First periodtotal

Their Enviorment: - Mild climate - Lives in southern Europe and north Africa - Humans are mostly the only predator that could kill them. Black Greek Tortoise What helps them survive: - Strong shell protects them from eagles - It also protects them from being stomped on - Eats grass, and doesn't need too much energy to survive By ivan Androshchuk

Transcript of First periodtotal

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Their Enviorment:

- Mild climate

- Lives in southern Europe and north Africa

- Humans are mostly the only predator that could kill them.

Black Greek Tortoise

What helps them survive:- Strong shell protects them from eagles - It also protects them from being stomped on- Eats grass, and doesn't need too much energy to survive

By ivan Androshchuk

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Ecosystem Characteristics

Rainforest•Can have very high rain fall•Very warm and wet•Forest Floor only receives only 2% of sunlight•Very low soil quality

Adaptations• elongated snouts to

help reach in to ant hills

• Thin long tongues to help reach into ant hills

• Have large curved claws to open ant hills and for defense

By: Daniel Roth

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Glaucus Atlanticus(Blue Sea Slug)

Ecosystem Characteristics•East and South Coast of South Africa•Tropical waters•Surface of the ocean

Adaptations• Immunity to venomous

nematocysts• Counter shading coloration• Gas-filled sac in stomach

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CharacteristicsBeavers live near

rivers, streams, ponds, small lakes and marshes

Eat tree bark and roots

Build dams

AdaptationsWebbed hind feet-

for swimmingLarge flat tail- helps

keep balance when gnawing on trees

Nose and ears can close up- keeps water out while swimming

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Box JellyfishBy Jessica Pauls

Environment•Lives in tropical regions•Including Hunama Bay in Hawaii•They eat small sea animals such as shrimp or •plankton

Adaptations1. Their poisonous stinging cells

help ward off predators and catch prey

2. They are 95% water which helps them float efficiently in water

3. They drift in big groups which makes them intimidating to predators

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Canadian Lynxfound in the broad boreal

forest belt of North America

AdaptationsSharp teeth to catch prey, it only eats the snowshoe hairHuge feet so they can walk on snow/ice and not fall throughVery thick fur to keep them warm because their climate is cold

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Chameleons naturally live in the United States, Spain, Africa, or even Asia. Chameleons can live forests and even in deserts.

Some adaptations or structures chameleons have are Zygodactylous feet (two toes in front and two toes in the back), eyes on either side of head, extremely long tongues and males have three horns on their head (some females have less developed horns than males).

Almost all species can change colors to camouflage.Chameleons feet help it climb and move on trees with ease and

long tongues help with grabbing bugs from a distance.


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Polar Bear

Where They Live

They live near the arctic waters. Rarely on land except on islands

and rocky points Polar Bears look for tasty seals, and fish

They weigh in as much as a small car, (1000


Their Adaptations

White Coat to be almost invisible in the snow

(Camouflage)Big clawed paws to distribute weight on thin ice, and to whack

a seal out of water from a breathing hole

Fur is hollow hairs which trap air and help to insulate them in

frigid waters

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King Cobra(Ophiophagus hannah)

Environment•Found predominantly in the forests of India through South Asia to Indonesia and the Philippians. •Prefers areas dotted with lakes And streams

Adaptations•They have short fangs, but can strike in a highly downward thrust.•They are terrific swimmers•Excellent climbers

By Michael Wootan

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Ecosystem Characteristics

•Lives in a wide variety of habitats from the tropics, desert, maritime to the

tundra•Is found in every continent

except antarctica

Adaptation• Have thin tapered wings

that allow them to fly at speeds of 200 mphand

change directions rapidly• Eyes adjust faster so the falcon can focus on its prey• Has baffles in its nose to prevent air from rushing in

and slowing it down

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Pandas Environment Habitat is the forest , Torrential rains or dense

mist though out the year. They live in few mount ranges in central china.

Adaptations Pandas have 6 toe and 6 thumb so they can hold

and tear bamboo This animal uses its powerful jaws and strong

teeth to crush the tough fibrous bamboo. They mostly eat bamboo’s, Pandas consume

about 20-4o ponds of bamboo each day! :0 ( To get all its nutrients

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Habitat:Coast of MexicoRain Forest

Adaptations:Green skin allows it to blend in with treesTheir nocturnal which allows them to sleep during the day and be active at nightHave suction cups on the hands and feet in order to hold on to leaves and branches

Red-eyed Tree Frog

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The Star Nosed MoleEcosystem

Grassy meadows, marshes, swamps, mixed forests (wet and mucky lowlands)

Very high elevations of at least 1880 ft

Very cold (Eastern Canada, Northeastern U.S.)

Adaptationsfleshy tentacles which are covered with touch receptors- Allows them to find food as well as go underwater probing the sediments to seek prey

Long claws- digs tunnels to find insect to eat

water-repellent fur- allows it to go into cold waters without freezingLong thick tail- stores food during breeding season

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ToucanEnvironment •Live in the tropics with many fruit •Mostly found is in southern America

Adaptations •Strong beaks to open fruit

•Long beak scares animals away(but it doesn't use it to fight) • Also feathers help it blend in to environment

By Carlos Tovar

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Ecosystem • In Logs, under rocks, debris•Humid Environment• Usually in Europe/ Africa, South Eastern US

Adaptations• Strong Pinchers, to catch prey• Foul vinegar odor release, for defending and warding of predators • Feel Vibrations in the ground to find prey or predators.

Information • Non-Venomous • Not a Spider or Scorpion• About 3 inches long

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White Shark

Ecosystem•White sharks can

be found in the Atlantic ocean

•Its range is from the surf line to well offshore

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Habitat•Live in southern/east Africa•Woodlands and open plains/grasslands•Dry, hot weather•Main predator is the lion

Adaptations•Stripes, Zebras are black

with white stripes! The stripes are hypothesized to be for blending into grass.•Every sense is very acute, they even have night vision and can move their ears in almost all directions. This helps them hear oncoming predators.•Their digestive systems allow for them to live on lower nutritional quality foods because they are herbivores .