Evaluation question 2 finito

Evaluation Q2 - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Transcript of Evaluation question 2 finito

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Evaluation Q2 - How effective is the

combination of your main product and

ancillary texts?

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What Is My Main Product?

• My main media product consisted of constructing a promotional music video. I had the freedom to choose a genre in which was R&B and carried out a range of different research into aspects of the music industry to ensure it resembled a video at a professional level. This is a performance based music video entitled ‘The Motion’ that explores the difficulties of a loving relationship taking a turn for the worst.

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What are my ancillary text?• My ancillary text include my Digi pak and a Digi advert which are crucial in terms of assisting the

promotion of my music video. The main of the Digi pak is to increase the sales of the artists music

material. The Digi advert however focuses on helping to ensure the awareness of the album is

raised mainly before the release of the album as well as during its first couple of weeks.

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Typology : Digi Pac

There is minimal wording on the front of the Digi pak which aims to maintain focus on the star image and brand

identity which will of course assist in encouraging audiences to purchase it . It also Provides a platform for Curly

‘defined handsome appearance to be analysed by the consumers which will generally be my target audience of

young females . However there are two key terms seen on the front cover and these of course include the name

of the artists as well as the albums name. The name of album also entitles the name of the prominent soundtrack

of the album as well as being the soundtrack of my music video (The Motion)This is a common convention that

is usually skilfully done as record labels as well as artist use a song that has already been released and has

immense success and therefore will draw in audiences to identify as well as make positive associations with the

album in general.

This is the case for my Digi pak as by implementing the name of the latest music vide o and song it will quickly

allow my audiences to make connections with the video and song leading them to want to purchase the digipak

hoping that this favourable approach will reflect through the rest of the album.

However the font of the artist name ‘Curly’ is seen in a much smaller font .The font which is highly emphasised by

the curvaceous ‘Y’ that mirrors the meaning of the artist name and this will act as a brand style connection in

which when audiences see they will contently link it to curly. This builds up his image as well as helps him

establish himself in a industry that artist struggle to explore authenticity but however get caught up in a continuous

cycle of replication that everyone follows lacking a unique quality.

The font for the title of the album differs as it is presented in a strong spacious manner and based on this the

font helps to provide reinforcement of dominance in terms of being of authoritative power he must stand alone.

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Typography : Digi Advert

The wording and font are slightly different on the advert. The

wording on the advert is seen in block capitals in much bolder

text and this is because there is more information to comprehend

about the sale of the Digi Pak so therefore it is key audience take

notice of all the important pieces of information and including

how they link to my other products:

• The release date – this is highly important as it informs

audiences when the Digi pak will be available to them. Due to

holding such significance it is in bold positioned right at the top

the advert to instantly grab the audiences attention as without

this being recognised it holds no purpose.

• Website – Able to find exclusive features here including

videos & possibly never seen before footage as well as

displaying my promotional video.

• Social networking sites linking to the artist – audiences can

keep up with the artist daily as well as helping to fullfill their

social needs of social integration and significantly this will be

used as a promotional platform to display my digi advert which

will positively translate in to album sales

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Choice Of ImageThe image seen on platforms of my promotional product are a medium close up of the artist with a quiet serious gesture as his

eyebrow is slightly raised but however is quiet seductive and sensual due to his particular masculine features such as his

prominent jaw line and this helped in attracting female audiences as these features are the modern day fetishes and these


• The Hair:

Curly's hair is neatly slicked back to give vital attention to his face as it is fundamental for audiences to be able to recognises

him and establish himself within their memory.

• Mise en scene:

The garments in which curley is seen in are all black to match the mood of the album. Simply based on the fact that this is a

R&B genre which constantly ensures that they keep up with the latest trends it was vital for me to present my artist in clothing

that was current including a designer black leather biker jacket that gives off the idea that he may have an affluent lifestyle

which will instantly permit him with a high status . Black clothing also shares connotations of authority in which I wanted to

establish so these types of associations can be made with him in order to successfully and effectively build up his star image

.Location wise the image was taken in the studio when we had filmed some of our footage for our main media product which

was highly authentic as it caught him in performance mode.

• Jawbones and check bones

These facial features again are favoured by female audiences as they also enhance the theme of masculinity and the way in

which the camera manages to highlight such features. These defined features play an active role in his strikingly attractive

looks as well as creating a sense of seduction.

• Close up:

The medium close up generates an instant relationship between the artist and audiences and this is increased further through

the fact that it feels as if curly is staring directly at you. This personal interaction not only makes the individual feel special but

also they have gained recognition from their ‘crushes’ or just someone who is of such high status. The importance of the close

up is also vital as it means that this is one of the first thing consumers sees which is easily identifiable as well as central focus

to generally maintain on this image with the intention of enticing its audiences.

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Colour Scheme

The colour scheme is simple yet effective. The background is seen in black with a black and white theme accompanied by

white wording. The black and white theme is similarly associated with a grey scale theme and is crucial as it assist in setting

a mood that will produce an emotional connection with my audiences. The suttle and intense aura gained from this black and

white theme not only creates a highly professional look but it also plays a role in giving audiences an insight into the albums

genre as well as musical content as this is a major convention not only used in Digi paks but also R&B music videos and

due to the immense level of emotion it provokes it links to the main topic s of that R&B concepts focusing on love and

hardships. The wording is seen in white and stands out against the prominent black background as it is hugely vital for

audiences to easily be captivated by. White has connotations of being the colour of perfection due to its relations of being

pure and clean and this connects to my Digi pak in 2 ways:

1. Perfection is a key part of his star image and this is amplified by his good look as well as manly defined features

(bearded , defined jaw and check bones)- the industry has no place for mistakes or artist that have any signs of

imperfections as this will possibly tarnish them in numerous ways such as not being influential or important in which case

will negatively impact sales.

2. In terms of the musical material the white helps to also emphasise the idea of the quality of the music to standards of

perfection which of course cater to my target audiences of aspires who seek the choice of consumer goods on the basis

of quality

The black background again reinforces his dominance but also creates a clear platform for audiences to focus on the artist

as there are no distractions in the background. As well as being able to analyse the star image the black background also

allows the white wording to boldly stand out.

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The Inside Cover And How This Relates

To Brand Identity?• The inside of the album consists of a message to the artist fans and generally thanks them for being loyal fans as

well as supporters. This fullfill social needs as audiences will feel a sense of belonging as well as being recognised

by an artist . In terms of the artists personality it showcases qualities that are highly positive including being grateful

and humble as celebrity's forget about the moral bases of what got them to their places within society and again

adds another element of positivity to curly’s star image and brand identity that he is an appreciate young male which

overall helps to increase his likability factor and therefore leading people to look at him in an inspirational light and

therefore purchase the album. This encourages audiences to then watch the music video to see how these

mannerisms reflect through his performances within the video. It is common sense that without building a likable

brand image it is difficult to have a positive impact on audiences as it will clearly reflect in the sales of the Digi pak.

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Comparisons To Real Life Media


Rihanna's loud album cover as well as the advert uses the same star image in which is a key convention that I decided to follow.

The music video that is seen also uses this star image as it is a single off the album called ‘California King Bed’. Not only is it

instantly replicated throughout these various media products to help instil a memorable image amongst her audiences . It is easily

identifiable and this is seen through her strikingly bright red hair as well as matching her red lipstick which works to emphasise

her sex appeal through the male gaze theory. This is similarly seen within my media product as I chose an image that holds some

sort of significance in terms of being memorable to represent my products throughout in multiple platforms in order to strengthen

my brand identity. The star image was seen both in my music video , my digi pak and digi advert therefore when audiences

explore either my ancillary text or my music video they are able to make direct links which of course help to benefit all my

products but majorly for the digipak as it will benefit in terms of revenue . It also maintains the same theme throughout in terms of

the colour scheme and typology.

The close up of Rihanna seen

with red hair is implemented

throughout her promotional

packaging which enables it to

become instilled to audiences.

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Character And How This Adjusted To My

Brand Identity?The character of my artist consist of young male who is aged 19 .Due to the fact he is young this helps him to be able to relate to youthful audiences as he can easily understand the particular issues that the youths channel and therefore connect on a more authentic level . Due to this image seen in my ancillary text as well as my main product audiences can tell that he has a youthful look heightening the connection between Curley and audiences as well as their reaction to my media products. It is clear the Curley who plays the role of the main character within my media products was replicated throughout and this of course was to ensure audiences could make direct links between the different elements of my promotional packaging as well as being memorable and being easily identified which will help audiences to establish my artist Curly as an influential mainstream artist that will overall assist in his brand image becoming known amongst the industry which will of course underpin his brand identity at the same time. It is also important exploring the appearance of the character that is positioned throughout my promotional package as it connects to carry out the fascination of my audiences mainly the female audiences who will be enticed by Curly’s attractive looks that are amplified by his facial hair , strong check bones and jawlines that are all associations of masculinity and are used to represent this ideology of dominance that Curley withholds.

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Direct Links Between the combination of my main

media product and my Ancillary Products?

All include the same star image which serve three important


1. Instilling this image in to the minds of audiences

2. Strengthening brand identity

3. Easily identifiable as links between the products come into

existence by audiences

Through the black and white background seen within both

the ancillary products and main product a suttle and emotional mood is set and this helps to establish the

mood of the album content being about emotional topics

including love and relationships.

Typology in ancillary products but are

implemented into the music video as title screens at the

beginning of the music video . This will effectively

become associated with the artist curly which will assist

in the brand identity development.

Consistent colour scheme of black and white seen in all products which all help to enforce dominance and


The main product serves to promote the Digi pak

and in support of this the Digi advert acts a promotional tool in

assisting the outcome of album sales.

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Yes No

Do You Think The Ancillary Texts Works Well Together?





Yes No

Do You Think That The Ancillary Text Work Well With The Music





Yes No

Would You Buy This Album?

In order to help gain insight into whether my products were truly affective I

decided to ask 15 individuals who fell into my target audience age group of 18-25

year olds about my products to see what they thought about the combinations in

terms of efficiently working together.

Displayed in this evidence from my target

audience is that majority thought that both my

Digi pak as well as my advert combined

together effectively which was aimed at the Digi

advert promoting the Digi pak successfully

which seemed to have been achieved.

This particular question helped me to understand

if all three products worked together and majority

stated yes and this outcome could be potentially

be based on the fact that I stuck to a consistent

theme throughout my media products including

the same brand image , colour theme as well as

typology. These features functioned to help

maintain close ties between the products.

This question acts as a concluding question as it is

the ultimate purpose of my products to encourage my

target audience to buy the album. Everyone stated

yes which proves that all products achieved their aim

in different ways as each product functioned to help in

the process in various ways and all served their

purpose as all the individuals would buy the album.