Henry Jackson Society Accounts 2008

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    Registered Charity Number1 1 13948

    The Henry Jackson Society Project for Democratic GeopoliticsReport and Accounts

    For The Year Ended 31 Decem ber 2008

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    The Henry Jackson Society Project for Democratic GeopoliticsReport and accountsContents

    PageTrustee's ReportAccountants' reportStatement of Financial ActivitiesBalance sheetNotes to the accounts

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    The Henry Jackson Society Project for Democratic GeopoliticsCharity Information

    TrusteesM r Jonathan Alexander MetlissCllr Dr Alan MendozaM r M ichael Andrew GoveM rs Gisela Gschaider StuartM r Stuart Lennard CaplanDr Brendan Peter SimmsM r James Matthew RogersLord W illiam David Trimble

    AccountantsSultan Business Management LimitedEIm PointEast End W ayPinnerHA5 3BS

    Registered num ber1 1 1 3948

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    Names and addreises of advisirs (Optona) informatioo)

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    TAR Decem ber 2805

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    Sum mary of the rnainactivities in relation to 'thesecbjects

    *. x v x w. .t.,.x 'k..x1:; zekx e k.$ t1'A# L 0.t).SCa- sl.. t tx..l uk wc-f#. x .w+ yxat x 'iw + m v m r w k a x u mw9 l t : x.. r Q-.t

  • 8/8/2019 Henry Jackson Society Accounts 2008


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    Brief statem ent of thecharity''s policy on reserves

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  • 8/8/2019 Henry Jackson Society Accounts 2008


    The Henry Jackson Society Project for Democratic GeopoliticsIndependent Examiner's Report to the trustees of the charityReport of the Independent Exam iner to the trusteeson the accounts of the Charity for the year ended 31 December 2008

    Respective responsibilities of trustees and exam inerThe charity's trustees are responsible for the preparation of the accounts. The charity's trustees consider that anaudit is not required for this year (under section 43(2) of the Charities Act 1993 (the 1 993 Act)) and that anindependent exam ination is needed.It is my responsi bi Iity to:* examine the accounts (under section 43(3)(a) of the 1 993 Act);* to foI Iow the procedures Iaid down in the General Directions given by the Charity Commission (under section43(7)(b) of the 1 993 Act); and. to state whether particular matters have come to my attention.Basis of opinion and scope of work undertakenMy examination was carried out in accordance with the General Directions given by the Charity Commission. Anexamination includes a review of the accounting records kept by the charity and a comparison of the accountspresented with those records. It also includes consideration of any unusual items or disclosures in the accounts,and seeking explanations from you as trustees concerning any such matters. The procedures undertaken do notprovide aII the evidence that would be required in an audit, and consequently I do not express an audit opinionon the view given by the accounts.Independent Exam iner's Statement

    (1) which gives me reasonable cause to believe that in any material respect the requirements* to keep accounting records in accordance with section 41 of the 1993 Act; and* to prepare accounts which accord with the accounting records and comply with the accounting requirementsof the 1 993 Act;have not been met; or(2) to which, in my opinion, attention should be drawn in order to enable a proper understanding of the accountsto be reached.

    Anthony A. Sultan BAthons) FCASultan Business Managmenent LimitedChartered AccountantsEIm PointEast End W ayPi n n e rHA5 3BSThe date upon which my opinion is expressed is :-27 October 2009

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    The Henry Jackson Society Project for Democratic GeopoliticsStatement of Financial Activitiesfor the year ended 31 December 2008

    Unrestricted Restricted Total Last YearFunds Funds Funds Total FundsNotes 2008




    fIncoming resourceslncoming resources frozn generated ftlzld.:Voluntaly IncomeActivities for generating fundsInvestment Income

    Total incoming resources

    86,0221 294

    86,0221 294

    36,8677601 1 5

    86,128 - 86,128 37,742

    Costs of charitable aaivitiesGovernance costsTotal resources expendedNet incoming resourcesbefore transfers between fundsGross transfers between fundsNet incoming resources beforeother recognised gains and IossesOther recognised gains and Iosses




    84,753 - 84,753 22,772

    1,375 1,375 14,970

    1,375 - 1,375 14,970

    Net movement in fundsReconciliation of fundsTotal unds brought orward

    Total Funds carried forward

    1,375 - 1,375 14,970

    18,408 18,408 3,438

    19,783 - 19,783 18,408


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    The Henry Jackson Society Project for Democratic GeopoliticsBalance Sheetas at 31 December 2008

    Notes 2008f 2007fThe assets and liabilities of the charity :Fixed assetsCurrent assetsCash at bank and in handCreditors:-Net current assetsTotal assets less current liabilitiesCreditors:-amounts due after more than one yearProvisions for Iiabilities and charges

    19,783 1 8,408


    1 8,4081 8,408

    Net assets including pension asset / IiabilityThe ftlnd. of the charity :Unrestricted income fundsUnrestricted revenue accum ulated fundsDesignated revenue fundsUnrestricted capital fundsDesignated fixed asset fundsTotal unrestricted fundsRestricted income fundsRestricted capital fundsTotal restricted fundsTotal charity funds

    Dr Alan MendozaTrustee

    19,783 1 8,408

    19,783 1 8,408

    19,783 1 8,408

    19,783 1 8,408

    The notes on pages 8 to 10 form an integral part of these accounts.

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    The Henry Jackson Society Project for Democratic GeopoliticsNotes to the Accountsfor the year ended 31 December 2008

    Accounting policiesBasis of preparation of the accounts

    The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standardfor Smaller Entities (FRSSE), effective January 2007, and aII other applicable accounting standards, asmodified by the 2005 Revision of the Statement of Recommended Practice for Accounting andReporting issued by the Charity Com missioners for England & W ales, effective April 2005, adapted tomeet the needs of unincorporated organisations . The accounts have been drawn up in accordancewith the provisions of the Charities Acts , and include the results of the charity's operations which aredescribed in the Trustees' Report, aII of which are continuing.Insofar as the Statement of Recommended Practice for Accounting and Reporting issued by theCharity Commissioners for England & W ales, effective April 2005 requires compliance with specificFinancial Reporting Standards other than the FRSSE then the specific Financial Reporting Standardshave been followed w here their requirements differ from those of the FRSSE.

    The charity has taken advantage of the exemption in the FRSSE from the requirement to produce acash flow statement.The particular accounting policies adopted are set out below.

    Accounting conventionThe financial statements are prepared,on a going concern basis, under the historical cost convention.

    lncom ing ResourcesIncoming resources are accounted for on a receivable basis.

    Recognition of IiabilitiesLiabilities are recognised on the accruals basis in accordance with normal accounting principles,modified where necessary in accordance with the guidance given in the Statement of RecommendedPractice for Accounting and Reporting (effective April 2005) issued by the Charity Commissioners forEngland & Wales .

    TaxationAs a registered charity, the company is exem pt from income and corporation tax to the extent that itsincome and gains are applicable to charitable purposes only. Value Added Tax is not recoverable bythe company , and is therefore included in the relevant costs in the Statement of Financial Activities


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    The Henry Jackson Society Project for Democratic GeopoliticsNotes to the Accountsfor the year ended 31 December 2008

    Funds structure polkyThe charity maintains a general unrestricted fund which represents funds which are expendable atthe discretion of the trustees in furtherance of the objects of the charity. Such funds may be held inorder to finance both working capital and capital investment. The charity has no other funds.

    W inding up or dissolution of the charityIf upon winding up or dissolution of the charity there remain any assets, after the satisfaction of aIIdebts and Iiabilities, the assets represented by the accumulated fund shall be transferred to someother charitable body or bodies having similar objects to the charity.Surplus for the financial yearThis is stated after crediting :-Revenue Turnover from ordinary activities



    86,034 37,627

    Rentals under operating IeasesTrustees' rem unerationNational Insurance on trustees' remuneration


    4 Investment Incom eOther bank deposit interest received

    Staff Costs and EmolumentsGross SalariesEmployer's National Insurance


    2007f1 1 5

    2008 2007f f6,250626 -

    6,876 -

    Numbers of full time employees or full time equivalentsEngaged on charitable activities

    There were no fees or other remuneration paid to the trusteesThere were no employees with emoluments in excess of 160,000 per annum

    2008 2007


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    The Henry Jackson Society Project for Democratic GeopoliticsNotes to the Accountsfor the year ended 31 December 2008

    6 Remuneration of trustees and persons connected with trustees2008f 2007fRemuneration payable to trustees or connectedpersonsDr Alan MendozaTotal remuneration

    Employer's National lnsurance contributions on above remunerationDr Alan Mendoza 626 -626 -The remuneration paid to Dr Alan Mendoza is in his role as Executice Director of the charity.

    6,250 -6,250 -

    Analysis of the Net Movement in Funds 2008f 2007f14,970et movement in funds from Statement of Financial Activities

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    The Henry Jackson Society Project for Democratic GeopoliticsNotes to the Accountsfor the year ended 31 December 20088 Particulars of Individual Funds and analysis of assets and Iiabilities representing funds

    At 31 December 2008 Unrestricted Designated Restricted Totalfunds funds funds Fundsf fTangible Fixed Assets

    Current Assets 1 9,783 -1 9,783 -

    fUnrestricted Designatedfunds funds

    1 9,7831 9,783

    At 1 January 2008 Restricted Totalfunds FundsTangible Fixed AssetsCurrent Assets 18,408 - - 18,40818,408 - - 18,408

    The individual funds included above are :-Funds at Movements Transfers Funds at2007 in Between 2008Funds fundsas below

    f f f f18,408 1,375 - 19,783Analysis of movem ents in funds as shown in the table above

    Incom ing OutgoingResources Resourcesf f86,128 84,753 - 1,375

    Gains & MovementLosses in fundsf

    Endowment FundsThe charity had no endowment funds in the year ended 31 December 2008.