Extraordinary Life

Extraordinary Life As born-again people, made Kings and Priests, called to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth, chosen  by God to experience the extraordinary and to fulfill all the will of God for our lives, won't be any way that will lead us to that. As our stay on Earth is temporary and relatively short (if we think in eternity), all the time we have is precious, time is synonymous with lives. If we lose time, we're losing lives to Jesus,  because every second lives are taken to hell. Understan ding that we are called to bring God's life to the lost, which is the universal purpose of God for his people (Mc 16.15), it is advantageous to us to pick up the Expressway. And what is this road? In the PRESENCE of GOD, where we heard the voice of the Almighty. God says in Isaiah 1.19: "If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land", that is, obeying of the Lord’s voice, his advice, his direction, we will obtain the extraordinary. There will be not only food, but we’ll eat what's best; we won’t just survive, but we’ll live everything that the Lord dreamed for us. We'll prove his good, perfect and nice wishes! In Chapter 16 of Psalms, there is a  beautiful de claration of David, which was called t he man a fter the he art of God: I praise the LORD because he taught me well. Even at night he put his instructions deep inside my mind.  I always remember that the LORD is with me. He is here, close by my side, so nothing can defeat me.  So my heart and soul will be very happy. Even my body will live in safety,   because you will not leav e me in the  place of death. You will not let your faithful one rot in the grave.  You will teach me the right way to live. Just being with you will bring complete happiness. Being at your right side will make me happy forever. (Sl 16.7 to 11) David was fully satiated, reinvigorated and instructed in the presence of the Lord. There was the place where he received the direction about what he should to do and, so, might prove continually the true joy. In God was his safety, his peace and the possibility of a life that day after day and forever would be lived full of vigor, delights, of pleasure, of novelty, of constant joy. This is Extraordina ry! We didn't get called to live naturally but Supernaturally, we didn't get called to be locked in a room in depression, but to sit at the table that the Lord prepares daily in his presence. If we seek to hear the voice of God, being in his presence continually, praying and reading his word, we have the answers to everything we do. Therefore, taking the direction of the our father, there is no loss of time, disappointment and confusion. There's no way to live for the Lord, going about what he told us, and we're empty, sad and insecure. God says: "I know what thoughts I have about you, saith the Lord; thoughts of  peace a nd not of ev il, to give you the e nd you des ire "(Jr 29.1 1).

Transcript of Extraordinary Life

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Priests - Sacerdotes

Fulfill –  cumprir, executar

Will - vontade

Willing –  disposto, pronto

Taught - ensinar

Defeat - derrotar

Rot - podridão

Fully - completamente

Delights - delícias