Especially suited for Pulped Turnip). . . ' Wiitiur,~T:.i3a£zz» z...

" TEE WATEBFOBD 17BWS. " ' , ; . , ' ESTASUBHXD—1817, , . : \ ; ' L ABQXBT CiaooLATXOK .iK THi Bourn bi I RXLAXB Fullufed wrw TBiDATx a%i S *a>rA Si{Hm <n BATUSDAT :- ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ' HoniWvUKu- - ¦&<*» **> , «a»-«r».l. T * ' ¦ : : (orr oarta T»» TOOTIUCUJ . aura), i <T>EIOE—TWOPENCa;:yaady(in /\dT»Ooe),8t.6d. IT . i , rf.By F«»rti(TeMt[), 10«,jBd. ; j. , " i ¦ •¦ ¦ «SP All Oheqnes and P. ,O. Orders , made pajable to COBNIllUa&IDMOKD, »t thla QftO«< l ... > ' - The NSWB (LJbeml in f*>Ui!cs> otrenlstoa' extensively amongst thn. morehant8£ traders add cnoUHtyj : gentry, (arming classes , i«4 iuWnWiritrfd ^ iKjlkenny ,lipporary, and'tho ' south of Ireland-generally. < !Iho:N«W& has ¦' ¦ attained 1 a circulation never, equalled , by.: any] pates :> ¦ jfnbushwiia Watsrford , sM as: admittedly the leading journal i a this Important oity, with which , there is <3irec4 •¦; ; 4ulyot>ttmaid6aUoa- .ftomLondoii3 >lcb-;i;:iv >; j >. .. ;i . PartirulfljattentioilWud to ^ ooalmerciil aW ajtrioul- [ ' irasXroi tysn* " ¦ ' ¦ 'Jl ^- . . ' ' v ' . ' ' v ^f- - ')- ' l! '; !" j ' . " .; ' , - , ' \ " A 'dverfisements reoeived . tor in* Xiwtfty all reopaot- ' ,abl« N9Wffpaper ' Agenta Ip. thfl ^Jiiitad aiiigdom;' . - .Prei /if it^ra^^oi i^ ^^'ipt^MS^ k&p^ ' aV^Vppos . . 'Aoxirn-roB : BaXJM»- , '5rapB NSffS, irni *oa !' .; ' < ' i ' ,i: > ¦ ' ¦ iVAPt*^* 1811 . 11 *??* : 1 ^"" - ' ' " - ' - , i , i " ' | - ;WA33KTOEtH-Mr. WviwJiT. 'iitti s (Steqrjre^wV: ; : ^ - -iDIINQAEVANT-BjWSAH A Od. ' , D*ToojhU« ^(iua^e ,: . . .:<j-5JBlMO !EBrfHJw 1 Cuwar.iBBCfBata n^iytpjm* . 1 ¦^^15uEaS^<«^OTiE : BiflwOT^ww!w^?y J *c ' ' - ¦ ¦ ., ¦ ¦• '¦ ¦ Hmiu**aB<}cL»B, ;83 i . 8nBua«T Hill.; ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ •"¦ ¦ .. l; •• •:AUBfiIGAN^IjDn!]i :i (i ' ' ¦ ;- i - ¦ : * '^ ''V"'> . -rvitrNrtED STATES MAIL ' ^a^^ ^jV ' li; J: ' r . J . s ' ySAMEB8;;; , ; ^* aTfflf«Tllnfflir 'V-~-p~ M _ FMLadelpllia ., "' , ' . - ¦ . ' EVKSY WKDIfEaDAT. ; Calling-at Qfleenstojrm every Thursday, j Fsrstrolags FiUl-pQwered lion. Steamships are appointed , , *- . •» ' ' . : to ' Sail-*— **'!"* . . . ' ¦ i ¦ ¦; \ Indiana " ,.... ' . ' ,... ' ,. L OcL^O \ B^fiah '^inoe ' ,;. , ' .. ' Oct. 24 •LoOd-Gongh,...;,. !. Ooi. 17 I Perjuylvania ......Oot. 81 OWewl * ..... " ... Oct. ' 20 I Lord CUTa. " . ;_. " ...V.Nor. 3 NOj intermediate ¦ Passengers carried on voyage .narked thns * / i ¦!. -* - ' ' ' ¦ ¦ > ' , ¦ ~ i ' " ./a* ojfly Tr*h*.Atl*nti» line " •aiKng under the Um- fcifSlafes FUs ' atd &rryiiik-the American Baffaffor taring life, besides th« usual complement of Lifeboats , and an ejrtra number rf Lite Preservers. The acootn- modation ior all olasrta ' cf pautngers 'is equal to any of the European Steamship lanes. -Every Steamer carries a 8nmon andStewiird . ess. , ¦¦¦ '' :"' i : ; ijMsanj^ j and j TOOdMW . lande^ai .Philadel phia on ttoTT l^'Sr the) .Pennsylvania Railroad Company, " whlon.has 'ths shortest and moat direct route to all places la the Western . States. .. ... ,. - . ¦ ¦; . L , J Pwseneers b y4hU line Iwn pass direct Into the Hafl- road Can without leaTing-the 'Ionding Wharf, and1km- ' dsr the same roof7t&e ' re ~*Bre Hefreshment Booms , Uni- ted 8UterLs^fa3&£Xel*^pfc. ' O8U» , Exohange \Ol- —YiJc«, -«adJ3iwgat » iSiprWy ffl «*- ' v.Ci ' TAcr-i —¦) , ¦ ¦ . -Oi»rs fta»x<n , 12 to 18 guineas. ; ^ Beturn Tickets ' afredueod rafcs. '; ¦ ¦'"' - ' .v i- 'l- V «iL »- .,! SraxsJLOB PASSAqa as low as ttaiij ^ offier fast line , "'Tn&udinJt»n " ample eu»W:6f <good PrtffiltfMs. ' i St»er- J-l - ig?T»»»TOg<irs:ai» forwakedto Kew York or Boston .'V• withoutadditionalpharge. . ¦ .^' ¦ j-J- - - ' - , ¦ ¦ - '¦YJ . lBT«aii«Dii.T« E ABSAOI , including Beds, Bedding^ *nd all neoesaarT UtensHs anofseparate Table , JSS Os. ' r 'Tto" piy^Phliaerpnia , t6'P*T**'Wai<IHT. '* Soirt. i ' " ;: (3enarilAgento . ) 3tW, %»lnotst r«eett«ownito N * J ¦ ' ¦ Cu*6JiS?4> T BBO8 1 In Belfast , WiiPo&idut-* SoHB j \ Ma^^Terpooor: SI^HABDSONi 1 SPJ5aiOE;* Co., ¦ ' . ' ¦ .. i-i o-i tf. '5f . .V. ii-V ; : 17 «^ldl9:WaiBMtreet » ,. ; . ' HAB,VET, 4.6MITH«IJtU« G9prga>Stree tv , ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ::. . ¦ . . . ¦ .¦ •^. ..'¦e ' t. 'i'ji.c.WftetfOld.V. t. . ..iv : ,i - . :j .; ¦ ••¦ ..:" oEICHABD LAiroyr garriok-pn^. uir^ , . . : .Prw»I^BK>oiJto .»«w Tp»K,Tia.Queen|rtowri , , ¦i - ' i ¦ ' ¦ , i : wii i- -eTery W* PKXS»AT. ¦; , , •;. < ! THS^UEEH I^TWedn<Mday.{ \ n . Oct-Wth ftomLtmdimtb NewToxk' ai follow* i > EBm «. i—- Saturday;- ., .,., Oct. , 13th VRS CE •• : iv-. Wednetday. 'i •¦¦- Oct. ; 24th ' ' - DEHSuStK::.; : . ' .;/. --Si«rdayiKi' ^• . ' -Wo¥. i 8rd ¦ ¦ - ' ' Haloofr to Hew:Xork l0. 12, »nd l5.aainoas , aocora' CJ ing to positJoaof bertlv^Jia^. eanal saloon griTi. i lama; Betarn Tickets 24 and 22 guineas. . : /1*£^ - to7New ToTk . Bosto.i I * piiiladelpWi" ! «id Baltiinon. at liow BAtesl' Superior aooommodauon and M abMdanoe «f freshProhsi<msiV" -' : -;? - ' , v-; ' :t CheaTthroush Bookings *> all part* os the naiW tetea aad Canada. ' -ftxidal Bat«« to Ten. " :; i . *4wlr to the K^O^St<-«^ Wnwjr (LimitedV ^5/- . v. -- . v -t . S , -Watet«tro«t;iif«rpooVJ. , > t. .!: ' . :: : .<rr»tM»a37,?«dejril»Il { rttP*il«n a <»i •' HAKVET : * .s^OT. ^^e;;9eo i r^e;Utf, f ¦ _ . - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ wintenora ;, ' ¦ , , j-p ^ynrTATt ' MUEPHT, Barranstrarid-street. BjCHAaD ; LAHDT, C!arridk.on-SnIr ; BD.'PH ^ XK , Portlaw ; WiLLlJJ» rfl»Ki«*J4 )ee ', W«K "**»} PATRICK LAHOAN ^ Boaunahon i J OSISH Miurr , Gro- oer, I>ungM^ jjcuiniiks and B EOB .; QueenBtown . . ENGLAND jjroiSOTJTH. WALES , AJTO ; ra* ; , . ¦ SOUTH . IBELAin> , . . . .. . . .. .. I . Alteiel ana aa ' ditionftl Siprnce'by Griaat Western ' "Boihray Company ' s Tr*lna»nd 8te«nboot8 , tno ~ . Milfoid HATeni in cormecti(».witli;. thfl^Ai*»- ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ «OKT> «Bd LnoBicr, .WAT * MOBD> A .CWITB AI. . : vlmuro , *nd. WAtwuroEP.iiJujKJASTAS .^Am) . 1^ ^ 'Shortest .Boute a»a )Bfldac^ ,. »ur«ri. "- ' ' ' •'¦ '' •ffTH^ Afot ' '• '•' r7sjreti ; IS«Kiu- '" o»i ti; IW* -" ; i dP!wSS&i^V- : ¦ : Kail S««om«r» » ' J. i: - a > - l-:;.T5^^Smw i 1.VJBFWUT. VKiJf D4K. A y 1 ¦ DOWWj^-L»AT«'Lo«n>oK. (Paddingtd») t**'»^P' a . , > £?. " v ^mdaJTwept^ ^a AWiW;:**^^:, j, , , . . ... i ^m hniJ^ : ^f i ? S a ^ a ^i^^^t - ' " ;¦; -»WBa^&B*ay?^- < ' ' - -• i indlinnore«nesi ' - " : ! - --- ' ^^ c »^.L- . 1 CP^Learo Waterfor* fl* S.O p.»^Bacl ^e«V W.; , v ^^Amralef th» l^PJO.Tiata j fcTO Ito«u * | ..¦ ¦ , - ¦ ' WJ5 *jn. iTaOn . fiom i^aryborougb ,, ptd. 8JL0 ij^Train^ from LUmow , 'ABRmHCjn "•' ¦ - : T2^ I> OK fweather and drounttUnoea ' pex" . , wt~?LzL. . .. ^r. Punmeri>rai"iMirishable ; Ro^Wharf . on , Tnefd^. . T^nn«l»j« ,, and Bnndtjji. ' : tl KSSLrersbireniaKby' the Steamwlekrinf-Wata^ * ;: or^oTS^yk w8f^o»ed fmr-SMr iaffltet by 1 the«£0Train on Benday "o™1?! *^, 1 ^V OA . ' I J •!-.Ko C*rgo.c«tt.b« r«o6iT»d «wt;*Qw4. *«»r^.3Q i ]p, m ; , ' ^g&TKAlrf bom HBWHI&OBBjwlli to ; ^ ill^oaVei/WAIT'ABBrVAI. of S^oam|ii» taaring. iTat ' ¦ ¦ : :V> ( " PI " - 8 r a Claaf«nay««Oabtn , 83sfld.: VHA toWvAAJpH W^JW^.^^ ^W^ pmw^ip ^. - " . " ' ¦ •• -TWduMrtonTenniniis. m - ^"-i w> ' .^' ¦ ¦ •^• H ' " . .. . ^ *9^Wtaess oates ^ (1 ,: C _ ' ; .^ i ^v i .nvj;^-i,..-iJ* bLTDE SHIPPJlia- OOMPAITr, OOTO 8EB, 1883. Rtjular iB Uam CommnnicoHon ' , between > ' WATEBPORD I and . It O Z) 1 B O If, Via Sonthianipton and Xondon, and Bouth Western' -' ' ¦¦ - ' 5 ' ' ¦ - . ' : ' ¦ ' - B»ih»*y; - . ¦ v:- ¦¦• - PLYMOTTTH urt> SOtrTK/LMPTON" , A»i SOUTH or RKO- , LAND , OO&K, DUBLUL BELFAST ASS GLASGOW. ' » ' - *lfe JK ' ' fIJIIE Now and jwwerfol Screw MJ^ mfflHB!|>a | M^ M -nTrM B1I«-'-VAH'iTrrfi» -BATHUH , •acRLLiaa , aKK^aTYOEK, Tovrjaf VynSKLo W, an Intended to S^l as . nndfr , w?«tber »VmiiUn»Jiml««» pr% vented, by mfotcwwa drmnnstaoi<»«sj r .HSliberty to:foV Twael^-aod to icall rt aai PDrt 6r-Porla in »ajr ordor , inor ost ot thtfenstoxnarj oooiM. U>Bt«»iTeijidDl»ctiar((e Oirgo , SatarSay «fcr. , T' ,, " . ' . - " -«rsdt-i ' la. nt^. ; wSSiStlay;-' > 10th. * 1 . ' ,, -V '• ' . '•«* Cort.- ... 1 p.W¦ J Prid«», 14th* <^ Vr "• TU OorkiDnMin 1 p.m. - Wiitiur, ~T:.i3a£zz » ~:" .awct- .:~ z- ~zz. :: t2 ?tx *n : ToesatTi ¦ .,, 18U», 'i «yr- .TUBeltirt . ¦ ..,. l ,jp.m. - : •VfetoSJaj; ^ 17th " ¦ iV- " r XvWoV ; ¦ ¦: .; : V. - Jl ^f.m, ;. y d4y « ; " . * .^j./i ^Wh^t;^]) ^ t ^ y tn. Cp rte. '[T.' " .;j v. '^ '^ 'Sf 1 ? * S^ Wt "OT^"!!• ¦: w/4Ire^.^ D0b %a loos ' ToeBtyj '•;-"¦" 80th - . ' : " "•' . ¦ tl»B«lfut . I. p.m. WedB«s4«y/ ; " 81st. ' - - TiaCork T p.m. ETCTJ MONDAT dlrtot :.. . i .,._ ,. . ... . 2 p.m , ¦ ' ¦ " " ' ' ¦ > '• BiO. to Onlendck.l. S.SOp.ia? . Ererjr WKDNKSDAT , ' m Doblln ... ... 3 pjal' ' * ' "" SmQ' .td Greonock...8J»p.t» . J Ererj THUBSDAT dlreot ... ... 1 pjn. MM Qreenook.-i pJ»t> E«ry FElJDAT; TU Cork ... , »• „. ¦¦ ..; S pjn. * . " ¦ '" BaII. to Oreesook...8J0pJn. . -raox wxTzsmo to' BZLriST. ' Erery TUESDAT, dirsot ... . ¦ ' .!. »t 1 p.m. ' 1 - BBLnsf TO wirkuxtto , Tla : Qla»row, ; Et««y WBDNElIDAYi - ' , ¦ note wuxSiosB IO DDIUI t ¦ ' ¦ J- ' Prld»yir: 12th CldSfcth Oct., tik Cork. Fridays, 5th and 19tU October, TU Cork uid OUigow. . " '' VVBUX to WiT*aroE»=-E*er£THVBSDAT; tflreot. j " rsoH-wintroKD TO coax. i - Erery WEDNESDAY , dlceot £ . v;. r atlp.Bi. E«ry FBIDAY, n4(r«xit : _^ •": ,. . -" ... ' at lp»f'l , F>OK Oour T W WAnsross, direct, ¦ . - - Efery MONDAY; ' ¦ ; . ¦ . ii WAT»«»0Ii) TO I«*60». :> ! ¦ ¦ ' Steuner to Bouthampt8n , 'thenoe by London and South Western JUilwv to-Nine ErM^StaUon , 1 ** Throug h-Batds, ' . - ¦ KTmytjATU ujii; ut'4'pjn. ¦ , '•' LOJTDOK TO WiTOH3»b!J.E*ery TUUSDAY. I- ' Goods rtomred at any ot tU'lUoeltisti HoiUiet " of the London ' and Sooth'Western Hallway Company, knd at Nine Emi Statfcjn, ap to «JO pjn. . ;- rr ¦¦ " * wiiDToaD TO PiTKoortj 'fflreet ," ' " Brery SATURDAY- , at « p.m <> J PITXOCTH TOTWATIU OBD , diieot, ' ; <> •i . *»«F7 *HUBflDAY. "WiTiwoan-to 8 OOTIUX » TO»(WU PiiMOBra , o - ! Erery SATUiDAT at »>jn; . ¦ : 8OBT»A1CFTO» TO WtTOTOaP . TU ! ?LTl»OBTH , | ' , ¦ = - ETeryWEDifESDAY . atMooiO . ' '• These . 8toamsrs -* -haT« '' s^oelldaf aooommodatloa for Pnw H ff1tTS ¦ ~~ . JV ' J "i: 1 .; ,-i*j - ¦ i ¦ ¦ •: PASSAOE-MpNETi/. x | .-::CaWi--IWtnrn. Deok Waterford to Glasgow and Bdtut 17s. ¦ e d. r .29s. 10s. Cork, : ... ' ••¦ ... 9^ Ms... So , . DnbUn , ... ... - Us. :«l 20s. ¦' 7o. «d ,: ¦ :, Fljmoirth ABoiithamptoa . aQ s. ¦ '80s. 1 ' 10» .1 ' ¦• London , . .. *¦* ¦ „. SSs. -. - . v> ' >'..>.>-'^ Us.i; ' - Betnro Tickets aTauable for two month*—not transreratl ~ ChDdren aboreS-andondirU years of sgs . Half Fare; <?-*T Nors>-Th» CJjrda BhiDplng Company usnnall Goods shipped by then Unes Of Steaiwrs at Ss 4d per oent. to Tnders haimci yearly agreement* , —«»d 6*. par'Oen^to'oooastteal Bhippers. haloes to bedeetaed atUnvot Shipment.- Forms antaU iaformaUonto be h*dat the oSoM. i'' i , *y " I r .For BaUs of Freig ht , *r,, app W to—J. C. Ptmrjoif , /lelfast i Emt J. - ..Wisura. £ Co., PWmottth i THOkiS slimABfi*T.fT^nMl fm 'and Smth-Wfiatmn vKAllwaTr -OaAnMinV 1 Ezster BaOdlngs , Artmir Street, West , and at the L. *B. w. Ballway . BaosMng:' s4pase* >:tlirooghoat- LontUmi C LTDS Sarmn.Oo> , Glasgow, Greuoek. 13 , Thomu^et., limerick) " tn^^^^ass^^s^^^' °ns kv " - 1 , ¦ - Custom Hoo»o «Jaay, Waterford. ! ' - Bpedat forms of. Bills ol:Ladior:reqmred by the Clyde Shipp ing Company, to be haA of thoAgrots. , ¦ . ' Waterfordr- Bt^ amal ilp, .Company i ¦ ¦' ¦ " . i- ' .it ' x -.V : - , ' ¦»¦> ¦ . i;(lJl(ITED). . ¦ ¦ ¦ ; ¦ 1. . v, . - .; ' ¦ . : , DrrEN»ED OBDEB > OP , SAILING-OCT., 18^. ) :-:; » »•¦ ifc- ' ¦ ,f;i : MfHtlfrHtf> .i . ¦ ¦ -•¦ ¦ ' 8EQIKALD, COMEKAQ H, LARA, ZEPHYB , GAL- TEE. CREADgH, EPii , USTEBN, BOSA, and 0 « ¦ . ' "J •^' .. -vDAUirTLESS, -•. " - ¦ •• •¦ •• ^ " - i. ' - - nJ' 1 <" ' ^^VTOTICE. The ¦Waterford «SBB»feirfi^- " I -i^l ¦ flfeamnhiP Company (limited) i—C"5fiS53lrr ; 3Sl.4.>»o«l T« Goods anil Lira Stock let Ship* «^gB5B|ffi§ » ftftR—jB m^ nJ^. eooaiaon^^enHoiiedln &MZi &£n ^i*h^*iB i <>v i - rux i>mnu SBIMOL TBOM aaistoi. to WATSUOKD . ..> •• . . ¦ -Direc t i ' ., - •¦ ¦ .;. ¦ :• ' - ¦ -- ' ¦ Dlreot : -.. i ~ Tuesday..Oct. . J_ BjW)ra..- Wednesday,Oct. 3 _ 7.aftfn Frldsy, 5...10.morn ¦ - Satsrday, 6 ... 8 aft'n Tnasdsy. »' U nodn " Wodao^lr lo .. ll ntj ht Prfd./, ,^VlX.. . a/afl > fl6oe8atoJay, ¦ n -U-.;.U ni ght Toesday, 16... 8 morn i. Wednesday/ .17 ... 8 aft'n Friday, .: <w-l° -.i»«nora^J SitaidST. ..^ 20..8 sffn Toesday. » 23- 1 sffnooa Wednesdiy, 2* .. U .nig ht Prldit . io .V- SftJ- 4*frti»*n Saboday, r. «7 ,.11 nlzht Tnasdty, ,, 30... 8 morn . Wednesday, ¦ St ... «.«A' n JiiMriOn eanr Uorninr SaDirgSi Oahtas oY''tE*. sUas>«rs will be open to reoelTe Fsssengirs arriTtng by -the Si g ht Wa ¦ last! .'' .f. ' .Vl i^ri'-i- ' . rii:! :-•; u^!,-: a » ¦'.1 .1 ',j ' - tJ- ' .- ¦ ¦ " Fares-CaUn , Us. i do. E*tara,C»T»U»Mefor One month) SKiteOaiklren sM^eTTantAtraTallmg.wittrFamlllss , 10s. Deck , 7a. ad. jdo Chlldran , <t- : ' t : o .. ' .1 .4 J . i ¦ - ;> . -i frATXBFOBD; AHD ilTEEPOOL. ' . no * WATxaroui . ' raon Lmxrooi M - ' MomJay.i.vOct.. i;... /2 att' HjUandar:' . Out. - . l' -10 mom Wednesday, 3 .. 8 affn|Weda»sday .„ . 8 ».U mom Wd»n . t*. -:-:*-o - -ft f iK*;affplTklay,u , " , - , - ., -5 ^.11 noon Konoky, B L « afftiMoDdV,, : 8 _ -8 art' n WeoaenJay;* -JO :..: 5 aitfnWeomsasy ,.* - .. »- ¦* sIVo Monday, 15 ... 2 srVi«[on4Vi. » W .~ .. mor* Wedssaday; " J? - . ' a arftlWadigsday. ,. 17 - 11 <°<>m FridsyT^ " -U . S. 1-afrtaWday. ' 10 ...12 noon Honday.n-i"- 1 . ** "-« s s*tft.lCon<H7«., ,. ,; 24 ... > aft' n KondV, » «. .« afViStoo4wt . -;.«#..; *9.-t< - "»<»n . WsdneaW i -A •« i-« .**S5 P>*»«S5'V|i i » '"^v ""^ C^^Ii^Ws ,^d j- t *»B««Tn ,Aniflsw«lora month , J3«. Do. S BTTKI U. (S TB C UW :,wflh tsaiittM) and- Chudrsn , 10s i .Exteaslca. of ^m«,*r*n»jl | dl'B«tarn tickets . on the fpQjwlng tarns j— *«,# ?( teWW;>s, «d, snd forevury snb»e4ae^tweek , a*;- ' i iJ)r C ):.t i-ii J'J , -^ •«¦ > '^- . ; y ^.i v Goods reodT»4a>£<ai»e%(i4atjQIu«Be* Doofc, ^,: , . , Gradft^Bookad .throoirh. *>Kiixn *sXl«xariAeisal- Stations on ar^S^ort^;£^l^^-^SS^ Loodw- rmd Worth WssUrAt >\Iiondoa.a( A Boot fcWestern , - . Jtaaohsst sa Bheffleid, ^^ttkoolAsWre, -aaA ; ^fti5a ^. BsJlways to iWat<slpid.^. J iatn|Mk..B<!O>to. als« .to , Ximff(ak,cXiroe- ^Sioda^ook^thrOTgh ' fKmill sWtSoosaDi vsMrfon nod Central fafl tnrt Ttjfl wBj , W . ^riprd. -Jhrnngrnn, and Mnngro .Baaway.a nd.WsterlorMndl'taiBick Battway;, nr: ¦ A , ; . Farotls. booked low*»te»te;iai priaoip*! 8ta- Uon» on Lonilo»«ad »ffrU>jT'Je*«rn B«flwmr. r;- ._ : . - WATEaPOBD-itaL. NIWPOEf... _ ... IMI wMsoosp,. ;. noa nwrocr. Weekly. )" , x A -l >i Weekly. WillsntlSaill ,. DtJH<J ; A-4; TAN.: ' . ¦ - . ¦ .WA7r EX^ i99X) ri;KD,Yo:tf.jgoic:;; ¦ ' " , ' ,. •> " •; •V^Tia.Ciriw 'iinBrs:' i . 'I3v" . ''. . ¦ , ¦ . ' v.. ¦' . . .wi |r***i6jB »:jlBJ} l ;3iUM»:iBoss-- .' , Fio» Haw SosfrnDaOr ' , $todM« axospted, 8^6ajn. Fio* WAtjnuSuHSaOy, Sundfoii axoapted , at 84 pju. ¦ Tm»TWcc*»rfoV^!*>'^» £9a <' vs*nepUd , at&SOa- B * ;> FaSS WArmSa^^UrUs^B exatpTS at SJ vJib ^ ¦ ¦ WoT»i-in».Wa ts rfii«d fliw l ah ty Comyaay. Ii r iff^Tntgr* an Goods Shlrped by tieaViaos of 'qtserters at as, .iAi yet On*. to .Traders.taTiag. 'Teiz^; /^grsemestsv sad. ta. ^^ oSSo^Ba»srl«a^ff?e^la^« ' t ooo ' gb^ipanVi. . yprff* aaj. sjtt ,;nfnntttt(m;. . to j ba , had at , tint I'M , ii J ^.!'t;f"'* Vf:C r* ' »—:f rJ" < .-••?—;V ' *' t ' i 1 BwSoi^-wiSitod Stctfuih^ ^mpw.j ' i (WloiTttmJ-rf) «ySSgSSS^3^^^^cokwikf^ ' DOToSrS^laK^T^bwijBy ^ HtSBBst ,,.. ., ,!•; ¦ , ,Y0Cii»*i-W rrH- P»»6pIW^^^w K j^. •> j. ^•a ' ths C^in^^^^' tta i^^Wtfny da '• ' " '^ Hi^T-B^.f&^^H^i^^'r N '^V , 0 * a ^5ffl3iJ*i 'S«i'UB»niW( t WlfantiiHinBT , on be u. ' '^MHPPPHBsStnw tyif fl f"* g«M*.nl Vnn ' ^ff iLj r rhr^m tA' .lAitf KMi%' waaKil ' -oaatHtii»mtin,iilooti*trn <!>• ?d- byMeo^ alJKSptVWAiiF, « ^"* w?' - ! "ii"* >xi/$' " >t.iiyinR8a\!iUi 8Jll' 0MMi>Tr'i! ' ' ' '5-5-1 M 'il ' - 'f : t. ^aimBli ^^M ®y?s»^ii*« 1 «* -• K- '0BlOT0* - i: -v '^- « ti'«W*a», ' '^' ( a /. < ' -)Br«-Ow I. ^ EEEOKLIQivU ^ i'i3fit 4in i«iiU.*-' /S0BlJ|OT >;, ^itft ttwu^ WATKETOEn iABii ^laCTBAL IBELAND ASD- .> ., - DLKKNIiyitlNQTION EAILWAYS , I . u Thekhxirtasti»<ttt* 1 frS5Waterfd ^andKilkenny to Dohlta Athlone, Psr»ottirtown 7oT Nenag h , ' Is tid auryborongti. Tam AiraaiTiOJia—OseaJW».i ti«JS.Oam, : DO'ni; and BM p.m. TJn Exauimlon Tnlss.disoonUnaed.. ..Qn.week;days 8.IS pin. PpTayaiaiibnMn^ett . ' ..V' ~ J* ^' .. ' ,. ' . ' ' ; ' ' vaoa witzaroab. . -., . . :. | .ntoi la wMi PATS. | _ swnuTS. *- ' » " " '* 1 ifcS-i-i^lSiBGoWl 123 183 —HJlnss Class Clan. Class , Class. Ctam .:!) - Jo ' J Ai » vU»-W i r -" <Ti. » tK-: MOB P.«. ^ ' ¦ STATJOBS. -'- 1 "- (::. ¦ .„ ¦:¦;) ;i ;-, -W.J hiin^-h. 1 ml ! b,in. h. ' m. hs^n^ p.m. yf t Udoni, Seplttnn 7 15:\;L ,0 0 - i-j. ¦ ¦ W J O . Snmaoow.... ,.. ^...™ .7 » 1 , 10 4 10 |— , . 13 J(V ;— ^BaHyhals- ... iJ' .*}»>!£ 35 i *O 12 45 (— Tbom«toTTO .J/. ....... 8 10 1 50 4 55 10 ' ^Bnnea&idge .. .. 8 28 »•* . -8 S- , ., .M* !— Kilkepny..7I!...a«ri«l ' 8' 4!< 1 S»' «25' \- i--\ ISO <2MJ- ...: ..... deputnn 8 55- ;2 80 '• ->• - 1^0 fialbawset ~ . .. .... 9 20. .9 I * O v-±- 4i S. /ttUn igh ................. 9S5. .8 0 flJO- I ».y. S15. Abtwrtelx ._.... ..9 80 8 IS f.» ,- 8 80 Itoyboro ' ......iTriiml ' lO 18 " 8 45 O ,^j S.8 Hsiyvorqagh dfp.nylo w 4 a . 7 «; , 8 st' Portaxllng>qii5i)no..:. -jll 10- •* 17 ».J- '' ~ lJ 8 43 -i_ Do3)Ua\ia., 7».ji WTal 118- .VWVW'D -. 6 45 . " Athlon* Jttntl ^irlT. 88, 18 . -Im* ¦ MatyboaxV^Mown 10» *••?• - . 7Jl :. -> ¦ ¦ . '*- ,. ' ¦ ^iBvffl , Templemore . . ....a 1 8 .. -... -8 18; ¦ —. •-. 10 64 §S«Saaii§^^: 9 :2S Temp Temore r.—8 1 9 "•¦ - •¦¦ "8 u Thnrifts ......... arrltal 1 84 .+~ . 8 35 TO WA-nmroM) . Tuiaa 0X'WXX^<uis: «tnrojiiB ntnoas. ' 1 2"8 1' aS i l*8j'l * S ' ., ¦ ' . ' ) ' L ' Clan. °Cltss. l CIasa. i Ctaps. 13i313*d ' A.M. "! i.K>l>¦¦: , t.x; Classi Claw. hHn. bTn-i b~m> h>n : hm- pm Thurles dep. 710 , j- Templemoro - 7 29 2 2 r-. Ballybrophy - t- - 7 69 ' Sffl :— |"- ¦Nenagh - . . 6 80 1 0 "}- " Parsonstown - - - 6 40• 1 £0 , UtmmM . . ¦ 7 IS . 182 --* . f- Idiuyboro " arrl OD 8 88 8 8 ' .i . t-;. Athlone Junction - ' -r ¦ 8 lS .2 , 30 .. 4- Dnblln . dep. ; B 0. 9 Q 1 . 0 ' ' 9 80 PortarllngtonJano 'fai '^ 8 8 »W' 2 45 ' J- ¦ . 'Miryboro 1 arrl dwn •— 8 25 10 30 3 9 ' 11'52 sows TUIHS . goods ¦ •iv'lataU'JK */ 8 ¦ ' '-- ii Maryboro ' dep. I- I 8.40 aO 85. : 8 80 ,. 4| 6 ^Abbejldi . - _ | 9 0 .10 85 8 80 ¦ r - 4 20 Att«nagh - ' fi »J . 7- , : i :5 . . 4 '38 ' Bdlyraggtt - -; B&mWivi ' ^ « (46 Kllkew arrltal ~ '' . 9 M''ll'40; '* S8; ¦ - ' 610 ' Doi departure 7 30 10 0 11 4S «» i— 8 ,» Bennetsbrld ge - -7-48-jlO 12 U 65 8 6 8 80 ThomMtotro- ; u - . - .8.I» . iq S5;U/a, ' 6 20 6;4S Ballrhalo . - 8 25 !10 4S 12 16 8 SO >- «|0 ianinat at - 8 60 111 S J 6" 0 , ' 6 25 tamoow . .9 0 :il lS 12 45 -8, 10 ' , '^ ¦ S B8. Waterford arrlTal 9 8Q ill 45 Fl «¦! a 8fr s ^' 71 0 j_&unntt Bmu Ticrm TO DDBUHFirst and Second Class Betorn Tlokota ' are iu 'dtdon Saturdays ' at a Stqglt F»x» indao Eighth from lVaterford. Thomastown, EHkeiny. Ballyragget , AttenighV ari 'd Abbeyleiz, to Dublin, br thojl-0 and 44 p.m. Up Trains , STailable for ntorn on Snnday, and bT the 64 a.mand Down Traiaa on Monday. ' I . ct.i -j a I7i »i. -w^wrLLlaMS , Seoretarc.. . WATEBFOBD ANDUJIEBICK HAILWAYi:; j ti Up;Tr<iint.from<.W9t(rf<trd. ,. .. ! . ¦> ; ' ¦ . 1 -— mmmuni Mti. - [ Bdy" WAmiDsn * ¦; " > Uail l ' 1 f Mall '!iftiU . Toumsvcx 1*2 133 123 ' 123 1 28'l*Sf,1248 ' •' - . ' . Class. Class. Class. Class , Class, Class, class .; I: X. -U. A.», : T.X, I >S. ' | >;ir. |- rZ. ' jr ,m (.Wfterford-der) . O 9 45 11 S5 2 45 8 80 8 SO Coniok-on-Sair «88 10 15 12: r 8 20 918 , . 918 •ClonmeL .... 710 11 0 ... 4 20 ... . I Tl pperary. 8 10 11 45 145 6 0 U 35 -r- U. 8S . "XtmcUonardnl 8.25 12 0 2 0 6 15 11 80 11 60 Dublin...... ' . - .,, . 115 8-8 8 «• ' 10 -0 4 10 '<10 . Cork. J. ' .. ¦• 180 2..0 1 4 35 i8 IS .8 0 9| 0.J ;DubUhdeparta> 9 0 10 18 1 0 7 48 7 . 4S ^ork ~...!Z7. 601280 845 10 6 ,-a 10! 8' TonotUn 8 85 12 12 . 8 , 20 .5 46 18 25 l7 f, U25 - Li meriek anfall 9 85 U2 M 8 26 6 W 1.80 —[ 1 30;, (; Down Trains from lAmtrie. - l _ . ' . ' ¦ ' ' / ¦n i x n < x i~ m^n vi\kr .,, ' - : l Sdys. UK»»ick ° I - I ¦¦ ' f " i MaU Kan TO WATSUOSO : 194812*8! I 42 1' >13*S1 4 2 1 J 8 1 ¦ . . Chss. 'Class. Class. Class. Class. CU». Cha». <i ' , x«. AJCJ A,x; '.». » .». I p.m r.W. Limerick dapL ^- 70 11 0. 1.3J, i" /6 10 60 ho 80. ' Junction arrlr. 8 10 U, 5' riS, ilfl 11 65 U 65 Cork: ,:. 180 8 0 4 $5' 8 IS 2 0 2 10: Dublin " 1U 6 6 6 40 " 10"0 410 ? 101 Dublin $ m... . ». O 10 15 I 0 .. 7. A5 7 45. Oark - " rt ?.. ^ r Vo t ' O U 80 248 10. « W;« Jtmotton " ... " " 8 85 12 18 2 25 6 85 12 S3 12 28 Tipperary. " 8 85 12 ' 80 2 88 6 60 12 80 12 60 ' Caonmel .!: .... ' .. 710 11 O ... 420 ^ Carrick »~0 10 80 2 0 4 6 745 8 . 0 810 rWatarfordmriT 9 60 11.85 2 85 4 40 880: 345 8 45 Funs—First Clat^Single rioket , 14s. -«dV Second do:; Us. » Third do., CS. 6X Return—First Classi Sis- 9d. ( fleooitd do. l6s| 6d. * . 1L J. KENNEDY , Secretary. -' . WATEEFOED AND TBAMOH E '' RAILWAY^ I ' I r, iiWui Pay Train* -. : ,i. . ..;. ' ¦ , !, . 11- 2 - ' .a -4 ¦ 6 I « 17 '8 t- .| 9 . jsox a mha m am pm pm|pm|pm pm[pm !h mj- h p> h st h ' m hmjhm h m ' h' mihm Wfrd7 4?l0 90 12 15 2 0 ... 4 0 8 80 715 0 0 Im ' r»910,11 0 1 1 ' 16| 3 0 - 4 30 t 0 7 48 9 80 5 ;. .j Sunday, Train *. :-. . ;.l:..i~: ., j . . . I 1 I a I 8 |V4 I' S 1 . 8 I .7 '| 8- i » reo«|am I a n | p m | p m | pa | pm | p m pm|pm. ' r- hm^h jnJhia. hm hm hm hmlb mj h 'm' W*frf » 0 [U 18 |13 15 180 2 80 4 80 ,6 80 ;;.. 9! A Tm ' rel'9 16 111 45 13 . 45 2 , 0 4 0 6 0 ^ 1 45 | ... 'I 0.80 First Class SfaijCTitXet , 'W-^ ' -liotTrn Ticket, ls. 6d. Tbird di ttOi.S'.l ... 8d. (B*torn: ditto, » Is. 0<L JVHiLIAM BEA, 8joreteryand Manager! - . - ¦I .- ¦ ¦ ' .. I-: *m?MM UHlfE D STATES & CAI1 ADA t JFVom ' KtWfy^.t^ J^itau&rTV. 'Vp " CIRCASSIAN ( .....For Q ' uobeo ' .... ,..„.(....Oct. ill PoLT»lsuH( ...,iFor Qiiebao..; ,. Oct. ,18 frm fAvtnobl , vi$. Quunttoum. , -^ ¦ , '' j , NOTA Soo/riAV.Jor Halifax and Baltimore......Oot. I 0 HrBlBHl+j».<l...yov Hallfa»and BsHimore Oct. 23 , r & - _ BAJTISL QT OCSAH PA88A01 1 ' | ' ! Cabin , £18 , Jilt , and £12 t IntemedUte , " jj? * •• ' : Steerage , JW4SJW 'I ,, i/, ,. -) 1 Pusongen lot New Tork or PH3adolp liJ»: 6 7 the J^sii^sore Steamer* ¦'« ' Ticketed Throngljj without ex tra van. : ¦ , : ¦ . j Throngh.Tiokst* issned tp,Ohiaaco ,-JIanitob» , North- wettTenIt6ry?«£d to aiLpilnts in the Western Stateii ' . aod.Oanada at lowest Bate*.' " •>• , X", 'i'; - '; '' , ' * *" 1 ' General Labourers booked td ' Halifax ToiriKsl'Atit- - ^nBnrlsts , Agritraltnral Lftbonrers , an4 Vtmmtt J7dmis>; * Uo 8«rTants , for X3. ' .. ' . "X.,; ' r;\^U'Y ' i- . . "' .:.^/, " ,, ' ( Pamp hleU-Hfcooiui series-^'VKeports ' bf. ^TemW; Fanners ' Delegl>toi"6n Dominion of Can*J» j" alW.. reoent issues, ot , P»mp hlet* . - 'dn ^eftertt 8U«s «i America , Ac^sUffree.; , WrlU for the LtttleBoak' ,. entitled '• Fact* r^arding th* Settlers in v the CtXbclii: ColowM of MiSwoto , *e/' ¦ ¦ - ¦ "" . '*">Wv!:. ¦ }"!i: ' ' Fi>npartlQnli^fi\wllc»lion tp , X,8ooTr . a»d C . •;¦; Qooenstown 1 ? AMubr BKOTHIM * CoC; Jame« '*Creft, "' LiTiUpool , and N Jo/lo-street , Londonderry •( or :ft> r, Polsinix, 63i>ro ns{rand-«t.,Waterfo rd | J. - . M(JBn tl ' or JT. J. BBn^^O reat ^r^^sK .^Waterfbt*.;; |;y iiPViraSrBOX OF OLAEKES':- B, 41 iFW. SLi' iIs ' waxrantbdtobiire alldisohargesfronithstJrlni Organs, in ritharsei , aoonirod OTCuusUtiitlntia^On or Pains inihaIMck:r. Sold'tn : b<Hte«, 4s. «d.«%oh: aUdwretotsirid FUest M«dMitoV^iidflW>^6»«Ba aay-UIdreMforf»8taaps'bythe UneolnandMidlf Ootmtles 'DrogOompany. liiooln^ Wholesale tA««i Bilscr.tT A So»s , London:. ¦ ' ¦•^¥v;.;' : WS | { ^. ¦ ¦ - ¦ •r ¦¦ ¦ ' : : ' VV . ¦ t ri .;: ' v ix'V^SSraiW -^ - * j. ¦^fia^I-ik^'l^sfi^l'^^fl^* 1'5 itc •r»v.^^«*^^: jW^^>' -> *^. ?! 1 ^'j, |I? I sS^Si^^^g^^tel y ^iwiis^sttdiiia&aUsI »inSi*iSMw*n$^!y.L'i|lVV^^?'/- *^- - 'ii. l 'w;( " u::c . . !;. . ¦ ¦ .^-^S^p. CS IMCXTTIH : & oo., .... . .._ STEAM , O.QJLP4CTIO1TEBY- WOBXS , WATEEP0ED. ' ( ' ¦• ' -' ¦ ¦ ' ;- -: .¦ ¦ ¦ ' > * tl/v l: . ^ t .^(FQA|l GOl^lJClHOJtexL C0MP1T6 , GUM. ; GOODS; 'SJUGAR BOILING , &c. . ' . .^BEEE" MEfiALT DUBLIN—1882. •¦ ' ' ¦ ' ' y 'K^itiZE •' MEDAL , CORK—1888. . AwAED » CoBK, -S«CPTr«^"185&—"Thia Firm ehows the Beat Ekhibite in this Class , and is deserving of a Medal. " . ..;.,, ¦* . . . 6 , ' . - ¦ ..- . ; - . " :. -' l ^ . '»r ' -< i " - - . . : ; r;'/^& : XipES .;ON APPLICATION . ' SURPQfJ^,-HOME CONFECTIONARY ! [828.3m] "¦-- ¦^B- KfflD'S^PeATER I^RATWS. 4 PHl6 ^'^'i5^ ^^, deuVere k at.RAILWAY STATIONS in DUBLIN. Tft« OAeape^Jfedj^^Bj-- Especially suited for Die «i<A Pul ped Turnip). / A4IB0UL'AES> Nacafea ^^ . iof JiiS^Afeents, and references to Gentlemen in the locality uiing thia Food , , !?W . ..~..._. . ...; ,.. - ..rir. > - .fjj ki<}>'ii&iwiU-be ssnt post Free, on Application. ¦ %£&&¦$ ||Jlief ^ D^ipJ^a4nJ~l pompaay, - Limited , " Those Grsina-conEtituto a vaiiety of food to.whioh Cattle are generally partial. They riro nutritiou s iff a'high degree ; when proper) ; dried they .will keep-unchanged for any length of time, and are "in par- ticular distinguished b y the relative low, cost at which they may be purchased. " —Upjohn. "Dried Grains keep iri'fcooa ' cbTiditibn for almost any length of time, and will be found a good and wholesome food for every description of stoak , and particularly usefaVfor horses and cuttle." Voelcker. .:.. ' " Sacks holding one Cwt. oharged 8d. each extra, it not returned immediatel y, ( ~~~ ¦ COUNTY O ' F WATERFORD ~ "~~~ Aecount following 1 Sprin g jAssi2:e3 , 1883 . „,. ¦ - .a: ,- ¦ OHAEGE. ¦ ./ £ s. d. Balance declared dne on last Account Amount-pf , snma received from Baronial Collectors pursoant to the Secretary ' s " (. ' warrants issued after Summer Assizes , . 1882 .,, . . .. . ... •• ...,; , ...19,709 4 1 'Amount J oi Arrears received since the . . ¦ tranemitekin " of " the Secretary' s last Account ..... •• ... . : ,. - , 845 7 a 'Amountreceived/from the Paymaster- i: General for' expenses of Criminal Pro- eecutionB from Summer Assizes , 1882 , to 8pring Assiies , 1883 ... ... 65 14 6 Amntrhtreceived from same for the main- - tenance ofPrisonere Amount of Loans received for tbe us? of . the County ... .,. , r ,. Amoont' of Produce of £ ' Exchequer Bills sold ' Amount of Interest on. Exchequer Bills ... Amount of- 'interest r.llowed by the Co. . Ban*<6u:tbe Public A6cijnnt ... .., ... ... Amount of Casual Receipts... ¦ ' ' ;.. ... ' Contribution from Government in lieu of .. County Cess- ¦¦ ' . ' ¦ ' : ' .: ¦ ... , 40 1 & Dog Tiix . ., •)• ... .. : ... i - _ ¦ . ' .; > ; 49ia9 11 Balance in hands of Count y Sarrejor - - '" ; unexpended .... ¦ - ¦ - {;. ¦ : r L :. .' . "•; i : 'o' S Balance due to tha County Bank on this ' ' ' , : Account . ... ¦; ... . - •¦ .. ' . ' iSi'fl' 0 ...v - . t * . . ->i. ¦ / .! ¦ ¦ ¦ .- - . , j ii i ,:; ;. .. WEISKBTS. c:- it., v-j ^ '• " - ¦• ¦ ¦ ¦> ' ¦> ' ¦'¦' ptr Gall , per Don MEERY'S Extra Old Malt .........21/- 42/- ' n Very Old MaIt.; i i..V.....2O/. 40/- ¦A ¦ . .„.:; Fine Old Malt..:.. l ...... 18/- ' 86/. -. . v. .i:. S tored on Fresh'Bherry Casks. T ¦ ¦J ' 4. 'l i Wi. ' . :i t " " »; i *V '" ¦ ' ' .»/ ' Old PaleXJoguae , in-Casks• ... ' - 4s. 2s. . Irishi Whiskey No. l......i. .,.. 16/. ; j Fines t Ol^Pale Cogaic , in flasks, . . , ; T.- ' v^' r, N ^ ,: 1 ' i;: V" : ""'"* Jir ~" ' . ' ¦ . " ' " , age . Byears. ' . ; . ..U.. ..: 6s. ' 2a. 6d. S^f^ie^^: ;::::::::;:^: . ~ iu : -^ v^ ^ro^ ^ Ti^^vMA^ ' J l- . r ! ' f. - - ' : ' . ' ' ¦ '" ¦ ' ¦ ' . . -^• i) ^-A^-TEIAX 1 BESPE|crrFOL^S^ICrrEp.; ¦ ;; ' ;1; - -' jUcinenrs ,. ZSinexal Witwri j \ A^' Portpr«, &o. '' . _ 6*^ Genera^ )U«t on Application , „,: j . . . ¦ •iv.t - .;¦ . ' R ' OBERT. A ;t : | i^fe;;ft^ty-'' ' - : ^-;: ' Qo.V . _:,.i:. . . - - ' - " - PAMILT GBOCEbSJAND . nWiNBTMEBCUAirTS ,. •; (aul7.1yj I-¦ - . COOBTENAT CEOKER; beldg the Auditbr appointed to Audit th o Account of the Secretary to J-.-the.GRAND JURY-of the'County of Waterford; do hereby declare nnd certify that R. H. POWIE, Esq., Secretary to tbo Grind Jury 1 of the said ' County bf Waterford; hath accounted before me as such Socretary as aforesaid , at foot of an Account declared by me on the 18th diy of December lost, and that I . hQTecbargBd Mm with all anmB'Wltti -Wrlioh it appeared to mo that lie was properly chargeable up to toe 28th day.of. 'May, and thatl-haye idi scbarged him to tbe Amount of alt Payment* which he has duly proved . that, he bath. therefor 9 bade ttie ' reoilt ; and ^ that the Account- whorein'I have charged and dis- oharged him as aforesaid is a follows :— ./. I ' * . - ' I- . ^ ....t. - - - " r i.i . , :^U i' ll.i i. a; <. . . - , ' . "I* . Je20 ,841 17 2 .. .i i - xbe Secrttary hai returned Arrears as due by the different Baronies an follows :— Jforonfa* ' " - - ' : ' ¦ ' ¦'u AJ " 6h latt On former BaronUt. { On last On former * TTorroni*. Warrants. ¦ ' ' ' ' ¦ \ . Warrants. Warrants KUculliheen>: ' , ¦ :.i> - jei2 8 4 £l\ A O Glenabsiry ... ' 2 4 1 Gaoltier. ; , ,„ ... ., - K : . ¦ 18619 4 Cosbmore and Coahbride 68 16 2 jHlddjethi rd : , r ..; .:-:. 103 10 4 " . 405 ;0 8 Deoies Witnin Drum 63 18 0 !U pper-third ... . :. 62-19 0 Decies Without Drum 291 7 7 l' . X ¦ ' "V - .. -1. . ' , ¦ . ? ' . - ... ' . . . :' ¦ ¦¦ ' -- ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦:• -? T?:f •¦ ''• Jeil8 2 9 £1 , 030 10 9 . - - ¦ ¦ I Certif y thatlthis is a tiue Copy—JAMES FRAtfCIS MATNE. 2 8th Septembe r , 1883. < - I •- : ;.;-x .,. , ¦ {. , : . ¦ . . ¦ Declared by me thia 10th day of September. 1883—COTJBTENAY CROKER. It ;.;. . ' - ¦ ¦: " ' ' ' ' '¦ - : ¦' " ; : i I . -: , Atrue Copy—WM. KAYE, Clerk of the CooncU ¦¦ J lijViTE PABTICITLAR ^ATTENTION TO THEIR PRESENT ¦/ STOCK oES^erioifiBOiOiSncl F0KE1IGN SHRITS , .; «B" At £ho LOWEST pouBible PBICHB. f C ¦' ¦ '¦" ¦ ' ¦ •' - ¦— ¦ -" _ . ;_— ;- . .. iX- .-iM- . - .-M AY: ¦ ¦ —~HSEF POTOJU W& j 2J6r POSTAL , OBJ>£E;oV STAMPS;- ' ; ' MAKES 60 1 CUPS, j 1 . "" ¦ ¦;: '" . . . .T.y ,DeKrewJ at y$rir, d<»r 'iA atiy-part'of: tbeK^ ' ' . qr^jaSiiS' irrEJWCmTP&f r. per>0mn)-^61bf. per! ParoeU Post. 80s. :21bs. r per' Paroels ( Post ' , 10«. : [ j7B i .-jH. -.Nt ' . ¦• ' ¦' ' 'llb. ' p>r ^ParoaIs P6st.tePd. ' ' Mb- . 'per P»roels'l > bs>: 2i: fld. 1 , :. v \ ' - 1.HAND8* BLENDED KAlBOWS^is. pef-lb.' ; ,61bs. J per Pai ^, r^^ Mi. ' ' ; ' absi > per ' J i aro8& Po ' st,.6s. - J14. per Parcels P>Mt , ' 8s.' : Specially adapted for Invalid*- , ' also to servo wifit l«mon as Btisaian 'Tea. ' " HANDS ' BREA^F4SX TBAr(Slae k or Mlxed)^ 8s. per pound; ; ' m^per Parcels Post , 18s: 2tbs. per . . :,, ,, - Pai«els Post , Ce , lib per Parcels Poet ,Js.;3dJ,^A good mecliom Tea. .. , ,... : BLENDED Bt^ C r^yEA^ b^ Mr^aroe ls D^ 1 12s. - 1 'abi.^r^Broels Poit , 4s. '- v |Ib , fpa? Paroels Post; . /, . u ... l,. 6d. -A qomnion r Blaok TeK, as gdo3Tn , liquor , ias anyBtthBprioe , dad bettor than most. .! Bend a Postal Order lor thi> ainonnt, ' and 'tHe'PoBkmao ' wili: deHveV tbej Varpal -withpnt any further trouble, rhe Tea is exaotly thei^me onallrr as sold over the 6onnter;;the;reaay ^noaey, fnlly oompentatinf for the cost i CofXo»t««fcV' --. - '' : -^B!^B ' r AFTEBN(WNTTfiij^^ ' /!; ; ' "'' , ; i ' Tho ' Cioldoa^lifftffooix Tea ' Ooqrns , jl ffff, ¦ Kin^ . ^iih^4 ^tmiM ' . '^TiAgi.:) \ ^^i ' ;- : « i gj|>ff 1 i ^^j f w ' ^^'^c^'^ i .^ ;; AiV ^, :PaopfaBTOBr tW %S!S5Z ~t!?F<U^l-i , *M - .\l. ?- ¦-. - i' ¦ •:¦ '• ¦ . - . , . ¦; i, . .\i - .vii i' . - . ' i- - . .: . - . ¦ ¦; ' :i\; >.?' .;: \ " >ir<5SmW$^' ¦ ' ¦ J' J ,TJ.XBii*J>i ¦ ¦ s >i. 'i.a< OJ U ' . , - ¦ •;;•.' IL_1- L1(' - ' " ¦ " / '" ': " L. KJ> "' ! /r ' T '^m^iROSmW^ iP^EBlSa?^ : i^N^APNI0 KC-^HHliM " ' ' ¦ !-iJ :'' - ' 1«> i-' ! ¦ ; - ¦ '" :Jl ' ; ¦''" i I is, v " v:-:i :-r . ¦ < ¦;; :• ' '¦¦ ¦; 5c ' l i- ^i ¦:- ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ - . ' ¦ ' t. ' ft^BHID ^. ' - ¦ ¦! '' , : wf* <• ¦ ¦¦ v "f A " : " ;v ; - ^ v ' V ^A ND . - -r. > -.. ,.i , ¦ -'¦ -•' » ¦ - . t y a^a^a^aHa^a^aHHuCaV ir. i -'- *. '/ Y. ' *! ' I '. : ' 'M'l ' . Lf * * ¦ *. " 1 J "ft M " . ' . ¦ ' .. ' ...... I I •! #. ¦ ' 4" . - . r ¦ .. . . ^ " ^ t^x-. _ '•'- - ,-- ¦ : "' •¦¦¦BBrai- ' - 'I' ' ' '' ' ¦ ' ¦¦ ' " ¦ ' '' --' ¦• •-. '• ; ' ; ¦ , ,. , ,J ,,:,| .J.JM.3 ' :- -J: -i- . - .i- -. - J":: ¦ . - ¦ - ' -...- --1 .. ¦ ¦ . .. . . . i fWP* ":; ' r 'i>\:;':;^r?^eNT :-liOF^E^'Liaivl r =»S:il : ¦ ¦ . ¦ -:. «•• ¦:i j jS^^^E^ 1 * , _JL-do cot require- any Chfmney, and give a li ghV.Jrpifl ' 6^to id Sporm , Candies; ¦ P #^!& I r ^-fesisi .i'^naUcK; : r ;^^H^raS?V : ,,it- :H'¥SS4J{ i iiKt^S>T. 'i'A?' 1<!a P n ^^' J«m»JWiiii^loriieB " from 6s. upwards. ' ^¦HrOT^'t ' ,i¥t£ l9hwS?S*fK laiMPS , and aela th<j Barnarslaral^tiojpad ' with-oar Nai le ' -%IH9 r ' ' , ' I-«B we. geaqice irStboat.i w f;i-i 3 " ihr ' , M<-w-N-»i . - £¦ . ¦ ><! ' ¦tuWvJsti-oi TOJ . J . ^ I VU .. - . -. I ^ ffifflKS*^' - /^nksoiiamiil' iiojiwaHl ' .a/u. 'ir jow/rljiuiUkU<« :Bi f. I v .U«(x ^> »vl ii.o^l ¦ - . ¦ i^HM^^r -^ iy^i '^^^ :. FABxbJrtitTvihri'ci Joi'f-^*! ' i -W< i TV^ > irt=^!ir!itf''i^ - w:>^^' *Jl ? i T^" iaiTI- : afa'Tt.i3 17- v: *^WKWW'rfaiMeelpt ef 8»lw'lS2 stamps by ' ,r , ' - ., ' ' " -^feHS^Sfe** *^ «^?rr^^^>'-^a^^^J^:^fe ! ; nfi^^B|»ffiC9i C^tl Wi»^ 8tt all J , 0nr > inmpje4.. cwn^on . fyr i«mr^;^tron W^^Hi^BH^HIMBiSBOT^ 'i ; ^P^j fe^^i^fe f* spirt ^-^llp ; ¦ DtKCHAKGE. £ -a. d. Amount due to the County Bank on lost Account ... ... ... C30 18 3 Amount of Payments made on queries discharged at last Spring Assizes ...18,180 10 1 Amount of Payment! made ou queries ' previously discharged - ... ... 184 8 4 Amount of Payments made on New Pre- ¦ sentments of the last Spring Assizes ' 1 ,732 17 8 Amount of Payments made on Present- ments of former Assizes on which queries remain to be discharged ... . ' . Amount of sums paid on Court orders to prosecutors " and. witnesses from Sum- mer Assizea , 1882, to Spring Aessizes, 1888 ... . ... ... ... 113 2 10 Amount piid .to Contractors out of Loans received for the use of the County Amount transferred from tbe Count y Bank for investment in Exchequer Bills pursuant to 1 Vic, c. 64 , s. 14 S\ .£20,841 17 2 li , . . ..: ¦•;¦¦ . . B1UNDIES. Old Pale 1 Cognac , welt matured, fi ne .. " ... fla vour ... . ... . ... 24s. per. Gall. Finest Old Pale' Cogaao, ful ly ma- tired (in wood) .„ ' .„ SOa. , . ' ,. •-..:...>; ii. - ' . - . - ' . . v . i f iatkt . Old Pole Goga&c , in-fiasks- ... 4e. 2s. . Finest Oljl'Pale Cogdic , in flasks . jftotds The Burlington Bestaurant , 27, ST. ANDREW STREET, DUBLIN, Oyster and Shell-Fish , Luncheon , Dinner and Supper Rooms , CHURCH-LANE, ' (next door to Hibernian Bank) . LUNCHEONS and Dinners; Soup . -Fish , En- trees, arid joints, &c., Sapporo, Fish and Meat. Gamo always , ready. ¦ . Tho BILLARD liOOM is elegantly appointod. 1ST LUNCHEONS at tho olegantl y-fitted Pish Bnffeti consist of Oysters, -Lobsters , Crabs, and Savoury Fish , and a variety of Moat and other Sand- wiches. Wines and Spirits of the finest qnality. Jamoson' B Sovon . Years' Old Malt. Martell's Brandy, 14 years old. Alua and Stout from tho boat Breweries; and in perfect condition/ Finest Red Bank Barren Oysters. . Over 1, 000Bows of very old Cigars In Stook, purchased by tho lato Mr. Corlcss. A trial solicited THOMAS P. CORLESS. PKOPBIETOG. (n22 GREAT OI.OBE HOTEL, LOWER BEroaE-STEEET , DUBLIN , Ifra. RICHARD C0FPEY , Proprietress (widow of the ¦ lale RICHARV COFFEY). MOST. Central ; immediate nei ghbourhood of Law Courts and TelogTaph Offlooa ; a few doore; ftom 'JGne' S- Bridge Tramway Iina; five to,ten minutes ' drive to any City Bailway t, newly deoorflted re-furnished, i»nd supplied with every modern improve- ineut roqniaito for tho comfort of visitors , under the personal suporviaion of Mrs. COPPET and familv. Eggs , Butter , Creanr , and Vegetables from the Farm daily. ' : Notwithstanding presont hi gh rateti , terms aro most moderate Breakfasts from Is. 3d. ' Boils , - from la. 6d: Oiioh. Tablo d'Hote dail y, thrco o' clock i Sun- days, fivo o' clock. Sonp, Two Joints , Vegetables and Chcoso , 2s. only. A Ni ght Porter in attendance All Servants paid by tho Proprietress All communications to bo addrossod , Mrs. COFFEY, Great Globo Hotel , Lower Bridge-street , Dublin. No communication with any other houso. £ DUBLIN. Commercial and Private Lodging House, 49, MARLBOROUGH ' STREET. PARTIES Vrsiting Dublin can bo accommodated , with or without Board, and all tho comforts of a homo , on Modorate Torms. [o25-tf IfeJ " Situation central, close to Sackvillo-stroot. Waterford Atma and Commercial Hotel MALL (Cornor of Colbenk-Stroeot) , WATECFORD, Within fivo Minutoa' walk of thn Railway and Steam- packet Offioca , N. M. ALLEN , PEOPEIETOR. CHOICE - Wines , S pirits, Cigars, Ales , best Dublin and Cork Whiskeys. Guinncae ' s Stoat. Newspapers daily ; well-aired Beds ; terms moderate. fap6.1y] THE ANGEL HOTEL THIS Large, Comfortable, and conveniently sitnated HOTEL, has recently been thoroughly paintod and renovated by the present Proprietor, Mr. HEA.LY. For Gentlemen and families coming to Dnblin oil legal bnBineaa; it will be fonnd mast convenient , being situated next to the Four Courts ; and for Wedding Parties and Visitors to Dnbliu, tho accommodation is seoond to nona in the Kingdom. Private .Sitting and Dining Booms , Coffee-room for Ladies, Bed-rooma from Is. 6d. to 2s. each. Smoking and Billiard Booms. John Jamesob and Sons' Seven years ' old Malt ; Qoinness ' s Stout Bass' s Ale. Wines, Brandies , Champagnes , Liqnenres , &c. BICHABD HEALY, Proprietor. ja!3.1y QUEEN'S HOTEL, (Opposite tho'General Post Office), LONDON. "Tj^OR Families and Gentlemen, Situated in the -*- central and most airy part of the oity. All ¦Rnr i-ooms (209), inoloding attondanco , 3a. (id ; Private bitting rooms , including gas, 5s. Cd. Genentl tariff equally moderate. Smoking, Beading, and Billiard Booms for Oontlomen. Ladies' Coffee and Drawing- rooms free of oharge. Night Porters and Firemen. [mo23.1yl SHIP and €Q>XBr.EB.Cl£L HOTEL, 24 , OWr,. WATERFORD. MICHAEL KIR-WAN HAVING purchased tho Interest in the above HOTEL, begs toannounce that this Estab- lishment OpKHED on SATOEDAT. FEB. 15, 1879. M. K. trusts , by strict attention to those: who patronise THE SHIP AND COMMERCIAL - HOTEL, to merit a continuance of tbeir patronage. Quay, Waterford, Feb. 12, 1883. . SOUTH KENSINGTON Private Residential Family Clnb. " GLENDOWEB MANSION, " 13, 15/ 17, and 19, HARRINGTON ROAD, 8.W., LONDON (The best and most convenient position in Town). One minute from South Kensington Station. ; ten minntes to Westminster ; eighteen minuteu to the City—Mansion House Station ; near Parks, Gardens , Albort Hall , and Museums. FOB Families wishing to avoid expense of House- keeping, Visitors to Town, or Gentlemen desiring the advantage of - a Club, combined with the privacy and comfort of Home/ at a moderate Coat. ¦ Introduction or reference required* ' .. .., dlD-tf &$T Address Seor ' otary, THE GLENDOWEB EESIDENTIAL CLUB 'and . PBIVATE HOTEL, Harrington Boad, South Kensington, S.W. Imperial Hotel , 'LOWER SACKVILLE-STBEET; DUBLIN. (Opposite the Gonorol Post-Office and Telegraph Office) TheTaoafc central in tho, City. . . /COMPLETELY reinddelled and re-funiisled. Vy MagniScent Ladies ' Coffee-Boom, Dining-Boom, 8moking-Boom. Billiard-room ' . ' ' . Chafgea modornte. ' . CHABLES LAWLEK/ Kroprleto r. ..: LIMEKICK-The aient^oxtli , \ A FiiSUiUsg Family and Commewiial Hotel. ' ¦ < r I UUS- " Glentworth " ia the nearest . Hotel In JL. .tho-City. ' to. the Railway- Station, Banks , Steam- boat Offices , Telegraph and Poat Offlne, and to allpub- i q places 9 f amusement.; - P. KwtNA, Proprietor. 14 , 15 ° , and 16 , ' Glentworth-atrest , Limeriok. , . .- , jel8 : . . "FOB THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.": " FOB-THIS Bt lOOD 15 THE LIFE V ^¦aj gai tf jataa ¦ WORLD-FAMEiD 1 l. ' _^'._^Traa«.Mark—" Bljod Mixture; "— •—- EOB .CLEAK^mG- and- CLEABING the . DLOOD Vfrom alllmpniitjes , cannot De too highly reoom- mendod. ^For' Sorofnls , Bonrry ' . - Skin Di seases/ and . Sores of all kinds- ib ia a never-failing and peraananf Bnre.iji'no i *• ¦ ' ' ' . . ¦: . - , ¦ . < - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ > ,.i- . It, Cures: Old Bores j . - .1 ^-. - . . ¦; .., Cures Uloc^tod Sores , on the Neok ¦ : ' ¦ ' ;,. ; 0nr«i^Wte4. Sore Leg* ; :; :. . . . . - . ' , , OBres Blac.ihe«ds or Pimples on the Face j ' ¦ ; ' ; V/On># Bdwri*_Bprej ; ':. . . - : ' . .,. ' : . : . ' . ' ¦ "'•' •• Cures Cancerbos incBrs ' ' .. | Cures Blood and Skin Diseases ; ' ' - .jviCnras.Glandnlflr ' Dwellings ; "•¦ - . " . - , CTe ars- . theiBleod'fronx all Imnnre Matter , from . whatever oanse arising. , '.:. - . '. : , ¦ ) this mirtwe is pleasant tp tW Wst» , atidwa-Tsnted free ' from anything injurions to the most oon ; st»WMojj«t«litotiWX»th3.PrDprlators noUmt siiflorers to give it a trial to tost its value. , ; j'7pOTI 9Ain>S OPyXWTWOKUMTBQK AXt Pi^TB. - Boldin Bottles2s. $d. each , and to Cr4es ,ooitalning 6 Bottlw,?. . lJl. eaoh . sn fflci e n t . to effeotajwrnucf nt euro n **fft^AfMp toff isase9, ' xJ>yi t All ^ Clienusts , and Patent MedlctnV-Ven 'doisThroushont .the " .world Tor s«nt to PB.INTIJTG ! PKHTTIITG ! Effective arrangements exist at THE N EWS 03lce for PBINTINO of every descri ption , incliu ' . iu^ POSTERS, Bill-heads, Circulars, Note Hradiu-s , Pamphlets , Shop-bills, Hand-bills , Invoicus , Memorandums, Kent Recei pts, KentaU , Coursing, Hunt , Race , and Invitation Cards, aud nil tli e Forms used in Poor Law Uuions. iSSf" ETE-LET LABELS to any size or patti -rn j Machine-Euling, Book-Binding, nnd , in tact , cveiy thing that can be done in a first-r-lass i' riming Establishment. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Pish, Game, Poultry, and Ice Stores ,2 BEAU-STREET, WATEKFOKD. rTIHE attention ' of thu Gentry :mu Puhiic -L is called to thia Establishment. GOODS OI- THE CICOIC- EKT iii. -Ai.i-rv. Country ordors carefull y attended to. W. STKEET, l'uoiMiiETOu. ICE ! ICE ! ! I CE ! -A luxury lor hot wcuthur , f . . ourol y paoltod for convoyanix- by rail , \c. Timim in app lication. my3-]y ABUT SERVICE YOUNG MEN wishing to JOIN HER MA- JESTY'S ABMY will , on applicat.ou itt my Post Office in tho United King dom, bo uupp liutl , with- out charge , witb a pamphlet containing ck-tni!!:<l ihfor« [nation as to tbo Conditions of . "Service and Advantages of tho Army, as to Pay , Doforred I' uy, nnd PeiiniuiiH. Great prospects of Promotion uru oHurud to uli-iulo Young Men. Applications can bo madu, eithor [nationall y <> T \<y letter, to tho Officer commanding tho Kc(ji ^iunUl i,i.s- triot at CLONMEL , or to tho Volunteer Ser- jeant InBtrnctor , or other Recruiter. Booruits , if eligible, can bo enlintod for any wn .,f tho Regular Servico they may solcct. jy' THE PARCELS' POST TEA BY PARCELS' POST . COOPER COOPEE & CO. IV^lLL send, post free, throug h the medium T » of tho Paroels ' Post, Packages containing 41I,« ., 51bs., or 61bs. of any of their ohoico varieties of TEA to any Postal Address in Ireland on receipt of a remit- tance for Thrco Pence , in addition to tho prico or tliu Tea. Thnff , libs of Two Shilling Tea will bo suut in exchange for 8s. 3d., or 51bs. of Half-Crown Tc« lor 12s. 9d., or 61bs of Three Shilling Toa for 18*. 3d., to any Town , Village, or Hamlet , whero there is a I' ojt Office All Lettora to bo addressed to COOPER COOPES * CO'S. Chiof Establishment , 60, King William-Street, London , E.C. ORIENTAL INSECT POWDER THIS invaluable Discovery, whilst harmless to Animal Life, ia Death to every Tribe of Insect , whether infesting Dogs, Cats, ix., or for Household purposes. A trial will prove ita efficacy. Price—3d., 6d., and Is. per post ; 4d., 7d., and Is. 2d. SOLD BY WM. HARRINGTON & SON , Dispensing CHEMISTS and FAMILY DRUGGISTS , 80 , PATRICK-STREET, CORK. (Established 1805) . a3.13t PARCELS POST THE Celebrated BELFAST TEA , in 51b Tins, 2s. 6d. per lb., sent post free for 12s. Gd. OPINION OP TUE PEEBS. " It ia a saving of 6d. in the lb. " Belfast News Letter cf 9th October, 1880. It speaks for itself ; buy it once and you will want it again. BELFAST CO-OPERATIVE TEA COMPANY , 63, VICTOBIA-STBEET, BELFAST. Dublin Branch 61, WESTLAND-ROW. au24.13t GEO. O'NEILL, MaDa^er. Institute des Barnes de marie , Belgium The Dames de Marie , of the well-known Educations Establishments of Coloma , near Malines , Brussell Rue du Marais, 23, and Chausste d" Haecht , 53. THE constant aim of tbe DAMES DE MABIE is to give to their Pupils such a careful religious training as shall make them good and pious Christians, and such intellectual eif are as shall meet the requirements of modern Education. Pension, X32 in each of the above Institutions. For further particulars, apply to the respective Reverend Mother , Superior of tho Establishment?. Reference is kindly permitted to the Reverend Mother Superior, Colouio House, Bedford Park, Croydon . W., Surrey. The Turkish Baths , Waterford. for HEALTH , CLEANLINESS , and HAPPINESS USE THE TURKISH BATH, situate at PARK-ROAD , ' WATERFORD, now entirel y renovated aDd improved, and open , froir 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. each Week Day, and on Sunday mornings. Single Baths, Is. to 2s. each , and one dozen at 88. .On Saturday Eyenings, 5 to 8 p.m., Gd. Hot, Cold, and Shower Baths, Is. " One of the most remarkable properties of tho Bath is its ability to destroy tho sonse of f atiguo 8 nd eihauE- tation.' .' —Mr. EBABKUS WILSON. ¦ ' . . "Habitual Bathers seldom tako cold, and those who have got a chill, and feel Catarrh is imminent, can al- ways oat it abort by a good long bath. —Dr. MADDEN ." O. A. JONES , PIAINOFOETE AND MUSIC DEPOT, -: CATHERINE-ST., WATERFORD , BEGS to inform hia Friends and the Musicc Pablio generally, that bo has Removed to tbe aboye address^ whero all Orders will, as usual , receive tfrompt attention. FIANOFOBTE S, HARMONIUMS , and . ' AMERICAN OBGANS, By noted Makers , can be hired by the Month cr Tear, with the option ' to purchase ; also, on tbe . TWO and THREE YEAR SYSTEM. A liberal Discount on tbe prompt Cash payment. Old Infltnimeiita taken in Exchange. Piano- fortes and Harmoniums Tuned, Repaired , Packed, Stored , or Bemoved on reasonable terms. MUBIO procured by return post at half marked prldei' Orders to . . . C. A. JONES, Pianoforte and Music Depot , m26" .Catberine-Streat , Waterford. DR. . SMITH'S POSITIVE EEMEBIES , EOR THE ' CURE of 1TEKVOUS ana PHYSICAL DEBILITY—GRATISSent by post to all parts of the Wo;ld on receipt of Two Stamps, to prepaypostage. 844 pages. . . , . the BOOK or Posrrrv» BBSTBDISS gives Boma extra- ordinary Cures of Diseases of tho Urinary Organs.Weakness/ Oravol , -Backooho , and- Disonargoa. Also , bf'Nnrvons Debility. ¦ The Name of tho Medioine given in English, which -was used in each caso. The Positive Medicines thst ' were tisod by Dr» 8«ITH for over Thirty Tears sire-now patented. Full instrnotions are given with each Modioine, to enable tho Invalid to eeleot t' aa Medicine and Core himself , without consulting a Modi- cal'Mao. . Bent direct from tha Laboratory. H, SMITH ft Co. . 26 Southampton Row, London , ¦ ' W.C. n3. tf ..:. - . ¦¦ / Oblong and Circular , 'OV : Wrongli*' ' lrio(a ' ' Fmmes txA Vermin-proof . . . ^. : ,;^.; -Kn»*. '- ^.

Transcript of Especially suited for Pulped Turnip). . . ' Wiitiur,~T:.i3a£zz» z...

Page 1: Especially suited for Pulped Turnip). . . ' Wiitiur,~T:.i3a£zz» z" TEE WATEBFOBD 17BWS." ' ,; .' ESTASUBHXD—1817,

" TEE WATEBFOBD 17BWS."' , ; .,' ESTASUBHXD—1817, , . : \

;'LABQXBT CiaooLATXOK.iK THi Bourn bi IRXLAXBFullufed wrw TBiDATx a%i S *a>rASi{Hm <n BATUSDAT• :-¦¦¦ ¦ ' HoniWvUKu--¦&<*»**>, «a»-«r».l. T* '¦ : : (orroarta T»» TOOTIUCUJ. aura), i<T>EIOE—TWOPENCa;:yaady(in/\dT»Ooe),8t.6d.IT . i , rf .By F«»rti(TeMt[), 10«,jBd. ; j. , " i

¦•¦¦•«SP All Oheqnes and P. ,O. Orders, made pajable

to COBNIllUa&IDMOKD, »t thla QftO«<l ...>'- The NSWB (LJbeml in f*>Ui!cs> otrenlstoa' extensivelyamongst thn. morehant8£ traders add cnoUHtyj: gentry,(arming classes, i«4 iuWnWiritrfd

^iKjlkenny ,lipporary,and'tho'south of Ireland-generally. < !Iho:N«W& has

¦' ¦¦ attained1 a circulation never, equalled, by.: any] pates:> ¦ jfnbushwiiaWatsrford, sM as: admittedly the leading

journal i a this Important oity, with which, there is <3irec4• ¦; ; 4ulyot>ttmaid6aUoa-.ftomLondoii3>lcb-;i;:iv>; j >. ..• ;i . PartirulfljattentioilWud toooalmerciil aWajtrioul-'¦ [ 'irasXroitysn* "

¦'¦'Jl - . .'•' v'. ' 'v ^f- - • ')- 'l! '; !" j '." .;', - , ' \"A'dverfisements reoeived. tor in* Xiwtfty all reopaot-',abl«N9Wffpaper'AgentaIp.thfl Jiiitad aiiigdom;'. -.Prei

/ if it ra^ oii ^ 'ipt^MS k&p 'aV Vppos.

. 'Aoxirn-roB : BaXJM»-,'5rapB NSffS, irni *oa!' .;' < 'i ' , i: >

¦'¦ • iVAPt*^*1811.11*??*:1 ^""-''"-'-, i, i " '

|- ;WA33KTOEtH-Mr. WviwJiT.'iittis (Steqrjre wV:;: --iDIINQAEVANT-BjWSAHA Od.', D*ToojhU«(iua e,:..•.:<j-5JBlMO!EBrfHJw 1 Cuwar.iBBCfBatan iytpjm*.1

¦ 15uEaS <«^OTiE:BiflwOT ww!w^?yJ*c' ' - ¦¦ .,

¦¦ • '¦¦—Hmiu**aB<}cL»B, ;83i . 8nBua«T Hill.;

'¦¦ ¦¦ •"¦¦..l; •• •:AUBfiIGAN IjDn!]i:i (i ' '¦;- i- ¦:*' ''V"'>. -rvitrNrtED STATES MAIL'

a^ jV'li; J:'r. J .s'ySAMEB8;;; , ;*aTfflf«Tllnfflir 'V-~-p~M t»_FMLadelpllia

., "' ,' . - ¦

. ' EVKSY WKDIfEaDAT. ; •Calling-at Qfleenstojrm every Thursday, j

Fsrstrolags FiUl-pQwered lion. Steamships are appointed, , *- . • » ' '. : to'Sail-*— **'!"*. . .'¦ i ¦ ¦; \

Indiana ",....'.',...',. L OcL O \ B fiah' inoe',;.,'..'Oct. 24•LoOd-Gongh,...;,.!. Ooi. 17 I Perjuylvania ......Oot. 81OWewl *..... "... Oct.' 20 I Lord CUTa.".;_."...V.Nor. 3

NOj intermediate ¦ Passengers carried on voyage.narked thns */ .» i ¦! . - * -' ' '¦¦ > ' , ¦ ~ i '

"./a* ojfly Tr*h*.Atl*nti» line" •aiKng under the Um-fcifSlafes FUs'atd &rryiiik-the American Baffaffortaring life, besides th« usual complement of Lifeboats,and an ejrtra number rf Lite Preservers. The acootn-modationior all olasrta'cf pautngers'is equal to any ofthe European Steamship lanes. -Every Steamer carriesa 8nmonandStewiird.ess. ,

¦¦¦ • ' ' :"' i :; ijMsanj jandj TOOdMW.lande ai .PhiladelphiaonttoTTl 'Sr the) .Pennsylvania Railroad Company,

" whlon.has'ths shortest and moat direct route to all placesla the Western. States. . . ... ,.-. ¦ ¦; . L, J •

Pwseneers by4hU line Iwn pass direct Into the Hafl-road Can without leaTing-the'Ionding Wharf, and1km-

' dsr the same roof7t&e're~*Bre Hefreshment Booms, Uni-ted 8UterLs fa3&£Xel* pfc.' O8U», Exohange \Ol-

—YiJc«,-«adJ3iwgat»iSiprWyffl«*- ' v.Ci'TAcr-i — ¦) , ¦•¦ .< ¦ -Oi»rs f ta»x<n, 12 to 18 guineas.; Beturn Tickets

'afredueod rafcs.'; ¦¦'"' -'.v i -'l-V«iL »- .,!

SraxsJLOB PASSAqa as low as ttaiijoffier fast line,"'Tn&udinJt»n"ample eu»W:6f <good PrtffiltfMs.'i St»er-J-l - ig?T»»»TOg<irs:ai» forwakedtoKew York or Boston.'V• withoutadditionalpharge.. ¦. ^ '

¦j - J --- '- , ¦• ¦-'¦YJ. lBT«aii«Dii.T« EABSAOI, including Beds, Bedding^

*nd all neoesaarT UtensHs anofseparate Table, JSS Os. •' r 'Tto"piy^Phliaerpnia ,t6'P*T**'Wai<IHT.'* Soirt.i'";: (3enarilAgento.)3tW,%»lnotst r«eett«ownito N * J¦ •'¦ Cu*6JiS?4>TBBO8 1 In Belfast, WiiPo&idut-* SoHB j\ Ma^^Terpooor: SI HABDSONi 1SPJ5aiOE;* Co.,¦ '. '¦.. i-i o-i tf.'5f . .V. ii-V ;:17« ldl9:WaiBMtreet » , .; . ' HAB,VET,4.6MITH«IJtU« G9prga>Streetv, '¦¦¦::. .

¦. . .¦.•¦• .•. .'¦e 't .'i'j i.c.WftetfOld.V. t....iv : , i •-. : j

• .;¦•• ¦ ..:" oEICHABD LAiroyr garriok-pn .uir ,

. . : .Prw»I^BK>oiJto.»«w Tp»K,Tia.Queen|rtowri, ,¦i -' i

¦'• ¦ •, i :wii i- -eTery W*PKXS»AT. ¦;, , •; . „ < !

• THS UEEH I^TWedn<Mday.{ \ n. Oct-Wth

ftomLtmdimtb NewToxk'ai follow*i >EBm™«. i—-Saturday;- ., .,.,Oct. , 13thVRSCE •• : iv-. Wednetday.'i • ¦¦- Oct. ;24th

• '•' - DEHSuStK::.;:.'.;/.--Si«rdayiKi' • .'-Wo¥. i 8rd¦• •¦- ' ' Haloofrto Hew:Xorkl0.12, »ndl5.aainoas, aocora'CJ ing topositJoaof bertlv Jia .eanal saloon griTi.i lama; Betarn Tickets 24 and 22 guineas. .: /1*£ - to7NewToTk. Bosto.iI*piiiladelpWi"!«id liow BAtesl' Superior aooommodauon andM abMdanoe «f freshProhsi<msiV"-' :-;? -', v-;':t

CheaTthroush Bookings *> all part* os the naiWtetea aad Canada.' -ftxidal Bat«« to Ten." :; i

. *4wlr to the K^O St<-« Wnwjr

(LimitedV5/- . v.--.v -t. S,-Watet«tro«t;iif«rpooVJ., > t.

. ! : ' . :» :::.<rr»tM»a37,?«dejril»Il{rttP*il«na<»i

• ' HAKVET:* .s^OT.^ e;;9eoir e;Utf,f ¦_

. - ¦ • • ¦ • ¦ ¦ • wintenora ;, • '¦, , •j-p ynrTATt ' MUEPHT, Barranstrarid-street.

BjCHAaD;LAHDT, C!arridk.on-SnIr ; BD.'PH^


Portlaw ; WiLLlJJ» rfl»Ki«*J4 Q«)ee', W«K "**»}PATRICK LAHOAN Boaunahon i JOSISH Miurr, Gro-oer, I>ungM jjcuiniiks and BEOB.; QueenBtown

. . ENGLAND jjroiSOTJTH. WALES, AJTO; ra* ;,. ¦ SOUTH o». IBELAin>,. .. . . . . .. .. I

• . Alteiel ana aa'ditionftl Siprnce'by Griaat Western'"Boihray Company's Tr*lna»nd 8te«nboot8, tno

~ . Milfoid HATeniin cormecti(».witli;.thfl^Ai*»-'¦¦ '¦ '¦ «OKT> «Bd LnoBicr, .WAT*MOBD> A .CWITBAI..

: vlmuro, *nd. WAtwuroEP.iiJujKJASTAS.^Am)

.1 ^ 'Shortest .Boute a»a )Bfldac^ ,.»ur«ri."-'''•'¦''•ffTH Afot ''• '• ' r7sjreti; IS«Kiu- ' "o»iti ; IW*-";idP!wSS&i V- : • • •¦: Kail S««om«r»»' J. i: - a > -l-:;.T5^ Smw i 1.VJBFWUT. VKiJf D4K.

A y1 ¦ DOWWj -L»AT«'Lo«n>oK. (Paddingtd») t**'» P'a-»., > £?." v^mdaJTwept aAWiW;:**^ :,j ,, , . .... i m hniJ : f i?Sa

^a i^ ^t- '" ;¦; -»WBa^&B*ay? -< ' ' -- • i indlinnore«nesi '-": ! -•---' ^ c» .L-.

1 CP Learo Waterfor* fl* S.Op.» Bacl e«VW.;,v ^ Amralef

th» l PJO.TiatajfcTO Ito«u*|

.. ¦ ¦ , - ¦' WJ5 *jn. iTaOn . fiom i aryborougb,, ptd.8JL0 ij^Train from LUmow,'ABRmHCjn

'¦•"•'¦ -: T2 I>OK fweather and drounttUnoea' pex"

. , wt~?LzL. . .. r. Punmeri>rai"iMirishable

;• Ro^Wharf. on, Tnefd ..T nn«l»j«,, and Bnndtjji.

' :tlKSSLrersbireniaKby' the Steamwlekrinf-Wata^* ;:or oTS ykw8f o»ed fmr-SMriaffltet by1 the«£0Train on Benday "o™1?!* ,1 V OA .'I J•!-.Ko C*rgo.c«tt.b«r«o6iT»d «wt;*Qw4.*«»r .3Qi


' g&TKAlrf bom HBWHI&OBBjwlli to; ill^oaVei/WAIT'ABBrVAI. of S oam|ii» taaring. iTat'

¦¦::V> ( "PI "- 8ra Claaf«nay««Oabtn,83sfld.:


pmw ip.-" ."'

¦•• -TWduMrtonTenniniis.m - ^"-i w>

'. ' ¦¦• •H' "

. .. ;¦ . ^*9^Wtaess oates^

(1 ,: C _ ' ;. i vi.nvj;^-i,..-iJ*


Rtjular iB Uam CommnnicoHon ', between >'WATEBPORD I and . It O Z)1 B O If,Via Sonthianiptonand Xondon, and BouthWestern'-''¦¦ - '• 5' '¦-. ': '¦• '- B»ih»*y; • • - .

¦ v:- •• ¦¦• -


' • »' -*lfeJK '' fIJIIE Now andjwwerfolScrew

MJ mfflHB!|>a|M M-nTrM B1I«-'-VAH'iTrrfi» -BATHUH,•acRLLiaa, aKK^aTYOEK, Tovrjaf VynSKLo W,

an Intended to S l as.nndfr, w?«tber »VmiiUn»Jiml««» pr%vented, by mfotcwwa drmnnstaoi<»«sjr .HSliberty to:foVTwael -aod to icallrtaai PDrt 6r-Porlain»ajrordor, inorost ot thtfenstoxnarj oooiM. U>Bt«»iTeijidDl»ctiar((e Oirgo,

SatarSay • «fcr.,T',,".'. - " -«rsdt-i ' la. nt . ;

wSSiStlay;-' > 10th.*1.' ,,-V '•'.'•«* Cort.- ... 1 p.W¦ JPrid«», 14th*<^ „ V r "• TU OorkiDnMin 1 p.m. -Wiitiur,~T:.i3a£zz»~:".awct-.:~ z-~zz. :: t2?tx *n :ToesatTi ¦ .,, 18U», 'i «yr- .TUBeltirt „ . ¦..,. l,jp.m. - :•VfetoSJaj; 17th" ¦ iV- " r XvWoV; ¦¦:.; :V.- Jl f.m, ;.yd4y«; ".* . j./i Wh t; ]) t^

ytn.Cprte.'[T.'".;j v. ' ' 'Sf 1 ?*

S^Wt "OT "!!•• ¦: w/4Ire^.^


%a loos'ToeBtyj '•;-"¦" 80th -.' : „ " "•'. ¦ tl»B«lfut . I . p.m.WedB«s4«y/;" 81st.' -• - TiaCork T p.m.

ETCTJ MONDAT dlrtot :.. . i .,._ , . . ... . 2 p.m,¦ ' ¦ " " ' ' ¦ > '• Onlendck.l.S.SOp.ia?.Ererjr WKDNKSDAT,' m Doblln ... ... 3 pjal'

• ' * ' "" SmQ'.td Greonock...8J»p.t». JErerj THUBSDAT dlreot ... ... • 1 pjn.

MM Qreenook.-i pJ»t>E«ry FElJDAT; TU Cork ... , » • „. • ¦¦ ..; S pjn.

* • . " ¦ '" Oreesook...8J0pJn.. -raox wxTzsmo to'BZLriST.

' Erery TUESDAT, dirsot ... . • • ¦ • '.!.• »t 1 p.m.'1- BBLnsf TO wirkuxtto, Tla:Qla»row, ;Et««y WBDNElIDAYi - '

, ¦ note wuxSiosB IO DDIUI t ¦ •'¦J -' Prld»yir:12th CldSfcth Oct., tik Cork.Fridays, 5th and 19tU October, TU Cork uid OUigow. ."

'' VVBUX to WiT*aroE»=-E*er£THVBSDAT; tflreot. j "rsoH-wintroKD TO coax. i- Erery WEDNESDAY, dlceot £ • • • . v;.r atlp.Bi.

E«ry FBIDAY,n4(r«xit :_^ ••":,. . - " ...'at lp»f'l, • F>OK Oour TW WAnsross, direct,¦ . - - Efery MONDAY; ' • ¦ ; .¦ . i i WAT»«»0Ii) TO I«*60». :> ! ¦ ¦ '

Steuner to Bouthampt8n, 'thenoe by London and SouthWestern JUilwv to-Nine ErM^StaUon,1

** Through-Batds,'. -• ¦ KTmytjATU ujii; ut'4'pjn. ¦ ,

'•' LOJTDOK TO WiTOH3»b!J.E*ery TUUSDAY. I -' Goods rtomred at any ot tU'lUoeltisti HoiUiet" of the

London' and Sooth'Western Hallway Company, knd at NineEmi Statfcjn, ap to «JO pjn. . ;-rr ¦¦" * wiiDToaD TO PiTKoortj'fflreet ," • '" *¦

Brery SATURDAY-, at « p.m <>J PITXOCTH TOTWATIUOBD, diieot, ' ; <>

• i . *»«F7 *HUBflDAY.•"WiTiwoan-to 8OOTIUX»TO»(WU PiiMOBra, o- ! Erery SATUiDAT at »>jn; . ¦ :8OBT»A1CFTO» TO WtTOTOaP. TU !?LTl»OBTH, | ',¦ = - ETeryWEDifESDAY.atMooiO . ' '•

These . 8toamsrs -*-haT« •'' s oelldaf aooommodatloa forPnwHff1tTS ¦ ~~ — .JV 'J "i:1.; ,- i *j • - ¦ i¦ • ¦ • : P A S S A O E - M p N ET i/ . x |

.-::CaWi--IWtnrn. DeokWaterford to Glasgow and Bdtut 17s. ¦ ed. r .29s. 10s.

„ Cork, : ... '•• ¦ • ... 9 Ms... So,„ . DnbUn, ... • ... - Us.:«l 20s. ¦' 7o.«d,:

¦:, Fljmoirth ABoiithamptoa.aQs. •• ¦ '80s.1' 10».1 '¦• London, ... *¦* ¦„. SSs.-.- . v > '>'..>.>-'^ Us.i;

'- Betnro Tickets aTauable for two month*—not transreratl~ ChDdren aboreS-andondirU years of sgs. Half Fare;<?-*T Nors>-Th» CJjrda BhiDplng Company usnnall Goodsshipped by then Unes Of Steaiwrs at Ss 4d per oent. to Tndershaimci yearly agreement*,—«»d 6*. par'Oen to'oooasttealBhippers. haloes to bedeetaed atUnvot Shipment.- FormsantaUiaformaUonto beh*dat the oSoM.i''i ,*y " I r• .For BaUs of Freight, *r,, appW to—J. C. Ptmrjoif,/lelfast i Emt J.-..Wisura. £ Co., PWmottthi THOkiSslimABfi*T.fT^nMlfm'and Smth-Wfiatmn vKAllwaTr -OaAnMinV1

Ezster BaOdlngs, Artmir Street, West, and at the L. *B.w.Ballway . BaosMng:'s4pase* >:tlirooghoat- LontUmi CLTDSSarmn.Oo>, Glasgow, Greuoek. 13, Thomu et., limerick)"tn^ ^ ass^ s^ ' °nskv " • -1, ¦ - Custom Hoo»o«Jaay, Waterford. ! '- Bpedat forms of. Bills ol:Ladior:reqmred by the ClydeShipping Company, to be haA of thoAgrots. , ¦ . '

Waterfordr- Bt amalilp, .Company i¦¦ ' ¦". i - '.it' x -.V :-,'¦»¦>

¦. i;(lJl(ITED). . ¦


¦ 1. . v, •.- .; '¦. :

, DrrEN»EDOBDEB> OP,SAILING-OCT., 18 .) :- : ; • »

• » •¦ ifc -' ¦•,f;i : MfHtlfrHtf>. i — .

¦¦-•¦ • ¦ '


0 •"¦«¦.'• "J • ' .. -vDAUirTLESS, - •. " -¦• •• ¦•• ^ "- i.

' - - nJ'1 <"' ^^VTOTICE. — The ¦Waterford«SBB»feirfi^-" I -i l ¦ flfeamnhiP Company (limited)i—C"5fiS53lrr;3Sl.4.>»o«lT« Goods anil Lira Stock let Ship*«^gB5B|ffi§»ftftR—jBm nJ .eooaiaon^^enHoiiedln

&MZi&£n i*h^*iBi <>v i -rux i>mnu t» SBIMOL TBOM aaistoi. to WATSUOKD.

..> • • . . ¦ - D i r e ct i ' ., - • ¦ ¦ . ; . ¦ :•'-¦

- - '. .vu ¦ Dlreot : -. . i ~

Tuesday..Oct.. J_ BjW)ra..- Wednesday,Oct. 3 _ 7.aftfnFrldsy, „ 5...10.morn ¦ - Satsrday, „ 6 ... 8 aft'nTnasdsy. „ »' U nodn " Wodao lr „ lo .. ll ntjhtPrfd./, ,^VlX...a/afl>fl6oe8atoJay, ¦ n -U-.;.U nightToesday, „ 16... 8 morn i . Wednesday/ „ .17 ... 8 aft'nFriday, .: <w - l°-.i»«nora^J SitaidST. .. 20..8 sffnToesday. » 23- 1 sffnooa Wednesdiy, „ 2* .. U .nightPrldit. io .V- SftJ- 4*frti»*n Saboday, r. „ «7 ,.11 nlzhtTnasdty, ,, 30... 8 morn . Wednesday, „¦ St ... «.«A'nJiiMriOneanrUorninrSaDirgSi OahtasoY''tE*.sUas>«rs willbe open to reoelTe Fsssengirs arriTtng by -the Sight Wa¦ last! .''.f.'.Vl i^ri'-i- '.rii:! :-•; u^!,-: a »¦'.1 .1 ',j ' - tJ - •'..- • ¦ ¦"

Fares-CaUn, Us. i do. E*tara,C»T»U»Mefor One month)SKiteOaiklrensM eTTantAtraTallmg.wittrFamlllss, 10s.Deck, 7a. ad. jdoChlldran,<t- : ' t :o ..'• .1 .4 J . i ¦ -

;> .-i frATXBFOBD; A H D i l T E E P O OL . '.no* WATxaroui . 'raon LmxrooiM - '

MomJay.i.vOct.. i;... /2 att'HjUandar:'. Out.-. l'-10 momWednesday, „ 3 .. 8 affn|Weda»sday .„ . 8 ».U momWd»n .t*.-:-:*-o--ft fiK*;affplTklay,u ," ,-,- .,-5 .11 noonKonoky, „ B L « afftiMoDdV,, „ : 8 _ -8 art'nWeoaenJay;* „-JO :..: 5 aitfnWeomsasy ,.* - .. »- .»¦* sIVo

Monday, „ 15 ... 2 srVi«[on4Vi. » W .~ •..mor*Wedssaday; " J? - .'a arftlWadigsday. ,. 17 -11 <°<>mFridsyT • " -U .S. 1-afrtaWday. • ' „ 10 ...12 noonHonday.n-i"-1 . ** "-« s s*tft.lCon<H7«.,,. ,; 24... > aft'n

KondV, „ » «..« afViStoo4wt . -; .«# ..; *9.-t< •-"»<»n.WsdneaWi -A •«i-«.**S5P>*»«S5'V|ii » '" v""^C^^Ii^Ws, dj-t*»B««Tn,Aniflsw«lora month, J3«.Do. SBTTKIU. (STBCUW :,wflh tsaiittM) and- Chudrsn, 10s i

.Exteaslca. of m«,*r*n»jl |0« dl'B«tarn tickets .on thefpQjwlng tarns j—*«,#?( teWW;>s, «d, snd forevurysnb»e4ae tweek,a*;-'iiJ)rC):.t i-ii J'J,- ••« ¦> ' - .;y .i v

Goods reodT»4a>£<ai»e%(i4atjQIu«Be* Doofc, ,:, .,Gradft Bookad .throoirh.*>Kiixn *sXl«xariAeisal- Stations onar S ort ;£ l^ - SS Loodw-rmd

Worth WssUrAt >\Iiondoa.a( A Boot fcWestern,-. JtaaohsstsaBheffleid, ttkoolAsWre, -aaA; fti5a .BsJlways toiWat<slpid. .J iatn|Mk..B<!O>to.als« .to, Ximff(ak,cXiroe-

Sioda ook thrOTgh'fKmill sWtSoosaDi vsMrfon nodCentral fafl tnrt Ttjfl wBj, W. riprd.-Jhrnngrnn, and Mnngro.Baaway.and.WsterlorMndl'taiBick Battway;, nr: ¦ A , ;. Farotls. booked low*»te»te;iai priaoip*! 8ta-Uon»onLonilo»«ad»ffrU>jT'Je*«rnB«flwmr. r;- ._ : .• - WATEaPOBD-itaL. NIWPOEf... _ . . .

IMI wMsoosp,. ;. noa nwrocr.Weekly. )", x A -l >i Weekly.

WillsntlSaill,. DtJH<J ;A-4;T A N . :

'.¦-. ¦ .WA7rEX i99X) ri;KD,Yo:tf.jgoic:;;¦ ' ",' •,. •> " •; •V^Tia.Ciriw'iinBrs:' i .'I3v" .''. . •¦, ¦ .'

v..¦'. .•.wi |r***i6jB»:jlBJ}l;3iUM»:iBoss--.', Fio» Haw SosfrnDaOr', $todM« axospted, a»8^6ajn.

Fio* WAtjnuSuHSaOy, Sundfoii axoapted, at 84 pju.¦ Tm»TWcc*»rfoV !*>' »£9a<'vs*nepUd,at&SOa-B* ;>

FaSS WArmSa^^UrUs BexatpTSatSJvJib

^¦¦ WoT»i-in».Watsrfii«d fliw lahty Comyaay. Iiriff^Tntgr*an Goods Shlrped by tieaViaos of 'qtserters at as, .iAi ye tOn*. to .Traders.taTiag.'Teiz ; / grsemestsv

sad. ta. y«

^ oSSo^Ba»srl«a ff?e la «'tooo'gb ipanVi. .yprff* aaj. sjtt ,;nfnntttt(m; jba,had at ,tint I'M , i i J .!'t;f"'* Vf :C r* ';¦ »— :f rJ" <• •.- ••?—;V ' *' t ' i

1 BwSoi -wiSitod Stctfuih mpw.j'i (WloiTttmJ-rf)«ySSgSSS 3^ ^ cokwikf^'DOToSrS laK^T bwijBy^

HtSBBst ,,.. ., , !•; ¦•, ,Y0Cii»*i-WrrH- P»»6pIW^^^wKj .••> j .•a'ths C in^^ 'tta i^^Wtfnyda

'• ' " ' Hi^T-B .f&^^H i^ 'rN' V,0* a

5ffl3iJ*i'S«i'UB»niW( t WlfantiiHinBT, on be u.''^MHPPPHBsStnwtyiffl f"* g«M*.nl Vnn ' f f i Lj

rrhr^mtA'.lAitf KMi%'waaKil '-oaatHtii»mtin,iilooti*trn <!>•?d-byMeo alJKSptVWAiiF, «"*

w?'-!"ii"* >xi/$'">t.iiyinR8a\!iUi 8Jll'0MMi>Tr'i!''''5-5-1 M 'il '- 'f : t.^aimBli ^ M ®y?s» ii*«1«* -•K- '0BlOT0*-i:-v '^- «ti'«W*a»,'' '(V»a/.<'-)Br«-Ow I.

^EEEOKLIQivU i'i3fit 4ini«iiU.*-'/S0BlJ|OT >;,


.> . , - DLKKNIiyitlNQTION EAILWAYS, I .u Thekhxirtasti»<ttt*1frS5Waterfd^andKilkenny to DohltaAthlone, Psr»ottirtown7oT Nenagh,' Is tid auryborongti.

Tam AiraaiTiOJia—OseaJW».iti«JS.Oam,:DO'ni; andBM p.m. TJn Exauimlon Tnlss.disoonUnaed.. ..Qn.week;days8.IS pin. PpTayaiaiibnMn ett.' ..V'

~ J* ' ..',.'. '

' ; ' ' vaoa witzaroab. . - . , . . : .

|.ntoi lawMi PATS. | _ swnuTS.

*-'» "•"'* 1 ifcS-i-i^lSiBGoWl 123 183

—HJlnss Class Clan. Class, Class. Ctam.:!) -Jo 'J Ai»vU»-W ir-"<Ti. »tK-: MOB P.«.

'¦ STATJOBS.-'-1"-

(::.¦.„ ¦: ¦;) ; i ;-, -W.J hiin -h.1 ml!b,in. h.'m. hs n^p.m.yf t Udoni, Seplttnn 7 15:\;L ,0 • 0 - i-j. ¦¦ WJ O .—Snmaoow....,.. ...™ .7 » 1,10 4 10 |— ,. 13 J(V ;—

BaHyhals-... iJ'.*}»>!£ 35 i *O — 12 45 (—Tbom«toTTO .J/........ 8 10 1 50 4 55 — 1 0 '—Bnnea&idge .. .. 8 28 » • * . -8 S- ,—., .M* !—

Kilkepny..7I!...a«ri«l '8'4!<1 S»' «25' \-i--\ ISO —<2MJ-...:.....deputnn 8 55- ;2 80 5» •' •->•- 1^0 —

fialbawset ~ . .. .... 9 20. .9 I * O v -±- 4i S. —/ttUnigh ................. 9S5. .8 0 flJO- I ».y. S15. —Abtwrtelx ._.... . . 9 80 8 IS f.» —,- 8 80 —Itoyboro' ......iTriiml'lO 18" 8 45 O , j S.8 —Hsiyvorqagh dfp.nylo w 4 a. 7 «; — , 8 st' —Portaxllng>qii5i)no..:.-jll 10- •* 17 ».J- •''~ lJ 8 43 -i_Do3)Ua\ia.,7».jiWTal 118- .VWVW'D -. 6 45 . — "Athlon* Jttntl irlT. • 88, ,» 18 .-Im* -« — — ¦MatyboaxV^Mown 10» *••?•-. 7Jl :. ->

¦¦. '*-,.'¦ iBvffl,

Templemore ......a 1 • 8 •.. -... -8 18; ¦ — . • - . 10 64§S«Saaii§^^:9:2STempTemore r.—8 1 • 9 "•¦-•¦¦ "8 uThnrifts .........arrltal 1 84 .+~ . 8 35

TO WA-nmroM) . Tuiaa 0X'WXX^<uis: «tnrojiiB

ntnoas. ' 1 2"8 1'aS i l*8j'l * S '., ¦ '. ') ' L' Clan.°Cltss.lCIasa.iCtaps. 13i313*d' A.M."! i.K>l>¦¦:, t.x; Classi Claw.

hHn. bTn-i b~m> h>n: hm- pm

Thurles dep. — 710 — — ,— j-Templemoro - • — 7 29 — 2 2 — r-.Ballybrophy - • t- - 7 69 — ' Sf f l :— • |"-

¦Nenagh - . . — 6 80 — 1 0 "— }-"Parsonstown - - - 6 40• — • 1 £0 ,— —UtmmM . . — ¦ 7 IS .— 182 --* . f-Idiuyboro" arrl OD — 8 88 — • 8 8 '.i — . t-;.Athlone Junction - ' -r ¦ — 8 lS .2,30 .. — 4-Dnblln . dep. ; — B 0. 9 Q 1. 0 •'— ' 9 80PortarllngtonJano'fai ' 8 8 »W' 2 45 '— J- ¦ .'Miryboro1 arrl dwn • — 8 25 10 30 3 9 '— 11'52

sows TUIHS. goods ¦•iv'lataU'JK */8 ¦•' '-- • i iMaryboro' dep. I- I 8.40 aO 85.: 8 80 ,.— 4| 6Abbejldi . - _ | 9 0 .10 85 8 80 ¦

r- 4 20Att«nagh - • ' — f i »J . 7- , : i :5 . . — 4 '38'Bdlyraggtt - - ; — B & m Wi v i ' • « (46Kllkew arrltal ~ ''. 9 M''ll'40; '* S8; ¦-' • 610' Doi departure 7 30 10 0 11 4S «» i— 8 ,»Bennetsbrldge • - -7-48-jlO 12 U 65 8 6 — 8 80ThomMtotro- ; u- .- .8.I» . iqS5;U/a,' 6 20 — 6;4SBallrhalo . - 8 25 !10 4S 12 16 8 SO „>- « | 0ianinatat • - 8 60 111 SJ — 6" 0 ,— ' 6 25tamoow . . 9 0 :il lS 12 45 -8,10', ' ¦ S B8.Waterford arrlTal 9 8Q ill 45 Fl «¦! a 8fr s ' • 7 1 0

j_&unntt BmuTicrm TO DDBUH—First and SecondClass Betorn Tlokota 'are iu'dtdon Saturdays' at a StqgltF»x» indao Eighth from lVaterford.Thomastown, EHkeiny.Ballyragget, AttenighV ari'd Abbeyleiz, to Dublin, br thojl-0and 44 p.m. Up Trains, STailable for ntorn on Snnday, andbT the 64 a.mand Down Traiaa on Monday. ' I

. ct.i -j a I7i »i. -w wrLLlaMS, Seoretarc.. .•

WATEBFOBD ANDUJIEBICK HAILWAYi:; jti Up;Tr<iint.from<.W9t(rf<trd.,. .. ! .

¦> ; '¦ . • 1 -— mmmuniMti. - [ Bdy"

WAmiDsn* !¦ ¦; " > Uail l' 1 f Mall'!iftiU

. Toumsvcx 1 *2 1 3 3 1 2 3 '1 2 3 1 28'l*Sf,1248' •' - . '. Class. Class. Class. Class, Class, Class, class.; I: X.-U. A.», : T.X, I >S.'| >;ir.|-rZ.' j r,m

(.Wfterford-der). • O 9 45 11 S5 2 45 8 80 — 8 SOConiok-on-Sair «88 10 15 12: r 8 20 918 , — . 918•ClonmeL „.... 710 11 0 ... 4 20 ... . — ITlpperary. 8 10 11 45 145 6 0 U 35 -r- U. 8S .

"XtmcUonardnl 8.25 12 0 2 0 6 15 11 80 — 11 60Dublin......'.-.,,. 115 8- 8 8 «•' 10 -0 4 10 '— <10 .Cork. J.'.. ¦• 180 2..01 4 35 i8 IS .8 0 9| 0.J

;DubUhdeparta> 9 0 10 18 1 0 7 48 — 7 .4Sork ~...!Z7. — 6 0 1 2 8 0 845 10 6 ,-a 10! 8'

TonotUn 8 85 12 12. 8,20 .5 46 18 25 l 7 f , U25 -Limeriek anfall 9 85 U2 M 8 26 6 W 1.80 — [ 130;,

(; Down Trains from lAmtrie.- l_. '.' ¦' '/ ¦n i x n < x i~m nvi\kr .,, '- :

l Sdys.

UK»»ick ° I - I ¦¦' f " i MaU KanTO WATSUOSO: 194812*8! I 42 1' >13*S1 4 2 1 J 8

1 ¦ .. Chss.'Class. Class. Class. Class. CU». Cha».<i ', x«. AJCJ A,x; '.». ».». I p.m r.W.

Limerick dapL - 7 0 11 0. 1.3J, i"/6 10 60 ho 80.'Junction arrlr. — 8 10 U, 5' riS, ilf l 11 65 U 65Cork: „ ,:. — 180 8 0 4 $5' 8 IS 2 0 2 10:Dublin " 1U 6 6 6 40" 10"0 410 ? 101Dublin $m... — — . ».O 1015 I 0.. 7.A5 7 45.Oark - "rt ?.. r Vo t 'O U 80 248 10. « W ;«Jtmotton " ... "—" 8 85 12 18 2 25 6 85 12 S3 12 28Tipperary." — 8 85 12'80 2 88 6 60 12 80 12 60'Caonmel .!:....'.. 710 11 O ... 4 2 0 ^Carrick »~0 10 80 2 0 4 6 745 8 .0 8 1 0rWatarfordmriT 9 60 11.85 2 85 4 40 880: 345 8 45

Funs—First Clat^Single rioket, 14s.-«dV Second do:; Us.»Third do., CS. 6X Return—First Classi Sis- 9d. ( fleooitd do.l6s|6d. * . 1L J. KENNEDY, Secretary.


I r, iiWui Pay Train* -. : , i . . ..;.' „¦, ! ,. 11 - 2 - '.a -4 ¦ 6 I « 1 7 ' 8 t-.| 9 .

jsoxa mha m am pm p m |p m|p m pm[pm!h mj- h p> h st h'm h m j h m h m' h'm i h m

Wfrd7 4?l0 90 12 15 2 0 ... 4 0 8 80 715 0 0Im'r»910,11 0 1 1'16| 3 0 - 4 30 t 0 7 48 9 80

5 ;. .j Sunday, Train*. : - . . ;.l:..i~: ., j .. .

I 1 I a I 8 |V4 I' S 1 . 8 I . 7 '| 8-i »reo«|am I a n | p m | p m | pa | pm | p m pm|pm.

' r- hm^h j n J h i a . hm hm h m h ml b mj h'm'W*frf » 0 [U 18 |13 15 180 2 80 4 80 ,6 80 ;;.. 9! ATm'rel'9 16 111 45 13.45 2 , 0 4 0 6 0 1 45 | ...'I 0.80

First Class SfaijCTitXet,'W-^ '-liotTrn Ticket, ls. 6d.Tbird :¦ dittOi.S'.l ... 8d. (B*torn: ditto, » Is. 0<L

JVHiLIAM BEA, 8joreteryand Manager!- . -•¦I .- ¦¦ • ' .. I - :


JFVom'KtWfy .t^ J itau&rTV.'Vp "CIRCASSIAN ( .....For Q'uobeo'.... ,..„.(....Oct. illPoLT»lsuH(...,iFor Qiiebao..; ,. Oct. ,18

f r m fAvtnobl, vi$. Quunttoum.,- ¦ , '' j ,

NOTA Soo/riAV.Jor Halifax and Baltimore......Oot. I 0HrBlBHl+j».<l...yovHallfa»and BsHimore Oct. 23, r &- _ BAJTISL QT OCSAH PA88A01 1 ' |' ! Cabin, £18, Jilt, and £12 t IntemedUte, J»" jj?* • • ' : Steerage, JW4SJW 'I , , i/ , ,. -) 1

Pusongen lot New Tork or PH3adolpliJ»: 67 theJ sii sore Steamer* ¦'«' Ticketed • Throngljj withoutextra van. : ¦ , : ¦ . jThrongh.Tiokst* issned tp,Ohiaaco,-JIanitob», North-

wettTenIt6ry?«£d to aiLpilnts in the Western Stateii'.aod.Oanada at lowest Bate*.' • " •>• , X",'i'; - '; '','*) ¦ *" 1 •'„ General Labourers booked td 'Halifax ToiriKsl'Atit--nBnrlsts, Agritraltnral Lftbonrers,an4 Vtmmtt J7dmis>;*

Uo 8«rTants, for X3.' . .'. "X.,; 'r;\^U'Y'i - . ."'.:. /, " ,,'(PamphleU-Hfcooiui series-^'VKeports' bf. ^TemW;

Fanners' Delegl>toi"6n Dominion of Can*J» j" alW..reoent issues, ot ,P»mphlet*.-'dn eftertt 8U«s «iAmerica, Ac^sUffree.; ,WrlU for the LtttleBoak',.entitled'• Fact* r ardingth* Settlers invthe CtXbclii:ColowM of MiSwoto, *e/' • ¦¦-¦"".'*">Wv!:. ¦ }"!i:'' Fi>npartlQnli fi\wllc»liontp,X,8ooTr.a»d C .•;¦;Qooenstown1? AMubr BKOTHIM * CoC; Jame«'*Creft,"'LiTiUpool, and NJo/lo-street, Londonderry •( or :ft> r,Polsinix, 63i>rons{rand-«t.,Waterford| J.-.M(JBn tl 'or JT. J.BBn^^O

reatr^ sK.^Waterfbt*.;; |;y

iiPViraSrBOX OF OLAEKES':- B, 41 iFW.SLi'iIs'waxrantbdtobiire alldisohargesfronithstJrlniOrgans, in ritharsei, aoonirod OTCuusUtiitlntia^Onor Pains inihaIMck:r. Sold'tn:b<Hte«, 4s. «d.«%oh:aUdwretotsirid FUest M«dMitoV iidflW> 6»«Baaay-UIdreMforf»8taaps'bythe UneolnandMidlfOotmtles'DrogOompany. liiooln Wholesale tA««iBilscr.tT A So»s,London:. ¦' ¦• ¥v;.;':WS

|{ .¦¦-

¦•r ¦¦¦'::'VV .

¦• tri.;: 'v ix'V^SSraiW -^

-*j. ¦ fia I-ik 'l sfi l'^ fl * 1'5itc •r»v.^ «*^ :jW^ >'->* .?!1 'j, |I?

I sS^Si^^^g^ tel yiwiis sttdiiia&aUsI »inSi*iSMw*n$^!y.L'i|lVV^^?'/-* - -'ii.l 'w;( " '»

u::c ..: ¦ !;. .¦ ¦ . - S p.CSIMCXTTIH: & oo.,..... .._ STEAM ,O.QJLP4CTIO1TEBY- WOBXS , WATEEP0ED. :¦

' (

' ••¦•

'- ' ¦¦'; - -: .• ¦ ¦ ¦'

>*tl /vl: .


.'. . BEEE" MEfiALT DUBLIN—1882.•¦ ''¦' •'y'K itiZE

• ' MEDAL, CORK—1888.

. AwAED» CoBK,-S«CPTr«^"185&—"Thia Firm ehows the Beat Ekhibite in this Class, and is deservingof a Medal." . . .;. , , „¦* . . . 6

,' .-¦. . - "¦ . ; - . ":.• -'l^ .'»r '-<i

"- - •

. . : ; r;'/^&:XipES . ;ON A P P L I C A T I O N. ' SURPQfJ^,-HOME CONFECTIONARY ! [828.3m]

"¦--¦ B-KfflD'S PeATER I^RATWS.• 4 PHl6 ' 'i5^ , deuVerek at.RAILWAY STATIONS in DUBLIN.

Tft« OAeape Jfedj^^Bj--Especially suited f o r Die


Pul ped Turnip) ./A4IB0UL'AES> Nacafea

^^ .iof JiiS^Afeents, and references to Gentlemen in the locality uiing thia Food,,!?W...~..._.....;,.. - ..•rir.>-.fjjki<}>'ii&iwiU-be ssnt post Free, on Application.¦%£&&¦$||Jlief^D ipJ a4nJ~lpompaay, - Limited,

" Those Grsina-conEtituto a vaiiety of food to.whioh Cattle are generally partial. They riro nutritiousiff a'high degree ; when proper); dried they .will keep-unchanged for any length of time, and are "in par-ticular distinguished by the relative low, cost at which they may be purchased."—Upjohn.

"Dried Grains keep iri'fcooa 'cbTiditibn for almost any length of time, and will be found a good andwholesome food for every description of stoak, and particularly usefaVfor horses and cuttle."— Voelcker.. : . .' " Sacks holding one Cwt. oharged 8d. each extra, it not returned immediately, (— ~~~ ¦ COUNTY O'F WATERFORD

~ "~~~

Aecount following 1 Spring jAssi2:e3, 1883.

„ , . •¦-.a: ,-¦ OHAEGE.

¦./ £ s. d.

Balance declared dne on last Account Amount-pf, snma received from Baronial

Collectors pursoant to the Secretary's"(. 'warrants issued after Summer Assizes,. 1882 . , , . . .. . ... •• . . . , ; , ...19,709 4 1

'Amount Joi Arrears received since the . . ¦tranemitekin "of "the Secretary's lastAccount . . . . . • • ... . : ,.-, 845 7 a

•'Amountreceived/from the Paymaster-• i: General for'expenses of Criminal Pro-

eecutionB from Summer Assizes, 1882,to 8pring Assiies, 1883 ... ... • 65 14 6

Amntrhtreceived from same for the main-- tenance ofPrisonereAmount of Loans received for tbe us? of. the County ... .,. ,r,.Amoont'of Produce of £ ' Exchequer

Bills sold 'Amount of Interest on. Exchequer Bills ...Amount of- 'interest r.llowed by the Co.

. Ban*<6u:tbe Public A6cijnnt ... .., ... ...Amount of Casual Receipts... ¦ ' ' ;.. ...' Contribution from Government in lieu of ..

County Cess- ¦¦ '... '¦ •' :'.: ¦ ... , 40 1 &Dog Tiix . .,• ) • ... . . :... i - _ ¦.'.; > ;49ia9 11Balance in hands of County Sarrejor - - '";

unexpended • .... • ¦- ¦- {;. ¦ : r L:.. .'. •"•; i: 'o' S

Balance due to tha County Bank on this ' ' ', : Account . • ... ¦; ;¦ ... . - • ¦ • ..'. ' iSi 'f l ' 0

. . . v - .'¦ t * . . - > i . ¦ / . ! ¦¦ ¦¦

.-- . , j i i ;¦ i

,:; ;. .. WEISKBTS.c:- it . , v - j

'•"- ¦• •¦¦ ¦¦> '¦> '¦'¦' p t r Gall, per DonMEERY'S Extra Old Malt .........21/- 42/-

' n Very Old MaIt.;ii..V.....2O/. 40/-¦A ¦ . . „ . : ; Fine Old Malt..:..l......18/- ' 86/.-. • . v . .i:. Stored on Fresh'Bherry Casks.T¦¦J' 4.'liWi.'.

:it ""»;

i *V • '" ¦ ' ' .»/ ' Old PaleXJoguae, in-Casks• • ...' - 4s. 2s. .

Irishi Whiskey No. l......i. .,.. 16/. — ; j Finest Ol Pale Cogaic, in flasks, . . , ;

T.- ' v 'r, N ,:

1'i;:V":""'"* Jir ~" •' .'¦ ."•' " ,age.Byears. ' . ; . ..U.. ..: 6s. ' 2a. 6d.

S^f ie^^:;::::::::;: : . ~ iu :- v^ ro^ Ti^ vMA^'J l-. r!'f.- - ':'. '•

'¦'" ¦ ' ¦ '. . -^• i ) -A -TEIAX1 BESPE|crrFOL^S ICrrEp.;

¦ ;; ' •

; 1 ; - - ' jUcinenrs,. ZSinexal Witwrij \A ' Portpr«, &o.''. _ 6* Genera )U«t on Application, „,: j . . . ¦

•iv.t - .;¦. ' R'OBERT. A ;t : | i fe;;ft ty-'' '-:^-;:'Qo.V .

_ :, .i: . . • . • - - ' - "- PAMILT GBOCEbSJAND.nWiNBTMEBCUAirTS,. • ; (aul7.1yj

I- ¦ -. COOBTENAT CEOKER; beldg the Auditbr appointed to Audit tho Account of the Secretary toJ - .-the.GRAND JURY-of the'County of Waterford; do hereby declare nnd certify that R. H. POWIE,

Esq., Secretary to tbo Grind Jury1 of the said' County bf Waterford; hath accounted before me as suchSocretary as aforesaid, at foot of an Account declared by me on the 18th diy of December lost, and thatI.hQTecbargBd Mm with all anmB'Wltti -Wrlioh it appeared to mo that lie was properly chargeable up totoe 28th day.of. 'May, and thatl-haye idiscbarged him to tbe Amount of alt Payment* which he has dulyproved .that, he bath. therefor 9 bade ttie'reoilt ; and ^that the Account- whorein'I have charged and dis-oharged him as aforesaid is a follows :—

./. I' * .- ' I- .^....t... - - -" • • r

i . i . , :^U i 'll . i i. a; <. . .- , '

."I* . Je20,841 17 2. . .i i - xbe Secrttary hai returned Arrears as due by the different Baronies an follows :—

Jforonfa* '"- - ':'¦'¦'u AJ " 6h latt On former BaronUt. { On last On fo rmer*— TTorroni*. • Warrants. ¦ ' ' ' '¦ \ . Warrants. Warrants

KUculliheen>: ', ¦ :.i> -• jei2 8 • 4 £l\ A O Glenabsiry ... ' 2 4 1 Gaoltier. ; , ,„ ... ., - K — : •. ¦• 18619 4 Cosbmore and Coahbride 68 16 2jHlddjethird:, r ..;.:- :. 103 10 4 " . 405 ;0 8 Deoies Witnin Drum — 63 18 0!Upper-third ... . : . — 62-19 0 Decies Without Drum 291 7 7

l '.X ¦' "V- . .- 1 . .

',¦ .?

'. - ...

'.. . :' ¦¦¦ ' - -

¦ ¦¦¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ '¦:• -? T?:f ••¦ ' ' • Jeil8 2 9 £1,030 10 9

. --¦¦ I Certify thatlthis is a tiue Copy—JAMES FRAtfCIS MATNE.

28th September, 1883. < - • I • - : ;.;-x .,. , ¦{ . , :. ¦ . . ¦ Declared by me thia 10th day of September. 1883—COTJBTENAY CROKER.

It;.;. . • '- ¦ ¦:"' • • ' ' •''¦ - : - ¦ ¦' "; : i I . -: ,Atrue Copy—WM. KAYE, Clerk of the CooncU


¦/ STOCK oES erioifiBOiOiSncl F0KE1IGN SHRITS,. ; • «B" At £ho LOWEST pouBible PBICHB.

f C

¦'¦ '¦" ¦ • • • '•¦•'-¦— ¦ -" _ . ;_—;- . . . i X - . - i M -. -.-M AY: ¦ ¦

—~HSEF POTOJU W&j 2J6r POSTAL ,OBJ>£E;oV STAMPS;-';' MAKES 601 CUPS, j1.""¦¦;:'". . . .T.y ,DeKrewJ at y$rir,d<»r'iA atiy-part'of:tbeK^ ' '• • .

qr jaSiiS' irrEJWCmTP&f r. per>0mn)- 61bf. per! ParoeU Post. 80s. :21bs. rper'Paroels(Post', 10«.:[ j7B i.-jH.- .Nt '. ¦• ' ¦'' 'llb.'p>r ParoaIs P6st.tePd.'' Mb-.'perP»roels'l>bs>:2i: fld.1 , : . v \ '- 1.HAND8* BLENDED KAlBOWS is. pef-lb.'; ,61bs.J per Pai ,r^ Mi.'';'absi> per'Jiaro8& Po'st,.6s.

- J14. per Parcels P>Mt,' 8s.': Specially adapted for Invalid*-,' also to servo wifit l«mon as Btisaian'Tea. ' "HANDS' BREA^F4SXTBAr(Slaek or Mlxed)

8s. per pound; ;' m per Parcels Post, 18s: 2tbs. per

. . : , , , , - Pai«els Post, Ce, lib per Parcels Poet,Js.;3dJ,^A good mecliom Tea. .. • , , . . . :BLENDED Bt Cr yEA b

Mr^aroelsD 1 12s.- 1'abi.^r BroelsPoit, 4s.'- v |Ib,fpa? Paroels Post;

.• / , . u ... l,. 6d. -A qomnionrBlaok TeK, as gdo3Tn, liquor, ias anyBtthBprioe, dad bettor than most..! Bend a Postal Order lor thi> ainonnt,' and 'tHe'PoBkmao'wili: deHveV tbej Varpal -withpnt any further trouble,rhe Tea is exaotly thei^me onallrr as sold over the 6onnter;;the;reaay noaey, fnlly oompentatinf

for the cost

•iCofXo»t««fcV'- - . -'':- B! B'rAFTEBN(WNTTfiij^ '/! ; ; ' "' ', ; i '

Tho'Cioldoa lifftffooix Tea 'Ooqrns, jl ffff, ¦ Kin . iih 4 tmiM '. ' TiAgi.:) \^ i';-:«igj|>ff 1i ^ j • f w '^ ' c ' i . ;;AiV ,:PaopfaBTOBrt W %S!S5Z ~t!?F<U l-i,*M- .\l. ?- ¦-. - • i' ¦•: ¦ ' • ¦.- (¦ . , .¦; i, ..\i -.vii •i'. - .'i- -. .: . -. ¦ ¦;' :i\; >.?' .;: \ ">ir<5SmW$^' !¦¦' ¦ J'J ,TJ.XBii*J>i ¦

¦• s >i.'i.a< OJ U'. ,-

¦ •;;• .' IL_1-L1(' - ' " ¦ • • "/ '" ':" L. K J> "' ! /r' T

' m^iROSmW iP^EBlSa?^ :i^N^APNI0KC-^HHliM "

'•' ¦ !-iJ :''-'1«> i-'! ¦• ;- ¦'" : J l '; ¦''" • i I i s , v"v:-:i :-r .

¦•• <¦;; :•' '¦¦•¦¦; 5c'l i-^i ¦ : - '¦¦¦¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ - . '¦ ' t.'

ft BHID .'- ¦ •¦! '' , : wf* < • ¦ ¦ ¦ v "f A " :";v; - v 'V ^AND . - -r. > -. . • , . i • :«,

¦-'¦ -• ' » • >¦ ¦ - • .

t y a a a aHa a aHHuCaV i r . i - ' - *.'/ Y. '*! 'I '. : ' 'M' l '. Lf * * ¦*. " 1 J "ft M ".' .¦' . . ' . . . . . . I I •! #. ¦' 4" . - . r ¦ . . . . ^ " t ^ x - . _ '• ' - - , - - ¦ :"'•¦¦¦BBrai- ' • -'I ' '' ''' '¦ '¦¦' "¦'•'' •--'¦• • • -. '•;';

¦ , • ,., ,J „ ,,:,| . J . J M . 3 ': - -J: - i- .- . i - - . - J":: ¦ .-¦-' -. . . - -- 1 .. ¦¦. .. . . . i

fWP* ":;'r'i>\:;':; r? eNT:-liOF^E^'Liaivlr=»S:il •:¦•• • ¦. •¦-:. « • • ¦:i

jjS^^^E^1*, _JL-do cot require-any Chfmney, and give a lighV.Jrpifl '6 to id Sporm, Candies;¦P# !&I r -fesisi .i'^naUcK; : r; ^H raS?V :,,it- :H'¥SS4J{iiiKt S>T.'i'A?'1<!aPn 'J«m»JWiiii^loriieB" from 6s. upwards. •'¦HrOT 't',i¥t£l9hwS?S*fK laiMPS,and aela th<j Barnarslaral tiojpad'with-oar Nai le

'-%IH9r ' ' ,'I-«B we. geaqice irStboat.i w f;i-i 3"ihr ',M<-w-N-»i .- • £ ¦.¦><! ' ¦tuWvJsti-oi TOJ . J . I V U ..- . -.IffifflKS* ' -/^nksoiiamiil'iiojiwaHl'.a/u.'ir jow/rljiuiUkU<« :Bif. Iv.U«(x > »vl ii.o l i» ¦ - . ¦ •

i^HM^^r- iy^i' ^ :.FABxbJrtitTvihri'ciJoi'f-^*! 'i-W< iTV >irt=^!ir!itf''i -w:>^ '*Jl

?i T^"iaiTI- :afa'Tt.i3 17- v: *^WKWW'rfaiMeelptef 8»lw'lS2 stamps by ' ,r , ' - ., ' ' "- feHS Sfe***

« ?rr^ >'- a^ ^J : fe ! ;nfi^ B|»ffiC9i C tl

Wi» 8tt all J , 0nr > inmpje4..cwn on.fyr i«mr ; tron

W^^Hi^BH^HIMBiSBOT 'i; P j fe^^i^fe f* spirt -^llp; •¦

DtKCHAKGE. £ -a. d.Amount due to the County Bank on lost• Account ... ... ... C30 18 3Amount of Payments made on queries

discharged at last Spring Assizes ...18,180 10 1Amount of Payment! made ou queries' previously discharged - ... ... • 184 8 4Amount of Payments made on New Pre-¦ sentments of the last Spring Assizes' 1,732 17 8Amount of Payments made on Present-

ments of former Assizes on whichqueries remain to be discharged ... .'.

Amount of sums paid on Court orders toprosecutors "and. witnesses from Sum-mer Assizea, 1882, to Spring Aessizes,1888 ... . ... ... ... 113 2 10

Amount Contractors out of Loansreceived for the use of the County

Amount transferred from tbe CountyBank for investment in ExchequerBills pursuant to 1 Vic, c. 64, s. 14

S\ .£20,841 17 2


, . . ..: ¦•;¦ ¦. . B1UNDIES.

Old Pale1 Cognac, welt matured, fi ne.. " ... flavour ... . ... . ... 24s. per. Gall.Finest Old Pale' Cogaao, fully ma-

tired (in wood) .„ ' .„ SOa. „, . ', . •-..:. . .>; i i . - '.- .- ' . . v. i f iatkt.Old PoleGoga&c, in-fiasks- • ... 4e. 2s. .Finest Oljl'Pale Cogdic, in flasks.

jftotdsThe Burlington Bestaurant,

27, ST. ANDREW STREET, DUBLIN,Oyster and Shell-Fish, Luncheon, Dinner and Supper

Rooms, CHURCH-LANE, '(next door to Hibernian Bank).

LUNCHEONS and Dinners; Soup.-Fish, En-trees, arid joints, &c., Sapporo, Fish and Meat.

Gamo always , ready. ¦. Tho BILLARD liOOM is elegantly appointod.

1ST LUNCHEONS at tho olegantly-fitted PishBnffeti consist of Oysters, -Lobsters, Crabs, andSavoury Fish , and a variety of Moat and other Sand-wiches. Wines and Spirits of the finest qnality.Jamoson'B Sovon.Years' Old Malt. Martell's Brandy,14 years old. Alua and Stout from tho boat Breweries;and in perfect condition/ Finest Red Bank BarrenOysters. . Over 1,000Bows of very old Cigars In Stook,purchased by tho lato Mr. Corlcss. A trial solicited



Ifra. RICHARD C0FPEY , Proprietress (widow of the¦ lale RICHARV COFFEY).

MOST.Central ; immediate neighbourhoodof Law Courts and TelogTaph Offlooa ; a few

doore; ftom 'JGne'S-Bridge Tramway Iina; five to,tenminutes' drive to any City Bailway t, newly deoorfltedre-furnished, i»nd supplied with every modern improve-ineut roqniaito for tho comfort of visitors, under thepersonal suporviaion of Mrs. COPPET and familv.

Eggs, Butter, Creanr, and Vegetables from the Farmdaily.' : Notwithstanding presont high rateti, terms aromost moderate Breakfasts from Is. 3d. ' Boils ,- fromla. 6d: Oiioh. Tablo d'Hote daily, thrco o'clock i Sun-days, fivo o'clock. Sonp, Two Joints , Vegetables andChcoso, 2s. only.

A Night Porter in attendance All Servants paid bytho Proprietress All communications to bo addrossod,

Mrs. COFFEY, Great Globo Hotel ,Lower Bridge-street , Dublin.

No communication with any other houso. £

D U B L I N .Commercial and Private Lodging House,

49, MARLBOROUGH ' STREET.PARTIES Vrsiting Dublin can bo accommodated,

with or without Board, and all tho comforts of ahomo, on Modorate Torms. [o25-tf

IfeJ" Situation central, close to Sackvillo-stroot.

Waterford Atma and Commercial HotelMALL (Cornor of Colbenk-Stroeot) , WATECFORD,

Within fivo Minutoa' walk of thn Railway and Steam-packet Offioca ,


CHOICE - Wines, Spirits, Cigars, Ales, bestDublin and Cork Whiskeys. Guinncae 's Stoat.

Newspapers daily ; well-aired Beds ; terms moderate.fap6.1y]


THIS Large, Comfortable, and conveniently sitnatedHOTEL, has recently been thoroughly paintod

and renovated by the present Proprietor, Mr. HEA.LY.For Gentlemen and families coming to Dnblin oil

legal bnBineaa; it will be fonnd mast convenient, beingsituated next to the Four Courts ; and for WeddingParties and Visitors to Dnbliu, tho accommodation isseoond to nona in the Kingdom.

Private .Sitting and Dining Booms, Coffee-room forLadies, Bed-rooma from Is. 6d. to 2s. each. Smokingand Billiard Booms.

John Jamesob and Sons' Seven years' old Malt ;Qoinness's Stout Bass's Ale. Wines, Brandies,Champagnes, Liqnenres, &c.

BICHABD HEALY, Proprietor. ja!3.1y

QUEEN'S HOTEL,(Opposite tho'General Post Office), LONDON.

"Tj^OR Families and Gentlemen, Situated in the-*- central and most airy part of the oity. All¦Rnri-ooms (209), inoloding attondanco, 3a. (id ; Privatebitting rooms, including gas, 5s. Cd. Genentl tariffequally moderate. Smoking, Beading, and BilliardBooms for Oontlomen. Ladies' Coffee and Drawing-rooms free of oharge. Night Porters and Firemen.



M I C H A E L K I R- W A NHAVING purchased tho Interest in the above

HOTEL, begs toannounce that this Estab-lishment OpKHED on SATOEDAT. FEB. 15, 1879.

M. K. trusts, by strict attention to those: whopatronise THE SHIP AND COMMERCIAL - HOTEL, tomerit a continuance of tbeir patronage.

Quay, Waterford, Feb. 12, 1883. SOUTH KENSINGTON

Private Residential Family Clnb." GLENDOWEB MANSION,"

13, 15/ 17, and 19, HARRINGTON ROAD, 8.W.,LONDON

(The best and most convenient position in Town).One minute from South Kensington Station. ; ten

minntes to Westminster ; eighteen minuteu to theCity—Mansion House Station ; near Parks, Gardens,Albort Hall, and Museums.

FOB Families wishing to avoid expense of House-keeping, Visitors to Town, or Gentlemen desiring

the advantage of - a Club, combined with the privacyand comfort of Home/ at a moderate Coat. ¦

Introduction or reference required*' .. . . , dlD-tf&$T Address Seor'otary, THE GLENDOWEB

EESIDENTIAL CLUB 'and .PBIVATE HOTEL,Harrington Boad, South Kensington, S.W.


(Opposite the Gonorol Post-Office and Telegraph Office)TheTaoafc central in tho,City. . .

/COMPLETELY reinddelled and re-funiisled.Vy MagniScent Ladies' Coffee-Boom, Dining-Boom,8moking-Boom. Billiard-room'.''. Chafgea modornte. ' .

CHABLES LAWLEK/ Kroprletor. . : LIMEKICK-The aient oxtli, \

A FiiSUiUsg Family and Commewiial Hotel. '¦ <r I UUS-" Glentworth" ia the nearest. Hotel InJL. .tho-City.'to. the Railway-Station, Banks, Steam-boat Offices, Telegraph and Poat Offlne, and to allpub-iq places 9f amusement.;- P. KwtNA, Proprietor. 14,

15°, and 16, 'Glentworth-atrest, Limeriok. , . .- , jel8:



¦ajgaitf jataa ¦•WORLD-FAMEiD

1l.'_ '._^Traa«.Mark—" Bljod Mixture;"— •—-EOB .CLEAK^mG- and- CLEABING the.DLOOD

Vfrom alllmpniitjes, cannot De too highly reoom-mendod. For'Sorofnls, Bonrry'.- Skin Diseases/ and.Sores of all kinds- ib ia a never-failing and peraananfBnre.ij i'no i *•¦'

•'•' . . ¦: . - , ¦ . < - ¦ ¦¦¦ > •

,.i- .It, Cures: Old Bores j .- .• 1 -. - . . ¦ ; •. . , Cures Uloc tod Sores, on the Neok ¦ : '¦ ';,.;0nr«i^Wte4.Sore Leg*; :; :. . . . .- . ', , OBres Blac.ihe«ds or Pimples on the Face j • '¦;';V/On>#Bdwri*_Bprej ;' : . . . - :'. .,. ' : .:. '. '¦"'•' •• CuresCancerbosincBrs ' ' .. |

Cures Blood and Skin Diseases; ' ' -.j v i C n r a s. G l a n d n l f l r' Dwellings; "•¦ -. " . - ,

CTears-.theiBleod'fronx all Imnnre Matter, from •.whatever oansearising. ,'.:. - .'. :

, ¦) A» this mirtwe is pleasant tp tW Wst», atidwa-Tsntedfree' from anything injurions to the most oon;st»WMojj«t«litotiWX»th3.PrDprlators noUmt siiflorersto give it a trial to tost its value. • , ;j'7pOTI9Ain>S OPyXWTWOKUMTBQK AXt Pi^TB. -

Boldin Bottles2s. $d. each, and to Cr4es,ooitalning6 Bottlw,?..lJl. effeotajwrnucf nt euron**fft^AfMptoff isase9,'xJ>yit All Clienusts, and PatentMedlctnV-Ven'doisThroushont .the".world Tor s«nt to

PB.INTIJTG ! PKHTTIITG !Effective arrangements exist at THE N EWS 03lce

for PBINTINO of every descri ption , incliu'.iu^POSTERS, Bill-heads, Circulars, Note Hradiu-s,

Pamphlets, Shop-bills, Hand-bills , Invoicus,Memorandums, Kent Receipts, KentaU, Coursing,Hunt, Race, and Invitation Cards, aud nil tli eForms used in Poor Law Uuions.

iSSf" ETE-LET LABELS to any size or patti -rn jMachine-Euling, Book-Binding, nnd, in tact , cveiything that can be done in a first-r-lass i' rimingEstablishment.

WHOLESALE AND RETAILPish, Game, Poultry, and Ice Stores ,2

BEAU-STREET, WATEKFOKD.rTIHE attention' of thu Gentry :mu Pu hiic-L is called to thia Establishment.

GOODS OI- THE CICOIC-EKT iii.-Ai.i-rv.Country ordors carefully attended to.

W. STKEET, l'uoiMiiETOu.ICE ! ICE ! ! ICE ! -A luxury lor hot wcuthur , f . .

ouroly paoltod for convoyanix- by rail , \c. Timim i napplication. my3-]y


YOUNG MEN wishing to JOIN HER MA-JESTY'S ABMY will, on applicat.ou itt m y

Post Office in tho United Kingdom, bo uupp liutl , with-out charge, witb a pamphlet containing ck-tni!!:<l ihfor«[nation as to tbo Conditions of ."Service and Advantagesof tho Army, as to Pay, Doforred I'uy, nnd PeiiniuiiH.

Great prospects of Promotion uru oHurud to uli - iuloYoung Men.

Applications can bo madu, eithor [nationally <> T \<yletter, to tho Officer commanding tho Kc(ji ^iunUl i,i. s-triot at CLONMEL, or to tho Volunteer Ser-jeant InBtrnctor, or other Recruiter.

Booruits, if eligible, can bo enlintod for any wn .,ftho Regular Servico they may solcct. jy '


COOPER COOPEE & CO.IV^lLL send, post free, through the mediumT » of tho Paroels' Post, Packages containing 41I,« .,

51bs., or 61bs. of any of their ohoico varieties of TEAto any Postal Address in Ireland on receipt of a remit-tance for Thrco Pence, in addition to tho prico or tliuTea. Thnff, libs of Two Shilling Tea will bo suut inexchange for 8s. 3d., or 51bs. of Half-Crown Tc« lor12s. 9d., or 61bs of Three Shilling Toa for 18*. 3d., toany Town, Village, or Hamlet, whero there is a I'ojtOffice All Lettora to bo addressed to

COOPER COOPES * CO'S. Chiof Establishment,60, King William-Street, London , E.C.

O R I E N T A LI N S E C T P O W D E RTHIS invaluable Discovery, whilst harmless to

Animal Life, ia Death to every Tribe of Insect,whether infesting Dogs, Cats, ix., or for Householdpurposes. A trial will prove ita efficacy.

Price—3d., 6d., and Is. per post ; 4d., 7d., and Is.2d.



(Established 1805). a3.13t


THE Celebrated BELFAST TEA, in 51b Tins,2s. 6d. per lb., sent post free for 12s. Gd.

OPINION OP TUE PEEBS." It ia a saving of 6d. in the lb."—Belfast News

Letter cf 9th October, 1880.It speaks for itself ; buy it once and you will want



au24.13t GEO. O'NEILL, MaDa^er.

Institute des Barnes de marie, BelgiumThe Dames de Marie, of the well-known Education s

Establishments of Coloma, near Malines, BrussellRue du Marais, 23, and Chausste d" Haecht , 53.

THE constant aim of tbe DAMES DE M ABIE is togive to their Pupils such a careful religious

training as shall make them good and piousChristians, and such intellectual eif are as shallmeet the requirements of modern Education.

Pension, X32 in each of the above Institutions.For further particulars, apply to the respectiveReverend Mother , Superior of tho Establishment?.

Reference is kindly permitted to the ReverendMother Superior, Colouio House, Bedford Park,Croydon.W., Surrey.

The Turkish Baths, Waterford.for HEALTH , CLEANLINESS , and HAPPINESS

USE THETURKISH BATH, situate at PARK-ROAD ,' WATERFORD, now entirely renovated aDdimproved, and open , froir 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. eachWeek Day, and on Sunday mornings.

Single Baths, Is. to 2s. each, and one dozen at88. .On Saturday Eyenings, 5 to 8 p.m., Gd.

Hot, Cold, and Shower Baths, Is." One of the most remarkable properties of tho Bath

is its ability to destroy tho sonse of f atiguo 8 nd eihauE-tation.'.'—Mr. EBABKUS WILSON.¦ '. ."Habitual Bathers seldom tako cold, and those whohave got a chill, and feel Catarrh is imminent, can al-ways oat it abort by a good long bath.—Dr. MADDEN."


-: CATHERINE-ST., WATERFORD ,BEGS to inform hia Friends and the Musicc

Pablio generally, that bo has Removed totbe aboye address whero all Orders will, as usual,receive tfrompt attention.


By noted Makers, can be hired by the Month crTear, with the option' to purchase ; also, on tbe

. TWO and THREE YEAR SYSTEM.A liberal Discount on tbe prompt Cash payment.

Old Infltnimeiita taken in Exchange. Piano-fortes and Harmoniums Tuned, Repaired, Packed,Stored, or Bemoved on reasonable terms.

MUBIO procured by return post at half markedprldei' Orders to . . .

C. A. JONES, Pianoforte and Music Depot,m26" .Catberine-Streat, Waterford.



to all parts of the Wo;ld on receipt of Two Stamps, toprepaypostage. 844 pages. . . , .the BOOK or Posrrrv» BBSTBDISS gives Boma extra-

ordinary Cures of Diseases of tho Urinary Organs.—Weakness/ Oravol, -Backooho, and- Disonargoa. Also,bf'Nnrvons Debility. ¦ The Name of tho Medioine givenin English, which -was used in each caso. The PositiveMedicines thst'were tisod by Dr» 8«ITH for over ThirtyTears sire-now patented. Full instrnotions are givenwith each Modioine, to enable tho Invalid to eeleot t'aaMedicine and Core himself , without consulting a Modi-cal'Mao. . Bent direct from tha Laboratory.

H, SMITH ft Co.. 26 Southampton Row, London,¦ ' W.C.

..:. -. ¦¦/ Oblong and Circular,'OV:Wrongli*''lrio(a'' Fmmes txA Vermin-proof

. . . .:,; .;-Kn»*.'- .

Page 2: Especially suited for Pulped Turnip). . . ' Wiitiur,~T:.i3a£zz» z" TEE WATEBFOBD 17BWS." ' ,; .' ESTASUBHXD—1817,



SedsOa&s, Sprini PaUiacsUj New Hair Mat-trasses, Feather Beds, ty ^^

TO BE SOLD B* UOTjfiSsitVED AUCTION,on MONDAY. lSttuOCT., 1883, commanoing

at Eleren o'ClocV, at K(»ll, MALL, WATIBTOCO,(die late residence of Major O. MOBBIB WI /I), thefollowing .Taliuble Property, coniistin;rof :—

In the DINING BOOH and LfBBABY—12MassiTeJcMafec^any;- OI»in' in Hair Cloth, withLoun li toh.i!set Jl'eliaoopo Dining Tables,Bide aHxo/SiSeboard j 8 M»bog»ny Cabinets, withplate &w bdcta i Catpets, Httirth Hogs, Fenders,fore Irons, wlnable Pdiatjsgs and Engnmnjs,G: sellers and Lustres, Bookcase tnd Stand, LibraryL i.Jer, Iron Safe 25 x8l x 18, Tables, 12 Chain inCb> *iJei Lounger, Matting, Copper TJrn, Glass,Cla»,tt)elpD, f a j ,- ¦'¦ • ¦ ¦

i3jit. Cbaiii, Tables, Tarpaulin, UmbrellaStan*. Clock, l'iittwer. rfUir Oil Cloth, Brass Bods,&c. .' . ' ¦

D-EAW - NQ Boo*.—-Suite of Farnitaie in Walnut,covered in marone rep, consisting of 6 Chairs, 2Loungore, Albert and Victoria Chairs, 2 Horoe-ihoelady's ditto, Centre. Sid«, and Writing Tables,Chimney Mirror,' Ornaments, Carpet and Bog,Fenders and Irons, Coal Vase, Window Cornice,Folding Sorrow, 2 fonr-light Crystal Qasaliers, 4Fossil Cases, small Miniature Indian Cabinet, 2valuable pieces Tapestry, a cumber of Paintingsand Engravings, 1 cast " TUe Iiawsuit," MudcalBox (plays six tunes). Galvanic Battery, SpleadidMarble Clock, with Urns to match ; 2 Lustree,Chimney Board, Ac.

In the BEDROOMS—5 New Iron Bedsteads,Spring 'Palli&ssee, best curled Hair Mattrasses,Prime Feather Beds, Bolsters and Pillows, Ward-robeB, Cheats Drawers, Basin Stands and Wars,Toilet Tablos and Glasses, Cheval Glass, TowelAiren, Commodes, Chamber Stand?, Baths, Caneand Haii-seat Chairs, fenders, Irons, &e.

Kitchen Furniture, &c Terms cash.THOMAS WALSH & SON, Auctioneers, :

October lOtb, 1883. The Mall, Wateiford.

Valuable Hotel Property.



1X10 BE SOLD BY AUCTION, in theCHAMBEBA of COMMERCE, WEXFORD. on TUESDAY,NOVEMBEB 6,1883, the INTEREST in the abovewell-esUbliahed Family and Commercial HOTEL,held under Leas?, of wbioh 143 years are unexpired,at the nominal Yearly Bent of JB24. The House iscommodious, and situate! in tha'centre of tb» town,'has always done a profitable trade, and is now infull work. ; It contains Inner and. Oater Bars, withmarble-top Counters'j Fivc-vull Porter Machine,Cfeffee Boom, Three Sitting Booms,-Fifteen BedBooms, PanUies, &c j Billiard Boom. • ' • !

Grocery and other business . can be profitablyadded te the trade, for which there is ample space,if purchaser cboee. An energetic; person, withmoderate capital; will find this an nnusually valuableinvestment. , The Bale take* place, in order, toolOMup an AdminJatration. Sale at two o'clock. ¦ '

For farther particulars apply to .. . ¦ (ol2)Captain JAMES MORRIS, on the Premises I

Or to JOHN HIIITON, Auctioneer, Werford.



DESIBABLB : IS V S fl ? H E XT *,7 " Isointaauib ESTATES' COOBT Tm*.'- '^

OUBSC lBEB.bis received iastroctioBs from ti*hJ ExeoabrtVof the, late Mis*/ O'iUnosr, <ctTallow, Coontr Wtterford, to SBLL BY PUBLICAUCTION, in tha-OOUBT-HOUSE, LISJIOBE,

' On WEDNESDAY , Utti OOTOVBB, 1888, ,. . ' At the loar of two o'clock, p.m., ;

All that portcof ¦¦ the lands of BALLYPHILIPWEST.and KNOCKANOBE.i in'the barony ofCoehmore aaiv'Oaihbri-is,'! Coanty of* Waterford,containing together 64 Acres, Stotnte Measure, orthereabonta togetherkitb, all «wh Waste Ground,Water, Watarcoor«os>; Jibing, and Fishing Placesas wore ippurten«a«od thereto, and were conveyedby: drod,' 8OtoiMAMb,^7*5.- from Sir WilliamAbdy, and othert, to" Sir Wflltem Heatbcoto. j

The foregoing Lands, wbioh sit beld in Fee, areset by Lease, containing stringent' covenants, t« onesolvent--tenant, for-an nnexpired term of 25 years.from March last, object to the yearly rent of .£85,over taxes. The tenant is obliged to pay the -wholeof the County Cess. There is a flrst-clais Dwelling-House oa th« Laodo.' - ¦¦• ¦ ' : ' ;The Lands are well suited for Tillage and Pasture,

and are situate equi-diatant from tbe importantmarket towns of Yougbal; Lismore, and Tallow.

i?or further partiooUrs apply to 'W. F. BBOWKIKO, Auctioneer, Lismore j to

• Psissi EULT, Esq., Solicitor, Waterford jor {o MSSSB8> TsuiKoa 0'Bnr.LT & Son,Solicitors, 6, North Great GeorgeVStreet,

. Dublin. - - . . . .W. F. BE0WN1NG, Auctioneer and Valuer,

o&2t • ¦ ¦> ¦ . • : • Lismore.


¦ • • . . .: 4* TH1 ¦ : : : ¦ - ¦ ¦

. ;

KING. STBEET AUCTION MABT, on every8ATUEDAY, of. Furniture, Oil Paintings

and Engravings,: Plated Ware, Delph, Glass, andevery description of Property., ¦ Sals at 12 o'clock.

JOHN PBNDEB, Auctioneer.

Auctions are held at the Horse, Carriage, andFurniture Bepository, Morgan-streeti' Waterford,on the first MONDAY in every Month (the FaitCays), of Hooses/ Cattle,' aid every kind ofProperty. Money advanced on Property sent forabsolute Sale. Horsej, Houses, 'Land, and everykind of Property, bonght and sold on Commission,daily. Persons having Property of any kind forSale will find this Agency desirable, as a promptCash settlement is made immediately after'Sale.All kinds of Property valued for, Probate and theLand Courts. ' ' . . .r . - . "' ' " ' . ' • , ; 8l¦ - 30113 PBND-ifti AuctioreTr.

Tipporary TTnion—Hotiofl

THE Bond of . Guardians of this. Union will, at- at their, Meeting on TUESDAY, 16th OCT.,

1683, receive Tenders for'Supplying the Workhouse(Carriage free), for SIX MONTHS., from 29thSept, 1833, with BEST NEW MILK, at per Im-perial Gallon. '.

¦'. ; ". . '.',"'' .,T•' • '. . i t rj1 •Tenders for a supply a» low as Five* Gallons daily

will be received.! The quantity to be taken dailyfrom eaoh Contractor to be" regulated proportion-ateljr to' the roquiremonta of the Workhocue. Ho»-ever, during'tho Winter and Spring months,, a fine"'of 2d. per Gallon will be imposed on every Coutiac-tor who doea not sopply the qaantity.wbioh bepromises in his Tendor, to give daily. ,' Tender*giving the names and addresses of Two SnreWeswilling to join in « Bond for!tie doe peifarnrneeof the Contract; will be.'received by me up to,12o'olock on the above day. The Workhouse Masterwin in the meonitea pnroni» at the workhousequantities at low as 2 GaUont dafly. ,.'; • ; ;•

'They wOl, on same day, "consider Tenders forsopplyicg 100 PAIBS OS BLANKETS, of IrishManufacture, at per ptir. By order,

W. B. BBABDON, Clerk of Union.Board-room, 2nd October, .1883. ; ., St


rflHE Board of Guardians of the above Untoe.A will, at their. It £ E T I N G to be' hold,oj.WEDNESDAY/ti«a7th(.OOTX>BBX,1889/PTC-ceed to Elect a Oompstoirt Penoa to *B tbe.-0i5«iof - ". -.woaTOOTOsja^EBCfflr, ;;,j }?¦¦At a Salary of " ' ' Anara, with

1 Apu&eDto,. . ; . ¦ ¦ • : . : ..^ Dtrt'f*hoot B«tton9r;-:>: ,!v.;,- .;;i \<\The FsnoB appointed Bttt be tioroogUyiocmi

verrsnt with the doHe» twatdUA. with tMr.Ofiot,'and b» capable of eBforolngoidfir end diadpUoi'8,o»ongtttiie !ntBatett -"- ' » :-- . . - . ^:r - : .: ¦ ¦' ¦¦¦¦:¦< , -|: (

Appl|aUk)M, endostotp TestiDJoaitlJ, art st*tifl([the .names 'of two 'soHcat persdoa .vromaed fttBtif oibri to' Join in i BcW ci*.tha4ue ftp*filwoot ftf the dutlejof the oflce, will to reoeiv«(Ni by me «jt>:tbT»dvo 6' the s,bovf jnamed day/.wh«'ti» Oundidstos will ba -waulr*!to'be ii tUiMbiL ' fiaier; AV't ' • > ¦?• : v f I

GUrrOBITCABB, 01«rk of the Union.! f: Bo rwoaWW» jm^M^ .:.fc::o6 til

your.lua"i|f.-,»tt« ri^:IW.^^»iwS«»f«t«( «


business JrtotfccfOXSafiB "WTHEj

U»aqvAXL-u> XB i'Dauoions STOMACBIO,rOB THS C8» OT

I FAMILIES and INVALIDS, infinitely superior} ' to any other offered to the Public.


May be obtained of sll Grocers and WineMerchants throughout the Country,

Ard Wholesale (in Wood and Bottle) from theManufacturers,


P O R T R A I T SnnAKEN DAILY by Mr. WINTEB, and FinishrtlJL ¦ in the be»t style of ART, at his approved






by all the great Makers,Ibr Sole, Hire, or the Three Yeari Byttem,

SST At very Lowest Prices.


MUSIC at an enormous reduction. Old Pianostaken in exchange; Eemoved, Packed,

Stored, 4c.Pianos, 4c., Tuned and Bepaired.



roa SAIE,mWO smarl DONKEYS, DOUBLE HABNESS,J. . and P2L33TON. The Donkeys are young aodwell-trained, and the Harness good as new.

Prioe J612. Apply to >ol2 ,. W. E. KEILY, Upton, Waterfotd.


THE BEEWINGS PBEPAEED to COMPETEat the above are now in brilliant condition.



. Merit tbe attention of oar local Consumers..


N.B.—Prices aod Traie Discount as usual..



WATSBFOBD.f lavini; poroaased the Interest aid Plant of the late

Firm of. M o L E A N AHD M o l N T O S H ,I!nables me to exeonte all Orders entrusted to me asrpLUMBEB. BBASS 70UND1SB, and GAS-FIT-it 'TEE; also Heatuc of Green-hooses. Conserva<tnies, and Public Bofldlags, on the inert improvedprinciple, by the circulation of hot water. '. How * and Bhip Water OIOMU I Batlu ; Uf i andibroPumpt t Hydraulic Bamt i itaialitrt, Oat Htai-i%3, and Cooking Btovu alvxtyt en hands. ¦ [

H U G H M o L E A N , - •¦• • - ' •••3, IiittU Chorgif t ^tnet, WaUrfvrd


Lane to No. 2, B A N K FLACEj[Opposite City Hall], where all (teders for, Bervantsirifl, as* usual, receive prompt anl careful attention.. Mrs. WAX.LI8 avails of, this oipportaniiy to"returntier beat thanks for the large patroasgeMoeived .bj \mttince the transfer of the 8XBVASTI' Horn to her, dai-trurts to m«rit a oontinunnO9. . . . .' QSSTNo Servant reconmended before the' strictestierntiny is made regarding character. There' ax«lattmssat disesEamd, Oookr,ThorOBg5i Servants, PaxlouVnttd WrtmATninnt Bntlers, Coaehnien, &o. (s28-6nx




Of ieet and Show Boon* t No. 10 LADT LANS. -,P«^EEK.HOU8Efl. OON8EBVATOB1E8, andIT PUBLIC BUILDINGS H1CATED by Hot Wa-ter, pn the most approved prindpie. ' : ; .

Testimonials, too numerous ton insertion, from theleading Gentry of Waterford and surrounding Counties,¦whose places I have heated, ssay I» seen at my offices.

P.S.—Having purchased at the liale at Little George'siitreet the entire Stock of Brass, Wood, and Lead Pat-terns Connected with the youndn, for Brass Castings,I am enabled to execute all ordiirs for Casing at theshortest notice, and on MMoaabl* terms. - :

Entrance to Worlu from l"et«r street. [ahIMPOETANT NtOTCE.

Parties about to Supply their ' Houses with the newPxra-WATas will oonsuh their oi m interests by callingat the above Establishment, when eabmates can be hadfree. ' ¦ . . ; . ; . , . ; • ;

All work will be guaranteed of the best material madwbrkmaaship, and will bs exeoufed on the most BBA-SOVABLB TSBKS.

A triai respectfully solicited. :10, Lady Lane, Waterford", Auir. 27, '82.


. Sent to any part of the U nited Kingdom



im *JLBB PABC 2i&0 POST.; o. "w; "B:EO<^,EISH and ICE MEBCHAHT to his ExceUency

¦¦: ' - • EjJK. 8*WTCB«, - ¦-¦ ¦¦¦ ' :

. 178. GBEAT BBITADf-SIBEET, DUBLIN.' SST Fish carefully packed in special boxes;'andsent by Parcels Post to any Pott Town in the King*dom. - ' aul7^m., . -.¦ ¦: : a.- ufAn[oar-'-:*i'.-CQ;i '; t --' TOEG to inform tlitirFrUnds and tho PabUo

-O : that they art nor in poesession of theMILLS worked b/ the lite Mr. WILLUXCHXBBT.. --

¦.''¦¦ '¦ ' : ' i i:'..-i'^'ij"~» - - - - - - '

Same will bo no» OPJI* for PJBLIC GRINDINGA Supply of MEAL w£U I» always kept in

¦. . ¦

¦ I v : i . •- - ¦

¦ ¦' y. t. Stock, ;• ,; ft :,- :¦ ¦¦' , : ¦

, - - '• ;i < All Order* nromptlnezecntod. ¦ :1 apX8:tl - -- - -f-— -BifMAHONt*

*1 CO.

- < ' i!¦ Xra»-.«OT»4 Z&U* aibl Btaiopa. ' -

BDIA BUBBEB , STAMPS^are;now>:w wellknown and «o gonerallT. u«d,-tnat £a needless

to ilwell on their advintaffej.' With Basinets Menthey are indifpeMtblo.ana if f Marking .Linen, totUoaognmi,: or/OTTcadeJIIiirfcs, they;cannot bosnrpawd.;, StarnM of any design; niacnted onbrut/with polished lOaok luuidle*. ink wri pad en-clawd, in neat boaifc\CAI\) be.;'obtfliaoi from a*.upiraids. . ; . .'. . ^. '.;. -.'

¦.",: \'-. . -, /:..;:;;• ••;)\\ ;y •;; ' . ¦ ; •

. ,

> Cub-AgenU appointed, to irpom largo dlsconnUw8} be, aiJowed, $Q pgU oitoa' to . the »y«ti»g»t»d>Agent,, .- .^t i -i^'i '- '-

¦¦- .**- '•¦¦

!¦'¦''" : "- . ¦ ¦ '. ,

:- aEEDMONp,'Jua,,lT!nniOfaco,W6t«;, :::-?roo.Qraati a7i<

^';to C^^bw ? -

rried AOEES:.ia::MAHr^ v ' l)t'HOBTH-

WEST.f 100 to tXJpji efjffi wparW^* J r -^

^ St6 bwi «li1i79i|'K'i}«o j't« »ireis;

tS«1^Wm£Ue« uAltmM mkBm kitot-,- iijom*«oBWjaj?taiBia fepp^mt r.!),«rt*|te4n<ri »«grof Englka»i*Tc«»*dlia«tM^pfiiMt»dwfi g! P BflAp•£# ;

W&rM «

THE MISSEST>.BG to direofcI3pxciAi, ATTBKTIOK to their

DRESS-MAKTSG DEPARTMENT, where prompt' atteniioD, the most careful finishAND PERFECT FIT, ave oombined with the most


DRESS FABRICS in the moBfc favoured coloo> iuga.


1 & 8, the Mall, WATERFORD






THE COBK CLOTHING FACTORYrilHESE GOODS are now to be had from moat of the Bespectable Drapers and Clothiers throughoutJL the Country.

©¦T. L Y O N S 4 0 0 . (LIMITED),W H O L E 8 A L E C L O T H I N G ! M A N U F A C T U E E E S ,

20, 21, 22, and 23, SOOTH MAW-STE**?, COEK. [pl2.8t«]

Mr. B. W. PREEKAir, .EESIDENT SUBGEON DENTIST,(Licentiate Royal OolUgt of Suryeoru),


may be. consulted on all branches of his profession at (f23)





. Jobbing promptly attended to. al7-ly



per 1b. Qoality such as cannot be sold on credit.Samples post free. Af ply, stating prioe required, toW. N. SCOTT, 8, Georoe-Street, Minories, London,E.O. (e21-13t)

To Brooder*) and Feeders) of Stock.

HAVING established Weekly Sales by Auction. of-FAT andSTOEE STOCK in tbe Cattle

Market of this impertant and flourishing inland¦Town, which is situate in dose proximity to tbeprincipal • Coal and Iroa Works of South Wales,where there is always a great demand for all cl&saeaof Live 8tock (Fat Stock especially), I am preparedto receive WBHXT COHBIONKIMTS from IEILANDand elsewhere for absolute Sale. Keep provided.

Terms moderate. The payoent of all Accountsguaranteed and settled on day of Sale. The high-est references, and security given if required.JAMES STBAKEB, Auctioneer and Estate Agent,18t») ABEEGAVANNET, MON. (aul7


Magnetitm i* invaluable in the Cure and Reliefo f G o v i, RheumatUm Lumbago, Bciatica, gene-ral Debility, Spinal Comwaintt, Paralytia,Indigestions Liver and Kidney Cor.ip lainU,Atthma,Dygpep *ia, Conttipation, Bore Throat,Weak Chttts and Lnng$, Ae.


VBHTJOK of DuBABB.~Magnetlo Belts, Lung andNerve!. Invigotators, Chest Protectors, Throat Pro-tectors, Spine Bands, Knee Caps, Soles, SciaticaAppliances, Shoulder and Leg Appliances, Arm Ap-pliances, Wristlets, Nouraigm and Sleeping Caps,3tc Write to Messrs. WBTTOK ft Co. for pamphletscontaining medical testimonials, list of cures, andgeneral information.


' ' ¦ • ¦ Eidowa<t8oliobI,V«w BOM. 27th April, 18S3.I m»y mhedtatlngl/ e»T tbat ths bolt jroa.snppUed in*

with In October lut hti b«en of Immenw Tilaa to me.BhOTTTnttim la UM hlp-Joiat had mada ma almoat a oiipplafox months, whenalcdj advised m» to toy your " Uagsetl-eon." and lino* I got It, J TUT seldom am .oonadou oitunas* a hip-Joint, and on walk heel/ without luflarin?. Ih»T»uot hadoonrue toleats it off a day cinc« I got it lostmy old assay shonla aUaak nwagaio. . I jure zecommeaibdIt to several jpeopla and wouM do so strongly to any ooe who

BABsnr J. H. HTOT, now ot KiUymard Bectorf, Donegal.; BHEUKATISU ItPrHE ASM.' Uannny.lxdae, Co. Loath, Hay 3rd, 1S8S.

Un. nigaUliat'Eiaoh pUunxe in stating that tbe Hr-g-oatlo sleart abapnrshaaad-la Ootobar last ha* ptondof groat•errio* to h«r nuna/who had almost lost thautt of hararmfrom xhmnatism.' She icnrrarod in ottng it, and ha* nowanitsIottallpaia.andlsablAtonwthaaimoomtortably..

BBOHOHTTIS AND OTHKH JJiaEAflE3- :Haw Qiangs Lodgs, Bar; Oo. Dublin, May 1st, 1883.

HaTtng (uOarod vary •ororaiy for'ttaay yam from Bion-oh'.tis and a chronio oeoAltion ol the air tnbea, I made tiialot yonr appttano**, and 1 think I mar *ay with trath thatmy genanThaalth nas mooh lmprortd and other oondlU'o-aof cHroniodtsaaaagnarlyxaitiga d. , . OfCuDwau. .' rNDIGESTION AND NERVOUSNESS. ;

. . . Comioereial Hotel! Panonstown,- ¦ .- • ¦ > -r 5th January, 1883.

I am happr to state that I have reoelved very Kro«tbenefit from your applianoes, and I would strongly re-eommeod anyone sufftirisg froa; Indigestion andNer-voomea*to gito thematnaL 8T»*H«ir MATTHIUS.

NEUBALIGIA. . . . .-- j - ; ; , Oanadv«tret Wat4rfo<d»'21st Nov.. 1882.

X have now worn jooi Itaonctio Spine Band (or martthan two months, doling which time I have had no \<yturn of neuralgia." I initered from tbat oomplsint.tb'thirty years, and had on oitaekof itn'earlt every wee.-.I tried almost every rsjnedy for it, but found DO reVe!untilTavpUed yow UagneSoSpine Bind;' .. ' . . . ,. •¦ -i - : :- - ' ' ' ; .

¦. . '. . • '". HBUIL. 8HABT1I.

SCUTA, PAINS IN BAOK, AND COLD 1TSF. V.BaUycont». BouMfiisii Co. KUkemr,

: . . . . ' ; : ; , . . KZ&ANovember,.'SSI.I ni almost in us not of writinj toyoa. ween yair

kind inqairy '.reaehed na, to t«" von of the y-eoibeneflt I nav* darived from your app'tanoM. 1 am qi:i jofree from p«inin my I«volt,.ait4 also from soia^oa, nodthe soles of mv feet lava lost the tooder feeii'a-; tieyhad. Tonr sole* anflay»in*bla foe anyone txuteSaafrom oold feet. I anolos* pattsm »Ue for a- new pair.

: ABTiran WBLUUJLBT 2fauz, J.r.LUMBAGO AND PATN9 mTH^BACk. .i .-/ '¦ > > ,. ; iTnniyhill.'KiloullsB.'Oo. KiMare. i

i '- ^ -i i ¦-¦¦ ' ¦' -¦> :'. i i¦¦¦ 28th Oatober, 1838. ¦•

I btve to aiato that for more than thirty ysa* 1suffK-sd fion severe paii In the b:u>k and:ottac*. n ollumbago, but for the lilt six mocits that I have 'oesnwearing yonr belt; Itm **UZnererlud apffered, itid,thankOnl, 1 anable 16atteiid to ny basinsu «ad jo

" %e l'oiea^T*ii^^:4 fe'*f myself,1 andh*d to be lifted aboo;ir;«iotim Omes u»lag cratoket,and now tf«cr^r*orel itflealUi from thegood eff actsoV.^arolianoelbosijnjfrocayptt.- '• ¦ ' ¦ • ', "-

INDIOESTION AND HSA0/CHE8./ .¦iA to7 .-''i''i» !>l;'iH ~''?f<r<>xlB»itM»toW»^ oiCi-1 -'-¦

:- ,1 have wcn-rm rtM J3*ttuSMse Baed <.-.eeJanaarr last for indl8»»tioa>nd heoSachw, wh'oi I<M3e»td bom f«r some T«ttf i-1 amglad to icy 11 aie

i#ric^ ?lfaM&; ¦

" Vi-^li^plWlWiW 4, ;otth xaf ol JOUS,1 mt Mt U&^Ttm Vu'ioUloTBg,u ^Mip M Wm)M SmWJ tiatu&i& 'I earn? boj» torn WbgirrfM; fcivtaffb^n *tt m^atas









i NEW AD'.-OMN CLOTHING (ready-made]


pO3BII J ǤE SO2>JS,8 & "Q U AY, WA T E R F O R D .


To Efiilatrara and Parish CJerks.W A T E E F O E D .


the son of FEBDXCICK DUBHAM and EMHA, hisWife, Born at Waterford 24th July, 1855. TheFather was an Officer in the Militia then stationedat Waterford.

A liberal fee will be given for the Certificate byWBDDALL, PARISH, & PAEKKB, Solicitors,

6th October, 1883. Selby, Yorkshire. It

NEW WINTEB, GOODSI beg to announce the return of my Buyers ftcaj. the home and English Markets w-th a very

LAEGE 8TOCK OF NE W GOODS, suitablefor tbe present Season.

In my MILLINEEF and MANTLE departmentswill be found a ca<efally-selected assortment ofmost Fashionable Goods.

My CALICO and FLANNEL STOCKS are ex-ceptionally large.aud are the best value ever offeredfor Sale.

Every Department will be found fully Stocked,and all Goods marked most reasonably.


12th October, 1833.Situation Wanted.

THE WIDOW of an Acting Constable, E.I.C.,aged 26, is anxious to obtain a Situation aa

•Nursery Governess, or in any light, respeoUbleoccupation'; has been a monitress in a NationalSchool for four years j a good needlewoman, nndsmart at accounts. Please reply to J. F., 82, WATXB-TOBD NBWB Office. 06 81


a. K . C O O P E R ,ISuae wu DENTIST, 4C., Wtxro->r> ard LONDOS,\JkTlLL next visit NEW BOSS at BEIDGET T HOTEL on THUBBDAT, ihe 18th InEtnut,

and WATJEEFOED, at COMMINS' H O T E L ,QUAY, FBIDAT. 19th- Instant Moderate charges.

» (my<Ltf)TO SET ,

(For such time as may be as, c3d on),TlyfOUNr NEILL, the prebeui Pasidence o1JJJL THOMAS F. STBAHOK, Esq.. who is abor .leaving for (Vaterford.

MOUNT NEILL lies upon about six acren oiland, is most healthfully situated, commanding a0t>e extensive prospect. fi"

Tbe House contains Drawing-room, POoanf- dBreakfast Eoom, 6 Bedrooms, K<tch8*f PHHle3,Scullery, Dairy, Coal Depot, Servants' Booms, w%o.

The Garden (all walled in) is of fair extent, bt ving southern aspect, with greenhouses, fruit trees,etc The Lawn, which would BJ&Hfrffi&ar cows,is all in rioh pasturage. Sb3lteie%walksfhter83cishrubberies, surrounding lawn.' »^S <|

The out-offices,, which are a short distance fromDwelling-house, ore commodious, containing stablsfor three horses, coach-house, fowl-house, pig-8tie3,barn, cow-bouse, and other small bouses.. A pump supplies.water of purest quaitty.. For further informations and terms apply to

LAUBBNOB BIBNABB BOBKC, Esq., J.P.,Knookmitben, Clondslkin ; or to

ABTHUB NIAIB O'Nmi,, Glenbower,• , Passage Easi.October, 1C32. .H


situate on the TBIBAOS:, Tramore, contaLaij-"seren Bed and four Sitting-Booms, Kitchen, ardOut-Offices, held under Lease, at a very low rent.

For paitioulars as to price, &o., apply toSAMUEL C. ALLINGHAM, Solicitor,

.tf 8, King.street, Wate.-ford.

ZOVSE TO LET,¦TKTO/ e, HENBIETTA-STBEET, in good ropiar,JJt suitable for a large Fanw'y. Iromed:»to pos-session given. ; - _ aa.ijf

TO BE LET,AT BABKEB^il-BEET.aHOUSE.coii^ - j Zs<xapait--ienU. Plea»e apply »o E. J. K*o.iMayor's Walt, Watet to U. «T4/ f

Steam to Anatralia-Boduced Ba(x»or PASSAGE MONEY.

mHE nowerfal Steamer Wettmeaih, 100 A1,t,!jPA?°5*^

i<!tM'wUl b« deapatohedfwai the

Sputh West India, Docks, for ADILA oa(8uiAMiOB«),M«.B0UBH» and SIDIHT, on the 23rd OOTOBEB,embftrktog Paesjngeri at Qravosend, 13 6'Olock noon,on,tbe 25th OCT.,'. and Pljmoath. 12 o'Cloek noon,the 27th OCT. Tils spWid Vessel,, boiiuiprefslyfor the AuttrolUa Trade, is fitted with everV a odarnopnvenisnoe for the eonveyauoe of Pauennrt, ThsSaloon la .laxariaiuly famished, and comprises Smok-ing nnd Bath-room, 4o. Experianord Soraeoa airried.Rat *4 of Pottage . Jfotiey—Saloon, 80 rroisats i TnlrdCabin, iff toM eas/BSglTMenTi lea ;• Apply to AtuoBT <» Htranxs, 7, Imdenlullirtreet,Undon. -: . ,, i: < , .

!'| . • > '¦ •» ¦> ¦;¦ -,:¦]?¦ f-;««.8t '

Wat«i£>rd and Xizsexiok Ballway. /TVrOTIOB-KlLKBB end KIWVBEBitYice,JJ% FoYa-a*—Inoon»eqncnoaoC tbsSteamereMsina:to run -after BATOBPAT, October WAi tfi tipeoiia¦Vas bstweenUfflsriakand Foynes willo»M»toiipplyf

. *W I O fit wi -*i*% H A ffnrr Tf • T> * T»» ">. ;«iwt i*<»n » «•-

JC ;^16tb.OcT.;1888>-Por theiccommodal#i 'of>¦»»•: *tt*iAag/abo<*,?»JPXCU£:-TBlXS wi;.V~C< .

Wp *;x 'i vjOH fiOBEBTS, Trofflo lffniwar;(:;TH»fflc JtonagV* POe», L'AerioV, Oofc, J883T ,

Water BailUr. Feo* ... -., 102-10 8 Arthn*SVo.' eoals j tt.r«el "CarW ~*l» I Heber^SS heavy law cost* was defeated.¦ Doty wa» paid on 627,617 Tons, agawst M5,038 Tons »*docy Coas, thta* i etomJUar/ . dtoac *ti *T, v£\ Star- —¦?.

BoIUstOn^W o i fg 'i I " t^ ^ ^'f & SJbtSA^ ^V, tobar«.u«db/ TH.^i ~—i ¦-¦ "¦¦—sv -.

¦• .; ' .., ¦¦; —- T»B»»t;'PoHnoai»l, Soti, ooala J BoUnTott't; oo ?* i nai tbe 0Dce ro'oluUonary Cthten—no* eM<*£i IElflH JUDGMEN18 FAILUEES, &o.i ¦ ' • Mahaea;».Miia>ta,» i » Atla*. naimdenroot,Boa37coa'ii. toristically apostatised to Toryism—having »P?T

I The following ttotistiea tor thlsoountry. week ending' \ •: c v r ' , .. "o-a V :T - B « '• ¦—'- ~^— routly tired froui maligning PAB»«LL and tae «f»'Octroi*, or* supplieA to M by StnbVi MsitiantS, ^'; < < / ; ^J " •?8 ;A- -I-*: 'B.Dv • Parliamentary Party, ha7 turned iM attention »

Offloao, «, Gw»h«nfW»et, Ajndon aod V/

OoUnfr? " Jjl8* .11! 2KJt» •« SSf ^ ¦> Ky°«»«« "d tbe abuse of Aid. ETAB, Aid. Sir.rB, and otia

tSSS fflSSSSSr*? |SK#r5¥« »-- »- »s»KaBS=--iSBSSs;•' e «m! j«rfoajaS>Mr'- :- 83 ,.» iSfe^^W 'l iA

Vlh«}4 Mr. MTMB. MCGBATB once had a (troog 'Ja»-

total jBd4p»Sg(5toact*il ttto roar to data. .*¦ & *»Wi.iiiuiit'S'

-liiii ;i:i'ii ir


' .-i_i er«n tbobgh a tery vain end faUacioas 0Q9- »

VTiST i SSStWSmSmiA Sj euhi iiUatJ > .' ,.| '"• ' ' &-iiiL';j.i.'> ;i1,L.t.' J -lJJ-j.Cl - i . ' ¦ '; > -i ..' ; .. » ' rebellion again t tmth to say that All Bw et*

^m^^s^B^mmm^m m&M *immi&mumi-teii^ ff ^^ ^.v^^^ss^

P t $^Wf iS^^?W*™^t3*$ X |T|ra||slsS^^gteSTyi;:;". *> ' /a"tbe *Ughtes^!ithe.«amirabWpl;irW'P(»^m « p»ii!c pm wSsiffeb li s^^ ^^^^ if¦ptei i li^^p^ m^imm^m,te«iSliii!ililil Ha^iigi!l^liI

:•'. <¦-¦!:- t GoM^Medal, Pi/ftoj JKe^ala; 8rdrey,

$%&M PBy'S>:OABACAfr:icrf;C-A-fT«?aT>0!: :f A • most delicJewi end vUtnAle; .W$8$$& .fe jWlWllAR).R¦ #»?;'"«;?- ^r« :-iwPff-«;coe«i'|6rf«T. - l i ' •• '"• '•



EETUEN VISIT .' ^Of Ireland's Favourite Tragedian

and Greatest Sbakesperian Actor of tbe day,


Powerful Company,


Under the distinguished Patronage and Presence ofEICHABO POWKB, EBq., M.P., and EDMCT.VD

LKAMT. Esq., M.P.,Joint Benefit of Mr. T. 0. KINO and MiB3 KATK

BSAD, Sheridan Knowles' charming Comedy,T H E H U N C H B A C K !

Concluding with the screaming Farce,C H I S E L L I N G !

PRICES OP ADMISSION—Dress Circle, 3;. ; Sla 'ls,2a.; Pit, Is. ; Gallery, 6d. Privafe Boxes, 6*. aChair, or £2 to admit Eight.

Doors open at 7.30 , to commence at 7.45. "Ianof Theatre and Tickefs to be obtained at HOWA BD'BMusic Warehouse, Quay.


ANNUAL STATEMENT of the various FCHDSCollected and Administered by the Commis-

sioners for Improving the Port and Harbonr ofWaterford, for th« year ending 81st March, 1883 :

INCOME.£ B. d. £ s. d.

To Balance due Provincial Bank,31st March, 1883 1,010 111

„ Tonnage Doss 6,163 6 11„ Ballart Dnes 1,427 13 7„ Oversea Dues 1,059 16 g„ Pilotage Dnos 2,321 3 1C

Pilotage Fines 8 15 0„ Lioenaes 52 8 0„ Salvages 334 10 0

395 13 0„ Local Light Dues ... , ... 558 3 1

MISCELLANEOUS EECEIPTS.„ Bent and Old Material sold 8 5 0„ Allowod by Town Connoil

towards Office Expenses... 75 0 083 5 0

„ Unmooring Money 28 0 c„ Balanoe of Does (since paid) 102 18 S„ Cash on hands 27 5 10„ Removal of ObstrnotionB

(" Silkstono") 1,219 10 8„ Corporation, half

cost of Advertising Explo-sives' Bye-laws 13 15 0

„ Paid by Corporation, Dredg-ing St. John's Pill .. 14 2 0

,, Explosive License ... ... 1 1 0„ Hire of Steam Dredge ... 120 0 0„ Ballast Fine 0 12 6„ Paid by Pilots towards

Maintenance " Seagull"Cotter 150 0 10

„ Paid by s.s. " Terie Viken"for damages to *' Seagall"Cntter 30 0 0

„ Hire of Diving Dress ... 1 0 0„ Contributions to Bollyhack

Pier 300 0 0

WATER BAILEFF'S FEES.„ Water Bailiff's Feeo ... 2,508 9 8„ Fines 1 0 0„ Old Material Bold 4 14 0„ Cash returned, overpaid on

Chsque 0 10 0

Forward, 817,543 13 3


TONNAGE AND BALLAST DUES.By Ballast Inspection, &o... 15 6 8„ „ Contractor ... 1,285 4 3

1.3C ) 10 11„ Steam Dredger, Wages... 474 1 1., „ „ Stores ... 3% 4 3

870 5 4„ Dredging Plant, Wages... 39 11 7

Stores ... 27 17 667 0 1

„ Eemoval of 10,584 TonsMud ... 483 11 10

„ Dry Dock ... 63 19 2,, Ford loan, Interest ... 253 9 11„ ,, „ Betayment... 300 0 0

553 9 II„ Forge ... 22 18 9

By General Management—Salaries ... 815 12 4Auditor ... 35 0 0Advertising, &e. ... 20 19 8Clocks ... 19 It! 0Office Rent ... 80 0 0Yard Bents ... 45 6 6Eogatta Subscription 5 0 0Painting, &o., Office 39 17 0Bates ... 11 18 1Income Tax ... 37 10 9" Waterford Mirrors" 10 0 0Incidentals ... 53 6 0

1,174 6 4Less charged to

Pilotage ... 50 0 0

By Gnide Bank„ Hulks-Wages ... 837 14 8„ „ Materials .. 420 10 0

1,121 6 41 12 8

758 4 8„ Interest charged bv Bank 26 4 0,, Boat Senrioa ... 50 0 0., Law Expenses ... 10 15 9„ Moorings—Wages ... 11 0 5„ „ Materials ... Cl 16 7

72 17 0„ Quay Walls—Waffes ... 29 1 4,, „ „ Materials 8 16 3

37 17 7„ Ballyhyok Pier ... 2,179 13 1„ Eemoval Obstructions ... 70 2 8„ On Deposit . Eecoipt

against " Silkstone"Bemoval ... 1,219 19 8

1,290 2 4„ New Timber Jettv ... 1,123 111

PILOTAGE DUES.By Pilots' Earnings ... 1,797 9 4„ " Seagull" Wages ... 107 1 0

„ Stores, Re-pairs ... 325 1 6

„ Pensions ... CO 10 0„ Superannuations ... 347 5 0„ Salaries ... 152 5 0,, Proportion Gen. Manage-

ment ... 50 0 0„ Proportion Boat Service 50 0 0„ Medical Attendance ... 19 8 6,, Incidental Expenses ... 44 11 9

2,953 12 ]

LOCAL LIGHT DUES.By Boat Service ... 20 0 0„ Buoys above Checkpoint 16 6 5„ „ Below ... 29 10 8„ Passage Light, Wages ... 106 0 0„ ,, Stores ... 32 4 11„ Pole Light, Wages ... 15 3 9„ „ Stores ... 2 18 4„ Queen's Channel Light,

Wages ... 20 0 0„ „ „ Stores... 5 4 0„ Cove Light, Wages ... 20 0 0„ „ Stores ... 2 2 8„ Subscription to Lifeboats 20 0 0

289 10 9By Balanoe of Dues ... 106 12 6„ Caah on Hands ... 36 3 6„ Balance doe to Bank,

31st March, 1833 ... 1,734 19 S

WATEB BAILIFF'S FEES.By Amount paid Town Council 832 15 4„ Beams and Scales ... 22 5 0„ Cranes ... 0 7 4.. Pnblio Lamps ... 207 13 4„ Quay and Eiver Watoh,

Wage* -. 875 5 4,, „ „ Clothes

and Stores ... 109 14 10n ii ¦¦ Medical

Attendance ... 10 0 0995 0 2

„ Stages, Waco* ... 182 8 5„ „ Matrial. ... 52 15 1

„ Surfaoe Quays, Wages 68 19 9„ „ ,. Materials 23 9 9

92 9 6

Total. .£17.543 13 8

COMPARATIVI BTATSUINTTOT the Tiar mding 81rt March, 1883, against the

p rtoiotu year. ¦ £ s. d.Tonnage Does deoreosed 858 18 7BoUast » 229 U 7Oversea 116 16 1Pilot Does decroaxed 143 0 \ 8Local Light Dues 22 12 , 6Water Baillr* Poo* ... 102 10 8' Doty waa paid on 627.617 Tons, against 555,038 Toos

¦ rwttttfotd ^arhcls.. | _J^&;J^h^»^^^T ; i r/erd. October 12th. 1883.

"w' «;•'"« *'£(* W,. , feSXNATIVE WHEAT—Snpplr *t'il BmaU, bat condition of Mnmrick KMIH H ana Kil- Ii:Lilw.ij

tha lew samples offering ii sl 'jtlj inprOTed. ( I l l mil.-u {:iii miloa kenny ;:)1 (^b| mi 1:.-.'BCA'CK fra-In nooddemii'jd. at oarqaoUtionB. The »P ""). "I J- m.k-« open)

<,, .,.„ ,

n'eighboiu^|inners iieBiUl bringingagooado'U to market. i~T,i~

i: .1 L s <l TT~T; FOElffl pHEAT da". 1V«» LMI-. - I-S.

f MAIZE 3d. lower. Parcels , Ac , 27« K Hi m ., ;• FLOUB-No channe. r .. o „„_ , v

O°oJ..'-.'tlo *tiI_L Jlil5

WHEAT, per .. :.-M ' o I -.fCii3. »• ¦'• »W'ri.o Ml U l O uURed ¦Shipping doper barrel olGrinding •Malting

00 UUO 0

BAlif.EI 2511ha00 U00 0

00 0

W 0 16 UOATS I-«r oorrel of 19tJH/»

Uluck(iroy ,

i , I'LT H.lCt , Of ^;UI -hExo--i-»erl;i:cH -Fines . . .3ruB . . .

00 11 9 1J> M I, 12 UU(l .i

Kl,OUi36 C3i 02i U38 0li G7 6

'.7 6 U-i ¦j-l «.; ¦¦

ij 0 0'l C4'J -J L ; .7 3 . '.8 U 'J i

oA I'M SAL, jier Sue* - - , 38 0 4:CL'Ai-i . perCwt. . -! l> 0 iPoI-LAliU do. . . . - . 7 6 t

FOEEION.WHEAT, per bonel o-' -L--. -: •>.

— American Sj'_- - - - , . - - -— Ked Winter, ti e*— Red Spring— Azima -— Australian

-NUIAN CUUN , tfellow— — Ibroil and Foxoniau— — Aciericon New— — Uo. New— — OalaU— - ¦ Satonica

PLOUa, Amoricoo, per barrel of 1901ba. -— Freacb, por sack, of 2801bo.

INDIAN MEAL, American, per sackC Home Mannfa ture, per

"" I sack, of 2801b.).

Imports and Exports for week ending Thursday, 11thlUPOR'lS. . EXPORTS.

Indian Corn.... — Quarters. Indian Corn 150 QuartersWneat 1E1S do. . Wheat 700 B^rrulsWheatOat»...lBarlej.Floor..Heal...



Wheat OaU Barley Flour Oatmeal....Indianmeal

( 211

... 1

(Corrected thit day for the Waterford New >j . kil '! in mJVkc'' ^noico butter , 8h. tc. 833. ; gotfPROVISIONS ordinary , 75g. to 799. ; medium, CJs. to 72s. per firkin

,co» Pios, porowt. — — ' MJ. Od. to 00 . r,i. of 3 qrs., 151bs. tare. Very little change to noto Chi3EAIO do. — — 01 U I I O weok . All qualities continues in good demand at thoBicos Pios, por owt. — —

STEAKS do. — —FEKT do. — —HEADS, do — —LAED (obandlor 's) — —

BUTCHERS' MEAT.Bssr, per lb. — —MOTTOH, per lb. — —LAHB, per qr. — —V IAL, per lu. — —PORK, per lb. — —POTATOES.Average price per sto«o — —

BREAD.WHITE, per UbB. — —HOOSIUOLU, por do. — —WHISKEY.Dunns, per gallon — —Coax, puncheon — —

F I S H .NswrooiDLAHD Codfoli , per owt. —HSUBIHOB, Bound Norwegian, po- barrel

Do. Split Labrador — —SALKOIT, per lb. (wholesale) —Ftii, per do. — —P-OLk, per do. — —TOEBOT, per do — —

FOWL AND EGOS.CUICEEHS, eaca — —Turkeys, do. — —DOCKS, do, — —QEKSX, per paiihaaa, per IHIFOWL, per pair

WHITX, per owtABOWV. per do.

HAT, per tonSTSAV, wbeaton, per do

Do., oaten,TuBKira, per do.UAKOOLOS, per do.CABROra, per do.

WATEBFOBD BOTTEB MAEKKjNumber of f irkins weighed at the Public

for week ending Friday (thit day),315 — 120B. Od. to 13ij85 — U!0s. Od. to liii0 — OOOJ. Od. to VUO)

249 — 1.03. Od. to 133145'J — 124 . Od. to HO.)

0 — OOOl. Od. to OO-Js .corrcspondinT wee1! la£t >ear.

1209. Od. to 133).

Saturday, —Monday, —Tuesday. —Wednesday —Thnwday, —Friday, —No. of FirkinaPrice per cwt.

"Hffth*? ^fttftrrinriPfi nilfl Hj»atli <i PAaia , THURSDAY .—The Figaro states tbsljntwa, jnarnages, ana jjeaxus. che • ci ,? dlfficuUy in tbu Tonquin qucatioii/dvnouncom«niio/BtrtK«,jf«rrio9M,andDwtii»,muiibepr«.poid is that China wishes to annex tbo niirtheru

provinces, while France desires independence olB I B T H S population io. tbe neutral zooe.

October 8Lh, it Belleiae Terrace, Tremore, the wife of ^ rr ^ ^ : ^: ^! ^

2? Jtlrt'DD^nthe wib of Korrf. Ooddard, of a ^HE HABUOO UJBOABD PECCEEDINGS.

o4°» ,roi a dfuTuta?.

18' Wel!oii - tne " "oof Ta0na3 J' Tbe proceedings at the monthly meeting ofOo 'oe'r¦*, atDaolin, thewifeof Harry William Parker, the Ha1 bour Board on Alouday Rive a clear

Lleui«in.nt-ColoE«l )8th Eonan, of a »on. J .October -ndj «t Ll»olairfechan, Nortn Wales, the wife ot Olhlblfon Ot the manner in WD'C U tbe liOD-

"ooixjoor wh, Et TempiemSie^'Ennls, the wife o.« Bagot >epresentat've and non-iesponsible Beocion ofB tSaSaJfc.f.?fi3fetaa. wiie of Hefferaan F. Co,. **\ *»*7 »»«'* rule the destines of the city,sldi le, B.M., of n «on. ix they bad Loe power aa in the old days of

Octo wr pt., the wife of J. A. Place, Corbally House, j.scen'.ancy. It Bhould bu icuifJibeied, '"Septembersbrat'Newtown House, New Boss, thewi 'eof speokiDg of ihe Harbour Board , thai by the

B. Collea Biehoo, £aq., of a daughter. Act passed for the formation of tbat body inOn 8i,h init., «t toe Barracks, lallamore, tbe wi,"e of S. H. i';i(! ,,.. hplf nf tli «> mumkm^i «m ulo^;*-} hv

Siepheoi,EJ<l,, Coonty Inspector, E.I.C.. of a daujh.or. 1^

Jb ' une-n.a1£ ot tn<- membere Are e/ec ed 07the subscribers to a News Room,—called,

I I A E E I AO E S , through courtesy, the Chamber of Commei'ce—Oa «h A0gunt, at tho Cthedral, Melbourne, bT special and as those chosen twelve a'e genC'.a"y of the

llcenso, Joan Clarke, Kerarbury, Mnxrumiridge, to Mary one tj^e, they are always ie«<dy to tuwait and

Eefd7 E3a5lej l'dmt»rrora

tfit °' the UU **tiid' Ke'iaal do battle with tbe eight, cbosen lepiestalafijeajuiy m.'asTo'n-niTUib, Queeasland, C: O'ConneU Fh-oocb, of the citizens, Bent there by tbe Corp'ivacvn.

secojd IOO of tne lata Nlaholai J. Ffrenoh, Esq., E.M., ol The latter body, as the owners and mainia'iiereFfreDch Lawn, Itosooismoa, andgnaasoa o! thela^e DaJiel „< t < n« m^n « »: ~: «„ « ^~« t* th«O'ConnoU, M.P. , to Elinor, aecoad dnn;bter of the late of the Quays, BOme time Since came to tbeWl ltdm DuneBotler, E»q., of Siephei'«<r»ea, Dablii. conclusion tdat the wooden boxes or sheds oa

*£^£££$S,££R:£lf r£;'k.?2!£$i ** <l™r>. ™>& as office, by Coajpanies^medAogbtorof toe Ute Jam««Dobba, Abbo/ie'-.. or w-jom never contribute one sbilliDg rent or¦ October*, •t .5nTft» c??'?1>', HMtoa, Tortahire, by tho taxes 5n the city, should be cooapelled to pay

.V^ S S tiSli'Si^' S l

some small


for the grcnt coarenience and

WUliiui, M.Ay Eeotorof Baraby. pi ivilege they enjoy : but they baTiaj* declined

^^&T58£%&£g£:$^*£z *° -how thef aiLi L .to «« «««*West, oo. laacriok, to Maria, eldeat daughter of James made on beha1! of the Co'pol-dlion, that OOrtJO-H lloian. Knock Vuia.Llmex.ot • resoked to try tbeir legal ri-'h.s, aod selected

At tbe Cathedral, Xltlaraey, Vlacent John, eld5«l son of , . J , , n, a. c °. • /-i_ m ...Thomas J. O-Farrell, Kingstown, to Alleen. oily dwshter of »8 a test Case the Clyde Sdippiag Comj afly,D. C/oola-ColUaaj, D.Ii., Qleofleak Castle, Kilbroey. who have vacently erected a veiy formidabla~ " ~ house close to theiv new pontoon. Tbis IB th'i

D E A T H S . offending that brought forth tbe anger of Mr.October 3rd, at his office, 88, Blshopsga -sireet Wltbli, W G fi. GOFP, wbo, on Monday, moved a

H^ or^^ rh ro^ a rS1 resolution whicb. m efl«i , w« thai tba

OD the 4ia mat., at tbe Freaaitaaoa Content, Carlow, Ha'bour Board should lute the p'ace Oi tU8

^^ X A^ r ' o ?W* Company in Lie L, w we, aod lj «*C.iij foo! b:rage, and 23-d of herre-Hlouaproreinoi. the Corporation the l l ^J t

uO uJe ya?y8, WMOi / -ui St., at Dnotl-jat Home, oo.'lioperary, Edward b'in'"-in'' the two Dfinc'iDal Dj bl'c bodi?3 of the

te'l HUwSSn.7'"™ a bitUal and " """' °f city Into a disastwus co'lision , wbicU would beOn Sth iJ».., ot Poleler»y, the wife of Mr. Jamen D'.''on, sure to enl ;!'. several huadi'rds of poonds oi

.iffiS^SSftii , . 73 , ,. »,. JM. "" P«bH<^ m°ae

? 1<J-U' C°b:"',SBd r SCon, formaw yeara elerk ol Mtty aes«lona In th't ton i. what the losoe, 1>0I.J pa- ties would ondoubtecijOeto3ie»io, at tie Paroohl»iHoa»e, Arklow, at ausdfan(Kd be the losers in the end, wo ;"ht ncutier of them

ege, Uarsuet Puoell, for n»ny yeara the tme and tmstea ,, . . , 'Cl ,, rn- *v'st prrn-s*rTajt of the K«T. Jainei Oanphy. P.P. She waa a miiro oovdi acr-ieve any benefit. M. . arjuof Ki'cooir, co. Tipner*ry. ment was, ibat tbo Qaaya belong to toe H*rooarU cn LSrf t i *r.. C*b«.ln.(john) Th»"- Boci'd a ad not to tLe CorpomtloD, whilst it«

Oa 23thnil., aiBnJrLodge, Clottmel, William yoonjest admitted that the whole foreshore is thel»roperky•on onii. Uf y t m u a BatS», E*,.. of xiKash Co-tie, aiod

?f tbe Mnnicipal body, and tne Quays are kept

Oi 9th 1-ut., nt the residence of hla lather, South ClroA'nr- »n repair and lighted by them. Ii was fartherro»<i, Dnbdo, f nuttA j., aon o! Mr. Edwud P. Borke, for- asserted by M> GorJ that tho Quays have ueeaBolfth.7ih i!i2r.*SrI

'r ,S . «.«„.. .w M lnr always in cuai W of Cue Harboar Commwioa**tntj lyt U yw*filled tho ritaftUoa ot ooechmaa, wi* 'un BincQ they were built in 1816. whereas wo n&re

^S tffiS?SSE^S555.J^.a2^. Pe'wnalknowledge of the fa,t thai not magaoi.Titteof Wui:«r Hrsi*, uta of Ciojmoi. yea«8 ago, on tbe report of the flo-ougn w>n

Oa7ai i««t, at ew »«k, Kllkeany, Leo, lnlant »0J of stables to the Major, the Commiosione'B we«Qa qgiDt r MTUvKh &X Bealn.1.. frequently summoned and fined for caowg

~Zr~7~Z T7Z. SiTm obsti uctionB there. It was so late as daringfjim JlCttS—^^gaSSBgt. fie Secieiaryahip of Mr. H. N. NmNS thaUB

" : r-r : a> range ment was come to between i'oe Corpora-A ft E I V E 1> . t'on aad tbe Commissioners, that tbe fetter

r fcJ^ fcUfe B^^r S!;:: Q<*7«. «tl» th/view of keeping them oktf.

Talht.CMd'J. CbeABotot, poal»i Beedfo',CprlT ooaU and to cell the tiutb , light badly hiire ther a*

l?&£ff i.^i£?&6k>Ban*tr *li > 'Wl' :'* charged their oblizktiol WeVe glad ho«-»ih—Pembroke, a, Itiford-foi Oa rer.Crjdll, ooola j evei; that common sense prevailed wiw *"»

Arthn*own,' eoab j OKBWI, CardlB. ootis i HeU; Tor heavy law cost* was defeated.

J. & S. i'HELA.N. Total 23,,. 0 0 17,, 0 „ os; u 5 3 ,

P R I C E S C UE E E . : T . «™«'^->7" ) o o ' 252 o o «GD 2 0 M 7 ,1—: 5; WATEBFOKD, DUNGAHVAN , AND M.SMOKE.

IKISU. O h . Ne... |W Mil<:» . )


MODLD, per dozen lbs.DIPT, per do.

WOOLHogget Wool, por lb.Wether and Ewo, do.Skin Wool, do.HIDta, per cwt.Kira, per cwt.CALT. por dozeu





BID Piai per ton,Vuxow PIK» Der doSTATES, per louOLATHS, per do.

COAXS, per tonCore, per do.

18i. 01¦4 0

CHOP'S.601. Odi5 0i) 01-. 0I . . 0r . n

OCTOHER ;t\Fnr H 'tf k eiii l in-; F U I D M ' ,Pa«bi--iiKorH . I'.ircels . Mnils , « V > :. .liooii.S. CO:ll.s. :iml Ciltill !

j. d. a. dil'jO 13 N

K'J IS 0!1 0 to 2' U

W uku 0 21 3U •¦ 18 0 19 v

Corrcspondim; woct . 1S.-1 ... 3'tt I u


H OTTER.—Choicest ii 'Ma bavc- broaght l-.l.t. to !3').iFinuat Salts , 112s. to 116s. ; Seconds , 1'W.i. Domaniicontinues fairly act ive.

1J. 10. '83. K. M A H O N Y & Co.

oo o¦ I) 0l 'i u0J "w) 0. ¦¦¦ u

7368 Uo1 — <>o,— Sacks20 do— iln

to 75= Cd6) U45 000 uOil 000 0

Sir. Osboine adds tbat B.-itish troopsZululandjfco jjiee moral support to Usibequ

arfi in

Totul . . .. . .. :>» 16 0m o 12 o 13 0

17 u


kins in market. 1'ricua ranged from ll 'J a. to lit,. p<. rowt., and by hand, •£'•'! os. to .£3 12i. liuyer«— Med3ra.Egan and Quirk , Currick j Courtenay, Kidvewny, Hyun ,Pettigrew , Power , Fielding, Doherty, Ma-hony, WaU-r-ford ; Phc-lao, Cloninol. Demand brisk , and marketover early.

LIV E R P O O L CATTLE MARKET —M ONDAY .— Incoane-tjuenco of tho restrictions on nome cattle continuingin force , cattle and sheep were a 'aiu to-day sold ia thorailway Bheds of tho various railway stations, ami thonumber on offer cannot bo accurately jjivi -ti. I'rictsfor cattle and sheep wuro irregular and about the sameas last week. Beef , Gd. to 8d., and mutton , 8.1. io Od.per lb.

B KISTC, CATTLE—Y ESTERDAY .—Trade goo- 1. Beefscarce ; beat aamplcn , 80s. ; middling, 7U H . to 7os.Sheep in short supply, with fair demand. Light wethers ,lOd. j heavy ewoa , 9d. to 9Jd. Thero wore 400 piga -,baconers, 103. 3d. ; porkora, lls. to 11B. 3(J . Moderatesupply of store cattle , and all Bold at late rates.

CORK BUTTER MARKET—THIS OAT.— Firsts , 127s. ;2nds, HOs. ; 3rda, 90s. ; 4ths, 85B . ; 6lha , 6i3. ; kega,lets , 127a. ; 2nda, 110a. ; 3rda, 983. ; 4ths , &5s. ; mild-cured firkina , aopernne , 1333. ; fine , 128a. ; mild, 113jIn market, 2,380 firkins, 112 mild, 5 kegs.


, 1'KK B

B. d.a o toil-U 0¦« 6Oj uOU 0IM 000 015 3UU 015 0UO 000 0o^ 0Oi) 0

17 0

8. d2G UIK) 026 00U i/UJ ut'J U0 1 U16 (iUO (I15 9tu uOJ IIUl 00) u17 C

01 0 i ' 0 weok . All qualities continue, in good demand at1 0 oo o prices daily current.*. 0 ou u

W " MOON'S CHANGED(IH IWI O IH . 0.1 . Nfew Moo-. Monday, 1st Oct. ... 5.5J a.m7 e g ", First Quarter...Tuesday , 9.H „ ...10 .20 a.mi> 1 o o Fu" Moon Tuesday, 1G,H ,, ... C.ta a.m0 9j 0 0 Last Quarter... Monday, 22nd ,, ... 11.19 p.m

os. :a. to os. 4d. rr, (vcv-v r < Ofv( .6j d. too». oa ( | .Vr> OOintmfirn 3rl f%£19s. 20u. O,;. - ¦ - 16 0 16 0

BE JUSiT , AND FEAR NOT.29a. Od, to 2S». 0T. __________^__________0J 0 OO u _ . ! - - -u-g;

"o o °2 o FRIDAY EVENING, OCT. 12, 1883.0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

\a °,,tll, LATEST NEWS.0 02 1

io o8 68 G

0 02 6



terday's Council of Ministers tlie Mavqu'a do laVo^a de Armijo proposed Uiut H

J C Spanibh

4-niljassa<]oi' in I'acis slionW he insi.ruci:.'(l todemanii his passports. Scuor Gudazo , however ,thought that this would be an extreme step, notjustified by present cireutnatancea, and suggestedthat tbe Duke de Fernan I^unea should simplyleave Paris on an unlimited conge". After consider-able discussion tbe majority of MiniBtors resolvedthat in view of existing domestic troubles, the/could not aodertake tbe responsibility of bringingabout serious foreign complications, and theywould therefore tender their resgnntions. I am ina position to state on unquestionable authority thitin spite of tbe decision of the majority ol the,Cabinet , tbe Marquis de Aimijo last nig ht tele-j iapbed to the Duke de Fernao. Nunez, instructingbitu to return to'id immediately.

2Gu. Od18 04 ii1 R

!0H . I M:j II1 94 •>

On.10 I00 900 725 0*7 020 0

o 0..10J-00 1000 10•ili u27 628 ^

70«. Od80 070 01.1 u

to 80B. UdSO uB0 U15 0

to 003. 0-1oo u


formed by Mr. Osborno that tbe final messagebas been sent to Cetcwayo requesting him tosurrender ; :.nd in case of refusal Usitx-qowould bo at liberty to enter Inkandhl Bush.

liulier Marland pi ice*.




At:f ii-t

I •a*- ***

iiitf A' <


Page 3: Especially suited for Pulped Turnip). . . ' Wiitiur,~T:.i3a£zz» z" TEE WATEBFOBD 17BWS." ' ,; .' ESTASUBHXD—1817,

O A . T U O L X C C U U B O HFtt.iTAL ox nu U OLT UoaiET.—On Bandar

last, tola festival, specially licuiuitfd to iU founder,St. Dominic, was oelebiated with becoming splen-dour and devotion in the beautiful new church ofSU Saviour, belonging to the iUunttiou* order ofthe great niut. At twe\Te o'clock, was solemnHigh Mass, when the splendid altar presented aBrilliant appearsnoe with lights and floral decoro-tjoni>, all tastefully aad carefully arranged. Thecelebrant of the Mass was the Bev. Father Wojan,O S.P • Deacon, Bev; Father Murtagb, O S.P. ;Sub-Deacon, Father Furlong, O.8.F. There was aTery Urge congregation present, and the moaio wastendered with surpassing derotlonal eifeot and iro-pressiveness by the efficient choir, nnder the direc-tion of the accomplished Mrs. Murlow. la tiieevening an immense congregation assembled, wben,after the recital of the Bosary, Father Murtag hpreached, with eloquence, fluency, and effect, anadmirable sermon suitable for tbe occasion, theceieinonies (.•©Deluding with Benediction of th6Blessed bacrament.

UOWJIK Jvaiua o> ST. Vinaiox B, HTOD*ES-JISLD.—In the year 1828 a young piiestfrou< thecity of Waterford, tbe Ker. Ti.ouiu* 1 rancis Keily,came to fluddersfield to supply the wants of thefew Catholics then living there. Father Keily setto work with an earnest heart and a farm resolution,and, assisted by his own small congregation, andreceiving substantial aid from many of the manii-lactureio and we«Uoy non-Catholics of the district,witbiu fodr years lie built St. Patiiuk's Church.The opening took plno« on toe 26th of September,1832, in the presence of the tiieu Bishop of tfcediocese, who was assisted by the Bisbop of Watei-ford. It is recorded tbat tiie cauioa was crowdedby a large congregation and tbat many non-Catbolivsof note and position attended. Toe kindlyfeeling shown by all classes to the first priest therehas continued to the present time. In toe year1833, Father Keily died of typhus fever, caught inthe discharge of bis duties ; and his temains werexonveyed back to bis native city. He was so«ceededby the Her. Fatbei Trappes, KBO IW, after manyyears' service in Hoddersfluld, removed :to Bull,and succeeded by the . Bet. Father Arnold. Altersame years here. Father Arnold n as sent to St.Patrick's. Bradford, and tnep/Vattser Lvhoh waswas appointed to tbe mission, afterwards takingcoargeol the Batley mission. On uia removal, abonta-xteen years ago, tbe Very Rev. Caaon 'Wells wasappoint*, d, who, we very much regret to state, hashad recently to retire on account of weak health.He has been succeeded by the Bev. 8*epnen Dolan,who is now in charge of. tbe mission. To celebratethe close of tae fiftiet h year, and to keep the goldeninhilm of tne cnacch. solemn High Mass was sungon Sunday last by tbe Ber. T. Parkin (iu tbe un-avoidaole absence of tbe Very Ber. Canon Uotler,of Bradford, who wss announced to be present) inthe presence of bis Lordship ¦ the Bishop of Leeds.The Bisbop preucbeu an effective seimon, and wasattentively listened to by a crowded congregation,aniongat .whom«er? to be seen, many Protestants oftbe town and distr.ct. Tbero were also p;esent, aswe'I as his LoidnUip tbe Bshop, Very Ber. C nonWells, BeT. Fatbcis T. Parkin, 8. ¦ Dolan, M.HcAuilffe, Jas. Dolan, Ac Tbe altar andits snr-roundings were beanf.Iully decorated wilb flowers,pUnis, <to. A ciioice selsciioa o2 Baaed miuio waswell rendered by the cbuic, amongst whom weie thefoUbmiog inemoecs:—llwu.-s. U. G. Dosg&o, F.Moore, O'Connor ; Mrs. Nelson ; Miss M. Lynch,E. Nolan, 4c., Mr. (1. Rar.ington, beiog organist.In i.h« monitiir solemn Vespe.'a were sung by. theBer. Facuor McAa 'fie. TL'Je Bev. FatUec Partinpreached an eloquent and impressive Bermon, afterwbiob the bisuop gave BenecTetion of tiie ClesbedS&uamenC Xue coaroh was again crowded; andthe event m\'\ .ong be limembiivi uy the Cathol icsof Haddtinificld.—iitcrpool Catholic Tinvw. [ToeFather Keily, che founder of the obU'.-oa at Hud-dersUeld, was oJcle of Mrs. J. W. Howard sod ofAid. W. E. Keily—E.N.]

CABiioi-ON-SDia Cauaca.—On Sunday last, thenew o>-gitu io this cbnrc'a—built .by the Messrs.Telforv, of Dublin, and of which we recently pub-lished a full description, was opened before a Urgecongregation, Mr. Bilton, of Waterfowl, presidingat tbe instrument witn marked ab;!!ty. Tueinstro^meat is a vvry powerful one, con fining 84 stops,font composition pedals, three rows of keys, and1,710 pipes, uud cost nearly JB1.0 XJ.

MISSION AT CLOU Kit.—A mission for the mem.ben of tbe Society of the Sacred Heart, attachedto the cQu'ruh of bti. Peter and Paul, Clonmel, wssopened on Sunday by the eminent Vincenty.nFathets UeagherandBocht-.Pbipsborougb. Hi'4hMAM. wbicn was admirably sung by the High Piie&t,Ber. John Casey, C.C., commenced at is o'ciocc,tbe deacon being Bev. John Everard, C.C. ; sub*deacon, Bev. Toomas Moran, C.C. ; the inspecteda-lcDioisUitor, Bev. Thomas McDonnell, officiatingas master of tbe ceremonies duriag tbe set vices.Tbis, tbe tirst week, is devoted to tbe male mem-bers, and. the inisuion for the women will commenceon next Sunday.

A&CBOiocxss or DCBMH.—The Pope has ap-pointed the Ber. Canon Nicholas Donnelly to beauxiliary Bishop to Cardinal, Archbishopof Dublin, with, the title of Bisbop of Canea inpartitas. "•' • \

Tne collection made in the several churches ofthe city on the 80th September, was for the supportof the Sisters of Cnarity, and not as stated in euorfor the poor of the city relieved by them.

BETUBN VISIT OF MB. T. C. KING.The well known tragedian, Mr. T. C. King, revisited

our Theatre for a brief season, opening last Monday

erening, in lord Lyttou's famous drama, " Richelieu."

It is needless to enter into a detailed account of thegreat actor's well-known performances in the severalpieces repeated from the repertoire of his reoeat visit.

On Taesdur treaiag was produced, for fis first tisy ein Waterford, Sheridan Kaowles' mssteipieoe ofdratnatio composition." Virginias." Tai» piv belongsto that high class of drama U whioa all great actorshare mado » lasting repnUtlon. The blank vecso ofSheridan Knowles, though in many places by no moanssmooth, is chaste aad elegant, wnUst t!is utqnsity ofmany of his situations is f earful'y reaU«lio. Ws believetostnaxt to bis " Othello," " VugbUs" Is Mr. Kiag'sgreatest legitimate effort. For a powetiulaotor, possess-ing a foil lioh voiua, and a noble preMaoe, tnere is inboth these great oroajon* tie use ontleti for drtunatiointensiy, ooaoentnied passloa, aad pUhetia sottoess,which makes the spectator ai'ons momsnt feel thodreadful stnsatious of bo.ror at •> loathsome eriae,»/i ih. n«.t M. tearful uttr for a great trust abased,a humaa heait that is broken. " Vlrgijius" is per-haps tie finest effort of.tb« famous, Ametioaji aotor,John McCollocgn, and in this chai&otor bs ip ft hUigreatest success ouring his last visit to London. TheAmericans are proud of their great aoioc, and boastthai i-O one can play " Bomaa puts" l'.ba him. Hadthey seen Mr. King on last Tuesday night, maided bystags effoct, the sceoio designs of aa 2rma>Tadems, orthe support of a iaoitlass London eonipany, they woaldplace his impersonation by, tha «id» ot tie noblestcreation of any \\'.n% actor. The poor poet taafc lissin • Glasgow oemoter/ nsTex bad bis groiiavt euoposi-tion iaterpretad b/ a mors competent exponent. Mr.King's " make npU was perfeot. Hs afood tsfone usths living pictar* of the great Bom an. HU aoiiag laths deata *oene was simply migolfioeot; slowly add,Ishoriootty be raised Km#o , pu«d opoa tie urn con-tiioiag tb* heart of,. her he loved, kisied it, and s!owl$sinkiog back, expired with a half sign, hair aota,—ufitting ending to ft sovt-nov'.ug perfo.iwcs.'. "Wbf a tb«euftala foil Mr. King was called to. toe taritatdre-ceived a tight regal oraiioa. Uw reinaiaiie parts wenexceed: agly well filled. V i s Ka^Bcad M T VhiUU,"Mr. Honman as ',' Applus Uaodlos," aad Mr.' StaoleyWards as " Siztins Pen* .tot," o>s«rvi if special

To-night (F.iday), Mr. Eog takes his benefit, .'ap-pearing as Mft>U» Walter < i the « Hnuonbaok." Tbsparbrmaaos w"l bq nndpr thadi»triignUliedj),tronsjaand presence of B.;Power, Esq.,rM.F., aBdE; hemaj.Esq.,M.P. We ezpoot•crowdedBOOMto_W4 irewellto ths vetatan aotioi. '" T* , ".~~ . ' ". ' ¦ '¦ ¦ •

. F A B E t O N A B L S *BW8 . . o.

V"^P^ >>BsW-'J^M*» toM»mssmmiSUTH O» ,THM BWHT HO». W. BM^OTO-

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L O O A Z rrs xa.-M ft. VllLtlM-STOAErr, M.P., AUD BI8 L*»00E»B8.

—T >e earnest and pructlcal interest whioh thisge:tleoian takes in bin labourers and dependantsfound expmpliuiition on Tn»<d»y, and one more issdded to tbe numerous proofs be has given of hisdesire to enlighten tbe worliing classes and improvetbeir condition, Mr. Vil'.ieni 8t dart's endeavours forthe improvementot labourers' dwellings by offeringprizes for the best models of labourers' cottages tobe shown at the'Cork Exhibition, are. already wellkno*n and require no inrther reference now. ; OnTuesday he gave his labourers, to the number ofeighty, a holiday, and, bnudea paying them theirday's wages, he took them down in his steam yachtto Toughal, and bought for e^eh of them a returnticket from Tonghal to Coric, to give them an oppor-tunity of seeing tbe Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs.Villiura Stuart tbemselrtt accompanied tbe expe-dition aud conducted them from tbe station to theExhibition, where be paid for tbeir admission, andtook great pauu in pointing1 ont and explaining tothem tbe many works of art and interest withwhich it abounds, and on tbeir having tbe Exhi-bition they were khotrn all tbe pnblio buildings andthen started for Youghal, 'there a most substantialrepast awaited them on board, consisting of roast'beef and mutton and a librrai supply of doublestout. The expedition nan cheered by the peopleof Yoaghal and at several points along tbe liver.They were then landed at tbe quay at ViUierstown,where, after giving three hearty cheers for theirgenerous benefactors, who bad thus kindly treatedthem IO SO enjoyable and instructive an excursion,returned to their homes woll pleased with the day.In appearance they looked a fine respectable lot ofmen.—Corretp ondent.

A MtTLLiNAVAT ABSACLC CASI.—At Grace's OldCastle Quaitpr Sosaionu, on Thursday, before Mr.De Moleyns, Q.O., County Court Judge, Mr. Boyd,solicitor, said that in the ca-e of Ellen and MaryShea, against whom the gland jury bad found truebills on the ohaige of asjaiilt, wbioh arose out of adispute of a light of way, be bad au applicationto make. The assault, if any wus committed, i tweover a disputa about a light of way. There wus acivil action pending, to bo heard at Tbomastown,and after it had been beexd - ho would be able todeal with the case. Mr. Hartford said that thecivil action and tbe charge of asrault were perfectlyindependent of each, other. His- Honor asked,where the parties came from I Mr. Boyd i Fromabout a mile and a half from MuUinarat. HisHonor said tbe application wss a very reasonableone, and be would adjourn tbe bearing of the caseuntil January sessions, lit. Peter Faskin bav' igre-entered into security for their appearances atsessions, the case was adjourned.

LAND JDISPDVIB.—Out ot five farms advertisedto bo sold last Saturday, in the Court house, Dun-garvan, on the efatate of Mr. Villiers Stuart, weare bappy to state that allexcept one had been pre-viously settled, altboagh in some of the cases fourand five yeais arrears ot rent were due. In thecase of John Connors, Grallagb, wuo owes a sum of£223, the interest was put up for Bale, and althoughthe rent of the folding is only a few shillings overGriffith's valuation, them was not a single bid.The Sheriff, Mr. J. T. Hudson, stated it was re-ported that the farm waa mortgaged, but they badno time to ascertain if such was tbe fact by makinga search in the registry oflce. Mr. Denneby, land-agent to Mr. VillierH St uart, said they bad noobjection t? hare the sale postponed pending asettlement Mr. Armit, representative of Mesjro.Hussey and Townse'nd,. amenta cf the property, at-tended, with Mr. L. Denneby, on the part of Mr.Villierg Stuart Mr. Hodnett, solr., watched tbesale in the interest of a farmer named O'Brien, themortgagee.

- THI COHBTABOLAKT.'— Sergeant Tbomas O'Brienbaa been promoted from' tbe office of chief clerk in.the County Inspector's . office, at Waterford, to bechief clerk to Captain Sin eke ; and SergeantFinnigan, formerly of Waterford and Carrick-on-Suir, has been transferred from Cork city, to theCounty Inspector's office, Watetford. SergeantDarid Stack boa left Banijba for Tramore on sickleave, and is substituted during his absence byActing-sergeant F. Jl Morrison from Tippeiary." WATIBXOBD LmatsT ASSOCIATION.—Tbe open-ing lecture of tbe session waa delivered last Tues-day night in the Large Boom, City Hill, by Dr.Binzrose Atkins, M.A., President. Subject—." Ancient Art" lhe attendance was large. TheoVair was occupied by the Bight Worshipful tbeMayor. Dr. Atkins also; lectured, on Friday even-ing, in the Protestant Hal), on tbe interesting sub-ject of " tbe Bise of Modern Art."

L TBEAET ITKION—DIUTXCS' Cl.uB.—The firstot a series of literary and musical entertainments'whioh have been organicod for tbe winter months,came off in the Drapers' Club, Henrietta-street, onMonday evening, before a large audience. Theprogramme was varied, consisting of a number ofwell-Belected songs and recitations, ' which werewell gone through by the following members of theClub—Messrs. B. O'Fka?rty, T. Dowling, M. J.O'obea, Peter Byun*, P. Foley, J. B. O'Sbea,Furlong, Bn>nnan, Philip Byun, William Gaffnry,and John Heffernan. AiTangemento for tbe nextfortnightly meeting having been announced, theproceeding* ewe'ten-<3os».~-!~ v-' - *. - ¦ '-.•- 8AD ACCIDENT.—While a carter named McCarthyon the'road. between Waterford and Dungarvan,was on his way|to this city, on Friday night, be fellfrom tbe top of the load to tbe ground, and sus-tained such a fractme of the oknll ss to render hischance of recovering rerj remote. He waa pickedup by two of bis comrades, who were on cars behindhis, and removed to a neighbouring bouse, wherebe remained until attended to ou Saturday, imme-diately after which he was removed to his resi-dence. '

PUNISHING THE DISOOSMLT.—At the LismorePetty Sessions (before Henry E. Bedmond, B.M.,Major Gyles, and W. H. Woodrooffe, 8ub-InspeotortVynno buiog alto on the bench), Patrick Cotter,prosecuted by Conatablo Dillon, of Ballydnff, forbeing drank and rowdyitig on tbe streets, and whohad been previously conriotod ot similar off-jneesrepeatedly, was sent to ftaol for a month, and hardlabour) and two young women, namad Mulcahy andcJuUivan, of iLismore, -were meted out a- similarpunishment tor similar misconduct ; and a boynamed McGratb, e'aargiKX with a like offence, andfighting on the streets, to whom the police gare abad character, was sentenced to six week's imprison-ment, with hard labour. . '

ALLXOXD' A*TIICPT«D . 8moiox.—On' Tuesdaylast, a man named Connors, who bad been commit-ted to gaol laat Friday, at Petty Sessions, Jot twomonths, when he showed signs of violence in court,whilst 'being marched from the yard to. the hill,with other pruonets, out, " Til kill myttli,"at the samerlnstazitj,' sUrUng from Uia place in tberanks and running to f:e corridor stairs, wbioh beascended so rapidly that, in almost a second he wason the top corridor, wbioh reached, he dashed alongit until be cune .to the nnd, nbioh looked down onthe hall beneath, and jumping upon the railings,threw oimself into thf hall, a,/distance ot aboutthirty feet, and Was pit ked up Insensible. Dr. W.L. Mackesy, medical attendant' at the gaol, waspromptly in attendance,'and though .Connors- re-covered', consciousness,: his life is , considered' inuanger. . . . . . ¦ . ?. .- *

, N«w Ctir Ci-UB —TBe Con>mitt*B of tbe newCity Club—of wa:cb,Mr. J. AUingham, jnn., isSecretary pro. frm.—bate taken tbe late icmdence,on the Mai , ot Bit Beujunfa Movrls.D.L., deceaoed,for Club Kooms. A gtaeral meetiog of the mem-'bets will be held this oveo'-cg In tbe Town Hall,lor tbe porpoce of election a committee and officers.ana lo ballot fo< oew members, tor woloh there are aolutlon waa pnt and carried.:.;;- ¦¦¦< •¦¦;•:; :. : i5 ,-^Teighteen uomlDaaon». :.Tbe-:Clab U formed for . ; OM .OFciOT.Buo^^be.conimittee


•otialand Uterar/ pa.eose*,: and is eoUwly nncon- tha* an tomatevosio^d.Martin Browne.had bjeiiimotedwlth boHtld ¦ - • ' rr> - . « . . ; tbn^nedwlth>Mng»rpugWbefoTetbe<tomffl|ltt«»

S PiO 'f*aJ>*--Ii.Tipperw, on Monday last, for brjaeh of the Totertwtthat he left tta' bijttie'therfwa. 2.0C3 p'ZV •rhSn ve« eqosUy divided in prrfetence/tlt ,u.teU<«tD .remprg iwebetween Waterford .nl Li<n3rlck atH62«. per cwt ^ «l ig .KggS*?fe.S*? «»';From Carrie*.; and Bdwlrtoirn, - on tame day, swndea byMr. l&lier,, . Adjonnied. -: ; ; •VratortM buyer* Beeaicd3,C30 jPatVPo Toetday, :, . . ; f - ¦ ¦. . . .r' 'faUj 8J003 were purobiaad; b» vbe>i<ae.boyei» at NEW B088;COT0N—1V"«I«J»ATV; v;f;¦>¦}' -E2ewWKniwr>W.M«v 'BlcbaTds6n*a buyer J. G. Do?r,;r, D.V.0., ^. la.' M«;«batr. PwwntiS fBnr^tffiw&,i^T^to bo ;(he M^VJPM 'j Tk^T^?: ^^S :!'.Jar«e.tlote»et1»os^byo

niiWrt a»y fair * %* ll j ( i&*&>f aj a e<na*UM:.tBe *fto ^Miion*U*xa- wgT.ilalttad.'Mr.boa,;-.ti disohat»«a.4JjdieJV0S|

•Up,B. f. JfafM^^ 'UwloB, with the Amerfoah . .TgarSlry{V»vL dwJu *pl *\?t\¦%$*&¦flaa* fl>lngf at 'the maln> mast 'h«4, '»rriTe4 thi» avstageeoat, ff*.CW. I lnarmaryi8t. iiidt Ii Wreif'bio^•fV »X^ ;n

nnr ~r<npt with a lanre eahro of wbeat. -i».vV i totil cost of sttmokaU week «nd*l«ifrom BfltJBJoretoMwiM. White,Bwa., andlC6Ly:;;, fc,t; l<a.UJi I oowespondW weskvUat ysM.ijflBOi.

Uinodblni thia isarBrfitrttl-dtMrTea rocognltioD, ih7 T to b^WormM «;jni«cai:-c^n^it son of tbe late' w»*»cied and lamwted' Dr.'Pat- ¦ Jil » hori ,W a4 »rtaU»at»" to tM itfl«m«]K*.

CA2.LAQHANB FECIT BESSI0N8—TUIBDAT.;(Before Hon. D. F. Fortesoa* and Cspt. Armstrong.)PWIINDLT NXH;HEOUM.—Charles 8. Dennis, otLako riew, »ommonod Edmond Kennedr for allowing

some i»ws and ho.ies, bis propetly, to traspssa on b'sland ai the 11th July, and on various ot'ier occasions.Mr. Iiunford for defendant. CoaipUlo»Dt deposedtbat ou ths 11th of July, tbe defeadaoi's oows were inhis 'miv aod he trrned them ont oa the road, wberethey « era near killing his wife j witneu t'aeo set bisdoj» it the oows, and gave them over to Kennedy'sson : lbs defendant has no land, and he keeps eswsand ocrMS. most of them liviog or. me ; on Vbe day inque«ti>>a, no left the cows at bis saie, and said hewould keep them there all day. By Mr. Danford t DidKennedy ever summon you P I won't aoowor theqaeslim. Jfr. Forteioae t Answer too question. Wit-ness : He did, and I was fined i». 6d. for wbat was nota fact ifter all ; I allowed three months to elapso fromthe time they wore on my land before prosecuting him jI fB7< np tho oows to Kennedy's son. How old doyou think be is r . I don't tnow ; I think he is al>ontsixteau or eighteen. Was he a steward, caretaker,' orherd of Kenaedv's P Icau't answer that ; I will swearthose iiowa are Kennedy's. Do yon knovr this boy tobe Keun4d,v's son ; I do, to be a very imporuoent son.Mr. D inford:t He has seven oases agaiDSt my client.Mr. f ovtesoae : We will take them ia the order oftime. Complainant : OD tbe 15th August it is just arepetilioa of the same thiag ; there wore only threecows there, he having sold one ia the meantime ; allmy boys are afraid tj jo with these oows to Kennedy'sthey would get snob abusa ; on t'ui* occasion they leftthem the.-* all day. To Mr. Danford i On this day Igave the cows up to Kennedy's obildran, who are agedfrom tec to fourteen years ; ooald not say I shot theH»U>. You left Out opes as a trap Tor the ootrs to f oin t 1 object to tlmt ; it'has nothiag to do with it.Complainant : On the 26th August it ia just the veryeame thing again, To the court i On ibis day also Ihanded them over to bis tierd. To Mr. Dunfora t Theyare bis children. Complainant : On tbe 3rd SeptemberKennedy's i.wo hovses were ia with my ontiie; myhotso was ohsined, and be was-trying to break away ;I banded the boran over to KeDuedfj g man. To Mr.Danford i I knew this man to be Kennedy's, as herides those horses down to my place, and lets them gothere ; the horses then get into the most convenient ofmy fields, and t'jey remain there all th's night ; he alsobiote my wall, and I bad to complain of it. I belie reyou are oftener here than »DY man In the bitrony ofOnultior f I don't know. Are you not . at law andvariaroe with all your neighbours ? 1 am not ; I mustobject to this. Complainant i On tha 22nd Septemberhe allowed his jennet to go ou my grass lands ; I wasat Mr. King's pertormanoe. and on coming' home thisjennef; was in ray faiwn all the nijdt ; on the 2jrd Sept.the ttree oows as osual were turned ont on the road ateig'at o'ulook, and they nover loft my place from thathour andl five o'clooK in tlio evening ; on this day Idetermined to pat an end to this annoyanoe, and sum-mon Kennedy. H j 21?. Danford t Went down toKennedy that evening, and remembers too much ofwbat ooenrred. In it true that when you went downhe took off his hat, raised his eyes, and said, " Sohelp me G—d, I will hare you out of tbis t" that isperfectly preposterous ; it is perfeotly false, " So helnme G—d." Mr. Danford i You are in the habit ofmaking use of that expression P No, 1 am not. Mr.Danford contended that Ur. Dennis kept opon hialawn, and as tbe oows were passing lawfully along thoroad, he abould submit to the consequence if the cowawent in on bis land, and the defendant should net bobold responsible. He quoted several oases in snppoivof bis contention. He held that there was an aaimaiexisting between Mr Dennis aud ths whole country, iaconsequence ot b'l unfortuoatj habit of fighting withbis neighbours.' Complainant i Erery time I come tjtbis court I am Msailed. Edmond Kennedy deposedtbat on the 11th July, only three flows trespassed onVLt. Dennis's land, and not four as waa sworn. Mr.Danford submitted that it was not enough to give tbeoows up to Kennedy's children, and on that groun<$»alone he would ask the uenoh to dismiss the eases.Kennedy, examined, said his eldest son was fourteenyears old. Mr. Fortescae t Tae oourt are ot opinionthat the cases are proved, aad they feire 8a. onmpense-tfon tor tha trespass, and ISs. costs. Mr. Dennisdemanded that Kennedy ba fined the extra amounts.Mrj/rortesoae i The oases aro disposed of, and wemult request yon (a be silent.«tM0F« OT IT.—C. S. Dennis also summoned EdmondP£ei9|ady for using threatening language, and prayedto have him bound to keep tbe peace. The complain-ant was eross-examined by Mr. Danford, who pointedout to tbe bench that this application proceeded entirelyfrom ill-feeling on the complainant's part, and aub-mitted that the merits of the case woald be met by acaution to the defendant. After a brief consultation,the bench dismissed the summons.



DBUNX AMO DIBOBDXBLT.—William Foley, wascha-ged with being drunk and disorderly ou the3rd lust The Police Constable deposed tbat hewaa " singing in a very boisterous manner."Ueed-constable Barry : When tbe constable wentto take off his boots in tbe lock-up he "tore thelining" off bis trousers, fined 2a. 6d. or 48 hours.

FOOND STBATINO.—Catherine Molcaby wascharged with allowing two goats to wander on thepublic rood on tbe 4th inst. Sab-ooastableMcKenna said that tbe gouts were " spanselled" novery tight that it was almoct crnelty ; the fleshwas torn off tbe animal's legs. Fined 6J and coots,and a similar penalty waa imposed on JamesCuddihy and David Flavin.

DBUNKiNHisn.—Pat Foley, olio* " Paddy thefarmer," was obarged with being drunk at Ballina.-geary, on tbe . IStb August, Constable Sullivanproved the offence. Fined 2s.' 6d. and costs.

A-CASI or Wioxg.—John Hunt anmmnoad Mr.John Kyan, Strajd-street, for JM eld wages, al-leged to be duo Tj his son. Hunt asked for onadjournment, an bis solicitor, Mr. Ambrose, couldnot attend. Mr. Feely.'for Mr. Byan, objected,and Mr. Bogers said he would go on with tbe caso.

John Hunt deposed—I agreed on tbe 20th Ooto-ber last at JEI per quarter for the boy and his keep ;there was no one present at tbe time 1 agreed; attho end ot five or six weeks Mra. Byan Biid bis son'wanted a pair of shoes, and I gave 7B. 6d. for them ;I then heard Mrs. Byan got him a suit of clothe?without my consent j he never got a penny wages ;there was a little difference about my son breakingan epeigne ; Mr. Byan. got two suits of cloths formy son. but tho second suit be only wore twice, andMr. Byan baa tbe suit now ; Mr, Byan bos an ac-count against me for 6a. 8d. for groceries, wbioh Ido not owe him ; my daughter got casb, 43. ; Mr.Ambrose baa tbe written account ; Mr. Byan'saccount against me ia £i 16K. id. for two suits ofclothes, two collars, two shirts, a tie, and I. gave7s. 6d. for a pair of sboes. <; By Mr. F««Iy—I would take less tbaa £5 odd ;

cannot tell' the court what Mr. Byan owes myson i the boy left in July; if be bad remaineduntil now he would be owed 46 15s. and althoughhe left in July, I claim the whole amount in lieu ofnotice ; I admit that tbe JU 16a. 2d. which Mr.Byan has down, is right, for clothes, repairs, &c .

Mr Bogers said he would dismiss tbe caw with-out prejudioo. Hunt could appeal to tbe quartersessions if he liked: Thia ended the business.

FANNINGr-S INSTITUTE—TU*8I>AT. .Very Bev. Dean MOMAH.D.D., in the chair. .

AUo present—J. Strangujan, hon. treasurer] H.Dsnny, G. Watpole, ard jlMaher. : . .; ; > j

VSHDIBS.—The following were'accepted—Broad;Bid per 41b loot, Eliia Power j sugar, 22a. 8d. percwt, T. Curran j beef, 6|d, M. Dunphy j mutton,6Jd do; corduroy (60yarUs), Is. lid, Tobin anidona. "' .. " :. • , ;¦ . ".. ' : .' i . ' . ! " . "; '. ' : ¦ '• • ' : ' • ' :

WATIB, BAT».—Mr.' Strongman reported tbat,with tbe represenWtires.of other institutions, tbecommittee bad appealed against the water .rate andbad succeeded. Mr. Walpole i Would it not be wellto para a recoluticn now .that if tbo rite is struct¦on at agaia wo'sboald be prepared to appeal? Mr.Strangmani 'Nothing hna been moved in the matteras yet by the Corporation. MrpWalpolei I preaimy resolution.' ' Mr. Denny i I second; it . The ie-


WILLIAK MAMOMWR, Esq., presiding.Other oommitnioners present—Aid. Manning, Aid.

L. A. Bvan. J.P., Aid. W. 3. 8mith, Aid. Cantwell(Clonmel) t Aid:. Mahoay, Messrs. D. Kent, J.P.. T.Phelan {Clonmel) ; J. W. Downey, J. Murphy (Clon-melj ; 8. Strangman, H. White, W. Q. D. Qoff , F.Wifhtman, G. White, E. CUbborn«, P. MaoLey, J.Slattory, A. Nelson, H. Denny, L. Frooman, P.MoCartby (Clonmel).

TH» QCAT oownm .Beported having ordered the John's Pill dredgingto be carried out, under the superintendence of Mr.M. J; Fleming, city engineer. Mr. H. Graingor'stender for a suit of oil clothes was accepted. Theyrecomuiuaded that the pay of ScbDde *, tbt> engineerof the dredgei , be raised from 82s. to 35s. The re-pott Wb8 received und tbe recoauierdatioosa lo ied.

THE PILOl' COKKITTUBBeported that utters of numerous cntters fo \,bepilot service were considered, but no final decisionwas come to. It was reoo amended that BUl-op'epension be increaBed by J8I0 per annum. MesHra.Dukes, Caulatoa and Co., ' the contractors for theraining of the SHU tone, were ordered to be writtento to fulfil their contract A reply was- receivedffom them, asking oa wnat terms tbey would bereleased from the completion of tbe work, and thesecretary waB directed to write to tbe contractors,stating they wgre not prepared to enter into anyterms in the matter. A letter WHS received, statingtbat the price of a new cutter to replace the Seaj- Mwould be Jf}l,800. It was reported tbat during a galea collier ran into tbe pilot cutter und carried awuyber bows. It appeared on investigation that thecollision was unavoidable, and it was decided tofollow the usual custom in &uoh cases— each partyto pay for tbeir own damage* It was recommendedthat Capt. Mitchel'B penaiou bo increased by .£10per annum, nnd tbat first-jloss l ilot Fowler besuperannuated at £2 6s. per month, and second-class pilots Bicbard Butl«r and John Defgan at£2 per month.

Mr. KINT— Fowler is one of the oldest pilots webare. He baa been forty years iu the service, andbe ia in every way worthy of the pension tbey re-commend.

CaATBKAN—Is there enough funds to pay th°<se PMr. KENT said be believed tbey bad arranged fortho payment of these pansiona.

The report was received, and all the recommenda-tions; adopted.


Mr. Gore, pursuant »o notice, mored, " Tbat in-asmuch as the Corporation of Waterford have takenlegal steps to direst us of the quays, which webelieve and are advised, are our absolute property,having been built and constructed by our board,and uninterruptedly used and enjoyed by them, wenow request the Clyde.Shipping Company to de-fend the action, nominally taken against them, andinstruct their solicitor from time to time to conferwith our solicitor, Mr. Thornton, so that our in-terests may be fully protected, and tbat our solici-tor, if so advised, may intervene in our behalf."He said there was reryjiit tie to be added on the it is well understood by everybody. From theyear 1816, when tbe board was appointed, down tothe present day, thera hod bten no question aa tothe control of that portion of tbe quay to whichthia notice referred. It had been in the entire con-trol ot the Harbour Cotncissionern, and tbe boxabout which notice had been served on the ClydeShipping Company was erected with tbe consent ofthe Harbour Commisaione.i', and not of the TownCouncil The mere question ot a rent of .£10, whichtbe latter body sought to impose, was oa'ra baga-telle. It was not tbe question of rent alona thatwas at issne.- - There was a very much bigger ques-tion lying behind it—tbe control of the quays,which meant in another way the imposing of towndues on the trade ot Watertord. If the Corpora-tion succeeded in this action to obtain tbe right tocontrol tbe quays, tbey would hare power not onlyto lery rent for placing boxes on the quay, but alsoto levy texea on all gesds oroxsing or using thosequays. It would be a much s<mpler way for tbeCorporation to go to Parliament and get power fromtbat body to levy town dues. It was a questiontbat affected tbe shipping and trade of the port soseriously tbat he considered they were bound togire every assistance to the Clyde Shipping Com-pany in defending this action. For a long time tbeHarbour Beard had dono all in their power t) keepon good terms with tbe;r neighbours. They hadfrom time to time yield' 1 fo toe aggression of tbeCotporation, and be thought the time bad now cometo make a stand. At tho meeting in AugoBt a com-mittee was appointed with a view of waiting npostbe Finance Committee ot tbe Corporation io dis-cuss thia matter in dispute in a friendly manner,and with a riew to cotno io some terms which wouldpossibly prevent tbe large legal expenditu-e whichnow beemed to be inevitable. The Becre< .ry wasdirestel to writ < to the Finance Committee, at .tingtbat these gentlemen woD'.d like to meet t.> i>m.The letter was received, a id was, he undrrs' >d,marked " read," <¦ iswer Bent to it; conse-quently tbey were unable : > make any further adranee in the way of mooting the Corporation. Nowthere were many gentlemen outside, und a body oflatepayers, who were looking zealous'.y at tbe pub-lio expenditure, and bo would wisb-r > impress onthose .that the action of tbe Harbour Board wassimply a defensive oae. Tuey were not rushing in-to legal expenditure. They did not want to upendthe money of the publio thus—rather simply theywanted to remain as they were. They were quitesatisfied with their position, and . all tbey wantedwas to be let alone.- He bad nothing more to dobut to more bis motion.

Mr. H. DKNNT seconded the resolution.Aid. BTAK WHS about to speak wben.Mr. Qorr said it had just been mentioned to him

that there was an answer given by tbe FinanceCoinmittee to the letter written by the Secr tiry.That being so, he begged to apologise for tbe state-ment'which be had jusb made.

Aid. L. A. BTAK sincerely hoped that the gentle-men present would'consider thoroughly what theywere asked to do by tho resolution proposed by Mr.Goff, whi;b was to plunge tbis board into a bearylawsuit, without there being tbe slightest groundsfor doing so. Mr. Goff said in bis speech thatsines tbe establishing' of tbis board in 1816 therewas no question as to the coutrolof the qusw until?uife "recently. ~ He quite agreed with aim there,

t was only within tbe past six years tbat the Har-bour Board erer asserted their claim to control thequays of Waterford. It. was made at the time theWaterford, Dungarvan and Ljsmore Bail way Com-pany went to parliament with a bill, proposing theerection of tramways along the quays, and it wai.neces&ary for the pronotera of that bill to producethe consent of the parties owning the quays before,the promoter* could haw oompUud with the stand;ing orders. 'They applied to the Corporation forthat consent, and the Oorporatiop refused to give itto them, ana then it , was that .tbe Harbour Boardpassed a resolution giving r.tue .promoters leave toplace tbe tramways along the quays, bnt that con-sent was treated as wsate paper by the examiner ofstanding orders. ' He (Aid. B.) defied anyone at the.board to point out any instance in which they ever,'previouii to the time be ,had mentioned,' assert odany rijht to the'oontrorof the quaysof Waterford. Wben a ;sta.temont. waa made outfor-counsel's, opinion, oa tho^aiibjeot, a somewhatd-nilar;assertion to iihatMr^Goff had made wasinserted in it, and.yet the'opinion given by counselwas that the Harbour Boaid had no right whateverto tbo quajrs of rijimxu 'u.' ' Tue bed ol the riverwa» owned by tha Corporation,'and if they wishedtobuikl oil it without' toasint>r autnority, that didnot give the Harbpur"Bo»rd anyrclaim to tho struc-ture raised on. the. Corporate 'property. He should.say-that a'more unwlie statement waa never madeoat than' thai submitf/d'io coo&cul by the HarbourBoard.1 ID it » staUm'ent 'Waa made to the effectthat' tbe quays were diaintalnel at tWexpense of

''tta\BfaibpnV1 J iC;.:.»i»» '-p»^i-wk«\wa«.;to

the iabit qfattending the'oommittee*, but wopJdsee,tbie iheT expense;or keeptarin repair,tbo Mayswas . paid- by- the Corporation. 'Notwithatandjigitba* state-' ot thing»;<tbe>':deliberately' wroU: tocounsel, stating that the CorpopsUbngave nothlng«wotd((:iai>ntajD«rt:lth>i'S ;.

; * tt«:;TeryHihtiiatf 'of !tb«F' qnsyit wta;pald,for by:,tnfCprpora.'tfiW;jWVBotiwjib ii S|h«».(iM;tw te bii;',

\^WJ*Mjr tW* ,***tot .otJb*h^badMidJto bim," waicknowledja that the.bed and«oll tb«>i*fir a» thi propertj of -tho' Corporatioa,

•'l»i«J»Hlt*^»'l * . ?^ »''.1 !i??W1tbiro,"; T y Md |wo . sdv .;tar tUU-m;rt«T

;H*rboueBoa«i &^ leBit ««;j<;!tn«y.',TrflrpwSSSt^m A. th^»aw,fMt;^th«5¦eoUrtly-'out'oI'tbelC eonUol .Jae might as-voU betot*'wrt! U >fae)^ r tri^bposoVon »;pieoeo7 iland'ta '!n>c«4» ue« |)b»'l »«'.<m* owner W the1a 4,'«»'t6^oyVtaol« thst'Hai'bbur B r4 bai|t.i)n?tiicbrt-oil 1be-ri»«l» that theT bii?wntr9l:Q. ^ufl e

^mMp^Wf f'm HWlicIt^>"flBi^^lwWi'»J ftwJ''?W wwi4*wSw«i'w|1.'i ai «iuKollV'P»iiw!edl:rw.fa <MMl)«faC«Tery'j U^ aTcr la ted ib iiU' osra

ia lH lWoUii »SwS8wS S oWtnVS t iu.T^Aentworkingotdwj

&4h%M S»p»*SSPp*iS lp. ;'oarlei W'tfis \if ai, .W. wMte:

|s!t*c5!if S ww" ' wfip «t f • V ¦ I riU^nttf QM|( ) i ' )5lMlv*iPa««l'rf hopeat, aprfghtv

sabsi ribed a tmall sum of .£1,250 towards theirerection, thai they had the right of control overthem. , ,

Aid. SKITH agreed with Aid. Byan , and he hopedwith tbe majority of the board, that it would be aserious thing for them, without auy grounds, togo into what be considered would be endless litiga-tion. It might be well for the purpose of en-lightening thope who diii not know to etdte bow thequestion at piesent reatod. For years p. Bt therebad been some difference between the Corporationand the Harbour Boa id ss to tbe ownei-bip of thequays, but no litigation resulted, and now Mr.Ooff's resolutioa WHS an open declaration of war .The Corporatioa came to a reaolut'oo some f>meago that thoy would exercise coat IO I over some bo-osplaced on the quay. Thoy did not want to comeinto collision at all with tbe Harbour Boa.d. TheClyde Shipping Company took it into tbeir headsto*cbange"one of tjeir boxes, and they applied totho Harbour Board and gut leave to do so as far astbey could jnre lea»e. At t:ie nest meeting of theCorporation attention *ns railed to tbe tuct thatthe Clyde Compii y bad B-i p l'ed to tho Haboui-Board for leave tj put. a. new box on the quay.A question was aski d bad tbfy applied for leave tothe Corporation, as they claimed jurisdiction overthe quay, and the ausner was tbat there was nosaoh application made. The notice of the TownClerk was called to the uwtter, nnd he waa directedto write to the Clyde Company, calling attention tothe fact. To that letter no reply was given , and asimilar fate awaited a .'second letter which waswritten to them on tbe subject. Tbe company hadnot e»en the courtesy to acknowledge the receiptof the letteis. Of course be d'd not for a momentblame the courteous secretary for this, ae he wasonly acling under orders. Tbey deliberately re-fused to acknowledge tho Corporation at oil in thematter, doing wbat two committees of the House ofCommons had refused !o do. The Steamship Com-pany took it upon theioselres lo Bay, " We willdefy you ; we say the Coipoiat:on have no rightswhatever, and we will agree lo nothing they lay."Tbe question for tbe Coiporation was, were theyprepared to accept such a slnp in tbe face withoutresenting it t They determioe-l to reBent it, anaaccordingly served an ejecimeDt on the Clyde Com-pany. The Corporation iod not iu any way inter-ferred with tbe Harly>ur Board's right?, if they hadany rights at all. If tbe question at issue betweenthe Clyde Company and the Corporation was Bettled ,was it not very easy for the latter body to come tcterms with tbo Harbour Board af- erwarda. Wasthere anything behind their resolution which didnot appear ? He thought there was.

Mr. GOFF—Town dues. "Aid. 8M:H contended that this was an attempt

to make the Harbour Board prop up the Steamshi pCompanies against the rigbta of tho people ofWaterford. He appeaUd to them not to allow tbewater bailiffs' fees to ba equandercsi in liti gationwith tbe Corporation, who gave them those fees.With regard to the question of town dues, therewas not a word about them. He had been at everycommittee meeting at which the question tiboutthose boxes bad been discussed for the last fouryears, and during that time tbe question of towndues never cropped up in any shape or form. TheHarbour Board -appointed a committee to conferwith the Finance Committee of tbe Corporation onthe subject under discussion, but for some reasorjnothing came of it.

Mr. Go?* asked if it would not be well for thesecretary to read tho reply of the Finance Com-mittee, as he was in total ignorance of it ?

The Secretary having gone for tbe reply ?Aid. SMITH, continuing, said be supposed this

proposition to-day wanpirt of tbe outcome for thedemand for a public auditor. It waa an opendeclaration of war, and it was very well for thecitizens that euoh aa auditor bad not been appointed,as he would not have allowed the Corporation todefend themBelvea against tbiB board, as tbe LocalGovernment Board auditor would say to tbein , "youcannot stir hand or foot." If Bueh an auditor waaappointed tbe control of the city would bo virtuallylmndpd over ri the Hmbour Board, the railwayand steamBhip companies. He would again appealto them not I D enter into tbis endless law-suit pro-poBed. Supposing they gained the law-suit, in whatwould they be benefitted ? Beaten or unbeaten.did they expect that the Corporation of Waterford,having the control over tbe water bailiffs' fe?3, weregoing t) hand over tiro-thirds of them, as they<rere doing now, to tbe Harbour Bo.rd, t o enabletbat body to fight tbeui3elr?s ? The lawyers alonewould reap the benefi t of such a lnw-suit, andthousands of pounds would be spent for nothingat all (bear, he_r).

Mr. K ENT said it appeared to him that there wastome mtsundei'afondin'j between i^c ..uJitnittaes.They were all here as guardians of the interests ofthe citizens, and acting in that capacity he thoughtit would show mo-a wisdom and discretion to hesi-tate before taking tbis step, which would cost suchenormous expetie- He would suggct to have tbecommittee : meet at a '1, events before taking tbisexpensive step.

The SBOBETAEI hear ree 1 the letter from Mr.Howard, Town Clerk, acknowledging tbe receipt ofbis letter, and sr tinf; that the Corporation badentrusted the subject of tbe boxes on tbe Quay totbe Finance Committee, who wonld be happy to re-ceive the special committee appointed by the Har-bonr Board to discuss the subject, and appoint* 1 aday for tbe purpose. Tbe committees d'd not meet,as the Corporation bad not appointed a special com-mittee to consider the nubject.

Aid. BTAK said he had told Mr. AUingbam totake no notice of that letter, that be would hearfurther in.a few days. He did thia, as be consideredMr. Howard bad outstepped his duty in appointinga day t > meet, as be wished tbe Finance Committeeto disoups the subject folly before receiving tbespecial committee of tbe Harbour Board. He sug-gested that tbe Finance Committee should meetand fir a day to receive) tbe special committee, butfor some reason be wns tjld it could not be done.There was some misunderstanding between thecommittees, and it mi ht be well tbat tbey shouldmeet and see what would come of it

Mr. Qorr —As 'a matter of fv .'t, there was no realanswer at all sent by the Corporation.

Mr. 8LATTEBT said the whole question resolveditself into one as to whether or not they were tohave litigation. As a citizen of Waterford and amember ot the Harbour Board be certainly thoughtit unseemly that the tvo public bodies Bhould comeinto contact with each other. He considered it wasfar'better, to hare a misunderstanding rectified thanto go to law (heat, het.r). It would be well tbat thecommittees should meet and diaco&a the question,as tbis would be tbe means of preventing perso-nalities being indulged in. The Corporation com-menced tbe litigation——

Ald~ SMITH—They commenced it against a pri-vate company. ¦

Mr. 8LATTBaT was distinctly ot opinion that iftbe Corporation get uontrol ot the c'.ty, tbat townduos would be. levied.

' Mr. 8. WHITE—Wo understood that tbe FinanceCommittee absolutely refused to meet us or bareanything to say to us in tbe matter.

Aid. BxnVH—Thero was no each resolution cometo. ¦

Mr. WHITI—I do not say so. I merely say wewere of tbat impression. I certainly would supportsending back tbis matter to the committees.

Aid. CAHTWSLL .said, there was a little bii.keringon both sides, but it would be better for all con-cerned to keep out of litigation, ¦

Aid. BYAN said bu believed Aid. Caatwell hadbeen nearly caught by the statement about towndoe*.- Now be did not believe tbe Corporation hadthe power to levy such dues. If it was proposedto levy town dues under the present Corporate Actsbe would be one of the first to oppose it.

• The CHAIRKAK said it had always been tbe dis-position of tbe Harliour Boord to meet tbe Cor-poration in n, friend!,/ spirit, and be believed tbeCorporation ongbt to have treated them witb more,consideration, aud hate appointed a special commit-tee to meet I: e committee appointed by this Unrdto consider tbis subject. . .

. Mr. K»N.r moved us an amendmen, and 'Me. ',8LA.YTC&T seconded, " Tout all action with refer-ence to the boxes on tbe quay be suspended by tbeCorporation until tts two committees meet anddiscuss the question." ' -, . Mr. WianrnAW sungested tbat the motion should -be caaried, and the oommittevs then mee: and dia-ouss the subject; and try . to come to some amicable'arrangement. . , .wAfter some further • discussion. the amendmentwas carried, the voting being :— ¦ . ;r-rf of ^Uuan. Cantnell iMannligiNeUou, Freeman, '8mith, ;Uahony, Maolcey, i Kent; Wait* (Q.), • Byan,MoCarthy, Slattory, H> White. Strangolsn-M.-'4po<7wrt-Hetirj. Dinnri Ollbborne. Paelan, Murphy

Ite»»tX/Wl8htinM>'(loff,and the Cbairnian-8.

• , ;• fti'Wai then dtildtdtbat-the original committee

^tbiethe* with M6!iB<'Denn7,-"WighunsJiJ and Blat-Wyi-b 'app«lot«i to 'MnfJrwIth the Finanoe Com--¦akmci haCpr ttloiioh theaubject , . ; , i 'nrTbe ,meeting"then, adjourned. _ , ., ;. ,. -. ; . ¦ ¦; ? "

'fci-vi: !;(:.- i' - 'HEW ;'BO88—VvKDXt.y - ;:"J •'¦'•• I^Tnta'towtf-se.mi ' to^bytateadlyFtoptortaff tobtt»ihijsi;'r: T6U May;'Mfafpitp&l **the crops ari,

BOAED OF GUAHU1AN S— WBDNBSDAT.Captain GTLKS , J.P., and subsequently B.

Monmsti, Esq , T.C., in tho chair.Also present—Aid. Bedmond, Capt. Ge.ndy. J.P.,

Dr. Scott, J.P ., Capti'u Power, Aid. Clampett , theMayor , Hon. D. F. Forte3coe, Sir It. J. Paul, CaptainA/msi.uug, J.F. , Mess™ Conk'eve Uogeta , J.P.i N. M.Alien , T.C.. J. Leatnv, T.C., P. Kuouy, T.0-, J. Walsh,R. JIcO Jlli , J. LawlcBa , E. Brennan, Dr. 0. I.JIackesy. J.I'., aoil E. Hearn.

THI DIRECTED EB81QNATIOK OF DR. B0BK1TT.Aid. CLAMPKTT said t iey weie oil awaro tbat

they had been called on by the Local CoverfluientBoj rd lo request Dr. Butkitt to send in his resigna-tion , and to ;;et a more efficient office- in hia .aie.-.d.As fur as efficiency went they could get no one moreso than Dr. Uurkitt , who, during the foi ty-twoyears be was medical officer of tbe union, no"iiardian , whether elected or ex-officio , hod any-thing to Bay ajjuinst him. To cull on Dr. Buikittfor liis resignation in tliia manner utter 42 jeaiB ofEiic.h eervice , waB a sti gma wbieb be did not thj n--1'icy ought to .illow him to rett under, and it wasfo • these reasons bo would piopote th:-.t tuey n-spect-fnlly ask the Local Govern ment liuaid not to presafn- the ree ^ goatioo of Dr. Buikitt , who , for overf. Ay years, hod faithfully and efficiently servedtliem . ii'id btatiog that if the oidcr for Dr. Eui tilt 'sresignation wua withdra wn , the boaid had veanonto believe that an- arrangement would be miiaewhich wonld be quite BAtUfacto ry to the Lo.«lGove'ntnent Boaitl .

Capt. Poivzit biid plca:u:i* in sccoodtog the re-solution. 0 uey were all aw aie of Dr. UurUiU'sserrices, auu he beiiered it would l>e very d'Scu'.tto get an officer to fill liis podition as be hud done;he WHB suie tbe utroo would buffer by tbe doctor'sdeparture.

Mr. KENNY suggested that in the resolu tion itought be inserted, " That the forty-twoyears Dr. BurUitt was in their employment lie neverreceived a repiimand."

Hon. D. P. FOBTESCUB thought it would berather a difficult task to induce the Local Govern-ment Bo:ird to enter into an orrangement wit h tbeguardlaco of tbe kind pvopoj ed. Ho one waB amore M&cero well-wisher to Dr. Bin*kitt than hewasi, or who ieco;;niBed the servics lie had donemore thun he did. lie bail inleoded to g've noticetbat the maximum leti 'iog allowance , i no-tbirdsof bis Balttiy. be granted to Dr. Eurkitt. Be con-sidered it would be a ratber diffoult matter to puttb'S before the Local Governineat Board ae a ques-tion of argument. He did not Bee bow tbe LocalGovernment Board could bind tbemsulvea to with-dra w tlie letter written by them.

Mr. LEAM * eaid tbe board would be unanimousin doing anything which would be of udvant-ge toDr. Buikitt.

After some further discussion, in which Dr. Scott,Mr. Allen and others, took pait. at tbe suggestionof Hon. D. F. x OEVKECUK , seconded oy Aid.CLAMPBT T, it was reso v.-d, " That in anticipationof the voluntary resignat ion of Dr. Buikitt—talt ;nginto account his long and faithful services as medicalofficer of thia union—ihe Local Government Boardbe respectfully requested to reconsider their demandfor hia resignation."

ECONOMY .—Mr. ALLEN objected to the paesingof a boaid order for threo thermometers, w hichMr. Hamilton , L.G.I., bad suggested should be pro-cured for the hospital wards, on tbe ground thatthey were not required, and would help to inm-eaaethe rates. The Older was passed, Mr. Allen andAid. Clauipett being tbe only two guurUiaiB whowere againBt granting it.

HALV TEABLT REPORT.The Local Government Boaid wiole , siuting that

tlioy hai received Mr. Hamilton's half-yearly re-port on the state of the union. With respect tothe cleanliness of tbe norkbouse Mo. Hamiltonreported " tbat there has been a tuaiked impiove-ment in those departments generally where it wasjjoBt needed, and tbat many part8 of ihe woikboucewill not now suffe r by comparison witb any otnerin bis district. The infirmary, tbe women's depart-ments generally, tbe girls' and the infants' ocboolsrespectively, the Bepamte vaida, tbe female idiots'department, and the fever hospital ave, ba states,all well kept, and be bus noted tbe boys' schoolrooms as the least satisfactory in this respect."As regards the heating of tbe aeveral wards, Mr.Hamilton observes tbat " it is difficult to keep uptbe temperature in the wocien shrjs and in tbeinfant school department in particular, where thereare now some very young children," and the boardwould suggest to tbe guardians the necessity oftaking this subject into tneir consideration. Thedrainage of tbe workboujo <s reported 'oy Mr.Hamilton to be improved. With regard to tbemanagement of the school and the progiess of tbechildren , Mr. Hamilton states tbat " some of theuojo Jo not attend school regularly in accordancewith Article 23 of tbe workhouse rules." The ar-rangements for tbo industrial training of tbe chil-dren are report .d by fill. Hamilton to ba fair, but,ax regards the boys, tbat the hours for industrialtraining should not be allowed to interfere withthree hours daily literary instruction. Mr. Hamil-t >n reports tbat " tbe females of tbe lunatic andidiot classes are in the sbeds of the fever hospital;a charge of a p?d officer w jo, he thinks, is utten-tive to them ;" but be btates that the ma 'esare intbe same condition as previously reported by him,tbe chiof portion of the aucom modauoa for thembeing cold and damp in winter.

Mr. MATOB—That is a very creditable repoit.On motion of the Hon. Kr. Foci'x.coc, it wasdecided to 'uke immediate a. jps to have tbe l oofingof tbe sheds made waiO.proof, and on motion ofSir E. PAUL, it wai oideid to a''ow tbe repoit iolie on tbe table.

THE LAEO0EEE8' ACT.With regard to tbe terms under which loans will

be made under the Labourers' Act, tbe Board ofPublic Works forwarded tbe following extract fromtbe Treasury minute referred to in section 18 ofthe Act, as follows :—

" If a loan is repayable within a period not exceedingtwenty rears, ot percent. , If a loan is repayable withina period not exceeding thirty yeare, 3J per oent. If aloan is repayable within a period exceeding thirty, butnot exceeding forty years, 4 per cent.v and if repayablewithin a period bxoeediDjr forty years, 4} per cuat."

Hon Mr. FORTXSCUZ said tbey bau not unuwerf dtbe question tbey were asked, as to what mte percent, woold be required to pay off interest andprincipal. He saw by a speech made by Mr. atuart,M.P., at Dungarvan, explaining the Act, that itwould be 5 per cent, for thirty years, but it wouldbe well to hare official information on the subject.

It was decided tb direct the Clerk to apply againfor the required particulars.

The guaiditus of tbe Listowel union forwarded aresolution passed by them, urging tbe governmenttc reduce tbe terms for interest and repayment oftbe loans necessary lo carry into operation tbeLabourers' Act. CLKBK : You buve applicationshere to-day for orer 103 cottages. All you e*n do isto consider them this time and prepare a completescheme next year.

Mr. MAOUT read the following ktler, whichbad been addressed to him :— I

West View, Sunday's Well, Cork, Oot. 9, 1883.MY DXAB SIB,—I cannot be at you meeting to-

morrow, being detained, here for some days longer. Icalled at tbe Cork union yesterday. Up to thin no re-presentations undor tbe Labourers' Act have bosh pre-sented to the Cork board of guardians ) continently1 obUiued no information on that important subject.' Itstrikes .melt woald be advisable for the board to fix to-morrow, at their meeting, some day for the conshleratiodof the representations whioh may hare reached you. Itseems to me to be nnwisd uy postpone to tha lasting con-sideration of all ths repreaeutationa. - ; The. «9urso Itake tbe liberty ot. suggesting would, I think, Jiimplifytbo dn.y of tho committee, moved for by Caw, Gyles,enabling thorn to go fui'y into.the monts of ¦jabb"re-presentation. We cannot expect even to test', the Actwithout devoting muoh tinn and trouble to its condi-tions. It might be wall if Capt. Gjrlea* oommltiee badpower to procure, any professional nsaisUnix theythought necessary to enabla them, to prepai.-o theirreports on-ths different ropresentadom.' I sm sureths bodra will nive you any assUtanoe you niay findnecessary;; Tbe ootlon of tne Goveromo&t, U; not ac-tually hostile, -has been mo»t uofrleudlr to ths io-bourore' Act, .¦ Eeu*,' I thins, w* sboeld be sxisi cars-ful to disohargaour ¦duties U- conn»ioUon vith themaatnrt. H»re you ascertained ou wbkt terms Govern-ment will max* advances for'.worMni'.tce.JLetr'.' Wpcan formanopln'on of their foelings'towards, tbo Aotbr their reply to tbe questions ,yoa have already askedwith regard to advsnoss.—rours faltatullr, . - ;

. ¦ ¦ ; - .. :.¦-- . i^ ! . .' i ¦ • ¦¦ • '• * ''-P:'J.' Powx &- i

Marked .'• rend," . . . . , - . t ¦•¦-.. ¦¦ . - ¦ ¦ ¦ . . ¦¦¦ "


., Hon. Mr.' PosTrscoi tben mdrcd, and jQiptainABMSTCOK/J seconded, '5 That the rslievinf ofooerobe lequested' to furnlso them with tbe number ojlaboup3rV.horu«s;aod.tbe rooma',.t1iby ooc.btin ineach of their distriotJ, and the ainonnt: rf < lanr]attach, d to eab'-i dwellimf, and' al«o;ihaf thei ofBiemof bealtti be .¦equosted, to. specify .. the .nuiaber olhouses in'' eooj of their dletricU ttat are unfit forhuman habitation.":'; 'Tbe;re*»lnWoii;waa ptwed.; !

Ubour4«>.bdu««;aoaVtbe robm«,tT(ejr bot.biiuvixx: ..^ tn^CmntiU-Ujnuttbei. isthecarelater ; heeach of-their distriot«,' »nd the ¦inouot -irfilanrl holds *e; key. ; :To.Mr. Btrang*: Henneberiy todattach.d toesi j dweUloij, and'also hat tbci offiiero nje be.wasjbe^wtster, .rnf r left bim there asof health be:^M«id7to.iip*olfy;. tbe:nu.iBbe«.«rX


^Ke r:rl do;not pay bim any wage,,

houses iuVeaoioi tbeir dletHcU tt»t a» unfit fob -^cber.y./ecalled. in reply to Kr.-E liott, saidnuin«n habitation. '; Tbe 'reielnttoewaa pissed.

™! .Jf te OBrenuaa- never toia-him to take care ofuf r"~.j ... :.:¦. ¦ HOifisTT " '" f * \ " ¦"• • "• ! • tbi», land j-ha-merely • looked »fter it for Fatbec

. Tbe CMB«,-wported. tbat. be Jurt jofr.tfeceiTed -?rr« »*k* ¦ *'¦¦! iu'?d f0

* 0fcin «tampa."Mby roiiti»ko,in iray olfe«tltuUon giTr e^

Uut tbe Umou declined to heati hur,

(IsoshterK- Or. Jtovtt.- « I mo»e J«i«t it b» lodged «w* »lt3.r liSbott consolation, they, dismissed them tbo^bank to the credit of the union (renewed CM9M? -v;' f ;vf;;;V . :•- _-¦¦ .- ¦ ¦• '.-¦ ''' ¦ '• ¦ ' ¦ ¦

tanrtter) -J !• .¦•<:' «• ,•.. • • ;>..,;:;; .'. .- ;;. .-> > ;;;; •:!.- - r. ABaiUI.T8.~A number of Tfhish"rpiTi nViVitf-'iii^ ii"''* thV'M«Isi(i^ "fik therlnirrisays,-.the.Wa!l«>tuetfiUpatricks, and tbe

F&&i8&62$SB£& iBSsattsfesaaasastttitSrV'-^ Wa.T^ if ft jK '* ^M^^ t™».%.Sa^Mfw;;iJDe 'iitt,r» tiH»to >!*^Mifciilia#*MHrote^^4r * ;imf.» i* ;p .- ft«4;Vbaitrtuitlis'*J TJr H^T* S,icon 'W»"moll4nTit*liBtf'ikt.t* aa3 fellowi lld^bsn&ilv.jli tnrl^^ ^ .vik'¦-JPf, BO0T1? Maon<Marwr-jnamwfwqMSW jft: a»xonow»i—^*«»erman Uiuy.jH-rtprtoi BSOJ'.lfr;¦ '.^^* ; i»^late4?ts jr^iifiW!|ljg Js^^"w^; ^2^^»?^U^Mi^^p^^«v .

.jbarj;;w.^ ^?« J fi*!L'*''(»*< fi*tnfil%- |Cn^ /,ad^ fi^

»||o ;-;«ti(tb>-'4iJi). i

^ ':'i*iS;3JV?.{; |s?.^ ^ :?' *(?:< ¦?fe v%' ;S'S-'v •' ;'J ' - ; i

iiiiiiiiiSiafcii ^iiiiiiiKswii

A I'ATMrKT.—The Local Oovtmnjtnt liourdwrote , sanctioning the payment of £i 3B. a week t >Dr. White, for acting us temporary substitute forDr. Cutlar, medical officer of the W.-iterfoid dispen-sary district.

A puCbethic appeal iras read from John Breer ,an inmate, asking the guardians to secure li jjhtemployment for him, which he had noug ht in vainelsewhere, and enclosing an exaactfiom THE N EWS ,headed " Woikhouso Eelief ," in which it was Btati-dthat an inmate of the union was offeied woik forwhich he waa specially adapted, at ICs. a week , nodlie refused to take it. Tbe Clerk waB direclvd topoint out te Breen that they could do noLoiu ^ forhim, and tbe meeting odjourned.

STATK OF THE HOUSE .—Bo-naioiog at bat report ,924 ; admitted , 'J7 ; born , 3 ; discharged , 75 ; died ; 5 ;rcmaiuing, 0<". ; correspondiog week last you -, 1 ,02-' ;cost of proTiB'oiih and neceoea ries received ,i;llG8«. 8d. ;do. consumed , £127 14a. 4d. ; general average cost ,28. 7jd. j in infirmar.", 3s. 2d. ; in fever hoxp 't.1 , Cs. Ci. ;bonpital nurses , 3s. Oid- i diniog hall , la. 8tl .


PBIEbT 'S LAND.At the Kilmacow Petty Seesiona yeaterdny. Ijeforc

Mesars. J. I I . Jones, U.L., J. O'JVeill I'ower, JJ.U ,J. C. Kll i ott , Captain GjU'B, and Captain Walsh ,K.S1., Ecv. John Carroll , P.l'., Ki l macow, BU II;-moned Mr. John McDermott, deputy sheriff for tbei-ounty Kilkenny, and Mr. (ieorjje llonia, ofWoodlands, for having wantonly trccpossul on biHhind. Mr. Strange appeared for coujplairj unt, nuJMr. P. W. Kelly on betalf of -Mr. iloiris ; M i .llc£)ermott was unrepresented.

Mr Klliot Enid Mr. ilcDermott wrote to himypaieidHy, asking to tuve toe case adjourued. oa becould not possibly attend. To is waB the iky fort JO quarter eesaions at Toon-abtown , aud he Lud tobe present tbere.

Mr. Strange said he was in Tbomastonn yester-duy, aud should be tbere to-day, but he yare up hiaaei>3ions io order to uu pi'Cfceut here.

ilr. Elliott—Your action was voluntary, but hisis compulsory, ifr. Keli j : I ask you to go on withthe case.

Mr. Strange—Father Carroll is here and liebrought all his witnesses , and X tuut,t protestagainst your adjourning this caso on a writtenletter, wJtuout any cause being ueei gned for doiogBO. Mr. McDermott could have got leave to be inattendance to-day, and appointed un assistant to dowbat was neuebaary. Tbe bench tben decided tobear the case.

Mr. Strange said Father Carroll felt very grievedat tbe circumstances which led him to :>rin<r thi8case, yet the satisfaction whicJ be waB likel y to netwas of a very small description, and by no meansequivalent to the wrong he believed be had sus-tained On Friday, the 14th September, theie wasa seizure of cattle made at tbe suit of Mr. Geon-eMorris. Father Carroll was tbe owner in personhaving been bequeathed it by tbe late FatherBrennan, of a email field quite close to Kilmaco wThere has no reaBon in the world wh y the cattleshould bave been driven on this field , and yet theywere, and in doing- so the trespass of which theycomplained was committed. Father Carroll, whowished to take no part in these proceedings, badtbe appearance of huving, when bis parishionersgot into trouble, placed his property nt thuservice of tbe authorities for the purpose of havingtbe law carried out against them. That is whiittbe rev. gentleman complained of, and he thoughttbat where tbe sheriff and his men came to carryout the law they ought to have given good examplein observing the law, and not commit an out-i-n -e and ft t.CFpass. 'J'uey wanted to show that itwas not with tbu consent of the gentleman hurepresented that his gate wus broken open, bidfield entered upon, and his prisnioners' cattle drivenin and sold there. Tbe maximum penalty undertbe Act in which they were proceeding was only103. and costs.

Eev. J. Canoll, P.P., examined by Mr. Strange—You are complainant in this case ? Yea. Youhold and keep a small field in upper Kilmaccw ?YeB. How long is tbat in jour possession ? 1'ortii e last six months ; since the probate of tbe willof my late predecessor waa taken out ; it was iaFather Brennan's possession for fifteen years before.You kept tae field since tben ? Yes. How uiuculand does it contain ? Not an acre ; it is next theroad. Had the gate a hasp on it ? It had a lockand Btaple ; tbe lock was on it on tbe mormng inquestion wben I went down, but the ttaple ivasdrawn ; conld not say who drew it. You did notsee the cattle in tbere p I did not. Was thereany representation or request made to you for tbouse of the He 'd ? None, whatever. You have sincebecome aware of the object for which the field wasentered ? Yes, and it placed me in a false positionwith rega»nl to my parishioners. 1 believe yourobject ia coming neie to-day ia more to rigot your-self than for any pecuniary penalty ? Yen.

To tne Court—X let a "portion of this field, buttbe people who bave it are so poor tbat I do not askthem for any rent for it. To Mr. Stiange : Thereis a portion uf the field entirely my own ; that por-tion is immediately adjoining tbe gate, and tbecattle could not bav« got into the field withoutpassing over it.

By Mr. Kelly—People pay rent for tbe bousetbat is on tbe land ; cannot tell woo opened tbugate, but this I can tell, that Mr. Barty in the pre-sence of Mr. Strange and Mr. Morris, said not onlybad possession, but forcible possession of tbe placxbad been taken. Did you warn them off tbe laud ?I cannot swear tbat these people were warned otl ;they were ordered at tbe g ite not to go into thefield, as it was the parish priest's property.

Mr. Kelly submitted tbat Father Carroll bad notproved bis title to tbe place, and on that ground heasked tbat tbe case abould be dismissed. FatherCarroll : How have I not proved it ?

To Capt. Walsh—X pay* rent and taxes for tbisland ; no rent is paid to me for tbe field ; am paid6d. for the houoe alone ; it was by sufferance thatFather ifrennan allowed a plot of land to go nituit, and I rlid the same ; as my character is at stake,I would feel obliged .f you (Mr. Kelly) would beparticular as to what you are Beating.

To Mr. Elliott—The patch whica l gave to tbhtenant is not fenced off from the rest of the field.

Bicbard Henneberry, examined by Mr. Strange—I remember tbe 1-lib September ; ioon-s this fieJd ;it is in Father Cirroll's possession ; was there onthe day mentioned, and saw tbe cattle before theywere driven to the gate ; one man came in overtbe wall and opened the gate, and ahoved the boltoff and caught the gate and dashed it against tbuground ; told him not to break tbe gate, that it waaFather Carroll's property, and asked him woo £avehim liberty to put in the cattle there ; one manwbo bad a paper in bis hand asked what claim Ibad to prevent him, and I Eaid I bad an interest inthe place, as I bad tbe key ol tha gate, and said iswas a misfortunate thing it was not locked, but thatwould not bave been tbe ca&e if tbe staple waa notdrawn by some children the nignt before ; told himnot to put tbe cattle iu there ; previous to that Iheard tbe people say be was tbe sheriff s man, andhe said to me " Whatever damage is done I will boaccountable for it" ; tbe cattle were put into tbefield at ten minutes pafct six in the morning, andwere left there until twenty minutes past eight ;they were driven away again, nnd I was told theybad been solcT in the field.- By Mr. Kelly—Who authorised you to act onFather CsiroU's behalf ? I was Father Brennan'stenant, and was expecting to be Father Carroll'o.Who authorised you.1 Nobody. Did you want tbemen to leave ? I did not.' Father Carroll, in reply to the bench, saidBtneoerr/ was not tue man wbo lived in tbe cottageon tbe small piece of land.

Micbav'l Cooierford deposed that be rememberedtbe morning in question ; he suw tbu seized cuttlestanding in Fataer Can oil's field ; toeie was noperson inside with them, but tiiere were four, oi-five policemen sitting on the wall ; witoeas Baw i.he8ub-4beuff .auction tbe cattle to Mr. Hutty, whowas on a car on ihe tattd By Mr. Kelry :Do not know howibe cattle got in there.

^. Mr. Ke'ly pointed out tbut instead of unlawfullybreaking up»n tbe gate as tbej> were charged njihdoing, it was simply Shoved open, and he pointedout .tbe {act t'uat Uiwy weie never asted to leave byan authorised pemon. Mr. Stiun^e commented ont 'ao evidence, and Mr. Kelly said t'uey bad no evi-dence tbat Mr. Mo* -is was tbera at all..C*pt Gyles pointed oat' that the Act d'tected

that the defendants should be warned by tLe ow noror caretaker pot; to put toe cat tie inside the field.

Page 4: Especially suited for Pulped Turnip). . . ' Wiitiur,~T:.i3a£zz» z" TEE WATEBFOBD 17BWS." ' ,; .' ESTASUBHXD—1817,

2pr««Rd; ."«««tjo^WWkWSA. wwWWSVVW^W^WWW^^^^NNVN *

NORTH AND SO^TH.•< Ko hud,nofeopla.'or so ampin t»«rmjgnat whew iken

r I» dlTl«ton unOB» her olilldr«n"-Taj<aUThen in riven flowlaf . •In lands unknown. '

¦c Thtn't TbanvsiwlUt flory,

. -: Arm with itarr.. • :. ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ . 'And S*ip« splendid with battles' beart.' :

' '. ButBonesdnoaras- ¦ liiiiiMnlwu.'1 " ¦

¦ ¦ ' :¦

..BrightSMhis* X *» irith saeh mm'* part,1 -'Twos Urtrt» tilt 'donor

i ¦» ,. J aood-proud uuuu ber>Pow'jrUMtsvtrlsnbajret, - :•¦'And lord olTr«l»nd, . ¦ ¦

Oargn^oldjUs-bud,1 ' Jflned^ulgnds.tcfe a:. who h»d never mot. ;

; .¦

..' Blear1*** Uial*o«r '- Ta*2forthliadj>oweii . ,

To meet tb* Sooth with fraiped hand.And nl*e no, rag • ¦ - .- Bata brflUaril lug, . ; ' . .

To help th» tatare of oar native land. ,We never dreamed It, :Ko no had teamed it, •

Onr eyes, were lifted, Irat could never seeThis light to jlor(ous—•Hikes nt victorious, - - • ¦

Korth and Sooth on the liter Lee. . .'TSs no vain'story '

¦ .This work before ye, ' • "• ¦ iAsd in yoar hearts.maj it ever b»| ¦- • :

' Tbe Sooth u «v«r, with hare endeavour,. ' .Joins Leigan,' Boyne, and splendid Lee.

Arab (low* with snnny beauty '.,' Along tbft shores whtre Dante trod,¦ And «berjellow - <

And Rhine so Bellow J '. ¦ ;Many a wanderer loves to seo» :

But «tm the moonlight,Star asd ntnlUht, . •" ' "'

filesa North and South on the rlrsr tee. - ' i. . . . J, 0. Winua, MJ)

THE ETERNAL GOODNESSI Inow not what the futon) hath

01 marvel or surprise s • • • •iaanxni ahone that life and *1fl*t 1

HU rowj underlie*. ,And to, beside the silent lea, -

I'wait the muffled o«x; .Ko harm fxom-Blni can oonie to pie

On ocean or on shore.I know s6t whore hit ialands lift

Their bonded joists' In air jIonly knowleinnvtilrfft . . .

Beyond His loveand,oare> i . ;.

&9*Uttttutt.F.ABMING .OPERATIONS FOB OCTOBEB.BOOT, CEOPS.—Late, eowa turnips .that require aV

final drill grabbing ot surface Bcuffling to keep downwecda should have it before a break comes in the¦weather.' Large seed weedsfihould be palled up andnot allowed to lipen their Beeda growing through theloot crops, and' on no account allow them to remaintill the lifting of the crop. :iThe leaving of thesetall annual weeds till the lifting of the crop U oneof the many fruitful, sources of. weed propagation.1 '

SXOBINO BOOT CBOW,—Some ;fannere whasow.mangels; carrots, and parsnips.earlyj.or enjoy highlycultivated and early farms, take up these.crops attbe end of the month. - Unless the levres show in-dications of- matured growth' tbe roots should notbe raised. Hie period of maturity should be per-mitted' to arrive before aajr. of . these root* can beraised" with impunity, . as' their keeping;.-powerswould be.impaired, and this is a point not to beoverlooked in these.orpps,' . ., ; , . ¦.: ¦>'. ' ¦.. ¦; ¦ ¦¦ QBXSN * CBOPS' AHB ' STOLES CHOPS.—-Wherecabbages are'jrown they maybe planted ont by thelatter end of this / month. . We: have, found Non-pareil to etand the winter, best, and is s, goodgeneral'variety for planting at any Baason of theyear:' Plants to stand over winter, should be takenop from' tbe seed bed aid planted, out in speoially-prepared' beds.' ' It stzeagthens the; plants, makesthem ' more 'hardy, and • esi*Wishes.» good root.When rape baa been' transplanted «nt or sown indrills the scnfflershpald b* freely, used to palTeriBethe surface and destroy weod growth.. ¦ A: «arerethinning Should also'be given to the seed-sown crop.This UTto6 often omitted, bot it tea fatal mistake.Vetches njay still be ebnn as a «occe«sion; also ryeand beVe fn iDOory or reciaimedland. .: : '

WBHAf 'Bbmrio.—Autumn or. ', winter iwheatshould' bo"sown in' October j ,but; many good far.mera 'defer the sowing until tho following .month.Wbeu'wheattt grown on a farm it almost invariablyfoU6w«r ttie p6tato,.' ss the land is left in a richerand bettor atute'after this than, any other mannredcrop i "and again, 'potatoes are'always removed intime to'Kdmtt of the wheat being sown at tho pro-per season'."!'!In','digging the potatoes all-weedsvbould'bd forked oat and removed! The land shouldth«n be ploughed across tb'e' direction of drills b«lazy tods; and afteiwards grubbed ,and harrowed.On the surface so produced tbe seed may be scatter-ed broadcast' at' the rute of from, ten to /oorteeastone ' per statute acre, and ploughed : down with alight furrow, slice, and harrowed { bat a better planIs to throw the cultivated surface into barrow drillsor ribs, by a ribbine plough, scatter the seed as be-fore; and cover by barrowfng/ .'or tho land { may, bemade into drills,'- eigbtoen or twenty inches . apartwith the double' mould-board'plough, half the seedsown, 'the drills split, : and' tho remaining naifscattered, and the land rendered e ven by the harrow,In this way tbe wheat will como op in rows nine orten inches asunder. ' Wheat will require steeping,todestroy any smut. " Various steep* are used for thispurpose,' many preferring the brine salt and watermade imHcIently; strong to float aniegg. . Autumnsown wheat must Sot be rolled until aprbg. , , ' ¦

Wivrrt OATB.—Bussian.' Diin oats aw usoallysown in October.' It is belt committed to tbe souin one of the ways pointed for' Wheat Dan oats'are eminently useful in coming in at a 'time whenthere is a ' gseaf scarcity of both ' straw: and' oate.This we "believe to be its main, find perhaps ita onlycommendation; ' ' ' •. ' " '. ' * ' , ' '• ' . . ¦ ¦ :-

¦ : iT1—^ .MA . u .^^.—VMM ' .^ .«.a H/la*iM**»a .*«« 4" i w% — 1 *MJTOTAIV /I. ITII W I».— mr IDIUWU UJ1 \MV ,<BiJUUj{ VI

mangel, ' 4c.. equally apply* to 'the raising! of , thepotato crop.; Potatoes •hould not ba raised that aremeant to be stored'-for wihter! or spring use untilthey are ripe. Itia inconsistent rith natorp to' ex-pect them to keep1 Wfll'Unless' fully, ripeued' ingrowth. Dry weather alonft ia tnltablo for .raisingand storing; this'crb'p 'fend bf late' years'we batepractisodpicking the 'edible' portion 'cf the" cropeepara<;elywhen ga'«hering,'tben the second sise and¦mall 'sound' ones; and; flnaUy.the bod or diseased;cut, and' extremely small ones. ' Each'., must'!bdtreated separately accordintr-to their destination«nd the'eonreniencesof the farmer; If to "be pittedallow them to'remain with a covering of 'sUaw onlyfor a few days' to permit them to get {boroughly dry,and any excess'ot molitare in the tuber1 itself topass awaybefory finally closing' thttn, up in theirclay covering. "When stored' tn'a house or loft, ifperfectly dry whenplaced there, a covering of straw;dry sawdtut, corn shelling*, ;ic',' should be thrownover* them to exclude the oirl ' Onrtf Tlffniif ^^ wynft*'tion during the winter 'should be Jfiveoj1 and all un-¦onndor partially decayed roots taken tway.' V

STDBBUB,—When'Autuum tillage is. not carriedont,1 tha ploughing of • otubble land should fill ir?time nob required for more pressing work j and ftmanure is available it may be ploughed down undercertain' conditions.; Bubaoiling' in every' initsroftwhero it can be carried out sbcmld be adopted in allautumn work1, merely stirring and broakibg up the'•undersoil by whatever agency is at the oommaad' oftbe fanner. .

¦ • • • ¦ •. ' ;' ; '¦'•¦ -:•; •.¦' '.' ¦': '• y y-- \


XTVB'STOCX DAXBT 'CATTXA—The state of .theweather towards the end of the month' will deter-mine the dairyman or farmer in respect of bis treat-ment of milch cows. They are seldom housed daringthis month. Cows still in good flow of milk shouldget some hand feeding,-- Mea M cabbage*,mangel£»ves, and B, little fresh oatcri straw.; v— -" j

. STALI RO CATTX*—'Stock intendsd for the stall' should be selected land tiad up by the; end of this1 month if intended for early beef." Tb« feeding will

' cemmenoe-with tbe lightest'and inferiof food'at'first, gradoally sdfaacuig In quality M'the animal

• get* into goodfe^dipij and thriving condition.';1•.YOUTO' STOOX>-"Kearline1 beifen 'and bttllobloi

¦ will still have the run of the pejAure, and so-wiQtwo-year-olds 'nd:<abwuia'aot' iBUaie > tdt:the

;Btalla».< Shelter (a all plaoM whew naturt has not. given itshouidbefrovidod. Oood shelter is ©maU to.' ps^'twnperary tood.'Warmth<U«mdactlve;1o

E««lUu> .Calves absold hoa»e4.'brit "Uwt;' i well sheltered aod carefoUy fed night and nornin .- -Linieed cake, ¦'mea]<: «r bolls: in; a jtewtfed form

should be given- every teornlr /»jidMM»ijfe, rape.' «r soft tornips; witlta lUt^Oawswerthay atnight.. jit is very^mr^UHc tob« nl*ff*rdlyUifj»bdlng koto-

Vng ''calreMlQr?itt::Q&«r'&tt&to-&rtoekL'toab

I, groirtb; and1* liitfe Jwad twOiag! m»i(»»'. aU^tbe

a<rcnoa between goad tad Bad thriving Hattffiihfr¦; often"bsr»»thrscal«in fivoar *lfprofit ©* agihist: ia . Oalrss. viua Ugbly ladr r so44«jy.'eh*kg*S- ew liabl* bb» attacked by lBfloiamirtow r'f<fr#f'^r

- ic< WaekUgtrt this BeasoB.v <aut «rf Wtctfo1nea«jurBl< huctaarf stM eiitngttatoHrc iS. <f atkwf #>lfar. feed »*»ior •lltUe«k« ehotOdbs giret,'MffltUr

- '. fc b««aoa«b tofc*»^he Uwdai>ti«S*i>At«4hhW>'l:• i \\ hiB^^mta ^aiwmtb ^aA th».» «W««il.¦; 'j uynma emni mi%W'mi^*\ S attSil;

' - .citionV cawtooal tandnff 'pM i&nmtoj t 'X itiij nsik *,¦; vferpwsji^ fi! M^ - ^Mik^m)


Engaged at hard work.snch as ploughing,'grubbiojr,harrowing, thrashing,.4c. Tbe generallealth.offarm horses requires careful attention at this period;grease, canker,| mange, 4c., "should b£ carefullyguarded against by liberal treatment'and 'clean-liness. ' An occasional mash of boiled potatoes orturnips, 4c., will be found most beneficial. Havestables, 4c., re j aired and well cleaned for tbe winterseason.

HusciLLANioce.—Scourditohes, and clean water-courses ; trim and repair fences ; collect manure jrepair implements 4c.—IrUh fanner. -

THE IBISH ABSENTEE GBIEVANCE.The Irish Parliamentary Party complain'of many

grievances j but there is one—a very gjrave oneindeed—which they seein to forget—namely, {hat of" Absenteeism." Landlords who do ,not treaide| ontheir property , in Ireland, at least some portion ofthe year, are wonn'than drones, and'po use jwhat-ever to tbe country, and should be aidie.';eitker 'topay in abteniee tax, or cell out. There is; we think,no nation on the earth so afflicted wit'a absenteeproprietors as poor Ireland. Mr. OAKIXII 0BJLHT,M.P., for Marylebcne, in writing on this subject,very truly says :— .

" What are the conditions of Irish landlordism f Ihave ho doaire to aooentoata the shortcomings thatexiat, or to do other than tender homage to tbe manygood and noble landlords that can be found in .thesister island ; we cannot, however, shut oar e;es tothe palpablo faot that the term, " landlordiam," ezqeptin its rent-gathering* qoalitr, has little eziatenoe there.Nor can. we ignore the troth so iar aa not to recognisethe immense evils that spring from absenteeism. , Ithas bson caloulated that, ui ona county alone, there arethree absentee landlords whose estates are ratod to thepoor at .£71,000 per annum, and whose probable rentalis £100,000 per annum. Of this large amount, tbewhole or greater portion is drained each year from theIrish soil. In Ireland there are thirty-two .oonntieB,and-although H is not probable that tbe some oon-snionona sbortoomings are visiblp in all of them as intnose to whioh I have jast referred( yet it miy be ao-pepted as a principle thtt absenteeism is the generalrule. I presume, it will be admitted that property hasita'dnties as wall as its rights, and when property failsto fulfil its duties, it mnat be prepared for the Legis-lature to fulfil those duties for it."

ABODES OP THE POOBIN COUNTY MAYO';Mr. J. A. For, (a Government official) in hitreports'on the condition of the peasantry in the•o.unty of Mayo; saysr—" Men, women, and childrenslnep under a roof and within it alls dripping withwet, while the floor is saturated with damp,; notuncommonly coring out of it in little pools. Theconstruction and dimenniona of their hovels are; asabodes of human beings, probably uaiqiie. ' On theuplands they are' mostly, built of 'common stonewalls without plaster, and are often totally' devoidof the ordinary means of. exit for the 'smokd, as itmay also be almost said they are devoid of anythingin-the shape of furniture. On the low-lying landn,on tho other hand, they may be briefly described: asbog holes, thougn by a merciful dispensation of tbearchitect thase are undoubtedly rendered somewhatwarmer by their very construotion out of thenolidifled peat and mud. Their dimensions are evenmore extraordinary still; varying from 12 feet byb!5 feet down to one half that limited 'space. YetliQiof them are- inhabited by large' families ofchildren, numbers of whom sleep on a little strawunread on the bare ground; with nothing to cover(£em t^ye the "rags and tatters Worn during X invariably found them on the occasion ofmy visits crouching around the semblance of a fire,lighted on the open hearth. And this at midsum-mer, showing how terribly low must be the vitalitynmoDgst them."

POLICE OFFICETrasDAT.—(Before Aid. L. A. Byan and V.

Kent, Esq.)— Ditordtrliet t Luke Oswald wascharged: with being drunk and disorderly in the'7aayor*B Walk last night Constable McTigue saidthe accused was disorderly by shouting ; a crowdcellected round him, and many complaints werenade as to his conduct Fined 6s. or 48 hours' im-prisonment James Cleary was charged by the sameconstable with having been guilty of a similaroffence at Peter-street last night- He WAS dis-orderly by fighting, the result being that the wholestreet -was in uproar. Fined 5a. or 48 boors,A OhaXUnie: Patrick Brien was charged with beingdisorderly on the public street, on tbe 16th inst.£Sub-constable Griffin deposed that the accused wasdisorderly by abusing him, taking off his coat andrest, and wanting witness to fight, at tbe sametime stating that be would beat all the b—y pestersin the barrack. By Mr. Feely > I gave evidence onthe 22nd September at the petty sessions against'tbis man for having committed an assault onJ aVoman the same day j I then told tbe bencrr|ljthat took place about that offence, but said nothingfrith reference to this charge ; tbis case is not partand parcel of the whole transaction; he was guilt jof the disorderly conduct about half an hour aftjejthe othar offence ; I do not want to puninhHbadefendant on tbe double j be got a week for theassault )'in pnssing that sentence the magistratesdid not take into account the disorierly oonduo^;«Dnld not say Mrs. Cooke, the assaulted wbinan,oientioned the conduct of the defendant towardshim to the magistrates. Daniel O'Brion, examined,stid that at the petty sessions Mrs. Cooke told 'allt'l&t oconrtid on the occasion in question: Mr.J"eely contended that the cases were one and thesame. Mr. Kent : Tbe bench are of opinion thatthey are two cases, but as Brien got a week's im-prisonment we will only fine him 2s. Od. and costs.'¦ WIBKCBSAT.—(Before Aid. L. A. Byan nnd D.Kent, Esq.)—Scandal t Johanna Forriatal sum-moned Alice Murpby for scandal. Complainantdeposed that on last Saturday evening, defendantfollowed her up to her own door, pelted stones atb«r, spit in her f*ce and gave her all sorts of scandal.'She then :. sent ont her children to call witness" such and suoh a thin; and a robber.". Finedii. Od. and costs, A ChaUmge : Charles Fitsgeraldwas charged with being dnink and disorderly ontlja -17th' ult in Michael-street 8ub-cou»tableitcNulty deposed that tbe'axused was'disorderlyby taking off bin coat to fight him. Fined fo. andcoots, or 48 hoars' in gaol' ' '. . . .

THE DEFENCE OF O'DONNELL* it is anthoratively stated that Mr Charles Bnesell,Q.C., MJ>.. willbeerJedaUy retained to lead'fenoe of the prisoner O'Donnell immediately oh theHitnrnof the hon. and learned -member' in' townfiom bis 'tonr in the United States. 'The solicitorto the Treasury has already given notice to Mr.Cbarlej J. Gny, the solicitor V> the'defeooe,' thattlie trial of the, accused has been definitely.fixedfor the 15th inst; and Mr.'A.' M. SnlUnn lisa re-coived- instructions to «sk for a postponement of tbettial to the November sessions following; ~ Tliis ap-plication, it is underftood,' Willnot'be opiKwed bytlie Crown.- Mr. Guy dn'Wonday satt a telegram to'Kr.ThcmasO'Brien, whodeferided'.tbep'rUoiJer1 attlie preliminary trial at Port Elkabetb, ' to sond'alltlw witnesses useful to tbe defence to England b/tl» next mail. '¦ 'Hi. O'Brien baa alr«uly sent borneriT rruw ii tna«u>nmir."a\ i mrlT of tha Ap rthait lrmmi*ken at the trial and other aocntnentaiy evidence,¦aiid the papers are now in the hands of. Mr. A. M.S illlTaTi."There is 'no intention' of calling 'theyimanwh'o' passedas Mrs. O'Donnell as a witness«li'the trial," notwithitancling the announcement totlia contrary.", It is understood that both the Attor-ri rGflnwal and Bolicitor-Qeneral . will appear with*>.P.o3and<orth« ps»««o»tlon...H-.. ...'. .-: , r A. .., -

. SincoO'DonneU's oonfinement be has been visiteda!most; every: day by Father Flemming; from Bt.If jury's, Moorflelda,who g«neraHy attends upon pri-sxcers in Newgate.' -It appears that the prisoneris-'u exceedingly ilUtent« man, and unable eithert^rM.c*"write..;,:H0jb v^lea »olicitor/Mr,'Guy, Srho remains with him a'cdn-iifJffl»We.tiBio.'.i^p...-,-f-% i- i-y - i ^' -i -i f i .;. . . ; i i

. ". Ta&OAtbwiTAtzoir AS9<k)va . 9ir«a i8aid -4xj3mt tiSSSt «o4, JWtnttre, iad» ooMk.ana»^tot^theTT>^TPOTtb^innp}onUu»»l^^al»ct»In»it tiabti t-Itt oootact wifli Uw;danda at thuaoinaat isfrj aref t f a *A -} tf tf arfgf t itff h if a imf . if -iWj > !iij iviiiiil 'y iK?itiii anoe-

w f^J 'y^i3^^|fcrt|4j ':l4f ?lsrf]rt Juat VStMifsifQoT,V.T—u»A92iliii*. /*LM tnt»f M .. Trflw w »» ...A IflKtiaV .-JWIMir 'i

"i a etseslsA ferSaV * bafs loviA 'y t/ a t Olfoattxis^dtwssoCMMdHiAtehsdaJttfwitt'orfrUaotttiaeaieal iKiliniiiiyiii¦Z wsMtittnasol ihkajdiatiwiiThortotUsandiAttihe


t«!llst«,i: --v ¦¦: "'

¦'¦ s->i . i> "»fv-}«- :>; - .- i -;:v*'.- -:--.V_->-;-;Js|3SaVmttovtiionif * 'Otenu.itr 'kxn^'^iWt 'Vnt.

US f •irtSfJStjJfc1'*1" i 5*iw»^^&i?«£S*


MICHAELMAS QUABTEB SES8IONS.(Concluded from our latt). .., j

(Before GEOBQI WA'TIRS. Q.C., County Chairman).;. Captain Danneby,. registrar, and Mr. Gilbert, deputyolork of the peace, were in attendance. .

LAMENT.—-The grand jury fonnd a true bill againstJfaryantw Lonergan, for the lareenT of £3 17s. 6d . theRroperty of a man-namod Simpson, on the 19th Julj

kst The prisoner' pleaded not gnilty. Tbe facts ofthe oase are not fit for publication. The prosecutorspent a night in prisoner's hdn'so, where he alleged hewas robbed, and the jury,' bj the dirootion of the judgo,aoqnitted tha prisoner. >• • : • .

ASSAULT BT . BAiLnrys.—Thomai Veale wan in-dioted for assaalting one: Mary Tobin, the wife of ashoemaker, on 20th August last. Mr. P. elly S.C.S.,(with, whom was Mr. O.'Connell), prOBeonted. Mr.Burke,' of Olonmel, defended the pruoner; The par-tionlars have already appeared in the petty sessionsreports. Mary Tobin deposed that she lives on theBnttpry y she reooUeoted two bailiffs named Veale andDnggan coming into bar house,, abont seven o'clock inthe evening : Veale came there to seise n der a decreeat anit of John Fitzgerald ;, both of them were drunk -,the; seized the fowl that was in the house ; Vealelooked the door and canjht ber by the throat as sheattempted to go oat into the yard ; he knocked herdown and danced on her body, and hurt her ; thepolice oame np, and Dnggan was arrested. A lot ofoorroborative evidenoe was given, and Mr. Bnrke, forthe accused, alleged that the evidenoe of Mrs. Tobinwas considerably exaggerated.

His Honor agreed that Mrs. Tobin's evidence wasgreatly exaggerated. He had oooasipn to say some-thing to-day about the way the law is prosecuted, botif the law was prosecntod in that way, why, he shouldsay that he would not bo surprised if tbe law was notrespited. Could the jury oome ¦ to the oonolnsion thathe caught her by the throat P< If they could there wi>»no exouse for it, and he would diroot them to find theprisoner guilty, of assault.

The jury oqnvinted tbe prisoner of oomraon assault,and he was sentaaoed to 14 days.' imprisonment.

RESCUE.—Thomas O'Brien waa . connoted of rec-oiling three horses from Wm.' Qoealy, .rate oolloctor.The animals had been seized' for poor rates. Judge tHave tho rates been paid ainoe? Mr. QaeaUy t No,your worship. Judge : Now, Thomas. O'Brien, youcould get two years for what you have done, and youhave not had. even the,good manners to pay .the rate.I will adjourn tha sentence on you to next sessions.

ASSAULT.—John FlahaTan was oharged with .at-tempting to commit an indecent, assault on AnastatiaPrendergast, on 11th August "last. The . prisonerpleaded not irnilty. A 'girl named Campion was calledM a witness, but it appeared she knew not the natnroof an oath, and was not examined. The jury returneda verdict of guilty of oommon assault, and thaprisoner was sentenced to three weeks' imprisonment.

Tbe Grand Jury, in tho oase of Landert v. Long,fonnd no bill. crviL HILTS.

PATKENT OF COUMTT CBSB.—Thomas Fiingerdldv.Maurice if orrtisey.—Thin was an action for one yoar'arent (44), due up to 25th Meroh last. ' The amount waotendered, less half county -cess,' as-the land was takonsince 1870/ Mr. Hunt, for plaintiff,-stated ha made averbal agreement with , the tenants on.the property !n1875, when they agreed to. pay all 'county oess. Mr.Hodnett, for.defeqdunt, asked. Mr. Hunt whether hostated on a former pflcaaion, that he had no reoolleotionpf inaking' any agreement with tho defendant, and hesaid he,believed he did. Chairman t It is only a manwho comes into possession aftor 1S70 that the Act ap-fa.1t— rm An ' — *>J At... ^af.Hii. i.4 mmtt m .•*. (UlB.o.iiiAn kA^nanuueo 10, ailu U2U uuouuau. WM ui voouqou/u uBivcv1870. Decree granted. '

John Foley f . William OdeU.—Thia was an aotioofor £20 damages caused by the.tfespass of defendant'scattle on plaintiff1*, land, going; on for years. Chair-man :. Why didn't you process him before ? Plaintiff :Because he is my agent, and I was afraid. Chairman :Then why did yon . come now t Plaintiff 1 Because Ioonld not let it go any: further. Mr. Hodnett (for de-fendant) : Did Captain iOdell ask you to remedy thefences P - ¦ He did. - What did you say I I said it wasvery hard for me to be fencing against nis cattle ; I wasfor three days fencing it IHa yoor cattle ever tres-pass on his land f They did of coarse (laughter). Didyou ever say you got full value Out of.him for the tres-pass P No, I did not Mr. Hodnett.said that hisaefenoa was that Foley wns asked to mako up tbe fonoebut' refused, and Foley's cattle were always trespassing6n Captain Odell's land.' Chairman thought CaptainOdell ought to have taken step* to make him build npthe fenoe. The case was referred to arbitration.

TBUTXIHT or * Lutv.-rHarmy r. Oattj.—Thiswas a prooess for breach of agreement respecting thetreatment of land. Mr. Cherry, B.L., for plaintiffl;Mr. Hodnett for defendant.

Biohard Harney sworn—I made an agreement withMr. Casey for a farm for five years j he ploughed nptwo fields in '81, whioh by agreement he should notdo ; it coat me about-423 to put tho- field in propercondition ; he ueadowed about- throe acres in '81 ; hewas to use the land for pasture only.:" ¦¦ ¦

Cross-examined—The lnnd was not to b» ploughbdnp or tilled ;;I will pay Idr, Bojoo, the agent, whenMr. Caaey pays me j I • woa served, with netioo to qnitby the landlord; I got JZM from Mr. Casey, and, Iowed him JUA, whioh wae allowed to me. Mr. Eojoodeposed that there were two years' rent duo on tbefarm. iS41 1 he oould not oaj how mnoh damage wouldbe done by ploughing up

: Mr; D. VV. Casey, defeudant,- deposed—I' took thisplaoe in April,,1B78 j at the time I took this land thorcwere two fields, in an exhausted state, and I put gnuiseeds into them', tmttbey aotualljr failed, the land wasso poor j I ploughed up two, fields after 1 Mr. Eoyccaaal had an interview, and ho' was in favour of mytaking up the'farm from Harney, as he had no faith inhim ; had a conversation with Haaney, and he said hewas going to America.

Mr. P.-M'Carthy aald that 12s an aore would be afair allowance. ; He thought -62 an aore three times toomuch. . His Worship gave a djcree for £6. for;damages,and £22, amount 01 tha agreement, and dednoting adiiraiss, would, make the amount of the doorceJS25 U.. Z&. , ' . . . . . . . - '. ¦

IXXldlD DITlimOH OT A PHJCTON. 'Barf U1.LytichJ -Tbik cue'was regarded with groat

interest. It was an'afttidn for the trover and oonveraionof :a phaston'. Mr. .Benjamin Harris deposed that helont a pharton to Mr. Lynob t he was to give it back inthree or four days j- the value of the photon.was .£20.Mr. Hodaett said.Ifr. Lrnoh and Me Harris had beenvery good friends, and. tho foot of tbe matter . was Mr.Lynoh put too hear/ a gentleman in it, and tha photonbroke'down. ' Ho wonld suggest that some gentlemanlike Mr. M'Carthy should settle the case between thorn.Mr.', Harris declined to take this course. Cross-ex-amined r 'l paid .£25 forthe pharton, and ha7e it fonryoara 5 I only want the photon j I got it sooond hand,lbomac Meads, ooachbuildtr, sworn, said the cost ofthe repairs was £i 15«.} I am a Judge of the value ofthe phaston l i t was now, worth .625.

Mr. Lynoh -Would you take it for .£20 1 Witness 11 don't want ii at all fliughtof). '

Mr. James Iindh depoted—Mr. Harris asked me togive him room W'my yard for the phsjton t got permis-sion to use U, and it broke down. ; Mr. Lynch said hewould give op!the phtston to Mr. Harris.- Mr. Harrissaid he would take It, and both parties agreed to paywtanAMMwAiw—Mtf . C7a«wta JM Km • m:A U«. T.*««k I>Q<xv«yw«UTDU-—UUI .UWiU «w* va«, HW «u».. imiui. JbO

15«.—for the repairs of (the photon. His Worship 1Aid if Mr. Lynoh baa not the money I will lend it tohUn'(langhter). ', ', ' '""' '" . . , . , • ' .' Warran r. Bua$qn:- th\i was an action for wrong-fnl'seisnre by the sub-sboriff,' in whioh the judge re-serred'hls decision/' Mr. O'Connor for plaintiff, andMr. Feely for defendant;1 •' ¦¦¦ - • ; ¦ ¦ ¦- •-


;¦< •;; J. i '.:; :¦ • / . - -.', BP1BTT 1IOBK8SS. 1 : ; ¦ ¦ ¦ '; . .

. During the hearing of: the applications for spiritlicense*, the following magiatrstef occupied seats ontbe benoh i—Sir Noganfe Humble, Bart.. Henry A.Fitsgerald. Charles Langley,* I>.' W., Leaohman, 8.Ktagerald, B. Foley,. WfUiam Ardagh. The Earl ofDoriotlghm6rea 'Oocnpleda'aeat 6n theUnoh.' -Ths following transfere'of J Uoenses1- w«re grantedand oonnnned 1—G. W. Armstrong, Dnngartan ; £.Cotter/-Agllah i 'T. ^Chiirtopher/iGraigueshoneen ;Mary Ellen Cunliffe, Dunf^rvan t' JameaCrotty,' Dan-garvan j Thomas Doyle, .WiUiam-jtreet/iDuagarran jWilllaffl, Kttteraldt, , lMai!i-atr«e i;.Joseph>ender,Clashmore; Eliia Power. Bridge-street} S. Merry,Toumeena ; Joan Soanlan, Biohard Smith, BUokpoof;John PnllltaL, WilHam-utroot';' \Edward Soanlan,Blackpool [' Bridget Walsh, Main-street'-, JamesWhelan, StradbaUy. : ' ' ¦ ':-. . ;:...¦.! ¦:. ) . , I .; •. ;. ' AOTALS. ¦ ¦ ' .- • ¦ ¦ ' '

, A TMT OABI USDBB TU* LIOISBISQ ACT.—MartinBussell, publican, .Villierstown, appealed from ths de-cision of ths iosttoea at potty sessions, where a fine ofJL% was inflicted for kaemm his house open for the saleof drink on,Sunday. \li .appeared'that the publicansold grooenes and bread,' and that hs creoted a woodenpartition and kept the portion of his'house'where thedrink was'sfored lockW.' When the poUoe constableentered tits- house there wai no evidonce of drink beingsold totbote found on tha premises. Thadooision oftbsjnstioas was.reversed. ¦': ,: < ¦. ,; ¦: < ¦: ¦ -y . -. ; . , . . . .; ZwoirWjabK taiipsMon^ij . CteMtaJl* : ^ }*, n-

, sp0iubn .-7^Xaisj,was.ra appdaj from the justices atpet .seaaiOna iaposlng,,* floe, for iUagal selling ofdj f, Mr. JP.cKeUrI«>jp6nd6nti Mr. 'Cherry,aikVfor appellant. >Thotiias Kelly depowdi 1 WAS at• fanaraJaiAgliahi saw a niah ttanted Whelan get afirinlCta appeUant's pabUfl-houM'from the fathor-in-la* of th«/p«tton that wiis'buriad i( a man namedPo^«|fcav»lh« drink,}. did not,se9 Whelan going» wNMutm.^ |a»WhhUn ask fprs> drink and wasrafa*M.<; Conirtable- B^nilumi d»po«ed;thai.WhelA«Jij«»i lujf muw f rom U^ pnblio-honae.: - ' , ' •"ffiimi o riorrfllaiilirdBttiaeaS'toid oubiU*m^ WSSrff SSStZ ii^uSrMA the tenant's- v»luor. Now if h.-wers^ here he would'v&8£ w JSiraJtWf iM iS? ?i^ M M ¦•' tBat was what was done to the

present case,, for

tiKT T diSiid- r ilil drftit w.piwl

Vh :M*- Bodd'for *»» "wdlotd,- fixed the Mat rtJito i*:,

ISI S!& XSS^ SS£!' l&k «i 4i,L rm^add'saW h,' yilwiMlohae'l Sta/skoldin*1at j

i!^ ^ ':' f ^ SS ^i^S!t^! A: Edmoxid lUyBs'g'holdUif at-veifil 13»i WJ'J Patrick!2 jftSS!2Mil2^ aS S? tff iSf riei Onrwn's holding at J»9.l The Jodgs ssld that under ,¦Svi ife ffi -ilLi L^ ^ fS?' Mwltaas-Jit could not refuse to

Allow, for ths fenaoVs

^ ^iS^ ^ffl ^ i'S S

SJrftSf^ rS



!!.iHs.v<»iiaid«radithat iths•; E*rl, :of i-^^ ftSMRnS W affirf :"SS': Do****"1*"! had w .vw/ewroosly toward, tho

tenant said be¦ o>-.trje;;benefit of the Arrears'Act; by H. A. Fitzecrald valued tho holding at £Z i 4a., audwhioh £30 of hia rent was wiped out. . Mr. Donnehj : Captain Dawson for tho landlady at .£35 10s. ThoSinoe'that hohas paid nothing. A dooroe for posses- Jndge said Mr. Bell ralnod the holding at J!35, whiohsion was granted, Mr. Dennehy agreeing not to ask tor ho would fix as the fair rent,oosts, and sUy-of-exeontion for two months. Judge : This oonclndod the Land SoBsions.You -were forgiven £25 by: the landlord, besides the _, _„,_ . ~~'rrrr~'T benofit you got tinder the Arrears* Aot. P15TTY SESSIONS— SATUEDAY.

Jjyom r. XuUany.-riii. O'Donohoe, Bolr., for t;ho Before Messrs. H. A. Fitzgorald, ohairman j andplaintiff. Mr. Slattery, for the defendant, argnod tliatthe notino to qnit was defective. It was Bigned b.Y a" marks-mar, and not witnessed by any person.Those petty tyrant landlords, flaunting their nat io-nality one day, and hating a notice to quit in thuirpooket the next day—those petty tyrants (laughter) Complainant : For the love of God, judge, hear theoaso (langhtor). Jndge : What has tho love of God todo with ejectments t Mr. O'Donohoe offered himnelfas a witness to prove Mr. St. George's handwriting.Mr. Slattery' objeoted to this evidonce, as Mr. St.fleorge waa living In Clonmel, and onght to have beenbronght| hero. The oase was dismissed. Mr. Slattory :There are two civil bills in oonneotion with this eject-ment—one for JB1 18S. 9d. for money paid in his wrong.I cannot swallow that, and I will ask yon to dismiss it.Dismissed.

; Thero wia anothor process, at tho suit of Mnllany,against Thos. Lyons, for failing to carry ont an agree-ment to repair his house. Damages were laid at .85.Tbe complainant proved that there was an agreementon the part of the defendant to thatch tho bouse ; hishealth and his olothea wore injured by the rain comingdown through the roof. Mr. Denis Slattery : Did youever spend a half-penny in repairing the hon Be P No.Patrick Hogan deposed that Lyons was to repair thehouse for Mullany.

Mr. Denis Slattery, for defendant, argued that theman who made the agreement was dead, and that,therefore, the caso should be dismissed.

Judgo—If this man had expended monoy in makingthose repairs I would give him a deoroe. Decree for Is.

CIVIL BILLS.Navan r. Eudsan.—This ww an aotion for illegal

seizure by the county sub-Sheriff. The judge gave adeoree for £31 damages and costs.

William QueaUy v. Bridget Power.—This was anaction for JB5 damages for trespass on a bog arisingout of a dispute as to a right to cnt turf. Plaintiffclaimed in right of possession for 20 years.

Mr. O'Connell—Defendants only olaim the right ofoutcing rushes on it. Complainant : They claim it al-together. Mr. O'Connell (to plaintiff) : As tho judgealready said to you. you are a very stupid man (laugh-ter). Jndge : Dot t take me as judicially making thatobservation (great laughter). Tho case was referred tothe parish priest, Bov. T. Casey.

£2. Day Roe v. Thornat Dee.—Jit. Hunt for plaintiff ;Mr. Hodnett for defendant. This was an action ior.£20 on foot of a promissory note. Tha defence was adenial that the note was signed by Thomas Dee. Thedefendant doposed that he never signed a note for Mr.Eoe in his lifotime. Mr. Boe deposed that defendantsigned several notes in his own presonce. Mr. JamesKeane deposed that the defendant acknowledged hosigned that note. The Judge asked tho defendant towrite his name, whioh he did.

Judge—Have you any doubt that yonr fathor sigoodthis noto ?—No ; his name is to it; I never signed itmysolf. Judge, t Would you undertake to say that besigned'any of those notes in your prosonca ?—No ; butI beliavo be did. Two Munuter Bank notes were pro-ducadr and defendant acknowledged that he wrote hisname to one of them. Judge -. I will take the assistanceof a, jury. Mr. John Cnrran, Mr. Patriok M'Carthy,Mr, Maurice Flynn, and Mr. Dookery, were then swornas a jury to. try the case. Mr. Curran eaid ho wouldrather not act, and he was allowod off. The jury cameto tbe conclusion that the signatures to all tho noteswere the same.. A deoree was therefore granted for theamount—.£19 3B. 2d. . > . ,

JohnAhearne v. John Sheehan.—Mr. Burke for de-fendant. This was an action for a brooch of warranty inpigs. .The oase for tho plaintiff waa that he pnrchasedeight piga frpm defendant at the fair of Youghal on4th June, whioh were engaged to bo healthy, bnt theygot sick about six milea from Toughal on that evening ;one died on tho way of black distemper, and the otherfive at home. Other piga which ho had caught the diB-temper from the pigs he brought home, and elovon ofthem diod from the disease. When buying tha pi?sdefendant gave him a.wrong name. The defendant wasexamined, and swore the animals were not diseasedwhen, ho sold them, and ho denied giving plainti£.'awrong name, as he knew him, having sold him pigs bo-fore.

The Judge said the plaintiff had full notioo before hogot homo that the pigs were diseased, as threa of themhad died, and he was gnilty jf coptributing to tho dis-ease by patting them with his other pigs, thorof ore thoanthor of his own wrong. He gave a dooroe for Jgl4 ,and .£1 16s. expenses.

A LLEGED "WBONOVDL SEIZOEK—if. Tobin v. J.Fittgerald.—This waa an action for J210 damages forwrongful seizure of a shoemaker's last. Tho faoU haveboon already reported at the oriminul side of tho court,and at Petty Sessions. Mr. O'Connoll for plaintiff ;Mr. Burke for defendant. A deoruo was granted for6d. oosts. This concluded tho business.


LAND SESSIOxVS(Bofore QEOBQE WAT«B8, Esq., Q.C., County

Court Jadgo.)Eonora Keily. tenant | the Earl of Donoughmore

landlord.— Area, 59a. 2r. Op. ; rent .£60 ; valuation,£47. In all these cases Mr. K. Burke of Clonmel,appeared for tbo tenants, and Mr. Nunn , B.L., for tholandlord, instructed by Mr. Daltra Dowuloy , solicitor,Clonmel. The tenant s son estimated tho fair rant i>fthe holding at £40. .

Michael Kaily Unant ; tamo landlord.—Area, 225,».Or. Op. ; rent, £178 ; valuation, .£98. Tho tenantdeposed that tho rent was not altered for tho panttwenty-five years ; Lord Dononghmoro made a oow-houao and a stable on the farm, but witnoss drcvstones and attended tha maaoos j drained and re-claimed three :aorea about 17 yoars ago ; thore aroabout 35 acres, of bad land on the farm ; thoro are 75soros of fair land ; the farm does nut pay at all ; hobad to borrow £300 from tho bank to pay LordDonoughmore. In reply to Mr. Nunn, the tenant¦tated that he was allowed £60 in 1869, and £12 5.i.for a drain in '75. Mr. Veale, surveyor, deposed tht.tthe tenant levelled 699} perohe« of fenoes ; ho built 89perches of new fenoea, and made 217 perohes of drainr,and 145 perobes masonry. .

Jamtt Keily tenant ; game landlord.—Area, 127».2r. 23p. ; valuation, £90 15s. The tenant deposedthat his leaso dropped two years ago ; ho paid £70some yoars ago for the interest of this farm ; drained1} acres of land i made fenoes and walls about threeyears ago ; then are 42 acres of bog on the farm, and7 aores of glen there. Cross-examined by Mr. Nnnn :There was an allowance for a dwellinghouoo in '79 of£19, and a second of £19 for fences ; he got an aJlov-anoe of £178 for improvements. Mr. Vealu deposedthat there were 603 perobos of drains, and 103 porchesof new fenoes made.

Edmond Hannigan, tenant ; tame landlord.—Arac,173a. ; rent, £161 19a. i valuation, £llo. Tho tenantdeposed that his father held the place bofnre him ; tharent that he wonld consider a fair one would be £100 ;Lord Donoughmore erected all the buildings. Bentfixed at £180.

Walter Mamfield, tenant'; lame landlord.—Area ,100a. ; rent, £100 Is. ; valuation, £64 10s. Tbe tenantdeposed that tbore were no buildings on the farm,w!uahho had about twenty years i paid £61 to tho Troys forthe interest of it; there were 84 aores of bog aud glonon the farm.1 Cross-examined by Mr. Nunn : In '73what did yon offer ths agent—did you offer him £1an acre fer it P No,'I did not. I never got an allow-anoe from the landlord, but on one oooasion was allowodfor fenoea. Mr. Veale deposed that the cost of boild-inia wall was £3416o. 6d.

, ralrick Quann, tenant ; tame, landlord.—Area, 97a.2r. j rent,'£104 Us. ; Valuation, £69. . The tenant waiexamined, and deposed thaVa stream overflorrs portionof the farm ; he would bonitdor £70'a fair rent for tbaholding ; be got some allowances in '79 and '81 for th<)loss of cattle ; was not allowed a penny for improve-ments made. ' Mr. Voale deposed that there were 50(3ponhos of fenoes built, 411. perohes of drains made,and masonry £2213s. . : , .. , ' . .

In Patriok Curranrs ease-Mr< John Butler, builder,gave evidonce of the buildings. Cow-house cost £247;oar-house, £19 : fowl and oar-house, £20. Mr. HenryA. FiUgerald, J.P., valned ths several holdings on be-half of tho t-nants as 'follows i—Honbra Keily. £4!)6«. i Miohael Keily, £U6 6e.', James Keily, £97 12s. ;Edward Hannigan, £W 10s. j Walter Mansfield, £7»13a.; Patriok Curran; £78 10s.; Mr.. Nunn relied onseveral , leases that had jrut expired.oontatning cove-nants prohibiting the tenants from building or leneinpwithout the consent of t e landlord. Captain Barley,the agent, gave evidenoe as' to'allowanoes made to thoseveral tenants on this property. 'Tha Judgo said hecould not take into oonsusratioh money allowed to thotenants' for loss of ¦ atock^aa1 the -landlord waa notbound to make aaoh;allowanoes| and it was only owingto his own benevolence and generosity that he made,suoh allowances. If. tb* landlord thought fit to make-the tenant a present,of , the .marriage portion of hiidaughter, would you ask me to take it into sooount P

In the ease of Walter Massfield, a point was raisedon the originating notioe; that the entire of the hold-ing was not included in tho riotioe; '- The Jadge said hewould amend the notioe,' and adjourn the oase to nextsetttois. Mr. Barke. said that a Mttlement might beeffeoted before then. Jndge j That would be a verysensible; thing to 40. ' .*;i ,, :') . ¦ , . ':;¦ , ¦, - .- . i 1 '

In tha ease of Honor* Keily, Mr, Budd for the land-lord,; raided, ttie, holding at £52.14s. -id. The Judgesaid that some wist before ths' House- of Lords had .said that the way rents Wflra fixed in Ireland waa tosplit the'difference1 between' the landlord's valuer and ,

aud their interests alao to do their b':Bt to improvo the conTho dition in whioh their labourers live (appluuiiu) ; bu

H. E. Eedmond, E.M.CBDKLTT TO .ANIMALS .—Thos. Powor was obargod

b.Y Sub-coiiHtablo • Carroll for working a horse whilesuffering from Horo logs, and sores on different partsof tho body. Mr. Redmond : Is this the case whore Iordered him to t&ko tho horao from under the car tConstublo : No, sir ; that WOB tho second day. Hotold ma ho would not work the horse tiny more, and heworkod him the noxt day. Sub-constable Looy pro-forrod anothor ohargo of the sumo natnro against himfor working tho horso ths next day. Chairman : I neverknow SUO IL a brutal thing as to wors that horse. Onaccount of you being poor, we will only fino yon 5s. ineach cane, bnt wo wore noar fining you £1 in each oaso.A week was given to pay the 10a.

DRUNK IN CUAROE OF A HOESE AND CAB.— Con-stable O'Donnell charged Androw O'Brion for beingdtunk and disorderly while in oharge of a horse andcart. He threw tho conatablo off tho cart and beatthe horsa with his feot , in order to havo him go on ,- heresisted all the way to the barrack ; tho little girl withhim was crying all tho timo. Fined £1 or 14 days.Tho defendant said ho would go to jail , and ho waaplaced in tho dook. Speaking from tho dock , ho saidthat be would try to pay tho Sue, and ho was lot out,and came forward and paid the fino.

DRrjNK IN A PUBLIC-HOUSE.—Constablo Daltonohargod James O'Brion for being drunk and disorderlyon tho licensed promises of Margaret Cullinan. Hewas beating all tho people in tbo shop ; onu man saidbe was mad ; ho is a fartnor ont in Kilbnun , and getsdrink ovory timij ho comes to town. Fined 10a. audoosta, or a wcok.

. OBTAINING GOODS UNDER FALSE PRETENCES.—A young lad named Thomas Burko was charged withobtaining goods from Mr. John Cullinane, grocer ,Square, Dungarvan, under false pretences. Mr: Hod-uott defended tho aconscd. Mr, Cullinane deposedthat tho prisoner came to his shop and represented hitn-Belf as the servant of James Condon, of Ballytnac-magree ; he stated thero waa a christening at the bouse,and said ho was Bent for certain articles of groceriesand whiskey ; on this representation he obtained goodsto tho amount of £1 5a. 2d., which he alleged were forJurat a Condon ; he was slightly under the influence ofdrink ; it waa on two separate days I gave the goodB ;he came twice on the second day ; gave him two pintsof whiskey ; don't know anything about this youth ; herepresented himself as a servant of Mr. Condon ; itwas then I gave him a glass of whiskey. Mr. Hodnett :Was be nnder tl.e influence of drink ? Yea ; put thewhiskey in tbe jar tbe second day ; guvo him a cork-scrow , as he said tho cork-sorow at borne was broken.Mr. James Condon, P.L.G., deposed : This boy was inmy employmont the Sunday before he got those goods ;the defendant was not in my employment on the day hogot the goods]; |t did not autboriso him to get thogoods ; ho did not bring tho goods to my honse ; 1 paidhim - off the Sunday bofore ho got the goods ; paid16s. Od. two weoks' wages. The prisoner waa returnedfor trial , bail being accepted for his appoaranco, him-self in £10 and two sureties of £5 each. Adjourned.

TOWN COMMISSIONERS-FRIDAT.Members present—Messrs. E. KKOHAN fin tho

chair) ; Thomas O'Connor, Captain Curran, John E.Mahony, John Curran, John Fitzgerald, Patrick Looby,John Scanlan, and Captain T. Keily.

ELECTION or A COMMISSIONSB.—Mr. John Curran :The first business is to elect a commissioner, and I havenow very great pleasure in proposing Mr. Biohard E.Brennan, a gentleman of intelligenco-and thoroughbusiness qoalitios, who would boa credit to this or anyother publio body, and I know h« will be elocf-od unani-mously!' Mr. John E. Mabony seconded the proposition.

Mr. O'Connor said ho had very great pleasure inpropoaing Mr. James Lynch as a fit and proper personto be clcoted in the room of Mr. Keily, who was dis-qualified for six months' non-attendance. He had nodoubt that seven gentlemon entered that room this dayfortnight, prepared to support Mr. Lynoh, and as hesaid Ibeforo ho was completely surprised at this suddonchange of tactics. 3ir. Fitzgerald scoonded Mr.O'Connor's motion. N

Mr. Curran —I havo no objootion al all ier-Mr.Lynoh, but ho told urn not only that he waa fjaita in-different to tho office , but that he would mnon ratherMr. Brennan bo elected than himself. Mr. Soanlan :I was speaking to him yostcrday, and he told mo nosuch thing.

Mr. Mahony—If Mr. O'Connor includes me in th«seven gentlemen who ho says came horo prepared tovote for Mr. Lynoh, all I can say is that he in mistakon,for I came here to vote for Mr. Bronnan. The questionwaa put to a poll when thore voted- -For Mr. Lynch :Messrs. O'Connor, Scanlan, Looby, Kirby, and Fitz-gorald. For Mr. Brennan : MOBS ™. John Curran, JohnQ. Mahony, and Captain Cnrran.

Tbo Chairman aaid an his vota could not now haveany effoct ho would refrain from giving it to either.

THE MEAT MARKET.—It was ordorod that RogorLyons , contractor for tho Fish Market , be called upon topay £3 a yoar for tho tolls , aud if ho refused that hebo ordorca to givo up thb key of tho market.

TUB TOLLS ON THE SQUABB.—After a long dis-cusaion it won ordered that Maurioo Walsh, contracto rfor tho market tolls, summon a nnmber of persons whobad refasod to pay to]In on fowl disposed of ill thopublio market , and that tho board refund Mr. Walshany oiponsun incurred in carrying out this ordor.

TUE CLEHK .— Mr. Edniond MorrisBy wrote to thobourd requesting a month's salary. After eomo din-ousaion as to whethor it was duo or not, a ohoquo waapassed for £i Is. Bd.

TUB CUNNIOAE BBIDOE.—Tho Board of Worksforwardod a form of memorial undor tbo new FiahoryAot, in which tho construction of approaches to fishingstations is iucladad. Tho Chairman and Mr. Mahonywcro ruquonted to havo it properly up and for-wardod buck, with tho least possible delay.

liOAUD OF GUARDIANS— THUBSDAT.H. ViLLiEus STUART, M.P., (in tho chair), and sub-

soquontly It. J. U B B H K B , J.!'. Also proaunt ; E.Curran, Matthow Walsh, E. McQrath , Dr. Meany,M. A. Anthoay, E. Landers, ii. MoGrath , JohnCrotty, H. A. Fitzgerald , J.P., John Flahavan,Maurice llaokott, Thomas O'Neill , Janos Condon,P. Milsh.

DR. HAJITLAND'S EXPLANATION.—A letter waaread from Dr. Hartland, M.O., of Whitechuroh dis-pensary district, explaining to tho board that it was inconsequouco of having roooivod a letter from hisbrother at Cork on tho 17th September, requiring bUattendance there, as bis daughter, who was on a visit,had takon suddenly and dangerously ill, that he had toleave at onco for Cork, bat not until, in accordancowith artiolo 22 of tbe dispensary regulations, he gavoimmediate notice on that day to tho hon soorotary oftho dispensary and tho rolieving-offlcor, that he had toabsent hlmsolf on a call of an orgeat nature, and re-questing them to employ at onoe as his locum tenentDr. Hockett, of Dnngarvan, as the most available, thedays of attendance of the other doctors of tbe nniondashing with his. Tbe olork informed the board thattho article referred to gave power to Dr. Hartlandunder the oiroumaUnoea to absont himsolf , as stated,after notifying tho soorotary of tho oommittoo andrelieving officer , and the board ezpressod thomsolvos aasatisfied with the explanation.

THK AUDIT.—The auditor wrote that he could notat preiwnt name a day for auditing the aoooanta.

THI FINANCE COMKITTBC—Mr. W. WaXsh pro-posed that, in aocordanoo with the roxolution reoentlypassed, that no bill be paid without auditing thoacoounts. He saw somo account a thore that bad noright to be passed. Chairman : It is quite open to youto move that the committoo be instructed every month.Mr. Walsh movod, and Mr. Flahavan seoondod a ro-eolution to this effect, wblob was passed.

THB NEW BAT*.—Tho following estimate of the newrate was submitted by the Clerk i—Ardmore, hist year,3a. 4 dj this year, 2s. 9d. Ballymaoart, last year, 2s.10d; this year, 2s. 4d. Bohadoon, last year, 3s. lOd ;this year, 2s. Cappagh, ' last year, 2a. lid ; this year,2s. Cd. Carriglea, last year, 2s. 7d ; this year, 2s. 3d.Clonea, lost year, 2s. 4d ; this year, 2s. 3d. CoUigan,last year, 2s. 4d ; this yoar, 2s. 2d. Comaraglin, lastyear, 2s. lid ; this ye»r, 2s. 2d. Dromana, Tost year,3s. Id ; this year, 2s. 4d. Dromroe, last year, 2s. 5d ;this year, Is. 9d. Dnngurvasn, last year, 4a; this yoar,3a. 10d. Keroen, last year, 2s. 4d ; this year, 2s.Knookaanbrandon, last year, 8J Id ; ibis year, 2s. 2d.Modeligo, last year, 2s. 9d j this year, Is. lOd. Monnt-'Stuart, last year, 2s. 6d j this year, la. 3d. Eingvillo,but year, 8s. Bd ; this year, 2B. 8d. Seskinane, lastyear, 2s. lOd ; this year, 2s. *d. Whiteohurob, lastyear, 8s. | tbis year. 2s.

Mr. Haekett said he remembered when the rate forDongarvan was 7s. Mr. Matthew Walsh moved that theestimate be adopted , Mr. MoQrath and Mr. Flahavanopposed this. The question was put to a poll, whenthe majority of the board voted in favonr of adoptingthe Clerk's estimate.'IBM LAB0UBCB8' ACT—3IPLANATI0N BT KB. B.'V.1 STUART, K.P: • " '

A number of labourera 'oame before the board tosupport applications they had, in aooordanoowith.tho provisions of. the Labourers' (Ireland) Act,1883. More than .ordinary interest waa manifested inthe proceedings, as it wai known that Mr. Stuart wasto attend and give an exposition of the Labourers' Aot.Tbe .¦ hon. gentleman on. arriving at the workhousegrounds: met with a . oordlal , reoepnon. Tha «ohoolohildren, numbering about 160, and thdpaaper inmates,• oouaideablo number ia Uwmaelvea,- awaited his ar-rival with boughs ofrevergreen and laurel,. and on hisappearing greotod him with load and prolonged ohoora.Mr. Stuart was agreeably aorpriaed at this display, and-'the hearty reoepnon aooorded him by too Uttl« childrenand inmates—tne latter pC. whom bad reason to remom-

: ber him on aooonnt of th* many favour* bettowod uponthem during his long.ooaaeoUon with this union. Mr.8toart thanked Mrs, Shine, matron, vho;wsa preaont.

,and addressed afew .obstrvaUons to the ohildren anainmaUs la recognition of their friendly welootne. .. .The CHAIBJ*-** read several .applioaUona ¦ fromUbonreTS.of. tha surroandinf dlatrlot for provldlnehowe aeoornnodatWn, ae4 .asked .Mr. Stoart io give.then the benaflt of his wperUnoo with : regard to this'Aftfe/hettTa JMIfV , j7 ¦ \ r- - ". ' i . - (, ( • , ,; •:". / L.' i ' • '" • ' ''JjHx. gru>«T tbenjiaia—Mr- Chairman and ieaUwaen,I ara truly glad to find that the onion of Dnngarvan istaking tM>(td,in.t{ii» opastyjto we .how it oca give•fferti to thVLnbonWiATt.j,«.«ottrse.w» as jTwdlans,irow,!m bVfnstKWjb\WoWaf In the :humaa«,im-iPflWj.ff iW^oHfftl. M.f.-egards.thf Ubonrors at thb'•xpenag.fOf .>wf »trp«,yais,.onleas;lt ooaUl bo ,ahewnih(Miftwatfor,to;la toof-tbe ratopsfl-eri fcj

do so,


' -T. biaxteBntil-thinl: I shall have no difficalty InW;^ATt%i.W-l»tWt{,Bli;thsiJ»MBamM'weshootado; »U.w otir po#»i.t gire fffeot to thisA»pStaT<m».to ¦¦f ojm totomm MaiMv nd

Wi)y»fi»if of SaipUWa r/ftmllss rfjlaboarai*. who: MrtmmMwti 'mff n wtipjt 'W' «•«»». Swiws

tthw;f««TS paa»idbrlivius^d«»p aid on-

j#4 .d» » f^ -«!ir ughusiio»rWtt simianlof

iKKt Ptunn i iJsftde^by ib*


ttsrs'wpnll be fnSmttrnm l tto'iwuik' t edadiuon 5lit'('1lii)t)'i(i iii'f|r ini<rH»ii"*!'i) towwirt'Jtu*: toifHI ittj,tp tmibm £||M| |U i iMlW.MMpn(ijjs utaMKpn i iiiw»«y »1|juestion fcs,thb «ffljiji>jr»rsM: Mmiw ii riv*^^ J PPJ& 'a '««"ti^% .; ^

(J.-iP'W'A/ i *X&,:v,:x\i-,*- V ::it 't - 'iV : ::-* : : ¦ - . ¦ ". • ; ¦ . . - . !-

cause yon cannot expect men who tire ill-houso^and ill-fed to do a really good day's work -, nor can woexpect men who gxo brooding ovor their wrongs—whofoel that thoy not beon fairly treated—to workwith tho Ramo willing and cheorfnl hearts that thoywould if thoy woro woll treated. And wo all know thattho foundation in every country—tho foundation anilthe prosperity of the country—tho corncr-Btono nponwhich it reata—is its labonr system (applanao). If tholabour systom is rotton, you cannot expect tho super-structure to be sound (hoar, hear). You must put yourlabonrcrs in a propor position first beforo you can ex-pcot the conntry to thnvo (hear). Thoro in anothor wayin which the farmers Buffor by tho inaHfficiont accom-modation of tho labourors , who, finding themsolvcsliving in miaorablo homen horo, arc induced all thomoro to go and seek their fortunoa abroad, across thoAtlantic And what ia tho conBoquonco of that to thofarmers ? Why, that labour ia gutting Bcurcer andscarcer, and wagoa higher and highor , and that toucliesua all in our pockets very sensibly (hear. hear). Well ,gentlemon, I must notl prolong my prcfoco too muoh ,but, aa a member of that Parliamont which waa instru-mental in paBflinp that Act, I suppose you will exportthat 1 ought to know something about it. Tho Actitself , I must confess , is not very ea?y to understand.It was drawn up by lawyers , and lawyers always liketo frame their Aots of Parliamont in 8uch a way aarequires a lawyer to understand them (a laugh).But I shall try and givo you as good a skotoh as I canof tho provisions of tho Act , and tho way wo shouldavail ourselves of them (hear, hear). Now, tho firstBtnp is that not loss than twelvo ratepayers in anydistrict should make representation that in thoir dis-trict such and such labourers' cottages aro unhealthyor defective , and that thoro is a total want of accom-modation , and thoy mnat specify the dofeota. Se-condly , the representation must bo Bigned by .'ot lensthan 12 ratepayers within tho area of changeabilityfixed on by the guardians ; and, although it says 12ratepayers, it would not bo wiso to limit tho number ofsignatures to 12, becaaso after tho representationhas been Bent in it devolves on tho Board of Guar-dians to draw a Bcbomo , and to limit tho area nponwhich tho expenses of tha improvements fall , and anyof tho ratepayer* who signed tho representation andwho aftcr-.7ord8 Und thnt thoy aro outside the limitaof tho area fixod by tho guardians, their signatureswi.uld go for nothing ; therefore tho groat thing iato got the signatures of thoso as near aa posBiblo tothe proposed improvements, and to get as many sig-natures &a you can. In thoir rcprjaontation , theymust also indicate their opinion aa to the most suit-able place for tho proposed new dwellings. Thi3representation must bo sont in to tho guardians oftha nnion. whose dnty it will be to draw ap a schomofor remedying the defects pointed out in tho repre-sentation. This nehemo must be accompanied by a mapas well as particulars and estimates. Tho guardians aruompowered to nogotiate with the landlord, or to oon-tract with somo party with tho consent of tho land-lord, for tho carrying out of the scheme upon suahterms and conditions aa may be agreod upou betvrocmsuch party and such landlord or contractor. Thoarea npon which the cost is to be charged must bospecified whon tho schemo is completed. It must bopublished dnring- three consecutive weeks in thomonths of September, October, or November, in twoor more local nowspapers , advertising and st&tir.gthat the schemo has been made and tho limits of thidistrict to whioh it relates, and tho estimated cost ofcarrying it out, with the area of chargeability ; an-1they must havo & piano whore a copy of the schomncan bo soon at [M reasonable hoars. Of coarse , inmost cases it will bo found that tho nnion is tho mostconvenient and central spot for placing the plans andestimates. Tho noxt stop is to DITTO notioo on tholandlord of any lands proposed to bo takon compul-aorily, and after that tho guardians must presont apotition to tho Local Uovernmeut Board praying foran ordor to confirm their scheme. Tho Local Goyorn-mont Board will ordor an inqniry, and after receivingthe report of the inspectors, who will b>i sont downto make this inquiry, tho Local Government Bjardwill make a provisional order to have such a schemacarried out ; but now, mark this , provided tho land-lord or oecnpier consents. But , supposing ho dn.-snot consent, » schedule will bo drawn up, in whichwill bo entered the names of all thi owners andoccupiers throughout all Ireland, who havo opposedthoso aohomes, and during tho noxt Session nf Parlia-ment an Aot would bo passed giving compulsory powerin all cases (applanso). But yon will understand thatwhoro tho guardians and tho landlords como to anagreemsntof themselves, tbore will bo no such delay,and thu scheme can bo carried oat at onco (hear, hear).Thoro is only ono thing more to whioh L should like tocall your attention. You will romembcr that last yearI was fortunate enough to succeed in working thuLabourers ' Cottages and Applotmont Act through Pttr-liamont. That Act, as I originally drow it up. containeda clause empowering sanitary officers to act as inspec-tors to BCO. to the carrying out of tho Aot. Thatolanso, which woe very nRaentiol to the effoctivoucaa oftho Act, was struck out by tho Governmont , becausethoy anticipated that additional pay would have to bogivon to tho sanitary officers. Tho consequence wasthat practically tho Act has sinco romaiuod a deadletter. To romody this I iutroducod an amendment totho prosont Bill , which tho Govornmont accepted (ap-plause). This is embodied in auction 11, and it pro-vidoB whero an ordor has boon made by tho Land Com-mission for tho building or improvomont of any cottages ,or adding thereto any allotments , if within «i( monthssnoh ordor has not boon carried out, the guardians oftho district may put in forco thu punaltioH for not com-plying. Wull , with regard to tho main portion of thnLabourers ' Act, it will bo nuon from what I have Haidthat wo cannot get tho bonofit of tha Aot immediatelyoxcept by coming to a friendly agroomont with th'joaoupior or tbo landlord. Tho sums required to moottho oxpomios can be borrowed from tho Board otWorks at the rato of 5 pn cont. for tho repayment ofprincipal and interest in thirty-five years. I hopo Ihavo Muccoodod in ffivii itf you a clear idea of Una im-portant Act of Parliamunt. I havo only to say that anfar as it may bo applied to my own proporttr , I shal l beprepared to givo it ovory facility in my power (ap-plause). I do not think , if I can possibly help, it willbo necessary to get an Aot of Parliamont in my oaso(loud applause).

Mr. II. WALSH naid ho hod groat ploasure in propos-ing a vote of thanks to their rasp ictid senior countymotnbur, Mr. Villiers Stuart , for MB ablo and tnaitorlyoxposition of tho now Labourers' Act of Parliament ,and for his kindly consenting to como forward and givehis opinion on tho merits and demerits of tho Bill ,which at present is causing such discussion amongstpublio bouios in Ireland. Ho boldly assorted that notnombor of tho House of Cotnmous had taken moropains in tha passing of tho Bill than Mr. Stuart (hear ,hoar). Since Mr. Stoart camo into possession of hisnoblo father's estate, ho had taken tho welfare of thulabourors to heart, both in tho'Imperial Parliamentand on his vast estate, whoro hundrods of mon aroannually omployod (hear, hoar). Tho labourors shouldnover forget that blr. Stnirt. in ordor to avert famine ,opened, in a barren mountain, oxtensivo reclamationworks at a cost of noveral thousand pound* (applausu).

Mr. P. WALSH , in Booonding the resolution , saidthat Mr. Stuart was tho kindesc of landlords and thepoor man's friend.

Tho CHAIBHAN put tho resolution , which was passedwith acclamation.

MB. STUART returned thanks, and in doing so,said—The only part that I had in the matter diroctlywas tho amendment whioh 1 mentionod, but the Actitself was introduoud by Mr. T. P. O'Connor, and ithad the support of the gentlemen * who sat with him ODthe othor side of the House (applausu). I am anxionato saj this beoauae I shonld ba very sorry, indoed, thatit shonld be Buppoited for a moment that I wished totake to myBelf tha credit that belongs to other men(hear, hoar).

The following resolution was then unanimouslypassed—" Resolvod that this board do give effect tothe Labourors' (Ireland) Aot, and do consider appli-cations undor same,"

It waa also ordered that fifty conies of tbo Aot boprocured, as well ao several forms of application.

Mr. STUABT, referring to his £50 prize for labourors'oottages at the Corl; Exhibition, won by Mr. Fitzgerald,of Lismore, said—When the report oomes out I proposeto have the plan made of the labourer's cottage printedand published, and I think that it may prove nsoful tothe board, if they approve of the plan, to have it athand, because it will save the oost of a spooifloation andestimate in the oate of any applications that may boacoepted. It may be useful, and save architect's andotbor exponaes to b:*ve the plan before the board. If itshould bo so, I shall feel extremely gratified (appjausr.)

A large number of labourers were present in thoboard-room during the proceedings, and seemed wollpleased in tho interest taken in them.

ADVICE TO MOTHERS !—Axe you broken inyourrostbyasiok oliildaufferingwiththopainof cuttingtooth? Go at onoo to a chemist and get abottle of MrsWINBLOW'B 8OOTKJNO8TBTJP. It will relievo tho poorsufferer immodiately. It is porfeotly harmless andpi jasant to taste. It produoos a natural, quiet sloop byrelieving tho child from pain, and the little cherubawakes " as bright as a button." It soothes thaohild, it softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves ofwind, regulates the bowels, and is tho best known ro-medy for dysentery and diarrhoea,whotherarisingfr mteething or other causes. Mrs. Winslow's Soothi gSyrup is sold by Medicine Dealers everywhare, at Is Idper bottle. (d29-ly

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Iill'OUTANT D l K C O V K I l Y — N o M o IlK S l I K F K I U N f l . —Thci discovery of this Ointment I IIIH proved mi invaln-ablo boon to thousand)* of HuffurcrH ; when rubbed ovcior near tho scat of Htifrorin^, its rare llj tlstimio properties aru convoyod to every part. Thus it IHMI I H inwardw-Hinds and ulcorH of tho STOMACH, JJ OW /. KH , or WOMBHtren ^thoriH tho Hp iual marrow iueaHr:H of nervoim weaknud.i and ihipreHHion , n.nd all dirtcasen of th'j 'i'llicOATI J U N <J H , and CllEHT. So invalid nu'i'I ilespair of <:ura|whiiht thlH Oiutiiient can lio obtaine-1 ; for the r»?puU-tiou it livurH in every i|ii:trt>:r»f thn (;lolj e , iH f u l l y Lriroeout by thorttlc eeHS it has attained, eorroboraled im it 11by tnstiinonials from peraonH of all K I U H . H U H ami coantries

OOUT HllEUMATlHlir , A N D .VEI IKAI.« IA . —TJlCHI) traljformidiahluand druadnildiseaHeu .with noeturiial x|jaaini!,nervoii H twitchin^H , muHCular erarnpH , and Hi-iati':a , willyield , when treated by thin Ointment. In n<i eawts iaitmoro important to huvii tha Ointment thoroughly andolloctnaUy convoyed throuifh the pores of tlie skin to theaffected partH , upon whieli it will Ij rintf its H'uilhin;; in-fltionccsto boar , an<l thus firodnee ease , eomfort andsecurity. The I'I H H H I KIII M I HO be Uken in appro[',rip.t«doses U) lesson the inilaiAmation , n.u<l to purif y the Mood.

H A D IJ BIIU , H A D H U C A S I S , Oi.n Wnusw , A N D U L-CEii vr iONH or AI .I. K I .VDS .—The ap|ilit:uli' ,n of thisOintment heals , in a remarkable manner , every kind ofUleoration , soft/jns the stiff or eentnieted tirfsnes^aDBca" proud" lleiih to disappear , IIIK I foul and loat hKOmodischargus to become converted into health y lieulingaur.faces ; and these effeets aro not temporary, hut arradical and permanent

I'lLKH, K lHTU LAH , A ND AI1HCEMSKS. —Tll.;so and allsimilar aflt:ctioii8 must be carefull y treated m:eording totho plan rocomincudediu UiupriutuiliimtructiunH. ThoOintmont must bo applied directl y to the parti affected,and Holloway'B Pills uo simultaueouHl y taken to purifytho blood, and to roliovo tho interim ! congestions whicharo so fertile a causa of this class of dinuase.

DaOl 'HICAI - KNr.AltOEMENTH , SWKM.KD f,Et)S , ANDVAKICOHE V EINH .— In the reduction of all (JlandalorSw ellinKB noroinodyequals tliisineoiuparablo Ointment ,it prevent* tho formation ot extraneous jjrowtha , and isan invaluablo romody for checking all Chronic Dis-charges ; when diligoutly rubbed into tho parts affected,tho worstcaaowill yield in a comparatively short apacoof time

SC UO F U L A A N D OLD H K I N DI H K A S K S .—This Ointmentia a cortain remedy for all diseusen of tho Hkin , whetherpimplo or complicated. Scnrvy, ringworm , blotehcs ,pimples , and othor catanoons disorders , are at once era-dicated by this invaluable Unguent.iiothlha Ointment and Pi lU. thouldhe n-ve-i in UvifoUo w

ing comp la in t s : —Bad Logs Corns (rfj fij ScaldsBad Bruuets Fistulas Koro ThroatsBarns Clout .SkmDiaoa3e3Banionx Glandular Swellings ScurvyChilblains Lnmbago H^ro HoldsChappod Hands PiloB i'umourdContracted and Stiff Ehoamatisir. Ulcore

Joiiits Soro Nipplcx WoundsThe Ointment and Pills aro sold at Professor HCLLO -

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A Certain Cure for tlu> Nervoue and Debilitated.

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TRfiadi-Orty of WettrfoVA ' - , A' 7