Evaluation question one part two


Transcript of Evaluation question one part two

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The camera shots and camera angels also played an important role of reflecting forms and conventions of real media products. From the information and ideas I gathered from the analysis and research of teaser trailers with the same genre as my product, I found that Thriller/Action films use a variety of camera shots and angles in order to emphasise the genre in the most suitable way. According to my research, the use of medium shots and close-ups were the main camera shots and angles used with teaser trailers that have the same genres of my product. In relations to the two teaser trailers I analysed, I found that both used close-ups when trying to stress the facial expressions of characters, especially the main characters. For example in the ‘Seven’ teaser trailer I analysed the first shot of the clip was a medium close-up of Brad Pitt which therefore underlined the fact that he was one of the main characters alongside with highlighting his facial expression. I used this method of emphasise of facial expressions with my own teaser trailer when introducing the characters to the audience and used the same shot at 1:20 which was one of the main scenes that I believe engaged the audience and reflected the genre and the roles of the characters. It creates tension and mystery towards the narrative. The emphasis of facial expressions of the characters via camera shots and angles enabled the audience to reflect and react upon the emotional state of each character.

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I used text transitions such as ‘The quest for a fantastic thriller has intensified’, ‘Michael Turner’, ‘Aylin Bastas’ and ‘Coming Soon’ within my own teaser trailer. I especially analysed the way ‘The Silence Of The Lambs’ used text transitions and concentrated more on the name of the character rather than other texts like the ‘Seven’ teaser trailer. I purposely didn’t want to use a lot of texts so that I don’t distract the audience, I wanted to engage the audience with the action rather than the text. However I think the use of text helped to explain parts of the narrative. I chose to do my text in white lettering using a range of font sizes with each text. I particularly chose to do the title of my teaser trailer as the most highlighted text in order to portray the importance of this feature. During my editing process, I used fades to maintain the effect of continuity similarly in the two teaser trailers I have analysed. This was another way of how I related my product to real media conventions.

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For my poster, I again followed the forms and conventions of real media products in order to reflect a professional outcome. To begin with I established both the characters names ‘Aylin Bastas’ and ‘Michael Turner’ on the bottom right hand corner of the page to make the audienfce aware of the two main characters. I used the font Stencil Regular at 50pt for ‘AYLIN BASTAS’ and Stencil Regular at 60pt in order to emphasise that Michael Turner is the significant character.

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When looking at the three posters I have analysed, the credits from the posters ‘Reserviour Dogs’ and ‘Terminator 3’ are placed on the bottom of the page in a very small font unlike the ‘Black Swan’ poster which is still placed in the bottom of the page but is clear for the consumers to read. On my own poster I reflected on how the posters ‘Reserviour Dogs’ and ‘Terminator 3’ placed the credits; which is placed on the bottom of the page using a very small font which enabled it to be the most unattractive feature in the layout overall.

I reflected this method with my own product in order to abide the importance of echoing real media conventions. Similarly to the ‘Black Swan’ poster, I made the font of the credits on my product a bigger font compared to the ‘Reserviour Dogs’ and ‘Terminator 3’ posters as I wanted my poster to reflect to all three posters I analysed. I used the font Charlemagne bold at 21pt for AYLIN BASTAS, BILAL SALLI, MEHMET BASTAS and MICHAEL TURNER which were all the significant names of the producer, the directors and the characters. I used the font Big Caslon medium at 24pt for the word PRODUCTION and 18pt for the rest of the words. I chose to use various fonts and font sizes with my credits in order to portray the importance of each word. Hollywood credits are used in many film posters in order to advertise production companies, directors, writers and other essential roles.

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Credits from my poster product

Credits from the ‘Terminator 3’ poster

Credits from the ‘Black Swan’ poster

Credits from ‘Reserviour Dogs’ poster

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I decided to make the colour of my title white in a bigger size than all the texts on the page. I placed it on a black background to make it the focus point for the audience. I also placed an age rating icon on the bottom right hand corner underneath the characters name, the purpose of this is to make the audience aware of the preferred audience for my product.

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The picture for my poster is a shot from my teaser trailer; I chose to do it this way as I wanted all my products to have a link between them, all reflecting each other. I chose the image to be a shot reflecting the climax point in my teaser trailer in order to make the poster more interesting as I chose not to make the poster detailed similarly to the ‘Terminator 3’ poster I analysed. Whilst editing on Photoshop, I took great care in keeping the image exactly the same as it is in the teaser trailer and therefore didn’t apply any type of effect on the image. Alternatively, my finished film poster product being a screen shot from my teaser trailer brings across a strong image that completely reflects this.

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Alongside with all my other products, my magazine front cover also uses forms and conventions of real media products as I based my research on professional mainstream film magazines and acknowledged their used to produce print products. I closely analysed three magazine front covers from Sight and Sound, Empire and Total Film. I used Total Film as an example to recreate my magazine front cover using near professional standards.

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Firstly I decided to use the same font ‘Eagle Bold’ for the main cover line of my magazine cover being ‘Total Film’. I also used a similar size and font to the Total Film layout in order to make my product more professional. However in the ‘Inception’ magzine front cover, the ‘Total Film’ is placed behind the main image of Leonardo DiCaprio, I decided to make the main cover line one of the focus points on the page rather than the image, this was to promote the producton company to the consumers. Similarly to the professional product, I added a website for those who don’t want a printed copy. Alternatively, the magazine print industry may benefit from this and expand consumerism of their product.

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In order to continue the link with all my products I used another screen shot from my teaser trailer as my magazine front cover. It is a medium shot of the character ‘Aylin Bastas’. This is once again to engage all consumers and mainly to promote the film. The image uses conventions of a Thriller as the overall appearance seems very mysterious and one of the reasons for this is because the characters face is not visible. The tag lines, cover lines, and the overall layout helped me to adhere to conventions of a real magazine front cover.

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Main cover line

Web page

Title of the film


Used for advertising purposes

Barcode and price

Main image

Tag lines and cover lines

Two main characters names