Fall 2018 - thebaptistchurchoffranklin.com

There is a saying we have in ministry. “Pray like it all depends on God, work like it all depends on you.” Ministry can be hard work. But it is work we do by the grace of God. Through prayer, we call upon the LORD to empower us in the work of the Kingdom. We pray, and we work. And pray. And work. And pray some more. Nehemiah understood the importance of this partnership between work and prayer. Nehemiah worked hard, but he knew he could do nothing apart from the grace of God. As we have journeyed through Nehe- miah, we have seen how the grace of God is present in our work. Right from the beginning, it is God who calls us to the work. Without a divine call, Nehemiah would have remained a simple cupbearer to the king. God initiates our calling into Kingdom work. It is up to us to answer the call. As Nehemiah responds to the call, we see further evidence of God’s grace. Before Ne- hemiah takes any steps toward Jerusalem, he confesses his sin before God. It is amaz- ing that God would call sinners to build his Kingdom, yet he does. This is also grace. Not only does God call us, he also supplies all we need for the work, just as he supplied Nehemiah with unlimited timber from the king’s forest. And it’s a good thing God supplies our needs, because he seems to call us to impossible tasks. Whether it’s rebuild- ing broken walls or rebuilding a church in decline, God’s signature trademark upon our work is the same…it would take a mira- cle to do this. Yes it would. And so we pray. And we work. All of us! God calls every person to come together in the work of ministry. Men and women, young and aged, all are called to contribute their gifts. No matter who you are, by the grace of God, you can…pick up a rock! Hundreds of years after Nehemiah rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem, the Apostle Paul worked furiously to build the Church. Per- haps the hardest ministry worker the world has ever seen, Paul crisscrossed the Roman Empire, planted churches, trained leaders, and even faced imprisonment. Paul must’ve had a lot of energy! Yet in the midst of it all, he wrote, “To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerful- ly works in me.” Colossians 1:29 (NIV) It was Christ’s energy, working powerfully in Paul, which raised up the Church. It was this same energy that powerfully worked in Nehemiah to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. And it is the same energy that powerfully works in us today. Here at the Baptist Church of Franklin, we seem to be faced with an impossible task. It will take a miracle. The good news is it al- ways has taken a miracle, and it always will. Let us strive together to pray, and work, and pray some more, so that when the work is done we may echo the words of Nehemi- ah: “…this work is accomplished with the help of our God.” Nehemiah 6:16 (NIV) God bless you all. Pastor Matt Beem Diaconate 2 Christian Ed 3 One Heart Mission 4 Missions News 5 Library News 6 Upcoming Events 7 Harvest Dinner 8 Camp Info 9- 10 Serve & Grow 11 Birthday/Annv./ Church Hours 12 Church Calendar 13- 15 Table Of Contents Fall 2018 The Pastor’s Pen

Transcript of Fall 2018 - thebaptistchurchoffranklin.com

There is a saying we have in ministry. “Pray like it all depends on God, work like it all depends on you.” Ministry can be hard work. But it is work we do by the grace of God. Through prayer, we call upon the LORD to empower us in the work of the Kingdom. We pray, and we work. And pray. And work. And pray some more. Nehemiah understood the importance of this partnership between work and prayer. Nehemiah worked hard, but he knew he could do nothing apart from the grace of God. As we have journeyed through Nehe-miah, we have seen how the grace of God is present in our work. Right from the beginning, it is God who calls us to the work. Without a divine call, Nehemiah would have remained a simple cupbearer to the king. God initiates our calling into Kingdom work. It is up to us to answer the call. As Nehemiah responds to the call, we see further evidence of God’s grace. Before Ne-hemiah takes any steps toward Jerusalem, he confesses his sin before God. It is amaz-ing that God would call sinners to build his Kingdom, yet he does. This is also grace. Not only does God call us, he also supplies all we need for the work, just as he supplied Nehemiah with unlimited timber from the king’s forest. And it’s a good thing God supplies our needs, because he seems to call us to impossible tasks. Whether it’s rebuild-ing broken walls or rebuilding a church in decline, God’s signature trademark upon

our work is the same…it would take a mira-cle to do this. Yes it would. And so we pray. And we work. All of us! God calls every person to come together in the work of ministry. Men and women, young and aged, all are called to contribute their gifts. No matter who you are, by the grace of God, you can…pick up a rock! Hundreds of years after Nehemiah rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem, the Apostle Paul worked furiously to build the Church. Per-haps the hardest ministry worker the world has ever seen, Paul crisscrossed the Roman Empire, planted churches, trained leaders, and even faced imprisonment. Paul must’ve had a lot of energy! Yet in the midst of it all, he wrote, “To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerful-ly works in me.” Colossians 1:29 (NIV) It was Christ’s energy, working powerfully in Paul, which raised up the Church. It was this same energy that powerfully worked in Nehemiah to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. And it is the same energy that powerfully works in us today. Here at the Baptist Church of Franklin, we seem to be faced with an impossible task. It will take a miracle. The good news is it al-ways has taken a miracle, and it always will. Let us strive together to pray, and work, and pray some more, so that when the work is done we may echo the words of Nehemi-ah: “…this work is accomplished with the help of our God.” Nehemiah 6:16 (NIV) God bless you all. Pastor Matt Beem

Diaconate 2

Christian Ed 3

One Heart Mission


Missions News


Library News 6

Upcoming Events 7

Harvest Dinner 8

Camp Info 9-


Serve & Grow 11


Church Hours 12

Church Calendar




Of Contents

Fall 2018

The Pastor’s Pen

The Carillon


Page 2

It seems that time flies by and another carillon is due to be pub-

lished. Summer seems to be shorter than winter, it reminds me of

the song Eddy Arnold sang, “Isn’t it Funny How Time Slips Away”.

God is so good to us to keep us focused on better times and better

things as we study his word and believe in his leading.

Our culture and the times are changing and it is difficult for some to make the change

to a new way of worship and praise. God is still the focal point of our belief and we pray

for his divine leading to help us through these times. We do not know where he is lead-

ing but must have the faith to follow his lead to save as many souls as we can.

On the 23rd of September we will be having a Teen Challenge day (special offering).

They are organizing this project to raise funds to save more candidates from Drug and

Alcohol Addiction. They will be contacting all businesses and churches to have all

members donate one dollar each to support their cause. This is a Christian based,

therefore no government financial help is available. Their recovery rate is 67% com-

pared to the Government recovery rate of 3%. If you wish to take part, there will be spe-

cial envelopes that Sunday for donations. It is okay to donate more than one dollar if

you wish. This is over and above the regular giving each week taken.

I continue to pray for more members to give time to the church work. Fulfillment in life

is found by giving of ones time to God during life’s travel.

We continue to help those in need as best we can, help Pastor and try to make the Sun-

day Service agreeable to all.

Pastor Matt and Jason have resolved the problem with the lapel mics. They seem to be

working just fine.

If anyone has any issues or ideas to make our worship time better, we are here to lis-


Your Diaconate

The Carillon Page 3

Christian Education

The Sunday School was on recess for the

summer but we have great and exciting

plans for September.

Our Sunday School will begin again on

September 9, 2018. We will be kicking it

off with a breakfast for the children,

their parents and our church family.

This will kick off at 9:00 AM with classes

at 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM. There will priz-

es drawn at the breakfast; 1 prize for a

lady, 1 prize for a man and prizes for a

few children.

We will have a new exciting curriculum

for children aged 4 through 13 years old.

The curriculum includes memory verses,

Bible lessons, games, crafts, word

searches, coloring pages for the younger

ones, and many other fun things.

New this year, we will have several teachers

on a rotation schedule. All adults of the

Sunday School and Nursery Team will have

Security Background Check done, evaluat-

ed and approved by the Christian Educa-

tion Team.

We are praying that this Sunday School

year will be a thriving and engaging pro-

gram for the children of our community.

Matt 19:14

Jesus said, “Let the little children come

to me, and do not hinder them, for the

kingdom of heaven belongs to such as

these.” (NIV).


Board of Christian Education

The Carillon Page 4

June July August

Belmont 1 Unknown 2 Unknown 5

Franklin 57 Belmont 2 Franklin 58

Gilford 1 Franklin 65 Gilford 1

Hill 1 Gilford 2 Hill 2

Northfield 10 Hill 1 Northfield 8

Tilton 6 Laconia 1 Tilton 8

Northfield 6

Tilton 3

Month Totals: 76 82 82

Here are the numbers of families we have served (broken down by town) during the Summer 2018!

One Heart Mission



(Newborn to Size 6)









































Page 5

Mission News

The Carillon

You are the salt of the earth.


Dear Pastor or Mission Leader, Greetings in the name of our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

This year’s World Mission Offering is based on Jesus’ statement to his followers in Matthew

5:13, “You are the salt of the earth.”

Salt, as ordinary and plentiful as it is, possesses a very special and unique power when added

to foods. Unlike any other seasoning, salt unlocks the subtle flavors, enhancing and bringing

new sensations to our taste buds. When our Lord says to his followers, “you are the salt of the

earth,” he is urging them to go into the whole world and enhance the good that he is doing so

others can be touched by the power of the saving grace of God. As followers of Christ, our con-

gregations are the salt of the earth, seasoned with the love of the gospel and called to carry that

love to all the earth.

This World Mission Offering season, we are focusing on three Ministry Priorities: Health and

Wellness, Abolishing Global Slavery and Economic and Community Development. While

this does not include all the ministries of International Ministries, these serve to illustrate

some of what God is doing worldwide through our 120 global servants, 900+ volunteers, 43

home staff and 240+ global Christian partners. Your congregation’s gifts to the World Mission

Offering powerfully connect you to all of the global servants and ministries of the Lord through

International Ministries.

Please join me in praying for our global servants and in giving sacrificially and generously to

the World Mission Offering as the Lord Jesus leads us to give.


Sharon Koh

Executive Director / CEO

The Baptist Church of Franklin is participating in

this offering during the fall. Please give generously by

placing a check, money order or cash in the enve-

lopes provided for you in the back of the pews.

Our Goal is always $500...wouldn’t it be great to

surpass that total. Give the gift of giving

The Carillon Page 6

Library ~ “Read Me” Selection

One young woman must stand up for freedom--and

perhaps find her own in the process.

Orphaned in the cholera epidemic of 1833, Adria Starr

was cared for by a slave named Louis, a man who

stayed in Springfield, Kentucky, when anyone with

means had fled. A man who passed up the opportunity

to escape his bondage and instead tended to the sick

and buried the dead. A man who, twelve years later, is

being sold by his owners despite his heroic actions. Now

nineteen, Adria has never forgotten what Louis did for

her. She's determined to find a way to buy Louis's free-

dom. But in 1840s Kentucky, she'll need all of the cour-

age and strength she possesses--and more. She'll face

an uphill battle.

Editorial -from the back cover

Dear Friend,

May I share a story that is very dear to my heart?

It's a story of hillbillies and simple folk, net casters and

tax collectors. A story of a movement that exploded like a just-opened fire hydrant out of Jerusalem and spilled in-to the ends of the earth: into the streets of Paris, the dis-

tricts of Rome, and the ports of Athens, Istanbul, Shang-hai, and Buenos Aires. A story so mighty, controversial, head spinning, and life changing that two millennia later

we wonder. Might it happen again?

Heaven knows we hope so. These are devastating times: 1.75 billions people are desperately poor; one billion are hungry. Lonely hearts indwell our neighborhoods and

attend our schools. In the midst of it all, here we stand: you, me, and our one-of-a-kind lives. We are given a

choice ... an opportunity to make a big difference during a difficult time. What if we did? What if we rocked the

world with hope?

Worth a try, don't you think? - Max Lucado

The Carillon Page 7

2018 Theme “How To Build A House”

Yard Sale

Upcoming Events

September 9th

Sunday School Kickoff Breakfast 9am

All church members and attendees

are invited to breakfast.

New Sunday School Hours 10am –11am

New curriculum called “Sermons 4 Kids”

Sunday School

Saturday, November 10th

9am to 2pm

To benefit the One Heart Mission

(Please enter on the School St side)

Wednesday, October 31st

5:30pm to 7pm

During the City of Franklin’s

Trick or Treat Hours.

All Children are welcome!

Thanksgiving Dinner

Saturday, November 17th 4:30pm – 6pm

BCF will be hosting a Free Thanks-giving Dinner. All One Heart Mission individuals and our Church Family are invited.

Page 8

Upcoming Events

The Carillon

Harvest Dinner

October 6th 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Cost: Adults $8

Children 3 to 12 years $5

2 years and under Free On the Menu: Pot Roast

Vegetables - Mashed Potatoes, Carrots,

Zucchini & Quash Combo

Dessert - Apple Crisp and Pumpkin Pie

Drinks - Coffee, Tea & Punch

Reserve Dinner in Advance

Send checks or money orders made payable to

"The Baptist Church of Franklin" by October 3rd.

Please note on memo line:

"Harvest Dinner" and the number of attendees.

All others:

Payment will be collected at the door until 6:15 p.m.

Or until food runs out, whichever comes first.

The Carillon Page 9

Women’s Retreat

The Carillon

Women’s Retreat (Sept 14th-16th or 21st-23rd)

A few of us are going the weekend of the 21st –23rd~ “Join Us”.

Hurry spots fill up fast.

This year’s theme: “WITHIN REACH: Connecting with the Things that Matters.” These days, it seems like everything we could ever want is right at our fingertips. With free two-day shipping, meal kit delivery, and smart home devices, our world almost feels boundless. So why is it that, at times, everything and everyone – especially God – feels so far away?

Scripture speaks of the intense closeness of God. Always present and always within reach (or al-

ways close) – literally dwelling inside of us. His answers don’t always arrive within two business

days; He isn’t controlled remotely, but He is ever near and accessible to us. Like we read in Deu-

teronomy 30:11-14, we don’t need to hike to the highest mountains or dive the deepest seas to

draw close to Him. We would experience His presence if we would only reach for Him. Our God

and His promises are closer than our very own hearts – always with-

in reach.


Chris and Stephanie are the husband and wife duo, Out of the

Dust, who began and continue their lives just outside of Nashville,

TN. Their story of downfall, heartbreak, and miraculous redemption

is woven deep into the fabric of their music.

SPEAKER: Crystal Kirgiss is an author, speaker, and teacher who

is passionate about things as diverse as Narnia, Middle Earth, mo-

torcycles, youth ministry, fountain pens, unlined journals, and the

NFL. She teaches writing and literature at Purdue University, is a

regional trainer for Young Life, and speaks to groups of all ages

about matters of faith, discipleship, and the Word. She is the au-

thor of more than 10 books, was a core writer for The Way (New

Living Translation, Tyndale), and was an award-winning newspa-

per columnist before the age of technology. She and her husband

Mark have three grown sons.







Page 10 The Carillon

Man Camp


Raised in New Hampshire, Travis did his undergrad work at Grove City College (Western PA), earned a Mas-

ters of Divinity at Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary (Pittsburgh), and his Doctorate at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (Boston’s north shore).

His style of ministry is “don’t take yourself too serious-ly, take God very seriously.”



Michael Davis serves as the lead pastor of GENESIS Com-

munity Church a rapidly growing church in Woburn, MA. Michael, along with a committed core-team, planted GEN-ESIS in September 2009 with a mission to help all people

walk with God. Michael holds a Master of Divinity degree from Moody Theological Seminary, a Master in Arts and

Religion from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from The Ohio State Uni-versity.

November 2-4 and 9-11, 2018

Activities include:

Archery Tag

Fowling– a football-bowling hybrid

Tailgating BBQ

Field Games

Paintball Course



Price: $170 per person

Until Sept 30th

Pricing increases by $10.

Day Guests: $85

Visit Berea.org to register

Serve & Grow

Page 11

Our Church Praise Team practices are

held each Wednesday at 7pm, except

for the 3rd Wednesday each month. If

you are interested in joining please

contact Barbara Denault or Pastor

Matt Beem. EVERYONE is welcome!!

Praise Practice Men’s Breakfast

Prayer Group

Join us Thursdays at 6:15pm to

pray for our community and church

family. All are welcome. You may

pray in silence or openly with others.

Do you love to eat? Do you like to social-

ize with other men? Thursday morning

Men’s Breakfast is a great way to get to

know one another and have some great

food all at the same time. Join the men on

Thursdays at 9am at the Soda Shoppe

in Franklin.

Discipleship Bible Study

If you are interested in growing deeper into God’s Word, want to

grow spiritually and like fellowshipping with other Christians,

join us each Thursday at 6:45pm.

Please Let Us Know!

If you are an member or regular attendee of the church with a Fall birthday and/or an-niversary but you don’t see your name or your family member’s name here, please

Page 12 The Carillon

Pastor’s Hours

Pastor Matt is happy to meet with anyone in his office Tuesday through Friday 12:00pm-

4:00pm. Please call ahead to be sure he is in the office.

If you need to meet at a different time, Matt will be happy to see you at a time that is more

convenient. Please simply call the church office to make an appointment.

Church Office Hours

Mondays - Fridays

from 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Church Office Hours

Sept 7 Alice Lancaster

9 Carol Huckins

10 Nykie Cohen

21 Barbara Denault

27 Alicia Lemire

Oct 7 Hannah Harrington

12 Kelly Smith

19 Chris Caughey

25 Nathaniel Beem

26 Hayley Huckins

Nov 2 Patsy Lemire

3 Irene Lewis

11 Garrett Harrington

23 Bob Hinds

26 Ryan Smith

28 Elizabeth Colburn

Sept 2 Dick & Tressa Soucier

22 Brian & Elizabeth Colburn

Nov 30 Joe & Carlene Keniston

Fall Birthdays Fall Anniversaries



Page 13 The Carillon

Church Calendar

*Times and events are subject to changed. Please contact the Church Office to be sure.

Thank you!

September 2018

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 One Heart

Mission 9am to


2 3




4 5

Praise Practice


6 Men’s Break-

fast 9am; Prayer

Group 6:15pm;

Adult Bible

Study 6:45pm

7 8

9 Sunday

School Kick off

Breakfast 9am;

Sunday School


10 11 12

Praise Practice


13 Men’s Break-

fast 9am; Prayer

Group 6:15pm;

Adult Bible

Study 6:45pm

14 15


Revival Team


17 18 19

Triboard Mtg


20 Men’s Break-

fast 9am; Prayer

Group 6:15pm;

Adult Bible

Study 6:45pm

21 22


Special Teen



24 25 26

Praise Practice


27 Men’s Break-

fast 9am; Prayer

Group 6:15pm;

Adult Bible

Study 6:45pm

28 29


Page 14 The Carillon

Church Calendar

*Times and events are subject to changed. Please contact the Church Office to be sure.

October 2018

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3

Praise Practice



Men’s Breakfast


5 6 One Heart

Mission 9am to


Harvest Dinner

5pm - 6:30pm

7 8 9 10



Praise Practice



Men’s Breakfast

9am; Prayer

Group 6:15pm;

Adult Bible

Study 6:45pm






Dinner Wrap


15 16 17

Praise Practice


18 Men’s Break-

fast 9am; Prayer

Group 6:15pm;

Adult Bible

Study 6:45pm

19 20

21 22 23 24


Business MTG


25 Men’s Break-

fast 9am; Prayer

Group 6:15pm;

Adult Bible

Study 6:45pm

26 27

28 29 30 31

Trunk N Treat

5:30pm to 7pm

Page 15 The Carillon

Church Calendar

*Times and events are subject to changed. Please contact the Church Office to be sure.

Thank you!

November 2018 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Men’s Breakfast

9am; Prayer

Group 6:15pm;

Adult Bible

Study 6:45pm

2 3 One Heart

Mission 9am to


4 5 6 7

Praise Practice



Men’s Breakfast

9am; Prayer

Group 6:15pm;

Adult Bible

Study 6:45pm

9 10

One Heart Mis-

sion Yard Sale

9am to 2pm

11 12 13 14

Praise Practice



Men’s Breakfast

9am; Prayer

Group 6:15pm;

Adult Bible

Study 6:45pm

16 17

One Heart Mis-

sion Thanksgiv-

ing Dinner

4:30pm - 6om

18 19 20 21

Triboard Mtg




23 24

25 26 27 28

Praise Practice



Men’s Breakfast

9am; Prayer

Group 6:15pm;

Adult Bible

Study 6:45pm


PO Box 306

21 Church Street

Franklin, NH 03235

The Baptist Church Of



Visit Our website!!



[email protected]

We Will Never Change the World

by Going to Church.

We Will Only Change the World

by Being the Church.