E3 to E4 Management Question Bank (1)

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  • 8/11/2019 E3 to E4 Management Question Bank (1)



    1.TRAI stands for Telecom Regulatory Authorty o! "#$a.

    %.TRAI was formed in the year 1&&'.

    3.The main role of TRAI is to protect co#(umer #tere(t.

    4.TDSAT stands for Telecom D()ute *ettleme#t A))ellate + Tr,u#al.

    .TDSAT was formed in the year %.

    /.UASL stands for U#0e$ Acce(( *erce Lce#ce.

    '.NTP stands for Nato#al Telecom 2olcy.

    .BSNL realized maim!m re"en!e thro!#h Mo,le Ser"ices d!rin# the

    $nancial year %&&'(&).

    &.Accordin# to *c+insey , S frame wor+- the asic premise of the model

    foc!ses on'Nos of internal aspects of an or#anization- that need to e

    ali#ned- if it is to e s!ccessf!l.

    1. Soft /lements are no as important as the hard elements - if theor#anization is #oin# to e s!ccessf!l. 0 AL*E- They are al(o m)orta#t

    # or$er that the orga#5ato# ( (ucce((!ul].

    11. S12T stands for *TRENGT67 8EA9NE**7 O22ORTUN"T: +


    1%. Pro3ect ;

  • 8/11/2019 E3 to E4 Management Question Bank (1)


    1/. The pro3ect that concentrates on sa"in# of f!el cost and in"entory

    mana#ement is called )ro

  • 8/11/2019 E3 to E4 Management Question Bank (1)


    31. "*O (ta#$(!or "#ter#ato#al Orga#5ato# !or *ta#$ar$5ato#.

    3%. Late(t er(o# o! "*O (ta#$ar$ ( "*O &1=%.

    33. Iualty ( #ot a,(olute7 u#ue7 (tatc a#$ ,y cha#ce.

    34. Iualty mu(t ,e $e0#e$ a#$ ,e mea(ura,le.

    3. There are eght ma#ageme#t )r#c)le( o# Bhch the ualty

    ma#ageme#t (y(tem (ta#$ar$( o! the "*O & (ere( are ,a(e$.

    3/. A metho$ology B$ely u(e$ !or )roce(( m)roeme#t ( 2D?A.

    3'. 2D?A (ta#$( !or 2LAN7 DO7 ?6E?9 AND A?T.

    3. "# "*O7 N? (ta#$( !or No#-?o#!ormty.

    3&. The #o#-co#!ormte( are gra$e$ #to tBo categore( ,y theau$tor( a( Ma

  • 8/11/2019 E3 to E4 Management Question Bank (1)


    . E#ter)r(e H@u(#e((8!nit is responsile for the wholesale !siness

    !nderta+en on BSNL

  • 8/11/2019 E3 to E4 Management Question Bank (1)


    /. The three main parameters to meas!re the #ro!p

  • 8/11/2019 E3 to E4 Management Question Bank (1)


    %. NAM (ta#$( !orNato#al Accou#t Ma#ager.

    3. 9AM (ta#$( !or 9ey Accou#t Ma#ager.

    4. Three categore( o! E#ter)r(e ?u(tomer( are 2lat#um7 Gol$

    a#$ *ler.

    . The u#t re()o#(,le !or ree#ue o# accou#t o! @*NL( NLDJ"LD

    NetBorK ( ?areer 8hole *ale.

    /. The recomme#$ato#( o! the ?ET are

    a E((e#tally #ter#al $ocume#t.

    , E((e#tally eter#al $ocume#t.

    c @oth #ter#al a#$ eter#al

    $ No# o! the a,oe.

    ( ?orrect a#(Ber ( a E((e#tally #ter#al $ocume#t.

    '. ?ET (ta#$( !or?ommttee !or Ealuato# o! Te#$er.

    . N"T (ta#$( !or Notce "#t#g Te#$er.

    &. EO" (ta#$( !or E)re((o# o! "#tere(t.

    &. The ((ue o! Lmte$ Te#$er !or )rocur#g (o)h(tcate$

    eu)me#t HBth a))roal !rom TE?7 (houl$ hae the

    a co#curre#ce o! #a#cal A$(er

    , )er(o#al a))roal ,y the hea$ o! the u#t

    c o#ly the )er(o#al a))roal ,y the hea$ o! the u#t.

    $ No#e o! the a,oe.

    ?orrect a#(Ber ( a a#$ ,.

    &1. O)e# te#$er ( al(o calle$ ?om)ette Te#$er or 2u,lc Te#$er.

    &%. EO" may ,e re(orte$ to Bhe#

    a8 BSNL proposes to ind!ct new technolo#ye!ipmentnew ser"ice

    8 The speci$cations of the new technolo#yser"icee!ipment are not

    $rmed !p.

  • 8/11/2019 E3 to E4 Management Question Bank (1)


    c8 All the ao"e.

    ?orrect a#(Ber ( ?- all the a,oe.

    &3. S2R stands for*che$ule o! Reureme#t(.

    &4. A*4 stands for A##ual Ma#te#a#ce ?o#tract.

    &. 1hen there is a discrepancy etween the !nit price and total price

    a8 Unit price shall pre"ail

    8 Total price shall pre"ail

    c8 2nly !nit price shall pre"ail.

    ?orrect a#(Ber ( ?

    &/. 8he# there ( a $(cre)a#cy ,etBee# Bor$( a#$ 0gure(7 theamou#t #

    a8 8or$( (hall )real

    8 gure( (hall )real

    c8 No# o! the a,oe

    ?orrect a#(Ber ( a

    &'. "! the e(tmate$ alue o! the te#$er ( R( 3 crore( a#$ a,oe7

    leel o! @$ O)e##g Ocer Bll ,e o! the ra#K o!

    a8 D.E or euale#t

    8 *DE or euale#t

    c8 DGM or euale#t

    d8 No#e o! the a,oe

    ?orrect a#(Ber ( a DE or euale#t.

    &. "! the e(tmate$ alue o! the te#$er ( le(( tha# R( 3 crore(7leel o! @$ O)e##g Ocer Bll ,e o! the ra#K o!

    a8 D.E or euale#t

    8 AE or euale#t

    c8 DGM or euale#t

  • 8/11/2019 E3 to E4 Management Question Bank (1)


    d8 No#e o! the a,oe

    ?orrect a#(Ber ( , AE or euale#t.

    &&. A#y cha#ge # the co#(ttuto# o! the commttee Boul$

    #ee$ the a))roal o! ?GMJDDG HMM.

    1. "# all ca(e(7 t (houl$ ,e e#(ure$ that the ,$ o)e##g (

    com)lete$ o#

    a The (ame cale#$ar $ay

    , Net cale#$ar $ay

    c No#e o! the a,oe

    ?orrect a#(Ber ( a

    11. A re()o#(e ,$ ( a ,$ ! =-

    a "t meet( all the ma

  • 8/11/2019 E3 to E4 Management Question Bank (1)


    1'. Deelo)me#t ce#tre !or ER2 ( ,e#g (et u) atALTT?7


    1. 2O? (ta#$( !or2roo! o! ?o#ce)t.

    1&. ?TM* (ta#$( !or?om)uter(e$ Tra##g Ma#ageme#t*y(tem.

    11. *ME (ta#$( !or*u,

  • 8/11/2019 E3 to E4 Management Question Bank (1)


    13 2artto#( alue$ u)to R( % laKh((houl$ ,e charge$ to 2

    + L Accou#t a#$ a (e)arate reg(ter !or (uch a((et( ( to

    ,e ma#ta#e$.

    131 8he#eer $e-comm((o#e$ a((et( are 0#ally $()o(e$

    o7 ! the (ale )rocee$( ( more tha# the $e)recate$alue or #et real5a,le alue7 t Bll ,e treate$ a( #come.

    13% "# @*NL7 $e)recato# ( calculate$ o#Brtte# $oB#

    alue metho$.

    133 The $e)recato# rate !or ca,le( # @*NL ( 1.33 .

    134 *cra))#g ( to ,e $o#e through Metal( + *cra) Tra$#g

    ?or)orato# HM*T?.P

    13 RT" Act Ba( e#acte$ # Qu#e % # "#$a.

    13/ A((et( are cla((0e$ #to e$ a#$ ?urre#t a((et(.

    13' Depreciation means a fall in quality, quantity or value of an asset.

    13 "! a# eu)me#t ( #(tallato# ,ut t ( #ot comm((o#e$7t come( u#$er 8orK( # 2rogre((.S

    13& 2hy(cal er0cato# o! 0e$ a((et( ( the re()o#(,lty o!the ma#ageme#t

    a#$ the )ero$cty ( o#ce # year. "# ca(e o! ,ure$ca,le( t may ,e o#ce # 3year(.

    14. 8hat are the tBo ma

  • 8/11/2019 E3 to E4 Management Question Bank (1)


    14 "! the #!ormato# ( co#cer##g the l!e a#$ l,ertyo! a )er(o# the tme lmt (

    4 hour(7! a thr$ )arty ( #ole$ the tme lmt (4 $ay(.

    14/. 2"O (ta#$( !or 2u,lc "#!ormato# Ocer.14'. A))ellate Authorty ha( to $ec$e the ca(e #3-4 $ay( a( )erRT" Act.

    14. No rea(o# !or (eeK#g the #!ormato# u#$er RT" Act7 #ee$( to,e ()ec0e$ # the a))lcato#. [TRUE]

    14&. There ( #o !ee !or the 0r(t hour o! #()ecto# u#$er RT" Act.[TRUE]

    1. A!ter the 0r(t o#e hour7 o#e ha( to )ay R( J!or eery

    (u,(eue#t hour or !racto# thereo!.

    11. No !ee ( charge$ !rom )eo)le l#g ,eloB the )oerty l#e.[TRUE]

    1%. A))lca#t mu(t ,e )ro$e$ the #!ormato# !ree o! co(t7! the2"O !al( to com)ly Bth the )re(cr,e$ tme lmt.

    13. 2"O ( ge# 3 $ay( to )roce(( a#$ $()o(e the RT"a))lcato#.

    14. A2"O ha( to !orBar$ the reue(t(Ja))eal( Bth# $ay( to thea))ro)rate authorty.

    1. Ee# the eem)te$ #!ormato# ca# ,e $(clo(e$ ! )u,lc#tere(t oerBegh(the (ecrecy ,e#e0t(.

    1/. alure to )ro$e #!ormato# Bth# the ()ec0e$ )ero$ ( a$eeme$ re!u(al.

    1'. "#!ormato# ?omm((o# H"? at the ?e#tre a#$ *tate ha( the)oBer to m)o(e the )e#alty o# 2"O !or #o#-com)la#ce.


    1. The "? ca# recomme#$ $(c)l#ary acto# aga#(t a# err#g2"O. [TRUE]

    1&. Goo$ goer#a#ce ha( ma

  • 8/11/2019 E3 to E4 Management Question Bank (1)


    1/. The m(co#$ucto! a# em)loyee o! @*NL ( $e0#e$ u#$er Rule.

    1/1. or m)leme#t#g the arou( (cheme( u#$er ?or)orate *ocalRe()o#(,lty at **A leel7 a#$ !or $e#t!y#g the

    ,e#e0care(7 a 3 mem,er commttee ca# ,e !orme$ ,y **Ahea$(.

    1/%. @*NL Bll allocate.' o! t( #et o)erat#g )ro0t( !or ?*Ractte(.

    1/3. The mem,er( o! @*NL ?*R @oar$ a#$ crcle ?*R @oar$ (a or a term o! % year(, !or a term o! 3 year(c !or a term o! 1 year$ #o#e o! the a,oe

    ?orrect a#(Ber ( a % year(.

    1/4. The u#()e#t !u#$ at the e#$ o! the year Bth the ce#tral a#$crcle ,oar$ Bll ,e carre$ oer to the #et 0#a#cal year.CTRUE

    1/. ?*R (ta#$( !or ?or)orate *ocal Re()o#(,lty.

    1//. Rule o! @*NL ?DA Rule( %/7 ( relate$ Bth m(co#$uct.

    1/'. Rule 1o! @*NL ?DA Rule( %/7 ( relate$ Bth G!t(.

    1/. Rule %1 o! @*NL ?DA Rule( ( relate$ Bth moa,le7 mmoa,lea#$ alua,le )ro)erte(.

    1/&. The a))o#t#g authorty o! *DEJ*r *DE ( Drector H6R.

    1'. The $(c)l#ary authorty !or m#or )e#alty # re()ect o!*DEJ*r *DE ( GMJEuale#tOcer $eal#g Bth 6R.

    1'1. The $(c)l#ary authorty !or ma

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    1'4. Re(erato# !or *?J*TJO@? )ut together7 #ot to ecee$ o!aca#ce( # a year.

    1'. Re(erato# !or *?J*TJO@? )ut together7 #ot to ecee$ o!the ca$re.

    1'/. The re(erato# o! >>>>>>>$ay(a 1 $ay( , 1 $ay( c ' $ay( $ 3 $ay(

    1&. 8hat ( the o,

  • 8/11/2019 E3 to E4 Management Question Bank (1)


    a To checK Bhether rule( a#$ #orm( are ,e#g !olloBe$, To $e#t!y (hortcom#g( Bhch #()ecte$ (ecto#( )er(o# may #ot(ual(ec ear o! #()ecto# re!ra#( )eo)le to commt rregularty$ All o! the(e

    1&. The #ter)er(o#al relato# may ,e $$e$ # !olloB#g threecategore(. HtcK the rght o)to#a 2oBer!ul7 goo$ a#$ )oor c 2oBer!ul7 ml$ a#$ )oor, 2oBer!ul7 #ce a#$ )oor $ 2oBer!ul7 ml$ a#$ goo$

    1&1. ull !orm o! *8OT a#aly(( (a *tre#gth(7 BeaK#e((7 o))ortu#te( a#$ threat(, *tre#gth(7 BeaK#e((7 o))ortu#te( a#$ thru(t(c *tre#gth(7 BeaK#e((7 o)erato# a#$ threat($ *tre#gth(7 BeaK#e((7 o))ortu#te( a#$ theore(

    1&%. Iualty ha( !olloB#g character(tc(a Mu(t ,e $e0#e$ , @e mea(ura,le c @e achea,le $ Allo! the(e1&3. There are >>. Iualty ma#ageme#t )r#c)le( o# Bhch the ualtyma#ageme#t (y(tem (ta#$ar$( o! the "*O & (ere( are ,a(e$

    a e , * c *ee# $ Eght

    1&4. r(t u#t o! @*NL Bho o,ta#e$ "*O &1 cert0cato#a Ma#te#a#ce rego# , ALTT? c ?l B#g $ Telecom


    1&. ?u(tomer alue ma#ageme#t (a Rght cu(tomer( , Rght relato#(h) c Rght rete#to#

    $ All o! the(e

    1&/. *te)( to ,ul$ cu(tomer ore#tato# area ?u(tomer #ee$ a((e((me#t , ?om)ettor a#aly((

    c ?u(tomer (egme#tato# $ All o! the(e

    1&'. Grou)( ty)e( are

    a ormal , "#!ormal c "#tere(t $ Allo! the(e

    1&. ?urre#t er(o# o! "*O &1 a % , %1 c % $ %1

    1&&. A# eecte grou) (

  • 8/11/2019 E3 to E4 Management Question Bank (1)


    a le,le , 6gh $egree o! commu#cato#

    c A,le to #tate $ All o! the(e

    %. 8he# a lea$er #ole( o#e or more em)loyee( # $ec(o#

    maK#g )roce(( the# he ( !olloB#g lea$er(h) (tyle K#oB# a(aDelegate , Authortara# c2artc)ate $

    No#e o! the(e%1. ?o#Fct ( a )ro,lem Bhe# ta 6am)er( )ro$uctty , LoBer( moralec ?au(e( more a#$ co#t#ue$ co#Fct(. $ All o! the(e

    %%. "# G2M*7 ! acheeme#t ( le(( tha# the !ar target7 the (coreBll ,e

    a 4 , c / $Vero

    %3. 8hle )re)ar#g G2M* !or **A7 the )arameter ?all $ro)rateS Bll ,e # $me#(o#

    a #a#cal H, ?u(tomerJmarKet#g Hc O)erato#( H$

    No#e o! the(e

    %4. ER2 (ta#$( !ora E#ter)r(e Recrutme#t 2la###g , E#ter)r(e

    Re(ource 2la###g

    c E#ter)r(e Ree#ue 2la###g $ No#e o! the(e

    %. 8hch o! the !olloB#g ( a ta#g,le a((eta @ul$#g , *o!tBare c Goo$Bll $


    %/. De)recato# metho$ # @*NL (a 8rtte# $oB# alue metho$ , )erce#tage

    metho$c ?el#g metho$ $ No#e o! the(e

    %'. 8hch rato ( #ot u(e$ !or (ale( )er!orma#ce

    a ?o#tact Rato , 2ro)o(al Rato c ?lo(#g Rato $ IucKL(t Rato

    %. ?u(tomer ore#tato# (

    a ?om)ettor !ocu( , @u(#e(( !ocu( c ?u(tomer !ocu(

    $ all

    %&. "# @*NL oB#e$ (ale( (etu) Bhch ( #ot correct a,out ?*?(.

  • 8/11/2019 E3 to E4 Management Question Bank (1)


    a ?*?( are (u))o(e$ to ,e (#gle B#$oB

    , ?*?( are o)e# !rom am to )m.

    c ?a(h Tra#(acto# are $o#e tll clo(#g hour.

    d8 ?*?( #ee$ #ot to ,e (mart7 courteou( a#$ K#oBle$gea,le a,out@*NL.

    %1. A( )er 2ro

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    a8 ALTT? , @*NL ?O c *T2 $*TR

    %1. U#$er 8D; metho$ o! $e)recato# calculato#7 $e)recato## thr$ year !or a# a((et co(t#g R( 177J- at a $e)recato#

    rate o! 1 Boul$ ,e=a8 R( 7J- ,R( 71J- c R( 7%J- $

    R( 73J-

    %1&. U#$er RT" act7 2"O (ta#$( !or > 2u,lc "#!ormato# Ocer>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>..>>>..

    %%. "# 2ha(e " o! the 2ro

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    c8 Stren#ths- wea+ness- operation and threatsd8 Stren#ths- wea+ness- opport!nities and theories

    %%'. K!ality m!st e de$ned, Asol!te 8 !ni!e c8 static d8 mea(ura,le

    %%. 4!rrent "ersion of IS2 )&&F, %&&& 8 %&&F c8 % d8 %&F&

    %%&. :irst !nit of BSNL who otained IS2 )&&F certi$cation, *aintenance re#ion 8ALTT? c8 4i"il win# d8 Telecom


    %3. 4!stomer "al!e mana#ement is, Ri#ht c!stomers 8 Ri#ht relationship c8 Ri#ht retention d8all

    %31. 4!stomer orientation is

    8 4ompetitor foc!s 8 B!siness foc!s c8 ?u(tomer !ocu( d8 all

    %3%. ro!ps types are, :ormal 8 informal c8 interest d8 all

    %33. Decision strate#ies area8 A!thority decides 8 ma3ority 9ote c8 consens!s d8 all

    %34. An e?ecti"e #ro!p isa8 :leile 8 hi#h de#ree of comm!nication c8 ale to initiate d8


    %3. ood teams always #o thro!#h, !orm7 (torm7 #orm7 )er!ormc storm- norm- perform- form$ norm- perform- form- storme perform- form- storm- norm

    %3/. 4onCict is a prolem when it8 >ampers prod!cti"ity c8 Lowers moralec8 4a!ses more and contin!ed conCicts. d8 All o! a,oe

    %3'. In P*S- if achie"ement is less than the fair tar#et- the score will ea8 G& 8 H& c8 J& d8 Vero

    %3. 1hile preparin# P*S for SSA- the parameter BTS a"ailailityMwill e in dimension

    a8 :inancial 78 4!stomermar+etin# 7c8 O)erato#( 7d8 None of


  • 8/11/2019 E3 to E4 Management Question Bank (1)


    %3&. De"elopment center of /RP is ein# set !p atEa8 IT Pro3ect 4ircle P!ne.

    8 >yderaad.

    c8 ALTT?.

    d8 ;ol+ata.

    %4. 1hich of the followin# is an intan#ile asset, B!ildin# 78 /chan#e 7c8 4ale networ+ 7d8 Tra$emarK

    %41. Depreciation method in BSNL is, 8rtte# $oB# alue metho$c :i percenta#e method$ 4eilin# methode None of ao"e

    %4%. 1hich ratio is not !sed for sales performance

    , 4ontract Ratio 8 Proposal Ratio c8 4losin# Ratio d8 IucK L(tRato

    %43. 1hich 4ate#ory in /nterprise 4!stomer se#mentation is Platin!m4!stomer

    a8 8th "#$cate Tur# oer more tha# ?r. )er a##um.

    8 1ith Indicati"e T!rn o"er more than H& to H&& 4r. per ann!m.

    c8 1ith Indicati"e T!rn o"er more than F& 4r. per ann!m.d8 1ith Indicati"e T!rn o"er more than F&& 4r. per ann!m.

    %44. In BSNL owned sales set!p which is not correct ao!t 4S/s.

    e8 4S/s are s!pposed to e sin#le window

    f8 4S/s are open from ' am to ' pm.

    #8 4ash Transaction are done till closin# ho!r.

    h8 ?*E( #ee$ #ot to ,e (mart7 courteou( a#$ K#oBle$gea,le a,out@*NL.

    %4. :or ens!rin# timely illin# pro3ect name is E8 9u,er 8 Sanchay c8 Udaan d8 Dosti

    %4/. ;PI Stands for 5 9ey )er!orma#ce "#$cator5555555555..

    %4'. P*S Stands for 55 Grou) 2er!orma#ce Ma#ageme#t

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    *y(tem >5555555..

    %4. In :@ %&&'(&) BSNL earned maim!m re"en!e from which of thefollowin# ser"icesE

    , Landline 8Mo,le c8 Broadand d8 4irc!its

    %4&. In Phase I of the Pro3ect Shi+har- the initiati"e foc!sin# on f!elcost sa"in# has een In Phase I of the Pro3ect Shi+har- the initiati"efoc!sin# on f!el cost sa"in# has een nic+named asE

    , 2ro

  • 8/11/2019 E3 to E4 Management Question Bank (1)
