Holt County sentinel (Oregon, Mo.). (Oregon, MO) 1898-07 ... · great big tine bab--Dr. J. T....

Remember the dates of the Maitland Fair are August 16, 17, 18 and 19. Special train Thursday, August 18, 1 and 1-- 3 fare for round trip. VOLUME XXXIV. OREGON. MISSOURI, FRIDAY, JULY 1. 1898. NUMBER G. We W ant About that - Our line of SPRING CLOTH I NG is now in, anil we can gie you tho styles anil assortment to select from. We can please jou in stle, quality anil price. Our line of anil TRIMM INGS. It will before purchasing. We are to You Hew SupfiE Suit- - iiramer Dress Goods IE" Fancy Goods, Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, Ladies' and Gents' Shoes. Our stock ofGROCERlF-S.QUEENSWAR- E and GLASSWARE is second to none in the county. If you will give us a chance we will save you inonei on am thinu jou inaj necil in our line. YOURS FOR BUSINESS J. Watson fc Co., 3v0. Special Train TO Mound City Celebration July 4, 1898. On account of the 4th of July Celebration at Mound City, arrangements have been made by the ever accommodating Burlington off- icials, to run a special train from Bigelow to Mound City and return. Special to leave Bige- low upon arrival of their Omaha flyer, at 9:30 a.m;and returning leave Mound City at 6:30 p. m. Govern yourself occordingly and be sure to go next Monday is the 4th of July sure. Get. a move on you. J. A. LEASE, Notary - Public, i FOREST CITY, MO. Deeds, Mortgages anil Pension ' Vouches a specialty. All kindsof con-- vcyancing attended to promptly. Have You an Abstract of Title to Your Beal Estate? We desire to inform the public thnt we have recently compiled a Bet of Ab- stract Hooks of Holt county, Mo., anil nrn nrnnared to make n comnlete Ab stract or Title to any tract of Land orj Town lot in Holt county. We respectfully solicit a portion or your patronage. Blah: fc Potts, Abstracters. Ollicooyer Citizens' Bank, Oregon, Mo. Tlirouuli Tourist Sleepers to Portland, Oregon, ForlMieet Sound and Alaska Travel. From St. Louis Via Burlington Route. Personal Conducted Tourist Sleepers via the Burlington Route from St. Liouis to Portland, Oregon, will bo established in service commencing Februnry ICth, 1S9S. They leave St. Louis at 8:15 P. M. Wednesdays: Kansas City 10:10 A. M. Thursdays; St. Joseph, 12:10 P. M. Thursdays, and run via Lincoln, Den- ver, Scenic Colorado, .t Salt Lake City. The current lowest rates to Seattle, Tacoma and Puget Sound ports apply via this route, offering an unusual chance to make steamer arrangements either at Portland, Tacomn or Seattle. Ask your ticket agent or tho under- signed for special folder containing nil details. Ifov.'.i:t Elliott. L. V. Wakklky GenornlManager, General Passenger Agent, St. Louie, Mo. Vint. Hovkv, Agent, Forest City, Mo. Don't Be Foolish Enough to pay S per cent on jour FARM LOANS PETREE 1?R0S Loan at Less Than 7 per cent, including all expenses. North Side Square, OREGON, MO. Bert Saal desires to inform his cus- tomers that ho has removed his barber shop from the ollice in the Hotel Wood- land, to tho basement below. See OEBGOU. the very and shades in DRESS GOODS pay the ladies to look over our line headquarters for Notions, Your choice of lOOHinch Umbrellas at Fitts' for 19c. Tho best Riding plow is theTrumph, ball bearing Sulky Plow, sold by Schulte I!ros. Services at Woodville, Sabbath af- ternoon at 3250 o'clock, by Rev. Henry A. Sawyers. Wm. Mnrkt purchased a McCoruuck binder and mower and Frank Kunkel, of New Point, purchased a McCormick binder from Schulte IiroB., last week. As Oregon will not celebrate the 4th this year, the churches will unite in a union Patriotic Temperance Mass meeting at the M. E. church next Sun- day. Do not fail to attend. The Junior C. E., of New Point, will serve ice cream and cake in the Presbyterian church yard, Saturday evening, July 2nd, nfter services at church. Everybody invited. Tho secretary of the treasurer has decided to make temporary use of pos- tage stamps for internal revenue pur- poses under tho new war revenue act, and today the first lot of about a million was delivered for shipment to collec- tors. -- The fact that applications for upwards of 825,000 worth of government bonds haye been sent in from Nodaway county indicates, the Maryville (Tribune thinks, that chasers of plutocracy in that region might tind good game right there at home, instead of going away off to Wall and Lombard streets as heretofore. It seems that the statement that little Nellie Cross who suicided May 1G, was prompted to do so because of harsh treatment from her father, is a great mistake, as n letter lately found written by the girl indicates that unrequited love was the sole cause. She left the follow- ing letter, which was found some days after her death, Moy 15. "I have taken poison leaye this knife in my hand. It is my request. God bless you all. Mam- ma, tell ray boy I loved him. Nr.Li.iF. Cnoss." - The Rurlington has announced ex cursion rates for the following events: National Educational association con- vention, Washington, D. C, July International Christian Endeayor con- vention. NaBhyille, Tenn., July 5 to 12; North American Turners' Union con- vention, San Francisco, Cal., July 5; tenth triennial National Council of con- gregational churches, Portland, Ore., July 7 to 12; lluptist Young Peo- ples' Union, Buffalo, N. Y., July 14 to 17. National Saengerfest, Davenport, Iowa, July 28 to 31; Union VeteranB Union, National Encampment, Rock Island, III, August 9 to It; International Mining congress, Salt Lake City, Utah, July G to !. BEATON'S CORNER. (It will pay you to read this each week.) For Sale: A house and lot in Oregon, in a good neighliorhood. Price, $350 if Bold in the next W dajs. (Will rent the above property very low, month at a time, until Hold.) For Sale or Trade: A splendid lot, with good three room dwelling, in a good neighlorhood. in north part of Oregon. Owner will trade said property for a farm anil pay difference in cash. 1 will hold a sale this coining Saturday, at which time I will sell anything which may come in. Dealer in Beal Estate and Insurance, OREGON, : MISSOURI. Flavor THE PLEASURES OF TASTING and enjoying delicious lee Cream is yours if you go to Moore's. By the use of absolutely pure cream and extracts, and by taking the utmost care to secure clcanincss through all 6tages of making we have produced an article that is surpassed by none and equalled by few. We sell by the plate, pint, quart or gallon, and have tables to Kit at, where ytiii can get lee Cream, Soda Water, lee Cream Soda, Lemonade. Soda Pop and Ginger Ale. Yours for Groceries, L. I. MOORn & CO.. Oregon, .Missouri. Telephone. No. 7. t oz. Pant-cu- t overalls iWu pair at Fitts. A good horse for sale. Call at H. C Schmidt. -- See Zook'fl city photon enlargements. They are up to late and prices rennon- - able. See H. Hoyd of Forest City, before you buy n buggy, wagon, carriage, or harness. A No. 1, 20 horse lever power. stump puller for Rale or trade. Call on C. W. Walters, one uiilesouth of Oregon. Order your Advance Engine and thresher repair of D. M. Martin, and if you want an outfit be sure and see him. -- Bert Saal, the barber, has removed his shop from the oflice of the Hotel Woodland to the basement room be low. Horn, to Samuel Cupp nnd wife. Wednesday evening. June 29, 113. a great big tine bab- - Dr. J. T. Thatcher in attendance. Remember the grand free balloon ascension in Oregon next Saturdav, July 2, at 25 p. m. The Little Giant Shows will bo here nnd will give one of their attractive entertainments at popular prices, 10 and 20 cents.See street parade. 1 IE W Bargains! B argains IN Summer Goods. $24.00 Refrigerators at $20.00 19.50 ' 16.50 16.50 ' ' 13.50 These arc the Siberia Refriger ators, charcoal filled, best made. Also greatly reduced prices on Screen Doors, Ice Cream Free zers, Gasoline Stoves, Etc. Screene Doors 60 to 85c. Dcering Hinders and Mowers and Twine on hand. First class goods at low prices, We prom'se you good goods at low prices. T. L. PRICE. Hardware Oregon, Mo. Telephone No. Store, (SO: 51. S oz. Denim overalls at Fitts,' :55c pair. J. N. Zachmnti & Co. will buy your poultry at Oregon, at all times, at'eur-ren- t market prices. Lost, near court house square, on Sunday evening. June 19, a handkerchief with lace border. Please leave at this oflice. Go and see Frank Huiatt for feed and fuel. He will make the prices right. Remember that he can supply you with good stove wood. Hot lunch nt the Denver Rakery beefsteak and eggs, bread butter and hot coffee, locts. Pies, cookies nnd all kinds of cold lunch. We are glad to hear the complimen- - tnry remarks made on our city marshal, i He is making an excellent ollicer, and I ,vo congratulate him. ' I Owing to Miss Gusta Cpperman's ' illness she is not able to call on those' ladies desiring l.ny of her hygenic j toilet preparation?, nnd film requests' them to call at her home. Sho keeps a ' complete line of ladies, toilet article, and they are solicited to call on hor. ! and a full line of implements. Our Motto. bus liuggies: the bist buggv on wheels for In Cultivators we sell the Old Iteliabli- - Departure," St. .luscpli, In Plows, jw have the Moline. St. Joseph and the ISradlev. Combined Listers Single Listers The St. Joseph. Mi mere The Osloru- - ami Champion. Hinders The Champion and Osborne, two or best binders on the market to day. We have all the above stoek. Don't fail to give us a call when in need of anything in our line. We believe we can sell nu the best goods in our line in the eountv for the inonev. He sure to come and see us. Forest City, Remember Fitts' stock of Ladio's Shirt waists are all new and up to date. Remember tho Prairie Farmer, of Chicago, and Tiik Skntinm. for $1.7."i. J. J. Pierce has moved into the C D. Zonk residence, formerly occupied by J. N. Zachmnn. - There will be a patriotic temper ance mnss meeting at the M. E. church next Sunday evening. Addrebses by pastors. H. T. Alkire, Ivan Blair, and others. Patriotic songs mid recitations by the children. A cordial invitation extetidod. George Hogrefe, of t'nioii township, tells us to place his name in the column under the caption, or "circuit clerk," nnd says he would like very much in- deed for the Republicans to confer the honor of this nomination upon him. Mr. Hogrefe is well and favorably known in every nook and corner of our county. He is n sterling young Republican, and has always been found in the very front rank lighting the battles of Ins party. As to his litness for the ollice there nan be no question. Elsewhere will bo found a series of resolutions adopted by the District Hank- ers' association, and it will be well for all having any business with our bankers to read them. Whenever n check is made upon a bank, the war tax law re- quires that the maker of such a check mu6t attach a revenue stamp,and unless this is done, the banks will not recognize such check. Our local bank ers are anxious that their patrons will fully understand this provision of the law, in order that they mav escape, pros ecution for its violation. The law be comes operative today, July 1st. Abram Nave, one of St. Joseph's most prominent business men, and the head of the Nave McCord tnerchantile company, died nt his home in that city, on the 22d of June. He. in connection James McCord were engaged in business in this city, in lal., early and this partnership nifty bo considered as the foundation of the present representa- tive firm. At the time of his death he was in his ST5 year. Ho continued in active business, until a few years ago when he divided up his estate among his children, his son Samuel Nave, tak- ing charge of tho Nave interests. The stock in the linn is equally divided bo tween the Nnvo and McCord families. Mr. McCord was also associated with Mr. Nave in many other business ven tures. Numbers of well known nnd in lluential St. Joseph citizens aro now en-- 1 joying the results ot ins prosperity. They started with him as clerks, pro- gressed when ho progressed, nnd now own largo firms of their own in that city. U. Wilson, a wealthy lumber dealer ot Forest City, on his way to Ex- celsior Springs stopped over at Dear- born last Saturday to exchange and talk over reminiscences with his old-tim- e friend. Dr. J. M. Watson. The Doctor, when a young man, taught school in Tilton, Fleming county, Ky., nnd Mr. Wilson, then a boy of fourteen, was ono of his pupils, he claims to hav- ing been, nt that time, a veritable"Peck's Had P.oy," but the Doctor says that all his mischief looked towards fun nnd not meaness. Mr. Wilson's father kept a j hotel .at which the Doctor boarded, and of course after forty year's separation, their recent meeting was greatly enjoyed by each. Ye editor hod the two at din- ner with his family Sunday and to henr Mr. Wilson relate his boyhood experi- ences and escapades, in his inimitable manner, was certainly entertaining as well as very amusing. I believe the experience of our our country verifies the statements that many of our most successful business men nre from this same class of boys, reared in small country towns and way- side hotels. Their active minds, early drink in the busy woys ot the world through theso avenues nnd it makes them better prepared to cope with life. Dearborn Democrat. F m IN tin AT the moiiev. We sell the Ladies Solid at 61.11 pair at Fitts.' The SlJiO kind. - Who has some eorn to trade for saddles or work in that line; see I;. J. at II. ('. E. .Mejer went to St. of this week with II head of cattle that l."il)0. He $1 S." per tin lot him over 6.'50OO. Thero will be a grand balloon a- - cenfion and leap in next at ." will be free. Make it a point to be in town that day. See tho tho storm night of hut weok, Mr. M. A. had six held of cattle killed by nnd another party, where name wu did not learn, had one killed. Ray the little ten year old son of Marin, near Mait. land, who was on for appen dictis on the 17th of June, by. E. M Miller, of Mound City, assisted by Dr. of St. is along the being tiroly Curry has from the a him to mnko an charge of -- cents on each money ordor issued on and after July 1, for war reve- nue The old blanks will bo used until tho is The The next issue or blanks will show figures equal to the fm orders added to the extry war tax of 2 cents. C. one of tho and zealous young of our makes ins bow to the party this wcnk, our and asks nt the hands of tho party con the for circuit clerk. Wo have no better or more worthy young men within the ranks of our party, nor no better citizen within the borders or our He has tho for tilling tho ollice, nnd his would bo no At a of the county central held nt Rock Port, on that party decided to go into a fusion deal with the This was by n large section of the party and wns carried in tho by only a very small In the deal tho oflices which fall to tho are: sherui, judge and The Pops, get county clerk, circuit clerk, judge at large nnd both associate On the part of the the deal was by Littell. nnd Roth the and nre to be held in Tnrkio on ."ith. Tarkio If any one should a check or draft at any of the banks next Fndr : aud nsk that it be and that chec-- or draft should not carry an re- venue stamp for 2 cents, the- - bank would refuse point blank to money for tho paper. Refore tho check the payee must boy a revenue stamp, stick it oyer ono corner, write or stamp his or her in- itials and tho date on the face of the stamp and then shove it the bars to the paying teller. When this is done the money will be for the check, else being ot course. nnd men await next with dread. They endless delay, and They are sure that checks will bo nt their and tho mails which will not be with revenue For their own the banks will carry a stock cf on hand so that may prepare with- out much delay to with the law. GROCER Oregon, Mo., Keeps everything the grocery line. Orders solicited. Free and Prompt Delivery. Produce Wanted. D. M. MARTIN & CO., Forest City, Mo. GjinnnqES, QE0HQE SEEMAH, DEALERS BAIN, WEBER AND BIRDSELL "((ODD GOODS HONEST PRICES." Leather Oxfords regular harness, Hansamnii Schmidt's. Charley Joseph Tuesday averaged received hundred, bringing parachute Oregon Saturday p.m.This parade. During thunder Friday Devorss light- ning, Marion, Lyman ohving operated Wallace, Joseph, getting nicely, operation successful. Postmaster received department circular instructing additional domestic purposes. supply exhausted. present charge Charles Watson, bright, Republicans county, through columns. volition, nomination magnificent county. necessary quahlications nomination mistake. meeting Democratic committed Saturday, Popu- lists. however, stongly op- posed committee majority. Democrats uepresentative, recorder, probate treasurer. collec- tor, prosecuting attorney, judges. Populists nrranged Prosecuting Attorney Sur- veyor Bridge, Commissioi.er Quick. Democrat Populist conventions September Avalanche. present cashed, internal properly can- celled, exchange presenting through forthcoming everything proper- ly performed, Hankers business Friday contemplate annoyance confusion. presented windows receiyed through ornamented stamps. con- venience, stamps customers themselves comply THE BuqqiES, Wjqofisf miess, We sell the (inly genuine Coluin WAGONS. Moline, Collins ami tin; Weir. The St. Joseph. Moline and the 1 most Missouri, r ' III LA HOR SAVERS. Those who have never used the Colum- bia Washing Machine have no idea how it reduces and simplifies the work of washday. It transforms drudgery into pleasure. Takes less time and less soap than the ordinary methods of cleansing clothes. Even- - household should have one. Cheap enough but good enough for anyone. Cannot get out of order and will last a lifetime. Price, HUM. Hut for those who prefer the Tub, WashlMiard and Hoiler we have the necessary articles to carry on operations. We carry a nice stock of Ice Cream Freezers at a very reasonable price. SCHULTE BROS., OREGON, - MISSOURI. Telephone, No. :K. 50 pair of Ladios and Children's Shoes and Oxfords to close out nt Fitts' for 50c pair. A little surprise was in store for our Forest City friends last week. Rev. A. R. Hunt announced his withdrawal from tho baptist and affiliation with the Christian church, saying he had been contemplating this step for the past livo years. Rev. Hunt has tilled the pulpit for our Haptist brethren for three years and nine months. He is a talented young man, and by his pleas ing manners nnd address made friends and gained tho reepeot of every one with whom he came in contact. Our wish is, may Rev. Hunt in his now lield of labor, meet as many friends and ad mirers, as ho leaves behind in forest City. -- Postmaster Curry has received a cir- cular letter from Perry S. Heath, first assistant postmaster general, relating to the act of congrees approved June 13, providing ways and means to meet war expenditures, and especially to that part lixing a tax ot Z cents on every order for payment in the United States of any sum of money not exceeding clOO, on and after July 1. The circular calls nttention to the fact that in lieu of requiring that revenue stamps be af- fixed to money orders of the class des cribed, the bill provides that the price of such money orders shall be increased by a sum equal to the value ot the stamps. Tho receipts of hoes at the St. Jo seph stock yards broke the record for a single day, being 9,000 head, or 2,000 in excess of the receipts ot any previous day. This phenomenal increase is drawn from new territory to this marKei. ine fame of St. Joseph as a stock shipping point has been gradually but firmly growing, and consignments ot both swine and cattle are daily coming from regions contiguous to Omaha and Kansas City. This menace to the markets of these two points has resulted in a vigorous protest to shippers to continue doing business with their respective nearby markets. In order to protect these same Bhippers the fact of concealing-- f heir names has been made imperative. - Huv your plow shoes at Fitts. It will pay you. Remember the Little (Jrant Shous will pitch their tents in Oregon next Saturday, "July 2. They give a tirst class entertainment at popular prices, 10 nnd 20 cents. They also give a grand balloon ascension and parachute leap in the afternoon at 5 p. m He sure and see this. - Enoch A. Welty, of Mound City, has caught tho "itching," and at.ks for thenonunation of county clerk at tho hands of the Republican county conven- tion. He is so well known to tb party that it seems to us unnecessary to say a woru auoui nun. no lias iei-i- i for e irs one of the wheel horses of the partv of our county, nnd as far as we know never shirked a single duty imposed u:on mm by ins party, lie is tirilhantlv ualiliod for the Hsition. His an nouncement can bo seen in its proper place in mis issue. The name of W. H. Licev, of C'lav lownsuip, appears in this issue or our paper, as a candidate for circuit clerk. He is n young man of the highest mo.nl character, of undaunted Republicanism, nnd who represenlsa family of Republi cans that has ever been loyal and true to the party. There can bo vn question as to his litness nnd qualifications for tho ollice. He comes 'from Clav town ship, n strong recommendation also for tho young man. Should he receive the noiiiiuatinr: he undoubtedly will make as strong n r.iee as any one should ask. Mrs. Juhn HiIl.Mied nt her home in St. Joseph. June 25. 1Mb', nfter a long. lingering illne-- s. The remains were taken to Forest Cit v. her old home, for nteruient. Rev. Henry Hanlman con hiding the funeral service?. She was the wife of John Hill, Tor many years n resident of Forest City, and bass of the bridge tiang on the K. C.. St. Joe .t C. 15. R. R. We are sorrv that vo do not not have on hand the data for a more extended notice, but hope the minister who the funeral, or tome of the Tamil will furnish us uilh the data co that uimmii publish ob.tuary at som future date. Private Mat Eder, v. horn your cor- respondent has been unable to fee up to this hour, is iiImi roinrortably quar- tered and IIih bo vis say in Company 15 that he takes to soldier life as a duck takes to water. !! has many friends and relatives in St. Joseph who will he glad to henr that he arrived safe anil sound nt Camp Alger. Louis Strecke bein. Sr., is his grandfather, nnd that gentleman brought back from the ciyil war the llag that Mr. Eiler's grand- father carried to his death in defending nnd which llag 'still shows the stains of the blood that tlowed from the wounds received in defending the tlag he car- ried St. Joseph News. Remember I sell No. 1 good durable Buggies and Carriages and make the best Harness in Holt county. I also sell the most reliable and durable wagons made, the Newton, Schuttler and Deere Steel Wagon.See them before you buy any, Yours for goods and low prices. H. C. SCHMIDRT. The young ladies, of Forest City, gave a very delightful moonlight picnic on last Thursday night, to their gentle- men friends. The ladies went with baskets well filled and their contents wero done ample justice to when the supper hour came. A very delightful time was had uv ail present. Those present were. Mrs. C. E. Rennett, C. G. Landnn. H, E. Robinson, A. J. Wood nnd H. Everson, Misses. Nell P.alfrv, Myrtle Wilson. Allele Maguire. Mary Ivaull, Frank Wylie, Marcelhi Railev and Mary Helen Carter, and Messers. C. E. Hennett.C. G. Lindon, II. E. Robinson, A. J. Wood, I. W. Morris, Geo. Laach, II. Cass. Clino Wiiite, Les ter Hlevins, J. Lease, Hert Everson, Hen Austin nnd Fred Landon. A largo crowd gathered at the resi dence of Mrs. D. E. Bennett on Monday evoning nnd enjoyed tho lovely decora tions, good music and willingly exchang ed their dimes for tho cream, ices, cake nnd lemonade served by the ladies of the Soldiers' Relief League. The house and grounds wero decorated with bunt- ing. Hags nnd tlowers. A veryhandsomo Bower piece adorned ono of the tables tlag made of red and white hollyhocks. blue lark spurs and marguerites. This artistic piece of work was done by Miss Ronnie Rrodbeck. Music was furnished by the band. The "Rig 1 quartette," the Indies' quartette. Misses Etlie Proud and Gertrude Stsck, .Miss Cora Fry gave a fine recitation, which wns much en joyed by those who conld get within hearing distance, lhe proceeds wero $10.41, which enabled the ladies to pay nil their debts and have a small sum left. Already the League havo laid nlans for future work in which our own boys nt Camp Alger are remembered. Kansas City Markets. CATTLE. Nalives.$L'Wr l.7."i;stock- - ers.ind feeders, 9l.-- wt J.S. HOGS.- - Packers. c:5.704 l.i.; mixed S3..1."iiff:5.7."i. WHEAT. No. 1 hard. 7ric No S hard. SOc. CORN. Mixed. :J0. MRS. D. E. BENHETT. All ordi-r- s for ICE CREflTO promptly LL D and delivered to any part of tin city free of charge. Telephone, No. 29. --3- jr.. XT VI: 1 It will pay you to sec our line line of Couches. Wo have them in all styles lth singlo and double, with or without backs. A Couch like above cut, good velour top, full spring edge only S10. Call in and inspect these goods. DENNY & VAN BUSKIRK, OREGON, - MISSOURI. BEST TRAINS Nebraska, Colorado, Montana, Black Hills, Utah, California, Puget Sound, Chicago and St. Louis. VESIIBUIEO THROUGH TRAINS, SLEEPERS, DINING CURS, CHAIR CARS ("ree?). ELLIOT MARSH ALL, Oiv.Ps.AorST.JOSEPH,Mq' MO WARD ELLIOTT, CEN-- t. MCH.. ST. JOSEPH. MO - W. WAKELEV. AOIST. LOUIG.UO VINE HOVEV, Agent, Forest City, Mo. 4TII OF JULY 1898. Excursion Rates. Thegreat Burlington system evermind-fu- l of the interests tiT its patrons have nuthiiri.eil its agents to sell excursion tieketn at One and One-Thi- rd Fare liotween all points on its lino within a listnniv of 3ii miles of sidling station. Tiekets good going July '2. It, tth and good to return July 5th. A rate of one fare. S1.10 for round trip to ( huaha exposition has been made, and tickets will be on sale July 2, :!aiul 1. good returning July Ti. Excursion rates have also been fixed for Woman's Day at the Omaha Exposi- tion. Tickets on sale June 17 and good to return June 20th. Vixk HovKV.Ageiit.Forest City, Mo. Personal. .Mrs. Chri3 Kunkel and daughter, Hetty, aro visiting relatives here. Mrs. D. A. Murray is visiting in Highland City, Kansas, this week. Mrs: A. Rerres has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Josie King, of Maitland. Ulrich Hucher has returned hone from a visit with relatives in Indiana. -- Mrs. Ray Claiborne and little 6cn, of St. Joseph, are tho guests of her mother, Mrs. Emma Harris. Miss Maud Montgomery has re- turned home from Oxford, Ohio, where she has been attending school. - Elder Clydo Darsie pastor ot the Christian church, is entertaining his mother, nnd sister, ot Little Rock, Arkansas. A. M. Brumback and., wife, of St. Joseph, were tho guests' of Mrs. ll'a pnrents.J. B. McDonald and wife, ot this city, last week. J. F. Huiatt and wife, of upper Holt, were the guests of his father. Judge Daniel Huiatt and family, of near this city, over Sunday. Mrs. Minnie Moore and children, Kathleen and Graham, and Mrs. Emma Foster and daughter, Nellie, are visiting relatives in Kansas City. Winnie Montgomery and chil- dren, ot Skidmore, were the guests of Grandpa and Grandma Robert Mont- gomery and wife, this week. Hirraan was down Monday. William S. Fox, ot Short Creek Harrison county, Ohio, was the guest of his cousin T. C. Dungan, for a few days last week. Ho was on his way homo from n prospecting trip in Kansas. -- Hon. S. F. O'Fallon was in St. Louis, this week. He accompanied Mrs. Rebecca Anderson that far on her vay east. She will visit for several weeks with relatives in Shelby, Ohio. Rev. Henry A. Sawyers is in Purk-vill- e this week, meeting with other members of tho Home Mission com- mittee of tho Presbytery of Platte nnd attending the commencement exercises of Park College. Musicale By the Oregon Euterpean Club at tho M. E. church Friday evening, July 1, 1S!IS Piano Ouartette, 'Husareiiritt.Siinil- - ler. Misses Proud, Perkins, Montgomery v Tampion. Vocal Solo, "Fleeting Dajs," Bailey, Miss I)asi; Rostock. Piano'Duet, 'Humires.iie,"C Kunkel, Missi-- s Montgomery and Proud. Reading, selected. Miss Cora Fvre. Vocal Solo, "For Thee Alone Alone." W. Blyfiic, Frank Allen. Piano Solo. "Polka Brillnnte," Van L'lve, Miss Ellie Proud. Vocal Duet, "Tlii- - Crimson Glow of Sunset Fades." F. W. Root, Missi-- Sihulte. Piano (iiartettf, "Ventie A Tev-c,"H- . Kowalski, Misses Cramptoii, Rostook, Dungan and Van Der.veer. Reading, selected. Miss Clara Darsie. Vocal Solo. "You" A. 5. Rob n,"Fore-iMMlings- ," E. C'aupioii. Mrs. Potts. Piano Duett. "Grande Marcho Trioumphn'e." W. Kuhe, Misses Mont- gomery and Perkins. Piano Solo, "Pasquinade," Gottschalk, Miss Maude Cramptoii. Vocal Solo, selected. Miss Leon a Schulte. Reading, selected. Miss Allierta Mur- ray. Vocal Solo, "Tuo Sweethearts of Mine," J. F. Heir. Miss Elsa Bennett. Piano Trio, "Lustspieil Overture," Rela, Misses Perking, Montgomery and Proud. Vocal Solo, "Slumber Song." Men delssohn. Missi-- s Stock. Rostock. Schulte and Frye. The Burlington's New Observation Vestibuled. Trains. The most complete daily trains in tho West, for all classes ot travel, nre just out of tho Burlington's shops. Theso are trains Nos. 15 nnd 10. between St. Ltouisnnu Kansas City, bt. Joseph, Colo- rado and Montana. These nre vesti- buled throughont with the handsome wide observation Pintsch-hghte- d vesti- bules. The chair cars have oak and mn- - hegany finish. Pintsch light and courteous free porters seryice. The lat- est productions of compartment sleep- ers, between St. Louis and Kansas City, oiler tho exclusiveuess of drawing rooms without any additional oerlh charges. These are the only wide vestibuled trains from bt.Louis to Kansas City and Denver. Theso are also the trains from St. Louis, St. Joseph and Kansas Uity for all travel vin the Iturhngton s snort Northwest Mnin Line, to Montana, Washington, Tacoma, Seattle, etc. Howard Elliott, L. W. Wakei.f.y. Gen. Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt., St. Joseph, Mo. St. Louis, Mo.

Transcript of Holt County sentinel (Oregon, Mo.). (Oregon, MO) 1898-07 ... · great big tine bab--Dr. J. T....

Page 1: Holt County sentinel (Oregon, Mo.). (Oregon, MO) 1898-07 ... · great big tine bab--Dr. J. T. Thatcher in attendance. Remember the grand free balloon ascension in Oregon next Saturdav,

Remember the dates of the Maitland Fair are August 16, 17, 18 and 19. Special train Thursday, August 18, 1 and 1-- 3 fare for round trip.


We WantAbout that

-Our line of SPRING CLOTH I NG is now in, anil we can gie you tho

styles anil assortment to select from. We can please jou in stle, qualityanil price. Our line of

anil TRIMM INGS. It willbefore purchasing. We are

to You

Hew SupfiE Suit--

iiramer Dress Goods IE"

Fancy Goods,Ladies' and Gents' Underwear,

Ladies' and Gents' Shoes.Our stock ofGROCERlF-S.QUEENSWAR-

E and GLASSWARE issecond to none in the county. If you will give us a chance we will saveyou inonei on am thinu jou inaj necil in our line.


J. Watson fc Co.,3v0.

Special TrainTO

Mound City Celebration

July 4, 1898.On account of the 4th of July Celebration

at Mound City, arrangements have been madeby the ever accommodating Burlington off-icials, to run a special train from Bigelow toMound City and return. Special to leave Bige-low upon arrival of their Omaha flyer, at 9:30a.m;and returning leave Mound City at 6:30 p.m. Govern yourself occordingly and be sureto go next Monday is the 4th of July sure.Get. a move on you.


Notary - Public, i

FOREST CITY, MO.Deeds, Mortgages anil Pension '

Vouches a specialty. All kindsof con--

vcyancing attended to promptly.

Have You an Abstract of Title toYour Beal Estate?

We desire to inform the public thntwe have recently compiled a Bet of Ab-stract Hooks of Holt county, Mo., anilnrn nrnnared to make n comnlete Abstract or Title to any tract of Land orjTown lot in Holt county.

We respectfully solicit a portion oryour patronage.

Blah: fc Potts, Abstracters.Ollicooyer Citizens' Bank, Oregon, Mo.

Tlirouuli Tourist Sleepers toPortland, Oregon, ForlMieet

Sound and Alaska Travel.

From St. Louis Via Burlington Route.Personal Conducted Tourist Sleepers

via the Burlington Route from St.Liouis to Portland, Oregon, will boestablished in service commencingFebrunry ICth, 1S9S.

They leave St. Louis at 8:15 P. M.Wednesdays: Kansas City 10:10 A. M.Thursdays; St. Joseph, 12:10 P. M.Thursdays, and run via Lincoln, Den-ver, Scenic Colorado, .t Salt Lake City.

The current lowest rates to Seattle,Tacoma and Puget Sound ports applyvia this route, offering an unusualchance to make steamer arrangementseither at Portland, Tacomn or Seattle.

Ask your ticket agent or tho under-signed for special folder containing nildetails.

Ifov.'.i:t Elliott. L. V. WakklkyGenornlManager, General Passenger

Agent,St. Louie, Mo.

Vint. Hovkv, Agent, Forest City, Mo.

Don't Be FoolishEnough to pay S per cent on jour


PETREE 1?R0SLoan at

Less Than 7 per cent,including all expenses. North SideSquare, OREGON, MO.

Bert Saal desires to inform his cus-

tomers that ho has removed his barbershop from the ollice in the Hotel Wood-

land, to tho basement below.



the veryand shades in

DRESS GOODSpay the ladies to look over our lineheadquarters for


Your choice of lOOHinch Umbrellasat Fitts' for 19c.

Tho best Riding plow is theTrumph,ball bearing Sulky Plow, sold by SchulteI!ros.

Services at Woodville, Sabbath af-

ternoon at 3250 o'clock, by Rev. HenryA. Sawyers.

Wm. Mnrkt purchased a McCoruuckbinder and mower and Frank Kunkel,of New Point, purchased a McCormickbinder from Schulte IiroB., last week.

As Oregon will not celebrate the4th this year, the churches will unitein a union Patriotic Temperance Massmeeting at the M. E. church next Sun-day. Do not fail to attend.

The Junior C. E., of New Point,will serve ice cream and cake in thePresbyterian church yard, Saturdayevening, July 2nd, nfter services atchurch. Everybody invited.

Tho secretary of the treasurer hasdecided to make temporary use of pos-tage stamps for internal revenue pur-poses under tho new war revenue act,and today the first lot of about a millionwas delivered for shipment to collec-tors.

--The fact that applications for upwardsof 825,000 worth of government bondshaye been sent in from Nodaway countyindicates, the Maryville (Tribune thinks,that chasers of plutocracy in that regionmight tind good game right there athome, instead of going away off to Walland Lombard streets as heretofore.

It seems that the statement thatlittle Nellie Cross who suicided May 1G,

was prompted to do so because of harshtreatment from her father, is a greatmistake, as n letter lately found writtenby the girl indicates that unrequited lovewas the sole cause. She left the follow-ing letter, which was found some daysafter her death, Moy 15. "I have takenpoison leaye this knife in my hand. Itis my request. God bless you all. Mam-ma, tell ray boy I loved him.

Nr.Li.iF. Cnoss."- The Rurlington has announced ex

cursion rates for the following events:National Educational association con-vention, Washington, D. C, JulyInternational Christian Endeayor con-vention. NaBhyille, Tenn., July 5 to 12;North American Turners' Union con-vention, San Francisco, Cal., July 5;tenth triennial National Council of con-gregational churches, Portland, Ore.,July 7 to 12; lluptist Young Peo-ples' Union, Buffalo, N. Y., July 14 to 17.National Saengerfest, Davenport, Iowa,July 28 to 31; Union VeteranB Union,National Encampment, Rock Island, III,August 9 to It; International Miningcongress, Salt Lake City, Utah, July G

to !.

BEATON'S CORNER.(It will pay you to read this each week.)

For Sale: A house and lot in Oregon, in a good neighliorhood. Price, $350 ifBold in the next W dajs. (Will rent the above property very low, month at a time,until Hold.)

For Sale or Trade: A splendid lot, with good three room dwelling, in a goodneighlorhood. in north part of Oregon. Owner will trade said property for a farmanil pay difference in cash.

1 will hold a sale this coining Saturday, at which time I will sell anythingwhich may come in.

Dealer in Beal Estate and Insurance,OREGON, : MISSOURI.



and enjoying delicious lee Cream isyours if you go to Moore's.

By the use of absolutely pure creamand extracts, and by taking the utmostcare to secure clcanincss through all6tages of making we have produced anarticle that is surpassed by none andequalled by few.

We sell by the plate, pint, quart orgallon, and have tables to Kit at, whereytiii can get lee Cream, Soda Water, leeCream Soda, Lemonade. Soda Pop andGinger Ale.

Yours for Groceries,

L. I. MOORn & CO..

Oregon, .Missouri.Telephone. No. 7.

t oz. Pant-cu- t overalls iWu pair atFitts.

A good horse for sale. Call at H. CSchmidt.

--See Zook'fl city photon enlargements.They are up to late and prices rennon- -able.

See H. Hoyd of Forest City, beforeyou buy n buggy, wagon, carriage, orharness.

A No. 1, 20 horse lever power.stump puller for Rale or trade. Call onC. W. Walters, one uiilesouth of Oregon.

Order your Advance Engine andthresher repair of D. M. Martin, and ifyou want an outfit be sure and see him.

-- Bert Saal, the barber, has removedhis shop from the oflice of the HotelWoodland to the basement room below.

Horn, to Samuel Cupp nnd wife.Wednesday evening. June 29, 113. agreat big tine bab- - Dr. J. T.Thatcher in attendance.

Remember the grand free balloonascension in Oregon next Saturdav,July 2, at 25 p. m. The Little GiantShows will bo here nnd will give one oftheir attractive entertainments atpopular prices, 10 and 20 cents.See streetparade.

1 IE W

Bargains! Bargains


Summer Goods.

$24.00 Refrigerators at $20.0019.50 ' 16.5016.50 ' ' 13.50

These arc the Siberia Refrigerators, charcoal filled, best made.Also greatly reduced prices onScreen Doors, Ice Cream Freezers, Gasoline Stoves, Etc.

Screene Doors 60 to 85c.

Dcering Hinders and Mowersand Twine on hand. First classgoods at low prices, We prom'seyou good goods at low prices.

T. L. PRICE. Hardware

Oregon, Mo.Telephone No. Store, (SO: 51.

S oz. Denim overalls at Fitts,' :55cpair.

J. N. Zachmnti & Co. will buy yourpoultry at Oregon, at all times, at'eur-ren- t

market prices.Lost, near court house square, on

Sunday evening. June 19, a handkerchiefwith lace border. Please leave at thisoflice.

Go and see Frank Huiatt for feedand fuel. He will make the prices right.Remember that he can supply you withgood stove wood.

Hot lunch nt the Denver Rakerybeefsteak and eggs, bread butter andhot coffee, locts. Pies, cookies nnd allkinds of cold lunch.

We are glad to hear the complimen- -

tnry remarks made on our city marshal, i

He is making an excellent ollicer, and I

,vo congratulate him. ' I

Owing to Miss Gusta Cpperman's '

illness she is not able to call on those'ladies desiring l.ny of her hygenic j

toilet preparation?, nnd film requests'them to call at her home. Sho keeps a 'complete line of ladies, toilet article,and they are solicited to call on hor. !

and a full line of implements. Our Motto.bus liuggies: the bist buggv on wheels for

In Cultivators we sell the Old Iteliabli- - Departure," St. .luscpli,In Plows, jw have the Moline. St. Joseph and the ISradlev. Combined Listers

Single Listers The St. Joseph. Mi mere The Osloru- - ami Champion. Hinders The Champion and Osborne, two orbest binders on the market to day. We have all the above stoek. Don't fail to give us a call when in need of anything inour line. We believe we can sell nu the best goods in our line in the eountv for the inonev. He sure to come and see us.

Forest City,

Remember Fitts' stock of Ladio'sShirt waists are all new and up to date.

Remember tho Prairie Farmer, ofChicago, and Tiik Skntinm. for $1.7."i.

J. J. Pierce has moved into the CD. Zonk residence, formerly occupied byJ. N. Zachmnn.

- There will be a patriotic temperance mnss meeting at the M. E. churchnext Sunday evening. Addrebses bypastors. H. T. Alkire, Ivan Blair, andothers. Patriotic songs mid recitationsby the children. A cordial invitationextetidod.

George Hogrefe, of t'nioii township,tells us to place his name in the columnunder the caption, or "circuit clerk,"nnd says he would like very much in-

deed for the Republicans to confer thehonor of this nomination upon him. Mr.Hogrefe is well and favorably known inevery nook and corner of our county.He is n sterling young Republican, andhas always been found in the very frontrank lighting the battles of Ins party.As to his litness for the ollice there nanbe no question.

Elsewhere will bo found a series ofresolutions adopted by the District Hank-ers' association, and it will be well for allhaving any business with our bankersto read them. Whenever n check ismade upon a bank, the war tax law re-

quires that the maker of such a checkmu6t attach a revenue stamp,andunless this is done, the banks will notrecognize such check. Our local bankers are anxious that their patrons willfully understand this provision of thelaw, in order that they mav escape, prosecution for its violation. The law becomes operative today, July 1st.

Abram Nave, one of St. Joseph'smost prominent business men, and thehead of the Nave McCord tnerchantilecompany, died nt his home in that city,on the 22d of June. He. in connectionJames McCord were engaged in businessin this city, in lal., early and thispartnership nifty bo considered as thefoundation of the present representa-tive firm. At the time of his death hewas in his ST5 year. Ho continued inactive business, until a few years agowhen he divided up his estate amonghis children, his son Samuel Nave, tak-ing charge of tho Nave interests. Thestock in the linn is equally divided botween the Nnvo and McCord families.Mr. McCord was also associated withMr. Nave in many other business ventures. Numbers of well known nnd inlluential St. Joseph citizens aro now en-- 1

joying the results ot ins prosperity.They started with him as clerks, pro-gressed when ho progressed, nnd nowown largo firms of their own in thatcity.

U. Wilson, a wealthy lumberdealer ot Forest City, on his way to Ex-celsior Springs stopped over at Dear-born last Saturday to exchange andtalk over reminiscences with his old-tim- e

friend. Dr. J. M. Watson. TheDoctor, when a young man, taughtschool in Tilton, Fleming county, Ky.,nnd Mr. Wilson, then a boy of fourteen,was ono of his pupils, he claims to hav-ing been, nt that time, a veritable"Peck'sHad P.oy," but the Doctor says that allhis mischief looked towards fun nnd notmeaness. Mr. Wilson's father kept a j

hotel .at which the Doctor boarded, andof course after forty year's separation,their recent meeting was greatly enjoyedby each. Ye editor hod the two at din-ner with his family Sunday and to henrMr. Wilson relate his boyhood experi-ences and escapades, in his inimitablemanner, was certainly entertainingas well as very amusing. Ibelieve the experience of ourour country verifies the statements thatmany of our most successful businessmen nre from this same class of boys,reared in small country towns and way-side hotels. Their active minds, earlydrink in the busy woys ot the worldthrough theso avenues nnd it makesthem better prepared to cope with life.

Dearborn Democrat.





ATthe moiiev. We sell the

Ladies Solid at61.11 pair at Fitts.' The SlJiOkind.

- Who has some eorn to trade forsaddles or work in that line; see

I;. J. at II. ('.E. .Mejer went to St.

of this week with II head ofcattle that l."il)0. He$1 S." per tin lot himover 6.'50OO.

Thero will be a grand balloon a- -

cenfion and leap innext at ." will be free.Make it a point to be in town that day.See tho

tho stormnight of hut weok, Mr. M. A.had six held of cattle killed by

nnd another party, where namewu did not learn, had one killed.

Ray the little ten year oldson of Marin, near Mait.land, who was on for appendictis on the 17th of June, by. E. MMiller, of Mound City, assisted by Dr.

of St. is alongthe being tiroly

Curry has fromthe ahim to mnko an charge of --

cents on each money ordorissued on and after July 1, for war reve-nue The old blanks will boused until tho is TheThe next issue or blanks will showfigures equal to the fmorders added to the extry war tax of 2cents.

C. one of thoand zealous young

of our makes ins bow to theparty this wcnk, ourand asks nt the hands of tho party con

the for circuitclerk. Wo have no better or moreworthy young men within the ranks ofour party, nor no better citizen withinthe borders or ourHe has tho fortilling tho ollice, nnd hiswould bo no

At a of thecounty central held nt RockPort, on that party decidedto go into a fusion deal with the

This wasby n large section of the party

and wns carried in tho byonly a very small In the dealtho oflices which fall to thoare: sherui,

judge and The Pops,get county clerk, circuit clerk,

judge at largennd both associate On the partof the the deal wasby Littell.

nndRoth the and

nre to be held in Tnrkio on."ith. Tarkio

If any one should a check ordraft at any of the banks next Fndr :aud nsk that it be and that chec--

or draft should not carry an re-

venue stamp for 2 cents,the- - bank would refuse point

blank to money for tho paper.Refore tho check the payeemust boy a revenue stamp, stick it oyerono corner, write or stamp his or her in-

itials and tho date on the face of thestamp and then shove it thebars to the paying teller. When this isdone the money will be forthe check, else being

ot course. nndmen await next with

dread. They endless delay,and They are

sure that checks will bo nttheir and thomails which will not be withrevenue For their own

the banks will carry astock cf on hand so that

may prepare with-out much delay to with the law.


Oregon, Mo.,

Keeps everything the grocery line. Orderssolicited. Free and Prompt Delivery.

Produce Wanted.D. M. MARTIN & CO., Forest City, Mo.






Leather Oxfordsregular

harness,Hansamnii Schmidt's.

Charley JosephTuesday

averaged receivedhundred, bringing

parachute OregonSaturday p.m.This

parade.During thunder Friday



Marion,Lyman ohving


Wallace, Joseph, gettingnicely, operationsuccessful.

Postmaster receiveddepartment circular instructing


purposes.supply exhausted.

present charge

Charles Watson,bright, Republicans

county,through columns.

volition, nomination

magnificent county.necessary quahlications


meeting Democraticcommitted


lists. however, stongly op-posed


Democratsuepresentative, recorder,

probate treasurer.collec-

tor, prosecuting attorney,judges.

Populists nrrangedProsecuting Attorney Sur-

veyor Bridge, Commissioi.er Quick.Democrat Populist

conventionsSeptember Avalanche.



properly can-celled,



forthcomingeverything proper-

ly performed, Hankersbusiness Friday

contemplateannoyance confusion.

presentedwindows receiyed through

ornamentedstamps. con-


customers themselvescomply


BuqqiES, Wjqofisf miess,We sell the (inly genuine Coluin

WAGONS.Moline, Collins ami tin; Weir.The St. Joseph. Moline and the 1 most


r ' III


Those who have never used the Colum-bia Washing Machine have no idea howit reduces and simplifies the work ofwashday. It transforms drudgery intopleasure. Takes less time and less soapthan the ordinary methods of cleansingclothes. Even- - household should haveone. Cheap enough but good enoughfor anyone. Cannot get out of orderand will last a lifetime. Price, HUM.

Hut for those who prefer the Tub,WashlMiard and Hoiler we have thenecessary articles to carry on operations.

We carry a nice stock of Ice CreamFreezers at a very reasonable price.


Telephone, No. :K.

50 pair of Ladios and Children'sShoes and Oxfords to close out nt Fitts'for 50c pair.

A little surprise was in store for ourForest City friends last week. Rev. A.R. Hunt announced his withdrawalfrom tho baptist and affiliation withthe Christian church, saying he hadbeen contemplating this step for thepast livo years. Rev. Hunt has tilledthe pulpit for our Haptist brethren forthree years and nine months. He is atalented young man, and by his pleasing manners nnd address made friendsand gained tho reepeot of every onewith whom he came in contact. Ourwish is, may Rev. Hunt in his now lieldof labor, meet as many friends and admirers, as ho leaves behind in forestCity.

-- Postmaster Curry has received a cir-cular letter from Perry S. Heath, firstassistant postmaster general, relating tothe act of congrees approved June 13,providing ways and means to meet warexpenditures, and especially to thatpart lixing a tax ot Z cents on everyorder for payment in the United Statesof any sum of money not exceedingclOO, on and after July 1. The circularcalls nttention to the fact that in lieu ofrequiring that revenue stamps be af-

fixed to money orders of the class described, the bill provides that the priceof such money orders shall be increasedby a sum equal to the value ot thestamps.

Tho receipts of hoes at the St. Joseph stock yards broke the record for asingle day, being 9,000 head, or 2,000 inexcess of the receipts ot any previousday. This phenomenal increase is drawnfrom new territory to this marKei. inefame of St. Joseph as a stock shippingpoint has been gradually but firmlygrowing, and consignments ot both swineand cattle are daily coming from regionscontiguous to Omaha and Kansas City.This menace to the markets of thesetwo points has resulted in a vigorousprotest to shippers to continue doingbusiness with their respective nearbymarkets. In order to protect these sameBhippers the fact of concealing-- f heirnames has been made imperative.

- Huv your plow shoes at Fitts. Itwill pay you.

Remember the Little (Jrant Shouswill pitch their tents in Oregon nextSaturday, "July 2. They give a tirstclass entertainment at popular prices,10 nnd 20 cents. They also give a grandballoon ascension and parachute leap inthe afternoon at 5 p. m He sure and seethis.

- Enoch A. Welty, of Mound City,has caught tho "itching," and at.ks forthenonunation of county clerk at thohands of the Republican county conven-tion. He is so well known to tb partythat it seems to us unnecessary to say aworu auoui nun. no lias iei-i- i for e irsone of the wheel horses of the partv ofour county, nnd as far as we know nevershirked a single duty imposed u:onmm by ins party, lie is tirilhantlv

ualiliod for the Hsition. His announcement can bo seen in its properplace in mis issue.

The name of W. H. Licev, of C'lavlownsuip, appears in this issue or ourpaper, as a candidate for circuit clerk.He is n young man of the highest mo.nlcharacter, of undaunted Republicanism,nnd who represenlsa family of Republicans that has ever been loyal and trueto the party. There can bo vn questionas to his litness nnd qualifications fortho ollice. He comes 'from Clav township, n strong recommendation also fortho young man. Should he receive thenoiiiiuatinr: he undoubtedly will make asstrong n r.iee as any one should ask.

Mrs. Juhn HiIl.Mied nt her home inSt. Joseph. June 25. 1Mb', nfter a long.lingering illne-- s. The remains weretaken to Forest Cit v. her old home, fornteruient. Rev. Henry Hanlman conhiding the funeral service?. She wasthe wife of John Hill, Tor many years nresident of Forest City, and bass of thebridge tiang on the K. C.. St. Joe .t C.15. R. R. We are sorrv that vo do notnot have on hand the data for a moreextended notice, but hope the ministerwho the funeral, or tome ofthe Tamil will furnish us uilh the dataco that uimmii publish ob.tuary at somfuture date.

Private Mat Eder, v. horn your cor-respondent has been unable to fee upto this hour, is iiImi roinrortably quar-tered and IIih bo vis say in Company 15

that he takes to soldier life as a ducktakes to water. !! has many friendsand relatives in St. Joseph who will heglad to henr that he arrived safe anilsound nt Camp Alger. Louis Streckebein. Sr., is his grandfather, nnd thatgentleman brought back from the ciyilwar the llag that Mr. Eiler's grand-father carried to his death in defendingnnd which llag 'still shows the stains ofthe blood that tlowed from the woundsreceived in defending the tlag he car-ried St. Joseph News.

Remember I sell No. 1 gooddurable Buggies and Carriagesand make the best Harness inHolt county. I also sell themost reliable and durablewagons made, the Newton,Schuttler and Deere SteelWagon.See them before you buyany, Yours for goods and lowprices. H. C. SCHMIDRT.

The young ladies, of Forest City,gave a very delightful moonlight picnicon last Thursday night, to their gentle-men friends. The ladies went withbaskets well filled and their contentswero done ample justice to when thesupper hour came. A very delightfultime was had uv ail present. Thosepresent were. Mrs. C. E. Rennett, C. G.Landnn. H, E. Robinson, A. J. Woodnnd H. Everson, Misses. Nell P.alfrv,Myrtle Wilson. Allele Maguire. MaryIvaull, Frank Wylie, Marcelhi Railevand Mary Helen Carter, and Messers.C. E. Hennett.C. G. Lindon, II. E.Robinson, A. J. Wood, I. W. Morris,Geo. Laach, II. Cass. Clino Wiiite, Lester Hlevins, J. Lease, Hert Everson, HenAustin nnd Fred Landon.

A largo crowd gathered at the residence of Mrs. D. E. Bennett on Mondayevoning nnd enjoyed tho lovely decorations, good music and willingly exchanged their dimes for tho cream, ices, cakennd lemonade served by the ladies ofthe Soldiers' Relief League. The houseand grounds wero decorated with bunt-ing. Hags nnd tlowers. A veryhandsomoBower piece adorned ono of the tables

tlag made of red and white hollyhocks.blue lark spurs and marguerites. Thisartistic piece of work was done by MissRonnie Rrodbeck. Music was furnishedby the band. The "Rig 1 quartette,"the Indies' quartette. Misses Etlie Proudand Gertrude Stsck, .Miss Cora Fry gavea fine recitation, which wns much enjoyed by those who conld get withinhearing distance, lhe proceeds wero$10.41, which enabled the ladies to paynil their debts and have a small sumleft. Already the League havo laidnlans for future work in which our ownboys nt Camp Alger are remembered.

Kansas City Markets.CATTLE. Nalives.$L'Wr l.7."i;stock- -

ers.ind feeders, 9l.-- wt J.S.HOGS.- - Packers. c:5.704 l.i.; mixed


WHEAT. No. 1 hard. 7ric No S

hard. SOc.CORN. Mixed. :J0.


All ordi-r- s for

ICE CREflTOpromptly

LL Dand delivered to any part of tin city freeof charge.

Telephone, No. 29.

--3- jr.. XT VI:


It will pay you to sec our line line ofCouches. Wo have them in all styleslth singlo and double, with or withoutbacks.

A Couch like above cut, good velourtop, full spring edge only S10.

Call in and inspect these goods.




Nebraska, Colorado,Montana, Black Hills,

Utah, California,Puget Sound,

Chicago and St. Louis.




VINE HOVEV, Agent,Forest City, Mo.

4TII OF JULY 1898.

Excursion Rates.Thegreat Burlington system evermind-fu- l

of the interests tiT its patrons havenuthiiri.eil its agents to sell excursiontieketn at

One and One-Thi- rd Fareliotween all points on its lino within alistnniv of 3ii miles of sidling station.Tiekets good going July '2. It, tth andgood to return July 5th.

A rate of one fare. S1.10 forround trip to ( huaha exposition has beenmade, and tickets will be on sale July 2,:!aiul 1. good returning July Ti.

Excursion rates have also been fixedfor Woman's Day at the Omaha Exposi-tion. Tickets on sale June 17 and goodto return June 20th.

Vixk HovKV.Ageiit.Forest City, Mo.

Personal..Mrs. Chri3 Kunkel and daughter,

Hetty, aro visiting relatives here.Mrs. D. A. Murray is visiting in

Highland City, Kansas, this week.Mrs: A. Rerres has been visiting her

daughter, Mrs. Josie King, of Maitland.Ulrich Hucher has returned hone

from a visit with relatives in Indiana.-- Mrs. Ray Claiborne and little 6cn,

of St. Joseph, are tho guests of hermother, Mrs. Emma Harris.

Miss Maud Montgomery has re-turned home from Oxford, Ohio, whereshe has been attending school.

- Elder Clydo Darsie pastor ot theChristian church, is entertaining hismother, nnd sister, ot LittleRock, Arkansas.

A. M. Brumback and., wife, of St.Joseph, were tho guests' of Mrs. ll'apnrents.J. B. McDonald and wife, otthis city, last week.

J. F. Huiatt and wife, of upperHolt, were the guests of his father.Judge Daniel Huiatt and family, of nearthis city, over Sunday.

Mrs. Minnie Moore and children,Kathleen and Graham, and Mrs. EmmaFoster and daughter, Nellie, are visitingrelatives in Kansas City.

Winnie Montgomery and chil-dren, ot Skidmore, were the guests ofGrandpa and Grandma Robert Mont-gomery and wife, this week. Hirraanwas down Monday.

William S. Fox, ot Short CreekHarrison county, Ohio, was the guest ofhis cousin T. C. Dungan, for a few dayslast week. Ho was on his way homo fromn prospecting trip in Kansas.

-- Hon. S. F. O'Fallon was in St.Louis, this week. He accompaniedMrs. Rebecca Anderson that far on hervay east. She will visit for several

weeks with relatives in Shelby, Ohio.Rev. Henry A. Sawyers is in Purk-vill- e

this week, meeting with othermembers of tho Home Mission com-mittee of tho Presbytery of Platte nndattending the commencement exercisesof Park College.

MusicaleBy the Oregon Euterpean Club at thoM. E. church Friday evening, July 1,1S!IS

Piano Ouartette, 'Husareiiritt.Siinil- -

ler. Misses Proud, Perkins, Montgomeryv Tampion.

Vocal Solo, "Fleeting Dajs," Bailey,Miss I)asi; Rostock.

Piano'Duet, 'Humires.iie,"C Kunkel,Missi-- s Montgomery and Proud.

Reading, selected. Miss Cora Fvre.Vocal Solo, "For Thee Alone Alone."

W. Blyfiic, Frank Allen.Piano Solo. "Polka Brillnnte," Van

L'lve, Miss Ellie Proud.Vocal Duet, "Tlii- - Crimson Glow of

Sunset Fades." F. W. Root, Missi--

Sihulte.Piano (iiartettf, "Ventie A Tev-c,"H- .

Kowalski, Misses Cramptoii, Rostook,Dungan and Van Der.veer.

Reading, selected. Miss Clara Darsie.Vocal Solo. "You" A. 5. Rob n,"Fore-iMMlings- ,"

E. C'aupioii. Mrs. Potts.Piano Duett. "Grande Marcho

Trioumphn'e." W. Kuhe, Misses Mont-gomery and Perkins.

Piano Solo, "Pasquinade," Gottschalk,Miss Maude Cramptoii.

Vocal Solo, selected. Miss Leon aSchulte.

Reading, selected. Miss Allierta Mur-ray.

Vocal Solo, "Tuo Sweethearts ofMine," J. F. Heir. Miss Elsa Bennett.

Piano Trio, "Lustspieil Overture,"Rela, Misses Perking, Montgomery andProud.

Vocal Solo, "Slumber Song." Mendelssohn. Missi-- s Stock. Rostock. Schulteand Frye.

The Burlington's New ObservationVestibuled. Trains.

The most complete daily trains in thoWest, for all classes ot travel, nre justout of tho Burlington's shops. Thesoare trains Nos. 15 nnd 10. between St.Ltouisnnu Kansas City, bt. Joseph, Colo-rado and Montana. These nre vesti-buled throughont with the handsomewide observation Pintsch-hghte- d vesti-bules. The chair cars have oak and mn- -hegany finish. Pintsch light andcourteous free porters seryice. The lat-est productions of compartment sleep-

ers, between St. Louis and Kansas City,oiler tho exclusiveuess of drawing roomswithout any additional oerlh charges.These are the only wide vestibuledtrains from bt.Louis to Kansas City andDenver. Theso are also the trains fromSt. Louis, St. Joseph and Kansas Uityfor all travel vin the Iturhngton s snortNorthwest Mnin Line, to Montana,Washington, Tacoma, Seattle, etc.Howard Elliott, L. W. Wakei.f.y.

Gen. Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt.,St. Joseph, Mo. St. Louis, Mo.