Evaluation: question two

Evaluation: Question Two Mia Harrison How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Transcript of Evaluation: question two

Evaluation: Question Two

Mia Harrison

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

• I have used a teenage male model for the cover of my magazine. He isn't over posed and it looks very casual, as well as the brick wall background which makes it even more laid back. This will make it relatable to my audience. The model hasn’t been airbrushed or photo shopped to change his appearance.

• I have used specific house style colours, yellow for example, to make it a recognizable brand. This will appeal to the audience as it is what they know from pervious and future issues of the magazine. The colours connote my genre very well and this compliments the brick wall background, which makes it look rustic and laid back.

• Clothing is laid back and will appeal to my target audience. The grey t-shirt compliments the house style as it is a featured colour within the rest of the magazine. The use of a shirt over this compliments the genre and adheres to what my audience likes to see.

• I have placed the headlines and cover lines within the bricks of the background, I think this makes it a little more interesting and clever and will attract the eye of my audience.

• On my contents page I have two feature images, the first being the background image of the page. This image is off a young teenage girl, who is very attractive and will appeal to both a male and female audience. There is also an attraction the the outfit which the model is wearing. It is very laid back and cool which represents my target audience correctly.

• The second image on my contents page is from the main article featured in my magazine. This image is smaller than the other, but still attracts the audiences attention. The sunglasses on this image is the only materialistic thing which has changed on this image compared to the one on the actual article.

• Below the mast head is a banner with posters of upcoming music festivals which are all within the genre of indie.

• The banner at the bottom of my contents page fits with the house style of my magazine.

• When I was creating my magazine I wanted to try and convey originality through not only the way I presented it but with the content I wanted to include. I created a double page spread of an older musician who was in a very popular band from the 90’s. On the cover page I have included an image of the main member of the band who the article is based around. Then I have used images of his family and former band members.

• I have used two colours in the background to split up the text. This makes it easier for the audience to read and understand without it being an overwhelming amount of text.