Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience? The first way I attracted my audience was through the masthead. I used a sans serif, capital font in bright orange against a black and white background in order for it to stand out among other magazine on a magazine stand. One of the main ways that I attracted my audience on my cover was through the use of a competition to win a pair of festival tickets. I knew from my audience research that going to festivals was a key interest throughout my audience so this promotion would be something that would be very appealing. It also stands out through the use of the contrasting black and white on top of the orange, circular background. Cover lines were also a way that I attracted my audience. I included names of many different artists on the bottom of my cover in order to appeal to the widest possible audience. This is due to the fact that my audience enjoys listening to a wide variety of music genres. I also used a pull quote and cover lines which represent a ‘tell all’ interview. My audience like to be the first to know about any gossip so they can share it with other fans on social media so by advertising exclusive gossip, it may tempt the reader to buy the magazine. The use of colours and writing style on my cover could attract my audience. The black box underneath the large orange headline with white cover lines stands out with the picture as the main feature of the cover. The alliteration in the headline is also catchy and the use of the well known phrase is something that the reader is able to associate with. Again, that fact that they are going to see something new and exciting

Transcript of Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience? The first way I attracted my audience was through the masthead. I used a sans serif, capital font in bright orange against a black and white background in order for it to stand out among other magazine on a magazine stand.

One of the main ways that I attracted my audience on my cover was through the use of a competition to win a pair of festival tickets. I knew from my audience research that going to festivals was a key interest throughout my audience so this promotion would be something that would be very appealing. It also stands out through the use of the contrasting black and white on top of the orange, circular background.

Cover lines were also a way that I attracted my audience. I included names of many different artists on the bottom of my cover in order to appeal to the widest possible audience. This is due to the fact that my audience enjoys listening to a wide variety of music genres.

I also used a pull quote and cover lines which represent a ‘tell all’ interview. My audience like to be the first to know about any gossip so they can share it with other fans on social media so by advertising exclusive gossip, it may tempt the reader to buy the magazine.

The use of colours and writing style on my cover could attract my audience. The black box underneath the large orange headline with white cover lines stands out with the picture as the main feature of the cover. The alliteration in the headline is also catchy and the use of the well known phrase is something that the reader is able to associate with. Again, that fact that they are going to see something new and exciting may entice them to make a purchase.

How did you attract/address your audience? The main image on my cover both attracts and addresses my audience. The fact that the model is looking directly at the camera is a way of addressing the audience as it immediately establishes a connection between the reader and the magazine. This image may be attractive to my audience as the males will find her attractive and the females may aspire to look like her. However, the fact that she has bold, intense make up on and her expression is rebellious may shock the audience as this artist is known for being the golden girl of pop. This reinvention of her image may attract my audience as they may want to be the first people to know all about it.

I took careful consideration into the pricing of my magazine in order for the product to remain attractive to my target audience. The target social class for my magazine is mainly B/C1 which means that they have some disposable income. This meant that £3.99 for a monthly magazine with a large amount of content is affordable to my target audience.

The colour scheme is also a way in which I attracted my target audience. I chose the colours orange, black and white which are all contrasting colours and stand out against each other. I decided to use orange as the main colour which makes up the mastheads and main titles. This is because its bright and vibrant so is eye catching without being gender restricting. Keeping this colour scheme gives the magazine a clear house style.

The layout of my magazine is also a way that I tried to attract my audience. I wanted to create a simplistic, identifiable layout that was as easy to read as possible. This is because my audience are not regular magazine readers so therefore, my magazine had to be visually appealing and easy to read.

How did you attract/address your audience? The contents page of my media product is a good way of seeing how I addressed my audience. I used 5 images in order to break up the text which makes the text easier to read. The images of individuals are all addressing the camera, immediately forming a connection. They also all represent a different music genre which is an effective way to easily appeal to many different people at once.

I chose an informal writing style due to the fact that my magazine is aimed at a young adult audience (16-25). I used words such as ‘hottest hangouts’ in order to give the text a more relaxed feel. However, I used proper grammar because my audience consists of students who have been through or are still in education.

On my double page spread, I chose to have a question and answer type article in order for it to be more exciting to the reader as it incorporates different voices and not just narrative. It also allows the writing style to be more relaxed as it is the representation of a conversation rather than a properly written article. The use of this interview is effective as it is almost as if the artists featured are addressing the audience, again, establishing a connection.