Friday 24th March 2017 SHAPE CONFERENCE

The Canobolas Rural Technology High School Friday 24th March 2017 Term 1 Issue 4 Icely Road Orange NSW 2800 Ph: 02 6362 1677 Fax: 02 6362 4481 Website: www.canobolas-[email protected] SHAPE CONFERENCE On Tuesday the 14th of March, Year 11 Industrial Technology Timber and Design and Technology students travelled down to Sydney to the Powerhouse Museum to attend the Shape Conference. Shape is a showcase of some of the best and most creative projects from the 2016 major projects for IT Timber and Design and Technology. It was also a chance to expose our Year 11 students to some specific information delivered by design experts. They also participated in a coding workshop. The opportunity for the students to inspect very high quality projects and folios will help them see the quality of work that is expected of them before they embark on their major projects at the start of Term 4 this year. Mr Mal Kay Mrs Jen Shepherd IT Timber and D & T Teachers

Transcript of Friday 24th March 2017 SHAPE CONFERENCE

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The Canobolas Rural Technology

High School

Friday 24th March 2017 Term 1 Issue 4

Icely Road Orange NSW 2800 Ph: 02 6362 1677 Fax: 02 6362 4481

Website: [email protected]


On Tuesday the 14th of March, Year 11 Industrial Technology Timber and Design and

Technology students travelled down to Sydney to the Powerhouse Museum to attend the

Shape Conference. Shape is a showcase of some of the best and most creative projects from

the 2016 major projects for IT Timber and Design and Technology. It was also a chance to

expose our Year 11 students to some specific information delivered by design experts. They also

participated in a coding workshop.

The opportunity for the students to inspect very high quality projects and folios will help them

see the quality of work that is expected of them before they embark on their major projects at

the start of Term 4 this year.

Mr Mal Kay

Mrs Jen Shepherd

IT Timber and D & T Teachers

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From the

Principal’s Desk Dear Parents and Members of our School Community

Year 12 Exams

Year 12 Half-Yearly Exams will commence next week (Monday 27th March) and run until

Wednesday 5th April in the school hall. Students are reminded to check their timetable and

ensure that they arrive at school on time for each exam. If a student is too sick to attend an

exam, or there is another serious reason that prevents them from attending please call the

school office as soon as possible on the day of the exam. In these circumstances illness/

misadventure paperwork needs to be completed and submitted to the school, along with a

medical certificate or other supporting documentation.

Progress Reports

Progress reports for Years 7 and 11 will be issued before the end of term to give parents and

carers an indication of how students have made the transition to either high school, or in the

case of Year 11, the senior school. A Parent Teacher Evening will be held on Wednesday 5th

April in the school hall for ALL year groups from 3:45pm-5:45pm. No bookings are necessary,

just come along and speak to the teachers of your children.

Athletics Carnival

The annual school Athletics Carnival is planned for the last day of term. This is always a great

day where all students can participate and earn points for their sporting house. Students are

encouraged to dress in their house colours (Electrons – Yellow, Mesons – Blue, Neutrons –

Green, Protons – Red) and run, jump or throw in the various events on offer. Entry into each

event earns one house point towards the overall score and this can have a significant impact

on the result of the day.

50th Anniversary

Don’t forget to purchase your tickets for the 50th Anniversary dinner to be held on Saturday 20th

May 2017 at the Orange Function Centre. Tickets for the dinner can be purchased from the

Front Office at a cost of $60 per person. The school will also be open for tours, film screenings

and historical displays on both the Saturday and Sunday and we look forward to welcoming

both past and present staff, students and families over the weekend.

I hope you have a great fortnight and I look forward to speaking with you in Week eleven.

With my warmest regards

Kate Wootten

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Calendar Look at what’s coming up...

Monday 27th March Yr 12 Half-yearly examinations begin

Wednesday 5th April Parent Teacher Night

Friday 7th April Athletics Carnival

Friday 7th April Last day of Term 1

Monday 24th April Staff Development Day

Tuesday 25th April ANZAC Day Public Holiday

Wednesday 26th April Students return for Term 2

Saturday 20th May—21st 50th Anniversary weekend

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Congratulations to The Open Boys Basketball team who have taken out the

Western Area School Sports Competition in 2017. They now move on to contest the full

state based draw and hopefully have the success similar to or greater than their top 8

finish in 2016. Good luck guys. A full report will appear in future newsletters.

Ebony Hay in Year 10 has taken out the NSW Little Athletics Discus title

for Under 17s. Competing above her age group, Ebony threw 41.6m

to make her way into the NSW side for the

Athletics Nationals coming up.

As a result Ebony will have her name placed on

a plaque at the AIS for her throw being over

40m. A massive achievement for her age.

Look out for Ebony in the future has she makes

her way to her dream of representation in

Australia’s Olympic team.

See Ebony in action and all our Canobolas

athletes at our school athletics carnival on

Friday 7th April, the last day of term.

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Week 6 saw the end of our four week Volleyball Skills and Competition in Double Sport

for Years 7-10. Every single year group improved over the four weeks with some very

hard fought volleyball matches being contested in the final week. Congratulations to

the following House Groups who took out the Championship in their respective years.

Year 10 - Neutrons

Year 9 – Mesons

Year 8 – Mesons

Year 7 – Neutrons

Year 7 Winners (Neutrons) Year 10 Winners (Neutrons)

Year 8 Winners (Mesons) Year 9 Winners (Mesons)

After the first sport of the school year here is the

current leader board:

A reminder that the School Sport Days for this year are as follows, these are the days

students can wear their sports uniform. For the remainder of the term, On Campus

School Sport will be Basketball. The off campus option for Years 9 and 10 is PCYC and

for Years 7 and 8 it is Ten Pin Bowling.

Year 10– Monday Year 9—Wednesday Year 8—Thursday

Year 7—Wednesday Year 7/8 Support—Thursday

Sports Coordinator: Miss Michelle Somers

House Points

1st Mesons 32

2nd Neutrons 30

3rd Electrons 24

4th Protons 22

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On Thursday the 9th of March, Maddy Alexander, Bridgette Featon, Becky Gibson, Chaz Kadic,

Mikayla Leahey, Ash O’Connor and Shayleigh Wilkins travelled to Sydney on an overnight

excursion for the HSC Dance Masterclass at Sydney Dance Company.

On Thursday evening, the students got straight into dancing and participated in a fun, jazz

dance class at Sydney Dance Company. The 1 ½ hour dance class was non-stop moving and

a real work out. The Year 11 students worked very hard amongst many older and experienced

dancers and stood out in the class. Our Canobolas students were even asked to perform what

they’d learnt in front of the rest of the dancers in the class.

On Friday, students headed back to the Sydney Dance Company for the HSC Masterclass. The

first session of the day involved a Pilates class, which focused on anatomy and strengthening for

dance. The second session was a technique class, which proved to be challenging and

developed the students’ awareness and skills for Ballet and Contemporary dance. The final

session focused on composition, which involved students choreographing their own movements

based on different ideas.

The Year 11 students demonstrated great dance ability and worked really well in an unfamiliar

and new environment. They behaved outstandingly well and it was great to see them

encourage and support one another. The workshop was a great opportunity for students to

develop their dancing skills, as well as their understanding of what will be required for their HSC


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On Thursday 9 March 2017, three Canobolas High students travelled to Dubbo to participate in the

Western Schools Sports Association Swimming Carnival.

All swimmers swam well against the tough competition with some personal best (PB) times being

achieved on the day. Results were as follows:

Harmity-Jade Munday 13 years girls 50m freestyle – 23rd overall

Courtney-Rose Munday 16 years girls 50m freestyle – 11th overall

Dyson Percival 16 years boys 100m freestyle – 7th overall and a PB

16 years boys 50m freestyle – 6th overall

16 years boys 200m freestyle – 6th overall and a 16 second PB

16 years boys 100m backstroke – 3rd overall, just under a 10 second PB and

selected to go to state

Well done to all competitors and best of luck at NSW CHS Swimming Dyson!!

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On Friday 10th March our Open Girls cricket team played Round 1 of the

Western Open cricket knockout.

Canobolas travelled to Cowra to

play Cowra High at Oliver Oval.

This game was the first game in a

long time that Canobolas has

managed to field a girls cricket

team, all girls and Mrs Hurford are

to be commended for making this


Match report: Canobolas’ captain, Gracie Dean elected to bat first. Our

young gun’s Montanna Griffith and Tahlia Miller opened the batting. We

had a few early wickets in the first few overs however Tahlia Miller was the

stand out for the batting. She kept the run rate steady with many singles

and a four and she top scored with 11. Gracie Dean and Ebony Hay also batted well scoring a total of 29

runs. With a small total under our belt we knew that our bowling and fielding had to be tight. Montana

Griffiths (2/9) and Gracie Dean (1/9) opened the bowling. Gracie was the first

to strike with our first wicket bowling a Cowra opener out. With more tidy

bowling from Tahlia Miller (2/4) and Taniesha Burns (1/6) we started to build

pressure. Unfortunately Cowra managed to reach our small total taking out

the match by 4 wickets. This was an outstanding achievement as this was their

first proper cricket match for most of the girls. The girls are to be

congratulated on their efforts in learning to play the game of cricket and

making the day so enjoyable for everyone. Big thanks goes to all the parents

and grandparents for coming out to support and to Jesse Gardiner, Harry

Pearce and Jacob Weir for their umpiring, scoring and assistant coaching.

A wonderful day out!

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Golf 2017

On Monday 13th March February, four students took on the wet

weather condition at Cowra Golf Club in the annual WSSA Golf

championships and teams Ambrose event.

Jack and Max Wilson, Trent Wilde and Charles Pike were wonderful

representatives of our school. Having a great day and learning a lot

about golf and managing golf equipment in the rain all day!!

Congratulations to Trent and Charles who placed 4th in the two person

Ambrose event. There were many highlights and stories to tell about

the day.

With some more practice and improved weather I am sure there may

be a few less shots next year!! The boys had a great day and loved the


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Congratulations to the CHPA athletes who have volunteered their services as subjects for a CSU Sleep Research Study.

This was a follow-up from 2016 and highlighted that sleep quantity for many CHPA athletes is reduced when at school

compared to holidays. We found that irrespective of school or holidays, all athletes were consistently NOT getting the

recommended 8-10 hours sleep per night (only averaging 7 hours per night). This follow-up study is to understand if these

poor sleep habits (quantity and quality) affect your performance. This study will examine the impact varied sleep has on

sporting and schooling performance, ability to make decisions, and reaction time.

Athletes wore a sleep watch (like a Fit Bit) one night per week (Mondays) for 4 weeks, during that night they were randomly

assigned ONE of the following sleep conditions:

1) Control (normal) night sleep (CONT): approximately 7-8hours sleep as you normally do.

2) Sleep restriction (RES): approximately 4 hours sleep. Participants will be required to stay awake until 2am and set an alarm

to wake at 6am. This condition is designed to reduce sleep quantity compared to CONT.

3) Sleep extension (EXT): approximately 10 hours sleep. Participants will be required to go to bed at 9pm and stay in bed until

7am, preferably asleep for the entire duration. This condition is designed to increase sleep quantity compared to CONT.

4) Sleep fragmentation (FRAG): approximately 7-8 hours sleep, however an alarm will need to be set at 11pm, 2am and 5am to

force the participant to wake, turn off their alarm and return to sleep.

The following day at school (Tuesdays) during lunchtime and period 5, they completed a series of sporting and school-based

activities. We are looking forward to reviewing the results!!

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3 Day PDHPE Faculty Ski Trip!!


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Protons Mesons Neutrons Electrons

The SCHOOL ATHLETICS CARNIVAL will be held on Friday 7th April 2017 at the Canobolas Rural Technology School

oval, commencing at 9.00am concluding at approximately 3:25 pm.

The carnival is compulsory and all students must attend as it is a normal school day.

Students are to make their own way to and from school.

Appropriate sun protection (e.g. hats, sunscreen, long sleeve shirt, sunglasses etc) is required for the day. Students

should bring recess and lunch and plenty of water. Canteen facilities will be available throughout the day. It is

recommended that any valuables such as mobile phones or personal music players be left at home as no

responsibility will be taken for loss or damage.

All students will have the opportunity to participate in a range of traditional Athletic track and field events on the


Students should wear appropriate house colours to the carnival to support their House Group:

Mesons – Blue

Electrons – Yellow

Protons – Red

Neutrons – Green

Teachers present at the carnival will have first aid and resuscitation qualifications in the event of an emergency.

Any parent or a guardian who wishes to attend the carnival to support students throughout the day will be most


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Sport has changed this year at Canobolas High, each year group will have a different sports

day. Students are able to wear their sport uniforms on the following days:

Year 10– Mondays

Year 9—Wednesdays

Year 8—Thursdays

Year 7—Wednesdays

Term 1 Western School Sport Team Trial Dates

If students are interested in trialling for Western Region Sports Teams this term please see the PDHPE staff

for more details. Please note that these are parents would be expected to transport their child to the

majority of these trials if they choose to attend. The details of the up and coming trials are below.

Sport Date Location Nominations Teacher to see


Girls 24 March Jack Brabham Park - Orange 7 March Miss Morrissey

Golf 13 March Cowra Golf Club 10 February Mr Skein

Netball 23 March

30 March

PCYC - Orange (Divisional B)

PCYC - Orange (Regional) 11 March Mrs Hurford

Rugby Union 5 April Endeavour Oval - Orange 1 March Mr Finlay/ Mr Curran

Lawn Bowls 6 April Parkes Bowling Club 28 March Miss Goodwin

Rugby League 23 March

30 March

King George Oval - Blayney


Peak Hill (Area)

16 March Mr Curran

Squash 29 March Orange/Cowra 16 March Mrs Abrahams

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PDHPE Assessment Reminders

Many of the PDHPE classes across the years are currently working on assessable items both in class and at

home. A reminder that if your child does not complete an assessment task and hand it on time for marking

it will affect the overall grade they are awarded for PDHPE. This grade also has a practical effort, attitude

and participation mark for lessons where students participate in practical games, sports and various

physical activities. Please note that this component of the course is compulsory and students may only be

excused from these classes with a medical note during the time of injury recovery.

Task Due

Yr 8 PDHPE Study First Aid for test TBC

Yr 9 PDHPE Mental Health Task March 20

Yr 10 PDHPE Smart Party Plan March 20

Yr 11 SLR Sport Guide March 3

Yr 11 PDHPE Core 1 Task TBC

11SCoaching Rugby League Package DUE NOW

12 S Coaching Coaching and ICT ASAP

Yr 12 PDHPE HSC Core 1 Overdue

Rep Shorts and Socks!!!

School sport representative shorts $40 and socks $10 are available for purchase for through the school

office and PDHPE. Payments can also be made online.

Mark Skein- HT PDHPE

At CRTHS we get o

ur notes and

money for e

xcursions and activities in

on time to

make it

easier for o


coaches and office staff!

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Last Thursday Simon Warner visited our school to shear our sheep, lambs, alpaca and goat.

Year 7 Stem classes 2, 4, 6, 7, Year 8 Star and Year 12 Agriculture classes were able to

experience first-hand how Simon operates. Some students even came up to the Ag plot at

recess to watch.

A total of 40 merino ewes, a dorset ram, 3 alpacas, a goat and 20 first cross lambs were shorn.

All students thoroughly enjoyed the day. Mrs J O’Donnell, Agriculture teacher


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This week students in Year 12 are busy preparing for their

half-yearly examinations. All students are expected to

undertake thorough revision, studying all concepts

covered so far in both the Preliminary and HSC courses.

Students busy revising the assigned task in the class.

Students in Year 8 are required to submit their assessment

tasks this week. A number of lessons were allocated for

students to complete their assessment task and to seek

teacher assistance.

Year 8 Altitude have been enjoying some of the

Mathematics activities that they have been engaging in

during lesson time. One activity, called ‘Treasure Hunt’,

required students to solve challenging questions involving

percentages. The answer from each station led students to

the next station. At the last station, students were required

to reflect on the method they had utilised to solve the initial


Year 8 Altitude students exhibiting collaborative group work at their stations.


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Encore at the Opera House

On Monday, Miss Aldrick and some music students from Years 9, 11 and 12, travelled to Sydney

to watch the Encore concert. Encore is a showcase of the best performances and

compositions from all three Music courses in last year's HSC. Ellena knew the student composer

of the first item and many of the performers of this work from her involvement in the national

Gondwana choral groups.

Hearing student compositions, Pat is inspired to work on refining his HSC composition and Jace in

Year 9 is excited to keep exploring and creating his own music. Kyle wants to be an Encore

performer after his HSC next year. And all of us learnt what a Gu Zheng was as one of the

performers dazzled us playing this ancient Chinese instrument. We had a great day and all

students were cooperative and respectful. We thank Kinross Wolaroi School for inviting us to

travel on the coach with them.

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A reminder to parents and carers not to drive in through the

school bus bay to drop off and pick up students. It is a busy

area of the school in the mornings and afternoons with local

primary school children also using this facility. Therefore for

safety reasons we ask that you do not drive through in any




If your child has to leave school during the day for an appointment or leave school early of an

afternoon, we ask that you send a note in with your child on the day. The note is then handed

in to the office before school and a leave pass is issued to the student. We would prefer that

appointments be made outside of school hours but understand that sometimes this is not


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How parents can balance on the HSC years knife edge?

A PARENTS' Toolbox of things to remember:

Guide, support and encourage your child. For example, GUIDING: “What has worked for you in the past” or “Have you tried doing it possibly this way?” ENCOURAGING: “Thanks for showing me your draft English essay, you have put a lot of effort into it, your teacher will enjoy reading this work from you.” Don't nag.

Don't tell them they will fail if they don't work harder.

Encourage healthy eating, regular exercise and plenty of sleep.

Negotiate boundaries for screen time (less is better especially if too much screen time creates sleep disturbances).

Take their efforts seriously.

Create an effective work space in the house.

Take a whole-family approach to supporting your child/children.

Don't overload them with domestic chores.

Let them know that you're there when they need you.

Encourage them to believe in themselves.

Remind them of their goals.

Give them explicit positive feedback whenever possible. For example, “Your dance choreography looked spectacular as you connected all the elements seamlessly.”

Questions parents may ask about their child as they commence the HSC years "Should she keep her part-time job?" "Is it OK to study on his bed?" "Can I trust that when my child is in their room for hours that they are really studying?" “How will I know if they are not coping?”

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The word from Dr Fred Orr, a consulting psychologist and author of the books Skills for Successful Students and How to Pass Exams, is that parents should worry less about how and where a child is studying and more about their emotional state. "Parents need to get away from……… mentality of standing over children ready to pounce if they're listening to music while they study or sitting in a certain position. The HSC years is the first chance for most teenagers to discover their own independence; it's the first big test of their ability," Dr Orr says. "It should not be an ego trip for parents or (be) seen as a reflection of the parents' value as a human being. Parents should be there as quiet observers and supporters, not major players." Dr Orr says it is important parents realise they cannot do the study for their children. "They have to stand back and let them do it - or not do it - their own way," he adds. Badgering and nagging is ineffective and simply creates bad feeling within the family. "Not every student will be the epitome of efficiency or productivity - in fact, the vast number of students are probably still wondering what they will do with their lives after the exams." Dr Orr points out that there are many other paths to a successful career aside from university. "A child's future hasn't slipped through the floorboards if they don't go on to university," he says. "Many students think that year 12 is the be-all and end-all of life, but that's just not true." So how can parents help their child do their best in their Senior studies? Start with the basics, Dr Orr says: make sure they have a good diet, plenty of sleep and regular exercise. Health experts recommend small, regular meals with plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables and water to sustain students. Parents can offer tempting, healthy snacks, set reasonable limits on socialising and offer a structured routine. In addition, there are many useful apps available to assist students to maintain healthy wellbeing (physical and mental) such as exercise, being artistic, developing a quite mind, as well as, reflection strategies. Parents do have an important role in supporting their child through their senior studies which is both an active and psychological one. "It's about being respectful of what they're doing and showing that you take it seriously by doing things like creating a space for them in the home to study," says Robyn Chellew. "Recognising the importance of what they're doing gives them a really clear indication of how supported they are and makes them realise that you do take it seriously." Robyn Chellew reports that students need to take responsibility for themselves, but still need back-up from home. It may help to offer any guidance when they need it and are more likely to come to you than if you try to impose more rules and regulations on them.

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It goes without saying that if you keep telling them that they are not working hard enough and that they'll fail, they'll clam up and won't come to you when they really do need help and the back-up from home especially when they are feeling overwhelmed and stressed by ‘everything’. Robyn Chellew identified that if you don't show interest in their studies, they will think you don't care. It's a really fine line between support and judgement. They really do need a lot of support, but it's about empathetic listening, being there when they want to come to you, for example, bringing them a cup of tea - rather than things like telling them they need to work harder or have you finished that yet. Dr Orr says parents can also help their teenager keep the year in perspective and encourage them to take regular breaks from their work. "Small regular breaks built into their study plan can be just as effective as another half-hour of revision," he says. And when it comes to their own anxiety about their child's performance, Ms Chellew says parents should air their concerns out of earshot of their child. "They're already terrified. They already know the consequences of the year. Discuss your own fears with your partner or friends, don't add them to what your child is already feeling." Ms Chellew says parents need to maintain positive reinforcement. "When you see effort being taken, praise them for it, tell them you've noticed how hard they're working." And what about the question of part-time work? Dr Orr says it can have benefits. "It gives them another perspective of the world, they meet and interact with different people and get a chance to escape their studies. It is important to note that this will depend on the child, their ability to organise themselves and can identify when it is becoming too much. Discussions with your child is important when considering work/study commitments. This excerpt has been adapted from It's a tricky business, helping your child do the VCE. By Michelle Hamer (2003)

The School Counsellors at Canobolas Rural

Technology High School are Lindy Ford and Rebecca

Bouffler. Students can self-refer before school, recess

or lunch. Parents and Teachers can also refer

students. We are located in D Block. Copies of these

parent support notes are available from the School


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