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We know the feeling. Do you?

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fEatUrEsJUNE/JULY 2012

12roxY Waikiki CLassiC

22HaNapa‘a sHootoUtiN mEmorY of DEaN YamasHiroYa

24rEgatta aCtioNraCHEL kiNCaiD


Kamanu Shop Boys Photo courtesy Keizo Gates

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4 makai oCEaN LifEstYLE JUNE/JULY 2012 Aloha with Every Stroke Photo: JOSS

Wahine o ke kai: Rachel Kincaid
















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BarEfoot pUBLisHEr


pUBLisHErLono goo

EDitorthalia “Chickie” goo

art DirECtioN/DEsigN part-hawaiian Designs

WritErs alyssa Navares

CoNtriBUtiNg WritErsteri skillman

pHotograpHErs m. Lee, Lono goo

DistriBUtioN alicia-Lei goo

[email protected]


2012 makai ocean Lifestyle magazine, is the premier source for information devoted to the ocean lifestyles in the Hawaiian islands. the unique blend of an island surrounded by pure blue ocean, we highlight commercial, rec-reational, and people with a passion for the ocean which surrounds us.

makai ocean Lifestyle magazine is published monthly by pure Blue publications, LLC. Copyright 2012 pure Blue publications, LLC. all rights reserved. No part of this magazine shall be printed and/or altered without the written permission of the publisher.

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Elite paddler Greydon Viloria of Royal Kunia, while multi-tasking in his Pueo, one man canoe, caught this 10 lb Ulua during his workout in June. After 30 minutes into his workout, he got a bite, and it took him 15 minutes of fun to bring this one in! Viloria said he “had so much fun with this workout!” Photo courtesy Viloria Ohana

Wow, what a Summer! It started with a bang, and is continuing to boom each day! There s̒ so much to do, and lots of time to do it. We just need to make the time, and do it! I know everyone is having fun, even if we didn’t have any huge south swells . Well, not yet anyway. There was a nice North swell in June, and oh well, let s̒ just continue to “Pray for Surf”!!! The canoe regatta season is winding down which means, distance season begins and then the two big ones, the Na Wahine O Ke Kai (September 23, 2012) and the Molokai Hoe (October 7, 2012). Stay tuned for those annual events and the of-ficial program printed right here in our Makai Ocean Lifestyle Magazine.. A lot of change is going to happen in our islands, be sure to be apart of that change. Register to vote, especially if you utilize the ocean. Why? When change happens, you want to have a say in it. So VOTE! We hope you enjoy this issue featuring Rachel Kincaid, you will surely hear about her for a long long time! Lots going on, in and on the ocean! Take advantage of the long days, lots of light into the night! Just wanted to give a shout out to Jane McKee. for last months article “Remem-bering Kendall” and photo in her article and of Jason Ignacio.

Till next time!

A hui hou,



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ost high school seniors would say that their sum-mer after graduation is simply relaxing; a respite before starting the exciting journey through college. But for

Rachel Kincaid Glides Through Olympic Waters By Alyssa S. Navares

MRachel Kincaid, her summer consists of intense train-ing in and out of her kayak, as she preps for a Junior Olympic training camp in Lake Placid, New York.

The recent Mid-Pacific Institute graduate is the only athlete from Hawai‘i who qualified for the U18 Kayak Team. She joins top female kayakers from around the United States at this year’s Lake Placid Training Camp and Tour, which helps to develop world-class

Photo courtesy Kalanakilaokalāhui Xiv

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Outrigger CC Women at Nanakuli: Melissa Tother, Jen McTique, Paula Crabb, Rachel Kincaid, Monica Salter, Tina Lighter

Rachel MidPacific Kayaking and friend Ryan Dolan.

kayak athletes and teams planning for future national, world and Olympic competition. ed. “It really makes me happy to know And work hard she does. Rachel has been training at home even before attending the esteemed training camp in New York. As if morning and after-noon kayak practices aren’t enough, the Kane’ohe girl continues to push herself by paddling with the Outrigger Canoe Club and going to the gym three times a week. What keeps her so motivated and unfazed by temptations of a typical teen’s summer break? “I have to keep doing the best I can,” explained Rachel, who has already been invited to the camp twice before. “Because when I go to these camps, I want to be the one that stands out and shows that I did get the spot for a rea-son.” Rachel will train and compete in individual and team boats while at the camp. This will give coaches a chance to observe the athletes in various kayaks (K-1, K-2, and K-4) and to determine which boats best fit the athletes. Their hard work pays off during the latter half of the summer, when racing in the Canada Day Regatta and Lake Placid International Regatta. Last time Rachel raced at Lake Placid, she won the silver medal in both the K1 500-meter event and the K4 200-meter event. This time around, she’s hoping to bring home the gold! “Lake Placid is one of my favorite venues,” she said, describing the beauti-ful mountain community. “Not only because it’s easier to paddle in fresh water, but because if you’re going to get a wind, it’s always going to be a side wind.” She pointed out that the near-perfect conditions at Lake Placid almost makes paddling more enjoyable than pad-dling in Hawai‘i. “The Ala Wai is weird because it can get really windy at times,” she explained. “You could be going upwind and then get a sidewind and then a tailwind, all in 10 seconds.” Rachel was born into an ocean family and followed in her parents’ footsteps by continuing the Kincaid paddling legacy. But it wasn’t until her sophomore year at Mid-Pac that Rachel first stepped foot into a kayak, where she really excelled and found herself on podiums both at home and abroad. Last summer alone, Rachel competed in races across the country and proudly brought home sev-eral medals to show for her success. She placed second and third nation-ally in the 500-meter and 1000-meter events of the 2011 National Trials in Chula Vistas, Calif. Because of this, Rachel was selected to join the junior national team and train in Lake Placid. That’s where she won silver medals for the K1 and K4. Rachel picked up two

Photo courtesy Kalanakilaokalāhui Xiv

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more silvers in Gainesville, GA, where she represented Hawai‘i in the National Sprint Championships. She partnered up with Kamehameha’s Tati Perrin for the K2 1000-meter race and again in the K2 500-meter. Together, they brought home a silver and bronze medal, respectively for each race. But that wasn’t all that Rachel won during the Georgia cham-pionships; she came home with another bronze medal after racing in the K1 5000-meter. “My personal goal is to always push my limit,” she said. “But recently, I haven’t seen my limit and am always encouraging myself to see what I can do.” Needless to say, Rachel has made her family, friends and coaches very proud. In fact, she says that they’re her biggest motivation when it comes to taking that extra stroke on the water or that extra rep in the gym. “I’m fortunate to have a huge sup-port base,” she said. “My mom and dad are my biggest fans, and I feel like I want to make them proud. I want to make all of my aunties and uncles proud, too.” Her mother, Genie Kincaid, will be accompanying Rachel to Lake Placid. But it’s no different than previous races, as Rachel always has at least one par-ent present for support. Genie and her husband, Chris, recognized their daugh-ter’s dedication to water sports early on and know that she’s “at a point where she knows what to do,” Genie said. In other words, Rachel’s a big girl now, so no advice is needed from her parents, “unless she asks for it, that is.” “Rachel has distinguished herself by being very self-motivated and taking the initiative to challenge herself,” her mother said. “It’s gotten her to where she is today.” She pointed out that her daughter has not only pushed herself in the water but in school as well. Rachel graduated with an honors diploma and was one of only 31 kids in the graduating class of 200 to finish their high school career as full International Baccalaureate candidates. It’s one of the highest honors for any high school stu-dent because they’re taking college-level courses during high school. “Out of all the things she has done, I think that was the proudest moment for me and Chris,” Genie said. Rachel will be starting at the University of San Diego in the fall on scholarship and joining the school’s rowing team. She hopes to one day give back to Mid-Pac because “they were the ones that got me into (kayaking) in the first place,” Rachel exclaimed. But as she glides forward in life – beyond her high school years – Rachel hopes to push her limits to the highest level by one day competing in the Olympics.

Kalie Kahookele, Luke Michael, Guy Wilding, Kincaid & Ryan Dolan

Photo courtesy Kalanakilaokalāhui Xiv

Photo courtesy Kalanakilaokalāhui Xiv

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4th Annual

V-1 Canoe Race

When: September 8th, 2012Where: Kualoa Beach ParkTime: Check-in 7-9, Races start 10 am

No canoe necessary to race. Free entry for 18 & under.

Register: www.hawaiivaa.org

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The recent ROXY Waikiki Classic in Waikiki brought together more than 300 girls, from ages six to 60, to celebrate summer and the women's surfing lifestyle. The 2-day event featured an ASP pro longboard competition on the Satur-day, and a host of amateur age divisions for short and longboard on Sunday. Honolulu's Crystal Dzigas, 28, took first place in the ROXY pro event, defeating reigning world #2 ranked longboard surfer Kelia Moniz (Hawaii), Natalie Smith (California), and ROXY pro surfer Vanina Walsh (Hawaii) in the final. The ROXY Waikiki Classic is the third of seven Association of Surfing Professionals Women's World Longboard Tour qualifier events that will determine the short list of women who will com-pete for the 2012 ASP World Longboard title in China, in November. Roxy is an action sports and fashion apparel brand out of Huntington Beach, California. Dzigas settled into a steady rhythm with the ocean through the rounds, capitalizing on incon-sistent conditions by dominating the larger waves

to get an early lead on her challengers. At 28 years of age, Dzigas claims to be at the tail end of her professional longboarding career and is ultimately looking to clinch the ASP world title this year. She was at least 10 years senior to the other finalists today. "It's so awesome to have won here at my home break," said Dzigas. "I've been surfing Waikiki for about 15 years now and I'm getting pretty old (laughs) so I don't know how much further I'm go-ing to be competitively surfing. To have won today is awesome!" For Kelia, who travels and surfs the world as the 'face' of ROXY, this weekend's event is not only about shooting for the ASP world title, but also about sharing the surfer girl lifestyle that originated here in Waikiki with a new generation of women. "I've come in second in a lot of events in my lifetime so hopefully I'm making my way up there," said Moniz. "I hope for the best in China. If not this year, maybe next year I'll win the world title. "I was really happy when I found out Roxy was coming here to do an all-girls event at my favorite

ROXY Waikiki ClassicBy Jodi Wilmott

All Photos Courtesy ROXY

L to R Crystal Dzigas; Kelia Moniz; Vanina Walsh; Natalie Smith. Photo: Betty Depolito

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makai oCEaN LifEstYLE JUNE/JULY 2012 13

place on Earth - Waikiki - and add-ing the pro division gave all the local girls here a chance to qualify for the world championships. I'm glad to see that there are so many girls here. It's amazing how much women's surfing has grown and I'm so proud to be a part of it and to the share the lifestyle that I live with all the girls." The event featured 24 of the world's best and was held in velvety waist-high waves at the iconic Queen's Surf, in front of the Duke Kahanamoku bronze statue. On the Sunday, Waikiki proudly welcomed 4X women's world surfing champion Lisa Andersen (Florida) to Kuhio Beach. Lisa is the global ambas-sador for both the sport of women's surfing and the ROXY brand. Lisa's influence on elite level performance as world champion (1994 to 1997), beach fashion, and the positive aspects of the surfing lifestyle made her the perfect host, drawing hundreds of young surfer girls to the beach.

Crystal Dzigas

(continued on page 14)

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14 makai oCEaN LifEstYLE JUNE/JULY 2012

generation of women. "I've come in second in a lot of events in my lifetime so hopefully I'm making my way up there," said Moniz. "I hope for the best in China. If not this year, maybe next year I'll win the world title. "I was really happy when I found out Roxy was coming here to do an all-girls event at my favorite place on Earth - Waikiki - and adding the pro division gave all the local girls here a chance to qualify for the world champi-onships. I'm glad to see that there are so many girls here. It's amazing how much women's surfing has grown and I'm so proud to be a part of it and to the share the lifestyle that I live with all the girls." The event featured 24 of the world's best and was held in velvety waist-high waves at the iconic Queen's Surf, in front of the Duke Kahanamoku bronze statue. On the Sunday, Waikiki proudly welcomed 4X women's world surfing champion Lisa Andersen (Florida) to Kuhio Beach. Lisa is the global ambas-sador for both the sport of women's surfing and the ROXY brand. Lisa's influence on elite level performance as

world champion (1994 to 1997), beach fashion, and the positive aspects of the surfing lifestyle made her the perfect host, drawing hundreds of young surfer girls to the beach. The women-only ROXY Waikiki Classic provided a venue and an event where young girls, mothers, sisters, aunties and friends could come and celebrate all aspects of surfing. ROXY surfers Kelia Moniz (Hawaii) and Rosy Hodge (South Africa) joined Andersen to share their experience and talk shop: Everything from surfing tips, to com-petitive strategy, and what opportunities lie within the women's surf industry. "The whole essence of this event is inspiring the youth to make sure that our sport remains in great hands," said Andersen. "For these girls it's not only about the lifestyle, but about following a dream, whether it be in competition, in fashion, or in roles within the industry. Our goal is to give them a place to prepare for it. “We want girls to be able to have a good time, catch a couple waves, or gain career experience, and this is the classic place for it - Waikiki, where it all began." In addition to surfing, the festival included vendors such as Paul Mitchell, offering free hair styling stations on the beach with their new Limited Edition SUN line available at paulmitchell.com,

and Jamba Juice. The ROXY Initiative and Kokua Ha-waii Foundation also joined forces to set up designated recycling bins throughout the event site and run a free water refill station for anyone bringing their own water bottle to the beach. Weekend donations to the Quiksilver Foundation were given to the Kokua Hawaii Foun-dation to support their Plastics Free Schools program.

Lisa Andersen (white cap, center), mother of modern day surfing ripettes! Photo: Jodi Wilmott


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A spinning, chopping machine rotating at 3200 rpm, able to inflict 160 impacts in a second. Sound like some horrific torture device from a sci-fi movie? Think again – It’s the three-blade propeller on your boat. A typical recreational boat propeller can travel from head to foot on the average person in less than one tenth of one second, inflicting deep, life threatening chopping lacerations as it travels. You probably read about propeller strike injuries and deaths and think it would never happen to you. You’re too careful. You don’t take risks. Things like this happen when people are careless, or are alcohol related. The truth is it can happen to anyone, any time. If you’re on a boat or in the water, you’re at risk. Sometimes negligence or alcohol is involved. More often, it’s simply a tragic accident. These injuries and deaths aren’t just statistics. These are people just like you whose lives---if they survive--- will be forever changed.

In the spring and summer months at the height of boating season, we receive an average of one call each week asking for information or assistance following a propeller strike injury. The circumstances are often different, the injuries vary. The one constant is that after 7 years of taking these calls, I still cry after every one. I cry out of sadness that another life has been tragically affected forever by an accident that shouldn’t have happened. I cry out of

frustration that a Prop Guard® would have prevented it if only one had been installed. I cry because almost every time I take one of these calls, the caller tells me they had never heard of Prop Guard® before the accident happened. We have seat belt, air bag and car seat mandates to protect us when we travel in cars. We have helmet laws to protect us when we travel on motorcycles. When you’re on a boat the only required safety mechanisms are life jackets and a fire extinguisher. If






By Christy Rodgers


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you’re the person in the water, there are no laws or regulations that are going to protect you from the most dangerous part of boating…..a rotating propeller. Until legislation is in place requiring the use of Prop Guards® on all boats, it’s up to each individual boater to step up and protect both people and marine life by installing propeller guards. It’s up to every individual who swims, skis, surfs, and paddles or is involved in any water sport to demand that their escort boat have Prop Guards® installed. There is no such thing as a “minor” propeller strike injury. Barely into the 3rd month of 2012 and already we had counted 9 propeller strike accidents. 5 individuals have died this year as a result of injuries sustained. Those who were fortunate enough to live to tell their story will be forever scarred or disabled. These numbers will increase significantly as boating activities increase during the spring and summer months. Can we prevent these injuries? You bet! Installation of the Prop Guard® on all propellers would greatly reduce or eliminate prop strike injuries to both humans and marine life. Prop Guard® is a two piece, injection molded cage that will completely surround the propeller. The Prop Guard® is easily installed in about 20 minutes, with just a few, common tools. The two halves are attached to the cavitation plate and the skeg of an outboard or stern drive motor. The differences of the Prop Guard over the current market propeller guards are many. First, Prop Guard is made out of a light weight but very high impact material. This allows the guard to work without having the heavy weight and danger of the metal guards. Metal guards can corrode, and with a hard hit the metal will bend and push into the propeller causing severe damage to the prop. Besides the risk of prop damage, the metal cage can also break into metal fragments that can cause personal injury. The main difference is that Prop Guard will actually improve the performance of the propeller. If you improve propeller performance, you improve the overall performance of the boat. An added benefit is that most marine insurers offer discounted rates for policy holders who install Prop Guards® on their boats. For more information, please visit our website at www.propguardmarine.com. You’ll find a list of authorized Prop Guard dealers and distributors who will be happy to assist you in the purchase and installation of a Prop Guard®. Including The Phoenician out in Kapolei, Hawaii. Please also join us on our Facebook page, Prop Guard Marine, Inc. and help us make everyone! By educating and sharing information, together we can prevent propeller strike injuries! PROP GUARD® saves lives!

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The 16th Annual China Uemura

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Longboard Menehune 1. Honolua Bloomfield 2. Brisa Hennessey 3. Megon Mchale 4. Zoe McDougall 5. Tabatha Knudson 6. Amy Wickard

Longboard Girls1. Stacie Ahina2. Ashley Ahina3. Lana Clark4. Jazzel Ahina5. Megan Godinez6. Isumi Baldwin

Longboard Jr. Girls1. Hannah Fenton2. Estee Lora3. Kui Adric4. Luna Courtios5. Vanina Walsh6. Tara Foley

Longboard Women 1. Mimi Horiuchi 2. Mizue Kashiwamura 3. Stephanie Kempf 4 Ayako Imai 5. Megumi Nakano 6. Jen Bayles

Shortboard Girls1. Honolua Bloomfield2. Brisa Hennessey3. Zoe McDougall4. Alison Bowman5. Eva Asiskovich6. Nicole Fletcher

Stand-Up Paddle1. Vanina Walsh2. Jen Lee3. Goedee Clark4. Hannah Fenton

Battingham Team Challenge1. Team Awesomeness2. Ala Moana Surfboards3. Team Mizumi4. Rainbow Drive-In

Pro-Am Longboard1. Joy Monahan2. Megan Godinez3. Stacia Ahina4. Geodee Clark

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ords cannot describe what just hap-pened. We came into the race as friends and co-workers, and we walked away as brothers. Kamanu came alive in the channel and she gave us the honor of a victory. We didn’t expect it and we don’t take it for granted. She is why we do this. He wa’a he moku, he moku he wa’a. The canoe is an island, the island is a canoe. Kamanu is us, and we are Kamanu. She has given us life as much as we have given her life. She showed us what is possible. For those of us who helped build her or race her, the 2012 Pa’a ‘Eono Hoe will be with us forever.

Two years ago the Pa’a ‘Eono Hoe sparked a revolution in outrigger canoeing. By eliminating the archaic design restrictions, Pa’a single handedly changed paddling forever. With the free-dom to design anything, builders like us jumped on the opportunity. Now, two years later there are a dozen open class canoes on the water in Hawai’i and mul-tiple races allowing open class designs. Every paddling association in the world (other than Hawai’i) has now eliminated restrictions completely.

We are proud to have played a small part in that revolution. The day that Pa’a announced the inaugural ‘Eono we immediately began making plans to build a canoe. With just eight weeks to design and build it, we knew the odds were not in our favor. Strip planked one-off canoes are built completely differently than we build the Pueo on a daily basis. So not only were we tasked with com-ing up with a revolutionary design, but we also had to figure out how to build the thing. When we were three weeks in it became evident that, for once, we were right on schedule. Since being on schedule takes away the challenge (and because Keizo really wanted his own canoe to race) we (more like he) decided

to build a second canoe. Now we were down to five weeks and had the added burden of trying to fit a second canoe in our shop while maintaining our current production schedule of one Pueo per day. If you were one of the unlucky few to have walked into our shop between April and May of 2010, then you proba-bly had to wade through a pile of debris and hold your breath against the ever present cloud of fiberglass dust. To put it simply, it was a nightmare.

The last forty-eight hours before the race is a big blur. We loaded two canoes with freshly sprayed gel coat on a 70ft barge on Friday night before the race. Due to massive seas, the boat didn’t get to Moloka’i until Saturday afternoon and it took us three hours just to get the canoes off the barge. We then worked on the canoes until dark, then went back before dawn Sunday morning to con-tinue the process. Half an hour before the race we were finally done. And then

we won the race. And we won again the next year with a new canoe. Now, going into year three, things have changed.

Our current canoe is the sum total of all that we have learned over our last five V-6 designs (Kawainui, Kapa’a, Ha’upu, NAC’s V6, and Ka’apahu). More than that, we wanted it to embody Kamanu Composites. For starters, we put a manu hope on the canoe. Because open class canoes are strictly about performance, the manu is generally deemed unneces-sary and has been removed. When we named our company after the manu on a canoe, we did it so that we would always remember where we came from. We wanted something that would keep us rooted in the tradition of Hawaiian out-rigger canoeing and also something that represented leadership. Since the manu encompasses the canoe, leads the canoe,

He wa’a he moku, he moku he wa’a. By Luke Evslin


Time Team Name Crew1 3:41:26 Kamanu OD Justin Watts, Mael Carey, Alika Guillaume, Alex Epling, Makana Denton, Luke Evslin2 3:45:44 Golden Gun OD Pat Dolan, Matthew Crowley, Aaron Creps, Manny Kulukulualani, John Foti, Karel Tresnak3 4:07:17 Hui Lanakila Spec M; Anthony Ortiz; Victor Bovino Agostini,Keka Kamakawi woole, Mario Mausio,Makena Fernandez, Adam Treinen-Aea.4 4:23:58 Juniors ODjrLogan Spencer, Hopena Pokipala, Nick Herrera, Makana Darval-Chang, Alex Look, Kainoa Darval-Chan5 4:29:08 Kailua -OD Cliff Tillotson, Fred DeloSantos, Walter Hamasaki, Bob Eheler, Rob Cates. 6 4:38:08 40 Ounces to Freedom-Spec-Andy Cummings, Charles Meyer, Wendell Balai, Joe Omally, DJ Oga, Doug Borton.7 4:49:43 Pacific Wahine OD-Anna Mathisen, Katie Stephens, Mei Tuiculo, Camille DeCarmenjane,Nohea Hirahara, Tee Felgate8 4:57:36 Brisbane Outrigger CC-ODM Richard Howearth, Danny Topfer, Andrew Sbrizza, Dave Hansen,Peter Austin, Jonathon Bloxham9 5:03:30 Lovell-Taylor ODWPaula Crabb, Patsy Vasquez, Carlene Ornellas, Nicole Pedersen, Donna Kahakui, Shelley Oates-Wilding.10 5:10:04 Waikiki BeachBoys CC ODW-Dana Gorecki, Lindsay Shank, Shinlu Stockesbary, Kaui Pelekane, Rachel Bruntsch, Frances Lichowski.11 5:25:30 Hui Nalu-Spec W Aulani Hall, Leah Miller, Jane Duncan, Kehau Lau, Alexia Lopez, Nicola KoyamaSpec = HCRA Specified 400lb. canoe division. (example - “Spec M50” division would be HCRA specified 400lb. canoe for Men ages 50-54 ) OD = Open Design 200lb + (example - “OD W40+” division is Open Design Women’s 40-49 crew)

Photo courtesy Keizo Gates

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and is symbolic of the Hawaiian canoe, it was the perfect name for us. WIth our latest V-6, we knew it was time to bring it back.

Equally as important is the crew that will be racing her. Justin Watts, Mael Carey, Alika Guillaume, Alex Epling, Makana Denton, and Luke Evslin. All of them are employees of Kamanu Composites. Justin does guts (laminating the inter-nal structures of the Pueo and closing the mold); Mael made all of our seats between 2008 and 2010, was one of our original team riders, and is currently the Maui rep for Kamanu; Alika is a lamina-tor (laminates the hull, deck, and ama of the Pueo on a daily basis); Alex and Makana are both finishers (rigging, fin-ishing, quality control, repairs), and Luke is one of the founders of the company. Instead of putting together an all-star

team consisting of our top team riders, this race was literally about family. For the first time ever, we will be racing not as Team Kamanu, but just as Kamanu. The members of this year’s crew are a representative sample of the ‘ohana that works hard to produce and deliver every Pueo. We aren’t in this to win; we’re racing ‘Eono in Kamanu to represent where we came from, to show where we’re going, and, most of all, to repre-sent the hard work that each of our 19 employees puts into every canoe.

Designed by Keizo Gates, led by Todd Strand, and built by all of Kamanu Composites, we are proud to present our newest canoe: Kamanu. Named after the manu, our company, and all that they represent, she is the embodiment of what we do. Kamanu, sprayed in primer gray (final spray job to be done later), will be blessed at 9:30 at Kaluakoi on Moloka’i just minutes before her inaugu-ral voyage this Sunday. She is our ode to a new era.

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Hanapa‘a Shootout - In Memory of Dean Yamashiroya

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2012 Clement D. Paiaina Regatta

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King Kamehameha Day Regatta

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Fathers Day


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Lokahi Canoe Club Regatta

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OHaNa GaLLERYThis months contributions to the Ohana Gallery include 1-Veteran West-side Lifeguard Dean Marzol and his Ahi Fever Catch. 2- Jody Ragsdale & friends 3 & 4 Kaeden Pilanca, and his Heeia pier catch, he and dad come-dian Kaleo, spent the day together extending their fathers day weekend!





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