Holt County sentinel (Oregon, Mo.). (Oregon, MO) 1889-05...

VOLUME 1 IV. see a at 8 l-- 3c Per Y.'ill buy White Goods worth i"c, 12e and 15c per yard. 12 l-- 2c Per will buy an 16 and 20e India Linen. 15c Per Buys a 22 and 2.x; India Linen. 50c Per will buy h worth 75c per yard. Per You can buy at thie sale a Suiss Flounc- ing, worth l.Tl" per yard. 50c Per Buys h Lace cheap at from 7.1 to t0c per yard. Vour choico of them for 00c per yard. 8 l-- 3c per Huys a gixid havy 8 inch, Lace to match Jibote former price, 15c yd. 35c per A Tri:ot, worth from 15c to i'fv jor yard. Bought op acvount of ex- cellent aluo nnd very low price. Ask to see. thriii. 30c per Silk Finished oS inchcs wide. Former price 50a. 95c per A German Blark Henrietta vide, Silk Finished, worth ?1.25 iwr vard. Call for it. 45c for 25c Or its Turkey Red Table Damask, yards wide for 25c per yd. 25c per On all Linen Table Daniask that is cheap at 10c. 25c yard buys it. 60c per A Bleached Table Damask, 2 yards wide. 00c 50c Per a good assortment and less than value. 6c per Lawrence LL Muslin, worth 7!c ."20 acres of all orchard, water, etc., etc. miles II. Mo. SLAUGHTER Just what little money will buy Pitts: Yard Yard Yard Yard SvussFlouneings, $1.00 Yard Yard Flouncingn, yard Flouncing; yard. gond40-inc- yard. Henrietta's. yard. equivalent. yard Unblenchod yard Dozen. Napkins; yard. !: 8 l-- 3c per yard. Lonsdalo or llopo Muslins bleached goods. You know they are worth. 15c. Amoskeag, ACA,Ticking.tho best Feath- er Ticking manufactured. 20c per yard regular price. 18c yard for 25c Cottonade. They aro bargain. $1.00 for 69c. doz. 81.00 Corsets to close atCJe. 65c. Jano Hading Veil from 81.25 to 81.75. $1.99c. A h Gold-Heade- d Silk Umbrelila, worth 83.00. Buys Ladio's Imported Hose, worth 40c; full regular made, black and colors. 29c Buys Ladies' Lislo Hoso worth 15c Ask for them. They aro sure to please. 8 l-- 3c For Hose, worth 12'e; good weight and colors. 3 for 25c. Heavy Brown or Blue and Mixed Half-Hos- e, for 25c. 50c. Ladies Too Slippcrr worth more money. a pair. A Half-Sho- o for Ladies in Button or Ox- ford, with fancv tipjx-- toe, worth 81.25 anil 81.10. $2.00. Men's Congress, Wholo Vamp, Warran- ted. Shoo worth 82.50. $1.25. Men's Congress, Whole Vamp Shoe, worth 82.00. $2.00 For Ladies' Dongola Kid Shoe. 15c per yard. A line of French Sateens worth from 18 to 30c per yard. The above prices for 30 Days only. Your Respectfully, ONE PRICE GASH STORE, JEHK C FITTS, Proprietor, OREG-OlNT- , (BUGGIES) MANUFACTURING AGENT Toy the Celebrated BAL EK-WALT- BUGGY & CAR- RIAGE COMPANIES' ZBTXGrGrllESS I AVe will sell you a. Hiisy, combining Elegance, Dura-1nil- v, Comfort au! Safety, at a price within reach of all. Give me a call anil will show you one of the Nicest, Neatest Buggies you have ever seen for the money. If you need ;i Buggy, Spring Wagon, Road Cart or a Rushford Wagon, 4fit will pay you to buy one of them, for there is none belter at the price. Give me a call and I will please you. H. BOYD, Oregon, Mo. .A. iT At Private Sale ! Notice horol.y given that ti.e undersigned Administrator will sell at privato ale the entire stock of General Merchandise of Orcn SnepT. at New LVii.t, terms so easy that any one can afford to buy. This is a most excellent opjit unity to engage in the general merchandise business in good trading point aul an already trade. The stock is all Fresh and Cw. ami only b.mg disused of in order to close up the partnership estate caused 1j iho death of the junior partner. Write or call on J. A. OREN, Administrator of the PVtuerfahij. Estate of Ori'n Saeger, New Point, Mo. MI Ml ! A Great Bargain. choice land, in cultiv- ation. Good vn o 1 '. norM.onct . il! (iv .n r n 'Hurler tactions, t'orfunh erju' muliou. call on or ivritc U RICHARDS, Oregon, i h what per a About 5 A worth 29c a a a 3 95c 820 the I is A- - m a is & PUBLIC SALE! I will sell at public sale at my resi-- ! donco iij Oregon, Mo., on Saturday, May 25th, 1889, j ' All of my HonseMu ad Kitta FnrnitEre. j TEIIMS-- - Push. Snln f.i Win :it two o'clock in the afternoon. CLAKK C. P1IILHIUCK. 3r U OREGON, MISSOURI, FRIDAY, MAY 24. 1889. Flowers for Decoration. All friends are earnestly requested to send such llowers and evergreens as they may be able to contribute for Memorial Day purjioses. to the ollice of C. Hoblit-zel- l, not later than 10 o"elx:k a. m., May 30th. It is to bo hoped that the good citizens will cheerfully contribute and aid in this, that there niav Ikj no scarci ty of llowers on that occasion. The fol- lowing young ladies are requested to meet and arrange the flowers in suitable garlands: Emma and Anna Roeeker, Minnie and Anna Seeinan.AiinaThuina, Mamie Fry, Lulu JJobyns, Mattio Pcret, Mvrtlo and Elma Kyger, Maud t, Ella Caskcy. Jonas Watson has a $1000 to loan on good security. The navel or seedless orango at E. P. Hostetter's. Tho electric light plant is now being put in at Tarkio. You want to read what Henry Peret has to say in this issue. Sweet Potatoe Plants 20 couts per hundred at E. L. Brodbeck's. Henry Molter is prepared to deliver ico at your door every morning. 10 if lbs. granulated sugar; i? lbs. good green coffee for 81. at Evans. Benelit Concert nt the Christian church, Thursday evening, May 30th. Bottom farmers, address T. M. Hud-gin- Forbes, for low rates or interest. Freeman Libby has a newcorn plant- er with check-rowe- r for sale at a bargain. Clarko Irvine has returned from a few days' visit with his son, L. C, in Kansas City. Mrs. Minnie Hicks and daughter, of Fairbury,Nebraska,are the guests of Mrs. Jae. T. Howell. Misses Ann Spoerle and Alice Kunk- - el aro visiting relatives and friends in Hiawatha, Kansas. Mrs. Mary Curry wilt sell trimmed hats from dow until Decoration Day at lower rates than over. Gfoger ale, Moxio, Orange Cider, Soda Pop, Birch Beer,Milk Shakes, Lem- onade At E. P. Hostetter's. Uncle Henry Minton has just sold forty head of cattle to Brown & Ayers at 83.C5, to bo delivered Juno 1st. For Sale A second hand Binder in running order. Will be sold cheap. Wm. S. Canon, Forest City. Mo. Do you want ico this summer? If you do Henry Molter is ready to supply you with pure, solid ico. Givo him your order. Sweet Potatoes do ierfectly well, set up 'til tho middle of June. E. L. BroJ-bec- k is selling plants at 20 cents per hundred. The German M. E. Church havo just placed in their church a handsome set of pulpit chairs, new scarfs for pulpit and an elegant organ cover. Ira D. Stocking has removed his jewelry store to Troy, Kansas, where ho has consolidated it with the block of his brother, lately deceased, of that placo. H. E. Denny has for sale at a bar-(5i-n, n Rood housO"wllli Ilvo roonm. elS-ler- and well, good cave, two lots, etc. Call at once and learn terms, tf F. H.Uowley & Co., will bo at Forest City, Friday and Saturday. May III, and Juno 1st and Monday, June XL The highest prices paid for iwultry of all kind.4. Tho members of tho Oregon Lodge, A. O. U. W.,aro requested to attend their regular meeting, this Friday evening. It is highly important that you should bo there. Mrs. Bennett will bo prepared on Decoration Day to supply jour wants in ice cream, cake, lemonade, etc., in the Mrs. Sterrett room opposite tho Opera House on tho north. Write to H. C. Schmidt, of Oregon, Missouri, for circulars and home testi monials of the celebrated Advance Threshing Machines, warranted to be suiierior to any other. 5U-3- t Mrs. L. S. Perkins is canvassing for "Truo Manhood" by E. li. Shepherd, and "Our Great Benefactors" by Samuel Adams Drake. They are works of great merit and should bo in your library. Bev. Sapp will preach tho Memorial sermon at tho M. E. Church next Sun- day morning at tho usual hour. All old soldiers and menders of the G. A. R. aro requested to meet at the Post Hall at 10 AM, All Members of Meyer Post are requested to bo present at their next meeting this Saturday evening, ffiilh inst. All details for tho projier observc-anc- o of Decoration Day aro to bo com pleted. - If you wish to buy a No. 1 Wagon, Buggy, or Spring wagon; the best Har- vester and Binder made, (the Walter A. Woods), Hay Ivakes,Twine,ctc.,coinoi!nd see me. Very respectfully yours, H. C. Schmidt, Oregon Mo. - We had a very pleasant call Friday from S. M. Clark, proprietor of the Hoi-list- Mills. Ho informs us that ho has recently added the Roller Process and other imtiortant improvements to tho mills, and the mill is now running out a superior article of flour. All members of Meyer Post, G. A. R. aro notified to assemble at their head- quarters on Sunday, May 20, for the pur-ks- o of attending divino worship. Com- rade Sapp will deliver the sermor. Visiting comrades and all are fraternally invited to join with tho Post. Roll will bo called at 1 am. sharp, and it hope every comrade of the Post will !e able to answsr. "Here!"' Daniel Zach-ma- Commander. Representative Alkire has succeeded in getting t ho general statutes so amend- ed as to allow county courts the right to offer ST00 rewards for the capture of felons and outlaw, instead of S300. as the law now stands. Ho also waited up- on tho Governor to induce him to offer a reward in behalf of the state for tho cap- ture of the Forest City bank robbers, but the Governor "couldn't see it". The Governor evidently does not care to do nnyUiing that may tend to reduce tho Democratic vote in his state. -- A grand vocal and instrumental concert will be given at tho Christian church, on the evening of Decoration Day, for the lienelit of E. Benson. Ad- mission, 25 cents. The concert will be Kiven under the auspices of Oregon Lode. A. O. U. W., and it is to bo hoped that all our citizens will purchase a ticket to assist this sorely afflicted fami- ly. Lit the house be packed full to overflowing. You will get your money's worth, lKiile contributinn to n worthy cause. The best musical talent lias been secured. Attention, Comrades. j Sweet Potatoe Plants 20 cents per In pursuance to General Orders hundred at E. L. Brodbeck's. Meyer Post will attend in a Wy Mo-- j Th6 Sabbath Observance Conven- - monal at the M. E. Church, on : ; , (... i xt.. w in.-.- i ' tion of the otate is in session at bedalia. am. All old soldiers, members of the l r. A, R. and their friends aro cordially in- vited to attend. The member of the Post and all will meet at the Post room, at 10 am. sharp. We hope too, that the man who presides over the weather bureau on the earth below and the skies above will lx charitable and kind and bless the occasion with his favor. The W. C. T. U. will hold its annual session at Trenton, June 11, 12,13,11. "The of these is saith the Lord." Go to tho for tho benefit of E. Benson May 30. Tho members or the A. O. U. W. are earnestly requested to attend tho next meeting, this Friday evening. Robert Gillis who had his house Jonas Watson has 81000 to loan on destroyed by firo a few weeks ago, is first-clas- s security. making arrangements to rebuild at once. Judgo Lehmer and wife aro visit- - The latest styles in hats at icg friends in Savannali. Mrs. Mary Curry's from now until after - Sweet Potatoo Plants 20 cents per Decoration Day at reduced at E. L. Brodbeck's. rates. Thero will bo usual services at tho Go and see Mary Curry if you need New Point church nest Sabbath at tho a hat for Decoration Dav. Sho carries usual hours, tho latest styles beft goods and sells at Tho Benson Benefit at Christian tho lowest prices. Church, May 30. Admission, 25 cents. "Dick" Irwin, after spending several Buy a ticket. weeks with his and friends here, Miss Mary Peter returned toColum- - left Wednesday to resume his duties at bin Thursday, whero she is attending tho Union Deiot at Pueblo, Colorado. Stevens' College. Thero will be a festival at Chamber's Grandpa and Miss Martha Snyder, school house, Saturday evening, June were visiting John Markt and wife, of 1st, for the benefit of the Sunday school. Upper Holt this week. Refreshments of all kinds. Everybody Elegant Trimmed hats at Mrs. Man- - cordially invited. Curry,s from now until after Decoration Tharo will be preaching and a busi- - Day at reduced rates. ness meeting next Sunday at 11 am. at Tho Nodaway county people will tho Union Bchool house. All menders vote on Juno 11th on enforcing tho law aro earnestly requested to bo present, restraining swine from running at large. By ordor of tho officers. Sheriff Frame went to Jefferson J.M. Wickershara and George Black-Cit- y last week nnd placed A. J. Lunsford burn had an altercation last Sunday, in in charge of tho warden of the peniten- - which Blaekurn used the knife, with-tiar- out serious result. He ha? his prelini- - Dr. Butler will havo his resident inary hearing Thursday, property handsomely painted this season. R. C. Fredrick put up a Star Wind A. H. Greene has contracted for the Mill for Judgo Daniel Huiatt on his work. prairie farm this week. This is tho sec- - Festivals, picnics and fishing parties ond mill Mr. Frederick has put up for should remember that Henry Molter is the Judge on this farm this season, prepared to furnish good solid ice in any Rev. D. C. Smith, of Craig, was the quantity. guest of Rev. Roberts last Sabbath, ami Tho annual meeting of thoW. C. T. preached two good gospel sermons for U. of the 1th district of Missouri, will him, ono at the Highland school house in meet at St. Joseph on Juno 4 and 5. A the afternoon and tho other in Oregon full attendance is desired. at night. The rains of Wednesday and Fri- - Kreek & Watson, have, after mature day last were very heavy in this locality, deliberation, decided to adopt the cash and several washouts are reported, none, system of doing business, and to however, of a serious character. straighten up their lxxiks, request all in- - Baptismal sorvices wcro conducted debted to them to come forward and set-la- Sunday by Rev. Warner, of tho M. tlo up at once. E. church. At tho evening sorvices Mrs. Jennie Sloan, of White Cloud, three wore admitted to full fellowship. Kansas, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Bennett will bo prejiared on wero tho guests of Mrs. India Price, this Decoration Day to supply your wants in week. Mrs. Alex. Mills and daughter, ico cream, cake, lemonade, etc., in tho also of tho same place, aro being enter-Mr- s. Sterrett room opposito tho Opera tained by E. VanBuskirk and wife. House on the north. C. C. Philbrick, who will leave with A largo number of counterfeit ten his family for Woodland California in a dollar bills aro in circulation throughout couple of weeks, will sell at public auc- - tho country. They are of the 1878 tion at his residence in Oregon next series and can be detected by tho poor Saturday, May 25th, all of his Household work on tho face of Daniel Webster. and Kitchen furniture. Terms cash. Whilo thero is not much activo build- - Sale to begin at two o'clock in tho after- - ing in progress in Oregon thero is a noon. large amount of "lixiu M'' animr im nil .Alnnzo Haves. l lad or our the time, which indicates a healthy do- - town, has been going on crutches for greoor prosperity among our citizens. several years, caused by a deceased foot. Como and get descriptive circulars Dr. Goslin on Tuesday last, assisted by and see tho Walter A. Woods two-hors- e Drs. Sterrett and Philbrick, operated, Single Apron Harvester and Binder. It and removed certain dead bones, and it U a little beauty and don't you forgot it. is thought tho boy will soon be ablo to H. C. Schmidt, agent, Oregon, Mo. tf uso his foot, and earn a living for him- - Corporal Si Kleg, one of the self, most amusing and entertaining books of An elegant card received nt this of- - tho dav, is now being canvassed for by lice- announced tho marriage of Miss Miss Anna Molter. It is of that class of Lizzio Morris, who for the past two publications, that will intorest anv one, years has been the assistant principal in and it should bo subscribed for by all. our high school, to J. U. Harris, of Oregon is goinir to properlv observe Georgetown, Colorado, tho wedding oc Memorial Dav, May 30th. Active prepa- - curring on the 15th. Tho happy couple rations aro under way Tor a befitting ob- - arc at homo to friends in Georgetown sorvance. Tho various committees have We extend congratulations. boon appointed bv tho Post and evory- - Our school board elected tho follow- - thing points to the day as ono that will iug teachers on Tuesday, excepting, assis- - be long remembered by our citizens and tant principal, which was indefinitely those from tho surrounding country who post o.iod. The following aro tho teach-ma- v bo so fortunate as to attend. ers chosen: J. W. Kieff, principal; Miss Mi rnii.ni. dnuirlitor of M. V. R. Bessie Lehmer. Oth detmrtment: Lulu Cass, of Forest City, died at the home Medsker, 4th; department; Maud Mc-o- f her parents, on May 15th, 18S9, at Uh! Knight, 3d department; Lucy Kaueher, age of 15 years, three months and seven 2d'department; Mamie Fry, 1st depart-day- s. Sho was said to have been of a ment. kindandgentlodisposition;nnda!though In tho June installment of Charles severely afflicted with heart disease from Dudley Warner's novel, "A Littlo Jour-- a child, yet sho did not complain. When Bey ic tho World," which is now runn-sh- e saw that her days were about mini- - ins in Harm's Magazine.tho author will bered, sho did not "murmur at her lot, introduco an amusing satirical interlude but only wished that sho might live long upon tho subject of Wall Street and the enough to seo her sister who was absent Stock Exchange. Tho scene of another in Arkansas. Tho funeral services were liapter in tho same installment will bo conducted by Rev. T. D. Roberts, at tho laid in a box at the Metroiwlitan, New family residence, artor which tho re- - York, on an opera night, mains were laid away to rest in the For- - A competing class for the Demorest est City cemetery. Silver medal will be formed next Friday - During tho "storm Thursday fore- - evening at the Christian church. Thoso noon, Mr. Tomatz, who lives six miles who wNh to enter their names as eontes-southwe- of Stanberry, and his hired tauts should bo present. Young iieoplo man wero harrowing ground. When j f oit'ier sex, under twenty-on- e years of tho rain liegan to fall, the hired man age may contest. The selections aro to stopped his horses and took shelter lie- - ho taken exclusively from a Ixxik of rec-nea- th their neck and shoulders. Light-- ! Stations which will be furnished tho con ning struck tho horses, killing them in-- ! testants. 'iho contest to tatto place stantly, and throwing them onto the workman, who was seriously injured by tho lightning as well as tho crushing weight or the horses. Mr. Toniatz, see- ing tho fatal effect of tho lightning stroke, left his team and ran to assist the man, and whilo extracting him from lieuoath the horses, Ins team ran away and were badly injured. Stauberry Sen- - ' tinol. Brother Dobyns of the Hoi.t Cocn- - tv was treated to a genuine surprise a short time ago. He gave in his paper a very excellent rcjKirt of the ' commencement exorcises of tho schools at Oregon, publishing in full tho essays read on tho occasion. A day or two af- terwards one of the graduating class sent for hair dozen copies or the Sexti- - sf.l containing t! e report, ami express- - in cents per copy them. Ihe mdivid-- 1 ual might have that lecauso tho Deacon a newspaper man and hence wealthy, ought to be to the result of his brninwork. and outlay of cash for material and work, to go gratis but wo cant see. Ho merely expressed the idea that the person in question should ex- tend the research in tho educational field to the jioint of learmngthat anows- - Missouri greatest Charity concert regular trimmed greatly hundred parents greatly some time in Juno. Last Thursday afternoon as a freight on tho main lino of tho K. C. road was doing somo switching in tho yards at Forest City, John France, who lives i at that placo, started to assist tlie oraKe-ma- and stepped between two or the cars to make n coupling. Uy some means his right arm was caught between the bumpers and horribly mangled, and ( v'H barely cf capo amputation. France not an employee of tho road, and i warned against undertaking tho taik. Judgo Knowles all over smiles j last Tuesday, tho news reached I him that tho case of I. B. Jones vs. Jno. F. Davis, which he had appealed to tho Kansas City Court of Appeals, had betn : reversed anil remanded. Iho suit ed astonishment when he asked tivo brought Probato Court about a for thought was he willing allow re- search why. was was was when was our iwip air tri fmt:ili!ili n dm:ind airainst the estate of (!. M. Dodge, deceased. ) The Probate Court gave judgment for the plaintiff. The defendant appealed to the circuit court on the question of i lassitication,and judgment for the pliiin-til- l wiis again rendered. Judge Knowlc. representing the derendant, apiealed to to the Kansas City court with the result alve stated. Another caso has just been disposed or bv the same court, in paper is the editors u he which some or our citizens are interest -- should no more be ejected to give away ed. T. V. McCoy brought suit against his goods than the merchant. The fact the K. C. railroad Company, for a larire that merely for the benefit of the town ' amount offliaylestroyed by tire caused by and school he did $100 worth of work engine sparks. The railroad company free in publishing tho rejKirt, should j took a change of venuo to Atchison ' caused tho patrons and the students to ' county whero Mr. McCoy obtained judg- - purchase several hundred extra copies of ment, and tho company appealed to the tho paper instead of trjing to get copies Kansas City Court where the judgment free of charge. Tarkio Avalanche. 1 of the lower court was nilirmcd. ' TO THE PEOPLE OF-- This Vicinity That will need clothing or any- thing in my line, which consists HATS, CAPS. CLOTHING:, MEN'S WOMAN'S and CHIL-DREN- S' FINE and COARSE SHOES, I will say this: Come in and see me. You know why I can sell cheaper than my competitors; no use for me to harp on that. That I do sell cheaper by 30 Per Cent. No one has yet denied, that I beat St. Joe. prices 20 Per Cent. all admit.' Why? Look below. See for yourself. They are the shots that sink deep into the heart of conipcititon. New York Prices HcrC in .Missouri. Ur.nr ic that old saying, "Miracles will never cease. Mens suits worth $7.50 for $3.75. Mens suits worth $12.00 for $8.50 f.lens suits worth S15.G0 for $12.00. Kens suits worth $20.00 for $15.00. Mens Shoes worth $3.00 for $2.00. Mens Shoes wcrth $2.00 for $1.50. Mens Plow Shoes worth $1 .40 for S5c. Ladies for $2.00 Ladies Shoes worth $3.00 Shoes worth $2.50 for $1.75. Ladies Extra Fine worth $4.00 for $2.75. Shoes The Best Shoes for Ladies in Town for $2. Bear in mind that I am sell ing only the Best Goods That can be bought No shoddy goods of any description in my stock. I am anxious for your trade and will make you the right kind of prices with the ex- pectation of keeping it. mil f'Tt, PIIOPIUETOU WESTERN Bargain House, OREGON, MISSOURI. Price's Hardware ! Wo are now ready with Seasonable Goods. Screen Doors,Screen Wire Cloth, Spring: IIiiirs,Gaso-lin- e Stores, Coal Oil, Har- vester Oils, Etc., Pocket and Table Cutlery, White, Domestic and Household Sewing: Machines. Two secon- d-hand Machines for sale Dt'eriiig: Binders and Mow- ers, Deerina: BinderTwine, Will Watson, a bottomf-in"1?- ! Harmon prices. Call see fSSTtSi L PRICE, OREGON, M0. This Our Motto: Mails kk and Styles AT THE- - Lowest Prices Is what give. Little dashes low prices the way of lead- ers do not take place of formly Low Prices on Call in- spect largest stock in Oregon, em- bracing full lines in Dry Goods,Boots, Shoes, Hats, Cloth- ing, Fine Dress Goods Notions, AT E. L. BOHAMS. kk Is Low Prices, OREGON, MO. $5,000 TO L L DAN ON ! ESTATE SECUHITY 1 to 3 years' time; 8 per cent, annually. Home money. W. H. RICHARDS, Over L. I. Moore's grocery, north side public square, (Jregon, Mo. SETTLE UP j 1 laving sold my business I desiro all thiMs indebted to me to call at once and settle, cither by cash or note. J. If. MES. Wanted ! D. M. Martin wants 500 buhels of ; corn and will pay the Highest Market in trade, or will receivo same on accounts. Come in early ami seo me. D. M. MARTIN, Oregon, Mo. NUMBER 51. to M. S. Norman and wife, of St. Joseph, last week, a girl baby. John Markt, of Mound City, was transacting business in Oregon thia week. Eugene Bovan, of Lincoln Nebras- ka, is at the beside of his father, who is still very low. J. V. Boham and wife of Roeendalo, Andrew county, were visiting their son, D.D. Boham," of Oregon, this week. Anyone having nn Atlas of Holt county for sale.ploase address Lock Box, IS, Oregon, Mo. State condition and price. A. T. Bloomer, of Xew Point, has five thorough bred Short Horn Bulls for sale cheap; also a fow extra good milk cows. The sale of postage stamps at Guth- rie, Oklahoma, amounts to over $50 iet day and 3,000 letters nnd 1.000 papers aro delivered each day, requiring eleven clerks. Go for the foul alleys. Dont wait for disease to frighten you into it. but go for them at once. Call the of the health committee to any place. Don't let anything stand be- tween you and preventing disease. The New Liberty Baptist church will be dedicated Sunday, June 2d, 1883. Elder J. S. P. Wood will preach. Scrri-ee- s at 10:30 ah. and 3 r.M. Members will please remember the church meeting Saturday, June 1st, at 2 ra. and be present. x the hest twine made. La-W- in. brother of Judges sell VOU ?OOd8 at and Watson, of this in and u. T. Is we at in the uni and the and Price Born, Mo., attention whole- some years ago visiting his relatives, lie was highly respected where he lived. He was a native of Wayne County, Indiana, y where he was born December 25th, 1824. Sheriff Walkup received a letter from Sheriff F. M. Mnrshal.who captur- ed Coon Franklin a few weeks ago, and with it was enclosed a letter from A. A. Lesuor, Secretary of State, who writes that on August 1th, 1887, a reward of 8200 each was offered for the capture of Coon and Fletch Franklin, and the act- ing Governor, A. P. Morehouse, limited the row-ai- d to one year, and it therefore expired last August. This leaves Sher- iff Marshal only 3100830 from this coun- ty and S50 from nolt county. Bock Port Democrat. Savannah vs. Oregon. The Oregon Azureinos have scored an- other victory. There has for some time been a challenge between the above clubs to play at Savannah. For the first time, Tuesday was a favorable day for the contost. About twenty of tho Ore- gon boys, including tho club, went over- land to our sister city over tho Xodaway, to witness another victory for the home team. Tho game was called at 330, Savannah at tho bat. Some good playing was done, but Savannah was retired with but two tallies. Savannah showed signs of weak- ness by importing' players. Thoir four best players came from abroad. The Azuremes proved too strong and after a hotly contested game of nine innings tho score stood 23 to 17 in favor of the home team, with the last half of ninth unplac- ed. Mr. Forbish of the Savannah club proved a very courteous host, and made it exceedingly ploosant for the visitors. Wo have reason to feel very kindly to- ward him and his, but the discourtesy shown by the spectators was very marked and lamentable. Nothing of especial-not- marked the game further than tho prime necessity of more practice by the-hom- boys. There will be a returned gamo played hero Friday, May 21th. It Jesus Betrayed Ono expects a stib from an enemy either in the breast or in the rear. But to have your intimate friend, the chosen companion of many years betray you with the tenderest outward sign of that exists, this is the tirat death more bitter than physical- - dissolution. Caosar veiled his face when Brutus struck tho blow; but Christ never flinch- ed, lie looked and soon healed an ene my with a touch. As obvious lesson is that of fidelity when wo vow tho oath of friend. Every church-membe- r is a consecrated man. He has kissed the Lord' May the so- lemnity of such personal union with the Master and puro manliness oi cnaructer prevent disloyahty towara nim we serve. Another lesson of personal conduct one to another isplnin. Christ exhibited in this trying moment not oniy we -- iwo- courage that Xapoleon lauded but a poise of self-contr- hard to understand. He did " blackguard, or upbraid his He took it liko the supreme . us, in nn inward agony of oul.vard peace. His one question to Judas as enough to make that traitor hang himself for shame. Waahjngton had be never given away to occasional Dursis oc pro- fane rage would have been held even in more reverent affection than ho is. In order to express contempt or dissatisfac- - tion or disappointment the Christian has no divino precedent for treating himself to a recess of a billingsgate or een mild profanity. The time of danger is not exactly the time to Hee. It is human nature 'but. not high moral nature. When wo par tako of tho sacrament we should have tho strength of martyrs by direct inheri- tance from Christ to the pretcnt day. Peter was illustrious as a man of queer freaks. Now he smites now ho follows afar off. Would that only disciple had allowed himself to be arrestld with Christ! It is no unusual signt to-da- y to see many of tho elect warming themselves in comfort by tho firo whil& the poor suffer. Allen Thoksdyke Rice, the newly appointed minister to Rus.-i- a, died in New York very suddenly Thursday of last week, from an affection of tho throat. I am prepared to furnish ice in largo or small quantities. Make a spi-cia- ot supplying festivals, picnic and fishing parties. Will deliver at your residence every morning. Awaiting your orders, and guaranteeing prompi uenvery, j. urn Yours Respectfully, HENRY MOLTER, Proprietor, Puro, Clear, Crystal Ice Co. Pasturage. S5JO acres of the finest pasturage iu tlie county. Plenty of good water and shade for cattle. Will take a limited number of cattle for the season. j. FOSTER MARSHALL, Mound City, Mo. PAINIES8I NOW ACCOM Hmd .tur.p. HAKES UKM Culfloi BERfilAN BLOOM? tinar Hiinnn, B IRTH sis5?

Transcript of Holt County sentinel (Oregon, Mo.). (Oregon, MO) 1889-05...

Page 1: Holt County sentinel (Oregon, Mo.). (Oregon, MO) 1889-05 ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90061417/1889-05-24/ed-1/seq-1.pdfVOLUME 1 IV. see a at 8 l--3c Per Y.'ill buy White Goods



see a at

8 l-- 3c PerY.'ill buy White Goods worth i"c, 12e

and 15c per yard.

12 l-- 2c Perwill buy an 16 and 20e India Linen.

15c PerBuys a 22 and 2.x; India Linen.

50c Perwill buy h worth

75c per yard.

PerYou can buy at thie sale a Suiss Flounc-

ing, worth l.Tl" per yard.

50c PerBuys h Lace cheap atfrom 7.1 to t0c per yard. Vour choico

of them for 00c per yard.

8 l-- 3c perHuys a gixid havy 8 inch, Lace to matchJibote former price, 15c yd.

35c perA Tri:ot, worth from 15c toi'fv jor yard. Bought op acvount of ex-cellent aluo nnd very low price. Ask

to see. thriii.

30c perSilk Finished oS inchcs

wide. Former price 50a.

95c perA German Blark Henriettavide, Silk Finished, worth ?1.25 iwr vard.

Call for it.

45c for 25cOr its Turkey Red TableDamask, yards wide for 25c per yd.

25c perOn all Linen Table Daniaskthat is cheap at 10c. 25c yard buys it.

60c perA Bleached Table Damask, 2 yards wide.


50c Pera good assortment and less

than value.

6c perLawrence LL Muslin, worth 7!c

."20 acres of allorchard, water, etc., etc.




Just what little money will buyPitts:





$1.00 Yard












8 l-- 3c per yard.Lonsdalo or llopo Muslinsbleached goods. You know they

are worth.

15c.Amoskeag, ACA,Ticking.tho best Feath-er Ticking manufactured. 20c per yard

regular price.

18c yardfor 25c Cottonade. They aro bargain.

$1.00 for 69c.doz. 81.00 Corsets to close atCJe.

65c.Jano Hading Veil from 81.25 to


$1.99c.A h Gold-Heade- d Silk Umbrelila,

worth 83.00.

Buys Ladio's Imported Hose, worth40c; full regular made, black and colors.

29cBuys Ladies' Lislo Hoso worth 15cAsk for them. They aro sure to please.

8 l-- 3c

For Hose, worth 12'e; good weightand colors.

3 for 25c.Heavy Brown or Blue and Mixed Half-Hos- e,

for 25c.

50c.Ladies Too Slippcrr worth more money.

a pair.A Half-Sho-o for Ladies in Button or Ox-ford, with fancv tipjx-- toe, worth 81.25

anil 81.10.

$2.00.Men's Congress, Wholo Vamp, Warran-

ted. Shoo worth 82.50.

$1.25.Men's Congress, Whole Vamp Shoe,

worth 82.00.

$2.00For Ladies' Dongola Kid Shoe.

15c per yard.A line of French Sateens worth from 18

to 30c per yard.

The above prices for 30 Days only.Your Respectfully,






ZBTXGrGrllESS IAVe will sell you a. Hiisy, combining Elegance, Dura-1nil- v,

Comfort au! Safety, at a price within reachof all.

Give me a call anil will show you one of the Nicest,Neatest Buggies you have ever seen for the money. Ifyou need ;i

Buggy, Spring Wagon, Road Cart or aRushford Wagon,

4fit will pay you to buy one of them, for there is nonebelter at the price. Give me a call and I

will please you.

H. BOYD, Oregon, Mo.

.A. iT

At Private Sale !

Notice horol.y given that ti.e undersigned Administrator will sell at privatoale the entire stock of

General Merchandiseof Orcn SnepT. at New LVii.t, terms so easy that any one can afford to buy.This is a most excellent opjit unity to engage in the general merchandise businessin good trading point aul an already trade. The stock is allFresh and Cw. ami only b.mg disused of in order to close up the partnershipestate caused 1j iho death of the junior partner. Write or call on

J. A. OREN, Administratorof the PVtuerfahij. Estate of Ori'n Saeger, New Point, Mo.

MI Ml !

A Great Bargain.choice land, in cultiv-

ation. Goodvn o 1 '. norM.onct . il!

(iv .n r n 'Hurler tactions, t'orfunherju' muliou. call on or ivritc






About 5

A worth










A-- m




I will sell at public sale at my resi-- !

donco iij Oregon, Mo., on

Saturday, May 25th, 1889, j

'All of my

HonseMu ad Kitta FnrnitEre. j

TEIIMS-- - Push. Snln f.i Win :it twoo'clock in the afternoon.


3r U

OREGON, MISSOURI, FRIDAY, MAY 24. 1889.Flowers for Decoration.

All friends are earnestly requested tosend such llowers and evergreens as theymay be able to contribute for MemorialDay purjioses. to the ollice of C. Hoblit-zel- l,

not later than 10 o"elx:k a. m., May30th. It is to bo hoped that the goodcitizens will cheerfully contribute andaid in this, that there niav Ikj no scarcity of llowers on that occasion. The fol-lowing young ladies are requested tomeet and arrange the flowers in suitablegarlands: Emma and Anna Roeeker,Minnie and Anna Seeinan.AiinaThuina,Mamie Fry, Lulu JJobyns, Mattio Pcret,Mvrtlo and Elma Kyger, Maud t,

Ella Caskcy.

Jonas Watson has a $1000 to loan ongood security.

The navel or seedless orango at E.P. Hostetter's.

Tho electric light plant is now beingput in at Tarkio.

You want to read what Henry Perethas to say in this issue.

Sweet Potatoe Plants 20 couts perhundred at E. L. Brodbeck's.

Henry Molter is prepared to deliverico at your door every morning.

10 if lbs. granulated sugar; i? lbs.good green coffee for 81. at Evans.

Benelit Concert nt the Christianchurch, Thursday evening, May 30th.

Bottom farmers, address T. M. Hud-gin-

Forbes, for low rates or interest.Freeman Libby has a newcorn plant-

er with check-rowe- r for sale at a bargain.Clarko Irvine has returned from a

few days' visit with his son, L. C, inKansas City.

Mrs. Minnie Hicks and daughter, ofFairbury,Nebraska,are the guests of Mrs.Jae. T. Howell.

Misses Ann Spoerle and Alice Kunk- -

el aro visiting relatives and friends inHiawatha, Kansas.

Mrs. Mary Curry wilt sell trimmedhats from dow until Decoration Day atlower rates than over.

Gfoger ale, Moxio, Orange Cider,Soda Pop, Birch Beer,Milk Shakes, Lem-onade At E. P. Hostetter's.

Uncle Henry Minton has just soldforty head of cattle to Brown & Ayers at83.C5, to bo delivered Juno 1st.

For Sale A second handBinder in running order. Will be

sold cheap. Wm. S. Canon, Forest City.Mo.

Do you want ico this summer? Ifyou do Henry Molter is ready to supplyyou with pure, solid ico. Givo him yourorder.

Sweet Potatoes do ierfectly well, setup 'til tho middle of June. E. L. BroJ-bec- k

is selling plants at 20 cents perhundred.

The German M. E. Church havojust placed in their church a handsomeset of pulpit chairs, new scarfs for pulpitand an elegant organ cover.

Ira D. Stocking has removed hisjewelry store to Troy, Kansas, where hohas consolidated it with the block of hisbrother, lately deceased, of that placo.

H. E. Denny has for sale at a bar-(5i-n,

n Rood housO"wllli Ilvo roonm. elS-ler-

and well, good cave, two lots, etc.Call at once and learn terms, tf

F. H.Uowley & Co., will bo at ForestCity, Friday and Saturday. May III, andJuno 1st and Monday, June XL Thehighest prices paid for iwultry of allkind.4.

Tho members of tho Oregon Lodge,A. O. U. W.,aro requested to attend theirregular meeting, this Friday evening.It is highly important that you shouldbo there.

Mrs. Bennett will bo prepared onDecoration Day to supply jour wants inice cream, cake, lemonade, etc., in theMrs. Sterrett room opposite tho OperaHouse on tho north.

Write to H. C. Schmidt, of Oregon,Missouri, for circulars and home testimonials of the celebrated AdvanceThreshing Machines, warranted to besuiierior to any other. 5U-3- t

Mrs. L. S. Perkins is canvassing for"Truo Manhood" by E. li. Shepherd, and"Our Great Benefactors" by SamuelAdams Drake. They are works of greatmerit and should bo in your library.

Bev. Sapp will preach tho Memorialsermon at tho M. E. Church next Sun-

day morning at tho usual hour. All oldsoldiers and menders of the G. A. R. arorequested to meet at the Post Hall at 10


All Members of Meyer Post arerequested to bo present at their nextmeeting this Saturday evening, ffiilh

inst. All details for tho projier observc-anc- o

of Decoration Day aro to bo completed.

- If you wish to buy a No. 1 Wagon,Buggy, or Spring wagon; the best Har-vester and Binder made, (the Walter A.Woods), Hay Ivakes,Twine,ctc.,coinoi!ndsee me. Very respectfully yours, H. C.Schmidt, Oregon Mo.

- We had a very pleasant call Fridayfrom S. M. Clark, proprietor of the Hoi-list-

Mills. Ho informs us that ho hasrecently added the Roller Process andother imtiortant improvements to thomills, and the mill is now running out asuperior article of flour.

All members of Meyer Post, G. A. R.aro notified to assemble at their head-quarters on Sunday, May 20, for the pur-ks- o

of attending divino worship. Com-

rade Sapp will deliver the sermor.Visiting comrades and all arefraternally invited to join with tho Post.Roll will bo called at 1 am. sharp, and ithope every comrade of the Post will !eable to answsr. "Here!"' Daniel Zach-ma-

Commander.Representative Alkire has succeeded

in getting t ho general statutes so amend-ed as to allow county courts the rightto offer ST00 rewards for the capture offelons and outlaw, instead of S300. asthe law now stands. Ho also waited up-

on tho Governor to induce him to offer areward in behalf of the state for tho cap-ture of the Forest City bank robbers,but the Governor "couldn't see it". TheGovernor evidently does not care to donnyUiing that may tend to reduce thoDemocratic vote in his state.

-- A grand vocal and instrumentalconcert will be given at tho Christianchurch, on the evening of DecorationDay, for the lienelit of E. Benson. Ad-

mission, 25 cents. The concert will beKiven under the auspices of OregonLode. A. O. U. W., and it is to bo hopedthat all our citizens will purchase aticket to assist this sorely afflicted fami-ly. Lit the house be packed full tooverflowing. You will get your money'sworth, lKiile contributinn to n worthycause. The best musical talent lias beensecured.

Attention, Comrades. j Sweet Potatoe Plants 20 cents perIn pursuance to General Orders hundred at E. L. Brodbeck's.

Meyer Post will attend in a Wy Mo-- j Th6 Sabbath Observance Conven- -monal at the M. E. Church, on : ;, (... i xt.. w in.-.- i ' tion of the otate is in session at bedalia.am. All old soldiers, members of the l r.A, R. and their friends aro cordially in-

vited to attend. The member of thePost and all will meet at thePost room, at 10 am. sharp. We hopetoo, that the man who presides over theweather bureau on the earth below andthe skies above will lx charitable andkind and bless the occasion with hisfavor.

The W. C. T. U. will holdits annual session at Trenton, June 11,

12,13,11."The of these is

saith the Lord." Go to tho fortho benefit of E. Benson May 30.

Tho members or the A. O. U. W. areearnestly requested to attend tho next

meeting, this Friday evening.Robert Gillis who had his house

Jonas Watson has 81000 to loan on destroyed by firo a few weeks ago, isfirst-clas- s security. making arrangements to rebuild at once.

Judgo Lehmer and wife aro visit- - The latest styles in hats aticg friends in Savannali. Mrs. Mary Curry's from now until after

- Sweet Potatoo Plants 20 cents per Decoration Day at reducedat E. L. Brodbeck's. rates.

Thero will bo usual services at tho Go and see Mary Curry if you needNew Point church nest Sabbath at tho a hat for Decoration Dav. Sho carriesusual hours, tho latest styles beft goods and sells at

Tho Benson Benefit at Christian tho lowest prices.Church, May 30. Admission, 25 cents. "Dick" Irwin, after spending severalBuy a ticket. weeks with his and friends here,

Miss Mary Peter returned toColum- - left Wednesday to resume his duties atbin Thursday, whero she is attending tho Union Deiot at Pueblo, Colorado.Stevens' College. Thero will be a festival at Chamber's

Grandpa and Miss Martha Snyder, school house, Saturday evening, Junewere visiting John Markt and wife, of 1st, for the benefit of the Sunday school.Upper Holt this week. Refreshments of all kinds. Everybody

Elegant Trimmed hats at Mrs. Man-- cordially invited.Curry,s from now until after Decoration Tharo will be preaching and a busi- -Day at reduced rates. ness meeting next Sunday at 11 am. at

Tho Nodaway county people will tho Union Bchool house. All mendersvote on Juno 11th on enforcing tho law aro earnestly requested to bo present,restraining swine from running at large. By ordor of tho officers.

Sheriff Frame went to Jefferson J.M. Wickershara and George Black-Cit- y

last week nnd placed A. J. Lunsford burn had an altercation last Sunday, inin charge of tho warden of the peniten- - which Blaekurn used the knife, with-tiar-

out serious result. He ha? his prelini- -

Dr. Butler will havo his resident inary hearing Thursday,property handsomely painted this season. R. C. Fredrick put up a Star WindA. H. Greene has contracted for the Mill for Judgo Daniel Huiatt on hiswork. prairie farm this week. This is tho sec- -

Festivals, picnics and fishing parties ond mill Mr. Frederick has put up forshould remember that Henry Molter is the Judge on this farm this season,prepared to furnish good solid ice in any Rev. D. C. Smith, of Craig, was thequantity. guest of Rev. Roberts last Sabbath, ami

Tho annual meeting of thoW. C. T. preached two good gospel sermons forU. of the 1th district of Missouri, will him, ono at the Highland school house inmeet at St. Joseph on Juno 4 and 5. A the afternoon and tho other in Oregonfull attendance is desired. at night.

The rains of Wednesday and Fri- - Kreek & Watson, have, after matureday last were very heavy in this locality, deliberation, decided to adopt the cashand several washouts are reported, none, system of doing business, and tohowever, of a serious character. straighten up their lxxiks, request all in- -

Baptismal sorvices wcro conducted debted to them to come forward and set-la-

Sunday by Rev. Warner, of tho M. tlo up at once.E. church. At tho evening sorvices Mrs. Jennie Sloan, of White Cloud,three wore admitted to full fellowship. Kansas, accompanied by her daughter,

Mrs. Bennett will bo prejiared on wero tho guests of Mrs. India Price, thisDecoration Day to supply your wants in week. Mrs. Alex. Mills and daughter,ico cream, cake, lemonade, etc., in tho also of tho same place, aro being enter-Mr- s.

Sterrett room opposito tho Opera tained by E. VanBuskirk and wife.House on the north. C. C. Philbrick, who will leave with

A largo number of counterfeit ten his family for Woodland California in adollar bills aro in circulation throughout couple of weeks, will sell at public auc--

tho country. They are of the 1878 tion at his residence in Oregon nextseries and can be detected by tho poor Saturday, May 25th, all of his Householdwork on tho face of Daniel Webster. and Kitchen furniture. Terms cash.

Whilo thero is not much activo build- - Sale to begin at two o'clock in tho after- -

ing in progress in Oregon thero is a noon.large amount of "lixiu M'' animr im nil .Alnnzo Haves. l lad or ourthe time, which indicates a healthy do- - town, has been going on crutches forgreoor prosperity among our citizens. several years, caused by a deceased foot.

Como and get descriptive circulars Dr. Goslin on Tuesday last, assisted by

and see tho Walter A. Woods two-hors- e Drs. Sterrett and Philbrick, operated,Single Apron Harvester and Binder. It and removed certain dead bones, and itU a little beauty and don't you forgot it. is thought tho boy will soon be ablo toH. C. Schmidt, agent, Oregon, Mo. tf uso his foot, and earn a living for him- -

Corporal Si Kleg, one of the self,most amusing and entertaining books of An elegant card received nt this of--

tho dav, is now being canvassed for by lice- announced tho marriage of Miss

Miss Anna Molter. It is of that class of Lizzio Morris, who for the past twopublications, that will intorest anv one, years has been the assistant principal inand it should bo subscribed for by all. our high school, to J. U. Harris, of

Oregon is goinir to properlv observe Georgetown, Colorado, tho wedding oc

Memorial Dav, May 30th. Active prepa- - curring on the 15th. Tho happy couple

rations aro under way Tor a befitting ob- - arc at homo to friends in Georgetown

sorvance. Tho various committees have We extend congratulations.boon appointed bv tho Post and evory- - Our school board elected tho follow- -

thing points to the day as ono that will iug teachers on Tuesday, excepting, assis- -

be long remembered by our citizens and tant principal, which was indefinitely

those from tho surrounding country who post o.iod. The following aro tho teach-ma- v

bo so fortunate as to attend. ers chosen: J. W. Kieff, principal; MissMi rnii.ni. dnuirlitor of M. V. R. Bessie Lehmer. Oth detmrtment: Lulu

Cass, of Forest City, died at the home Medsker, 4th; department; Maud Mc-o- f

her parents, on May 15th, 18S9, at Uh! Knight, 3d department; Lucy Kaueher,age of 15 years, three months and seven 2d'department; Mamie Fry, 1st depart-day- s.

Sho was said to have been of a ment.kindandgentlodisposition;nnda!though In tho June installment of Charlesseverely afflicted with heart disease from Dudley Warner's novel, "A Littlo Jour-- a

child, yet sho did not complain. When Bey ic tho World," which is now runn-sh- e

saw that her days were about mini- - ins in Harm's Magazine.tho author will

bered, sho did not "murmur at her lot, introduco an amusing satirical interludebut only wished that sho might live long upon tho subject of Wall Street and theenough to seo her sister who was absent Stock Exchange. Tho scene of anotherin Arkansas. Tho funeral services were liapter in tho same installment will bo

conducted by Rev. T. D. Roberts, at tho laid in a box at the Metroiwlitan, New

family residence, artor which tho re- - York, on an opera night,mains were laid away to rest in the For- - A competing class for the Demorest

est City cemetery. Silver medal will be formed next Friday- During tho "storm Thursday fore- - evening at the Christian church. Thoso

noon, Mr. Tomatz, who lives six miles who wNh to enter their names as eontes-southwe-

of Stanberry, and his hired tauts should bo present. Young iieoplo

man wero harrowing ground. When j f oit'ier sex, under twenty-on- e years of

tho rain liegan to fall, the hired man age may contest. The selections aro tostopped his horses and took shelter lie- - ho taken exclusively from a Ixxik of rec-nea- th

their neck and shoulders. Light-- ! Stations which will be furnished tho con

ning struck tho horses, killing them in-- ! testants. 'iho contest to tatto placestantly, and throwing them onto theworkman, who was seriously injured bytho lightning as well as tho crushingweight or the horses. Mr. Toniatz, see-ing tho fatal effect of tho lightningstroke, left his team and ran to assistthe man, and whilo extracting him fromlieuoath the horses, Ins team ran awayand were badly injured. Stauberry Sen- -


tinol.Brother Dobyns of the Hoi.t Cocn- -

tv was treated to a genuinesurprise a short time ago. He gave inhis paper a very excellent rcjKirt of the 'commencement exorcises of tho schoolsat Oregon, publishing in full tho essaysread on tho occasion. A day or two af-

terwards one of the graduating classsent for hair dozen copies or the Sexti- -

sf.l containing t! e report, ami express- -

incents per copy them. Ihe mdivid-- 1

ual might have that lecausotho Deacon a newspaper man andhence wealthy, ought to be to

the result of his brninwork.and outlay of cash for material

and work, to go gratis but wo cant see.Ho merely expressed the idea

that the person in question should ex-

tend the research in tho educationalfield to the jioint of learmngthat anows- -


greatest Charityconcert






some time in Juno.Last Thursday afternoon as a freight

on tho main lino of tho K. C. roadwas doing somo switching in tho yardsat Forest City, John France, who lives i

at that placo, started to assist tlie oraKe-ma-

and stepped between two or thecars to make n coupling. Uy somemeans his right arm was caught betweenthe bumpers and horribly mangled, and (

v'H barely cf capo amputation. Francenot an employee of tho road, and i

warned against undertaking thotaik.

Judgo Knowles all over smiles j

last Tuesday, tho news reached I

him that tho case of I. B. Jones vs. Jno.F. Davis, which he had appealed to thoKansas City Court of Appeals, had betn :

reversed anil remanded. Iho suited astonishment when he asked tivo brought Probato Court about a


washe willing

allow re-search





iwip air tri fmt:ili!ili n dm:ind airainstthe estate of (!. M. Dodge, deceased. )

The Probate Court gave judgment forthe plaintiff. The defendant appealedto the circuit court on the question of i

lassitication,and judgment for the pliiin-til- l

wiis again rendered. Judge Knowlc.representing the derendant, apiealed toto the Kansas City court with the resultalve stated. Another caso has justbeen disposed or bv the same court, in

paper is the editors u he which some or our citizens are interest --

should no more be ejected to give away ed. T. V. McCoy brought suit againsthis goods than the merchant. The fact the K. C. railroad Company, for a larirethat merely for the benefit of the town ' amount offliaylestroyed by tire caused byand school he did $100 worth of work engine sparks. The railroad companyfree in publishing tho rejKirt, should j took a change of venuo to Atchison


caused tho patrons and the students to ' county whero Mr. McCoy obtained judg- -

purchase several hundred extra copies of ment, and tho company appealed to thetho paper instead of trjing to get copies Kansas City Court where the judgmentfree of charge. Tarkio Avalanche. 1 of the lower court was nilirmcd. '


This VicinityThat will need clothing or any-

thing in my line, which consists




FINE and COARSESHOES, I will say this: Comein and see me. You know whyI can sell cheaper than mycompetitors; no use for me toharp on that. That I do sellcheaper by

30 Per Cent.No one has yet denied, that I

beat St. Joe. prices

20 Per Cent.all admit.'

Why? Look below. See foryourself. They are the shotsthat sink deep into the heart ofconipcititon.

New York PricesHcrC in .Missouri. Ur.nr icthat old saying, "Miracles willnever cease.

Mens suits worth $7.50 for$3.75.

Mens suits worth $12.00 for$8.50

f.lens suits worth S15.G0 for$12.00.

Kens suits worth $20.00 for$15.00.

Mens Shoes worth $3.00 for$2.00.

Mens Shoes wcrth $2.00 for$1.50.

Mens Plow Shoes worth $1 .40for S5c.

Ladiesfor $2.00


Shoes worth $3.00

Shoes worth $2.50for $1.75.

Ladies Extra Fineworth $4.00 for $2.75.


The Best Shoes for Ladies inTown for $2.

Bear in mind that I am selling only the

Best GoodsThat can be bought No shoddygoods of any description in mystock. I am anxious for yourtrade and will make you theright kind of prices with the ex-

pectation of keeping it.


WESTERNBargain House,


Price's Hardware !

Wo are now ready withSeasonable Goods.Screen Doors,Screen Wire

Cloth, Spring: IIiiirs,Gaso-lin- eStores, Coal Oil, Har-

vester Oils, Etc., Pocketand Table Cutlery, White,Domestic and HouseholdSewing: Machines. Two secon-

d-hand Machines for saleDt'eriiig: Binders and Mow-ers, Deerina: BinderTwine,

Will Watson, abottomf-in"1?- ! Harmon

prices. Call see fSSTtSiL PRICE, OREGON, M0.

This Our Motto:

Mails kk and Styles


Lowest PricesIs what give. Littledashes low prices

the way of lead-

ers do not takeplace of

formly LowPrices on


spectlargest stock

in Oregon, em-

bracing full linesin Dry Goods,Boots,

Shoes, Hats, Cloth-

ing, Fine Dress Goods


E. L.


kk Is Low Prices,


$5,000TO L






1 to 3 years' time; 8 percent, annually. Home money.

W. H. RICHARDS,Over L. I. Moore's grocery, north side

public square, (Jregon, Mo.


1 laving sold my business I desiro allthiMs indebted to me to call at once andsettle, cither by cash or note.

J. If. MES.

Wanted !

D. M. Martin wants 500 buhels of ;

corn and will pay the Highest Marketin trade, or will receivo same on

accounts. Come in early ami seo me.D. M. MARTIN, Oregon, Mo.

NUMBER 51.to M. S. Norman and wife, of

St. Joseph, last week, a girl baby.John Markt, of Mound City, was

transacting business in Oregon thia week.Eugene Bovan, of Lincoln Nebras-

ka, is at the beside of his father, who isstill very low.

J. V. Boham and wife of Roeendalo,Andrew county, were visiting their son,D.D. Boham," of Oregon, this week.

Anyone having nn Atlas of Holtcounty for sale.ploase address Lock Box,IS, Oregon, Mo. State condition andprice.

A. T. Bloomer, of Xew Point,has five thorough bred Short Horn Bullsfor sale cheap; also a fow extra goodmilk cows.

The sale of postage stamps at Guth-rie, Oklahoma, amounts to over $50 ietday and 3,000 letters nnd 1.000 papersaro delivered each day, requiring elevenclerks.

Go for the foul alleys. Dont waitfor disease to frighten you into it. butgo for them at once. Call theof the health committee to any

place. Don't let anything stand be-

tween you and preventing disease.The New Liberty Baptist church

will be dedicated Sunday, June 2d, 1883.Elder J. S. P. Wood will preach. Scrri-ee- s

at 10:30 ah. and 3 r.M. Members willplease remember the church meetingSaturday, June 1st, at 2 ra. and bepresent. x

the hest twine made. La-W- in. brother of Judgessell VOU ?OOd8 at and Watson, of this

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years ago visiting his relatives, lie washighly respected where he lived. He wasa native of Wayne County, Indiana, ywhere he was born December 25th, 1824.

Sheriff Walkup received a letterfrom Sheriff F. M. Mnrshal.who captur-ed Coon Franklin a few weeks ago, andwith it was enclosed a letter from A. A.Lesuor, Secretary of State, who writesthat on August 1th, 1887, a reward of8200 each was offered for the capture ofCoon and Fletch Franklin, and the act-ing Governor, A. P. Morehouse, limitedthe row-ai- d to one year, and it thereforeexpired last August. This leaves Sher-iff Marshal only 3100830 from this coun-ty and S50 from nolt county. BockPort Democrat.

Savannah vs. Oregon.The Oregon Azureinos have scored an-

other victory. There has for some timebeen a challenge between the aboveclubs to play at Savannah. For the firsttime, Tuesday was a favorable day forthe contost. About twenty of tho Ore-gon boys, including tho club, went over-land to our sister city over tho Xodaway,to witness another victory for the hometeam.

Tho game was called at 330, Savannahat tho bat. Some good playing was done,but Savannah was retired with but twotallies. Savannah showed signs of weak-ness by importing' players. Thoir fourbest players came from abroad. TheAzuremes proved too strong and after ahotly contested game of nine innings thoscore stood 23 to 17 in favor of the hometeam, with the last half of ninth unplac-ed. Mr. Forbish of the Savannah clubproved a very courteous host, and madeit exceedingly ploosant for the visitors.Wo have reason to feel very kindly to-

ward him and his, but the discourtesyshown by the spectators was very markedand lamentable. Nothing of especial-not-

marked the game further than thoprime necessity of more practice by the-hom-

boys. There will be a returnedgamo played hero Friday, May 21th. It

Jesus BetrayedOno expects a stib from an enemy

either in the breast or in the rear. Butto have your intimate friend, the chosencompanion of many years betray youwith the tenderest outward sign of

that exists, this is the tirat deathmore bitter than physical- - dissolution.Caosar veiled his face when Brutusstruck tho blow; but Christ never flinch-ed, lie looked and soon healed an enemy with a touch.

As obvious lesson is that of fidelitywhen wo vow tho oath of friend. Everychurch-membe- r is a consecrated man.He has kissed the Lord' May the so-

lemnity of such personal union with theMaster and puro manliness oi cnaructerprevent disloyahty towara nim we serve.

Another lesson of personal conductone to another isplnin. Christ exhibitedin this trying moment not oniy we --iwo-

courage thatXapoleon lauded but a poise of self-contr-

hard to understand. He did "blackguard, or upbraid hisHe took it liko the supreme . us,in nn inward agony of oul.vard peace.His one question to Judas as enoughto make that traitor hang himself for

shame. Waahjngton had be nevergiven away to occasional Dursis oc pro-fane rage would have been held even inmore reverent affection than ho is. Inorder to express contempt or dissatisfac- -tion or disappointment the Christian hasno divino precedent for treating himselfto a recess of a billingsgate or eenmild profanity.

The time of danger is not exactly thetime to Hee. It is human nature 'but.not high moral nature. When wo partako of tho sacrament we should havetho strength of martyrs by direct inheri-tance from Christ to the pretcnt day.

Peter was illustrious as a man of queerfreaks. Now he smites now ho followsafar off. Would that only disciple hadallowed himself to be arrestld withChrist!

It is no unusual signt to-da- y to seemany of tho elect warmingthemselves in comfort by tho firo whil&the poor suffer.

Allen Thoksdyke Rice, the newlyappointed minister to Rus.-i- a, died inNew York very suddenly Thursday oflast week, from an affection of tho throat.

I am prepared to furnish ice in largoor small quantities. Make a spi-cia- otsupplying festivals, picnic and fishingparties. Will deliver at your residenceevery morning. Awaiting your orders,and guaranteeing prompi uenvery, j. urn

Yours Respectfully,HENRY MOLTER, Proprietor,

Puro, Clear, Crystal Ice Co.

Pasturage.S5JO acres of the finest

pasturage iu tlie county.Plenty of good water andshade for cattle. Will takea limited number of cattlefor the season.

j. FOSTER MARSHALL,Mound City, Mo.


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