HELPING YOUR KIDS BE SUCCESSFUL IN 4-H Caitlin Jackson and Wendy Scott Crosby County 4-H Parents.

HELPING YOUR KIDS BE SUCCESSFUL IN 4-H Caitlin Jackson and Wendy Scott Crosby County 4-H Parents

Transcript of HELPING YOUR KIDS BE SUCCESSFUL IN 4-H Caitlin Jackson and Wendy Scott Crosby County 4-H Parents.

Page 1: HELPING YOUR KIDS BE SUCCESSFUL IN 4-H Caitlin Jackson and Wendy Scott Crosby County 4-H Parents.



Caitlin Jackson and Wendy Scott

Crosby County 4-H Parents

Page 2: HELPING YOUR KIDS BE SUCCESSFUL IN 4-H Caitlin Jackson and Wendy Scott Crosby County 4-H Parents.


Developing responsible, productive, community-

service minded kids, that then become adults

Creating cheerleaders for the 4-H program

Receiving a Texas 4-H Foundation Scholarship

Page 3: HELPING YOUR KIDS BE SUCCESSFUL IN 4-H Caitlin Jackson and Wendy Scott Crosby County 4-H Parents.


What do you kids want to accomplish?

Do they want to participate in 3-5 projects?

Do they want to compete at 1 district contest?

Do they want to attend all project meetings?

Do they want to qualify for State Roundup?

Ask your kids what their definition of success is,

this can also be different for each project.

Page 4: HELPING YOUR KIDS BE SUCCESSFUL IN 4-H Caitlin Jackson and Wendy Scott Crosby County 4-H Parents.



Page 5: HELPING YOUR KIDS BE SUCCESSFUL IN 4-H Caitlin Jackson and Wendy Scott Crosby County 4-H Parents.



Page 6: HELPING YOUR KIDS BE SUCCESSFUL IN 4-H Caitlin Jackson and Wendy Scott Crosby County 4-H Parents.


Page 7: HELPING YOUR KIDS BE SUCCESSFUL IN 4-H Caitlin Jackson and Wendy Scott Crosby County 4-H Parents.


Page 8: HELPING YOUR KIDS BE SUCCESSFUL IN 4-H Caitlin Jackson and Wendy Scott Crosby County 4-H Parents.


Page 9: HELPING YOUR KIDS BE SUCCESSFUL IN 4-H Caitlin Jackson and Wendy Scott Crosby County 4-H Parents.


Page 10: HELPING YOUR KIDS BE SUCCESSFUL IN 4-H Caitlin Jackson and Wendy Scott Crosby County 4-H Parents.



Page 11: HELPING YOUR KIDS BE SUCCESSFUL IN 4-H Caitlin Jackson and Wendy Scott Crosby County 4-H Parents.

Perseverance and dedication. We MADE Garrett do a prepared talk as a fifth grader and he HATED it. We knew public speaking was a skill he needed to develop so through the bellyaching, we pushed forward. SHOCKINGLY, he did not die when he competed and actually enjoyed it. Same thing with many of the other 4-H programs -- livestock, food and nutrition, photography, etc. 4-H teaches you that you can learn new skills and have fun while you are doing it. Hard work pays off and those life lessons are more valuable than you realize when you see other young adults that were not in 4-H and are struggling as they begin life away from home. It's a huge investment of time (and money if you show livestock) but the dividends are even greater! 4-H is a lot like life -- you get out what you put in -- except 4-H also gives you amazing friends, treasured memories, awesome experiences, etc. etc.

Jennifer Hancock

Page 12: HELPING YOUR KIDS BE SUCCESSFUL IN 4-H Caitlin Jackson and Wendy Scott Crosby County 4-H Parents.

I don't know that there is any one secret. I think kids need to realize that very few become professional athletes or musicians. So although sports and band is great, you are most likely not getting a scholarship or job for that. I think reminding kids that 4-H offers life skills, leadership and community service opportunities and those help you. I also think stressing that 4-H is a family thing!! Any project can be great family time which is not offered in sports, band, UIL, etc. The key is parents have to be involved too and this encourages the kids. I look at active 4-H members and they have an active 4-H family. Kids and families can be active in many areas. It just takes some organization, juggling, willingness to do some things in the dark and parents that are NOT lazy.

Angie Martin, Swisher County

Page 13: HELPING YOUR KIDS BE SUCCESSFUL IN 4-H Caitlin Jackson and Wendy Scott Crosby County 4-H Parents.

I don't think there is a secret either. But I think you try to set them up to be successful early in their careers. Not necessarily in the show ring. Maybe through presentations, judging, and other 4-H activities. Build up their self esteem and self confidence. Keep gently pushing them to try new things and encouraging them to step out of their comfort zone. Some step up and accept those challenges and before long you don't need to be the instigator, some you still have to push their whole career. Either way the benefits outweigh any negatives. With Chapman 4-H was one of the highlights of his childhood. He still lights up when we talk about 4-H activities. Great Ride!!

Rebel Royall, CEA, 4-H Dad, Glasscock County

Page 14: HELPING YOUR KIDS BE SUCCESSFUL IN 4-H Caitlin Jackson and Wendy Scott Crosby County 4-H Parents.

Looking back my mom made me be in a lot of things that I thought were not very fun, but necessary for success. You can do it, I believe in you. No sitting around, and consistently pushed us to be good at what ever we did. Would refuse to let you quit something if you started it. It is good advice now as kids quit or give up so easily at the first sign of adversity. Her favorite saying and it has stuck with me is You Are Alright. Get Going.

Josh Brooks, Briscoe County 4-H Alumni,4-H Dad, CEA, Hall County

Page 15: HELPING YOUR KIDS BE SUCCESSFUL IN 4-H Caitlin Jackson and Wendy Scott Crosby County 4-H Parents.

We didn't just drop them off . 4-H is a family thing! Spent time with them

and encouraged them!

Lavelle Vinson, CEA Wife, 4-H Mom, Shackelford County

Page 16: HELPING YOUR KIDS BE SUCCESSFUL IN 4-H Caitlin Jackson and Wendy Scott Crosby County 4-H Parents.

Well I love 4H because it gives younger kids a headstart on critical thinking skills, learning how to communicate, express themselves with art, theatre and photography. It teaches life lessons, how to fish or how to manage health issues. It teaches gratefulness and giving through community service. And success? Well that only comes before work in the dictionary, not life. But I really want to share my 4H husband and I had volunteered long before we ever had kids. We love the program and the leaders it helps develop. Our first child to "sponsor" or buy at a sale was a little girl and her pig. Well she sent us thank yous, Christmas cards and letters to throughout her next years showing us her projects and what she learned. You know what? For the next ten years that was the girl we looked for every year at the sale. She became our babysitter, and as she graduated into a young lady..our friend. As God would have it many moves, many years later and 500 miles who was at our both our son's firt 4H show? You guessed it. Kelly Hutton. Now if that is not the true meaning of 4H and life for that matter, I do not know what is. Samantha Kendrick, Lubbock County 4-H Mom

Page 17: HELPING YOUR KIDS BE SUCCESSFUL IN 4-H Caitlin Jackson and Wendy Scott Crosby County 4-H Parents.

One thing I remember doing once or twice a month is sitting down at the table to write down all the 4-H, and even non-4-H, things we had done. This helped when record books came around. But most importantly I think it really helped me with my organization and planning skills that I still use today.

Amy Schwertner Halfmann, 4-H Alumni, Runnels County

Texas Tech Graduate