Evaluation question 1

Front cover The colour scheme The reason being for the pages colour scheme only consisting of red, white and black is because I was inspired by the White Stripes (Detroit band) on the front of a NME magazine front cover as I wanted to make a magazine front cover that would be basic but at the same time have a theme and style to it as I believed this would make it more recognizable and memorable to the viewer, another way I took inspiration was the band the White Stripes had a theme of three colours red, white and black which they got there idea from the colour of there instruments, what I thought I would do is I thought I would also do something like this where the magazine colour scheme was the same colour as the models instrument it just so happened Coincidentally that the guitar the model has on is the same as them three colours. The main image The main image was inspired by a NME magazine front cover of the White Stripes it showed the band preforming which was were I got the idea for the photograph, the reason being I have used music equipment such as the electric guitar and microphone is so that the viewer automatically associates it with rock music or music in that genera, the reason the model is looking away from the camera and is looking in the distance is to give of the illusion that they have an audience in front of them at the same time this is the reason that there is a brick wall behind the model as this is to give the effect that the model is playing on a stage and that he is in a club, all of these as a result adds a sense that the model is a real rock artist actually preforming this as a result makes the magazine look more official, when it comes to the facial expression the model is trying to look as though they are listening to something they have heard in the audience and as though they are looking past the side of there microphone. The masthead The masthead was inspired by The Doors (rock band) logo when it comes to the fount type (Braggadocio) was the closest I could find to look like there logo, the reason being I choose to be inspired by this fount type is because The Doors were a 1960s/1970s band when there was a lot of more creative and more artists bands who took there music passionately meaning by having this font type I believe that the viewer will see the masthead as we naturally scan from top to bottom, they will then associate it with the band which will make them think of that decayed of rock bands and make them think that this magazine is about real bands that play instruments and are artists instead of a pop singers for example who make easy listening music that’s more played in the background, in other words it is a way of making my magazine make its viewers know what it is going to cover without them actually reading anything. The sell lines The first two lines up until ”Dark Assemble” is a reference to what people thought was going on in the early 90s with genera's such as Grunge and Britpop emerging from America and Britain and dominating the music mainstream, this is what I was inspired by for that part of the sell line where it says “IS THERE A NEW MUSIC SCENE IN BRITAIN? MUSIC TO BE REBORN WITH NEW GENRES?” the reason being I said this as well is so that older audiences will be attracted as they will have heard this story before and it will make them question if this new scene is any similar making them pick it up, the next half talks about new music by fictional bands which names were created The layout The layout is very basic this is so that it looks as though it is for a more mature audience and one that doesn't’t need an in your face style with bright colours to lure the reader in such as magazines like KERRANG!, what I have also done is due to the angling of the model I have put the text more to the right side of the models face, the reason being I did this is due to what it says “BREAKING THE MAINSTREAM LIKE GLASS!” the idea behind this was that the model or artist is looking away from the attention reason being I did this in the layout and the photo is because I was hoping that it would make the viewer think more about the magazine as they are viewing it as well as make them question and then hopefully there curiosity would make them pick it up, for the style of layout I was inspired by NME as they targeted a lot more older audiences and had a lot more basic mature style another reason was I knew how I could make a magazine in there style with the software's and equipment I had available to me. The headline and date The headline is placed on a area of the main image were there is nothing there but black and so it fits around how the model is posed for the main image, I did this to use space wisely as the main image couldn't’t be edited very much I also did it so that when they (the viewer) look at the main image they have to look at the headline so in a a way I am trapping the viewer to reading it making the magazine grab there attention if they look at the main image, the date is placed above and is in “Abadi MT Condensed Extra Bold” the same as the headline the reason being is so the magazine looks a lot more tidier and professional as it looks as those it is for a more mature target audience that likes a more tidier professional looking magazine. The target audience and how it appeals: The way which I have made my magazine appeal more to my target audience is by including a theme and style which makes it very easy to tell that it is targeted at a more rock genre audience or one that looks more in depth at music were they might play instruments or buy multiple albums by the artist, how I have made the magazine not appeal to people who are not into the genera is by using a colour scheme that is a lot darker and due to the colour red being associated with such topics like blood and pain it gives of a lot more darker vibe then that of a pop targeted magazine with bright colours, I have also made the model look anti not rock by making the model wear a leather jacket and have big hair, these two features were strongly associated with the 1960s with artists such as Jim Morrison and Elvis Presley making the viewer know that it is targeted at rock because of these features. The barcode, website and price: The price of the magazine is at a price were if you look at the number of pages on the content page you will know that you are getting your moneys worth in terms of pages, at the same time it is at a price were I believe my target audiences which is 13 or older can afford and wont feel as though they are not getting there moneys worth, the barcode is at the bottom right of the page and is the style of NME’s magazine the reason being is so that it fits the rest of the pages style, the website name is very basic (www.RAD!O.com) the reason being is I wanted the magazine to look like it was appealing to a more older target audience by not including anything such as social networks as I believe by including this may may put of an audience that is older from my magazine, these three features will be at the bottom of the page in the right corner. What inspired me when it came to this front cover? On the left is my final magazine front cover and on the right is the magazine which I was inspired by, what I think I did well and like is that theme of a basic rock band in the sense you see instruments and the artists and that is all you see there is no fancy background or technology that is playing the music, this as a result makes my magazine appeal more to those who are in bands or play instruments and look at music with a lot more passion and want to turn it into there career, at the same time I think as a result in general this will appeal more to those who are into real music artists, such as The White Stripes ect, as they could discover a band who's music they enjoy and want to cover some of there material which is another reason it appeals to my target audience more.

Transcript of Evaluation question 1

Page 1: Evaluation question 1

Front coverThe colour schemeThe reason being for the pages colour scheme only consisting of red, white and black is because I was inspired by the White Stripes (Detroit band) on the front of a NME magazine front cover as I wanted to make a magazine front cover that would be basic but at the same time have a theme and style to it as I believed this would make it more recognizable and memorable to the viewer, another way I took inspiration was the band the White Stripes had a theme of three colours red, white and black which they got there idea from the colour of there instruments, what I thought I would do is I thought I would also do something like this where the magazine colour scheme was the same colour as the models instrument it just so happened Coincidentally that the guitar the model has on is the same as them three colours.

The main imageThe main image was inspired by a NME magazine front cover of the White Stripes it showed the band preforming which was were I got the idea for the photograph, the reason being I have used music equipment such as the electric guitar and microphone is so that the viewer automatically associates it with rock music or music in that genera, the reason the model is looking away from the camera and is looking in the distance is to give of the illusion that they have an audience in front of them at the same time this is the reason that there is a brick wall behind the model as this is to give the effect that the model is playing on a stage and that he is in a club, all of these as a result adds a sense that the model is a real rock artist actually preforming this as a result makes the magazine look more official, when it comes to the facial expression the model is trying to look as though they are listening to something they have heard in the audience and as though they are looking past the side of there microphone.

The masthead The masthead was inspired by The Doors (rock band) logo when it comes to the fount type (Braggadocio) was the closest I could find to look like there logo, the reason being I choose to be inspired by this fount type is because The Doors were a 1960s/1970s band when there was a lot of more creative and more artists bands who took there music passionately meaning by having this font type I believe that the viewer will see the masthead as we naturally scan from top to bottom, they will then associate it with the band which will make them think of that decayed of rock bands and make them think that this magazine is about real bands that play instruments and are artists instead of a pop singers for example who make easy listening music that’s more played in the background, in other words it is a way of making my magazine make its viewers know what it is going to cover without them actually reading anything.

The sell lines The first two lines up until ”Dark Assemble” is a reference to what people thought was going on in the early 90s with genera's such as Grunge and Britpop emerging from America and Britain and dominating the music mainstream, this is what I was inspired by for that part of the sell line where it says “IS THERE A NEW MUSIC SCENE IN BRITAIN? MUSIC TO BE REBORN WITH NEW GENRES?” the reason being I said this as well is so that older audiences will be attracted as they will have heard this story before and it will make them question if this new scene is any similar making them pick it up, the next half talks about new music by fictional bands which names were created

The layout The layout is very basic this is so that it looks as though it is for a more mature audience and one that doesn't’t need an in your face style with bright colours to lure the reader in such as magazines like KERRANG!, what I have also done is due to the angling of the model I have put the text more to the right side of the models face, the reason being I did this is due to what it says “BREAKING THE MAINSTREAM LIKE GLASS!” the idea behind this was that the model or artist is looking away from the attention reason being I did this in the layout and the photo is because I was hoping that it would make the viewer think more about the magazine as they are viewing it as well as make them question and then hopefully there curiosity would make them pick it up, for the style of layout I was inspired by NME as they targeted a lot more older audiences and had a lot more basic mature style another reason was I knew how I could make a magazine in there style with the software's and equipment I had available to me.

The headline and dateThe headline is placed on a area of the main image were there is nothing there but black and so it fits around how the model is posed for the main image, I did this to use space wisely as the main image couldn't’t be edited very much I also did it so that when they (the viewer) look at the main image they have to look at the headline so in a a way I am trapping the viewer to reading it making the magazine grab there attention if they look at the main image, the date is placed above and is in “Abadi MT Condensed Extra Bold” the same as the headline the reason being is so the magazine looks a lot more tidier and professional as it looks as those it is for a more mature target audience that likes a more tidier professional looking magazine.

The target audience and how it appeals: The way which I have made my magazine appeal more to my target audience is by including a theme and style which makes it very easy to tell that it is targeted at a more rock genre audience or one that looks more in depth at music were they might play instruments or buy multiple albums by the artist, how I have made the magazine not appeal to people who are not into the genera is by using a colour scheme that is a lot darker and due to the colour red being associated with such topics like blood and pain it gives of a lot more darker vibe then that of a pop targeted magazine with bright colours, I have also made the model look anti not rock by making the model wear a leather jacket and have big hair, these two features were strongly associated with the 1960s with artists such as Jim Morrison and Elvis Presley making the viewer know that it is targeted at rock because of these features.

The barcode, website and price:The price of the magazine is at a price were if you look at the number of pages on the content page you will know that you are getting your moneys worth in terms of pages, at the same time it is at a price were I believe my target audiences which is 13 or older can afford and wont feel as though they are not getting there moneys worth, the barcode is at the bottom right of the page and is the style of NME’s magazine the reason being is so that it fits the rest of the pages style, the website name is very basic (www.RAD!O.com) the reason being is I wanted the magazine to look like it was appealing to a more older target audience by not including anything such as social networks as I believe by including this may may put of an audience that is older from my magazine, these three features will be at the bottom of the page in the right corner.

What inspired me when it came to this front cover?On the left is my final magazine front cover and on the right is the magazine which I was inspired by, what I think I did well and like is that theme of a basic rock band in the sense you see instruments and the artists and that is all you see there is no fancy background or technology that is playing the music, this as a result makes my magazine appeal more to those who are in bands or play instruments and look at music with a lot more passion and want to turn it into there career, at the same time I think as a result in general this will appeal more to those who are into real music artists, such as The White Stripes ect, as they could discover a band who's music they enjoy and want to cover some of there material which is another reason it appeals to my target audience more.

Page 2: Evaluation question 1

Content pageThe colour schemeThe colour scheme of my content page is done to continue the theme of the three colour style which was inspired by the magazine being the same colour as the guitar, unlike the front cover however I have made this page so that the colours make the page look a lot mor brighter and lively in the sense of the ways which they have been used in the layout, on top of this it also gives my magazine a theme that continues throughout it making it more memorable for the viewer, The difference between the content and the front cover as well is that the main image in the content page is in colour compared to the front cover where it is in black and white, this was so that this page would seem a lot more lively and welcoming to the viewer as well it would make the page look different and stand out more as its own page.

The number of pagesThe numbers in the page are what are the numbers my magazine should have for the price that it is at with the highest page number being 45 and the lowest number seen on this page being 12, the purpose of this was to show variety and to let the viewer know how much they are getting for how much they have paid, on top of this the fount is very basic for the numbers as well as the size and colour this is to make it basic as possible so that the viewer doesn't have a hard time quickly finding them, each number is also next to a topic which is smaller than the number by a bit so that the number isn't to in the way of it because obviously the viewer wants the information just as much as the number page for what more of that information is on.

Main image The main image was to show the model as though they where in the middle of a performance and as though the photograph had been taken in the middle of that performance by a fan which why the model looks as though they are performing with all they have got its supposed to be as though they are doing it in front of a group of people, the reason for this is it creates a sense that it's real and that this is a real artist on a real music magazine , this as a result makes the viewer think when they see this image who is this artist and what is he like making the viewer ask questions and want to know more about the magazine, the props the model has on them also play a big part of this as they have a guitar on and are posed as though they are singing down a microphone.

The layoutThe layout is broken up into two sides this is to make the page more organised and easier for the viewer to find what they are looking for, at the same time each side has different sub headings with the left side talking about the artist in the main image and live events and then the right side talking about reviews, news and coming soon the reason being this four sub images is because I believe that these are the most general ones which you would see on a content page as well as I didn't want to cramp the page to the point where you struggled to read the information because there was simply to much, above the two sides is the ,sat head and beside it telling you what the page has to offer however it doesn't tell you everything the page has to offer as this is so the viewer is required to look at the page if they actually do want to know more there for as a result dragging the viewer in, the sub headings are also in a fount which I believe is easiest to understand and is clear so that the viewer knows what section they are to look at almost immediately for what they want to know.

The MastheadThe masthead reads "RAD!O PRESENTS" this is so the magazine is almost welcoming the viewer as it is presenting itself for you to look at this page and see what it has to offer, the "RAD!O" part is to continue a theme through the magazine making the magazine look more official at the same time it is a good way of getting the viewer to remember your magazine name if they read it a few times on different pages without realising this, beside the magazines masthead is "CONTENTS, NEWS AND REVIEWS!" the reason there is an exclamation mark is so that the viewer sees this as excitement and sees it as the magazine wanting to tell you and make it as though the viewer wants to know making the page drag the viewer in before they have even read what is on the page.

What made me be inspired by this content page?What inspired me by this content page is how it is the same colour scheme or a similar one to my front cover meaning that you turn to that page you still have the vibe you are looking through the same magazine as the style continues, this as a result strengthens my magazines theme, on top of this another element I liked which I was inspired by is how the main image is of a real music artist as they are playing instruments meaning that when the viewer goes to this page they get the idea it isn't just the front cover and that the hole of the magazine is dedicated to music that is played with instruments and just in general that rock style genre, another element I liked was the simplicity as I believe due to my target audience age being around teen years to older that if there is to much content it could possibly put them of as they are young and are (in stereotype) unlikely to read every little detail, so as a result by simplifying it means that hopefully they will have read what they want to know before they lose interest at the same time it’s a content page which I have always seen as a map page in the sense you use them to get around the magazine quicker meaning by simplifying it I believe I make it more effective in terms of what the pages job is.

Other areas which it inspired me was in the main image as both consist of a vocalist on a mic playing a guitar, on top of this the layouts are in a L like shape referring back to what I said about how I find this to be very basic and easier on the younger audience while at the same time still appealing to the older one, something which I am not so much a fan of the main image simply because the pose was there but the camera angle wasn't resulting to in effecting the overall attitude of the page however at the same it is a small element or feature of the magazine as I like the rest of the results to how the magazine turned out.

Page 3: Evaluation question 1

Double page spreadThe main imageThe main image was supposed to give the effect of a different time during a performance where the model has taken of the guitar and is giving it all they have got using only there vocals at the same time this was also trying to be a rather chilling photo as it is a lot more distorted compared to the other two main photos on the front cover and the content page, this was achieved (distortion) through a lot of Photoshop use on the colours and shading as well as cropping the image and even placing other features of the double page spread over certain areas to give it that bit more effect. The sub imagesThe sub images are in the same style as the main image as well as are even taken in the same room with similar lighting to get a similar effect, this was done so that the page had a dominant theme and didn't look stuck together randomly but much rather thought out and cleverly planned out, the first sub image shows the model as though they are doing a solo on the guitar this is so the page has a variety of photos that were taken during the performance making it seem a lot more real and official for the model as an artist and the music magazine as an official one, the second sub image is to look as though the model is tuning the guitar before the show as it says in the photo description above it this is why it was taken at a different angle and has a lot more of a different approach in terms of what the model is wearing and what the viewer can see, this was to show a different timing in terms of that show and a different atmosphere as the other two images are set after this one.

The quoteThe quote "WE'RE TRYING A NEW WAVE OF OUR OWN SOUND!" was inspired by the rock band Nirvana the way which they inspired this quote was how each three of there albums had a different style take to it as the first album was metal then new wave and then noise rock, the quote was supposed to show a band that is a real band in the sense like Nirvana they are creative and trying out new ideas and sounds and styles this as a result would hopefully make the viewer read the quote and then maybe see a resemblance to bands such as that and make them think of this artist as maybe being the next of them making the reader want to know more about the artist and how they are this way and what it is going to be like, there is also a small detail I included which is if you read just the words in red it says "NEW WAVE OWN SOUND!" I thought this would be a small detail for those who are really into the artist to read and almost be given a hint to what the new sound is going to be that being new wave.

The page numberThe page number is very small and is in the bottom left of the page and is numbered 39 this is because this page number wasn't on the content page so it isn't getting in the way of my work on my content so I don't have to change anything on that page to make this one be alright next to this is the name of the magazine "RAD!O" this was put there because the majority of magazines do it on there double page spread.

Photo credits article creditThe photo credit is placed on the left side of the page as well as the article credit this is so they do not seem like the main focus of the page and are not very big in the sense that the viewer is supposed to not see them and are meant to focus on the double page spread which they provided photos and information for, above the sub images and below for the main image is information about the photo in small boxes saying what the model is doing this is for the audience in case they can not tell what the model is doing they are only small that it isn't what is attraction the attention of the viewer and that way they only see it by actually looking at the image they are interested in.

The information and the "NEWS" sectionThe information is broken up in to two sections this is so that it is lined up with the two subs images below it making the page look a lot more tidier and professional as it makes it look a lot more organised and planned, one feature which I thought I would do is I have included a sub heading in the middle of the second column this is for those viewer who just want to know what the quote is talking about and not the back story to it all saving the viewers time if they only want to know one piece of information, the news section in the top left corner is for those who would like to know a lot more information by visiting the social networks and websites and which ones the magazine has.

What inspired me about the double page spread?What inspired me about this double page spread was the lighting as the darkness to the background and on the model in the photograph was something which I thought I could achieve when it came to taking my models photographs, as a result at the same time it continues the theme of the black white and red being the only main colours in the magazine strengthening the magazines theme and style, another element I was inspired by was the multiple photographs were there is different timings, the reason this inspired me was because it almost creates more of a sense that it is real and it almost gives it more life as you get the idea that these are real music artist as they are seen through the photos doing different things resulting in the magazine having more depth and being more interesting.

I also liked how much attention the double page spread gives to the one artist as it really gave me an opportunity to create my model in the sense of as an artist and who they are and really create an aura around them that the viewer can read and build up a picture in there head of who the artist is and what surrounds them.