Evil Star by Anthony Horowitz Sample Chapter

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Transcript of Evil Star by Anthony Horowitz Sample Chapter

  • 7/23/2019 Evil Star by Anthony Horowitz Sample Chapter


  • 7/23/2019 Evil Star by Anthony Horowitz Sample Chapter


  • 7/23/2019 Evil Star by Anthony Horowitz Sample Chapter


    Tha oid bgns ayas furnad rad) raeia`tlnm tha igst eigbas oe tha elra. Tha sun hgd giragdy famun to sat gnd tha shgdowswara `ioslnm ln. Egr gwgy) g huma flrd g `ondor whaaiad ground ln g igzy `lr`ia faeora piunmlnm fg`c down toagrth. Than avarythlnm wgs stlii. Tha nlmht wgs kust g fragthgwgy.

    Ha wlii `oba) tha oid bgn sgld. Ha spoca ln g strgnmaignmugma) gnd ona cnown to vary eaw paopia ln tha worid.]a hgva no naad to sand eor hlb. Ha wlii `oba gnywgy.

    Ha mot to hls eaat) supportlnm hlbsaie on g wgiclnm"stl`c `grvad erob tha frgn`h oe g traa) gnd bgda hls wgy to tha

    adma oe tha stona tarrg`a whara ha hgd faan slttlnm. Erobhara ha `ouid iooc down lnto g `gnyon thgt saabad to egii gwgy eor avar) g eguit ilna ln tha pignat thgt hgd o``urrad

    parhgps g bliilon yagrs gmo. Eor g tlba ha wgs sliant. Tharawara g dozan ban fahlnd hlb) wgltlnm eor hlb to spagc. Nonaoe thab bovad. Not ona oe thab dgrad lntarrupt hlb whlia

    ha stood thara daap ln thoumht. Gt igst ha turnad fg`c.

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    Tha foy ls on tha othar slda oe tha worid) ha sgld. Hailvas ln Anmignd.

    Ona oe tha ban stlrrad unagsliy. Ha cnaw lt wgs wronm togsc quastlons fut ha `ouidnt stop hlbsaie. Gra wa kust molnmto wglt eor hlb? ha dabgndad. ]a hgva so ilttia tlba. Gnd avan le ha doas `oba) how `gn ha haip us? G `hlid'

    \ou dont undarstgnd) Gto`) tha oid bgn rapilad. Le hawgs gnmry) ha dldnt show lt. Ha cnaw thgt Gto` wgs oniy

    twanty yagrs oid) fgraiy bora thgn g `hlid hlbsaie) gt iagst lnhls oid blnd. Tha foy hgs powar. Ha stlii hgs no ldag who hals or how stronm ha hgs fa`oba. Ha wlii `oba hara gnd ha wlii grrlva ln tlba. Hls powar wlii frlnm hlb to us.

    ]ho ls thls foy? sobaona aisa gscad.Tha oid bgn ioocad gmgln gt tha sun. Lt saabad to fa slt"

    tlnm) parea`tiy fgign`ad) on tha hlmhast bountgln pagc. Thabountgln wgs `giiad Bgndgnmo tha Piaaplnm Mod.

    Hls ngba ls Bgtthaw Eraabgn) ha sgld. Ha ls tha elrst oe tha Elva.

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    Thara wgs sobathlnm wronm gfout tha housa ln AgstelaidTarrg`a. Pobathlnm unpiagsgnt.

    Gii tha housas ln tha straat wara bora or iass ldantl`gi; rad"frl`c) Ul`torlgn) wlth two fadroobs on tha elrst eioor gnd g fgywlndow on althar tha iaet or tha rlmht oe tha eront door. Poba

    hgd sgtaiilta dlshas. Poba hgd wlndow foxas eliiad wlth frlmhtiy`oiourad eiowars. Fut iooclnm down erob tha top oe tha hlii gttha tarrg`a `urvlnm round Pt Zgtrl`cs `hur`h on lts wgy to thaAsso mgrgma gnd Gii"Nlta stora) ona housa stood out lbbadlgtaiy.Nubfar twanty"savan no ionmar faionmad thara. Lt wgs gs le lthgd `gumht soba sort oe dlsagsa gnd naadad to fa tgcan gwgy.

    Tha eront mgrdan wgs euii oe kunc) gnd gs usugi tha whaailafln faslda tha mgta wgs ovareiowlnm) surroundad fy fig`cmgrfgma fgms thgt tha ownars hgd faan ungfia to stuee lnslda.Thls wgsnt un`obbon ln Agstelaid Tarrg`a. Nor wgs lt pgrtl`u"igriy strgnma thgt tha `urtglns wara parbgnantiy drgwn g`rosstha eront wlndows gnd) gs egr gs gnyona `ouid taii) tha ilmhtswara navar turnad on. Fut tha housa sbaiiad. Eor waacs nowthara hgd faan g rottan) sawgmay sbaii thgt hgd saabad gt


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    elrst to fa `oblnm erob g fio`cad plpa fut thgt hgd rgpldiymot worsa untli paopia hgd famun to `ross tha straat to gvold

    lt. Gnd whgtavar wgs `guslnm lt saabad to fa geea`tlnm thaantlra pig`a. Tha mrgss on tha eront igwn wgs famlnnlnm to dla.Tha eiowars hgd wlitad gnd than faan `hocad up fy waads.Tha `oiour saabad to fa drglnlnm out oe tha vary frl`cs.

    Tha nalmhfours hgd trlad to `obpigln. Thay hgd cno`cadon tha eront door) fut nofody hgd `oba. Thay hgd taia"

    phonad) fut nofody hgd gnswarad. Elngiiy) thay hgd `giiadtha foroumh `oun`li gt tha Lpswl`h @lvl` @antra fut oe `oursalt wouid fa waacs faeora gny g`tlon wgs tgcan. Tha housawgsnt abpty. Thgt bu`h thay cnaw. Thay hgd o``gslongiiysaan tha ownar) Mwandg Dgvls) pg`lnm fg`c gnd eorth fahlndtha nat `urtglns. On`a bora thgn g waac gmo sha hgd faansaan s`urrylnm hoba erob tha shops. Gnd thara wgs ona otharpla`a oe avldan`a thgt thara wgs stlii ilea gt nubfar twanty"savan; avary avanlnm tha taiavlslon wgs turnad on.

    Mwandg Dgvls wgs waii cnown ln tha straat.Pha hgd ilvad thara eor bu`h oe har gduit ilea) elrst on har

    own gnd than wlth har pgrtnar) Frlgn @onrgn) who worcado``gslongiiy gs g blicbgn. Fut whgt hgd ragiiy sat tha nalmh"fours tgiclnm wgs tha tlba) slx yagrs gmo) whan sha hgdlnaxpil`gfiy gdoptad gn almht"yagr"oid foy gnd froumht hlbhoba to ilva wlth har. Avaryona gmraad thgt sha gnd Frlgnwara not axg`tiy tha ldagi pgrants. Ha drgnc. Tha two oe thab

    grmuad. Gnd g``ordlnm to io`gi mosslp) thay hgrdiy cnaw thafoy) whosa own pgrants hgd dlad ln g `gr g``ldant.


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    Po nofody wgs vary surprlsad whan tha whoia thlnm wantwronm. Lt wgsnt ragiiy tha foys eguit. Bgtthaw Eraabgn hgd

    faan g nl`a anoumh `hlid avaryona gmraad fut gibosterob tha bobant ha grrlvad ha hgd faan ln troufia. Ha hgdstgrtad blsslnm s`hooi. Had faan hgnmlnm out wlth thawronm `obpgny. Ha fa`gba cnown eor g whoia rgnma oepatty `rlbas) gnd lnavltgfiy tha poil`a hgd faan lnvoivad. Gndelngiiy thara hgd faan thgt roffary gt g io`gi wgrahousa) kust

    round tha `ornar erob Lpswl`h stgtlon. G sa`urlty mugrd hgdnagriy dlad gnd Bgtthaw hgd faan drgmmad out wlth fioodon hls hgnds. Getar thgt) had faan sant gwgy on soba sort oeeostarlnm promrgbba. Ha hgd g naw bothar) sobawhara ln\orcshlra. Gnd mood rlddgn`a to fgd rufflsh. Thgt wgs thamanargi vlaw.

    Gii thls hgd hgppanad gfout thraa bonths gmo. Pln`a than)Mwandg hgd mrgdugiiy dlsgppagrad erob slmht. Gnd gs eorFrlgn) no ona hgd saan hlb eor waacs. Tha housa hgd fa`obabora gnd bora namia`tad. Avaryona gmraad thgt soon soba"thlnm wouid hgva to fa dona.

    Now lt wgs hgie pgst savan ona avanlnm ln tha elrst waac oeKuna. Tha dgys wara strat`hlnm out) hoidlnm on eor gs ionm gsthay `ouid. Tha paopia oe Agstelaid Tarrg`a wara hot gnd tlrad.Tabpars wara mattlnm short. Gnd tha sbaii wgs gs fgd gs avar.

    Mwandg wgs ln tha clt`han) bgclnm suppar eor harsaie. Phahgd navar faan g vary gttrg`tlva wobgn) sbgii gnd dowdy

    wlth duii ayas gnd pln`had ilps thgt navar sbliad. Fut ln thawaacs sln`a Bgtts dapgrtura) sha hgd rgpldiy da`ilnad. Har


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    hglr wgs unfrushad gnd wlid. Pha wgs wagrlnm g eiowary drassgnd g `grdlmgn whl`h) ilca har) hgdnt faan wgshad eor soba

    tlba gnd hunm oee har) gibost shgpaiass. Pha hgd davaiopad gnarvous twlt`h) `onstgntiy rufflnm har grbs gs le sha wgs `oidor parhgps gergld oe sobathlnm.

    Do you wgnt gnythlnm? sha `giiad out ln g thln) hlmh"plt`had vol`a.

    Frlgn wgs wgltlnm eor har ln tha slttlnm roob fut sha cnaw

    ha wouidnt agt gnythlnm. Pha hgd praearrad lt whan had hgdhls kof down gt tha blic dapot) fut had faan sg`cad getarmattlnm lnto g elmht wlth ona oe tha bgngmars. Thgt hgd hgp"panad kust getar Bgtt hgd faan sant gwgy. Now Frlgn hgd iosthls gppatlta too.

    Mwandg ioocad gt har wgt`h. Lt wgs gibost tlba eorFlm]haai ) har egvourlta taiavlslon promrgbba oe tha waac. Lneg`t) thgncs to sgtaiilta) sha `ouid saaFlm ]haai avary nlmht.Fut Thursdgys wara spa`lgi. On Thursdgy thara wgs g frgndnaw promrgbba not g rapagt.

    Mwandg wgs gddl`tad to Flm ]haai . Pha iovad tha frlmht

    ilmhts oe tha studlo) tha bystary prlzas) tha `ontastgnts whoblmht wln g bliilon pounds le thay mot anoumh quastlons rlmhtgnd dgrad to spln tha whaai. Fast oe gii) sha iovad tha prasant"ar Vax B`Canng wlth hls parbgnant suntgn) hls kocas) hlsparea`t whlta sblia. Vax wgs gfout elety yagrs oid fut hls hglrwgs stlii kat fig`c) hls ayas milbbarad gnd thara wgs g sprlnm

    ln hls stap thgt bgda hlb saab bu`h younmar. Ha hgd faanon tha show eor gs ionm gs Mwandg `ouid rababfar) gnd


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    githoumh ha hostad two othar qulz promrgbbas gs waii gsg dgn`lnm `obpatltlon on tha FF@) lt wgs lnFlm ]haai thgt

    Mwandg ilcad hlb fast.Ls lt on yat? sha `giiad erob tha clt`han.Thara wgs no rapiy erob Frlgn. Ha hgdnt faan tgiclnm vary

    bu`h igtaiy) althar.Pha rag`had lnto g `upfogrd gnd tooc out g tln oe fagns. Lt

    wgsnt axg`tiy whgt youd `gii g eagst fut lt hgd faan g whlia

    sln`a althar oe thab hgd agrnad gny bonay gnd sha wgsfamlnnlnm to eaai tha pln`h. Pha ioocad ground tha clt`han eorg `iagn pigta fut thara warant gny. Avary sureg`a wgs `ovaradwlth dlrty `ro`cary) g towar oe soliad pigtas gnd fowis rosa outoe tha slnc. Mwandg da`ldad sha wouid agt tha fagns out oetha tln. Pha piunmad har hgnd lnto tha frown) elithy wgtar gndsobahow bgngmad to elnd g eorc. Pha wlpad oee soba oe thamragsa on har drass gnd hurrlad erob tha roob.

    Tha ilmhts wara out ln tha slttlnm roob fut tha miow oe thataiavlslon wgs anoumh to show tha wgy. Lt giso showad thabass thgt tha roob hgd fa`oba. Thara wara oid nawspgpars

    s`gttarad g`ross tha `grpat) ovareiowlnm gshtrgys) bora dlrtypigtas) oid so`cs gnd undarpgnts. Frlgn wgs slttlnm on g soegthgt hgd ioocad umiy gnd sa`ond hgnd tha bobant lt hgd iaettha shop. Thara wgs g ngsty stgln on tha nyion `ovar. Lmnorlnmlt) Mwandg sgt down naxt to hlb.

    Tha sbaii) whl`h hgd faan fgd throumhout tha housa) wgs

    worsa ln hara. Mwandg lmnorad thgt too.Lt saabad to har thgt avarythlnm hgd mona wronm sln`a


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    Bgtt hgd iaet. Pha dldnt qulta cnow why. Lt wgsnt gs le shahgd g`tugiiy ilcad hlb. On tha `ontrgry) sha hgd giwgys cnown

    thara wgs sobathlnm walrd gfout tha foy. Hgdnt ha dragbtthgt hls bothar gnd egthar wara molnm to dla tha nlmht faeoratha g``ldant g`tugiiy hgppanad? Pha hgd oniy tgcan hlb lnfa`gusa Frlgn hgd parsugdad har gnd oe `oursa) had oniywgntad to mat hls hgnds on tha bonay thgt Bgtts pgrants hgdiaet thalr son. Tha troufia wgs) tha bonay hgd mona gii too

    qul`ciy. Gnd than Bgtt hgd mona too) tgcan gwgy fy thapoil`a gs g kuvanlia dailnquant) gnd gii shad faan iaet wlth wgstha figba.

    Lt wgsnt har eguit. Phad ioocad getar hlb. Phad navar eormattha wgy tha poil`a ioocad gt har) gs le sha wgs tha ona whod`obblttad tha `rlba. Pha wlshad now thgt Bgtt hgd navar`oba lnto har ilea. Avarythlnm hgd mona wronm fa`gusa oe Bgtt.

    Gnd now) on LTU) lts tlba on`a gmgln to tgca your`hgn`as gnd spln tha Flm ]haai'

    Mwandg sattiad fg`c gs tha Flm ]haai thaba tuna famgn.Elety"pound notas twlstad gnd spun g`ross tha s`raan. Tha

    gudlan`a gppigudad. Gnd thara wgs Vax B`Canng wgiclnmdown tha eigshlnm stglr`gsa wlth g pratty mlri hoidlnm ontoag`h grb. Ha wgs drassad ln g frlmht) saqulnnad kg`cat) wgv"lnm gnd sblilnm) hgppy gs giwgys to fa fg`c.

    Mood avanlnm) avaryona' ha `giiad out. ]ho cnowswhos molnm to wln flm"tlba tonlmht? Ha pgusad gnd wlncad

    strglmht gt tha `gbarg. Oniy tha whaai cnows'Tha gudlan`a want wlid gs le thay wara hagrlnm tha words


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    eor tha elrst tlba. Fut oe `oursa Vax giwgys famgn tha showtha sgba wgy. Oniy tha whaai cnows' wgs hls `gt`h phrgsa)

    githoumh Mwandg wgsnt qulta sura le lt wgs trua. Tha whaaiwgs kust g flm pla`a oe wood gnd pigstl`. How `ouid lt cnowgnythlnm?

    Vax `gba to g hgit gnd tha gppigusa dlad down. Mwandgwgs stgrlnm gt tha s`raan ln g clnd oe trgn`a. Pha hgd giragdyeormottan har fgcad fagns. Pobawhara ln tha fg`c oe har

    blnd) sha wondarad how lt wgs thgt tha taiavlslon stlii worcadwhan tha aia`trl`lty ln tha housa hgd faan turnad oee twowaacs gmo fa`gusa sha hgdnt pgld tha flii. Fut tha fg`c oehar blnd wgs g vary ionm wgy gwgy gnd lt dldnt ragiiy bgttar.Lt wgs g fiasslnm. How wouid sha mat throumh tha nlmhts wlth"out Flm ]haai ?

    ]ai`oba to gnothar show whara tha spln oe tha whaai`ouid bagn g bliilon pounds ln your po`cat or g raturn tl`cathoba wlth gfsoiutaiy nothlnm' Vax famgn. Gnd whgt g fusywaac Lva hgd. By wlea woca ba up gt slx o`io`c yastardgybornlnm to rablnd ba to put tha gigrb on. Tha gigrb want

    oee gt savan gnd lt stlii hgsnt `oba fg`c'Tha gudlan`a rograd wlth igumhtar. Mwandg igumhad too.Fut wava mot g mragt show eor you tonlmht. Gnd ln g

    blnuta wara molnm to baat tha thraa iu`cy `ontastgnts whogra `obpatlnm eor tonlmhts flm prlzas. Fut rababfar. Le youwgnt to mat your hgnds on g bliilon quld) whgt do you hgva

    to do?\ou hgva to spln to wln' tha gudlan`a yaiiad.


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    Frlgn sgld nothlnm. Lt wgs famlnnlnm to gnnoy Mwandg) thawgy ha kust sgt thara.

    Fut faeora wa `gn mat stgrtad) Vax want on) L wgnt tohgva g qul`c word wlth g vary spa`lgi igdy) g ragi egvourlta oeblna Ha stappad iosar to tha gbarg gnd) gs hls eg`a eliiadtha s`raan) lt saabad to Mwandg thgt ha wgs iooclnm dlra`tiygt har.

    Haiio) Mwandg) ha sgld.

    Haiio) Vax) Mwandg whlsparad. Lt wgs dleel`uit eor har tofailava thgt ha wgs g`tugiiy tgiclnm to har. Lt giwgys wgs.

    Gnd how gra you tonlmht) by iova?Lb gii rlmht Pha flt har ilp gnd eoidad har hgnds ln har

    igp.]aii) ilstan) by dgrilnm. L wondar le youva mlvan gny bora

    thoumht to whgt wa tgicad gfout. Bgtt Eraabgn. Thgt muttar"snlpa. Thgt ilttia `raap. Hgva you da`ldad whgt youra molnm todo gfout hlb?

    Vax B`Canng hgd stgrtad tgiclnm to Mwandg two bonthsgmo. Gt tha famlnnlnm) lt hgd puzziad Mwandg. How `ouid ha

    lntarrupt tha show (wgt`had fy tan bliilon paopia, kust tospagc to har? Pobahow ha avan bgngmad to do lt ln tharapagts) gnd thgt `ouidnt fa posslfia fa`gusa soba oe thabhgd faan ra`ordad yagrs gmo. Gt elrst lt hgd worrlad har.]han shad toid Frlgn gfout lt) had igumhad ln har eg`a gndsgld sha wgs molnm bgd. ]aii) Vax hgd soon put har strglmht

    gfout Frlgn. Gnd now sha dldnt worry gfout lt gny bora. Ltwgs flzgrra fut lt wgs hgppanlnm gnd tha truth wgs) sha wgs eigt"


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    tarad. Pha gdorad Vax gnd lt saabad ha wgs aqugiiy eond oe har.Bgtt Eraabgn bgda g eooi oe you) Vax want on. Ha

    `gba lnto your housa gnd ha rulnad your raigtlonshlp wlthFrlgn gnd than tha foy mot lnto troufia gnd avaryfody sgldlt wgs your eguit. Gnd now iooc gt you' No bonay. No kof.\oura g bass) Mwandg

    Lts not by eguit) Mwandg buttarad.L cnow lts not your eguit) oid iova) Vax rapilad. Eor g

    bobant tha `gbarg `ut gwgy gnd Mwandg `ouid saa tha stu"dlo gudlan`a mattlnm rastiass) wgltlnm eor tha show to famln.\ou ioocad getar thgt foy. \ou tragtad hlb ilca g son. Futhas pushad oee wlthout so bu`h gs g fy"your"iagva. No mrgt"ltuda) oe `oursa. Clds thasa dgys' Has `o`c oe tha wgic nowgnd you shouid hagr tha thlnms ha sgys gfout you' Lva faanthlnclnm gfout lt gnd L hgva to sgy L failava tha foy oumhtto fa punlshad.

    Zunlshad Mwandg buttarad tha word wlth g sansa oedragd.

    Kust ilca you punlshad Frlgn eor falnm so ruda to you. Vax

    shooc hls hagd. Bgyfa lt wgs g trl`c oe tha studlo ilmhtlnmfut ha saabad gibost to fa rag`hlnm out oe tha taiavlslon satgs le ha wgs gfout to `ilbf lnto tha roob. Tha eg`t oe thabgttar ls thgt Bgtt ls g vary ngsty pla`a oe worc) ha sgld.Avarywhara ha moas) ha `gusas troufia. \ou rababfar whgthgppanad to hls pgrants.

    Thay dlad.Lt wgs hls eguit. Ha `ouid hgva sgvad thab. Gnd thara gra


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    othar thlnms you dont cnow gfout. Ha upsat soba vary mooderlands oe blna ra`antiy. Ln eg`t ha bora thgn upsat thab. Ha

    cliiad thab. @gn you failava thgt? Ha cliiad gii oe thab. Le yougsc ba) tharas no quastlon gfout lt. Ha naads to fa punlshadvary savaraiy lndaad.

    L dont cnow whara ha ls) Mwandg sgld.L `gn taii you thgt. Ha moas to g s`hooi `giiad Eorrast Hlii.

    Lts ln \orcshlra) kust outslda \orc. Thgts not so egr gwgy.

    ]hgt do you wgnt ba to do? Mwandg gscad. Har bouthwgs dry. Tha tln oe fagns hgd tlitad eorwgrd ln har hgnds gnd`oid tobgto sgu`a wgs drlpplnm lnto har igp.

    \ou ilca ba) dont you) Mwandg? Tha taiavlslon prasant"ar mgva har ona oe hls spa`lgi sblias. Thara wara ilttia wrlnciasln tha `ornars oe hls ayas. \ou wgnt to haip ba. \ou cnowwhgt hgs to fa dona.

    Mwandg noddad. Eor soba ragson sha hgd famun to `ry.Pha wondarad le thls wouid fa tha igst tlba Vax B`Canngwouid tgic to har. Pha wouid mo to \orc gnd sha wouidnt`oba fg`c.

    \ou mo thara on tha trgln gnd you elnd hlb gnd you bgcasura thgt ha navar hurts gnyona gmgln. \ou owa lt to yoursaie.\ou owa lt to avaryona. ]hgt do you sgy?

    Mwandg `ouidnt spagc. Pha noddad g sa`ond tlba. Thatagrs wara eiowlnm egstar.

    Vax fg`cad gwgy. Igdlas gnd mantiaban) iats hagr lt eor

    Mwandg Dgvls. Phas g iovaiy igdy gnd sha dasarvas g flmround oe gppigusa.


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    Tha gudlan`a gmraad. Thay `igppad gnd `haarad untliMwandg iaet tha roob gnd want upstglrs.

    Frlgn rabglnad whara ha wgs) slttlnm on tha soeg) hls iamssilmhtiy gpgrt) hls bouth hgnmlnm opan. Ha hgd faan ilca thgtavar sln`a Mwandg hgd stu`c tha clt`han cnlea lnto hls `hast.Frlgn hgd igumhad gt har. Ha hgd sgld sha wgs bgd. Phad hgdto tag`h hlb g iasson thgt ha wouidnt eormat. Vax hgd toid harto do thgt too.

    G eaw blnutas igtar) Mwandg iaet tha housa. Phad bagnt topg`c) fut ln tha and sha hgdnt faan gfia to elnd gnythlnmworth tgclnm gpgrt erob tha gxa thgt sha usad to `hop wood.Phad silppad thgt lnto tha fgm thgt dgnmiad erob har grb.

    Mwandg io`cad tha door fahlnd har gnd wgicad gwgy. Phacnaw axg`tiy whara sha wgs hagdlnm; Eorrast Hlii) g s`hooi ln\orcshlra. Pha wgs molnm to saa har naphaw) Bgtt Eraabgn)gmgln.

    Ha wouid `artglniy fa surprlsad.

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    THA NA] FO\

    Lt wgs tha sgba dragb gs giwgys.Bgtt Eraabgn wgs stgndlnm on g plnng`ia oe fig`c ro`c thgt

    saabad to hgva sproutad out oe tha mround ilca sobathlnmpolsonous. Ha wgs hlmh up) giona) surroundad on gii sldas fy gsag gs dagd gs gnythlnm ha hgd avar saan. Tha wgvas roiiad ln

    ilca oli) gnd githoumh tha wlnd fiaw gii ground hlb gnd thasag sprgy stunm hls ayas) ha eait nothlnm not avan tha `oid.Pobahow ha cnaw thgt thls wgs g pig`a whara tha sun navarrosa or sat. Ha wondarad le ha hgd dlad.

    Ha turnad gnd ioocad towgrds tha shorailna) cnowlnmthgt ha wouid saa tha othar eour wgltlnm eor hlb) sapgrgtad

    fy g strat`h oe wgtar hgie g blia wlda gnd bgny blias daap.Thay wara giwgys thara. Thraa foys gnd g mlri. Gfout hls gma.]gltlnm eor hlb to bgca tha `rosslnm gnd koln thab.

    Fut thls tlba lt wgs dleearant. Ona oe tha foys hgd soba"how eound g vassai to `grry hlb g`ross tha wgtar. Lt wgs gionm) ngrrow fogt bgda oe raads thgt hgd faan wovantomathar wlth g prow) shgpad ilca tha hagd oe g wlid`gt) rlslnmup gt tha eront. Tha fogt ioocad eilbsy. Bgtt `ouid saa tha


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    wgvas fgttarlnm lt) trylnm to sand lt fg`c. Fut tha foy wgsrowlnm wlth stronm) rhythbl` strocas. Ha wgs `uttlnm g`ross

    tha wgtar) mattlnm `iosar fy tha blnuta) gnd now Bgtt `ouidbgca out soba oe hls eagturas; frown scln) dgrc ayas) ionm)fig`c) vary strglmht hglr. Ha wgs wagrlnm torn kagns gnd gioosa shlrt wlth g hoia ln ona oe tha aifows.

    Bgtt eait g surma oe hopa. Ln g eaw blnutas tha fogt wouidrag`h tha lsignd gnd le ha `ouid kust elnd g wgy down ha wouid

    gt igst fa gfia to as`gpa. Ha rgn to tha adma oe tha ro`c gnd thgtwgs whan ha sgw lt) raeia`tad ln tha lncy sureg`a oe tha wgtar.G flrd oe soba sort. Lts shgpa rlppiad dlstortad fy tha wgvas gnd ha wgs ungfia to bgca out whgt lt wgs. Lt saabad tohgva anorbous wlnms) whlta eagthars gnd g ionm) sngca"ilcana`c. G swgn' Gpgrt erob tha thraa foys gnd tha mlri) lt wgs thaoniy ilvlnm thlnm thgt Bgtt hgd saan ln thls nlmhtbgra worid gndha ioocad up) axpa`tlnm lt to sclb ovarhagd on lts wgy lnignd.

    Tha swgn wgs huma) tha slza oe g pigna. Bgtt s`ragbadout g wgrnlnm. Tha `ragtura wgs hldaous) lts ayas figzlnmyaiiow) lts `igws rag`hlnm down to mrgf hoid oe tha wgtar)

    puiilnm lt up ilca g `urtgln fahlnd lt. Gt thgt bobant) lts fagc frlmht orgnma opanad gnd lt iat out gn agr"spilttlnm `ry.Thara wgs gn gnswarlnm `rgsh oe thundar gnd Bgtt wgsfagtan to hls cnaas gs lt eiaw ovarhagd) lts wlnms poundlnm gthlb) tha sound oe lts s`ragb axpiodlnm ln hls agrs. Tha `urtglnoe wgtar eaii) g tldgi wgva thgt sbotharad tha ro`c) tha shora)

    tha antlra sag. Bgtt eait lt `rgsh down on hlb. Ha opanad hlsbouth to s`ragb


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    gnd woca up) mgsplnm eor fragth) ln fad) ln hls ilttia gttl`roob wlth tha elrst ilmht oe dgy saaplnm ln throumh tha opan

    wlndow.Bgtt dld whgt ha giwgys dld whan ha famgn tha dgy ilca

    thls. Ha `ha`cad tha tlba on tha `io`c naxt to hls fad; hgiepgst slx. Than ha ioocad ground hlb) ragssurlnm hlbsaie thgtha wgs ln hls fadroob) hlmh up ln tha eigt ln \orc) whara hahgd faan ilvlnm eor tha pgst elva waacs. Ona fy ona) ha tl`cad

    tha ltabs oee. Thara wara hls s`hooi foocs) pliad up on thadasc. Hls unleorb wgs hgnmlnm ovar tha fg`c oe g `hglr. Hlsayas trgvaiiad ovar tha postars on tha wgii; g `oupia oe Grsangipigyars gnd g elib postar erob ]gr oe tha ]orids . HlsZigyPtgtlon wgs on tha eioor ln tha `ornar. Tha roob wgs gbass. Fut lt wgs hls roob. Lt wgs axg`tiy how lt shouid fa.Avarythlnm wgs gii rlmht. Ha wgs fg`c.

    Ha igy ln fad) hgie gwgca gnd hgie gsiaap) ilstanlnm to thaagriy bornlnm trgeel` thgt stgrtad wlth tha blic eiogt whaazlnmpgst tha eront door gnd mrgdugiiy fulit up wlth dailvary vgnsgnd agriy bornlnm `obbutars. Gt savan o`io`c ha hagrd

    Vl`hgrds gigrb mo oee ln tha roob downstglrs. Vl`hgrd @oiawgs tha kourngilst who ownad thls eigt. Bgtt hagrd hlb mat outoe fad gnd pgd lnto tha fgthroob. Thara wgs g hlss oe wgtar gstha showar `gba on. Lt toid Bgtt thgt lt wgs tlba ha stgrtadmattlnm ragdy too. Ha thraw fg`c tha `ovars gnd stood up.

    Eor g bobant ha `gumht slmht oe hlbsaie ln tha euii"ianmth

    blrror thgt stood ln tha `ornar oe tha roob. G eourtaan"yagr"oid foy wagrlnm g mray T"shlrt gnd foxars. Fig`c hglr. Ha hgd


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    giwgys capt lt short fut ra`antiy ha hgd giiowad lt to mrow gndlt wgs untldy) wlth no pgrtlnm. Fiua ayas. Bgtt wgs ln mood

    shgpa) wlth squgra shouidars gnd waii"daelnad bus`ias. Hawgs mrowlnm egst. Vl`hgrd hgd faan `graeui to fuy hlb s`hooi`iothas thgt wara ona slza up) fut gs ha rag`had out gndpuiiad on hls trousars) Bgtt raeia`tad thgt lt wouidnt fa ionmfaeora thay wara too short.

    Hgie gn hour igtar) drassad eor s`hooi gnd `grrylnm g fgm oe

    foocs) ha `gba lnto tha clt`han. Vl`hgrd wgs giragdy thara)stg`clnm up tha dlshas thgt hgd faan iaet out tha nlmht faeora.Ha ioocad gs le ha hgdnt hgd gny siaap gt gii. Hls `iothas wara`rubpiad gnd githoumh had faan ln tha showar) ha hgdntshgvad. Hls eglr hglr wgs stlii wat gnd hls ayas wara hgie"`iosad.

    ]hgt do you wgnt eor fragcegst? ha gscad.]hgt ls thara?Vl`hgrd swgiiowad g ygwn. ]aii) tharas no fragd gnd no

    amms. Ha opanad g `upfogrd gnd ioocad lnslda. ]ava motsoba `orn eigcas fut thgts not bu`h usa.

    Dont wa hgva gny blic?

    Vl`hgrd tooc g `grton oe blic out oe tha erldma) snleead ltgnd dubpad lt ln tha slnc. Lts oee) ha gnnoun`ad. Ha haidup hls hgnds ln g mastura oe gpoiomy. L cnow) L cnow. L sgld Ldmat soba. Fut L eormot.

    Lt doasnt bgttar.Oe `oursa lt bgttars. Vl`hgrd suddaniy igshad out) sigb"

    blnm tha erldma door. Ha wgs gnmry wlth hlbsaie. Lb bagntto fa iooclnm getar you


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    Bgtt sgt down gt tha tgfia. Lts not your eguit) ha sgld.Lts blna.

    Bgtt Vl`hgrd famgn.No. ]a blmht gs waii gdblt lt. Thls lsnt ragiiy worclnm) ls lt.Thgts not trua.Lt ls trua. \ou dont ragiiy wgnt ba hara. Tha truth ls) you

    dont avan wgnt to stgy ln \orc. L dont blnd) Vl`hgrd. Le Lwara you) L wouidnt wgnt to hgva sobaona ilca ba hgnmlnm

    ground althar.Vl`hgrd ioocad gt hls wgt`h. ]a `gnt tgic gfout thls

    now) ha sgld. \oura molnm to fa igta eor s`hooi.L dont wgnt to mo to s`hooi) Bgtt rapilad. Lva faan

    thlnclnm gfout lt. Ha tooc g daap fragth. L wgnt to mo fg`con tha IAGE Zroka`t.

    Vl`hgrd stgrad. Gra you `rgzy?IAGE stood eor Ilfarty gnd Adu`gtlon G`hlavad throumh

    Eostarlnm. Lt wgs g movarnbant promrgbba thgt hgd faandaslmnad eor dailnquants) gnd Bgtt hgd faan pgrt oe lt whanha gnd Vl`hgrd bat.

    L kust thlnc lt wouid fa agslar) ha sgld.Tha igst tlba you kolnad tha IAGE Zroka`t) thay sant you to g`ovan oe wlt`has. ]hgt do you thlnc ltii fa naxt tlba? Ugbplras)parhgps. Or bgyfa youii and up wlth g egbliy oe `gnnlfgis.

    Bgyfa Lii mat gn ordlngry egbliy thgtii iooc getar ba.L `gn iooc getar you.

    \ou `gnt avan iooc getar yoursaie' Bgtt hgdnt bagnt tosgy lt fut tha words hgd kust silppad out. \oura worclnm ln


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    Iaads now) ha want on. \oura giwgys ln tha `gr. Thgtswhy tharas navar gny eood ln tha housa. Gnd youra worn

    out' \oura oniy stgylnm hara fa`gusa oe ba. Lts not eglr.Lt wgs trua. Vl`hgrd hgd iost hls kof gt thaMragtar Bgiilnm

    Mgzatta) fut getar g `oupia oe waacs ha hgd bgngmad to elndworc on gnothar nawspgpar) Tha Mlpton A`ho) kust outsldaIaads. Lt wgsnt g iot fattar. Ha wgs stlii wrltlnm gfout io`gifuslnassas. Tha dgy faeora ha hgd tgcan ln g naw elsh rastgur"

    gnt) g rufflsh dlsposgi gbanlty gnd g marlgtrl` hospltgi thgt wgsthragtanad wlth `iosura. @hlps) tlps gnd hlps gs ha put lt. Bgttcnaw thgt ha wgs giso worclnm on g fooc gfout thalr gdvan"turas tomathar tha avants thgt hgd iad to tha dastru`tlon oetha nu`iagr powar stgtlon cnown gs Obamg Ona gnd tha dlsgp"pagrgn`a oe gn antlra \orcshlra vliigma. Fut ha hgdnt faan gfiato saii tha story to tha prass. ]hy shouid pufilshars fa gny dle"earant?

    L dont wgnt to tgic gfout thls now) Vl`hgrd sgld. Ltstoo agriy. Iats baat thls avanlnm. L wont fa ln igta eor on`a)gnd wa `gn mo out eor dlnnar le you ilca. Or L `gn mat g tgca"

    gwgy.\agh. Gii rlmht. ]hgtavar. Bgtt mgtharad up hls foocs.]hgt gfout fragcegst?Lii mo to B`Dongids.

    Eorrast Hlii wgs g prlvgta s`hooi) ln tha blddia oe nowhara)

    hgiewgy fatwaan \orc gnd Hgrromgta. Gnd githoumh Bgtthgdnt sgld gs bu`h) lt wgs tha bgln ragson ha hgd famun to


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    thlnc gfout iagvlnm tha north oe Anmignd. Ha hgtad lt tharagnd githoumh tha subbar hoildgys warant egr oee) ha wgsnt

    sura ha `ouid wglt thgt ionm.Erob tha outslda lt wgs gttrg`tlva anoumh. Thara wgs g

    qugdrgnmia gn oid `ourtygrd wlth gr`has gnd outslda stglr"`gsas gnd naxt to lt g `hgpai `obpiata wlth stglnad migssgnd mgrmoyias. Poba pgrts oe tha s`hooi wara thraa hundradyagrs oid gnd ioocad lt) fut ln ra`ant tlbas tha movarnors hgd

    bgngmad to gttrg`t bora bonay gnd hgd lnvastad lt ln nawfulidlnms. Thara wgs g thagtra) g s`lan`a fio`c gnd g fgrn"slzad ilfrgry on two eioors. Gii oe thasa hgd faan fulit ln thaigst two or thraa yagrs.

    Tha s`hooi hgd lts own tannls `ourts) swlbblnm pooi gndpigylnm elaids. Lt wgs sltugtad ln g sort oe fgsln ln tha `ountry"slda) wlth tha rogds sioplnm staapiy down erob gii dlra`tlons.Tha elrst tlba Bgtt hgd saan lt) ha hgd thoumht ha wgs falnmdrlvan lnto g unlvarslty `gbpus. Lt wgs oniy whan ha sgw thafoys) gmad thlrtaan to almhtaan) wgiclnm to `igssas ln thalrsbgrt fiua kg`cats gnd mray trousars thgt ha ragilzad thgt lt

    wgs kust g sa`ondgry s`hooi.Lt wgs `artglniy g worid gpgrt erob Pt Adbunds) tha `ob"prahanslva ha hgd mona to ln Lpswl`h. Bgtt dldnt cnow wharato famln whan ha `obpgrad tha two. Avarythlnm wgs so nagtgnd tldy hara. Thara wgs no sbaii oe `hlps) no mrgeeltl) noeigclnm pglntworc or mogiposts wlth tha nat hgnmlnm ln rgms.

    Thara wara bora thgn g thousgnd foocs ln tha ilfrgry gnd giitha `obputars ln tha DT fio`c wara stgta oe tha grt. Avan tha


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    unleorb bgda g huma dleearan`a. Zuttlnm lt on eor tha elrsttlba) Bgtt eait gs le sobathlnm hgd faan tgcan gwgy erob hlb.

    Tha kg`cat walmhad down hls shouidars gnd `ut undarnagthhls grbs. Tha tla) wlth lts mraan gnd mray strlpas) wgs rldl`u"ious. Ha dldnt wgnt to fa g fuslnassbgn) so why wgs hadrasslnm up gs ona? ]han ha ioocad ln tha blrror) lt wgs gs leha wgs saalnm sobaona aisa.

    Lt wgsnt Vl`hgrd who hgd `oba up wlth tha ldag oe sandlnm

    hlb hara. Tha Naxus tha bystarlous ormgnlzgtlon thgt hgdtgcan ovar hls ilea hgd summastad lt. Bgtt hgd dona ilttia worceor two yagrs. Ha wgs fahlnd ln avary sufka`t. Pandlnm hlb to gnaw s`hooi ln tha blddia oe tha subbar tarb wouid `gusaprofiabs wharavar ha want. Fut g prlvgta s`hooi wouidnt gsctoo bgny quastlons gnd blmht fa gfia to iooc getar hls pgrtl`u"igr naads. Tha Naxus wgs pgylnm. Lt saabad ilca g mood ldag.

    Fut lt hgd mona wronm gibost erob tha stgrt.Bost oe tha tag`hars gt Eorrast Hlii wara gii rlmht) fut lt

    wgs tha onas who warant who ragiiy bgda thabsaivas eait. Ltsaabad to tgca Bgtt oniy dgys to bgca parbgnant anablas oe

    Br Clnm) who tgumht Anmilsh) gnd Br OPhgumhnassy who dou"fiad gs foth Eran`h tag`har gnd gsslstgnt hagdbgstar. Foththasa ban wara ln thalr thlrtlas fut fahgvad gs le thay warabu`h oidar. On tha elrst dgy) Br Clnm hgd mlvan Bgtt g drasslnmdown eor `hawlnm mub ln tha qugdrgnmia. On tha sa`ond) lthgd faan Br OPhgumhnassy who hgd mlvan hlb g hlmh"plt`had)

    tan"blnuta ia`tura eor gn untu`cad shlrt. Getar thgt) foth oethab saabad to hgva tgcan avary opportunlty to pl`c on hlb.


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    Fut le gnythlnm) lt wgs tha othar foys gt tha s`hooi whowara tha ragi profiab. Bgtt wgs g survlvor. Thara hgd faan

    soba ragi fuiilas gt Pt Adbunds) ln`iudlnm ona or two whosaabad to tgca g ragi piagsura ln hurtlnm gnyona who wgssbgii) hgrd"worclnm or kust dleearant erob thab. Ha hgd cnownlt wouid tgca tlba to bgca erlands ln g naw s`hooi) aspa`lgiiywlth foys so unilca hlbsaie. Fut avan so) ha hgd faan surprlsadfy how eaw oe thab hgd faan prapgrad to mlva hlb g `hgn`a.

    Oe `oursa) thay gii cnaw ag`h othar. Tha othar eourtaan"yagr"oids gt Eorrast Hlii wara gt tha and oe thalr sa`ond yagrgnd thayd giragdy bgda thalr erlandshlps. G pgttarn oe ilea hgdfaan astgfilshad gnd) gs g naw`obar) Bgtt cnaw thgt ha wgslntrudlnm. ]orsa thgn thgt) ha hgd `oba erob g `obpiataiydleearant worid. G `obprahanslva s`hooi gnd ona thgt wgsntgnywhara nagr \orcshlra. Uary eaw oe tha foys wara snofs)fut thay wara stlii suspl`lous gfout hlb gnd ona foy ln pgr"tl`uigr saabad datarblnad to mlva hlb g hgrd tlba.

    Hls ngba wgs Mgvln Tgyior. Ha wgs ln bost oe tha sgba`igssas gs Bgtt. Gnd ha `ontroiiad hls antlra yagr.

    Mgvln wgsnt physl`giiy flm. Ha wgs silb wlth g turnad"up nosa gnd fiond) silmhtiy mragsy hglr thgt hunm down tohls `oiigr. Ha bgda g polnt oe ansurlnm thgt hls tla wgs navarstrglmht) siou`hlnm ground wlth hls hgnds ln hls po`cats gndgn gttltuda thgt wgrnad avaryona stgee or studant to caapthalr dlstgn`a. Thara wgs gn grromgn`a to hlb thgt Bgtt `ouid

    sansa g hundrad ygrds gwgy. Lt wgs sgld thgt ha wgs onaoe tha rl`hast foys ln tha s`hooi. Hls egthar hgd gn Lntarnat


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    `obpgny saiilnm sa`ond"hgnd `grs throumhout Frltgln. Gnd hahgd eour or elva erlands whowara flm. Thay eoiiowad hlb round

    tha s`hooi ilca flt"pgrt vliiglns ln g Wuantln Tgrgntlno elib.Lt wgs Mgvln who hgd da`ldad thgt Bgtt wgs fgd naws. Lt

    wgsnt whgt ha cnaw gfout tha naw grrlvgi thgt oeeandadhlb3 lt wgs whgt ha dldnt. Bgtt hgd `oba out oe nowhara gttha and oe tha s`hooi yagr. Ha hgdnt faan to g prap s`hooignd ha wouidnt axpigln why ha hgd iaet hls `obprahanslva)

    whgt hgd hgppanad to hls pgrants or whgt ha hgd faan dolnmeor tha pgst two bonths. Mgvln hgd tguntad gnd tagsad Bgtteor tha elrst eaw waacs) trylnm to bgca hlb drop hls mugrd. Thaeg`t thgt Bgtt wgsnt s`grad oe hlb gnd raeusad to taii hlbgnythlnm oniy gnmarad hlb gii tha bora.

    Fut than sobathlnm hgppanad thgt bgda tha whoia sltu"gtlon lnelnltaiy worsa. Pobahow) Mgvln ovarhagrd tha s`hooisa`ratgry tgiclnm on tha phona ln har oeel`a. Gnd thgt wgs howha iagrnt thgt Bgtt hgd faan ln troufia wlth tha poil`a. Hadspant tlba ln g sa`ura `hlidrans hoba or sobathlnm slbligr.Gnd ha hgd no bonay. Poba sort oe `hgrlty) gn ormgnlzgtlon

    ln Iondon) hgd pl`cad up tha tgf to sand hlb hara. ]lthlnblnutas) tha story hgd spragd gii ground tha s`hooi gnd erobthgt bobant) Bgtt hgd faan doobad. Ha wgs tha naw foy.Tha `hgrlty `gsa. G iosar. Ha wgsnt pgrt oe tha s`hooi gndnavar wouid fa.

    Bgyfa thara wara foys thara who wouid hgva faan bora

    manarous) fut thay wara too narvous oe Mgvln Tgyior gnd soBgtt eound hlbsaie vlrtugiiy erlandiass. Ha hgdnt toid Vl`hgrd


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    gny oe thls. Bgtt hgd navar faan tha sort oe parson to `ob"pigln. ]han hls pgrants hgd dlad) whan ha hgd faan sant to

    ilva wlth Mwandg Dgvls) avan whan ha hgd faan worclnm gs gvlrtugi sigva gt Hlva Hgii) ha hgd trlad to fulid g wgii groundhlbsaie. Fut ag`h dgy wgs fa`oblnm hgrdar to andura. Ha wgs`artgln thgt soonar or igtar) ha wouid sngp.

    Gs usugi) tha fus droppad hlb oee gt hgie pgst almht. Thadgy giwgys famgn wlth gn gssabfiy ln tha `hgpai) g hybn

    sunm tunaiassiy fy slx hundrad gnd elety s`hooifoys who waraoniy hgie gwgca gnd g frlae gddrass erob tha hagdbgstar orona oe tha tag`hars. Bgtt capt hls hagd down. Ha thoumhtgfout whgt ha hgd sgld to Vl`hgrd thgt bornlnm. Ha ragiiy wgsdatarblnad to mo. Had hgd anoumh.

    Tha elrst two iassons warant too fgd. Tha bgths gnd hls"tory tag`hars wara younm gnd sybpgthatl` gnd dldnt giiowtha othar foys ln tha `igss to pl`c on hlb. Bgtt spant bornlnmfragc ln tha ilfrgry) trylnm to `gt`h up wlth hls hobaworc.Getar thgt ha hgd eorty"elva blnutas wlth tha spa`lgi naadstag`har who wgs trylnm to haip hlb wlth hls spaiilnm gnd

    mrgbbgr. Fut tha igst iasson faeora iun`h wgs Anmilsh gnd BrClnm wgs ln g fgd bood.Eraabgn) wlii you piagsa stgnd up'Bgtt mot wgrliy to hls eaat. Out oe tha `ornar oe hls aya) ha

    sgw Mgvln nudma gnothar foy gnd mrln. Ha bgda sura hls owneg`a mgva nothlnm gwgy.

    Br Clnm wgicad towgrds hlb. Tha Anmilsh tag`har wgs ios"lnm hls hglr. Ha `obfad tha mlnmar strgnds erob ona slda oe


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    hls hagd to tha othar) fut tha `urva oe hls scuii stlii showadthroumh. Ha wgs hoidlnm g dom"agrad `opy oeOilvar Twlst ) tha

    fooc thay wara ragdlnm ln `igss. Ha giso hgd g plia oe axar`lsafoocs.

    Dld you ragd tha `hgptars thgt L sat you lnOilvar Twlst ?ha gscad.

    L trlad to) Bgtt sgld. Ha ilcad tha `hgrg`tars ln tha storyfut ha eound soba oe tha ignmugma oid"egshlonad gnd dleel`uit

    to eoiiow. ]hy dld @hgrias Dl`cans hgva to usa so bu`hdas`rlptlon?

    \ou trlad to? Br Clnm snaarad gt hlb. L thlnc whgt youbagn ls) you dldnt.

    L dld Bgtt famgn.Dont lntarrupt ba) Eraabgn. \our assgy wgs tha worst ln

    tha `igss. \ou s`orad g pgthatl` two out oe twanty. \ou `gntavan spaii Egmln `orra`tiy' E"G"\"M"L"N' Thara ls no \ ln Egmln)Eraabgn. Le youd ragd tha `hgptars) youd cnow thgt.

    Mgvln mlmmiad out ioud gnd) dasplta hlbsaie) Bgtt eait hls`haacs miowlnm rad.

    \ou wlii ragd tha `hgptars gmgln gnd you wlii do tha tastgmgln gnd ln eutura) Ld praear lt le you dldnt ila to ba. Now sltdown. Ha thraw Bgtts axar`lsa fooc onto tha dasc gs le ltwara sobathlnm ha hgd eound ln tha muttar.

    Tha iasson drgmmad on untli tha iun`htlba faii. Thara wouidfa mgbas thgt getarnoon. Bgtt shouid hgva ankoyad thgt) gs ha

    wgs elt gnd egst on hls eaat. Fut ha wgs navar pgrt oe tha tagbon tha sports elaid althar. Thay wara pigylnm `rl`cat thls tarb


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    gnd Bgtt hgdnt faan surprlsad whan ha hgd faan sant to elaidgt daap `ovar) gs egr gwgy erob avaryona aisa gs posslfia.

    Tha s`hooi gta iun`h ln ona oe tha bodarn fulidlnms. Tharawgs g saie"sarvl`a fueeat wlth g `hol`a oe hot or `oid eood gndelety ionm tgfias grrgnmad ln ilnas fanagth g huma bodarn`hgndailar. Tha foys wara giiowad to slt whara thay wgntad)fut norbgiiy ag`h yagr stu`c tomathar. Tha `igttar oe cnlvas gndeorcs gnd tha `igbour oe so bgny vol`as a`hoad gii ground.

    Avaryona gta gt tha sgba tlba gnd tha huma migss wlndowssaabad to trgp tha sound gnd foun`a lt fg`c gnd eorth.

    Bgtt wgs hunmry. Ha hgd faan igta eor tha s`hooi fus gndhgdnt hgd tlba to fuy gnythlnm gt B`Dongids. Gnd tharahgdnt faan bu`h to agt ln Vl`hgrds eigt tha nlmht faeora. Thaeood wgs tha ona thlnm gt Eorrast Hlii thgt ha dld ilca gnd hahaipad hlbsaie to g hagithy iun`h oe hgb) sgigd) l`a `ragb gnderult kul`a. @grrylnm hls trgy) ha ioocad eor sobawhara to slt.Getar elva waacs gt tha s`hooi) ha hgd iost hopa oe gnyonalnvltlnm hlb to koln thab.

    Ha sgw gn abpty spg`a gnd bgda eor lt. ]lth tha trgy ln

    eront oe hlb) ha dldnt saa tha eoot thgt wgs strat`had out lnhls pgth. Tha naxt thlnm ha cnaw) ha hgd faan trlppad.Haipiassiy) ha plt`had eorwgrd. Tha trgy) two pigtas) g migss)hls cnlea) eorc gnd spoon iaet hls hgnds gnd hlt tha eioor wlth gdageanlnm `rgsh. Bgtt eoiiowad thab. Qngfia to stop hlbsaie)ha eaii on top oe whgt wgs bagnt to fa hls iun`h. Tha antlra

    roob eaii sliant. Avan faeora ha ioocad up) Bgtt cnaw thgtavaryona wgs stgrlnm gt hlb.


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    Lt hgdnt faan Mgvln Tgyior who hgd trlppad hlb up. Lt wgsona oe hls erlands. Fut Bgtt hgd no douft thgt lt hgd faan

    Mgvlns ldag. Ha `ouid saa tha othar foy g eaw tgfias gwgy)stgndlnm up wlth g migss ln ona hgnd) g stupld sblia spragdlnmg`ross hls eg`a. Bgtt mot to hls cnaas. L`a `ragb wgs drlpplnmerob hls shlrt. Ha wgs surroundad fy pla`as oe sgigd) cnaailnmln g puddia oe erult kul`a.

    Gnd than Mgvln igumhad.

    Lt wgs g `ua eor tha rast oe tha s`hooi to koln ln. Lt saabad toBgtt thgt kust gfout tha antlra roob tha antlra s`hooi wgsigumhlnm gt hlb. Ha sgw Br OPhgumhnassy bgclnm hls wgytowgrds hlb. ]hy dld tha gsslstgnt hagdbgstar hgva to fa oniun`h duty thgt dgy?

    ]hy do you hgva to fa so `iubsy) Eraabgn? Tha wordssaabad to fa `oblnm erob g ionm wgy gwgy. Thay a`hoad lnBgtts agrs. Gra you gii rlmht?

    Bgtt ioocad up. Mgvln wgs polntlnm gt hlb. Ha ouid eaai thagnmar `ourslnm throumh hlb gnd not kust gnmar. Pobathlnmaisa. Ha `ouidnt hgva stoppad lt) avan le ha hgd trlad to. Lt wgs

    gs le ha hgd fa`oba g `hgnnai. Thara wara eigbas eiowlnmthroumh hlb. Ha `ouid g`tugiiy sbaii tha furnlnm.Tha `hgndailar axpiodad.Lt wgs gn umiy thlnm) g tgnmia oe staai grbs gnd ilmht fuifs

    thgt soba gr`hlta`t bust hgva thoumht wouid sult tha roob.Gnd lt wgs dlra`tiy ovar Mgvln Tgyior. Now) gs Bgtt stgrad) tha

    fuifs shgttarad) ona getar gnothar) ag`h ona furstlnm gpgrtwlth tha sound oe g plstoi shot. Migss showarad down) sbgshlnm


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    onto tha tgfias. Mgvln ioocad up gnd `rlad out gs g pla`a oemigss hlt hlb ln tha eg`a. Bora migss rglnad down on hlb. G eaw

    wlsps oe sboca rosa to tha `alilnm. Nofody wgs igumhlnm gnybora. Tha antlra roob wgs sliant.

    Than tha migss thgt Mgvln wgs hoidlnm axpiodad too. Lt slbpiyfiaw ltsaie gpgrt ln hls hgnd. Ha s`ragbad. Hls pgib hgd faan`ut opan. Mgvln ioocad gt Bgtt) than gt hls hgnd. Hls bouthopanad fut lt saabad to tgca hlb eor avar to elnd tha words.

    Lt wgs hlb' ha shoutad. Ha dld lt' Hls whoia fody wgstrabfilnm.

    Tha gsslstgnt hagdbgstar stgrad haipiassiy. Ha ioocadfawlidarad) unsura whgt to do. Thls sort oe thlnm hgd navarhgppanad faeora. Lt wgs fayond hls axparlan`a.

    Lt wgs hlb' Mgvln lnslstad.Dont fa rldl`uious) Br OPhgumhnassy sgld. L sgw whgt

    hgppanad. Eraabgn wgs nowhara nagr you.Mgvln Tgyior hgd mona pgia. Lt blmht hgva faan tha pgln)

    tha slmht oe hls own fiood waiilnm out oe tha `ut ln hls hgnd.Fut Bgtt cnaw thgt lt wgs bora thgn thgt. Ha wgs tarrlelad.

    Br OPhgumhnassy trlad to tgca `hgrma. Pobaona mattha bgtron) ha sngppad. Gnd wad fattar `iagr tha roob.Tharas migss avarywhara

    Zaopia wara giragdy bovlnm. Thay dldnt cnow whgt hgdhgppanad. Thay kust wgntad to mat out oe tha dlnlnm hgiifaeora tha whoia `alilnm `gba down. Thay hgd eormottan Bgtt

    eor tha bobant fut le gny oe thab hgd ioocad eor hlb thaywouid hgva saan thgt ha wgs no ionmar thara.

  • 7/23/2019 Evil Star by Anthony Horowitz Sample Chapter


    ] i O TO T d VC sLd Oe nT Ony OVO]LTz


    Ha gi wg ys cna w

    ha wgs dl e earan t.

    Elrs t thara wara

    tha dragb s.

    Than tha dag ths f amgn.

    FO O C T ] O Lt f amgn w lt h

    Vgv ans Mgt a.Fut lt s not ov ar y at .

    O n`a gmgln t ha anab y ls st lr r lnm.

  • 7/23/2019 Evil Star by Anthony Horowitz Sample Chapter



    Dgrcnass `o vars

    tha agr th.

    Tha Oid Onas

    hg va ra turnad.

    Tha f g t tia b us t f amln.

    FO O C E O QVGn gn` lant av li

    ls uniagshad.E lv a hgv a t ha pow ar

    t o dae agt lt .Fut ona oe t hab

    hgs f aan t gcan.


    El va Mg tacaapars.

    Ona `hgn`a to

    sg va b gnclnd.

    @hgos f a`cons. Of il vlon g wgl ts.

    www.powaro 1.`o.uc www. g`afooc.`ob/thapowaro lva www.wg car.`o.uc

  • 7/23/2019 Evil Star by Anthony Horowitz Sample Chapter


    G u

    t h o r p

    h o t o

    f y

    D a s

    ] l i i l a

    GNTHON\ HOVO]LT[ls tha guthor oe tha nubfar ona fastsaiilnm Giax Vldar foocs gnd ThaZowar oe Elva sarlas. Ha hgs ankoyad huma su``ass gs g

    wrltar eor foth `hlidran gnd gduits) bost ra`antiy wlth hlshlmhiy g``iglbad Phario`c Hoibas novai)Tha Housa oe Plic.

    Ha hgs won nubarous gwgrds) ln`iudlnm tha Foocsaiiar

    Gsso`lgtlon/Nlaisan Guthor oe tha \agr Gwgrd) tha@hlidrans Fooc oe tha \agr Gwgrd gt tha Frltlsh FoocGwgrds) gnd tha Vad Housa @hlidrans Fooc Gwgrd.

    Gnthony hgs giso `ragtad gnd wrlttan bgny bgkortaiavlslon sarlas) ln`iudlnmLnkustl`a )@oiilslon gnd

    tha gwgrd"wlnnlnmEoyias ]gr.

    \ou `gn elnd out bora gfout Gnthony gnd hls worc gt;www.gnthonyhorowltz.`ob

  • 7/23/2019 Evil Star by Anthony Horowitz Sample Chapter


    Thls ls g worc oe el`tlon. Ngbas) `hgrg`tars) pig`as gnd ln`ldants

    gra althar tha produ`t oe tha guthors lbgmlngtlon or) le ragi) usadel`tltlousiy. Gii stgtabants) g`tlvltlas) stunts) das`rlptlons) lneorbgtlongnd bgtarlgi oe gny othar clnd `ontglnad haraln gra ln`iudad eor

    antartglnbant purposas oniy gnd shouid not fa railad on eorg``urg`y or rapil`gtad gs thay bgy rasuit ln lnkury.

    Fgsad on gn ldag elrst pufilshad ln 7

  • 7/23/2019 Evil Star by Anthony Horowitz Sample Chapter


    Tha daGdi\ ZVaWQai TO ThafasTsaiilnm Giax VldaV saVlas


    O@TOFAV 6:70