Home Space Hacks!

Copyright © 2015 Vanessa Johnson


Do you picture yourself living a tiny but happy home? How would you like to envision a life with little to no financial burden? And how would you like to be a master manager of this house where not one piece of house item is scattered or misplaced?If you dream all that then you can go for it now! Maximize your tiny space with the ultimate tiny house secret!

Transcript of Home Space Hacks!

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Copyright 2015 Vanessa Johnson

Home Space Hacks!The Experts Guide to Organizing, Decluttering and Maximizing Your Cozy Living SpaceBy Vanessa JohnsonCopyright 2015 Vanessa JohnsonPublished by Organized Living PressAtlanta, Georgia USA ALL RIGHTS RESERVED:No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted for resale or use by any party other than the individual purchaser who is the sole authorized user of this information. Purchaser is authorized to use any of the information in this publication for his or her own use only. All other reproduction or transmission, or any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any informational storage or retrieval system, is prohibited without express written permission from the author. DISCLAIMER:While all attempts have been made to provide effective, verifiable information in this Book, neither the Author nor Publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional.This Book is not a source of medical information, and it should not be regarded as such. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering a medical service. As with any medical advice, the reader is strongly encouraged to seek professional medical advice before taking action.

Copyright 2015 Vanessa Johnson

Books by This AuthorClever Couponing

Say It With Crochet

Achieve Household Zen Today

Busy Mom's Guide to Cleaning

The 7 Day Declutter Bootcamp

The Stylish Minimalist Wardrobe

Copyright 2015 Vanessa Johnson

Table Of ContentsAuthors Introduction

Tiny House Living



Designing with Taste

ConclusionCopyright 2015 Vanessa Johnson

Authors Introduction

At a young age, I was already helping out my mother with anything she needed help with inside or outside the house. I remember vacuuming the floor, wiping dusty cabinets, or looking after the flowers and plants in our garden, I was her little helper. I enjoyed the bond we kept and we still sustain that. And funny as it was, I was also not the type of child who would complain about chores. I actually looked forward to it! And so this mindset had settled in my mind for a long time, and still continues to do so. I love to clean and keep things in order!

During school, I began taking interest in home economics. Baking cupcakes and breads, cross stitching flowers and cartoon character, I became very fond of it more than most girls my age. And so succeeding high school, I acquired a degree in home economics, decided to take some classes on housekeeping management, as well as cooking and gardening. I received several certificates and was awarded as top student for most of the classes I attended. A little later, I started my own housekeeping company in my local town. I continue to run it and business has been nothing but stellar. Almost everyone in town, especially the busy parents, would phone us first, asking for housekeeping services, as well as gardening and cooking services whenever they are on a tight schedule. My well-trained employees would get to work like stars.

The complete book is available on Amazon:http://www.amazon.com/Home-Space-Hacks-Organizing-Decluttering-ebook/dp/B00VTESQ5CCopyright 2015 Vanessa Johnson

I. Tiny House LivingYou may be reading this book because you either have built or bought a tiny house with your family and want to make it a spacious lifestyle as possible. Or that you are interested in a tiny house and are looking for ideas to establish one soon. Whatever it may be, youve chosen to read the right source!

Here, I will be educating you on the tiny house lifestyle, and on decluttering, organizing, and designing it. By the end, you will realize its numerous benefits for the whole family. This book was made especially for moms. So lets do it moms!

The complete book is available on Amazon:http://www.amazon.com/Home-Space-Hacks-Organizing-Decluttering-ebook/dp/B00VTESQ5CCopyright 2015 Vanessa Johnson

II. DeclutteringLets put a sample scenario or perhaps an accomplished vision to play: You are a mother with a husband and a kid living in a tiny house. But you have all this stuff. Remember the tip about minimizing on the unnecessary? Here, we will put that advice together with the one that focuses on maximizing the most of minimum space.

Why do we need to declutter? Of course, for the obvious reason that clutter doesnt look pleasing to the eyes. And also this: when you have a smaller space, it gets much messier and disorganized faster than a bigger one, simple. Dont wait for your stuff to pile up before its too late. Dont wait to feel overwhelmed by clutter that will leave you stressed. Start eliminating objects, even if it seems an impossible task. Eliminate! Theres no such thing as organizing clutter. So come on moms, start taking control of your home!

The complete book is available on Amazon:http://www.amazon.com/Home-Space-Hacks-Organizing-Decluttering-ebook/dp/B00VTESQ5C

Copyright 2015 Vanessa Johnson

III. OrganizingLiving in a tiny house has its highs and lows. Just because youre in a small space doesnt mean you cant be organized. There a lot of ways to make the small space both functional and appealing the moment you step inside. A tiny house doesnt mean you only have space for tiny furniture. As long as youre able to work out a system, things will keep remain organized. Below are some creative organization and storage tips to guide you.

The complete book is available on Amazon:http://www.amazon.com/Home-Space-Hacks-Organizing-Decluttering-ebook/dp/B00VTESQ5CCopyright 2015 Vanessa Johnson

IV. Designing with TasteWe are now in the last chapter of the book, and before we get to that, I want you to ask yourself why its important to design your tiny house. The answer is simple. Its to be greeted by a pleasant-to-the-eyes surrounding that makes tiny house living so much better and unique! Wouldnt you want to every day be surrounded by your home of less than 500 square feet and think that youre glad you built all this?

A tiny house can be designed to fit according to your personal tastes, of course, but here, I will provide you with some guidelines in so all the elements from decluttering, organization, and finally design blends perfectly together to make your tiny house truly the dream home you want it to be.

The complete book is available on Amazon:http://www.amazon.com/Home-Space-Hacks-Organizing-Decluttering-ebook/dp/B00VTESQ5CCopyright 2015 Vanessa Johnson


Tiny houses are spectacles to exploring the essence of home. It encourages individuals to look up even when pared down. It promotes flexibility, and a promising success in the quest for simple living. I hope youve learned all you needed in order to declutter, organize, and maximize space in a tiny home.

Before you go, I will leave you with this quote:

In the end, you are going to want to be surrounded by the people you love, doing the things you enjoy, and on a life journey that makes you smile when you think about the places you went and things you did. Tiny houses open up the freedom to do all of these thingsnot just later on, but now.

The complete book is available on Amazon:http://www.amazon.com/Home-Space-Hacks-Organizing-Decluttering-ebook/dp/B00VTESQ5CCopyright 2015 Vanessa Johnson