Evaluation question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

Transcript of Evaluation question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

I attracted and addressed my audience to make the magazine suitable for them by creatively using the mise-en-scene. Firstly I did this by using colours that I used such as the bright contrast of red and white. I did this because I know that bright colours usually attract young people’s (my target audience’s) eyes and will hopefully persuade the person looking at the magazine to buy it. I also used the colours effectively by then putting the dark black colour into my magazine pages. I did this to highlight certain things on the page to draw my audiences eyes to it. This will therefore help the magazine to fulfil its purpose, which is to make more sales, and so will consequently generate more money. Below shows how |I have used bright colours to attract my target audience’s eye.

Other ways in which I used the mise-en-scene to my advantage was by using the prop on the front cover (which was the guitar). This demonstrates to the reader that the magazine is a music one. I used this method to imply that my magazine is a music magazine because it is a very common code and convention of a music magazine. This method is also appealing to my audience because people in the age range of 15 to 19 like to see musical instruments on the front cover because it makes the page seem more interesting. Below shows how I used incentives to attract my target audience.

Further to attract my audience, on my double page spread, I wrote the question of the interviewer, followed by the bands response to the question, with a line space between each question and answer. The reason I did this is because I know that when I carried out my questionnaire, a lot of people said that they don’t like reading magazines with writing. So it seemed more appropriate to do questions and answers instead of a big paragraph because I didn’t want to over face my audience with writing. Also, using the paragraphs helps to split up the text, which consequently makes the reader feel like they’re not reading to much as so they won’t get board. Furthermore, I got a band on my double page spread that are the same age as my target audience, because this addresses and will aspire my audience into buying the magazine. In addition, the incentives that I have used will attract my audience into buying my magazine, because I myself would be persuaded by buying a magazine if there were good incentives in it. Below shows how I split the information on the page on the double page spread to attract my audience.