Follow detoxification diet to maintain a more healthy body

Digestive problems-signals of unhealthy lifestyles By : Sandie Broker Digestive problems and bowel problems are probably the most common ailments all over the world. Most people talk in hushed tones when it comes to bowel problems but it certainly is a very common problem affecting people of all ages. Some of the reasons leading to digestive and bowel problems are poor eating habits, allergy to certain foods, poor toilet habits and stress. In such a fast paced world where people don’t have time for sit down dinners anymore, lack of exercise, stressful life and fast foods eating in record time, it is no wonder that so many people have this problem. Some signs of bowel problems are constipation, diarrhea, poor bowel control, Crohn's disease, colitis, hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome and worms. It is important to take care of any signs of digestive problems like heart burn, acidity and gas, as early as possible. Symptoms are digestive problems and bowel problem could be an indication to more serious problems like stomach ulcer or cancer. Prolonged use of over the counter medication or self medication is very dangerous if you have a more serious disease which is yet to be detected. In fact these seemingly harmless medications can affect the disease adversely.


Everyone is running around singing the praises of natural detoxification products. However, half the world does not understand just what a detoxification or detox diet is. A detox diet plan is a short term eating or plan based on taking fast in order to cleanses the body’s systems of impurities while helping the patient to lose a few extra pounds very quickly and effortlessly.

Transcript of Follow detoxification diet to maintain a more healthy body

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Digestive problems-signals of unhealthy lifestylesBy : Sandie Broker

Digestive problems and bowel problems are probably the most common ailments all over the world. Most people talk in hushed tones when it comes to bowel problems but it certainly is a very common problem affecting people of all ages. Some of the reasons leading to digestive and bowel problems are poor eating habits, allergy to certain foods, poor toilet habits and stress. In such a fast paced world where people don’t have time for sit down dinners anymore, lack of exercise, stressful life and fast foods eating in record time, it is no wonder that so many people have this problem.

Some signs of bowel problems are constipation, diarrhea, poor bowel control, Crohn's disease, colitis, hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome and worms. It is important to take care of any signs of digestive problems like heart burn, acidity and gas, as early as possible. Symptoms are digestive problems and bowel problem could be an indication to more serious problems like stomach ulcer or cancer.

Prolonged use of over the counter medication or self medication is very dangerous if you have a more serious disease which is yet to be detected. In fact these seemingly harmless medications can affect the disease adversely. If you are prone to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), it is important that you take care of the problem in consultation with your doctor. The doctor may suggest a drastic change in your diet and prescribe medications to take care of the problem. Persistent digestive and bowel problems are simply signals of unhealthy lifestyle and poor eating habits. A healthy and balanced diet is the answer to most of the ailments, including digestive problems and bowel problems.

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If you are the type who rarely sits down for a meal and fast foods are your everyday meals, than you must consider a change in your eating habits. Fries and spices are the worst enemies of bowel problems especially if you are suffering from diarrhea or constipation. Switch to softer, fiber rich food and see the difference. Also eating lots of greens, fruits and whole grains will help you in digesting the food better. Avoid carbonated drinks and alcohol for some time to give your system a break.

Persistent digestive problems can lead to ulcer, cancer of the colon and stomach cancer. If you find yourself suffering from digestion problem quite often, you should consult with your GP. Digestive and bowel problems are easily treatable if detected early.

Follow detoxification diet to maintain a more healthy body

Everyone is running around singing the praises of natural detoxification products. However, half the world does not understand just what a detoxification or detox diet is. A detox diet plan is a short term eating or plan based on taking fast in order to cleanses the body’s systems of impurities while helping the patient to lose a few extra pounds very quickly and effortlessly. The extremely fast weight loss is one of the important effectiveness of the detox diet plan, which is why it is also so popular all around but also can prove quite dangerous in some instances. Typically, a detox diet recipe includes good natural healthful food items and is therefore not dangerous yet staying on these plans for an extended period of time can prove extremely unhealthful. However, make sure that the detox diet includes good food quality and you follow the instructions to the letter when using a detox diet, to be sure that your health is protected.

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Finding a detoxification diet has now become quite easier just because of their widely increasing popularity. Almost every health-related magazine or article you come across or choose to read will be featuring at least one or more than one free detox diet plan within the pages for its readers. Following the consumption of a sample detox diet from a magazine is seemingly a good choice for every patient who is looking to see how these plans work actually. Alternatively, you can find a free detox diet by doing legwork on the internet. Your research will give you access to lots of different sites featuring detoxification diet recipes, as well as reviews like which types of recipes for a detox diet will best suit to a patient.

There are wide varieties of detoxification diets to choose from; however, one of the most popular detox diets is the lemon or lemonade based one. This lemon-based diet has been used and admired by plenty of celebrities who want to scale down their weights for the specific roles. A regular usage of this detox diet allows the user to drop excess pounds in a couple of weeks. The liver detox diet is again a wonderful choice for those who have lately given up alcohol, as it can expels the impurities that have accumulate there for a long time. A short-term period for taking detox diet has been scheduled for three days while the long-term period is 21 days. Whether you choose a 3 or 21-days detox diet is not the moot point, but just make sure the food quality is up to the mark and your body is friendly to the diet.

Quality of food and DetoxificationThe quality characters of food like the taste, flavor, appearance, and color that are acceptable by the consumers are called food quality. Food Quality act formed in 1990 enforces the food quality.

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In many countries certain percentage of death is associated to unhealthy food and water. That’s why food quality is an important requirement for food manufacturing because food consumers are prone to any contamination that occurs during the production of food.

Apart from food quality the other important part is sanitation requirement which ensures that the food made in the plants are clean in order to save the consumers from any disease and to ensure the safety.

Food quality is also an authority to keep a check on the quality, safety, and security of the food and beverage industry. Apart from food quality there is another authority which checks all aspects of food quality from food purchase, transportation and distribution that is World Food Programme. There are lot many online journals and portals which updates regular articles which are edited and completed. They also provide the latest news about the food quality like what the leading manufacturers are going to do to promote the global food safety. Many organizations conduct seminars to provide the information to control the quality and safety of product using water activity testing. They also organize events and workshops where they train people working in dairy and food plants and to provide the skills of cleaning and sanitation. These organizations also conduct training sessions of several days for food professionals to ensure that they make quality food products.

If you are feeling sluggish, having skin or digestive problems, or any other weight problem that means you are not eating quality food and your body

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needs a detoxification. The process of removing toxic substances from a living organism is called detoxification. It can be done either medically or physiologically. It is about cleaning and resting our body parts. Detoxification is also helpful in the treatment of alcohol and tobacco addiction. Eat lot of fruits; your body will detoxify itself automatically. The other ways are:

Water -Our bodies are 75% water. So, apart anything else we do, we should drink adequate amount of water.

Fasting-For a day in one week don’t eat anything. Drink only water mixed with lemon and honey.

Exercise-It will flush the lymphatic system and the body cells will be filled by health giving oxygen.

Detoxification diet and its benefitsDetoxification diet is a process of cleansing the body of impurities and toxins by substituting regular diet with a special diet consisting of only fruits and vegetables, liquids, and other foods or by eliminating some foods like fats, carbohydrates, etc completely from ones diet for a certain period of time. The detoxification diet is not given much value by scientists and some nutritionists; because they claim that no scientific proof has been established about its benefits. Yet many claim to have received multiple benefits by detoxifying the body for a certain period of time. Whatever the arguments may be, if a person has been eating unhealthy foods all the time, and suddenly switches to quality food, there can be no denying the fact it is indeed beneficial.

Also for obese people, undergoing a detoxification program will definitely help in losing weight even if other benefits may not be noticed instantly. Following a healthy eating plan, with regulated food quality, type of food, quantity and frequency of intake will help anyone for that matter.

Many people who have just given up alcohol go through a liver detoxification program to cleanse the liver of the toxins which has accumulated over many years of alcohol consumption. Some people undergo colon detoxification in order to eliminate the wastes which have accumulated in the colon with the hope that this will prevent colon cancer. However it is important that the food quality should be good and the quantity of food intake and the frequency should be regulated.

Detoxification of the body can also benefit the mind indirectly, causing one to have a positive and more optimistic outlook because when the body is healthy, the mind is also healthy. There is no specific period for the detoxification diet. However to achieve a certain amount of benefit, it is advisable to continue the diet for at least 3 days. On the other hand, prolonged diet however may deny the body of essential vitamins and minerals and may have an adverse effect on the body.

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If one is suffering from any disease, then detoxification diets should be done only in consultation with the doctor or health consultant. Also detoxification diet should not be followed by pregnant and lactating women. Care should be taken to ensure that the food quality is free from toxins or impurities in the form of color additives, taste enhancers, etc. because if the food quality is not good, than it defeats the whole plan of detoxifying the body.

Easy diet leads to healthy life

“OUR BODY, OUR TEMPLE” A very nice saying we all are familiar with. Speaking in biological terms then this temple is made up of 5 systems, namely:

Respiratory system

Digestive system

Excretory system

Endocrine system

Nervous system

Each system has its own importance and none of them can be avoided.

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But the nature of human beings is to disturb the normal easy going things and then find their remedy. So, it has been done with each system also. Nowadays, every disease has a medicine invented by the humans but the disease is also created by humans only.

Every one on earth knows about the side-effects of the JUNK food, FAST food, OILY foods, etc. but still it is the most popular food among the people. Well, every step has its own consequences so is here. This spicy, tasty, amazingly nice food may affect many of the systems especially leading to digestive and bowel problems.

Digestive problems are very much known in South America. If it is not controlled at the right time, it may lead to serious Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) also commonly known as the bowel problems. As the name shows, it is collection of symptoms that can appear in any number of combinations like:-bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, etc. It gives lots of pain which is triggered by eating. Thus, people avoid eating and so usually suffer by malnutrition. The pain also increases by eating chocolates, breads, cakes, oily stuffs, etc.

Such digestive and Bowel problems if identified must be treated immediately as it may lead to serious digestive problems like: - ulcers in stomach, digestive juice secretion imbalance, pain in lower abdomen, etc. Along with it, Smoking and Drinking are found to have a close relation with the Bowel problems.

As mentioned earlier, if the problems are created its remedy is also being found successively. Digestive and Bowel problems in earlier stage can be treated by the usage of natural products like, aloe Vera, ginger, valerian, peppermint, etc. Many of the dieticians recommend high fiber intake drinking plenty of water.

But why to worry of such digestive and bowel problems when we have a healthy diet. Just remember, “Easy diet leads to healthy life”. Don’t rely on the fast food and if you have a habit of eating then be prepared for such

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