lire by very simple und im.'ipi'hsive mtaus quicklycureil in both Krancc aud lurioany. Tim adu-rlnur it l ist-dent in tbii country, wi l l hi' happy to send free to nil appli-cants lull pjilicubtrii of thr mude ol trentnii'U l tbcip adopti'il ,on receipt of a directed envelupe. AH persuiis limy cure ttipin-solves, -iiiil tbus uol run thu risk ot beiui; viciiuiiM ^d. AilJreni.Moon. A. 1J UV_ L, 13, Newuiarket- striet UinuiugbiiD.

HEALTH A N D MANI.Y VIGOK. —A Meiliailman cfSO yi'iirs' espeneuco iu the treatment ol NEKVUUS DE-BILITY , Spcroiatorrliu; mi.) other uftVctioiH which aw ottcutcqoired in enrly life, and unlit sutTen-rs tor marriage nndother social ilulu-j , ba9 nubliabcd A Ifwk Riviiw the fullbenefit ot bis lunc txpcrieucc gratis , u nil plain uirectioostor tbo recovery of Ilcidth uiul >ilreiietb. A single copyaunt ta Huy aiblreivi un ' njol ut One St,mip. Addr«sa to thoSecretary, lustilutu uf Aiiutouiy, Uiruaiugbam fjl- ly ]


On Sale at The New* Office ,With tlm Hecointnondanon of the JSishop of Waterford rnd

Lijuiorc.tbe Right Rev. Dr.O BKIJB

A Catechism for the Instrnction of ChildrenIIV TIIE

MOST Her. Ur. JAMES BUTr-EH A r«:hl.isbopof Cashcl and Kmly.

Printed on Good Paper, und in large clea r TypeKKCOSI.M KNI1ATIO N :

" I approve of this Edition of the Ri lit Hev. Dr.J A M K S DirtLKii 's Catechism, and recommend it to tboFaithful of thr.-e Dioceses.

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and directed to C. KKII.VII .VH , Printer and PublisherWalcrjor.l. Xe»- * Ollice, iy Kin^-strucl , promptly -ttended to. 'I'he Trade supplied un moderate terms

ilny bo bad Retail from every Catholic -ookscllein tlic Diocese.

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tf r CKU - KKT (.'IIMI - .« I-:S. lutli:. anil C'olnnial Oi i t l i t s

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Clarke's World Famed Blood Mixture ,FOK C'MvAN.SINi; and CIJiAillNG Hie l iMJOU irmo

ALL I M l ' U U I T I K S , wlictlii r r ari<iuu- I'mm yuutbfu lindiscretion or any other ciusr, caiitinl bo tno hiubly rttuin-mcniicd. It nir.:s Ulil S.iirs ; i:nri> Ulrnratcd Aires in llieNock ; Ulct-r-itril riorp Lc^s : Bl.iekhe;ids i.r I'iuipb-s unKacc, Scurvy ^ITS ; Cancttoni I.'lccvs ; lilnoil and ^kin Dis.eases ; (il iii.dulai - dwelling* , and rlc.irs llic lilooil hum allItnpuic Alait.T , Ironi wb.i levcr cr.iive ari^inir.

As Ibis i i i iMu ie is plon'.uit tothctastr , and warranti .d tnufrom mercury —wliicli alt ) iiils and most nnJn iiius sold furtbe aiiove iH'.'.i^is cnutain—thi^ Proprietor solicits &ulfi:cmEo give- it a t i i a l to ti fit it < value.

TllOUSAM ja OF Tl . t niMONIAI. S VHOll ALL I 'Ar.l s .Soid iii l iot tles 'J-. .'id. rach , ami iu Ca?i*.c, coutaimn/ G

lioltl -s , Us. each , sufficient tn i:Ili-ct a pmnaiu-nl lan e iuluiig-s '.andins rases, hy all Chemists and Patent Mcdicim-Vendors ; or sent to any address on receipt of 27 or ] 3-itAiiips , V«y

y . J. (.'LARKIC , Chemist , Hi'h-strccl , Lincoli i.WUOLE3ALK AGKSI3:

ISurclay & -Sm.", l.onilon . .mil nil Hie Wholesale Hou^

Just l'uUisbcil rfor Two Stamps.TO TIIK NERVOUS AND DEUIIATATED.

I' Ibe New Publication , by Dr. J. A. II A RX E S , M.U.(U.S.), entitled

"VTEKV0U.S JJEJJJL1TY, or Woitusof WARN -JJK I N G — A Trrritise on t l iu Cause*, Synip'nnc s, andTreatment i)f N K I I V O U .-NP..-!* ami KXIIA U»TKII V ITA LITY .

The Author hns for years givrn his delusive :it trillion tolli c in out "f Nrrvuus Ucbility, IMpnl.'tl ;mil Physical[Ji*|in-s»ion t ['.il pilntioii ut t tie IJ cart , Noise* in thu Heart;uitl , Ititlcci- iun , Impaired Si^lit and Memory, Indi ges-t i on , 1'ro^tn iti'in , L.ivitndi', lA'pr cssion of Spin tj., Lo»s otEiM' i-y und A ppi-tile, l lai:i> in llie J!jtk :ind Liinhs , Titni-tlity, _ uH-I>istrust , iJizzinns- , Love of Solitutlt', Lirouuiilca .sKc;us, and many otlur ail inetitF , wliicli , t( urgl-clvd , briiij?I In* >uflVrcrs to an early death. This valuable Work , whichh;ts I'ceu trul y called " \S'oi;i), ov WA B S IN O /'U illurttrateilwith Cases at.i) Tfslmionial^, and not only gives thu cau-chut ll i« ineaiih ut cur..-. Hundreds ot c;ise« , thought bope -lir-is. li!iv«* bfi .Mi i'> ii irr d to perfect health and ri ({our after allother men (is liri'J t .r iht) . 'lo THE .MAII I.U:]> A S I > SI .VOXI;llit* bnuk i^ iuv.ihmMp. b'rnt jiost Irrr , im rrempt ct iwu

h'iiiniis, or I'V Icltt'r post , thtei; >f;unp<«.IiJI'UKTA.NT TO C0L"5TRY TA TIKNT?. — D». i t A R N K M

may he coiiMiltcd por>ou*ill>v "r l>y letter, in nil private amicoulidutilial c.i?t> ; and for tho benefit ot Nervous ctifl.nT .who cannot vUit him, he will , on receiving » d.ycii ptiun mtheir cu-f. iruclositi K a nt a coped envelope for reply, hmcudy tugivu his tipiuii .u uy.uu the naluieul the case, thu nnaci-pies of triMtiM-nt tie t'i-ssary In t ITw.l _, petlcct cure.

HIjPAihlii^s Ur. II ABSLS, 1 I.oni-dalc Square , I!;irn.burr .Loiidou . X. [inyJ3.Gro» "

Post Free fo r U Stamps, open etuis, or 12 Stamp.* in an

TH E iMKDICAIj 'ADVISJ Sl., un prematurecli-ciy ol t l if M's'ivm, und iN f - f t o i- dy le-tloi-itiun ; rbap-

tcr-. on n it a in i:i»f.n).T< , wild llie h'-st tnr.ui* lor tlu-ir i f -OJOV .-I ] ; th« .' iMi-ro-rijpe a-i »i» aid to diagnosis ; .Marriage, itsdisqu.iltticatirnis ; rule* and pn-.-cri ptinns hir vel' -trcatment ,ttc. : illustrati- il with nmii''tuiH r:is_ «t. Uy \)r. Walu-r l)vUoo» , Uol turd Iloiiht1, lloiford Square, London , W.C

DK. DK ROOS' celebrated <J_TT__ Vl'l'yKur l . lKK DKOIS i lur M pi!niiiitnri'li<i > .i ,

KuiissioiH , Iii-jii i li-m-y, -511:1) Ittc.ip;icity, I »«-i,ili lv , Kpilrji-v ,niiil all tlio ^t" iii-i-;i^i ;» lor which .Mi'rrury, S:ir>;ipanll;i , Ar.,nrc tuu iifteii pu-p loyeil by Kng lMi 1'1I > .<ICIUII M to '.he itlticu.t ** eruin uf tho Sulli'rer'a ln- i lt l i .

'flic (iUTlVK VlTiK ;iro thu ro-tilt HI'I O I I K pr.ii:licil in-vcsti|;ntioii of tin* it-int'tlii'.s hc<t :iJ:iptnI tor tho u iliit-aM-;Their rich, ~ti iiiu IIIK , ntniuacliic 'pMlitic . :nnl , abuvu alltlioir cumplrti: rennvn t inn nf the iiercowj svitcm , ri'n'Jv,them iu tvi'iy rixpi 'rl. worth y tlh'ir sisniiiciint t i l l i - . Tin '}

may be t;iki 'ti \Mtluiut liintlrnm'r or n->traiut nl il'ol , iti .and iu this r^prct alsn tl iu .v ui.iy rl^iin prc-iMuim'ncr. ovt ruiunt other a.lvt;rti-i.Hl itinliruu 1-. . liy |irnniutiui; iiisi'stiuu—¦uourinliin^ thi^ i:oiistitutinn—I:IITICI

MII^ without lntl.iuiitigthu tiliiod—bra t-in^ without >lmiul.itiii(; tins iii-rvous systi-ruton violentl y—tht*y stri'ti^lhi-n tli '- ^iim-ra l h.ibit , :ini! ri'stoiathe mtui'.il hi'i '.lhy tom- of tli i - ii i-ivtm- ; auil i-.iu^cnhir libri-s,thu-i culiv.Mlit m an! mvi^niiitrii; liu 'ih Ii-nly nml tnuiil.

Till! l i l .'TM-: ViT/K li.iv..- In—¦¦ parl'ii.-uhrly -tir. es-fuWitli yotilti; [iii'^ li ' who h.tvi ' tilt; :ip(ir-aMuct.' ut oM lice ; u huartp.ili: ami i-:Ulillli:ili-t anil who, h;ivui an ultiT Ji*.ta tc IcrEvery thiu^.al i- inr:iji:ii:it:iMl lur ,-tlllly, liusilii-S or ellinymt'llt .Tliiiu>aiiils "'¦ :!|ipari<nt:y liiipi 'lpsi a-et , g iven xtp by 'hr f a,c u l t) / , h.ivi- I I'.- TI i i iM i iima -nt Iy cmt'd , all'l liavi: Imuii: ^Tntclulevili'iitc ut Iho tart.

I' l-ice -I- . HI.. 11- . 'iml ,";K nl all Clicmis'is , ur Jirrct 011rocvipt 11I i-Mmp- , or |..i-i-.,llii.u uiili - r aililn-i-i 'il to l)r. UoUoos, lliiiiui'.l llniiM', lloll'oril Si|Uaro, I.un.lon . W.C

Sol.l l.y .Mc.M.istiT ,t Co., 121 , I'apel.itn-i-t , Duhliu ; ,Mi ,Wliilr , Ot/ trrrer Olflcc, Uallyoirn I ; -M r. li-iwlt , SouthernChronicle Ulllce, Limerick ; Mr. i'ulsnn Fermanagh Mai lOltici', ICmiU killcii ; or at The litws Ollico, Wato ilnrd .

Paiua in tho Buck , liravel , l.uuilwgo, UlieomrUiiro, CioutFlatulency, Hcailachi-, Xerfousnesa, Debility, Strirture,Ac

DK. DE K O O b 1 COMPOUND RENALPILL S, (m their name lUnul , ur tbc Kidoeyii , iu.

dicate-O, nro cclcbrutvU all over thu world , as tbc safest auilbest ltiiinod y (or the nbovi' ilangerous romphiiiiH , Uiscbargetof any kind, nud JJise.iic or tbc Kidneys, Madder, undUrinary Organs ^'"crnl!}, which, if neglected, frequentlyend in Stone in thi' ittitdder, nnd n lingering, painfol deathKor depiction ol Spirits , Kicitemrut , Incnpacity lor So.ciety, .Study or liusiucs", Lus» of Memory, Wretchedness,Nervousness, and even Insanity itself , when (as is olten thucase) arising from or combined with Urin.liy Disease.', theyare. uin-qualled. Hy tliv ir salutary Action on Bile amiAcidity of tlio Stouiacii , they purifjr Hud promote the Kenalsecretions, thereby pvuvrnt tlnr Innnation nf Stone, and thusestablish lor life the healthy linictions ot all these organs.

Price U. lid., 2i. ltd., 4s. Cd., lls. aud 33s. per box, withfull directions through all chemists. The Genuine bn?o thewords " Walter Un I'.oos, I.onduu," in wliito letters , ou tbuStamp nDiieJ to each lot , by special direction of Her Ma-jestj'V Uonorabli! Cotnmissinners, to protect tbe public fromfraud, nud to imitate wbicb is felony .'ind transportation.

CAUT10X.—Some uupiiuci pled Yenilon when askidfor Ur. ~o Uoos' l'ills, have attempted lo foist other medi-cines or compounds ut their own upon the purchaser, fromwhich they obtain a Urge profit, but which invariably entaildisappointment. Ask lor Us. D K Koos' COMPOUSIJ Kr.tALPILLS, ami do not be persuaded into trying anything else ;but should Mm least difficulty orrur, i-nclnse the amount bypost-ottice order or stamps as abuvn, and they will be sentper return.

Sold by McMas '.er i- Co., 121, CapeHrect , Dublin ; Mr.White, dliscrctr Olliw, lUlly u:i ; Air. ll.l-solt , SouthernChronicle Ollici", Liuii'rirk ; .Mi . Poison, Fermanagh M a i lOllice, Knninkillen ; .Mul at 41) , Kinsr-slrivr , Waterlonl.

DR. DE KOOS' PILUL^E VM.-K, or V K & E-T A B L E I.1FK h/Ll», lire rapidly i-upirsfiliiij ; c.islur-

oil and llu: old-lnshionetl di^iurrrahlL' mrtlicinca lormerly ad-minielcied by the faculty, w hicb , it is now ailmtitcd, ti>ufrequently rmultfil iu a i-iiiifmued Mtiiln ol costivtness. Th-jPilulrcVila;, ou Ihe contrary, de.iusc tin- Ktomach, pur ify thi:sreretions, reuiova li-.ulaclic, indigeition , &c, aiul iuslo.ul ofrenderiog it ueccu-ar}* to bu always ftwallowiug minlicitie, ;ifew doses only, taken occasionally, wil l be loiiml all that isrequired to keep up n linllhy state ol tlic sjstem. Equallyadapted lor all agi'-", it btini; mtrely necessaryto rticulate tliudosu according to the age aud strength ol the patirnl; whilstfor female complaint* they are altogether unlivalled . I' t imIs. lid., 2s. 'Jd., 4s. 0,1., lls., and 33s. pt.r box.

Sold by .McMasli'i ,t Co., Ac.'&c, [as above J, and at TheWaterford Keuj * Oflire.

DOES YOUH HA III FALL OFF, ORTUKN « K K V , ._.¦.? • It -o, use UUSA- IK CUL'-

PKLLE'S CIt lNUTUl A K , notnl all over tbi- uwlil lor H imiraculous propertim, and us the only remedy that can Imdepended ( upon. It is ifUnranteed to prodnce whisker- ,moanUchios , &c, iu a lew weeks, and will lie found emin-ently successful in nourishing ,curling, and boutilying tliubair ; checking preying, strt't iftheninir we.t k Inir, prevent-ing its fiiiliog ofl and restoring it in baldness from whatevercause. Upwards ol loo physicians have recommended it inthe uuraory, lor promoting n fino, healthy brad of h.iir, anilaverting buldoess iu ult*r years. In kuttlcs prico 2s each.

OUS-UVK that a 1G pȣi: pamphlet in inclosed witheach package, which his n red stamp outside beating tlmwords Kosalie Coupelle in white letters ; the word s Coupdlc'aCrinntriar am also moulded in each bottle.

" I wxi> bald nine yraro, bot 1 find ueiv hair coming r./.pidly."—J. llniu'. " Thanks to your stulT, 1 have an tj.cellent moustache and whiskers."—Major llrownc. " I haillost ray hair in patches, hut it has restored i»."—MisaHewitt. " After -U ycai 's baldness, it has acted rairacul-ously. — Ii. Moir. yjo tl \

jSff-Sold at TMB Nswfl Office, WatotforO. '




(If most valualilo HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CAR-KI.UiES . HORSES, COWS, Double and SingleSets of HARNESS (Plated and Brass), Jte.

To br Solil by AUCTION , on TUESDAY , Dth SEPT.,:.t .SXOW-HILL, four milts from Watorford, theontirn v:.hl;.liti>

HOUSEHOLD l-'U H N I T U R B , Ac , contiimcii intho spleuiliil Drawing ami Diuing Rooms, tlio

Saloon , Hall , .Staircase and Corridors , 11 principalKcri-ruom* and Dressing-rooms , Servants ' Apart-incut* , K/telieii , Ac , as follows :

IN THE I)I.\l\ (;-i ;U0M w, ll fa« fimuil—lei (.'I*"* '» 'h .irclntli , Two Ann C'h nr- , K.isy -1 >.. Sul.n. 'IVn lV.liKl.ilSid.' Table*, SidiUuul , «i-l uf ' 'I>l«-cu|>i; T.iblo 15 x 5.•¦aiivp h.ipu- , I'l.ito Hurt is . tuii i i r-. lirnuzt "ml _ GiltKipno ; (.'liiiniu'v, Pin-, ;<ti.l iiuni « Murors ; > piir ofI'atsnt liuby (>U>s Cri uliiKii Lamp- i 1'nmb Waiters ;I'uur Window i'ui l.iins I'ulf? , ainl Vcnrt 'aii Hliml < ; FourM'ts nf I.nrc Cmtaiii" (n iw) . Fulilin.- Screen , Konr-L.'plitrh.ui'ltlior, V'lowpr Stands , Ice St; , patent Wino Siilr ,I '.np.-t , Diojsu cl , Ku|i mill C»Tt«i- ; a LOUR IMincr Servicelit Slow- Omii.i (Unfl ' mill ( i i ' l i , pei l 'i t ; Two LonifDinner S;'tria"i (u .'ihv, il> :im) I m l l ) ; .wine ( f law , PrutlcrIrons , &- Ac.

DRAW lNli -l iOOM-lV " !•: , ¦.::::«llnl .mil llan.l-paiutcdAnn Ch.iir-. ; a .«. i c,l S.\ W.tlmil Chairs , KaniMrool> .itl<rn Luunsir, I 'j lui i It-sli:i; 'i'il (.Vncli .mil 'I'lireo Jws.vChair.-, .. II uphoMiiol in >p|t mli.i i<-p, wuh H UH sets nlWin.low l!a:i i :iii ^> . :iml Connivs lo c i 'i i 'SXnil; Fivo sets i'll..i.:u llaiii iii i^s Circular Oltniiu'.i , Lul r's D.iToiipor> millWuik T..1.1,- in Weliiu! , .i s|i!i-iiil ill l!nld liill-sizul flmpull'lllui-l iimtnl Cabinet , iiinpo.liii.; I arm1 linllaiit l'l:itc.Viiroi, in envoi itucil am! lminsluil xM Iramii ; TwoMiiall NWI I i!itin . ai>il CVuliv Ttibli 1 'o coriispoml : n suprootlnl1ul |oval --liK[i! ,l (Yn: IT table in Wiihiut .oii pillar ami cluw ;l'nv »n.J 'ihHc IV! iv uici), Turn lartfa , Tlnn- v . iy lai£ r l'u'i Uln r n-f. Two laitj e Oval

i;i..<<¦¦¦. ivi.'h liranrlii ":, i.'li. '11'li-i .i-i , l.u-tivs Urge Vases, *-pli mliil l.i.iii> (JuaHM/i-l'lui li anil Kr.uki t (a gctnl; ThtMv i y h.iml'iinr 1'onsulis ; (nil roiupu's Cotlnpo I'iaun inwii 'imt i»;o l- i li:»i-rl.i - s in-irr.:i "Miii ; Mu«ic \Vm;<oii mulMn.-.I. U Him-' Ti:l.!v . U'hitri.N ; >ooic very nice OiltKieuiis , i ipi i ' s intui t f Cui/il , Ar. : liiuvcls Caipet anilI 'uvi'rliilli i i fw . y:!^ -\ : lius .Strr; KtuiU'rnuil Kiicnppiii i i l-lurni', Twi' Ciut i- s .Mmui>, wry b.u:il-uiii c l'olc Scncn,t.ur Oruamtutt , \-c.

f£3J" A'l till' Dr. iuihj -K . o... i'l i in i luri ' is new.;-A LOON—Knur Walnut luiaiil, UncU end ,

libs* SI HM I,'-. W II I III ;: Ii,!:,i,!Tjl.!i' ,in<l Cow (very superior)Loo T.ili'.i', I'isuiril rhrlT' iii-r , Sii Ch.i'rj, Tuo Kasy ilittoanil L'u:, ;<r iii uWaFli, Tuo Kidney Tables , I'lale-glassl i ia l i ' Scmn aii%i Mrr.l , llrr.iiicil l'uurc?, Hookcflse, fet ot'!'ii ii ]'.i lli-, I'L'iiuIiliYr, !':rr ii!;i.-- , nriv LDCP Curi>in'iWii.Juw llaiiirii i ^.-, ', l!ui!--iis Cnpit ai;J COIIT ,l.'.iftu' r.::il V« M'« , K ^ciu: < i! ir , Oiiuiuin '.s anil Fi> , ir.'l> , I'i'le Scrft^, Ai*., &r.

H A LI., ST A I U i .'ASK * COI.L'I L'OKS-Twriiv Jlnlms-«i:v Ih'l (".- .lir. , Tno il.-t |:.ick> and Unil'iilla Staml','l iiui- 1I J ;1 Tal'liv wi l l i n . a . I I ' li'pi , valuaUc I'rcnf Kn-ur.ivu i^> , Y.:\.\ l l .nns . l intt . i - lVirl ia, i oc.i.i anil Wool Mais ,Malt in g , (ii .t iu' ;.i n:>k fr nr.e, L.unj-i , Il- ipatcl le Tab!o, Daw.a-k !r'i-iivii» .iiiii I'ulf . Kmilrr', Iione and Heartli lint ',IScfii rerolnr . l''lr,w . r Si;,i,il- , l!n;sto!« , Stair and I'orriiliirr«n»l« Tovil s ai:il l!i - i!> . lirvcis.r.^ f, Clock s, &c.

I I.r lV:i:i'i| lil'. liKUdM h iml DU KSSIXO-UOOM .'-' ] I] an.' hilly luini v l ' i i t iviil' UmiMc ami 'l'trblo Malion invWiinlio '. a < ; laite N( >is 11 lMaw rrs ; ralimkii.' Stale All-cril'Vrncti .iml lion l.''il r :i:<i!i .<ml II mpuxs; Spring l'alli-a>sra ; >]ilondhl Hair Miitt'a^i'f , Kcatlicr 1 Jcils anilI' ldilitiL', ; several .*u :f,s ot* Walnut Kuruitutc ; J;ama>lil lau ^iucs , a splendid Invalid Math nt-ry Cliair (inoiit T:tlu <ante), Toilris Talihs mil liasin .-Uuds (inarbli' lops), .Iliiho-liany Tiilet T.ibli's, l.atire Toilot and Clicval Gli' se-", li.isin^lamU ni:d W:ir(., (Vucliis . (>tt "in iu« , Kasy Cb iir* , Canrili ltc , Srt'iettiic- , Wr.t.iu- Tali 'e? , llavonporls U "okc>< (>and Shclvi*. II»n:iii; Kacli i ; Lou, Sof.i .t Sido Talilo* ;v .iitMt .le Ki 'iavin^y , Cli i iunry Minors , Commode-,( 'ininli '-r Staul- , Uit l i s of every descri ption , liidcia , TowelII:n!i "< , I'onuVr- biul Kin- Mei 1- , i .'i al Vasiw, Wa 'fr Can- ,T'l'.v.'l Ancr , lirii:si-ls Carpst- , Oirpft Cuvnr , Ki^ lit.d.ivi.'l.uU , I' l ' i -D i 'i , CKi:is, > i v i r a l FoMiPK Scii'ins WmkTH 1.1 I *, KuNtrp- , l *:v:i.i-s l!;>kL '.-, l.inon l'ri'.-M-- , SufaY-W. « .•:.•„ .V. .

^ I:I :YAN :.< - .\;'A !;T.M ::N I S aui i<nciii : . \ luii yFuiii:>ii . .!.

(H i s" l - i ' —A iin,ui;li;iiii liir one ur two llorsus; :iJ lr i t .t fc .'i . l>y Hutl i . i i .V ^

'y:i ::: fJ i . c -J fo i . ---c J'liietot). ill)Iml in'»- ; a C'laiviic". w i t l i Ciicula;- (llass Front ,by HutU 'ii A S(.n , in txcclknt order ; ti irt'ec.-ij »it:d (.'.- crr *;:i:f J l c i .-r.- ; cut' Vo\t , t«*i/

^r.-n-.s oJt l , hy

(iaiuebin!— ind.-t | i umii-ii f.; ; a Wicker VliiElun , wi thpair of Miiall l'ielial.l I'unii- >', and hi;!, of Donli '.o llar-i:c»s ; Ouli-iilc Jaunting Car; Insidi: Car on Springs ;a set of Single Silvcr-mounti. il Harness . i.uly twicewell ; one set of Donblt: Si lvei-niouniiHl Harness ,very good ; one ni t of lira.< <>-ui' d Douliiu Harness ;mio set of I'latcd Sinyle Jlaniess ; two sets of liiass-mounted do.; Ladies' and (iLinli' iuen 's liridli'M anilSadies ; Stable appoimiui .'ntj : llirte capital JlilcliCows ; ivitli a validj i.I in :IM ! mil.door Properlynot enumerated.

<>1;: ¦ t i t ur S.\l.i.. - - l' ir> l |i:.y ;.l I I o'Clurk sbarp,commi.' i ic iu^wi l l i K u i i i i i i i t i - in l ' ih i i : '_ - i i oiu. Urawin^-rdiiin. Suli oi: . ;.iii! i l i i i i ' l!i i l i u i ins. At Tlirec

o'clock .same Day—(.'arri.'^ry. i ! o r > < * . and l'nuies.SiTiiwl IJ.^y.—Ili'i liiiiiin-. . Study. Hall, (.orridor.-1.

^orvalils ' i\ pa rtui« t.t.s :i;.u Kite In I:. Tt 0 Salo willcloai: eacli driy :( t l i \u i/c!tfl< , A diiii.-s-ion to house,(id., wliicli wi l l In; lu l i i iu le i l lo puicliaters. Cataloguest l ir icMlavspirviot ls lo .-air, on iit 'I'lici iciuu to

'THOMAS WALSH & SON . Auctioneers.Tin- Mall , Wati 'ilud. Au ". TJ. 1X1.1.

l l i l 'N T Y K I I . K K X N V .

PBEL1MIWARY NOTICE.rrii K Imiionanm and Cn.-Oftrvrd AUCTION olJ the Knlii i - l!i.i:iiili .:ciil H'. i l .SKHOLl ) FL 'K Nl -

T l l i K , l:t.-i l i . a d i l CAT'l LK i.i.d S1IKKP , CAKHI -ACKS , J' lLini i.NS. hi uble ami Sing le Sets of 11 Alt.NKS . S, F A l iM l .N I I IM l 'LK.MKNTS, Ac , will lakeplaco at NKWTUWN M OU sK , Six Miles liom Water-lord , Tl>iiina>ti/ \vn. llall y liale , smtious on the W.A C. I . l iailwsiy. t hue from (.'allan and one fromKclls , I .II M O N U A Y .i li.- ir. i l , SKITKMliKH , and fol.liiwiii ^' day, by dineliuii of Lieut. -Col. MOLI .AN , Cl!.,win/ Jms lei liix liiiu.-': and is about to reside in Kny luiid.

1' iill ]iarlieillars in lulun: ailvclli > <. tucnta.THOMAS WALSH au.l SON , Auctioneers.

The Mall , Waurfoid, Auir. US, Is7:i. auliU

n:A.MOJii:, C( JL'.\TV WATI :I;J- OI ;) J

DESIRABLE INVESTMENT.TO UK SOLI) , liy direr:ion uf Mr. W. M ASOX , T.C.,

:!ii; IN 'I 'KKKST in tlio l.KASK ol thai cliariniug lj-situateii lieMilenc i'. kumvu ;.s

^KAKIt i l .U , Tl:.\ .MOi:i:—Tin: House juid Cirouud^,O which ciiiutuaiiil a ina^uiliceut view of the Hay,aie in j ierleet order , l!.<: (miner leady for the recep-tiuii ol a Cieiilitman's l amil y, tin ; latter coiuprisiuj ;I'lcahure , l'*iov \tr uud Kiichtrn liatdeti , uit li i'aildock

nud J'ield, in all about three ucrv.i of land, lojjotborwith aiiip lu Siablo accuiniiitjdat ioii. I'uielia.i'.'r ofthe Juluro-sl will liuvi : the option of taking' thoFurniture at a Valuati on. |-'ur Cards to view ,App ly to

.Mr. MASON , •"> <'o .1, ih« Mall , Wuterlo:.! ; or loTHOMA S WALSH .V SON , Auctioneers.

I 'hi! .Mall, Waurioid , .lu!v Jil .i , Is?:;,

T l iA M O I t K , ( O l NTV WATF.Kl (lid).

To be LET or the INTEREST SOLDIn tin: 1IUI..SK , UFFICK M , :mil J JANUS ot

l-'LAI t J.OCIi , U 'K.S'IOUX. T U M I U H K , ad-j ' . ini i i i; tin; lteclory ,

C W l N T A l N IN f ! Hi ^ .- :: . ;i , i i ' Acre:-', he ld underLea.-'-' loi HI y rai- i,t ivjucli :i!/ are yet iinex-

pin . ; , ai l i ' - it... I i i n ! i .I JL7 (I .- . Id. |ii.r annum.Then; i* a vi-ry e imi lortai i l i : l.'olta^'i', -,vith dialedL"» /ll - J ' i >i i . T i -, J J a i n , I' l.i-'m t \ , Coach HoUM.' ai.d Stable ,iVe , I ' l t c t i i l i/H tin: I' l eu.i-i'.-- . A lar^e i- .xpct.diturehan i i L i - i i i l s ' l.eeu uiadi- on tin- Lauds and lj uildiu'' .s)rei.deiin^

it l innicci-saiy to make further outlay ;il \r, nil uhdur (J t a s s , wel l watered , and a. inub thralthfid niluatiuii. i'ur a pei'nuu retiuirin^ upi .- t i i ianei i i result ii i .x- il is uduinably titualed , com.mai.diii^

II K'K L extensive vi'/wj , and i^ within onomi!u el the Town of Trutnorr , and ten ininuteb * walkfioui Newlowii (Ja thiii ^ and lloat I 'ove. limiiediatuJV s-es .-mii w i l l be fi irei i . Fur lunlier j iarlicularsi,j , |,|y to M i . W I L L I A M KKL1.Y ,

l ,iuein-rsiicel , Trumore, or tol l l l i .MAS WALSH .'li SON , Auetioneer 5 ,

The Mail , Wauiloul , Au '. VI , l>.7.'( .


TOWN OF DUMGAiiVAN.i i t !i, i.- Mallei of ihe Ksta in of F I I A M I > . S I I.' .MSI , a

Miiiur , I'V A I.I. IN NK sim r, Sulic ilor , I i* (Juardian ,< ¦ ' .'•' it.i , O.on . ; J O H N I'un i.i: , /'t ( ' »i'/ n i . -.

r | AO l iK SOI.U l i Y A l . l .TION , in Ono Lot , byI Onli-r i.f the l ion. Jud e K I . AN A I . A N ,

IJ U l i:il> .\Y , ':f 17'/. ..; <»: TH I;KU , is7:i,llr .Mr. J A M K S I'l.\ '. A I , A N , Auclioneer ,

Al --be ClH . 1ST IIOl SK , D U N O A I I V A N , at tliuhiit ir ut' I 'tie o'Clock ,

A l ' lKi .'K > ¦( l i K O L N l ) , with the DWKLL1NGilOt.Sh' and I ' liWIISKS ,

iSiiuati: "ii tlio North Siilo of H I.AI -M'OOI .-.STKKKT , inthe Tows of l) i N I . A U V A . V , held willi other I'rcmisesunder Lu,i>e , dAttd the lDili Novcinbor, IS 17, forllirco lives , or (il years, subject lo a Yearl y itent ofX . I per Annum , all siluulo in tho Town of Uuugurrauand County of Walerlord.

C. K. DOflKS , Kianiiimr.Djted lho ^lst day of Julv , lb7;J .Tho lloii-:o and I'lemiaes are situate in tho best

bnniiics* pure of1 the Town of Dungarva u, and arebiiiiablo for any deseripliou of business uud there isii good Garden in the rcro uf bume. Tho eslimutedIdling valuo of same is &I0 pel'Annum.

Tbo biildinfjii will bo lukuu by tho Auetioueer , andsubmitted to tliu HOD . Juilgu FLANAI;A.\, ut hits Cham-bcru, on MOXIMV , tho :)rj of K U V K M K K K , 1H7H, withoutfurther notico to any onu. Kor Uuntala and furtherparticulars, applr to

KDWA'ldJ F1TZ.IAMKS SMITH , Solicitor,No. 1^, North (ireat Ueurt'u'H-ftrcct ,Dublin ; and to

JOHN" HUNT, Solicitor , having Cnrriago ofaiJa j&2- Kale, No. 1J , North Great (Jcorgu'H-Btreet,

i)ubliu, auti Duui-'arvaii.


which Ten por Ceut. will bo giveii .825" Tho Policy is from u first-class Coinpauy, UDII

can bo seen at this Offico.July 24, 1873. jyi'5-Ot


LOANS ON CALL OR DEPOSIT.rr\HH UIUKCTOKS OF run WATEKFORD & CKN TBALJL I RKLANU U AILWAV COSII 'ANY (for tho purposo ofKKl'LACIXG tho INSTALMENTS of tho GOVERN '.MENT LOAN and BONDS Tallinn duo) nro prepared,until lurther Notice, to Accept LOANS ON AIOllT-OACiE UONDS at -U per Cent., payablo upon OneYear's notice, or for such term o( '/dra as may befixed ; and for tho Uobentiro Stock, having equalpriority with tho Jlortgago llomls, bcariujj Jnterost ot1J por Cent, iu perpetuity.

They will also nccept LOAN S on DEPOSIT,bearing Interest ut -lj PEl! CENT , payablo on OnoYear's notice ; at I per Ccnl. payablo on Six Months'Notice ; at 3i per Cent., piyublo on Three Mouths'notice • and at [i per Ceut., payablo on ouo month'snotice.

For the year eudinj,' 25lh JIarch , 157;!, tho TrafficHeccipts were i'31,7t>3 2s. lid.—tho Working andother Expenses being £111,571 Is. Sd.,—leaving abalance of £15,212 Is. 3d., being doublo the Amountrequired for the Interest on Loans, after tho paymeutof which there is, therefore, a considerable surplusfor Dividends to Shareholders.

They will , every Half-year, send to cacl. Creditor aStatement showing the full particulars tind Amountof the several Loans due by tho Company.

Applications to be addressed to tho undersigned, utthe Company's Ollices, Wat'.'rford Terminus.

(Uy Order) ,WILLIAM WJLLIAMS, Secretary.

WiUcrford May 20th , 1873. mhlJ-l fW ATERFORD AND LIMERICK RAILWAY'


WATERKORD and LIMERICK RAILWAY COM-l 'ANY , held at the Head Offices of tho Company,Watcrl'ord Terminus.on FRIDAY , 2Dth A LCLST, 1873 :

Present—A . STEPHENS, Esq., (Chairman ofthe Company) , iu the Chair ,

The SK I K K T A K Y having read tho Notice conveningtho Meeting, tho Seal of i.ho Company was afiixed lotho Register of Proprietors, and tho following Reso-lutions were passed unanimously :—

1st—" That tho Report of the Directors now read,siuil the Statement of Accounts of tlio Company,for the Half-year endiug UOth Juno last, as al-ready forwarded to the Shareholder!!, bo receivedand adopted."

2nd—" That Dividends bo now declared upon thoBcvcral classes of shares in this Company at thofollowing rales—viz. ;

" Of 5 per ceut. per Aunum ou tho 5 per centPreferential Sharo Capital.

"Of II per cent, per Annum ou tho -1! jieicent. Consolidated Preferential Stock.

"Of 21 per cent, for half-yoar to 30th Juno(free of luecotno Tax) on tho OrdinaryShale Capital.

" Ami that such Dividends bo respectivelymado payable on the 13th day Of Septembernext to tho present Registered holders."

A. STEPHENS, Chairman.H E N R Y W H I T E , Esq., Vice-chairman, was then

culled lo the second chair, when it wasKe tolnJ— " That thu I. UU ICB of this Mooting be

tendered to the Chairman for his dignified con-duct in tho chair, and for tho ability and energydisplayed by him in tho interests of tho Com-pany."

J. FOWLER N1COLL , Secretary.Hoard Room, Waterford Terminus, Aug. 29, 1873.



DOWN from LIMERICK and following Stationsto WATKRKORD, ou JJrd , 10th, 21th , ami

oltt AUGUST , lb /3 :Fans tu W'fonl & luck.

Stations. :I . I I . 1st. Class. 3til ClassLiiucnik i l iprluir , 7.1 r. S< . D.I. I-- . Od.Ti|>|:cr.ny „ H M . l 7 II 3 DH.iiibU „ «.:.'U 7 0 o 0Cjliir „ ij.;i> t! D 'J UI ' l i i i i i t i l ,, '.CD 1 (i '2 (IL' i riii k ,, u.i.ii J D 1 tJFidJoivu „ ]Dii a li 1 DW.ilcr.'diil nriival ]()...",5

Waurlonl i!n|i:utuii' , | ti> . ; FiiMi. vvn i!n., t!.2o p.m.C.inick ilo., li.lli | ; I' ll, i, I I I tin., 7.-D. |i.m. i Cnliir i\v.7.M p.m. ; ll.iu>hii «!••-, b.lll I .in. ; 'lll pinny «!.... b.'Ji |i in.Limrriclc airiv ul , lj ; M p.m. Kvfuru 'J'lcbcts will lie itsuiilLi'twtcu olhi r Sl,itu.ns n;;inri: .it >itii » l' : Fairs.

L'p from W A I H I I I O K U ami following Stations toLlJiKiULt . , ou 17lh AI. II L M, Ibi3 :

Fan's <> ¦ Liuicrii-k & h.idt .Slatiun> . a.m. l-l Class. 3rd Class

Wiilv i furd drparturi- , 7. 1") S- . UJ. li. Dj.Fiililuivu ., 7.1" h U I UC.irrick ,, 7, ."i.r. 7 o 3 0L'loiiiutl ,, b'2'' li D a lii .'alur „ S..V> i: 0 a 0¦J iii . iw „ u.i.-. i t; 2 oi''i i"'"«y ,, '''- i -i t ; a oLii iKTiik Htr ival IU.I .'I

Luiii 'iick il.p.irturi ', U.3n JMU . ; Ti ppciary de., 7.10 p.m.llmi'liii Jo ., 7.5D p.m. ; Calm ilo , b.lii p.m. ; Clomml dob.l.j p.m.; C»irirk i!o.. li .lo p.m. ; Fidiluwn do., O.a5. p.m. :Wdtrrlul i l B l i ivul , It..) 1), p.n:. U . l ur I Tickets will tie Itsutdhltvvei -n oilier Stalluns imlri'il ;it Snule Fairs .

For tbr couvtiiituci.* ut r..*-*-n i:r.s tinlviii at by Up Kx cui-*» IMI , on 2u:h Jnl j, ;:i'-in.ui Hi viMliuj; C'li'th'Comiell orKil l.i!ii' , lhi: rj.:Hl a.m.Train from Limrnck lor lliosr phci-twill aivul (In- J i i iv . i l i/I iIn- Waieiluril Tniin nn tli«l il.ii-.The Itriu 'ii Train will li'.ire Kdlalim at 5.3U. p.m., andIVlltuii i i i t l l 5.15, arnviiis in Limchck U. 'JU p.m. A snond'liaiu will liavu I.imcruk a". -.3'J p.m. lur aaini: Stal iuiii',i'lisnii^cr. hy wtiicli uu l i luni ul tLc Uours alrc.uly men-tiuM'd . No Lu|{|iai!ii allowed , nor will Hands Liu penui:teil¦ n aixoiupaiiy the Tiaiiu. Tiik.:ts availahlo for KscimionTi.Tu.a onl y. jy4. tl

ISAAC HANKS , Traffic Mauagcr.Linu-rick Ti miinu^, Juiv *J.'> , Ifi73.


FAIRS FOR NEXT WEEK-THE Ordinary Goons or SI -KI IAI . Tn.ii.Vd will cany

Live Stock to Limerick , Waterford , and thisprinci pal iulcrmediate IStaliou;- , forK I L I .AI .UK (lorScnrill'l'air), Saturday, fjt li SeptemberLI M K U K K (for Monlpelivr Fair), Monday, blh .,CL U N M K I . (for Fetliurd l'air) „ MTii ' i 'KKAitr Tuesday, :ith .,I'A U-AS (for J/oip ital Fuir) Monday, Mh .,TUAM , ... Wednesday, lUtliKNSIS , (for Corofin Fair) „AnwiAiiA.v ... Friday, Uth „

Uy order , 1. DAN KS , Trallic Mana'-e r.



S1ON TICKETS will bo issued by tho Trainrunning an under :—

I'l* .IOUKNKY . , DOWN JOUUNKY.Wati i funi diparturi'..ll :j )a.iu Mary lmru' iUpurluri:...5 15 n mKiluiarutv ,, 11 IH u.lii Alilnylii x ,, 5 .ii p.iuMulliuuvat ,, 11 Dij u.ui AUiiua^li „ i > M » i nIlKll j lialr „ U lDp.ui l::illyr.i-;; „ ii l if , mTI IIIUI :U.I H» II ,, 1^ .W p.ui'Kilkcuny „ li .T«|i.uiIhrllUutsliriilxi: ,, U 15 l:tliui:t>liri'l-i; „ li U) i, iuKilk. uuy „ 1 S | Tliuuiulitbwii ,, 7 5 p Iullallyrank'tlt „ I :K II II II TIIII II: „ 7 -jo p mAtlHua^li „ 1 Mp.uijMiiiniiuviil „ 7 li u.mAblji-ylvix ,, - n p.m-Kilroaciiw ,, 7 .V, p mMury ljormifh arrivul...J ¦>> p.ui WHti rford arrival ... s 15 i,'u,

F A R E S :1*1 Covurcil

CI HSJ Carriniri sWaterford to Kilkenny and back ... 4s. is. Gd.Waterford lo Mary boroug h, Abbey -

leix , Attauag h, or llall yragget ,and back . . . .. . <*s. 3s. IM .

And tu and from nil inliriucdialo .Stations, 1st , adand 3rd Clu.i.«, at a S I N G L E FARE !

Tickets not Tiansfenible , and no Luggage y ottltrr.

W I L L I A M WILLIAMS , Secretary.Head Ollice.i, Wuterford Terminus, Ail". -'3, 1M73.


Sunday Excursions at Cheap Fares.M A U Y J I U I I O U U U und KIl . l i l i S'. V Y t o WA TKllFOIll i .ON SUNDAY , the Uth JULY , and tho following

Suudays , until further nutire, EXCURSIONTICKETS will IJH issued by thu Traiu leaviiiL'MARY liOUOUtJH at K.3() am., and KILKENNY at!). .'iDa.m., available for return tho samo day by thoTrain having WATKIIFOKD ,,t. i;..|; ,, ra

FARES :Marylii,niii « li 1 Al.l<-yl.- ix , Atliiuu i-li, l>tci.m Cov. Car's.iiiiil l.alltrai.vtt, tu hilki-uny ami l,aek , .is. Oil . &, (hi.l)i i. ilu. il.i. iKHat i i foH l ii/nl liMk, to. M . :i». nl.Kilkenny uml liciiin t.-briil i , ilitto . 4» <kl i;H «,lTliuiniLitcnvii auil llall yliali' , i l itti i . :N. ml 'JH (hiMiilliliavat anil Kilmuom , ililtn . la. In I. lr! o\l!

Tin-so Tickets lire in<t Trauafoiablo, and do notentitle the holders to ali ght at any other Statiauathan those to which they arc booked. No Luggagoallowed , and no Hall-fares.

SEA IIATHINti—Trains run nearly every hourduring tho day to fioui tho Sea-llalhing Place,Tramore.— Uy order, je"7tf

W I L L I A M WILLI AMS , .Secretary.Head Office*, Wulerford Terminus , June, ] !1 , Ib73 .



BRKKCII LOADKH S,Fmm i'lO Uu. unwnriN

BREKC'JI u>Am:ns,liy best Loiiilon .Makers,

SECOND H A N D .A dibtri ptive C'.ilall'gur.ind l'ricc List Forward ed on rrctipt

ol Three Stamps.11 STRAND,



T11E NEWEST DESIGNS in CARPETS,Curtain Materials , aud Corm'co Polos.


LINENS.82T Inspection solicited.

l\ TOBIN & SONS,jl5 -tf] Quay, Watorford



I N C.uiiNKr COUNCIL , A.D. lSG'J,PAINTED hy U. UA K K A U M , Esq., coutaiuiiifj Por

traits of nil tho Mcmborn oflho Cabiuot, la NOWox VIEW at tho IMPERIAL HOTEL, WATERFORD,for a fotv days, from Ton till Fivo. gjg* Admission byCard. It


~1~y ESPECTFULLY nnnouuco thuir roturu-K' from tho LONDON MARKETS , to-gethor with tho arrival of theirNEW SUMMER GOODS !

Containing ALL THE NOVELTIES whichliavo appeared for tho Season

I X K V >; It Y D E P A II T il K N T .

In addition to their regular Stock, thoyPURCHASED an lniporlaut LOT or


J A P A N E S E D K K S S C i O O D S ,At a Discount of 50 per Cent uuder

Manufacturers' Prices,WHICH ARE NOW READY FOR SALE



May Hi , 1IS7J*. dG-tf


llavo much plcasuro iu aunounciug that they haveappointed


SOLK AGENTS in tho Cm of WATERF OKIaud vicinity for the ealo of their celebrated

SILENT SEWING MACHINES.In addition to tho usual display of Machines, they

will have constantly in slock, Needles and all theemail attachment* applicable ; and arrangements aromado whereby former purchasers of tho MachiDO willreceive that tamo carelul attention in every respectwhich Mesbra. LUTKK it Co. have always paid theirown patrons. uu2--3ti

33 Lower Sackvillo Kt., Uiiblin , Aug., 187.').

.M K. C A R D E N,




Manufacturers and Importers of all kinds ofFarming Implements and Machines.

CO M M 1 N S A N D C O M P A N Y .6b', QUAY, WATERFORD. flG-Cm


$35" A NU M b Tin; BKST l.vhs,In J ARS at Gd., Is., Is. 6d., aud -s. each,




Agency for this invnluablo Machine (exhibited at thoInternational Exhibition of 1871) will bo Granted tuUKsroNsiiiLK I'AUT IES for each County throughouttho United Kingdom, aa well as for tho Contiuoutaudtho Colonies. Thoso having clay or other materialscan havn the same mado into eaiup lo bricks. Forparticulars aud orders lo view tho macbiun at work,apply or address Mr. W IIITK , 11 London street , btreet , Loudou , E.C. rau2!J.Gt



(Successor (o It'. Lander).MR. O'REILL Y begs to inform tho Nobility,

(•entry, und Public of tho County and adjoin-ing Counties that Business is RESUMED in the ubovoold established Factory. A largo varioty of Carriages,Cars , Croydons, &c , on bauds, and every descri ptionof Carriage , Cars, &c, will be found equal to Dublinor London Built. slS.tf85*)* Repays douo iu superiorsty lo, ut Low Prices.


BEG to intimate that they havo now nddod to theirbusiness a BRASS FOUNDRYand ENGINEi'.R.

ING ESTABLISHMENT, where Brass Work of everydescription will bo vast nud finished oil' in First-classsty le, and with as little delay as possible.

M CLKA .V aud M CINTOMI also beg to tender theirsincere thanks for tho kind patronage bestowed onthem, und hope, by their constant attention to busi-uess, ti > merit a continuance of same.

$2ff " Lead , lU nss, tapper , nud linn I Twits3, LITTLE GEOIUiK ' S STREET, WATEHFOKD

and ROSE-INN STREET, K I L K E N N Y .N.I!. — Green-houses. Conservatories , and Publio

Buildings Heated ou tho most improved princi ple bylui circulation of hot water. (inyl5-f>m *

¦7, BAHIIO NSTKA M) SI K K K I , WA TK IU O K I )liivtonber Ulal , 167-.

H E N R Y A U D L E Y & CO.XSTHH'E returning their sincere aud grateful' * aekuowledgmonts to tho public for tho

exteusivo Patrouago hitherto bestowed uponthem, beg to acquaint their kind patrons thatthey liavo added to their Slock, u all Depart-ments, c u M !• K i s i x <; :(JnocKuiKs aiid On.s, I'KiiruMEitr ,ITALIAN (J OOKS, COLOIIIS, CiiAXUtK uy,


which they can ciiulidentl y recommend.N. B.— SOI. K AiiK.vis in Walerlord for PKACUCK

and H U C I I A N 'S PATENT PAINTS.%ifi" Orders executed with accuracy und des-


MINERAL WATERS.riiHK onl y I 'KIZK MEDAL , DUMI.IN K X I I I I I I T I O NJ. 1805, for cicvllctii'u of MINERAL VVAl'EiiS, wan

iW HIll icl toU E W L E Y A N D D Ji A 1' K It.

J > K W L E V A N I) I) li A I' E l l ' Bl.> SODA WATER.

B K W L E Y A N I) I) K A 1' K R "s


BE \V L K Y A -\ I) I) li A 1' K K S( i l XO K R HKEIt .

B K~\iTirV A N~ D ii i; A p E ir~f>



BE W I. K Y A N I) I) IC A P E U ' SI.I I K1 A W A T E R .


BilKAKFAST—Jvl'l's 's CoCOA—C iJlATEfUJ.AX1> C'ojl -foiiTi.vo—" l i y j llioruuifh knuwl«l|,'e of the natural lanswhii rh nuvein th'i opirrtitioiis til ili gfhtiuti anil nut i i t ion , midliy u tuit lul application ot tliu fun: propcitica ot «i ll-si 'lrcttdCOCIM , Air. K|ipn I MH piuviilril our liroikfust UII LM with a¦lrliitHtrly fluvoreil tiircraze , whicli m.iy Bare un niany liun vydoctors' hillb."— Civil 8ervic« Gazel l t . Mail i; Mtiiplywitli Iluiliui; Wit 'i ror Milk . K.N I I packet ii IcUell ul —" J AMK ^ K ITH & Cu., Ilomtcopatliic Chunisls , Louduu."

(•1118-ly)..MANL °t 'Ac:Ti i i t i : OK Cut OA , CACAOIXK , AND CIIO-

COI.A TIC.— u We \* ill i.uw givu ail Hccuuut ut the prucessuilojitn] by Men.->r4 J;ii»fs Kpps & L'u., inuimfucturi -iH ufliicii'iic iirliclt'^at Llair uutts m Uic EUMOII Ruiid, Laiiilun."—-^fO Arli cl*' in Cm 'sell' s Household <Juidc.

UV cuti%ii!cr it ( ur duly to Caution thu 1'ullic a^aitumipurimi^ mi:l..Hum »f tlm Uleiiliilil M.ucli , at piotiil inllni iniiilii 'i. (irurir i inn! others K'lliii K tin: -amr, subjectlhrm>i'lv. K li> |" ...ill y of £10,111)1). Any umlidrutul iufo rinatiou which v > i l l In .id tu eoUTicliun , wi l l Lo lMiidtujmrly rowurilrd

WOTHKKSPOO N & Co., Kinninp I'nrk , OI»»Si,x.]>'i.KA-Kix.!.i *ftSo. M- yuB DooB.—NALUIRK'B TAIJ LBT

il ii DirdinUril Soup (I reri from punon) for wuaUiug l)up».It dcitroj'a tlea» , clta c »eii Ilia >kin. i«-mo»i;" all fiorll , ami[lived ^lohd to The cunt .--u Naldini'n Tuhlct h liariult-sa ttrllogf , but lutal lo limn."—Prank llucklatid , K«q. " J,'oonu po^csting a Dog c I valuo should bo without Naldire'sTablet."-EnoAE II A] BUHT , Esq. 1'iise Is., of ill Chemistsnod l'crfumeia ; ami of H IMILTO .I & Co, (iackTiile-st.Dublin ; CiouLDi.10 & Co., Cork; CKITTAH <t Co., Belfast.N. 13.-—Arvid loir-ptic« i imilatiour, wuicb lira northlejj.


To the Ratepayers of the County and City ofWaterford.

/~S ENTEJIEN—Tho Acta of Farlinmont authorisingV " the Construction of this Railway beiDg nowin forco, it becomes tho duty of tho Directors, underthe provisions of thoso Acts, to rniso tho funds neces-sary for that purpose. Tho Sharo Capital of tboCompany is £280,000, divided into 28,000 shares of£10 each, and dividends at tho rftto of £5 p^r cent,nn so much of this sum us shall from timo to timobo paid up nro secured by rates to bo horenftor loviod ,when required, by compulsory preJcntmont upon theratoablo property of tho County and City, recover,ablo iu the samo mauuer us your county cess is atpresent raised.

Your liability to the payment of theso dividendsduring tho construction of tho Railway is limited to aporiod of five years ; nud after tho Railway shall bavoboon oponed lor public traffic , to n further poriod of35 years. The profits of tho Ruilway will , howover , bothe f«nd primari ly liable, and your rateable proper-ties take the position of n collateral security .only.

Tho advantages whicli tho Railway will confer up-on tho County and City aro so woll kuowu to youthat tho Directors feel it unnecessary now lo rofer tothorn.

No Railway Company, a« regards its Sharo Capital ,has hitherto been placed in a position so favourable.No investment cau bo moro fully secured , mul few sodosimblo can bo had to y ield euch n rato of interost, nathat to which your attention in thus invited. Tothoso who havo monoy deposited in bauks at lowrates of intorest , the opportunity of investment nownlTordod is 0110 which should comirinud their immediateattention ; it combinos all tho ndvontnges which a bankdeposit security confers, with others which that BCCU -rity cannot rivul ; tho rato of interest will bo far higher;tho security for its payment unequalled ; and shou Id thoprofits of tho Railway afford Jcrgcr dividends, thoholdors of its stock will bo entitled to them , and thatstock, it may bo confidently ns.'iumed, will thon boat a, premium in. the market.

Boforo tho gcncrul public Bhall bo afforded thoopportunity of participating in an iuvestment so verydesirable, tho Directors feel thut you, as tho partiosguaranteeing tho dividends and liable to assessment,havo a proforential claim ; aud to cnablo you to bc-como tho proprietors of tho Stock of tho Company,no Sharo, savo to you aloue , will be issued untilafter tho first of November next.

Tho Earn of JC10 being thu full paymont in respectnfeach Sharo, will bo pay abli) thus:—£2 on appli-cation and four furlhcr payments of £2 nt intervalsof not less than two months between each payment.

Deposits wil l bo received by I ho following Banks:—namely : Bank of Ireland , Provincial Bank andNational Bank in Waterford ; Provincial , National ,und Munster Bauks iu Duup;arvan ; Bank of Irelandam! Provincial Rank of Youg lial ; National Baukiu Lismorc, and Bank of Ireland , Piovinciul ,National ,aud Munstoi' Hanks iu Clonmel , and receipts issuedtherefor.

App lications for Shares mny bo mado ou thoaccompanying form.

WATERFOUD , Chnirman.ED.M0ND POWER , Acting Sec.

Board-room , Watcrford , August Hib , lb'.'i.


FolIM or AlTLir-'ATIO.Y.To Ihe Director * "J the IValerford, Duwjurvan, and

LisuiOt 'c J lf i i l icuy (.'oiiijiaui/.UE.NTI.r.MKN :

Having paid to your credit in tho Bauk in tho Sum of Pounds,boinp; a Dopositof £20 per cent, on Shares 0!tbo Capital Stock of tho above Company, I requcslyou will allot mo that number.

Narao (in full) Address Description Dato — 1873.



B A .N K F.R'S

Received of tho Sum ofPou nds, being tho Deposit ol £2

per Share on Shftrosof tho Capital Stockof the nbovo Coinpauy.

Alliance Life and Fire AssuranceC O M P A N Y ,



%t£T Prospectuses , Rato of Assurance mid cvoijinformation may be had of

JIj t. KICUAHD HAHKJ S, Agent,Stock and Sharebrokor, Lr. Thomas -at., Wuterford.

MA111NE A S S U I I A N C K .Cargoes, per Steamer aud Sailing Vessel , to any

Port in tho Irish , Bristol , and English ChannelsInsured on very Moderate Terms, as well IIH all Searisks. War risks taken. (tf)

5 0 ( / i Y E A H .The Edinburgh Life Assurance Company.



L PROPOSA S for Life Aiisnrnnco lodged nt nny of

tho Oifices or Agencies of the Company beforeTHURSDAY, 21th APRIL , Ib7;i , wil l he in tirnoto Securo the Benefit of this Year's Entry , and willontitlo the Aesured to Rank for a H.I.L A U M T I D N A I .V K A K 'U BO.M.S over tho6o entering afu r that date.

Tho Rates of Pcmium are lower than thosochargedby muny oilier Oflicca; but notwithstanding this , thoBonus Additions havo hitherto liicn of very largeamount. At last Division of Profit:) the lionus de-clared (which is regulated by tho age of tho Assured)ranged in ordinary cases horn about 17s. per cent,por unuum 011 tho bum assured at age 20, to upwardsof £3 per cent., per anuum at nge iSO.

%&" All Ordinary Policies uro now grauted on theNon-Forfeiture System, which provides for the con-tinuauco ofa Proportion of the Assutancc after thoPremiums have been discontinued ; thua effectuallyobviating loss of auy portion of thu payments madeto tho Company. al l t f

The Ulster Marine Insurance Co. (Limited)

C A P I T A L :—£10(1,000, fuii y BubecHbod.\y muiXTOBs:

CUAS . Dumx, K»!i., Cliiiiruiuii , A I.KX A N I .KR JI'I.II S L , EoqJI. II. DALWir , Kwj., JI.l'.; II KNKV Ilovn, Kwj.J . P. Conrtv, K«q., K. 11. TUOUPSON , K-iq.

Managers ami Undorwritcrp, Mcnyra. SlNCUIKfc llotti. licitCargoes aud Freights Insured ou Moderate. Terms,

Claims promptly and liWiill y settled, lhites takerupon tho spot by tho Local Agent ,

L. A. RYAN , Wuterford.N.B.—This is tho only Irish Oflico doing JIarine

ItiHiirauce bunineBa. [j"l- -ly]

HORSE FOR SALE.MHO BE SOLD, tbo Thorough bred Siro " FORAGER ."X Winner of tho CROKER CHALLENGE CUI'at Cork, arid severa l important RnceB.

Apply lo THOMAS CUMMIN 'S, Cooluucuppoguo,Trnmoro ; or JAJIES POWER No. 12, Ballybriekeu ,Wuterford. au-


LADIES , No. 51, KING STREET .rriliB courso of Instri/ctiou comprinpo French ,X luilian , English in all its branches ; Music Sing-ing, Arithmetic, Plain uud Ornamentul Needlowork.

Terms known on application to(flO-tf) Miss O'MARA j Princi pa', SI King-strcet


rJSTA'O. IS, HENRIETTA HTIWKT.Terms, on application. f_<U-3m]


GREAT SALE OF PIANOFORTESIMPORTED direct from tho Manufacturers, Messrs

Col.l.Altll it Clll.l.AKll , K l K K J I A N , DA I. I IAI. N E, BRISSMKAIl , &C, &C, at

V. A. JONES' MUSIC DEPOT,120 , U U A Y , ly A T E l t t ' O UD .

H A R M O N I U M S in great variety, English audFrench make ; Violius, Cornots, Coucertium, Drums,Flutes, Banjoes, Musio Boxes, &c. 4c,



tho Marked Prioi for Cash , tho entire STOCK nowSELLING ORF AT A GREAT REDUCTION !

previous to Altci-atiou of Premises.

C : A . J O N E SIMl 'Ol tTKIt oj PIANOFORTES , H A R M O N I U M S , S c .


BcgH to call ppecinl attention to hia extensive TUNINGand REPAIRING buiiinei-s. His 'i'uuors visit all thoSouthern nnd Midlaud Counties of Ireland Quarterly.

J25" Pianofortes iind Harmoniums hired by thoMonth or Yeur, with option to purchase, and ou thoThreo Yeura' eyatom.

0. A. JONES' MUSIC WAREHOUSE.Crickctting, Archory, Ciroquet , und other Games, nt

unusually Low Prices. fmy4-tfj

LIEB1G COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT .None genuino withont tho Inventor 's facsimilo

in blno being on the Trade-mark, label: and outercover. Puro condensed Esseoco of Beef Tea, excel-lent economic flavoring ( took for soups, aaucea, andmadodiahoa. " i ood for th? ner reB." (Iuobig). jy4



nnllE chief aim of this SCHOOL id to givo Boys ofJL Watorford nnd tho neighbourhood a thorough

M ORAL and LITEKAKV EDIX'ATIO.V, without deprivingthem at tho same timo of that other and not lessvaluable Education which may bo obtained only un-der tho influences and among the associations of home.In this way it has already had n lnrgo measure ofsuccoss. But, altogether unendowed uud dependentexclusivel y, as it is, upon its own resources, it 6tillneeds aud claims n moro general aud a moro cou-tiDuod support. I f it get that support, no pains shallbo spnred in elovRting and euUrgiug thu sphere ofits usefulness till it becomos a High Class CatholicSchool , second to no other in tho country.

Tho constant proseuco and porsoual supervision oftbo Princi pal ensuro for tho raon.1 aud relig ioustraining of thoso intrusted to his churgo tho primarypluce, which this most vitul element of ovory truo sjs-tem of education imperatively claims.

As tho Diocesan School, uuder tho immediate patron-ago of tho Bishop, this institution oilers particularadvantages to those propariug for tho Diocesan CuUcgc.Thus, Pupils aspiring (o the Ecclesiastica l state andreading Miehrie in the School , arc specially exemptfrom tho necessity ojres 'f l i n ij in the Vulkjo before enter-ing upon the Log ic Course. Agaiu, tho Princi pal'srccoHimeod'itiou of auy o( hia buys in kindly acceptedby tho Collogo Examimrs aa sufficient guarantee ofqualification for Classes not higher than Philosophy.For tho rest, tho Courso of Studies for EcclesiasticalScholars is framed to mcot tho requirements of thoEntrance Exam nations iu Mayuooth , All Uiillows ,und other Irish Co.leges.

Trained and experienced Ma6lcrs prepare for theUniversities and Public Competitive Examinations.Whilo every effort is mado to uschew tho evils of tho" cmtiimin-j " system, nnd to impart au education, iuthe largo aud true sensoof tho word—a training thatis, of body, miud, and soul—tho Courso of Instructionis shaped to meet tho Mpccial requirements of thocalling iu after lifo for which each boy is intended.Equal attention is bestowed upou all ; and thoughtalent ia always rightly appreciated und carefull ydeveloped, tliei-o is no intellectual forcing of a fewnotably clcvor .scholat-3 at tho expeuso of tho rest oftho school.

Besides the Ilnlf-ycarly Examination al Christina?,and Examination aud Public Distribution of Prizes attho close of tho Midsummer Term , Monthly Repeti-tions (at wliicl i tlio Princi pal assists, personally exa-mining each Clasi ,) followed by the award of Cer-tificates of Good Conduct and Dili gcnco in Stud y,crcalo a healthy spirit of emulation that leaves liitli:need or little room for harsher methods.

Every Mnnth a full and clear report of each boy'sconduct nnd progress in class is furnished to hinfriends, who iiro oxpeclcd to countersign cards show-ing less than tho normal number of marks. A morespecific account is given at tho close of tho half-yearl yterms. A sincoro and earnest attempt ia thus madeto combine tho influcnco of Homo and tho influenceof School for a common end. H is hoped that inthis way a fair trial may for onco bo given to thatwhich 18 admittedly tho best system of trainingyouth. As has been thoughtfull y and truthfull ywritten , " That education seems to bo tlio bestwhich ming les a domestic with a school life, uudwhich gives to a youth tho advantage which ia tobe derived from tho learning of a master, und theemulation that results from tho society ol other boys,togulhcr with tho affectionate vigilanco which homust exporienco in tho liouso of his paronls." (S.Smyth, Edinburgh Rov. 1810.)

Tho activo co-operation of Parents and Ganrdinnais therororo requested , particularl y in securing in-dustry at homo and punctual atteudanco at School.

" Tho unsettled habits and interruption to studywhich aro caused by keeping a boy from schoolafter tho day of ils ascmbling, or interfering withhis attendance during tho half , nro bad for him andfor tbo school."—A. H. llnp c. School is opeu all daysduring tho term except Sundays and holydays of6trict obligation. Boys latu or absent without ex-planation , written or made personally by thoir friends,reccivo bad conduct marks.

Tho Courso of Instruction includes the following :ENGLISH (this department receives special atten-

tion)—Grammar, Aual ysis , Literary and Logical;Languago, Litorature, aud Composition j Spoiling,taugbt chiefly by writing from dictation and trau-scribing; Reading and Elocution.

UtstoKV.—Aucient and Modoru ; particular UiH -lory of Iroland , Great Britian , Fruuce , Rome , Greece,English and French Literature.

COM .MKHI .- IA I..—Correspondence and Book-Keepiug ;Handwriting ; Arithmetic, including tho MetricSystem ; Political Geography aud Happing; Precis ;Drawing; Social Economy.

1'U K E AMI M I X K U M ATHEMATICS .—Al gebra, Men.suration , Geography, Trigonometry ; Astronomy,Physical OeoKnip hy, Natural Philosop hy, Geology ,Elementary Phjsiolofc'y.

A NCIENT A N D MOUKRN LA.x'ii— Latin nndGreek Classics nnd Composition (proso aud vorsu) ;Froncli nud Italian , grammatically uud couvoma-tioually, us part of tho ordinary courso ; German, etc.

A Class of Irish has) been formed for .EcclesiasticalStudents and others wishing to learn tho nationaltongue.

A mouth's notico of roinoval in required .Boyn from six tu ten years of ago aro eligible for

tho Preparatory School , which has been opened tomeet a want loug felt in tho City . Thoro is aSpecial Master for this department.

Tho School Focs((o be J 'ciid. I M t .y .arl y in <; (i .v(iifc)aro :Upper and Jliddlo Schools (Classic? , Modern Lan-

guages, etc.) : £- I-*, fid. Half-yearly 'Lower aud Preparatory Schools, ill 2s. ,,

E.VIHAS.Music—Piano ... ••• . . . i'l 10 (^unrtcil y.

" Sing ing . .. I) 5 Half-yearl y.Drawing 0 15 Half-yearly.Dancing and Calisthenics ... 1 1 Quarterly.

Iu case of lengthened illness , paymeut is requiredonly for quarter entered upou when illness begins. Noallowance in mado for temporary absence A conside.rablo reduction in ciso of threo or moro brothers.The houi-H of attendance aro Irom tl.13a.rn. to II p.m.;U-45 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturd ays.

Books aud Stationery aro supp lied at reduced cost.School ro-opened on 'IY K S D A V , SK I T H M I I K U -Jud.

For further details app ly toThe Rev JOSEPH A. PHELAN , Princi pal.

Stephcu street , Sopt. 1st , A.L). Ih7;{. sO


Conducted by the Rov. Fathers of tho Congregationof tho Jfo ly Ghost and tho Immaculate Heart ofMary,

THIS COLLEGE is situated in a healthy and pictur-esque locality, threo mili>3 from tho aucient city

of Cashul , and livo from Cahir, and stands in a well -wooded demesnt! of four hunched acrCB, a considerableportion of which is availablo for tho studouts' re-creation.

Being tho uativo languages of several of tho teach-iug Rtail , French aud German can bo acquired herowith the sume facility aud perfection as by rcin'dcncoon tho Continent ; whilst special caro is devoted totho study of tho English languago aud literature.

Tho Bystem of teaching Latin and Greek ia thoEumo us that so successfully pursued iu tho moro emi-nent Continental institutions.

Duo earo is bestuwod on tho Sciences, puro and ap-plied. ProfeusorH of experience prcsido over thuMercantile and Civil Service Departments.

Music in taug ht by a resident Master , late of theConservatoire dc M t/si '/ ue at Paris.

TF.KM S , £30 per Annum. Vacation Terminates onTUESDAY, tho Uth SEITEMREII . al5.«t

For Proejwctus, and any required information,apply to Rov. P I E K K K H LVET Y, President.


MEDICAL OFFICER WANTED.TH K Guardians of tl.o abovo U N I O N will , on

TUESDA Y, tho i l ih KEPTEMHER , 1K7« , pro-cecd to Appoint ;\ MEDICAL OFFICER of theWORKHOUSE , in iv Salary of £!)() por Annum.

Sealed Tenders, addressed to tho Chairman , will doreceived hy mo up to 12 o'Clock ou tliu ubovo-tneu-tioncd day. Candidates must attend in person.

By order, WM. HUNT , Clerk of Union.Clerk's Office , lDth August , 1H73. a'.i:i.3l


ERECTION OF FEVER HOSPITALflVlE BO A H I I O K G I:A K I H A .\>> of thoabovo Union will ,_L lit thoir Jleetitij.', to bo hold ou THURSDAY ,tho 11th day of SKITKJIHEH , Ib73, cousider TEN-DERS for tho

ERECTION OF A FEVER HOSPITALWithin tho cncloauro of the Workhouuo Grounds, thobuilding to bo constructed iu uccordnnco with Plansand Specification deposited at my Office , aud subjectto such inspection and approval as tho Hoard olGuardians shnll determine.

Parties tondoring aro required to givo tho names oftwo solvont Securities willing to join them in a Bondto Ihe amount of their contract , for tho due fulfilmentof same.

Sealed Tenders, addressed to tho Presiding Chair-man of tho Board of Guardians , and endorsed "Ten-der for Erection of Fever Hospital ," will bo rccoivodby mo up to Twelvo o'clock , noou, on tho above-men-tionod day .

N,B.—Tbo Guardinns do not bind thcmsolves toaccept tho loweat or any Tender.

By ordorof tho Board,JOH N F. BOYLE, Clerk or Union.

Clerk's Ollice, Augusts, 1873. lit.


FREE and ASSISTED PASSAGES to NEWZEALAND and CANADA will bo granted to EligibloPortions. For Forms and Particulars apply to Mr.Musriir, authorised Agent, 43 New Lane, Cam'ok-on.


THE following aro names of additional Subscribersto tho proposed Testimonial to tho Rev. P.

NOLAN , OU hii promotion from tho Parish of St.John to the Pastoral chari;" nf Trinity Without:

|V.r~ Krll. ,, ... - « "T. .Su..,tu , B. .I.- l'..= = -.- ... - 3 ° «Juhii Sl..iie 'V, •• - - •' « 'K. J.i.^ih Au>:«iJ ^, V ew , ... •• • •> JJ "P. It . Connoil y, M.U., ... ••• 3 j> °J. A. llUkr , ... ... ••• - « "Mr.. I'opc, ... .- ••• - 0 "J OM-I I I I Ki>lior , ... ... - - '> "I'. F,i»or.,ld , - 2 ° '•M M. Power, Willinn « li iwii ... — 1 0 0Maurice Slunnlwn , Cii«tl( !lo»ii -. — ! lu "P. W. H.iiinon , Itallinduil , ... • • • 1 !'¦> "Sir. Tlioiom 1'lieUn . ... - } ° ','Edward Kirwan , Kil lurs , .. - I 0 ()Sikf»i»rJ. I'lieUii , .. - ! " 'J. J . Phe'aii , ... ... - 1 ° "0. PA*er, Uilly litickfn , ... - 1 " "J M IIII Ilartj, Mauor-stnet , ... — 1 o <>NichuliM Wdltou ... ... - 1 ° "Miss Cnokf , Mxiin r ... ... — 1 0 1)Ainlrrw film , J'.l.ll '. Mill- , ... — 1 0 0J illitj Cinnii , ... ... - 1 0 0.I. 1I11M l.«IDJ' , I'.L.G., ... ¦•• 1 •> 0lM.v ;iril IWr, M-iior , ... ... 1 0 0Ju nii Murph y, Jnliii -a i ri-at , ... ••• 1 0 0

10: UiCii. ii. her, T.C.. O'N M II , Mr. Knwaii ,J.iini-s -hi'Mihu , J O'.HI O'.ilim, Eil»»td Kirwxn , Mmiur :Tliiiiuas Lrilbe , J.iiuts O'.Miar.i , Nicbolm lWei , Juluir-tU\TII ,

5> . KA CII.— n SI H C II , Jnhn Krnt , P. 0 'llegnu , -MisWi li' il , Jnlin Wiilsh , jnii., .M.iiiur ; J"hn Klidiav.ui , .MrsH.i witi iin , Mm. IMifhin , M-i lii.r.

Tknmi» Kf i i i t t t l ) , ii> . 6J. ; M M. Kuam-, Juhiutoivn , 2-Bl . ; 1'. O'Cuiinell , i- .

H i r.r.vouxNER CASTLE :Jnlin Kirtvmi , ... ... •• ¦ £1 0 '•M IC I M.-I K I I W .I I ., ... ... •¦• 1 " "Pdtrirk 1'oBcr . ... ... ... 1 0 0

IS A L I G U.N .N KRMORE :Tliomns Pln-lnn, ... ... ... 1 " u

.Mrs. Jolin IWr, ... ... - 1 0 uThumu Plielaii , ... ... ... 1 ¦> 0Maurico Pow,r , ... ... ... 1 » 0John Pli«lai: , ... ... ... 1 0 0

John Hrien , Ills., anil Miclucl Power , 2« . U'l.R A L L I M A C L O U E A N D BA L L KIU N N EII TE M P L E :

J. lin Mfade , ... ... ... 1 0 0N. ch..h. i l'jwcr, ... ... .. X » 0Mitba.l Murp li)- , ... ... ... 1 0 0Juhii Cuiliu , ... ... ... 0 10 0

BALI .I .V A K I M . A S H CO V E :Capt.Jollli Power , ... ... ... £3 0 0William Power , (Nurm - iy) ... • • . 1 •' 0Edmund .VJnitli ..'. . . . ... 1 0 0

CA L M J I A M : • Power , ... ... ... 1 0 0

llK EACH — John Kennedy , TI IJJ I KI " Power , Hiien Ivi , ry,Will i . -iin lvoiy, Widow Dixuin- , Patrick lirian , and theL'unst.'ibulary. Janici Welle , 6- .

G KAXTSTII WX :John Pl.el.i n , ... ... .. 11 0 0I'alntk U'.iKh ... ... ... I II 0Patrick Carroil , ... .. ... » l'J 0

I S L A M . :(k'rald P. 1'itzj er.i lil , Eiij., ... ... i'10 0 0Kicluri! I'liflan , ... ... ... 1 <> "ilr- . Jnlin (iriii -i i ... ... ... 1 0 0

llli. EACH — Widow Andrew Puwcr , Widow Jiihn Pu-.vnEdiuund Cuicuui n, 7i.

K NOCKIIOV :llev. llr. Forau ... ... ... i'ii 0 UJames Power , ... ... ... a 0 UWilliam CougLlan ... ... ... 1 0 0William Shelly, .. ... ... 1 0 0

10(. KACU — j.uncs Mchiy, Jaiues Murp hy, Juhuun uSllKii.

Kn.tOBAC.ii :Patrick Power , ... ... .. £ 1 0 0J .iuen I'lieUn , ... ... ... 1 0 0

10*. EACH— Edmoud Power , Widow Sliealian , .MauriceRuuflyno, V\ How Puwer,

Michaal L'rowlry and John Daly, oi. eacli.BISUOI'SCOL 'KT :

Patiick Kell y, ... ... ... £ 1 0 0M icharl McGratii nud I'atricl; Phelan, 10*. tac!i.

WlLLlA Ms rOW.V :Will iam Power , ... ... ... £ 1 0 0Patrick (.}¦">.> , ... ... ... I 0 U

^ub*ciipliuti:j can hr tuiwanltd tu R ICII A KD PowKn , K- q..A id., l'rtHMirrr , m liis ndilr^i , Mitiiur -strert , or w i l l be rt-teiffd ul n Mn'tiu^ i i it < r Elcvvu o'clock Maak , un ^utid^^in xi , at St. J.ilil . 'i C.-urcli.



T^TEWTOWN HOUSE, at presout ID tbo occupationJjl of J OSEPH O'N EILL POWER , Esq., situato withina short distance of TRAMORE , ono of tho most con-venicntaod fuahionablu Bathiug-places in tho Southof Ireland.

Tho Hm:sj: IB largo aud commodiou?, and has beenlately Papered , Painted , aud thoroug hly Repaired inevery respect , aud ia now fit, for tho immediate recep-tion of a yontk'tnan'a family.

Tho GA K I .KX , containing about Two Arcts, is moBtproductive , and Stocked with tbo Newest uud Bestdescription of Wtill and Fruit Trees.

A bandsomo carriago-drivo along tho Cliffs at Tra-moro pru.sciits objects of tho most uriking scenery,and adJs cousidcrably to tho convenienco aud beautyof tho residence.

Tho Stables , Coach-houses, and other Ont-Oflices ,nro in perfect order.

A Pack of Harriers hunts tho immediato neighbour-hood, aud thu Currag hmoro Hounds meet frequentlywithin an easy distance of the place.

The Grouud to bo Set with tho liouso contains ,inclusivo of tho Garden, about 32 Acros SiatutuMeasure.

Should it bo desired, a portiou oftho Furniture ,which is quito Now , may bo purchased by the Tenant.

Apply to JOSEPH O'NEILL POWER , Esq.,Nowtowu House, Trumoro ; or to

P1ERSE NEWPORT BARR0N Esq.,( Park Viow, Watcrford.


F O R S A L E ,


The Subscriber offers for SALE, tho UOL'SEBituatcd in Henry.street , Tipperary, in which Mr.W I L K I N S O N curried ou tho ubovo business far manyyeats. Thi; House has been rebuilt from tho founda-tion within the hist 3 months, and has cvory improve-ment, including W.C., Kitchen Range, Ac. Tho Shopis fitted with best Patent Lover Ale Pumps, &c.There ia Cullerago for upwards of aOO Doxcn olBottlcb , anill any number of Casks. Not ,i Shillingoutlay is required to bo expended upou cither Shop,Houbo, or Fixtures. Au exiensivo busiucss is car-ried ou thero ut present. Apply to

UAlil tr It . SAJiGENT,6G-2t Wine Merohant , Watorford .


PI I ICE PA I O . Stato Number and Prico tojyll. G. H. MYERS, Bristol.


City, an ASSISTANT who thoroughly understandshis business, aud can bo recommended by bis lastemployer. Also, an A PI'RENTICK. Address, " Gro-cer," oflicu of this paper. s(i-tf

BARMAID WANTED.WANTED, a BARMMD to attcud a Spirit Coun -

ter. None but a Person having first-classreferences need npply. Applications to bo addressed" Barmaid ," otlico of thia paper. 6G tf


tbeir Mtrsu.v ami P RINT DEPARTMENTS . Applyby letter. H


TKA -DE .Apply to Mr. DAV I I I UAI .LV , Ballybrieken. 2t.




Thin Establishment having unJorgono a thoroughremodelling, will now bo fouud rcpleto with overyarliclo conuected with tho practice of lledicino. Itwill bo tho object of tho Proprietors, by scrupulouseuro in tho selection aud proparatiou of all theirarticles , to maintain a character for tho supply ofMedicines, iu the purity aud efficacy of which porfectreliance may be placed, our constant aim being iu allCRHe8 to supply tho fiuest possiblo quality of Medicinesnt strictly inmteratc charges.

THE COMPOL'.SU I N U DKPA UTMK .NT for PbysiciansandSurgeons' Prescriptions will obtain our personal careand atteutiou j it will bo a princi ple in this Establish-ment, in order to onsuru accuracy, never to committhis important trust into the hands of inoxperioncedor incompetent persons. As tho efficacy of a pre.scri ptiou so entirely depends ou tho purity of tho in-gradients employed, oar Drugs and Chemicals, &cwill bo procured only from Honsoa of known reputn-tiou. For the conveuicuco of families residing inTramoro aud Dunmoro, wo shall havo our Medicinesdelivered free ofchar.j e . Application of Leeches andevery offico within tbo provinco of au Apothecaryskilfully aud promptly attondod to

TIIK KrrAiL DBFA WIIKSIT is supplied with overyDrug, Chemical and Medicinal preparation iu generaluse ; also, with Lavement Instruments. StomachPumps and Breast, I'nmp,, Feeding Bottlog &c ontho newest and most approved princiDles ; TrussesElastic Stockings, &c. ' '

ALL PATENT M EDICINES of repute ; Purfnmes andToilet Requisites by various Makers. Orders by poTtpromptly attended to. ' P°"


CS" THE LAST FEW bA YS.Tho Splendid Original Painting of tho


rBTIlElU ; :sa piclun. ou exhibitisn this week ntJL ThnniHS Walsh IIIK I Sons, Mall , which will bevisited by thousimdj of our fellow citizenp, nod onwbiub no Irishmau can look without emotion.

" No matter bow gmphie might bo our duseripliuuof this admir.blo Piiinting, it would fail to crmvaytho impression which it mnkos. Tho likeuesH o!Curran is pcrfact , tho attitudo grand and imposing."—iWsI i Times.



rinilE abovo granted in connection with Lifo lu-JL surance, withiu u limited time from dato of

application , if security bo satisfactory.Costs acd Charges moderate, and according to .i

fixed arrangement.Applications to bo addressed to

s5-3t) WILLIAM DALY ,Oj iccs— 30, COLLEGE GREEN , L U B L I N





muck), lor J O H N .MLKITI V , Esq., J.I' ., tho followingsuperior PRIME SI ORE CATTLE , &c, comprisinj; :

14 good Forward Two-and-a-half year old Uullocka•II *. prime Dry Cmv*.Go Two and ii-IIal^and Tlireo and a-Ua.!f year old

IK'ifurs.10 Springers.50 OIIP nnd n-IIalf vi:ar old Hoifurq and Ilu llocks.1 Thorough Bred liull , (Pedi grco at Sak').

SHEEP.150 l-'nl Sheep ai.d Iiuuon K WK N , iiud StvKN pritni-

Ram Lambs,(uf the I{u.-eommoii Ilrccd).Also , a llrtiod Maro wi th Foal at Foot.

Term?, Cash. Lunch at 12 ; Sain at Onu o'(.'!ocWALSH A SON , Anctiocci-rs.

Wpxfonl . Mrd August , 1S7:5. it


A SMALL YARD , with or without SHEDDING ,

suitablo for STORAGE , and with Hoom furOne or Two Horses. A ppl y lo

E D W A R D F I E L D I N G ,August 11 , 1S7:(. Qn'iy, Waterfonl .

it I G H A Ji L F L Y X K , ~


Where can I Get the Best Value inBoots and Shoes ?


Wl T 11 O U T hrsilntion , we answorcd . 5t.SMYTH 'S , 311 RAiiKii NH 'RANn STUKKT (Sm

the (>rvut C'lmpcl) . You have every variety ai.OThousands of Pairi to chcosu from.

M. SM I T H 'S cxpuritnco as a Manuf ;iclurcr, bisextensive Wholetalu and Retail basiuess , which ii Ilirlargcst of tho kind in Ireland , renders it easy forhim to undersell the trade iu general. Please nototho Addccss— GLASGOW Hoinc , H9 HarrcustramlStreet , Waterford ; !)7 Hig h Street , Kilkenny, and .'in

Tullow Street , Carlow. (s5-13t.)


J OHN FAL C OXKR , 03 Upper Sackville-atreet , Dublin.

SHIPMENTS FOR JULV.Tin: following are th? .-hiptiK'nts of huttt-r, laroii , and pps*,

from Wattrfunl to GnjMt Uritain during th*; n;outh of Ju l j,aa couip>h-i \ Irom of lidzl returns :—

HlTTKlt .Firkins . r'lr k iti - .

R Mahony aud Co — li-Sti M Scanlau -¦ — 111K Courtvuay -- — 'Jfn-^ W O'DonutJu — — '"'II Hidcway — — i:» .!. Egan — - MT KKSH -- - - I-J.X- Waui l I. lbiiln-ay L'0!u|>nDT "".1 Kyau — — Hit K Powrr — -- > '•'P. Unhorty - — 10s; M Huiibei — — V>D DavL'iin - — f.St' 1' Kenny — • I' 1P A I ' uwi r — • - 71; M. Bacon - • »¦>H. P. Phriau - ¦- 715 Malicr i Co. - - I"31 Hurts — — til I J. Fawcclt — • :i 'K KL'uni.-lirk --¦ — 5ot> J (I 'Douorau — - VTJ Lblisilule — — X) 't K Smitbwick — - -'*J CIa uip»tt — — 3)J M Pinr?OD — ~\J Power — — JV.1 W -bliott — I'ir O'Sliaujrlincs.iy -- 'Xi Ii Carthy ¦ — l.>R Bi-ll — — l,. | J {.'ranf liaw - — 1.'.C Sluvhaii — — ilu; J. LonKbottoci— < "•\V . O'tiuruan — ll's. li Cirly — :iN Powtr 11 o. — — isi n lYnnr-Hy anil i;c. ¦ '¦•P l-'lowl - -- I.V." J. anil M. blatUry ¦ S\V l.'mtiali aTT — -- lJ'i' \V I'owi-r — — :•

B U D S .Ilalis IU>-

J J Richardson — 'J' ft : H Knu^h auil .Son — H:(1£ DiMiny nml Son 2.Y>5 | I). Dnviion — - IJ A M Sluttcry - - l '»7 K. Kcuuebfirry -It Fonnrlly ¦ — K '7 Hjan aril Ph-Ja'i - 1S 31 I'rosM.r - — *J0

t: r. i; a .

C .-ihcelian — — a-il .1 Damr-l -- — .ViJ. I'owi r -- — 2 N Powor — — IR Ki'nny anil He:. -- Z'H V>\ aud L. Railn-aT Co. — I31. Mabuny — — .17

liirtits, iiTatrriagcis, .v Deaths.A n n i u n c c m c n l t o/ M i r t h , ,M- t r r in ' jt i .y Dentht , \< . tm- U -p r t ./ i a ia

U 1 R T H S.Al -J , .StatToril Ti-rraco, rhilimon: (iarilt ns , IxjuJun . on the

4tli iust., the wife ol Michai 1 Jo=i.'lih l'un.T, K 3q., uf a son.(In tbe -'ilit ult., ut I'lrrybauk , thi> ivi iVuf M. J. Kcumily.

h^H-, as.-istant liccrttarr , U'ati .-rfonl ami Limtrick Hallway, oftwin (tun^'btuni.

At. .Pu&uun: liiit, the wife of Mr. WiHiato H. Farrell, il :iton.

On the :lr.l ?cpl.'iul«-r, at Diuip.irTan, county Witrrfonl , l!i«wifi: of Janice T. Build , K?q., nu-ri:baiit , uf a daughter.

At Youghal , county Cork , tin: wit, : i.f Major Uill./n , 1V.UHoyal Irish , of a sun.

(Ill tb.: Jntb ult., at William.strict , in thu iity, the wife ..(Mr. C. V. HoH', u( a. snn.

In Kilkfcnuy, thu wifi: of lJat.ii -1 L'li lli'U , YM[ - , j illl - . i.f a^nn.AUKli st 'JO, at -North .Maiu -stroit, Wexfunl , tbc wife of T. J.

Lyyn.-', H.-q., of a iiaii|,'liti'r.S pt.::, at (, Prn.brokt-terrace , Abbcylt-ii, the n'ifc ot Olmr

A. T. Mai^uii , Ksi ... Huval Irish Constabulary, of a -on aud heir

M A R R 1 A li E S .On SatimUy hii-t, :l"th August , ut t ru- Catliolic (hurcl:

nallyduff, hy the Kir. Putrick >lattcrv , P.P. , Jarr.M, tbinl sosof Kdmoud Harry , KM |., liallinlovaiii', ti, Nunuii , tbinl rlilrrltlaitgliter of Thomas Qtiirkf , >>q., of CurragUaoi.', both of tincnuuty Walerfonl.

Sepl. St. Cauicc't Prutbtaut Cathulral , Kilkenny, by tbiWry llev. tbt; Dean of U.-.-orv , Norman Macdonaltl, Major, MbNorthuniUrland Fusiliers , fi> Ijraie Kluabith . younccr diugbtcr of Joti n V.'adi , Ef.j . St. Cauicf 't Cottjij;e, Kilkenny.

On Hlth ult., ut Friends' MretiuR Ilonm;, Dublin , WilliaaJ-lduiuuU lireen , K?t \., of DivernuKb , near Ncwry, to Rebecca,second daughter of the late Sauiut:! Davis, KF.|., ot CIoDmel.

At rtt. l'iiul'<, Chijw ick. lli-nry Yeaey Si'ynniur, Kcood ion oltha Kinbt Hon. Mr W. Seymour-Fitzjirald , llolbrook P»rk,Horibam , Sussex, to .lojepbino Louisa, snond dauRbUr otItob«rl St. Grorife . KMJ ., Chiswick , laud RninilK]&U(,'bUr of tholate Sir lticlianl Uligb St. George, Bart , of Woodigift , couutyKilkctiiiy.

At tbi- Parish Church of Clontarf . the Ret . Jauica LyoDi, otLongfonl , to .Mary Eliti , onlv ilauRhtcrcl Urahum Lemon , Ksi ,Suw Park , Clontarf, county Dublin.

D E A T H S .Ou the ord inst., at III , Lower Newtown , iu this city, Vf ilbim

Halliilay, gged eight years, FOU ot Mr. H. Sinclair, Clido Ship-plug Company.

At Parade Quay, in tUs city, on Thnrediy, 26th ult., at »nodvauecd age, Mi«j Jauu Bakas, sieter to tbo latu Robertllackas, K<q., of butierhtown Cattle.

Aagufit^i , atSiou , Kilkenny, Henry, the infant fon of M*riAnthony, K«q., M.D., Stall Surgeon , II. M. S.

At Cottaxe, Kinit 't Island, Limerick, Mr. Samuel DunbarQuiucoy, aged 22 yean.

At bis residence iu Liverpool, Mr. Francii Ward.At Batlyjhecu, county Wcxfonl , Auifust 25th, Judith , relict

of the latv Patrick Codd, aged Iu3 yexra.In Boston , U.S., J uly 27, Anno Brodcriok, a natite of Fid-

down, county KUkroay, nijoiv of tlie Ute D»rid Brodsrick,and for many yoar» * rcildcut of Halifax, X.s.

Al the rcsidouC'.' uf ber son-in-Uw , in Toronto, Canada, Eliia*beth Shauahan, mothor of James Shanahau, of Urillia, a nati'oof tbo parish ot FeniB, couuty Wcxfonl , in the 78th year oflicr ngc.

In San Franciico, August 5, Mary Laban, wif« of SamuelCobb, a uatirc of the parish of Kiltratcrmoy, county Waterord,afcil +1 ; JaniM llajjau , u natim of Ketbard, count, Wexford,aj(eil fOyeat-H .

August 3l . nt All Hallow's Colicsc Dublin , tbo R«r. ToomasJ. Potter, for mauy yearB Piofunor of Socred Eloquence in thatcollege.

IJort flelos—ajas.sagc,A R R I V E D .

30th—Vulture , e. Davis , Jlilfonl , g c ; Zophyr, », 0'Donald,Liicrpoiil , g e , ; .1 ulio, Christiana, ice ; Mercury, Odessa, wheatGeorg« Brown, Newport, cual*. •

31st— Kuos. lindunich , TaxanrOR, wheat; South of Iroland ,«, 1'earn, Milforil , g e ; Margaret and Mary, Hughps, Xowcutle,coal«.

lilt—Gipby, 6, BuruH, Literpool, R c; Skerryrorc, », Glas-gow, g o.

2nd—(jrcat Wrstcrn, a, Milforil, ff c ; Lara , s, Coffey, g c ;Toward, Glasgow, g c.

3nl—Pegami.i, Sundcrland, coaLi ; Vulture, n, DaTi« , Milford,C c ; liarou Ugglar, Surftn , Cbristiansanti , fink ; Jurerna, t,Daris, Bristol , JJ c ; Humility, Powell, Troon, coals ; John andWilliam , Dublin , bullant.

Ith—Zephyr, », Livenuol . ir c.

S A I L E DMth-niiwy, r , Liverpool , Ilnnu, B c ; Solion , Voognal conh j

0»prty, C.rk , Rowlimdf , coals; Secret, GlonoeiUr, Harwr,pitwood; Cburlolte Auu , Portmadoc, Dara.baJlast; Friendship,Xcatb, Allan, pitwiHKl ; Margaret, Llaoelly Keen, Krap iron ,-Great Wentern, Milford , R C .

lst-Charlotte, Gloucester, Carty, grain; Collector, Saundera-foot, Darey, pitwood : Ada Elifb etb. Sewvort, l'liilip*, W-last ; William, Portmadoc Cadwacoden, nallsst ; Vultuns I,Milfonl , DaTij, g c. '

2nd-Princi., Cardiff , Williaml, emp'j i *« *< "J, Mavne, Sol-hut ; Molina, Cardiff, Vealo, pitwood ; hwj, Dunnrna.Weldon. maiw j Cambria, SanddenXoot, J OUM, Ibaluut; Own'llrowu, Kimale, coals ; Xuor» O »««». Cardiff btuut l H*r-gan.1, CarditT, ballast ; F.anj. S*»°«». SeLyW. Wlirt ,Sylr.nus, Cardiff , Evans, pitwood ; William * MMP"*- «f;narvon, Jones, ballast; 8kan7rorc, 8, Glasgow, g e t Scirtl •. Milfonl. Peara, IC . . . . . - ,. .

'j3nl-Thoma., Crudifl. Porter, bauaat : LM», &J-i'"'2S'

Coffuy. B c : Shimrock, CirduT. Owen, baltut ; T«"»t'.,cJ^1:

Adonis, Cardiff, harrii, Kiust ; Gn.t WotOT, »< »"»"?•Pcani. g c ; Threo Brothsra, Peuryn, Beer, bonei ; Tow»ra, •.Q'XW

p/o ,, Portaadoc, Evan,, ballalt ; Talturt.^MB-

ford, g o. ^ ^ ^ ^ ;

Ho that pelU at erery barking dog molt I** Wi• great manjitoow. , .. ¦-. - .• .¦- .•/ i:-i. <^% fea


gatatcYforo ftTiuUctsllu(.v;.ir.', >'.-;¦(,„.() ¦¦• •> , IN, :;.!u r \cr.r till' ' f.'r ih.'.-uanlrv . Scan*. 1" i'liy Xriv i;r i l- iat mark.':.

nUtKI l iN WHKAT A lamliTiltr .ill- a *, t!;-i-Mlv:ni 'yrir . i

IMU \N CfU 'X— A *to:idv .'.it. 1, at an advaue.'o f 1 ~ . |¦• i *¦|.:,ml.

n.nrH - SiU''imi't , :ct'Jd . t« i ; . :C UM:IIT.

t .'Ul.K «\: i 'ltOriSOl!.

i' i: i c !•: s c i: u n ;•: N T .

i ::ir-u. on-. XKIV .

W H I IA T , |H -r l i : i r i . l . . t J-.'ii.v - . .1. - •!. ' . d . . .1Whit. '¦•' " to "*' ' '¦-< " t-i '"I "{; , ,{ . . . . IHI t i IM it.Ml II I HI II> _' • ! " "i" » l"> "

l l .UII.KY . |»r l . : invl . . i j J IILviS i in . l i i ,- • ¦ • I I i i I ' i '•"¦> " '" »Mal t im ' • - ¦ '•' 'I -" ""> • " ¦" "

i "ATS . i« i- I.:IITI 1 ¦¦ ! l l ' .'.li- .i:;:i. i; . ¦ - . .«i n in mm i> .'I II

-- Wliili : • • - I "' ¦¦ ¦-' I en*' ¦> ( t l

t l lv v . . - m l II i«l i n n il l l t , |..r .-a.-:.. "•' -•- 'Hi •

>ii|hi liiM ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦•" " '" "'' "

llifi- l:•> !¦« ¦ • • '"• " I'' """ " <"" "I > AT .M I :AI .. I'. "- •-;¦¦:. • i . ¦¦ ¦ ¦" <"• ' "H l iA N , i> r I 'wt . ¦ ¦ " " ' 'i " (I 'I '"" »

ruCKHiS. I m:.:.Wlli:.\T, p ,r l« i r r . .!..f 'Jvlli-. ... ,1 .;. il

— Mari:i'i:.i|.i.- " ' " •' - "• • • •>". "" "" "

— l !, • ? > ('— lih !rfci .T.i-.-.iiiri.-, iii|. l " i . l i - .-«t - - :;> ': :-' "— ll.rail " "

1 N I H A X > HI'.N , Y.ll im '. ( M i i - .i ;il|.| H:\U\t. - I!' " 1!> "— — I l in i i l i iml FiiMMii: """ ¦ • ¦'¦' '" 1!" "

Ai.:in.:ui , . . . . |:l II |:> n— — IV. ni-li Aim rii-iu Wliil. ' ¦•" — — K.'vi.ti:m ¦ - • -"" ">

— llalna;:i-d - - - -'"' "' '" "'n.Ofl !. Aim-rii-aii. l»r Ku ril cf l:"ill.< - . ¦ n H

— Vivwli , |»r >:ir!: , uf ->"lli<. • - - "" " in nISUIAX MKA1.. Aiiu -rU-aii , |«-r>r.rl ; iif 2-"lli-. '¦» " "> > "

< Holm- Matiili ai 'tur .- , n i r > ,,, - ~ I -:ii-k . "f --"Hi- . I

i m yf r t s S ' /•.>)""..'.'-•/ ¦¦>¦ IT.'<¦'.' «! '>»;.' Tlnu - '<ri .I .MI'lllITS. KXl'OUTS . • 7771' (.'nail. r- . Wh.-.-tt - Karr. Ihi.I:an < i.r:i ¦--- -I". "at.- - - '¦'¦'• '<» .t >nt - ¦ • 'I". l:ar!i-v - .In .Iliir i .-v. - - - >'ud>- . li:.!iu:! Cum - il.> .

' i IM .1... Flour- - 1!H ; ,1.,.r -""r ( I'amls. Hatim-al - 11 Sack .-M....1 . Sark- . Indian :Ki':ll ihi .

WATEliKOI t l ) l!L"TTi:i! MA11KKI " .S v m t .f r «.;' Firk in* uf i . t h t d a ' t'tc I 'uii 'ir !<u;i rr \ U i r l . i t

f u r I t ' f . k ,.. - i»i l . i Fri. ulj j l l ' n\ • h lu l , (i n l Pr i i 'ex .Sitn"r.l:iv. — "J7 — I-.1"!-. iM. I'. 1:;.,. isl .Mi .ii.lav , -- 17" — l'.-J'. Hi . r^-. ml.Tn.-.lav , — - — II *.-. ".1. US- . nl.W,.ln.-".|.i v — - :¦' -- 11"-. "•!. 1-J- . nl.Tbur-I.i v ,' — 177 - I*', inl. I t ; - . Hi.Kri.lay, ' — .. — I'-. H I. U- . "I.

N > ..*i.f l irkii t - eurr .-.-iiuiiuiii -- w.. k la-t year — ii»-j.i.l'rin' i*r ovt. — l l- «. '".I. to l-J-l - ml.

(C"'ilTrf.'t '.( < /il.« idty .'"I- 'l li v IV t t t i r J nn t .Yt-if.-.>1'KI IVI SIOXS.

l lAi i .x l'|..S!'"r' > »l . -" — '¦"-• "'•• l" '¦"-¦ Hi,( H l \ L .!¦'. — -- '">. "il. ''-.'• . "'. I,T i l l li". — — IJ- . Hi. I-.-.. n|Il l - Al - S l l... — — I--. '"I . IIS. Hi.TA M .- W .1". - - — u-. HI. -n,. r-i.I .AIIH .rll l ltl .ll . rs ' j — • • 7J- . 111. 7Ji . Hi.

l!I TCIIi:it.-' MiUT.l!l l.l . l- i- Hi ., •¦ • M tu I'll. - l.Allii , |H-r 'ir. '.'» ii .| M is (M

1),. . s-t i-ak , I t !¦> 1- -1 | Y I:A I ., i...-r Hi . HI l.. IsMu i T ' -N , \<-t Hi ^it tu I'd I l''.HtK , 1».J- Hi . 7.1 t'. i'il

I'UTAT'JKS .Av. ra .'i- 1'ritr , 'LMTJ I *S. :¦(!. U. 'ill. .. JH r f t n m .

ISI tKAl ) .Wunv : , licr l i b—Hi . t'» >> 1 , HorsiiLi ., jar Illi ^.l to Hi

W1IISKI.Y.In \.Liy , \KV ca'.li u. I: 1-. Hi. I ULI . CO K K , ciiiiuii , 1- . ".ICi'i:i;, I'lio ihM .ii , lt»'<. :> .!. |

r I S. M .N' lM'LM^ prfHt , Jl-. lu JL' . , 1' I :A I . — t's HI. to it ,, I-. IHi:i;itiN..s |.r I- ' , J7- . t.. :<»-. j Si'i- l , ¦ • <s HI. to »< HISILI IVN , iicrlli. nl t.. ".% (.¦.;. ! Ti iM.n l , — ¦•» n|. l.i ( 1

nnv b AXI I i- :i;i;.-i .Fowi , ) » r |air , t.i (- . '»! | Iv. i .s , p. r r.*', 7. M !•¦ "¦ 'HiC. Tr i .Kiv . -. l"- tu U- I'l-rinir l Dr. i, -., iu to '|.. i>u w,:|,|.

SIM I 1 AND CAXUI.KS .Wim i , rcr.«t. JI- . to "- . ] M I . I - LI ., i « - i - c » l . 'i . ''-I :•« 7.-.llliuWN, .lo. j :.-. ".I tO ".-. I DlIT, ll'l. ¦.;. '« l. tO 'li

Wli l ' l . AM) ll!l) i :< .H"..iil T tt i ioi., J- . !!-i !o 1 . l' 'l l l i l . l .s , " > . n.l tu )..'.'. JK.-I- ..-\v t¦VVi.iin.i:iKwi: .l- 7.1 In I- . W1K11- , :M. 1.. 1,1. |OT I 'M .SKIS \Vo(l., "-- '- 1 I" "-'. !"." I CALl , IV. to :».-. l ,i!• (ll.i.

T I M 1! i: H .I!. l' l .M. |-iT :¦¦!•, X'..H l It, !).'. > r A V l > , [,..|- 11.41, iU«lVtui'iv I'ISI , .Ii/ MS Hi to S"- 1 l.Ai ii-.,|.t r •].. ")•;- . :.i .•;¦.

<: o A 1. s .CO A L S , IH r t- .-n , -*:t- . Hi to.'!.'>¦< (Hi. 1 CI - K I , JUT ton , :n.- . "I t > " '-

l o D U K l t A.M) l i l t M K X CKul'S.H\\ . ]" r t«T , . M , ¦"•.'i-' t u ' -*-. MAN. .ol . l ' .-.,jii .r tun , o>i- l , .u . i .

I I.. . Xi -W '"'- In '«¦- . 'I I I I M I - , I n r t o l l , mi- to " '-b l U A W , nil.Mm, ¦'•¦'..- to .'i7- I CA L U I T S, |i' l lull , '.».'• I

I)". <«U-||. IV to •¦¦":. ,

I M I 'tj U T S Hi' K O H K K i X ( i l t A I N .Mar/ard, M. Avi.y, (li li—a , l::Tl', "ir- . - l u a t . !:..!•: k 1'rn-nr.

Ki'.'». lUiluniili , Ti.'_':n.rci;, :ll'"i ijuarl. r» whtat , Slraut'inaultrctlK rj .

LOC.W, K A I L W A V Tl tAKF lC ,>¦.,¦ 11. .. i|-..; ..,i. i,,, ;; y-v. '.i.., A I\I . -J'.i, is?:«.

V.'a-...rf. iMl Albciiry l.'.m rir!; Wul, rf .l Kill .vnnyali.l :iu.l " :.:nl Ki l - .Iui..::. ii

l.iutiTK-k , i::ini- K ithi- l.i'liliy i:!l Hallway. ll'J;yiil. -.- ';ij link.- Jl , 'j iilc. uiii.:> Jv : inil .- .-

'.pi- lll. ' .lull. " lul l . ol»,u. li p- II.

t .-. .1 t -. il L .-. il. 1- .-. (I. C *. .1.

Kirrof-Vi'- . 1'Hfi 11 .'. 7" :i "'1-1 J 1 :il:: 1 -.M71 1" -JUow.l- , < " illtlc IJ l- i I"' > 'i-> i'' ¦i l l" :i 1 1 ! M7 1 Ji ll '.'

'P.ta! .. ::!J 7 l i;- li' :: J''1 :. >7.'7 i!> :: "J i l l


k U- t j'r. J l .".' ]¦? s J!' 1J I .•¦'.", 1 1 ^710 lu V I S S U l l

^hc gSatrrforb |j lctos."BE JUbT , A N D KK.V U NOT. "



We Jiavo tu ilsiy I'J otlbf uiir dnu[ > comtnissci at io iito diir ;'..-llo\v-ciiiz<j :i- on tiit (k-julis to which tin;Town Council lias been bruiig lit by tlio iiil'ti.-iunof what has been a|)|ii opi iat designated " bailblood , ' intu its liiilieilo iiseliil mid rehpcclabledeliberation?. The >ceno on ye.sletduy wa.-.matktd by tin : .•¦i gii .s <>l a <:ailn -riiig oi' liinuiic- ,iit a madlioii r '.'. ralher than the dciiberaiivu a-hcmbl y of wUo ur (loeciil men. ll ii scareeivneee»'ai> t > . ad«l thai Air. J' -l.l ll l-'l>lli:ii was aprii.tipai aclor , and lliai , alter three hmitV M-liii fr , tlie Council broke up with out having nan.--acted any buMt n .-j s. In the half-yard til ' niiiice.iby Air. FlK li t . K on t lie |ia;.er , the related InUic wuter riiiv i , iiii'l, in a speech marked by iii.iusual buisfri otis volubi l i iy and rrcKie.-.-i rj .--1 "1a.i.serlion, lie proceeded to attack Air . DhJ _ \IH MY ,AI .l'., and elided by cliuruini; Mj tn > : oin ---li>: hadnot the manline-s to iiiini ' .- w li '.-n called on lu .luso -wi th iilund ' .riii^ Corp'j iaH: I ' .-venui .-. Whentht malt'T v.a.s about beiii "; lelerrcd lu a coinniittce , fur tin: purpose of inquiry. h> - , ino.-l 1111fortunately for bini -elf , icf . rrcd to soine la ini l iur" whiiowaihini; " priiuR», uiiU ended by desi ";iial-infj ii ruspectablc Ht.d u.icful mcniber of the ( .'oun-rii ii-. si l iar! The prucucliiigs were »imp lydisgusting •*""'' disgracel'iil , and calculated tudrive ij vi - iy n;>-p':clablc nicinbtr froin theCouncil

Wi: an: jj lail lu l:n«>w tbiit tnu winter tralli Con this now favorite and lii glil y-valut -d mut ' -will open ami be carried on with tlic new andpowerful .steamers which the flreat WealTiiCoiujj any long *inco ordered tu facilitate thetrallie to and from the South of Ireland , sindwhich have been delayed much beyond the timeantici pated , owing tu the disturbance ol the labormarket, which ha.-; so much imeiiercd with thetrade of KnglHiid , in the mailer of iron purlieularly, that tiie United .Stat ':.-. hilher lu o:ie o! herbest customer.'-, is now pK .dncing and able tuundersell the iron masler.i of ihu L'uit ' .d King-dom. The steamer.- o n the Waterfo rd and AIu-ford lineare being buil t on the Clyde, and willbea r the appropriate names of " The Waterford ,"" 'I'lie f.ini ' .iick ,"" and •¦The Ali i ford. " indicating1 he chief .-unices Irm n whence their fuiuro liallicin in bo ilciivi il They are inch 7'A' ion.-- i.-gUter , ( ' i i ial lu I ,"'.".' builder .^' tnea.-.uiement , andtlicir power :!•"/ ', nominal , capable of beingworked up to 1,1'W power. A.s regard.-8|":cd, they are expected lu run 1 t knots an bouiur 17 istatute miles ., and wil l be exipiisiil y liltedlor passenger accommodation ,hsiving every essentiul that the latest ideas of couilini have been ab!<to (I LTUC, The trial tri p of ihe lir^l boat— '- Tli-jAliiford"— already been made from I'ortGlasgow, with marked succes.s, her sty le ol goinggiving every satisfaction tu the party on board ,including Mr. WOOD, deputy chairman of theGreat Western railway, 4:md other gentlemen in-terested in the further develi'petnent of the greattrade ivhich exists throug h the port, of Water-ford. With the new steamers on the route, thepassenger trade, particularly, must receive sigreat impetus, for by making the ptissago withregularity iu ordinary weather in from six toseven hours, all connecting trains will be met ,and the journey between Waterford and Londonwill then be a certainty in fifteen or sixteenhours.


The first half-yearly meeting nnd the pro?pectUS Of this comnnnv Urn <v%mn l^,r«m .!,„ «,.i,i:

i|nin> mi t in ; line as yet. the meeting was merely( iiriiKil. l l i o priuci j ial litiMii u ss transacted hciii " ;the re-eleelion ol' l l iu iv t i r ing directors. A bo i rdiniv.'iinj : was previously held , under the presi-di.'iii %y of iIt . .- Mai( |iii s o! W ATKIU 'OKU , for the pur-|id-c ofek'oting a secretary. We unilersland thocandidates numbered over forty , from all part snl I hi) Kiiig luiii, and when lho number hadbren reduced by >.cruliny iluwu to four , the finallelecliou was iidjourtied to a future day. Thepio~pccliis M-ts iurti i l. 'ial, the .share cap ital of t in:coiupany (tiSi'/n 'iij is in bu issued in -JfS.uih tshares, of .Clu i-ai.-h. and sis live per ei 'iit. onthe invesiuiei iL is guaranteed by tin : County andCily. the Company , very properly, p:'i'|iu r-e logive l I K; prefercti 'i.' in allotment to the rate-payers , to whom the issue will l'o colincd un t i lthe 1st of November. W i t h such secniily largi- a rate of interest, ihe investment- i« asiilendid uinuey-iiisikiii g transactio n , and, in <'»''.Mru.-c sit all evenl s , w( .' exprci. this viilutiblu line-will be tin; properly of ihe rsi '.epiiyers.

I I I K COIM'OKATIO.N' l ' lu ' ( . i i | i i i i - .tti.m lic.M their iinmllily mwliii;,' i>i tlio

(.'oiincil C'liaii '.lii r, City Hall , on yestenlay at tvvo lveo'el 'K'k-

Tli o K yhi U'oivlii i'fu l St. lluoia.i: I'm i.MW ,JI U I I N . ill I I HI el i i i ir .

.\l-o pn sciil Al.l.rni-Ji :T. \V. .1.1'., W. K. CuiumiiisI! l'.m-ir ini.l I 1. K. ily. i:.niiii-ill.,r< ; T. I' ur ivll , M. l"Mi' :ira .T l'li. lan ,.!. l l ' lt . i lh- . I!. .M.ih.uir. .1 l .'l . iiili . itt , W. M:l« II.I... Tlii». I'. Ki i lv , !) . Kcu '.'li , lir. Sn itt, J.I'., Dr. t i . I. Mac-k.-v , -I l i-li'-r . W". K. -I I-.-.l*. )lii;ii.hi '.'. I.. IV.t:iii.M . II. (ia l lu .y,.1.1'. Mr. Di- li i l i imly, M. I 1., J lr . T. I' . Strani;c. Law A .lviMi ,Mr. K. I!v: mil .Mr. I:. S. Kennoy .Mayor's Sanlary »i-fj -.rCM'lit sil.-'i'.

> I: I: K I M . run ILI I. K.l )n tlir ¦¦¦•ailing (if t in? iniiiuti'S , Councillor I-'I M I K I :

r.-si' siuil >~ aiil la* \k'.sircil to innko a statctuent a-^ :i(liu-sliuii of iiiivilc^o.

Ho was iiifurmi'illlisit afler lieU-ft tin- last council :i ".untluiiian , nut a tiiembor "fthe Ciirpora l iim , stafil in i lnf prewneu of thu sncci-ini; 'ilrit hi' (Mr. 1'.) had d"clim'il tu pay for the watersupp lied tu liis I 'ri 'ini -i'.v , mi l l io fj nv.iiul that , t l iuwater was bail. Xnw lie (Mr.P) hsid to ssiy tliat t ha tstnlumiMit was wholl y and Ul tu i l y untruu . Thewater was goinl , sm! lio was read y to pay the accountwhen it would lie suut tu him by lho treasurer.

AM. KKit .r— U'I KI SIU I it rM A M H :- That i|ui'siinti is not nmv fcrdiscuasiou.Mr. K I M I K I : — It was maile by tlieTresisurer.M AU > U — 'J'ho Tr(»a>urcr wi l l hn here shortl y, and

cuu iiNMvcr tuv J)i»i.-L')t-Mr. I' I S I I K I ;—He nisule the slatetnent in my nb-

sence, anil I ilo nut th ink , Mr. Mayor , he should liavoheeii alloiveil to iln so.

The sul'ject then droppeil for the timt ;.l I I K i.ATI : HCK .::K..\I. V I S I I .

Tlie T-jiv n Clerk read tlio L'jrd I.ieau-iisiin'M rep lylo ihe Corporal- il'hlrefs preseuU'il lo him sinil tl io['uiinte.'" Spi'iirer on the i r recent visit to thi s city.

The MAKII: said thin sinei; then ho lisid received aletter on t l ie part of (mMr , rci|ue»tiiiKhi:n " to inform thus..* who lisul ^iven them so warma reccptidii , how j ^iatelul they wore, for that recep-tion , and how thankful they wero lo those who car-ried out all tho arrat:^iiii! Uts so

successfully." Astin- Ciiipiiratiun hail the greater portion of those sir-rsi i i i fi ' t iuMil y . he f''lr i! i lue lo l l i e Counril to rcsid il.I'm- I In- inei t i i i^.

Coiini'iiior Kni.v movd, ami Aid , Kcn.i iccini'le.lthai tho replv Ii ¦ inserted i-n the minute.-. Theinolin:: passed.

A KI:M :.\T.A li l t , i w . i . - n"Vt n si'l l io i i i the Mes-irs. Ainl"r--oii

sunl Jin., s. ;. >.- . I . - ol I h - (ia< \Vork> ol W.iterf .ir.l ,s ta t ing lluv l l l i e v took the liherty ol pie.-culini; lhr. oL'sinleii ehair.-i to l l i " Cuipnintiui i , for tl ie use of ther.nk.

'fiiu A1A \ UI : Mated l l iat the thret ehuirs sdludcd tuwero tin,so very hatidKomo ones in the hall dowustairs , whi f l i he directed lo bi: kcpl thcro un t i l theprt 'si'iit liieolisi'' .

Mr. i' i l. i . Kl.l . niovc'd that their special thanks hetriveii lu llu Mi .-^r.-. .\ tfilei*soti ii ml Junes i'ov theirVITV hsiiidsoine p i iM - nt ; ;il the same lime , he wouldit-eoiuiiu - tid that sia * cli: iir > be kept where they werefor the il Would lint l ij ul any use l--> p:iLtheni out fur the winter.

Mr. I' I M I I I : s- i'coiuU'il the inoliun, olisnvinjj thattno>e ^enlleuieu were unlit U-«! to their husl ihank- .lie would surest that the facl ot tin: preset itsitioli ,with llie name of the dutmi*.- , hu inscrilx .-d on tablets ,one to lie allixed to esicli -eut.

'I'lie mut !.,:i pa-si-d unanimuusl y.i:11: i t r.i.K I . I I . I I I I M - .

Ti;e TU W I I Clerk read si letter I rum Ihe Messrs.Andeixiij and -hnie> , under the dali : ot* the -.~it!i ofAu^'ii.-l liisi , i ,util y in» ,to tin) Council that the tri-ennial conirai t fur the public li ^'litiu ^ exp ired ou tin)Ills: uf the in untli , and .-liiiin ;.' that , Hiring to ihi:.•r.-al u\e in lie: [trie-: ol' cuul and Ulaturi il , tho next

f l int iact could not lie entered into sit a le-s li giif..:than lulu guineas a lamp.

Air. C I .A M I 'K I I ¦¦ What is th. > present price. !'AM. J .\. ui s— J;:! 17» . lid . I do licit think under the

citciinissaiicL -s , tlial the i:.c:' .uoked fur is sit. allunieasoii L 'li le.

-Mr. i'l si/Ki ; su(,"''' ied that tho Mes.-r.--. Andcrs'inand Jones bo asked what lli - ;y wuit ld eiiar 'o periamp foi' one . twn , or three years, tin 15 candle

Mr. Ki:....u-.T!::i -. wi l l he an mere-no of i;:ilHi avi ar on utir prusunl oiillav of L'l^i.d a year furIh- hiiiis,'.

The iet l ' i ' was sent , on motion of Mr. T. I' H K M N ,see led by Mr. I' i la l:l.l., lo tlio finance and lawci imtni i lee , with directions to embrace in their con-sideration the Mi^cstiim maili: by Mr. l-'isher.

I M. '.V I K I . K I i U A I ' ll I'Osr Ol I K K .Tho TO W N CI.K K K tlicu read a luiter fr.ioi t h e

head I' i. yr.ip h olliee. (/'urk , s tat ing that the Govern.-mem I sui den rmii.eil lo establish a telegraph postalolliee in IJ di y l/rieken , smd asking piMinis s iou fn . iniht ; eiuporaiaj ii lo put down onu lele^'raph poh; inFiiincis >treel , and aiiolhor at the cornir of Ually-brickcu , to extend tlie wiro ? to connec t themwi th ti .use already in existence.

The M A Y OK slat'-d that tho matter, .vith Mr. W oods,the inspector, Iruin Cork , had been before the fiiianei;and law committee, nnd their decision was , lo rulertin: applicaiion to Mr. I!. li yuti , (heir superiuteudout,to re|n,ri tipuu.

Tlii .- Tmv .\ I .'I.KK K now reud Mr. K. Uyan'.-i ropurt ,in which lie laid it down , as a grhiMul rule , llnil t l iewiie-. Wen: better e.v.endcd by uuder groiiml cables ,bil l thiii in lins ca ,D pol'-s would nol ;.u any publicimpediuii 111.

Mr. (J i .A . l l ' l : i i —Mr. Mayor , I liavo properly inI-Vaiiri- .n l i ¦ . '.-t . and s-.j l ias Aid . Jacob , ami I trustnothing v . i l l In: pi ruiitt ei I to inconvenience lho peojj lel i i i n ^ in ihn-e fiuu. -e- .

M A I I I K - Our sti|n rinli iideut reports lhal nothing;will he duiio tu iiieoui'enienco those tenant9.

1 lie c.ui.ei: l . . r e ui.animuusly uyreed lo sign thecon-ei.l ii.r l! c enel i . /n ol those poles, wbich formwa.-. .-i :lil t j (. -til the Col k otlice.

n . . \ > - i t . i s or i . u iriKs.A ri ' l ioi i « ..- i i ' .nl limn the law adviser, referring

to :i pi.. | (. > :-'.t a t iausf . r of lho eiiv li-icill.ti':iness l imn : !• "• i i ini ,"! jury to the ruiporatiuu ,under the ."<th soctiou of tho Local Governin. nt Act ,Malint,' that ,-u i l i ii Ciiirsi: could li'H , under thatei i i i .Ke , :¦!¦ any other i- l tliat. net. he carriud out . andlhai bepatato leuis atiou would lie required.

Mr. I Kin :: .-aid when hu mentioned this mailerHi ' , Ins i ' l i -1 wits tu iiuv.) U'aletford placed in tlioI- .'I I I I " p', - i t i . .n iu this i'-ip'.'Ct as ('urk , Dcibliu , liolfsisl ,uiitl l.nii i . diie ol th 'i r c ity inoiiiboM wsis thenpresi .-nt , and Im ivimiil wi-Ii to know if lu wouldlirins? in a bil l to obtain tbis object ? He had noi lcMie \ > h . i t p v i r. to put thft curpnration to any1-jpenni. , but he ll.oui.'lii sui-h a ri'sult would beavoided by having a p'lbllc bi l l brouglil in in thisivsiy . Ho would move thai tho ci'.y membors bucointnutiicaled wi th on tin: subj ect.

AI'l. KKII.V—Would not Mich a bill cost £11*." ort5 "«i :-

Mr. I V n m — I d it thii.l . n would , but oven ifit did . I t h ink lie: moiiev would bo well spent.

Aid. Iv i u.v U'ouid it" :-Mr. I' i m J.I.I. — I would HI ';;CH that it be sent to a

commute'' .'or eoit i-idcr alion.Aid. ,I.\( i r- h.'t id lie wou 'd like to ben lho fisca l

i iuuu - II I the lmnils of I In; council , because In: wass utj they would l«: well immaped. Ho hnd someexpein:iii " ! in the cist ol passing railway billsthrou g h t in- (.'oiniiious , and I.e was sure, from thehigh Ices of the lions'- , that such a bill could uot behad under i"t'i'l or JU I'K) . They thould bo cnutiouain il i .ihj; s tnyt l i i f i i ? which would impose additionali(j ^ '. on tlm bui''', and lio reall y did beliovp ,l.uviii!.' been a (iratnl juro r of :>:j ine years' experience,Ilia ', tlie duties were well discharged by the(.•rand ju ry . N.i doubt they would bo eij uall ywell di> cliar ,'cd by t lie corporation , but ho thoug httin ; mai le r oiii;ht lo he allowed In Manil.

Mr. I ' l .AMi 'H i said he did not th ink any Eclf-clectcdbod y like Ihc gravl jury could iiiauii^ 'u public bt;, :i.( well as a bod y l iko tbc corpoiutioo elected bytho I' lihlie. l ie (Mr. < ' .) had much pleasure in second-in^ Mr . I' isher '8 motion.

Dr. Hi on —I have tin: authority of Mr. Oelalmnty,M.I 1., to sny thai u public bill will not cost unytl l i l i ^ .

l.'inh r tiiis Msiiemeiii the inoliun passed uuaiii-motiil y.

mi: (JI 'AV AMI ltivn; W A I M I .A im uiorial was read froin th is body, appealing

a^iiinst the i i i l i i .g of tl.o llarlxj r Commi'sioti) rs

ro-fuaing to increafli: their puy ol is. M . a clay to ^H. tjd.n day, statin),' they soug ht it on tho groutiil of in-crease of |niivit ions in price , nnd pointing out tlmtthe ; laboicr.i wue |.aid .U. Id. a day, a penny overwhat tliey riceived.

ilr. L. Kit I : HI AX nuppott ed tlie justic .i of the claimmade by thy watchmen , and ptoposeil that theyreceive tho turn they asked for, 2a. lid. a day-

Aid. J!. ]'o«Kl: described tho watch as o veryusefu l body of men, and wen: certainl y entitled toconsideration. They were men who protected lifoand propertv , and ought to gel the small iucrcasothey noug ht , hut this advocacy was met by Mr.M A N X I N 'S who objected I'nli - l y on technical grounds.The incre.iso chould come out of money in tho handsof lho harbor commi?siourrs , sind I he corporation hadno power to interfere with tlij i revenue. Let them6end tbn appea l to tho harbor commissioner;', with astrong recommendation to its being favorubly con-

ti i ai't , as on a former occasion they muchi an ordersi to tha i now asked fur. I lo thoug ht the menw. I I ' muderale iu what they asked , and he fell thryiia .j hi in ^-et i l .

I ' r. Si 'iirr said there wns mi arr.ingcineiit betweenthe 1'iirlior coiiiiiiissi oiic.'.s and the corporation , underwhich Ihree-foiirlli ' i of a certain sum went to thocouiiui. i.-'ii.uer.s and one -lourth lo th e latter. Tholiii K 'M " pun ion ivcnl lo pay thewu salaries, and if thopresent app lfcalion wii.-s conceded by the council llioscilirei ' -l i i i inlis would ho much curtailed , bocauso theiiiei. ' .i-.- should CCIIIIO out of them. Whilst full y inlavur nl ' the el- .im , he should s-ay they had no powerlo act in ir.

Aid. .l\. - iir , inl 'iinned lhi>ciiu "cil that , besides beingpaid 1,1s. lid. a week, ihnsv mm eot an addition forclothing, mi lk ing thei r pay 17s. (id. si week. Ho hudbeen making inquiries info th i s subject , und ho foundthat in nowhere e vo iu the . kingdom was thero suchsmother establishment a:i the i r watch , ouo costingfull y ono thousand a yr-ar. He had no doubt at alltha t were such posts sitid chains , as were now sibosubridge, coiitimind all t h e way down thu quays, theywould lie found more cllic.'icinu i for public purpose:!than tlio ([uay smd river wsitch , sind the questionwas, were they to continue this system for ever ?As to protecting property, il was fouuel , on inquiry,thai such was not tho case, and it was stlso ascer-tained thin ono of tlio bye.laws of tho. board made itiueuinheni on all masters of vessels to sot a watch atnight to protect, tlicir property when iu harbor. Ilodid not th ink the harbor corrfisnionors would refusethe increase , hut his op inion was tho council had nopower to grant it .

Mr. CI.A M I 'KI T contended that - lho question wasnot whether or not il was advisable to rotain thoquay and river wilch. If that wsts tho poiut , thouMr. Jacob would have his remarks iu order , becnuso

Here Mr. (.'lampetl was called upon to kcop tot li ' i course ho was lay ing down , ahd not follow Aid.Jacob. Mr. Ci.A.Mi'CTf contended ho was entitled toset Aid. Jacob right , but ho was told he had not ,and submitted. Dealing with tho question itself ,Mr. Clampett s.u'd hu regretted that lookiug for sucha paltry sum a* Ihico peneo si day should bo objectedto ln> give n to ?u deserving a body of men , and withthat refusal , contrastod tlio rcadinoss with which thocouncil had conceded tbo claim made by tbo gascompany for an increased contract price Ilo wouldmove that they receive this small increase.

Mr. paid if thoy gavo tho incroiso, it oughtto euiiiu out of the fenrth remaining in their hands,and not out of thy portion going to lho harbor board.

It was decided to scud tlic appea l to tuo harborboard , with a recommendation that tho samo bofavorably considered.WATKK , AM' ALSO HKk— I '.lt lMs tO S 'K— ( i f lkAT liCN S A\n

l.lTI I.i: ( S INS—TOK NAIIOKS— A |-.|.O» I |', AND NKA1SI.VI III.OW 11OMN .The TO W N C I.K K K read a memorial from a number

of burgesses extending from Queen-street downward s,comp laining of nun.inform.aiou about tho water-rate,adding lliero WHS a large amount of nrrcurs duo ofthe rale, and asking if there was auv mode by whichto recover iheui ? lu connection with thi3 matter,Mr. Counsellor Fisher , who figured upon tho immensenoticj paper with si vast variety of itonis , ono onlyof which (the subjoined one) was entertained , hadthe following under the head of " City Pipo Water ,"

-"As thu corporate ollicers havu not obeyed theorders uf i.liu council , and submitted tho returnsc-died lor w i t h reference lo tho city pipo w'ator, 1submit (but lho reporter doos not) tho followingstatement to lho council. The ostimatci'. rental isthe amount collectable by Mr. (Irahutn io LS.12, whentheru were .'ill* houses taking water. Tho recei ptsare taken from the boroug h lrcasutor'8 account. '* Thon-ilico then gives the rental, cash received and balanceiru m lbD.1 to lS7i iuclusive , and wound tip as follows :" As the deficiency appears to bo over JM.OlX), ofwliich £l ,l>5:! lias accrued within tho last sevenycsir.-.. 1 intend to submit a resolution to the councilthereon. " The speaker then proceeded to movo hisuioiiuu by guiu^ throug h au addiiionol muni of fi gures,with'.'m.Mils nol to be lo.lowed except iu onegrand feature , and lhat ivai , thai ho was attackingthe boroug h treasurer .or i.ot niiuishiug the councilwith tin ; panicUiats of llio ivncr rito , iis collection ,which , ho said , bo W.IB o.iu .d (.., i t , liy uider ol ' tuocorporation. In thu of in-, uro.linked remarksthe speaker stated h c . i . i d at the treasurer'soincc lor iulonualiiju on .-u.*j i.ct. Ho spoke lohim upon il , but the imasuier .-.aid ho could uol givethe inl'oi'iiiatiu ii required , as ho had not the details.Tin; speaker wound up by proposing tho appointmentof si committee- to inquire , into his allegations.

Mr. T. PitKi.AN seconded the motion.Aid. CO M M I X * moved , seconded by Aid. J.\( on, lhat

Mr. ll '.'laliuuiy bo hea rd in explanation.Mr. CI.A .M I I :I 1' nai' 1 that bol 'oro that would ho done,

hu would wish to know if thero was u resolution outheir book, calling on the treasurer to supp ly thisreturn ? They should remember they wiro uotthere lo represent luunisulves, but thu citizens atlarg' .', siud it ' this cjuc stiun w:i.s nol uuswored aDdsettled , sitid the fullest information given ou tbissubj ect , the public would naturally ami justly saythey were nor. doing their duty. Ho (Mr. C.) wasnot actuated by any envious fceliug towards Mr.Jfcl.'i l iuu iy , but be would contend thoy could nothear the treasure r unlil this question would be firstanswered. A Verbal statement would not bo satis-factory, thoy should have ouu in writing.

M i\oi:—Thcic was no time fixed for having thostreturns sent in , and 1 th ink when charges arc madeaL;.uhsl an ollicer lhal that officer should be heard inexplanation (hear , hear) .

Mr. I' lsiici;—Thero were two resolutions, one ofthem by Aid. Keid , the other by me, calling forllmsu returns , and both resolutions should be readbcl 'oro a n y t h i n g elao is done (cries of no, uo, audhear Mr. IJelahuuly).

Mr. K KOI I I I asked was this amendment to hear Mr.JJfl i ihuii i y meani to set aside Mr. Fisher's motion. ?

M A V O K (iiml others)—No , uo.Mr. K I.OUII — Then let Mr. Delahunty bo heard

(no , no) .Aid. K. 1'ot tKu—Not un t i l th e two resolutions arc

rend fir.-a (hear , hear , no, no, aud confusion).Kvetiliull y ihe council agreed to liavo Aid. lteid's

res o lution rend , and it was so done. This resolutionap|K'ared to have, been passed upon the lib ofFebruary Isist , mid directed Mr. Itoberl Hysm , as thocollector of walur rales, to furnish the council withpanicular.-i of water collection ami arrears.

Mi . 1'I I K I .AX inquired if thai hud been done, audwas sinswcred in the negative.

M.WOI t - -Now , goutlctnen , as many as arc of opinionthat Mr. l) .;l:ihuiiiy hi- heard will say

Aid. II. l'o « n :— N 'n, im, Mr. Mayor , not unt i l wohave tho other resolution read (no , no, yes, siud veryconsiderably confusion). Hevenil innmbfi d pressedfor si poll at ono.', and tin: M urn; was again puttingIhi! simendmeni froin Ihe chair , when

Dr. Sain observed thoy could not tell tho value ofMr. Ui l i ih t i t i t y 'H exp lanat ion wi thout having tboother resolution read lirst. 'fin's sidvicc was tsikon ,stud the resolution , which was moved by .Mr. Fisin.i;on tho 17lh of May, was thou resid. It was the sainniu direction as the prior one, except that il namedthe Treasure r fur tlio du ly iu p lace ol thu Super-int- .-iident.

Another efl'uit was bore mado by his Womhi p tolo decide, the amendment , when Sir. Fisher i?ua againon hiii pedai*. and raid thai l.i-. amendment was (abthoug h In; wa- , ii|:i.j movor ol' an originul rn solutionnot yet decided) thai Mr Ue i iuuuty bliould presentsi statement in wr i t in g to the next couucil ou thissubject.

Mr. I 'I . A M I H I — 1 rise to j ocond Mr. Fisher'samendment.

.II A I O K —J JJ not t 'tko it. us wo hiive an amendmentalready before uo (hear , hnj u).

Mr. Ci.oirrn (warml y)—I beg your pardon , .Mr.Mayor , we siro not to bo put down in our just rightsby cither physical or by bruto folco (oh , oh, hear,hea r, and stunning confusion).

Jlt ioii (doterminodl y)— That is language nol to housed hero , Mr. Clampett , and that in langus.go whichwi l l not be allow, d (hear , hear).

At last, the Miiynr got tho turbulent waters sutlioi -enlly calm to permit a poll, aud it was decidod asfollows :—

>¦¦-,>- Atur i 'n;; Mr. / i .:(«/,.i ,,li/ — \V. Jlason, Mackcsy,Kiog h , 1'urcell. Kcily, (Aid.) Commius, Manning,Keil y (T. C), Uallwey , Scott , Jacob, I'recmati , (T. 0)O'.Meara, and l.oi:—11.

.l ;;in«.v(—Vi. Kell y, Mahonv. It. I'owcr, Fishor,O'lt eill y, aud I'liulau —)!.

The amendment was declared carried amid muchapplause.

Mr. D KI .M I I N N V , M.P., rominunccd his 6latomentby producing tin ) form of account iu which bo keptthe water rate-, showing receipts, nrrcarH, balances,and till u 'iiutti - '- , iu tho clearest form , under differenthcsids , and stated thai thai account wus drawn out afow days after tho passing of tho resolution by thocouncil , he having como ovor from London—as he al-ways did to catry out their orders—for tho purp ose,(hear . hear). Alluding next to Mr. Fisher's specob,Mr. Dclahiiuty, with much force, und very consid-erable gravity, creating roars of laughter, Eaid—" Jlr.Fisher to '.d tho council that ho had a conversationwith mo in my olliee ou this subject. That is all puraimag ination , such ii couvt-rsatiou never occurred he-twecn us."

Mr. FI SII /.K (jump ing up excited ly)—j givo Mr.Delaht tti ty a Hal couiradiction on that statement. 1repeat it did occur , and there, is a gcntloman presenlwho heard it.

Aid. K K I I .V — Who is tho gen'.lcman ?T'>thi squorry thcro was no answer, but Councillor

PIICI .AS was understood to bo tho party alluded toby his (standing up, and cay ing, as well as ho couldbe heard, that although with Mr. Fisher on tho oc-casion, ho did not hear tho convocation us detailedby him (great laughter).

Mr. FISI IEK reasserted lho conversation, whon hewas met by

llr. DELAt iuxiY rc.8E66rting tho contrary, and ask-ing who would beliovo Mr. Fisher (renewed lau ghter) ?

Jlr. FISI IE K (warmly)—Jlr . JIayor, Mr. Dclauunty,if ho is lo msiko an explanation , is nol to iusulhamember of tho council. If ho does no again, I willmovo that ho bo not hoard (oh! clear oh).

llr. U K L A I I I X I v coutinuod his statement , and saidthat in tho rental receipts obtained from Mr. Graham,Jlr. Fisher was roluruod 08 a defaulter (hear, bear

Mr. Ktoin i—Mr. liobcrt ltyan (superintendent)tolls mo that Mr. Fisher refused lo pay him the ratowhen demanded.

Mr. FisiiKK—I did not do anything of tho kind.Sir. D KI .AIU .M V continued by say ing ho mado out

lho returns on tho rental supplied to him. If lhatrental was incorrect ho could hot hel p it, ami all hecould do now would bo to undertake, althoug h nothis duty, lo assist tho lown clerk aud lho superin-tended, in making out a proper rcutal. They shouldremember that when n party refused to pay thowater- rate , tho corporation bad uo power lo distrain ;tho onl y resource they hud was to cut off tho pipe,but that course, except i:t very extreme, cases, ho didnot at all like, to adop t.

Alderman K K ILI — Uuvn you the names of thosodelimiters ?

Mr. DEI.A I U M V — Yen , I have Mr. Fishor on tholist (laug hter) ; J have Mr. Clampntt upon il (morelau« lilci j, and I liavo many others.

Mr. (Jl .AMi 'Kt r (wi th onip h:i«i- ')--I p-iid it.Mr. DKI .AU c.vrv—Von i. -il !¦ ! ...i.e , but not

for William.streo.Mr. Cr .A.Mi 'KiT— I paid . .- ¦ nlivnys.

1 refused to psiy a labuuriii i - man »>m , c.iinu lu mo tocollect tho rate, but- I bent. Mr. Rt iberu llyut i a chrquofor X'b' or ,C7 water rate, and U'tlJiam -sfcrcc t prcmist.swere included.

Mr. T. Pi iKt .AN—There are many peoplo in the citydc.-irous of pay ing tho rate , but they havo nover beencalled on for it.

Mr. D KI.AIII .WI v added that another difficulty in thecollection of the rato was, from tho pipes gettingrusty, and becoming defective. Under that state ofIhiugs , ho impressed ou tho coiloctor lo get in lhorato as best they could', but if tho mouoy was notpaid , tho only iC6ourco ho had was, to cut off the pipe.That ho did uot like to do, nnd so arrears sprung up.

Aid. K EIIV —Could you|uot compel them to pay ?Mr. DK LA I H N T V —Xo, because thoy could say, and

they did say, they got no wator.After warm , aud at tiinea disgracefu l exhibitions ,

the council divided on Mr . Kcogh'a amendment for ncommittco , wi th the following result :—

For—The Mayor , Messrs. Mason , Mnckeny, Keogh ,IJ. Fieetuan , 1'urcell , Kcily (aid.), Commina , Manning,Kcil y (T.C.), Jacob, bee—1^.

A-miust — Messrs. Clampett , Kell y, Gnllwey,Mahony, O'Meiira , It. Tower, Fisher, O'lteill y,riielnn—It.

Tho simenilmeut was declared carried.I I I K . m.ow i:i' , &(.'.

It was now jusl threo, and a genera l movo wastuade for the doors.

Mr. FISI IEK —Mr. Mayor, wo did nut sit unt i l half-past twelve, and we aro bound to go on for threelionrp .

AI II.C O M M I N S —We sat an hour wailing for you(laughter) .

Mr. FISI IKK —That statement ij an utter falsehood(Tho membors hero arrested their hotnowsird step?).

M AVOK —I musl call on you , Sir. Fisher, to with-drsiw those words (hear , hear).

Mr. Flstt KK—When u mau stands up and states afalsehood of me, I must rep ly, smd cannot withdrawmy words.

Aid. CO M M I N S (resolutel y)—Von had better do so,or I will take tho remedy into my own hands , amiwill make von do so.

M.WCIK —I ask you in tho presence of tho crtiucil towithdraw them. Thono nro not tiio words by whichto correct a mistake. Tbo reply could bo couchedin other language. 1 beg you to wi thd raw thorn(hear , hoar).

Aid. (;< IM .M I N S — You had better nol refuse.Mr. FI S I I K K — 1 do rofitso.Aid. COM .M I N S (wi th emphasis)—Then sir , you nr*

a low, contemptible liar (niurmurs , confusion amiunusual feelings apparent all ruuud). \

Thu majority uf tho mouthers then loft.Leave of iihsoneo for a month was grunted the

Town Clerk on urgent nlfairu , Mr. Mulla ll y, hisefficient deputy, to act in lite aboeuce, aud the Coun-cil finally broke up.

•«»- —C A T II 0 I. I C (,' I I U K (.' / / .

CilA! i lU "LK B t Q C i M S . —Tho lat? laineuUd VeryItev. Dr. Fl ynn .l'.l' , Trn.ay Without , has given by hisw i l l and codicil l l iutd'o , 'l.i.oil l ot h .hi uai 'V and liitrd

ol' M ay, lo his huojeasor ( t in - li. v. P. Nolan) .fc^O for

masses ; to each of thu e u r. i s u ' l . i - aiuivtaid .suc-

cessor , £o for ma-isc.s ; t-.j th" i u t • ¦: thu Wsitcr-

ford Fanning's charity. C l.n . o ¦ <• t i usurer of

the Catholic llenevoleni l.'ic- - i I ' ' ¦, ¦ >r i l i r > pur-

poses of said fund, iu llm i|ii:i. i .- .-i: I I . IV. , :. . . . inl and

Lismoro, toO ; to Mr. David Koog h , for lho Societyof St. Vincent do Paul , at Walcrlbrd , .tHO. ; toMrs. Margarol I'urecll , Mrs. Margaret Knsiau , andMrs. Murgsirc t Maher , and the survivor of them , i.'iU.for the Female .School at Sliovkoale, near Water,ford ; to Mrs. Anastatia (Jallwcy, SupcrioresH of thoConvent of the Sisters of Charity, Lady Lane, Water-ford , for tho benelit of said Convent , I'll) ; to Mrs.Elizabeth Morrissoy, Superioress of Convent at Tra-inoro ilO ; to Mrs. Klizaboth Crilly, Superioress oftho Good Shepherd , Wulorford , for tbo benefit ofthe institution , £10 j the Little Sinters of tho l'oor ,Wuterford, in aid of tbo Institution, £10 ; for thoSchools of Mount. Sion , Waterford , £10, and a likosum for the schools of Tramoro ; to the inmates orreci p ients of tho Wyso's Charity House, liarrackStreet , Waterford , £1 each ; to tho Church at lially-brickeu , his olectro-p lated branch candlesticks ; toeach enralo lhat lived vrith him whilo parish priesl,£"), with a request, to bo remomberd in their Massesand Prayers ; to tho Library of St. John 's College,Wutorlord , his books, and ouo-half tho residue lorMasses ; aud a fourth share and shuro alike, be-tween tho charities abovo mentioned , viz : Fuuniug'u,St. Vinceut do Paul , and the Convents and Monas-teries. The executors named in his will aro lho IntoIlishop of Waterford , the Most Kcv. Dr. O'Brien ;the Very Kcv. Kichard Fitzgerrld , I'.P., Carrick-ou-Suir ; and the Itev. Johu M'Urath , 1\I\. l'ortlaw.

Tin: T K S I I M O M A I , TO T I I I ; Ur.v. 1'. XOI.A .V l'.l'.—We aro glad to notice the alacrity oviuced by theparishoncrs of St. Johu and lisd lyguuner iu testi-ly ing their admiration of tho long aud usefulservices rcudercd them by this itcaloas and faithf 'ilpriest, and the, appreciation of tho oxcellonl choicumado by our worthy liishop, immediatel y on beiuginstalled iuto bis exalted and ruspousible office , byappointing ibis catcemed clergyman to tho chargoof the important parish of Trinity Without. We seeby the lists already published, aud that which ap-pears this evctiiug iu our paper, that u sum of ulosoupon £:!00 has alread y been subscribed , aud wo arosure lhal amouut will bo swelled into much Iurgorpropcrtious ou Sunday next , wbou tho conitnittcowill tnccl iu Si. John 's Church to decido on thoform of tbo icslimouial , and to niako other ucccss.ary arraugeineuts.

: \DVlClv TU ACIH1CULTUH1STSMr. Morten , a gentleman of estublitihod fanio, su

an authority on horticulturaluui l sigriculturalucmuco ,sends us the following Jotter , which contains oxccl-lout advico lo agriculturist* :—

" Liege, ^Stli Jul y, 1S7:!." Mi:. K U IIOK — 1 have noticed, thiu ituusual

sibunbauco of blussom in the potato fields, which ,moreover, look remarkably well. As tho superfluityof blossom has tiie efi'ect of reducing tho crop, 1would advise agricul turis ts to cut off the flowers sitonce. .

" It is well known that tho blossom and tho friulwhich HuecTcd " it , a t t iaci nnd absorb intu their tis-

HUCB a great quant i ty of nutriti vo mibstani' i ', of whichtho lubcrclo or root is thus deprived. Kspcriencoproves that the suppression of the blossom eucoura.ges thu developemeiit of I he underground organs ofprot luctiun , and in tho CKiti.- ol' ihn pulato in j mrt i -cular , this operutiou of cull in g m« b.o,-.,.n increiisesby twmty l>cr cent the crop of lub . rch s. Msiy Ibeg of you Mr. Kdilor to" give pul .:ieii .\ io th i s re.coinmcudatiou , and believe mo Ax\, I'J. MOKKI:.\

" Member of the Koyal AcRilemy of Scioncuj ."

h 'A f i ll 1 O K A li h i! N K I I '« .Mr. and Mrs . William C. Iicinsiiisirlc: \V>:c

tiavc n liirncd t<i tlwir ruiilencc, St. J ulin '5 Manor, from lliuficiutll ol Kraurr. ,

Tbe Rev. K. S. C. JJIackci 1 has arrived sit Cas-tlcl«)i"' friim K IIK IUIII I , ou a visit tu tlic lti |;Ul Hou. 1/inl auil

*Weount. and Viscntmtcss Lismorc arrived mMliHii li i illy on Tmailuy, ami will remain tliere for .some time.

Henry !•'. Slattery, Ksci., antl Jlrs. Slattery,KluKkaui: Ciutli!, arrival in llio Cbuucl I»l«nd.H on Tiiwday.

The Earl and Countess Strabroke , Viscount,Dunwi.'.b, Jlacly Au^-usitn ltui? , «nd unite, linvc left (ili-iiaLcirjI^«lgc, county Waurfonl , for Honham Hall , Wnuufonl , Huf.folk. , . , .Lord nnil Lady Tcmplemorc Lave .irrived atllnulxmly l'arli , «mnty Wi-xfurd, froul lllt'r r&liltuii ; ill

¦-The Marchioness of Ormonde and Lady HlunclilTiitlcr , have left Kilkenny Castliifur thu 1'alacc, Ilium, oil llvisil lo the Uibboti of Tuuiu ami tho Hoa Mra. Birnard.

K.V7KBTA I NMKNT TO M K. I'. J- SMITH , 31.1'.—A

meeting of the friends of tho honourable, memberlor Westmcath was rcceutly held in this cily, withthe view of invit ing him to pay » v'3iti "nli !'° havingaccoj ilcd tho invitation, it has been determiced toentertain him at dinner ' on Thursday evening, tho11th of Sept., at tlic Imperial Hotel, for tbo purposoof testifying admiration sind cntiro approval of hisl'urliamontary career , aud appreciation of his Her.vices, as lho earliest aud moat consistent advocateof the great priuci plo of Home Kule for Iroland . T i,echair will bes occupied by Kichard Power, hsq.,I'embrokestown.

Y E R V I MPOU TANT AtimoN.—Wo would directparticular attention to tho very oxtonsivo auctionudvertised to tako placo ou Tuesday noxt, at thosuperb residenco on tho magnilicant estato of tholato Nicholas O'Neill Power, Esq., Snow Hill , fourmiles from tbo city, charmingly situated on tho Snir,and a visit to which would in itself bo wel l worthmaking. Tho Rale, wbich bus bcou ontrtistod toMessrs. Walsh and Son, Mul l, includos tho oatiro

splendid furniture of that palatial rosidonco, togethorwith tho horses, carriagos, harness, and appurtenancesof a well-kept gcntlomnu's household. Tho sale willlast two duys, in which nil roust bo sold.

" Long and successful rain."—The deluge. _A woman's prido aud. a sailor's guide.— Tho

needliv . .' - . . ¦ • - , , _^ ^^\ ,-:' .: .:, .,:

S0AHD 01' (UJAUDIANS—WEDNESOAI .Aid. T. \V. J AI - UII , .IP., V.U., iu the chair.

Also present—Hon. D. I-', t'urtcuciie, M.P., Messrs. Conjrcvi!Itii^uri', J.P., Capt. l'mvi-r, D.V.O., Jobn L. Conn. P. Vcale, W.Ilallj, M. O'Slieu, Dr. Comli'll , Dr. Jlackcsy, anil J. Clampett.Cnpt. Itainilton , L.Ci.I. , wasatdo iu attendance.

ColiKKsroMiK NCK. — Mr. ltyan, iu answer to tholoiter sent to him by lho board , asking him to make:si phiti and specilicaliou of tho work neceBsary torutnoVo tho uuisanco ou tbo (iullows ltoad, wrote asfollows:—

Town Hall , Waterforcl , Sqittuilicr J, l»~l.Sn:'-I am in ivcoij il of yoar favor o( tho ' th vVticu ^t , in

rrfurvnii: to )m>| cn-nl ilr.liuiif;c im tbo Gallows Koail , null boxto sUito in rrply that I shall ho happy to prepare the necessary(trawrtiKS and qKdfication (or tlio enrryint; out of such work ,anil libpu to hato them laid l«:forc jour board ut au early date.—Your obedient servant, HoiiKl '.T Kv»x.

.1. Mackoy, MMJ ., Clerk of Union.Tho lettor was marked " read ."With reference to tho lettor received from the

I.ocal Government lioard last week, complainingof tho nou-alteutlanco of tbo rato collectors, aud thesmall sums they collected , tbo following was received :

I'oor Hale Office , 2 Cathedral Square, :wth AiiffiiHt , '<:!¦Dr.AR Sue—I was mirpriscil lo rcceivo a copy of tiio l'.'tttr

from the boral (iovernmcut Hoard , addressed to you, and sentto mi", coinplainin;* of my non-attendance, with wy liookn. t"pass iny account. You must bo aware that I attended punctii-silly Mid personally ou all occasions to perform this duty, Iliavi- now only to mill that I havo adhered strictly to the regu-lation to which you refer, aud need hardly say that I willI'linliHiu; to iln so.—Fnitlifully yuur? ,

J. Mucker, KSIJ . (i KOIUii: (illiSuN , Collector.Mr. Conn moved that a copy of this lotter bo sent

to tho Local Government lioard . Tho motion wa3Ewo'aded by Capt. Po«i:tt aud passed unsiuiniously.

A' letter was received from Miss Ahearne, askingfor iu extension of her leavo of absonco by a fort-ni ght , as tho weather was no bad sho could not stirout since she had first got it. Sho would not asktho extension but for her health , and becauso she hadnot beon suvsiy for tho last two years. Capt. I'owcrthoug ht there could be no objection to giving thoextension of tbe leave nskod, as thcro was a personin Miss Ahearno's placo, doing duty for her. Mr.O'Shca said that boforo thoy gave tho leavo theyought to ask tho person acting for her if sho wouldconsent to teach for somo further time. Mr. Connsaid tho samo idea struck him , but as tho board weroso unanimous iu granting the exLcnsico , ho did notliko to oxpross it. Tho toachor being asked by thoboard, said sho would , to oblige them , act for thofortni ght.

Certificates Hern received from Dr. Ifrovvne , M.O.,stating that Mr. Itooney was unlil to perform Insduties, owing to au sittuck of lumbago. Mr. Carroll ,K.O., was appointed to perform Mr. llooucy'a dutyfor ono n eck, at £2. His substitute tho board orderedforrcoivo iU rcmuncmtiuu for his services.

IM'UEASK IN 1IIK S.t l.AISV OK TIIK JlA—TllOcommittco appointed lo consider tho application oflho master of tho workhousoforan increase in salary ,recommended thsit an addition of £20 per annum bemade. Mr. Conn said that ho had si few observationsto make on this subject. For somo timo he wasopposed to making increases iu tho salaries of poor-lsnv officers ; but the salaries of nearl y all tho otherofficers in this union having been increased , hothought that tho long services of tho master en-titled him to :i rise, and if bi.-i services are worthan j thing they aro deserving of a larger increase than£10 (hear , hoar) . Ilo would siiy that it should bu sitleast. £15 er £20. As lie beforo stated , the salariesof nearl y all the other officials were increased , andwh y should not the master get the tame advantage ?

'J'ho lion. Mr. 1'ourKSciL said hu would givo noticelhat on llisil day fortnight, lie would movo that the,salary of the master be increased by £20 per auuutn.

SAX rr.ust .—The sanitary reports , seul in by Iliacliflbreul sanitary olficctH , all showed ihsil the districtsam in a very health y condition.

A M.'I I I K I : I'Moid.iKii IM. U K A S K I N SA I .MI I . — M r.Cl .ui iT. i i said lhat as Mr. I'n lli:', was prosecutingpersons under thu Vaccination Act and bury ing deadbodies , both "f which duties ought In bo performedby lho relievin;; officer.*, ho was entitled to somecompensation. Mr. Clumpett , in a lengthened speech ,defined the duties of lho relieving officers, and triedto show thai Mr. l'iillis had performed wliai ho wasuot bound to do. After a lengthened discussion , nodecision was arrived at , and tho board ailjciurned.

J-TATK .il* II'" ->e . I tf tnainine; from fnrini-r wcrk , 7'i" ; r':-ina ln i i iKonth i d:iy tvvi-lve tnciiitlt.-, 7*7 ; admiltUildiirinc; \v.-cl:(.'.-1 dlrrhnri; '.'!, *• - ; dad , iS ; r. niahiiu^, 71'J s ru.-l >n" pp.-viaon.s JLI^ l <i r . l"d.;', X'll'i Is. 'Jil.: yciural av.-ra^' of an inmate , ::- . I'd . s intirmar.v, ::*. M.; f.-v. -r hospitalo'5. l>l. ; hiiFpital iiiir.« i^ , :(- . ln.1. ; srrraitts, IS. IcI.: dinin ghall , 'J<. nd. ; liMlnb.ri . l i out-r. -lii t, 1 ,11:; ; ln>t year, !«•; e'i-tdnrinK wi.i'k , i'-'IO l:h. SI.; i .-i.rn .-i»jiit l inK witk la>l yisir , t::7U-i. 1.1.

U N A N i 'l:.rol.i.Krn:n. i M 'UI .I.I .. mi

£ t. il . C s. .1.l-'it/KcraM I-'1' " " l .';c- ' "il iiM iu :ii- i I:: u l ,:'l'i lu -'Itally ."* \ II 1,"-".» 7 11I'i nvi-i- . . 'I n " 1,1117 7 I Iliarn.ii •''- '¦> S '¦ I-V! li -".

•JV.tal . . . . 1-7 7 7 7,'-'lil 1^ Ilialanuu in favm of j;i iardi»ii> , ti'i-jl !).-. Id.

[•OUTLAW PKTTY SESSIONSjUoforc the Itev. J. T. Medl yooit , Frederick Malcom-

soli , Kscp, and Captain .Slacke, ;.—Tho Kcv. J. T. Medl ycott charged

Patrick Tyuan with leaving his cmploytnont withoutgitiog due iiDtico. The defendant did uot appear,and a warrant waB issued for his arrest.

fJii f .NKAXi i ASSAULTING TIIK I'OI.ICK .— Sub.constabloThos. Ifulloran , Uall yduf?, clmrgeil John Power withbeing drunk at Ball ydufV ou the 13th Jul y. lie wasfiubil Ss.

Tho samo couiplaiuant charged samo defendantwith assaulting him when arrested for being drunk.Mr. J. K. Uarro u , Solicitor , Waterford , appeared fortho accused. Suh-consUbln Ilsdlurau deposed thaton tho ovonint; of tho JJ ilh July the wifo of defoudantcamo to the barracks at liall ydutf , and reported thathe beat bet* on the road , that, sho was afraid to gohome, and required the protection of tho polico;whilu shu ws.s making tho complaint defendant cameto tho barrack door , and wanted lo get iu ; complain-an!., who was on guard sit tho time, refused to admuhim , whereupon lie caught him by the throat , aud asciiflli) ensued ; witness thou arre3ted dul'codanant ,and put him in the lock-up. Mr. li:i rron (to'i.iuaut)—Did you knock him bown ? Witness : Yes.Did you put your knqo on his chest ? Yes j ho wasviolent , but 1 used no more forco than necessary iobring him lo tho lock-up. Mr. ISarron : Is it a faclthlil this limit was HO j lltrcated that when ho wasbrought into lho lock-up hiu blood spurted against, thows.ll , aud had lo be scraped o(I with glass ? Com-plainant : Yes, but thu cause w:is his own violence ;wo both fell together iu the scufllc , and then he wascut. Mr. liiirrou: I do uot wish to bring a chargesiguinst tho police, but tell mo, woro you perfectlysober that evening ? Comp lainant : I'erfecLly. Mr.liiM'rou : Had you si dancing puny iu the barracks '!Complainant : Wu had a dance for our own simusu-moul.

Court (lo Mr. )iarrou)--The e:uo is perfectl y clear.This mau's wifo goes to thu barrck to mako a criminalcllargo sigiiinst her husband ; whi u doing so heattempts to forco his way into lho barrack , whichlho mau on duty vory properly prevented. Uo thenassaults thai policoman, who al ouco ari'ostcil him , studattempted to bring him Lo tho lock-up. Thu pulico-IU DJ U was bouud to usu uo nioro force than was ueccs-tj iiry, aud if be did lho law wonld puui dh him.

Mr. barron - -We mibiuit thai au smssiult of :• veryslight uaturc was committed , but thai iu thu treat-muui dofoiulaul got aflor liUari'cst unuecussary vio.lonco was used. Tlio coiislnblo could have got suf-ficient forco to bring him without using siny violence.Ilo is si small man , aud no great exertion would berequired to bring him iu. I'owcr was fined IDs. audousts for tho n.-j -iault.

Sub-const siblu Timothy Msdier charged AndrewArcbcr with obstructing him iu '.he discharge of bisduly on the public streot. ll appeared lhal a lighthaving occurred at I'ortlaw ou Sunday evening, thopolico iuiericrcd .aiiil wliilo tukiug tho names of lliosouifgaged.dclondiiiitBhovcil complaiuaut toprevcul himdCiiuB so. Ho was fined 'J.-i.

BKKACII OK TI IK PKACC.—Pat t^uiiin , Michael Molloy ,John Dwycr , Thomas Day, Jaiuca Hrounan , James1'ij llcter, Kdw.itd Merry , and Patrick I'ricc, »erocharged by thu constabulary wilh ° commitliug abfcaeh of tho peace by lighting on lho slroel. Mr.linnou appeared for tho defendants, and submittedla tho charge, urging lliat the etida of justico wouldhe. attained by levy iug a line , instead of binding thornto lho peace. Ultimately thoy wuro fined Is. andcosts, aud Molloy und I'ricc, who did not uppoar,vfijro fiucd !is. and costs.

A WOMAN 'S FIC IIIT .—Margaret Xugeut a denizen ofCurtis's lane, charged Mnrgarot Sullivau , a resident ofthe samo locality , with assaulting her aud threaten-in .t; lier life. After hearing tho ovidouco, which wasof tho usual description wheu tho residonts of tbislaao wero coucornod , tho bench finod tho dofondaut'it. Gd and costs.

James Connors, ovorsoer at tho Factory, chargedThomas O'lirion with awaultiug him ou tho liilrd ofJul y. Sout to ja il for ono month with bard labour.—Adjourned.

TilK l'Kf AND CATTLK TltADfTho lirislol Steamship Company sent ovur tho

pd-worful sloamer, ApoK n, to carry ull tho caltle,shij en , and horses for Bristol fair ; but sho wus notable to tal'o 00 cattlo of Mr. Bowc, which would boleft back only for tho enterprising agent of theWutorford compauy, Mr. .1. W. Downey, who sent tbonK'.-imer (,'(>>/ with thorn after returning from Liver-pool ; thoy had to work all night to coal her. Thisgenerous act should not ho forgotlcu by tbo shippers.Wo had a largo cattlo fair hero on Monday, withprices much lower. A very largo supply of cattlo inilristol markot , and a great many unsold. Youngbtdro cattlo will bo sold much cheaper this comingwiuter lho hay being destroyed in many parts of thocountry. A protty good domaud for sheep. A verylarge number or liorseB at Bristol fair, whoro thorewas a deeidod tendency down, antl a great manyun3old. Pig fairs offering very Bhort , and pricocofitinuod aliout 68s. until Wednesday, whou tborowas a fall lo GGs. per cwt., a very fino pay ing price.Farmors would do well to rush into lots of smallstores, as it Is thought prices will continuo good fortho wintor, food beiug so oboap ; no stock looks topay- so well. The supply this year was 50,000 short ,ancl sheep largely on the increase. 1 wouldmtveit to only steop tho Indian meal in hot wator,wbioh will be a gro»t Muring. The Btook does as well


BOARD OF CiUAKDIAXS— SAT UKI IAV .l'rosont :—CLEMENT SA I I L K I K , Ksq., U.V.C., iu thu

chair; Messrs . John Kicburdsou , l'at, Walsh , KdmnudBrown, and Walter Power. Dr. O'Hyan (unionmedical officer) iu attendance.

ADMISSIONS.—Johatiiiah Daltou ,who stated that herhusbaud was iu the Waterford LuDutic Asylum,applied for extern roliof. She could not livo out intho couutry, her children being too young. TheChairman snid sho could easily procuro employment.Applicant wished to get a small sum weekly towardsbet* support , otherwiso sho could not livo outsido.Tho chairman romarked that women aro getting 'da.b'd. a clay iu tho couutry, uud tho applicatiou wasrofuscd.

Thero was no caso of rolief on Mr. Lawrence, K.O's,book, a very unusual occurrence in this division oftho union. Tho other divisions wero ltkowiso do-ficicut iu the number ef applicants socking an eutne.

SANITARV ltEroitrs.—Mr. Lawrence, K.O., .\'o 1electoral division , reported thai tho Hathgorinackpump was full of water and iu good workiug order.There wero no eases of fuver, scarlotina, or any otherepidemic disease. Xo defaulters under CompulsoryVaccination Act-

Mr. Dalton , Xo. L' electoral division , reported lhatthere weru no cases of fever or scarlclina iu tbovicinity. Measles very prevalent amongst yonngchildren in sou-.o parts of his district. The necessaryprecautions were adopted.

Mr. Quirke, No. '.I electoral division , reported lhatno caso of small-pox occulted siuco last meeting ; tbroocases of fever during tho week, which were dul y at-tended to. Tho district on lho whole was in a mostsatisfactory, stale.

Di:sKitriNc ; ,\ W ICK .—Mr. (iuirkc submitted thoresult of his inquiries into tho case of N'eill Mul-rooncy, a stonecutter, who had deserted bis wile,leaving her a burden on the uniou a fen- weeks ago.Mnlrooney worked at lho National Hank improvenients, at the lime, himself and wife- began rowing,and ho final l y went lo Currag hmore, where he is atwork at 30s. a week. It was then ordered thai thewoman should leavo the. house with her children , ouMonday, Sept. 1st. Xo other matter of interesttransp ired , and tho board adjourned shortl y after.

HTATK or TBI: Iloi'si:.—Krinaiiii i iv i.n ln-t ils iti * Jl'- i ; ad-mit t l i l ilnriif Ihu ivi«k ^7: iNc di.-riiarji -i! dnriiij; tin: wi-i-fcLM ; rcmaiiii^sr on a^vi: 'late, ^I'i ; efirrc-i iondin^ ui-i-t; l.-i- tyear, 1H ; incn".uii!t)a.-4 1>- ; Iv .rn do. 0 : d-iil - ; itUt:liar."'d^1 ; iu inliruKiry h.i.-iiiTal '.'¦• ; in fi-v. -r iln . !e. I' I N A V I - I:.--Amount rocciv.-d .luring th " \v (^ l; t i n . i ; pui .i l.v tin- t r. :i>i:r. '.sduring the wi-.-l: 'J ¦*> II : i i ^ t . i f j i i ' iv i - i . i i i - ;e..l n. ri-.-.-:iri. > re-ci-iTi'd X'i- lii 7 ; d... c..ii-iiiii. d . l- i .".:S:t ,Tii.-r:ilav. -r;e_'iM:«i>l of auiniuat. ! tor tic- u*<-(- .'-.'" .. ') : in.'Jn/:::.-i' .In. '> .; ',' ; /'.v. -i- i.i--ji ;i:il ,7s Wd ; lialilllre (ill aeriiltnt. ;;';:iin-t th i - ¦. n:e*.!: ill- I'lJJ 1.1 li :No. oi r-lii I I ii7 : i-(.>l ilo . :i:::;

C.MililCK !!:::•>•.» Kl. l . . — I'hi' Local Inspecior, Mr.Percy (iouiih , .I.I' ., visited this llridcwvlll on L'Sihof August last , and n-portei l everything in excellentorder , the wsird s, Ac , being, sis usual , cleanl y andwell kept. Hoi.k.s and forms regularly made up topresent date. There were but 13 prisoners in cus-tody during tbu (jaarter; 10 males and IJ femalesbeiug taken fur dtuukenncss. Uu-s and beddingwere in good repair , and oiioug h iu stock. JohnLuutai gne, Ks(p, Inspector-denera ! of l'rison.s( alsomade nu iiispccliuii on abovo date, nud rc-ported mostfavourably of the genera l state of the bridewell.Thcru were uo prisoners in custod y.

TH E LATK SIOKMS .—Since ibo weather has partl ysettled, much out-door work has been goi through.Considerable damage resulted from the inundationof tlie river Suir from Tyhronglincy lo r'iddown.Wheat and oat.> iu stook wero carried oil* ; in somefew instances, even potato ridges disappeared.

A brid ge al filenbower , which crosses thu ( Minnriver a few yards from Mr. P. Walsh's mill , gavo waybefore the shock of-swollen waters that, came sweep-ing down from the base of Klievcnamoti. I have:been informed that- in (iur tnish , a few miles bslowl'i' town , some farmers lost co/widorably, oivio^' totho recent heavy falls of rain. Tho boatmen andhawlers were thrown idle, owing to the swollen stateof the river , and tho great rap ids.

Tin: (.'A I I K I I K -ON -S I II ; H A N I I .— A first iusialmentof instruments for this band sirrived hero on .Satur-day, from the well-known Loudon linn ol Moore andCo. They am of the best description obtainable,.superior in tono and i|ualiiy. Tho thrcj militaryscrew drums ordered , and tenor , aro expectedto arrive heru shortly. 'l'hu band rooms uro fittedup in an elegant manner, and arc well supp lied wilhbooks and papers, KO thai , every means ol advance-ment sire olfcrcd to the mcmbcr.s. ll gives mo muchpleasure lo sidd thai the gentry stnd towuspcoplehave subscribed liberall y toward * the project , andvery excellcnl evening entertainments , hig hl y credit-able to our young meu , arc now offered.

voi . ic i: oF i ' r c i; .M OMIAT .—Ueforo the Mayor and Aid. i\ K. lieid.

Dt 'mkemi ''f . <.—Tho court was very crowdctl thismorning, and thu number of cases of inebriation «asvcty largo ; tho fines imposod on nearly all offenderswas "is. b'd. and costs. Speaking of tho iucreaso ofcases of this nature , his worship aaid he was ex-tremely sorry to perceive snch a stato of things , its itcontrasted strongly with the order ivhieh marked thoconduct of the laboring CISHSOS during tho excitementthat existed on the visit of Mr. Iiutt , and subse-quently that of their Excellencies tho Lord Lieu-tenaut and tho Coun '.css Sponcer. During thatperiod , which lasted for a fortnight , thcru wasscarcely ono case of drunkenness dir.posod of iu thoPolice Court , a fact which was highly creditable totho working claasos of Watorford , as it clearly showedthat thoy could control themselves if they wishsd .Larceny.—Margaret ltyan and Mary Callng hau werecharged wild stealing, oil' tho Quay, on Saturday, aquantity of coal , valued at sixpence, tho property oftho Waterford Steamshi p Company. Thos. Clogbier dc-posod that .Matt Plielan , Steamship Company's vvuteh-man,came lo him uud poiutedout thu twoprisouera,whowero hang-—s .iboul a heap of coa l opposite thu(li psy '.s hulk. Witness watched them , aud shortl yaftciwards each look up a lump of coal and hid ilunder their shawls ; ho thou urrosted both ihoiwomen. Msitlhuw Plielan deposed that ho saw thowomen abuul the coal , which was lying ou the ynay,but he did uol see them steal i t ; tbu coal taken wusworth nboul sixpence. Thu prisoners pleaded guilty,aud were each sent: to gaol for ono mouth , tho .Mayorremarking that , as llio offence was becoming acommon occurrence, if the prisoners again appearedat tlic court , charged ivilh a similar breach of :)iolaws, tbo bench would inflict ibo highest penallyadmitted. N iiijhhij "., ly Cuw.liicl. —Margaret t tutlerappeared to answer a aummon.-i of Mary Power,charging her wi th having used abu.sivu aud scandsiloudlanguago ou Wednesday. Mary i'owcr deposed thatwhen comiug home on Wednesday uvuuiug from herwork, shu was uici by dofuudstul , who mod all sortaof abusive language Inwards her. Tho case wasdismissed , aud tho court sidjourned.

Ti 'E SDAV. —Jioforo lho Mayor aud Aid. 1'. K. IteidDrnnkOMvi a.—Patrick Downey wsis drunk while iuchargo of a horso uud carl contuiuing llirce barrelsof beer. Or.o of tho barrels fell olf the car, and apoliccconstablo, wilh an eye to busiuess, first seizedtbo beer , then brought thu car to a atop aud arrostci ltho driver. lu extenuation of his breach of thopeace, l*nt said hu was driving '* (j utto regular ," buttho full force of tho excuso was uot foil by tho beuch ,who lined him ^s. o'd. and costs. Ellen Forristalwas drunk aud disorderly iu Jlanor-strcct . Fined:Js. lid. and costs. Thomas Carty was fouui ! drunkou tho Bank-steps ou Monthly evoning. Thomas was5iu old oflunder , thero being soven previous convic-tions, but on his solemn assurance that ho wouldtake thu plcdgo, ho was only fined 5s.; not beingablo to pay tho fino at prosont, his funds being ruuout by his '•' spree," tho magistrates allowed him luSuturday . Several other cases of iutoxicatiou woredisposed of cpuickly, tho hues varying frcm "Js. Gd. to5s. Catherine Callaghan, of Spriug-gardcu Alloy,was sout to gaol for one mouth for having croated adisturbance, in tho above-mentioned locality, at onoo'clock ou Monday ni ght. Abusive Language.—MaryTyrel l summoned Mary Sullivan for having abusedher , but whon tho plaintiff was asked to swear to thuaccusation, she said sho " wonld not take an oath atall." The caso was dismissed after a lengthenedargnmont betweon both parties.

WEDNE SDAY .—Before tho Mayor aud Aid. i\ K .Hoid. Thero wero only a fow ca3os of drunkennessfor hearing this morning. Tbe finos imposod variedfrom 2a. Gd. to 5s.

A W H A LE O.V SMOKE .— One morning last weekliomo men who wero reaping in a field at Bag-on-Bun ,county Wcxford, doBcricd two largo objects in tbosea, making towards tho shore, with great jots offoam rising porpendicnlarly beforo them, and pro.sontly tho objects wero ascertained to bo two largewhales. A boat was soou put out, tho crew of whichwatched lho progress of tho raonstors from a emailbay, and on tho boat approaching, ono whalo alteredhis conrso rapidly and proceeded out to sea ; thoother , less wise, advanced towards tho shallowwater, and after bumping sovorely against tho rocks,was washed in a stunned condition ashore. At thismoment |Mr. Michael Power (a rospoctablo farmerliving near) rushed into tho ECU , and delivered atremendous blow with a clasped knife, in the breast,from which Ilo wed out a red tido that stained thowaters along tho shore. Stimulated by tho painfulincision , ancl relieved by tho How of blood, tho whalewith frantic bounds shifted his position , and withmaddening efforts tried to gain the deep, but thogallant lwat's crews, aided by those oti shore, hadRccurcly fastened two ropes about his enormousform , antl all his movements wero in vain , for with afew inoro lively penetrations, the loss of bloodcaused him, after several efforts to free himself fromhis trammels, to rouder up his life. As soon as thetido had subsided a little, hal f a dozen men, vrithshurponcd kDivep, assailed his leathery hide, und ina very few hoars bad removed tho entire ootwiudcoating of blabber. The valuo of tho oil is said to ings , Hys'i'tw , IMiility, Imiij iMicm , Livu-Uooip liinube about six pounds. Dimensions—2 1 feet long ; 12 H<art-Di«asi f , (iiavi ;!, iJis-aiis of Kidney ., and all Jfcr'.'round girth ; 4i tail , and l\ tons supposed woight. von * allied Tbe worst i,f tliesu disra,*-. CHII In- |H-miii -

A man in Now York has a watch which ho claims ucllll >' :""' <iui<*ly tur "l »5' Hnow.-c 's II KBBAI . K KX C D I K.has gaiuod timo ouougli to pay for itself in isix ?ml, (u," liar i'cu!;"»1 «"'» Sample Uol lie* of tbe medicine, caiu_„_ »_ . a i j o.* te |lad ) ,rce yj cuai|tej ttam the l'rourietor . Prof. O. P.

^;t on;C^ge.-l;ife,.mysclfat hOme in the *SS?^tt SrSSEtf tf c tt icity,"saidlu* Majesty tbo Shah. "Here, »t let*V j rl^ltf-ffjj ^f-" f-rtrrirtirrr. *TrTrt. Ir «itf TMIIM *


DEAR SIR — I would wish to bring under thenotice of the readers of your jour nal , and especiallythose who aro interested in the breeding of pigs, bow•ippsirontly unfair it was to give tho first prizo to abreed of pigs almost extinct in this part of thocountry. I liavo it from tho best authorities, bothmerchants antl their mon, that the bacon of thoHerkshircH will not command as good a prico as thatof tho liue lengthy Irish pig, a grand specimen ofwhich was exhibited by James Dee, of Dunhill. Allwho saw thorn (jud ges eicepted) must como to theconclusion thai thoso short , thick, small-boned ,puffed up, almost lifeless breed , could uot compotewith that fine , leugthy, hoavy-l>oued , useful fanners'pig, which answers best, aud which should be mostencouraged ; aud 1 will observo bore that had thejud ges been chosen, as thoy should havo been , of afew merchants aud farmers, or ono of each, il is anundoubted fact that tho Berkshire would not carrytho prize. Something should be dona to encouragetho breed of pigs most cssontial for tho people, and Ihope lhat before tho next auuual show wl Waterford ,subscribers will bring under Ihb tiolico of tho com-mittee, tho desirability of giving inoro prizes for thebest farmors' pigs, iu prcforenco to a breed so foreignto tho people, and so ungainly for the merchants. ¦Apologising for trespassing so far, 1 am , dear sir,yours sincerely,

0.VK Ul 'I 'OSKIl TO T I I K l iKIIk .SHIIU: .i.Douisle, August thu 30th, lS7:i.


TO TUE EDITOR OK TIIK NEWS.Sm—As a constant reader of your paper, will you

kindl y givo me space whilo I address a fow lines totbo tenaut-farmcrs of this county, on thoir lukowarmposition, while the sister counties arc up and stirring 'ila Wciford , Wicklow, Cork, Dublin , and other places,they havo formed Farmers' Cluli3, and thoy havealso tenants' defence, funds established, to assist thohard-struggling farmer, who is dragged into court althe capricious wish of the landlord , who wants tboland for a sheep-walk , or perhaps for a moro inde-pendent man , as is too ofte n the case, who will pavhim more rent , and Mii.-i will probabl y b': le.-- :troublesome. To guard ::ga;::si. disasters of this kind ,these dubs :\va formed , anil on" would imagino lliatthe: independent tenant .I .nmois of this cciuuiv neverwitnessed any cruel acl-: i a '.heir life.tini '.', or in otherword*, I.I HI I. they ale n. ».i,:n:» in the ui "ii of '2< i 5::n!'."'-, cither in politic-:, pal Holism , or independence.It. is iianl tu :-:ay .vi, '.a:, really a mini ix )iyvcrt::ground the libera l form.vscs of lho county, and thuelectors are, as it i;. were, shin, up liko t h e French iu-Met/, willing to li ght if their commanders, would let.them. Tet iant-liirmers of this county, will it bu saidof you , when our independence will bo won—whenthu good (iiid true men who aru straining everynerve io wrc.-;t from Kug lundV: grasp what wo arc' •u' i i lei l to , the right , to manage our own affairs—willit In: .-Mil thai , you took no part in that gloriouswmk ? As yi't. nothing is ilone ; no club spoken of ;ixil looking on inactive , unl ike tho gallant men of llmcounty Wicklow , who wil l send a lenant-fariner, orperhaps two, to represent them at the comingelection. In a local journal , I saw that Ihe enemieswere out ; thu Tory party have tin ; did kick in themstill , notwithstanding the shattered condition of theiiposition . Tu see one of them putting in au an-pearancu now- wu:iid remind us stroiiglv of lliu fro"Inituil in lho |i:.siuii.s nestv your city sonic sevencenturies ago ; it. was broug ht to Ifobcil I.e l'oer.who then commanded there, and be exhibited it iufull conn , wbcu Donald , King of Ossory, ':xclsiiincil ,•; This vermin has brnug la very bail new* to 1 rclsind ,"bill iii present I wi l l chsinge from tho fro;;, audexclaim , " Those. Tui-ied have brought very good newsfor tho cou til y." Arise then, men of th is const ituencv ,and cast oil' your .slumber.1/, for tho time for action isnot far distant. You can select a tenant-farmer aswell as lliu men of Wicklow if you wish ; you areslow , yet sure. When you Mruck before, the blowwas felt. Kenieniber l l iu words of C i 'Conncll after'-(j- -" Tbe IJorcsforils an: beaten iu Waterford , suiif1 will stand for Clare/' You hroku tin: chains thaibound us' ti i i .'ii , and Knianci pation followed after.Hop ing now tha t iiuuicdiat i : action will be takou ,thai this noble! county will maintain its reputation ;thai those who have t h u power of returning memberswill send no man to parliament who does not plcclguhitnself to a good Tenant-l ' i ght Bill and thoroughlloine little. Klectors of the county, thai power isvested in you ; you have tho ballot for your protec-tion , sind you can show tin: enemies of your liberty ,your conscience, and your creed , that you are nolonger in their hands. You aro free now to recordyour volo ; you need no '- bo guarded by military orpolice , aud when tbo day of trial comes, I hope toxco the indupcmlouco of this county maintained bytho uuitcd voices of priests aud people, pullingtogether for the measures nn rec|tiiro, and particu-larly Home Kule , with tho words, " lrehiud for thoIrish , sind lho County Waterford to the rescuo."—Iam, dear Mr. Kditor , yours faithfully,

A II OJI K itl'LCH .Donisle, Sept., lS/.'S.

r IK no tSr s i v x i :m. \Tho horse sections included .WO entries , winch was

slightl y under tlio number of enterics last, year.In the first class, Komau Hcc. whicl) was awarded thuCrokrr cup at the rccer.t, royal .show al Waterford ,was put second to ?-Ir O'Conuor 's M u l t u m iu l'arvo(late Frost) ; but not it few persons appeared tothink that Itoman lice should have: retained thu posi-tion in which he was placed al Waierford . Themwere 3i weight cat i iers exhibite d , equal to 15 stonuand upward s, and h.'i iu thu class of wei ght carriersfrom KJ j to lo stone. Theciassof hunters calculatedto carry from 11 stonu to l:ii stouo contained 70 en-tries.

Tho great honour of tho show, namely, tho Citi-zens' ChallaugeCup, value £100, with il'M added bytho society, was awarded to Mr. M. 0. Sweeny,Cloouruan lions?, Castlerea , for his bay geldingFeramor/.. This magnificent animal , which took firstprize in the: class of weight carriers ecjoal to 15stone siud upward s, was purchased by Mr. GilesD'Arcy, Hurg htowr. House, for £35(1. Mr. Fl ymi 'sTall y-bo wsis .sold to Mr. Warley, liug by. for .tliOO,smd a brown mare, also thu property of Mr. Flynii ,to ihe same purchaser for i' OO.

In tlie clashes of agricultura l horses there wen:several cxcellei.l animals. 'flu: lir-ji pii / .c in theclass of draught stallions , over four years old , wasawarded to Sir Patrick Wallace, belong ing to, and bredby .Messrs Mooaey. while tho second prize went, to MrKichard (ioold's excellent Suffolk stallion , which wasalso secotid ill WalciTord. 'flic Uoyal A griculturalSociety 's Ch:illi .'ii;.'i: Cup was awarded to Messrs.Mooney'a horse.

Turning tu tbe ram .--how . Mr. Owen took thelirs l prize in the class uf shearling rams, with Mr.Marrit 's rsim which got the cup al Waterford ,and is now Mr. Owen 's property. Mr. .SeymourJlowbray took ihu second prize w i t h a compact,sheep of good ipial i ty ami had another recommended ,while thi.- Ll i i rd prizu and a highly cotumcuded cardfell to a pair of good hacked handsome sl-.cep ex*hibitcd by Mr. Johu (iould, Kxcter.

In lho class of border Leicester shearling rams ,Lord de Vesci'.s lirsl prize ram al Waterford wasagain first , another of his lordshi p's entries boingsecond , and a third commended , all the sheep shownby Lord do Yesci's in tho class being thus awardedhonoursi . The Itoscommon breed was much betterroproseutod than il was al Waterford , and the judg-ment at Waterford , iu the class of shearling rams,was reversed . Major Smith's ram , which was secondal Waterford, was put lirst , while Mr. Coney's ram ,which wan first at Waterford , was put third , one ofJlr. Coffey 's rams coming as second , thus beating thoWaterford prize sbcop. Major Smith's ram also gottko '• Jurv Cup," being Major Smith's second yearol wiuniug tho name. Wo quite agree with Ihejudge s in the awards they made iu Ibis case , for Mr.Coffey 's ram , although a sheep of immense size, baanol thu sty le or quality of Major Smith's ram, whichwas by a son of tho famous " Counaught Ranger,"bred by Mr. Roberta. Mr. Cofl'ey'ssheoparo, howover,very good ; for, iu additiott to second and thirdprizes , ho had another highly commended. Mr. Ric-hard Flynn 's ram was commended. Jn tho agedclass Mr. CoSby took first prizo and had anothersheep commended— both superior animals of theirkind. Mr Cotton had the second prize in tbis class:and Mr Roberts had a ram of grand stylo highlycommendod.

Show us a man who can quit ibo society of tinyoung and tako pleasure iu listoning to tho kindl yvoice of ago ; show us a msiu who is evor ready to pityand hel p the deformtd ; show us the man that, coversthe faults of others with the mantlo of charity ; showus a man that bows as politely and gives the streetas freel y to the poor sowing girl as to tho milliou-airo ; who values virtue, not clothes ; who shuns thocompauy of such as congrcgato tho fair sex, or makeuukind remarks of tho passing poor girl ; show us aman who abhors tho libertino ; who ecorns ihuridiculer of his mother's sex, nnd tho exposure ofwomanly reputation ; show us tho man who neverforgets for au inEtant tho delicacy and respect due toa woman, in any condition or class—and you showus a truo gentleman.

To A LL WHO SUTLER from Consumption , Bron-chitis , Asthma , Cough*, Culd*, lloatsienes*, Ui ptheru , ordiscuses of tbe 'i'brou t m JtVuiiiratory Or««D!», try K ROICN 'SII E H B A L RkMEDiv..;, u liirli liavr permmeully cuicd thou-sand* of cane*. One Sum).I.? l l .t t le ivill ptove itn ^rc.l*.efficacy, and inny be hail , li e-1 ot char.;.1, trom the Proprrf '-tnr. Siiflorors idiimlil nut Inhute tlicii r CIIMM incura'j l* ti l :they have t»-i»tid »ni« bam|iW, which will le aeul by posl to• ny adJrera tlm.uirln IU i .,,t-tt Britain , wilti lull instiuclioiL -.For Samplm ami 1' it icuUr n uf the Uticcdie*, adtlroas 0.P. BROWN , 2, Ki iui -ntrict , C'oiivcnt-Garileii , London.

THE NEW CURE for Epilepsy, or Fits, Faint-


clcctcU iiottvtiERIN ON T1IK WKSTKUN SEA

Oh Krin »t.-:ir, tuv tiativi- latut ,1 l.iv,-tl:y bills anil vMl. ys lim-,Wlu-n- iiiituiv with :l I I I HT.I I,1I: L-< -iiiittcrwl boutio* cvr-rj-wlw.iv ;1 Km- iliu tiu.niitiiinj tow*rni-,r irraml,Thy rivi is n.lliiif liriRht ami fur,Tliv fruivniuB cliff* an.l /tlvwy strand,fiv'ivt M:iuii nf Ihi: Wi'fUrli S»:i.

1 love thy nin-u'iit rniitvl f;inrsTliy «M found nnn-rs and i-usllca pray.And i-v» -ry riTu- tlmt ivmaiii*,¦ >f ulnr'u-i Innj : f intv ntwwl away.I low n> ri-.i. l on hi.-turvV p;if.'t'.Tin' ilntln iif luTws nursed by tlicc ,Tin' writing of t- .u-li b;inl ami KifirOf Krin .if tlir Wi-sti ru Sin.

1 IIIIIK In K I ' iliiu- Inlanil pri-iitAn.I faini.ii- :ui sin- was uf ynri',Wli. u sli.' uf li :iniiii'_- w llu' MII I.A IM ! slruii;. r* I -IIIII ; 1" sivk I UT I'HC ;A'h. u slu' alnni- st'iit inL-ssi'ii^L-r.sT<> t-aiTy Uii-pi/1 tidings fr*M-To In allion land- an.l far "If :-!n<u.- ,I'min l.'rin of tliu Western Sia.I know ;-1JI- can hi: rui.-vil .i. ain .To that linm.l plaa' sin: in-cup i' d ,If only, liLu tniir irUluui-li .Wi work. lusrtliiT s-iili- liy siili' .l.i fs Iliiiv old -t rif •• -- nnil faction.- vi:):. liin.l ns. a.'.l nni t iM I).'.Ami >.»,n pm-pi ru.v --nail Muili/On 1 :> i i> •¦'. l li. - W i -t i r a Si i.

A M l l ) S i ; .\ l . \ IEI! IDYL.Wil i i l l i l lu ' -hail .- liy willow iil.ulr .

In -i.|l.-l smiimi-r w .a lhrr .W. -;il l->i .l,.|l i- ri |" |'liiii;tidn —.11; 1..v.. ,iii.l I (..-.tliir.

l i l l - olltl i i l . ' i l - i - . ' f wlii l. - , wi th .-Hi-n. -d li|;lilTI.. h;UA- *, lii 'x .ll t i is ili -hiintil-T.-.1 ;

Aii . l i . i l |l"- a -dv . iy li.-:mi ,Wn l t .l i imi ' t id le -I iv L- limiut - i*. d.

I I " . i i ini i i ' i l ' i . ' / ' . Hum frasranl I nr .-,II. li> !¦¦ ,'¦ ¦ i«|i nll ' - l.i..n.-bt n- :

Win!, mum! {nun oVv the f.irliu'r r-h'jn ,I? ' lil. i i- i ' d u . i Hi'' --- ;oiii:lit nr.

And :-o v. , !¦»¦- ¦.. ¦ 111 Us ;:ivw,•rli. - .-., n f .il |.:ii-.- -.i i:.'lltl' —

Mt- .n< . l I .II I' UU: 1" >':i '. i l l< .'V t b t u r t k'.H r i K .' i l l i Hi . - i vi nin;'.-- inan tl".

W. t .dk '- i no- iiiiir li , f'M l ( fii' r .n fl touch*il h. i i f l -ni'l - > > . oft iin-i-iiui',

¦;..ld in- . I - l>t f:n I h.m word.- (Icrlari ,\. I.. -,, t ll. !M .ill -MV. ::iM:lillK.

IVi. i,i.. l iu .hl . . . ln. . w. 1"||. ivd homoI.iL- I r o l h' -r now iiiul M l . r ,

'¦ I'.. .-}.. :.l -'tr i -l I • .old l-ry illl.' I .V.-."Til! ..i I!., ••¦• li - I k i - - . .| hi I.

itttSccUaitca,TK U N I M , l i .j t - .- in 'I 'A M: T I I I ; W ATEH .—A re-

i rii -vi -r mig lil in / l i i i lie lii ickivai'd in taking (.liewalur. vi I one r i : in i ' .- ' sn-ross many who scum luI I .IVI : :•. ^rr ;ii avrr.-i "ii i i i wot t ing tlieir tuc.1,e.-|icci:illv it' i t ti.- ;i: :ili colil. In ninu cases out< i | I I - II , i l i i . -, j. vor.-ii .n ari.sir s l i om Llicil' havingl/i -cn i l i r i .nn liv .-¦OIIH ; -:ui)ii il iiliul , nuck aiulcroj i,i i i l u <) ¦•( .- [> iv.-in-r :, wlu'ii |)iip|)iL'.s th uydiii l lu; . vi - i -v l il^'iv. mi :i cold winter's day, dashi t i i u it <-»» i««wr ,-I !HT ;I - l ick or bloiiL *. Thisl iu l i - lul ol ' l ' i i i i i r i l n j - i l i i .- i^ iiui -aiiL master willcu.-l In' in drar. I I • !- in a l l t irol iul i i l i ly lliu clog, im-I I .- N .I In- In- an f x i r a liard y son, wi l l m:vcr lbrgcli i , ami wil l r \\ 'uU waii-r l ike |ioistin , for ilia rusti -I " l i i > day.-. >'¦ II - L n^ .-lari with one novtir-to-bu-iii i -g i ii toii riilu never luicc a dog niulcr' i'i iin.-inni-fcf> inlo t i n - waier. II lie does not:.*it\i; lo it ol' l i i s own JICI M CI I. and you iail to coaxI ¦ i i l l in. vim mav a- v . r l l qivi; nj i all idea ofmaking :i wait T iio<r ol ° h im. Thwrt: tan be nolim in j > '. i>l i i i i '4 an u n w i l l i n g ilot ; into the water.-iuip lv l" !¦'•'• iiiin lloiiudi'i" uu lu l ' iL attain , and

j i lk I \ LII I in ' bank !.•;• a luiiir t imt to come.W i t h inu.-il do . -> ilia! an: nnl ol' deuidudl y water-lnxi ds. and n i l i i many i.von II I ' I I IOM -, it is .simplya 'iin-'siiuii i i | ' / i Muu - i i t Ms or injudicious manage-iiR'iil in l i i i .'ir i_\ ; :-l y day.-, wliellier 11 icy <il ' ual. 'i-oi' l l i i ' ri.-vui- .SL'. Now I'or a lirsL!e>=>j i\. l/u noL a;(c .-ni|i ( . it. u n t i l die (nip f iy i.s si.vmonlh.s old , aiu l t in - wal i r is as win in us youwould lu litce yomx-il '. L.'o u> some pund ui-I 'unl, oi- any water whun: a dog can walk ingraduall y u i i l i . u i '. .-uddi-nl y | i luuip ing hi .-ail overhi-uls inlo ileep \vii l i - i - . I f t he puppy shirks theudgi .'i which is impiobablr , unless he has beenducked , you can do n u l h i n ^ but ML down on thebank and i-uax mir young iViuud into good spirits ,and .so allay t!:<: ui r s -.m.- syslriu. 'l'lien whenlie no longer >eein.s " cowed ," ins:, a bit ot' bisc-uit;u ;ln- edge iiftln.- waK-r. u'.-.M iuloa lew inchesi-l ' water , and i l i c i t a l i t t l e l a r l l i u r oul , as tin:dog's conliili'iicc iiien .-a.-i.1.-, and so on unt i l aLla-l In: has In -u im lor it. Once, he has roundliilllsl 'U ' sMil ui I In: a l l , it is onl y a questionnl ' j it i licioii.s niaiiiig i .- i iK - i i l lu make h im an M.A.

A N I K I S I I U O M A N '.S S i 'K i . i ' ii I N ;A J I I :H I I¦.\--Oni-ol' ll io

iucideul .s nl ' l lu : demolil inn uf Washington mar-ket, an old in.- i i i u i i n i i in Xew York , ua> t h e fol-lowing spi '.'di, d r l i x i - i ' i'd IVu lii l lu: lup uf a box :

" I ;on Airs. .Marih .i C)- |l,,,,|,,.|) , i|J(. .\ .\,,. 1liik wi.iiniiii ol ' W i i s l i i i i g i i . i i market. I came intothis lnark f .t wci glnni; -"•' pounds , and I noww.ig li :*!.'• p oiiiul.-. I liavu been here fifteenyears , hav paid 18 dul.-. a mouth , and havemadu l < » ' , '"", d"!.-. a- iii ini. ' iid in make 1 O i> ,"''i'•d.ils inoiv . I h:n ,r :i f.M-m uf ten acres on LongIsland. Mippni i a l i i i s l and |il;ca c 'Mllemnn and afamil y in lu: - i ;ry , and I g iv: I hem last horses andcarriagf- . - ivnh whu - l i 1-. I .- HJ . IV tlienisdves. 1have .it.jod 11n- m.j - i imeiise eolil in winter with-out, a lire , aiid i u <: ^n .ite.-t lieat in MimtiK-r, andlmvi: iiev r l . i i . ' ii I - - M - 1 or bvuii ovefhe.iU'd."

¦-1 \\ i'M'1 i. . ' \\ lien a .Mii ni '.' man is clerk inan i>IVu'i.- and dp- --i . . l i t . - :i prini'-c, smoki.'.-i '• linei-ijjs ir. - ,"" di- inl. . " I - I H in- liraml y,'" attends tlicu-i rc .'i , dnlicu , a i '.'i l i o : lil;e . I wi-udur if he doesnil mi ih i - ava i l of In. - 1 lerk:-hip 'r When ayouiigbdy s i i s i u I !II - p .ir |.ii- i l u r ing l l u : d.iy. with herl i l l l i ! w h i t "' l i l .^-

i - i : .. \. . i i ; i | v v i l b r ings , | woii-

d-.-r )l ln- i- i in .'. l i . r d'j e> I I . . t i y i i ,h i lj . l ies and dothe w urk in k i i i .hi .- u r Winn a man goi-.i • '. l imes ii

tiny I IJ i;cl a i J i i l m , i K I X H I . ' I - if by-anil by heuoli 'l go lulu i i m .- r When a lady laces herW a i - I . a t i n i i ! I. ¦ [ i i .u i i i a i n i i; : i l , I wmnli .-r

if I M .- I - pn . i sy ;^ :n. - w i l l nnl shnrleu life a dozenyar.'. or m..!•.- , I I"- II |I -S m a k i n g il. luni i : n i i .-vnibli:wlu l i sin l i \ . - ...- Wli ' .-n a man is dependant ,np ' . i i in d .nlv ;•..! I ' l l - l i is ineonii - , and marries alad y v.l i .) , !,,. . I,..: Uim -.v Imw in make a loaf ofbn-ad nr I I J i, . | ;; -.-Ml nn t i l . I wond i-r if be is notl . u . i . i l i g . - .<•! i i - - \ . : i' i i - , - iy l- Aiard - i b e tup, I'm- in .

stiiui- ' .- I* W h i-n a man reei'ivi- - a |HJI i m l k u l m-

i i . .-w. -piip"r H . i l . l v . and l a k .- s grual. delight in

reading, bu; ii ' -j|. .:!- '. '. pay In .- it , 1 wonder if

J i r !I ;I S ii r- i' i i s i-n i i i .- i - .'

A Nh'.v l-'r.:i. K- I \ I K . - A II exhibit ion««.-. L'ivrii in l i i ' - i 'i iy H all I 'ark i i f a new self-

.-nppi i i l i i i^ l.'idd'- r ni.d l i i v i - i'.'i |<", la icly invented

by .Madam l'< . i r . c . an l i . i i i . u i lady, w h o wa.s pre-

.-" .- Hi ai d c-e r ta i n ly no; t h e I I -IH !. :il l . ' t i l i v u of llu;

l l i n u .-auds oi j" f < i l '.r . . Tin- pi inei pli; of I l ie

i i i v i' i i t i . in is v . -r v - n : i ;. l ' -. 1:. cut i- i . s t . s of .sec-

l i '. n a l lad'l. r- . i'. i i i i ' l i - i i d t i ' m l , ami supported

liy a i l' iuMi ' I I - I I - - . wh ii 'h I'onus a rai l ing lo

-tradv and > : i . -:a ;n i i i ' ' l i r i- i u a n when ihe ladder

is in pi^i i ion . ' I 'L ' - v . - l i i r l e on whi i .-h tin: scc-

t i n t i s an: e.i r i i d i - a - t ' . n t I 'Mir -whee led t r u c k,

and a :i i i i - l u : i l ;• ! i l . . - 1- . ar ..f whivh is a .-yMc iu of

wi n i- |s and p ! i i ( . \ . - I'. i : - ! a i - i i i g l !n : ladd'-l- from

th' .- \'iu u i i ' l . A l : n. ' . i ' o u l a i u i u g U-n seel ious,

earli leu I< • -1 lu l l 1.', '.i . i - haul'"l on I In; ground by a

i .-ni i i p a i i v ol ' i ' - i i m '- i i . i l l ' - p a i l - put in. pusilion,

jo ined l i r m l v . ra i - i .-d In an a l ig li: of si v e u ly livei l i- ^

'p L-.- . .- i i » J i n .- • » • .•!! m i n u t es iVom ll i t begin-

ni i i 'j :i t i n m a n v . a - .- " - i i i i .-d on l l u : lop round

i i g li iy f. < i l i - .. in i i i . - gi- i .n inl . i- i ibnl y survey ingi l n - i- rowi l b. !'•« h i m . 'I ' l n- i i l l u : wlmk company¦ •I i. i i in. MI i - i n- l i in< i | . pn.- i i i d i i .i mi l lu; ladder al

tb" .-aim: t i n r : : a — • • • l i t . e . iuvas bug c m l a i i i i ng :i

l i i e t i i i i u u a - l i" .'.- i ' d I 1 1 I I M : li' .'ig / i t > >! ' t in: f- ui i i - l .

l in i i .-i .- runt , ami l l i ' - '. r i n k wbeelvil uround In

sh.nv how I ;I - I !V hi I p i n i-j h t In- suppl ied l o pec-

sou- euto l l in i l l" t up '¦ '¦ a burning buildin g , amil i n a l i y lio.-i ; u.i r ; i i i i ' d m I be heigl it nl' s i x ly

l < . . ! and ii l i n i" - i t - .- i i '- i i m nf i vi i l i - r pniii'i-d nn tin:

tr i - i - . -i nnd raping i i ' .u i l below. A l l t h i . s whi l e

I he l- id' i ' i . .t n- i- 1 i ; n- I I pp. n i i -.1 , t -x e i -pt by it.s own

M il h f i l i i - M I - < I in 1 1 1 W '. K w i . i e h ran ied i l . The

l .- . l n,i ; .- ' M i ' i i i . i l I - . :ni it n e .N p i.-eted degree

n u i- l i i. -. 'i i y, . l i "« i i i g i h . i' 'h e in iv i n v e n t i o n has

mi - l i l - llml i-ni i i l i- il in lli" alti ution of eilies

which an: end 'ii' "i i n - :• > p'-rf '-et I hi; •• i iu i pment

and • .'iliei' .- i n - i - ni i ! i > .- i i - I i i • _• i l fp : n t n i' : i i ts .— t-miou

.Itlrerli-n ¦ : :-n, w i i :- ' i :. ¦ n-oi. i .i: - .. ¦ ¦I'rofi .-s.-or

]ii -o« n in i. marl : ing npni I In- M i n i l a iy conditionn! t i n . l l \ " - : ' . i - i : al l a u n t- .ii sliniv , two valuablel i i i u - . and ¦! M - i i d pi:1 - bavin:; di ed in l i ie showv . i i d l i ' . i - i l i i i - eiii . -i . . : i ; . s : -" f t i-. ralher ai .'. i:. -. i i" i ! J • ri •_; i:i i I n : p i i - .-enl. dav to hint at thel i t n p i - i ' i t nl ki- '-pi .- 'g ;i;iiinal.. u i lh i / i i t loud andi.,. - i r i;i.d> -i- any i i: c i i iu- la i i ccs , bill in .spile olal l l l i . i l i.a b'-i u l. i i ' l .v . iiid about iuhumanily ,pr.n i ii -.i i i iirii )iii'»v \ei-y w i - l l tha t lasting is often

ab "lui"l v i n ' " an lot - t h e .-- iil 'e ly nl an an imal

d u r i n g a j . u i i i r y . e-| i(ci.illy il l Imt ue i l be i'.W -. l i -r may b. giv.-n in smal l i p i a u l i l i ei aL short

in t erva l s , bu t ln -n | .-l inuld In - u - i t l i l n -ld for mmu

lmui' i belnre t i n : a n i n i i i l s :iro put in tn t h n van or

l i - i n -k I" bi- i i u i v i . d I n l l i ' - i r de.-t i i i at in u . A t -

t r i l l i o n in t i n ' .-' - p - i in t -. whi. h . iif ler al l . an: mai-

lers ol romuu.n M' l i - e l a t l i '.-r t l i au n( seii.-neo,

would, in a ll lik elih ood , have saved llu: lives of

Bcveral valuable an imal .- ai Taunlmi."

Jvv.ij ibi i i ly l i i iuw. -. K"11 '1 ci''i»' t- l i \r[-|d l i im l l iat

l i n l l i mo5t iirr.l nl* ii •Tliu lui'ss uf l ife is u fU li i m i i .y tn l im ini-gllhl.

rity of thu liv* r.Wlivuilu lii'lius < a r i y liru '¦ Whi n l i n y liavc liij ii'i1

I'lDgcra.Tako enrc o fy cu r plow, and your plow will tak e

of you.

afiticultuvc( the Irish Farmers' Gazette.)

KAKMIXG OPERATIONS FOR SEPME1IHKR.FAU SI CBOI 'S— I'lowjliiny .—This is probably about

tho best season for ploughiug ; tho laud in in generalticithor too wot nor to dry, and uo othor \vork sbonldbe permitted to intorfero witb it. After tho corn Ucut , wo would recommend tho hind to bo li ghtlysutiflled , well harrowed , and the stubbles -.tud Weedscarried off to increase tho duug-beap, tuvl tbcu ploug-hod with a deep furrow. Land thrown roughly upat this period high and dry will bo soon noted on nndenriched by tho alternate frosts and thaws of winteras to bre:ik down uuder tho harrows iu tho finesttilth, nnd allow of much oarlicr cross.ploughing thanthat which is ploughed up at a. latter period, wheuthe land is satnrated with water..-lufaiitn Cleaning of stubblo kind, preparatory to

uext year's green a practice that must com.tneu il itself to tho notice of oil who aro nosirious ofhaving their work well forwurilud ;it a season whenoTcry hour is of consequence The usual wintor fur-row is given to as great u depth as possible, andwherever it can bo 'lone wo strougly recommendthat a light subsoil plough , or even a coinmou ploug hwithout , llio mould-boards , should follow in tho wakonf the tirst plough. The more wo break up thoumlor stratum , and tlius permit the air to circulateIreely through it , so much greater il ilopth do woprovido for tho extension of t ho runts of tlio succeed -ing crops. 'J'n llmsi' wln» havo not yet udoptcii thopractico nf iiuluinu c!oiniii{j, «r wlm aro Kcup licsd as tothe bnnclils resulting from it , wo shuuhl imag ino thatit would bo i|uite eiiotigli l« .<«) in s|iiiu";, as wo Int roSITU , ;i lielil inti smlod for fallow cropH , half of whichhii 'l been iiiituinu-cluan iHl an<l lmli'lcl't in tho ordinarystiite , llio weather or sumo other pressing cause hav-ing prevented tho comp letion of llio cutiro cleaumgiu uutnmu. When tho hurrows wero put over thoHeld in tho spring, for (do first (into , that portionwhich had been gono ovi-r iu autumn turned up mcl-low and clea n , ¦whilst tho other portion wus cloddynnd foul , being covered with wisps of conch grassroots.

W IIKAI may ho sown this month on tallows or onclover leas. When tho latter aro ploughed for whea tthey should bo dunged , and the laud prusser used.

WI.NTKH BEANS are bcsl SOIVH from tlic niidJlu ofthomonth to middlo of Ocluler. Let the land bo wollmanured and deeply ploughed , httrrotved , n)nl thobums drilled iu at from -\ to lliroo feut apart , pro -vided tho land ho sufficientl y dry.

W INTER Vtn -HK s .—To have early aud luxuriantcrops of winter vetclies iibuudunco of mautiro is ne-cessary. Let tho iniinuru be spread over the surfacnof tho litml , ploughed iutu sets of about eight feetwiiloj linrruiv roii fj hl y donii , suiv the scud at tho liiloof four I IU K I IC IH per Irish aero ; givn a turn or twowith the line harrows , aud trench up tho furrows.Tiio vetches' may hi; .smvn uloni .- or mixed with ryoor outs ; when mixed witb grain , tlirco hushols of vet-ches with four or fivo stone of (Jilts or ryn will sowthn Irish tiere.

J{| K may he ranu alono iu tin: Mimu uj iiuner asvotcliCK , for dither grain or ;i soiling crop. 21) stouosows tho Irish nciv.

H KKK may ho sown IVum the middln nf this to limmiddle of next mouth as an early gi:iiu crop after po.tallies or other green crop, or even on good whua '-onstubble laud ; from 18 to ^0 stono suws tho Jrishaero ; it may ho suwu broadcast aud trenched , uiunder llic- p loug h.

lt.irK, to sceuro an iibuudant crop, should bo trans-planted ns early as possible, and bo liberall y supp liedwith manure , which may be spread over tho Furfucuand ploughed i;; : plants may then bo inserted inevery third fiiirow , tivelvo inches apart , or tho landprepared and manured, as is usual , for turni ps, andthe plants put iu with :i Kc-uing-stiek, 12 or 11 inchesu\>arl au thu cron-n of Iho drill.-)-. Hapo may still busown on good, warm , dry soils and a favorablo cli-ni iite; il will givu Hit abnmlant bite lo sheep in theearl y spiing, when green food is scarce.

C'MIVI :K mid (!KASS .SLKH S for ineailow or jiasluremay still bo sown ; let thn land bo ploughed, lightlyH'lillleii or .vcarificd, nnd well liarrowed and cleaned.

I T A L I A N II YK .I ;UASS and CMIVKK may 1m sownearly tin's month, in rich well-preparcd land ill ilfavourable aspect. This grass wi l l give a very earlybile tn ewes, or come in fur soiling by the middlo orend of A pril. It will y ield tliirc or four cutting:;(I il rill"; tin) season, but should ho top-dressed withrich lotnpiKji, or li quid manure imineilialel y at'ici-each culling. About four bushels nf Italian rye-giiiss, with 111 or 12 lbs. of red clover , and :i to Ilbs. of i-npe, will sow an Irish acre.

til iASs Lwiis. -This i - i ihu soason f-ji' tnati-ining ;ill griiss liiiuU-, whether intended for meadowor pasture . If tlio binds are inve nted with moss,they should ljr, well t-carilicd , hai rowed , and themoss giiihercd olf aud buttled , bel'orn apply ing tin:maiiurn , nft fr wliicb , in dry weitilicr , it should hi;well biish.hai-riiwu.1 , ami , if iiciTssiry, mine freshgtiiss t-reils ififwn.

(.'A I S I I A I , I :S ni-iy bo phituc'l liHweon tin: iniil 'l lrot 'this and tin; siict-rt 'iliii fr iinmtli. Tl.u liinil slioiihl hewell and doep ly ploug ln'd m- dig;;i'(l , and lihemll yiiKuiurcd. Tho e.'ibli.i';( is wil l conn! into uso fromtlio iniddl'1 of .\pri- .

I. IVF. Sim i;.- r.uiK.-.iN. . C.M I I .K intoiiiled forCliri.-tniiis ui i i ikeis slniald hn put up this month , andfor a time they will ilu betur in yiirils than in stalls ,if llio. weather is Wiirin . Lot thvm havis velchi.-.-,,clij T»- r , iiuil Al.-erdr.-ii tumi ps, sown earl y, lo coumin al I liH lime. rYom 'Jt lbs. to it lbs. of cnLo pcrhmul tn.iy also be: given tu ensure stead y improve ,men!.

[i l .KtblM. K IVKS .—Tliis is tin: prupor period forculling oul and oi'iecling i:\v-s for bp.'eiliii|,- pur-pnses ; afte r select ion put. lliem on goud gi'iiss , lliutthey may be iu prime condition wliuii plared alungwith the tup next nionlli.

L.\Mils should have iilitt lnlancc of ishort , sweei. tjiass ;a lilllu (. xlr.'i kii'p from libiicufurwuril will hu iihlln -i l i i n tl y n-paid nuxl spii t ig in superior strength iindcoii 'lition , iiinl , ;it shearing timi 1, in tin: eron of wool :un tin- contrary , if let fall oil' hi condition now , noL 't l i irIK will liriug tbem ii|> tn r-rj nnl thoxo which haveri'ci'ivi 'il tin chrck ; the wool wil l bo of uneven fibre,and much deteriorated iu value.


Id poils on i»ui- nation;,! agrivullura i .iliuw.i mil ofni.-i 'ossity ^o li rt i - ri i .- ill y eomp iloit , that, many mailersof interest remain for l i i lmo ii'leremjo uml comment ,and llui sbuw held ;it Wnterfuiil recently, me:igruas il. was in all thiit eoiisliluti:.-! a national agricul-tural sbuw, was IIU i-M-.t- lili oii to tin: uuin-ml rule.

As it gri.-at ii ' itio t iiil agricultura l exposition ^ thero i.sno il'iubt. o| it's being a dead failure , alt luiugh wele.-irn and believe that , as a tunnelary spi.'Ctilalion , itwus a decided sncet:.-.*, lor :ln: ni -athi - r was .so fiivur-tible , nnd iho itillux of visitors so^'ri:;itt pariifularl yon Friday, which was ii holi.L.v , that tin- loca l gua-i-uiU-e fund , subscribed by the guiitry and merchant.!!of the district and city, lo rusun: llio show being heldiln- i-u, no^ only remains iiiiae: , Imt a large surplus ofubniit X"iO(J is ivjioiieil to remain af 'tur all liabiliti esarc discharged. Tins is M, far .siiUsraetory ; but thotailing off of sliorlhnrns , even since tho last year1

*Uoyul I--1 III \V lit liulf-is.t , is I'tiorinou-: . At tho latterthen: were '.HI entries of shorthorns ; a'. Waterfordbut HO, leaving a deficit of ,"> l . Tlicrii :iro Rcvcra lcauses asstgni .'il lor iliis ileclimi -oin: is, fear of font,ami-mouth disease, now :ill bin cuhict iu lrulaii'l ,whi^h , it is reported , increased alte r I In: shows at lliill ' .sliri.l gi: and Belfast j another i.s that thuro wero tin|jrix-_\s olfcred for uilhiti- hull or In-ifcr calvus- andaud anothi'r ngiiin , tlial the Society had sli ghtlyreduced llio pii / .es in some iuslanec j bul wo tear thatthe great cause is growing duiualiiiatiou of lim mo-tfamous breeders lo exhibit at nil , as pn-p;u ing theirmo*l Viiluable animals for show injures them forbreeding pur|H<ses , and tln-y Iiuil that morn mutn'V islo bo uiiulo by selling their surplus slock when six oreight months old than by keeping them till they aru ii.year ur moro old. Wo know , having been told by theparties Ihrmsclvcs , thai ihu hut uo leiLSuns havo re.glrainuil Huiiiu IVom exhibiliug lliuir gums for tho pasttwo or ihrun yeaiv ; HO that if ihere bo not a reformationio il. .i inodo ul' iiijjuibi-aiioii, it Hct in.ti problematica lwlii 'lln:!' we hhidt cotitinuo to have cuttlo H I IOWS at all.And this Until all . The period for holding tho Irishnational i- ltow is loo I, id: in lilt! year ; it is uot llioproper time for lliu siiln or pnrc l ntMu of hrnediug ciltlo,ati.l I»oaidei? ,lhi3 mi<l > lleofl iarvt: . -il is not atuitahlo tiuiufor fat tilers to lu.ive homu and travel —tliumsclvc:*, ti t-tei.ibiut .s. |t||,| ciitlle- to a ili-.Umci- . wliutnvur limymight do il tlui ^llo\ y uvio In-ld nearer hinui- .

I In: ob. ..-o Mnt i * in wiiieb IL is tho, fashion to (in-hibit viilu.iblo iitiu iii il. ! :it Ibe yi i .-:it bhmvH is, bevonil Htlniibi , ili'struclivi! I , I i ln 'ir |'rocr,alivo powers , andiiniLv lino uinmaU II 'IVI ; n.'..'ii riiuu:d bv it; uoiwith-stiniiliii g winch , iu otih r lo gnin a lulling prir.n, tliobhoninvn , iigauisl their oiv n eonvietioii , iire obligedto Mihmil tu it , iiml not onl y , but huvo recour.into unnatura l I reutmiml to (jain Ruch (|ue.stionab|olioii'.ura . At thi; Kng lisli ILiyal HI M W A them i.salways nn extensive lange ol' sbuilding. oul ol view ,for lim iiccomunj diilioii of I I U I .SI-H , uot of L-U I VCK , bu'.«,r ye.iilings and iw. , yo.r olds , iind , if wo mUtakonot , for tiioiu Eotnonlut oldur , iiuil ilienttendaiits""PP 'y gill"us mum gaili.ns ol new milk to Uioii')iamper. it l i iuti - - , insuail of ivatftr , during B I IOVViiour.s, iii i ii -e.l , -.t i s .I 'liii -ing t', H i:u tlnwo fatnu-iiHicrs ; wli i - n tlio short- hours aro overdi iv in ti > HUck l lniir fnslri-, not their real .molli .TH I'orti'i- i , :tla >n given them , as noilas oil iako t nnd i-u rythin g ihat eiiu proluotn Hit.ft ii well fciio rt - ii i/nic linll.1 tlius (rc»(«( bcoirnniinpotc tit , femah .-s wi l l not hri/cl , and eventuall yboth limi ilieir wny to the slsiug lili - r ticufl. -. Xoir , nj .nlgH should bo bello! nbln lo g ivi) il just uward toan animal in a coiupaintiiri:l y tluu Ktutc tliiui whenii.s points , part IL- II I. nl y ils illTictivo ones, aio eovoreilund ImMrii with Inyi rs of Int. Thin Hl t i l e n t lliingshart I M.-I II o hj i i t i i l lo fur ninny yi-ui' ii, iiml I IUK liiiunby tlio ruli-H of nK-ii.-lirs eoudi iniied, and llio juJgc-ichiirged not to Inkti litt inlo coiibidiu-ntinu , limwilliuut any coin-spudding b'.-iii'lil . Ilmvevur, thisuntoward suto ol things is about curing itself , forliiu great breeders, having luaihi i> name and lefttheir mm k , are riliritig IVom thu field, aud Iho showsof sbuthotui arc likel y to bo confined to yearling,nnd , it may bu, a few two your old , bulls. —/< iVii'miiur

L I TK I I A T U R hThe Crusade of the Period ; and Last Comj ucst of

Ireland (Perhaps. ) —} iy Joil.v M ITCHKLL.—Such istho title of tho fourth volumo of tho " Irish AmericanLibrary." . It is brought out .with thegri»tost care,'and'ia olbgixntly bound in cloth and gold.- Mr: JohnMitcholl' s nblo roplios to Mr. Froudo's work, " ThoEnglish in Ireland in tho Eighteenth Contury" arocompiled in tbis volumo iu cbaptor form. Tbo his-torj of " Tho last Conquest of Irolaud (Porhaps) ,"which is added , will bo found vory important audinteresting, as dealing with a rocont period ic whichIreland has occupied muoh of tho world's ottontioti .Tho book has been very carefull y revised by thanuthorj so ns to mnko it a complete aud oxoellouthistory of tho events of which it treats. In aomofuture tino, wheu spaco permits us, wo will do our-selves tho ploasuro of publishing extracts from thisinteresting work.

The Treasury nf Literature ami Lad y 's 'treasury—Edited by M KS WAU REN .—Tho various subjects whichthis work ombracos und (H BCUSBOS , aro vory nume-rous und interesting. Tho romarks and descriptionsof tho fashions will be found particularly acceptableto Indios, und each nuiubor contains a very hancl-somo plato of fashions. Several stories aro com-mo need and Auisnei] , of which all are of a vory in.lorostiog nature

The Virlorin Magazine— Kditcd by Miss K M I I .VFAITUFVLL , rriuccs'-stroot , lianovor-square, London.—Wo havo to thank Miss Ktitily Faithfull , thatalented editor of llio Victoria J/uji ume, I'rincos '-st.Hauovor-S<piare, London , for throo or four copies ofher interBtiug poriodical . From tho August number ,just to hand , wo copy tho following from an excellenturticlo on tho American press , which is ono of tliegreatest institutiouH iu that great conutry :—

" Kvery man in tho United States," says WoudellPhilli ps , " poieouH himsolf with iL uuwpapor. It isptirunt , schools, college, pul pit, theatro , exnni|>)o,counsellor, all in ouo ; ovory drop of our blood iscoloured b;- it." On tho other baud thu woll knownChicago divine , tbo Uov. Robort Collyor, prouounco3tho newspaper as truo u raiuistraut to thu host lifo oftbo soul ,its good bread is to that of llio body, nndabout as iudispcnsablo. Wo quito agree with tha hutdictum , aud can only Bay, il'Amorican newspapersaro tj omelitncs " poisonous," tho fact dimply donj on.straleB that an editor is of " liko passions," with therest of the world , a proy to Iho satuo woaknossct,',liablo to fal l befuro tho same lemptatious. Animmaculate , press cuuuot bo cxpectod any moro tbauau imniacul.itc clergy. To mi3n tlio standard abovohuman pitch is lu court diaappoiutmunt. " It ' tboLord is to havo a church in Jthis loivn ," said a cutoNew Knglaud deacon , when rimioustratifig with nnew minister on some over strict rule of the ohurchdisci pline , "1 guess lio's got to mako it out of ibonmtorial hu fiuds horo."¦' Tliuro is certiiinly good reasou lor beliovtug that

up lo the present mumunt Amorie;iu nowspiipershave- passed through their various stages, us well ussiii'ruuudiug circumstances allowed them. The XewYork and lioslou pnpors havo an unrivalled KurupeuncotTespoiuleiico ; the Chicago Trihviu- nnd CincinnatiCummcrci 'iit uru certainly not buhiii'l thoni ; in fiicltho engery and i:nturprise disp layed thoughout tboAmerican press , is, as thoy themselves wonld expressit , " a caution." The tlisbos of wit , which foreignershastily condemn as meauing losa if not vul gar, mepiquant local liitn , keenly relished by tho nativereader , and , as our Yunkci? cousins havo a world-wide fatnu for thuir ciii {uiring turn o( tho mind , it iHbut natura l to Iind iu tliutr journals columns uipersonal items, which would drive thu average Iii-ilouinto a lunatic asy lum'or au c.-trly gni rc.-."

11 II is true , that American papers starllo ihoreader with their extraordinary sciisntiunnl heading.'',mid the prominence which is given lo murders , fires,and gi-ncra l wickedness, but the public taste stillgraves for these oxcituinciils. lu fuel , wu woreassured in Now York , that uo paper could livo amonth iu iho United Sutos that should omit tog ivodetails of heart sickeniug deeds of violcuco audcrimo. "

Jtir su - .—We liavu to thank Mr. J. Williams , musicalpublisher , of 21 liernoi-s-slrcet London , for a piece,entitled " A Kobe," by Mozart , arrange d by Adol phcMaiis. Tho uanic of tho greut master is suflicienl. toKccittu this composiliou a high placo in public favor,but added to ibis tho simplicity of ils arrangementwill make: Iho piece equall y wolcomo to tin; beg inner.-is to tbo ticcninp lishcd musician. Wo have no hesi-tation iu recommending its being placed in the port-folio ol' all p ianoforte performers.

A l ' l l l i N m I' l l l l fKKlV AT Cl.ON.MKI.. —Au impilf-tii t it aud exic-nsivo ealo of li-iisuholil pio|ierty, fiirni -turo, Ac, lielouging to Jlr. Krimcis Kj-an, was[:oiiduc-l<'d last wcel. by .Mr. Thomas I'ren lergast.'fby pn:inis:fs known as numbers 1)7 and US, Muhi-streei- , in which Sir. liyun\s extensive grocery andsp irit business was carried on , wero pui'clinsi:d bytho Jl.-ssrs. T«bi« and SI. John for .1:1,200. L'Jt '.li land lull Alaiu -strect , coni]irisi iiK flour , mciil , andbread storex , was told to Mr. 1'. .Murphy, of IhoNorth liatu Iron Works , for £5'J0. Mr. Murph y ulsoln- L-uini ) tbo -r of lot .1, deicribed as " llioLi 't ilral gnrUi -n ," aud iueludiug two coltagw, fori'l.'H.i. Lot I , comprising a hou.-e and largegardcu ,sit iiiito in Mary-strcul, wus bought by Mr. Byrue,of Casliol , for X'iO.i. Tbo bouBchold furuiturn amitho flock iu trade wcrodispused of to severa l bidders ,all of whom made spirited oifurs. There was uctivucotu[ielitioti ul eucli duy^ sale , iind tho auction wadcoiidiicli'il t l iruu g bouL by Mr . 1'reudergast in bisusually clhciciil lird Biilisluctory mauncr— !'>¦«¦¦ I' ras.

Ax Ai.'iio.v .\tiAl.vsr Siuiuis.—A curious case hasjusi been tried at Ibe Cork Assizeu bofore Huro nDea.-y, in which a ilr. J. Cos-grave was plaiulill , undtlui proprietor:; of Stubbs , defendants. Tho actionwes brought to recuv.r damages for bbol eonii.-itingiu tho publication of iho hiul ol a judgment, on abill of e.Tcbange for £100 having been marked ugainsttbo plaiutilf , whereby hu was iiijun-d in bis credit.Judgment wxx * to have been tn.irked ugatust limpluiulilf , who i i a trader in Cork , on lln> liOth April ,ami on lliat ilay li« went lo I lie nilicitor t" tlio)) laintilD iu llio otigiuul cause , who is also agent fortStublr , aud paid his clutk Iho amount with costs,asking him lo telegraph at ihn siime time to pruventhis name nppearing iu the u lllaek List." Nothwith-Htai -.iling this , however , llio judgment was given ,with , however, an explanatory nuto that Iho moneyhad been paid. Thn defence was tlmt Sd'.W/.i was aprivnto, and privileged rocord, and a denial of malico,im|. I hi) .jury thoug ht otherwise , and mulcted thoilofcmlanU iu £:i.'> l> .

M I - U I I K I I Sr*i ivri '-s .— ¦ lu 1S.',H theri: worn in thiscountry Ii 1 execuli'ins and -*J7 murdors iti a popu-laliou of :t , UM ,S7o. Iu lHli !) there wero oil exe-cutions and !L",I in a population of .'!l , H:!,r>'.H , nndin I f-iT" tlu.-ri) wi-n: :il executions in a populationof :iN , '.I'JTj, HIS. When one nuintrri:r in each ten wasi-AC'cute' l tlicro wi:re only tun porsom in n millionniunlered. When there were exocuted onn murdererin every Mxtcrn , the murdorors roso ID thitly -onn ina million , and when we executed one iniirilurer iuevery sixty.six the number of murders was lifly-threeiu a million. These figures bhow that tbo i-mallerthe pi-opni'liini:! of executions lo tint number of mur-ders tho larger tbo proportion of the niur i letH to thopopulati-m. —yli.i. 'rie.m /'n;'.T.

Dux (.'UII .IIS ON i l l K CO M M I N K .—'I'ln- .V..i" YtrkTabht tays :—Hctwceu tho policy of " (i iMl iiml thoKing," an.| the t 'oinnno '.- thuro lios uo choicu to anyBano mind. Tho Republic lias ended ill thoOnimi' .ie. Let it die. Had a Id-public such as ourown been possible iu Spain , wi: should havo hailed ilsadvent with joy. As il is clearl y impossible , wulook lor llu: uext. licsl thing, and Iind it in Don Carlos.His party pi-' .tuides, and , indeed , has alread y observed;\A hu* iii ciimo within its province , freedom of thnsubject , freedom of reli gion , ruspr-et for thn rights ofproperty, and observance of the Spanish (y'oniititutiuii ,all of which lliu Republican (ioverii meuis hiivo , outilifter the other , persis toull y violated. With regardto tin: question of Don Carlos' legitimist claims ,Spiiniatd s recogni/.u them , and all who holiovo iu thoSalic law recognize Ilium. Whether Iho Sulic law wasever carried iiuliu Spain or not., them i.s thu law oftin: land ; and on that law Don C'arlos builils n verysufficient clniin, in far ns King's el-iioiB go it. thosodiiys. Wh y ivritcra nn thn d«il y proso, n-liu found somuch to commend iu King Amarieus , becuusa hnbnnpened to bo iho sou of thn royal Sardinian free-bo')li:r , hec:iin\n hn hud no claim whatever to thoSpanish throne , and becauso not onu man iu thowholo ualiou honeKtl y acknowled ged hint UH King,Iind everything to condemn in King Carlos, bi-CHUti:ho is ii lititMl descendant of a Spanish line , Ijccnusnhe has u Spanish army nl. his back , and a powerfu lSpanish party, growing daily, npn.-ad throughout thocotmltv , hcCiiusu hu himself is personally pan andparcel of tho .S|i.fni-Ii C'oiinlilution , id « niyntery.Ciiu il bo that il is not thn King limy objout lu soniueli , .'» K f !- "i (ii"l ll "> lung '

On I' l i i lay, the lirm gonurivl conforeuco of tlioJfoiin ) lit it i i Association iv.-is hnld in Newcnsl-lo Toiv;jHul l . Mr. Hull , M.I ' ., ami Mr. Cillim , M.I' ., weropresent. It wus ixvnlvi 'il to iiupiiint an oxeutiv -neoui to; niter Iho l i i . -li voto iu all Kng liahc-nittitueiicit> . Il uiiR also i-e.-olvcd to dovoto thtwholo ol' iho conlwlnitioii to tlio Uome Kuluqia'stion,irrt-spent ivu (>' n" other cons.idoralions.

Tin: I. A 11: Vii . tliF.OAi. V I S I T .—Tho directors of theH'.-iii r/orilawl Limerick Jlaihvuy Com;i;niy have re-ceived k'liers, ouu from tbo Lord Lieutenant , Un:otlmr from the Kjrl of Dos.^bonaigh, highly laudatoryof tho artvugemuui8 on iho hue to and from Fiddowufoi" llio V iceregal party iJuriug tho late show, andthanking them fur Ihu attention shown.

M r . Tlnitunu Uolluwuy, whoso uamo il kuoivn inovery liind that pohBeESi-o a newspaper , has conuucoccdtliii criLtiou "f» magnificent asylum for therucpetiouol' l.iil lunatic patients , which ho is ahuut te presentto (In: nation.

Tin: N A V V . Tin) lion. Patrick Maurice I lel y-UinvUiinuu , youngest win to tlio lain Karl of Douough-moie , hiisbeeu appoililed midshi pman ou board IhnIJnku of Wellington.

A ('iuciuniili iniin is said to bu training himself forbin approaching umrriagu by pussiug suvcral hoursa day in u uoilor tbop.

.Somebody nsku why it is that Ibealrcs are ECUODI ,if over , struck by lightning, llio solution uf whichconundrum is that cvory orchestra hits it conductor.

ltattlcH painted by artists uro iuvuribly drawubattles.

WATERPORD AND LIMKRICK KAIL1VA1At tbo half-yearly meotiug on Friday last, tbo

Chairman and Mr. II. White baring moved andseconded tho adoption of Mfo.rpport ,' Sir. KIAIL nskod if tho Great Western Company

had sanctioned thu amount of udvances which thiscompany was to rcceivo from thorn , and noxt in-quired what wero tho iMirus of tho expenditure asshown in tho iucronso upp'j ariug iu tho roport oi thedirectors P

Major STUUUKIIT doaired to bo informed how it> wasthat so much was Baid about tho riso in tho workingwftges, which vory uoarly oodod in n fiasco at Lim-orick. lie would liko to know bow it was that agraduated scalo of of from Is. to 2s. (id.given to thoir officers , wli3 taken from thorn in afortnight after it was given , and thoy wero made topay it back ? It ucomoii to him it would havo bnenwiser not to have given this addition than (or thodirectors to stultify tuomsolves by giving this smallincrease, aud thon taking it away from thorn: in BOshort a period. The accounts showed an increase, intho engineer's department to a small oxtout , and hohoped that tho increnau had something to say to nuiucrcaso to Jlr. Tigbp, tb'air valuable eng ineer (hear,hoar) . Ur. Tighn had "it miles of lino in additiouto look after nnd keep iri order, und dcaervod overyconsideration at their linnets (hour , hear) . Anotherthing ou which ho wightm1 to bo informed wan, bowit was that , after the undertaking they had receivedfrom directors , they would havo to spend £1,400 inoxcess of that undertaking upon tho permanent way,nnd thoy wero promised ii. buunt- bouchr . for uext yoarfor the sumo purpotso (if , lit) beliovo cl , £2-1,000. Hewas Htiro , however , that Mr. Tigho , their ong iucer ,would uot nxpond that lat-gn sum without specific in-Htriictinng ]frum hin lionnl.; but , independent of thatbeing so, it would bo well that tho slmrcholilerashould bo full y informed upon so important a matter.With respect to tlio innuagomnnt of tho lino aiitltlio payment of tho officials, ho would desire, todraw utttolinu to the remuneration paid to Mr.Hurko , lit Limerick , to Mr. Mooro, at this torminus ,to Mr. Cunning ham, nu'l to Jlr. '/ on thelino runuing throug h Cluro. Tbo chairman hadmentioned nn increaso of S0.000 passengers on lliuhalf-yoar; tboao wrrc tho kin d of passengers thatgavu Iho most troublo to thoso officers , and bo (MnjorStuddiu-I) certainly thought that £90 a yeur was noremuneration to give to Mr. Durko for all tho woikho had lo go through iu the discharge of his voryouorouH duly. Ho regarded Mr. Burko as worth atleast from £120 to i'lofi ti y'ear. Tho sarao rcuuirkfully applied to Jlr. Jlnorc, doirn vtu ii-K , who hadvery heavy work , and did it .veil; and in themwere also included Mr. C.nining ham and Mr.O'llutilou. lie would like lo ho informed wh y itwas that JL'JO.OOO WUS required to bo expended on theAtbenry and Tunm Kail way ? iind' hu would alsoliko to bo told wliy it was that il2,2!K> was chargedfor their working staff ? lleferring to tbo takingover by tho Waterford and Limerick Company of therolling stock of the TuanJ, line , Major Studdurt (iskoJwhat wan tho rclativo projiorlion between tbovaluntiou tnsulu of that stock by Mr. Waildcll andthat of their locomotive t'upL -riiit i.-niliMii ? Wore thoytho same ? and if not , what was the difference he-twecu them ? Thoro wore tn-o of their oiv u ong iucawhich , not long since , had got them into moro thanone ac-tiun, for nJiicli tliey bail to pay nionoy, uudthoso eng ines, ho found , wire broken up for Bc.-apiron on u rcixirl from their loeouiolivu suporinten-dent , as go(.d fur nothing else. That wan a atepof wltich lio (.Major S.) could not approvo without,at all ovunts , having tlio lia.illago power of thosoengines t ried in llio Hirst, placo. Agaiu, ho shouldRay that althoug h the chairman had laid muchstress on tbo fuel of eo.-.l being very high , mid that ,therefore, there was eve ry reason wh y there shouldbo nn increase in tlieir expenditure ,yet ho c-ould notagree in thu force of that statement when ho wasau'.'iro they had had ,i largo stock of coals on hands,bought iit a reduced figure, and that Iho high scaledid not much mnch tbem. Ho believed they wereusing coal at oven les<i than 15s. a ton during ihoh.ilf-yc-ir : .iiul ho could not sen they had smy reasonfor thin incruaso in respect to tho high prico of coal.JIo would uuxt ask a ijucstioii which was, however ,more of a personal than that ol' a private nature ; butolio yet oi) which he , would desire to havo KOIUOslight itif iitnialion. He would wish to know who itwas that gave ihn passe* to tin: slinrehalder H aitoml-ing meeting-! ? JIo wrote I D tho truffle supor-iutuudent for a pass for this meeliug, but ho wasinformed by him thai In; could not grant it. Ho thenwrote to tbo secretary for his pass, aud received aHi ppant reply from Mr. Nicull (secretary), one whichhe did not expect frmn him. lu his letter lohim tho tcurotary said that tin was tho properolh'ccr to apply In for bass«*, thai ihu Iratlic super-intendent could uot kmnv tho shuroholdurs entitled lopasse.*, and thai hi: (tho dee.) was the only oflieur towhom thu application should have bcHU made. Nowbo did not consider that thai was a rep ly which budeserved from Mr. Nicull , but as he knew that a livoats could kick a (loud lion , he supposed Mr. Nicollfell ho could kick an ex-director (laughter) , liethoug ht Mr. Nicoll tnighl, however, have Kpurud himthat kick (ronuwed l iug bter).

SECKKTARV —l'iirdnn me. Mujor Siuildert , just forouu word, while 1 bbo'v you that ihoro i.s some mis-take iu this matter.

Major S'l i't iDKitT—I t;ot such a lotler as I complainuf, nnd I huvu it. now in my pockot.

SfxiiKrAUY—No douhi , but will you allow me toexplain. When your letter arrived , 1 was aboutsturiiug for London , ¦and 1 instructed Mr . Kenned y(assistant secretary) to reply to it. Tho itislruclious1 gave wero to inform you that Iho secretary wastho solo officer to whom to app ly for passes, iind suchis thu invariable custom upon all oilier lines of rail-way. Thero wits no discourtesy of iiuy kiud whateverintended towards you (hear , hear).

Mr. lJei.Aili'.viv , M .I 1.—What Mr. Nicoll suyu isquite correct. Such >s Iho ruhi upon all railways.

Major STU'iint in—Vury well ; wu will not say anymore about it. Another thing 1 wanl to mention ,and that id , I saw a scurrilous attack upon mo in thopapt'.rn aiucc our last meeting (hear , hear , aud sinnfiinterruption) .

Alderman Ki:Diin:- i -In what piper ? Name thepapor, Major ?

Mnjor STtmnr.HT -I could not now do so ; bul itwas in tbo papers.

CH A I R M A N — 1 don 1', th ink thai anyt hing per sonal

should bn nllouoil to enter inlo the proceedings ofour half-yearly inc iHingK (hr-ar , hear) . L knownothing about. U UK mutter.

Mnjor STI:MI K KT —Did you not HIM t lio Her. Mr.Met llycot^H letter in the pnpori! 'i

CH A I R M A N —I don 't, know ; I may hum seen il , bul1 forget il if I did.

Mnjor SieniiKHI ' —Uo took up Urn cud gols for you ,making me. out a 1'ur , ii pcrverter of .facts (greatuproar , and strong cull* ofordor).

( /HAl i tMAN—I must riso to order , and call on you ,Major Studdeil , lo desist (hear , lienr).

Mnjor TIIMIIIKRI — Tim lotter had rcfcrcnco to «¦iiuesti i.i i asked hern lit our Into Wharuclif fo meeting,and I think 1 havf. a jierfeet ri ght to refer tothis scurrilous attack mado upon mo in conseipmtn .-uor it.

CH A I R M A N — 1 know nothing of the matter , ami Ihad no communicati on with Mr. Medlycott upon theHubject.

Major STi.-|'lif.K |-—I ilit l not. (-ay y<m Iiml , Mr.Chainuau , but tho lliing went lioforu tho public inan attack upon me, and I think I am al liberty tudefend tnysnlf from th at attack (order).

CIIAIKMAN —I 'rirale mat tern, «iifli nn this, cannotbit permitted to enl'-r inlo our proceedings here, andf must ruin yuu out of order , Major Stutlilert , iuli;l'en iiig tu I hem (hea r, hear).

Major .Srriii»Kicr here (resumed bi-i seal , iind lefthis i|iicsliomt with iho chairtnau.

'J'ho (/'I I A I R M .I .V, reply ing to Mr. K MI .I., wiiilthat the aniounl of tho sum they were to receivefrom Iho (Hea t Wi K UTII Company was nscertuinedby this board , und lent over about a fortni ght eince.Stuco then no arm n-cr >V,IN ri.-ceivcd , but , no doubt ,Bonn) time i-hmild bu given to huvu it inquired into.As to tho per ccntuqo on tho working expenses, hewonld ask tho secretary to reply to tlmt portion ofMr. Itiall ' .-i question , because, sit bis (chairman 's)request , Mr. Nicoll had mado himself up full y onthe subject. Coming to Mr. Studdert 's rj ue.stions,tho Chiurmau observed thai whilu then) was a Inrguincreaso in Ibi.-ir traffic fur the half-year, Ihero wasnlso a largo incrciisu in the nmount of wuf ivn theypaid. Tla-re irns nn iucruuao under that bead in thepast liidl-ycarof iil ,!t5'J, ani| of tutu sum three.-limrthswe»t in incrrase iu nilarti-s . As lo Mr. Tigbe, therewu.1 not, and them could not he a bettor olllcer ;bo wai experioiH 'cd, zi-idnus, and most nttenlivc(hear, hear). Ilia 6n'ary was under con-iiil'.'riition ,nnd, .IH far ns bo (chairman) was COIKVI-IIIH ) , wouldmost cerLiinl y hu attended to (hear , Imar). A B totho ilisiurbaiie. ' in thn trnllic dep:irtui"iit , mt-nliouedby Major Stinlilert , tlio whole thing was a mistnkn.Jlr. l innky , their l.iaffic Kuperintcudi -ut , Imd rocom-iin ndeil thai mi luldiliou bo niuiln lo Iho p:iy ofdiMurv ing poriers On tho lino, of long hUuiling iu thoservice , und the board gave him orders lo do ro. Iutlio alienee, of Mr, flanks in London , tho matter fellinto thu h.uuls of Ii junior clerk , and hit mined thesalaries of men who ivern bur, now lian'Js, anil ihudirectors j,.. ( l t o L.:.i| ju most of tho?o advances.

Major is iL tuj Klif—I do not 6i-e lnnv any juniorclerk could act iu Mich a manner , if lie got. a properminute. I (|(, nu t, gnu bow be could mimnko A I! Cfor I) K F.

CIIAII IM i \ —'J'),o factifl fti , however , MnjorStiiildcrt ,and thai. U my nniiwer to tliu (|uestion.

Mnjor SnnuKiti:—How about tho expenditure outho

^permanent way ?

C'n .MHM AN—-Our secretary will give you tho dotuiisiicccRsi tnting thd step wn aro Inking.

Mr . D KI.IIIUNT V—f think such u <muvna highl yirregular , for thin is a question wholl y for tho bourd(bear, hear).

Mr. Si.vriXRY—t think our secretary oug ht (o beallowed tog ivo tuft answer , becauso you may not boaware, Mr. Dolnli Unty , thai tbis is a cavort attack onour secretary.

Major SreniiKiir (warml y)—It is no attack , sir.How daro you say, sir, that 1 mako si covort attackupon any onu?

Mr. SLAntBl-*Our bccrolary knows all about the

matter, and ho ought, ,1 thiDk, bo permitted to ex-plain.

Mr. DELAHUNT Y—NO, I think not , for the reason Ihavo stated, aud thnt is, I repeat that it is wholly adirectors' question , nnd nothing moro. It would bo

--very irregular to discuss such question* 8t an openmooting of shareholders, and wo should not go intothem and bo wasting our time (hour, hear). Asbeing on this subject, I may hero mention that whilefor the past twolvo years tho increased receipts fromIrish railways havo boon £370,000, thoco of the Bug-1Mb lines havo been upwards of twolvo millions.

Major STUDDKKT —I think it is yon who aro nowtaking up tho time of tho mooting (hear , hear) .

Mr. DW.AIII'NTY —If tbo meetiti g thinks I am out oforder, it bos only to Hoy so, and I will sit dowu, but1 will not bo stopped by Major Studdort , althoug h Ibavo ovory respect personally for lhat goutleman.In any case, we should uot permit irregularities(hear, bear) .

The matter not. beiog fnrthor pressed , droppedbore, and then tho CH A I R M A N , in reference to tbo bro-kon ongiuo , said tho condition ot tho l\vo eng ines hadboon fully tested , and Mr. Waildell reported that theywore lit ouly to bo brokeu up for scrap iron, anil thatroport wan adopted. As to tho t aking ovor of thoAthenry and Tuam line, that valuation was ruado iuIhi) usiuil wiiy. They hud two eugineers , ouo at eachside, to valiio it; they had un ump ire in tho person ofMr. M'Dowoll , of Iho Central Ireland railway, and onbis roport tho monuy was paid over.

Mr. D K.I .AUUNTV — On that point, i>errait ma to Bay,Mr. Chairman , Unit :i nioro competent , more praise-worthy man than Mr. M'Dowell .tho loeomotivosuper-iut-.'iident of tlio lino {with which I am connedcd ,oould not bo found for such a duly (hear, hear). Itwon well known that eng ineers generall y differed inthe valuations thuy put ou thoso tilings ; one putthem up high , another put- ihcm low, and then theump iro is called io to settle thu discrepancy. Suchwas tho caso with the Cculral Iroland Company whenthey wero taking orer their stock from tbo Waterfordand Limerick , when Iho ump iro settled uverytluug ina must satisfactory manner, llu (Mr. D) had greatrespect for Major .Studdcrt; bo had done much to aidiu developing this great aystom , or rather in creatinga great system, for with tho aid or tho Great West-ern , the Waterford aud Limerick eotnpauy is uotv con-nected with the most vuluubl o linos in tbo king dom—a connection certain to provo of vuluo to themselvesand to tho other lines couceruod in it (hear , hear).They wero till now a happy family (a laugh). Theyhad railway connection from that spol up to Mayo;they were all disposed to work as ouo man for thedevelopment of lliat groat system ; and in thatcourse they should , uud they would , combine. Thudirectors hid a serious responsibility iruposod uponthem , and lliu one Kolo fculiug of tho shareholdersshould bo—a I'cehug wliicb thoroughly animated him—to give the directors uvrry iissntanco in theirpower (hoar hear).

Tho Kov. Mr. MedlyeoU said that every shareholderhad a perfect ri ght, to oxauiiuo iuto Iho stalo of theaccouuls (hear , hoar) , and any one who would denythat right u-onld bo ill tli u wrong (huar , bear). Tbogentleman who liroiig hl forward ilms'i attacks wasvery siloHt on those subjects as a director , but themoment he comes utit he begins to comp lain , and toniiiko a. noise, .'mil bo firoil blank shot at him (Rev.Mr. Medl ycott) , and lately hfi tired a bullet at him ,too, hit A il recoi'cd on himself (hea r, hear), ilo (Kov.Mr. Mcdlyeotl), wan sorry lo sue that goutlcman 1.!letter in the paper against

Mr. D KUX .W. (interiuptiug) 1 must call Mr. Medly-cott to order, for lie ban no righi. tu attack MajorStuthlorl (hear , hear). Major Studdcrt lakes a deepinterest in this line , and it was frotnihsil interest ho(Mr. It .) beeamo connected with it al. all . If ouobe hea rd .so must iho other (hear) .

The Kev. Mr. M K I I I .M O I T resumed hw seat , :indThe CH A I R M A N referring totho purehajo of tlei rol-

ling stock of l.he Tuem and Aihcnry lino , stiid it waspurchased by thum at il lOU a carriage, whilst thu(Ireat Southern and Western Company paid .fjlOU(hair, hear) .

No other gentleman asking a ipirolioii ,Mr WJIITK, V.C., then proposed the ordinary re-

solution , setting forth the rate per cent, to bo paidlo llii! slitiroholderM . Tho divideud will bo seen intin: resolutions in our advertising columns.

Mr. LoMr. iUisaiil ho bail great, pleasuro in second-ing the resolution. 1 <¦ had been his intention to ml-dross a few observations to tho meeting regardinghinuelf perforiall y ; bnt ho would now refrain fromdoing MI . He , however , reserved to himself Lliupower ot spi'iikii.g on thin subject later on iu theniei-l.iiig, and if pressi.-d to it would defend his positionat the hoard. Having said so muim bo would merelysecond Iho resolution, which , haviug been put fromtho chair , passed unanimously.

Rev. Mr. M KDI .K .-OIT said that as thu business of themeeting had conclutk-il , ho would now inovo Ur . Ste-phens oul of the chair , nnd Mr. Whito into it , whichhaving been eflV'eted,

Itcv. Mr. MKlit .vnit i formally moved uvote of thanksto the chairman , for bis dignified conduct duringtho meeting. Ilo did not revort to tho past , for ifho did he would never be able to exhaust his storeof praises of Iho conduct of Mr. Step hens iu connec-tion with the line. lie would oul y refer to thi sday's proceedings, and bo felt lliat cvi 'i 'y sensibleand unprejudiced gcutleinau present would endorsehis opinion , that , tho cliuirnii. u had given every ex-p lnuuliuu , null had ably answered every ([ueslion putto him. Hi:< conduct to-day waa only ou a pur withall tho exertions ho mado for the advancement oftheir interest (hear , hear) . Had it not . been for himand the manner iu which hn had foug ht for thealliance with thn ('neat Company of Kng landthey would to-day bn receiving '2\ percent , iusle i idof three , aud bn (Mr. Mt.-dl yeoti) trusted and full yexpected thai , ere long th-:y wouM bo in ri.-ei.-i p!. offour per cent, (hear , hear) .

Mr. Pu.Alll'NTT seconded I hi! milli on.Mr. W I I I I K , iu put t ing it fro m iho chair , said hn

could bear amp le te.-timouy In the /."al , energy, andability, which Mr. Step hens had broug ht to the iniiu-agemi'ut of their attain, .

The motion passed unanimou sl y, and the Chainti i iuhaving retiiin .jd thanks , thu meeting separated.

TKAMOKK 1'KTTY SESSIONS — M D N I I A V .Before Messrii. K. l'u«Ki ; (chairman), C. Kogers,

J. 1'iim-r, anil N. llerbi rr.MargHiet Walsh, ol Tratnore , sued John Kell y, ol

t-aii!" place, for i'.i for ti breach of contract, l'laintiflsworu th;il Mr. Kell y emp loyed her in .lime , for thosummer season , to attend upon her lod gers ; p lamtinremaini'd a few days over llireo weeks, anil then hermistress dismissed her ; when plaiuli t f hail gonothroug h tho first week . Mr.'. Kelly was so ploascdwilh llio way in wl ieh she did her business , that shosaid she would give her halt a dovoreign at cud oftho M-ason , along with whatever sbo rcceivcil fromt lii i lodgers ; she got nothing from llio lodgora , andno wages from Mrs. Kell y. The Chairman asked hadtil " mag istrate jurisdiction iu a case for breach ofcontiact '< Mr. Unuiahan , C.I' .S., said , under tho newAct , llio magistrates had power lo grant compen-sation on satisfactory evidence. Mrs. Koll y deposedshu hired tbo woman, bul not for any certain timo ;she- came for her support ami chances ; tho womanrefusal doing the work of her house, and became veryinsolent—to much so, that defendant could not , fortho lasl two ilayH she was in lim house, go into herown kitchen. Their worshi ps hold that as tbo womanbud given her work for three weeks, and had notreceived anything, K I IO was entitled to rccoivo some-thing, and gave her ,i decree for '.Is. with costs.

l.KAMMi SEIIV I I- K.— Patrick l-'l ynu , publican .rViiiinr, summoned liridgel 1'ower for leaving bisservice befuro tho exp iration of hor agreement.Claiutifl ' sworo that ho hired ilufeinfanl on tho 10th ofMuy, at £.-| 10s. a yoar , and nho lufl him on tho 2ndAugust. Defendant 's caso was, shu did not settle forC.i 10.1., she wanted CO from hint ; sho went to M|-3.Flyun iu order toubli go her , aud ruumiiied wilh herfor about tbreo months ; shu then wont home to hermother. Tbo Court bold that the girl had eugagedherself to plaintiff ; and thn dispute wus settled bythe dufendaitl uudcrtakiug to scrvu a further term oftwo months , Flynii cotisentiug.

DKI '.NK .—William Kirby, of Curri gavanlry, whot:umu to the circus to seo the clowns perform, wastumbling somersaults ou tho public Btrcut of Trumoruiiftenviirdd , from the elfcclof Strauginan 's stout , wassummoned to-day by Constable Sweeney, nnd fiued2s. and costs.

Kli/iocs.—James Power , of Tourgar, wus chargedby Constable Sweeney with having, on tho 15th, been riotous in Tramore , by striking peop leus thuy passed him ; the Couxtublu uctdud that ihoprisoner was uot drunk. Tower 's defenco was thatother peop le shoved him , aud lie gave as good us hogol. The bi-uch iiiHiclctl u tiuo uf 'J s . lid. uml costH,giving a ivoek to pay.

Ku.iuiMi. —James l'helan nnd Thomas Ciirherry,two bathing-men , wero charged by Nub-constable(jeurgu Murdaum with fuj htiti j - ou tho ISth inst. inTramore. Tim constable sworo that ho proceededtowards tho beach lo prevent a li ght going ou botweuntwo men ; before tiriiving some clergymen hud triedto separate tho combatants , bul failed : whon thopolicu arrived tlio accused wore found lo bo tho pug i-lists, and thuy wero tnkeu into custody ; Carberryseemed tn bo tlio moro pnarojblo of tho two, audl'helan , along with being llio more pugnacious, wassome<vhut under the iullueiicu of drink . Chairman(indi gnautl y)—This is u proceeding which cunuol beallowed in Tratnoie . Of nil people you should bomost caretul iu your cotiduet . und you must hu madeto observe it. I'liehiu 's defence wus tliat bo was notfighting, bul wua striving to getaway from Carberry ,which th<i prolocutor acknowled ged was tho fact, butnot until hu saw ihi-in coming. Fines of 2s. Gd. eachwero iullicted , and a week's credit, given, wilh astringent caution as. to future uroidaocu of Buch mis-conduct.

A iTiir CASK.— Pa t rick Power, uf Bnllydurmoil y,summoned John Meuny, farmer, of Carrigbarahane,for ISSs., alleged to be iluo on an account for sinkingol a pump. Tho ciiso was ono of a very complicatedohuraeter , involving items of sinking throug h clayand then throug h rock, nnd again of wallowing iutho woll , f or which items iiluinlift" charged uscordingto n certain scale ; tho defendant admitted Iho en-gugemcut by him of tho plaiulift to do tbo work, butrepudiated his measurements und charges, and sug-gested his idea thul, from what ha hail paid l'uwcr

for tho work, ho (Power) ought to bo now in his(Moany 's) debt. It appeared that tho pump rrnsoriginally sunk last year by 1'owor, at 3a., as bo al-leged, per foot , and walled in at a chargo of Is. perfoot. ThiB year tbo pump ran dry, and it was sunkan additional sixteen feet— this timo through a rook,upon which work complainant charged at tbo satnoscale, but this claim defendant denied. Thu case wasfinally adjourned to nex t conrt to admit furtherevidence.

CUAEGE or Twsrr.—riiilp M'Grath summonedMicbaol Cahill , Tcnipleorum , for stealing a ueckiicand a purse from a bathing box, tbo property of Mr.Morrissy , on the strand at Tramore. Complainant ,examined by Head-Constable Major, dopuacd that on15th of August last he wout to the strand to bathe ;ho ontered tbo box of Mr. Ed. Morrissy, nnd left hisclothing in i t ; when ho had bathed and returned totho bojr, ho fouDd that his necktio and purse hadbeou stolen ; tho puteo contained 2s. 3d. nud arailway tioket ; reported tho matter to Mr. Morrissy.Edmoud Morriesy deposed that hohaduoticed defend-aut goiug about tbo boxes, and told his man to koepan oyo on him ; when the complainant reported thofoes of tho purse, witness went to the deforj daut andasked him if ho had the thiugs ; he said he had not ;bad him searched, and the purso with the necktiowero found in his pocket. Tho prisoner pleadedguilty, offer first alleg ing that he had foHiid tbopurso lying on tho tho floor of the bathing box , andho was sentenced to one month's imprisonment.



received for the erectiou of stairs at tho Town Hall—ono from MT. Henry Siunott , architect, for Ihu sumof £30 for one Btairtf , finding nil materials oxeepttimber , aud iho Bum of£a t for the two, alt to bucxi-cutod according to plan and specification , andto tbo satisfaction of the borough surveyor. Mr.Joh n Butler 's lender wus £78, aud Mr. DciiiBll'Grath'B tender was £35, finding materials, excepttimbor, which wus uccopted.

N UISANCE .—Mr. Dwyer aud Mr. James Lynch ,liHvonshire Arms Hotel , camo boforo tho board cum-plaining of a nuisance to the rero of their promises,caused by Dr. r'lynu , by haviug bis car washed intho lano, and lilthy matter oozing from his ash-pit.Mr. Lynch 6aid bo spoko noveial times to tho In-spector in regard to th in nuisance , and iu the lanelending thereto, but he (the inspector) seenv.'d notto titcend to tliu directions giveu him , find upon tin'sground ho considered it his duty to bring thu maltorbefore. Ihe hoard lo uiiccl their iuspcctoi- to carryoul the wishes of tbu ratepayers in lhat locality .Mr. Uivyer boro lestiiuouy tn tho staloincul putforward by 31 r. Lynch , and hn was tho only suf-ferer , because his ashp it w:is a roccptaclc of filthwhich oozed from it, and was both disagreoabiu andinjurious to health. Tho Inspector said bo inspectedtho placo referred to, and taw no nuisance I hero ,oxeept tho washing of a car, so that the surface,water might flow along tho way into tho grilling,which was taken out et it by a maii whilo Mr. Lynchand Mr. Dwj er wero present, nnd the small channelthen became choked. Mr. Lynch : Now of your ownknowled go ilid you KOC tbo mati taking away thegrating whilo Mr Dwyer and I worn present ? 'I hoInspector said not, but was told of it.

Mr. Lynch—Wh y then chargo us with what isnot tho fact ? If r .-n won only half sis esncl in lliudischarge o'f your duly us sanitary officer as youaro in collecting tbo market tolls, we. need not beundor tbo necessity of lay ing matters before thocommissioners tbis day.

Inspector—1 have faithfull y discharged my dutyill the Ciiso you refer lo, aud do not consider thewashing of a car iu the lano a nuisance—nt least , Iwould not swear it , is a nuisance. Mr. Dwyerpointed out thai there was a sort of I'reneh sewerran t 'nero sumo timo since, which bucamo chokrd ,and n hole was mado through tho wall , from whichtho nuisanco oozoil from Dr. Flynn 's promises.

Mr. T. Williams informed the deputation that '.In:commissiouers had uo power whatever to interfereiu the matter, it being privato property, and thatit was tho duty of t.ho purlins aggrieved to arrangetin) matter as well as they possibl y could. .Mr.Lynch : 1 am surprised that llie commissioners cannotinterfere , when) il liU9 been Hliowa that a nuisauerexists , to liavu it. removed.

Chairman ¦ If il- can be shown that there is itnuisance in tho place, thu commissioners can int er -fere and hsive il removed.

Mr. Lynch—Uc otlemou , I am prepared this mo-ment to show you that the nuisance now comp lainedof can be plainl y seen ,but it appears !«• mo thai , llu: in-spector 's rather lenient towards Or. Flynn. i f / i u Iindiictcd fairly and independentl y in the discharge nthis duty, as sanitary.inspector , bo should hai-e re-ported on ibis nuisance, and broug ht the mat .'erbefore the board , with tho view of haviug it removed.Chairman : Wo can take DO action in the case with-out a report fro m our inspector.

The Inspector nuid he visited the place complainedof on rnpeatml occasions, ami saw nothing there tha the thong h t was. a n ui sance, bul saw somo matteroozing from Dr. I-'lynn 's ash p it , which ob-jectionn bli.-.

Mr. Williams paid it niu the duty of the Inspector,wbon vi s it ing p laces wln-rc- nuisances existed , ludischarge his duty fairly , li - .-irlrn-ly. .-md indepen-dentl y, without leuieucy or favour to any one , nomatter who he may be. Tho 1'ispi-clor said that healways acted so in t in- diseharFi .- of his duly.

Chairman-- Draw up your report nn mo cause ofthe present comp laint .

The Inspector Imn.l. d iu the following r-port .--" I hnvc t. i rp]«.rt That im insi'ictiii'.' thi! luiir tu ttir K-II -

nf tin- Di-roii r- liim Arm- lintel . Dr. I-'I TIIU 'S , Dr. liallt 's. .-milSir. O WJIT S, 1 found sunn: iturT u"tin',- frum (rum Dr. 1 h imVashpit iiilu s.iuiu wliicli i. uIjj.:cU-/ii iil/li-. - - .-sitinol .

•• TIIOJM S W A L S H . "Thu liunnl direeted the Clerk to writ e to Dr.

Flynn , witb tin- view of having ih" mii.-.aiic" onn.plained of abated , nnd in tho eve.ut of not compl y ing,to havo I In; inspector summon him to l' Sessions.—-AiljoUMicd.

PKTTV SKSSIONS-- SA I U I I ' A V .Thero were no sessions held ou Saturday iu con-

sequuuco of tin: iibt><. tu:ci of the magistrates. I under,stand that Sir .Vuuent Humble , Hart., und fumil yhavo i»oiii> to the Continent. John K. Dower , Ks.|.,Brewery, Lodge, with Ins family, is stay ing for thehist liv'ii months ai a beautifull residence al Kings,town. Henry K. Keclmond , K«{., K. M., h.-nl to leavi:town on urgent business , and as there was no inaKis-tii ite in tittoiiilnticp, .Mr. l,ongM« , clerk , )/;i.l to ad-journ the court foi a week.

BM I 'MOM K NIV— Mr. Michael A. Anthony lists mai.yhands employed in Augustine.street , where l,n isf-n.'ctinp a bnndsomo house for wine vaults, underlim superintendence of Mr. Henry SSiiimitt , archi-tect. It i.° building ugiiiml tho west end of thenow butter market hou-o. Il will bo sibout 25 feelhigh , with two larjj o .windows in front , with it gate,way leading to tho rcrc, and when finished , in itc-eordancowith tho taste aud jud gmen t of Mr A nthonyit will lio a great improvement in that part of tliotown. Mr. II. l'urscr is carry ing on vory exten-sive works at his (lour mills , Comrngh , and whenfinished will Iro worked both by water nnd steampower. Mr. .lohu Dutlor , builder , has been declaredcontractor for tho enlargement of the Minister Hankby tho addition of Mr. Kobert's office thereto , all tobo carriod out in a vory suporiur manner. Thero aroupwardu of £1,000 to bo expended. Mr. Butler liasprocured tbo 6orvices of a first-class foreman fromCork , Mr. J. Martin.

FII .TKRS ASU COOL WATKK .—In vimv of tho facttbM the water wo drink in not unlikel y to bn crowdedwitb dangerous gorms , it seems the part of wisdomto adopt the simple precaution suggested iu ourbeading. A portable filter may be mado of commonslonowaro or earthen jar . Tbo bottom is filled withBtouos as lan{e as a goose egg, or is covered wilh u.perforated slate slab, leaving a space to hold it supplyof tiltced uutcr. A faucet is fitted into A holebored through the sirlo of the jur, as near tbo bottomas may be, or an ordinary flowur-pot , with u holo intho bottom , may bo adapted to Iho purposo. On thoslab or stone is placed a layur of coarse gravel ,cleanly wasbod ; ovor that a layer of clean washedsand ; then a layer of powdered cburcual , also wellwashed1 ; still another layer of saud , aud thou oneof coarse gravel, both washed perloctl y clean. Theremainder of tbo spaeo ij for wator. A cover or awet cloth placed over tho top uxclutles tho dust. Ifn porous jar is used, tho evoporation from tbo outsideduring hotwea lher will keep the contents almost icecold, ip .->rlirii) arly if it h kept io n current of nir.Tho 8fioiu filtering arrangnmuut may bo applied to acistern. At tho upper oornor iu tho cbnmber intowhich tho pipo dischargee. The layers of materialaro grarol, sund , aud charcoal. As tho filter willneod to be taken out occasionally, to wush tbocontents, it is wul| to run It o the chamber quito dis-tinct, no that acevsa muy be bad to it at any timowithou t disturbing thoci storn or its cou'.onts.

The young man , ns ho passes throng h life , advancesthroogh a loujr liii u of tempters ranged on either sideof him ; and tho inevitable effect of y ielding is degra -dation iu a greater or less degree. Coutacl withthem iuBeosibl y draw awuy from him some portionof tbe divivinu electric clemeut with which hisDatura is charged ; and his only mode of resistingthorn is to utter and act oul bis •' No " manfull y andresolutely. He must decide at once, uot waiting iodeliberate and balance reasons for tho youth like "thowoman who deliberates , is lost." Many deliberate ,without deciding ; but "not to resolve, is to resolve."A perfect knowledge of man is in tho prayer, " I KJOI Ius not iuto temptation , but deliver us from r.vil."

Good Hay Weather—When it rain* pitchforks._ Beastly Weathor—Wheu it rains cats and dngs.Transported for life—The man who marries happily.Can tbo secrets of uaturo bo learned from babblini :

brook3 ?SoR-sido Sentiment—Tho Atlantic Ocean—Long

may at WBVO.Can an elegant rogno over be called a graceless

scamp ?Joyful is woe for a noble cause, and wolcomo all

its miseries.


Tho question, what shall we drink ? seems tobe of far greater moment in the)ninetccnlh centuryto the inhabitants of London, than it was in thefirst century to the inhabitants of Palestine, elacthey would have been compelled to take thoughtof it. Its significance, to us is, shall we be well orill ? shall we live or die ? Even milk, the onething we havo always thought pure, the onetiling e.vemtJt from tho common curse, eventhat is proving itsolf vile, supplying the amissin«link tu the chain of " total depravity." 1'),°recent siourgo of typhoid in the best quartetsof Jlarylcbonc, has IJCCII traced to the use ofinfected milk. Uf the V'> families attacked, tijwere supplied from the same dairy. Inves-tigation revealed that tho tenant oi' iinc ofllieeight, farms supplying the dairy, died recentl yof malignant typhoid. This source of supp ly,has boon stopped , and the disease is abalin»There sire Iwo probable ways in which ihi.smilk became infected , and both ways arc re-ferable to the same course—j iolltitud water.The cows may have drank the water, nr it mayhave become mixed with ibe milk in smallquantities from the rinsing of the cans ; takinginto consideration the way in which thai workis performed, there i.s al least a half-p int ofwater loft in each can, enough lo pui.-son gallon-of milk. The laws arc now so rigid there Ulittle chance for dilution uf milk , yot it mav Indone if care i.s taken not to exceed lh>- nalur iiil imit of variation , fhen: uro cases nu recordwhere tho milk of cows ami goals have produci.-.lcholera, though the animals lliumsi .-lvrw wen: uoi,allectcd. Then-, SU CIIIB to be no ph ysiolog icalresiSOU wh y milk , which produces cholera andtyphoid, may not be secreted by animals that,drink , with safely. water wliicb wonld poisonhuman beings. Tin: outbreak uf typhoid inIslington , iu 1 70 , i:> another ca'-e in point. Inthis instance iho milk , it was asxr.rlninr'l, w;i.sdiluted 10 per cent with wsiter t hru commui ii-cated with old drains, by means ol'a i-iil -lmrrowc 'lunderground tank. Tin; wau.-r .lue.-nion i.s bvfair the most, mij ioi'l.' tut . qiuMiur the dupariincjiiof Stale Medium: ii called iipun lo answer. \ii.s to be regretted than t l i 'ts- ditl icuii . but l i t a lpoint of cholera and typ hoid lin ing euiii:ig i..,inby water, .SI DI SI M liav: l/'-'.'ii u init tcW Ihn u tdcotherwise incomparable address of Sir Will iamFirgUS.sull, delivered :iL t in: i i p u l i i n g of tin .-recent session ul lli' .- I i t-it i^ 11 .Nlcdical A&socialion. His subji-cl, " Tin: Waii .-r Supp ly i,f Lou.don, all'.ji' ili.-d h im an i .-xi -clh .-nt u |ipoil i iui ty ij fini[j arliug In an aux io t i . - public his knuwlcd ge ona question inlu which in ' city i.-. I I I U'IVA I I.-I I umruthan Lonihui -i 'kturUi Nugtiiinr, Inj .l/i- .i Hii>ihjI-'ai 'liJitU.

J J H A T I I rill l . M ( J l l K W I M . I ' l l i A f i o.— A l l i l l i|l l i;M.

was held on Tucsdsij, ill. l .'lilheroi ' , on thi: bod yof a buy named Kirhard Iv iiuomUoii , who nseems had died u iuh r ralher c-Mranrdiuary cir-cuinslaiieeH. llccui-i.-il , ivliu was about 17 year.-,of age, Wit s ;i cutluti p iercer iu :i liu-torj - at Low-moorc, in.-iir (J l i ih erni - , and aboul ;i lurlhni ghlag'i bu p iirrli i isi .'d hull ' au nunec <> !' a kind oltobacco known ils l,iui)-rick roll. chewedit and .sivallowc-d ^unie of t in ; jui '.-e. Directlyafterwards he was >x-i/i:d with a «-nrl ot " stilDi t .- .-ami trutnor in lii.s limbs; lie fel l in l u a Ittharg icsleep, and remainod i|iiite uncou.--cii .iiis io :illaround him. Alter the lap.-u 'if ,t lf« days In-had a kind tetanic .spa.-m , and llioiv: was a rigidiivabout the stomach which |ucront'-d liiiuswallowing ; generall y he was CUU VU I M:I 1 ; and hedied alter si week's illness. A jiml tnuritm cxamiii -iiliou was made by Dr. .Scull, which showed tbatthe body wa« sumuwliat i.-maeialed. N'olliiii"wii-, I'uiuid in the stoinaeli except a small < iunt.itvof dsu-k i i ia t te r -. the .slumach ira.-. hi ghl y enn-geited , and ihtru wu» i-xli -avasation of blood i:ithe ventricle - uf the brain. In rep ly to thecorner, Dr. ^c;tt. .said llu: ap|iuitriinces of tb ':st .iiiiiu-h and brain led him to ihe conclusionlhat death had resulted from poison , and hobi'lii-vcd , from what lie heard , that buch poisonwas narcotic poison , nr thai which v.;i.-i couluiucdiu I'j biicco . Ail lobiiccu contained poison , butllu: Limerick foil ivas an '.-M.-e'.'ditig ly slrongkind ul' iubucoi , and would be I hen: more poison-ous than l he tobacco which was usually *o!d. Tin:curnet- : 1 th ink there is no i inputalion against .tin: buy. It wa.< |n-ubahlc ii was tlio lir.-l time liehiid used such kind uf lobacco ; hu s'.'euied lohave taken il iucautio =ly, iiot considering whalthocoii iC/tioncL 'S would bu. The jury funnd thatdeceased had died ••from chowing Limerick roll ,mid swallowing tin- juice thereof - a strong narcolic poison."

A M MIVKL or sntiir.iiv. --Tin: Oakimoi '.- .vmin reportiugthe prij ceeding^ of the iludical anilChirurgical Sor.-iuty, describes tin: subjoined case."The patiiMil whn was exhibited lu lim Societyhad botli the lids of th'J left eye disL-used tivenly-suveu years with whal had been culled cancer hymany surgeons. To remove the entire- disease,both lids, as well as thciktn from the side ol'tlicnose, hud bj be removed. le;iving tlic left eye (hisonl y guod one), exnoscd in a frightful gap. Toprutcel the eye , ar.ii , at the *imi: t iinc, to removethe hide-j us conformity , l'mf. ('hi .tolm under-took ihu dulicaiu surg ical upcr iklioi ) of manufactur-ing two l i d o — i h u uppe r lid from iho skin ' offorehead , aud the lower lid from the skin ofthp iln.'ck. So very successfully had this beenaccomp lished thai it required very close observa-tion to detect Ihe dillercnce between tho left sideof the face with Lhe manufactured lids , and thnright side with the lids that nature had mado.The case- had been :i very satisluelin-y one lo bothsurgeon and paiicm.

(ii.omors CL I M A T K . -The i- limale of I'rru isnet. forth by a conespomiout as peculiar, hnever rains there , but during cerlain seiitutii dewfalls so thick, heavy, and i.-unliuuous, that it willsaturate the heaviest clothing iu less I h:m half anhour. The rhaii< ;e.s arc rapid and violen t.One may be walking alimi; ihi: si reels in llicglurious sunshine , when suddenly from southwarda mass of dark eluuds comes lulling across tbolirmamcut , anil thu blue .sky is rep laced by a.loinbrc pall, ami tu tin: glorious .sunshine suc-ceeds si drizzling pcni .-txating mist. And this iialsu :-ii(Mi .-id y chang' .-d .'tg.itn ; tlie sunlig hf anilsk y re-;ippi:ars iii ail their bri ghtness and theirbeauty.

What is tho key-uoto of good breeding ?—Ii. natural.

Always do what you aro afraiil to do.TlllUJAT AltttTlu.N S ASU Uo.VllSK.VKSS.—All Sllf-

rt- liiiit Irnin irnt.uiun nl tin: , .n.d lioarMDOf , "illbe agrcebly surpn-,-, ] ,t i l , L. .-,|mojt uiiin.iliste relief alTonltJby tl.t u-u ol " Uion-u's Trm.lies." Tbfjc lamooi*' lnz-ii»ji'^" nn: n ,\v >M by tuujt ii - .-.pccu lile cliea)i>i» inthii muiitry nl I- 1 lil J..T |,ox. |'ru|ilv lioublnl with »" liatViut; CUUK II ," U " »li ^bt cold ," nr briindiial offecliotncauuul try th'-ui luu nuun , as >itntl., r trouble.-*, it altutt'lcii lopruijri'M- , result in M-I I H U. I'uliuuoary au.l Aalluiiatic ifliv-tions M -.I tlial tliu w..i 't, " CrotviiV lirnncliial Trw:ti«'


aro on IIIP ti''iit StHiuj i urnuud i-;i>.-!i box.—LouJool)i'|iii t , .19J OiMnl Strird

if oi. LOWAv 's I' II .I.V.—This purify ing and regu-liitini: mi:<ltciiiK shuutil occrfiionallj be bad recourse Indurun; fogsy, cold , and wet wi-htlior. It in tb» best pretm-lativ u ol uuai»nn.'5S , s..ri; thruiit , di |iilicrin , pleuriBf , »"''h» t bin,i > an<l a ?ure mm-dy f.,r cun^en tion , brnncliitis , »uJuiH^inniiitioii. Attention to thu Jiu'ctiuim luldrd rouudndi bin will 11. .1I.I. . inv.i l i ' l , (.1 take Ihe I'I IN in (lie iutn'adv;utU);cuu< inHimcr ; tl i i :v Hil l be tau ^ lit the properilosi- , mid llic cncmiiilantr- undi-r wlncli tln-y must 'eiuciei-LiI or .limin^htd. 11 iil luw.iy *s I'dls net as j|:tiau'«.aperient!*, uml tunics . Wlicu tnkeu <*i<s A U>t r^ource, It"1

result ha> aiwHVL- lim-u Kialil nu : even when tllry tjil IKcure tli. -_v «l«-^}i uatu.i^L' l l ic n wnly *A tliu M-iuptotus an-fdtuiimsh tbi: dnli;ei.

KLORIU-VE !— For the TEETH and JJ HEATH .—AtVw dro|.-t ut llie liquid ib'lori iline ."prinkl td on it wet tootlibru-li |irndu<:« u ploniant latlier, wbiili ilinniniililv clckOWtlie 'fe**lh from all parasite:, or iuipuritti-4, bardens tba gums,prevent inrutr,;i-, dvc.iji , gives t>> l l ie Tetrlli a pMnlifitpi-arly •A I I I U'III-M, iiml :i iJt it ^hsiul lr.iK i ' .iin.-a 10 the bre»lli-It remove ;tll unji U-.i-iuit i,dimr ;<ri- in ^ tu.iii decayed lerlb .ur tntiaa-u suinke. I'll. - Fra q ranl Fhril ine lieinir wixlpottdin p.u t ol llui.ry uml Mr." lii- il.>, it Mirrji -tirnei lurmi-luuily, l.ut 11 i» d.-liciou- I., tbi- (H - r>- . anil it i.i lbeg.-<-»'»'Toilet discovery ul tin- :•**. 1'rin. •_'». lU. for llii! liqokt ,unit 1- . p.'rjar'li.i tin-'iiif " J'nud. r," ol »ll Cll«im»»n..l l'l-iluu iri ,. . l" i<- |i iii ti| by I I . C. l .At.iur , W3 OilordStreet , London.

VAJ .VAHI .K DIS COVKKV rou TUE H AIU M— A veryiiircl )- pi-rfuibi'tl li.ur ch. isinjf, ciill.-il " Tlie Mrxiain H»"Uetii'wtT," now b.:ini( ^old by tuosl lJl.i -iui --t?. mid 1'er luoie'*

Ht 3s l i l ]»-i l iu l l l f , is f»»i tuperMi li i iK nil " Hair Kestorrr*— lur it uji// / H t t t i lwt ly restore in tvery rate Qrty or tf kitthair to ua i.niliiiiil colour , liy a I.-W iipp ticatioij s, Wllbontdi/ eintf it , fir lenvin ^ the d^Biin-i-aMu Miiell ol most " f*slurer- ." It n\A- ^ ihe hair cliaiiniiii;l y benuliful , "*''m pri 'inntiUK (Ii u uiowtl i on lulJ I-|K.I <, where In*ulniiiU H I V uot tlccij- i-il. lVrtincnl« frmn Ur. Veriffl""11

ou erery boitlc, with lull pirlicolnrs. A-k l"r " TH*ilK»I C A N l l A l t t Un.N Lwtk ," preplrcd l»y II . U. lUllCPi *"*On. nl Sirett , bundun

Anvi l - E TO MOTHERS !—M HS. WISSWW'S Sooru-I S O .ivnop TOE t.'iiu.uEES, sbould alwuy ii be med wbtnL'lnldr.n uretutti i i K ireili ; it ivlh-vn tbe liti lc kuffertt i"onn-, it nruilui'M natural uuicl «I«P bY lelw'1"*llie child Iri. tu p»in , and Ilia Mile cherub awaMUl" as blight us H button." U '»

¦pcrlc t. ll,v1 .I»"»|MI

-ml v,-,y |,l,n«,,t lo ta.le. It wolbe» tlie child , it «fl«>

llie gum-, all»j » al) paiD , reliotw friml, re<ulate. tb« boweu

and ts the Iwat rvnudr for dr.el.lei>- »ud ¦!'•"»•• 'wbelliur itriMiu hoiu tcetlndj or olL-er "uaw. »".

WII^IUWV, S.«tl..n,f .Synip i» >M bjr hou^nd. 01


deal.r.H iu all part, of the world , m 1- U<t V" '"'"'•J ™Mill inn. of Moibera c.n leatily to m virtue.-llaontic-

tory, .1«3 Oilord Street, London. t JQ-«/_

WxTKB.ou. i-i'rintarl and Publi.M by itoirA«iJ

IThiting , BookiBtadi-b »4 Machinal* ***?*•.incut , 40 KiDgatreet, m tlie F«uhof Srmt, Wittou
