Evaluation of The Music Video Portfolio


Transcript of Evaluation of The Music Video Portfolio

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Research and Planning


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DEVELOPMENT OF CONCEPT• The development of our concept took quite a while considering the battle which took

place in the group for which genre of music to do. It started with me wanting to do a rock song, Nikita wanting to do an indie/alternative song and Angel and Tom wanting to do a Jungle Record.

• (Angel and Tom) Congo Natty Junglist - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QL4GQ5H0lkc

• (Nikita) Son Lux - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRyMoyRPrr8

• (Joel) Lower Than Atlantis - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utjDEAxyfoc

After debating, we chose to do a song that was from none of our genres to make it fair. So we decided on Memories by Weezer. Angel and Tom had already had an idea that derived from a scene in a movie called Human Traffic (1999) in which a scene depicts a man in a record shop - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChSg0-r_jqA - We really liked the concept of the record shop and we thought it fitted well with the nostalgia element of the song memories, so we set about finding a record shop in which we could film.

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DEVELOPMENT OF CONCEPT CONT.• We decided to base our narrative around the record shop as we thought this would be a

good ‘3rd element’ for our video. We thought about nostalgia and thought we’d go for the storyline being about the band meeting for the first time.

• We thought that the record shop would be able to allow for the video to appeal to the older generation and the rebellious nature of the band and their image makes them relatable to the younger generation, which is twice the audience most videos would get. We hope to attract the type of demographic which will understand the narrative of the video and also appreciate the themes that are present.

• We also used other influences such as The Sex Pistols, Green Day, Blink-182 and New Found Glory.

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RESEARCH• We did a lot of research into the genre of pop punk, punk, rock and grunge for our music

video as these are the types of styles that we’d have liked to incorporated into our video.

• Bands such as Jimmy Eat World, The Undertones, AC/DC and Nirvana were all looked at and their styles and images were studied by us to try and find a fit for our band.

• We liked the idea of our band being a group of misfits, sort of fitting into the genre of ‘Geek Rock’ in which the original band Weezer come from. This incorporates a style which is unique to them, relatable to many people, interesting and different from the norm.

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RESEARCH• However, we wanted to incorporate a sort of rebellious feeling about our band, as though

they didn’t really care what people thought and just wanted to have some fun. This means that Punk Rock had to play a part in the development of our idea as this is all about pushing away mainstream values and living by their own rules.

• Our ‘star image’ is spread out across the band. Our lead singer is a good looking male, who would appeal to girls and dresses well. We almost have a star image by making the band seem extremely normal and down to earth, we tried not to make them have a ‘halo effect’ as we thought this makes bands actually less relatable and also takes away from the punk image as it’s pushing into the mainstream.

• Nevertheless, we tried hard to make the lead singer have some qualities of a star. He is confident, nonchalant, easy going and looks like he knows what he’s doing, making the singing seem effortless. This allows for him to seem normal and special at the same time. Conforming to Richard Dyer's theories.

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RESEARCH• We took inspiration for the lead singer’s look and attitude

from famous front men like Johnny Rotten from the Sex Pistols and Joe Strummer from the Clash.

• These two front men really pin point the ‘I don’t care’ attitude that we were going for. They are also incredible lead singers which made their bands have a huge impact on their genre.

• The Who also made an impact on our choices. The fashion that they had at the time was a style influence on our choices and if we had the budget, we definitely would have introduced some destroying equipment –

• https://youtu.be/AduIrDqBtGA?t=1m14s - Smashing guitar.

• Do you every feel like you’ve been cheated? – Johnny Rotten

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PICKING A CAST• Picking a cast was quite simple for us. We had in mind a few people from the

beginning to use as our band. The Guitarist was meant to be a boy who has a very alternative style, which would have suited the video very well; however, unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances, he was not able to do our video, so I filled in instead. I think this still worked despite the fact that I don ’t have a massively alternative sense of style, and the contrasting of myself to the other band members actually makes sense, considering we are meant to be good friends brought together through mutual love of music, rather than our sense of style.

• The Drummer, Josh, looks perfect for the video, he has long hair, wears alternative clothes and has a ‘I don’t care’ attitude.

• The Bassist, Kingsley, also was made to look like he has a nonchalant attitude towards everything, he also looks quite alternative.

• The Lead Singer, Sam, usually looks very different to how he looks in the video. Tom allowed us to use his clothes to model the band to make them fit the genre, the overcoat is a well known fashion item used by the mods in the 60’s. Shown here modeled on Noel Gallagher.

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TARGET AUDIENCE• It’s incredibly important to research your target audience before marketing your video.

One must know who the majority of the people are that are listening to the type of music so that you can try and please their tastes with your video.

• We’re aiming our video mostly at men, as the video is male dominated and does not feature any women, so it is difficult to women to relate to the members of the band, however, there is always the chance that women may find the members of the band attractive because of their talent or attitude or sense of fashion and can therefore become fans of the music too.

• Our Target audience is males and females of around 18-45

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CONVENTIONS• A music video of this genre of music would tend to have some fast paced editing. Lots of

close ups of the band members, lots of handheld footage, either a dark setting with bright lighting or a vast empty space, with spotlights. Lots of wide angle footage to show the band as a tight knit group. One would also expect to see jump cuts and close ups of instruments. A lot of them also incorporate destruction of some sort.

• Examples:

• Green Day – American Idiot

• New Found Glory – My Friends Over You

• Red Jumpsuit Apparatus – Face Down

• Nickelback - Photograph

• The Nickelback song is especially prevalent as it is also about nostalgia. The performace element is set in the band’s old school gym, closely relating to our concept of the Record Shop.

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WHAT DID I LEARN FROM THE RESEARCH?• Well… A lot of research was conducted and I think a lot was learnt about the genre of the

music and the conventions behind the videos.

• We worked well as a team to come up with our concepts and decided on something that kept everyone happy. The research has shown us that this genre of music can be listened to and enjoyed by a wide range of people from any ethnicity, style, age, background or gender as our audience feedback showed this in action. The rebellion of the music acts well as a release for a lot of people as they would not be able to act this way in normal life, even though they wish they could, even though the band in our video is not actually doing anything illegal or bad, the way they dress and act shows their outlook on society and gets the message across to the audience well. Our feedback shows that the Record Shop was a good location to set the narrative and that it works very well with the genre of music and the meaning behind the song.

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LOCATION, PROPS, SET DESIGN AND COSTUME• The location was chosen simply because it has a great sense of nostalgia to it. It’s a

fantastic filming location as the lighting was good and the scenes are panoramic and aesthetically pleasing, making the video easy to watch and difficult to get bored of.

• As for props, we used some of my collection of guitars to scatter around the room, this was to make the set look like the bedroom of a rebellious teenager. We had a knocked over lamp, showing disregard for cleanliness, this is also emphasized by the scattered clothes on the floor, the beer bottles and the messily arranged posters on the back of the walls. I sourced the posters from eBay and got them shipped from America, they worked well with the set as they were mostly from the 1980’s which goes with the theme and style of the video. All these props were used to make the scene relatable to our target audience of teenagers, but also to adults who may have lived that type of life previously and now are unable to.

• Costume – We used baggy jeans, denim jackets, overcoats and Dr. Martins to convey a sense of antiestablishment. This looked really great in the video and gave them a unique style, adding to their identity and star image.

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STORYBOARD AND ANIMATIC• By doing both a storyboard and animatic, it really helped with the all round visualization of our video.

Without them, we would not have had a clear idea of what we wanted when it came to the shoot day, it also gave us a rough guess as to what would work and what wouldn’t, so therefore allowed us to make changes to the shooting before we actually made the video, this obviously made our video smoother and better in the end.

• The storyboard was simply a scene by scene, hand drawn version of the video, depicting what would happen. Our original storyboard is very different to our finished video, but this is for the better, when we cut it to the music and saw that some of the narrative needed work and the band scenes would have been boring without a background, we cleaned everything up and this made for a much better end result.

• Animatic –

• The animatic also allowed for us to get some audience feedback before we shot, this meant we could tweak the video to the audiences tastes to make it well received by the target viewers. This is extremely helpful for marketing the video and the end star image of the performers. Because of the animatic feedback, we made sure that the narrative was clear and well structured to make sure the audience knew what was going on.

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WHAT’S THE REASON BEHIND PLANNING?• Planning is very important. Everything we did was meticulously planned to avoid last

minute mistakes which would have been very costly on shoot day.

• We have been taught to plan well and thoroughly as if something is missed out, it is not always simple to fix it. If shooting on location, like we did, if something goes wrong, it is not possible to go back and do another take another day, therefore everything must be planned in advance as to not make any mistakes or leave any equipment behind. For this reason, a shot list was made in preparation of shoot day, this allowed us to make sure we got all of the shots we needed to make our video.

• The storyboarding and animatic side of the planning was important as it allowed us a clear visualization of what the video should look like and what did and didn’t work.

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EXAMPLES OF GOOD PLANNING• We talked to the shop manager, Ben, well in advance of shoot day to make sure it was

okay for us to film in his shop. He gave us advice as to when was best to come in regards to light levels and also the time at which the fewest amount of customers would be in the shop, as to not interfere with the filming and for us to not interfere with his business as normal. This planning meant that the shoot day went smoothly and efficiently and most importantly successfully.

• Another example of our planning was the call lists that we used when we needed specific members of the band at certain times. This call list also included the phone numbers of the band. We used the café next door to the record shop to store the performers when they were not being filmed, so having their phone numbers allowed for us to quickly reach them and tell them to come down for their scene. This made the shoot day very efficient.

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CAMPAIGN RESEARCH• By researching the genres of music that have influenced our band, we’ve had a lot of

inspiration for our own campaigns.

• We like the sense of nostalgia that the record shop gives our video, and we think that this is the theme that we’d like to run throughout the campaign.

• For the Digipack, I’d like to have some outdated forms of music formatting like cassette tapes and records scattered around, possibly broken like this

• We also thought that it’d be a nice addition to have the track list written on the back of a cassette tape in handwriting, as this gives the album a sense of nostalgia, even though it’s on a modern format (CD).

• As for the website, we like the simplistic look, like that of The Sex Pistols where it’s obvious that the music comes first and star image comes second. We’d have a large, stylized image of the band on the front of our digipack, as this is conventional and shows the band as close and also allows for easy recognition.

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OVERALL EVALUATION• The planning aspect of our video was absolutely essential to the overall success of the


• We could have planned the building of the set better as it was quite haphazard on the day, although this is not all our fault as we were unable to get the wallpaper we wanted, which cost us valuable building time, meaning we had less time to shoot on the actual day.

• The research showed us that a punk themed, nostalgia based campaign will be widely well received by our target audience and will also look aesthetically pleasing and tie in well with the themes of the video and band.

• The planning of the video allowed us to visualize the concept and helped us fine tune it for shoot day

• The costumes and props made for a great set which fits the style and message of the music.

• We should have brought the storyboard with us to the shoot as it would have helped us immensely when trying to get all the correct shots to build up our narrative.