Gender Spectrum - Choosing a School or College

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Choosing a school or college with our kids is an important decision. Don't assume that just because a school is located in a progressive area or has a progressive reputation that it will be a good fit for your gender-expansive child; also, don't assume the opposite is true.

Transcript of Gender Spectrum - Choosing a School or College

Choosing a school or college

Choosing a school or college with our kids is an important decision. Dont assume that just because a school is located in a progressive area or has a progressive reputation that it will be a good fit for your gender-expansive child; also, dont assume the opposite is true. Talk to the administrators or admissions staff about gender diversity and see if you receive a welcoming or defensive response. Most schools wont have a lot of direct experience in this area, but try to assess their attitudewill they see you as a problem, or an opportunity for the whole school community to learn together? Pay attention to your gut reaction to these conversations, as it will give you important information about whether you will be comfortable sending your child to that school.

Questions you may want to ask (depending on your students level in school):

What experience has the school had working with gender-expansive children? Transgender children? What specific professional development about gender has the school been involved with (as opposed to general LGBTQ or diversity training)? Would they be open to this? Are there any written policies at the school or district that specifically name gender identity and gender expression? What parent education has taken place about gender? Would they be open to this? Are there any specific student lessons or activities that take place regarding gender? Would they be open to this? Does the school acknowledge gender as a spectrum, i.e., admission forms with options other than male and female checkboxes, signs and other visual images of gender diversity in classrooms or on campus? Are there gender neutral restrooms on the school campus? Would a transgender child be allowed to use the restroom of their choice? Co-ed sports teams? Policies on transgender students in sports? Are there private spaces for changing clothes in locker rooms? Showering requirements for gym? Are there co-ed housing options on campus or for school trips? Is there a GSA or student organization related to gender on campus? Does the school regularly divide kids by boys and girls, such as when they line up for recess or lunch? Do the teachers regularly address the kids as boys and girls? Does the schools library have any literature about gender diversity? Does the school offer resources for parents who need help understanding gender diversity? Does the school include gender diversity in their puberty and/or sex education curriculum?