^B:=. - ..-:.:;i; ;->;%' ' .•.¦¦ ,. . , : =.., XSBir0U), I ^^ S p;; …snap.waterfordcoco.ie ›...

VOL. : xxx; : i^oi -M ; !r : , TRS . . -WA l XSBir0U), : '' V^WS, '': ' , , . - ' ; ' . ' . ESTABMBWIIP—18i7. . ! liiEQiBT C TECCTLATION INTHBSOUTH IT IRILAKD, ¦ PuMiitai ewrv *BT»xr Btenftig, irt Wo. SO ' , Zing-Stnttl •• ' " - (OrTOSlT* TJTS TEOV1KCIAL BAST) ' ¦ . ' .!. OBICE—THBBEPENCE ; Yearly (in Advance), 13s. J? By Port (Yearly), ' 15a. ' ; m AdvSnoe. . J - tRf AH Cheques and P* O. Ord ers; 1 1 ado payable i to COBNKUUS RIDMOND, at this Offico. , '; . ' . | '! The NBWB (Liberal in politics) circulate extensively ' amongst the merchants , traders " and nobility, gentty, farming classes, icy In Watarford, KttkennV, Ti ppoxahr, ' and the l Bonth of Ireland' genorall y. Th< . News ' aaa attained: a oironlation neror equalled b: any poner •published in Watorford, ; and ia admlttedW the loading JoBtna 'WthiB uripbrtiant dt^,.with whioht itos ia dup ct daily cqmmmiication from London. ' ' ' ' : ' ' '" . . ' ¦>¦ ¦ , ¦ 'Particular attention paid to oommorcial and agno U- tnral matters. •>• . •¦ ¦: ¦ "¦ ' : " p "' .I .., 1 Advertisements received tor the N«W8 by all respo st- able NowBpaper Agents,in tbo United/ Kingdom , P «• paymont.reqmmte from parties not known it thp offl «. ! ¦ ¦ - ¦: Aa»WTB:yoa SAXB OF THE NEWS - : : •WATEBKOBD—Mr. W< KsttT, Lttflo Ctoorge ' a-at ' , •TRAMORK^-MisR CLAUCT, Befresnment Booms , ' in '- •' 8trind-iitrpot. :- ' " ¦ ¦ ' .: y ¦> ¦ ' : -' " ^r: ' , Z...^i . c; :' PA^ifB;i^ST^^o J^«M»;rStot l . ' .Bqnare, : ^OaCairt^K^N-^Urii^^MrJ.jrMnBPHT , fews&geit. 'LONDON^For'AdvtoO Mr . ^n-iuu CU SSotL . Wi Crawehay Road, Vassal Eoad , North Brliton. ' |> DUBLIN—Advertising Agontg i Messrs. . W.H. ' SMITH , * SON,, Abboy-streot.' * ' ' . . r i ' ••¦ •• - . - DTJNGABYAN-^Mr; E DWARD BBINNAH,. Stationer , ' Ac , Post andTdograph Offioc, The Sqnaro. { CASl'LECOMEE—Mr. J.HOLOHAN, Mftifa-Btreet. > j ¦ THE IKISH BOATS. J ' ; V j WHITE , . ' STAR; LINE' . i :' . . ' . ' , ' BOTAL X.SD, : I : . UNITED STATES .MAIL . STEAWTjES , j ' ' •^ vi: *K: '" ¦ ' NOTICE.4-Tho i Steamers of. thiB ^¦a^itesTKy ' line, take the Lano Boutcs ,'reoom- ' ^gabAllvV. ' ¦ : mended by Lient. <HAOBY , ' on both ^¦tpSu99S »the Otttw&rd and H OB oward' Pas- sages.-y! , - : :. " ' . i I ' ¦ ' .:> ' ; : < : •¦: - '¦ ; O' -: : " I . These w(&-kaownniagnin ' cont Steamers;sUoon8trnci- ed ty Mcsars. HAKLAND <t TVoux . -of polfast , ate appointed to sail weekly as nnder ,carryingherll»je»tyta and the United States Hails :— . .: : t I- ¦ V ! i . ¦ ¦ From LIVERPOOL t— . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ <¦ ¦- ¦ ¦ | " ADRIATIC ; ... Tuesday, ..; £8th Oct. . GEBMANIC .. ' THursday, ..: . j6th . Nov. BALTIC > ... Tnoaaay, ... Uffi' Nov. CELTIC - u. : Thuraday ;.. ' JOth Nov. . BBITAimia ¦ ..; Thursday, ... . 2Brd NOT. : - .iFromQneenatown (Cork) the followiiig day; I .: . ,.:a . -i .; o; .iFB0ii'Nrw.-Y0BK j ' « : ' - ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ¦¦•¦ ¦ ; , GEKMANIC: ~ ? Satwday, - .>.:. ! 18th October. .. BALTIC : , > . - ... Thnraday, ' , ....; 23rd Ootober. ,Tnes^' Bpleflclid veeseta. , : EgftPCE the . PA8SAOB tp tho BiprteBt possible tiihe, f ind afford to Pai sengera too hig hert ; decree of' Comfort hitherto attainabl sat sea. 'AVerage-PassaceV 8J dayi ' . ln ' Summer ; 9t daya'in Winter: . EachYcsaelia ooiiatraeted ; in71raterb-tigbt oompartmenta. : ' ' : i! ¦ ' . ' c;l "• > . ¦"' ' ' ¦' ' ¦ ' ' . - I The S TKXBAOKS are unustmlly apacidna, well-lighted , ventilated , and vmrmod , and' Pauongeni o this ¦class rocoiye . the'otmoetciYility and attention.i. 'Ci .tUe , Sheeb or ' Pi gs aro . not taken by thia I line. ' An : onlimitod suppl y, of Cooked Provisions. Medical oo nforta frets of charB«. Stewardesses in Stoorage to attend the Woinen and Children. . ' ' . ' .. ' . - : ' . ' •• ¦ ¦ ; ¦ . •: j P«BScngon booked throngh . at low rates, tot all parts of tto r UnitedStattea 'and Canada. '• ¦:- ' : , ¦ ¦ ' ' ' i ;¦: •: . ' i. '- . . :- ¦ ' ..APPLT TO: .¦'• ¦ * !• T. 3. HABYEY , Little George ' a-streot . TVaterfore, J. . M; MUBPHY , 43 , New-land , - Carrioklon-Soir. JOHN WALL' , Jnn., DnngarTan. ' : . . JOHN HOLOHAN. Castieoomer ? JAMES WATTS. Bonmabon. : JOHN TOB1N, senr., farmer ,3aUydnjff. JAMES SCOTT & Co., Quoenstowji ; or to ISMAYy TWRIB & Co.; 10 ,, Wat& ;shreet LiTOrpoo ¦ ¦ ¦ M - - , ' AMEfiIOAN ; : IiINE. - : . - ¦'" .. I " ¦ ' - ¦ ¦Y U.l V' . - ¦ ' ' ' XTSrVEV ¦ STATE ' S MAIL ^OT^^^S u_f 1 iverix)ol to -.Philadelphia V .. K- ¦ ¦ - r B^Ts WSDNJSI AT. " ..- . ! I ; .. ' Calling at .QneeastowH ^ refjr. Thar aay. ; _ . i First-class Ful-powered Iron Stcamshipa ar i bppointed .- ¦*•* - ' - - r - *^ Q Sail 'i*-- '" #iV^ ' ~^- ^ J > ' - ¦ * x6B^ * CEIVES- "fX»ot ; 29 | INDIANA.r,:...i.. - .NdT. " 8 PENNSYLVANIA NOT. I «LOBD GOUQH NOT/ 12 •BBrrrHH.EMPrwt N6y;51 OHIO.V....:.... ; J :.TJori-l» - No.inlermodiato~ ' ' Pa8aengera'Carried 'or TOya Rea marked thnift ji ;. . ' ; ' ¦ ¦:; . . ¦ , ' ¦¦ ¦; <?: ,. ' _; ' i The only Trans-Atlantio . Lino sailing nndsr the: tint ted States Flag, and carrying the America i Bafts fot saving life, besides the nanal complement of lifeboats ' , and an extra nnmber of Life Preservers. ¦ ¦ The aocom? moaation for all ' classes or paBsengera is eqni Ito any of he'Enrbpean ' Steamship Linos.- Every, 8teai ler carnea ; a Surgeon and Stewardasa. '; . , ' ,__ . , v : . ; - ' ,Pa»sengors " and goods are landed at Philt delp hia on the Wharf;of tho..Pennsylvania Railroad Company) ; . whicKliMtWa hortostand moa t dir oot ro ute t) all p laoos in tie TVwtornStates. ' ' i ¦ ' ¦•¦¦ - ' ' ¦ . ' - ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦: ' ¦ ' ¦? \ ' ' ' PasioneeS iVj ffiialino can pass direct intp the Bail . ro^Cara withbui IoaTing thoXandtoK marf . «nd M : der the 1 same ' roof i. there are . Bofreshmant B imni , Unl ¦ to^pati LeUac pbx, ' Telegraph: Office . Ea hange Of , ficvvandUigKage Express Offioe. ,.;;r . ; U' t ¦- . ;•: .i t . . , ;CABn».;PABSAOJt, IZtb 18 guineas. ..jBetun Tiokoti *^j^?fes^i^ a- b}a»y^»e : faitline : * 2f SBSgg& ESSi&raSgffl? 5;fflB - - -ttvTZZ.lTL m mn n. .A' <1 cantmte Tabli . X8 8s. anTffl]tf«»a3y Utenaili^ aid aeparate T»*l< . 49 8a ,, Apply^]r^fl»aelphi» to JnB ,,ffwiin :t Sous, OenenaAgente. 807 , ^WalnnM|treet; Jn Oueeiatpwii , ta N^A ' J. Ctr«aciK« ' *-BBOTHXB » I ,and mj* Torpoool , i V j ' i ¦ ¦ BI9HAEDSON. SPENCE^" Co., .;; •;. ' ! tf. ;v. '¦: 1;ij iBd iS T»t»rtMt!-- i . - .-. i : ' JOHN. DEVEEEOT ^ Quay. W«*e ford. - . - ¦ ¦ . "WILLIAM WIQHTMAN , Kep t r-st , KW, ./ , , :;V^. :pttstam-toMe ' Oiiay,, W#BrforL.-v ,, ¦ ¦ ¦ ; ENGLAND AJTD ' SOUTH' WALES ,; 'ix D Tfl^; •; :.; ' .v ,;:v SOUTH; o»;rKELANp, . .^ . , ,,i,, Aiteted and. Iocreased . Serrice . by-Great I ^Wartern .^iEaaway CoWnr - 8 Tndns^-Ste ^^^ Mflfoidi Haven , In conneobon .wiOi the Wiip toBiyKhd'UiMBicK «nd-WfWgOM>, * ^ w* 1 * ¦ iKKAinj iinw^'^v' ' 1 - ¦ ¦ : ' " - " ¦ ¦;¦ "*•:•:- -i ' . v. i ; ^ f ; Shoxtert| 1 »out«) . J an4;. 3 ?*#^. . ^' H^ 1 - ' ; Iiif ^k " i i jrrpfM«-:3Voiia.r'o«d ; -Rut * •^ affflwrtaWliVai - ^rKfir^JfBBZ'JJ ir. - v ¦t . ¦ ¦ ¦ - - .*:- ¦ ! i* ¦-- •¦ ¦; -; -^ ' ' ¦" |" ^* "' j ' » * * ;: v ¦ , . ' ¦> DOWN. LKAT « loTOOirjrPaddlngtonJ^at; >-K.R.tt,j ¦ " ft: ind^ ABfc^^i ^ATZMo^vfwei &«£*$ ¦ ^ 'ScTimato^S^iit^rabflnt^eW* j* ^ «n ¦ ¦ - Limeriokr Centra^ Irdaad wiaiJtomi »*J™J; UP. -I^Waterford a¥!5>J«i»ai2S?1 S&* ! U . " Wvalbf. t^^.pimVTr«taW, W f3^j V •]'W aii ,.Trato:trc«W *J®^ M# A^wftgiipSK SS fefi^b^wiU prbo^feom New .M^M^ *»? ,$ for^fferrypkTft^«*i6»^. cWB P«»«g ¦Sfe^s.*^sssfe set an f^^g^^ ^ Ca^^p /i^f«l^^WSSi1' OTT I^ s^p i mm® it ' * ¦ ¦:¦ ¦' . ¦h '/ . - " t ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦! . :vi . -:^ - ^ Ji ,-v:i;.-> .r/: ^!-;y; ... ; ... .: , - n ;.. :.l V ,. _.. , , _ : ^B:=. - .. -: .:;i; ;->;%' ' . . ¦ ¦ ,. .. ¦ , : =.., I^^S p;; ¦ ¦^ : feSf- : » ««4j t c^v4o«^;;0^ ,: . : ^EBTOBD; ^ ; |npsod , ^i^'^^^i W j^^J R d ' Sontt j Weatorn ' ^^ " ^^ ¦ rj J p^ ew iSi Zwertal Scrtw asSSiJS^ii-Ji' WATEnwin AlTD- CENTHAL - taKLAKD SlJJ""*^. Zn * ... - M. \ 1; p.m.; -rta-Cork. ¦>. ¦ : ¦ ^*? >; ' ¦¦' ' L - a ' tiA' 1: ' I> '' I1 -' >T ^ <5< )rk »n *BolIut Brcry BATUBDAT; dirirt V . - . . V 'S-itS* ; rmtatssp k 'st' s s s s^f 1 :^ ; : •• - : -i ;¦>;. -; , .: v. 'ir« -**svcis , v .r ;., ; - , ; ,,. ..•¦•.; ¦! Ero^raiDAY, . - ^ :;[:.;.,;-. ;.; .. V ;;; •¦• ¦ ;|}|;£« ; "' ' FB ' OH COtlK TO VATHMV ' /iiinA- : '; ' ' I .1 ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ::. ' <• ¦ ,: ' ' . uVTirijums) m:Tia \ :¦: . ' .. . * | . 8tenjuer. to SoothamptOT j thenoo W andon m Bouih O^^^a^oT^fflfe. '^i i Qma Station, np to &»Ju»&- jsw^/m jiT!?' . ™^" ¦ •"" ^ETtay HlTOBDATiii . lj P! r . ".: . ' ;..- . ¦ * ¦ ¦; TtnumnM:Vftxtstou> , dl*;.. , . -:. ¦ . , ; ..EreijrlBaiDAT . at i Mooii.I , ¦' , ' ' ' ¦ ¦ Wunioi s ibjjSijTOusTOH. . yU. Pl ,-^ ' s -' ¦ ;<¦• 'ii'">-KvoyElTUM)ATat«p.iii:T?f» ...; ¦ 7 . SonjSAxnoa tO WixxstOBD^TUjPli^ L, c - ' . . "¦:. TErray. m5DME8DAT.at HoonP"' ! ; 1 * . 1 . ^ Theae ' Steomara -liiT« ";exoenant;' aooomjL^i' 'i » . *n?T^,. .l/- tAB8AQB..MOHBX- . - ) ;;A-i;. ¦ ¦ ¦ . . V.¦ - . ' .. ' . ' ^l! i ' - ' V, .: : -' ., Cabin. - ; «A*' Vnl ( k , . Chlfdren «bo ^ Md]nn^ l3 yi»riW . a^ HalJY^' : ' «»- ,Noia. —The CUjas Bhtpptng Comnay JsasreaiS , u tJUpped by Uuaeline* pJ £«aonttr» USt il perpent. ^o 'E ^ ha«n« 'yearly ' igreusaWI*. ' anil TSe. per; Cemt; to, oo*: j aniaillBformatto it 'toJOetaaattliBOlnBe* ofri vTJit* For Eat« pr. -Fr^Titi.*e.. ! aTOto(toj 3 J.t;a Pnmt; BdfaBt' i H«in«r -/371Wi«nra * 36.,;.P&mooth i; M"GiR*XT , Trnnflmi and 8oalh-We«t«m'E«llir»y ConriT EieM* Bnlldlne* , ;ArtinfSti?»t;We«£ , aadMtlie Ii.A^ BaQiraj - Beoefting ; Em»ei; 1 thropghoirt_Lqndon rjtoi SHiwuid Co., QUjroT . CheeiKwk. ls .rttomM-ii-iamK* Spedal forma ot^BUli of ( 1*MM Tegpiwi hr.tho CW 8hpplny 'Company . 'to^ hatt tot tlwJ^Bnta;*- ' , , ' ¦ '!' ¦ ' I :.*:¦! - ¦ ¦ "jU ' .' .vti. - .^^X^C 'V V.' * !*' ¦ ' < !f 1" . *7 " —U—^'. - ' ¦' . ' VTaterfora^r «t«amshipr » Opulpan* ' •' . iv ' jTi i rwH ,.K. '(ji'(IJtaOTm)). :;-^ !ii#ili>«I.T«. " INTENDED- OBDKW'iOtf iSJuLING-^-OCT.i^WV I. ;..i - . :• ¦ ¦ riz^ : &' . <-'4i BTBUf EBB, i' .ty . \ <'^i. - . -- -<'' '^_ K ¦:¦ BEGINALD^ COMEBAOfl/ ^ LABA ,;, ZEBBjl l. ;SAlJGEB; { Tl^jTQJTE^^;EBm;'' BpSA, l .ai i '- 'k^ i* ¦ ' . ••K' i .2TirrO TICB. '-TTlie f^TWwrlo: d -^i^^^Jfe;^y]\(^Btbain«hip ^>mp^iiy^LimiW) ^^ fl l aaPiVl^ : ' ^eceiTe Goods and Lire stock for Bhlp - ' ^^ jmB ^^^^SSxjt ^^^^^xitxi't ¦ on tiie ' opnditiona mentionsd Q •' !l " l: WA : TE ' BTOBr< ;1 - v -iiND> .BBIS ' TOt . ' 1 ^ ntox wimttoaDto wo»roi ,: ; -?»OJttaiiKnv*o wittaro sB, IHrect t if i ' -; -* ¦ . ¦ ¦ . ^Direct i !• :> if Friday, Oct. , 3...10J uornlng fWedneadnj, Oct. 1 .1. 6 aft* I TneSd v, ¦ 7J..U noanr- Saturday^ ... 4 ... 8 aft 1 1 ftMi yr '10,.. » |«-noon Wednaoay, .. 8 ...11 nte it ToMda/, •• ' I*.' . 7'Morning ' SttarAhrrr 11 ...II nig * FrMarT- 17...10J tnoralli, Wedneaday. " 15 ... 6 a* i Tawdky, \ 21..J2 n oon - : 8.tttrd»j . r ;;. M 18 ,.ai nig it yrS«;-,, ' J Ztv'St ' tmiooa WrtntedaSrl' , " , ': 22 T^U nig >C Tn«»dV.,., - . i , S8 ... 7 v , jnornlng Satnrfar ,-,. ,, 1 SS ,j.ll nte it ¦"j-f'jwiUi i. r 1 , v ' 'V :i-'iti-i' iSO.ISatwSay., iSon;!ull alg. it '' •»• On early Homing £)afling» , i O«Wjif of tlu> ttounan w U be opfo' tp •reoeire ! Pasnacera arrtTtngW/U» Nlgbt-Mi q ¦?^&^ C.W , ^ .^fe } aoy:(uT^l6 ' foT'b^^flW ' »«; ;,ChUdan, ' vlO>.'i SerTaatailtxaveUliigiwttltFa inlllw) JOi. JBeturn . 15«. i ieck^ii «!.. •£« tnra.TickeU by IhibUn , Cor ^ or 'Wexforfl , 3S«: 'Rrtittiiotf' Of Tfm» grafted on all'Setui n Tiol«U inihe foUftwfiig tbrniU i— For 'a. Fortnight , " Sa/' ¦** ,, andfpr eTeTy. TOb»oqu«nt;woek ,>. 1 >j ^icyrTii-a i:n -i - •; ' WATBB»OBiD- oAM.I) t .HVEaiPOp.Ji.j. - - , . ' . - ¦¦ rut winta»0Rlir I : i: ; ' ! J " V »»OK tttiirobi.t,. ' W«K<»d»y, ' Oot 1 ;.IH Alt' n Wedne»d»y, Oct. 1 .V.10 1 moil Monday, I. - 6 . -^*1 Affn Monday: ,,; „.,; 6 .;. , l.;.aft D V«dMW; ^- 8 '£M 'Aftti WednWday 1 ;',, " 8 :7. 8 J aft n Frlday^ iX. H ^UO ;a»:- Koo ftrtiay, fjij. v ,, ilO :.V ? aft a ¦WedMMay.-T; U r ^ . »^ b Widnertay^' lS _ ': mo«» wdiw^> " . " ' ' WJJlju->r«6* WdlyTi ?:' ¦ " ;*ir ' «%ir hwi a .Hoaday. 'i 'i ' „> i20;( J'84 Art' s lton&y t i{j{,, v»J ' i.ri' t'aft% TrSnSiaj ' ,, a .^3? Art* " W«dne»J*y. ^a ... 8: atK ¦Ssaay T^^ , ti/( 8 Morn Friday, " v i &tf L-i i aft? Endayrn , * o »iilo»JloBp atoaday. ¦>«,;;» . ¦ . ¦ . ' 8; sraat W>SiiAy, ' »l .V»l4» Noon Wedoe»J v2 - » •UOtmeS i iC^ Fai^ 17a. MVlS«r»anU <t»v«niiig with faikniai) and CbildittU 10a i p«»k , W j ;fbWMavM!^..v;' jri»-<t u?SH<' . - ; :';O0od»-<Bofltel' thri5»i'trom*aU 0 iirhicipal . Btat£ona J oo Qr«t.portl*ar»i; jAn^Mn aad^Tortalnre, jjx>n<lon:aal Brf-MlidaaS^ Battwa* 1<r-Wat«rfordrfTliro«igh EOoking> i ^odaSool ^th l ^ ) f«mj*Bt»a ? ni <m iWatwterd at. Ctetnl WiliW . KaiIw*SF r "TaWrford. TtaBMrr in , and Usp^i BaB#ay;ta£5 wTtf«rf»i«iifc4 UMttJeVBatorty;"': r H' -:+ crw ^- We»kbK ' «R •'^'lV>-> ' >. v lfea«y. - -^-i ? * ; - . 1 - T«:AiIJIB?O.B.3)i f : AxfDu J !l> P,H(>i»yAK-i wJii»»T0»aao.P W8i» p i»ji)i' qnaASTMt«> nnmui ^35^SS® siwa^tos 1 l^^Ba^rOc^^k^^^yiniinHV : u FaoM• W«.SqjMag«i*«wi«a«jh^;l*- «^>; , liTr^fe^^^^ S^^^Spa^afj^S^ ™Btrt|>i:^««iJti'in< WWy Wweaart^BKglwaiJhr ArtnW* «* w^iiKU»;iJBM»JvlI»i»ti>*ai ,*»di5aai9»nnon;9lt- . «M . an» T ot;fi»a> f a^iiSi«5i £^' 4 gil^l^fe¥^^ ¦ ,. ¦/ >- , .i ¦ ^-; " - - . ' .i:- ' ;i« ' ;sMV?.f. : r;.f?iV.g:iV' - . .IKfDKEinrr JUNCTION BAttWATa - _; ' Tbe snorMtroote from Waterfordand Kflkenny to DabUnj Atldone .Paifciirtown . tor Nensgh: ia via Xanrborongh. - < ImpreVedMek and tbxoogh daHy uommtmloaUonbet-wpou MaryboionA^*ad otter-itntloM, - to» *Oto*tat&: thanp»j»fci New snUoStoliOttaon . andaU ^taUena oi^tlie erMt W »t- ern JLoOnSot England. - ¦- . . .«-«.«;Ww 1 ,!>o¦: ,-:.<•. - , >. - . , ¦= - :- ¦ - •' B«nb»(mp«OY*d-and-aco»lwatedOne hour. - . .. ¦ T EII » B.T»alnoss—On BnndaT*. the 8.30 ajn. Down; and 6JO p.m. ' Up Sxonnloa Traiji* , will be dlaeoatinnad. ' v ; ' I ¦¦ ntOK WATPLTOBn.^ >-->-'-r - I TUII( I)I inn urn; I .srasiis. STA nOBg. . l»*W*Xll»*?Mli9 ^^U** O HMLCUM ,ClM»/<!}aaa. Claaa.iClata - .. ., . : ; : . " , *. K. [ », »? J>*-J»<*l ""on »-¥ ; , \ , " ,i " ' * , ¦ ' h" m * Lh. nv&mV' :&mj h. jn. ' p. m. Watorfoid^ departnra.,7 IS. 1 O .!*. vOv«lft :12 r,0.£H ¦ xnmaootr.; - . .:..!Zi: ,;;. Y25, i jo. : iff ass u.is . - amiitaaTat ' .. .^. -K. .: 7 ' 8S ¦ . 'i ;* ' 8o- a.« me. - -4 ¦ BaUihale7 ..... i .... : ,... 7S5 1 ,35 C*) .7.15 12JO - 4 ¦ .S owS&Jrn .„...„ * ... 8 " 10 ^ i po;/j « 7_30 .J.J -J Beuutabridge: .....,... 8 25 2,8/ 5T 8 7_45 1 J0 : - ,, nSSuv.. ' .i-....azrlTal-8 40. , 2 SO. , 5 2O. ,i 8, li ; !•. « 5'r; " -J>6y:£.;..d«i»rtoS;8 ' .SS 1 - a^i . SOl^T;) ' ' 1 » - - AtSiiagS. ' . f .»^.t™»4" «3S' L'S X> «'" 0 !. ¦ ^ 2 18 -^ ' 'AbbOT&j . ' ;... ' ,; Git; taw* 15^»" 15fe .^ j. , ;;: H S TIiirj6dtoojb-<Iei>r«p lOiJ1^4- *--. <••—¦ Hi IH . . PorUiUngton Ju«o..,,U llij ?J7iiirr-i' .l ' -r\t> i. 8. *t . :>- Doblia:- .i:..._ ' v .arrival 1 IS . .5 40 : •S-I M'" - - ' ] ' 6 « ' Athlo^e Jmcr 'arrir . l i if . 8 30 , ' - . V- -i- 1 -) , . H Maryboro 1 depi down lO SO' V ^-» - 7 11 £ - ' •' », 52 .. f-! Ballybmnhr ........ ..:: 10 56 ' " 7 401 ¦¦•10 25' . '!- ! ' ¦Bo^tii^ .... : ....... :: .... u 34 - 1 8-s ' f— ¦ ¦ -. ':i : ' —; ¦ Farsohttown .....i.;:...iia 4 , " " 9 0 [¦¦¦ ¦¦ •- i " ' Nenaj*T.. 1 ii :;..:...;J.;;;|lS 23 ' -^—1 0 20 ; .. . . :. r-s rrcmplcmore . ¦ .... ¦ . " . ¦ .. ...I 118 " '. ' t8'17 !< 10M ¦ —\ ¦ Thnxlw arrival 136 . u r8 SS i ' 11 13 , . 10 M . —) 11 13 V—!I . , .. ° f TnlIM8 OrWZZK DATS.. SDXDiTB: STATIOXS. '! 1 2 3 * 12 3 142J1 tc ' . ¦ ' . ' . )' . ¦ i ¦ Clam. Claw. Claad/ClBM. 12*3^2*3 . A.X. 'A. K. . A.H; t r.x. Cba. Clasi. ' . hi ; . hm ' h ni n ' in ' pm Thnrlea ' . 1 . dep. ! 7 10 I . ' ¦ S 3 Teoplembre ' -I I 7 29 .— ' ' 220 Ballybrophy' . V : 7 59 I —• ' \— 2 47 Nenagh ;' ' - - v \ 6 SO : —; ¦ ' . —I Faraoutown - . . " - ...; 6 40 i ' I Boecrea ; . - - ' ' ¦ 7 IS , . - .., ! Maryboro '- ' arrl np - '' 8 38 I - ' ' r " .' ' IH Athlone Junction - j ' 8 15 2 30 ' —I DnbUn . - dep. ' 6 ! 0 ; 9 0 1 0 - 8 80 frorUrliBjjtonJnnc 'tn ' 8 3 918 2 45 ¦ " ' —I teuyboro * arri dwn 8 25 , 10 13 8. '9 ^ 11 52 , i nowir ttAiinf. L - i MaU . 1 . 2, 3 I «uyboro "; » . - dep. 8 40 ,10 85' 8 80 . - ' t 0 Aikeyleir'! - - 9 0 10 55' 3 60 -^ 4 80 . 'AtUnagb. '! S ' - - 9 15' ' ' ««5 ' " 4 35 , BaljySW' - ' . - ¦ •!• ' < ¦ ¦ 9 25 U15 415 +45, ¦ Kn«tBBjr'» ''!-atriTal 9 45 (11 40 « 88 ¦ ¦ < *- " 5 10 1 DoT^ v depottnre 7 SOl-10 - 0 > : '4'60 «ti- HO Benartabrid ge ¦ - 7 45 , -10 12: . ' 8'* '^ ' ¦ 5 8^ Thoaa»t<mn J- ' . . - 8 5 '10 25 12 5 S SO f— ' 5 U) , Baflylal, ^ ".. ¦ - 8 25 '10 40 ,12 15 6«0 't- ' 8 0; MolIl»,Tat !. , ¦ - -!-8»0 , ll 0J _ ¦ 'e -0. ^ui J 8 25- Ellmaww . ! .-J'0:;l' 9«<-ll'!ll> '12 45 8 10 —- 635 ¦WatathM W arrlTal!-9 80 !11 30ln<)i«80 ? —V 7. 0; , ,»>eclal Faiea an charged-lo First auft Sedhnt Class Pa»-. ,«eng«ra liooking to towel by. the, Eipren ; 'JU31 xT)W» on , (OreriSo^th^and WeaternJine. . ,t.T^}, . -,u-A I , XtokebOmed for Single Journey are anSabla onlj fosr the Train bytUohtlHT are ia*oed.> -\ "-h '' ¦ ¦ ' - l> . Marketai eke^£vmedort aiia' back , wfll be iaracd i(t. UaryboroiivAbbeylelz . Atttuugh , and BaUrrtgget , by tbo- 8.40ajn Dfni 'Tnln^aTallalile for nrtprnJJT.Uie *.O, p.m. np Train on dike of tone. Faret—First Clan , 12i. " , Seoona Clan , 9»« and ThW Ctaa», «i ; r ; - v/ ;. l it i. : ) Yf : . : ' -- ¦¦ ' ¦ -'' ¦ ' ' -I v Betsrn TV4et» anliKiedibebnMn any t^Q.Station^ aTaU- j able fortbe &te of iM$e and. dajr following t tno«<) ,ii»a»d for any diatanbe^exoeeiViigSO . inilea are MTU UDI B for return op .tlMydayot' . ltttw andt$s aeren follomng' .dajs^Sandays not l rei»oned.|5 SHara TIckeUlwaedonSitaMa ^^retaflaable ° trr V^A^SBIOBOAHD IJUEBliax ' jBAtLWATjv j . ¦ ' -> ¦ ¦ ¦ ^H Up, TraiM fr <m-WaUtftrii'V, '^; ' ' ' ¦ ' I ' . ' ¦ . " ' |; l.TMP**0* w»»K PATS . ; ' . Sdj) 1",WAiitiioaD, '' T" 7 . - ¦ -\ Kafl I . ' ' ' . "^V- f Hall JlaO \TO UMXalcw, 1 ta 9 128 lvJt'31138 14 if 1-23 1343 •\ "-!flf. ( .i iCV Qai ClaM. (3a«.. Cl paaj Cla«a. pUaa , tffj V> I - ¦' ¦ ' 'I- *-" - *•"• -'•"• '*¦ >•*• ' •*•*¦• *'^ / tord.dep. 6 » 9 0 U 8S 2 4S. ,-^ 8 » 8 89 k-on-Sofr 9 45 II ¦7 ' 3 25: , - " 'W •» 15 . at.-™,.-. 7 * 10 20 U85 4i, » ; , '^% to ( »ry......... 8 5 11 J7 ^1 45 5 9 ' ^ 11 , 85, U SI onarrlral 8 85 18 12 2 £3 5 45 : ' - '' 12 25 12 25 GZZSS^ Ur8 .1-15- -5T5 :5 10:10'O " S «* . «! L^ ' »..,^ , 180, 2.;.0 , .4 85 ; 815 v , :. J 0 S < peputtn •: —' , ^10 80 -1' 0 -8* 0 7 45 T4i »5 aniYl Slfl 1 Wf l'a Ti y ' S 50 11 *15 11.30 IS*- ~' , ' ; ' V\-. T ' - . I . - ; .»»AMa . «» -w»»«-j» A.Ta<r- I i-'3uJs>> " ¦""Vl. 1243124! lAjXAsi2481 A3 4 ! .r'V'V!" ClaaaJClaaaJciasa ' . 'Claaa. 01au.<?aa4 ¦ " '¦¦ ¦" V- .A.w..i. AW p*-K.ijm^ js.ai ^|:aja, T4»erlek-v| " A 845 & o IX85 4 o }Q io< 10* SSft , ' '^;-* ' - ' ISO «IO 4.35 1 815 . ' . :, Si I BnbUn - ..del > _ r_\ »5 10 30 10 741 7 41 Cork-v .;„ ^ _ \ ,,_;. > j U 30 2 45 ; 10 » 10 I 4K^2 »J»; ,V- . 8 45 iiaii;jS5 535 19 . 85 12s jn»erary,. ,;..V_^. : 8 K it ma si SM>ia tO< Vt ft '^lSi!S :; Hw0 i - i: '»ifl« ! « '7'45 . 4-BK. '«. •( . .ffaterfordanlfr 0 . - . M». g '8a« r 40' f S tif W 8^41 y/:i S.;.. I.:T - ..au><>\v e-A iv&'»f>ftewtUiJat.0 ¦ •!» : ' . 1. ,f^ * ftw. * " ; 'Jl > "jftff tVfey 1 ?pm| 1 'il^' SlitlSfcii ' jSiJs' *g? ; Jsj} ' " lWre 9is m^ifii: S liSIlt ,|X' 2% ;• SSliiSiiii^s o^» " 0 iii , 45 iwife? j|i.5.^gs,gai; StrK- i "<:-a 4 ' i I J/'lW«i«' *j*' l ' «t. -sV- i *ti' d Li-3«'T i : : ' . . -i ¦ } ' ImprOTea'iVRbiti A 86iil\^r:-: v rioaaeaaMdetaMtnjk ^aalaBitKMittiaKi kkakl naed f^«las^£ii*d«aSS<iMK5S3 ^^ttL^sxjs^rti^i^i^yi ' -. '1- r 1 - ¦ I ' »• ' ¦ " - ' "*> *2fc'W* ' < > ' lCi' - * * i ' '"<'l au ,;, . •^¦ ¦ ¦^¦ •¦ . :- . * *fe i qj-j«-- - ' £ :: "' - ¦:¦ -•::: : ^sv* . ?: . :ji Vi 'iVi- -: ' > . . . :-i-u- ' - }«r«>V:-. ' "' ' ¦ Si 1 = •¦ FAJfGY KNITTED WOi ' SQ' b: 3 .L:iifl|fOffL ;• ' : SQUARESi CROSS -OViERS , . i$Z ' .;- :;; ¦ ¦ | vjS|» ; ^' ' " ; -^STS , ^,PO^-MjpTS, &c.j '' .K oi^:Lu- . ' >\. ' £* ' ,i **^ 1 ^y^!)!^5^ e Av^4| contai^i'^£tt^ U" OTeltie» . -for i the 1 - KS^ x ;V : v/ ::iVlWERT^Q^ LEDLIE, .\& CO., , .. . ^ [^^^• •¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ^¦'V^affiSi^^^i ^3i Hb . M. ^DAT , ^ATEEFOED. ; »EialaS^r£m| . , .P ARIS *—- T— > OFTHEKNIGHT^ra^ OfTH E LEGION v *-. n « - •;' ¦ •• ^U NIFORM - ,; 'p r ' : . : ^^' ; I-llKSv«iW : :i : ' ¦ ' ¦ " ¦* < ^ GEHOIHROJI - . *: ' ¦ ' :.; r ;C ,.<:xN .r> '• ¦ •!¦ ' :,, ,;. /. ' ;, . :. - . Op HONOUR \^. ¦,:: .. - OouBuSumrwc jUNSUBPASr^ * "^^^^™ ¦¦ *> j^r tiaaHfc^VJiaaa^^B^r^iaW^Laaaramlaaar^^iK^BM^kBaaf^iaaail TTW '«»a*ai»iiiiiii»«»»aa*a*aMa»»aj^ , ITfe. M. ^FH^ - BINNES : ^l^ieEi 17s. ' 6(1 ' •• ' '¦' •¦ •^• — / ;-^.. - ¦ ¦¦•¦>- | . . . ,r ' ¦ PE^K OK BLUE, BAND AND LINE, ) ::: ; •;¦; " ¦;¦:^- ' . ^ -^ ^- «-j? . .!, ' . •• , ¦ '• , ¦:: : f \. ¦: / - .. •• ¦ OJ. , ...:.Greatest ¦ attraction ' ever ; before " •;' : ;'";:; : ; ' ' i 'l : ' *; . *• ' : : : V .Ti' ; ^ , ' AND ' 33; GEpRGB'8; STBBM,\ : WJA. 'lTEEFpBp, . : j> V- ' -lT. B. ' —-Puronasers will do well io ' call early, as ' only a limited number remain unsold, > , : ' , i *S" Special attention to the Complete House-FurzisMne for ' .£4 , .* v ^ . r , .. . ... . .- .. r - / , . - I /;,.'JJL** -^ u^.. ^-— oi »;._(•. ;. . *.:• ¦ - . L, .:. M... .. . .. .. CON*AINIHO ; " -.-.. ., .-¦,.., r ¦ ¦ ¦• .•¦ . ¦:. ¦ ,__ , ..-._ ._ .... coin DJENKfES^ERVK-E.. /li ; ;?" .V : . : ' ' j WBITE-ANJO. -GPI-D.'BJ'EAEFASTS and TEA ^ rTStiBVICES;^, ''"^'^"" ¦¦ ' "" " ''" ! ,^; TOJi.Ex. sirrs;. :V . l ' , ; ''S'OOT'DECANTEES/ ' ^Z- 'j ^ 'TDMBLEK S;-" ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' ' . la : ,,, ; WINES, :: I ::¦: . •¦ : . ' ¦ ¦;. .: : -- ' -i IB ' SALTSi V-i : ¦ rt: - ' ;: ' ¦ - •- ' ¦' " ¦ ¦ : u.i^tr. SST^r TM! ¦ , taa :te?4y at OWBS' /POWBB^ * ;"SOBrS. _ . ;. . (B26.ly) j 2:2.rS®IIMS Sl^YTHiS , ' Gla^rlilse , ' ! ^' ; " ' | ^ OYJtrJjL ERE ' youiavo . ihel' LABGEST STOCK oiioope frpm.^aiul the !CHEAPBST.BobTSiaid I ^dlljjj^:^^^^*^^ . . ' , . . ¦ -.;¦'; ¦ } ' " ^ ¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ '¦' ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' . ' .ivr ' ¦ —;—i ; L__ . ' i . ' " ¦ ¦; . » . Ladi etfy Buttoned,. ': Lacsd.f.and Elastio Side ¦ Qirlfl ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ do. --- - :- dd. v - ' do. , fvi Gents ' Elnetio. Side and Laced Boots, r .,vA.Boys ' ,v. 'i ¦ ' j ioi-lif'i - , 'Jdo^ 1 '' .. do. . . ' . .. irj^' .iMon. ' BCSfroxiff ' WbrkHjgiiBootB, : . . rxrioLadifis ' . 'iaildi.Oenta ' .rSboeei :- , :-. ¦ . . .n :.V: . :ft- , -':-T-j i - ; ' >A>M. -:' - .!. ' , " . ' ¦ ¦ ¦, . ¦ . _ i v^j 1: ^^' iPle^^oTbi^e^'VThe . Signj of; ^;Biif^oot. ";; ; W^i^p ; 4;V;; : ;^ ',. <; , •? > . v^^lKTEBi /iIVlLSHI DHS. ' ¦ : '. ' ¦ . ' " . ' " . "¦ . ¦] I 1 } .TiT'lh' ' ' .] ' ¦ . ' I h ave Just , reccLyed : a ( ap]ciidi(l. Stock of " ¦ ¦ : . - U' S \:xi- ,.j. ! W ^ N% EJ «C: iOOoris, " / ¦ . ' ' : ' - ; ' i- 'EBilirao ' iig' every Ndfeltyi'in.iach Department. \ - . ii» : l-.ii« in ¦v«j ' >..:f ,ia r. ' .ft i iw-biv;< > ¦:¦ ¦ ¦• - . •; ' < j ' •iiv . -t'art ' . '^juu . 'i-:-;1- - .' " -.v .<¦ . . j ijji; tVV->. ' ' -•- ' :• ' ' ; i •• ¦ ' i ¦T ^ x MANTIiBS, ' :-8BJ\:WtB;tJlILLINEK.Y ; jj ['/ /. '! K '^. « , -'/-HATS ' ln ! gniat"vii«e»y. - : ' ,-'; j - ' ' . ; - , . : - ;-s ^^^^^ir i ' ali ; the v Ne^ : Sbad^ ¦ ¦ ¦i) . r a*ni>?6i '*J f -^i:u*Mc r ,.:: .;V)W>.i ^. -;;K ., - ¦¦ ¦ . < t '¦:¦ ¦ PUES of every descripUon toMww, COLLABSJ I v ; ;;; ': :>vi ¦ ¦l»\ :$tbn mn .i. ' :: - ii ' ¦ ¦:< : ,-:¦¦ I ^^^^m^gMmp:; j ; I r $ST- J&H&iwy;-<iYoT*i-f " «iiiieirDrc«s;"Galico . anclljinen tStuck ia ; tha Newest) Bestf , and Oueapei t 'Wi* W*rjS^"foV Sale; f *$l'& i '' *P , " i ;f^V . ¦ wms^mmsm ' , .assSs^-s^Bssssfs 1 ^ ¦ f. -f^..^M-?,; \- .t«:.i-v.- - t-->^V"-^^s>.rf ' rVni-!.,..w.y. ?r.. ¦ •#?Sv * : J8»v»s ' >!» ^^ /MiliiBirto^Mm»V/U8trAi.i ' . :- «MMK : -t^JE«^iniiaXIlW ^}. -OTO ' C \F^:i£ T«4V^^yAMw.. -. uwt.a« , " . i K. /. ' ij ' OJ :i ' ^ ' . ¦ . ¦ ¦ , ' " " . ' '• ¦• ¦ '¦' " VI j ^ - iJLriy, iVJhii 1 sLVliEiiN A S T O OE teTM< PuRVEBTOsip HJia Sif HONOURS ^ n^Sli^iaaaaaa^ •>(- ; -. ; ;i 12 PLATES FOE. JKIT . CBJ3N , 12-SMALIi '" . ¦ ¦¦- ">• , > ¦ ' v " - i; 2 DISHES, - —~ ¦ , ¦ TEAlPOT, - ¦ ¦ "¦ '' - ' ' ¦ ^VEGETABLE DISHES , ¦ TOILET SKT FOB 8EBVANT 2 '0BOF0?S and TOPSj- 'J¦ •- ^ ' - .;.7:.: " i :M;j .:; it - ' . v:'i . ' - 'i:< : r r ': Boots . : " I ;.. " . . ¦ .• ¦ •::. . ¦ .: . . ^- .. ; do. IN EyEEY :STYLE . . : . ¦ ¦ : . ¦ ¦ . .. ! ¦¦ ..: .!. ¦• ' AND ;.; ' - . ' , /v do. f LATEST FASHIONS. r! . :J Majble and StonedWarka ,! . •: i6J3EB ,BBJ > OJ£Jf -SXJlSB^T'M^A 'lSBRPORD :,. |>j i.i D!> ^::a J(Esb \ DHehea isao); ^ ¦< . ¦>¦¦ ' ¦¦ ¦" " J J -jjvit: i. iJC' ¦ > ' :V i JJ;- -l>»I»'' ¦ ' - "' ' ¦> *;;.:iji"j i';;. 'l : ;¦:•¦ . ^VBHLaaflBBIV 1 *^ V'TT^E N.NEDTr ' ¦iaataaaaaaaHLall ; ) x\" . ;: llJL u speotfal]y ' B ¦ ufl^^^^^^ l ' "'licitd:the'-atWDtieri 1 of tl I^^^^^^H! i> ; > ! nbfidto>tbd latVe 'Stock I^^^^^ H v MONtJnrENTS;- ' TOMB -. I^^^^^ H > ' :H KAD^ T?ONES| ai f l^^^^^H' . 'MDEAL'TABEET8, ' 4c ^I^H^^^IP B1 ^ Blsoa laig^Stbck bf Marb Cb(iDB«yi«»Uc««; from "ltallari J and Irish- Marble Statuaryj;lfaible ' Cliittiilo^Pie6fe» , " -rlehl y Carre ' aml' whioh will bo dlipoeed of ftt One-half the Grig ' nal Prices; ' > '* ;j* f-iwi'ii 'J ' |(1 'J* ! )!I '' ! ' '' - ;i: ' n29.1j) All HOKB XAtnTFAOT UBS. '¦!';. '¦: mAKEN DAILT;b ? Mr. WI\TEE,..«nd f.Pin : ah JL Jfh tne.beHiaty le/.of lAtT ,: at bis, approved . ' .W PHOTOCIBAPHIO STnbib. t w ¦' ' ' " '' '^ «ST 62, .QUA; 5 Y«*T>k ER AIICK ):WATBBFOE ,i,' .i ' tL)i)'Vl . isorjiSUi^ti' ilu-l! t l. : _ . , ¦ . : ¦ '! ti' iJ81 ; " .; ti.- .*(i tjfi: ' {* BiiBM il j'i - ' BAilC-i-Vi i : : ;-i L: ' - QTJBSCBJB .^Kg;^rjnit iqet- et*cteJa FAOTOI tie aewiow of »'Wft-fl*»/ *Wjr?l"b «*e now, pn paredaou supply. JBABK 'equal-tO: >Uie best DnbL 1> ^wfiff^ wppliiii . in caak« , ' ftDd ii t trial , respec fully solicited., . ¦ ¦> ; r . -a, , * . ,>;.*?¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ •¦ ¦ ¦;• ¦ ./ ¦ ¦ " ¦ ¦ ! ¦ 41. /H rfoW^J^ilMCTH -&/, CQ. k , 7i V (819.t (./it c9/ ^GBOBd» > «.rJrBlBT , v WATKBJ'OBD^ M i ' i ; : {; , i , i i "' to' - , 'i;a< wu;o'f-a<"ft tm- - -, iia»mij|tn.i.; /i* l f.t>v ,<cii.. 'i.it. : »oj »AamCBm». ^ ' i:;t i" ; ¦;t:- - ¦¦ ' ¦ ¦j »— * ;*'^" 'V.) N.^.^^-; ' i t''; "Ti..,^..%, .I.v. . ' - -oVrt ; .' ' S i iM f a iiit ^AS^^BONJWA ijgfcaj ilP^fC »ni^^aeaWp^jM |SiiPBW^S#^?2fwi5?S beat of ' all Baw .Mj3a)mn}-It oontaina; 60 par ~ oel£i 8one' »Phoaphatey«pr»»ahted : ln; aJorm ' to-b« A| •U6ni ' of i:Hiawga^^w-^t^ - : ^ : ' ' -«- 'S'J^^'^iiW»t-J5 Tarnl p and other Ore*¦ JpiWrAsStr » "?lJi " ¦ •' ; " ' ^ HnB AT£^F.Sm(ktala^W£(M^(i{lei-ab rk >jS£abor*"daliwHd aTrM at all Bailwa* StaUons/t ¦mmzimm [ iBiifffljassxojir iiBSo^D. i JTXS;J.^'XL' IBY P0ST-3t<L ^TELS, The Cljr-zrr^ . ANDEE8T0N <j1, Hotel F IS in the' immediate ' vicink GLASGOW, Irish Steamers , including! ""the Englian qnd Company' s Steamers. Tourieta\ Clyd , e ° hi P?ff8 ing Scotland will find this HotL^ 8 ™" 168 1 "! 16 " home. _ .Charges very moderate. . - . - ^^ ^r 6 " THE GEOEaE HOTfiis, ; 6 , COLLEGE-ST., and 29 , SO , 4 31 . FLtV «L PATEICK ' . SHEEEDAN i CAHEY, \ (Late of the City Mansion Hotel), 'P BOI' USTOA : Entrance , 6 , College-Street. Night Porter i attendarce. . ¦• .. . : ¦Ci/.v : f :¦: . jas.tf SHIP and COMMERCIAL HOTEL, ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' U, QUAY, WATEKFOBV. ' 1 .. .,, MICHAEL XIB,WAN . npj-AVING iporchased . Interest in the above ijrjL^-JiO ' XEt; begs tp anuoimco that Uth . -Estap- iif.QnU)mp^ 3ATOE^X"S; KHB.^tA87p. ~ ? ' 'vJX.;\ tru«lsi l>y .eti-ict a*tin1i?>p ¦ -*« tboae wKci pat.oniie THR SHIP AND CouMXKui/tb 'HoTKi,) {o iberit a cont'nnHiine of t'>eir piitronage. : > v i"iy, Waterfoixi . Feb. 12, 1879. f28.tf THi: GIEAT GLOBE HOTEL DUBLIN ( l&.UI(liKhed 40 Tears ,, I I , :, ,. «, and 7. UIWKK HKIDGE-SriUJBT , ! llil UA HD C 'FFEV , 1'ioprieior ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ! TpTTE above old-established Hotel ban all the JL- modirn improrvmests of tho day, and is under th.\eo'i8tai)t snpurviBionof Mr. and Mrs. COFFKT . Frob it* central I 'pnition it will bo fonnd most convenient fir thn vi«itor. heing m the unmediate vicinity of the LaW •Jour.i: , five to teaminntos' drive from any City Bailway I'-rminns, and a few doorB from King' s BridgeTramwdy i.mo. Supi'liee aro firafc-claflH quality. Eggt, ¦ butto , crinm, and vegetables from tho farm daUy, and not- withntanding j.fooeiit hi^h rnlos , tormx are extreme y Diode ate. flrenkfaMR from is. M. Dinners fro m !*. Itudc, from lf> 6d euch. Table d'Uote diiily ; wook days at two o' oloek ; on Snridayn at five o' clock. I Oentlemen' a Coffee and; Smokinp Rooms. Ladiek' CoSiii'and Private Sitting Booms ' . Bath Booms. [ . - A Night Porter in attendance, and all ServnnU paid b y (ho Proprietor. . . KG.ly ! ' , ' ¦ Imperial Hotel, : LOWEE SACKyiLLE-STREET, DUBLIN. ! (Opposite the ' General Post-Offioe and Telegrap h O£5co) ' ¦ The most central in the City. . . [ "OBEAKPASTS , with chop, eggs , or ' cold meat, 2a. ; J_>' { steak or fish , 2a. ' 6d. DINNEBS ''- . " Soap, entre I, iolnts, ' sweeta, and ohoeboj 8s 1 . —with l ' nsh , 6d. - enr i. Qcds, - .2s^ and 3*. ; ai tohdanee, Is. each: 'Ladies ' Coffi e Room, BiUiard-room. ; ' ¦ ¦ ' i _ , . '. , CHABI<BS. LAWLEB, rroprietor. .. P.8.—A reduction made for Ladies or Gentlemen wl o wi«h to board by the weei in tho hoteh : , f8.tf Cmr MAIISIOIJ- HOTEI. , 30 LOWEJC.BEllJGii'dTEEET, DUBLIN I. BEG to inform ray nnmerons Friends and the Pnbl a ' -'that, " through euauffi-of time, I have become Er prietor of the above old-established Hptcl.;. : . " I . have coin ' plptely and' most comfortabl y re-furnished it. jmd.have: ednHdorably; enlargod it,' fitting ' it ' tip thtpnghbnt ia beat modem atyle. ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦ -*- . 1 : i:; I trustJjy careful and constant attention to the wanfa andoomfo risof.iny. ' visitors ' to merit : the patronage so liberally bestowed , on ' my late Aher, and reapectfnlly solicit an early triaL¦ - • • - ¦ ' ¦ ¦;..; <r~~y ;:..; :. : JUCHAEL COPFETV, . Aop rietor. ¦ " \ ' Son of late MAURICS JOTTBT . ¦ I Please nota Addrosa-^O, LOWEB BBIDGE STBEET, . ¦ ¦ ¦¦ : : DUBUN.r- - . - [dll-3mll .. . KELtTS. CBOWW HOTEK, < MOJIOk STREET , •WEXFORB. _ - .. (C1O9X TO TH« KAILWAT STATION). ' . ' .' I mH2S is a Central and Comfortable Hotel in which _L everything ¦ can be had. on the ¦ .moat modoraU terms. "" ' ¦ ' "' - ¦ r . . ; . . .. .. .. i-Best Dublin ahd'Wexford Spirits j also, Brandic 3, Wines, . Porter, Georgo -Yonhgor and Son' s oelebrat d AUoa Ales, A«. ' ¦ ¦:¦ ' ' ; : ' t- ' . ' ¦ " ' Care on Hire at tho shortest notice. - ' . ' (an. -15-t " ' ' - ' Viaitora ¦ to, Iioa&on y' I ' »*/ILL find' Ho ' me Comforts, on ' moderate terms , at T V " The Shorwodd Private Hotel;' . 1 ; 19; Adam-Sf. Strand. . F. . 8LAQg{ Proprietor. ' - : ' ' i -: . ."* f22.tfj \ . _ ;: ¦ /D iU B-Ii I N. - . ' .:i ' -y ^- - - ¦¦¦ Commercial an^ Private JLoUging. House, •: r t J '^i.MAlatBOROUGB: STREET. PAETIES .Tiidting i DnbUn- can be ¦ aooommodato ] , ; with or without Board , and all the oomforta of a homo, on Moderate Terms. —»— ~r'-|;o25-tf . Kgf* Sitnataon oentral. - .cloae to Saokville-street. ; The Enrpirean HoteL ., . . "TTISITEES to DUBLni wiU .find at the E FEOMA J . .. y i, : : BOLTON.STBEET , C flrst<laa« iaeoom»oaatio i With moderato oi farges an^ asaidaonq attention. •; / Large " .and 1 . Uoeanfly-appointcd ' LADIES' . C0F71 1 BOOM/ ""; 1 '' •:¦ ¦ ¦ ;:¦?" : ' ¦ ¦ ¦' -"• . ' : . - ' :i -tBf:GrandBANOTJET . HALL " for PubliSldnnors ¦Weddlnp'Breakfasts/Balla- Snppbra, 4o>' '. ' ¦ "- ' ,] - Bestanranta—BiUiard» ;' , 'Bodj , "2a. ' : 6d. 1 '2s.; and & 6d. . ¦: ' ! [m31-tff : . :J. MO. L ; ON . Y. , : Proprietor. ; ' ; ' . ; ., pjibut ' il ; , ; ,0y.|it0w; J ' . . jOgmter.! l " , ' . <!• " ¦£ ' ¦ ; ' '. r -J:l¦ ¦" ¦ ¦ /•¦ ¦ i,i,,: ' . - , 'rrr^' C ¦¦<¦:, VK.aJ:. - . "* : ' ¦ •;: " . '' H, H .., ",;¦ Tht Commencement s tte Status ,, - ' ¦ '): ' .BpKL^pTlpN^.iE ^TAlJB ANT AKD ^ OYSTEI ¦ ' fi; " ¦;:¦ . -;:..;:' .;i ¦ - . ' . ' -BAB^.IJBLIN. T, v . iUi ..;,. WKO V imflE jPROPBIEWRi . bt'gsirto acquaint h i . -*-]' ¦ ;?!ZIBBUM tug mtt^Muuqmai j ne-^now propar with " a Vwriatani' Supply of BED BANK jIUBBI OY8TEBS , f , rejh.eTBry ,Day, from his own Bods in t CottntyClare, jrheincrcaao ^ dimana for theai delido Hv*lvea':ttndered > 'lt 4 'imperative on the Pronriotor se cure aninfailihj supply fot his Cnsbomen^^ ¦ ' ' Lnnoheons;Dinnorsj Snppers . aia Car** M nsnaL ¦ Wlneai«md,fl pirit«: Kr»i^olaaa;o/oJiij Jamrjeo n at Son ' a '7S "WluBkey-. - -:.;.i. - ' ,- . ' ^. ¦ :^- .<;, ' , i [ - ^- .: ¦ •: Dry Amonjillado,Sherry^ Kartell and-Henneaay' i ' ^M ^V^l ^^S ^si ^f ^Urft .:• ¦; i jVjj '! . -JOSEPH 00BLES8). JSBOPS < KTQI JJ' 28 ,.BT , ANDBEWST. 4 'CHUBCH ;LiNB, ' DnBir jL<n\ * /wv f vvvt a i" AVCI' PI. 'U O^T .Ayjiiw iKi ' i ' -- I ?3?i B«y/S«E i !5Si bj.yjrfwWs'iJi HW?v»*E" 9 ' ¦ •;« fjjv'isi fi'H 'iiiti iii. 'n(!'» ' J . . ' . .1. ' Jiiw '£'K5{$r*r. ' *t 'V ' ¦ " K ^Ai ^ trMX,ijMjmoAiiiomAvsuj ^ ,m^ ; r(TKji; ; awcujiuAM«EiOAM> -<)BXJ*hix<if ' .ETrBor») l-iKs:theBEST'iU)VEBTI8ING 4lKDroatin tl lL>) iWOBLD fc*i-HOTEI^i ana-btn^a^^ t«»«Uiig i Jteadii^niatW. 1 % Mw- r »1^drft«riiatii fc*^aqjiat»>ai«caVavellor8:tJ ^'aa^;ot^!iJ*eek ^«ii^!!li^H^i: : PLmeB'';ix»iM^p:^ Ma^iUaiiUUia(wiUUamp«il£tiU ;^^«AmiMri'fltfofionaw-iiT^Kmfrt1KWva Fv?Sl!tl ^¦^^ ¦A iSl T'^ Wit?5 RjtiSffafk llClaia^iaaaSt to^;aJfH|K w A^»|U#<>dy<|Bl f4jt»g l aflpwlf fpljaj liiMiiliyMi NOW READY , . - ' *' Printed on Good Paper , and in large dear Typo, "¦' A. NEW" EDITION : - . ' ¦• OF -• •• - BUTLER'S CATEjgHISM. TC THE CATHOLIC CLERGY, B00KSELLEE8 , be On Sole at T7M> News O J? MS>, 0 .. With the Becommendation of the Biahop ' of 'Watcrford and Lismorc, the Bight Bov. Dr. 'PoWKR A Catechism for the Instruction of Children, .. . ' ! BT IHB MOST Rev. Dr. JAME8 BUTLER, Aroh- bishop of Cashel and Emly. ¦ BICOirjTKKDATION : r.Jappi jve of of this Edition of tne Bight Bev Dr. W.Sti BiTlJtB' s Catechism, and recomnjend it to the * ua "> of these Dioceses. ^ D "W ^ \ * " JOHN POWER, B.C.B. Watery Sept, 16th, 1878. " jf^P^. ^OK any part of the Diocese , oent in and S JESg 1 v C.<£i D SoND, Printer and Publisher, portant notice THE NOKTHAoTON BOOT COMPANY T>EG to call the 8p\ial attention of the l ublic -*-» seneiulw to the \ EBT LOW PllW 8 OP> TUEIB BOOTS AN D\s HOES , Now on view\t 3G, MICHAEL.STREET^JVATERFO ti D. Please Note—TBBHS : CASH . \ % No b' KcoND PEICK . NO CBEDIT\GIVEN. HK2J" Piu-t'cular attention paid to Kopuire. au20.1y &AME NOTICE THE LANDS of BALLYDEKMODY, BALLY NEtiEBEE, BALLYBE£GAN , BALLY PHILIP , BKNVOY , BALLYGEGAN, LISAVI BON, and ABDNAHOE, aro strictl y Preserved Anyone found tiespiisain^ on theui will be Prwe cutwl. (»17 tf) JAWtS POVVEli. Bishop & Sons' Quinine Wine. rnHIS INVIGORATING WINE, strongl y re- JL' coirimended by 'tho highest Medical authorities- for its Tonic and Restorative Qualities, is prepared with the moat careful attention to the purit y of its ingredients, and contains One Grain of Quinine, each Glasg. ' ' _ ' :; SOLD EvBBTWHKBK.; ¦ ' , Dublin- -Wholesale by BOILKAU ABOTO , M'MASTBB, HODQSON & CO. ; HnOH MOOBK & Co. j AliXXANDEB FISDIIATOR & Co ; FxwcETT i Co. ; C ANTBSLZ , nnd COCHBAM!. Betail by HKJ»KT TOBIH, JAMKS PI ^ NA - OAN, J OHNSTON and (JLDHAM, and othors. ¦ ' . Bldcinck ' -rS. BICHARBHOK. . ' ¦/ Corfc^ToiTKiNB and Sow, ' WOODJOBD, B ODKNB , & Co.; H; MOBEIB , J; MOBOAH Sinxu. ;Beyi««-TWn.LiA»i D OBBIN & Co j CLJBK 4 M'Mut- UANJ J and "J. HABLBTT, HUGH WHITS, E AKJN & Co.; and LKATHBM, COULXIB , and HOWABD, and W. GllMOBSi CO. ' ' , ''ioiulond«rrsrrO8BORNB 4 PATTXN, J AILKSTHOMP. BON and SON. . ; DpngaAnoiiani'Aughndcloy—J. M. -F EBOCSON & Co. "Manufactured ' and'Bottled by Messrs. BISHOP " nnd SONS, FXNBBUBT DIBTILLKBT , LONDON. ap4.7m Inman lone Boyal Mail Steamers. LFVEBPOOL TO ^EW YOBK as follows :— City of-^Berlln'^ .... ' . Thursday, October SO Cit y of Montreal Tr^v.Tucaday, November 4 City pf'Bichmond: ,...Thursday, Nrivember 13 City of New 'York.^.:; .Tuesday, ' November 18 City of Brussels ..! ....Tuesday, November 25 V . ' From Qneenstown the following day, " . Saloons replete with'every modern "comfort and con- venience..: Fares—15, 18, and 21 Guineas. Stoorago , 6 Guineas , with full supp ly of Cooked Prcvirionsand ovefy comfort. . Steerago PaBsongers forward ed to Bos- ton and Philadelphia without extra charge. . Passengers booked to anr part of the Stato ' s and , Canida, at Special Bates/ 'Apply. - to WILLIAM INMAN; ' 22, " Wator-atreet , L»Terpoolf; J T ¦ HABVXT; 12; Little George' s-atreet, Waterford ; or tj anylnman 'Line Agent. f22.lv Steam fironi , London to Melbourne , SYDNEY * "ADELArDE , ~ an " d " all TASMANIAN nnd NEW ZEALAND -Ports. IVrESSES^MbNEi-TOGBAM * SON'S LINE of lU..; STEAM and SAILING SHIPS TO AUSTBA- LUi - .r~The Icolebratcd Stiamship. "^KENTH ," 230- ton« : Wgi8tor, 1500 Tiorse power indicated , " E OBERT BiDaBBS^' , Cammandor , will . be deapatched from the SOUTH WEST. INDIA DOCK on SATUEiiATiNov, 15, For Plann, rates of .passage , and . all partionlan apply to 'MOEaAN & ' ALLPOBT , 7 ba&nUU^treet, ton- Uoii ; ' ;. ' ' .:;. ' ;; . ' . ' . :,¦ ' . ' . •- , ' ¦ . ' , ' , ;, ' . V. - ' .. •; , "' ¦ , ¦ ' ¦,. ' .. IYER'S CEIEBRATED BRANDIES , . .. : . ¦ : . Kxowx; ro .B. ' . zs YKAIIS ' ¦< •¦ ' ¦ ' f or Purt ty and Quality: ' : §AT£R^^a,pATlia v B5AH|nB, BOTTLED AT Ooosia- 'ALWAtB OKJJOINK. ' ~:^ X ? .? ' sie Hii&Tionyotk 'anJlCajnulB. ' : . n ivV: ;r -¦ - ¦ . Onti ¦Tw6 l J hnr l ^a ' n'd- ' -FourStan ^- - ,!¦ . b:-s: .-. ¦ ¦:- ' AVOIDlSFBTBtOKUBAlriHi. ' ! ;'' ; ': ' ' ':¦ '. < : ' . m -J ¦¦?' .v> ti i:". ' i:v. - ••{. ¦ ,>•. -••f .: ; L- ¦:¦ - .: .;. : , : ¦*•. ¦ imwiiraly-Soldf-- ' PRIEND OP AEL ; ! iff. -!p.^cilJinan* ,.uii .v! ~JT-!i ¦ ~ ' - ':~ >-- - ^• ~ y r -' ' - : -|' 'jPpBiwL^»; : BL<>6i>/&imniAii' T6' . Lw«, ' ' BKALTH AKtoSTEfaWTrf. -fTheae P^lBwfpMa afl oeier; known Medi(^eafof'^nTifyiDK the B LOOD ;. being 'iafe and ytt effecttver" 'theV'are ' pvailat)l(j/or!al} ali/a Dflmestio^nd Honi^iprd reniedyr^ . Inbongertonsand ObstractJonii of tWLTtoaifaid XayliB , ' they/q^ioVly, remove th«oau»a of the 'diacaae ' , aiid in oonstipation 'inadi^rtlfi ' red condition of tbeBowsta, thoyictaij aclousine 'kperient, remov- ing Jrri^nwtter fronf the ^t*Sf, dafi»^ana xfliev- >JBiLiocrfH£iAp§8;NA , t^AA ' HA*^W« ,^™>fA'3Hi Vo&' or'JCtj rarnrx , ANsQboWNXsU ' Or Jprkrrs. T UB Heanaihg ' propertMS; cJ' tbegtP ' "PiUs , 'toori ¦ - prodnco a wonderful ohange in the cuuatitutionT' removuig ' an' o^- c««»T>(fcih j^ho^>ohB, paJpiU^iumrpainsaftorootiiig, nnd giddIne8S ~ .v7rhoy.re«toia Jlie appetite; clear the com- Every MotHeV of * Famil y ahonld Snow th«value of th MO pe riods of female Me the v are^^pi^-p^ fl^'iieaVnre; Ujayi8iit * ltfli>aina T aaTfliy njCnmnil<itfrtf ftn nirViii * anil HI w teiilnabl » 'ttaMchildje*V*6nWhttfiMi ' ' '? ' " ' ' -i' ~ ' SVSciAaic^Jitk^ooi^Ako-OpiMTOJrttfiiB' tSf ' THa JErijarfca^tftt^^be^apeMa^efe^iight , :aori6ni(Vconseo . umoesVen»n«: from>ttMi£()t t 'U%&a > re- aa«ifi ^!^«s!t i «w u» -^^*S# : (i - Mto«*a»atw^3fti<ria ^V k»l7«b^ C^toV^lffD i?fl)i»W i|iillllllliMl'|iri(ini|l i1liiMlll 1ili1iiminiiriil i il i 4a«««l*tl«l5»lU }i5klo1 l V wffl/>#M»^hlned with ^' a«ctie*tta(t)bE<^^lni«M,toWlt*»toi»eet>d , J»8«4*^^»S!iii6nLoLMliat»fli twiamlyjiredible t ^S^S^^S&W- m rantdiea Uv^oient ttat rv Biii :

Transcript of ^B:=. - ..-:.:;i; ;->;%' ' .•.¦¦ ,. . , : =.., XSBir0U), I ^^ S p;; …snap.waterfordcoco.ie ›...

Page 1: ^B:=. - ..-:.:;i; ;->;%' ' .•.¦¦ ,. . , : =.., XSBir0U), I ^^ S p;; …snap.waterfordcoco.ie › collections › enewspapers › WNS › 1879 › ...VOL. : xxx;:i^oi-M!r:,TRS.

VOL. :xxx;:i^oi-M;!r :,TRS. . -WAlXSBir0U),:''V^WS,'': '

, , .- ' ; ' .'. ESTABMBWIIP—18i7. . !liiEQiBT CTECCTLATION I NT H BSOUTH I T IRILAKD,¦ PuMiitai ewrv *BT»xr Btenftig, irt Wo. SO', Zing-Stnttl

• •• ' " - (OrTOSlT* TJTS TEOV1KCIAL BAST) ' ¦. '. ! .

OBICE—THBBEPENCE ; Yearly (in Advance), 13s.J? By Port (Yearly),'15a.'; m AdvSnoe. . J- tRf AH Cheques and P* O. Orders;1 1 ado payable

i to COBNKUUS RIDMOND, at this Offico. , '; .'. |

'! The NBWB (Liberal in politics) circulate extensively'amongst the merchants, traders"and nobility, gentty,farming classes, icy In Watarford, KttkennV,Tippoxahr,'and the l Bonth of Ireland' genorally. Th< . News ' aaaattained: a oironlation neror equalled b: any poner•published in Watorford, ; and ia admlttedW the loadingJoBtna'WthiB uripbrtiant dt ,.with whioht itos ia dup ctdaily cqmmmiication from London.' ' ' ' : '' '". . '¦> ¦¦

, ¦'Particular attention paid to oommorcial and agno U-tnral matters. ;¦ • > • . • ¦ ¦ : ¦"• ¦ ' : " p " ' .I ..,

1 Advertisements received tor the N«W8 by all respo st-able NowBpaper Agents,in tbo United/Kingdom, P «•paymont.reqmmte from parties not known it thp offl «.! ¦¦ - ¦: Aa»WTB:yoa SAXB OF THE NEWS - : :•WATEBKOBD—Mr. W< KsttT, Lttflo Ctoorge'a-at ' ,

•TRAMORK -MisR CLAUCT, Befresnment Booms,' in'-•' 8trind-iitrpot. :-' " ¦ ¦' .: • y ¦>¦ • ':- ' " r: ', Z... i . c;:'PA ifB;i ST^ oJ «M»;rStot l.'.Bqnare, :^OaCairt^K^N-^Urii^^MrJ.jrMnBPHT, fews&geit.'LONDON^For'AdvtoO Mr. n-iuu CUSSotL.Wi

Crawehay Road, Vassal Eoad, North Brliton. ' | >DUBLIN—Advertising Agontg i Messrs. .W.H.'SMITH

, * SON,, Abboy-streot.' • * ' ' .. ri ' • • • ¦ • • - . -

DTJNGABYAN-^Mr; EDWARD BBINNAH,. Stationer,' Ac, Post andTdograph Offioc, The Sqnaro. {CASl'LECOMEE—Mr. J .HOLOHAN, Mftifa-Btreet. > j


W H I T E , . ' STAR; LINE'. i: ' . .'. ' ,'BOTAL X.SD, : I :. UNITED STATES.MAIL . STEAWTjES, j'

• •• •• '•^vi: *K:'"¦ ' NOTICE.4-Tho i Steamers of. thiB

¦a itesTKy ' line, take the Lano Boutcs,'reoom-' • gabAllvV. '¦ : mended by Lient.<HAOBY,' on both

¦tpSu99S »the Otttw&rd and HOB oward'Pas-sages.-y! , -::."'.i I ' ¦• '. : > ' ; : < : • ¦: - '•

¦; O ' -: : " I. These w(&-kaownniagnin'cont Steamers;sUoon8trnci-ed ty Mcsars.HAKLAND <t TVoux. -of polfast, ateappointed to sail weekly as nnder,carryingherll»je»tytaand the United States Hails :— •. .: : t I- • ¦ V ! i. ¦ • ¦ • From LIVERPOOL t— .

¦¦¦¦ ¦¦. ¦<¦¦- ¦ • ¦ |

" ADRIATIC ; ... Tuesday, ..; £8th Oct.. GEBMANIC .. ' THursday, ..: . j6th .Nov.

BALTIC > ... Tnoaaay, ... Uffi'Nov.CELTIC - u. : Thuraday ;.. ' JOth Nov.

. BBITAimia ¦..; Thursday, ... . 2Brd NOT.

: - .iFromQneenatown (Cork)the followiiigday; I.: . ,.:a .- i .; o; .iFB0ii'Nrw.-Y0BK j'« :' •-¦' • '¦' ¦¦•¦ ¦; , • GEKMANIC: ~ ? Satwday,- .>.:. ! 18th October.. . BALTIC :, > •. -... Thnraday,', ....; 23rd Ootober.

,Tnes^' Bpleflclid veeseta., :EgftPCE the . PA8SAOB tptho BiprteBt possible tiihe, find afford to Pai sengera toohighert;

decree of' Comfort hitherto attainabl sat sea.'AVerage-PassaceV 8J dayi'.ln' Summer ; 9t daya'in

Winter:. EachYcsaelia ooiiatraeted;in71raterb-tigbtoompartmenta.:' ' :i! ¦ '.' c;l "• >. ¦"' ' ' ¦' •'¦''. - I

The STKXBAOKS are unustmlly apacidna, well-lighted,ventilated, and vmrmod, and' Pauongeni o this ¦classrocoiye. the'otmoetciYility and attention.i.'Ci .tUe, Sheebor ' Pigs aro. not taken by thia I line. ' An : onlimitodsupply, of Cooked Provisions. Medical oo nforta fretsof charB«. Stewardesses in Stoorage to attend theWoinen and Children. . ' • ' . '..'.- : '. ' •• ¦¦;

¦ .- ¦ • : jP«BScngon booked throngh.at low rates, tot all parts of

ttor UnitedStattea'and Canada. ' • ¦:-' :,¦¦ ' ' '

i ;¦: • : .'•• i.'- . . :- ¦• '..APPLT TO: . ¦ ' • • • ¦ *

!• T. 3. HABYEY, Little George'a-streot.TVaterfore,J. .M; MUBPHY, 43, New-land,- Carrioklon-Soir.JOHN WALL', Jnn., DnngarTan. ' :.

. JOHN HOLOHAN. Castieoomer?JAMES WATTS. Bonmabon. :JOHN TOB1N, senr., farmer,3aUydnjff.JAMES SCOTT & Co., Quoenstowji; or toISMAYy TWRIB & Co.; 10,,Wat&;shreet LiTOrpoo

¦ ¦¦ M - - • ,' AMEfiIOAN;:IiINE. - : . - ¦'" . .I "• ¦'-¦¦YU.l V'. - ¦''• ' XTSr VE V ¦ STATE'S MAIL

^OT^ ^Su_f1iverix)ol to -.PhiladelphiaV .. K - >¦ ¦¦- r B TsWSDNJSI AT."..-. ! I

; . . ' Calling at.QneeastowH refjr. Thar aay.;_ • . iFirst-class Ful-powered Iron Stcamshipa ar i bppointed

.- ¦ * • * • • - ' - - r • - *^Q Sail'i*--'" #iV '~^- J > ' - ¦ *

x6B *CEIVES-"fX»ot ; 29 |INDIANA.r,:...i..-.NdT." 8PENNSYLVANIA NOT. I «LOBD GOUQH NOT/ 12•BBrrrHH.EMPrwt N6y ;51 OHIO.V....:....; J :.TJori-l»

- No.inlermodiato~''Pa8aengera'Carried 'or TOyaReamarked thnift ji ; . .' ; • '¦¦ : ; . .

¦, '¦ ¦ ¦; :¦<?: ,.

'_; 'i The only Trans-Atlantio. Lino sailing nndsr the: tint

ted States Flag, and carrying the America i Bafts fotsaving life, besides the nanal complement of lifeboats',and an extra nnmber of Life Preservers. ¦ ¦ The aocom?moaation for all 'classes or paBsengera is eqni Ito any ofhe'Enrbpean'Steamship Linos.- Every,8teai ler carnea

; a Surgeon and Stewardasa. '; . : ¦ , ' , _ _ . , v:.; - '• ,Pa»sengors"and goods are landed at Philt delphia onthe Wharf;of tho..Pennsylvania Railroad Company);

. whicKliMtWahortostand moat diroot route t) all plaoosin tieTVwtornStates. ' ' i ¦'¦•¦¦ - ' ' ¦. '- ¦¦ '¦ ¦: ' ¦'¦? \'' ' PasioneeSiVj ffiialino can pass direct intp the Bail

. ro^Cara withbui IoaTing thoXandtoKmarf. «nd M: der the1 same' roof i. there are. Bofreshmant B imni, Unl¦ to^pati LeUac pbx,' Telegraph: Office . Ea hange Of, ficvvandUigKageExpress Offioe. ,.;;r .; U' t ¦ - .;•: .i t .. , ;CABn».;PABSAOJt, IZtb 18 guineas...jBetun Tiokoti

•* j ?fes i a- b}a»y »e: faitline:*2f SBSgg& ESSi&raSgffl? 5;fflB

- --ttvTZZ.lTL mmnn. .A'<1 cantmte Tabli. X8 8s.anTffl]tf«»a3y Utenaili^aidaeparate T»*l<. 49 8a,,Apply ]r fl»aelphi» to JnB,,ffwiin :t Sous,

OenenaAgente.807, WalnnM|treet; Jn Oueeiatpwii, taN^A'J. Ctr«aciK«'*-BBOTHXB» I ,andm j *Torpoool,

iV j ' :¦ :¦ i ¦¦ BI9HAEDSON. SPENCE^" Co., .;;

•;. ' !tf. ; v . '¦: 1;ij iBdiST»t»rtMt!--i . -.-.i : 'JOHN. DEVEEEOT Quay. W«*e ford. - .-¦ • "¦ ¦•. "WILLIAM WIQHTMAN, Kep t r-st, KW,./ , , :;V^. :pttstam-toMe ' Oiiay,,W#BrforL.-v , , ¦¦¦¦

; ENGLAND AJTD' SOUTH' WALES,;'ix D Tfl ;•; :.;'.v ,;:v SOUTH;o»;rKELANp,. .^ .• ,, , i , ,

Aiteted and. Iocreased. Serrice .by-Great I ^Wartern. iEaaway CoWnr-8 Tndns -Ste ^^^

Mflfoidi Haven, In conneobon .wiOi the WiiptoBiyKhd'UiMBicK «nd-WfWgOM>,* ^

w*1*¦iKKAinj iinw^' v''1 -

¦¦:'"-"¦• ¦;¦"*•:•:- -i' .v. i;


Shoxtert|1»out«).J an4;. 3?*# .. 'H 1-' ;Iiif k "i i jrrpfM«-:3Voiia.r'o«d ; -Rut *• affflwrtaWliVai- ^rKfir JfBBZ'JJ ir.- v

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--.*:- ¦ !

i * ¦ - -• ¦¦; -; -^ ' '¦"

|"^* "'

j' »* *

;: v ¦¦

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DOWN.—LKAT« loTOOirjrPaddlngtonJ at; >-K.R.tt,j¦ "ft:ind^ABfc^ i ATZMo vfwei &«£*$¦ ^'ScTimato S iit rabflnt eW* j* «n

¦ ¦ • - Limeriokr Centra Irdaad wiaiJtomi »*J™J;

UP.-I^Waterforda¥!5>J«i»ai2S?1 S&*!U . "Wvalbf.t^ .pimVTr«taW, Wf3 jV ••]'W aii,.Trato:trc«W*J® M#

A^wftgiipSK SSfefi^b^wiU prbo feom New .M^M *»?,$

for fferrypkTft «*i6» .cWB P«»«g¦Sfe s.* sssfe set

anf^ g^^

Ca^ p/i f«l WSSi1' OTTI^


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I Sp;;•¦¦ :feSf-:»««4j tc v4o«^;;0 ,:.:

EBTOBD; ^;|npsod,

i '^ iWj^ JRd'Sontt jWeatorn '

^^" ^ ¦rj J p ewiSi ZwertalScrtw

asSSiJS ii-Ji'


SlJJ""* . Zn * ...- M . \ 1; p.m.; -rta-Cork. ¦>. ¦• : ¦*?>;

' •¦¦' 'L

»-a'tiA'1:' I>''I1-'> T ^<5<)rk »n*BolIut

Brcry BATUBDAT; dirirt V . - . . V 'S-itS*; rmtatsspk'st's s s s f1:• ; :• • - : - i ;¦>;.-; , .:v.'ir«-**svcis ,v.r;. , ; - , ;, , . . . •¦• .; ¦!

Ero^raiDAY,. -^:;[:.;.,;-. ; . ; ..V • ;;; • ¦• ¦ ;|}|;£«

; "' ' FB'OH COtlK TO VATHMV '/iiinA- : '; • ' ' I .1

¦ ' ¦ ''::. '< •¦

,: ' • '. uVTirijums)m:Tia \ : ¦ : . ' . . . • * | .8tenjuer. to SoothamptOTj thenoo Wandon m Bouih

O^ ^a oT fflfe.' iiQma Station, np to &»Ju»&- jsw /mjiT!?'.™^"

¦ •"" ^ETtay HlTOBDATiii.ljP! r . ".:•.'; . .- . • ¦ * ¦¦; TtnumnM:Vftxtstou>, dl*;.. , .- :. ¦

. , ; ..EreijrlBaiDAT. ati Mooii.I , ¦',' • '

' ¦ ¦ Wunioi s ibjjSijTOusTOH.. yU. Pl,- ' s -'

• ¦ ; < ¦ • 'ii'">-KvoyElTUM)ATat«p.iii:T?f» . . . ;¦ 7 . SonjSAxnoa tO WixxstOBD^TUjPliL, c -' • . . " ¦ : . TErray.m5DME8DAT.at HoonP"'!;1 * .1

. Theae ' Steomara -liiT« ";exoenant;'aooomjL i''i » .

*n?T ,..l/- tAB8AQB..MOHBX-.-);;A-i;. ¦¦ ¦

. . V.¦ - . ' .. '.' ^l!i ' - ' V, .: :-'., Cabin. -; «A*'Vnl( k

, .Chlfdren«bo Md]nn l3yi»riW.a HalJY^' :' «»-,Noia.—The CUjas Bhtpptng Comnay JsasreaiS,, utJUpped by Uuaeline* pJ £«aonttr» USt il perpent. o'E ha«n« 'yearly 'igreusaWI*.'anil TSe. per; Cemt; to, oo*: janiaillBformattoit'toJOetaaattliBOlnBe* ofri vTJit*

For Eat« pr.-Fr^Titi.*e..!aTOto(toj3J.t;a Pnmt;BdfaBt'i H«in«r-/371Wi«nra * 36.,;.P&moothi;T«M"GiR*XT, Trnnflmi and 8oalh-We«t«m'E«llir»y ConriTEieM* Bnlldlne*, ;ArtinfSti?»t;We«£,aadMtlieIi.A^BaQiraj - Beoefting; Em»ei;1thropghoirt_Lqndon rjtoiSHiwuid Co., QUjroT.CheeiKwk.ls.rttomM-ii-iamK*

• Spedal forma ot^BUli of ( 1*MM Tegpiwi hr.tho CW8hpplny 'Company .'to^hatt tot tlwJ^Bnta;*-', , '¦'!'¦'• I: .* :¦ ! -¦¦"jU '.'.vti.- .^^X^C 'V V.' *!*' ¦' < !f 1" .*7 "—U—^'.

- '¦'. '"¦ VTaterfora r «t«amshipr» Opulpan*'•'.iv 'jTi i rwH ,.K.'(ji'(IJtaOTm)).:;- !ii#ili>«I.T«."INTENDED- OBDKW'iOtf iSJuLING- -OCT.i^WV I.;..i -. :•¦ ¦riz^

:&'.<-'4iBTBUf EBB, i '.ty . \< ' ^i .-. ---< ''' _ K


'-'k^i* ¦ '.••K'i « .2TirrO TICB.'-TTlief^TWwrlo: d- i^^^Jfe; y]\(^Btbain«hip >mp iiy^LimiW)^ fl l aaPiVl^ : ' eceiTe Goods and Lire stock for Bhlp -' jmB ^^^ SSxjt ^^^^ xitxi't ¦¦ on tiie 'opnditiona mentionsd Q

• ' !l "l: WA:TE 'BTOBr< ;1-v-iiND> .BBIS'TOt .'1^ntox wimttoaDto wo»roi,:; • -?»OJttaiiKnv*owittarosB,IHrect t if i ' -; - * ¦¦ •.

¦¦ . Direct i •!•:> ifFriday, Oct. , 3...10J uornlng fWedneadnj, Oct. 1 .1. 6 aft* ITneSdv, „ ¦ 7J..U noanr- Saturday ... 4 ... 8 aft 1 1ftMiyr „ '10,.. » |«-noon Wednaoay, .. 8 ...11 nte itToMda/, •• ' I*.'. 7'Morning' SttarAhrrr „ 11 ...II nig *FrMarT- 17...10J tnoralli, Wedneaday. " 15 ... 6 a* iTawdky, \„ 21..J2 noon- : 8.tttrd»j.r ;;.M 18 ,.ai nig ityrS«;-,,' J Ztv'St'tmiooa WrtntedaSrl',",': 22 T^U nig >CTn«»dV.,.,-. i ,S8... 7v ,jnornlng Satnrfar,-,. ,,1 SS ,j.ll nte it

¦"j-f'jwiUi i.r 1 , v ''V :i- 'it i- i'iSO.ISatwSay., iSon;!ull alg. it'' •»• On early Homing £)afling», i O«Wjif of tlu> ttounan w Ube opfo' tp •reoeire !Pasnacera arrtTtngW/U» Nlgbt-Mi q¦?^& C.W, . fe }aoy:(uT l6'foT'b^ flW'»«; ;,ChUdan,'vlO>.'i SerTaatailtxaveUliigiwttltFainlllw) JOi.JBeturn. 15«. i ieck ii «!..•£« tnra.TickeU by IhibUn, Cor ^or 'Wexforfl, 3S«: 'Rrtittiiotf'Of Tfm» grafted on all'Setui nTiol«U inihe foUftwfiig tbrniU i— For 'a. Fortnight," Sa/'¦**,,andfpr eTeTy.TOb»oqu«nt;woek,>.1 >j icyrTii-a i:n -i -•; 'W A T B B » O Bi D-oAM.I) t.HVEaiPOp.Ji.j.- -

, .'.-¦¦ rut winta»0Rlir I : i: ; '!J "V »»OK tttiirobi.t,.'W«K<»d»y,' Oot 1 ;.IH Alt'n Wedne»d»y, Oct. 1 .V.101 moil

Monday, I. -6 .- *1 Affn Monday: ,,; „.,; 6 .;., l.;.aft DV«dMW; - 8'£M 'Aftti WednWday1;',, " 8 :7. 8J aft nFrlday iX. H ^UO ;a»:- Koo ftrtiay, fjij. v,,ilO :.V ? aft a

¦WedMMay.-T; U r . » b Widnertay ' lS _'9»:mo«»wdiw >"."'' WJJlju->r«6* WdlyTi?:'¦" ;*ir '«%ir hwi a.Hoaday. 'i'i '„> i20;(J'84 Art's lton&yti{j{,, v»J'i.ri't'aft%TrSnSiaj' ,, a . 3? Art*" W«dne»J*y. a ... 8: atK¦SsaayT^ X«,ti/( 8 Morn Friday," v i &tf L-i i aft?Endayrn • ,*o »iilo»JloBp atoaday. ¦>«,;;» .

¦.¦.' 8; sraat

W>SiiAy,' »l .V»l4» Noon Wedoe»Jv2 - » •UOtmeSi iC^Fai 17a. MVlS«r»anU<t»v«niiig withfaikniai)andCbildittU 10a i p«»k, W j ;fbWMavM! ..v;'jri»-<tu?SH<'.- ;

:';O0od»-<Bofltel' thri5»i'trom*aU0iirhicipal. Btat£onaJ ooQr«t.portl*ar»i; jAn^Mnaad^Tortalnre, jjx>n<lon:aal

B r f - M l i d a a S ^Battwa* 1<r-Wat«rfordrfTliro«ighEOoking>

i odaSool thl )f«mj*Bt»a?ni <m iWatwterd at.

Ctetnl WiliW.KaiIw*SFr "TaWrford. TtaBMrrin, and Usp iBaB#ay;ta£5wTtf«rf»i«iifc4UMttJeVBatorty;"': r H'-:+

crw ^-™We»kbK'«R •' 'lV>->'>.vlfea«y.--^-i ?*; - .1 - T«:AiIJIB?O.B.3)i f:AxfDuJ !l> P,H(>i»yAK-i

wJii»»T0»aao.P W8i»pi»ji)i' qnaASTMt«> nnmui^35^SS® siwa^tos1l^ Ba rOc^ k^ yiniinHV:

u FaoM• W«.SqjMag«i*«wi«a«jh ;l*-« >;,

liTr fe^^^S^^^Spa afj^S^

™Btrt|>i: ««iJti'in< WWy Wweaart^BKglwaiJhr ArtnW*

«*w iiKU»;iJBM»JvlI»i»ti>*ai ,*»di5aai9»nnon;9lt-.«M .

an»Tot;fi»a>fa iiSi«5i£ '4gil l fe¥^

¦ ,. ¦/ >- ,.i ¦ -;" - - .'.i:- ';i«';sMV?.f.:r;.f?iV.g:iV'

-• ..IKfDKEinrr JUNCTION BAttWATa- _; • 'Tbe snorMtroote from Waterfordand Kflkenny to DabUnj

Atldone.Paifciirtown.tor Nensgh: ia via Xanrborongh. -< ImpreVedMek and tbxoogh daHy uommtmloaUonbet-wpou

MaryboionA^*ad otter-itntloM,- to»*Oto*tat&: thanp»j»fciNew snUoStoliOttaon.andaU taUenaoi tlie erMt W »t-ern JLoOnSotEngland. - ¦- . •. • .«-«.«;Ww 1,!>o¦: ,-:.<•.-, >.- . ,¦=- :- ¦-•' B«nb»(mp«OY*d-and-aco»lwatedOne hour.- . ..¦ • TEII» B.T»alnoss—On BnndaT*. the 8.30 ajn. Down; and6JO p.m.' Up Sxonnloa Traiji*, will be dlaeoatinnad.'v;' I ¦¦

ntOK WATPLTOBn.^ >-->-'-r - I

TUII( I)I inn urn; I .srasiis.STAnOBg. . l»*W*Xll»*?Mli9 U**OHM LCUM ,ClM»/<!}aaa. Claaa.iClata-. . . , . : ;: ." ,*.K. [ »,»?J>*-J»<*l ""on »-¥;

,\ ,", i " ' * , ¦ ' h"m*Lh. nv&mV':&mj h. jn.' p.m.Watorfoid departnra.,7 IS. 1 O.!*. vOv«lft :12 r,0.£H ¦xnmaootr.;-..:..!Zi:,;;. Y25, i jo. :.« iff a s s u.is. -amiitaaTat'... .-K. .: 7'8S

¦. —'i ;*'8o- a.« me.- -4 ¦

BaUihale7..... i....:,... 7S5 1,35 C*) .7.15 12JO - 4¦.SowS&Jrn .„...„*... 8" 10 i po;/j « 7_30 .J.J - JBeuutabridge:.....,... 8 25 2 , 8 / 5T 8 7_45 • 1 J0: - — ,,nSSuv..'.i-....azrlTal-8 40. , 2 SO. , 5 2O.,i8,li ;!•.« 5'r; "-J>6y:£.;..d«i»rtoS;8'.SS1

- a i.SOl T;)' ' 1 » - -AtSiiagS.'.f .» .t™»4"«3S'L'S X>«'"0 !.¦ 2 18

- ''AbbOT&j .';...',; Git; taw* 15 »"15fe.^j. ,*»;;: H S

TIiirj6dtoojb-<Iei>r«plOiJ1^4- *--. <••—¦ Hi IH . .PorUiUngton Ju«o..,,U ll ij ?J7iiirr-i'.l ' -r\t> i.8.*t . :>-Doblia:-.i:..._'v.arrival 1 IS ..5 40 : •S-I M'"-- ' ]' 6 « —'Athlo e Jmcr 'arrir.l i if . 8 30 , —' -.V- -i- 1 - ) ,— . HMaryboro1 depi down lO SO'V -» - 7 11 £ -— ' • ' », 52 . . f-!Ballybmnhr ........•..:: 10 56 ' —" 7 401 — ¦¦•10 25'.'!-! '¦Bo tii .... :.......::.... u 34 -1 8-s 'f—

¦ ¦-. ':i:'—; ¦Farsohttown .....i.;:...iia 4 , • —"•" 9 0 [ ¦¦¦— ¦¦ •-i"' —Nenaj*T..1ii:;..:...;J.;;;|lS 23 ' • -^—1 0 20 ; — .. .— . :. r-srrcmplcmore .¦....¦.".¦..•...I 118 " — '.' t8'17 !< — 10M ¦—\ ¦Thnxlw arrival 136 . — ur8 SS i ' 11 13, —.

10 M .—)11 13 V—!I

. , . . ° f TnlIM8 OrWZZK DATS.. SDXDiTB:

STATIOXS. '! 1 2 3 * 12 3 14 2 J 1 tc '. ¦ ' .'. ) '. ¦ i¦ Clam. Claw. Claad/ClBM. 12*3^2*3

. A.X. 'A.K. . A.H; t r.x. Cba. Clasi.

• '. hi;h» . hm ' h ni n'in' pm

Thnrlea '. 1 . dep. — ! 7 10 I — — . '¦— S 3Teoplembre ' • -I — I 7 29 . — — ' —' 220Ballybrophy' • . V — : 7 59 I — —• ' \ — 2 47Nenagh ;' •' -- v — \ 6 SO : — — ; ¦— ' . — IFaraoutown -. ."- ..— .; 6 40 i — '— — — IBoecrea ; . - - — ' '¦ 7 IS — — , .- . . , — !Maryboro'- 'arrl np - ' ' 8 38 I - — ' 'r".' 'I HAthlone Junction - — • j — ' 8 15 2 30 '—• — IDnbUn . - • dep. — ' 6 ! 0 ; 9 0 1 0 - 8 80frorUrliBjjtonJnnc'tn — ' 8 3 918 2 45 ¦"— ' — Iteuyboro* arri dwn — 8 25 ,10 13 8.'9 11 52, i nowir ttAiinf. • L - i MaU . 1.2, 3 — I«uyboro";» . - dep. — 8 40 ,10 85' 8 80 .-' t 0Aikeyleir'! - - — 9 0 10 55' 3 60 - 4 80.'AtUnagb.'! S '- - — 9 15' —' ' ««5 >¦'—" 4 35,BaljySW'-•' . - ¦•!•'<¦¦ 9 25 U 1 5 415 — +45,¦Kn«tBBjr'»''!-atriTal — 9 45 (11 40 « 88 ¦ ¦ <*-" 5 101 DoT v depottnre 7 SOl-10 - 0 >U«: '4'60 «ti- HOBenartabridge ¦ - 7 45 ,-10 12: —. • '8'* ' ' ¦ 5 8^Thoaa»t<mnJ-' . . - 8 5 '10 25 12 5 S SO f— ' 5 U) ,Baflylal, ".. ¦- 8 25 '10 40 ,12 15 6«0 't-' 8 0;MolIl»,Tat !. ,¦--!-8»0,ll 0J _ ¦

'e -0. ui J 8 25-Ellmaww .!.-J'0:;l'9«<-ll'!ll> '12 45 8 10 — - 635¦WatathM W arrlTal!-9 80 !11 3 0 l n <) i « 8 0 ?—V 7. 0;, ,»>eclal Faiea an charged-lo First auft Sedhnt Class Pa»-.,«eng«ra liooking to towel by. the, Eipren;'JU31xT)W» on,(OreriSo th andWeaternJine. . ,t.T }, .-,u-A I, XtokebOmed for Single Journey are anSabla onlj fosr theTrain bytUohtlHT are ia*oed.> -\ "-h ' ' ¦ ¦'- l >. Marketai eke £vmedort aiia'back, wfll be iaracd i(t.

UaryboroiivAbbeylelz.Atttuugh, and BaUrrtgget, by tbo-8.40ajn Dfni'Tnln aTallalile for nrtprnJJT.Uie *.O,p.m. npTrain on dike of tone. Faret—First Clan, 12i.", Seoona Clan,9»« and ThW Ctaa», «i ; r ; -v/;. lit i.:)Yf

:. : '- - ¦¦ '¦ - ' ' ¦' ' -I

v BetsrnTV4et»anliKiedibebnMn any t^Q.Station aTaU-jable fortbe &te of iM$e and.dajr following t tno«<) ,ii»a»d forany diatanbe^exoeeiViigSO. inilea are MTUUDIB for return op.tlMydayot'. ltttw andt$s aeren follomng'.dajs^Sandays notlrei»oned.|5SHara TIckeUlwaedonSitaMa ^^retaflaable

° trr V^A^SBIOBOAHDIJUEBliax'jBAtLWATjv j .¦ '-> • ¦ ¦ ¦ H Up, TraiM fr <m- WaUtftrii'V,' ; '' ' ¦'I ' . '¦. "' |; l.TMP**0*w»»K PATS. ; ' . Sdj)1",WAiitiioaD,'' T"7 .- ¦ -\ Kafl I . ' '• '. " V- f Hall JlaO\TO UMXalcw, 1 ta 9 1 2 8 lvJt '31138 14 if 1 -23 1343•\"-!f l f . ( .i iCV Qai ClaM. (3a«..ClpaajCla«a.pUaa, tffj

V> I - ¦'¦ ' 'I- *-"•- *•"• -'•"• '*¦ >•*•' •*•*¦• *' /

tord.dep. 6 » 9 0 U 8S 2 4S. ,-^8 » 8 89k-on-Sofr 6» 9 45 II ¦7 ' 3 25: , -— " 'W •» 15.at.-™,.-. 7 * 10 20 U 8 5 4i, » ; , — ' % to (»ry......... 8 5 11 J7 1 45 5 9 ] ¦'— 11, 85, U SIonarrlral 8 85 18 12 2 £3 5 45 :'-'' 12 25 12 25GZZSS^ Ur8 .1-15- -5T5 :5 10:10'O • "S «*. «!L '»..,^ , 180, 2.;.0, .4 85; 815 v — ,:. J 0 S <peputtn •: —', ^10 80 -1' 0 -8* 0 7 45 T4i

»5 aniYl Slfl1 Wf l'aTiy 'S 50 11*15 11.30 IS*-

~' ,' ;'V\-.T' - . I .- ; .»»AMa.«»-w»»«-j»A.Ta<r-Ii-'3uJs>>

"¦""Vl. 1243124! lAjXAsi2481 A34 ! .r'V'V!" ClaaaJClaaaJciasa'.'Claaa. 01au.<?aa4¦" '¦¦"¦¦"V- .A.w..i. A.»W p*-K.ijm^ js.ai |:aja,T4»erlek-v| " — A 845 & o IX85 4 o }Q io< 10*SSft,'' ;-* '-' I S O «IO 4.351 815 .'. — :, Si IBnbUn- ..del > _ r_\ »5 10 30 1 0 741 7 41Cork-v .;„ _ \ ,,_;. .« >j U 30 2 45 ;10 » 10 I4K 2»J»; ,V- .8 45 iiaii;jS5 5 3 5 19 .85 12sjn»erary,. ,;..V_ . :8 K it ma si SM>ia tO< Vt f t

' lSi!S:;Hw0 i-

i: '»ifl« !« '7'45.4-BK. '«. • (

..ffaterfordanlfr0 .-.M». g'8a«r40' f S t if W 8 41

y / : i S.;.. I.:T - ..au><>\v e-A iv&'»f>ftewtUiJat.0 ¦•!» :'. 1 .

,f *ftw. * ";'Jl> "jftff tVfey1 ?pm| 1'il 'SlitlSfcii'jSiJs' *g?; Jsj}'"lWre 9is m ifii:S liSIlt ,|X'2% ;•

SSliiSiiii so » "0 iii ,45 iwife? j|i.5. gs,gai;StrK- i .» "<:-a 4'i I J/'lW«i«'*j*'l' «t.-sV- i*ti'd Li-3«'T i

:: '..-i ¦} ' ImprOTea'iVRbiti A 86iil\ r:-:v

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Si1 = • ¦ FAJfGY KNITTED WOi'SQ'b: 3 .L:iifl|fOffL ;• ':SQUARESi CROSS-OViERS, .i$Z ' .;-:;;

¦¦ |vjS|»; ' '" ; -^STS, ,PO -MjpTS, &c.j

''.K oi^:Lu-. '>\. '£*', i ** 1 y !)! 5 eAv^4|contai i' £tt^ U"OTeltie». -for i the 1-

KS x;V : v/ ::iVlWERT^Q LEDLIE,.\& CO., , . . .^[ ^ ••¦ ¦¦¦"¦¦


¦'V^affiSi^^^i ^3i Hb .M. DAT, ATEEFOED.

; »EialaS^r£m|. • , .PARIS

*—-T—> OFTHEKNIGHT^ra OfTHE LEGION v *-. n «- •;'¦•• U NIFORM - ,; 'p r' :. : ^^' ;I-llKSv«iW:• :i : ' ¦' ¦"¦* < ^GEHOIHROJI - .*:'¦' :.; r ;C,.<:xN.r> •• '•

¦•! ¦' :, , ,; . /.';,• .:.-. ;¦ Op HONOUR \ . ¦, : : . . - OouBuSumrwcjUNSUBPASr^

* " ^ ™ ¦ ¦*> j ^rtiaaHfc^VJiaaa^^B^r^iaW^Laaaramlaaar^^iK^BM^kBaaf^iaaail TTW '«»a*ai»iiiiiii»«»»aa*a*aMa»»aj^

, ITfe. M. FH - BINNES : l ieEi 17s. ' 6(1• ' • • '

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, r ' ¦ PE^K OK BLUE, BAND AND LINE, ) :::

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. .• • ¦

OJ. , ...:.• Greatest ¦ attraction ' ever ; before

"•;' • :;'";:; : ; ' ' i'l : ' *; . *• •':::V .Ti' ; , ' AND' 33; GEpRGB'8;STBBM,\:WJA.'lTEEFpBp,. :j> V-'-lT. B.'—-Puronasers will do well io'call early, as' only a limited number remain unsold, > , : ' , i

*S" Special attention to the Complete House-FurzisMne for'.£4,.* v . r , .. . ... . .- . . r - / , . - I /;,.'JJL** -^u^.. — ^-—oi »;.•_(•.• ;. .*.:• ¦- . L, .:. M... .. ... .. CON*AINIHO ; " -.-.. . , .- ¦, . ., r ¦•¦¦• .•¦.¦: .¦•,_ _ , . . - . _ ._ .... — coin

DJENKfES^ERVK-E.. /li ; ;?" .V :. : ' ' • jWBITE-ANJO.-GPI-D.'BJ'EAEFASTS and TEA^rTStiBVICES; , ''"^'^"" ¦ ¦'" " " ' ' " !,^;TOJi.Ex. sirrs;. :V . l ', ;''S'OOT'DECANTEES/ '^Z- 'j 'TDMBLEK S;-" ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' ' • • .

la : ,,,; WINES,:: I ::¦:. • ¦ : . '• • ¦ ¦ ; . . : : -- '- iIB' SALTSi V-i : ¦ • r t :- ' ;: ' ¦- •-' "¦ ¦'"¦ ¦

: u.i^tr.SST rTM! ¦,taa:te?4y at OWBS'/POWBB^ *;"SOBrS._ .;. . (B26.ly) j

2:2.rS®IIMSSl^YTHiS, 'Gla^rlilse,'! ^ ';" ' |OYJtrJjLERE' youiavo.ihel'LABGEST STOCK j» oiioope frpm. aiul the !CHEAPBST.BobTSiaid Idlljjj : ^ ^* .. ' , .. ¦ -.; ¦'; ¦ }

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.Ladietfy Buttoned,.': Lacsd.f.and Elastio Side¦Qirlfl '

¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ do.--- - :- dd.v- ' do., fvi Gents' Elnetio. Side and Laced Boots,

r .,vA.Boys',v. 'i¦'j i o i - l if ' i - ,'Jdo 1 ' ' . . do. . . ' . . .

irj '.iMon.'BCSfroxiff 'WbrkHjgiiBootB,: . .rxrioLadifis'.'iaildi.Oenta'.rSboeei :- , • : - . • ¦ . ..•n :.V: . :ft - , -':-T-j i - ; '• >A> M .-:'-.!.',".' ¦ ¦ ¦, . ¦ . _

iv j 1: ^'iPle^ oTbi e 'VThe .Signj of; ;Biif^oot.";;;W i p;4;V;;:;

',.<;,••?> .v^ lKTEBi /iIVlLSHI DHS.' ¦ :'. ' ¦ . ' " .'•".!¦"¦•.¦] I1} .TiT'lh' ' ' .]

'¦. ' I have Just ,reccLyed:a(ap]ciidi(l. Stock of !¦"¦¦: . -U'S \:xi- ,.j. !W^N%EJ«C: iOOoris,"/ ¦.' ' : ' - ;'i-'EBilirao'iig' every Ndfeltyi'in.iach Department. \

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['/ /.'! K' .«,-'/-HATS' ln!gniat"vii«e»y.-:',-';j -' '.;-, . :-;-s^ ^ iri'ali;the

vNe :Sbad^¦¦¦i).ra*ni>?6i '*J

f- i:u *M c r ,.::.;V)W>.i . -;;K . , - •„ ¦¦¦ . < t

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wms^mmsm' ,.assSs -s^Bssssfs1 • ¦

f.-f ..^M-?,; \-.t«:.i-v.- -t-->^V"- ^^s>.rf 'rVni- !.,. .w.y. ?r..

¦•#?Sv*: J8»v»s'>!» /MiliiBirto^Mm»V/U8trAi.i'. :-

«MMK:-t JE« iniiaXIlW }.-OTO'C

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Sif HONOURS ^ n Sli iaaaaaa^

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2 DISHES, -• —~ ¦ , ¦TEAlPOT,

- '¦ ¦¦ - ¦"¦ '• '•- '• ' ¦

VEGETABLE DISHES, ¦ •TOILET SKT FOB 8EBVANT2'0BOF0?S and TOPSj- 'J¦ •- • ' -.;.7:.: " i :M;j .:; it - ' .v:'i .' -'i:< :r r ' :

Boots . : "I ; . . ". .¦

. • ¦• :: . .¦. : • . . ^- .. ;

do. IN EyEEY:STYLE . . :. ¦ ¦ : .


. . . !• ¦¦ . . : •. ! .

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•• AND ;.; '- .

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do. f LATEST F A S H I O N S .

r! . :J Majble and StonedWarka,! . •:i 6 J 3 E B ,BBJ > OJ£Jf -SXJlSB ^T'M ^A 'lSBRPORD:, . |>j i.i D !> ::a J(Esb\DHehea isao); ¦<.¦>¦¦ '¦ ¦¦" "• J J -jjvit: i.iJC'¦> j »' :V iJJ;--l>»I» ' '¦'- "'• '•¦> *;;.:iji"j i';;.'l :;¦:•¦ •.

^VBHLaaflBBIV1* V'TT^EN.NEDTr' ¦iaataaaaaaaHLall ; )x\".;:llJLuspeotfal]y'B¦ufl^ ^ ^ l '"'licitd:the'-atWDtieri1 of tlI^^^^^^H! i>;>!nbfidto>tbd latVe'StockI ^ ^ H v MONtJnrENTS;-'TOMB

-.I^ ^ ^ H > ':H KAD^ T?ONES| ai•f l^^^^^H' .'MDEAL'TABEET8,'4cI H^ ^IPB1 ^Blsoa laig^Stbckbf Marb

Cb(iDB«yi«»Uc««; from"ltallari J and Irish- MarbleStatuaryj;lfaible'Cliittiilo^Pie6fe»,"-rlehly Carre'aml'whioh will bo dlipoeed of ftt One-half the Grig'nal Prices;' > '* ;j*f-iwi'ii 'J '|(1'J*!)!I ''!'''-;i: 'n29.1j) All HOKB XAtnTFAOT UBS.'¦!';."¦ '¦:

mAKEN DAILT;b? Mr. WI\TEE,..«ndf.Pin :ahJL Jfh tne.beHiatyle/.of lAtT,: at bis,approved

. ' .W PHOTOCIBAPHIO STnbib. tw •¦'''"'' '«ST 62,.QUA;5Y«*T>k ER*¥AIICK ):WATBBFOE, i ,'.i

'tL) i ) ' Vl • . isorjiSUi^ti'ilu-l! tl.: _ . , •

¦. : ¦ '! ti'iJ81;

". ; ti.-.*(i tjfi:'{*BiiBM il j'i -'BAilC-i-Vi i : :;-i L:'-

QTJBSCBJB.^Kg; rjnitiqet-et*cteJa FAOTOI

tie aewiow of »'Wft-fl*»/*Wjr?l"b «*e now, pnparedaou supply.JBABK 'equal-tO:>Uie best DnbL

1> ^wfiff^ wppliiii.in caak«,'ftDd ii ttrial,respecfully solicited., .

¦ ¦> ; r. -a, ,* .• ,>;.*?¦ •¦¦'¦•• •• ¦ ¦¦ ; • ¦./ ¦ ¦"

¦•• ¦• !¦ 41. /H rfoW J ilMCTH -&/, CQ.

k, 7iV (819.t(./it c9/ ^GBOBd»>«.rJrBlBT,v WATKBJ'OBD Mi'i;: {; ,i , i i "' to'-, 'i;a<wu;o'f-a<"ft tm---,iia»mij|tn.i.;/i*lf.t>v ,<cii..'i.it.:»oj »AamCBm».'i:;ti" ; ¦;t:--¦¦'¦¦j »— * ;*'^" 'V.)N .^ .^^-;'it '' ;"Ti..,^..%, .I.v..'- -oVrt ;.'

'Si iMfa iiit^AS^^BONJWAijgfcaj ilP^fC »ni aeaWp jM|SiiPBW S# ?2fwi5?Sbeat of 'all Baw .Mj3a)mn}-It oontaina; 60 par ~oel£i8one'»Phoaphatey«pr»»ahted:ln;aJorm' to-b« A|

•U6ni 'ofi:Hiawga^^w- t -:^:''-«-'S'J^ ' iiW»t-J5 S¥

Tarnlp and other Ore*¦ JpiWrAsStr »"?lJi"¦ •' ;"'^HnBAT£^F.Sm(ktala^W£(M (i{lei-abrk>jS£abor*"daliwHd aTrM at all Bailwa* StaUons/t


[ iBiifffljassxojir iiBSo^D. i JTXS;J. 'XL' IBY


^TELS,The Cljr-zrr .

ANDEE8T0N <j1,HotelF

IS in the' immediate'vicink GLASGOW,Irish Steamers, including! ""the Englian qnd

Company's Steamers. Tourieta\ Clyd,e °hiP?ff8ing Scotland will find this HotL 8™"168 1"!16"home. _.Charges very moderate. . -. - ^ r


"THE GEOEaE HOTfiis,—;6, COLLEGE-ST., and 29, SO, 4 31. FLtV «L

• PATEICK '. SHEEEDAN i CAHEY, \(Late of the City Mansion Hotel), 'PBOI'USTOA

: Entrance, 6, College-Street. Night Porter iattendarce. . ¦ • . . . : ¦C i/ .v : f :¦: . jas.tf


. . • . , , M I C H A E L X I B , W A N. •npj-AVING iporchased h» .Interest in the aboveijrjL -JiO'XEt; begs tp anuoimco that Uth.-Estap-iif.QnU)mp 3ATOE^X"S; KHB. tA87p.~? ''vJX.;\ tru«lsi l>y .eti-ict a*tin1i?>p¦ -*« tboae wKcipat.oniie THR SHIP AND CouMXKui/tb 'HoTKi,) {oiberit a cont'nnHiine of t'>eir piitronage. :

> v i"iy, Waterfoixi. Feb. 12, 1879. f28.tf

THi: GIEAT GLOBE HOTEL• DUBLIN ( l&.UI(liKhed 40 Tears,, I

I, :,,.«, and 7. UIWKK HKIDGE-SriUJBT, !

l l i l U A HD C 'FFEV , 1'ioprieior¦

• ¦ ¦


' !TpTTE above old-established Hotel ban all theJL- modirn improrvmests of tho day, and is underth.\eo'i8tai)t snpurviBionof Mr. and Mrs. COFFKT. Frobit* central I'pnition it will bo fonnd most convenient firthn vi«itor. heing m the unmediate vicinity of the LaW•Jour.i:, five to teaminntos' drive from any City BailwayI'-rminns, and a few doorB from King's BridgeTramwdyi.mo. Supi'liee aro firafc-claflH quality. Eggt, ¦ butto •,crinm, and vegetables from tho farm daUy, and not-withntanding j.fooeiit hi^h rnlos, tormx are extreme yDiode ate. flrenkfaMR from is. M. Dinners from !*.Itudc, from lf> 6d euch. Table d'Uote diiily ; wookdays at two o'oloek ; on Snridayn at five o'clock. I

Oentlemen'a Coffee and; Smokinp Rooms. Ladiek'CoSiii'and Private Sitting Booms'. Bath Booms. [.- A Night Porter in attendance, and all ServnnU paid

by (ho Proprietor. . . KG.ly !' , ' ¦ • Imperial Hotel, :

LOWEE SACKyiLLE-STREET, DUBLIN. !(Opposite the' General Post-Offioe and Telegraph O£5co)'¦ The most central in the City. . . ["OBEAKPASTS, with chop, eggs, or'cold meat, 2a. ;J_>'{ steak or fish, 2a.' 6d. DINNEBS ''-." Soap, entre I,iolnts,' sweeta, and ohoeboj 8s1.—withl'nsh, 6d.- enr i.Qcds,-.2s^and3*.; aitohdanee, Is. each: 'Ladies' Coffi eRoom, BiUiard-room. ;' ¦¦'i _ , . '. •, CHABI<BS.LAWLEB, rroprietor. ..

P.8.—A reduction made for Ladies or Gentlemen wl owi«h to board by the weei in tho hoteh • : , f8.tf


I. BEG to inform ray nnmerons Friends and the Pnbl a'-'that," through euauffi-of time, I have become Er >¦prietor of the above old-established Hptcl.;. : . "

I.have coin'plptely and' most comfortably re-furnishedit. jmd.have: ednHdorably; enlargod it,' fitting 'it 'tipthtpnghbnt ia beat modem atyle. ¦ •' • ¦ ¦ ¦¦ -*- . 1: i:;I trustJjy careful and constant attention to the wanfaandoomforisof.iny.'visitors'to merit: the patronage soliberally bestowed , on 'my late Aher, and reapectfnllysolicit an early triaL¦- • • • -

¦'¦ ¦ ; . . ; ;¦ <r~~y;:..; :.: JUCHAEL COPFETV,. Aoprietor. ¦ " \

'Son of late MAURICS JOTTBT . • ¦ I

Please nota Addrosa-^O, LOWEB BBIDGE STBEET,. ¦¦ ¦¦ : : DUBUN.r- - . - [dll-3mll

. . . KELtTS. CBOWW HOTEK, <MOJIOk S T R E E T , • W E X F O R B .

• _• -. . (C1O9X TO TH« KAILWAT STATION). '.' .' ImH2S is a Central and Comfortable Hotel in which_L everything ¦ can be had. on the ¦.moat modoraUterms. "" ' ¦' "' -

¦• r . . ; .. .... ..

i-Best Dublin ahd'Wexford Spirits j also, Brandic 3,Wines, . Porter, • Georgo -Yonhgor and Son's oelebrat dAUoa Ales,A«. ' ¦¦:¦' • ' ; : ' t- ' . ' • ¦ '¦"•

' Care on Hire at tho shortest notice. - ' . ' (an.-15-t "' ' - ' Viaitora ¦ to, Iioa&on y ' I '»*/ILL find' Ho'me Comforts, on'moderate terms, atT V " The Shorwodd Private Hotel;'.1; 19; Adam-Sf.

Strand. . F..8LAQg{ Proprietor.' -: '' i- :. ."* f22.tfj

\ . _ ;::¦ ¦ /D iU B-Ii I N. -. '. : i

'-y ^- -- ¦¦¦

Commercial an Private JLoUging.House,•: r tJ ' i.MAlatBOROUGB: STREET.PAETIES .Tiidtingi DnbUn- can be ¦ aooommodato ],; with or without Board, and all the oomforta of ahomo, on Moderate Terms. —»— ~r'-|;o25-tf .

Kgf* Sitnataon oentral.-.cloae to Saokville-street.

; The Enrpirean HoteL ., .."TTISITEES to DUBLni wiU .find at the EFEOMA J

. .. y i, ::BOLTON.STBEET,C flrst<laa« iaeoom»oaatio iWith moderato oifargesan asaidaonq attention. •;/ Large".and1. Uoeanfly-appointcd 'LADIES'. C0F711BOOM/ "";1 ' ' • : ¦ ¦ ¦;:¦?" :'

¦} ¦¦¦' -"•. ': .

- '

:i -tBf:GrandBANOTJET. HALL" for PubliSldnnors¦Weddlnp'Breakfasts/Balla- Snppbra, 4o>' '. '¦"-' ,]- Bestanranta—BiUiard» ;','Bodj, "2a.':6d.1 '2s.; and &6d. . ¦: ' — ! • [m31-tff: . :J. M O. L ; O N .Y.,: Proprietor.

;';'. ;., p jibut'il ; ,;,0y.|it0w;J '. .jOgmter.! l" ,'.<!•"¦£ '¦ ;''.r-J:l¦ • ¦" ¦

¦/ • ¦¦i,i,,: '.-,'rrr^'C ¦¦<¦:, VK.aJ:.-."* :'¦•;:".''H, H ..," ,;¦ Tht Commencements tte Status,, - '¦ ') : '•.BpKL^pTlpN .iE TAlJBANT AKD OYSTEI¦'f i ; "¦;:¦ .-;:..;:' .;i ¦ -. '.'-BAB^.IJBLIN.T, v.iUi ..;,. WK O VimflE jPROPBIEWRi.bt'gsirto acquaint h i. - *-]'¦;?!ZIBBUM tug mtt^Muuqmaijne-^now proparwith "a Vwriatani' Supply of BED BANK • jIUBBIOY8TEBS, f,rejh.eTBry,Day, from his own Bods in tCottntyClare, jrheincrcaao dimana for theaidelidoHv*lvea':ttndered >'lt4'imperative on the Pronriotorsecure aninfailihj supply fot his Cnsbomen^ ¦'' Lnnoheons;Dinnorsj Snppers.aia Car**M nsnaL¦ Wlneai«md,flpirit«:Kr»i^olaaa;o/oJiij Jamrjeon atSon'a '7S "WluBkey-.- -:.;.i. - ',- . - ¦' . ¦: - .<;, ',i [ - ^- .:¦•: Dry Amonjillado,Sherry Kartell and-Henneaay'i'•^M ^V l^ S si f ^Urft.:•¦; • i jVjj'!.-JOSEPH 00BLES8).JSBOPS<KTQI:¦ JJ '28,.BT, ANDBEWST. 4 'CHUBCH ;LiNB,' DnBirjL<n\ * / wvf vvvt a i" AVCI'PI.'U O^T .AyjiiwiKi'i ' - -I ?3?i B«y/S«Ei!5Si bj.yjrfwWs'iJi HW?v»*E"9 ' ¦ •;«

fjjv'isi fi'H 'iiiti iii.'n(!'»'J . .'. .1.' Jiiw '£'K5{$r*r.'*t'V ' ¦"K Ai ^ trMX , ij Mj moAii iomAvsuj ^,m^;r(TKji;;awcujiuAM«EiOAM>-<)BXJ*hix<if'.ETrBor»)

l-iKs:theBEST'iU)VEBTI8ING4lKDroatintllL>) iWOBLD fc*i-HOTEI iana-btn^a^

t«»«UiigiJteadii^niatW.1%Mw-r»1^drft«riiatiifc* aqjiat»>ai«caVavellor8:tJ 'aa^;ot^!iJ*eek

«ii !!li H i::PLmeB'';ix»iM p:Ma iUaiiUUia(wiUUamp«il£tiU

;^ «AmiMri'fltfofionaw-iiT^Kmfrt1KWva

Fv?Sl!tl ^¦ ¦AiSlT' Wit?5RjtiSffafk llClaia^iaaaStto ;aJfH|K w A »|U#<>dy<|Blf4jt»gl aflpwlf fpljaj


NOW READY, . • -' *' Printed on Good Paper, and in large dear Typo,

"¦' A. NEW" EDITION: - . ' ¦ •

OF -• ••- •


On Sole at T7M> News OJ?MS>,0 . .With the Becommendation of the Biahop'of 'Watcrford

and Lismorc, the Bight Bov. Dr.'PoWKRA Catechism for the Instruction of Children,

. . . ' • ! BT IHBMOST Rev. Dr. JAME8 BUTLER, Aroh-

bishop of Cashel and Emly.¦ BICOirjTKKDATION:

r.Jappi jve of of this Edition of tne Bight Bev Dr.W.StiBiTlJtB's Catechism, and recomnjend it to the*ua"> of these Dioceses.

^ D"W^\ * " JOHN POWER, B.C.B.

Watery Sept, 16th, 1878."jf P .OK any part of the Diocese, oent in andSJESg1 J°vC.<£iDSoND, Printer and Publisher,


T>EG to call the 8p\ial attention of the l ublic-*-» seneiulw to the


Now on view\t3G, M I C H A E L . S T R E E T ^J V A T E R F Oti D.

Please Note—TBBHS : CASH. \%No b'KcoND PEICK . NO CBEDIT\GIVEN.HK2J" Piu-t'cular attention paid to Kopuire. au20.1y



PHILIP, BKNVOY, BALLYGEGAN, LISAVIBON, and ABDNAHOE, aro strictly PreservedAnyone found tiespiisain^ on theui will be Prwecutwl. (»17 tf) JAWtS POVVEli.

Bishop & Sons' Quinine Wine.rnHIS INVIGORATING WINE, strongly re-JL' coirimended by'tho highest Medical authorities- forits Tonic and Restorative Qualities, is prepared with themoat careful attention to the purity of its ingredients,and contains One Grain of Quinine, each Glasg. '

' _ ' :; SOLD EvBBTWHKBK.; ¦ ' ,Dublin- -Wholesale by BOILKAU ABOTO, M'MASTBB,

HODQSON & CO. ; HnOH MOOBK & Co. j AliXXANDEBFISDIIATOR & Co ; FxwcETTi Co. ; CANTBSLZ, nndCOCHBAM!. Betail by HKJ»KT TOBIH, JAMKS PI NA-OAN, J OHNSTON and (JLDHAM, and othors. ¦'. Bldcinck '-rS. BICHARBHOK. . '¦/ Corfc^ToiTKiNB and Sow, ' WOODJOBD, BODKNB, &Co.; H; MOBEIB, J; MOBOAH Sinxu.;Beyi««-TWn.LiA»i DOBBIN & Co j CLJBK 4 M'Mut-


, ''ioiulond«rrsrrO8BORNB 4 PATTXN, JAILKSTHOMP.BON and SON. . ; •DpngaAnoiiani 'Aughndcloy—J. M.-F EBOCSON & Co."Manufactured' and'Bottled by Messrs. BISHOP"nnd


Inman lone Boyal Mail Steamers.LFVEBPOOL TO ^EW YOBK as follows :—

City of- Berlln' ....'. Thursday, October SOCity of Montreal Tr v.Tucaday, November 4City pf'Bichmond: ,...Thursday, Nrivember 13City of New'York. .:; .Tuesday, 'November 18City of Brussels ..!....Tuesday, November 25

V . ' From Qneenstown the following day,". Saloons replete with'every modern "comfort and con-venience..: Fares—15, 18, and 21 Guineas. Stoorago,6 Guineas, with full supply of Cooked Prcvirionsandovefy comfort. . Steerago PaBsongersforwarded to Bos-ton and Philadelphia without extra charge. . Passengersbooked to anr part of the Stato's and, Canida, at SpecialBates/ 'Apply.- to WILLIAM INMAN; ' 22," Wator-atreet,L»Terpoolf;J T ¦ 8» HABVXT; 12;Little George's-atreet,Waterford ; or tjanylnman'Line Agent. f22.lv

Steam fironi, London to Melbourne,SYDNEY* "ADELArDE,~ an"d "all TASMANIAN nnd

NEW ZEALAND-Ports.IVrESSES^MbNEi-TOGBAM * SON'S LINE oflU..; STEAM and SAILING SHIPS TO AUSTBA-LUi-.r~The Icolebratcd Stiamship. "KENTH ," 230-ton«:Wgi8tor, 1500 Tiorse power indicated," EOBERTBiDaBBS^', Cammandor, will . be deapatched from theSOUTH WEST. INDIA DOCK on SATUEiiATiNov, 15,For Plann, rates of .passage, and. all partionlan applyto'MOEaAN & 'ALLPOBT, 7 ba&nUU treet, ton-Uoii ;';.

''.:;.' ; ; • . '

.'. :,¦


,'¦. '

,', ;,'.V.-

'.. •;,

"'¦, ¦



IYER'S CEIEBRATED BRANDIES,. . . :. ¦ : . Kxowx; ro.B.'.zs YKAIIS ' ¦<

• ¦ '¦ ' • f or Purtty and Quality: '


'~: X ?.?'sie Hii&Tionyotk 'anJlCajnulB.': .

n ivV: ;r -¦-¦. Onti ¦Tw6l Jhnrl a'n'd- '-FourStan -

-, !¦. b: -s: .-.¦¦:-' AVOIDlSFBTBtOKUBAlriHi.' !;''; ': '<¦'• ':¦'.< : '. :¦ m -J ¦¦?'.v> t i i:".'i:v.- ••{ . ¦,> •.-••f .: ; •

L- ¦:¦-.: • . ; . : , : ¦*•. ¦ imwiiraly-Soldf-- '¦ ' •

PRIEND OP AEL; !iff. -!p.^cilJinan* ,.uii .v!~JT-!i ¦~ '-':~ >---^•~y r- ' ' -:-|''jPpBiwL »;:BL<>6i>/&imniAii'T6'.Lw«,''BKALTHAKtoSTEfaWTrf.-fTheae P lBwfpMa afl oeier; knownMedi( eafof'^nTifyiDK

the BLOOD;.being'iafe and ytt

effecttver"'theV'are'pvailat)l(j/or!al} ali/aDflmestio^ndHoni iprd reniedyr.InbongertonsandObstractJonii oftWLTtoaifaid XayliB,' they/q^ioVly, remove th«oau»a ofthe'diacaae', aiid in oonstipation 'inadi rtlfi'red conditionof tbeBowsta, thoyictaij aclousine'kperient, remov-ing Jrri^nwtter fronf the t*Sf,dafi» ana xfliev-

>JBiLiocrfH£iAp§8;NA,t AA'HA*^W«,^™>fA'3HiVo&'or'JCtj rarnrx, ANsQboWNXsU 'Or Jprkrrs.—TUBHeanaihg •'propertMS; cJ' tbegtP '"PiUs ,'toori ¦ -prodnco awonderful ohange in the cuuatitutionT'removuig'an'o -c««»T>(fcihj^ho^>ohB, paJpiU iumrpainsaftorootiiig, nndgiddIne8S~.v7rhoy.re«toiaJlieappetite; clear the com-

Every MotHeV of * Family ahonld Snow th«value of th MO

periods of female Me thev are^^pi -pfl 'iieaVnre;Ujayi8iit* ltfli>ainaTaaTfliy njCnmnil<itfrtf ftn nirViii * anil HI wteiilnabl»'ttaMchildje*V*6nWhttfiMi'''? '"'•'- i '~ 'SVSciAaic Jitk^ooi^Ako-OpiMTOJrttfiiB'tSf 'THaJErijarfca tftt^^be apeMa efe iight,

:aori6ni(Vconseo.umoesVen»n«: from>ttMi£()tt'U%&a> re-aa«ifi ! «s!t i «wu»-^ *S#:(i -Mto«*a»atw^3fti<riaV k»l7«b C toV lffDi?fl)i»W i|ii l l l l l l l iMl'| iri(ini | l i1liiMlll 1ili1iiminiiriil i il i4a«««l*tl«l5»lU }i5klo1lV wffl/>#M»^hlned with'a«ctie*tta(t)bE<^^lni«M,toWlt*»toi»eet>d,

J»8«4*^ »S!iii6nLoLMliat»fli twiamlyjiredible tS S^ S&W- mrantdieaUv oient ttat


Page 2: ^B:=. - ..-:.:;i; ;->;%' ' .•.¦¦ ,. . , : =.., XSBir0U), I ^^ S p;; …snap.waterfordcoco.ie › collections › enewspapers › WNS › 1879 › ...VOL. : xxx;:i^oi-M!r:,TRS.

BA(One Mile from She

_ JOHN PENDEB irijBABBON-COUBT,__1<W TUESDAY. 2JHTIHE BESIDUE o r.tl-*•• . ! consist ngf Sata "l Sta<*/Car otiUWes, Hot-honse ' P anSeats, Vases, Harnea ai

. nw, &c ' : .

rC?J?i-'WFPnwv **t%d' f>Wm^ Tc¦ SnJn iir haIf.part.ToHo:Ing in" the-DShi o >iaChina, ; iv»?-..i - <v-! ' "••' *-•' --/•f . - jo|ng

". . ffffoa ferfe adTer^msrtsa

> frj f fffcj-(^cfer oi" vrMr^vivRTy ;C±'*Xi\

J Impo'rtiat ' S&re

'HH•^AViujAK SmTa'iSb•strucfaons frouV'tho^Exe• iCLiorr, to SKLE'bj'ATl

¦43£ ; in the IrB&SE'of ttTalniblo fUBSITUBE,HOESE, 4oj.'.i?C>lirid

FUfiNrruEBr-lN- THRone .Green Pattert Rrrimaloh, 1§ x I6j Fqude* «'«>;• IrtMtraaiyaBea/inACWindow CortainV, kn£L*Piano by Collard and ronaMusio Stool ; •igtip'Chaln

' Easy ChalrsS'KjibeOUoiwood, with MajMaltop at

. Inlaid CheasS/» Card, SofTal aabla csrfes ¦ Stoffod < BiRichly C»r>ed .Frame; Fa

. Foot SJaohv J5gures under"'- ' ¦'-'DDrtHO-'aooK fl2 r ChaiChafr ; . Pedestat^SideboiHolders, Sets .Tolwoofie I

.pet and Bug, .18 x 10. Wa• \ taia »ndP61es .•)-Ewt*Tin-'<' »pp6intmontsi 'OMainey'G-i \3Bia<jy.Tabl8Z>DumVWaa!.(...) aroaT- BplendidiiMaho..., long,;jBeveraUn*dred roti

«;{2U5CT,< lioangerrLoo/R'dow .Cartains/and'jPoles, Fe' Hii.%Jaro 8iiffiOA8Brand: Umtoona-Sttajv 8=1Carpets andBod«,T»W«s,i••'" :B«*-S6'o*r;Cltfe)IftrA.* i

T .land[I*ou Badrtbadi.ftaUrei^ dingi'W»ratoljeS;fto,if.. ¦¦(•'PiJtTKt—Ab<ini?00'oia

andT«W«"lineiJ/MoTnlnHJ.and Dessert ftwWiSf'fcS4!

. ->:«'Krlfa**lrMWf£in&n

rooms, XJtehe^miySf. Water, Ac-f it fa fo«ffi tt* tt»"Tbt?ie»i.ftnmCesf' rarj ortMJtyiolltir*^¦" 'haMeMY'BpMdiaitWgfia: -'toayHiato /Btaflo&rinji

Order of Sale-Leasehold- ' 'Forfaitnie'iiiUBeaiUar/'Bil

Harness. ; at three p oloc•' Tfct of' AdmiwiottVlij^et-.r... ?]For fnrttor'iffiSAai iJs i— t ""~ . WIJJIIIAM SUE

- «-AUczurex*8treov snaXaQ,i. ;. . - .- Frrr-.--¦••:'

(c .1 Ki. jt Auotioa.riof ^I 7JC*.-<ii-.'<.Z- V' :i£;^fP»-)U't'»r~i;r r-rTO V!BE»'S01D:

1 -; wMi^; ic|ifo, .•;cv4->iir'XargeQaantitVjof<£- i niuaL;iSCANXMNO7

¦¦'Tito' *.f£jfc1t*toM?»y.1lfcLB%

. *J •>" f Sale* at Twelve 'CaobS

-igf iii

¦•• ¦: . -12JohnWo*t, Waterf> •¦ '•'¦fecmsVifJthe rep eat•'!. » • •;Mnrphy1f tJsd-tluii'et

^.THUBSDiT!'»Q^{BlEM'• -' -V8al« of Interest in- the

'•¦ known-as Soimjmide,'j: IF ¦ J ¦** **| |h| Vt iM tf l i iM' ft BSSt ^ K LjlS ESttQ k f D^ ^ ^ Slm^ ^ ^ l* C

placards, or fnture adYflrt' -- i THOBTi /WAIiS' / Tho l&lliJHra fcra/,/ ¦ ; JOHHjffHBiBBa


/ j wexfiAj ^zS

1863, at McTloirjZtht 'ofSi The Houte (fBUTB5ria)VAM«fll8i ^ ''swk » -¦-juiS Dtf%^ 3 Bs^H EK'H^^ H HUBiMR^WrerUfi^OTOA lit! fl f frOfl^Tjtjtff r f

tt * j

hon»..; The>l»t*'mopo»(1 tftsiViTiff T iftrmftpTnt t rny

- 'ViiwjmWjftgtfM^-' v*. Aftwsttt Uo«4 fra. ¦ HOUUEUOXVJlUttMUl

,; bogmny^Hait-watjd a«to

. „ barrqw Wa««fBCriaiJ.J

¦ i tj t t '•'•'j! :.'"iWr-$^'ivi± '.-',¦ -i K .<<.ii3 Imporsamt^M.. •slv Siii «Vu?i%ft*!«; Sab^ribeff' iltt'bbei-¦¦txntitiidHoiiTf r&ai.iUl• mmspj ask

^.4ri«»K^*®^.: ' -AUtho abort wiU.b*''


.wiko-Boox—Hand-irtxit-'.'feitht'Bntr, toBt^elaChimnoyiEr-its 12 suita Orajtones;; splendid OofiaJte

is- i -Antique • QMndoli inoy. Stools j i' Pole iSoreens ;lhados.,40 ;; j hf t i r i &Si-.i ':':, Sofa, Easy v and Armd.JPktg Bookets,- Bottle,dug T«D1OS, Bnusela Car-'.aits Crimson Damsak.Car-!,' Brass; Fender and'Rre.sa,--Omainents,'WorSfknd,; UH:i i f ..i\\ >:''(' M- l.:T j 'ny'/Book Casej'nine''feetof Books; Carpet sad Bug,oy\T»bles, Cabinets, Win-Ider and Fire Stoels, 4o. ,T.liWptt* Mats-.Hat Kaok,:y Cloor, Barometer, Sta^rtiOiiWiixtiltirt:



jraHt.i-baniI asaof'tne.TinnmoreEa*t|.b;

turns'wmentai.?' *



?'Cloek-proeisriT. ».»¦

ID77Jf Ui

OwM^fe^S^P £?pfeuM*;fajfe Coitoit\, .- . . w— .fi«i •¦ Njcr xiTy¦-'>!&• /™*T» •nd-thf MTisMMrrMHo in.gene*)MT in thpCEASE o^W%ttDBS ; ^Ti :ihad'lrwentcr;Year8'>'rfl«tand PBEtoSES •'¦ :" ? %erienee in'aome'ot themost respectable PitJBONSTBAND-STBEET>;Ni&i W«*»Wsft-*ia )ubltok- l»jbop««^^;to;giye

^%$6u * L VW m™ :!**?/**::.


' i"" ¦ \. " . 4 r ; j .T7ATBBF0BD, ; .;;¦ "X ?* . ;V ' ..' j Bnild Carriages of the ITe eat Design and FiniBh

(Jllteiao Car,"'Double Hind A- variAtv o# PhitnnR^flla« .Cara.: Iina Bnfl Pn1<

29OT.OCTOBKB, ,1878iFEsq:,;'J J.v'hiTOiB 'aTybrongHnfey'CtBtieVhaStl UOtlUlia-w Wl'trtTi ~\nNESDAY, 29th 00101STLS, the following t—:gnKn513bbs.;ioarfatT

ide Saddles' ¦Brldlesft '*o,:)l.Three; V. /: - • . .. . . oJU & u-CLB

ws';w^.6aiT«*,''s§2§by • fFipfLrj Nr^D•own>PtnO8),H Ui«.prot)erty of . ¦ U a Lbrn>4<rrtnu 2\i.h» Crew,,wbichifor S&, wlor; •> ;-™-™ ««»*M cannot, be .'snrpassed!. three _ igajAW rlQj3aLitlTlri'a prodope.of aboTeCowsiBOt by :vBWMteioWr«Hfedli~; one exoellent Two-and-a-half- ".» f v of the abore,'to whme Eioellent Ona-and-oihalf-year The doods are of Latest*':

f V»« |***|1'*| .A lUWll VUOM VU»W* f ¦ * lUUft">ngh Ti*klirig',,WheeIb»rrow, Metal CoIHiry Utensils; Churn, Pans, Ac ,lies of Household Furniture— lahoraj1 -and other tables. Chairs; Cottage Plan.da..Clothes': Promts.. f!hcabi of Dmtti

otJoneor¦¦'¦ ¦ > '¦- ' ___Jl!lv? lLrJ-^TyiC;rTft\M-3 L'a'uT-iH feind Emigration r I \WJ.LABJHr5rtW COtnOtteiUifli 8BBfiJiokon-Snir/ • -1- HoiW« 3CC&;tA«»|; haying transferred. . - . .. ¦ ¦ ' ;' Bus nmimmtaiUtrMaeBerraats'BoyUtry1».-; :.: ¦¦ ! : U o Mstt3iUait)lsMaiore,'jin > tka IMM KttU

,.BttiD<n,STinnT/ DuNOABTAir; OCT., 1879. : her gfwTa= -«T--i . .IQksL . jfc,.-.-SOrnqteotfofly to inform the Public that, at since the transfsr.-Vsffi$ < 91» B-SflP A?tie Vreqatet o;t soTeral iaflnential friends , > «*.No. BWTMt""»w»|iig[§tBti-*Jrt«raa- aadit^neighbxinrhood, I hare been in- gorntiiy U-m^ itj^ JKisl Slife

*B*A *iM nepea iy/befoTiitSiale: XJEGB' rb^nlJs .^u. . ! - . . ! . . =2


i >-3\'4 *u J ,-rtiiw. : IH *-/ ' ii^iMjui^ • -•'*»*«* ,w .iX_ J; i. **MJWS - jut.'.Vjwiro*,»ijuuijj;«»i<»csmwm

n^MittXva IIM' ^« j .»VUon ifV JLI A£kL' •-¦?.•. -¦.: ¦. I >I /.J>si..rftti* t»ftular':"i/t/5_-Ju/j

UJo^<to-sA-*h»l« 'ot.SMK&ii ¦ •¦¦«if- S» flHft ** ^

«Ustew.l£air,Tu«sday58.< h- :.f-^«: ':¦ ilTsiivnoUd fi ts IMrtJlranoioi i'lo

¦MrTaO«MJliiWtfakfftiWiii£?i£l- t :^sitlk'«£M%#.8lHs«HnrA 9«.>£WA!r-nyjiOo» a»w^Wi«!is i« PMifli


S i


TO BE SOLD, • ,sA . COUWTBT;, JiANSJON ani-PBOPEBTT,»•!? cha ttingly t}taate4( riear;'Pau, In the 8outto£ F*«iica.vf rhe Ho\jse |;isi most* commodious; Tfithevery icoommodatioB, interiorly and externally, aadstands in 33sAcres*f 'the Ibest arabla !Land; withWood and Vineyards.v;.Thereis attached aXjpttago,with' Fnuf.Garden, theJatt«r pro\lriobff!they«ne6tFruit, of every species. . The house stands in a mosthealthy position j is three'miles from Pan, furnishedwith'all External abcommodaBoV/ The Grounds arestocked" with Wildfowl; 'oi Ihe Woods" wifli thevanons species of tho most admired Birds. ,. The Property is ¦ offered for .Sale because qf thevery advanced age/ and 'consequent; failing healthof the presentownor. . ' ¦-' ' -• •' ' X i - ' ¦ ¦ -... Proposals to be addressed to Mr. E.-6. KBNMKT,CMHCE jf 'hiaPaper. * ". ~ o34

-' • TO BE LET, '-i-THE HOUSE, No. 2, St. Thomas's Terrrace.

containing five apartments. Please apply toB. J. KHOX, Mayor's Walk, Waterford. o3.


. ,' IK)CB:-UP ¦ YABD, GABDKN,, HJTMP, and; OECHAED, containing about Three Acres of Land.j. - The j House consists of Two Parlours, Pantries,and Kitchen ; Four Bed-roomB and Attic Apart-ments, l and is situated about five minutes' walkfrom Boil way conveyance to Kilkenny. The housohas been always occupied by respectable Families.

Apply to P. MOBAIJ; the Mills, Gowran, CountyKilkenny. ¦ oi7.tf

TBAMOBE.H:OUSES, fully furnished, TO BE LET, by tho

S Month) for tho Season or by the year, at StEiKOKS TIEBACK, Tramoro. Apply to Mr. T.' Powwito No. 4, on the premises.

, v . . : St., -tflKqjat's Hospital;y v L: ¦•¦ " *'¦ ;- * < ¦<--— ¦ fThe^WINTEBfflfi68H>N;r«pmmenied on WED-") r NESI?A j8f{pcWlEBt '1879. '

The Hospto'*wffl 'bVvSsi d' a!lfy at Nino?i> -;-l o'clock, a.m.¦ IHtefSAXIGUBAL ABDBESS wiU be given^ ii^OgTOiiEB 31st, at Elqven a.m., by Dr.iljjyl»iiyi -iht r??pi • , * ri ! <-i -»

i~-Alfi^^b^nijiflgofo3echrW'irit«r'.and Summer!Session7TwqjBes»a6nt-Bujiila will be appointed.j'' U - . ' . '• ' ¦:¦' ¦: , PKT8iciAi»8jif"S'<l .- . • ¦

fRAH- I BQwNiAir/BJi;M:p.,T.C.D, LV(K. and Q.),' M P l f W MS. ; Professotof MateruMsdisa, CathoUo

£U^V rarty,one of fteWeafaal .Offioers6f *° Qorern-[,-ment Prisons ; fonnoilyExunirier in Materia Modica,¦JaiftnVigniverBity.Vv^Wwt I <*J>ttwBgmtxsc, f. (K.%a%)£e?p:, L.B.C.S. ;Professo>4>t AnantomyHUjdfPhysfology, Catholio

VUniversity. • -;••^THarriHaHj^o' auwMwiw , :.JEDWAED D. MAPOTHJE^MTBj.'Prisident and Pro-; fessor of PhyBiology, Boyal.CoUsga of: Surgeons,rifcrmely Examiner in Surgery.'QacidiiVUnivorsity.nmuM n. *s ^umiti. m-r-. jreuow anaoprgioju i x-¦JJMMi, l(«T«j Oollego'of Sargeong.-' - ¦''-'.- ; ;

'> W ^5< i? i i B S-IMTMifijOLOarSTt "

prf*jAtBi*mf,J;Mi., T.C.D.; L. (K. and Q.) C.P.,S liB.OiS.i/FiofeiMor of Midwifery and the Diseases ofiXMtmmtm&CWdien to '.the CathoUo Uniroraity ofiJreland i «x-Assls>nt Master to the Botunda Lyinsr-in

'T jarospiftliTSuaandSquare. '¦ ' "- :• 'r 'j'f fff r'SCKSBON-DKNTlST: • - . ,yf nsMiL J. SokiKTr.-Lioentaate'in Dental Surgory,

"B<Syal College of Surgeons of England. ' * '• ' i ¦

'<"¦ <¦;, • .

¦--•/ ¦. H0USK-8TIBOK0N I .

'.MICHAW. HILLABT. L.B.C.S.1,, L.A.H.I., Demon-; atrator Ledwioh School. '•,... . - ., . ,_ . ..T...,;..." ,A1*OTHICABT I . .-' '¦• OHBJBTOPK*B'T. ROLAND, L.A.H.I.' Terms of Attendance—Winter and Summer Session,Jili 12 (j WJaU^ Sassjon, X8 81; Suinmer Session, .£5 5.' Further partiodlars may be learno'd on application to3>r. QnmtAW,-»;LoirerFitswilliam-Btreoti Dr. MAP-OTHIB,'6, Merridn-iq'ttare, North ; Dr. O'LXABT, 1,Merriop-sqnare, North ; Dr. CBI Air, 54 Butland-square,West'; or at the. Hospital,' durhg the hours.of.attend-aaoB. -^<•'.•'-' 'i~: '•?' .:<. '• '¦• < < . "'¦. >¦'• ¦' ¦ ¦¦'¦. ¦¦v< ••" •"¦ b24.4t :


iJ^^^• Si ¦¦or :..

¦J¦.:;X^KOiM)lra'Sr^¦¦ :''. ' [Lato of St.<Kyran's College,-,Kilkenny],, i•..';, ;"i: '"• . •

¦-,«,vWflli on the^Bf eiings;of .' v. -,',; ,", - > ':. j

M0NDAT and:TOESDAT;;the; 27th and 28tK of;;^U^^-i;:/:':. (0CTOBBB :fcst;.t^: - -J ;^L:i - j :

Deliver.Two most interesting^ind' hJghl -poplilar'T;ECOTBES' i 7al LH L/':nBaer ibjB

._U ' .y ; ':-distinguished patronage -of .'/ '¦ •¦» ) 'i ¦• OEOBGE ly WiCKEBY, Esq:, M.DjijWtayor j•; i lV-'' Snori 'Qr MoiroXrt LioTnBsV ' '.

I ;THE^SSQUBB tAsauAax^iT8:o&iam-Am>¦^0T.T*WA* ' G0MBTa'<itidr MBTE0R8:' !1 -Terms of -Admiision—Front Seats, 2s; Secondj^W|;Tiird ittoi6d;.Y^lU-; ' : : ' - / ¦ !'1 Tickets to'be had at the door, and at the leadinginer^ el>oase»in ttie City.. 'Doors.openiithalf-iw xeyVC^ Le^i^'tocommCTceJt eteht,:ik^ neCnurlnra f| Se¥i 'tn?\S3g^Wor^pta;Gj;i;l»loiai«^^EsqvMA;,May^ ¦; :'¦:¦: .^- .

",f v:IlU1'PTib«:of'<H« in'W»t«rf9rd. ¦ -,ti^M^ J 'i r ' ^- '¦•' 't i i i f J ' ;:^ ¦'

¦A3A^*MMiraOf^ObK8UlIBB8:df'GA3in..Jau^WATEBFOB held in the'.TOWK^HAU; on;^MONDAY,- the »thx>l;OCTOBEB/187», pursuantto Bequisitkw^numwwislyisignAd fOT

the purpose

ct takIng to>O<»«id««»tion "the present enormouB;Pr chargrf for'GMby^B Waterford: Gas C


J-aiSy; odto •*« what iSptdanll)« taken to prorideiforthe-Gbf^roptTiWghting-facflitieBat-a fairVjbiV'# i ^ ?pS S -^ ':;''^;': r ". • - : ¦ : ; 'J f The B5ghfc niai .'AIdaMAciiB ;' ^v i^ yJ^May presided . ;'1.- ¦' ¦¦' • . ',¦' " •: . •. ' ¦:

f ¦ -The IoiiOwiug.;-iM«wuuons . were unanunoasiji

i]*to*W% Ajd# ;Bi^ ' ::;-'//-:''fe. : M1; Sicond«d WJoiiipm KiniJ Esq.; T.C., and 1¦ft^ Jto<t r n«4; >isii»r «the;present7k>w;priijn!

.'•Of•o3s7Sf«*ttW;i a««««i« mado in the oort «,Ch tn'hw'fav«» )nnslsr|-s, wt>rwpootfollyandt<g4-

^ ' (Js v;* not/o^ five wWis&cfe Jto tt>.OIti«s«s-f swllyrltni woaQTw osloniatod I it

^m^m^^ii m^mmB; \

^ isssAilMRsMU sM^ ttii^Bfialitt^MMlP '

SS St ^ SlssiiisisisSlsmsMsiSssli Sf^ S' 'SSS siBssiB'

sdp^ ByBsM

g ear> cosIOW 0

ooa to wfh pricos



VPBEAT;"per barzel"6ril801ba— White - -_ Bod -— Shipping do

BABLEY, per barrel of 22!lks— Urinding .— Malting .

OATS, par barrel o( 19Clba— Black -— White . .— Grojr, new -

FLOUR, per sack, of 2801bs.— Suportines -— Inferiors -

OATMEAL, per SockJUJiAN , per Cvrt. - - -fOLLAKDdo. .

FOBEIQNW&EAT, per barrel .of 2801bT «. &¦ e. 0

— American Spring 33 6 to 33 0— • Ked Winter old - - - - M O 31 3— BedWlnternew UO u W) 6— GbJxka, Taganrog, and Odessa - .00 0 00 0— Ibrail .00 0 00 0

INDIAN COBN, Yellow, Odessa and Galau .'18 0 00 0— — Ibrail and Foxonlan (old) .00 0 00 0— — American Old - - -0C 0 00 0— — . Do. Mew . . . .17 0 17 3— — Dannblan Old - - .00 0 00 0— — Do. New . . . . .17 8 17 9

FLOUB, American, per barrel of 1961bs. - -00 0 00 0— French, per FOCI, of 2801bs. ¦ .'00 0 00 0

INDIAN MEAL, American, per sack - .00 0 00 0_ _ f Home Mannfactore, per )|1H n in X• I sack, of 28011*. }|18 ° ,18 .'

Imports and Eaporti for week ending Thuriday, 23rdIMPORTS. ,' EXPOBTS ¦

jidian CornWheat Oata Barloyu Jloor MeaL

3300 Quartern. Indian Com3330 do. Wheat

— do. OatB — Sacks. Barley

483 do. Floor — Barrels. Oatmeal

. SO Socks. Indian meal

(Corrected this day for the Waterford Newt )PBOVISIONS.

EICON FIOS, per cwt. — —STEIXB do. — Fgrr do. — —UZIDS do. — —SCRIPS do. — —LiBD (chandler's) — —

BUTCIIEBS' MEATBSIF, per lb. — —MOTTOH, per lb. — —LIMB, per lb. — —VEAL, per lb. — —POIUE, per lb. — —POTATOESNew.por stono - — Os. 7d. to Os. U.Old, per stone — — o u 0 0

BBEAD.WHITE, per-Ubs. — — 0a. 7Jd. to <k 0dUoosxHOU), per do. — — 0 0 0 0

WHISKEY.DDRLIM, por gallon — . — 20s. Od. to 2<k Od.CORI, pouolieon, — — 14 0 18 0Ou> CORK, gallon, — — 18 0 00 0• F I S H .NZWTOUHDUBD, per cwt. — — 20s. Oil. to 00a. Od,IIKHRIHSB, Bound, per barrel — 00 0 0 0SALJCOV, per lb. — — 0 0 0 0PML, per do. . — — 0 0 0 0Sou, per do. — — . 1 2 1 3TTTRBOT, per do — — . 1 3 1 4

FOWL AND EGGS.CBICXXHS, per pair — — Os. 0d. to 0s.0d,Tqrkeja, per pair — — 00 0 00 0Dvcxs, per pair — — • < 0 0 0Gusi, per pair — — 12 0 0 0Eoos, perliO '— — ' ;io 0 0 0PowL.perpalr — — 4 0- 0 0

SOAP AND CANDLES.WHITS, per cwt. — — 20s.'0d to 21*. OdBaowir.perdO. — — 20 0 23 0MOULD, per dozen lbs. — — 5 0 6 0Djrr.perdo. — — . 5 - 3 5 3

WOOL AND HIDES.— — Ofc lOd. to ls.Od

.— — 1 0 0 0— — 0 7 0 0— — a 0 00 0— ' .

¦ ' — IB 0 0 0¦ — — 26 0 00 «

\ HOOBXT WOOL • —1 ¦ WitrojsS 4 EWZ ,—'" SXIH WOOL , —!' HIDI8, per owt. '—

Kirs, per lb. — .CJLLT, per dozen ' —1 ; ¦ TIMBEB,":B«D piw« p«r"ton," ' —TXLLOW Pin per do. — "STIYIS, per 1000 ' —LATHS, per do. —¦ • • C O A L S

. COILS, per ton - —¦ Cora, per do. ¦ — , 'FODDER AND GBEEN CROPS

HAT, per ton (old)¦ Oo. ; •(new) -STBAW, wheoten, per do

Do., oaten, per do. 'TDBXira, per do.MAHOOIDS, per do: . 'CABBon.perdo. _.«

i i .;| VATEBF H!^ ^ MABKET iNurnbtr ofjirj e ini wngl& ymiblie ButtwTforW.yr'j iVnfc 'ii «JmmS^S/^&}S^ii• Sttnrdftr;* — 8 *4 — UPs. Od.1 to . 13*. Od. .¦¦;' MSaw^':r-:V';vS;1v^'«s-.' SS-:. ' »<» *»!:' %¦

Tuesday.\ — . 0 k • — H " <»¦. ¦ Od. : to,: W". Od.u'WedoeHaT— V 294. -V. -' 126s. Od. to?l«s. 0d.

-¦Mto '' - ".; 0 ' ¦ — 00B. 'Od. to' OOs. Od.X N«:0!iiikhuoonesp\>naa8 ftBlc laitie»r.i.i...;;

.« 1U5 •¦- ftiOBper <mt..v.....t.ii. -.». 120». : <A. ': *°! ****• •oa-.'

A ^uwtmm UofBir,»rriast*,aniDt(Uht,ny utUVrt^a(i,

Hl^%5 :^

rr:'B 1'i> Bj,Tf'H '8 .i ;/.» ¦•[ .. . . . . ' ¦

\''OnfiTMsdmLfto «st-ln»t.,"»ther retflenco, Alrmoont:

•Jh*utmSX3iiWtto ot j»liyitton»rd MabtoT. of a son. . s ¦' lt «io^^O>apJ«tu^ e:wife ol Johnt S S iik'SSf am Hon^Oa»rlek-on*ilr;the wife*^OW 2;yfcJ3aC

%&i thewiie

of John

D.! ^?PiSS« l3wP*««* l»i' Welitbourne Park,LoSo tk«3riWo«FD»»»VJtoaii*»soa.- - iy > r : J7 S iT*lB i0t'»- i f a thB «Ua, of Constable

^S^SS^^tSSf ^ pi 'i .,w"ZZ ~Z £ Mj F ~ ! ?r '"\ -f" r- -.i; r- . b-' T -¦• :•: ¦. -( I.. On'Stod toi*.iv55uliUn-stre»V cfcnmel, the wile of . James.

owSM^>ife5jjBJ.0 '.<)t'f'»y«ht«r-t- 'K' .'¦'¦ "¦

-ill'i &-M m M m?*£^w-- : ¦'¦¦ i ,¦ft-¦

1riX'''M^liitt*PxSCathaJ*i' Mariboronglwitreet, John

^ Ui^ X^mW lUor . Jao,.1mEnSk \S!E3 £S^CUmb»*a;to Bridfie,: eldest.

£2*£2i3LS»£i3l WotJaaei- CamlehaoV SKT,^ ^ M^ k|atejtMriBffvn*fl*MtUMR('JBsq. .- - ' - . *.> . ;- ;

i£yES5K&SSKa73M M otttoTato Howard;

V SPB EV SsMlkmO ^,Jttf nmiiihomnAyM: Moore,imSOf mSSmTlto iwlm, iwtBgert4inght«53Sa,BSEiMfKXJ*D |gbera ot.sgfllngibir«.^;)

S^mr^mic ti tmiiBiiiii-m lvUHri

issiliiii aiiii

femm ^w ^Jm S M,-lak*mmm JSallaaac:



,,. October f y h, 1879. ~

»; Some few "extra prime

Urtot week the supply wasfid to pay lls 3d per bunel,m at onr quotations.

i iinft, os Bakers seem in-Btiloi before boring at the



aa Lease foictathatfirre?6r-fnrtKerpl-l™gto CBAi




¦•0¦i jBaii, j jt Y it in


f i-wwa, *


News. d. VsTds. d- «• d-

'00 0 toW ff25 0 to'25 800 0 00 022 0 21

'U0 0 0 018 0 2.1 0i ?- I"' 00 0 00 012 0 13 01 00 0 00 018 0 17 UI v II 16 0 17, 0-10 10 11 01 00 0 00 000 0 00 01 oo o oo, on o 12 o« 0 46 o|oO 0 00 040 o 4i o!oo o oo oS3 0 34 0.00 0 00 05 0 5 0 0 H «

I 5 6 6 0 0 0 00

4 Quartos' 483 Uarrels.5805 do.879 do.283 Socks.- do ;— do

48s. Od. to 00s. fdU0 0 OK 09 0 10 0 '

H 0 26 042 0 44 000 0 SO 0

0s. 3d to 0s. lOd0 7 0 - 80 8 0 90 0 0 7 '0 7 0 8

SSa.Od. to 60s.0d60 0 70 060 0 70 013 0 13 0

14s. Od to 15s. 00,13 0 00 "0

70s. 0d. to 80s. Od45 0 60 030 0 35 .025 0 30 000 0 00;"000 0 W 000 0 . 03 0

¦ ¦ IRISH BANK BETI/BNS. • -¦¦_ > < ..An Acconnt; pnrsnatt to tho Act 8 and 9 Vic, cap 37; of the

amount of banknotes authorUed b/bw to be Issaed by thesoTeial banta of issue U Irojind, lid tho aTerage amoont ofbank notes in dradatUn and of Coin ield during the fourweeks ending Sitorilirj 27lh-September;i8791

Nome and Title "Ciicnfition, as Bet forth - aatb ised

license. certificate'

TO COf RESPONVBNTB. -CommnnicatienB, irlethor advertisomonta or otbor-

wise, are not sure oj insertion when reoeived only onFridays. . ¦' '¦; j; ;' . •~


last Quarter..'..^Wednesday, Oot. 8 '.'..... 1.43 p.mNow Moon .4Wedneaday, „ 15 ..... 3.9 p.m '.First Qnnrter.MilWcdnesday, „ 22 ...... O.J8 a.raFnll Moon . .Thursday, ,, 30 ..."..- 25 n.m

TW'qitt: ¦ ¦¦ ¦ i(W'K JUST, AND PEABTKW5"

°?Si!V£NINa, OCTOBE^ 24, 1879

OUTEST ;0<S.¦ ' j . thnap- ¦" .. -> ¦ i'




.; CteniSir EVederick Robeas, on entering Cabnl,issued a proclamation to tie inhabitants, tellingthem'the penalties tliey Ml hare to pay for theirmutiny against British uvasion. '' Though theBritish Government,"ie says, " could justlytojtilly. destroy Cabul, *t in mercy the city willbe spared, but a panisuneht to be rememberedis necessary. Therewe the portions of the citywhich interfered with'the proper military occu-pation of the Bala lfissar will be immediatelyWelled and a heayyine imposed on Cabul ; andthe surrounding corotry witnin a radius ot tenmiles will be placodunder martial law. A mili-tary governor willie appointed, and the inhabi-tants warned to. Eibmit to his authority. Thepunishment of tie whole city does not absolveindividuals. Aieafching inquiry into the cir-cumstances of <ho outbreak will be made, andparticipators win. be dealt with. The carryingof arms is foliidden in the city and within aradius of five-miles. Persons found armed aweek from th/date of this proclamation will beliable to a pAalty of "death."'.• The arseafl in the Bala Hissar exploded fromsome cause mknown—probably previous prepa-ration by Joe Afghans ,for the destruction oftheir enemj'. The explosion caused tho death ofCapt. Shifto, - of the Ordnance Department,twelve GJborkas, and two native troopers ; fourfollower*were also killed, and seven Ghoorkasinjuredi/The arsenal contained over seventy tonsof powder. The largest godowns are. uninjured.Many itillions of cartridges were destroyed, includ-ing ¦ 80,030 . for Sniders. The troops move intoShirpir. General Gough has left with his regi-roenti and four gnna for the Shutargardan. Hebrings in a11, stores, and, the route will be closed.Tho!country is/quiet except the tribes betweenThill and Shutargardan. The disarmament ofCftJaJ and the: surrounding districts is going on.Tfe Ameer is practically, in safe keeping until theinquiry into the massacre has taken place. - Theobmmission-"wf' be composed of M'Gregor, Bellew,»nd HyadKhan. . ' . ' ; ' :¦ A Times Cabal correspondent, writing on October18th, says i—The lire in tho Bala Hissar is nearlyout. The powder magazine will probably be saved.Over 1,000 stand of anus have been brought inuuder the proclamation, mostly, of inferior make.Shirpur cantonment wiO accommodate 6,000 men,and, with two batteries on the Bemara heights,will form , an excellent position; ; The Bala Hissaxwill probably not be reroccupied. Sir FrederickBoberts contemplates its destruction. .. . : .'

SniLA, THUESI>AT.—A: telegram from GeneralBoberts, dated the 18th inst., Btates that the fire inthe Bala . Hissar was extinguished on the morningof the 17th. The .walls of the main powder mag-azine have been scorched by the flames. The,bodyof Captain Shnfto'hia be#n reobveredA- Ole countryin the vicinity of Cabul is quiet. ¦ ¦ ' .- ¦ ¦• ¦ ¦

A Chronicle St. Petersburg telegram says theCabnlese "would rather have anyone as Ameer.thanthe younger son of Takoob, because he would beunder . English . tutorship, which would be contraryto the Koran, . -

Bank ot Ireland..... ,£3.73428National Bank 8$2o9FrOTinclal Bank..... ' 0,667Belfast Banking Co. 181,611Northern do. . W,«0Ulster Banking Co.. 'T*S11 O79


The meeting'. ©" gas consumers of this city,held on Monday last in the Town Hall,- under thepresidency of the MAYOE, resolved, in moderatebut . firm: Innguage,. to. ask the" Company: whodraf their, large .profito , from the concern,-tomake a fair reduction in the price of gas, bothto public and private purchasers; and the mectiing 'stands adjourned.to Monday week next, toawait the reply, when, if it be not satisfactory,active stepawill be taken in the,'matter. ' . ; ;,;, ,, ThegentiemiennT.bo manage our affairs in Corksent forward a long document, with the name of;tteVOhainaanf'ofV. thb'.Comnany appended,'inwhich theie'is riot onb legitimate. cause >Betforth against tho reasonable demand made bythe coiisutaers ' 6!f. the city.: . .They.'tell' ns i thatwhen they entered info possession of the,works,!6ver twenty. yeiii's 'Buicei: J.' many tiarts ;6f theoityi were without the advantages of. gas light;''To; this'sasertioii'ithe". answer is ray simple,; thiiithp'great extension whioh has since'taken, place—nncreasing 'the'jublic lighting alone to nearly^Opftft 'jearr-iBii-th^ vstrongest possible :argu-!mentthatcould be produced in favor of a J solid•edugtion'jn' theci'exorbitaiit' 'price ,; now charged

hefe fdr'thia'-niarkptablo, article; _, '. Then; We: arethreatened that iC chere; be: any tampering' with'tie 'putui gli uigrrov.er .which the Corporationhave Buppisme cbtitroV- tbeiOompany; •'. may bedr voi'tajte niiidae :tie' me'terv'rent, an'd to. in .breaaeltiia' pharg'ui to tbiej;privat«" Consumers.''^B j t^ ju d^ imtre den fo etathi .t th'ejpriTn cbnsumer

is nut^bbuiid to useMa 'tj'ai, bd t51ie'5 _keep it;6iiliiBjpremiBe8|; t^uj} f?H:j|e^ ;' d tind>'j6t> i(i.. Iien;icij be^Teofltt'e^siaeJced.toipBy more, th%n its!

valaei :vTOe'Wm]Miny.rtoo, ;ria8 not^beenaaked'to[r^dnce.tlieihwu-aiofipiiblid:lighting, 'and if.

'r^wo^m^^l9^>i^?rA^ B >^^y^io donbk)?iiiftwix th8tiriloione woiild pay-as•aii chlbfciy illi Uflistf6f *alBarrero{2cijni; and'th:ek^V< S« |'ibe'; '<H>n8]amera,rlr]£;^^jtc*d;W«wtdr pay)ofuU;pric«'.for7Bhort;mea-.lw^W>Alt?tW''d um taxy evidence pr uoed«t «^ ^||hat ate«oifd -|pay8


iigJbe fo | ;i |e,yen,the,'Bm eBt.;town8,:

ie amTc4i;a -U;the^GM>pptebaxr/*:p9er^in *tMt « |$a^do itHm' wUlli^plexfeyenue f or Wenty per;

he r( iil<«ii$rinfflpfe;to ep^


tMn«OT^v« ij^fiu^| ffUpbeiUb<i^y!aai

: ATerage ATerog«Ciroolauon Amount ofdaring-fonr .' coin held. weeks daring theending- as weeks end-

- . above. insaittbore

• 2,«0,825 £572 781,100,727 738.824

675,524 . 428,563832,353 284,916 .385,263 , ... 808.17*.

T." 517,018 - 8S1.115

DEATH OF MRS. O'NEILL POWER, SNOWHILLWith feelings of dcop and heartfelt regret we have toohroniclo this weok tho domise of this good, land, and

most amiable Judy. Tho sad event took plaoo on tho21»t inst., after a sovoro butoomparatiToly short iUncgsof a fortnight's duration. Althougli erorthing thatmedical akill and krad nnd watchful caro conld•? w»fP ro«iod


] i[ e> 't pleased God that thoyshould be without avail ; tho good lady gradually sankand on last Monday morning, in sentiments of forrent

qmea and interment took placo in St. Savionr'a *\Vatcrford, yesterday. The procession left ft. stately man-jion, of which the deceased lady had been for lo long55n P?$Z a?d "1° orlmm.ent> a* ton o'olock sharp,140 of tho tenantry wearing scarves and hatbandsIn tho early morning Masses woro celobratodin the private chapel of Snowhull Honso, where the re-mains had beon laid out in solemn state for some dayaprevious. The massivo suite of oak and leaden coffinsanppliRd by Mr. Morrissy, tho outer one, massive andelaborately monntcd.bearing tho inscription," ElizabethAntoma O'NeUl Power, died October 21st, 1679, aged37 yearn—E.I.P.,"—was oarried by ten of the moststalwart employees on tho property to tho hearse, pre-coded by cross-bearer, acolytss, clergy, and Infirma-rian Nuns The private carriage of the deceased cameimmediately alter tho hearso, which was drawn by sixhorsos. Tho carriages of the chief mourners, withcrapo emblems, and of tho gentry of the counties Wa-terford and KilL-onny next followed. Tho chief mourn-ers were—Joseph O'NeUl Power, Esq., D.L,, husbandof tho deceased j Sir John Ennia, Bart., brother to thodeceased ; Bernard O'NeUl Power, Esq., The O'Don-onghne, M.P., Nicholas Power O'Shee, Esq., D.L, PatkJ. Powor, Esq., D.L., Faithlegg House ; ColoneiMansfield, and Thomas P. Sherlock, Esq. Tne fonoralprocession was one of the largest and most respectablewe have evor witnessed, the lino of carriagos followingtho hearse extending considerably over a mile in leneth.and at each bond of the road was still more augmented.As tho sod cortege approached the city, tho inhabitants,rich and poor, camo out in largo numbers to pay tholast mark of respect to the memory of the lamenteddeceased, as tho remains were borno into St. Saviour's^hnrch. The BequiemMaaa haying been celebrated and;he funeral obsequies chaunted,a line of march was mado

through the dense crowd that filled the spacions ohorch,and, preceded by a numerous body'of clergy, and fol-owod by monrningfriondB, tho remains were solemnlyx>rne to tho crypt prepared for their reception, under;ho altar of St. Joseph. Thoy wero lowered into theirlast resting place amid tho tears and Borrowful expres-sions of regret, mingled with tho forrent prayers, o£ thanssemblod multitudes. Tho order and regularity withwhiob the solemn ceremony was carriod out, was asubject of general admiration. Tho church was taste-ully draped in black, tho long lino of arches and pil-lars, and tho rich and gracefnl altar and sanctuary, in

their mourning, looked peculiarly eolomn, and throwout, very effectively, the clas'.ic and majestic characterof this beautiful Christian temple. Throughout thoafternoon, and into tho night, the church was visitedby crowds of sympthysing friends, and aronnd thecrypt tho pcor ond thcrioh aliko knelt, many cryingbitter tears, and all praying for tho repose of tho soulof tho good, gonerouB, cnaritablo, and truly piousChristian lady, whoso loss will be long and sincerelymourned by every class.—E.I.P. "

The Oratory was draped in black cloth, fringed withwhite, from the old-established houao of Mary Power &Sons, Broad-street, nnder directions of the undertaker,Eichard Morrissy, T.C., Berosford-streot, who con-duoted all tho arrangements.

THE BENT QUESTION.¦ NICHOLAS POWER O'SIIEE, Esq., D.L., Garden-morris, has, we arc informed by n tenant of his onwhose statements implicit reliance may be placed,intimated his intention of remitting, at his rentaudit on the 31st inst., 25 per cent, to his smaller,and' & reduced per centage to his more extensiveholders. Leaseholders and yearly tenants alike willget the reduction, as DO absurd exemption of tenantswho hold leases—such as Bome ill-advised landlordshave made—is contemplated by him. He seems tosee very clearly, that the savings of past years weremuch more ljkely to be spent by the tenant on im-provements in leased land than on that held by thoyear only. Our informant looks on this last gener-ous act of Mr. O'SHEE as but a- link added to a longchain of systematic kindness, extending, in somecases, even beyond the area of his property, .anddiffusing comfort amongst the occupiers of adjoiningestates. Largely-attended national schools at Killvillage, heated during the past wet, cold seasons byappliances of his, and with coals supplied from bispurse ; the new and beautiiul church there, towardswhich ho gave princely aid, and a free site to bootthe newly-erected convent schools at Kilmacthomos,towards which he contributed munificently ; therenovated and cheery look tho villago cJoso by hisdemesne has acquired under his care; acres of landchanged from moor and bog into well-shelteredcrop-carryiDg fields, by his directions and aid to thetenants ; slated home and farmsteads, where miser-able half-thatched cabins once stood—all attest hisbenevolence, and stand out in bright contrast to thepictures of misery and want, and wrong, not onlyto be read in those graphic letters of the Freeman''J" Land Commissioner," bnt which are in actual ex-istence within a short distance even of his own de-mesne. The welfare of the. once great mfning in-dustry at Knooltnlahon,' added" to the ' agriculturaldistress ."list winter, with the fearful snow and cold,caused quite a fuel famine in the district, ond-whencoals went short, tho Gardenmorris woods, withoutcharge; supplied the indigent all around with some-thing quite as valuable as food, and Bared, most cer-tainly, many a deli <ite life.

TO THB TDITOB OP THE WATEBFOBD NEW8.' DEAR SIB—In this day, whon we cannot look at anewspnpor without reading of the widespread depressionexisting everywhere amongst tho farmers, it is withsomething of a sigh of relief that one is enabled to lookat the other sido of the picture, and note the evidenceof good feeling and. confidenoo whioh exists betweenSir Charles Edward Kennedy, Bart., and his tenantryon his estate in the county of Waterford.¦ This good feeling, begotten of sentiments of personalregard and gratitude to Sir Charles Edward, foundoyfol expression lately on tho occasion of tho visit of

nis sons to his property here for the shooting*. As soonas the news of their arrival became known, the tenantryassembled to give them a ceadmilte failthe. -Bonfireswere lighted on almost overy townsland, and every de-monstration of ¦ respect accorded them, clearly illns.trating how mnoh the goodness of a large-hearted land-lord can bo appreciated .by a grateful people ; and howdesirona thev are that the relationship.' whioh has al-ways cxistod,' prodnotiTe of : mutual advantages tolandlord and tenant,-should still continue. For gene-rations, during which the namo of Kennedy baa oeenidentified with, this property, not a angle sircoomstanoohas occured to mar the harmony wnioh. has added somaterially' to the happiness -and prosperity of landlordand tenant alike, la our unhappy country misunder-standings' fraught with misery have often arisen bet-ween those who should have been bound together byties of , friendship resulting from common interests.Such have never been known on the Kennedy estate,where a liberal and indulgent landlord, acting on theprinciplo of "live and let live." never sacriftoea thointerests of a tenant to his own—in proof of which'Icould quote nnmoroas instances, of his generosity,-bntit will 6uf£co to mention that bo has, nnaolicitod, givenarodnction 'of 25 per cent on the last half-year's rent3re their doDainra from amongst us, the.tenantry

were entertained'-.by Mr. John Kennody, and.haviEBgraciously thanked thorn for tho warm manner in whichle and his brother, Mr. Edward Kennedy, had been

received, ho. expressed himself highly pleased to seethem all—with their robust sons and comely Ainghtersr-asaomblod' for an 'evening's amnsenwSnt.;.nod gavethem an assurance that, when the time come J for himto inhorit this extensive and well-managed property,they .'-shall continue, for another generation at least, toenjoy the blessings of a landlord, whose sympathies forhis tenants will not be leas than thbse of : nis father.' Mr. Kennedy'was loudly applauded ;and it is need-less to add that the affnbiUty and urbanity of himselfand'his hrotherijToh tKe; hearts of all; ¦¦•

; Long; shall,'Wp'retain;-,a happy; reooHection 'ot- thavisit'paid'to !usby"tho sons of our well-beloved andrespected; landlord..: Apologising for trespassing BOmuch on'yonr valuable space, I remain, dear sir, yoursfaithfully,' •—i ' • CiiOr/OH-LOTJiusH..,C<tober.20th,.1879.: ' ; . .'. .

--'.'Tie folipwinjf 'is a copy, of a circukr'issued tothe' Duko of Devonshire's tenants in the countiesof' Cork and Waterford; - I. -.: :, ¦ ' :i:ri < ¦.;.i?i;.* ii'i';,;i:-i;;-;v.'-' .r.-:;V-Iismoi« Oastlo..Octoberi il879.-

1::"SrE—I beg to inform you that I shall attend atLU-

.'more Caatle on tho 26th day of November, from ten. tothroe -o'clock;1 to ireoeire the rent Jne by: you to theDukO of'DoTonahiro; andif your rent ia paid on that:p y;J.am-. anthorised ifJU«>^a< to make yoh-.antU»fliiJffler5f-20 per cent, on a :yoo»'s rent of tho tano

U be^HolidfCarewi;. E^ I BM>M^:t6 !bi» tenants,'; an'ab*tement/fit a) per cent.cn.tne~biif-yeai'8'ronti';t';V.:'i^i' »ti ivv ts?' >:~ ,•¦> '¦< . -' '¦¦;


*-rS i¥$%EEiaf oi) ®i ¦kH£sssT$MyiEy i >; .;' ,'

: i3TOiB;-Thfsmprrto nKk4t?fo.?:tth«:WihtooeWwisliOOQ flritts Bhon«s:comi -^h.that ofto rr i

weetolstt'8 on.^ ;«al:|ywM

ub to the standard;, but tt is notexpeoted to wso mnch

Page 3: ^B:=. - ..-:.:;i; ;->;%' ' .•.¦¦ ,. . , : =.., XSBir0U), I ^^ S p;; …snap.waterfordcoco.ie › collections › enewspapers › WNS › 1879 › ...VOL. : xxx;:i^oi-M!r:,TRS.


. • • • OPENINO THE 8KMI0N OF. 187£WS0.X fj r-iiTKo session of this valuable association., fpt |879 (jwas opened of Friday night, with a vory iutora jm^

instructive lectaro on tho " Lifo History of the SLj, >.with diagrams, by John N. White, Esq.,T.C> W»t iWhito. Brothers), its gifted and highly-rcapect d K j}dent, - before- a very , large- and highly-app eoisM.,.'sadienoo. ThoBipht Worshipfn] Aid. G.iI. M LCxijLn.HVD.',"Mayor of Watorfbrd, occupied the ohair. •• tc- 1 5T

r'J,Pievious to' the lecture, Mr. J. O'Donogh' 10/ nofi'' BOOM read the'ininutes of the lost mooting of be OomJmittee, which namod several additions to tnoasiociatjetfof 'members, "and - ; his Worship stated« that: Mr..O'Donoghoo would be happy daring the evening to taketho nataes/of any wishing to. join, and they would*boballotted for at tho next meeting. ;. ' • ;-. -'- ¦.'• ¦; i c-"1¦ Mr. JOHN N. WUITB, T.C., then camo.forward, andwas most warmly received. When silence was restored,Mr. Whito oommenoed by saying, there waa ar, old pro-'verb which gaid " thore'a no rose without ft tho m,V and

- ho should confess that'since the rose of preside it of theassociation had been coaforrod npon him he ha< t feltnota little of the thorn. When tho association w is estab-'lishod. it was said by some that it would not succeed) font

, Tie wap'happy to say the revorao.was the tact, fbr itwaaa thorough success, and had all the elements vithin it

' of continuing in its prosperous caroor (hea •, hear).' He would urge npon the youngor members to {join

warmly in its work, and not bo led by that eiouse toooften usod by businctB men—often by himself, ho shouldconfess—that they bad apt time, and he would uktnemto't&ko the example net to all- in this reapsct b] ThotauEdwards, the 'naturalist;* by Dioks, tho b iker l andbotanist j by Peach, and the celebrated Hug^ Miller,who, in spite of: their, arduous avocations, found ampletimo to study nature in many beautiful featoios. .jHlsadvice to young men would be, to take up e ime : oneparticular bran oh of science, and aoduloualy to ollow it,and it would bo found to bo eminently calonla od to'af-ford a large amount of pleasure and of in traction(hear. hear). ' Cominz to tho immediate subie t of jthalecture, Mr. "White said thoy might be..asked v, hat theyknew of tho groat history of thepast ages of. tig world;The information WBB, perhaps, BomowhatunMneotbuJit was nevertheless written unerringly on. the roofca ofnature, and there they found the source of instruction,Instructively dilating on the striking lessons taught bygeology, illustrating his propositions by references tothe admirably exooatea diagrams on the wal over thoplatform; Mr. White described tho. fOTmafac> i;of.. theearth, with tho various changes -whioh have tal en plao«on ' its surface, and whioh continue . to occur, fromvolcanio and otter influences. The various . trata; ofetono in Bilberry, and at the opposite ride at MountMisory, showod an origin from the aecnmulali< As of theBoilatthe bottomof thoriver.markingthemanj changeswhioh took place during progressive ages, and said thatif any one would take the trouble < to exaiiine ; thematerial composing, these rooks, they wonld ind that¦hells constituted a largo portion, and if groui d down,thoy would resolve" themselves, into sand ana- mud,proving that they camo .originally .from the,bod of theriver. Snch were tho: chansos which taught lieu: theLifo History of the. Earth, a lesson which was also sidedbyi the fossU'romairis 'discovered through toe world.Dwelling on' the',various' features presented ay -thosefossils, Mr. White made' .this part of hia lecture, ex-trcmcly interesting by thei information whiot ha con-veyed, following it np by treating on other points, do-TtJpping ' his subject, . and oonolnded ;a.m [hly , in-atmctive'loctnro, amid warm and prolonged apj >lauge. . :

Pr. CONNOLLT mored a marked vote of than is to Mr."White for tds very beautiful lecture, to whicp all hadlistened with tho utmost pleasure, and, from whioh allhad loaraecf vory much information.:. v:

¦ - , : •, ¦ '• ¦Mr. J. O'DoNoa&UE soconded tha motion^ whioh

passed amid acclamation. ¦ : \ ¦ - , ¦ ¦. !.. .. ¦ . , ; ' •Mr. WHITE returned thanks, and said he fear id ho had

not merited the very great kindness of tho i .udionce.The proceedings then camo to a close. . .

KILMACTHOMAS UNION-TOBBDA*.JAMXS Hoas; 'Esq., in tho chair. : "

Also presont—Messrs. B. K Beresford, J.P. Win. M.Ardagh, J.P., James Anthony, J.P., Walter y Palahi P.M'Grath.-

¦¦¦ ¦ r '.- • ' ¦ -


' . : ; ¦; ; I

' ¦

; ' isx-brricxo OCT'AKDIANS. . ¦:. . - ; , '¦ ¦¦

Tho following correspondenco was the duty i nportanibusiness before tho board :— ' •¦ ; ":; ''; ¦. '. j ' i "

j" Local Government Board, DuWin,'4tb.;O«t.,''79; ', '' Sis—Tho Local .'Government,; Board. Xo ¦ Ireland

transmit to yon herewith copy ot correspondei 00 whiohhas taken place between them and Mxv Jobi il&rcDSBarron, J.P.', of Turret House,'Tramore, on tl oanbjectof tho removal of his namp from the list of cx-officioguardians in Kilmacthomas union, and I am 11 requestthat you will be good enough to furnish the b lard withyour observations on tho subject.'- -By ; orde r" of (theboard, ' 'i" " " B. BANKB/Sedrotary.' '

" The Clerk. Kilmacthomas Union." • • • ' . ; 1 '" Turret Hon«e, Tramoro; Co; Watcrford, Sept. 29.'J

." GENTUMKK—I would wish your opinion ks to MrlHuns, ciers 01 vu« 1 " |."".'- .¦.««. V«UVM, .• ^M. t u»joamo off tho list of ox-omcio' guardians, ' Be ng a ma-gistrate for tho county' of Waterford, and thb rates of

• the Georgestownproper^beingpaiainmy name.asaio• rate books will 8hoW, :I would kindly request that thA

matter bo inquired into. and why my name 1 OB takenoff the list. I do iot'think that a clerk of a union

' ' should bo'allo'H-ed to manipulate sn 01-offido iBt In: themanner that Mr. Hunt has done r'he had no business

¦ to inquire into UDy of my private transactions ib suit hisown purpose. I was late vice-chairman of ,t IB board;

1 and when I removed my residence to Tremor >, he tookadvantage ot that to put my name- off the boi ks. ' The

' matter having been reported in the papers, < tlll u onmo to make this protest, and to ask'for an inv stigatiodinto the matter.. I navb jegal opiniojron th isubjec^and itturnB out that Ilave a perfect right b record avote in tho Kflmacthonias Union.—Tour obe Uent yerj

. • "Vtoeal 00TCmmei.t Bo«rd. DubUa, «ai 8e; t'.-18»J.["SiB-Tbe Local Government Boudforliita Iwtoow-

lM<m tha rooei-Dt ot jcrar letter ol the SSth faaUi v.taiwtosS<f eXtentton to the drcomitasoe* under which 70a: name AM

been taken off the IKt of ez ffldo guiudtassot aaKIIiBaorthomas union, by the clerk ol that union, and uUac for aninvectlcation into the matter t an4 in referraee to nvo;lam

. to stato, Uutt the board and It reported oa the raar Una'- minotee of the 89th July and the 19th AMUSUM*. tint TOO* are not a resident in;UM» ,110100. and that you do nomdw

. sca1 any property In the noioa. U you wUTbj p oaeaqMh• & S Ihi gioSfi b» which ,ou confer U»ty«

J ««^U•" entitled to act a» an exofflda gpardian, tb')lx>ti l;wUlKly«. thcir atUnttou.to^

^ - d^ g j-r•! To Joh-.i jlarcns; Banon,:. ESQ.,lh?'±SSazi rtrH°°"B»

, ¦ ¦ - ' . Tnunore, coontj.WaterforiAn h'X i - r - j jr . -« . TurretHou«e.Tr«mor»,2naOctoSer^W-U.

" QraniKXS—Beteningt tojjour'.lettor ctthe ' tiSopV,I bw to state that tbe flmpfe reason why I ot oct tooy

. o.S bdnir taJteToffithe-exSeto U»t -oTiha;r Stj UMj t¦ KSaactnomsa unlon.l»T-4rrt; Vmty toentaan jrtllajiyname off ; the,, property, n(; Qeu'tW" ;'?? "UJflSS; *778 J8«. 7iyeadjrin%u?toai»SOBdlT. toU« "J SS^

'¦ 'ri-iatotakain;ninuoflUuBlisto(ex«fflcioi'wttbbatUttii»

' a!roor-r»te coUeetor 1>tooglit »ome. «x-offloJp« . t< vptswho,

- 'koodi5?to »wly me with tne MafioolanujU las tf p mL'-ISSroTt .propMty »Uoh; «ft J^ 2»

B*?SD <>w»« J

• Ja tM7« .™B*^aw«»WtoPtoi>ng>i bMn iBold..: £i ».B»rrohffa tooo.rSa»Vteponrid*ta uf loytbi -

. : S r^ writ^i?t)Tl ^erSSI*wJ«,S'J3 t T daU ttankxoiitp t mo harotboiW

,^ i:: ..,^^r f*^ 9».f^ i^ - }! - 'l Me«ItoDb *Tu^C!< Bck^ 'W»*rtor , ,¦

' "16,Cotbedl&»t»et,'JT«t«rftwd.1J<»0 K<^KV-« DsjiSni-tothemattOTtawhldi your tatter *»&}*«» *'»1 . Befflsjssfissas:

¦rS B^ Unojo ta»B«.W S t«w^! : SftS Kri Barron; Mr.Barrcjib£ »»?g!jg S^ 3In'intiiertj thatweawliwareot.a BeotSonJJ^wi fjc'cliyrt1 ^».1£SKSlof ttoDAtoai (IreJandJ >tVlffl%» SS Si " you peredre »«».toa»«l«>,«?«.»ftf J tS*arrtixwmont he wai.«pa.h«n<» «Bnaln».i»c»J*b! KOTvAin*

-atVj lSo.of tteBeoee^W Wft lSfgS S?S3f

" Sii-TOrioal Ootert t oatdtor* &**?2;

•.5$roV .«»<> i»."te2ii ?l«^eiv!eoj»i?«t wSSS

¦SSSS^wswacKft egg" ~ ¦" Board-room, KibjJM^WWHJ'Wgfg' S'ifSSi

v ; ^^ ^ m¦

/ SSJtoli ^ ^ jJSSSS! bsS&r: ®*iai¦ ¦:• : "yjn»SDcaip0T«tafe fa«j^O g^g* v£&M ¦

S;;|i| bw«P^^^^^^^^^

n *»^^ tor,fi&* tlle?cSulen^

%>r?T'-£ W°T«J our-tj!,,:-aSibeiSw tek«h' by tho¦<Bi|ht'WwahipforAld..a;E ic t;1rf,Di lTo^&*!&&**&#>» mtdfrgi &ltl-.i ¦ ¦

¦i«!?.t :esft

Li ^ W'wrpreseiiti *erAldermeai.Dft.arabjonr.'« w

cJ Sfd J.Mossr jfJjVOox, X.O.yk?a£h*y;-• SKSiT'-n^j *&*]£*¦ Kee*11

* (propriMorAde nl3c';;;-WYL?tti: T.aTx.sM. > Allen T.O.', W.~JOefe?* T3* S i ' W. W, E. Ke4 TXLVltf'

M te' 'n T»'lIt:Jfe»a»'ul» T.O..'D.>?nilaBivT CtSr il' ''" S'S'** B- Sl»a»gair.:E.'O;iKildinr,';;¦'j:. J ' ^ ' 'B*»w. .'aMip<»^-TJfIi=¦ ThaC ' ' .v'fri''''* v-J- ¦'• r' :' S-i*< f -"- lv-) . ¦'¦•T>.' oskWt1 * i*

ld i ooH-open the boslaeM by

^ g* Mr. >, Kunney. dia $¦ BO, - "and • Baid the1'

tio^ nwSs thatTIn'obedience to Witt W«fid. 1

rJ! ~«illT*rtatloalolli their part^whontui*!

l f X VPPJitAow M-lo^tbitthe»rioe'ofl««

« * y~ e:r4liei.Jie ived Bnd 'i&eV

S^^ ilttraated iwry: nnfa*»bl«»)irifli^^fesssBsiaasSSiiPfiiS

^BSSUHQbAgHSMceiTji-on- the w;j^ lfc«-'.fljpfcwiS' frfom; thevm.jot* Secretaty

^pl ^W&it KAS&M(.i«thajrioc of *u> l»pto. >nTOteYiiiraiA 'and:to thdCorporation for the tmbUulaJt iaia' (M -m>*i.i nnn

consumption u calculatiedM^KBgUagti. g priTate.consumers pay 88.i6UEei£<ta

et; d B discount'from 2J to twenty.per 004W8 loWed aooordinK toconaumpHon.1. Theipncc!'*aa GueccLi'dn'the 1st'July last from 8s. W; •' pDtfe- pric6pr pabli«- lamnsis £3 each. In:".DnngM*aji[: ti| p pi ia J Jyear was . £3 . ti p-

t p ^ e kmtnpay ?s. 6d. per 10(»leeVX. e««tt to get««. perlamp off tbia year."j, In^p^mel/.toje prioetoprl-vate consmners is 6s. 10d.,per l.CsKfegt., The Cor-, poration pay ¦ a lump suin >,of ;iM6ahr the publiolighting,- being at the rate of abautfe i7a; gd. perlamp. Tho charge to private cbns^gra /or 60 je?yeara past was 6a. per 1O0O,' and nifi^ent varyiaErfrom 4s. to 8s. per ycar.il' iJilitibil.. /ftL Vair th*redaction was made rto,'.6 ;l(>i; and tlltaeter rentabolished.", '- In Tralae the price of gasj gs.gd. perl.C DO;' a general rate beim; levied' fob £ lighting,'watching and cleanain?. ,In Woxfoid:& prico to•private consumers is 4s. Sd. per 1,000> ai the pWIia.lampa.X2 16a. 3d. eaeh.r In New'BoAho^riceto consumers »' 6o. lOd. per:l,OiX),nndt'pabliolamps /''lighting all night"1*?,' accept1. $ night*before, two nights after, imd thetnigbt of ft moon;In Limerick the rates are, 5s. per 1,0004'anfeg forthe -putlio, ; lamps, ^

'.li Londonderry,i .tie e 6s. per 1,000 to private consumer*; and. J83 Itfor the public lamps. Mr. Kenney then read ttlowing:from Cork, from .tho ohairman-'of:tBCompany t - ' ¦ "-" • • • « • ¦.¦• ;> "• ¦ ¦- • '.^¦/ ¦''.i'- . - 7'^r:;i¦,.%-: *CuGkj ci Waterford aas"Company,'r'V- : Offices i 2, 8onth Malt Cork: 18th Octjl' 1 SIB—Obaarring¦ that you'iav«CjInyoiur cipa<Mayor ; and Chief-Magistrate of Waterford; cameeting; of Gas Contumen1 to consider:th»Hfilighting*- of the - city,^ I ¦ hope' yon' will rot ooniid'il I purcitipresumptaons on my'part, f t ',' in my'podtidn'Jas Chjli 'ehasij fman of the Gas Company, I trouble you .withialBJ h,,,+h~obseriatlonB mth9bb lf.:r The «)mpany.!I;b vflm^Wdealt with' in -the 'aU»<m<iuo'n of.vth*subj(ict,-au^aiarjtrust to:year spirit of cat'dpiir and fair playio afford;them an opportunity of vindicatingtheir portion beforethe * public- It is now ¦ t\renty'.years' since 'thijr Brstbecame connected with the" Ughtiag: of • •Waterford.'When" they ' entered on- their bnginessl'they found tbeinitial price of gM 6a. 8d.j>erlt)00bnbio feet, subjectonly- to a disoount u regards » larje' proportion', of the.consumers/'of 5:per-eent'.Y tit.tbat 'time.importantdistriots . of . the . aty.'were,''without ,' thyadvantaget- ofgas . ght. ;The '.company,''in" brder>to'.obtalna title,went,to'Parliamentt and after'an 'oppoeitlontby-theCorporation; whioh • entailed -a ' loss to! both' sloes offully J21300, they obtained,an act, givin'g:themaU thepower*' ihey Bought. '•Thlin, a''disputo arose si to thapublio Ii«h6ng, and an arbitration under tho Act gavetheiCompany a larger price thinthVy sought' V gain;in -1873, another publio lighting'arbitration was foroedon- theT company,''and thoy'obtained the same result.Notwithstanding ihe'.-hlglie '/prwBS they:'tfbtained pa

•theas arottritiao. Awards tlwoompaoy, subteqosntlytothem,'voluntarily-Tedoeeii;their•prtoe* for'tha pub|i6lamj}»; i The' Company; tavjug fo'lOT- expended all their

!ava^bleb ltJ,4odjddif e<»«tary.to r<»orfito Paxlia-: meut fot :fcrthfir financial poweia, and"daritig the> brb»-.gress of thenBiDi the'inztiUi prios'rof^he- 'gis vk»lowered : to'Ss'.M-'J' andTiVdiioount "red abed all roundto 15 per"cent. ;Thi»'1re ctl6nr hedaU bl4B»osbfconsumers, 'and made the price about Ai:*X0&! per lOOftoubio feet*' I regretUvlikf to sUto that even-tHs boonwas .resisted ¦by-Messrs:¦J^bOT^'kiid.-Neyiiii. wbb,'under my own-observation.in'lOTdoTiypertonaliyccm-trolled; »nd. guide 1 theoppotition tothf Billj' the oao,

.' strange' to>say(;«n"ectiiig|to.;typTe«ent'th» small'ooD-sunjon, and the other thnlarg t.both'blassosiavingdiametrioally opposite intires&.'.VThor'BiHrTks'yon ore;aware.ipasjMi bn(;tb«l:penistent oppiMtiori to'vhiohit wa» STlbjected'entailaifon thb''oompanyj'a .lots ofi:fulry'.*l,000, !and'of:a Jike -sumon'OieTatettayersot.WaWord.'.iBy;the;bintl^Corporitionhavei^niroda-reeoghiUon a tHMr «rftd'puShal*'ffle><SS tod--hlsatherprivllegelbf obtoaningth* public Jighta/at anrie»--notexoeedinjtthat ciaWredHo'th'a loVottchartrod.'ioonsomers ;saod' if the')v4mp>ny>attem'pt>to'raiseIMa.: initial.' prie* > of .the* gasHTi »re'sub}ect?d to *16s« of-dividand,'while ioh'tha «ewr. aiia;4f- theV' bnoapon it,:

. they ;M& 'Ittdr«a»B-thm>:W{esrof 'aivid»S ?t ns makb£thff-oonsmBers participatorjb 11 theirt prusperlLy» k.''JSvQr,ainoe 'Uur Aot - wa* >bWi ia th^ oompJiiy' Kave'Jidtraited th> 'pric ;'{r> rpa eaUy".ihe'r («iha« been;that the-obniunaersi'bT^olJ wrving the ndt ttanasonableeondiUomof'paying witfaiB'iono c'montbVVpbtahf their

"|a«t rt i»>?caW,rl?«T':J100QJoubio' eetjj*prlc*whlo^I,iU»«rt,;s*oomp*r:irith in>'plnceJ4Ireland similarly;cinramstanoedj :'oontrt«tS'; mo*ffAvombly;"fpt(tbo,oom--;pany^^Ta«¦compatly!:haT9•lalso'!0n*ered.tofsupplyif»».:&: thipnbllslifhta beloT this as rei'bi^tj»y »fe'pre>-pared to arbitrate 'oxjUiepiioe/Fartt^^UnyTiateb^en

> most indulgent inrecsid fiftW recent circmistanoel'oftb*' <fcrpV)raam«^ r*rp t W'fta ttaWureshl .,oollMtm«!thi«Bto',au«Mb irrijfor^u u^&nTb ,,rf gret,thowev*r;utoi'foia uSt, tte«re^rt»jk thB

¦ivit yoa ii^mg^mS^a^^^^M..•Iberooarpaoy- K)*>snot?ro( iooir>»;' ii4iVfeA'!'witn"(ii.-«li*eaibu:tf'th*»Co ttlt^ #iU%««p«%lkpTtiterj;subait4biat,btf9r«rsaliipor l»1ctawbetotkSd!i{b>r'«xp«diei^^;tbevMt^Hn':««i|jkro : ^ eral

Jth3:o0mt . «,:Jb <4Wt6 /wMS»i ft

tthcy siNl .depnTM^Qf'JfaB-nHiQO Bsjiit&u *tM^1ziiLf b*

mad toii ait^^6h^m '- ]i ri}MiininipeTt\^

W «• itfe Gor^MiimmSiMmmiSS^M

nsider«d »7«otw«n,

¦WIJIC'.'s....... ttl t

[ Mf£ Bs ks kBi '' Ua^ a4nk alf ^ ^ J ^ ^ ^ ^ k ^ ^ ^ t ¦ s sV aflt O^ ^i j^ ^ ^ ^ Q!

,byaKaiKn^ twS 6riJj|e;C r oratipn:{p

nipve,'ialtt ' t iioVMeTsM^^ t AiM^^*,(hejri ); tt4874*he oc w«re^"Oi«»'to>tttey,^eNi pa !« 0|.j%Jamp.-Md *M. ru^' W: *)* ^:' ^' /.' 0 "^ohaz efo¥gas.Moalor] jBC aism.' A9-lIT*(!P)va*adnpcfcl^o J i^UctiJHi PaWtia5'te4w«ti inqntitfbuiijowvwhefl coaliirere,not-JBaft tonl;nor.BOs; p ot.^OB fctoh> :tbeN>Apany: rrfuBie^ Ve . re".;duoti6ri.wha8Ter{hear, hemr}2'V The Gas Committeapun oeroro me company,mo ran v",y «» «"•?•*, zr *depression6f>tr*dV'aridtbe' fttiKHe^of;transpprtas inndffbr tf-rau^orfj ut'tKe opm^reMied=air-conc^ipn-;'?ftef^>(*ad,Davet their,ponjidof fles ;S ;ev«nrthreatenedtofserve'i thajCc^DraUpn,with!.r8:jWriV;for;thejamounti:of /theirawim"t;utto"rp#yinent;ofvwhlch:o*aBidelayfld; by,rea«nlof theilbiessof their latetwasorer/(oh 1 oh. l)vEvwy taxpayerin-vthecityhad-aa interest in ,thiaonxtion iad^^ ete ' V^iDgia f tJif taeiifto'ta England, or from, Cork,{hbwefter r^BpeoUjble, •toWipose bn'tnB 'ciUrens' 1 chargtf whjch;they wero.not.lioa inJD ic»to;pay'(hear>h;'e(ir)v.'

' | ;. . ''~ -'M%Xijmftgm roie'topMpoee'line first fesolntidn;and.jiajditlia^'at the isqueat of aaumbor.of jeBpect-'

; able; oitiz«nB,-; ho snooted too question - a«;i tne jasi.CJc^Jdd.oUJfhichoccasionMr.- 'Allensuggested thiflTne«t ing.JiiHu (Aid:' B) • would nqtf ' take leave to pf o-poe> iho-Wsolntion to wUbh' Wtnoufchtno reason-i;> e'rna conMo1)jec^ i^>^^:;!-v^'i;- •''•';i!ioti«IXThat'oonsiderinB!'the:very low'Drico ofooaujtnna tne recent reaponoits maasia^aeoosEoi:gaan lei» favonrod locslitios,"w'o rcspocCnlly and earnestly

ask tie WaterfordCW Compaii foria liberij] reduction'inHhtf 'pride :bf.'gas''tp the^opiilumers/ ot: this, city *': I Wobelieie,'moreove,r7th»teudn a rtep'on. the part, of thopbmrany,'will not only;' glTe'jsaUs'Kotion to.ib e oitiionagenejally/but Jno eaje'th8;e6n»niaptJon," ,,. :, -.:.. ¦{ '¦ ¦;Ta cpntinnation, iUd^^Re4mplid;eaid

pey hivd heardorHltcllohU being aaied topoma down in their rents.,a^ yeCT^manyof.tliemi'werodoing1*so ;,but he only.asket'j'ifie as Company to come doitnin their pricesM Jow ostother cibes^and towns lwa-favoured, 'inPttul'/ptcoalsiind"othei. expfensea''than1 Waterford;(h"»M). .ThVcon»ke4n'»;.'lettorB'HnW,tead^ 8^^tbiS t r atfpii g^moTAiitheT pUces'(hear);'..':)ya8 Jthat jastf. - ;JP6r'in-8 bi'.they, e pa'ying'.ls73d;ipec!;l,00dieet;more'thari Cpcx,. where coalsare dearerySa. 3d. more than.Belfiatf'dd. more than Londonderry j: they.paid one.'penny.;Bblyi.le88:itban:Clonmel,!.wher8 coals-^WercTabout 4*. p«r ton dearer than in Waterford; and theconsumption of gas not ialf) but iu'Wexford;'wherethe'cdnsumptioln-'was not quite half tUat'bf Wa errford] the ptiQe wa^more retnarkablei'- 1 Wertord paidIB.'ftl. per 1,000 less for'ita gasthanWaterford,and1the limps-only .cost ''j aiai. 6d::,iper year, whilst! inWatiirford ey paid M (hear, hearJ.-.Tt)e:W«fprdCcns;nany was started some years ago by their oVto'townBpeopleV.with'acapital of jea,O0O>in XS sharee-Sino> then; the sharea have : risen to"'j£10/'andJtheywere at present •¦payinj'ip.per oent'iwhiph .fact ap-;pcanid 'by'their¦ last report"(which •;Ald.'jEl'; read),fWhen theWexford Company made lO er'.'cent.,1 hoaskel:; What' tho : Waterford 'Company, i innst !bo'muungr: - JI'IOQOUDI.IDO rv aieriora company<werore iwtoble men from.CkjTl: and from England, hQlaid.iut( ft great deal of money in. improving thei^jrprVs ; bot:theyf ought to* spread this expenditnroover; several years,' andnijVput it on be citizens ^at once (hear, heftr),1,1. In;.'8Bprt; if ; thoy .'don't lowertoeJt'"'gnce8 in ptbpqrtion tt the^rpduoed price i ofcoalifas otier'companies had dorio, .th'ey .would flridthe j«eopleiof .WoUrford returning to, oil and candle-;and jiey/were even otraw partially doing this in almostevei-^strect 'a)i3 l*n«,in the cityi (hear, hear). Onthe <ontrary,if ga»«e're a8:cheap'fl8 it ought'toibqin tiia city,' so aeacto1 the coal fields of England andvValii8,gskwould> supply the' place of candles' and

WvretymK&e (HearViear):^', T!\ "¦• ¦ I ' l :"u'T, '¦¦¦ X Vg B&qnAiXtf omptipn.Y;ii;doing;so' hqBpeaterBdidth4t^wli»t;t ey'waot€d1wa8 cb,eapiga8for the publio lamps :(np» no). Three years ago ftublic meeting .-vitii.t ei'Mayoriin the chair, iaeld tppronjote tbe'iobtaining cheap gas, and a re-olation-.was adopted approving-of-tie Corporationurahasingtb'e'gaB •;wprke, but 'that proposed'pgr-basii fell to the,; yronnd, and !}f"iheyjTno^%,e}iKtpiiy them they,woDJd;haye'topay^ClO.dOObrer whatbuy ypold'havo/ b^n^bfainedTfor'at' thai- timbmarb(.6f, di8appro'val).;pHe 3oaired( to iaake thesebserraiijionii b uae ha alwijTi objected*) inooirecibWmentSj (heafi/tlajighferjr-and be did not wishisee the meeting led astray (oh'f'oh l).'r' ¦A.'SJAT*-WtailDon't ypn'knowjfMr.rfiilberJtbkt'thA coin-ray divides ten! per cent, »0d thatJanyprpnis overttSamount they js 'W tant 'lJie' dridi abaPake tbe'd or< ce'.fottfajc^nbdr^^;'ft ,"lieari ?A% MoGaATS-^M JPisher1 seconds (be r?pojntio;n|P^ tis.^doinjg hatf Ife ciu< to etrangle it, becauw^ la^b'netfrpm he' .Coifcpa^ loud.c'qes¦A%h ).!'. ' :ii: \ i 'j<«W--'-}'-' f *^


:''i, Mr.fcgHiB. (who<hadra'nctnber'»i>f docnnie'iltibeforeVn) eaid that '8tat«mont! Wai' wKoUy 'falie:JledidU cam» ,thi*«(!T»rth'-any?speaal SpiaadiirfohghVtoVt theVCpipo on',fo>WyfU,e>oi;k« i 13

f P^^f^BwjriVwb't uttfiwtflhtipricofot; gss^f^^-^'^^tw^^S 1^* -'!'1 ''v fr^^Wtii suprortingitoStcsolueonV.Targ ltlutst i*pE. taJtVitH»:lMwr^nnH9ifqWi ['

meter wii^ogfc improVeineMUtthe quality,1*! dtterahbiW) >u^^bl 4tejwrothqir!Jnpn if^^Ro««W «aWm th iad jpffloorte test t IB

' ^?ia»ft»;Wft»» J»4 « it earried,.ifoJ^ ^ -'j A^^ ' ^^ rH1 "•'/

I^^B^Hs^^W^B^^tli* il

and be *"'«*' tipffiJiBKiy fttight tff maNM their waral11

be^^t°f- '*aP*^ 1'^^^222!ii^'i

M - JJID *||| S||t Wf i ^m M BB a Bci BB B^BBSBMkl 3C*Vfl^B BB^B^ k^BB BB aalh%Vh 3* Sm ¦"' .S^ k^ BBHSi

yl fV'A' l^r^ fcSJ*^ flf fr*Bl[5SBrBBwSi i iV^B L l B^B B^B BMB^B i *4VB^^^^B^^BBM ill

VKfsJ'lJ* ** £iisiisst BllRss s sl BS B B B BVHB B B BB BE^SIIA B BBB BUBI

J^ i* V A r ZA^^^S^ B sE BBa S B B^^ B Bj B B B B B B B^HML SS^ BM


' JVATBRF 'O&lii JSJ'tCH^^WAi'QaAR'VBA - ¦ have !• o s-' ¦.t-.-alrAoush'-it-was ftdvertised as" an'' 'Qmnlan:::James' Noonan, •JJoh'n' Thomp8on,;'Waltei'Xti&Z ' rn,! '--:M lQNa^i:: ::., iB0 :trl ¦ .({U.ilWcscrtea-auilio^KifiSnes'Kriox drained byjtfr:- -SS f , 1 ^™1

? ^8"" 'jcSRL.vjBD6i .n«88r=owMiif4X1; \pis»s,, t AKD :. TBIIB.^Thpr.utpn.f Is the plajtttifl »:Baw!theadvert-sanient W amFan«U, |dV«dvBsMwrnj-MiobM\Jxo.\ _

I .•,,.Tfc»8 scssions.wei-p. opened, on-Tne»day morning;.,. his .tiaio to attend the.*Ue,.whioh MB to bo an unre-.' . -^"5 d«fende * ^M f1 w „, ¥h

~ \i,nTlak:it.balfrpH8t: Uai:doek;.>y,;fle6rBe;: Waters. Esql riervo one ; did AOtbeixr it Baidit wasan unreserved


i'lmeiepo¥*,t'?J *t * - tTkPh;Q.CJ.f^nty,,Cdn;tJv.dge; whP.crmmenced.with? . iuotto

p £&a&&&X WmwsajnivaM.v i.,,; t i K :;., Vother. id , :hJd toJM^ for thisproperty Mr,' 'M had ».thhisbwtherThomM as;to

tfie- tenancy

.engaged up,.tb"near three, 0,'clock, and. at that hour' , valuable because of iU pattern'and age j.d^rfed; .l 0;"""./- ; : " . .'. ' - ' . »he weritintp^ ¦

¦. .,,,.,,:, ,;r- :,;#. ¦; . -„ . ... ,;,. V.;;, the plate aftorthe auction, ,and: defendant told Km; fiigWf:*"r?r'. ef^ J?*"JS ffc^«rf.'ifc i -«iv ' !. ^¦.:'»man>TOi .MLLK ' i-. .,, - . :: - !, to go about his business i'-could.lftvo made.XlO'on' .bUoksmith.lmngrat CUfden 5 remembers the Oth of

^fcrincirt.v, ;JfW«K-This wuslan wtion.byjMary ' the lot ; ho wanted it for a certain person.:? Cross- ^T^- ty ** waa a. m™


ndftyw-, Ji fhn

.ferown9,.againrt ,.John.,,?yhUVe.l. for rJB12, ailogod examined by Mr/Howard, Brings this action to put i^68. * I **0™1 18 .th.e m»n: WltJ1*v1 wamokht of sustenance of defendant's wife for fhirty' 'a stop to tbis work-;, never saw Sich thing before, J^**«

«ght -was weak, coked m the dock hav-Veeksr-attharalie of lOs.,per»wook..Mb.e'case was' . at any auction, and has, beon attending; auotions for~ jnggone near it, and thon'aaid- Tbemanftnot.before the court in Janwxy. .¦and as it.was u famUy :f6rty years ; does not Imow what: Eyan bid ; did «*«•• - On resuming examination, witnesssaWthe

decisioa..wal, postponed, iu:,viaw of a, eWeineht. gentlenfan told him, to: bid,for this plate.; did not ™L*ha "*£; Jul and asked him eould h

^e geihun

Such aa issue turned.Tip to bo- not fensiblci and the. Bid,for it .aa an agent7 ;• Would have got 20i. an oz. $™*_ ™ e ho

™ J J"tae g il«,ffi.Xith'case.-, nowveame m>: for repeating. .The'.plrtinUff, fc* some of thij silver,!but would have..nade up the ™* "<ned.;X«rkm; the man left the. horaefwithexatninedby Mr/T toiij.depos&toher keepof: Ipss.on 6tJier portions of it^r'" I '- "** %i ' ' " ^ / .'t rfterwa^in

^Anpohce barnick;

defend t'sWife/andon orbBs-examinationby MrV : 'Mr.;Pfitrick,Kvnn;exwninedby Mr; Thornton- saw tne man afterwarda iniaiL _ wiilUti,Eeely, for, defendant; it wis deposed by tbe.pkintiif .Was.at.this.anctlon -and' bid'tor 'tKis'plate -by Jb ,'p. Larfan deposed ne remembered the 13ththat she had heard,-" her daughter 'could 'have gone- authority of:Mr; Pender ; Wd'outlond j bid22s .3d-au' «'/ i -.thfl pruoner came to his placp th the•Wme;butshe didnot :dOTO: - Thol'defenQnnt swore ounce; and Knox did nofcbid;22s;ld; did not get the*

^h'lt° 1. \ '/ Z'!'thathe iras'gnite ready. tb: tako his wife honiA, but plate nor pay for it; • Mr. P.endef toW^witness ho ¦¦?"« J*

tte borae by accident because ofa^m-the Chairrn'oiirul drtat Plaintiff was entitle^ to

the would «et a commission, from Mr. Barren (Barron- *&^

**-hvt. !o°t i iT? J*lL C\< r'cost of maintenance of thiiwoman, but not. to the court) for buying it; Mr. Pendir is to pay him for SM*^

™" h.ttve wor**" »* ;fron * S3 5Amount sought; as herVaevvicea ' wero .Availed of by bidding for it?. Thewitnee-s.ww not crosrexamiued f J J ™* iiSP h i' To M7K£ ?Thaher tnother about the house, and gave a" decreo for Mr. J. ; Pendcr, ¦ defendant,-', examined by Mr. . MT ' . ie h.orse- ¦£ ?. «.f?iu?i£».-JOr-lOa-:" ¦ " ¦ ¦¦?.¦'¦ • ¦' • ¦' ¦ . • '; ¦ ¦ ¦ - , ' Howard-Conducte<l-this auction - . was instructed pnsonersaid nothing to me about seUmg the hirse.

- !'3forri5iy vV KrtneaUy.-This; was an'-ietlor. by by the famUy to.have some of this plate ;bought| for t ° Z^ cSh^

n%^^c\ V¦Mr.: Janies! B. Morxis cy, »gainst Mr. Williaiu Ken- them ; one was Mr: Joseph Barron, and the other was ' °f? at

r °" !. H0WB !ln 'J 1^

0 ¥ %%f Uneally/ rocerSsp merchant,'. 43 Quay, for tho eldest Ron of the late Mr.Barron ; • employed /^ of .° ho"f. in " thl??l "w Jf.'wronku!diBm{ssdl,-Tnd- damages.were, laid at X34 .Ryan to bid , Eyan bid the highest, and the pfate V .*%2?%&, ^0°^' V, S trf$s:"63: :Tbe following jury trere . sworn -iMeasra. was knocked down to him 5 ,was instructed as totho SS ,?' TJP T^MPatrick Farrell/.-Patrict Daniel. William Carroll, auction by Mr. Eobert Dobbyn, the solicitor of the. to

fC aH«Vnvn »^ h«[ rl i «JL .tEotert S-Backas/Miohaol Terry!.' Mr. Mathieson,. .famUy. To Mr. Thornton , .Gave no limit to Eyan' T^


? ?, !0" I T .^ t«Sm,B.L.;1 instructed by Mr.' J; J. Pe?l7» appeared 'for , as to. what he was to.bid ; whatever price would be ™*°- ™ ^ r t wrfS? w rtLTpSTf'the plainUff, and ;Mr. Carson/instructed by Mr. J. bid, Eyan could outbid aBd:get the plate j that was ' r»«• e Me Cnmn here closed. For the defeface,'Amfewe; for the defendant. -' V- ,;*• ¦• ¦.- I :. ;¦ not deceiving tbe public as toantuireserved auction. ' 't/^ ^ ^ A^ ^ ^ShS)- -Mr;'>MathieBoni - B.L.. onen^d'the case 'for the Hia . Honor naked wbo w«s the Breaent owner of tho he -was a brother to complamant j thia .horso wasplaintiff , aild said hia client was a-young man who P,'operty. and was informed thit it wnsttr. Joseph 3A fV

t:« *«R n^^fJ" jf!sengaged' with .he defendant, a* grocer and spUit E. Uorron. His Honor.Mserved. his decision, on the : °™£°l J ' S^wwi.trf ?hT< l dhanmeXnt ii this city, .to .v.ndirllke the wanage- point , that) where, as in thUW, the auction was; S^

!ffi « Sr^SwS2^"'flS£?'-ment of his buBiiicss. the plai&ilt receiving .£20 a advertised aHunicsorv^theauctioneer could knock\ ^^ 3 fJ^^ .l ^"!;-,year with hia bbird and lodging ¦ That agreement it down to the owner, without the riak of u'n action.1 72 t tti ivH 1

was made on'January 28th, 1879/and pUintiff went Mr. J. .W,;Howard for defendant. . ¦' .;¦¦: ¦ • -.;-:-: I JSJ^^ «Sg^* .ft* »J! einfo'clarge of thebubiness under this ariungemeht.of. i > Ktnncdy and Veale y . The Waterford and Linierick ' 2f ^

f" *^ [od"°1v, J£ Z- ™L PM»

^SSfe iiSa ^J^S'fc insti.cted..:by'MrJj i j J &^&J&^£S£&&

M^ i P^ T S^^a: * ; ?^M . i dtth Sa^ h SneS

fiX ^^ tnV aS^ld": • Mr. Matbieson 'statedrtbV.plamtiffsr case, The of offence. Sentenced to

m^f ,'&^^S^ S^&S&^i " Se^r^X'TurS-: PrS^Bi8E CoIK.-Jbhn. na *as indi tedbwdver ; Howew? on Mondav oraiif Sf7tt WW." «i the 18th',,o( AnguHt,, and ¦ in: a raco for having, on the 15th of August at-Tnunore.-triedof July?he iSarily dismtoed uHFttout his lh6 •"**«" bf wb!cl1 wer« >«• ¦' ©".the -Saturday to utter a coante.feit coin purporting to IK, a .sove-kB'owinK forXf SenSXifterWrrlanUed «1***8 before the.Tnenday; plaintiffs,.went to Jhe .te,™ .

^ThejWtowmg J^ P*n»>bd <T- „

th7t"heVM''tomisMdbMau f^ fes dth^ ' rminus of the defdndints'to'bngage.abox to' brinR : •Measrs.:Bobert A. Egan, foreman ; James; E.

^ itoW ^ 'fi ttS iSre- 'I*! ' -»?*»•« ' - . leaving e .on^

Monday. |c«H, J^

bn gan^auie, Q gley, Edmond ftjyr.influence cf drink The ni<rht he waa foiihd in the Aboy met an officer of ,tl e.company named MacKey, Jofin .iiabessy, . ifiomos Heiiy, iTitneJr iiejly,Q :ttti?htof a

e: l Maur,ce

DH kett, Patrick Eedmond. Denis Power.

missed,the trainat KilmcadenTiidhad,to walk into: *? r *? taring¦ » lvorso. f rpm jhere^ tcriTuaq on Hmry »"««»• _ . • : ¦

maSeeven flafk S lefentoSter in law pWitaa offered tolet the inare go in a cattle wagon, °a 'ed for two halves of whiskey and put down auSt£^eiM £tab e'uffi> ABin' tut 'thej 'could not get one, and they were unable to - .<« the counter 5 she gave ,t back Baying it wasWs^keVanL^usSmrStMSrt '

tato on

the hor8e- >«»etne chance of winning the b.id ; he sajd.it was a good sovereign that he fjot in

^ r rl S hi ^ t^ n l , race;.and the present'action, was brought for th* clmnge ;.she gave it to her aunt ; the coin produbedfflS^ t^^feS W: — of the; f l^:;Tho^.o^gevllenc,WaB "j^^^S^tewihep^ner i he,r?5S? ?!5F «-__- i;.»_«« .^ l. - v_ ;,i: • Mt. 'Michael' Teale e iniined bv Mr. Mathipjion— was, in.her holel on .the 16th of AngusJ ; :her. niece•Se^d^eT^^tto^S^ Xs1ar^Snl'raceV^K^

i S " ^^S^Zf f SSS&^SM¦ hgr&I S ?; M c aSS^ w:n^ acS P^^a^rffiSffig^•defendant frequently

^cpngratuU>ted him on the way .£* J^ tSe3i

;foione that hehadnotone Ton said soinetning about being Eorry-for having

&sss.±«^&ssassK .iftst ^gSTSSS' S&SSBSSC swtsassaI defendant said .'." p on; you're doing weU ;;.':.heard •.%£" .J*™* h n'U - asat the terminusat & «• d; he took' Hmw. and came back;ne 1$^ .say.ing;it:wa>,li t ,only.; she,refused iV 1 To pri;

.nepnew as an _ apprcnin.e mere, inai ne Utointm; belinved thafthe miirehad a irood cbanea of winning Boier : Tbo com produced , (tbe sovereign, as, itim ^rte^na^m^^eondoetaiv.ae. SSbffiSSl 'br -B&i i Had° «?forfeit fo" were) is not the one at all; tfe coin'sho«i me was

:'*SBrV 'r !J§£-:?5''Stt*°?;day' 5«>- . J?.nf. KenneaUy jg^ffiSSS' yffi •" lTobelfa™l^ this a half-sovereign. Mr. Joebph-O Brien.' deposed hecalledp t sattenfaon to some .mi was a publican in l>nimorefoh:Lady Day prisonerfflgsss^^Jfo^a-as ^^toI^t^SB- v^m^^'X^^s

"l ^fe*'<S " w^£^'5riS-: • ^wSS&:. Saturday -to Monday Hannigan's||ublicbouse .in Tramorf.ieposed.tbr.t

>S^hot^^^Sto him to ^r^ ;Mackey.dld' not let:biin¦;tt pw..tt.at,fo would noV .P"! ! ^ * ! J»™>.™^i¦?»,;*»' I',u?'i™u?« • 'l, «?:-;w'","l.1» w .uorrecpi : Ve'a'bbx ready'i sent horse's 'Vais~,»'ay"bef6re

~ • ~:" V '; the stbmge young man gave deporient.n com-.^TOmjwutfom :. *efew:, fbfl.' ,monejr was .;P"d » h^:J^ ;^ /' «2Swet ' Which he said wos.aaovereign. and told ,him: to give' dantjd.f mwsedrnimat early

^morni him the change ; showed it to Mrs.-HonnigaDiTho;

eth'Jnly.^defendantne rchirged b^ refusedit, arid witness returned it to tho youug man;

•fendant«.baU one bight,; and, wdated teore ™l. .J -tbat Mh'Mackey' e«d h«"Wbuld Ket'a.box - coin produced was a base one mode.of mixed metala:iJSSaSSSfi'f X-* *'*?&&-t&i. tWW?Mn *wW Sub4oiuiUU4 -6pok« proved ho tha^oirLlrom.¦teol^rthi^faom. thatsW.{

r.whtth;heg dtdrnpt' M t^ ^S dn^Wcon ^ i n e ht Mrs.T'ry/andHead-co.nstableBaSdeposedlie gotitm^mgmi ^s:- I Sis^BSE? ps msss&scsss^S iSSMri,'SwE:\t"m TESSSi re™S.toit£tK,n»« U,. ««'*«&!!»vi»m*#-- ¦< ¦- »i»'¦ ''¦!¦¦:•


l S ii Ss lippiS*1w fev iaM r i S J '-SS




by Mr.-.Strange, . I'lynn/of Fennor.sThe^ury .in theriorse stealing.'¦ ^ O^ &^ S& i- {or tLo defence.,sworel he ld plaintiffs he had Bno. '«* w

impanneUed intone.,, 'Mr. Moran de-:r hiTwalSb e&fof .boitherfc butthathe ouidwi^forone/andivould . ««*W-, :,;:.j . , ! ..,-, - v w.fr , . ,;!«,„.. : , • ', n) r .i

¦- fc fc S?^ i S;r^ n fir''25« let thto know. 6n M6ndkymorning. if they'dsend . , James rower deposeihe,-was servant Patrick:^ ^l S B mm& S Mh . oV^» V1"* *»'•"the' 8ta«»n8 1 ** w*-«J- he would Ply . pf.-.F nnpr, j opi»26thLSopt::he was. in

T^S«h^ ^r^ ^ W!fe:M?;§Si??i: 9«< onei,'ceuld not maiVaoy promise,'it «»* abouti. n.qrP.ia.nd ^bt.lb'w.a.bottlesoi^wluskdyjand i&\ otSS ^^ W^MA^ ^ fifteen!niiiiutesafteieli,ven wAenbe fi;8tmet Veale . .brandy.atMr.Byan'sestabliShment OThis; !!! ;:

^ U^

n^% m 0>

W' pn'rtbeVplutform - thatjIcJn'day morning ;,tliat .was at th Priest's Eoad as r as going^home/.-hemetfc«wS ^ latil^ !*RiiH^1P''is> '-V'' thbtmoininV;.cif ,tbe[iWaterford,:rega.tta, and de-

J> «l crpird;,-pu8pnec.cauie:outqfthe)crowd.demnii4ed'

pXi%i M^ ~ .tP5ne^"c-itHite8t!linom*1 poiieatrwaa vert'biisyion.the platform.-' j A ; i,:\-. '. ii .the .;bottles, and:caught-ithe.bottiai.deponettt had'^ t i ^R^ -2? *W-^ -f<!r'*h8' vCriftfexiinipBd'.'bf- arr. t'Slrt sson-^Could.'iiiot; under.his'arm^. tbe otoei.botUesiwere^carried-b;/•38W?feffir 7 «?j t*»iw«jk« l^SJ3

1'Ja/^ -i*f'J 'guai t XboiVto. Uiei twhenii^hadn.'to.ne.at the, M»ry;l4imbort'tand.aboy|named:I«nihan;;pMonbt';f^ hCuf jr:r li^ fe Jh*ji»fendftnti'iln doing1Bp.JMuiieliflrge^ ft J jor the'strBJigenoBS of tbq

niritJdUmby^ lfin.yf /^ i plAi tiff sVdre,'j^ JM^1SSi^ - W^*4*wtt';tuatiher;waa to1 tUedafendant. JJJe tben,ooir(mejit4d;onjthe omission of-Jhi plaint jto^k.the .'feMantUj iKisba why he| . Sj * fe «?r# PTO« .tMt'

n\Tll *«u»mKenieoily,!fd BdantV*:Mf,!C««M« tae6nseau^earto«n^ 'watohedpl»^ f;:o*.18tn at ft¦flBi«W^artllat.'nighb,'def«adaBt^me'ddi»nBtairs

¦tto«s-\«>«st»iri ; Jj4jai» « .J defendant.•s^*os^^weehiaat]4irt«^ yand:cbuld•i^mVa iliatib6n'rtMo'nhBr»WBiW*^afeftndan't,tM!fHI«Mjfiepognc.Mj|jBjmM|yMnPUa:b<^ODM;

mmSSiWiinsoimmmek pspKff*Hers'H,p'i^^£j»Mil^S ffi k - ika* Kofi

sS^v-ciSlKil W%M§i$i£-'

¦tormlnus : ^ouIdL nptgi,ve( them,.agoaranteo. as toVgoUin ff.boxj.aiifelegrniph tp alltiiaEtations for a.:'. Jti 'Af f f i iW&ih '' ¦* ''¦- ••'"¦• J« ^<t\>«- i :i• - !Mrr Stnmge, addrpise4. tl e jury,:submitting that ,¦-th'e T 1«bf1 gtwjf.oiil»pwof:tte:' enoiwtB..;Mr.'Wale;one'o'f the jlaintiffajdiilflptady one word•as ,to,.hSving'.)a(" Vo? j««4y;-j-in.ei6ply;Baid:he would,:wire fOt onojan'dMr.Xoiyiedy.sayinjy'tthat Hockey.Ba'id \lio''j;viuldjhay[e'j onej''> ag' 1 Ia6onng:'underva:'

'^7Mt,.Mi&'i n<;on' ''o f«ide; contonde4thattheidr:^as.' u^ propf^ptj'a/coiitract,.and.that Mr.Kenn'edij.w^4^ ij PPin^?n)U5 !';J i '-A t -s :- -- .'• 'Hik Hopor'abArged.jsnd tol4:t"e> jury that even if

'tVe/je for",tKeyr(»u]4jiot say.that the uiare.would.'

«^ W*rfi'i ffSRit rf%tWfWJ

ltiMUir,*Ha»&ifc' ^ n{e . 06^106, 6 4^ ) ; ine,il edcbn-1

th4 be i ndyn:h/^ nqK t^We borse-box'on.'AheMgil a jw/t^.;i*« iw}r"i;shprt ah a5cg,;jfpnji4 '.a; Jrerdifetrfor tWe^

'_Cletr.of. i e;Uaj»npe])e4;thefollowingsilsj <^ fc S ^ ^9rrM 'fl - «Vi4'i«?oa'fcl /JH ^ ri? -ksi^Gio1^Cl^Sl Ttii.'for;m»A : TOoi'

Kir^^^Xt l^ jmo^M/ nli y^ Patri.c c'

¦ ^ pSSS^ ^>^

irowlhemi «

cft.whtti >

"j *jf"f* WgW^^* «»i»1 iat 6rwi'i'0nei;fy :';

^ m BwwiS>tl^^ 8 » t^"V'H» -' :

took ithe ..bottle ,-frqra .witness,1 •but>iMary Lambert'caugpt'it fronj 'him iand ibeganitoiBoreamfj-Jthei;prisoner, and : tba otherrimenj urant sway.'njilaryllanibert; fellow servant *ith the! flret-Wtnes^foor-1,r6bprated,thi foregoing iieatimoflyj^HdftdiconijtabJe'Bal],..TTO.more,!derjoeedrKB ^rreBtoli:WhltUe3iorlu8'own ,'lioiise,4,and he'*! .wak ijdentiSed; bytth'e 'ftojr;Powerv- TherpriEoner.-wa vfdar^pgiriltjiianfi'iwis':sentenoed.to hree months'impristrament,ihisHon6f'-bailing him, that sucK condpctwou'dmot- bel toferA

iiiiA STaAMOKilNCiDiiiiT In;^'propess 'the1

above.case; Wbicb" olodedXb!e"cria5inalbusine£«. the;bnis in.ttoA bth«rstoyin be*h.!|gr/dreaK;afl stra^W•and.-.at rsadj;v<indd.ent«^u1*eo BToirards i;':tHe;-cl0B0 6f 'the case hifl H6nor*«attSftiOT ''d.fa,T<)ted;t«i tbecbndition'bf bne 'pf-Jfce;1.ju gii^btfsatin:tne jury DOX.ttjuoBuoneQ!oy tuHcourr,,xnejTirurwas.linderBtoodtosay tbatnWrime taurftnMl ttiri-'-'Jan, and! he denie 'poMtarily teti 4nj8kgHi» piiirl'.0ner; ho*eVerJ!m:.the X mp

ii% «Hfmha t|i°abellef«e>the:very> opposite-'«ha1rac{e?r a iif:iwaBabout! stop ig''the<ca^;'fehennh '«HeWorotllMid'Jtheyjlx eTeitheir-ifeUowyufori'W'&'fiiWe ilPhJi''dafy,-p'ne.jurof<ta g< l 0g8>H ? a iai >fr^&rest

.menfc dpringithe'short aan thWlweJa'fronlHjcm'r ,'':aM be hadverymUe7^ «otforaWwHw5ica«"ito goibn/bufcibe offeMeVagaih'nreiiitoIcoiliaibn-iWith'the : conrfc>DhriHg'-Mi' atoi »;?Hdi«3fi:f<&'.tte;priabner> e '(M^M6M)'9iI« la*:*a'fi4' ' I ^ipbint'4pvarg«i teMa!j riso lJ'«iV ,*HeftBK); iJ>th«(oaendi iuroroTied'6rtf <^ao1 .'hi*» ofa if;toWtf I!hissealifthWdoo'ni;£3^itorilytorderedhirtf'intbl'CTlBtpfly.' ift^^^bserviiurJstfengly thall'itiwaKlais^wfulJil^man!iieVjBaAir^p^rft tsoHitopc ta^

MMii^MsiM•ts pb^ on«Vi<l? sj iieVjb!

•btfmA^DTbWTffJsWbPnt^nptW totiWaT fcF-fti'¦ tti&if t&&6M 'ri<uX ^'te1m-:i£ltK&&teSn•by;Ue«ttBA«JpUnliHmenlil lOn theWuryiaUJi)

.AlStoW?a6nmefi'.'hkd (»nWreWffi^^ ;

ii«^3c«Jd4isyeik«pt^frofefrdHnk]<'The?ofpIc! •lw««x iatte4fbr>twtrn^rff6UrJ noarBj'itrid:the* iotir;Ji«i«auorByiftei H^W^^ |g§

I understand, the prisoner is not amenable, but it Knecessary, nevertheless, for tiie bill to go before youto have your decision upon it. The second case isone of assault, and the taking' of a small sum ofmoney—4s.'6d.—and from what I have icad of it, itseeuis that the. act arose from that source so fruitfulof crime in this country, thepnbliohouso. There isnothing to distinguish, the case from others of thekind which' occur' in a large community such, as this,and I do not feel it necessary to trouble you withany further observations. . The Grand Jury retired,andj ' after a short absence, had disposed of theirbusiness, when they were discharged.SPIRIT I.I0EN8XB—A . DEPUTATION, - AUD A CHANGS.

The High Sheriff, addressing his Honor, said howas requested to introduce a deputation from tbeSouth of Ireland Temperanco League who wishedto present a memorial to the court with respect tothe applications for licenses. 'Aware as his Honorwas of the praiseworthy object of the deputation,he (High Sheriff) was certain" they would receiveevery attention from his Hcnor, and he would nowbeg to introduce the deputation.

Mr. George Walpole, T.C., who was accompaniedby the Eev. Mr. Devenish, then came forward, andsaid that a memorial had been given him for pre-sentation to tbe court ; bo believed his Honor hada copy of It already, and he (Mr. W.) need not,therefore, read it. Having been already before thebench;on' the subject of tho reduction of publiohouses in the city, ho did not feel it WOB necessaryfor bim to repeat the arguments he used on thoseoccasions. ; He would leave the statement of thecase to the aecretary of the League, .feeling assuredhie Honor would consider what he had to say on thesubject. He (Mr- W.) had to apologise for notbeing accompanied by more members of tbeLeague.The Eev. Eobert Power (C.C.), was there, but hehad to leave to attend the biBhop. ,

His Honor—Oh I there's no necessity to apologise.You are a representative body, and you do not needa large deputation, i •

Mr. Hussey. then came forward, and read thememorial, which set out that there were 232 public-houses in-Waterford city, being une for every 35 ofthe inhabitants ; there were over 2,000 convictionsfor. drunk^nuess during the past year, .and .theLeague would - ask that no new licenses be granted;that the present be reduced as far as possible; thatthe granting of transfers from one place to anotherbe considered with respect to the wants of the in-habitants; and tbat the police be requested to use in-creased diligence in: looking after public houses,for memorialists believed that publicans themselvescommitting breaches of the law were sot broughtupas of ten as cou'd be done. ¦ . . . f • • >

His Honor said that for the justices and himself becould assure the deputation that they fully sympa-thised with them in the object they had in view. Asto the suggestions in the memorial, he did not reallyBee'what more could be done than was doing to keepdown the temptations' to drink. He was convincedtbat-the-magistrates would not' grant any newlicenses ; but they could notprevont a man havinga license to se". tbatiicense if be pleased, for thelaw gave him that power. ; He would be very gladtosee a - pu'blicac punished who .would give drink to adrunken 'man ;. but the magistrates had no oontrolover "tbe' police'. However, on a recent occasion itwas stated to the'Eecorder of Cork tha,t tbe policehad received'directions to use increased vigilancein'tbia respect, and, no doubt, Ihoy would do so.! Mr.- Fi8ncr, T.C., (who was in pourt). rose, andexpressed a wish to say a word or two in opposi-tion to the statements set forth in the memorial.:'''His''Honor—I .can't allow a public . discussionhere on this subject... Sit down, sir. . Mr.. Fisherwas proceeding,'when his Honor, said : Do. you sothear me, sir ? If you do not sit down, I wiH hoveto tako'a very summary method with you. - ;. !' Mr. Fisher—If your Honor, hears one sidej-andnot'the other, I can't help it. • -.. ¦ - 'i;¦ The court'tben. went into the consideration of tbeapplicatipna'for licenses. ¦;There were' no Jets Than63- entries,' but the great majerity were ,fpr an. ex-tension of ^

BIX days to seven days, it being prettywell known that the Court of ; Queen's enchibadruled in favor of such extension under: certtin' cir-camstancfla ; others, were for confirmation of pre-vious transfers,'and two or thfee. for new licenses.These latter wore refused. , -;. . : ; ' .; . . .

His Honor, addressing the eolicitbrs/said he -hadboil consultation with the magistrates with respc-ctto.'theae seven^days' licenses, and they had deeidedto reverse their, conduct with respect to them. -Themagistrates bad now to submit to a decision of -theCourt of .Queen's Bench iu favour of suoh on: ex-tension, except.where the constabulary itould havea . valid • objection. , The : Chairman then-passed anumber of such applioations, Mr. Whelan; SJ./an-s.wering, as each* was called, "Ho objection." • ':In the course of the proceedings, Mr. Hussey cameforward,' and objected to seven-daya! licenses; buthis,IJohoi told him it was .useless to argue the point,aa' they , wore bound by the decision of the Court ofQuijen's Bench. .. ;. ¦ :' , .:.- . . . . . . • ; " .!¦ '..- ' • '.• ¦' ::,'..' Mr. Jacob, J.P., said it was with much pain he sawKoae'licenses, extending .to the Snndnyj.*ut the

moment be heard from the .Chairman that snch waajh Sw7&r?E* °»submitted.-. ; .- ¦ ; . ¦ > . .¦•¦ Wv <n ".:', iMr. T.Slattery/J.P.;said if.ho could he would shutall pubJic bouses on tbe Sunday, but as. the'execu*tivedid'notBSe fit .to: give them Sunday closing, it'would fro unjust to.withhold those licenses. - ¦.' ;~'V .:::i:;v;:-;. .';

'THI8 : DAY. ¦ ;

;.' ' . ' ":rV 'i ' .;

!_' His'Honor was 'engaged to-day hearing defendedcivil' billi , '.There .we're two land cases fof hearing,b'ut th y.biv^Ve^Bettled., .. ,,!;;.;>• -..: ' ; v:..i,;:/:

,,MS.;J.-F. FANNING!S:CONCEET^n'''•The;concert announced:by:Mr. J. F.'>Fanning/Jthe

efficient 'arid, much respected organist of fit. Patrick'sCatholie' Church, in ttui'oity, under ithe. patronage andT>rc8once''of'thi Eight Worshipful Ald.(i. L'Maokjiiy,-M.'D.V-Mayor? andJamesT,' Byah.'Esq'., HuEh' hAff ,came off on' -Monday' bvenihg:in the "Large., Koom .CitjrHall, before a thronged' and 'appreclatiTe'andiWce,xommendnK at':eightio'clock '- feud : fram-' first tb'Iastproved decidedly successfnl.-r With !Mr;' fanning;'whoably,.'p~resided at .the ;piand,\ and" i/ho-sang-- with 'thatBldUjand 'expressiyeness, for(,whioh..he it sd:> a»tly'esteemed as.a,' prbfea»or,o£%mu«io in .this dqr .-asielae-wheW,"" a'' taitot' evoking ¦,.' aesenedj. applnuse, airoreMa<Ja b'MaTgaretoBaMe)fromthe.BotoiiuUooiiceit«,

' 'who'posBeeses'*; very rrwtanS irell-tiodpliUed sopr£no,and who merits' high proisrf V MrjTK Brennan'.'Kilkenny,,who,:o te><ple»«d"th6'rau ence"^Tity',<heJ s4rijiria)l»waykt.whioo.withJiiiCdeepi'weU toned bassojlWwMer.ediiffiwnga-allottedtt>jhim.'4 Mr.?3i\PasbhHH%h»•t t? ft »da<:thpTS>ajkQvotion,'-3tT»»idrandrt ted,1ana'who8erwaIJl;tpaedi tenot-KM(b»ugbimtorrtquem Tequisiuon^ n aian^uB.iaDp^ouemujjyjsom'

tpUw thyMt'P.1J.'EyanJ'(High-£^reet)-wBlt»n^.veryfA^broblykiibiraalr iybythepnblipas'acamWiiMer,

.PA5fesaor:Glbv«i',ly6tAyonnjf at her prpfes'smar jstames., / tlho profframme was « varied bh>, jieIeeCeuV>ntSjiftg»,nu>n : anqf Mi -pteasoil MB Toriho afl&onss 'that*4&ey -de*inanded from ona and all of3 ttef-perfoimevil several(ttUoWthrqugh 01,6; Concert cheerfully,tfMrmlitd with.

:MrtTKnnink" .has' every"rea«gnjto;b ;gr»tlB«(4 «ith;iiis

*&M V&M ?J L : 'i , !,.¦"¦¦¦ J.I i<j »M ,il La,-.FA' ffi^VT t ifr iP Anriv*1 • f V.^ f-fvli lIllurA TCT'Il TTfcT TIT A\ TUD Ci 3 ^

Hey- tsTOisi iOT^DaoIi'eMi'ot Mocllrarpnghraiidrithei^rfebJoM* prj'TO rf afe'n'aod; ,>> J yog,:*.P.O/,rdrote-TDtt, Vatorfora d#y frpni,(> rtagh-.toorf/Ui&di'vi t .tnS 'Female'ItidaiitrW toli.The -. dutin guiBhed;{viaitors ,w^'fjroo«rtd al-Uie «n.fcMCe Jbyi thi'lBem M6th(ir~aiia'*gisteran of thA'oom-¦ nmtcriof ttBxflGood^Saephewi; The-Eevr- .-'-iA.';|pMi John's, iCpUeJei-hanioth* f t e e tf i Wpi P.RWfir, uO,tl«f')i,e3prialB»j>pise.e»t(;l MMaSft^CUn'B.1 Wyse VK Vher wUSuU- ^ eSs, y«<$e 4«d.f Also), on

'¦ "bcSakion^VHavjifg-.ibeea; oondaetwLJko. fhe. y iarb*ii((Hh6' liff4!tn)

su '' r.0od - Ssi'e; ttuTQaeenVfjuda addre«;was"'fireB*teVl1%.ri3r ra ;:a\'wr4oh, opTmdtfctrse&verftone^yi»it<*tDtrer^iahown .UWoogh BelboHaja /^rid. were

LW8%aen*UW wi"p1«^ ><i*lt. *-'.aWK.l;Her.oxflpef^mwd s^mc ^ wbase^ QBT.^ vbrky uo&vt: tiy^TiheQiMrOTS|nto)vi4V^WpTer.Mttorii.:>Th» i^^taen^lef&x' r; ST^fflW 'w*ik fcfaJiijc«ii/^wtfB>ito Son-arll^koiTa' . ma.'J k7rTr iManlhiotWBsbr^ rfoM-^ 'e^rtb'jQi a «i .ih i«i ter<:

Page 4: ^B:=. - ..-:.:;i; ;->;%' ' .•.¦¦ ,. . , : =.., XSBir0U), I ^^ S p;; …snap.waterfordcoco.ie › collections › enewspapers › WNS › 1879 › ...VOL. : xxx;:i^oi-M!r:,TRS.


li.»X woV^ c;; v-l Jli<AaaVW«9t lW«'.r.X**l;'tnV: •>-*¦ f no-,,* iMittHJBv* wfc »lor»a?»b«; '- I1 -'- '- ) - r1<> i.iUS limit.) i3»*tajw f hj i jil iii t ?.. !'¦'«

.'."".J IM i5 ^•»>-;ultjrJDill4«» 13»l*Tlot*llpot I •; ; ' ^ ', ' v

, /i liw i. •.viv. .'Sgjwfe teWf«.;-^"Vi;" :*,!> .<?<( >t \.ii'i thai•tt'dieTo«ftTvU<& beatw«r»iold,;" 'V . ..J) So i .i .tj Jf a Uyj i j i MLinaUiaa ^atT'- ^-"- • • - ,¦ aiwaai:::-• ¦ ¦-

¦• -• '

¦¦ •.: . ;:¦¦. :. .' t uijmlwbn «U«ilt a«ejj»t •»*», " - '• i : !•::.< . vi U'ii WWaisO' aiBnisnttta*. '; :; ' ¦ '>¦ •¦; ¦;¦ i\ .i i Too,%OIIe»*»'niBiV t)«liiBa ifon^'"' ' .", ';/ ¦ i ' ,,'..' .1 : -. - - AlUa^pora ala;«nd long f > < ¦- > ' ". . . . . . ., , , . But mloe »iJ f»d« from human «"V ' ''¦i •• •• •!i .. • ••ToaiiMa lJT totmi&wwnely . . . .....;¦.. .:.'.< .iijc ifi v iX>T«r»grfc* l<mg< don*i"¦- ' .'¦ '•" ¦' ' • ' " '.. . .. , , . . ; . ¦ , . You wffl die wUh, enU&ren round roar .tad,• V , . ' ' ¦" " • Bnt7«hsll die alone.,'; .¦,/ ¦ -,)• •. •• '.. .'.

Oh. Idsd.loT , whom X-]ored not!'i - ' -, . _Q, faUluu] .flrm and.trne I ,,- , . ,, , .- ,; ' i- !• > v iDM<)D« W«dd llnrera«Mr Jnji P»T8»'¦. ¦- !¦ , !¦.: . < •: I.thlaktt n>nM be you." - • ¦' '

.. . * ¦ .. * , r CoaM.1 viahope heart to bold ma •¦ , .. . - , .. -i . / iuttfe nnl oMot. , •.;. . . , , . . : , ¦- <¦ '1: M •. ( • : ' .! vltbtak 'twoi ldte that Wrt or joura,

, -- r . ¦ ¦¦¦• •i: ! "Mjlove—nfcomlloveanot!"" .

• ';:'?'£ \, '-.'i tQ cia, L IA.- y ":'' 1 '- • :"i* '''''-ii •'¦•' .OurtVtida tfcywenk oomplalninjr' - , " . • : -¦•- .. ¦: j; . . [i Idle4fcu*ii»laa*uit*VanliigV ' ' ,. , ¦ ,, . , Thouartn t thp flnt wbomiadneii ,.' .' Harried to Ha brink.ot madota;- , ¦ :¦; . . ' '¦"¦"•¦"-- '-i- :. '¦"JKreijimi .'unit bear it*burden. • . .., • ; :0 i t co Vi. -i c t >.G(Mi tha.l JxJr.'tfreat the fctterdon..„' ;t •;• •! • .;;- i I.|tt thy cr< »», WVcWndid «pWt,' \'! • • '

, ¦. ¦-. -:•;;:. < .S - : i • Pi»X thy Ood Jorttrenyth to bear it - , i

PolIb«r Hte A<?dttd, f<ji»akeiLr. ; - ./ . 5 .:;>• ¦ •;; ""V<i-' =¦> -l-M-ia.MroTH-to-lUeJalghffafoii: 1 1 "'. , -/ , ;,-i - . . I . . ¦• .: 'i ' ;• TBoSShihj vtidiiagj he batiawlyl'.''/ . '. '', t '.And thy foe . may tretel ildwlyr . s ,'." ' •.. 1 ; . - r . Tnougbthj heartmoroftannolmi, - I - ."' 1 : .' "Wheu the c reaaoddanjcntbJokm.: .' < ! •' ¦-• .1 •> • , - ¦ - ¦i -Kotf one taa , wiQ !UI vn(imded, . . ; .... , - • :. I ¦'-1 ¦• ¦; ';. . : ¦- ¦; Kotapnr* bSanninzaed. "' . .' ' ': ' . , 1 'i *i

! - ,.'v Gk)ODvlJimwP. Am flnnnTtfftTwnwftt 5.j i^qfiQD^ICHt, ASP]GOOtfkOBNING- I- ¦ ^ hsroisit ittmtof iH tbi« we*rrliM, ¦ 1 J - ' ¦ '' • I

. . ° Tbij tronquQ hoa , with nantet gloix bright I - '5 ' " l r Cli»Jih&adB»tidli» one Un, for h«r« woixut; • \- ¦; •: ' ! V Oood-alght/nreet trlsndi,good-nlgbt. , . .y

:¦¦'¦' ^"'SoWii-iijw iSm 5-"ial"» llttiW •onji' *>

'- ." '¦ . •• 'v . ii . .,-! Bet to »oin» muilc trippluttgST and light," ' :

, • , . AndUow«n,;wbo«» breath 1» of the hooTenly fields ]ti, ii .-.•y .»if???WH^^

t w»ji*«*>« »««»-: r • '¦ '¦ voiOn« moment only, r Hi»idall'«nblln>eri. ¦ - .AJKI I pturtewrr inttps of mortal »orrow, :' • ' Tro^mtaetUthSloror tht aaxametlJuii j '- i ¦ ¦. •.8h*!lldd7tm gopfl inoriowl ', ' , . I¦' ¦ • Te'ndei'ind true I c» not ohboM bnt bf, ¦ .¦¦ •. , . ; ,:_ ¦, < ¦ -¦ •¦ 'iln4Ql how rwc« , at tntt a whlaperedwamio?, .,. ,;, . : To clup yonr btadi ,' mna, mtUsg, kin and »ay , ',.* ,; . ..r.6ood.niiht—•odgpod.momlng.;.¦:.;'.' -' ! - ¦ ' ;

'• •' t :•-.! V " y QUBEIESJ AND'ANSWEES. : ". ",11 .- .£ . « »: sn: . ^»( _t «.-(iy^tH 'lIjniiVJRtT«»r.y , * ;-.! .,. « . j 4vI ¦• ¦; c TjUJM-rif (te^Tifiio' (Meith)—How m ny yearlingsj: ; can I winter on the produce of tbiee Iriahacfei of¦• -f iiredesf I MVb iom > good old griss and plenty ofs.o.i'b»yy ^The'"swedes;» e a! rety: good cwp.-T-lhree

.stone* 'of robta"diil;, in addition to hay will keep

i niyeariinggthriying'.. Fhey will require y ttifl-k^ep'.• - ;'wily'for ftbont fonr'a jnths,' for, witK an abundance•^<rfidd g«88,"the" ro ita Tirill not be reqnlreibefpw

:'.-rithe>'ktdT bf tho yeax v Tbreb a«rea of. roots, yiald<•i trling^wjr. ttirty7 tofu pet ftire/wonld/at ttie .dWte,'• •• i MKply forty1 aniittal for four tnontba."', ' hould it,•vi^owerer/'-bfr'desirab a'to'keebalarger.nnmber.jby.'

lesjeniuy*. the'roota' ihd/ giTing in place of them.'- i-KWiearBficial food.itia quite possible to do eo. ¦:' .'.;i EaPi—ATntcT«p' $HiBP. -W. M. fQalWwV.—1»..iij «-too ltet»?«oir"t6wt hx T«lpe'tp'come in,for «heepi: M'faedinsr' inf!fAprfl1> 5 SoinSa"of knyr eneep ,'got:yibre

- 1 ¦ eye«i^efialeJenmebtt rKlchtttallfcloudedth©sight¦,;'.*«ro?fttoe;;«nd,>in »iae• cas s/tie'aheeprenAin: . fclind'pertianeil«y,v-jy 'sneph^ .appUe* febaioo- ; iuioej bnt! I thinkit ianpl; tha bc tpoeatle treat-'• . 'jn«nt—It- io'viiow too late for'soifing rapesSd, but

J iape.plaBtiVinay'yal [be .put;ii»r^The:«Heepare; , affected'.with inflatnilab'on <if ¦ tbe eye?MHe eye;

. alwa iighly sengitiT 3; is douSly so when Inflamed,¦ . nd.the tobaoco juict, ly widihg tb'-flifirritatigniIr-*Rggrsvateflithei-idiseaae.'i Sootfiing'afepllcaWoni,., •!: applied, locally; and lowering the system W pnrga-. ;tiTe;nledi(Jine( ia jao lore rational oburse of treat-.¦i : meat.Ji-Giverf> some purgatiVe: inedioine Qiree., i Ounoee/.bfiEpsom: eal «> to > each 'animal j ; let" ther. l following;>JotJoa:;triolle 1 down! 'eitemally oTer'Uie'.,r ;ejpt-l«rfaimni; on > jartiriwatet'eight ;parte.;

The .oftenarl.it ifT'aiipCed tha" better. - Keep tbftMCj«b«Bp:t4'a>;datk)«»w|f«»'few/toyiiy!V ,^V:;';.;i''ii'.i''•.:,l 1P*»xuii»;-T<Ji'CS.T-JJhare a'quantity of poor, dry: ;;pirtttrei-land,.'coTerea'in parts with fanfo bushes.'-;:, lUfteraaplanby.whijh.tbe landconldbefgot, into. a tolerably productiVa condition Ther^;are'three-

T.-; i.wnyt ;openi,to you for imprtfTing the'tfti»i>nanjely,/{(•-;&*%, totitop-drew it *with; «Lrtiflc£tl Jrbanxire}^,,,jieoondly;to;jfold>«ak( -fed:«heep'on UndV'thudly,'; to " grow roots: on:5arti Wai manure,'and feed iheep.;:.,ou [Wetn.wberethey jrow.- -TffeBec d and^hird,,. .. of - tieteV plans oombi led,' and intelliffentljr'carried'', out^ will.t *tiihc«an e-time the land i» .being init

proTedrbeabourcoof profit to'youi15;?''''''' -'!^"WHUT-SoWDfO- -A C0H8TAST . ESADKS.—Doeswheat succeed as 'we 1 after turnips as after inan-J>fgoI^^Tiaav« va6 it'rby;f::.vStonld:-tM;l«id bi:

.T, ploughed <befoiw «owi ijjjth'o'' .whfcatP r j-usuallyharrow the, drills acrpos,', 'and then "clonffh'in theseed WtaatrT: gener 5"snooeea 4>etterrjaftormangolds; than" after', urnip«.-' Ttlj:f«ct imay bo

.Kithnai Boeonnted Jortrr he inaigpld*,' 'biing-Bowh,v first;! get thejbest mi ndro'and largitt'<j.uantlty of! ir^aBy'i1H.scrB.p g ;;li nhg,<frn d reagO(Sd enough•:y.l««gteBtj*^Wh«i,:jt <in«ijrare faH(j sborfc a way.• <"£omm'6ir<>cctirretice;:Ui) fwfiiiOT are put down .with'-;i artiflcia]«Xy«ty;;UtUfi 'ol .which uremain; inJ"thej'./iM t tlwipnocfiedto p:cor viThejn ogoldii4r«J . y jff cstrtwi Aff*'fo* y niihd a^aflbta tbeJaivl'is BO£?i:mpob'poached;tand-1 leirei» time"topr reit for.-^¦owlngJfTb'e efawrth 'bUa^TeSibns/fr a'prab^bv tia»l poilit'rflTi«iw;'irl j^;tham*ngbld« w a-fcetter. •yrcpanitert^ rppifoV .wh'Aat ;tliatf; tarn|ps.^T tt•'•'tod aft Jn-order to diitribtita the mannre arid•T' naiM j£$K>par9eed3K4 (for the wheat, benloiurhed—BScS^SSP.i?1*"*™ 4- i » »e« inay]thW»be. JWDed-iW^riUeddr COT ired with thepWr i? A .i.m-MTi *T**ami&riu£- &VX lw£&'winter iv.!&d&ra<btMiBiigii$te :6arai'«ntlyin5Si£ wherei-^ they 'f oVkjoisfi ffraM/hay i'S toSSfvtornJwi^ur-this w r Ithefttrnipi JsifcTatrnMrt''l&imto&Mm mm^S^mi,t,1<*y™l11?«i-5owi'pth 1 o.tarnins, and only talf ,'*he':vfiSMi.i.qnanatyMhay to f«ea thei«uiep.-i iAs ye<,.,J .li»yftMgi»en!ithe she ip aeitherhajr nor tnrflpsfl,,but, theigraaa ja noVb ire, and it'wifiTJetaecflattry,'xiaiooininenoeieBrlier t ban-usuili^Sa^'whatarti.'ri,a3at- xWd!*hooH the eww get to reppleineottha

hay.- rGlTeJjriuhsdjM ts,d«c<)rtio8t«J cotton Vikftf

c;SinlTtnt«,B.tor«lietrm wM;?«Wdh niybaincwaaedife;,--*|poto4 'at.th.8<appr6i ct'of lamblnj^ ir; ia;* ^¦•' tr» ;.the..:aeoe*aiae i£tjl lihe;;eiread bei xtKe¦•'gijiae'lis gi atjty -.*cT;&l?& H<%if rm&[?' £ nmou ? HTOPJIO STOCK.—Winter la fast ap/prpicping and farmer should.'majcedaaprepftra.;'•itioar foe.).the,'Oomfoit<! their stodk.';>^Thaft there is

.(ijnochroom fdf tmproTe ftentln'the;.pres«nt''sysu«i!no! itefttment'lBir;Vfll ddiy.'i :ti '- who'may¦¦•'•liiiXB dMjWtfiaUt; t%Brfto;%.« s«f«on;Bf«)d¦'durinif'tw ,5pj|nif« Jpis toJiaratk*tn'»»jnoT»d.' >en eiirpport of4{Ui'e )^; j?»HW*™t»w»< »r M MI PT nan riassusiirrr .iTiii- animals are JJonseAat J ight tod haBidootoa the'..partnr«ii.bT'4a7vjbt^' D »gone^wthiT,ar»jl*ft.'• out'both day;«nd»kfh . 'a tioff'ig'Kast 'l *

: m3d ioljtotgswimi^aj rsf t%h to>H» im1)sj |':

-'beintfrinoWlyl'always1" rife i pvrS S9£lSS£i<1»d' foT catUfo iliiik tf«G 1 ¦ iiTuii 1 f 'rf JsuiiitWJLy;«q«r«a' kfee*Apju Sa S ^lSlsffilS. bed areVwet'iUan'ai 'Uob'UwtfttSitaBS^S'S- airaai'jgtteuitrtafaiit f'-'-7>J^ rii\iff53ft•inamU^nth^


^f ^^^J^N

^--i '? : ¦- ¦"¦• ¦ V. '¦ ¦ _l) » T^J tii%?aft.^

'- gii'-V-iilitj nf fnrin' hmlilin<r«' 'out aii>«4"'"lif ''

piJthblptemiseSjit • to oonalde jp .lWiit^ »*

<Ma^Hed. ti is;: <Jiet4in|t >h6tlsii& tfJ^oomo;'out fia^flppng with:wbaUya»nstfl*iHn« jidbadi«oat»£ .An tdea^ vrpplj'obf,qpni6 att jta .iifmoe*«at7ilfaK i«*lths<* awmJOawaa i^rwissnpply^rfood^ccWtatfianlmaU'arelooi eaTShooiesi where they-are forced to bjeafli»ig t«iijyfed: iibpuro': by exhalaHo&s from t oibodvrw^ Avojp .pings, ttxi;Wood Is gtwltt»Hr;pol»oiied b'conit|(ia'tlon.w*lrene4i snd;a:T Sfc »iibjeobfc>c!t«e1attjidtDfiidfaeaae;, produced. { jTbe'. imBUitnre-Iarihial.re^oeiirosTTnore wdiJy, and wttuMlotigOT-thinwown¦tAab tba «TI*1 ttffonta of clf«a «rBfiiifiin6nfc.t;'TK(«6injunoas «oa»equenoS3fJollflw;mo8ti rabidly inherethe' proTisions for-jYeatttoUonjrtareV.faltog* thernegleotadiThe .bftdi«Mit;is priridpally*he r wpltof -. the .high} temperaturs; ol. :.cloaer hduseay andparUy,.alioj .due.to: the-effectsbfvwhat has >eenalrWlyipriKitioodagfcine^housing.feoeing thexx nse-quenoe* of theflystoWi herede»cnbed,;by thoie whonever take the liooble to inquire into the* real c uueof.itandwHoshouldhafetheiraotiottsstretigth nedStore stock tjnerally. receives .Tjuttlittla att«n ion,and, eomeUnjos, strangtf oa it may: seem, whei themoney.-, received, for,- them forms so' very impor antan;item Jn. the fanner's income/ the -littJe;/ imeooenpied -iR • attending. ;• to them': ia considered .aspart«Jly loirt, ; Cattle; that are housed, while hey.leavers, greater return for proper attention ' will, onthe'.-others,hand,' fall off rapidly,' and be a sourtjejofvery.-Berious loM.when"neifleoted.'/;When roan ingR* llarge-, meyuom,!. woeni rpoa isi not ¦uppuea.w ,,th"em,iat.leaBtipartly.Batiafyvtheiri appetite; butthiBitheyrcannot do ,wheh oonfin iwithin^or».If/ t then, ( there is no better accdmmodotitmif6r thestock- than; theiikind >we':haVa jdescribsd-; and < batthey are 4»t oonaidered worthy .'of'more Ktten ;ignitha»;.th«7. getterallyJ'MceiiveVi eVsliottU ele«( ,t<>ieavarthe BtOck to lie out aa being-the more' xftefeje-able of two; ev^!rbut,-whera.jstodk-bmding;iscarried on as'-a;business; this haphasard;8ystero ofhousing and/eedixhw ong'E ce been mnnb redwith the thingtthatriT«reit:A wordasto'bous ng.'rThQ Bhed»;8hould.be dry and well ventilnt*d; l int,Atj'th ,aajne time: dranghts' ahould bt prevented.•The', animals); shouH-noti.be ¦ confined;too closely;calyeii;and.yeadings: should ;ba.put; into .¦ roomyetalla, two, 1 or, at; most, three in eaehv - ¦ The ca vesshould be fed ragukHy, thre«:Um'e»rra'day> ithpulped and sliced ixrctsand'oilxjaka;,:'twenty- anepounda" to two stones of, .toota and a pound of cike.In, addition to. as muoh> good hayaa they' will hat,will.keep them growing)all'through.tho-winier.Animals ;thus' treated: will/ as -yearliogs.and tJnrtJ-years-«)d, ;bo: very mooh.larger .thanvthoM^tjhathave, .when calces,- been subjected to: semi-starra-tions during.' the '. first 1 winter .otaiheiKvxisteiiceiOlder store animals may be fed,on'3Str*wytjo,t8when available, and cake, the qdantity of ;the littervaryine,, y exj: little being required when the strawis, good and Jcoota available; bnt a large allowancemust ;be given :when the roots are absent; and thestraw not, good. If ^we are! to makeany head atall-against foreign competition in the cattle tn d'e/it must be.doheby inoroased.ftttention to our TO ingBtoqk,; thereby.;brinoting;.them..'much" earlier tomaturity thanis usnai at present, and it ia BoortJely-necessary tcveay. that: jadjeious winter treatmen(tifla prime factor in eecurine. this' object., ¦ '• ¦- 1 .- .

!„: • THE COEN TBADB -AMEKICAK - i- V -r,:i:. ,; :l!., . '•

¦!¦? iEESOUEQES.V'??}' ; f^¦ v. An:eitrnordinary'movement was [observable inthe . Corn«Trade'-last ; week.-'PnoeS'roee'Some two¦hillings* 'a '.quarter in .tha case of parcels suitablelot milling, and all' OTer that >laf -.to 'say;'takinggood and- bad grain together- thero was a rise ofuightpenoeMa• 'quarter..'Barley; "tooi'. more -.thanohared,with,wheat the ooriouil"1 upward movement"to < whioh; reference has beenmaeH JQiain of good

-malUrigjEquality,; it? seems, is ;very scaree)!»' muohnof :that'the maltsters(:ore 'not.«ble '.t6vgiefc' onwithitheirvwork for the year through a-'d'eficiency tii the1

irapply/of-the mw inaterialioi What isjtrne'of iwhWatiind*-bar}ey. soemaValso to hold 'good'-with; tfegsxd tooats^'and for thisrapidrke'in prices it'irfnotjeasyto*-'aooonnt.i: Some auUioTitiesboldthiitHhleinoVe-ment Is; one due' t*V oonsnmpti Jrather


iipecuUtive ;demand:j 'jet- it ifl 'nptejjrorthyl thatJ in'lieIiondon market at attf.rate, oQtuttry'nuueniiaTVbeen the'most eag^dfiau'rejtha'gre .fflilloyiiers of'the town1, holdini? oank. tna wajtinir to «aa whaf' willlltumnp.'V^:Theyapp to dotiM thV]jeittiinenc0ofv-thii. rise: in 'pric ejiahd; some'of Itheni'seem! tolook; upon it' as the result -of not yeiy rational1 epecu-)*tipn.' < 8ido by side with the remarkiible'Hnoreiwin'. prices, we; see statistical • statement*' pttbKihledioi the 'effect,1'that the imr*rtsj_fronr'America'hivefallen off, = and' show' signs of . somethink'Yory likestoppage;: I Even'if there be a s 'minV decrease, inthe deliveries of American wheat, it cl to'acpodntedfor, i sinbe ,the prevalence of contrary winds' has pre-heated the. arrival, of -corn-ladehf ships bound for.f Vtheflffccbest market.'fe^ i

:)'' '?$$*¦! [ :A^''iiWhen,j-however,i we oonsider two1 fact8-%firBli

ithaf •>the'''Eu»sian: harvest is supposed to be'beloir,the^mark, and secondly, that the Amencan Supply:ii erpocted to fail ua tbe extremely^rapldrnpwardiriovBment in the price of corn seemflles* aurprising.

,5[hegrow"era -who fanoy that theAaierican shipmenUto" 4hU*country are going: to cease are: inclined toJioia ver their etockj until thejr; cant dispose pf.itidvantageously. ¦ People: who mustbuy inlike man-net; are apt t>' purcnate'm a panic, fearing: that atime, of: dearth , i« coming when thex.jrili only beAbleitorget rgraiii -at TMtly^nhincMprwfeAllthese<auBea;-ai \by:the low rate of discount—nsuallya'strong stimulant to recklessspeeulatidn—hare; probably! been;:atr'-work; aid they 'would ac-count- for the upward leaps and' bounds of prices inthe cora"; market .There can be no doubt that wesqurt. depend chiefly n Aineritafor uupply/becanieiFranoe; Belgium, Holland ttaly;-:Spain,'Portugal;sad Boumania ¦/ are' fain (to import; '-and j'CenlralEurope;Visibut-just lable to supply heV own1 wtots:This, leaves us with onlj Eusaia as bur'ehief'souTceof supply? in •Europe.'-' If 'Eussia raiU^;1 o/'ooum«ur sbope must ba (»ntrodin)America.f >lfaking'allallowasoes':Ior i whatIwe 1 jnajr-exDect vfronfXitsaia;Jndi»;;andVnimdr'Souroas.of''snpply;'there:irillbe''«ttllia Tdefloiencjr of ten tailh'ou quarter of whtit,1"and.',thia,rqu«ntilgr • wo raurt get from Asiierlda^ iA.'JQurnalf.devotod to theTnt«re«t8,of tbeW«v:Tprkoormtrada':states, ini ito' current number; thiatihtfsafest,estin»toofi toe>Trsjaatlantfc;&m^urplutpoints to .th6 prospect that the United BtaOswltfbe able ito stoaJBnglandthis -year wu Mndttd'ttricVsSsty.miaioiMiO/MkMs T'while" Canada win be ableto'v»Wd tett iamoas;KTBearingrto "ttiod thafiBghfe'bushebfigo!to<the quarter,--.we::infer;!thai ii"thisauthority be trristworthy, America wm;be a p6ti-ticn to eebd ju,$wioe. as.Iorge a, supply a« We want',')':£ ;5h«« -j *i another." way, of arriving at a soimdcon-cX on'as to.wht^iw itiU orianotreasdhabletoeip .;8TOh:aJJarge^uantity. of-poraas lOf iOOf tW ,quarters from America; S'rbm September the aWh,JW^titoVtheli»atte.dato;inl879.the;shipmenW^^^yh.eatr f^VAjnerioa.wme ;to fl,4^«rito >T tKatwe mustadd 2,45ftOO0 barreiaoJ Jow

2«8^ba pf: repreeent980,000qnarte5'f 3|ana ,thS a^Mutbeadded to tl.r.kMp^

p^ ^ l er .-it«4'.it;waib«/o tb fa'Uif.tirelremon i we acto»^reoeiTed:fromA«>«H«ialOT^QOOrquMiers.or^^drtair -notjly.

half a

,oc|lios^^M>n%thaqrwe ,wiafrintheye«r:apott«hfeh'

do ilas vyear.l«he(p»n surely, do agaiiviand fr thk

tliat £er.iinrplsisirpro4!9C9 JoausotijeQiul biLT ilsiiMlBd'mnst.b^rot feAUj j^hto1n»taB0«e><-ds<l^illjWjar«JBqt»4haoooWt«f»ct«4by«Tl*s»«»s«lMp ^|f «l4footbvC«%t Jl lg'.y^^3B»##Mfl ft«Sgrt^^

sg ^^ ',J'M , '*- &* . ——^J - fc-^ L ,< m ' ^ Ja " m ^ A ^ mm ^ ml ¦¦ ¦7 & J^ M Jll 2l*

| ¦ JS! S|Mj J %fl ^ ^ ^ M*^ ^ J^ B i ttft^ B^ Ja^ <l

UAJ^M^AJM -IWLM .^*——- —»—---—_,____ »»-.¦»——._^ »»»-»¦

^ ^^ ^ ^ ?4nrv for the maatenpf the workho e, was appointed by resolution.' .' ¦:' P Q#9Aar21f- l}QXBMBP0ItDENCK.~?'~Ty an3 two oiHgr'lSiBywenS-into e pnblic hoaae of mitted- .Mr. - Slattery addreBSea me ju */

turned of th8 \board, snb-aanitary officer. Dr. Cameron's'4iiw*if a&&&&%W«V. i '' ' $K?*iiW' :'

' ;' ': >

¦¦ • : •¦

<¦' ¦Mr.lDaTldWalsh.Mill.streetitd'settlesomeaccoiintei prisoner, and, after a short absence, iney re _ rf_ ftnaly8is\)f tho brtadwis reooivea. andis asfoUows i—jCOTIl | a,TBKFpEB FABMEES'. CI.TID.:- Lyond came inland,--after having a drink Jroin Site court with a' verdict of not guilty, ine P

^ li mLotomSf taSdTtS tA Sor

'sS^MS^^MSpis^ffiisstssa as^asgagsgiSip Hg|»ssssi3i!»ie«ip«s«« 5iJ^*<yK«^eXKflnagibogTfe ;ij; him^mthit on the head, infliotmg a severe wound, of one William Byan. ihis priBoncr e

bread:; No afci or othDr adnlteiant wM fonndia the breacil

¦immiS S wm^ 'Ko s^ ei fcotn wWch hCsufleredagreat dJal. . Philip Foley of ¦guilty. His Honor.. 'addressag ,. him, sai WiAijj to

ttoqti iyof tho br i-hawtoieportm fi

&SSSS^mSS^^lMd, depoj ed^to^ the. facts rttSTb, counseL' for the ^J^.y £ £^ *f i X& %« f l S S ^ .T^tt ff if SS^ltt

S5aJ rSue')iWLr8pr«tt, Coblcormack, 4c.;; defenoe it was sworn-tBat Poley was under the m- taoJ ™ 'n.. tn~^ f

° (i for one month, with cli»s of peraoni." * ,t 7S^ P'riKWtat^Bdlagh vqiiidea «»«nce> and;,that: the severe wound was merely a ^ ^ ^ ""loVal here again, you WANT OF Ennon«i,-lb. Woodroofe gajr/fte*rMri.;Pa«ok-;OfK e;. thel>ohai?was.dken by scratch • #His.Honor said ¦ W should give a decree •{ SS"tta«S^Waterfcwa . for at least seven *°U°™?n

nota* of ^ T

'X . fe fVT «T5°

¦I>rum«tbat J;-D,tPower,*C«rrick,be.app>ointed impanneUed the following' _ . rtenfl s baU s, _"Jf" f ™"* ._ . owing to the the government to provide anch eorodnciJnVe workTioe-presideiit feAtbdr baronyi of ypperthird, andAld.BlcKardMahonyifor Oanltteri j;; ' , 1' -s ^TH»iKATiokii.CoirvBl»Tro*.—The following lot-tertwas'then read by IJr.'WOallatrhjTi:— - % ;. : ¦'-:¦ National'ConvenUoii C«iMiit»si,'34D'OUer.8froet ,

:»f iT->.W/.-H'.?/ to»»W|hH5tt-8a>tV1879.--. : ¦• ' '.. DEAR S»r-T7« art/r^uMted by the eommittoo to

;ezp'raiis- to yon hmr dB ir -.to elect »-. representaiivsmember 6f vour.club* »ember of tha committee., : Weshould M riadto beeufibKd to submit your reply at anearly'mee ng Of the' commtttee,. and J hoping to hearfrpmfyou' as'qdoh aa:pdesible, wo remain, dear air,ybutbbedientrBervBits>-!;;, '< ' ? ¦ ¦ .".

¦¦• > .' - . . ' -

,-; . Mr. il. A.- Anthony:wis unanimously elected adelegate on behalf >of.tho club. ¦-•j FIKAKC«.^-A11 -abcounta ' due by the club were¦ordered..tft'be

:.piid. si ;-i.-;'/'.'. :v l> '¦ ¦¦ '. '¦ ¦¦ : '¦ ¦ ¦¦ . ¦

"(Jv'HfBD CABJt-fMr.'M.'A.: Anthony read a letterwhiph:4pp red;in:a-,'WaterfoTdnewspaper last weekwhereini publio attention;,waa called to'the'easia ofthe; widowaWalah/iBallinaparka, whose landlordaeiied iher;-property OIL the 90th ¦ Sept; last for- ayear's; rent, duejontho 29th nit.';' threshed her oats,Bold'it to, aiDungarran com merchant,' and kept!theproceed*; within-the fourteen days' notice' whichtheIaw bliges persotta'to give before the! sale i of snobproperty. ;,Mr.5!Anthony: said;:there were a greatmany.prosent whojoould vouch -for the accuracy ofthat letter.!'-; There-was not a single statement madein it which, was .not Jtrue.'. < :AU the poor woman'ssubstance was noldiou the previous day, and every-thing was sacrificed. by her landlord. Mrs.-Walshwas; threshing /her com: in,order to,meet. the rent,whenf(her_.landlord '.came,1 .'accompanied by fourbailiffs, and seiiied upon her property. Althoughhe.FHsofferedhilf •year's rent he refused to settleor even to Allow her to sell as much 'of the' produceof -Ber farm as Would pay the men for reaping and.threshingits!:'' The landlord sold from 70 to 80 brJs.of Mrs. Walsh's corn within seven, days after theBeixure.whenhe'oTight not lay hands onit for 14daj«afterwards.-' -He (MrrAi)'h»d obtained the opinionyuf counsel on thtfmaifer.and was told'that the wholetransaction wasillegal from beginning to end. Coun-sel took so greatrinterost in the'caw that be said hewonld take;it up at oncei only chanringth'e clnbwhatevsreashhe might beout of pocket in bring-ing.the action for illegal aeiznre (hear; hear).. Mrs.Walah never.consented to the seizure; the landlordnow:saw'his position' aind wanted

to BeVUe with Uer,.but it was too Ute;;> H«r credit was ruined; and hexproperty sacrifld«iby Jfeact of the landlord (bear,hear).>He did not thinktbere was another, landlordiathe cqanty irho''wouWjb¥'gtta 6f 'ai Bimilar act.AMenant-Jfarmer t I1 have Tre«86a;t6'i kn6w 'thatthe 'Bamov gentleman 'is' as-'badV'a 'landlord¦ asanyiiathe^ South^^orCeTancLt'Mr.; Patrick .O'Keeffe•iidr he believed there wasmot ahothcr landlord: inIrelaidrwould;b*gufltyTof a like act.1;'He (Mr.OlE.)sawbags of obmSold at Mrs. Walsh's by anctaohatoth'e >snitiiof:;'that' man; and' when'. there .'were! nobidders for it,, he: bought' it himself, for ,X15, hothalf its'valu'e (hfear;;h^ar).'"'That corn,, seventy; oreighty 'barrels; ifould 'hare' paid' all' the demabd,but this man bpugbt it:himsolf:forjei5/rbecause theneighbours did not wish tb'bidfor the poor womsJn'ssub* c«; rfHe'snggiwt '.that;the1 fanners'club! cloiake immediate actiorifinithe matter, provided ttuitMr«;-Wal«h'gave thetaa'gusiantee\that>he woulanotc^promise it inth' e'landlord;, Fitrgerymade Jt driver and baiH* of himself on the occasion(hear, hear)^;Mr. MatthlaalWaUh:',SuchproceecVin*« i>n the part of any aandlord'should be heldlup

•toipubUc scorn' (hear,n,hear);''Mr,'1O'Keefl'e.,: HiszMer;wi«:%!decent!m >ltei^Wa1sh"before the'.'meeting; and give'ai. undertaking tht,tsheX*ould n6t;ooBpK)(aiiBe an'aotdon; taken 'to thexaaH r brthevFarmerb':IClubjon'her behalf. "Mr.O'Cmiligbani -We'll let tim knowlthat he.'can't actinegallyi^we'll' loseV rHvfs'to'defeJid ypu/poorwonap. {Mr.1 ;.M. Walah',' Carrick 1 c?Tis"a¦ terriblecase.V:Chairman' iclt':-wdul,d;bei'( a \ disgrace to thecounty to let it pais.y Theifollowing resolution wasthen proposed by Mr! Ttiomas Landers, "Knockmautt;tseoondedif.by Mi$ Mit«4sk jWalsh/iQallowa;; Hill,-CarriekiofcSnii1; aadunahlmonsby pas»Bd1f-". Th'atthe;<^or^:WatoiKfBallimpMkdaybeenbroughtJbefoTe^urfineeting,.* we requestthat' she take; iiimiediate -jptooeedinga.; against , herJajKUord/andwe pledg&rcHarselTes.to'.do allin ourpower tosustain'fier iMoraUy-andfrnaterially, aidhkt.Mr;,M;Atiiirthony:be2a'uthprised> place the¦»« 'r,Jri;fte" « :iof k%;i lfi A«>t'once.^r- Thameeting; afteti ordering ipayment of some billtr,"p^ m&mMmmmiM >¦-;;

ji ''A'- "?;>•»•-?'.'¦ <A r*' " ¦¦¦ , ¦¦¦ " -¦" " -' . ,-: / . . . ' t *'¦ -^(JUAETEBiSESS^ONS^THTOSDAT, ;: j i; , Our Sessions^Conrt ~irair opened at 10 o'clock thismorning,i; by 'G'«o»ai:iWAT«i8,:.Esc[.', Q.C., County.Court Judge.7 i'His Honor.disposed 'of ODe';hundr d«md.n7ty;inndefe ed'crrU bill:ca ;-np':to^o'clock, when' the following:defended cases- wew¦kMrmi^^^M ^^ p ip '. ;¦ i- il ';5 ^Wm -Btr wd^' ^'MoJ^ Tii wtui an'

action'for? the-] troTer aBdi'co&Tersion 'of X4, tha'alleged money otpUihtiSA Mr. T: 6lattery; Xlsmore;1for plain andMr l)i:'P,!81attery for defendant;PlaiBtiff:depa«^.that-on the1 19thMognst lastht« eTed?Ji la^ney,i:'a barmaid:in the:e^raei d defa i a- i fe ti^amoBT»tx< ;s<>me oWs>i*hioh'-hii "tin^1.«ki1 J^m n 1and,tliat:MM)oisay;inii i ho:ha4'r«delv*i :ll*-Uw(}aT,rin't)»ybient'f6rBomobufterit'JItllsi oftwh^^pa erJ -'a'WnnafflelHO^ JMj'fl iiosS 'paid'toMm'4a Mr^o3 jrj aU>'p«bb^hoW bytbe bntte;merclw H^^W^ iClauael 1 he received

tifosinfUa«(s '»'J(:*ote Add'aiev'ea shflliDgs in silver;:heiiwaghttfci b«tt«tomarketarab6utn6'clock,a»iatha pasfoie"he;wasp »;HisHonor^Vyo«makeanyires»a*twb^nhaBdlr^the.*Snok«.v;Molwy;« r t.s:«Plainti«J ;Tesj I saia,jC her»'s'a'»i >aed theprW'6tthe^

^of it, and "give meth* ohange V?'she.said;''' X hayqnbtUie dhidi«iolfa jMo1*5lifebU'll e6n4ont fir1«J'/,sh tfc4i?|»wth«i ~to'lMri(/Mol6ii^y's soh'to get tU ehaife/sadiB'a few minutes afterwardasWMt«Md'»»e.lfc'94^;ltt* *idi i'iWhere a&th*f«M>iMtet,i)urf?she!Veplw;t^I>c~ds .I-»4v.a^ .H»;Bc*bf!, -Did yotl lc<>5:1

:nuMMKSsw fMMS|sa o(!'mswRiM;iaddiiig:-:tba t;hio¦) mTmtim£mliiMMil^^fii *;joS.io s : ^ ^ ,;ati^M Bs*SJM |MMiis J^ sr a^%.|^

¦ • : ' . • -¦ •¦ OBANB JtJBT : ' ¦

' Messrs Frank Mnlo»hr,: foreman ; John Tobin, P.Walsh; J. Aoheson; W. Burke, J. Oonway) T. Eager, A.IWiy, T. Flymij Putrick Lynoh, Eoget. MoQMtU, T.Connors, T. Poley. J. ;Mooney, P.-.Po>r«riiT. Walsh,W: > Connors,. V.' WhoJan, >L. Mprrissy, T. -P^wor, T.Williams, T. Morrissey,"andD.Powir. . . .- .• ;.,. . •¦ 1 .

' His Honor,'-addressing.the Grand. Jury, safd -Mr.Foreman and gentlemen, I Vegifet^ to; say ,that youhave a. great deal.'niore of criminal business, to dis-pose of than usual.' There are',ten bQla tb'gdbeforeyou—three assault cases, a.case,' of,stga ng butter,another of stealing money from the person, and acase of riotous assembly at Eittg..^; There ia filsoanother case of a Bimilar nature to those I have fre-quently been compelled to cal} attention to in thiscourt, viz.; resisting bailifls^hen 'executing decrees.I have often said'.that this'.Offence was a proof ofbarbarism: Anybody who does not support the lawis unfit ! to" be a mem ber, of society, and should ^banished to the backwoods of America. Such per-Bons are unsuited. to iniz in civilised society. ' ThercsUtaDce to the law is a proof of the'want of civili-sation,1 and on. this, the' 19th•'century, such' conductmust be strongly condemned. -1. am very sorry tofind such a class of offence repeated in the county ofWaterford.; " .The' lcaie in question; which is togo Ibefore' the, jury, : however, I am glad to per-ceive by the informations, was not accompanied byany positive" act ;of violence. There are threeOther bills to go before you for forcible entry, butthe Crown,'on tho advice of the Attorney-General,declined to prosecute, and a private prosecutor wouldtake: charge of the cases. I cannot offer auj'obserrations on those 'cases at present, as the infor-mations are very, confusing, and I want to havesome.conversation with Mr. Thomas Slattery (thesolicitor engaged'for the prosecution) on the subject.When;you find one of the other bills, come . intocourt, and_r shall be prepared to offer some remarkson these caies. Thii grand jury then retired. . ¦. . C. - , . THK KILBOKAK VABII GABZ.;-Mr. Slattery, solr.; Lismore, said that he had beeninstructed.'to. stod'tip four bills]of indictment forforcible entry, and also forcible detainer of the lnndaof Eilro'nan, belonging to Mr.Edmond Power, upontwo several., dates—namely, ' the 11th and 18th ofAugust.',' I .now submit those 'four bill B, tve foreach 'Occasion; with the informations upon whichthey are grounded. . " ¦'• :'. ' ' '' . His Honor Ppon what Act do you proceed forforcible detainer? '-'Mr. Slattery:.' We proceed inthis case under the 5th section of Eichard II., cap. 8.His .Honor :; Does any one appear on the oppositeside P , I confess these information's are most puz-zliDgjand I scarcely understand them. ..There are twoseparate datesr-two distinct. charges oh each date,and two of .the parties of the same name, both boingnamed James Mulcahy. How is it possible for any-one to'distinguish between them ? Mr. Peirse Kelly,Seasional; Solicitor : I received a telegram from Mr.Moriarty, 'who will be here in the , morning, shouldtherneces8ity arise for hia presence'. . ' :

. His Honor, addressing tbe grancl jury. who-wererecalled,; Baid -G«ttlemen, in these coses, whioh I'may 'say':are 'of a; very unusual'character,' indict-ments are preferred against ft man named'JamesMulcahy','.' for : forcibly . entering, into possession: ofcertain premises at Kilronan, in the county of Wa-terford. In bne.indictment he is charged with liav.ing;'on the 11th1 Angust, with the force of arms andthe;strong hand, unlawfully entered and expelledEdm'ond' Power from 'the peaceable posBession' ofBmeo'A''similar,charge, ib preferred.in anotherinilicnnont'against'- 'the' , same person, the offencebeing'committed on the 18th of that month. The;twp";rpmaining .'indictments.:- have . respect' to thecharge of ; forcible detainer on those same dates. ; Ihave to;.tell''yP«i'. gentlemen,.these bills of indict-ment are brought, undflr a very old statute, tbatjofEichard II'., if, indeed, any of you recollect enoughof -history to know when that Act was passed. I I'never had one^of these cases before me during thewhole .'of'iny. experience, and never heard of-one.Although bills were "sent to tho Crown in respectofthis matter, the Crown Solicitor was directed by theAttorney-General not to prosecute, and the bills arenow sent before you by the party himself who makesthe'complaint against .the accused. . Unquestionablythis old law does make it an offence to use force Jindviolence in taking possession of property, and I haveto tell you that'if, .upon reading over .the infonna-tibns, you come to .the conclusion that the defendant^James MuIcahy,T.-da use force "arid "violence in tak-ing possession of these ' hinds of Kilrbnon, it is anoffence for which on. indictment may bo preferred.I mnat ftlso tell yon that if a man rightly owns 1place—if ..any of Vbu, gentlemen, for instance ongoing home, found that during your absence anotherparty had seized .'possession,, and/.was there on the'ground retaining'such possession, you would have aright to use reasonable force to take yonrplaco fromhim;,bnt it ia not always a wisp, thing to attempt.'When, A man wants to assert his rights, it. is betterto'hiye.'r'ecourBe.to the law, and every man will ibidit' sufficient'to"Bni)port his legitimate rights. ; Gentle-men, if a'stranger comes,'Without any sort ,o£ rigjat,'and 'puts you.out^of'ypur place , by- force,. that;iisclearly an offence ; and it is a strange thing that itshould be left to this'old law"'; to take, cognizance pfsucni especially, where .'we know that attacks uj>ondwelling houses, accompanied byjforoe and violeruie,'for' the purpoees .of,'robbery for of .doing : injury . to-the owners or ocenpiers, very, severe pnnishmenl; is-att«chedby modern legislation."- Why the bffeaceset out in the preient indictment should have bbenlef> to so ancienta'sUtute- oS- that' of the :rejg»;pf •Eichard ILvI cannot understand/unless it was feltthat it partook more'ofithe'nature of a civil than:of :a.>cnmuiid -proce ingi>and;.therefore, ;'thaj; ft'mi ht generally b*'more advisable' to leave parties:aggrieved to theiroivil remedy." 'At anyr rate, what-,ever mny have been tW reason, I am' boundvto tell',you that e offence of which I speak/remains anoffence »t lawl;.'>.I'shal],now.'read:for.y6ur inf6n3aitiQu.thefoUowiiig(p»is»ge A tt wgJBd- 'ti'r.thitflMr'of formbleeBtry f rom a book of very great authbrite t,""iAnyJiinti7 to .be. forcible within the statute mjist'be acoomptiued; with; iome circamstancea: of > actiial,yiolenc«:9r;t^w,*Mtherefo MBntry;whichJiM:fnQ/oth^,fpw'than-soch;a»:;is;implied(byilawfin•e erytrstpass, isinotiwithin the statnte."f i-tThe' y:implies h any^maB;:tresp>ssing;oil;.theyh6usi

paiaedbr/ii o^TiotoiUM^.fei |ii-*ota:f lble;eiitiry -:j w^

wdJ a^w. tsofarasoi»>etcrfiirfofmaii<Wi

is cqaosrBrf; it appears ,to mi that tbestaU f JiSieharjeof <o^ste«atrrMdp'ns<lsi L ii,"aco»«>alM-:%j^^ p« it eoMOT;|be;yi ^

. MtMo^ lt as^^^M B»»S '| S JW^ .Sf(yfr>1lfB|SjMI'V,a,

threats used on the occasion by prisoner and hu1 wife,the bailiffs had to abandon tha seuure. Tho prisoner,who wa. undofended, pleaded not gnUty. Tho follow-ing jury wa. sworn :-Messrs. Patk. Vealo, (foremap) .J. Norris, W. Lenan, J. Qoealy, J. Soanlan, J. Konayno,Miohaol Terry, J. WaU, J. Ahearn, J. Barron, P.Carroll, and Martin Dee, ¦ . , ,,

It appeared from proseoutor's statomont that on theday in qnestion Daly, with his two subordinates, soizoda cart, the properly of priaonor, when both himself andhis wif 0 came out of the house threateningly; prwonerraised a shovel over their heads and his wife branduhoda sprong. In conaequenoe of these threats, they, hadto abandon tho seizure. Morrisaey and Nagle gavettsUmony snpportinB' this state of facts. Pnaoner(to proaeontor) : Did you go down the fields in aoarohof cattle afterwards P We did. Prisoner : And wasn tthe cart on the wheels when you came baok, and whydidn't yon take it f Becanse you said that if therewere tsa bailiBi from Dongarvan, you would not allowit to go with them. ' H&-Honor : How long wore youdown the land "whon yon rotm-nod ? ' About ton minutea.His Honor : This is a most lamentable case. There isjnan withont a beast on his hind, and the first thing hefinds when he wakes in the nloming, is three baili ffs athia door. The wife' ia not indictod, beca-oaa she wassupposed in law to be acting under the influence, of herhusband. Some wives, certainly, can't be restrained,and a passage oconrs to my mind described by Dickons,when this Btato of tha law is made know, to Mr. Bumble—"Then the law is a Host and a Ht'dioJ.V, jGleeeohdid not, however, carry hia .threats of viotonoo' intoeffect. Ton mnat s»y whether it was his intention tosend the bailiffs away, without making a seizure, andif so tho law is quite oloar ;' you must find him guilty ;but if , on the contrary, you believe that he was onlyjoking, and had no intention of carrying those threatsinto effect, them you must acquit him. Mr. T. Carroll(a juror) : I believe he hod n» intention of doing themany harm. His Honor : There aro- some : cases wherea juror sajs, " I Will bo a friend to this man."- Therewas a case at Liamoro BCSBions where, if I were on ajury, I would have very little difficulty in finding a ver-dict, but tho jury. disagreed in consequence of thismistaken friendship', and tho man ia now in gaol untilthe assizes. ' Tho prisoner was acquitted. '

BIOTOUB.—Johanna Chrittophtr was charged withcreating a riotous assembly at~Bing.. Mr. T.' Slatterysaid she was a wretched woman, and did not know theoonsoqnonces of her foolish act. . The prisoner herotreated tho court to & litto display of acting j she pre-tended to bo taken suddenly ill, and after that she triedto affect the court by tears. His Honor said: I havelooked over the informations, and I find that this womanwaa exceedingly violent, and went rampant/soreeohing¦through the crowd, onueavouring to induoe thorn tooppose tho law. What is tho world coming'to at all,whon suoh raving lunatics are allowed to bo at large ?The sontenco of the court is that you pay 20s; fine, orin dofault to be imprisoned for fourteen days.' LAECENT OF BUTTEB.—Edward Watih , Bridget Fitn-gerald, Mary Fitzgerald and John Hogan were chargedwith the larceny of throe firkins of batter from PatrickWalBh (the father of one of the acoused), on the 22ndJuly last. ' They pleaded guilty, and Walsh asked thecourt to. deal leniently with them. His Honor : Ifsitting bj myself, I conld not overlook this case. . Ihavo gone through the informations, and I inast tell yon,Walsh, that it ia no excuse for yon to say that the butterbolongod to your father. ' All .the parties were . thenordered to enter into rocogcizanoea to come up for sen-tence whon called npon,. This dosed the criminal busi-ness, and the court took up . '. :¦¦ ''.¦

¦¦-Vi . > .. '

APPKALS.'";. -. ';¦ '. ConslabU Denis Ktlly , appdlant f Thonuu Trtaey,

rtspondmt.—This was an appeal from the decision ofthe jnatioea atOOongarvan Petty Sessions, where respon-dent was charged with having Bold intoxicating liquorin a tent at tho fair of Whitechuroh, on the 5th ofAugust last, ho, at the time, not having an occasionallicbnse The niagistratea dismiased the case, the lioensehaving been applied for in proper time, and the delay intransmission having been caused by the absence of thasupervisor at Middleton on leave. The deoision of thejustices was reversed,' and respondent was fined onapenny and costs. : 1 ¦•¦¦¦: ' ¦ . : ¦ . ¦¦¦

Thomas; Tobin was respondent in a similar case, anda like fine was inflicted. . .. . ¦

Michael Walsh, Dungaryan, waa respondent in asimilar caso. ' It was his second offenco, and the judgesaid that he could not fine respondent less than 20a.Mr. H. A. Fitzgerald : The poor man did. all in hispower to ret tho Tioense, and it is certainly a very hardcase. If he failed in getting it, it waa through no faulton his part. His Honor : There is no use in telling meit is a hard cans when tha law . him been broken 1 I amhere to do my duty, however painful it may bq to dis-charge it at times. . I should be making 9 perjurer ofmyself if I did j if any recommondation of nine will helpMm to get the fina 'reduced, I shall bo happy,to signamemorial for him. Publicans must applym proper timefor their lioensea, and if they fail in' getting them, thenthey hare no right to-jratthemseivbErti- ii-JxJiror ofthe law. Mr. Fitzgerald: He ia a very.poor man, andhe conld not allow, his stuff to rot : whan-he had pnr-ohascd it for the fair. jHis Honor : Poor man, or poorwoman, or poor grandmother,* it makes very little differ*,enoe to me ; I most uphold the law ; if. Mr. Fitzgeraldknows the law better than I do, whjr take his advice.Mr. Fitzgerald : Pd be very sorry,to presume so; butwhat aro nnfortunate publicans to do if they send for alicense and do not get it in p'ropor' time ? His. Honor :If they do dot get it let them stay it home. ' ' . '.'/ F UHXBT -APPCAL.—This;was u'appeal from themagistrates' dooiaion, whore appellant, Miohael Whelan,was fined JS5 or two months' imprisonment; for, on the8th of May last; having fished on s" prohibited portionof the -Blaokwater, between: Cappoquin and Toughal,with adriftyiet Mr. Carson. B.L; instrnoted;by. Mr.Hodnett;'appeared foriappellant,'and Mr. Slattery forthe Fishery Conservators, respondants.'MiohaelHnrloy,:water bailiff, examined;'depoaed-rSaw.'a boat'with twomen in it between Villienstown ana Dromore ; they htAa drift netl and he saw them shoot throe or four times ;he watchad-them for abont'an our, when appellantstepped ont of the boat of tho VSlierstown quay .withtha net i ho then seized the. net ; the other man on see-'ing him shoved away the boat, and he coold not identify,bini.-i Mionael Dawloy, another water', bailiff , gaveBimilar testimony.; The decision of tho oonrt bolow wasreversed.^ The court theni.rose.^". - \ :. : ;r; .: , ¦;.

SATUEDAY.'i' .This morning the following oases wore hoard. ¦ :r

¦¦'¦¦MMwrvhyr.'Outran—^The-plaintiff , ''Edwatd';Murphy,BaUint»ylor,:«a«d Patriok Curran for - 20, cash/lent^

the seonriW/of- hU'1 brother. .•- Mr. Farmer Parker-crois-flianuned defendant, who 'admitted having beenpaidiM'od account,?and j811'as'.•valoerbf :goods' pur;,-oh»»od by ham at Ballyguiry ahobpn.r Decree for^JBS;. ! 1;oi A^NOTTET OASB. Cho nixt was'a process at the suitof John Walsh, a publioan of thU towh.'agalnst Mr; J. >D«vitt, ohiatoffloer,' National Bank; under the following

ieiroumstanoes 1—It appeared that Walsh,1 :boing very;ibadtoofft somefriesd u'Amenea sent him a bank order ;lor 425,whioh ha presenW for payment at tea MaHonalbank here/where he, wittamta named Edward Walah;madail veWuebill fo»^15.-rWmaaa jMr..BJtrran,;stopped the'amount d*> to the b*nk-,oily 'handing: Walsh

. ilU,'the balanae, and7 the v old note for JB15.': Walshcame back' in a d»y,or'two, and demanded the money,

iwaicK was W*sea.yKr^Hmit Mpgjied.thi.t tte^faot of

(WalSh'takW H>« «w ,:nots^ and tbalanes, of 'cash, was aooftseot to' ibe atb#ago.? thk ease "was dismissed. ;v,. :;

**l««<«a»v: cy -J .w i^aistiorffor^Wfti. 6d.¦iaonnt' J Bobdasold and;d«livered by plaintiff, anrSSoiiesr, to^Wdaayi sst^rfor£il 13i.Hi.vMallowed; and a dstrae graaM for the balance*. . .;

¦ \-^MoeiscteeoW •*¦ W suit (of'^naan;' E.'-Keuv,'. Lis-i tlt \6M of'whloh* was *disnus»«d); 'concluded the

ifew^ i*" Hs iA>.Y.C.,'!inith«dhair.v:.V;i'#*is» SssWrJS8laitiJry.< Wi}M.-W.oodroofe, J2J

¦ &i£&!l oF'-Bstoirvl»«:.Omo ^—A ilettai^wia

^ 3 E H ba'i>WBJi4 feff JiMi v- p V ftsv x latiiiff'td^

S trf^ ^aliSfes f y loDr.':Ss»w/iiafoprt(i{5)fcei-I*eal J.(1«vsrnii>s)V.Pi**il'tKM

'it' A sriiMHtf4flastf fls Uksftsse Aa SBVWH WKt0kiiAtitr 1MHO&

^ ^ v^ BS^ ^ V^ ! a X Mt^ ^ ^ a MiS^ H £C^ S r 7i

9f 9BnR &SS>^ SS -4vff ^ T Ss avS^ £ ^^ t^ a SSEiKf

fpr the labouring classes and tenant iarmedf« is wonldrohBTe.thoir presshig wanta.'.and keep thqJaind thoirfamihea. from . starvation; and that a Jaeiaorial beadapted to. the Lord Lieutenant as 'to thBl»'expedidnoyof having an Aot of Parliament brought#m in tho nextsession of Parliament -to onablo the gWfernmonfi toapply the remaining surplus of tho Iri^S'Chnroh fundto the relief of tho aged ¦ and infirsR poor.—W-: M.WOODEOOFK. • ¦ <M-:

" 15th October. 1879." The biaro* then roso.


SEDUCTION 09 RENTS—A 9EFEIOO8 SOIT.—Mr.Thomas Slattery,' solicitor,. limmore, processed Mr.William' Heolon, ahopkeopor, Mo'recoTer S5 9s, moneyhad and received by dofendant ffor plaintiff's uso. '

Mr. Slattery; being Bworn,' s£id in the month of Jiine,in the"presont year, a nambnrof tenants on his Gracethe Duke of Devonshiro'ajpstate called on him to pre-paroa a memorial to his OrAce; asking him to takeutooonaideration the great doprcsaion existing in the cquu-try, and make such .abaliement in their rents as hothought proper; For the purpose, a aubBoription wasto be made betweon the tenants to pay him, and .£5. 9s.wero subscribed, wUSoh/was in defendant's possession,Mr. Slattery's claim being £5, but acting on tho "adviceof a few gentleman,'Mr. Heelan rofosod to pay themoney. Wiabiqgtobavo the momorial properly drawnup, he sent 'it to Dublin to be ennossod. bnt beforedoing so he -had itread ovorfor.the approval of thosetenanW''who / v)*re*ln~cbmm1hiication. with him. ; Itmet , with their approval, and after being neatly en-grossed in Dublin, tho memorial was signed by many ofhis '. Grace's tenantry, and he (Mr. Slattery) got somesignatures . to. it himself. ' Ho then forwarded tho mom-orial to Mr._ Cnrry, and in due course Mr. Curry wrotea letter (whioh he showed to the active partios in get-ting up the memorial) acknowledging receipt of it, andsuggesting it ..uould be sent forward to his Grace theDuke of JDevonnhire.. Soon after his Grace's reply wasreceived;by Mr. Carrey, and that gentlemen, ho |be-lievod, read tho roply to as many,of tha tenantry as hethought fit to_ invite to the Castle. The answer givento tha memorial waa considered to \>e satisfactory. '¦

Cross-examinod by Mr.' Verlin—Mr. Riohard Forrell,Mr. Doocey, k-3 thought, and Mr. Ealeigh were thepersona present*- when the agreement was mado ; theagreement was not for £3, nor wos'thero any thinesaid about a oopy for the newspapers. Did Boloigh,Crotty, and Callaghan hear the memorial read ? I swearit . was read dyor to sixteen or oighteon tenants inmy offioo , and on tho following Snnday it was readin 'Mr. Noonan'B Hotel to all the tenants whocame in ; I am snro Mr. Farrell heard it read. At allevents, tho persons who'askedfor a copy did not get itPMr/F. 'JE. Carrey, agent to the Duke of Dovonshirc,produced the memorial. ''Mr. Wm. Eeolan examined by Mr. Slattery—I am

defendant in thin case.; I have .£5 9s. 6d. that was col-lected ia connection with this memorial. Did you gutthat money for mo.?, I got it to hold. Since the pro-cess was served did you offer me £3 on two occasions ?Yes, at the suggestion of Mr. Farrell ; I got the moneyto pay all costs. Mr. Richard Farrell, examinod .byMr. Slattery, said that Mr. Doocey, Mr. Andrew Crottyand himself • called on Mr. Slattery to have this mem-orial prepared, and the agreement was to pay Mr.Slattery 3 for drawing it up ; he (Mr. Farrell) offer-ed JB3 ,and Mr. Doocey JS1.; to his knowledgo be didnot heorf Mr. Sbttory" ask f or £5 j he subscribed thomoney to pay for the memorial ; Mr. Slattery was notasked to give a oopy of the memorial in his (witness's)presence.; he went to Mr. Huelau, and directed himjtopay? Mr. '- Slattery, bat Mr. Heolan said that othergentleman were objecting. ¦ '¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ . . ¦

Mr. Verlin said , hia defenoo was, simply, that theagreement mado was that after'the memorial was pre-pared, a copy .of it waa'to be given by Mr. Slatteryitotha tenants, ao that it and hia Grace'e reply might .boadvertised in tha newspapers. After the memorial wasprepared, the'parties concerned say the heard nothingabout" it; they didn't hear it read; they did not knowwhether it carried oat thoir views ; they were not con-sulted , as tot ita preparation, and they, did not ,gettho copy of it they were entitled to. The Chairmansaid it would end tno caso satisfactorily if Mr. Slatterywonld agree to accept £i for drawing up the memorial.Mr. '.Yerlin, YoRghal,. said he was instructed by hisclients to say thnt they would be satisfied witb this> &o^the Chairman rilled accordingly. . :. CRIMINAL,'BpsiNEBS.—At 12 o clock the followinggrand, jury waa sworn—-Messrs. Richard Parker (fore-man), Jeremiah Slattery. John Tobin, Patriok J. Walsh,Michael -Burns, Michael Caaev, John Fitzgerald, DanielGeary, . 'John Hlckie, Joseph Douglas Pino, PatrickWalsh;, , Darnel - Hodnett, Martin Murphy; PierceWalsh,'. Miohael Clancy, Miohael Murphy, RiohardWalsh,' Patriok : Condon, William Walsh, MiohaelTOelanjjTtjomaa/.Walsh, ¦¦ Miohael G. Adam3. ;

His: Honor'iiid-he "was happy.to Bay that theirdntiea would belieh vnjere were onlj two indiotmentato go before*: them, one for obtaining money under falsopretenoes; It won alleged that the defendant in the casowent to a poat-ofuce with a money-order, and pretendedhe ,VraS sent by a person who was commonly called thopayee," whereas, in point of fact, ho was .not sent atoll.It. '.waa alleged that, .the defendant got tho moneyand converted it to hia own nse, and eo far as it appearedon the face' of '.the informations it was a clear ononghcase.1 The: second case was for stealing somo clothing,and then was nothing in it. he apprehended, to giveany 'difficulty to'.lha:'jury...., ¦ - - .- ¦ ¦ ¦ '

SPIBIT Iac«NCi8.—Tho -following magistrates werepresent :'—Sir John H:;Keane, Bart.,D.L., Messrs. W.Ml Woodrobfo,. D.L., ; F. li. Curry, T. Foley, SamuelR. Fifctgeraldi Jj 'G^Hely,," : , . . -¦• ; • • ' . • ' ¦ :

' Joun'. Barrelt, "BarnoK-atreet, Tallow, appliod for anew'- liocnoe; ;Theapph'cant,,on boing calloa, camo intothe' witnOss' box, ana said he was not prepared to pro-oood with hia application at present, aa he had boen pre-vented frominstraoting Mr: Riohard Rico in his case bytwo I policemen, ,\rho .'would not: allow?him inside thebarrier for that pDrpooe, j He. told,them the reason b.ewantodr to go ihV. yet one of the constables shovwd himbook,' anditmmediately'ofter;three persona belonging tothnitbwn of Lismore; who hod no business at all there,were' odmittejjj A His Wqrsoip :. I will give you half anhour-to instrnct.SIr, Hied. ~ Tho applicant : There areother reafidn»,j*hy I don't wish togoon at present withthe' appUcation*.;

Hia Worship oallod up the police con-stables, oadoautioriod thorn in future About a repetitionof 'suoh'ioonduot,! iTheir: duty was to facilitate,'not toobstruct,:.the'.biim ess of.the oonrt:.:.How8ver. he didndl .wish'to leavij the public under the impression thattho appljpont h*d now lost his chance of a uconse.owingto tha'cundact of the police-; whereas the fact wa8,.that

,the app)ioi^ri,»^nt in had.not been stamped,'and thoapflicanf,kn|ew. very well it would be dismissed themo-mentlt waJsoalled;'

Appli0*11'.' Mr. Dflnnehy (ClerKof. ths Feace]toia me outside it would do if I 'put a 5a stampdaitonyjtime belore the caso was called. MrlDennehy:I'never 'aiw.-you' before. . Applicant iTon did; onteidecourt' thlfl;'mo~rhing.;t The ' application , wastthenwith-a>aivri'l s .iLi'gi .'i. - - --^^:i1r ;- i?'' ;.''; -i:':: - :.; .Thoinaa^MoCai-thy,! of Tallow-, applied for a transferof ilioence: from Richsfd 'Fowler,,-, whioh was granted.Edmondp'DojincU.VWea street.'Jiismore, applied for anawr'H44nco;'i MiJ Slai(tory.*p'pe rod for .thaopplicant.Th_o.'app eitii9nlwaB1refa1«ed,;Oii the gronndthatad-ditional tmblio-hoiisea were unneoessarv.- Ji O'Donohue.>imiuii»ijr I'TTIIVUB^H w"™ uiuwiwiwj.'tf. v syuuuuu,aieuoairni'iappBsat tohftvea wholesale lioensa held byMm <ih*iig^dl£to 11-retail license..;The application was&tinte&j^ sVo 'p **£^?i>;i*ric- *-^&u:r:h-:< i. :J*me« f|Tobinli

rBaUydnff1,,appUed, ior . a .transfer.ofUoen«b fr(wqhU;[mqtbag j uier.applioast. Granted.MaryUWaIah; ijtbdd^^«mnnn*tu)n.of'»tranafer.Grauted.V3s«mAnnejWhelan,.,Cappoq(un, transfer^^MjirjrJTOfti;1,j(W»WLsj5fc^ o jtfi«« ;&& '-,MOshcaiAtpqBriMyT-ThpmaaBaJrry.fromMitqhals-

tAwn • >.' tfffvfiA ? in alhr'v) "stoalJTlg some articles Cf oloth-infcffroMp . a'uihan/aiidfWaltat-.Walah.-at

i C pp^^ lp^^W^ It-MjsW.d by! tho poByWstbl .TMi.iMstfg i'oir•VW:frtfr#^«pr^Bttuflf prjiwiifty

notprirtWW.joo»i5iiation paaiartLJum, aowevexi»adhi»Hdaorlordersd fclia to bs imprisoned for three calendar

L yj y ^w^wfi /timwin 0p \}\^w}-i

rikM ft n#Tgyt yjth b&T*

wS B^ Kirtpi tUvfaMrtjaarrje"l S. l ih D ai li 0*

^ K s<p£m.4lM| >Mi|De] .of!tlw'.thii 'mcmqfci% wfcipdbtimnnn to CoUins^Tj»jr«-'


feS™ D° M ~E^"Q'C. chairman.E/ECTHENTS—Mr. Harbj T. Patrick Rca,!* TI •'ras for possession of tho defendants WMmf hcwSlfyearly tenant, of which ono year's rent f i r

dno.. Decree for possession. ' ' was no"'Michael Den Keatinge, Esn and Ad elaiJ * rr »•hu wife both f yvoLsul^Jt mtffS

gm, Kildnnagh, for possession of part of the lands ofKrfdruiagh, held under lease, at the yearly rent of is10s. of which one and a half vcar'a rent f a * ¦ \

Also for possession of part 0/the Lnd . 'JV ii " d\°-held at the yearly rent of i?5"la: 10?of which

lldnna^.rent is dno tho 25th March lost 'TU^ f 5


!arsthe latter ojecteentawero-Ma garetBrenT.r<U?


Catherine Kilfoylo, widow; aTdjXSn'f °W !Docroes for possession. fhelan, farmer.

Same plaintiff v. Stephen Ryan.—This w -,„ „• .mont for part °f tho lands of i'OrkhiU, hc7dby ?hTdefondant at tho yearly rent of .£36 of Jh£i,was dno 1st of May last Stethoh Rv Ono yrartho taWn. ™A noW tk» r.i..i!??hcIJ Ryan_camoupontho table, and asked tho Chairman to^

rivo him l-?n"time and he would bo able toi,av Hfw lltllubut his crops, andho wasunabl topay untirh^^nsave them He also told his lordship tLTnin \SlI npeople m the townsland as vet Dairf nrwi »ii •¦• 10to Jisposo of

^thcircrops .toirbttTemtXL™^

ing to give till tho 1st November Wtt3 W'"-

lantTc rctt'; fl&WJS*?,£J ^Of

th?last. Phelan nlso camo nnon thn t-vhlo , j lla.rcustatemont somewhat simUar to tho lltt tenant -"ai?^wanted was timo.to save his crop"

™d ho was wU\itS d? bost'TcTfo^iS >>%£«&

wWohiec s wto^rd0' " " ^ in a" ot

Charles H. B. C. Wandesf orde Vsn -r r i nnan, Owen Brennan, and Sard Brelnan L DOS"

held °bvttrfdh°f

W(l3 °f C'- oeTnS Clo^hiJuly kit. ' °a° ycar'8 ront bc'nff due to

Mr. Hartford, for plaintiff, said they got a decrco

andclauned, if tho tenancy was abontto bo broken, herthn ™ -


Cf^d Sh °' My

brothor came in to paytho rent, but becanso it was a day after tho six months

saw'.ssffiai 1''"* *iA SAVAOE SETTLUD.—John Walsh, a tramp and toatt appearance one of tho worstof his class, washedwith having, on 20th Angust last , maUciously kiUcd acalf , tho Property of ono Denia Mooney, a farmer re"siding near Thomostown. Thoro wore othor connTaagainst tho pnsoner-ono for assaulting Moonoy, andattempting to steal his watch chain : another for «.samting ttte polico while in the dischargo of their dutyDonis Mooney deposed that on the day in question thoEfTT to r PIace. enthe dog ran out andbarked at him ; ho turned in a savago manner on thodog. and beat him; witness asked him what dia bobcatthedog for, andho turned on himself, struck him with astick, knocked him down, then leaped on him ; toro aUhis coat, and bit his fingers ; with tho assistance of thoservant boy they got him into the out-honso, and lockedhim in; witness then sent for the ponco ; while in thohonso he heard him killing a fine heifer calf of hia withan iron swing ; heard tho groans of the calf and thol£° f l ij P ?"J?r gOt, -0Ut of the houao- ftnd ""> acrossthe fields, but tho pohce, coming up, pnrsued him andcaptured him ; witness went into the cow-houso, andSOT the cab! j ono of its eyes was knocked out, and itwas terribly black about tho head ; it was dead • inthe struggle with tho prisoner in tho yard, tholatter thought to wrench the watch from him, bnt thochain broke, and he held it.

Constablo Dooley deposed to pnrsningand arrestingtho praonor, after a sovere struggle ; he admitted hokiUed tho calf with a bar, and gave Mooney " what howanted.The jury fonnd the prisoner guilty, and his Honor, insentencing him, said—Tou have been found guilty of

a barbarous act, for which, nnder the provisions of thostatute, yon might got 14 years penal servitude. Therois no legal proof of pievious convictions, but there isno doubt that you were sentenced to fire years beforefor robbery, and that you wero convicted three differ-ent times for assaults. It is necessary to protect thopublic from men of your character going about deman-ding money, and, if refused, threatening and assaultingpeople. The sentence of tho court is, that you bo keptin penal servitude for seven years.

CHABOE OF INDECENT ASSAULT:Richard Fitzgerald and William Beilly , both appa-

rently farm labourers, were charged with having com-mitted an indecent assault on a married woman, atRosborcon, near New Ross. Tho prasecatrix deposedthat she had no money to procure lodgings for herselfand her child— six years old—at New Ross, on thenight of tho 11th August lost ; she crossed over thobridgo to Rosbercon, and wont into an old shed forshqlter, as she was tired, having walkod from Thomas-town to New Ross that day ; at abont half-past twelveo'clock at night tho prisoners passed and committedtho assault complained of; sho screamed londly ; thopolice camo np and parsaod the prisoners, whom thoyarrested. . After a lengthened hearing, of evidense. tbojury found the prisoners guil ty of 'a common assault.They wore sentenced to six months' imprisonmont eaoh,with hard labour.CHABGB : OP ASAOIITINO WITH A STONB AT 8LIKVBUE.

Patrick Henebery was indicted for h.Vring, on tho&ith Juno last, assaulted ona Riobatd Eehoo, by strik-ing him with a stone. Tho prisoner pleaded not guilty.Mr. Lowe defended. Richard Kahoo deposod that onthe day in question he was in Waterford ; ho loft atfour o'clock in the evening to go homo, and was meton the road by the prisoner, who struck him on thohead with a Etono, which he held in his hand, andknocked him down.

To Mr. Lowe—Was with Michael and Jas. Hoffsrnan;wo had a fight bofore we met the prisoner ; I was struckon tho head with sticks ; it was after .this Hcneborycame np and struck me with a etono. Mr. Lowe : Whattime was this ? After ton o'clock. Mr. Lowe : Andwhat wore you doing from four o'clock until ten atnight ? . We were going homo. Mr Lowo : Did yon goin anywhere to drink t : Wo did ; wo went into a pnblic-hon8B at SlioTerno. Mr. Lowo : How much drink badyouthere?Abouttwoquarta.apiece.' Ml-.'Loffp : Howdid you fall on top of Henebery ?' AM remember is,that ho knooked him down with a stone. • . !¦• -<i ' ¦>

James Hcffernan deposed they were going homo withKohoo, and-his brother and Kohoo had n fight'Thoseparated'them', and in doing so, gave ,K«hoe."a'. .fewblows of a stiok, which he held in his hand ; they wonton .further,- and met 'Henebery, when Kohoe and heat onoe caught holds, and fell in the ditch ; witnessand hi8 brother pulled-Kehoe'off Honebery ; did' notsea' Honebory- strike Kehoe with a atone ';. Kehoo w^sbleediiig before he mot Henobery. This wibipsg'sbrother; waa also, examined,'irh'en his Honor advisedtho jury, to acquit tho prisoner, which they did, and hawaa discharged.

- - CHARGE OF ASADI/T AND BOBBEBT.. . Jamet,Manning was indicted for having assaulted one'Thomas'Grint, at Hullinabro, on tho.. 1st May-lostMr. Boyd defended the prisoner.- Grant deposed that ae was at the WUliamstownraces of W^orford

on 1st May lost; and wns goinghome in tho evening; passing MnUinabro, ho met thsprisoner; the latter nocT a knifoin his hand, andaakodhim where ( he was from ; deponent told him; and hosaid, he would beat any man from the place ; .whendeponent saw the knife, he ran away, and prisoner, fol-lowed him ; ran for about 200 yards, when he fell, andprisoner gave him a ldok, telling him to got up; gotnp,and prisoner', who was waving tho knife in his hand,made a , :drivo" of it at his knee ; he did not know bewas-cut at the time, but hod not gone far when Iiofound his' boot full of blood ; he then discovered thathe was stabbed. / :. . . ' :.' ' ¦- ''•' To; Mr. Boyd—I wns undor the inflnonco of drink ; Inot feel the B tab at tho time, bnt did afterwards ¦; couldnot swear ablomnly that when, he(made -the " drive" oftho kni'e at me ha stabbed me; went along tha road withhim after this, and: met another man';' I told this manthat prisoner.'drew.tho knife.'ohd we followed him ; onovortaking him;"he again drew tho.knifo, arid gave mea.ctab.in the,waistcont.. Mr. Boyd t Did.ho outyou f

i No; ::Did you .not svrear in your informations that he- did aoVstap you1 at Mullinabro x I did. Further, evi-'den.pewi8gono"into, and tho jury acquitted the pris-bnor.'whtfwas'djschaxged..' ' . ' . ¦;¦ . ¦ .":: :' C'- '- \- '- 'r

r VjCuMdt'aiAoxion.—Mr. 'James Doyla sned. «t£il-konny-. quarter .sessions; 'the ..Waterford and CentralIreland Rallwar Company for loss alleged to have beenanitalned bjl;'h i m,'by raason of the defendants havingrafosed '¦¦¦¦. to-ipermit Um, ito j travel::pn :! theiru Una

; £i^a\JW.»terfprd': to,.:Elkeiay, on Sanday/.the.lOth,'Anjuit ilnat,'v»lth'ongJi-,toe] plaintiff hai pusohaaedion- the morning, of.tho day are turn:tickat from Kilkgnny't^W*t»BTfoM^^The-

plain KfTs

eTidencc was


when'he'; % 'aboui; to retnrn vhe wai on the platf p^ro'ol the*W.MeOTW'Hr u>'-Bnd'.'wM.!a fr4-.>^; outjr,-: fe> pro^nx»;hiBticket," which ho,refuse<l to dqk as¦iUtaa tbesni already, .checked. and.'*: pnnohoi'.V at-.thoentmnM: gats to the platform:' and he didn«t think' ho>aa« bound; fc) i«h6.wt hi»vtick«t; ajr i'ttatllJhVHras•eea ii'.thBr»flway'cSri»ge.ll'lThB,:r«liseo3(OTMVwa»that"jhe'im'.hofauc«e to.6nte.r oarri ^'train fieft without • Hii,Vftnd' ho was ohHffad to hire a;car>;orn>;wMchihoraKi7e'to'Kilk«miy^a iamEaa'—'tha ¦nhifl 'hifrht.*! tha', oonisoii'''MT' b^[f*ff-*i l'*; n con- 'fbaoted aWe«colat a7wiirwSnWo|Ka{bod.for::*6ibb torn?:-- V)f tpei&*J}1 6» fb* «tarft«wwater .iara to sKilkaany.V wtow: he:;atriyottafaia\t!iotock the.iSaicj( jiiffhti»Th8:dQfeoo%ivaB thatJitsdsjr hft'fot|ipa&y?s

jjWnaC.was ibound :ta- shcw. jkaj^ jaisfsnf