Gramática Inglesa i Examen Final

GRAMÁTICA INGLESA I: EXÁMEN FINAL AGOSTO 2014 I) What will you do if your lighter doesn't work the way you expect it to work? II) Again he said that it never failed, smiling now because he w as purposely exaggerating his little boast. JULIO 2014 Oral 1) The fact that Govan went to Zambia to hold talks with business leaders meant that what had resulted from previous arrangments was now ignored. 2) It is a miracle that nothing should have happened to them. 3) Who was awarded the prize should have been Nick. -I found this seance to pass the strictest tests of credulity, with the minor exception of a phonograph which was found under Madame Reynaud's dress. -Had primitive man been able to leave written records, he would have learnt a lot about the evolution of a man. Escrito - He told me he had come to Jamaica to spend his holidays sunbathing in this place, where everyone knew Bob Marley. - Who might I ask where all these noisy people come from? 1) using the pen he had bought from the deaf mute, he started to work hard on his set task, which gave him the sense of duty he had been looking for. 2) what would he do if the old man realised he was following him? ABRIL 2014 Escrito: -the mayor of the hsien(una division politica china) reported the case to the provincial inspector,who,feeling pity for the girl,took her to his own house to spent some days. (Puede variar pero era algo asi) -hearing nothing later about the case he was sure that the girl had been killed


Gramática Inglesa i Examen Final

Transcript of Gramática Inglesa i Examen Final



I) What will you do if your lighter doesn't work the way you expect it to work?II) Again he said that it never failed, smiling now because he was purposely exaggerating his little boast.

JULIO 2014


1) The fact that Govan went to Zambia to hold talks with business leaders meant that what had resulted from previous arrangments was now ignored.

2) It is a miracle that nothing should have happened to them.

3) Who was awarded the prize should have been Nick.

-I found this seance to pass the strictest tests of credulity, with the minor exception of a phonograph which was found under Madame Reynaud's dress.

-Had primitive man been able to leave written records, he would have learnt a lot about the evolution of a man.


- He told me he had come to Jamaica to spend his holidays sunbathing in this place, where everyone knew Bob Marley.- Who might I ask where all these noisy people come from?

1) using the pen he had bought from the deaf mute, he started to work hard on his set task, which gave him the sense of duty he had been looking for.2) what would he do if the old man realised he was following him?

ABRIL 2014

Escrito:-the mayor of the hsien(una division politica china) reported the case to the provincial inspector,who,feeling pity for the girl,took her to his own house to spent some days. (Puede variar pero era algo asi)-hearing nothing later about the case he was sure that the girl had been killed by the needle (creo q seguia pero no recuerdo mas)

Oral:-although the kids could be studying hard,I should think they are playing footbal because when I asked them if the liked school they said they preferred that local sport.-the fact that Mary,whose imagination we know well,believes she had been kidnapped by an alien that came from outer space doesn't imply she can't come to work.-if the girl who sitted near you yesterday ask you whou I was calling when he saw me at the library,tell her you have no idea.

- I consider it ridiculous that he was hired

-There was a long pause on the other end and for a moment Quinn thought the caller had hung up, but eventually there came the sound of a voice unlike any he had ever heard 

-He wondered when the rain would stop and whether he would feel like taking a long or a short walk in the morning.

-On the pillow beside him lay an open copy of Marco Polo's travels

MARZO 2014

a) Howard didn’t know which piece of this horrible little speech the Dean was capable of extracting from the rest. 

b) It was strange to see streets where everybody was black. 

c) Never before had he realized how easy it was to get into the Dean’s office.Básicamente, tenés que decir todo lo que sabés. Por ejemplo, kind of sentence; embedded clauses (if any), subtype, operator movement (if any), distribution in the matrix, etc.; argument structure of the verbs; etc.

-When he managed to reconstruct the events of that night, he remembered he'd been looking at the clock, wondering why they might be calling him at that hour.


-Why would a cat show such human behaviour?

-The final proof that the animal was listening to what she was playing came at the end, when the music stopped

JULIO 2015

-Did I frighten you?

-The animal, who had been sleeping peacefully for some time, was now sitting on the sofa, from where he could see the odd woman frantically playing the piano.

Parte oral: a la hora de describir la oración en cuestión sigamos una serie de procedimientos, a saber: 1) Reconocimiento de Sentence : Complex, Cpmpound-Complex, Simple, Compound. Dicho reconocimiento debe ir acompañado de una evidencia empírica. 2) En caso de ser Compound-Complex o Complex, se DEBE iniciar por el predicado de la claúsula matrix. Se debe indicar la tipología verbal, los argumentos que selecciona, y proveer evidencia sintáctica que justifique la teoría esgrimida. Luego se debe indicar las características del verbo en cuestión (Si contiene características aspectuales, de modalidad o modo). 3) Se prosigue con la/s cláusula/s subordinada/s. Se DEBE proveer la clase de claúsula, la ESTRUCTURA (es decir, si es una JP/PP/CP + TP, si posee complementante/operador nulo, si hay movimiento de operadores, etc.) la posición sintáctica (si es argumento o adjunto), y su constitución interna (predicado subordinado, argumentos que selecciona,etc.). 4) Si el examen marcha bien hasta ahí, seguramente nos toque un ejercicio de recasting, en el que se nos exigirá parafrasear la oración utilizando un fenómeno (Clefting, Inverssion, Do So

substitution, Elipsis, etc.). Recuerden que no es sólo parafrasear la oración, sinó explicar qué mecanismos sintácticos se emplearon.