FLAYS IS 1'LAVIKS. LOOK! READ! ACT! Big Sale€¦ · cool.- said tho wife. "People Morton*, popular...

I _i_ —A- •Hr.*"" I J WINNING AN ARGUMENT HIS DIPLOMATIC WIFt By ALLIE BROCK. "My wife is the Rreatesl hand at an argument you ever Haw," said tht man In the smoking car of tht- subur ban train. "She always beats BM al anything of dial Bert. The las! time I was shown up as a false alarm iu applying logic to rvcry day affaln was DO longer ago than ytcrdty. "When 1 got home from the City last even log my wife said to mec 'Thare was a man here today to see about fixing the Bower beds and the garden for the winter He looki'd so shahhy and sort of homeless that 1 gave him your other linlit overcoat." ' That ought to be good start to- ward getting ' "ii a home.' I said in mirthprOTOkingway It wasa thought ful move on your part, i suppose you figured that some lonely widow along the road would fall In love with him when she saw Ihe graceful lines of that coat enfolding him and would rush out to haul him in ' "'Don't Cry to be funny/ said my wife. ""What really Interest me more than his Immediate future," I said, 'is tho object of his call. Did he wait long enough to specify what was the matter with our flower beds that need ed fixing?' "My wife favored me with the stare of disdain which she considers espe- cially cutting and effective against my kind of sarcasm. "'Why. 1 suppose he wants to fix them up for the winter.' she said. 'I'm not an expert on such matters, but I have an id.-a that some sort of atten- tion must be paid to them before zero weather comes. 1 told the man to come back this evening and see you.' "There being no adequate reply to this under the matrimonial code. I al- lowed the subject to drop and awaited my visitor. He came with the shad own, adorned with my overcoat. " 'I was wonderin.' ne said, 'if you wanted your flower beds and your gar- den fixed up for the winter.* Then he leaned restfully against the porch pillar. ' "'What's the idea?' I asked. 'Won't they be there next spring If I leave them alone all winter?" "'Yes, but you don't understand.' the tired citizen explained Thej ought to bo bedded down with ferti- lizer—spaded up and covered over. the way they fix 'em in the parks ' '"And then what?" I demanded. The light of my household was listening from the darkness of the hall and I wanted her to see tho uselessness of the appointment she had made for me. '"Then your flowers and vegetables will have a big start next spring,' the horticulturist explained, 'because the ground will he ready for 'em. I do this every year for most of the pro pie ;.. this town. 1 charge a dollar for my time and you pay for the fertilizer and Bluff.' MS here, you imitation gardner." I HI... red after I had glared at him a moment, 'you're the worst booster tor yourself that ever came down that road out there. Your efforts to get a dollar out of me are so feeble and amateurish that I'd have a laugh all to myself if I wasn't getting sort of tired of your kind of cattle. "'You've got a lot of nerve to say that you bed down the vegetable gar- dens of most of the people In this town every year, so they'll be ready to do business with a rush In the spring- time,* I Told hira. 'Why. thpre Isn't arother suburb on this branch of the railroad that turns out Buch a worth- less lot of garden truck as this one.' " 'N'ow I know what's the matter— It's all your fault If you'd keep your hands off the gardens and let things alone people might have a chance to raise a few spring onions at a cost of not more than $*» a dozen, and we might even get an occasional radish that wasn't a soggy sponge. Not con- tent with getting my fall overc at by merely standing around and looking frostbitten, you expect me to give you a dollar for taking exercise that would keep you warm while you are spoiling my garden!' "My caller shifted his weight to the other foot and looked uncomfortable for a few seconds, but he was ready with his defense. " 'Well,' he said, 'a man's got to live/ "'There!' my wife exclaimed trl- umprantly fn»m the darfcMBi tssaHi me. 'That's the point you always over- look!' "Ho this morning that depressed person was busy In our garden with spado and wheelbarrow when 1 left home. Lovely woman may not be strong on the finer points of logic, but she certainly has the gift of win- ning in any argument."—Chicago Dally News. Swiss Would Tax Cats. Switzerland Is the land of political and social experiments, and we usual- ly legislate with one eye on that little country of federation, democracy, ref- erenda, prohibition, compulsory serv- ice and liberty And now Switzerland —or, at least, that portion of it about Lucerne—proposes to put a tax on cats. We shall watch that experiment with Interest, for the tax will not pro- duce much revenue, but It will spell- let us not shrink from the word pro- tectlon against the enemies of birds and sleep. Each cat shall wear a col- lar with Its registered number; the i cat without a number will be arrested j and destroyed. Wherefore the people that like cats will keep 'hem Indoors , or paj for their outdoor .• must* men ("«• Other people's cats are always a nuis- j ance, and the collar and tne tax will plane a certain responslblli'.y on the oat. and—what Is more important—on Ms owner.—Westminster Gazr'te FLAYS IS 1'LAVIKS. Cecil Mille may revive "The Char- ity Ball." * I'aul Armstrong has rtttOO B HOD ].lay .ailed "Politic:." Frederick Wads la lecturing in thi on "Richard III. M "A wild Goose," book and music bj V/lllard Spencer! is to be revived. Wheeler Karl, a mrother »•• Virgin- ia Karl, is in vaude\ille i" *> skit. i. udi B van oi "Littl i Boj Blue" may soon go into vaudoville. Jack Bonavtta. ««!1 known as a Tun tan..T. la going into ih*> moving pit tui I ••The Daughter of Heaven" li to open about the middle ol next month in C .ii ago, BroiiM>n Howard** play. "An Bneui' to the People." i^ shortly to have i production. The iii-t ol the spring production! by IIK 1 Schuberts will be "The Pass- log Show of 1818." "The Military Girl" is to resume its tour, probably wit'.i Arthur DeagOU at the head ol the company. Ada Reeve, the English oomediene. By GEORGE KR1ESSL. "Your c4gars, M said Mrs. Hirdst II. 'are on the mantel. Here are tin matches. Do you know, Hiram, I think ii was the wisest thing we svei I when sre concluded io staj In town this sunnier and not take the cottage at the lake as nsualf "You do!*" ejaculated Blrdseli, pair- ing wiih a naming match in the air. "I thought you wen completely upsel about it when 1 naid we'd bettor o< go. You—* 1 Men D '" broke In Mrs. B lifting her eyi browa prettily u»*i .- i . Ing at him protestingly. "If you d know me any better than that alter being marled to me ten years, I must say you are unobservant! Don't you suppose l think you know best? What tun would it be for me to have the cottage, knowing it was aga your will and your .-r Judgment? m, 1 m ashamed of you! Lots of ,tie stay in town, and I've QO doubt we can stand the beat as well as the rest ol them. H is Just a matter of making up your mind to be nnoom- fortable, and then forgetting It!" For the matter of that," Mid Bird- i- to appear ID the L*nltsd States next sell, "1 remember some days at the fall in a musical comedy. lake when you could have fried eggj Margere. Anglin wil end her tour on the front porch and you would have jMs monlhi H!l Bne naa decided not to been scalded if you had plunged into ^ |](T m , tt , lnlg geM0|| the lake to swim: .... , ,....«.« >i. ..... .i i_u. .i....... Paul .Mutton, lali' with the Four Oh. but the nights wore so dchght- fully cool.- said tho wife. "People Morton*, popular iu vaudeville, has here were tossing sleepless and gasp- formed .1 corned!' duo with Naoma lng. and there we had to sleep under Glaaa, blankets. Hut I don't suppose there There Is a Shaw revival in London will be many BUOh intolerable night, ; , s "Fanny's First Play" is to lie sue- In Chicago. I am sure I can stand ( . ,,.,, DJr .. J(llm BnH ., 0lh( . r [gland." them if I have to. And with all our AU , N .„„| ra ,-.„, isl ,. w ffl play in Lon friends away 1 wont have to have any new clothes to apeak of. and , ' that will, or coarse, save you a lot oi b * Julia "' a " in "Bought and I ail money." VQT. ' "1 haven't asked you to economize." Cohan and Harris hnv" secured the Blrdseli reminded her. "Go ahead dramatic rights to "Hack Home." by and get any clothes you want, as Irving Cobb, originally published as usual." , s ,. rlal "What's the use?" Inquired his wife, ^ s ,. 1 ,„ | „. : , s „„, Iiroduce ..„„. with a little sigh. "There 11 be no ., , ... . „. .... __ .... .,_ __ . . •. u mance, liv I'.dwurd Mii-lton. as Win- one to see them. Th> re won t be any ,*,.... places to go except the summer gar- "'"'I' *»« has disposed of his rights dens, and I can Just as well wear my In the P'ay to them, old things—" George V. Hobart Is extending the "You know 1 never care to go to the "Dinkelaplel" sketch in to a three- summer gardens-" ;| ,, play to be produced in the Bprlngj "Then, I suppose, we'll Just sit at ,„ Kncland by Joseph Hart, home on our own little porch and kill ,.,,„ rtartholoniac. ButBor ,„ time,' agreed Mr. ltirdsell, resigned- LOOK! READ! ACT! The can who grasps his opportunity when it is offered, is the man of wealth. Grasp our opportunity by purchasing some real estate at the Big Audio Sale 35 IDEAL BUILDING LOTS BETHEL, W. C. Smith and Railroad Streets, one block from business center of the Town. On Monday, Jan. 27, 1913 BETHEL is the town in which to buy real estate. It has a brilliant future. EVERY BODY CORDIALLY INVITED. WE SELL the PROPERTY rain or shine. FREE Prizes on display at Blount & Co., Department Store, Bethel. FREE, a fine $25.00 Leather Couch, a Silk Dress and other Prizes given away. Everyone has a chance at the Prizes whether you buy a lot or not. ly- "We'll be quite a nice old married and settled down couple, won't we? •ever Night" and "Little Mi's Brown" has formed a theatrical producing] That will be most delightful. The - '' ' with L' dec Richardson, for himpetts have taken their cottage— Uierly press iipressentativc of W. A, did I tell you about It?" Brady, and will ake general produr- "You don't like the I.lmpctts, sc Hons. what difference does it make?" Arthur Hanimerstein lias engaged „"?°,, th8 . rl s "'' h "' 8t -" a « reed , Mr " Belle Blanche, the vaudeville singer, iJirdH'U. That ui'inun certainlv is , .. . .... . . the most irritating creature! When ,0 beai W" wh,on Wl " J** I told her that we weren't going as «•'»< "The Firefly" in western cities. usual she put on such an elaborate ex Before departing for Chicago, where presslon of pity and said that then, ol tin western company will open .Miss course, it must be true about your Blanche will sing one special perfor-, getting so badly squeezed in stocks mance with the New York company and that she thought it was so very a , ,-. lsi „„. NVw y orK , bravf and noble ot us to ecOD—" __ "Well, of all the nerve!" ejaculated Blrdseli, laying down his cigar "Didn't you explain that it was bo MUSIC BY OUR OWN "ALL STAR" BAND. EASY TERMS:—One fourth cash, balance 1 and 2 years. Hear those world famous Real Estate Auctioneers, the Burton Brothers. LADIES ESPECIALLY INVITED. ATLANTIC COAST REALTY CO., Inc. Gre nville, N. C. BASEBALL NOTES Horace Pogel, the former president cause business uas so rushing that I 01 the Philadelphia Nationals, has felt I couldn't get away?" gone into the hotel business in At- "Of course." said his wife. "And Ir.ntic City, she just smiled. I hope people wont pitcher Larry 1'ape. of Ihe Boston think were in financial difficulties |t .,, S()X was ",.,.,.,.„„,. so!d uncondi- tional!) to the Buffalo Club, of the International League. merely because we're Haying at home. 1 don't care a bit about myself, but I hate to have you misjudged. And you were so enthusiastic about the place Tom Conneiy. who managed th last season that, of course—I hope you Hartford team, of the Connecticut won't break down from overwork and Mate League, last year, has been sign- no change before the rummer Is over." ,. ( i as scout for the St. Louis Cardi- "Tbunder!" growled Ilirdsell. 'You ,j s needn't worry' about me! I don't Church, South, and Col. K. W. Halfoi I Ti vvson. C. J. Tucker, R. F. Jenkins. Honluna Aurfcullural Conference of Washington City, a retired navy S. W. I pock. C. S. Carr. G. T. Gard- BOSSHsXAN, Mont., Jan. 22.—Today officer who has heroine famous as a ner. ushered in a period of great activity leader in the Laymen's Movement. The earnings were a little over 20 and interest in Montana agricultural The convention supper is expected per cent. A six per cent dividend circles. During the ensuing two to prove a memorable event. Covers waa paid to tho stockholders and ; weeks the State Agricultural and Me- will be laid for live hundred. To find fourteen per cent waa carried to the chanlcal College here is to be the a ball sufficient to accommodate so surplus fund. many Is proving something of a prob- lem, but It Is not doubted that th. I'lXKHIRST. X. C, Jan. 22.—Some resourceful men of New Hern will of the most noted shots of the coun-lzatlons scene of the annual meetings of tho state societies of horticulturists, dairymen, seedmen and other organi- interested in tho various know why the populace should get up , ,.. H.J i _ .... da . o the (liants. and field captain on Its hind legs and roar because we ,„..,. choose to do something else than '"' ""> Memphis learn in 191*. has been the thing that we've been doing in signed by the Indianopolis Club, past summers." A brother of Zaeh Wheat's will be "Neither do I," agreed Mrs. Bird- taken along with the llooklyn Super- sell. "You know your own business. |..,,, „„ | ne training trip. Zach says and If the Llmpett s want to spend the Hs | irillni , r )R ., g 1( , a , catcher and will report up at the lake that we can't af- Karl Crandali. brother of Otis Cran- prove themselves equal to the enter- try faced the leaps here today at the phases of agriculture and farm life. gency. No collections will be taken Opening of the sixth annual midwin-|i n the programes prepared for the at any session of the convention. Winterville Items. ford to come we can just Ignore It. make good. With Bresnaban, Archer and Need- It doesn t make any real difference If people believe '.t. does It?" llilMI ""• CMoagO Cubs have the only "Well, 1 don't I now." said Blrdseli Irish-born catching staff in baseball. "I don't like it. Maybo I could get All three ol the backstops were born over a few time* -" in Ireland. "Now. Hiram," said his wife vigor- Manager Hugh Jennings says he ously, "I Just v-on't let you ever think iU mak ,. m . lllv changes in the De- al It! Im not going to be cool and |r0 r r „„, ,,,„„„„. s ,. uso| , nappy over there, and leave you here ... ,,,.,,, •laflni in town! 1 won't hear of It! 0n " of °'° movPS W " bo '"° , ' la,l " E fm not a bit disappointed, really, and '" Sal " Crawford on first base maybe the hot weather won't affect Oeorge Winter, the former big me so very much." i ague pitcher, has been engaged to "I think." said ltirdsell decisively, coach the baseball team of the I'ni- "that HI write the agent tomorrow verslty of Vermont. Winter managed that we'll take the cottage. 1 think „, p st John N tean , (M , M s „„. wo-dI better go. It'll be pleasanter " , k K( ,„ .„ , |pf al f R [1|mi> , m w ell, of course, if you Insist on It, , .. ., .... , . . . Hiram," said his wife. "I wouldn't go ln M ""'l' h,s « hp 0 ""' r »'«'"• »•« , '"'«"- agalnst your wishes. I was quite *' d ""' R,ook of lhl ' Chicago boxer cheerful about staying In town, and I 'I" 1 "' some, never dreamed that we'd really go." "Say." called Blrdseli five minutes |, u , „„.„•, MN-lonur) Mo.euient („». later, "after he had been Investigating venllnn a package In tho hall. "What is this?" Mrs. Blrdseli gavo a little cry. Laymen of all ohurches in New "That?" she said, when cornered. "Oh, "' r " sre working together in behalf that's some curtains and cretonne of the Convention of the Laymen's stuff I bought down town this morn- Missionary Movement to be held in Ing—for the cottage!" that city Thursday and Friday, Feb. Still Wild Turkeys *"'„ ,.„,„,„.!„„ „i|| ,,.. held at f>0- Among present day good livers In . ,..,,,.. . , clubdom and on the exchanges and """ "-''"•" , ehtirch. whose audl- among national guardsmen who hum '«••** "'" , " r "" , largeal and most a good deal wild turkeys are preferred I 'aullful In the state, to farm raised birds. There are yet The speakers will be men of Inter- mllllons of wild turkeys west an.: national reputation, such as J. Camp- south. A few days ago the writer bell White, one of the most eloquent hereof shot half a dozen wild turkeys ,„ pn nnd powPrfu | „,| nkprs )n th , s within four miles of the city hall at „, .. v. ... Savannah. Oa. iie told the secretary "" ,ry W ' * ,,0 " R, " y , ° N *" of the beard of trade of mat ciiy ot V "" lr ''' """""" "">" "' "Insular the matter and was Informed that a WHlf and to hear whom will be t Savannah boy had on the previous day privilege that the average man does ' "hot a w!M tuikey within the city's not often get. will speak, as will Dr.! bounds- New York Sun. C. F. Reld. of Nashville, Tenn.. one| of tho foremost men of the M. I" ter iraii shooting handicap. In the several meetings a prominent place amount of the prize offering and the j has been given this year to the social, number of prominence of the contest-!educations and other problems re- ants the tournament has never been.latlng to rural betterment. WINTBRVILLB Jan. 21.—Messrs. mualled In the south. The program! Sam Smith, J. W. PerkliiR, R. L. Ab- covers f 01 " - days and provides events l) r , Francis L. Patton, former pres- bott. S. C. Carroll, Johnnie Cannon. for °° lh amateurs and professionals. Ident of Princeton Theological Bern- A D. Mcl.awhorn. G. A. Kittrell and Ashley Spier went to Greenville Thursday. Flash lights pistol cartridges and rifles at A. W. Ange and Co. Mrs. II. T. Cox returned from Ral- Mscle Flrvl Texas Flag FT. VALLEY, Ga.. Jan. 22—Thi girl who made the first Texas flag. when that state was an independent republic lies buried In a neglected grave here. Arrangements have been Inary, 70 years old today. Maurice Henry Hewlett, noted Eng- lish author and critic, 52 years old today. Baroness Clifton, one of the young- est peeress of Great Britain, 13 years ola today. USF Bf CA1QMEL PRACTICALLY eigh Thursday evening where she has bten visiting her husband and also " ade by a commissioner sent by Gov- attending the Inauguration of the Prnor , C ;"' ui,t of Te!la8 4 for , ,he , r0 " ,niovaI of the remains to Austin, whera governor. I See Harrington, Barber and Com-, lnPy wl " be re,plve " wi,h "" l,on '"' I any for your shoes. They have re- Mis , s *»»»« Troutman. in 1836, the... ,,.„, ., ,, _. , , , ... p. girl of IS, fashioned the Lone Star Mired another shipment, in all sizes. . ... «i i . «it I'ag which is still the state emblem Miss Pearl Hester made a Hying trip to Greenville Saturday morning. of Te "* Thp " r " s "'" SPS6, °" of ,h - ! Box paper, envelopes and tablets' 1 '" 8 '"X' 8 '"""-" **V**« to gp- for nice correspondence at A. W. P'°»rlate funds for the removal of Ange Co l" 1 " "' B1 " 1 •Tectlon of a monii- Messrs' O. A. Kittrell. and Lee nnt OVPr l,,P KravP "' ,I,P S "" P Ce '"- Sniilh went to Greenville Saturday. | ,M f "' ii„r r i.,.„„„ n„,>„- ,„i r-„ . u .1., n-alns of many famous Texans. ca'oinel. 1 bey all give the same rca- Harrlngton, Barber and Co.. sell the l 80n Uodson - e Uvor Tonc l8 uklng For lllliiiiiN Attacks CnnNtipatien and All l.lier I inn Lie-. Dangerous talinni I tides Way to IMidson's Liver Tune Every druggist in the state haa no- Aiisiin. where rest the re-'"<ed a greut falling off in the' sale of best work shirts, come and see them. HeweasM win Reeever STATHSVll.LE, Jan. 20.—I)r. K. A. Hennessee of Burke county, who tlg- nled so conspicuously in the Hennes- lt Glen Alpine Sat- 1 III BARK HI Glflr TO\ Annual «eetlnir III The Stockholdei Held Wednesday The annual nnftlng of the t ; , . I'ittH battl holders of The Bank of Grlfton was unlay evening, is under treatment at held Wednesday, January 15th. |Dr. Long's Sanltorlum here, and al- An unusually large number of Block though most desyerately wounded, bis holders were present and were hIgh-| r <rovery is expected. Dr. Hennessee ly gratified at the excellent condl- was accompanied to Stalesvllle by Dr. tion of the hank, as shown by the!Rons of Mnrgnnton and despite his report of the cashier. ed: I. J. Chapman, president. W. W. Dawson. vice president. T, J. Bullock, oaaklar Directors: L, J. Chapman, W. W. A lie ia always blacker than the wrong It tries to hide Its place. "tlaloniel is often dangerous and people know it, while Dodson's Liver Tone Is perfectly safe and gives bet- tei results." sayB Basnlght's Pharma- cy. Dodson s Liver Tone is personally guaranteed by Basnlghl's Pharmacy who sell it. A large bottle costs 50 cents and if It fails to give easy re- lief in every case of sluggishness, you have only to ask for your inon- ej back. It will be promptly refund- ed. »_ Dodson's Liver Tone Is a pleasant tasting, purely vegetable remedy— harmless to both children and adults. 'A fcoftln In the house may save you 'h day's work or keep your children Misunderstandings and neglect oc- from missing school. Keep your liver raslon more mischief in tho world working and your liver will not keep than even malice and wickedness. you from working. ihorrlble condition he refused to ride The following officers were elect- | n the ambulance sent to the railway station io meet him and Instead walk- ed to a carriage which transported him to the hospital. Ills nerve and vitality Is remarkable. \ s ""' Llluk GREESVILLE IS THE HEART OF EASTERN \ORTU (-AROLIXA. IT HAS A POPULATION OF FOUR THOUSAND, OXE HUNDRED AM) OXE. AND IS SUB- BOUNDED BY THE BEST FABMINO COVXTRY. INDUSTBIES OF ALL KINDS ARE IX \ I TED TO LOCATE HERE FOR WE HAVE EVERYTIIIXG TO OFFER IX THE WAY OF LABOR, CAPITAL AND TRIBUTARY FACILITIES. WE HAVE AX UP-TO-DATE JOB A X D XEWSPAPER PLAXT. Agriculture Is Ihe left Cueful, thr lecl Healthful, the Most Reek F.siplo.s.ci.t ..! Jlau. tirurge Waslilngi.n. WE HAVE A CIRCULA- TION OF TWELVE HUN- DRED AMONG THE BEST PEOPLE IX THE EASTERN PART OP NORTH CARO- LINA AND INVITE THOSE WHO WISH TO -VAT BET- TER ACQUAINTED WITH THESE GOOD PEOPLE IX I BUSINESS WAY TO TAKE A PEW INCHES SPACE AND TELL THEM WHAT YOU HAVE TO BEING TO THEIR A ITEX TION. OUR ADVERTISING BATES ARE LOW AND CAN BE HAH UPON APPLICA- TION. VOI.IMI: xxxiv (illlFNVU.I.I. N. C FIIIUAV AF IKIIMHIV JIM Ml II. I'll M Mill II II Ml If INTEREST FROM Want All Constitutional Mailers SEEK REVENGE AF 4 nil. OF tun MHIMF. II OF THE BISTORT OF THF. INSHTITIOX BV EX- l'ltEMOKM' BAULK IS COM- PLETED Because ol Oemccratic Blockade; ol lull's nominations CLU3 IB. TQU3 STATE HOits III LXIHA mm (By G. H. COX) CHAPEL HILL.. Jan. 27—Volume 11 of Kx-I'resident Bailie's "History i.i from the press, and enibia,. s ih parted of tho institution's history o" the University of .North Carolina" To Go To An Extra Session Of The General Assembly The Resolution of Representative Justice L'fgirg Congress to Pass Laws Putting An bind to Disci'imiru-tioi. in J reight Rate) Re- called From Committee RALEIGH, Jan. 2S.—It has been a day of discussion in the state senate. First there was a bill introduced by Senator lvie, of Kockinghani county, which came up with an unfavorable PEACE DELEGATES if rWJIIIK IJ LEAVE IHOSK Al 1IMHM. THE CONFER- IMF l> LONDON CONSIDER HUT THEIR BISSIOS is Al A\ KM) mmi ME STILL HOPEFUL IS KILLED 61 LONDON, Jon. L'v -With thi i pre- Turk- nesi without offering substantial nioof of ability to mak. good in rasi scntallon of their note to the o' trouble. The bill was rel egatlon thi d its for Ihe committee on Insurance. however, has no) yet b>c< The .i"iin legislative committei i some of the Balkan gates con- constitutional amendments voted un- elder that their mission In London Shot Throucjh the Head Enule Hii'iij From Utitji «tsuun BELDNG II w Sajs li Aiipr.ii.riu- i oi Passage Before March i I he) tun PMS At K\lru Se»iiin Seuutor Martin tion il..i- lui V, .10.1..NV1 . v..., wall. -J.—rtliet' ii caucus v. Kepubncan beuators lodoj i.l .,,i„.. a plan lo llg.lt lor conUriua- tiou oi President Tafts uoid-up nom- inations was agreed upon; benaio. Bmoot moved an executive session '. the senate, with lac idea ol hoiuiu. the session us long as a quorum | could be kepi. i ae Republicans had promised to remain in their seata to keep the guomm, and to repeat the motion ev- ery day iu the hope ol forcing Con- Iii niations. Tna Democrats were equally deter mined lo penult no confirmation. Other than army, navy and diplomatic and prospect ut a lively struggle ws presented. from lsus lo 1H12. Inclusive. Volume report from the Judiciary committee, animously this afternoon t" authorize (• ended. The Greek pn nler, Eleu- I ol the former president's history n„. provisions of which arc Intended the speaker of the bousi to npimlni therios Veniseios, announced tonli of this, the second oldest state uni- | 0 make uniform the crime of laiieny eight members, the p the that he would have before the end verslty in the United states is re- i„ North Carolina. Senator lvie took senate live members and the govci ,r the week and the othe - within cord of the event* of the Univeraltj acvantage of his prerogative under the nor five men »!i" shall compose :i the iiexl few days. Financial edvl from the adoption of the Constitution role* and asked that his bill be plac- commission to sit after tl general era ind military officers attached I oi North Carolina in 1774, down to the ,..1 on the calendar despite the unan- assembly adjourns and n - the Bulgarian delegation will death of President Swain. August 29, inious unfavorable report. When it geation* and matters of in home tomorrow, 1 mi Negro Rirls Here III Ihe Baggy Hit* Ihe Boj Mien lit lie cci.cd The fatal Ballet RALEIGH, Ian. 2». Llndsoj Smith a 17 year old n< gro boy, » . shot i«rt through tin hi ad and Instanllj M'- I yesti rda) afternoon «liile on hli sion. which cannot liv 1S68, "The second volume makes a came up connecting link at that dale and to ham senator made a determined nghl quote the fitting word* ol the author f 0r its adoption, with the result thai iu his preface, "l venture to hope after a lengthy debate it passed ii- that this minute volume and faith- second reading and when ii comes ui ful narrative of the struggles of the again there is every reason to believe University from seven teachers and |, «iil pass third and final reading In sixty-nine students to over eight bun- n„. senate. The bill seeks to rented dred matriculate* and over eighty a defect that exists by reason ei Hi teachers, will he of permanent vain- trii.l of small larceny cases in the to students of education and to stu- various recorder'* court* throughout dents of the stale government" This the state and applies to the Ian en.v Rocklngoam. roll is abundantly illustrated of articles below the cost of $L'U. A* wiih engraving* of the faculty of the tlm law now stands a man may steal for discussion the Hocking- tional nature to be reported back lol Despite this, Ihe dip an extraordinary session to bi called g;\en ap hope and by the governor, The special see i. .. Balkan note it ave in i way in a bugg] I" bis 111 man) still think two miles north tu ' I r uti, in, i "i ii Louis ui i ros I, Ell i > Mul- i.nt 20 days l| C exercise pressun on Turkey and ' ,, McDowell or Arm. Ruth, age i-' will submit these recommendations Ii ttsal the allies really Intend to await and IS years, respectively I the form of amendments to thi peopl ihe answer of the new Turkish cabi-|to have fired thi shol that 1 of the state tor ratlflcaion The mo net to the Jolnl noti ol Europe, a negro. N'o arrests have been tion to do this was made by Benatoi cot which Ihe | iw. a have ad- rending I Investigation by tin cor- Grant of Da vie. The bouse chali i. oner's Jury, which will be empannell- ii.ii, |( Mi-. Justice oi Gullford, and "Another day lost." exclaimed those eel this morning. the senate chairman Is Mr. lvie „f w ho belli I ' the mil. solution i> The i itlng of ii..- negro occurred to be found in the resumption of hos- about 4:30 o'clock on that part of The house committee on public aer-|tintic* when the meeting of the del- the Louisburg road neai where It vice corporation* unanlmoui ted ( tes of th four allied nations ad- crosses Pigeon HOUB siller the proposal made by the Hem o.ratic caucus for a Joint COIUmltlOi Oi ten to go over the nominations and si lecl some for confirmation, The proposal found no support In tl e R (publican ranks. W 'en the senate went into execu ti\e cession, Benator Martin, th* Dem- ocratic leader, stated that the Dem- ocrats would adhere to their coins of opposing action of the majority oi the Taft appointments, He declared Hint the Democrats il pot fear the effect that a ttllbusl Plight l.ava on lepislation. adding thai If any of the appropriation bills (ail- ed of usage before March 4 the- roul.l be paaaed as soon as the ev- il a session convened. Some Republican senators have de- clared themselves determined to ary fight Mr. Wilson's nominations after I pursuing present day. scenes of tho campus u suit of clothes in a town where hi and views ot historic- buildings, The is tried before a recorded, escnp, volume iu favor of Woodus Rellum's resolu- Journed this uftern "Another day gained," w ho hellev i- thai |ieaco tion to have the corporation commls-l Separk and Deputy 8heriff retorted Harward arrived on tin scene the Ii body of the negro was lying on the Tho Republicans declined to con- frontispiece of the second volume w ni, a || c |,i punishment and when ilon probe the sale and division ill tne 111t.s- c.iv.-s the picture* of the three living his penally has been paid be restored Atlantic and Western railroad. A, reached by postponing extreme nieas-slde of the road where ex-presidents—Dr. E. A. Alderman, io I.is ctlxenship and the right of I Brook* of Green*boro, was the .ms. president of the University of VIr- franchise, On the other hand a man principal speaker In favor ul i i Today's meeting of th glnigi Dr, 0*0. T. Winston, of Ashe- 0U | ,., the country may commit a like olutlon, he saying thai the people Ol Ii\.• hours and lb Lille, and Dr, K. P. Battle, of Chapel offense and be pent to the peniteu- his city and of Wilmington desired [mated. The delegate* reviewed the that live young Hill.—and Dr. K. P. Venable. the prSS-.tiary for the con.mission of a 1'ilon t at the matter he probed. Both the resumption of the war ami the policy Powell, Ami- lent head of the Institution. Benator lvie'* idea is to make unl- Southern and the Coast Line opposed , , delay, trusting to ii lo solvi I Significant of value to the r.late is f orm application of the law and make the resolution. the adoption Of the resolution of Dr. II misdemeanor of petty crimes thai The Seiiute.-KlL-hlecnlli Ha<. Archhald Henderson by the State Ut- are now. in the Instances cited. I'el- The senate was convened al 11 a. m. erary and Historical Society looking onies, by l.ioutonanl-l'.overiior Dailghtrldg-. toward the collection and preservation The Joint resolution introduced in The Invocation was by Rev. II. M [of all literature produced In North the house by Mr. Justice and which North of Kdenton Street Methodist Carolina, or letters of literary value. |- M passed that body, calling on and church. .The resolution provides for the in- urging Congress to pass laws putting Petitions were received Iron. Gns 'stalling of such a collection In the go end lo discriminating In freight ton county, Cabarrus, Cumberland section favoring procrastination, their led Into the road and yelled that they new Administration Building, which rates, was on motion of Senator Rob- Rocklngham, Rowan ami Wotauga view being thai after the powere'lwere going lo shoot. The negi v. is now in course of construction In'good, recalled from the committee on counties for six months'school terms; noli, to Turkey, which was iu favor 111 is said, told them to shoot, where- Ralelgh, The secretary of the Liter* railroads and considered for iininedl- from the Wadesboro Hook Club, to ot ihe terms of the allies, the latter upon McDowell and Uiii'i are re- and Historical Society is now „(,, passage. The discussion provok allow women to serve on shi-ool continued to follow Europe's advlc2.|r-arted to have fired In thi dldectlon the plan of collecting up rd by this resolution carried the se* beards: from Company I. Third Regi-1Europi f om thi I ugg!. allies lasted According i" ii"- particulars gath- discussion was an- ered bi Coroner Separk the report is ,v,.,i the that live young boys, Mulli n Ruth, Joe Sti i et, Wa'- thelter Singleton and Col man Porte 1 difficulties, The head of each dele- armed with s rifle and pistols were gallon reported the conversation out in the trial of some members which he had bad with Sir Edward I of another gang, better known as Ci, c the British foreign secretary the "Person sir, -t Crowd." When 'and reference was made again lo Ihelthe huggy, containing Smith and advice of the ambassadors to observe two girls, Mancy and Lettle Hod -prudence and moderation. This great neared the bridge of th. eek ii is itrengthened Ihe arguments of that stated that the crowd of boys jump- ' yelli ' The , I if the Democrats persist i. the present opposition to the Taft ap pclntments. Tho session today behind close would continue to give ItsIof the buggy. The negro hoy fell these literary value. Also, plans for slon of the senate beyond the usual meiit, Burlington, for the legislature support. 'from the buggy and at the -an,, time the erection of a plan of a memorial hour of adjournment, and finally wen' to provide for Ihe expense incurred | The note was left With Stojan Nova- the crowd made for the tall timber*. to North Carolina's great men of let- over iinlll tomorrow, without a vote by military companies in attending kovltch. head ol the Servian delega- One of them, Col man Portei was not liter* is now being pushed by Dr. Hen- being reached. Senator iiobgood tie Inauguration; from Charlotte non, the delegate* "intrusting Mm to m lucky as the others and was later stale 11- i-n- Mike Bchrank, the old-time heavy- weight, has quit the boxing game and taken up wrestling. doors promised to he a filibuster on derson. ihade an earnest plea for the resilu Shippers' association, relative to the chouse an opportune niciinenl for its . .,„.-. „r .ho j.a,»ner H u w ir« i The scies of six articles on the tieu. and was su'ije-'.ed to * Ik*" tr-lght rates; from the North Cam-'presentation." Some Relieve he sill i iMiceni from taking ur tu i Tlea for a Constitutional Conven-jiin* ..f questions by Sen.toi Masou Ut a Chamber of commerce, urging the present it tomorrow. Others ac ol nominations at the head of the calen tion,' by Dr. J. <i. de It. Hamilton,Ijrho opposed the language of the re- passage of the Justice resolution as the opinion that this particular form , , r [professor of history in the I'nlver- 'solution. Sen. Council also made to Height discriminations; from Ihe «as adopted with the object of avoid- Contrary to the expectation of some'sity which articles appeared in the appeal for the paMSg* of the ineas- Junior Order United American Me- lug an Immediate rupture and giving Republican leaders, the caucus pre Raleigh News and Observer, have Dre. anil called attention to the prom- rhanics of Proximity, for belter child Turkey time to reply lo Ihe power* «<nted a solid front to reject the pro- been telling in ther effects of crystal-.its made hp Gov. Craig in his lnaa- labor law and compulsorj school at- 1 posal of the Democrats and Insist up-'izlng sentiment In favoring a reform gural address declaring that the ills- t, ndance. cv confirmations. |ln our state constitution; at least to crimination against North Carolina in A communication from Hi Senators Dlxon and l'olndoxter. who (he extent of pnohlng the loopholes ibis respect shall cease. Sen. Ward brarian urged that the sets of thi have made definite announcement of in form of amendments: These able asked that the resolution go over as lonlal and state records now In the Oelr alignment with the Progressi. 'articles of Dr. Hamilton's on this vl- he would like to examine the lancu hands of the clerks of courts be com party, were not there, but other Re jtnl Issue now agitating the leglsla-jage used In its construction before mined to the most accessible public (Chilean senators classed as Progres 'ture have been published In phamp-1 final action was taken, but declared library In each county, and that per- slves were present and apparently In let form. his sympathy with' purposes of the mission he provided for Hie destruc- acrord with the plant of the caucus. I At a recent meeting of the Ameri- measure and stated that he would (ion of the great mass of hills thai which held that each case must stand ra n Society of Zoologists ln Cleve-vote for It. There Is every reason t.' failed to pass in past sessions of the on Its merits and be taken up *t.]gnd. Ohio, a resolution was nassed believe the resolution will ho adopted general assembly, as they are a great anc ^ urging President-elect Wnodrow Wll Kxtra Session of 20 Days. burden to preserve and a conslam It was deelded to revoke the agree gon ( D appoint a mar l>. scientific Sen. J. P. Cook Introduced In the menace to fire, ment to proceed first with army and training ln the office of the I'nited j senate today bill to reqslr* any per-i The House—KhtUtrenth Day. navy appointments, the Republican:- Slates Fish Commissioner. As a mem- gen. firm or corporation placing In-1 The house was convened at 10:30 holding that the Democrats had shown ^er of a committee to press their surance In foreign companies not an- by Speaker Connor. Prayer by Rev a lack of good faith by their dellber claim on President Wilson relative thorlxed to do business In this state. Mr. Joyner of Fayettevllle Street llnp- ate manner of proceeding with them (,, (h» appointment of a scientist to to report the same to the Insurance dat church It waa further held that the agree u ns office. Dr. H. V. Wilson, profes- commissioner, together with 5 per cr-tighl by two ngro men, Chicago Bandit Slain By Public Telephone Operator CHICAGO, Jan. 18, Peter Home, a young bandit, was shot ami fa" illy by Clarence MrSvv eeney, a that the legislature go On record III favor of Federal aid to building high- wounded ways. A recommendation came from police telephone operator, last night. the slate librarian, Cant, II. o. Bher-lBoore admitted today having partlcl- ril. that the sets of colonial and slate r.cords now in the care of the clerks oi the courts In each count; be de- livered to ths most accessible publk library In the county so that they may be more accessible to the people of the county. Hills ratified today were, police protection for Dudley Dated with bis brother Albert in more lhan twenty hold-ups on the 8outh Side during the last six weeks. Short- ly after making the confession he died. The brothers stopped McSweener, who 1c a cripple, as he was return- 'rovlde Ing to his home late last night. Me- Shoals. Sweeney commenced shooting. Threo McDowell county: amend the charter bullets struck Peter lloore. who re- 5 per Report was received from the state'of the Watauga Railroad company, so turned fire, one bn'lsl striking Me- lt was confined to the time It was «or of zoology ln the University o' centum of the gross premiums paid hospital at Morganton. Numbers of as to allow it to become an extension Sweenev In the hip. t.u' not serlous- —^d. North Carolina, was chosen along on insurance so placed. It Is estlma- petitions were presented from various ot the Virginia-Carolina railroad. «s- ly wounding him. Th Remibllcan side finally move' with Prof. K. O. Conklln. of Prince- ted that the operation of such a law sections of the stste for six months' .tabHtn a special criminal court t take up the nominations In ordsr ton University, and Dr. A. C. Nayer, will turn Into the state treasury at school terms and a few for search nnd Anson county. Thi ws* resisted by the Democrsts of Tortugss I.sboratory. I least 150.000 annually, and prevent'seizure law, for child labor legists-1 A resolution was Introduced to pay j *ckerman. also believed to belong to *th around that the senate was! Proctor C. T. Woollen received a imposition upon many people by wild- tion and Torrens system of land tl- the expenses of Confederate veterans a gang of hold-up men of which Po- rernlent to rodder firs- letter from North Judson. Ind., Prl- cat concerns who offer attractive ties. Also a petition from the North to the 18th anniversary of the battle ter Roore was chief. In the flat were for I He was found In a flat on South Prrla street, with a youth named UI under an agr the promotions In ths army. tCom.uued on p.igs 41 I propositions merely to secure busl- Carolina Press Association asking of Gettysburg. number of revolvers and knives. 5^ ' f WYr^ssxafsstm-w^rfSwi .. ..ru-r, -. .-—»£>***&.'«.*. ii. «* --.-«.•.'-«.-

Transcript of FLAYS IS 1'LAVIKS. LOOK! READ! ACT! Big Sale€¦ · cool.- said tho wife. "People Morton*, popular...

  • ■I _i_ —A- •Hr.*""




    "My wife is the Rreatesl hand at an argument you ever Haw," said tht man In the smoking car of tht- subur ban train. "She always beats BM al anything of dial Bert. The las! time I was shown up as a false alarm iu applying logic to rvcry day affaln was DO longer ago than ytcrdty.

    "When 1 got home from the City last even log my wife said to mec 'Thare was a man here today to see about fixing the Bower beds and the garden for the winter He looki'd so shahhy and sort of homeless that 1 gave him your other linlit overcoat."

    ' That ought to be ■ good start to- ward getting ' "ii a home.' I said in mirthprOTOkingway It wasa thought ful move on your part, i suppose you figured that some lonely widow along the road would fall In love with him when she saw Ihe graceful lines of that coat enfolding him and would rush out to haul him in '

    "'Don't Cry to be funny/ said my wife.

    ""What really Interest me more than his Immediate future," I said, 'is tho object of his call. Did he wait long enough to specify what was the matter with our flower beds that need ed fixing?'

    "My wife favored me with the stare of disdain which she considers espe- cially cutting and effective against my kind of sarcasm.

    "'Why. 1 suppose he wants to fix them up for the winter.' she said. 'I'm not an expert on such matters, but I have an id.-a that some sort of atten- tion must be paid to them before zero weather comes. 1 told the man to come back this evening and see you.'

    "There being no adequate reply to this under the matrimonial code. I al- lowed the subject to drop and awaited my visitor. He came with the shad own, adorned with my overcoat.

    " 'I was wonderin.' ne said, 'if you wanted your flower beds and your gar- den fixed up for the winter.* Then he leaned restfully against the porch pillar. '

    "'What's the idea?' I asked. 'Won't they be there next spring If I leave them alone all winter?"

    "'Yes, but you don't understand.' the tired citizen explained Thej ought to bo bedded down with ferti- lizer—spaded up and covered over. the way they fix 'em in the parks '

    '"And then what?" I demanded. The light of my household was listening from the darkness of the hall and I wanted her to see tho uselessness of the appointment she had made for me.

    '"Then your flowers and vegetables will have a big start next spring,' the horticulturist explained, 'because the ground will he ready for 'em. I do this every year for most of the pro pie ;.. this town. 1 charge a dollar for my time and you pay for the fertilizer and Bluff.'

    MS here, you imitation gardner." I HI... red after I had glared at him a moment, 'you're the worst booster tor yourself that ever came down that road out there. Your efforts to get a dollar out of me are so feeble and amateurish that I'd have a laugh all to myself if I wasn't getting sort of tired of your kind of cattle.

    "'You've got a lot of nerve to say that you bed down the vegetable gar- dens of most of the people In this town every year, so they'll be ready to do business with a rush In the spring- time,* I Told hira. 'Why. thpre Isn't arother suburb on this branch of the railroad that turns out Buch a worth- less lot of garden truck as this one.'

    " 'N'ow I know what's the matter— It's all your fault If you'd keep your hands off the gardens and let things alone people might have a chance to raise a few spring onions at a cost of not more than $*» a dozen, and we might even get an occasional radish that wasn't a soggy sponge. Not con- tent with getting my fall overc at by merely standing around and looking frostbitten, you expect me to give you a dollar for taking exercise that would keep you warm while you are spoiling my garden!'

    "My caller shifted his weight to the other foot and looked uncomfortable for a few seconds, but he was ready with his defense.

    " 'Well,' he said, 'a man's got to live/

    "'There!' my wife exclaimed trl- umprantly fn»m the darfcMBi tssaHi me. 'That's the point you always over- look!'

    "Ho this morning that depressed person was busy In our garden with spado and wheelbarrow when 1 left home. Lovely woman may not be strong on the finer points of logic, but she certainly has the gift of win- ning in any argument."—Chicago Dally News.

    Swiss Would Tax Cats. Switzerland Is the land of political

    and social experiments, and we usual- ly legislate with one eye on that little country of federation, democracy, ref- erenda, prohibition, compulsory serv- ice and liberty And now Switzerland —or, at least, that portion of it about Lucerne—proposes to put a tax on cats. We shall watch that experiment with Interest, for the tax will not pro- duce much revenue, but It will spell- let us not shrink from the word pro- tectlon against the enemies of birds and sleep. Each cat shall wear a col- lar with Its registered number; the i cat without a number will be arrested j and destroyed. Wherefore the people that like cats will keep 'hem Indoors , or paj for their outdoor .• must* men ("«• Other people's cats are always a nuis- j ance, and the collar and tne tax will plane a certain responslblli'.y on the oat. and—what Is more important—on Ms owner.—Westminster Gazr'te

    FLAYS IS 1'LAVIKS. Cecil Mille may revive "The Char-

    ity Ball." * I'aul Armstrong has ■ rtttOO B HOD

    ].lay .ailed "Politic:." Frederick Wads la lecturing in thi

    on "Richard III.M

    "A wild Goose," book and music bj V/lllard Spencer! is to be revived.

    Wheeler Karl, a mrother »•• Virgin- ia Karl, is in vaude\ille i" *> skit.

    i. udi B van oi "Littl i Boj Blue" may soon go into vaudoville.

    Jack Bonavtta. ««!1 known as a Tun tan..T. la going into ih*> moving pit tui■■ I

    ••The Daughter of Heaven" li to open about the middle ol next month in C .ii ago,

    BroiiM>n Howard** play. "An Bneui' to the People." i^ shortly to have i production.

    The iii-t ol the spring production! by IIK1 Schuberts will be "The Pass- log Show of 1818."

    "The Military Girl" is to resume its tour, probably wit'.i Arthur DeagOU at the head ol the company.

    Ada Reeve, the English oomediene.


    "Your c4gars,M said Mrs. Hirdst II. 'are on the mantel. Here are tin matches. Do you know, Hiram, I think ii was the wisest thing we svei

    I when sre concluded io staj In town this sunnier and not take the cottage at the lake as nsualf

    "You do!*" ejaculated Blrdseli, pair- ing wiih a naming match in the air. "I thought you wen completely upsel about it when 1 naid we'd bettor o< go. You—*1

    Men D '" broke In Mrs. B lifting her eyi browa prettily u»*i .- i . Ing at him protestingly. "If you d know me any better than that alter being marled to me ten years, I must say you are unobservant! Don't you suppose l think you know best? What tun would it be for me to have the cottage, knowing it was aga your will and your b» .-r Judgment?

    m, 1 m ashamed of you! Lots of ,tie stay in town, and I've QO doubt

    we can stand the beat as well as the rest ol them. H is Just a matter of making up your mind to be nnoom- fortable, and then forgetting It!"

    For the matter of that," Mid Bird- i- to appear ID the L*nltsd States next sell, "1 remember some days at the fall in a musical comedy. lake when you could have fried eggj Margere. Anglin wil end her tour on the front porch and you would have jMs monlhi H!l Bne naa decided not to been scalded if you had plunged into ^ |](T m,tt , lnlg geM0|| the lake to swim: .... , ,....«.«

    ■ >i. ..... .i i_u. .i....... Paul .Mutton, lali' with the Four Oh. but the nights wore so dchght- fully cool.- said tho wife. "People Morton*, popular iu vaudeville, has here were tossing sleepless and gasp- formed .1 corned!' duo with Naoma lng. and there we had to sleep under Glaaa, blankets. Hut I don't suppose there There Is a Shaw revival in London will be many BUOh intolerable night, ;,s "Fanny's First Play" is to lie sue- In Chicago. I am sure I can stand (. ,,.,, DJr ..J(llm BnH., 0lh(.r [gland." them if I have to. And with all our AU,N.„„|ra ,-.„,isl,. wffl play in Lon friends away 1 wont have to have any new clothes to apeak of. and , ' that will, or coarse, save you a lot oi b* Julia "'a" in "Bought and I ail money." VQT. '

    "1 haven't asked you to economize." Cohan and Harris hnv" secured the Blrdseli reminded her. "Go ahead dramatic rights to "Hack Home." by and get any clothes you want, as Irving Cobb, originally published as usual." , s,.rlal

    "What's the use?" Inquired his wife, ^ s,.1,„|„.: ,s „„, Iiroduce ..„„. with a little sigh. "There 11 be no ., , ... . „. .... __ .... .,_ __ .™. •. u mance, liv I'.dwurd Mii-lton. as Win- one to see them. Th> re won t be any ,*,.... places to go except the summer gar- "'"'I' *»«■ has disposed of his rights dens, and I can Just as well wear my In the P'ay to them, old things—" George V. Hobart Is extending the

    "You know 1 never care to go to the "Dinkelaplel" sketch in to a three- summer gardens-" ;|,, play to be produced in the Bprlngj

    "Then, I suppose, we'll Just sit at ,„ Kncland by Joseph Hart, home on our own little porch and kill ,.,,„ rtartholoniac. ButBor ,„ time,' agreed Mr. ltirdsell, resigned-

    LOOK! READ! ACT! The can who grasps his opportunity when it is offered, is the man of wealth. Grasp

    our opportunity by purchasing some real estate at the

    Big Audio Sale 35 IDEAL BUILDING LOTS

    BETHEL, W. C. Smith and Railroad Streets, one block from business center of the Town.

    On Monday, Jan. 27, 1913

    BETHEL is the town in which to buy real estate. It has a brilliant future.


    FREE Prizes on display at Blount & Co., Department Store, Bethel.

    FREE, a fine $25.00 Leather Couch, a Silk Dress and other Prizes given away.

    Everyone has a chance at the Prizes whether you buy a lot or not.

    ly- "We'll be quite a nice old married and settled down couple, won't we?

    ■•ever Night" and "Little Mi's Brown" has formed a theatrical producing]

    That will be most delightful. The -■''■'■   with L' dec Richardson, for himpetts have taken their cottage— Uierly press iipressentativc of W. A, did I tell you about It?" Brady, and will ake general produr-

    "You don't like the I.lmpctts, sc Hons. what difference does it make?" Arthur Hanimerstein lias engaged „"?°,, th8.rl

    s"''h"'8t-" a«reed ,Mr" Belle Blanche, the vaudeville singer, iJirdH'U. That ui'inun certainlv is , .. . .... . . the most irritating creature! When ,0 beai ■   W" wh,on Wl" J** I told her that we weren't going as «•'»< "The Firefly" in western cities. usual she put on such an elaborate ex Before departing for Chicago, where presslon of pity and said that then, ol tin western company will open .Miss course, it must be true about your Blanche will sing one special perfor-, getting so badly squeezed in stocks mance with the New York company and that she thought it was so very a, ,-.lsi„„. NVw yorK, bravf and noble ot us to ecOD—" __

    "Well, of all the nerve!" ejaculated Blrdseli, laying down his cigar "Didn't you explain that it was bo


    EASY TERMS:—One fourth cash, balance 1 and 2 years.

    Hear those world famous Real Estate Auctioneers, the Burton Brothers.


    ATLANTIC COAST REALTY CO., Inc. Gre nville, N. C.

    BASEBALL NOTES Horace Pogel, the former president

    cause business uas so rushing that I 01 the Philadelphia Nationals, has felt I couldn't get away?" gone into the hotel business in At-

    "Of course." said his wife. "And Ir.ntic City, she just smiled. I hope people wont pitcher Larry 1'ape. of Ihe Boston think were in financial difficulties |t .,, S()X was ",.,.,.,.„„,. so!d uncondi-

    tional!) to the Buffalo Club, of the International League.

    merely because we're Haying at home. 1 don't care a bit about myself, but I hate to have you misjudged. And you were so enthusiastic about the place Tom Conneiy. who managed th ■ last season that, of course—I hope you Hartford team, of the Connecticut won't break down from overwork and Mate League, last year, has been sign- no change before the rummer Is over." ,.(i as scout for the St. Louis Cardi-

    "Tbunder!" growled Ilirdsell. 'You „ ,js needn't worry' about me! I don't

    Church, South, and Col. K. W. Halfoi I Ti vvson. C. J. Tucker, R. F. Jenkins. Honluna Aurfcullural Conference of Washington City, a retired navy S. W. I pock. C. S. Carr. G. T. Gard- BOSSHsXAN, Mont., Jan. 22.—Today officer who has heroine famous as a ner. ushered in a period of great activity leader in the Laymen's Movement. The earnings were a little over 20 and interest in Montana agricultural

    The convention supper is expected per cent. A six per cent dividend circles. During the ensuing two to prove a memorable event. Covers waa paid to tho stockholders and;weeks the State Agricultural and Me- will be laid for live hundred. To find fourteen per cent waa carried to the chanlcal College here is to be the a ball sufficient to accommodate so surplus fund. many Is proving something of a prob- lem, but It Is not doubted that th. I'lXKHIRST. X. C, Jan. 22.—Some resourceful men of New Hern will of the most noted shots of the coun-lzatlons

    scene of the annual meetings of tho state societies of horticulturists, dairymen, seedmen and other organi-

    interested in tho various

    know why the populace should get up , ,.. H.J i _ .... da . o the (liants. and field captain on Its hind legs and roar because we ,„..,.

    choose to do something else than '"' ""> Memphis learn in 191*. has been the thing that we've been doing in signed by the Indianopolis Club, past summers." A brother of Zaeh Wheat's will be

    "Neither do I," agreed Mrs. Bird- taken along with the llooklyn Super- sell. "You know your own business. |..,,, „„ |ne training trip. Zach says and If the Llmpett s want to spend the Hs |irillni,r )R ., g1(,a, catcher and will report up at the lake that we can't af-

    Karl Crandali. brother of Otis Cran- prove themselves equal to the enter- try faced the leaps here today at the phases of agriculture and farm life. gency. No collections will be taken Opening of the sixth annual midwin-|in the programes prepared for the at any session of the convention.

    Winterville Items.

    ford to come we can just Ignore It. make good.

    With Bresnaban, Archer and Need- It doesn t make any real difference If people believe '.t. does It?" llilMI ""• CMoagO Cubs have the only

    "Well, 1 don't I now." said Blrdseli Irish-born catching staff in baseball. "I don't like it. Maybo I could get All three ol the backstops were born over a few time* -" in Ireland.

    "Now. Hiram," said his wife vigor- Manager Hugh Jennings says he ously, "I Just v-on't let you ever think „ iU mak,. m.lllv changes in the De- al It! Im not going to be cool and |r0„ „ r„r „„, ,,,„„„„. s,.uso|, nappy over there, and leave you here „ ... ,,,.,,, •laflni in town! 1 won't hear of It! 0n" of °'° movPS W" bo '"° ,'la,l"E

    fm not a bit disappointed, really, and '" Sal" Crawford on first base maybe the hot weather won't affect Oeorge Winter, the former big me so very much." i ague pitcher, has been engaged to

    "I think." said ltirdsell decisively, coach the baseball team of the I'ni- "that HI write the agent tomorrow verslty of Vermont. Winter managed that we'll take the cottage. 1 think „,p st John N „ tean, (M, M s„„. wo-dI better go. It'll be pleasanter " „ ,k„ K(,„ .„ ,|pf„al „f R [1|mi>,m

    w ell, of course, if you Insist on It, , .. ., .... , . . . Hiram," said his wife. "I wouldn't go ln M""'l'h,s «hp 0""'r »'«'"• »•« ,'"'«"- agalnst your wishes. I was quite *'d ""' R,ook of lhl' Chicago boxer cheerful about staying In town, and I 'I"1"' some, never dreamed that we'd really go."

    "Say." called Blrdseli five minutes |,u, „„.„•, MN-lonur) Mo.euient („». later, "after he had been Investigating venllnn a package In tho hall. "What is this?"

    Mrs. Blrdseli gavo a little cry. Laymen of all ohurches in New "That?" she said, when cornered. "Oh, "'r" sre working together in behalf that's some curtains and cretonne of the Convention of the Laymen's stuff I bought down town this morn- Missionary Movement to be held in Ing—for the cottage!" that city Thursday and Friday, Feb.

    Still Wild Turkeys *"'„ ,.„,„,„.!„„ „i|| ,,.. held at f>0- Among present day good livers In . ,..,,,.. . ,

    clubdom and on the exchanges and """ "-''"•"■, ehtirch. whose audl- among national guardsmen who hum '«••**■ ■ "'", "r "", largeal and most a good deal wild turkeys are preferred I 'aullful In the state, to farm raised birds. There are yet The speakers will be men of Inter- mllllons of wild turkeys west an.: national reputation, such as J. Camp- south. A few days ago the writer bell White, one of the most eloquent hereof shot half a dozen wild turkeys ,„pn nnd powPrfu| „,|nkprs )n th,s within four miles of the city hall at „, „ .. v. ... Savannah. Oa. iie told the secretary ™"",ry„ W' * ,,0"R,"y , ° N*" of the beard of trade of mat ciiy ot V""lr ''' """"""■   "">" "' "Insular the matter and was Informed that a ■WHlf and to hear whom will be t Savannah boy had on the previous day privilege that the average man does ' "hot a w!M tuikey within the city's not often get. will speak, as will Dr.! bounds- New York Sun. C. F. Reld. of Nashville, Tenn.. one|

    of tho foremost men of the M. I"

    ter iraii shooting handicap. In the several meetings a prominent place amount of the prize offering and the j has been given this year to the social, number of prominence of the contest-!educations and other problems re- ants the tournament has never been.latlng to rural betterment.

    WINTBRVILLB Jan. 21.—Messrs. mualled In the south. The program! Sam Smith, J. W. PerkliiR, R. L. Ab- covers f01"- days and provides events l)r, Francis L. Patton, former pres- bott. S. C. Carroll, Johnnie Cannon. for °°lh amateurs and professionals. Ident of Princeton Theological Bern- A D. Mcl.awhorn. G. A. Kittrell and Ashley Spier went to Greenville Thursday.

    Flash lights pistol cartridges and rifles at A. W. Ange and Co.

    Mrs. II. T. Cox returned from Ral-

    Mscle Flrvl Texas Flag FT. VALLEY, Ga.. Jan. 22—Thi

    girl who made the first Texas flag. when that state was an independent republic lies buried In a neglected grave here. Arrangements have been

    Inary, 70 years old today. Maurice Henry Hewlett, noted Eng-

    lish author and critic, 52 years old today.

    Baroness Clifton, one of the young- est peeress of Great Britain, 13 years ola today.


    eigh Thursday evening where she has bten visiting her husband and also " ade by a commissioner sent by Gov-

    attending the Inauguration of the Prnor, C;"'ui,t of Te!la84 for, ,he, r0"

    ,niovaI of the remains to Austin, whera governor. I See Harrington, Barber and Com-,lnPy wl" be re,plve" wi,h "" l,on'"'

    I any for your shoes. They have re- Mis,s *»»»« Troutman. in 1836, the... „ ,,.„, ., ,, _. , , , ... p. girl of IS, fashioned the Lone Star Mired another shipment, in all sizes. .

    ... «i i i» . «it I'ag which is still the state emblem Miss Pearl Hester made a Hying trip to Greenville Saturday morning. of Te"* Thp "r"s"'" SPS6,°" of ,h-!

    Box paper, envelopes and tablets'1'"™8 '"X'8'"""-" •■ **V**« to gp- for nice correspondence at A. W. P'°»rlate funds for the removal of Ange Co l"1" "' B1"1 •Tectlon of a monii-

    Messrs' O. A. Kittrell. and Lee nnt OVPr l,,P KravP "' ,I,P S""P Ce'"- Sniilh went to Greenville Saturday. |,Mf "'

    ii„rri.,.„„„ n„,>„- ,„i r-„ . u .1., n-alns of many famous Texans. ca'oinel. 1 bey all give the same rca- Harrlngton, Barber and Co.. sell the l80n Uodson-e Uvor Tonc l8 uklng

    For lllliiiiiN Attacks CnnNtipatien and All l.lier I inn Lie-. Dangerous

    talinni I tides Way to IMidson's Liver

    Tune Every druggist in the state haa no-

    Aiisiin. where rest the re-'" The i itlng of ii..- negro occurred

    to be found in the resumption of hos- about 4:30 o'clock on that part of The house committee on public aer-|tintic* when the meeting of the del- the Louisburg road neai where It

    vice corporation* unanlmoui ted ( tes of th four allied nations ad- crosses Pigeon HOUB

    siller the proposal made by the Hem o.ratic caucus for a Joint COIUmltlOi Oi ten to go over the nominations and si lecl some for confirmation,

    The proposal found no support In tl e R (publican ranks.

    W 'en the senate went into execu ti\e cession, Benator Martin, th* Dem- ocratic leader, stated that the Dem- ocrats would adhere to their coins of opposing action of the majority oi the Taft appointments,

    He declared Hint the Democrats il pot fear the effect that a ttllbusl Plight l.ava on lepislation. adding thai If any of the appropriation bills (ail- ed of usage before March 4 the- roul.l be paaaed as soon as the ev- il a session convened. Some Republican senators have de- clared themselves determined to ary fight Mr. Wilson's nominations after I pursuing

    present day. scenes of tho campus u suit of clothes in a town where hi and views ot historic- buildings, The is tried before a recorded, escnp,


    iu favor of Woodus Rellum's resolu- Journed this uftern "Another day gained,"

    w ho hellev i- thai |ieaco tion to have the corporation commls-l

    ■ • Separk and Deputy 8heriff retorted Harward arrived on tin scene the Ii body of the negro was lying on the Tho Republicans declined to con- frontispiece of the second volume wni, a ||c|,i punishment and when ilon probe the sale and division ill tne 111t.s-

    c.iv.-s the picture* of the three living his penally has been paid be restored Atlantic and Western railroad. A, reached by postponing extreme nieas-slde of the road where ex-presidents—Dr. E. A. Alderman, io I.is ctlxenship and the right of I Brook* of Green*boro, was the .ms. president of the University of VIr- franchise, On the other hand a man principal speaker In favor ul i i Today's meeting of th glnigi Dr, 0*0. T. Winston, of Ashe- 0U| ,., the country may commit a like olutlon, he saying thai the people Ol Ii\.• hours and lb Lille, and Dr, K. P. Battle, of Chapel offense and be pent to the peniteu- his city and of Wilmington desired [mated. The delegate* reviewed the that live young Hill.—and Dr. K. P. Venable. the prSS-.tiary for the con.mission of a 1'ilon t at the matter he probed. Both the resumption of the war ami the policy Powell, Ami-

    lent head of the Institution. Benator lvie'* idea is to make ■ unl- Southern and the Coast Line opposed ,■■, delay, trusting to ii lo solvi I Significant of value to the r.late is form application of the law and make the resolution. the adoption Of the resolution of Dr. II misdemeanor of petty crimes thai The Seiiute.-KlL-hlecnlli Ha

  • sz: TIOTM



    Foi atttel beam Oliver Plowa and' casting* Me J R. Smith and llro.

    Mil- Prank Trtpp win sell her (arm lug Implementl next Tuesday preoar- a.orji to mm lug lo Washington, to live »u!i her daughter.

    Dr, Hardy Johnson and Mr. W. C While of Vaneeboro came to town Wednesday. The doctor tella III ke I- thinking of locating here soon.

    The assignment sale of J. \V. Webb look place Wednesday and the mach- inery, etc., sold Immensely low and was puroheaed by different parties.I

    For blowing stumps and sub-aoll- Ing use dynamite. One ton Jiut re- ceived by J. It. Smith and Bro.

    Mr. L C. Fletcher was In to see' us yesterday. He has Just returned from John Hopkins where he under- went an operation.

    Mr Jiminle Garrls of Grifton Is spending a few days visiting friends In town.

    Copt D. 0. Barn* with his degree Oh'.ce In Kdwards Huilding. fifth door, tram went to Wintnrvillo Monday

    from atreet night to confer some degree work In Greenville, - - .Wrih Carolina !a lodge of I. 0. O. F. and reported

    S. J. EVEHETT a pleasant trip, but the W'iutorvlllo Attorney ■) Ian 'people are noted for unbounded hos-

    t "-'-i-varrU Dundtaa on the Co..!" pltallty and never do things by halves

    I alia}

    B. ft TVSOJ. Insurance

    Life. Fire, Sick and Accident ©dice on Fourth street, rear Fiuuk

    Wilson's n.ire

    ALRIOX DUNN Attorney at Law

    Office In Shelbum Building, Third St Practice* wherever his services ar

    desired Greenville. - - North Carolina

    JAMES L. EVANS Altorney at l.an


    State Senate Now 0.1 Record in favor oi En.ployee

    uliTlS 1EFMEI

    House S'Oiare ( -»'Uvll|e. mni .v \.

    N. W. OITI..W Attorney at l.an

    (thee formerly occupied by J 1 Fleming

    Attorney at Law

    W. ft EVINS Attorney at l.an

    OnVe in front room of the Kdwards hlulding Just north of Court House. Greenville. - - North Carolina

    B, i. n i r h s I'lnnihiinr, steam and Hot Water

    Healing Old'* BlanllM Kiiirlnt—:

    I let-trie Light iliitHM-r. 1 am prepared >,. do -our work at c"""*n *"""" I""I'"'''v and we ex-

    | All kinds of hardware, farm sup- plies, mill fittings, farm and church bells, wire fence and rooting. .1. K. Smith and llro

    The presiding elder. Dr. Glbb, pleached In the Methodist church hare list Sunday night.

    How would some of our modest women look marching to the polls,

    .wearing hobble and harem skirls, to exercise their suffrage'.' W.o regard politi being rather corrupt to

    1' ddle » Ith and If they want to know anything, why ask their hus- bands.

    I Car hay. ship stuff, oats, lime, ce- 1 i nt and roofing. J If Smith and ,nro. I Mr, Millie Darden is leveling his

    Reasonable Pri-es See me or 'hone- No. 60

    call »f

    II. W. I lit I HI, M. II. . .. Fraotice limited to diseases of 'he Kv.

    Kar. Koae and Throat V ashiiiKton. N. 0. Oraonvllla, N. C Offlce with Dr. D. I.. James. Green tllle, day every Holiday ■• a in to r. pm Oreenvllle,

    soon to see material ;'"■ niMed in tor a alee residence. This

    ■POl in our opinion is dc-ldodlv the preuleal property for building lota In A. il n.

    nwtitv >iKi\\nt Vllnrney at l.nw

    - North Carolina.

    IVehh-kenyon Hill Is Denied Ininie- dlatr Consideration by Senate.

    Many New Bills are Introduced.

    RALEIGH, Jan 25.—The senate dis

    posed of several roll call local hills

    today and passed Senator Bryant's

    [bill relative to the liability of com-

    mon carriers to their employes. Some

    di eussion of this bill was indulged

    In. but no derided opposition was ap-

    parent when the vote was taken and iis several readings wore Hissed unanimously It practically abolish- ed the doctrine of contributory neg- ligent .• as a bar to recovery and sub- stitutes, the doctrine of comparative negligence. A bill to provide for i lerlcal and stenographic assistance 11 the supreme court reported came [up with a unanimous favorable re- port from judiciary committee No I, but waa vigorously opposed by Sen- ator! Jones ami Barnes, with the re- sult that the bill waa denied pasaage and referred t" the committee on ap- propriations.

    A joint resolution thai bad i.,--. i i..- sev.-rai readings In the house, tak- ing congreaa to pass the Webb Ken- yon bill with regard t Interatate ship rants of liquor tor illegal purposes was also denied paasage, or Immed- iate consideration by senators who bad not rand the Webb-Kenyon bill, and who asked for lime to post thetn- sali - The resolution waa referred to the committee on federal relations

    Senate, Sixteenth liny Lit Utl nanl QOVemOI Dal]

    i ailed the senate to order al I clock and the opening prayer was of-

    R i ll P. Taylor, pastoi

    [of Jenkin's Memorial Methodist church I Kalcigh.

    More petitions for six months school Iterm were presented, from Forsyth. I Northampton and Hertford counties, and for compulsory school law from

    .tha latter two. Bills Introduced

    Thorne: To protect pollcybolders In assessment companies.

    | Phillips: To amend the charter of 'Lexington. | Phillips, by request: To make titles o* Veal estate more certain.

    1 Stubbs: Relative to liability or cor- porations, whether common carriers or not. to their employes.

    I Ivle: To make uniform the crime of larceny In North Carolina.

    Brown: To protect game and song j birds In Rowan county.

    Carson, by request: To Incorporate Round Hill academy.

    Mason: To amend the charter of JGastonia and establish a municipal court there.

    | Bryant: To allow married women to recover damages for personal Injury and for their persona learnings.

    1 Bryant: In regar to privy examina- tion of married women.

    I Bryant: To empower women to dis- charge certain duties pertaining to education.

    Haass, Sixteenth Da; Speaker Connor convened the hOUBS

    at It) o'clock raver by Itev. llarrell. of Kpworlh Methodist Episcopal church.

    There was the usual flood of peti- tions from various sections of the slate urging six months schools.

    Petitions for Justices Of the peace and search and seizure act for Mc- Dowell county.

    Favorable reports on hills from commltteee:

    Thirty odd local game laws for as many counties and townships revising or changing game laws justice an- Httiist bin declaring Illegal agree- ments and conspiracies in restraint II trade reported from the Judiciary committee No, I, Bill relative to faiae I v. tense in making contracts Bill i-'lative to liability of employers and leaking (ha federal got apply in North I arollna Prohibit the use of llieaiins uj children Regulating the pay of | illors

    Tha Joint resolution ratifying th.' ITih amendment to the faderal con-

    stitution was reported enrolled for ratification.

    New Hills Introduced Allied: Provide for bettter settle-

    ment of laud titles In this state. Austin: Provide for noting a

    s< hool huilding In Stanley couuty. Wllllums of Hertford: Relative to

    the pay of Jurors of Hertford county. Snail: Prevent fruud upon mer-

    chants. Bolick: Provide for the construc-

    tion of a bridge in Polk county. MtThall: Allow Hamlet to issue

    school huilding bonds. liayinore: Revise the charter of El-

    kin. Placed on the calendar. Miller: Relative to drainage in Cleve

    land county. Brawley: Fix salaries of officers In

    Durham county. Brawley: Prevent railroad com-

    panies from originating aad running cheap excursions in this atate on Sundays.

    Caliber: Relative to doga in Ca- tawba county.

    Rodman: Authorize town of Wash- ington to issue bonds.

    Beaver: Establish recorder's court for Transylvania county.

    Carroll: Promote highways in Stokes county.

    Connor: Appoint certain Justices of the panes in Wilson county.

    There are :»69 local unions with a membership Of "5.914 In the Brick- layers' and Masons' International Union,


    •'A light purse Is s heavy curse' Sickness makes a light purse.

    The LIVER Is the seat of ninr tenths of all disease.

    go to the root of the whole n. ter, thoroughly, quickly »_. and restore the action o( . LIVER to normal condition.

    Give tone to the system art; solid flesh to the body. Take No Substitute.


    Young Lady Receives Several ilashai oo Hands

    (.onion Sbu.i M....e \umeroai »■•• I xarrestfal Attempt* in Take ills

    one Life, VYheu .Vi.r in- terfered.

    W1NSTON-8ALEM, Jan. ^ After being prevented by his niece, Miss Main: Conrad, from shooting himself with a shot gun, Gordon Sbutt, a

    i wealthy farmer of Davidson county, nne who had plai il blank i nin .. ll till gun.


    SUM or REAL ESTATE By virtue of a power contained In

    a certain Heed of Mortgage executed kv \V. H. Higson and wife Sidney Hlg- aon to F. J. Forbes bearing date of August 'Jnd, 1910, in the sum of ouc thousand dollars with interest from date, due and payable, the last note one year from date, all of which will appear by reference to Book 0-9. page 113. of Pitt county Registry, to which reference is hereby made, the undersigned Mortgagee, will on Sat- urday, February 8th. R»i3. al 12 o'clock m.. before the court house door in the town of Greenville. North Carolina. sell to the last and highest bidder al public auction, the following describ- ed real property, lying and being nlt- uated In the town of Greenville, N. C, and more fully described as fol- lows, tow it:

    One lot beginning at the N. K. corner of 14th and Washington streets ana runs north with Wash- ington street 50 feet; thence east parallel with 14lh street ISO feet; thonco aouth parallel with Washing- ton street to 14th sweet; thence with 14th street to the noalnnlng. containing 1-4 of an acre, moro or less; Also the lot adjoining tho aforesaid lot on the north and fronting on Wash- ington street 59 feet and running back parallel with "rst described lot 150 feet, containing 1-4 of an acre. more or less; Also one other lot ad- joining second lot above described

    ami fronting 50 feet on Washington street and running back 150 feet, con- taining 1-4 of an acre, more or less, being the same three lots deeded to Sidney P. Higson by Moses King and wife: Also that lot bounded by Co- tanch street and Tar river, which was recently conveyed to W. B, Higson by Ruben Clark and Kmnia Clark, his wife, by deed which appear* of re- cord in PHt county in Book P-9, page Ml, anil also all the Improvements, milling plant, machinery and every article of every description now on Bald property or lots.

    This property will be sold subject to other mortgages now existing aeninst il .but the said mortgagee will cancel all of said outstanding mort- gages lion paymenl from the proceeds arising from this said sale.

    Terms of sale: Cash. This Jan. S. If 13.

    F. .1. FoniU's. Mortgagee. Harding ami Pierce, Attorneys. 1 10 ltd 3tw

    NOTICE TO (RKIHTOHS Having duly qualitled before the

    uperior court clerk of Pill county as executrix of the lust will and testa- nunt of W. S. Blount. deceased, no- tice Is hereby given to all pereous indebted to I lie estate to make immed- iate payment to the undersigned; and all persons having claims agalnsl said estate are nolitled to present the same to the undersigned for payment on or before the 7th day of January U14, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery.

    This 7th day of January. 1913. LIZZIE Ill-orST

    Executrix of W. s. mount. 1 8 ltd 5tw


    Hundred Dollars due said plaintiff by account and rents for the year 1912,

    .which summons is returnable before I said Justice at his office in Pactolus in suid county and in Pactolus Town- ship on the 25th day of January. 1913. The defendant will also take notice that a warrant of attachi ent was H in d by said Justice on the isth day

    al January, MIS against the property of said defendant which warrant Is returnable before the said Justice at the time and place above named for the return of the summons when and where the defendant is required to ap- pear and answer or demur to the Complain! or the relief demanded will

    : be gianted. This lsili day of Jan. 1913.

    J. 1! OVERTON. ltd 3tw. l 20 Justice of the Peace.

    R H. Garrls and Mrs. N. L. Bruton. containing one .ere, more or leas

    This land day Of January, 1913. J. C. RASBERRY,

    1 21 ltd Stw Mortgagee

    \oiice of Dkaelattea This is to certify all persons thai

    1 have sold out my Interest in the firm of Andrews, Ford, and Co., at Bethel. N C, and am no longer a partner of said linn

    Jan. 3rd. 1911 LEE J. WHITEHURST

    1 4 6td 4tw

    NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having duly qualified before the

    superior court clerk of 1*111 county as administrator of tho eslato of Robert lllxon. deceased, notice Is hereby given lo all persons indebted to the estate to make Immediate pay- ment to tho undersigned; and nil persons having claims against said estate arc notified to present the same to the undersigned for payment on or before the 2nd day of January. 1914. or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery.

    This 2nd day of January. 1913. Adtnr. of Robt. Dlxon.

    J. W. DIXON, 1 3 ltd I'W .

    H0TICI North Carolina Pitt County In the Supeilor Court. Edna Cammon vs Btm caramon, i Tho defendant above named will

    take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in tho superior court of Pitt county to se- cure nn absolute divorce from the de- fendant by the. plaintiff, and the de- fendant will fiirtncr lake notice that ho is required to appear to the next term of the superior court of Pitt county to be held on the second Mon- day after the lirst Monday In March, 1913, It being the 17th day of March. 1913. at the court house in said coun- ty In Oreenvllle, S. C. and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said com- plaint.

    This the 10th day of Jan. 1913. 1). C. MOORE.

    Clerk Superior Court. fly A. T. Moore. I). C.

    F. . G. Moore, Clerk. Jeremiah Trlpp and I.ennlo Trlpp

    and Estellc Edwards, minors, by their General (luardlan, Nancy C.waPncy Ex Partc. '

    "y virl'ie "f a decree of the super- loi court ol Pitt county made by 1> C. Moore, Clerk, In the above en- titled cause, tho undersigned com- missioner will on Saturday the 8th day Of February. 1913. expose to pub- lic sale before the court house door In Greenville, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described par- cels of land towlt;

    "Lying and being in Conleiitiiea township. Pitt county. North Caro- lina, beginning at a stake near a ■west gum and Post ,)ak. David Slocks' comer, running south 3 1-4. west 31 poles to a ditch, thence an aaatwardly course with said ditch and a continuation of said course to the edge of Fork Swamp, thence up the edge of said swamp with Ben Stocks- lie,, to David Stocks' corner, then with his line to the beginning, con taining 10 acres more or less.

    •Also one other tract of land In said township, countv mid slue, ad- joining the lands of Victoria Kirkm >n David Stocks and others. begUll at Victoria Klikman's corner and runs with said Kiikiuan's line soirh 2IS east IS poles, then south "'.. ' II poles, then south U l-t, "asl ■»« poles to Fork Swamp, then up w"tl ai'.ld swamp to David Stocks' corn" Ihen With bis line west 7S poles to i stake then south 3 1-4. west 21 poles to the beginning, containing H acrei more or less "

    This sale Is to be made for the l"i' pose of making -a:-!'! "■• "" tenants In common.

    C C. PIERCE, Commissioner. Harding and Pierce, attorneys. 1 11 ltd 3tw

    STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. PITT COUNTY. Notice is hereby given that the

    Hoard of Commissioners of Pitt Coun- tv al iis regular session on the lirst Monday in January. 1918, it being the

    li'lh day of January, 1813, ordered an election to be held in the following territory In Swift Creek Township. Pitt County:

    Beginning at a point opposite W W, Gardner's Northwest corner, on the South Side of the new road, and running theme with the south side of the said new road to the main public road, leading from Gardner's Cross Roads to Indian Well Swamp, thence across the said road to the line be- tween W. B. Bland and W. W. Gard- ner, thence with the said line, to a ditch the Northeast corner of W. W. Gardner's Held, thence with the said ditch across \V. W. Garners land. M. G Gardner's land, thence with said ditch across M. (i. Gardner's land to 11. A. Gardners land, thence up the said ditch to M. O. Gardner's land. thence with M. 0. Gardners back fence and a continuation of the same Course to the north Bide of the Green- ville and Vuneeboro road, thence with

    I the north side of said road and enst- jwardly direction to a pathway leadinu ti J. A. Gardner's Lofton place.

    'thence across the said road, to the aouth side of said road, and along

    I|li south side of said road lo the Louis Smith and. a corner of the .1 A. Gardner land, thence a southward course with the Smith land to a ditch. ,thence an eastward course With the said ditch to lha east corner of tha

    I Lofton Held, thence with the line of Ithe present fence of said Held. 10 u point opposite the mouth of Jarrells l'ish Hole, in Swift Creek, thence

    I southwardly to the present sluck law i fence. i The said election lo be held on the I Fir sl Tuesday In March. 1918. it being the llli day of March. 1913, at Gard- ners Cross Heads for the purpose ol ascertaining the will of the qualified voters in the above described territory as lo Whether the Stock Law shall be established In said territory ac- cording to law as ill such cases made and provided, and thai Ashley Bach- elor is appointed registrar and will have the registration hooks open on the first day of February. 1913, and until Saturday, February 22. 1913, [or ithe ourpose of registering qualified voters of said territory, who are not already registered on the regular reg- istration book of Swift Creek Town- ship, which book was used at the gen- eral election in November, 1919.

    i This the 6th day of January, 1913. W. L. Mcl-AWMOISN

    Ohm, Hoard ol Com'ri. Pitt Co Attest:

    i BRA8C0B BULL. Clerk, ltd fitw

    SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue of authority contained in

    a certain Mortgage Deed executed and delivered by B. S. Button and Wife Lillian Button to W. H. Elks, of date January 1st, 1907, as will appear of record in Book J-X. page 537, Pitt county registry, the undersigned "tort gagee will, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1913, between the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock, p. m., before the court- house door in Greenville North Car- olina, sell to the lasl and highest bid- der, for cash, at public auction, the following described lands:

    I Situated In Chicod township, Pitt county. N. C, beginning at a slake 'John 11. Smith's west corner and runs I thence mirth 17 3-4 east 37 poles and ,12 links to a llghlwood stake. Israel lHardee'a corner; thence north 51 1-1 iwest 19S poles; thence south 51 1-2 west 1-3 poles to a crooked, forked

    I gum; thence south 35 west 25 poles; thence south 51 east 213 polos and

    110 links to the beginning, contain- ing 47 1-8 acres, more or less, and being the same land described In a deed of record in tho register's office in I'itt county, in Book M-7, on page Ma.

    This sale is made to satisfy said mortgage deed.

    This January 17, 1913. W. H. ELKS. Mortgagee.

    Harding and Pierce, Attorneys. 1 IS ltd 3tw

    TI.TSTEKS- BALE Under and by virtue of a power of

    sale contain, '. in a certain deed of trust evii tiled in me by T. A. An- drews, bearing date December 80th. 1901, to secure the paymenl of a cer- tain bond of even date therewith, and oi record in the office of the regis- ter of deeds for Pitt county la Hook M-7, at page 39«. and the stipulations contained in said deed of trust not having been complied with I shall. on Wednesday, the 19th day of Feb- ruary, 1913. at ten o'clock a. m., at Flat Swamp church, in Caroli..- township. Pitt county. N. C, offer for

    jaala at public auction, for cash, the ; following described lands, tovvit:

    Situate in Carolina township. Pitt J county, and adjoining tho lands of

    I. H. Little and Son and others, and 'beginning at three Bays I. 11. Little and Son's and T. A. Andrews corner, running thence with I. H. Little's line North IIS and 1-2 west 13S poles to a pine stump. I. II. Little's corner, thence North 3 1-2 Bast 110 poles to a slump on the Greenville and Hamilton road near Flat Swam" Church, thence with said road North 36 East 20 poles thence South 58 1-2 East 116 polos to Brlary Branch, thence with the run Of said Branch Sotiih 10 East 16 poles, thence South 14 poles, thence South 7 1-2 West IS pules. Ihene" South 1 Weal 20 poles, thence South 20 East 11 poles, thence South 5 East 10 poles. thence South 37 1-2 East 10 poles to the beginning, containing S7 acres more or less.

    This Jan. 15. 1913. j il. ROBEitsoN. Jr.. Trustee

    J ('. SMITH. Jr.. Atty'. 1 211 ltd 3tw

    SALE OF VALUABLE I.INII iiv virtue of a tit i ea oi the Su

    parlor court of I'itt county, made on the 1 sili day of January. 1913. in a certain special proc ling therein pending, entitled "S. A. Jenkins admr. Of S E. Jenkins versus W. I. Jen- kins, el ills" and numbaied as Spec- ial Preceding 1792. I will on MON- DAY. FEBRUARY 17th, 1913. at IL' o'clock m. before the court house door in Greenville, sell at public sale the following described lands:

    111 One tract situated in Con ten t- uea township, Pitt county, adjoining the lands of Hobor Rodgers, Percy Lodgers. S. A. Jenkins. Fanny Hol- ton. L. M. Forrest and Contontnoa creek, containing 68 acres, more or less.

    (8) One piece or parcel situated in the county of Greene, opposite to and adjoining tho above described piece and lying on Ihe southwest side of Contentnea creek, containing 2 acres, more or less.

    Term* of sale, Cash, This the ISth day of January, 1913.

    S. A. JENKINS, Admr. of S. E. Jenkins. Dec.

    Jai vis and Blow. Attorneys.

    Strayed I have taken up on R. Jeffretl

    farm, 1 1-2 miles from town, one spot- ted male hog. weight about 806 Ibl marked swallow fork in right, slit in left Owner can get same by provlni ownership and paying Chargaa.

    Jan. 1". 1918. W. C. JONES

    I 10 ltd 3tw

    Stray Taken Up. I have taken up one female hog.

    weight about 125. dark red coin., marked swallow fork In both ears Owner can gel sain.' by proving own , , shl] ::■ ! ; aying chart

    JOHN HARDEE, ltd 3tw 1 26 RED 2, .Grimesland.

    SINCE 1 HAVE BEEN MAKING PHI.. partitions lo buhl my warehouse, I

    hive been asked several times If my Feed and Seed business would N discontinued. Z want to Impress everyone with the fact that the busi- ness will go on as before and will still he headquarters for Feed and Seed. Field Peaa a specialty. F. V Johnston. 1 23 2td 2tw.

    MI(\Y TAKEN I'P-I HAVE TAKE> up two male hogs, weight about i"

    pounds each, and one Female, abou -..i-«- weight, all unmarked. T«

    I e black and white spotted, the olh" • !.';-.Y Owner can get same I" ■ •roving o-r.ershlp and paying t! • runtges, ('. H. McOOWAN B3,

    Win ervill' X, C

    WK SELL Disc HARROWS WIT ■ strong frames and axle boxes tllle'

    with hard wood, insuring light'- draft and easy running. Every mac'. lnc Is guaranteed to please you. (!•• our prices before buying. J. R. and J G. Moye 1 18 3td Ita

    WHY WALK WHEN PI.OHING. when you can ride and do U good

    work as when walking. Come In an! Inspect our riding attachments. J. !! and J. G. Mayo. 1 is 8td »t»

    THE P. A O. ST ILK (T'i'TERS. heavy weight and strong frames '

    guaranteed to be the eojutll of nnv talk cutter made. Prices low. Don't

    bnv until you get our prices. .7. It end i. 0 Moye. I is 3td «tw


    Dcpurliiirnt ol Stute

    NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that the mi-

    ll reigned will on February 3rd. 1918, before the court house door in Green- ville nt noon, offer for sale two lots and houses In that part of the town of Greenville known as Perkinslown. and known as Mnnson Marables farm place, deeded by Sam Obey and wile to Mansoii Marable and wire, both of ■aid lots are on the west side of Me- Kinley avenue, a complete descrip- tion of whloh said two lots ran be found by referring to the above de- scribed deed as reeortle In Book (5-8. page 2S7. of the Register of Deeds offlce of Pitt county.

    If satisfactory offer is received sale will be made privately before the

    above date. c W HARVEY.

    F. 0. James and Sou. Attys. 1 ltl 3td-1aw 2 Id


    North Carolina. Pitt County. Pactolus Township. 0, Q, Ward vs Kdwanl Connor.

    Notice of Summons and Warrant of Attachment

    Tho defendant above named will lake notice that n summons In the .,!„.,,. entitled action was leaued against said defendant on ihe lath dav of January, 1918, by J R Overton, a Justice of the Peace of Pitt County. North Carolina, for the sum of 0n<

    Certificate el Dhaalalttai To all whom these presents may come- Greeting:

    Whereas, It appears to my satis- faction, by duly authenticated record ol the proceedings for Ihe voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de- posited In my offlce, that the Hanra- han Milling Company, a corporation ol tills state, whose principal olllce i- situated 111 the town of Hanrahan, county of Pitt, slate of North Caro- lina lW. L. Mcl.nwhorn being the agent therein and In charge thereof, upon whom process may be served). has compiled with the requlreiuenu of Chapter 21, Revlsal of 1905, en- titled "Corporations." preliminary to the Issuing of this Certificate Of Dis- solution:

    Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes. S cretary of Stale of the Stale of North Carolina, do hereby certify thai the said corporation did. on the isth day of January. 1913, (He In my ol- llce a duly executed and attested con- sent 111 writing to the dissolution of said corporation. e\ociitod by all Ihe BtOCkholdari thereof, which said con- sent mid the record of I lie proi dings aforesaid are now on Hie In my said olllce as provided by law.

    In Testimony Whereof. 1 have here- to set my hand and afdxed my official seal, at Raleigh, this IS day of Jan- uary, A. D. 1913.

    J. BUY AN GRIMES Secretary of Btate

    1 23 lid Stw

    Doubly Glad is the Man Who Smokes



    Glad to smoke this pure old Virginia mid North Carolina bright leaf-with iis natural tohact-o taste. Aged and stemmed and then granulated. Tucks quickly m the pipe— rolls ea-silv into a cigarette.

    With each sack a book of cigarette papers FREE.

    And smokers are glad to get the free_ pres- ent coupons enclosed in each 5c sack. 1 hese coupons are good for a great variety of pleasing articles — cameras, talking machines, balls, skates, safety razors, china, furniture, toilet articles, etc. Many things that will delight old or young

    \> . special otte.. durtns January and February only, we will send our new illustra-

    ted catalog of these presents FREE. Jusi lend us

    your name anil tddress on s postal In every

    sack oi Lggrti a Mjrwi Duke'l Mixture is one and a half ounces of splendid tobacco and a free present coupon.

    v iunJlM MS ran "•■-' HORSE SHOE.J.T., TINSLKY'S NATURAL OKF.GJtfNGER TWIST, ante*. iSuh m TOUR ROSES (Oil* *«»* V»f~e. PICK PI UG CUT. PIED. MONT CIGAKtTTLS. CUX CIGA- RETTES. a"tf «*»• '•*>** "• M«»wu uiiudbn Mi

    Premium Dept.

    egyiJZt^^*".**»aaaa» &t Si LOOM MO


    s I


    I !



    STRAY TAKKS IT—I HAVK T\K- an up one hog. unmarked weight

    about SB pounds, black with some, white apota, Owner can get same by. proving ownership nnd paying tlw Charges. S. J. VINCENT RPD '., U!3w Greenville, N. C.

    jllKES KOR SAI.K—V) or lit) lives, J ' S. Bin her. Ri'"l> 2, Greenville. ItdgtW.

    tly Doctor Said "Try Cardui," writes Mrs. Z. V. Spell, of Hayne, N. C "I was in a very low state of health, and was not able to be up and tend to my du'ics. I t!;d try Cardui, and soon began to feel better. 1 put able to be up and help do my housework. 1 continued to take fi;e medicine, and now I am able to do my housework and lo care foi my children, and I feel as though 1 could n.ver pruise Cardui enough for the benefits 1 have received."

    WANTED—MAN WITH KAM1I.Y TO take charge of one-horse farm. 8

    miles from Greenville. W. R. W.j NOBLES, R. 2. Oreenvllle. 1 23 2ldllw

    NOTICE Kinston. N. C Jan. 17th. 191S '

    I To the heirs of Lnla Peyton, deceas- ed, or any one Interested: Take notice that on the 6th day of May. 1912. S. I. Dudley, sheriff of I'itt county, sold j for taxes for the year 1911, one town lot in the town of Oreenvllle. N. C. listed In the name of Lola Peyton, sit- uated on tho east side of Cotanch street, at which sale I became the purchaser. Amount of taxes and cost ?2.;n , tha;: on Maj 6th '911 U mar.t. at ihe anetHf a deed f.r J.iil lot according to law.

    The time for redemption will ex- pire May Ktli. 1918.

    W II. COX, Purchaser 1 20 3td-law

    ^ TAKE Th Q i ho kRDU i WomenSTcnic

    Cardui is successful, because it Is made especially for women, and acts specifically on the womanly constitution.

    j- Cardui does one thing, and does it well. Ti'at explains || the great success which it has hid, during the past 50 years,

    in helping thousands of weak and ailing women back to health and happiness.

    If you are a woman, feel tired, dull, and are nervous, cross and irritable, it's because you need a tonic Why not try Cardui ? Cardui builds, strengthens, restores, and acts in every way as a special, tonic remedy for women, Test it for yourself. Your druggist sells Cardui. Ask him,

    Vrltt *• Ud-ti- AdviiofT Dcr*.. Cnittanoofs Medicine Cn.. Ckattaaosaa Ttnn. tSpwtollvtru -«, and 64-eise book. "Hume ireitmcn'lor Won.en. ten', tree. J»

    •A*** -am

    MORTGAGE BALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the powers

    Contained In a certain mortgage th ed executed by Mrs. Molly 1.. Turnago. cn the 18th day of November, IMS, to J. C. Rasberry. which mortgage ati ",trs of record In Piti county, in Pooh l!-*, page 134. In the olllce of the register of deeds and secures an Indebtedness us therein mentioned.

    The undersigned mortgage will, on the tvventv-fourth day of February 1918, at about twelve o'clock, noon, s» II to the hlgheal bidder for cash, at the counts court ho-.-.. ; aville, N ('. the house anil lot In Ihe town ..f QriftOU, known as the K M. Pitt- man lot. adjoining the tots of Mr.

    Rest CoatR Medicine for Children.

    "I am very glad to say a few word! in pralae of Chamberlain's Couch Remedy", writes Mrs. i.ida Dawsy, Milwaukee. Wla. "I have used It for mj children and myself and It never falls lo relieve and cure a rough or cold No family with children should In Without It as II Bi»es "'""•si Im- nii ,11.11* fvllul ll. -

  • -^**»j*-^.«. • ■ "Ml' vmn« -.

    T'iF IA < I i A I (lV!F Wtn Mill WAVriNSESSf | BiU« are lometiines offered In th i Greenville would suffer less from ' '' ii is hard to andersutnd woj wmi legislature merely that the Introduc- the Ineqnalltle* of railroad freight

    9till FflRVI onH Ffi^^FRN POP'* poaaeea such vicious naturesjcr maj at leaal n>-i*».- a show thai h« rates If our people would get busy


    :« will prompt them lo wantonly in- If endeavoring to keep Ms campaign :-1■  rlarlt' I . , ...... 'be thud relates to the state beconi- who is also re-ulv nn ncciKinn there are some who do not favor pro- damage. It does not look like a per- , "° '8 al3° n-'a> on occasion.

    .,,, , , . , , , ., „, ,j l"E security lor county bonds that: o blbitlon, some who do not lavor laws eon of ordinary intWIigence would

    , , , , . :, ,,. , , , . . . ,are issued for public road construe-! The action of the state senate in against Ian eny, or murder, some who be guilty i»t doing such injury.

    . tion. All of these bills are worthy, not concurring in the resolution do not favor punishment ot tinlaw- o———

    . . , , of very serious consideration by th.' passed by the house to invite speeches fulness, some who do not Iavor any TIWB Til in u mi'

    , , . " " '" "" " ""• I people Of the state, and. if passed, from Wilson, Bryan and l.aFollett". legal or moral restraint of their own •,-. , ,,.„.,,i.. „,• ,.,,, ,.,„„,,. „_ ,i, .■ 

    , , ,. , ' '",lk "' "" '>"""> on '" will do more for the material ad- reminds us that once upon a time nation, and desires. Yes. there tn „afl „f ,,,r ,,v,„. ttll0 do ,,,, ;van(.,wnt of ,ho BtaU „lnn ,„„,,,„,, N,„,Ih Crlro]in:l 1(.gislal|lro

    r leglSloUon thai is being to adjourn in honor of the birthday

    11 Robert E. Lee, but did take a ro-

    ——o—- cess out of respect to Fred Douglas. But coming ba,k to the stock law c„ov{ 1;i,ing mai„, h ^ uil.0,lkli,J

    The.v have made the penalty for Kaleigli seems to be an Inviting

    hank robbing in Oklahoma from 20 place for ex-governors to practice

    to 5o years Imprisonment Must In- law.

    tend that a robber shall never commit o

    but one offense, and not get out 'o If a big freeze comes on top of the

    enjoy his plunder afterward. recent rains, us now appears likely, 0 the roads will be something fearful to

    A beauty doctor advises the eating travel over.

    pi raw carrots to make a good color ° In the face. As carrots are rather Tl"' NVw Volk "Oman who receives

    hard to get. most of them will con- ■ million dollars alimony, has enough tinue to use paint for face coloring. ,0 E° oul a"d lm>' another husband.

    o • o

    It only takes a look over at the Som'' "r ""' l'"!"'* »"' talking

    graded school in passing, and see- **OUt Colonel Roosevelt's silence jusl

    lug the great crowd of children there. llke "'Obody cared.

    hi realize that they are cramped for' ° ;— room In an over-taxed building. Tho olIort ,0 ■■*• ""' legislature 0 establish new counties Is not having

    When one mbei undertook to mu0" "mooto sailing. block the inland waterway appropria- o tion In congress, he found Congress-1 The Jail Is not empty because some man John H. Small on the Job. And lie delivered the goods.


    ■' ■   T "•■•^W ssssssssssassajsgi

    Representative Clark's bill to re-

    quire the placing of cinder guards on

    all passenger trains is receiving

    n.uch favorable comment throughout the state.

    folks who are at large ought to be

    in it.


    favor anything good, Yet nol a - il number of them.

    ed and they arc legion-should be considered, 'stir themselves and take notice of i e

    The legislature should keep hands

    of,' the divorce law. unless they are

    going to make divorces harder to get.


    Raleigh is to have a visit from a

    lecturer named Flees, and he is go-!

    ing to talk on the subject of InsectC

    That Is coming to the scratch,

    s o

    j A mall who has not seen as much question: the man who says or thinks a ,-, . tH- ntaiorlty of people ol mj^T££?£??£%? count> are opposed to stock law, i* „d „,,,,al ,lu, (,mi,.e stol.k on tn. wide Of the mark. The people as a

    whole must not be Judged by the tew

    who oppose measures for good. The

    south side of the river. It was he

    who led the agitation last spring

    which was followed in- g0 much fence people of the county do not want the >lng „„„ hp „ „,„ tonm0Bt ,,,.

    stock law repealed and Ihey are op- posed to the bill now before the leg-

    islature looking to that end. And

    they should so express themselves

    through petitions to the Ii gislature

    to defeat the bill.

    keepinj tip this agitation for. the

    purpose of furthering his political

    ftmhition. A meeting of opponents ol

    us, wants to know what is the mat- '"en made over It. who thinks that

    ler with the vagrant laws that se cither of the gentlemen mentioned

    many negro loafers are allowed to tlio resolution would accept the In-

    Hand around doing nothing. He call- xitation to coino down and make a

    in attention to several bunches and Speech before the legislature? Hence

    said an effort to hire any of them to the continued argument over the res-

    do any work found nothing doing olution is just that much time watted,

    except the offer of work being almost! o It Is really a condition that The Henderson Cold Leaf putt il

    When women get to voting will

    they have to pay poll tax?—Greens-

    boro News.

    What a silly question.

    o The trouble with too many lcgls-

    litors Is that their highest Interest

    Is in making reputations for them-]



    The people of Greenville township

    are paying a road tax of 15 cents

    on each $lfi0 valuation and getting

    nothing for it in the way of good

    roads. That same tax would pay

    the interest on a bond issue of $5,-

    000.000 with which to build good

    roads, would provide for the main-

    tenance of the roads after being

    .built, and create a sinking fund large

    enough to pay the bonds at matur-

    ity. Hence by issue bonds for this

    purpose the township can have good

    roads without the people paying any

    more tax on each $100 valuation than

    they are now paying.


    We cannot suppress the feeling

    i now and then, that first thing you

    know there aro going to be some

    "blind tiger" developments that will

    make people open their eyes.


    [should not be permitted to exist, but Over some of the legislators like this

    mosl of \.s have seen it going on so "The society for the suppression of


    A totten apple in the barrell will

    affei t all other apples with which

    it comes in contact. A diseased plant

    in the field has a damaging effect

    upon all plants near it. By the same

    rule an Ignorant person in a coni-

    niunlty afreets his environments and

    lowers tho standard of intelligence

    ot his community. The rolten apple

    can be thrown out and save the oth-

    ers in the barrel from contagious decay. The diseased plant can be o dtstroyed and save other plants from I We tMnk ""' l««lslattire makes a

    contaminating damage. There is no m,,take in «Pnol"tinE Justices of the

    i!i" stock law has been called for

    jnext Saturday In Greenville, and it

    can well be imagined that there will ,0

    be a repetition of such inflamaiory !„, Rnie|gh now.-" speech making as was heard in a

    „ Uas'iii.gtoii always looks for a o——— 0f!rake-o« when Inaugurations take1 The North Carolina legislature has

    ourse it will be the purpose to make

    this meeting appear as expressing

    tho sentiment of the people of th i

    county for the repeal of the stock-

    law, hence ws repeat that the peo-

    1 le who favor the stock law and do

    i ol want it repealed should be bring-

    Iig this fact to the attention of the legislature.

    place. One enterprising fellow is of- *one on record as favoring the elec-

    ferlng to furnish Information as to ,i"" of UnMea statM senators by di-

    .vheic lm'glng can be had if you will mt vo,e of lne People.

    send liini i dollar. And we expect. " °

    Thunder lias started In early, but

    that need not be w'ondered at with

    so many unusual things taking place..

    An enterprising Washington cor-

    respondent has sent out a slate of

    l'l esldent-elect Wilson's cabinet. He

    may know what be is talking about

    mid he may not

    Smiie people go out looking for

    trouble and worrying if they can't

    find it.

    he will get several dollars in return i The Mtiole elsewhere in this paper

    for which the sender will get a list 0il ,he s,ook ,aw Question, written by

    A bill Introduced In llic legislatur"

    is entitled "To mitigate evils of hy-

    drophobia and to protect sheep in-


    of hole rnd lodging houses.

    In keeping with the spirit of dem-

    onstration that characterizes the

    present age, a Durham colored boy

    Dr. Tait Butler, should he read by

    every citizen of Pitt county. Dr.

    Butler has made a close study of

    these conditions and speaks with an- o

    The wrangle over the resolution

    the several counties at the general,'-ld a lighted match to a keg "*****«* im *l***Ho W*to election, and usually as many are blasting powder. Hie fragment, were m oratorlca] show ^^ abou, M Reeled as the county is entitled to. juried "ext day. But who can say ^ w ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^

    S-. it looks like the appointment of!hi4 experiment was any more fool-

    nore by the legislature is without

    The ground hog will wake up to

    Ms Job next Sunday.

    dense, except it be to gratify some

    man who wants to be a Juctlce of

    the peace and Ills county would not

    elect him.

    Ashevillo folks know how to take

    Ish than the man who tries to show

    how high he can fly nn airship, or

    the one who tries to break the au-

    tomobile speed record?

    of a lot of time that the people are

    paying for.

    moral nor legal right by which the Peace, These officers are elected in,mi^r,ook l° »how how noar hp ™uld ,0 lnv|t0 „,c speakers, gave m ignorant man can be thrust out of

    the community or destroyed, but the

    law can step in and make education

    compulsory and thus prevent the In

    Jury done by Ignorance. If the move-

    ment to enact such a law In the

    present legislature succeeds, much will he saved to future generations

    In North Carolina. This Is the prop-

    er course to remove the baneful ef- fects of illiteracy.


    Cold waves seem unable to get

    much of a foot hold down this way

    with spring trying to butt in.


    Some business men cannot see the

    good in advertising. Others do see

    It and profit thereby.


    Tho warm weather serves one

    good purpose in cutting down the

    f:>el bill.

    Items from State University t Conl in lied from page 1)

    day. stating that the weather was so bitterly cold In lliat section that cv-

    ,everything was frozen over, and that il was Impossible to fill an order for five dozen turtles, which Dr. Woollen had ordered for use In the medical

    I department of the University, The prediction of the weather bureau of p few days ago, that winter was on'y

    j in the hiding and would make its appearance later, seems to have struck Indiana.

    "What Happened to Jones" is the .title of a play that will be presented

    The reported finding by two boys

    of twelve bottles of old brandy on

    Roanoke Island, reputed to have been Tho fish dealers of Wilmington lurW ,here „ur|ng ,he c|v|1 ^ may

    formed a little trust of their own toU. the 8|gnal for dlgg|ng up ,„„ „.

    hold of an opportunity to advertlscjcontrol prices and have been called | ]and The fe„ow who 9(arted thp their town. Commendable to them, to answer in court for violation of

    too, tbe anti-trust law. j story must have some new ground • lie wants dug up,

    Building and loan associations

    come in more and more for their share

    of good talk.


    While the weather for January has

    been remarkably warm, it looks now

    like the month will finish up remark- ably cold.


    It is ono month slnco Christmas

    and eleven months to Christinas.


    'by the Dramatic Club of the Univer- sity in a number of eastern North Carolina towns during February and March. Among the towns that will see this successful comedy are Ral- eigh, Greensboro, Wilmington, Golds- boro, Fayetteville, Wilson, Rocky Mount and Washington.

    Louis Graves, of the class of 1902, hns recently been made private sec- retary to Win. McAneny, president of the borough of Manchester, N. Y. Mr. Graves Is one of the eminent success- ful members of the younger alumni of tho Institution. During his col- lege days he took nn active part in athletics, and in September of the past year won the tennis champion- ship of Northwestern Pennsylvania.

    MARVELOUS! BEYOND THE CONCEPTION OF HUMAN INTELLECT THE SENSATIONAL, EXTRAORDINARY and INCONCEIVABLE SALES CO., at Napper Brown's Two Stores Seventh day of our Great Public Sale: Total sales these seven thvys have exceeded $6,000. "Bargains today show $80,000 to be sold. Prices lower than actual freight and packing charges. Lvery article in house must travel quick and fast "regardless of price" FOB A FEW MORE DAYS ONLY. All cost marks utterly ignored. :::::::::::

    Come and See How We Do It Read, Realize Two and Three Suits at the Price of One and Profit. SALE ON WITH A RUSH

    Bargains by the hundred Bargains that annihilate

    all competion.

    Hundreds Departed unable to Secure Entrance to the GREAT PUBLIC SALE. IMMENSE $40 OOO STOCK


    Tomorrow, Friday, will begin the Second Week of our Great Public Sale. "Positively this Sale will out-claw, out-shine, out-sell any other Sale that 1ms bam held in Greenville VALUES NOT "CONSIPERED.

    Two Big Sales in Two Big Stores

    Don't Miss This Greai Bargain Saley It means Money To You.

    Napper Brown's Two Stores GREENVILLE, N. C.






    •t Clalmx A ml It id and Allotted kj Idiard of Couut)' Commissioners 01 l'ilt County, Together with Uerelpt* and Disbursements and the Finan- cial Condition of said Count; for the Fiscal Year Knding December 2nd, 1912:



    2495 the 2496



    May. J. J.

    Qulnerly, J. P.

    Lewis, II. II.

    Holland. D. J.

    May, J. J.

    I'roctor, W. E.







    S 651.15

    No. 411 416

    No. 230 438 724 882

    1053 1350 1519 1M7 1842 2160 2326 2479

    No. 229 256 691 694 900

    1049 1063 1937 1950

    Ilonds. To Whom Issued

    Moseley Bros. Wilkinson, C. L-

    Ain't $ 405.50


    S 430.50

    Hovd's Ferry. To Whom Issued Am''..

    J. O. Proctor & Bro. 19.10 J. O. Proctor & Bro. 18.00 J. O. Proctor & Bro. 18.00 J. O. Proctor & Bro. 18.0'i J. O. Proctor & Bro. 18.00 J. O. Proctor & Bro. 23.86 J. O. Proctor & Bro. 18.00 J. O. Proctor & Bro. 18.00 J. O. Proctor & Bro. 18.00 J. O. Proctor & Bro. 18.00 J. O. Proctor & Bro. 18.00 J. 0. Proctor & Bro. 18.00

    Bridges. To Whom Issued

    Uoberson, Win. Kobereon. W. L. Kobeison. W. L. J. L. Fountain Co. Forbes, W. A. Koberson. W. L. J. I.. Fountain Co. Turnagc. J. L. Koberson. W. L.

    t 222.96

    Am'!. 2.75 4.00 4.00

    52.15 70.04 4.00

    20.00 40.00 4.0"

    I 200.94

    No. 714 720

    1345 1686 185S

    Burying 1'auperg. To Whom Issued Am't.

    Hell, B. W. 3.00 Trlpp, Alonzo 3.00 Block, David 3.03 Heiirne, R. M. 3.09 Dunn, J. T. 3.00

    1941, James, If. A. 6.09 2158 Hardy. I.. T. 3.00

    LaughltiKliouse, W. H. 3.00 Long, W. E. 3.00 Kittrell, L. L. 6.00 Town of Greenville 3.00 Hyman, W. A. 3.00 Peel, Henry 3.00

    2162 2175 2315 2322 2472 2*93

    $ 44.00

    No. 138 139 260 264 446 582

    1064 1213 1?55 1908 2075 251! 2S14

    Clerk Superior Court To Whom Issued Am't.

    Moore. D. C. l.M C. 150.31 C. 400 C. 12.75 C. 180

    C. 169.70 C. 200 C. 161.00 C. 7.40 C. 136.15 C. 94.35 C. 25.10 C. 25.50

    No. 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 145 228 232 241 268 271 403 408 412 435

    , 597 598 599 COO 601 602 603 604 6S9 702 707 903

    1226 1227 U28 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1854 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 2083 2084 2085 2086 2161 2168 2169

    Constables To Whom Issued

    Howling. Thos. Clark, G. A. Coggins, R. H. Cox, G. W. llullock, McG. Garrls, J. E. Moore, C. G. Jackson, G. A. Smith, H. C. Smith, C. S. Smith, T. H. Smith. Lloyd Smith, C. S. Parkerson. C. C. Smith, II. C. Coggins. R. II. Smith, Lloyd Moore, C. G. Smith, Lloyd Garrls, J. E. Cox. G. W. Smith, J. T. Smith, Lloyd llullock, ItcQ. Jackson. G. A. Harris, J. L. Clark, G. A. Mctiowan. W. H. Smith. C. S. Smith. T. H. Smith. T. H. Cox. G. W. Coggins. R. II. Clark. G. A. Hnrrls, J. L. Smith. T. H. Ktlpatrlck, Paul llullock. McG. Cox, G. W. Moore, C. O. Smith, C. S. Kilpatrlrk, Paul Jackson. G. A. Smith. C. S. Smith. H. C. Harris. J. L. Cox, G. W. Smith, J. T. James, J. I. Smith. J. T. Moore, C. G. Smith. C. S. Harris, J. L. Harris. J. I.. James, Jno. T. Smith, C. S.




    444 445 700 709 715 719 723 728 729 738 743 886 887 888 889 910 921

    1059 1070 1076 1079

    Ain't. 1.10 2.05 3.50 3.40 1.10

    .65 5.15

    11.55 3.45

    11.65 2.45

    .93 4.00 1353 1.20 '358 1.10 1367 2.00 1373 1.00 1380 1.70 1512 1.00 1525 4.25 1531 1.55 16»1

    .47 1S39

    .37 1849

    .95 1855 3.60 IMS 6.50 1938 2.20 1939

    .80 IMS 1.85 1949 2.00 1951 8.96 1952 3.55 2164 2.50 2171 2.30 2172 6.80 2178 9.67 2318

    .40 2320 2.15 2323

    .80 2474

    .65 2475 1.65 2477 4.10 1.11

    .80 .80

    1.70 No. .95 239

    Henolds Mfg. Co. 10.50

    Mayo, R. J. 7.00 No. J. O. Proctor & Bro. 46.00 244 Harris. Carlos 7.00 245 Pender & Hicks 34.48 442 Pender & Hicks 4.50 McKensie, B. 18.50 Water «.• Light Com. 2.75 Taft & Uoyd Fur. Co. 4.25 ! Home Tel. & Tel. Co. 3.00 No. Pitt Lum. & Mfg Co. 112.62 249 Williams. B. C. 12.70 26S Dudley, S. I. 9.20 425 Johnston, P. If. 3.00 443 Home Tel. & Tel. Co. 3.00 450 Carr & Atkins Hdw. Co. 2.92 740 John Flanagan Bug. Co. 1.00 745 Forbes, W. A. 35 02 913 Dudley. S. I. 1.50 1066 Taft ts lui.wl Fui. Co. 197.43 1356 Hart & liaiiiey 2.95 1361 Home Tel. & Tel. Co. 3.00 1372 F. G. James & Son 80.10 1694 Water & Light Com. 12.06 1:-31 Rountree, C. B. 14.16 2193 Home Tel. & Tel. Co. 3.75 2360 Hart & Hadley 1.81 2361 Dudley, S. 1. 6.75 2E11 Water & Light Com. 8.19 Home Tel. & Tel. Co. 3.00 Water & Light Com. 6.1-' Rountree, C. E. 775.00 Home Tel. *i Tel. Co. 3.00 No. Water & Light Com. 2.25 222 Dudley. S. 1. 3.00 224 Hart & Hadley l.M 226 Home Tel. *i Tel. Co. J.OO 227 Jenkins, J. J. .50 238 Jenkins ,J. J. 2.50 237 Holcombe. J. I. 13.20 238 Water & Light Com. 131.26 -r'-' Harris, Carlos 400.00 272 Harris, Carlos 60.00 Water & Light Coin. 4.. Mayo, ' A. Chapman, It. G. Harding. II, Oaakina, J. C. Pittm in, J. S. Rose, J. S. Carroll. S. C. Town of Greenville Town of Farmville




    9.00 1.27


    .35 2.37 4.25

    .68 1.61 1.67

    .25 ,68

    1.00 1.35

    1. 'I", .T'»

    1 .00 1.17

    17.82j 1.73

    4.15 1 .17



    .45 1.97 1.05 6.17 3.32


    1.50 433 ..10 892

    125.55 897 2.50 904 8.18 1076 6.00 1093

    112.50 1346 2.25 1360 1.50 1535

    76.30 1536 1.69 1668 7.80 1«70

    .60 47.40 1704

    2.8.4 1708 1.25 '709 4.60 1"10

    10.90 1688 24.18 1862

    104.55 1935 120.00 1944

    .5" '946 2.40 2354

    15.85 2359 202.50 2499

    2.25 2500 8.95 2501 3.25 8.90 8.42 6.50 2.0H No.

    96.30 223 6.75. 414 6.81 712

    87.40 914 4.90 H.77 3.80 1268 3.75 1521

    15.00 1711 79.20 1841 2.00 2186 7.59 2352 9.03 2488


    Miscellaneous. To Whom Issued Am't.

    Carr & Atkins Hdw. Co. 8.35 Dall, W. H.. Jr. 12.33 Pratt, J. Hyde 25.00 Pollard. W. 11. 25.00 Munford. C. T. 20."0 Moore, D. C. 14.52 Dudley. S. I. 20.00 Foster. Chas. 25.00 Wilson. W B. (Con. Vet.I 50.00 Coward & Wooten 1.40 Coward ft Wooten 2.00 Hund, J. J. 10.02 Dudley, S. I. (Amount Overpaid) 6.994.86 Wooten. J. L.. Diug Co. 14.55 Williams. It. 50.00 Dresbach, w. C. 42.50 Coward ft Wooten D'g Co. 15.80 Coward ft Wooten D'g Co. 1.65 Dudley, B. I. 2.25 Norwick Sher. Co. 6.30 Coward ft Wooten 3.60 Munford. C. T. 3.50 Bishop's Laundry 1.85 Dudley, S. I. 3.90 Bank of Greenville 500.00 C.vllle li'k'g ft Trust Co. 500.00. NatT B'k of G'ville 500.00 [ I

    67 58

    59 • .II




    64 «•; 07 69 7n 71

    73 74

    80 SI S2 S3 84 85 86 87 88 B9 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99

    100 lol 102 IH3 104 105 106 107 Hi 109 110 111 112 113 114 116 119 120 133 134 135 136


    Pactolus Ferry. To Whom Issued

    Davenport, J. R. Davenport. J. R. Davenport, J. R. Davenport, J. R. Davenport, J. R. Davenport ,J. R. Davenport, J. R. Davenport, J. R. Davenport. J. R. Davenport, J. R. Davenport, 1 .R. Davenport, J. Davenport, J.

    It. R.

    Am't. 36.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 10.85

    2 144.88



    No. 434 695 915

    1705 1862 2179 lilt

    No. 257

    No. 267 422 437 440 746 754 901

    1072 1359 1526 170S 1850 1953 2190 2333 2486

    Coroner's Inquest To Whom Issued

    Laughlnghousfl, C. O'H. Laughlnghouse, C. O'H. Laughlnghouae. C. O'H. Laughlnghouse, C. O'H. Laughlnghouse, C. O'H. Laughlnghouse, C. O'H. Laughlnghouse, 0. O'H

    Coanty Atlerney. To Whom Issued

    James, F. O.

    County Home. To Whom Issued

    Tucker, A. L. Proctor, J. 0. * Bro. Proctor. J. O. ft Bro. Tucker. A. L. Tucker. A. L. Forbes. W. A. Tucker. A. L. Tucker, A. L. Tucker, A. L. Tucker, A. L. Tucker, A. L. Tucker. A. L. Coward & Wooten

    Ain't.' 16.36 No. 27.80 2192 48.80 16.80; 22.80

    121.80 16 I* He.

    —— — | 7I« I 111.76j 1071

    11379 11712

    Am't 2156 200.90

    Election. To Whom Issued

    King, H. T.

    ' 251 457 735

    I 911 1083

    364.50 1"° 1538

    ,1699 Aiu't.'lS48

    2.00 2185 , 2,'fiO

    } 2.00

    Janitor. To Whom Issued

    Peel, J. H. Peel. J. H. Peel, J. H. Peel, J. H. Peel, 3. H. Peel, J. H. Peel, J. H. Peel, J. H. Peel. J. H. Peel, J. H. Peel. J. H. Peel. J. H.

    !4S2 Peel. J. H.

    Am'. •' 00(

    4.00 25.00. 25.00, 15.On! 26.00 25.0:1 i 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.0) 25.09 25.00

    Feeding Jury. t% Whom Issued

    Smith. Mre. W. R. 9mith, Mra. W. R.

    Smith. Mrs. W. R. Worthlngton, E. L. Smith. Mra. W. R.

    Tucker, A. Tucker, A. Tucker, A.

    h. L. L.

    Am't. 112.0* No. 46.00 221 65.00' 410

    176.27 | 432 222.10 18.00

    111.87 246.il 288.69 1050 204.04 1060 259.75 1068 226.24 1539

    7.08 1943 111.56, 198.27| 215.57,

    718 712 747 898

    Greenville Bridge. To Whom Issued

    Lawrence, L. W. Lawrence, L. W. Walstonburg Lum. Co. Hart ft Hadley Lawrence. L. W. Dall. W. H.. Jr. Lawrence. L. W. Lawrence, L. W. Hart ft Hadley Harris, Carlos Harris. Carlos Lawrence, L. W.

    Court Hosse To Whom Issued

    J. O. Proctor ft Bro. Home Tel. ft Tel. Co Taft ft Boyd Homo Tel. ft Tel. Co.

    J2730.03 No. | 402

    690 Am't 881 8.00 1061 3.00 1062

    679.53 2.00

    Grlfton Bridge, To Whom Issued

    Oaakina, J- C. (Inskins, J. C. (lasklns, J. C. Casklns. J. C. Harding. W. F.

    em t 14,Ml 14.95 N'°- 68.50 2"9

    2.00 '27 22.71 "21 | 906

    in.60 MM ISM MSI

    Am't. H41 22.15 «-'00 26.70 '8! ! 88.16 46.50 22.70 4.71

    15.95 Ha, 15.65 14* 16.75! H7 26.20 14*

    111.92 ,49

    60.49 ,5° . 161

    152 153 151 155 156 590 591 592 593 594 695

    Jary Tickets. To Whom Issued

    Wilson, W. B. Wilson, W. H. Wilson. W. B. Wilson, W. B. Wilson, W. B. Wlleon, W. B. Wilson, W. B. Wlleon, W. B. Wilson, W. B. Wilson. W. B.

    1 304 00

    Ain't. 677.10 111.IS I 747.90j

    1.10 368.151 111.491 197,161 21.10

    180.251 417.15,


    8 483.83

    Am't. 6.63 6.60

    12.0" 13.201

    1.90 I

    I 8 40.39

    .Uslices ut tke reaee. To Whom Issued Am1'.

    Rountree. C. D. 20.60 Belabor, R- E. 1.17 Town of Greenville 22 62 Barrow, D. c. 1.60 Elks. J. J. 2.30 ; Jones, 3. M. .90 Gasklns. J. C. TO Barwick. J. F. 13.55 Smith. J. H. 95, Chapman. R. 0. .80 Nichols, R. A. 1.10 Harding, H. .80 Tyson, O. T. .37 Barwick, J. F 1.17 Jones. S. M. 1.22 Nichols, R. A. 1.16 Rountree, C. D. 17.02

    No. 1 2

    i 6

    : 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 !3 24 25 26 27 28 29 20 21 S3 32 34 S5 S6 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 48 50 M 52 r,» 54 55 56

    Paupers. To Whom Issued

    Atkinson, Virginia Atkinson, Laney Atkinson, Nancy Albritton, Cherry Albritton, Dlcy Braxton, Jno. Brazton, Jesse Bright, Frank Burney, Penny Baker. Sallle Baker, Lydia Briley. Martha Ballington, Mary Bell, Cherry Barrett. Fannis Brown. Africa Boyd, Hattie Bullock, T«tm Cox Nanej Cox, Pennle Carson, Bell Cherry. Mahaley Carney, I.ucinda Cobb, Fannie Clark, Keubln Copper, Jacob Coggins, Sallle Crawford. Ads Dunn, Abram Dunn, Betsy Dupree. Win. Dall. Henry ft wifs Davenport, Rowena Davenport, Mrs. Rtf Davenport, Sussa Elks. Titus Elks. Linda Evans, Amos Evans, Lucretla Edwards. Jno. Aug. Fleming. Tisha Floyd, Spellmnn Floyd, Hagar Grimes, Frank Gorhani, Alice Gorham, Dinah Green, Kvallne Harris. Laura Harris. Anthony Holden, Adeline Henderson, K. Holmes, Isnbella

    Am't. 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 5.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 1.00 1.03 1.00 1.50 1.80 I 50 1.09 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.60 1.50 l.bO 2.60 1.00 1.60 1.60 4.00 1.00 1.50 1.59 2.00 1.60 1.60 1.50 1.69 1.60 1.60 1.50 1.60 1.00 1.00 1.60 3.00 3.00 1.60 2.00 2.00

    281 282 283 284 285 2S7 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 296 296 297 298 •.".!!' 301 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 322 324 326 226 327 328 330 332 332 S34 335 236 337 331 339 340 341 342 343 144 341 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 160

    Hardy, Robt.

    Hardy, Alonxo

    Hunt, Lev!

    Haddock, C. J.

    ii.,!. i, Bottle

    Ham, Dobble

    Hardee, Louisa

    Hill, Jos. Hardee, Obet Israel, Jane Johnson, Simon Jones, kry Jasper, Millie Jolly. Nancy Letchworth, Alonzo Langley, J. Moore, Nancy Moore. Delia Morris. Alvana Morgan. J. 11. Morgan, Thos. Mills, J. R. McLawhorn. Lizzlana Moye. R. M. Moore, Polly Outterbridge, Mary Phillips, Bottle Page. J. J. ft wife Pender, L. II. (Mrs. B.) Peebles, I., w. Roberson. Wm. Roberson, J. T. Rleves. Rosa Roberson. Crlssie Tyson. Dlcie Thigpen, Cuilen Taylor, Harriet Tyson, Theophilus Vines. Margarel Wilson, Bet tie Williams, Judith Williams, Oliver Williams. Llllle Williams, Rachel Wallace, Laura WalstOD, Noah Smith, Shade Spain, Mary Shcppard, Jno. Smith. Q. W, Staton, Delia Staton, Nancy Stocks, Clemmle Simmons, Martha Stevenson, Amanda Tyson. Wm. Tyson. Win. Ann Tripp, Martha Turnage, Patience Wooten. Henry Wade. Olivia Wilson, Annie Wilson, Ben Cannon. Win. Atkinson, Virginia Atkinson, Laney Atkinson. Nancy Albritton. Cherry Albritton, Dlcy llraxton, Jno. Braxton, Jesse W. Bright. Frank ft wife Burner. Pennle Baker, Sallle Baker. Lydia Briley. Martha Ballinger, Mary Bell, Cherry Barrett. Fannie Brown. Africa Boyd, Hattie Bullock. Tania Cannon. Wm. Cox. Pennle Carson. Bell Cherry, Mahale