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COPYRIGHT Author’s full name : Muhamad Hafiz Bin Mohamad Rizal Date of Birth : 27 August 1996

Title : Evaluation of the Signalised Junction Performance at Jalan Pontian Lama-Pulai Skudai, Johor

Academic Session : 2018/2019 I declare that this thesis is classified as:

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A project report submitted in fulfilment of the

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School of Civil Engineering

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Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

MAY 2019



I declare that this project report entitled “Evaluation Of The Signalised Junction

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Date : 23 MAY 2019



To my beloved family.

Thank you all the support and encouragement.

To my supervisor, Ir. Dr. Sitti Asmah Binti Hassan

Thank you for your guidance, advice and support given in completing this study.

To all my follow friends who assist me in completing this study.

For all your assistance and support will always be remembered.



First and foremost, all grateful and thanks to Allah SWT, the Lord of Universe,

the most gracious and merciful on blessing.

Thanks a lot to my supervisor Ir. Dr. Sitti Asmah Binti Hassan for her guidance,

advice and precious supervision

Also, tribute all appreciation goes to my parent, Rizal and Roslina for their

support, wish and sacrifice directly or indirectly towards the end. Finally, to all my

friends, thanks for all moments.



Road network is really important in human daily use as they use it to access

from place to place. It is really important to make an assessment on road performance

as to keep the traffic moving as smoothly as possible. In Jalan Pontian Lama-Pulai,

drivers in the area of signalised junction have to wait longer before given a green

indication. This study aims to evaluate junction performance at signalised junction in

Jalan Pontian Lama-Pulai. Traffic volume and signal indication at the junction were

obtained for one weekday during peak hour from 7am to 9am, 12pm to 2pm and 5pm

to 7pm. The data was collected using manual counting technique and video recording

method. Morning peak volume was used in analysing LOS. The data was analysed to

obtain stopped delay using guidelines in Arahan Teknik Jalan 13/87. In this study it

was found that traffic directions of the signalised junction experienced level of service

in a range of C to E that indicates unstable flow. It was suggested that cycle time of

the signal system at the junction was redesign to a shorter cycle time 60 second.



Rangkaian jalan sangat penting dalam penggunaan harian manusia kerana

penggunaannya untuk bergerak dari satu tempat ke tempat. Membuat penilaian

terhadap prestasi jalan adalah sangat penting bagi memastikan lalu lintas bergerak

selancar yang mungkin. Di Jalan Pontian Lama-Pulai, pemandu di kawasan simpang

yang mempunyai lampu isyarat perlu menunggu lebih lama sebelum fasa lampu hijau.

Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menilai prestasi di simpang berisyarat di Jalan Pontian

Lama-Pulai. Jumlah lalu lintas dan petunjuk isyarat di simpang diperolehi untuk satu

hari kerja pada waktu puncak dari jam 7 pagi hingga 9 pagi, 12 malam hingga 2 petang

dan 5 petang hingga 7 malam. Pengumpulan data bagi kajian adalah menggunakan

teknik pengiraan secara manual dan kaedah rakaman video. Jumlah kenderaan pada

waktu puncak pagi telah dipilih bagi menganalisa tahap perkhidmatan dalam

rangkaian. Data dianalisa untuk mendapatkan kelewatan berhenti menggunakan garis

panduan yang telah ditetapkan oleh Arahan Teknik Jalan 13/87. Dalam kajian ini telah

mendapati bahawa arah lalu lintas persimpangan yang ditandai mengalami tahap

perkhidmatan dalam rangkaian D ke E yang menunjukkan aliran yang tidak stabil.

Adalah dicadangkan bahawa masa kitaran sistem isyarat di persimpangan telah direka

semula untuk masa kitaran yang lebih singkat iaitu 60 saat.
















1.1 Background of the Study 1

1.2 Statement of Problem 2

1.3 Aim and Objective of the Study 3

1.4 Scope of the Study 3


2.1 Introduction 5

2.2 Type of Junction Performance 5

2.2.1 Signalised Junction 6

2.2.2 Unsignalised Junction 6 Characteristic of two way stopped controlled junction 6 Flow at two way stopped controlled junction 7

2.2.3 Characteristic of all way stopped controlled junction 8

vii Flow at all way stopped controlled junction 8

2.3 Traffic Volume 10

2.3.1 Method to determine traffic volume 10 Manual Counting 10 Video Recording 11 Automatic Counting Machine 13

2.4 Traffic Signal 17

2.4.1 Components of Traffic Signal Cycle 17

2.4.2 Type of Traffic Signal Operation 18 Pre-timed Traffic Controller 18 Vehicle-Actuated Traffic Controller 19 Criteria for Justifying Traffic Control Signal 20

2.5 Delay 21

2.5.1 Previous Study 23

2.6 Level of Service 25

2.6.1 American Approach 25

2.6.2 Malaysian Approach 27

2.7 Summary 28


3.1 Introduction 29

3.2 General Framework 29

3.2.1 Identification of the Required Data 31 Identification of the Required Data 31 Traffic Data 31 Traffic Signal Indication 32

3.2.2 Data Collection Instruments and Technique 32

3.2.3 Site Selection 32

3.2.4 Data Collection 34

3.2.5 Data Extraction 35

3.2.6 Data Analysis 36


3.2.7 Result and Discussion 37

3.3 Summary 38


4.1 Introduction 39

4.2 Traffic Volume 39

4.3 Traffic Composition 47

4.4 Delay and Level of Service 51

4.5 Summary 56


5.1 Conclusion 57

5.2 Findings 57

5.2.1 Objective 1: To determine the volume of vehicles at the Jalan Pontian Lama-Pulai junction 57

5.2.2 Objective 2: To determine signal indication at the Jalan Pontian Lama-Pulai junction 58

5.2.3 Objective 3: To determine stopped delay at signalised junction 58

5.2.4 Objective 4: To determine the level of service (LOS) 58

5.3 Recommendation for Future Works 59





2.1 Method for Automatic Counting Machine 14

2.2 LOS criteria for junction 26

2.3 LOS criteria for signalised junction 27

2.4 Minimum requirement LOS for Malaysian Road

3.1 Level of Service 37

4.1 Vehicle Volume per 15 minutes interval for direction R1 41

4.2 Vehicle Volume per 15 minutes interval for direction R2 42

4.3 Vehicle Volume per 15 minutes interval for direction R3 43

4.4 Vehicle Volume per 15 minutes interval for direction R4 44

4.5 Vehicle Volume per 15 minutes interval for direction R5 45

4.6 Vehicle Volume per 15 minutes interval for direction R6 46

4.7 Summary of traffic composition 50

4.8 Summary of current delay calculation 52

4.9 Proposed signal indication 55




2.1 Analysis cases for AWSC junction 9

2.2 Ultrasonic sensor 16

3.1 General Framework 30

3.2 Study Area 33

3.3 Location of video recording 35

3.4 Installation of video record 35

3.5 View from video recording 35

3.6 Direction from six approaches 35

3.7 Excel Form 36

4.1 Junction layout 39

4.2 Traffic Composition in Direction R1 47

4.3 Traffic Composition in Direction R2 48

4.4 Traffic Composition in Direction R3 48

4.5 Traffic Composition in Direction R4 49

4.6 Traffic Composition in Direction R5 49

4.7 Traffic Composition in Direction R6 50

4.8 Traffic Volume in each direction 51

4.9 Time Diagram for current signal indication 52

4.10 Current level of service in each direction 52

4.11 Phase diagram for proposed signal indication 55



ATJ - Arahan Teknik Jalan

LOS - Level of Service

AWSC - All-Way Stopped Controlled

TWSC - Two Way Stopped Controlled

HCM - Highway Capacity Manual



d - Delay

S - Saturation flow

λ - Proportion of the cycle that is effectively green for the phase

x - Degree of saturation




Appendix A Data Collection Table 63




1.1 Background of the Study

The analysis of transportation systems is an important research area as it

concerns the daily activities of millions of people moving within a city (Fancello G,

2014). An evaluation of transport network functionally has been widely studied. In

general, the studies quantify road network performance by means of key performance

indicator, that represent the functionality of the network from a specific aspect. Some

investigation focuses on the quality of traffic flow such as the ability to keep traffic

moving as smoothly as possible, using indicators that depend on the geometrical

characteristics: travel time, delay at junction and traffic flow (TRB, 2010).

Junction performance can be measured by determining the volume of vehicles

in certain period, identifying the level of service and the signal indication to figure out

the period of delay at road junction. In the transportation system, traffic light is the

vital component for the effectiveness of the traffic movement. The design of the red,

amber and green time must consider the volume, delay, accident experience and

geometrics. Increase of traffic intensity leads to situations when it becomes impossible

to provide a satisfactory level of traffic servicing with the help of only traffic light

signaling means. Congestion at a section of the road traffic network with traffic signals

is a situation when the average duration of the vehicle delay exceeds the length of the

traffic signalling cycle.

In this case, the queue length can increase, reaching the length of the road

junction. Further development of the road blocking paralyzes larger parts of the road

network and disorganizes the traffic in whole. In certain cases, some of the signal


design has led to excessive delay although the volume of vehicles below the traffic

demand. It might lead to drivers behaviour problem such as neglect of signal


The rapid development in our country has increase the number of vehicles on

the roads that may cause road congestion and will affect the quality of service. In

transportation engineering, the concept of level of service (LOS) is to measure the

qualitative service of roads and illustrates the operational condition of roads and give

impression to the road user.

Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) developed by the transportation research

board of USA provides some procedure to determine level of service. The level of

service have been divided into six classes which is class A to class F. Level A represent

the best performance of traffic where the traffic density will be low, with no

interruption flow speed control by driver desire, low volume, and the drivers can

maintain their desire speed with little or no delay. Level F show the worst quality of

traffic where the demand are exceed the capacity of the road.

Usually, three parameters will be used under this and they are speed and travel

time, delay and density. For this scope of study, LOS was determined by using the

calculation of stopped delay. Many specific delay measures are defined and used as

major of effectiveness in the highway capacity manual.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Road is part of traffic system components. Based on the observation made,

signalised junction at Jalan Pontian Lama-Pulai showed poor performance in term of

traffic movement. Drivers at that area have to wait longer before they were given green

time indication. Rapid development at the area increases the number of populations


hence the need to do reassessment of the signalised junction. The design of traffic

signal system may not suitable for the current situation. A few cases of accidents occur

at the junction and it is not safe for the users. This study attempts to evaluate the

junction performance at signalised junction in Jalan Pontian Lama-Pulai.

1.3 Aim and Objective of the Study

The aim of the research is to investigate the signalised junction performance at

Jalan Pontian Lama-Pulai. To achieve the aim, this study is based on the following


i. To determine the volume of vehicles at the Jalan Pontian Lama junction

ii. To determine the signal indication at the Jalan Pontian Lama junction

iii. To determine stopped delay at signalised junction

iv. To determine the level of service (LOS)

1.4 Scope of the Study

The scope of the study inclusive the process of determining the performance at

the signalised junction in Jalan Pontian Lama-Pulai. The parameter that was

determined in order to determine road performance are traffic volume, signal

indication, and delay time. The data was collected by using video recording in one

weekdays during peak hour. The obtained data are used to determine stopped delay by

using guidelines in Arahan Teknik Jalan 13/87.




2.1 Introduction

The accessibility of the road performance is really important for the human as

everyday we use it to move to another place. The purpose of the road services is to

form a traffic and road transport in a comfort way, secure, excellent movement and

efficient, can be used for multipurpose, can be reach to all land region, development

and stability to drive, to motor, and to support national development with reachable

cost by community. According to Santosa (2005) it is important to make the road

performance evaluation as many factors need to be check such as accessibility

distribution, safety, efficiency, effectivity , reachable cost, and integrity with others

transport system. In order to know the road performance the determination of level of

service of a road network is important as the result will be used to estimate and design

the road network rehabilitation and development. The evaluation has a role in

developing the sustainable transportation system, which has a meaning as a sustainable

system for individual and community.

2.2 Type of Junction Performance

According to Arahan Teknik Jalan 11/87, junction is defined as the general

area where two or more roadways join or cross. It is an integral and important part of

the highway system since much of the efficiency, safety, speed, cost of operation and

maintenance, as well as capacity depend upon its design. There are two type of junction

which are used to design:


• Signalised Junction

• Unsignalised Junction

2.2.1 Signalised Junction

The additional element of time allocation is introduced in the signalised

junction for the concept of capacity. A traffic signal essentially allocates time among

conflicting traffic movements that seek to use the same space. Besides, three signal

indications are displayed (red, green and yellow). The red indication may include a

short period during which all indications are red, referred to as an all-red interval,

which with the yellow indications forms the change and clearance interval between

two green phases (HCM, 2000).

2.2.2 Unsignalised Junction

For unsignalised junction, there are three type which is two way stop controlled

(TWSC), all way stop controlled (AWSC), and roundabouts. Characteristic of two way stopped controlled junction

This junction are commonly used in the United States and abroad. To control

the vehicle movements, stop signs were used at such junction. At TWSC junction, the

stop-controlled approaches are referred to as the minor street approaches (public street,


private driveways). If the junction are not controlled by stop sign are considered as

major street approaches.

A three-leg junction is considered to be a standard type of TWSC junction if

the single minor street approach such as the stem of the T configuration is controlled

by a stop sign. Three-leg junction where two of the three approaches are controlled

by stop signs are a special form of unsignalised junction control (HCM, 2000). Flow at two way stopped controlled junction

TWSC junction assign the right-of-way among conflicting traffic streams according to

the following hierarcy:

Rank Explanation

1 All conflicting movements yield the right-of-way to any through or

right-turning vehicle on the major street approaches. The major street

through and right-turning movements are the highest-priority

movements at a TWSC junction

2 Vehicles turning left from the major street onto the minor street yield

only to conflicting major street through and right- turning vehicles.

All other conflicting movements at a TWSC junction yield to these

major street left-turning movements. Vehicle turning right from the

minor street onto the major street yield only to conflicting major street

through movements.

3 Minor street through vehicles yield to all conflicting major street

through, right-turning, and left-turning movements.

4 Minor street left-turning vehicles yield to all conflicting major street

through, right-turning, and left turning vehicles and to all conflicting

minor street through and right- turning vehicles.


2.2.3 Characteristic of all way stopped controlled junction

This junction needs every vehicle to stop at the junction before continue the

journey. The judgement must be made by each driver whether to proceed into the

junction is a function of traffic conditions on the other approaches. If there is no traffic

present on the other approaches, they can proceed immediately after the stop is made.

If there is traffic on one or more of the other approaches, a driver proceeds only after

determining that there are no vehicles currently in the junction and that it is the driver’s

turn to proceed. Flow at all way stopped controlled junction

Based on the observation that have been made by the previous researchers,

AWSC junction is operating in either two or four-phase depend on the problem occur.

Flow are determined by a consensus of right of way that alternates between the north-

south and east-west streams (for single lane approach) or proceeds in turn to each

junction approach (for a multilane approach junction).

If traffic is present on the subject approach only, vehicles depart as rapidly as

individual drivers can safely accelerate into and clear the junction. This is illustrated

as Case 1 in Figure 2.1


Figure 2.1 Analysis cases for AWSC junction

There are the situation where the traffic is present in other approaches that will

increase the saturation headway on the subject approach. In case 2 some uncertainty is

introduced with a vehicle on the opposing approach, and thus the saturation headway

will be greater than for Case 1. In Case 3, vehicles on one of the conflicting approaches

furthest restrict the departure rate of vehicles on the subject approach, and the

saturation headway will be longer than for Cases 1 and 2. In Case 4, two vehicles are

waiting on opposing or conflicting approaches. When all approaches have vehicles as

in case 5, saturation headways are even longer than in the other cases, since the

potential for conflict between vehicles is greatest. The increasing degree of potential

conflict translated directly into both longer driver decision times and saturation

headways. Since no traffic signal control the stream movement or allocates the right -

of-way to each conflicting traffic stream, the rate of departure is controlled by the

interactions between the traffic streams themselves (HCM, 2000).


2.3 Traffic Volume

Traffic volume data are essential in many transportation and decision making

models. They are used to estimate vehicle miles traveled (VMT) for crash rate and

environmental impact analyses. Estimated traffic volumes are also used in the

evaluation of infrastructure management needs such as determining roadway

geometry, and road construction and maintenance scheduling (Selby and Kockelma n,

2013). There are several methods to determine the traffic volume. A variety of

techniques has been implemented to estimate traffic counts. Each method takes known

counts and uses additional information such as local land-use data, time-steps, road

attributes, and nearby sites’ residuals in count prediction to make a prediction. These

can be divided into future-year (or future-period) prediction and same-year prediction

methods. Future-year prediction uses current and past traffic data to estimate counts at

the same locations at future dates. This is important for many applications, including

planning maintenance and network improvements, as well as real time transportation

system management decisions (like signal timing, ramp metering, and variable


2.3.1 Method to determine traffic volume Manual Counting

There are a few methods to obtain traffic volume. Manual counts are the early

and basic method that have been found in traffic engineering counting. Manual counts

only can be done during field observation or from the video observation. Since field

observation is conservative, they tend to have error in data collection due to human


incompetency. Based on the study of Roess et al. (2004), some consideration needs to

be made in order to achieve the better result including:

i. Individuals must participate in training relating the details of the study and

understanding the expectation of results. Field sheets and tools must be familiar

to them as well as their specific counting assignments.

ii. The location of study should not place too many observers as they can distract

the drivers and cause traffic disruption.

iii. Unless professional counters are used, a typical observer cannot be expected to

count or classify more than one heavy movement or two light movement


iv. As times must be carefully coordinated at all location and among all counting

personnel, some on-line communication system must be maintained. The time

of counts and short breaks must be the same; they are generally centrally timed

with a coordinator telling all personnel when to start and stop counts. Video Recording

The employment of video in traffic counting is used to minimize this problem.

Field observation data cannot be cross-checked unless two counters are deployed

together, the quality of video-based data can readily cross-check. To increase the

accuracy of data collection, semi-automated video analysis or automated video

analysis applications have been developed.

Video playback as the choice for traffic counting can have several advantages.

These advantages are part of the factors that affect the accuracy of data collection.

Taylor et al., (1996), have stated five advantages of using this method.


i. Reduced requirement for field staff

ii. Survey is less weather dependent

iii. Existence of permanent record of the scene

iv. Possibility of extracting very detailed data simultaneously or interacting events

as an example vehicle trajectories through a junction, complex turning

movements, junction performance studies, gap acceptance behaviour, traffic

conflicts and

v. Permanent record can be replayed by the analysis if the data contain unusual

or interesting features which require some skill to unravel.

Besides the five advantages of using video playback, the application is

distinguished into three major parts to ensure the accuracy of the count.

First, this application allows the data collectors to count vehicles on a tablet

from pre-recorded videos taken from traffic-monitoring cameras, rather than

deploying to the site where counts are needed. Data collectors can pause, stop, and lay

the videos at their convenience. This functionality is expected to eliminate degraded

performance (for example, missing vehicles) due to fatigue.

Second, the application allows the data collectors’ replay and toggle through

the video to review and correct counts they have already performed.

Third, this application has a reviewer mode, so that a different data collector

can review and correct other users’ cunt can improve the accuracy of the manual count

and minimize human error. This also makes data collectors conscious of the fact that

their counts are under supervision, potentially improving their performance and overall

count accuracy.


However, there will be issues of using video cameras. The most notable issue

is the convenient location to set up the video camera unit and battery life. Selection of

a site for the camera will be constrained not only by the requirement for a good view

but also access, security and, if long survey is envisaged, availability of a power supply

(Taylor et al., 1996). The view of the camera must be in a higher place to widen up the

depth of field. Obscuration and parallax will be reduced if a suitable viewpoint is


A more accurate ground truth data collection method by using video playback

will give benefit to both transportation researchers and practitioners. The archived

video can be reused for other purposes and will not involve significant capital cost

when video data are available or can be easily collected. By providing accurate data,

long term planning and system performance will get the benefits Automatic Counting Machine

Due to constraints and limitations occur in manual counting, automatic

counting machines are deployed. There are lots of types and each of them have its own

functionality. Taylor et al., (1996), states that different methods predominate in

different countries, partly as reflection of the different ambient conditions (climate,

traffic mix and road conditions) but also as a result of commercial decisions and

historical accident.

The methods explained in Table 2.1 can be separated into two different types

of vehicle detectors. All equipment using pneumatic tube or temporary devices are

portable count techniques while permanent cunts are carried out for 24 hours, all year



Table 2. 1 Method for Automatic Counting Machine Type Description Mounting

Pneumatic Tube Rubber tube land across the road


On road surface

Switch tape/contact

strip/treadle switch

Pair of steel strips, one above the

other and held apart by rubber

spaces, laid across the road


On road surface or

held in groove

Tribo-electric cable Cable laid across the road

surface with coaxial conductors

separated by dielectric material

On road surface or

held in special casing

anchored in slot

Piezo-electric cable Coaxial conductors separated by

polarized ceramic powder are

encased in a cable laid across the

road surface

On road surface or

held in special casing

anchored in slot

Induction loop Wire coil buried as a loop just

below the surface or affixed to

road surface

In slot or taped to

road surface

Photoelectric beam Any interruption of beam shone

across carriageway is detected

At roadside

Infrared Signal is transmitted onto

carriageway and any change in

reflected signal is detected and


Oblique or vertically

downwards from

roadside or

overheard gantry

Microwave Beam is transmitted along the

carriageway and any reflected

signal is detected and analysed

On overhead gantry

or at roadside

Video imaging Digital video image is analysed

automatically via patterns at the

level of individual pixels

Although there are many methods exist, pneumatic tubes are the most common

method used these days as they are easy to handle. The term portable is used because


it can be transported from location to location to conduct various counts as needed

(Roess et al., 2004). Ultrasonic Sensor

Ultrasonic sensors are frequently used as vehicle detection devices because

they are cheaper and more accurate than other types of devices. Most ultrasonic sensors

detect vehicles by measuring from top to bottom or from side to side diagonally

(Jeon.S, 2014). Loop detectors often break as a result of damage from vehicles that

pass over them, and they have high maintenance costs. Loop detectors is installed

beneath the road surface and have been mainly used for the traffic volume

measurement. However, these approaches require that a detector be installed for each

lane because each detector measures only one lane on a road. Furthermore, ultrasonic

sensors require considerable infrastructure on a road. Whenever an ultrasonic sensor

detects the passage of a vehicle on the road, the system measures the distance to the

corresponding vehicle based on its lane location.

Vehicle detection and lane classification can be performed using the data on

the distance to the vehicle and the time required for the vehicle to pass through the

detection range of the ultrasonic sensor. The detection algorithm consists of three parts.

The first part calculates thresholds, which are points at which vehicles are detected in

each lane. The second part filters out unnecessary data, such as noise from the natural

environment. The third part determines the locations of vehicles in multiple lanes and

calculates the traffic volume, based on the filtered data and the calculated thresholds.

The performance of ultrasonic sensors is much better than that of other types of pulse

devices. Ultrasonic detection systems can detect vehicles in multiple zones and

measure their speeds, and they are much cheaper than intrusive systems. Also, they

have disadvantages that its performance is affected by temperature change and air


turbulence. However, some modern models, such as those used in our proposed

system, have built-in temperature compensation.

Typically, an ultrasonic sensor transmits a sound pulse from above the road

and measures the reflected pulses from the vehicle or ground, as shown in Figure 2.2.

Once the default distance from the detector to the ground is set, if a vehicle passes

through the detection range of the ultrasonic sensor, the distance value changes

depending on the vehicle’s size, and the detection system detects the presence of the

vehicle based on the distance data received. The vehicle detection accuracy achieved

using this method is approximately 99.5% for each ultrasonic sensor installed on each


Figure 2.2 Ultrasonic sensor


2.4 Traffic Signal

Traffic signals are considered as one of the most effective and important way

of controlling traffic movement at junction. Traffic signals regulate, direct, or warn

motorists and pedestrians to provide their movement through the junction safely and

efficiently. If properly designed, traffic signals can minimise:

• Excessive delay and stop signs and yield signs

• Problems caused by turning movements

• Angle and side collision

• Pedestrian accidents

2.4.1 Components of Traffic Signal Cycle

The time required for one complete sequence of signal indication is called

Cycle time, which is composed of the following components:

• Cycle length: Is the complete sequence of signal indications provided.

• Signal Phase : Is the part of cycle time that includes a green interval,

plus the change and clearance intervals. During each phase a movement

or group of movement given right of way to pass through the junction


• Interval: Is the part of cycle time that no signal indications change.

• Intergreen: Is the time between the end of a phase and beginning green

indication of another phase. It is composed of Yellow & All red time.

This portion of signal cycle is provided for the vehicles that cannot stop

safely to pass through the junction when green time ends.


• All-red: Is the portion of cycle time when signal indications of all the

traffic streams within the junction are Red, Intergreen with all-red

interval called Clearance interval

• Green interval: Is the portion of cycle time that allows a movement or

a group of movements to pass through the junction.

• Red interval: Is the portion of cycle time that a movement or a group

of movements stopped to enter the junction in order to provide

movements pass through the junction safely.

2.4.2 Type of Traffic Signal Operation

Traffic signal controllers are electromechanical or electronic devices that they

regulate the length and sequence of signal indications at junction. Based on the system

of operation traffic signal controllers are classified into:

• Pre-timed controller

• Vehicle-Actuated controller Pre-timed Traffic Controller

In this kind of traffic operation, the cycle length, phase sequence, and timing

of each interval are fixed. Although different timing can be pre-defined over different

times of day but it is still considered as fixed time traffic signal. With the aid of an

internal clock it is possible to allocate at least an AM peak, a PM peak, and an-off peak

signal time. Equation (1) shows the Webster’s optimum cycle time formula, which is


derived based on extensive field observation and computer simulation to provide an

excellent procedure for designing traffic signals.

C0 = 1.5𝐿+5

1−𝑌 (1)


C0 = optimum cycle time to minimise delay (sec)

Y = volume/saturation flow for the critical approach in each phase

L = total lost time/cycle Vehicle-Actuated Traffic Controller

In this kind of traffic operation, the cycle length and phase timings are changing

with the traffic demand by the aid of traffic detectors and required control logic.

Timing of the signals is controlled by traffic demand and in some cases the sequence

of phasing is adjusted too (Roess et al., 2004). They can be divided into:

• Fully actuated: Detectors are installed in every lane of every approach.

Green time is allocated according to the information received from the

detectors and programmed rules.

• Semi-actuated: Detectors are only placed in the lanes of the minor

approach and there are no detectors in the major approach. Major road

signal is always green, except when a call received from one of the

minor approaches.

• Computer control: Computer device is used to control large number of

traffic signals within a network. No computer used for individua l



Although the methodology for implementation actuated traffic signal may vary

according to the type and manufacturer, but they virtually operate based on the same

basic function. For each phase of actuated controller the following features must be set

(Roess et al., 2004)

• Minimum green time, Gmin: It is the smallest amount of green time that

should be allocated to a phase when it is initiated.

• Unit or vehicle extension, U: It is defined as the maximum gap between

actuations of the same detectors, which is added to the minimum green

within the green phase when an actuation received (Figure 2.6).

• Maximum green time, Gmax: It is the maximum length that is allocated

to the green phase in order to limit the amount of green period even if

there is continuous actuation

• Recall switches: These switches are placed on each actuated phase to

arrange the operation of signal when there is no demand.

• Yellow and all-red intervals: This is the same interval provided to pre-

timed controller. They are fixed interval allocated for safe transition

from green to red.

• Pedestrian WALK: This interval must be set for safe crossing of

pedestrians. Since total length of green time is not known in actuated

condition, so the pedestrian WALK interval is set in accordance with

the minimum green time for each phase. Criteria for Justifying Traffic Control Signal

In order to provide traffic signal at the junction, many factors and parameters

must be studied and investigated as it is guided by Manual on Uniform Traffic Control

Devices. After collection of the required data and performing the related analysis, then


engineering judgement starts based on the warrants listed and explained by the

MUTCD. Installation of traffic signal is warranted if one or more requirements

specified in any of the warrants are satisfied. These warrants are listed below (Federal

Highway Administration, 2009):

• Warrant 1: Eight hour vehicular volume.

• Warrant 2: Four hour vehicular volume.

• Warrant 3: Peak Hour.

• Warrant 4: Pedestrian volume.

• Warrant 5: School crossing.

• Warrant 6: Coordinated signal system.

• Warrant 7: Crash experience

• Warrant 8: Roadway network.

• Warrant 9: Junction near a grade crossing.

The manual suggests that a group of data must be collected like traffic volume

for each approach, pedestrian volume, speed, and etc, as it is explained clearly in the

manual, in order to evaluate whether or not the junction satisfies the requirements of

one or more or the above warrants.

2.5 Delay

Delay is one of the measure of operational quality or effectiveness of signalised

junctions. It is defined as the amount of tie consumed in traversing the junction, the

difference between the arrival time and the departure time. Delay usually measured in

seconds. The most frequently used forms of delay are defined as follows:


• Stopped Time Delay

Stopped time delay is defined as the time a vehicle is stopped in queue while

waiting to pass through the junction, average stopped delay is the average for

all vehicles during a specified time period.

• Approach Delay

Approach delay includes stopped time delay but adds the time loss due to

deceleration from the approach speed to a stop and the time loss due to

reacceleration back to desired speed. Average approach delay is the average

for all vehicles during a specified time period

• Time-in-Queue Delay

Time in queue delay is the total time from a vehicle joining an junction queue

to its discharge across the STOP line on departure. Average time in queue delay

is the average for all vehicles during a specified time period.

• Travel Time Delay

It is the difference between the drivers’ expected travel time through the

junction and actual time taken. This value is rarely used other than the

philosophic concept.

• Control Delay

It is the delay caused by a control device, either a traffic signal or STOP sign.

It is approximately equal to time-in-queue delay plus the acceleration-

deceleration delay component (Roess et al., 2004).

When predicting delay in analytical model, there are three different

components of delay that are needed to be identified.

• Uniform Delay : Is the delay based on the assumption of uniform arrivals and

stable flow with no individual cycle failure


• Random Delay : Is additional delay, above and beyond uniform delay, because

flow is randomly distributed rather than uniform at isolated junction.

• Overflow Delay: Is the additional delay that occurs when the capacity of an

individual phase or series of phase is less than the demand or arrival flow rate

2.5.1 Previous Study

There are a lot of method to be used in the past for the delay estimation at the

signalised junction. From the beginning of the traffic engineering growth, the first

technique was suggested by the Bureau of Public Roads’ Committee on Operating

Speeds in Urban Areas, (1955) by calculating the delay manually by using the data

that been taken using photographs of junction approaches. After a few centuries,

Kinzel, (1992) have found a new approaches on estimating delay in the field by

sampling vehicles in queue at a signalised junction. This method can be found in the

Traffic Engineering Handbook (Highway Capacity Manual) which depend on manual

measures of stopped vehicles, slow-moving vehicles, and vehicles passing through the

junction at small time intervals. The control delay was estimated using stop delay and

adjustment factor. This method is very labour intensive, and its accuracy fully depend

on the judgment of user regarding the status of each vehicle and the selection of

adjustment factors.

Quiroga and Bullock, (1999) tried to use Global Positioning System (GPS)

coordinates to estimate control delay. Their method recorded the speed and location of

sampled vehicles every seconds but the method only countered for the small scale of

data as the GPS devices has the limitation on collection of sufficient data. Mousa,

(2002) suggested a method of measuring and analysing control delay by tracking

vehicles’ arrival time at checkpoints manually. In a field experiment, twelve screen


lines or checkpoints were marked by one approach with a 27 to a 55m gap between

lines. Crossing times for all vehicles through each screen were manually recorded

using audio cassette recorders. Although it is easy to implement in the field, it is

difficult to apply this method in the multilane situation because the volume of traffic

is high. Therefore, this method also only covers for small range of traffic data.

A study by Abdel-Rahim and Dixon, (2009) produced an automated

measurement of approach delay at signalised junctions. Delay estimation for all

approach and lane groups at the junction was carried out using video detection. This

method only allows the calculation of approach delay, and it was reported to be able

to provide more accurate and less biased delay estimation than those of HCM 2010.

Teply, (1989) suggested a method to measure approach delay in the field using three

timestamps where the arrival time of vehicles to a point located upstream of the

approach, beyond the point that a queue usually could be reach, the timestamp when

the vehicle crosses the stop bar, and the timestamp at the beginning or end of the green

phase of the signal. This method is more acceptable to accurate field implementation

than sampling techniques that require more complex data collection and processing.

However, it cannot measure junction delays, since the turning movements of vehicles

are not tracked as they enter and leave the junction. Another similar study by Kebab

and Dixon, (2007) recommended installing additional detectors to cover all the lanes

separately. In this way, the approach delay for different lane groups can be obtained.

As the study did not identify vehicle turning movements, this technique cannot be used

to measure junction control delay. In a recent study by Forbush, (2011) developed an

automated method to estimate traffic delay at junction in real time. However, the delay

estimation focused on through lanes only, and situations where lanes are shared were

not considered in this study. A study by Shatnawi, (2018) found a new method to

calculate automatically the approach delay and intersection delay at a signalised

junction by using the Automated Vehicle Delay Estimation Technique (AVDET). It

was found to perform very effectively under different traffic scenarios.


2.6 Level of Service

Level of service defined as the quality measure as describes the operational

condition of a traffic facility serving traffic streams. The quality of service of the traffic

facility is described in term of service measures such as speed and travel time, freedom

to manoeuvre, interruption in traffic, and comfort and convenience. For signalised

junction, many types of approach are used to determine level of service for a junction

with different parameter such as Highway Capacity Manual 2000 (American

Approach) and Arahan Teknik Jalan 11/87 (Malaysian Approach).

2.6.1 American Approach

According to Highway Capacity Manual, (2000), there are six levels of service

that is defined by Highway Capacity Manual for each type of facility as they shown in

Table 2.2. Each level of service describes a range of operating condition and the

driver’s perception to those conditions. Safety is not one of the measures that are

included in establishing service levels. Level of service of a signalised junction is

evaluated on the basis of control delay per vehicle (sec/veh).

The average control delay per vehicle for a typical 15-minute analysis period

is used to indicate LOS criteria of signalised junction.


Table 2.2 LOS criteria for junction

LOS (a) Control Delay per Vehicle (s/veh)

A ≤ 10

B >10-20

C >20-35

D >35-55

E >56-80

F >80

Source: HCM2000 16-2

LOS A: Very short delay and most vehicles do not stop as result of favourable

progressions, arrival of most vehicles during green phase, and short cycle length

LOS B: Short delay and many vehicles do not stop or stop for short time as a result of

short lengths and good progression

LOS C: Moderate delay, many vehicles have to stop and occasional individual cycle

failures as a result of some combination of long cycle lengths, high volume to capacity

ratios, and unfavourable progression.

LOS D: Longer delays, many vehicles have to stop and a noticeable number of

individual cycle failures as a result of some combination of long cycle lengths, high

volume to capacity ratios, and unfavourable progression

LOS E: Long delays and frequent individual cycle failures result from one or both of

the following long cycle lengths or high volume to capacity ratios, which, in turn,

result in poor progression

LOS F: Delays considered unacceptable to most drivers occur when the vehicle arrival

rate is greater than the capacity of the junction for extended period of time


2.6.2 Malaysian Approach

Based on Arahan Teknik Jalan 11/87, the LOS criteria is associated with the

delay values for signalised junction as shown in Table 2.3. The traffic forecast for any

junction design shall be at least the Level of Service ‘D’ maintained throughout the

forecasted year (10 years) as be mentioned in ATJ 11/87 in Table 2.4 for rural road. If

such level of service cannot be sustained throughout the design life of the projected

forecast then the designer has to propose mitigation measures.

Table 2.3 LOS criteria for signalised junction

Table 2.4 Minimum requirement LOS for Malaysian Road



RURAL Expressway










URBAN Expressway



Local Street






2.7 Summary

Junction performance is an important measure as it is part of traffic system

components. The junction performance must accomplish with the objective given. The

parameter is needed to measure the performance of signalised junction is traffic

volume, signal indication, and delay. Video recording technique was used for this

scope of study. Level of service is qualitative parameter described the actual traffic

operation condition at the junction and used to access the performance of the junction.

Arahan Teknik Jalan 11/87 use to estimate delay at the junction based on the parameter





3.1 Introduction

This chapter describes the method to carry out the study. The main objective

of the study is to evaluate the performance at signalised junction by determining the

level of service of the road. The study was started with identifying the problem, which

is expressed as problem statement. The second step was setting the objectives of the

study. Then, based on the targeted objectives, literature of the study was collected from

different resources and reviewed. In this chapter, the rest of the steps required for

conducting this study are going to be explained.

3.2 General Framework

The general framework shown in Figure 3.1 illustrates the main steps required

to be followed for carrying out the study. After the problem was stated and objectives

were set at the beginning of the study, the rest of the steps that needed to be followed

to proceed systematically toward the results and expected findings are organized and

summarized in the form of a flowchart. Components of the general framework are

described in the following sections of this chapter.


Figure 3.1: General Framework


3.2.1 Identification of the Required Data

Before starting any study, a set of parameters and required data should be

identified in order to carry out the analysis systematically without any missing

variables and re-doing the data collection. To avoid interruption in the analysis stage,

the following sets of parameters were defined. Identification of the Required Data

This included all the existing and required information about the layout of the

junction such as; junction of approaches, number of lanes, lane widths, and median.

These data were collected by measurements achieved in field. Traffic Data

The traffic data included all the necessary information about the characteristics

of the traffic stream using the facility. They were classified into:

• Traffic volume: Number of vehicles crossing the stop line of each approach in

unit of time (usually every 15 minutes)

• Turning proportion: Identifying the number of vehicles turning to different

directions of the junction for each approach

• Traffic composition: Traffic stream are not composed of identical vehicles, and

each type of vehicle has a different impact on the traffic characteristics of the

facilities. Therefore, traffic volume was classified into different vehicle groups

according to the Malaysian HCM 2006

32 Traffic Signal Indication

This included all the information about the traffic signal provided at the

junction such as; cycle time, phase splits, green time and clearance interval (Yellow+

All-red) for each phase. The traffic signal data was collected simultaneously with the

other traffic data mentioned earlier.

3.2.2 Data Collection Instruments and Technique

The following instruments were used in the data collection process to facilities

obtaining the required data defined previously.

• Stop-watch: to measure the cycle length, green time, yellow+ all-red interval

• Video camera: to record traffic movements at the junction, from which traffic

volume, turning proportions, traffic composition, and signal timing

• Excel form: transfer data from video camera into traffic composition (shown

in Appendix A).

3.2.3 Site Selection

Before starting any field measurements and data collection for conducting a

study, if the site is not a specific place then several sites has to be visited and


investigated in order to select the must proper one based on the suitability of the

geometry of the site to achieve video recording and other in-situ measurements. After

examining several junction, Jalan Pontian Lama-Pulai junction selected as the case

study (Figure 3.2).

Jalan Pontian Lama is a road connecting Jalan Pulai in Skudai-Taman

Universiti. Skudai is town located at the South-West of Johor Bahru state at South of

Malaysia. The junction of Jalan Pontian Lama and Jalan Pulai is a signalised junction

with fixed-time traffic signal system. Each approaches of the junction composed of

two lanes both ways. Each approach is provided with individual signal phase, which

means the cycle time is divided into three signal phases. The area is residential.

Figure 3.2 Study Area


3.2.4 Data Collection

In order to do an evaluation of the performance at the junction. traffic volume

and signal indication at the junction were obtained. The data was collected using

manual counting technique and video recording method. Video recording was installed

by attaching it at lamp post. It was installed 3 metres from the bottom of lamp post in

order to get good overview of the site. The data was collected for one weekday during

peak hour from 7am to 9am, 12pm to 2pm and 5pm to 7pm. Figure 3.3 and Figure 3.4

shows the location of video recording while Figure 3.5 shows an overview of site from

video. Figure 3.6 shows the direction of traffic volume for all six approaches. Based

on the collection of data made for 3 peak time, only the highest peak time volume will

be used to evaluate the current signalised junction performance.


Figure 3.3: Location of video recording

Figure 3.4: Installation of video record

Figure 3.5: View from video recording

Figure 3.6: Direction from six approaches

3.2.5 Data Extraction

Field-measured data were extracted and summarized into the required usable

forms. Data from the video records were extracted by using conventional video player

and then were keyed in into excel form as shown in Figure 3.7. Traffic data volume


will be converted into pcu/hr to obtain total traffic composition for each direction as

the data will be used as an input in calculation of stopped delay.

Figure 3.7: Excel Form

3.2.6 Data Analysis

The data was analysed by using guideline in Arahan Teknik Jalan 13/87 based

on the input data determined in data collection. Input data is from traffic volume that

been converted into pcu/hr for each direction based on the highest peak time and signal

indication during data collection. The equation of stopped delay is written as below:

………………………..………………………………...………..(Equation 1)



q= traffic volume, pcu/sec

S= saturation flow , pcu/sec

λ= proportion of the cycle that is effectively green for the phase , g/c

x= degree of saturation , q/λS

From the stopped delay obtained from the Equation 1, the level of service for

each direction can be determined by referring to Table 3.1 which has been discussed

in Chapter 2.

Table 3.1: Level of Service

3.2.7 Result and Discussion

The final step of the operation analysis process was interpreting the results. If

the result does not meet the requirement according to ATJ 11/87 which indicate that

minimum level of service at the junction is ‘D’ as be mentioned in ATJ 11/87 (A Guide

to the Design of at Grade-Intersections), the junction needs to be redesign the traffic

signal cycle.


3.3 Summary

This chapter describe the research methodology involved. The study was

carried out by determine the site selection based on the current problem occurred. In

order to do an evaluation of the road performance at the junction. traffic volume and

signal indication at the junction were obtained. The data was collected using manual

counting technique and video recording method. The data was collected for one

weekday during peak hour from 7am to 9am, 12pm to 2pm and 5pm to 7pm. The

highest peak time volume between morning, afternoon and evening will be choose in

determining LOS.

The overall design process was followed guidelines in Arahan Teknik Jalan

11/87 in order to determine delay and level of service for signalised Junction.




4.1 Introduction

The aim of the study is to evaluate the road performance of a signalised

junction. In this chapter detailed analysis of the evaluation process is presented. The

analysis process starts from traffic volume studies, signal indication measurement,

stopped delay measurements, and level of service.

4.2 Traffic Volume

The site consists of T-junction with North, South and East direction. Each

approach is composed of four lanes (two lane each direction). Each lane is 4.4m wide.

East approach has 0.5m wide built out median. While at the apposing approach both

sides are separated by painting. Figure 4.1 shows the layout of the junction.

Figure 4.1 Junction layout


Video recording technique was used for traffic volume studies of Jalan Pontian

Lama-Pulai junction. Table 4.1 to Table 4.6 shows the summary of traffic volume for

all 8 direction of the junction respectively. The study was conducted for 2 hours for

every peak hours in a day. From 7am to 9am, 12pm to 2pm and 5pm to 7pm. The total

number of observed vehicles during the study time was 6487 vehicles. From previous

Chapter 3 in data collection has been highlighted that the highest peak time volume

between morning peak, afternoon peak and evening peak will be choose to determine

current performance in signalised junction. From data extraction, it is found that

average morning peak volume is highest among others peak time. Therefore, evening

peak time volume is chosen for calculation.


Table 4.1 Vehicle Volume per 15 minutes interval for direction R1

Peak Period


Vehicle Type


Morning Peak

0700 - 0715 55 16 3 0 2 16

0715 - 0730 35 4 0 0 0 17

0730 - 0745 50 6 1 0 0 15

0745 - 0800 41 3 6 0 0 11

0800 - 0815 37 8 0 0 1 15

0815 - 0830 34 3 1 0 0 7

0830 - 0845 40 5 1 0 0 11

0845 - 0900 32 3 0 0 1 14



1200 - 1215 23 3 6 0 1 5

1215 - 1230 33 2 9 1 0 8

1230 - 1245 40 6 1 0 0 15

1245 - 1300 38 3 6 0 0 11

1300 - 1315 37 2 7 0 1 15

1315 - 1330 34 3 1 0 0 7

1330 - 1345 28 1 1 0 0 11

1345 - 1400 32 3 0 0 1 14

Evening Peak

1700 - 1715 54 3 2 0 0 19

1715 - 1730 50 8 4 0 0 21

1730 - 1745 64 10 5 0 1 29

1745 - 1800 58 5 7 0 0 25

1800 - 1815 60 4 7 0 0 9

1815 - 1830 70 11 5 0 0 14

1830 - 1845 50 10 6 0 0 10

1845 - 1900 65 6 6 0 0 15

Total 1060 128 85 1 8 334


Table 4.2 Vehicle Volume per 15 minutes interval for direction R2

Peak Period


Vehicle Type


Morning Peak

0700 - 0715 141 8 0 2 2 31

0715 - 0730 123 4 3 0 2 32

0730 - 0745 120 5 1 0 0 54

0745 - 0800 111 6 1 0 0 32

0800 - 0815 95 6 2 0 0 31

0815 - 0830 110 6 3 1 0 14

0830 - 0845 103 11 2 0 0 17

0845 - 0900 98 5 1 0 0 15



1200 - 1215 27 3 1 0 0 4

1215 - 1230 26 4 1 1 0 7

1230 - 1245 17 6 1 0 0 3

1245 - 1300 30 3 6 0 0 6

1300 - 1315 25 2 0 1 1 10

1315 - 1330 34 3 1 0 0 7

1330 - 1345 27 5 1 0 0 11

1345 - 1400 32 3 0 0 1 8

Evening Peak

1700 - 1715 44 4 3 0 0 2

1715 - 1730 42 5 3 0 2 7

1730 - 1745 55 4 1 0 0 2

1745 - 1800 53 3 0 0 0 9

1800 - 1815 50 5 5 0 1 7

1815 - 1830 57 5 1 0 0 7

1830 - 1845 38 4 1 0 0 15

1845 - 1900 45 3 0 0 1 14

Total 1503 113 38 5 10 345


Table 4.3 Vehicle Volume per 15 minutes interval for direction R3

Peak Period


Vehicle Type


Morning Peak

0700 - 0715 27 5 1 0 1 3

0715 - 0730 19 0 1 0 0 1

0730 - 0745 29 1 0 0 0 3

0745 - 0800 20 2 0 0 0 4

0800 - 0815 11 4 0 1 0 0

0815 - 0830 17 0 1 0 0 0

0830 - 0845 15 2 0 0 0 0

0845 - 0900 10 0 0 0 0 3



1200 - 1215 10 1 1 0 0 4

1215 - 1230 23 5 2 1 0 2

1230 - 1245 15 6 1 0 0 4

1245 - 1300 26 3 6 0 0 6

1300 - 1315 12 3 0 0 1 6

1315 - 1330 23 3 1 0 0 7

1330 - 1345 18 5 1 0 0 11

1345 - 1400 7 3 0 0 1 14

Evening Peak

1700 - 1715 19 1 0 0 0 3

1715 - 1730 13 2 0 0 0 0

1730 - 1745 13 5 1 0 0 5

1745 - 1800 17 3 0 0 0 0

1800 - 1815 9 0 0 0 0 3

1815 - 1830 10 3 0 0 0 2

1830 - 1845 8 1 0 0 0 1

1845 - 1900 11 1 0 0 0 0

Total 382 59 16 2 3 82


Table 4.4 Vehicle Volume per 15 minutes interval for direction R4

Peak Period


Vehicle Type


Morning Peak

0700 - 0715 18 0 0 0 0 6

0715 - 0730 15 0 0 0 0 3

0730 - 0745 20 1 0 0 0 8

0745 - 0800 11 0 0 0 0 0

0800 - 0815 8 1 0 0 0 3

0815 - 0830 9 2 1 0 0 3

0830 - 0845 8 4 0 0 0 5

0845 - 0900 2 0 0 0 0 0



1200 - 1215 5 0 0 0 0 1

1215 - 1230 4 1 0 1 0 3

1230 - 1245 10 0 1 0 0 8

1245 - 1300 5 0 2 0 0 8

1300 - 1315 10 0 0 0 1 2

1315 - 1330 14 3 1 0 0 7

1330 - 1345 12 5 1 0 0 3

1345 - 1400 12 3 0 0 1 0

Evening Peak

1700 - 1715 18 1 0 0 0 1

1715 - 1730 13 3 2 0 0 1

1730 - 1745 21 0 2 0 0 3

1745 - 1800 19 0 0 0 0 4

1800 - 1815 24 2 0 0 0 2

1815 - 1830 12 1 1 0 0 0

1830 - 1845 31 2 0 0 0 8

1845 - 1900 21 1 0 0 0 5

Total 322 30 11 1 2 84


Table 4.5 Vehicle Volume per 15 minutes interval for direction R5

Peak Period


Vehicle Type


Morning Peak

0700 - 0715 7 2 0 0 0 5

0715 - 0730 7 1 0 0 0 1

0730 - 0745 8 1 0 0 0 2

0745 - 0800 9 2 0 0 0 1

0800 - 0815 17 0 0 0 0 4

0815 - 0830 23 2 0 0 0 4

0830 - 0845 18 0 0 0 0 6

0845 - 0900 9 1 1 0 0 6



1200 - 1215 7 4 3 0 2 4

1215 - 1230 11 2 1 0 1 1

1230 - 1245 10 4 1 0 0 4

1245 - 1300 8 3 6 0 0 5

1300 - 1315 13 6 0 0 1 5

1315 - 1330 10 3 1 0 0 7

1330 - 1345 7 5 1 0 0 10

1345 - 1400 11 3 0 0 1 2

Evening Peak

1700 - 1715 19 4 0 0 0 3

1715 - 1730 29 5 1 0 0 2

1730 - 1745 32 2 1 0 0 8

1745 - 1800 23 4 2 0 0 4

1800 - 1815 28 0 0 0 0 3

1815 - 1830 30 4 0 0 0 5

1830 - 1845 25 1 1 0 0 4

1845 - 1900 18 1 0 0 0 4

Total 379 60 19 0 5 100


Table 4.6 Vehicle Volume per 15 minutes interval for direction R6

Peak Period


Vehicle Type


Morning Peak

0700 - 0715 40 4 1 0 0 7

0715 - 0730 20 0 0 0 0 4

0730 - 0745 31 3 0 0 0 6

0745 - 0800 23 8 0 0 0 3

0800 - 0815 30 1 1 0 1 7

0815 - 0830 25 3 0 0 1 3

0830 - 0845 35 1 1 0 0 1

0845 - 0900 25 6 0 0 0 7



1200 - 1215 13 0 0 1 0 5

1215 - 1230 26 0 1 0 0 1

1230 - 1245 17 4 1 0 0 8

1245 - 1300 23 3 2 0 0 11

1300 - 1315 14 1 0 0 1 12

1315 - 1330 19 1 1 0 0 7

1330 - 1345 24 1 1 0 0 10

1345 - 1400 10 3 0 0 1 8

Evening Peak

1700 - 1715 50 3 2 0 0 16

1715 - 1730 44 2 3 0 0 10

1730 - 1745 82 7 1 0 0 15

1745 - 1800 98 1 0 0 0 9

1800 - 1815 88 7 3 0 0 18

1815 - 1830 73 2 0 0 0 19

1830 - 1845 80 8 0 0 0 15

1845 - 1900 95 3 2 0 0 17

Total 985 72 20 1 4 219


4.3 Traffic Composition

Each type of vehicle has a different impact on traffic characteristics of a traffic

stream. Therefore, traffic volume observed during the study time was classified into 6

main categories of vehicles. Figure 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7 illustrate distribution of

traffic volume among the six categories in Jalan Pontian Lama-Pulai junction

according to each direction. From the traffic composition distribution pie chart, it is

obviously that majority of the traffic volume is composed of passenger cars with 71%

(4631 veh.), and the second high percentage is motorcycles with 18% (1164 veh.).

Figure 4.2 Traffic Composition in Direction R1






Car/taxi All vans/utilities Medium Lorry/Large Vans

Heavy lorries Bus Motorcycle


Figure 4.3 Traffic Composition in Direction R2

Figure 4.4 Traffic Composition in Direction R3






Car/taxi All vans/utilities Medium Lorry/Large Vans

Heavy lorries Bus Motorcycle







Car/taxi All vans/utilities Medium Lorry/Large Vans

Heavy lorries Bus Motorcycle


Figure 4.5 Traffic Composition in Direction R4

Figure 4.6 Traffic Composition in Direction R5




0.44% 18.67%


Car/taxi All vans/utilities Medium Lorry/Large Vans

Heavy lorries Bus Motorcycle



0.89% 17.76%


Car/taxi All vans/utilities Medium Lorry/Large Vans

Heavy lorries Bus Motorcycle


Figure 4.7 Traffic Composition in Direction R6

After the data was extracted according for each direction, it was converted into

pcu/hr to obtain total vehicle for that direction. Table 4.7 shows summary of traffic

composition according to peak time. From the traffic composition, it is found that

evening peak time has the highest volume compared with others peak time. Based on

Figure 4.8, direction R2 was recorded with significant number of vehicles compared

with other direction. From the observation, direction R2 indicates the poorest


Table 4.7 Summary of traffic composition


Peak time (pcu/hr)

Morning Afternoon Evening

R1 692.75 398 476

R2 1125.8 315 495

R3 229.25 132.5 185

R4 193.5 120.25 118.5

R5 259.5 127.5 171.5

R6 737.5 212.5 294.5







Car/taxi All vans/utilities Medium Lorry/Large Vans

Heavy lorries Bus Motorcycle


Figure 4.8 Traffic Volume in each direction

4.4 Delay and Level of Service

Stopped delay was calculated based on the formula mentioned in Equation 1 in Chapter

3. Morning peak volume are using in analysis of LOS. Table 4.8 summarises the

calculation for stopped delay for 3 phase cycle time while Figure 4.9 shows the time

diagram for current signal indication for 3. The current cycle time is 125 seconds. The

results show the level of service for traffic stream is in category C to E (Figure 4.10).

This level of service can be categorised as unstable flow where it is occasionally wait

for more than one signal cycle before proceeding.






R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6

Traffic Volume in each direction


Figure 4.9 Time Diagram for current signal indication

Table 4.8 Summary of current delay calculation

From North South East

To East (R?) South North East North

q 738 260 229 194 1126

S 4725 4620 4620 4725 4620

g 45 45 36 36 36

c 125 125 125 125 125

λ 0.3600 0.3600 0.2880 0.2880 0.2880

x 0.434 0.156 0.172 0.143 0.846

d(sec) 28.0 24.6 33.2 29.9 44.8


Figure 4.10 Current level of service in each direction



In previous Chapter 2, the minimum required level of service for the signalised

junction based on ATJ 11/87 is in category D. If such level of service cannot be

sustained throughout the design life of the projected forecast then the designer has to

propose mitigation measure. Current level of service in studied area was not fulfill the

minimum criteria since level of service in direction R2 have the poorest performance

(LOS E). Therefore, we need to redesign signal indication for the junction.

To accommodate junction demand, the traffic signal indication was redesigned

by referring to ATJ 13/87. The new cycle time is 90 seconds which is shorter compared

to the current cycle time. A few directions show some improvement in term of level

of service as shown in Table 4.9 yet some remains the same while Figure 4.11 shows

phase diagram for proposed signal indication.

Phase 1 2 3

From North South East

To East South North East North

q (pcu/h) 738 260 229 194 1126

S' (pcu/h) 4725 4620 4620 4725 4620

y = q/S' 0.156 0.056 0.050 0.041 0.244

Ymax 0.156 0.05 0.244

sum Y= 0.45

b) assumptions

All red period,R = 2sec Amber, a = 3sec

Lost time due to late start,l = 3sec

Intergeen period, l = a+R

= 5sec

Total lost time per cycle,L = (l-a)1 + (l-a)2 + (l-a)3 + l1 +l2 +l3

= 12 sec


Optimum cycle time, C0 = (1.5L + 5)/(1-Y)

= 42 sec


Therefore, choose C0 = 60 sec

c) effective green time

gn= yn(C0-L)/Y

g1 = 10 sec

g2 = 5 sec

g3 = 26 sec

d) actual green time

Gn=gn + l + R

G1 = 15 sec

G2 = 10 sec

G3 = 60 sec

e) display green time

Kn= Gn-a-R

K1 = 10 sec

K2 = 5 sec

K3 = 26 sec


Table 4.9 Proposed signal indication

From North South East

To East South North East North

q 738 260 229 194 1126

S 4725 4620 4620 4725 4620

g 10 10 5 5 26

c 60 60 60 60 60

λ 0.1667 0.1667 0.0833 0.0833 0.4333

x 0.937 0.338 0.595 0.493 0.562

d(sec) 24.9 20.9 30.1 27.7 12.5


Figure 4.11 Phase diagram for proposed signal indication


4.5 Summary

Based on the result presented in this chapter, the following conclusion can be


i. Traffic volume at the junction for 6 hours observation was 6487 vehicles. It

was found that the highest traffic composition is passengers car and the second

highest is motorcycles. Based on the six direction, R2 indicated the highest

volume of vehicles which is 2014 vehicles along the period of data collection.

ii. Signal indication was determined where the cycle time for the junction is 125

second. From the data collection, stopped delay was determined by using

guidelines in ATJ 11/87. Current level of service for the junction are in

category C to E where it does not meet the minimum requirement for junction

performance which is LOS D. Therefore, proposed signal indication is made

and new cycle time is 60 second.




5.1 Conclusion

This research presents the evaluation of road performance at signalised

junction in Jalan Pontian Lama-Pulai. From the study, it was found that the level of

service for the traffic stream is between category C to E. The problem can be seen in

the direction from east to north (R2) where it indicates LOS E. This is due to the higher

traffic volume but shorter of green time. Therefore, it can be concluded that the

direction experiences unstable flow. The traffic signal indication needs to be

redesigned to accommodate the junction demand. Therefore, the new cycle time is

recommended to be 60 second.

5.2 Findings

5.2.1 Objective 1: To determine the volume of vehicles at the Jalan Pontian

Lama-Pulai junction

Volume of vehicles at signalised was determined for one weekdays during peak

hour at 7am to 9am, 12pm to 2pm and 5pm to 7pm. In order to obtain the volume of

vehicles, video recording and manual counting technique was used. It was found that

the highest traffic composition is passenger car and the second highest is motorcycles.

Based on the six direction at the junction as mentioned on methodology in Chapter 3,

R2 shows the highest number of vehicles which is 2014 vehicles. Total volume of

vehicles at the junction is 6487 vehicles for 6 hours duration and morning peak time

was choose to analyse LOS at Jalan Pontian Lama-Pulai junction.


5.2.2 Objective 2: To determine signal indication at the Jalan Pontian Lama-

Pulai junction

Signal indication was determined in this study in order to obtain the current

cycle time for the junction and for design purpose. It was found that the signalised

junction has is three phase and the cycle time for Jalan Pontian Lama-Pulai Junction

is 125 second.

5.2.3 Objective 3: To determine stopped delay at signalised junction

Stopped delay was determined in order to identify the performance signalised

junction. Stopped delay was determined by using equation (1) as mentioned in Chapter

3. It was found that the average delay time for the junction is between 20 to 50 sec

(28.0 sec,24.6 sec, 33.2 sec, 29.9 sec and 44.8 sec).

5.2.4 Objective 4: To determine the level of service (LOS)

Level of service is qualitative measure in order to access the performance of

the junction. It was obtained by calculating stopped delay by using guidelines in

Arahan Teknik Jalan 11/87. By referring table of level of service in the guideline, it

was found that the level of service for the traffic stream is between category C to E.

The problem can be seen in the direction from east to north (R2) where it indicates

LOS E. This is due to the higher traffic volume but shorter of green time


5.3 Recommendation for Future Works

The finding of this study is only valid for the time of data collection which is

on one weekday in peak hour between 7am to 9am, 12pm to 2pm and 5pm to7pm.

Therefore, to improve the assessment of the LOS of signalised junction, it is

recommended that:

1) Make an observation by collecting the data for 3 days in weekdays to

check the consistency of the traffic pattern. Therefore, we can obtain

the best result based on the average data observed respectively

2) Choose the peak data between 3 days of data collection in order to

obtained the critical traffic volume for the signalised junction.

3) Analyse level of service during peak hour (morning, afternoon,

evening) as there will be different result of LOS. Based on the result,

we can choose the most critical LOS to make the mitigation measure.



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Appendix A Data Collection Table

Station : Direction :

Enumerator : Date :

Time Car/TaxiSmall Vans/UtilitiesMedium Lorry/Large VansHeavy Lorry Bus Motorcycle

0000 - 0015

0015 - 0030

0030 - 0045

0045 - 0100

0100 - 0115

0115 - 0130

0130 - 0145

0145 - 0200

0200 - 0215

0215 - 0230

0230 - 0245

0245 - 0300

0300 - 0315

0315 -0330

0330 - 0345

0345 - 0400

0400 - 0415

0415 - 0430

0430 - 0445

0445 - 0500

0500 - 0515

0515 - 0530

0530 - 0545

0545 - 0600

0600 - 0615

0615 - 0630

0630 - 0645

0645 - 0700

0700 - 0715

0715 - 0730

0730 - 0745

0745 - 0800

0800 - 0815

0815 - 0830

0830 - 0845

0845 - 0900

0900 - 0915

0915 - 0930

0930 - 0945

0945 - 1000

1000 - 1015

1015 - 1030

1030 - 1045

1045 - 1100

1100 - 1115

1115 - 1130

1130 - 1145

1145 - 1200