1 Answer Base your answer to the question on the cartoon below and on your knowledge of social studies. What is the main idea of this cartoon? 1 The United Nations is usually successful in freeing nations from communist control. 2 Western nations are frustrated by the strength of communist control in Eastern Europe. 3 Nations of the West are willing to negotiate with the Soviet Union. 4 The Soviet Union will usually cooperate with the United Nations. 2 Answer Base your answer to this question on the image below and on your knowledge of social studies. This image shows a label used on aid packages to post– World War II Europe as a result of the 1 Geneva Convention 2 SALT Agreements 3 Helsinki Agreement 4 Marshall Plan Name:_________________________ Assignment: 10.06: The Cold War - Stimulus-Based MC Class/Period:______________________ Teacher: Arenas



1 AnswerBase your answer to the question on the cartoon belowand on your knowledge of social studies.

What is the main idea of this cartoon?

1 The United Nations is usually successful infreeing nations from communist control.2 Western nations are frustrated by the strength ofcommunist control in Eastern Europe.3 Nations of the West are willing to negotiate withthe Soviet Union.4 The Soviet Union will usually cooperate with theUnited Nations.

2 AnswerBase your answer to this question on the image below andon your knowledge of social studies.

This image shows a label used on aid packages to post–World War II Europe as a result of the

1 Geneva Convention2 SALT Agreements3 Helsinki Agreement4 Marshall Plan

Name:_________________________Assignment: 10.06: The Cold War - Stimulus-Based MC

Class/Period:______________________Teacher: Arenas


3 AnswerBase your answer to the question on the cartoon belowand on your knowledge of social studies.

The artist uses this cartoon as a way to express

1 skepticism about the success of Castro’srevolution2 support for a revolution in Brazil3 admiration for Castro’s bold plan4 confusion about Brazil’s economic needs

4 Answer

Figure 1Base your answer to the question on the passage belowand on your knowledge of social studies.

… I mention all these details, which I rememberso clearly, in order [to] give a sense of the shockthat we suffered when The Wall came upon usone night. There we were in Berlin, at thecrossroads between East and West, at thejuncture of two fundamentally different cultures,and suddenly we were locked up like canaries ina cage. Literally from one day to the next, frombeing a vibrant and cultured city, Berlin subsidedinto the drowsy torpor [dullness] of a midsummerafternoon in the provinces. We were imprisonedin a dull, flat country….

— Jens Reich, “Reflections on becoming an East Germandissident, on losing the Wall and a country,” in GwynPrins, ed., Spring in Winter: The 1989 Revolutions

Refer to Figure 1 and answer the followingQuestion:The historical event reflected in this passage symbolizedthe ideological tensions between

1 church and state2 absolute monarchy and fascism3 democracy and communism4 the Axis powers and the Allied powers

5 AnswerRefer to Figure 1 and answer the followingQuestion:Which historical event is directly reflected in this passage?

1 building of a barrier between East and WestBerlin2 formation of the Warsaw Pact3 occupation of Germany4 Berlin Airlift


6 AnswerBase your answer to the question on the cartoon belowand on your knowledge of social studies.

Which set of problems most directly contributed to thesituation shown in this 1991 cartoon featuring MikhailGorbachev?

1 refusal to adopt and accept aid from theMarshall Plan2 a forced famine in Ukraine and rebellions in thegulags3 invasions by foreign troops and Soviet citiesunder military siege4 a deteriorating Soviet economy and secessionistrepublics desiring independence

7 AnswerBase your answer to the question on the map below andon your knowledge of social studies.

What do the darkest areas of this map represent?

1 former republics of the Soviet Union2 current members of the European Union3 original member countries of the Warsaw Pact4 recent additions to the Organization of PetroleumExporting Countries (OPEC)


8 AnswerBase your answer to the question on the excerpt belowand on your knowledge of social studies.

... All this means that the people of any countryhave the right, and should have the power byconstitutional action, by free unfettered[unrestrained] elections, with secret ballot, tochoose or change the character or form ofgovernment under which they dwell; that freedomof speech and thought should reign; that courts ofjustice, independent of the executive, unbiased byany party, should administer laws which havereceived the broad assent of large majorities or areconsecrated by time and custom. Here are the titledeeds of freedom which should lie in every cottagehome. Here is the message of the British andAmerican peoples to mankind. Let us preach whatwe practise — let us practise what we preach....

— Winston Churchill,Sinews of Peace (the Iron Curtain speech),March 5, 1946In this excerpt, Winston Churchill is maintaining that thepeople of a country have a right to

1 economic prosperity2 collective security3 self-determination4 freedom of religion

9 AnswerWhich title best completes the partial outline below?

I. ________________________ A. Berlin blockade B. Cuban missile crisis C. Vietnam War

1 Path to World War I2 Victories for Democracy3 Cold War Confrontations4 Terrorism in the 20th Century

10 AnswerBase your answer to the question on the cartoon belowand on your knowledge of social studies.

In this cartoon, which region is represented by the nationsthat are seeking membership in the North Atlantic TreatyOrganization (NATO)?

1 Latin America2 Central Africa3 Southeast Asia4 Eastern Europe

11 Answer

Figure 2Base your answer to this question on the cartoon belowand on your knowledge of social studies.

Refer to Figure 2 and answer the followingQuestion:This 1989 cartoon suggests that the governments of bothChina and East Germany

1 removed the military from power2 allowed a shift in rule from autocracy to fascism3 gave people the right to decide how they wouldbe ruled4 faced challenges in their ability to maintaincommunist governments


12 AnswerBase your answer to the question on the passage belowand on your knowledge of social studies.

…The only way to go was up. And, on June 26,1948, planes from all over the world wereemployed to begin an airlift to fly needed food andsupplies to the Berliners. The Soviets attempted tofrighten away the Allied planes. One Soviet plane,trying to tighten the blockade, fired on a Britishplane as it attempted to land in Berlin. Both planescrashed, killing all aboard. But the airliftcontinued….

— Source: Doris M. Epler, The Berlin Wall, TheMillbrook Press

The events described in this passage occurred soon after

1 World War I2 World War II3 the Korean War4 the Six-Day War

13 Answer

Figure 3Base your answer to the question on the map below andon your knowledge of social studies.

Refer to Figure 3 and answer the followingQuestion:In 1968, the area east of the bold black boundaryincluded members of the

1 Triple Alliance2 Warsaw Pact3 European Union (EU)4 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

14 AnswerRefer to Figure 3 and answer the followingQuestion:In 1968, the areas labeled Estonian SSR, BelorussianSSR, and Moldavian SSR referred to

1 republics that were part of the Soviet Union2 members of the Central Powers3 independent nations of Eastern Europe4 members of the Organization of PetroleumExporting Countries (OPEC)

15 AnswerBase your answer to this question on the cartoon belowand on your knowledge of social studies.

What is the main idea of this 2002 cartoon?

1 The technology of the Cold War now threatenspeace in Asia.2 The risk of nuclear conflict has been eliminated.3 Nuclear power presents a possible solution toenergy shortages in southern Asia.4 Mediation has lessened tensions between Indiaand Pakistan.


16 AnswerBase your answer to the question on the cartoon belowand on your knowledge of social studies.

The main idea of this 1990s cartoon is that Russia is

1 deciding between a capitalist or a communistsystem2 attempting to restore military power3 expressing concern about how the rest of theworld views its government4 maintaining a balance between a civilian and amilitary government

17 AnswerWhich heading best completes the partial outline below?

I. _________________________________A. Korea remains divided at the 38th parallel.B. East and West Berlin are split by a wall.C. Strategic arms limitation talks begin.

1 Emerging Nations of the World2 Results of the Cold War3 Economic Benefits of World War II4 Ethnic Conflicts in the World

18 AnswerBase your answer to this question on the passage belowand on your knowledge of social studies.

…“We may anticipate a state of affairs in whichtwo Great Powers will each be in a position to putan end to the civilization and life of the other, thoughnot without risking its own. We may be likened totwo scorpions in a bottle, each capable of killingthe other, but only at the risk of his own life.”…— J. Robert Oppenheimer, July 1953

This statement expresses concern about the

1 threats to the environment by developed anddeveloping economies2 differences between command and marketeconomies3 economic costs of World War II4 dangers of the Cold War

19 AnswerBase your answer to the question on the cartoon belowand on your knowledge of social studies.

Which period of history is depicted in this cartoon?

1 Industrial Revolution2 Age of Enlightenment3 Age of Imperialism4 Cold War


20 AnswerBase your answer to the question on the photographbelow and on your knowledge of social studies.

This 1989 photograph symbolizes the

1 end of the Cold War2 importance of the Berlin airlift3 creation of a divided Germany4 fear of Nazism among Germans

21 Answer

The Nazi Party controls Germany.Khmer Rouge rules in Cambodia.The Sandinistas control Nicaragua.

Which statement describes a similarity in these situations?

1 Civil liberties were promoted.2 Voting rights were extended to women.3 Leaders won the support of all groups.4 One group seized power and limited opposition.

22 Answer

“…We cannot and must not allow ourselves tohave the message of Hiroshima and Nagasaki fadecompletely from our minds, and we cannot allowour vision or ideals to fade, either. For if we do, wehave but one course left for us. And that flash oflight will not only rob us of our vision, but it will robus of our lives, our progeny [descendants], and ourvery existence.”— Tadatoshi Akiba, Mayor of Hiroshima

With which issue is Mayor Akiba most concerned?

1 depletion of the ozone layer2 treatment of infectious diseases3 nuclear proliferation4 international terrorism

23 AnswerBase your answer to the question on the map below andon your knowledge of social studies.

Which conclusion about the North Atlantic TreatyOrganization (NATO) can be drawn from this 2002 map?

1 NATO was considering including more formerSoviet satellite countries as members.2 NATO had fewer members than the WarsawPact.3 NATO does not admit new members.4 NATO has included many Asian members.


24 Answer“Korea Divided at 38th Parallel”“Hungarian Revolution Crushed”“Missile Sites Spotted in Cuba” The events in these headlines contributed to the

1 development of peacetime alliances2 collapse of the Soviet Union3 rejection of imperialism by Western nations4 tensions between the superpowers

25 AnswerBase your answer to the question on the map and on yourknowledge of social studies.

Which time period is represented in this map of Europe?

1 before the Congress of Vienna2 during the Age of Imperialism3 between World War I and World War II4 during the Cold War

26 AnswerBase your answer to the question on the stamp and onyour knowledge of social studies.

This commemorative stamp was issued 50 years after theMarshall Plan. George Marshall was honored because hehad

1 insisted that Germany and the other Axis Powerspay for starting World War II2 proposed economic aid from the United Statesto rebuild the economies of European nations3 formed the European Union so that WesternEurope could rebuild its own economy4 encouraged Western European nations to acceptaid from the Soviet Union

27 Answer

Berlin airliftCuban missile crisisNuclear arms race

These events were part of an era known as the

1 Age of Imperialism2 Scientific Revolution3 Enlightenment4 Cold War

28 Answer"…The Communist party of the Soviet Union has beenand remains a natural and inalienable part of social forces.Their cooperation will make it possible to attain theultimate goal of Perestroika: to renew our society withinthe framework of the socialist choice, along the lines ofadvance to a humane democratic socialism…."Which leader would most likely have made this statement?

1 Kwame Nkrumah2 Mohandas Gandhi3 Benito Mussolini4 Mikhail Gorbachev


29 AnswerBase your answer to the question on the statement and onyour knowledge of social studies.

…The Parties agree that an armed attack againstone or more of them in Europe or North Americashall be considered an attack against them all andconsequently they agree that, if such an armedattack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the rightof individual or collective self-defense … will assistthe Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith,individually and in concert with the other Parties,such action as it deems necessary, including the useof armed force, to restore and maintain the securityof the … area….

Which organization includes this statement in its charter?

1 Warsaw Pact2 United Nations3 Organization of American States4 North Atlantic Treaty Organization

30 AnswerBase your answer on the cartoon and on your knowledgeof social studies.

This 1995 cartoon is suggesting that communism

1 has no appeal in Russia2 still dominates the Russian government3 may return if democracy fails in Russia4 is the best system for the Russian people

31 Answer

Figure 4Base your answer on the map and on your knowledge ofsocial studies.

Refer to Figure 4 and answer the followingQuestion:Which of these countries was not a member of either theNorth Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) or of theWarsaw Pact?

1 East Germany2 Great Britain3 Rumania4 Austria

32 AnswerRefer to Figure 4 and answer the followingQuestion:Both alliances shown on the map were formed after WorldWar II primarily to

1 increase military defense2 promote democracy in Europe3 compete in the global economy4 expand trade between the members

33 Answer“United States Airlifts Supplies to Berlin”“U-2 Spy Plane Shot Down Over the Soviet Union”“Soviet Missiles Placed in Cuba”These headlines discuss events during

1 Stalin’s Reign of Terror2 World War II3 the Cold War4 the post–Cold War era


34 AnswerBase your answer on the map and on your knowledge ofsocial studies.

Which speech described the political alignment shown onthe map?

1 Pericles’ "Funeral Oration"2 Bismarck’s "Blood and Iron"3 Hirohito’s "Surrender"4 Churchill’s "Iron Curtain"

35 AnswerBase your answer on the time line and on your knowledgeof social studies.

All the events on the time line show actions taken duringthe

1 policy of appeasement2 Cold War3 decline of nationalism4 Green Revolution

36 Answer“We believe in nonaggression and noninterference by onecountry in the affairs of another and the growth oftolerance between them and the capacity for peacefulcoexistence. We, therefore, endeavor to maintain friendlyrelations with all countries, even though we may disagreewith them in their policies.”– Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of IndiaThis statement best describes the foreign policy known as

1 imperialism2 mercantalism3 isolationism4 nonalignment

37 AnswerBase your answer to the question on the map below andyour knowledge of social studies.

Which event in the early 1990s resulted in the formation ofthe six new nations shown on the map?

1 unification of Eastern European ethnic groups2 dismantling of the Berlin Wall3 collapse of the Soviet Union4 resolution of long-standing border disputes


38 Answer

Figure 5Base your answer to the question on the map below andyour knowledge of social studies.

Refer to Figure 5 and answer the followingQuestion:The reason that Ukraine, Lithuania, and Belarus are notincluded on this map is that they were

1 located outside the geographic area shown2 republics of the Soviet Union and notconsidered independent nations3 provinces in Poland and Rumania4 members of the North Atlantic TreatyOrganization (NATO)

39 AnswerRefer to Figure 5 and answer the followingQuestion:Which symbol is used on this map to identify nations thatwere considered satellites of the Soviet Union?





40 Answer“Cuba today is a land of impossible contradictions, autopia with beggars, a so-called puppet still dancing afterthe puppet-master’s death.”In this 1993 newspaper quotation, which nation is referredto as the “puppet-master”?

1 Haiti2 Soviet Union3 Spain4 United States

41 AnswerBase your answer to the question on the cartoon belowand your knowledge of social studies.

The main idea of this 1992 cartoon is that

1 communism continues to threaten Westerndemocratic nations2 communism is losing its influence throughout theworld3 communist governments succeed best in nationswith high standards of living4 most nations in Asia still follow the ideas of Marxand Lenin


42 AnswerBase your answer to the question on the cartoon belowand your knowledge of social studies.

This 1992 cartoon refers to Russia’s

1 constant fear of invasion form the West2 teneancy to establish totalitarian rule during acrisis3 attempts to settle foreign disputes4 difficulty in establishing economic reforms

43 AnswerBase your answer to the question on the cartoon belowand your knowledge of social studies.

After 1956, strained public relations between the SovietUnion and the People’s Republic of China were oftencaused by

1 disagreements over the meaning and goals ofcommunism2 difficulties in constructing the trans-Siberianrailroad3 technological differences between the twonations4 China’s reluctance to admit Russian workers intoManchuria


44 AnswerBase your answer to the question on the graph below andyour knowledge of social studies.

The graph shows data on unemployment in Germany afterreunification in 1990. Which conclusion can be reached,based on this information?

1 Prior to reunification, East Germany waseconomically stronger than West Germany.2 Women in East Germany were poor workers.3 A reunified Germany has had problems withsteadily increasing unemployment rates.4 The unemployment rate for women was decliningin West Germany.

45 Answer

Lake Baikal is fouled by wastes from factories.Plants and wildlife in Siberia are damaged bymining and smelting in the region.Radiation still contaminates 2 million acres nearChernobyl.

Based on these statements about environmental issues inthe former Soviet Union, which conclusion would be mostvalid?

1 The Soviet Government spent a large portion ofits budget conserving the environment.2 Communist industrial and agricultural policiesresulted in serious environmental problems.3 Changes in the environment in Russia andUkraine are largely caused by pollution comingfrom Western Europe.4 In Russia today, cleaning up the environment hastaken priority over economic development.

46 Answer“The Soviet Union Splits into 15 Republics”“Yugoslavia Experiences Internal Conflict”“Germany Reunifies”Which conclusion do these three headlines suggest?

1 Communism remains an important force inEurope.2 Many Western European nations areexperiencing civil war.3 International sanctions strengthen a nation’sability to govern.4 The forces of nationalism can either divide orunite a nation.

47 AnswerSelected Cold War Events

Berlin blockade (1948-1949)Premier Khrushchev’s visit to the United States(1959)Cuban missile crisis (1962)Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (1963)Joint Apollo-Soyuz space mission (1975)Russian invasion of Afganistan (1979)

What does this list of events suggest about the Cold WarEra?

1 Throughout this period, the United States andthe Soviet Union were reluctant to solve conflicts.2 The level of tension between the United Statesand the Soviet Union varied.3 Economics played a key role in causing conflictbetween the United States and the Soviet Union.4 The United Nations was instrumental in reducingtensions between the United States and the SovietUnion.

48 Answer“Polish Communist Party Fails in Election Bid”“Romanians Depose Communist Dictator”Which is a valid conclusion based on these headlines fromthe late 1980s?

1 Military buildups are continuing in EasternEurope.2 Planned economies in Eastern Europe havebecome increasingly successful.3 Demands for democracy ended many totalitariangovernments in Eastern Europe.4 The Soviet Union stopped independence effortsin Eastern Europe.


49 AnswerBase your answer to the question on the cartoon belowand your knowledge of social studies.

Which is a valid conclusion based on this 1990 cartoon?

1 Communism was failing as an economic systemin the Soviet Union.2 Economic changes within the Soviet Union wereleading to the death of capitalism.3 Gorbachev’s economic reforms were intended toreverse the earlier Soviet policy of national healthinsurance.4 The Soviet Union was investing heavily inmedical technology.

50 Answer“Warsaw Pact Tanks Invade Budapest”“Wall Divides Berlin”“Liberal Czechoslovak Government Replaced”These historical newspaper headlines were related to

1 Mikhail Gorbachev’s introduction of the policyof glasnost2 Adolf Hitler’s efforts to promote nationalsocialism3 the Soviet Union’s acceptance of capitalism4 attempts by the Soviet Union to strengthenCommunist control

51 AnswerBase your answer to the question on the map below andyour knowledge of social studies.

The map illustrates a division of Europe that led to thecreation of the

1 Axis and the Allied powers2 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) andthe Warsaw Pact3 Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente4 United Nations and the League of Nations

52 Answer“The parties agree that an attack against one or more ofthem shall be considered an attack against all.”This statement most clearly illustrates which foreign policyconcept?

1 détente2 appeasement3 balance of terror4 collective security


53 AnswerBase your answer to the question on the cartoon belowfrom 1984 and your knowledge of social studies.

Which statement best expresses the main point of thecartoon?

1 Courtship practices in Communist countrieswere becoming more like those of democraticcountries.2 The Soviet Union supported the development ofdemocracy in Poland.3 Poland was satisfied with its relationship with theSoviet Union.4 Democratic tendencies continued to exist inPoland.

54 AnswerBase your answer to the question on the cartoon belowand your knowledge of social studies.

The main idea of the political cartoon is that preservingworld peace depends largely upon the

1 continuance of a balance of terror2 agreement of superpowers to stop the arms race3 adoption of isolationist policies by nuclearpowers4 formation of military alliances between theUnited States and the Soviet Union


55 AnswerBase your answer to the question on the cartoon belowand your knowledge of social studies.

The main idea of the political cartoon was that armsnegotiations between the United States and the formerSoviet Union were made more difficult by the

1 ideological differences between the two nations2 lack of a sincere desire to achieve armsreductions3 inability of the two nations to agree on a locationfor conducting arms talks4 lack of prior experience with arms negotiations

56 AnswerBase your answer to the question on the cartoon belowand your knowledge of social studies.

What is the main idea of the political cartoon?

1 Japan has become a leading world economicpower while the United States and the SovietUnion have emphasized arms buildup.2 Détente has been an effective United Statesforeign policy toward the Soviet Union and Japan.3 Japan depends equally on both the United Statesand the Soviet Union for military protection.4 The United States and the Soviet Union haverealized that arms control talks are necessary toprevent Japan from joining the arms race.


57 AnswerArticle 50 - In accordance with the interests of thepeople and in order to strengthen and develop the socialistsystem, citizens of the USSR are guaranteed freedom ofspeech, of the press, and of assembly, meetings, streetprocessions and demonstrations.Exercise of these political freedoms is ensured by puttingpublic buildings, streets and squares at the disposal of theworking people and their organizations, by broaddissemination of information, and by the opportunity touse the press, television, and radio.– Excerpt from the Constitution of the Soviet UnionWhich conclusion can be reached by a comparison ofevents in the Soviet Union and this passage from theConstitution of the Soviet Union?

1 Constitutional rights guarantee a free society.2 A national constitution always guarantees humanrights.3 A constitutional guarantee must be very specificin order to be effective.4 A constitutional guarantee may be limited bygovernment actions.

58 Answer“A group of planners makes all economic decisions. Thegroup assigns natural, human, and capital resources to theproduction of those goods and services it wants. Thegroup decides how to produce them and to whom todistribute them.”This description best applies to the

1 manorial economy of feudal Europe2 mercantile economy of 18th century Europe3 command economy of the former Soviet Union4 market economy of the United States

59 Answer"From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, aniron curtain has descended across the Continent. Behindthat line lie all of the capitals of the ancient states of centraland eastern Europe: Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna,Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest and Sofia, all thesefamous cities and the populations around them lie in what Imight call the Soviet sphere, and all are subject, in oneform or another, not only to Soviet influence, but to veryhigh, and in some cases, increasing measure of controlfrom Moscow."– Winston ChurchillWhat is the main idea of this quotation?

1 The Soviet Union had expanded its influencethroughout eastern Europe.2 The Soviet Union had helped the nations ofeastern Europe improve their standard of living.3 The democratic nations of western Europestopped the expansion of Soviet influence in theworld.4 The Soviet Union supported communistrevolutions in Southeast Asia.

60 AnswerBase your answer to the question on the cartoon belowand your knowledge of social studies.

The political cartoonist was probably comparing theSoviet Union’s involvement in Afghanistan to

1 British colonization of South Africa2 United States intervention in Vietnam3 the conflict between Iraq and Iran4 French participation in the European Community


61 AnswerBase your answer to the question on the cartoon belowand your knowledge of social studies.

What is the main idea of the cartoon, drawn in the 1980s?

1 The Soviet Union’s military exercises destroyedlarge areas of farmland.2 The central planners of the Soviet Union did notpromote industrial development.3 The economy of the Soviet Union wasdominated by the agricultural production of smalllandowners.4 In the Soviet Union, modernization effortsfocused primarily on the military.