How To Guide for Employee Student Inquires

How To Guide for Employee Student Inquires By Luis Adrian Aguilar 2011

Transcript of How To Guide for Employee Student Inquires

How To Guide for Employee Student Inquires

By Luis Adrian Aguilar 2011

You will do the following:

Only build ONLINE/AXIA

• Unless the student is from Phoenix and you read (from the student inquiry)the student wants a PHX campus then assign.

Update existing demographic information

• Add all new student information onto IRN.

Keep in mind the following:

• Ground leads will not be built by the EOC since a conversation with the student (by the EESA) regarding specific campus to attend will dictate lead modality.

You will need the following links (part 1):• http://upx/CampusRegions/Online/SSC/Employee/Lists/NewLead/Lead%20List.aspx

• You will find student inquires here.

You will need the following links (part 2):

• http://upx/CampusRegions/Online/SSC/Employee/dashboard/EESA%20Reports%20and%20Trackers/Forms/AllItems.aspx

This is your main page to find the tracker

• Open the tracker labeled “EESA Lead Tracker” • Depending on the month it will say April or Sept etc.

Now lets start with your student Inquires

Now Scroll all the way to left and click on Actions and highlight and click:

• Export to Spreadsheet

Scroll all the way to the right of the page and click:

• Lead Export View

After you have clicked on “export to spreadsheet” you will see this window pop up:

• Open the file download

Now you will notice this window pop up in your Microsoft Excel program and you will:

• Enable the file

Then you will notice the “Import Data” window pop up

• Make sure the “Select how you want to view this data in your workbook” section has:• Table checked off

• Make sure the “Where do you want to put the data?” section has:• New workbook checked and click ok

Now you will notice a “book” auto populate and here you will:

• copy the entire line • one line at a time

Copying and pasting the correct information to your tracker

Now go into your tracker

• Point your mouse on the PINK Modality section• Right Click with your mouse and click on Paste Special

In the Paste Special pop up window make sure you:

• Go to the Paste section and select values• The operation section needs to be highlighted in none

• Click ok

After paste special is clicked, you will notice this entire line filled with information

• The information provided within the inquiry will help you conduct your DUP search. • One can use IS3ENR or the latest version of Galaxy. • If there are no DUPS then create the lead. If there are DUPS oil can an online modality.

Creating a student inquiry

• Primary sourcing is always:• EMPL

• Campaign Code is always:• EMP

Sourcing New and DUP Leads

Moving forward to the New or DUP lead in regards to sourcing

• Mirror your notes from the student inquiry• Include the following:

• 1st sentence will read - “student inquired per S.I.R.” • 2nd sentence will read – “lead assigned over to (name of EESA)”

• SIR = Stephen Iwanchuk report • Update existing information onto DUP leads (from student inquiry)


Now you will fill out your tracker. (part 1)

• You will switch between your tracker and galaxy• Input your initials in the “A” column • Click on the drop down tab in the “B” column and click the date and time

• Column “F” and “H” work together• You will select a specialty on the drop down menu per student interest in column “F”

• Then you will notice column “H” mirror the color and from here you select your EESA

Now you will fill out your tracker. (part 2)

• Column “D” is used to notate your actions• Input notes such as:

• IRN • DUP or New lead• General information about the actions taken on the specific student inquiry

Now you will fill out your tracker and here is how you do it. (part 3)

•Send email to EESA and CC their manager. • Include a copy of the original student inquiry in the email and the IRN.

•Always start off by DUP checking. •If in doubt about which program the student is interested in and they are online through instant messenger then contact them. Ask those clarifying questions. •If you have multiple modalites check S3 to make sure that modality isn’t being used so you won’t “gas can.”

Finish out your Student Inquiry by checking off the following:

•All doctoral leads go to Patrina Yang. Assign ALL doctoral inquires to her as she will assign them to EA’s herself.•All AXIA leads go to Michelle Cole regardless of the specialty. •Counseling and Psychology programs are given to Healthcare EESA’s.•BSHS programs are given to Healthcare EESA’s.•Certificates are considered degree programs so they will get assigned over to an EESA who works that specialty. •Human Resources is considered Business.•Any WIU student inquires are to be forwarded over to Susan Sgarlatti. •Mediation is healthcare

•Advisors who are qualified to work military personal are:•Jeri Lombardi – BT•Terry Caswell – BT•Ryan Heimerich – HC•Michelle Cole – all AXIA•Marriane Miszuk – EDU, ND, CONT-ED and ELEC-ED (primary)•Angela Leon - •Katie Morris – EDU (backup)

Student Inquiry Notes