EMIDOI - Electronic Marketplace for Information on Decommissioning of Offshore Installations...

EMIDOI - Electronic Marketplace for Information on Decommissioning of Offshore Installations eContent Concertation Meeting 11 october 2001 - Frankfurt

Transcript of EMIDOI - Electronic Marketplace for Information on Decommissioning of Offshore Installations...

Page 1: EMIDOI - Electronic Marketplace for Information on Decommissioning of Offshore Installations eContent Concertation Meeting 11 october 2001 - Frankfurt.

EMIDOI - Electronic Marketplace for Information on Decommissioning of

Offshore Installations

eContent Concertation Meeting

11 october 2001 - Frankfurt

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Decommissioning of Offshore Installations:•Worldwide more than 7.000 installations•Decommissioning eminent in the coming years•European seas: Over the next 10‑20 years , 15‑25 installations to be abandoned annually

North Sea •more than 600 offshore platforms•more than 430 subsea structures •more than 600 subsea wellheads

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Challenges for public and private sector

a major challenge for public authorities and oil & gas operators from an environmental and technological perspective.

a challenging business opportunity for industry, like engineers, contractors, recycling companies, oil & gas companies, and environmental managers, to seek sustainable and economically feasible solutions and to apply new techologies for safeguarding the vulnerable marine environment.

Strong need for Information Exchange =>

opportunity for EMIDOI service

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to develop an electronic market and central focal point for information and data on and relevant for Decommissioning of Offshore Installations

by investigating the feasibility, both organisationally, technically and economically

by identifying the most suitable implementation

path and partnerships

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Target communities

Private industrial organisations:• oil & gas operators

• major offshore contractors

• consultancies

• service organisations

• engineering offices

• agencies

Public organisations:• environmental departments

• energy departments

• research institutes.

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Marine Information Service - MARIS BV (NL)

Oilfield Publications Ltd - OPL (UK)

British Geological Survey - BGS (UK)

Norges Geologiske Undersoekelse - NGU (NO)

Atlast BV (NL)

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• Provide an interesting marketing mix of products & services

• Establish a good balance between free (sponsored) and paid services & products

• Close interaction with public administrations and private sector

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Workplan • WP1: Project Management & Coordination

• WP2: Market survey to define matrix of relevant data & information and sources

• WP3: Development of Prototype portal site (for user market and providers)

• WP4: Active dialogue with information sourceholders to discuss participation, conditions and updating procedures

• WP5: Development of exploitation strategy and survey of market response

• WP6: Development of business plan for further implementation and exploitation

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Market survey

Active Dialogue with:• Operator Associations: UKOOA (UK), OLF (NO),


• Public Authorities: DTI (UK), NPD (NO), EZ (NL)

• Offshore Suppliers: contractors, engineers, surveyors, equipment suppliers

• Research Institutes: geology, water quality, ecosystem,


Inventories of relevant organisations in UK, NO, and NL

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Matrix of Products

FIELDS & PLATFORMS• Electronic map (GIS) with attribute info and indication about

expected shut-down.

• Exploitation model: free access to map and limited details. Additional attributes available by subscription.

ADVERTISING DECOMMISSIONING CASES• ‘For sale’ signs on the North Sea Map, which link to installation


• Exploitation model: Operators pay an advertisement fee.

REGULATORY FRAMEWORK• Overview of international regulations, like OSPAR, IMO, …and

national regulations.

• Exploitation model: free access

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Matrix of Products

ENVIRONMENTAL (META)DATABASE• (Meta)databases of marine environmental samples and

measurements around offshore platforms. Reports on Environmental Impact Assessments.

• Exploitation model: Free access for users and agreements with data providers forproviding a portal and distribution channel.

METASEARCH ENGINE• To index and give access to selected websites of organizations from

government, research and industry

• Exploitation model: free access

BUSINESS DIRECTORY: • Business Directory of companies and their equipment, tools,

expertise and capabilities regarding decommissioning.

• Exploitation model: yellow pages model

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Matrix of Products

VESSEL DATABASES Vessel Registers, like Construction Vessels of the World, ROV’s of

the World, Survey Vessels of the World, and others..

• Exploitation model: subscriptions for use

REPORTS • Indexing relevant reports of authorities, operators associations,

operators and contractors.

• Exploitation model: Free access for users and agreement with data providers for providing a portal and distribution channel for reports

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Prototype website (since april 2001)

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Offshore Map

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Offshore Map

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Vessel registers

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Vessel registers

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Vessel registers

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Vessel registers

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Vessel registers

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Further development

• Business Directory: cooperation with UKOOA and FPAL

• Environmental metadatabase

• Continuation of dialogue with Operator Associations and Public Organizations to establish firm agreements on information provision

• Marketing and promotion

• Exploitation schemes