Fluid IT Services Media Kit


Transcript of Fluid IT Services Media Kit

We believe that businesses, especially small to medium

businesses, need to focus all their energies, time and

devotion to achieving their dream of building, growing

and enjoying a successful business. It’s a known fact

that small to medium businesses drive the U.S. economy

providing jobs for over 64% of the private workforce.

While small to medium businesses may not generate as much money as

large organizations, they are critical to the strength of the economy. In

short, they are the stimulus for our economy.

Despite these facts, small to mid-sized businesses do not garner near the

attention, publicity or shear star power of their bigger brothers. In fact,

historically, small to mid-sized businesses don’t even have access to the

same quality of services, solutions and financial flexibility afforded to large


These realities create a very real ‘gap’ in what small to mid-sized

companies have access to, which directly impact their ability to achieve


Fluid Believes: Small to Mid-Sized Organizations Deserve Better



Fluid was founded not only to recognize this gap, but

to do something about it. Our services, solutions,

employees, values, and very culture is purposely

defined and built to serve small to mid-sized

organizations to bridge the gap.

To do so has required us to continually innovate and

constantly change, sometimes in drastic fashion, to

enable us to have the services, solutions, and attitude

to help small to mid-sized organizations reach their

goals in a very challenging environment. We must do

this consistently with ethics beyond reproach.


Our latest innovation was creating the Fluid Cloud

offering. While there are many “cloud” solutions in

the marketplace, none were built from the bottom

up to meet the exact needs of the small to mid-sized


Our clients no longer have time to spend on non-value

added tasks by being forced to work “in” their business;

they need solutions catered for them and to them that

remove them from non-value added areas so they can

work “on” their business. This is no more evident than

in the world of technology – IT.

I have spoken to countless business owners frustrated

about being forced into the IT world within their

business without a vote, without adequate knowledge,

and without the desire to be there in the first place. To

a person, their message is the same – we just want IT

to work.

All of Fluid’s processes, people and, solutions are

purpose built to enable business leaders to remove

themselves from IT and focus ON their business. With

all the worlds’ uncertainties, there is no more critical

time than now for business owners and leaders to be

able to have laser focus on their business strategies

and operations.

The Fluid Cloud enables this focus by removing the

core of contributor to business distraction, risk and

reliability – managing IT, the “what keeps me up

at night” factor. But it goes further than that. We

understand IT must be managed and maintained, but

these are reactive measures all businesses are subject

to, which are not only tactical, but rob attention from

what small to mid-sized businesses truly need – use IT

to add value to the business.

Fluid further bridges the gap by providing small to mid-

sized businesses with access to the best of the best;

not only in technical engineering, but more importantly,

in business strategy. Fluid provides not only the IT

foundation required to run a business, we provide

the business experience to define, communicate, and

translate technology strategy to business results.


How many times have you heard a business leader

complain and wish the ‘IT guy’ would just speak

English? The answer is every day, all the time. So it’s

not enough to be a good or even great ‘technician’,

which is expected and the minimum requirement to

be ‘in the game’. What is needed is true business

experience, acumen, and the ability to communicate in

business terms.

At Fluid, our culture is embedded with the philosophy

that we are here not only to support our clients

business, but to add value to enable their businesses to

grow, flourish, and be the success they want to be.

So when asking the obvious question – Why should

I work with Fluid? It is because we truly care and

jealously protect our clients so they may reach their


You want to quickly and easily procure and

manage your technology and infrastructure

needs without more hardware. This isn’t a

pipe dream anymore. Cloud technology and

virtualization has made it a reality.

And we took cloud technology one step

farther by adding our outstanding IT support

services to it.

The Fluid Cloud is our proprietary cloud

solution, monitored and supported 24x7. We

didn’t just slap a label on someone else’s

design—we built this from the ground up to

meet our customers’ unique needs.

No more buying, installing and maintaining


Your server infrastructure and storage is

virtual, whether you need the space of

hundreds of servers or you just need one

small server for a single purpose. Fluid Cloud

virtualizes the environment to match your

specific business goals. We purchase and

manage all the infrastructure and equipment

so that you can focus on your business.


• Temporary computing resources

for a project or development

• Permanent computing resources to

replace in-house resources

• A scalable computing resource

that is as fluid as your business

demand dictates


Your business can’t wait weeks or months for hardware

to arrive and get installed. Fluid Cloud has you covered.

We can get a new solution, application or service up

and running for you in minutes with variables such as

CPU processors, RAM memory, bandwidth, storage and

networked ports.


The Fluid Cloud is a completely private cloud solution

that is fully encrypted and housed in a Tier III SAS70-

compliant data center. For your business, this means

the Fluid Cloud is actually more secure than an in-

house network. Your data is not only extra secure, it

is backed up several times in a multi-layered backup

system within our data center AND we can replicate to

a second off-site data center for additional redundancy.


Fluid IT Services is first and foremost a stellar IT

support company. The Fluid Cloud is no exception to

this rule. Our trained engineers will be there with you

before, during and after your business enters the cloud.

You will never be left on your own.


The Fluid Cloud can become whatever you need it to

be now and grow with you as your business changes—

and our pricing varies to match. Virtualizing your

computing can lower your capital expenditure, reduce

your power consumption and simplify the management

and support of your technical infrastructure.

“Our partnership with Fluid IT Services has brought

many benefits in leveraging information systems and

technology, and securing our data infrastructure. From

their professional, courteous, and talented staff, to their

focus on improving the bottom line, Fluid is a smart

choice.”—Jack Huff, Technology Director, Instaff

Does this sound like the perfect solution for your

business? Contact us to find out more.




Fluid Cloud

Is data backup giving you a headache? Whether your current backup

system just isn’t cutting it, or you don’t have a backup system to begin

with (gasp!), Fluid Backup can help.

Our IT consultants will work with you to determine what gets backed

up—all of your data, some of it, only accounting files, only email, etc.

Using your existing Internet connection, you can simply and easily back

up your data to our Tier III, fully redundant and absolutely secure data

center facility off-site.



PFluid Backup

As your IT service provider, we want you to be free of all of your IT

worries, including email. So we combined Microsoft Hosted Exchange®

email and the number one defense and anti-spam solution on the

market, McAfee SaaS, to bring you the finest email solution for your

business: Fluid Mail.


Whether you need one email account or a thousand, Fluid Mail is reliable, flexible and

cost effective so you can get your mind off of email issues and focused back on what’s

important—your business.


Microsoft Hosted Exchange® has all the benefits of Microsoft Outlook®, as well as the

mobile connectivity you need when you are working outside of the office. In addition,

web access is available anywhere, any time.


The email defense that is built in to your Fluid Mail solution scans your email multiple

times for viruses, spam and other intrusion. The multi-layered protection ensures you

have the most secure email system while ridding you of irritating spam.



ILFluid Mail





YDisaster RecoveryDisaster recovery means having not only

your data in an offsite location, but the

additional hardware required to bring all

your systems online quickly — in hours, not

days or weeks.

A disaster recovery solution includes the


• Data backed up on a regular basis to an

offsite data center

• Hardware in place to bring all systems

online when a disaster is declared

• Technical resources available to bring the

systems online and redirect users to the

offsite location

With Fluid Disaster Recovery as your service solution,

we can back up your data to an offsite location on a

recurring basis and be ready to bring those systems

online in multiple ways:

• WARM RECOVERY – Data is in the offsite

data center, but the actual systems are not made

active until the customer declares a disaster and

requests specified systems be brought online.

• HOT SITE – Data is in the offsite data center

and the systems are live and running at all times

for an immediate cutover to the disaster recovery

site in the event a disaster is declared.

• We can also do a COMBINATION of the two,

based on the criticality of your systems. For

example, file sharing can be on a warm recovery

while accounting systems are on a hot site plan.





Fluid IT SupportSometimes, you just need an extra set of

hands, onsite, by your side. Or maybe just

a SWAT team that comes in to get that one

project done that has been in the queue

since last fiscal year. No problem. Fluid

Support includes everything from help desk

support to staff augmentation to coming in

as your IT A-team to knock out a project.

Fluid Supports you as much or as little as

you need, whenever you need us.


Think of it. You never have to address the complaint,

“My Internet is down!” again. Or answer, “Where did

you hide my document?” Or reset another password.

That’s what we’re here for! We actually rather enjoy

reconnecting computers, finding lost files, resetting

passwords, and setting up printers. Again and again.

Keeps us real.


If you aren’t ready to hire more staff to support the

growth of the organization, we can be a huge help.

We can augment your existing IT staff with one of

our knowledgeable team members until you’re ready.


Every business has IT initiatives that need rolling

out. Sometimes it’s a budget issue, sometimes it’s

a resource issue as to why it hasn’t happened yet.

And sometimes, need outweighs both. Common

projects we’re asked to do include: implementing a

secure wireless environment; performing a printer

evaluation, recommendation for standardization, and

deployment and set-up of printers; evaluating current

data security measures, making recommendations for

improvements, and implementing security changes.


We’ve got a lot of partnerships in the IT world. We

can usually get better pricing on your hardware and

software needs. Plus, if we’re providing you any of

our other Services or Support, it makes sense for

you to let us order what you need, take delivery of

it, then set it up and install it correctly. Say you’re

hiring a new employee. That employee will need a

computer that should have all the software, email,

access, and passwords ready to be activated the

moment they walk in.