Dr. Kurtz gives the McPhersonarchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v2-1r.pdf · VOLUME2....

VOLUME2. 225 ENROLLED-PLUS SPECIALS . 36 Prof. J. J. Yoder Interviewed Publuhed by McPHE RSON C OLLEGE. M cPHERSON , KANSAS. PRIDA- ¥;- OC'IOBER 11, 1918 · Dr. Kurtz gives the . . McPherson l eg ·e A lnten ·low wltb Mr. J. .T. Yo<kr. round him sltrouded In n moet McPherl'On College wns .touucled for the purpose oC pro\'ltllug Christian benriy full fledged optimism. If he Education tor the yonni: people of Amerlcn. It wus tltc belief of I.he founders. the mnnoger ot the)lilnnces· of McPhcr· tis It Is ot the-present tn1s tees nod tnculty, tbut our ch·lll •.ntlon, our lnlltltu· 8011 College ts utls6ed' with the out tions, nod · o ur democracy rest upon trained null honest leadership. It wns lo.•k (row tbe present conditions at ol<I always the J>Olit:y of McPherson Colleg(• to open her doors to ull wbo wunt an .M. t',. no one else c1111 complnl n. cducnt1011. no mnttcr bow poor nre 01· how · humhl c their station In life. By ril e way 11 few do.rs pre, ·tous might M1111y youui; men without mout>y uJl(: without eucour"i:emeut from l rlcmls, nol !111Ye found him In such good splr· secured 811 education ut McPhel'son Collri:e. It is one of our most highly lt,. , 'J'he dormitory wns of prized nd1lc\'eme111s. t:b11t "o lu.<gc ! 11 «1·11t of our stmlents work U1clr wny "<><'l<S : Mrs. Lotzeublesser. who boil th1·ougb c-ollege. 1111<1 thut lhc true 11pi rit of demorncy reigns supreme. Every held 1hls position for ,yearn, bns I Olli! hns nn t'Q\181 chan('C uucl ge ts 11 square deal nt McPherson. n·1h·r11. nnd o new, one must be hl stnl· The (•ollrge depnr u1u!11t "to1uls for true c ul ture. A liberal educati on Is to led. F'lnully Mrs. of Moruid· 1 libernlize tl1e . in1lh· lduul- to run kc him 11 !ree moral bel11g- to develop a per- rhl):r. Kansns took the plat'tl left VJ\· J sonullt:y thnt. k11ow1<, ('1111 think, nntl thnt boH 11 will to lirn n nob.le 1111<1 use· l!nur. nnd ngnlu th!) whn bOllrd 'j fnl Tho btl{'<>lll.<3 u. lea(!cr lllell. · :ou t of m·ery fh·c ut tlui.·111ltory tLrc e.njoyh1g unne. . hlltl th.trtC<'lt le:.Hlt•rs 111 J,, t: 1Jlllh1...e..J uud l'Wt! h'\! nre <,-ollege- good. instr food" (quoted ,·e rbntim). l bred. The <>oUege <'Olltf<C Is n lh · lng uitlt. h1tcnd1•<l to IJrtm(leu the vision 1111<1 H1• 111•0 has another engaged nnd from : s;vw1>11 thll'R. 11ud to deepen 111111 purify tJw s prings of nctlon. It ncquuln.ta the what llttle cnn be i:othere<J of his In· · student with sciem'C. hi s tory, pltllosoph;v uucl religion. !tO Umt he !eels ' r.1111011• nloni: U1is lino, It Is to be sus· ' 111 home in the wo rld. of 11:1tnre 111111 man. nnd he wnlks humbly wlt1>41'fii> Goel. thut he Is 11111i11tnlnt11g a Cook ' 'l' ho coll ege 1llsc·i11l111(•s tlw min<I. IT:tln8 l'ltc> u1on 1I 11111.oit s. uud most of nil gives K esc•r\'(• F' oi'l-c. He lwlleYes In prepn the t<t u<lent 11 trnc ot One . c1111oot lh·e e ft" ecttvsl:r unless .Cur"" '. Soutl' of the hm· e re- one lhc right lhlngs. .fumes 1;:11tl "n .college course Is marko'll upou . lbe l'rofesso1"s c uri ous to ounbl<11 periwn to know 11 i.;0011 111:111 when he Hces hint." In other words- h:thit elf collec tlng '('OOks, but he "i8 a to kuow 11m1 to lo•·c tbe true. the good n111I the henntllul. wberen•r U1cy arc. i euin• In this line and as a conRe<j ue uce is the resull of u good <:Olleg(' t·ourl<(! . ..... ure to he C '-llCCted. M<: Pltcr Ho u C'nll1•gc Is uhsolutl •lr ht s pirit und In purpose. 'l'be Ou ll't•dnesday; Ser>tember eleTeuth. ldculs of self·1:0,·ernment- 11re 1101 111111:ht hut prnctil'Cd. Abore nil. the fit tit\' usual chnpel hour. Dr. D. ·w. l'Ollt•i:c c.xl•I• to promote !rue throughout Atncrica 1rnd the Wor ld. Knn: <. the l>clo,·ed Presldent of Mc· It Is the profoundl••t eom·1ct1011 of the nrnu:ii;cmeut und fllcully. thnt dcm0erney C:ollei:e. gu•·e 1he opeuiug ud· whl(·h me1111H self -gO\'erumellt. 1-estM · UtJOll the Chrlsthn \' irtucH of wisdom •!rt>,.,., He told of tbe tclools ot the In· houc•ty. equnlity and cm<'lenc·y. We wnnt nil the s l. ndenb! •thli 'ion in fine Rlnt-er lty so much of ull the tl1'p: 1rt111cns-whcther they study ruuMh'. uttrlc ultnre. book-ke<lphig. 1><1r c or wlml he 911.\"8. :oi ew students sleuogrnphy. normul, C'Olll.'l:l' or Rlbl('. to •·11td1 the ,·lsion ot McPhel'l!On college. "'••• ' urprised truct ns n mnn of at- thnt 1111 trnluing nnd educ11tiou Ahouiii he for Aet·vlc•c. for leadership, tor fah·, u1ul tmuM11>tl meutullty he rh •ulei l n nd tor n lwttN' nml uohler democruc ·y. Ruskin once said "Tbut rb•"><•' rwo Qttulities In his nbllltl:_ 88 11 nutlon is t hat hns the i:reutesL number of good people per equa re lmhlk <J:>eol;<>r. Be hns surrendered mile thnc the ru1tlon cau mnlnt:!ln.'' It Is the pnr1>0se of Mc Pherson collcge , to ·fill olltt' outltltlor 1 s to thut of becom!Jig mukc veorile ttw l1<•st PoSSlhle dtl1.ens of our clemocrn('y. · • · r.lh:lous educutor. He IJJls made We helle\ 'I' in the religion· or .Jesus ChrlsL Aud we believe thnt 11 true lllony 11 bru, ·c RUCrlllce tor McPherson interpretation of t11c Bibl e Is on(' of the grc8test IH !P<ls ot our worhl. · We want 1111d IA n mun dee ply a pprec tn- on our students to kno" to emuln te. 1111d to tbt• mnt.cbless etltks ahd tru unroug U1e students of Uils tnstltu· ldenls of .Jesus wltl (' h will muk e life wortl1 linng. Mon oiw;t get iu rlitbt re- rio11. os soon 8S tliey come tit· touch latlonsblp with t'lle lntl!!lt.e for bis own snke, ns well nJ! to give ·lllm t1 1e pawer' to his u111g111flcten t iiersonajity. 1 11\ •c heat s<kl!11 life with bis fl'Ho" ;s. Mnn needs a clYUSJJ!IC· to oven;ome 1 11<•re ore f our new' members on tbe -the lowe .r uarure. and he needs n CftllS4, to W;'llch he ean be leyal. ls -no fo cultr .this year: Prof. B ersbey or cau!le In the world Jlke the cause or Ch,rlst, In building up tl\o Relgu ot . GOd-tbe ol 1fominatlo11 of nud lo••e ·i.n the heurb! of men. •. " J lo1l111 .un. tea< iher ot Romar:t'tl Languag. McPhenoon Is fl Christian lnstltntlotl wl. tb . 11 p latform ae broad Pror. Blair Prlu<:lp;il of Academy trutl>, ns high as hollne.81!. ns dCfP as di vine love; and It Is lier Joy and J>r. ld"ho!<(• major ts education oud Ml*8' t b11t her ·alunml are mQktng goo;l. Loni: llYe McEbel'll0)1 College! from Ell.ubetbtnwn, Pa .• who i. •t rlw heu tl ot the 1111 11 •hor{.lmnd , •' -,- - INTERESTING-ARE THESE CH,A.PEL SPEAKERS · The •·hope.I sen •lces tor the .first month of scltool bn vc been more t1111n ustmlly prof ftnble and Interesting tJe. cause or . the presence of speel11l speak· ers. the traditional c hupel speech, It Is \veil lmown, wns al ways tu couiorm· tty to laws In resJ.)e<:t that It · was uhove nil things dry. ' nut out'-.:' vlsltors this )'rtt r wct'C full of Pep nnd pugnnJ1ty. Dr. A. H. linmly or Auburn, Ill., 11 brother of our own Dr , Hnruly, !!I on old . fnrnrltc with Mc Pherson college uudlcrit us shl!'C t11e dnys of yore. A few wt'<l ks 111,'0 he.<1roppe<1·w uud guve n rh1gl. ng nd t ltess· on pntrlotlsm, t he - J<tnd that Is evidenced by 1taylmJ / n ; school. .His doee" touch wl th the eov· ; "rument ru11Clol " lifll a-p(lelli uu tiii oally strong. Mr. 0. S. Goorb:, a former gt"adua'te of M. 0., nnd later 11 graduate of Divi nity Scl1ool, vlslte<l the L'Ollege and tulkcd to the atudeut body. As a mnn of sincere tboC 11ud lifted Ideals, what he said was of so lnsplrntlou. Be soon l!ltlls for Chinn where be Is. to toke up the work of an educ11tloual mlsslo11111·y Uto direction Of the Cougrcgnt101111I Mlsslo1111ry Board.. ll r. Gephart of the local Y. M. C. A. spoke "pointed!;!! ," when he come out :S to tng the men r1ttory to the . big uununl ' watermelon f el.'<1 down, lit - the Y. M. liull dl ng. And It wa eltber t110 pol11t or the tbnt (or -: nu U1e men become "melo1icboly" that , night, · · central Academy and cOllege o pe ned up ita S. A. T. C. fil'llt, · and a clfJJ'S ptf,or to t1ie oynt J."..res. F.'ewlll lllld Lieut Uupert, the commandttut. called at eh111K'I 'time. I.leuL Rupert ' 111 a soldierly W•U' . set forth the pose ot' the S. A. T. C. and dwelt upon what Jt has don e iu the OOHt!ftll..ln Stat :cs, . wbcro lt /Jia11 been In· &tailed. ·. - The Fouctb Ubert.7 Loen bl'OUSbt to our. dt;y Wlchlta'ii m011 t' djatSU:. .suiahed C. Q.·

Transcript of Dr. Kurtz gives the McPhersonarchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v2-1r.pdf · VOLUME2....

Page 1: Dr. Kurtz gives the McPhersonarchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v2-1r.pdf · VOLUME2. 225 ENROLLED-PLUS SPECIALS . 36 Prof. J. J. Yoder Interviewed Publuhed by McPHERSON



. 36

Prof. J. J . Yoder Interviewed


PRIDA-¥;- OC'IOBER 11, 1918

·Dr. Kurtz gives the . .

McPherson ~o leg·e A 1~·rent lnten·low wltb Mr. J. .T.

Yo<kr. round him sltrouded In n moet McPherl'On College wns .touucled for the purpose oC pro\'ltllug Christian benriy full fledged optimism. If he Education tor the yonni: people of Amerlcn. It wus tltc belief of I.he founders. the mnnoger ot the)lilnnces·of McPhcr· tis It Is ot t he-present tn1s tees nod tnculty, tbut our ch·lll•.ntlon, our lnlltltu· 8011 College ts utls6ed' with the out tions, nod · our democracy rest upon trained null honest leadership. It wns lo.•k (row tbe present conditions at ol<I always the J>Olit:y of McPherson Colleg(• to open her doors to ull wbo wunt an .M. t',. ~urely no one e lse c1111 complnln. cducnt1011. no mnttcr bow poor the~· nre 01· how· humhlc their station In life. By rile way 11 few do.rs pre,·tous might M1111y youui; men without mout>y uJl(: without eucour"i:emeut from l rlcmls, nol !111Ye found him In such good splr· secured 811 education ut McPhel'son Collri:e. It is one of our most highly lt,. , 'J'he dormitory wns des~rted of prized nd1lc\'eme111s. t:b11t "o lu.<gc! 11 t>~r «1·11t of our stmlents work U1clr wny "<><'l<S : Mrs. Lotzeublesser. who boil th1·ougb c-ollege. 1111<1 thut lhc true 11pirit of demo:·rncy reigns supreme. Every held 1hls position for el~ven ,yearn, bns I Olli! hns nn t'Q\181 chan('C uucl ge ts 11 square deal nt McPherson. n·1h·r11. nnd o new, one must be hlstnl· The (•ollrge depnru1u!11t "to1uls for true cul ture. A liberal education Is to led. F'lnully Mrs. Sbowalt~r of Moruid·

1 libernlize tl1e . in1lh· lduul- to run kc him 11 !ree moral bel11g- to develop a per­

rhl):r. Kansns took the plat'tl left VJ\· J sonullt:y thnt. k11ow1<, ~int ('1111 think, nntl thnt boH 11 will to lirn n nob.le 1111<1 use· l!nur. nnd ngnlu th!) student~ whn bOllrd 'j fnl ~lfe. Tho <·~Uo11c·b»cd mn~1 btl{'<>lll.<3 u. lea(!cr ~: lllell. ·:out of m·ery fh·c ut t !i~ tlui.·111ltory tLrc e.njoyh1g unne . . hn11 ~1rcd hlltl th.trtC<'lt le:.Hlt•rs 111 .\w~ru:u. J,, t: 1Jlllh1...e..J uud l'Wt!h'\! nre <,-ollege­good. instr food" (quoted ,·erbntim). l bred. The <>oUege <'Olltf<C Is n lh·lng uitlt. h1tcnd1•<l to IJrtm(leu the vision 1111<1 H1• 111•0 has another engaged nnd from : s;vw1>11 thll'R. 11ud to deepen 111111 purify tJw springs of nctlon. I t ncquuln.ta the what llttle cnn be i:othere<J of his In· · student with sciem'C. his tory, liter:1 111r~. pltllosoph;v uucl religion. !tO Umt he !eels

' r.1111011• nloni: U1is lino, It Is to be sus· ' 111 home in the world. of 11:1tnre 111111 man. nnd he wn lks humbly wlt1>41'fii> Goel. pic• ion~d thut he Is 11111i11tnlnt11g a Cook ' 'l'ho college 1llsc·i11l111(•s tlw min<I. IT:tln8 l'ltc> u1on1I 11111.oits . uud most of nil gives Kesc•r\'(• F'oi'l-c. He lwlleYes In prepnr· the t<t u<lent 11 trnc pers~'<·th·c ot rnlu~s. One. c1111oot lh·e eft"ecttvsl:r unless .Cur"" '. Soutl' of the shtdent~ hm·e re- one 1•ruphn~lzes lhc right lhlngs. Profc·~sm· .fumes 1;:11tl "n .college course Is marko'll upou .lbe l'rofesso1"s curious to ounbl<• 11 periwn to know 11 i.;0011 111:111 when he Hces hint." In other words­h:thit elf collec tlng '('OOks, but he "i8 a to kuow 11m1 to lo•·c tbe true. the good n111I the henntllul. wberen•r U1cy arc. i euin• In this line and as a conRe<jueuce is the resull of u good <:Olleg(' t·ourl<(! . ..... .., 11 1 1·klUc~ ure to he C'-llCCted. M<:PltcrHou C'nll1•gc Is uhsolutl •lr demo<:rutl~· ht spirit und In purpose. 'l'be

Ou ll't•dnesday; Ser>tember eleTeuth. ldculs of self·1:0,·ernment- 11re 1101 0111~· 111111:ht hut prnctil'Cd. Abore nil. the fit tit\' usual chnpel hour. Dr. D. ·w. l'Ollt•i:c c.xl•I• to promote !rue Dt•u10c·rm.~· throughout Atncrica 1rnd the World. Knn:<. the l>clo,·ed Presldent of Mc· It Is the profoundl••t eom·1ct1011 of the nrnu:ii;cmeut und fllcully. thnt dcm0erney l'h~r•ou C:ollei:e. gu•·e 1he opeuiug ud· whl(·h me1111H self-gO\'erumellt. 1-estM · UtJOll the Chrlsthn \' irtucH of wisdom •!rt>,.,., He told of tbe tclools ot the In· houc•ty. 1111Hel fi~l111e11S, equnlity and cm<'lenc·y. We wnnt nil the s l.ndenb! •thli'ion in <tl\~ t fine Rlnt-erlty so much of ull the tl1'p:1rt111cns-whcther they study ruuMh'. uttrlcultnre. book-ke<lphig. • 1><1rc or wlml he 911.\"8. :oiew students sleuogrnphy. normul, C'Olll.'l:l' or Rlbl('. to •·11td1 the ,·lsion ot McPhel'l!On college. "'••• ' urprised truct ns n mnn of at- thnt 1111 trnluing nnd educ11tiou Ahouiii he for Aet·vlc•c. for leadership, tor fah·, u1ul tmuM11>tl meu tullty he rh•uleil !'ltl1.eu~hl11. nnd tor n lwttN' nml uohler democruc·y. Ruskin once said "Tbut rb•"><•' rwo Qttulities In his nbllltl:_ 88 11 nutlon is ~lronge~t t hat hns the i:reutesL number of good people per equare lmhlk <J:>eol;<>r. Be hns surrendered mile thnc the ru1tlon cau mnlnt:!ln.'' It Is the pnr1>0se of McPherson collcge ,to

·fill olltt' t· outltltlor1s to thut of becom!Jig mukc veorile ttw l1<•st PoSSlhle dtl1.ens of our clemocrn('y. · • ·r.lh:lous educutor. He IJJls made We helle\'I' in the religion· or .Jesus ChrlsL Aud we believe thnt 11 true lllony 11 bru,·c RUCrlllce tor McPherson interpretation of t11c Bible Is on(' of the grc8test IH!P<ls ot our worhl. · We want <'oil«~~. 1111d IA n mun deeply a pprectn- on our students to kno"' · to emuln te. 1111d to f~llow tbt• mnt.cbless etltks ahd tru unroug U1e students of Uils tnstltu· ldenls of .Jesus wltl('h will muke life wortl1 linng. Mon oiw;t get iu rlitbt re­rio11. os soon 8S tliey come tit· touch latlonsblp with t'lle lntl!!lt.e for bis own snke, ns well nJ! to give ·lllm t11e pawer' to Wi~h his u111g111flctent iiersonajity. 1 11\•c ti~ heat s<kl!11 life with bis fl'Ho";s. Mnn needs a clYUSJJ!IC· to oven;ome

111<•re ore four new' members on tbe -the lowe.r uarure. and he needs n CftllS4, to W;'llch he ean be leyal. Tb~ ls-no focultr .this year: Prof. B ersbey or cau!le In the world Jlke the cause or Ch,rlst, In building up tl\o Relgu ot .GOd-tbe ~·~ L>~1>a r1!f1ent ol Chemlsp-y~ M~ 1fominatlo11 of rtght~uime811 nud lo••e ·i.n the heurb! of men. •. " J lo1l111.un. tea<iher ot Romar:t'tl Languag. McPhenoon C',oll~ Is fl Christian lnstltntlotl wl.tb . 11 p latform ae broad ~aa ~: Pror. Blair Prlu<:lp;il of Academy trutl>, ns high as hollne.81!. ns dCfP as divine love; and It Is lier Joy and J>r.ldo· "ho!<(• major ts education oud Ml*8 ' t b11t her ·alunml are e~·erywbere mQktng goo;l. Loni: llYe McEbel'll0)1 College! .llill~r from Ell.ubetbtnwn, Pa .• who i. • t rlw heu tl ot the type-~rltlng 111111 •hor{.lmnd 'tl~ll~rtment , •'



The •·hope.I sen •lces tor the .first month of scltool bn vc been more t1111n ustmlly profftnble and Interesting tJe. cause or .the presence of speel11l speak· ers. the traditional chupel speech, It Is \veil lmown, wns a lways tu couiorm· ~ tty to Klmsn~ laws In resJ.)e<:t that It· was uhove nil things dry. 'nut out'-.:' vlsltors this )'rtt r wct'C full of Pep nnd pugnnJ1ty.

Dr. A. H. linmly or Auburn, Ill., 11 brother of our own Dr, Hnruly, !!I on old. fnrnrltc with McPherson college uudlcritus shl!'C t11e dnys of yore. A few wt'<lks 111,'0 he .<1roppe<1· w uud guve n rh1gl.ng ndtltess· on pntrlotlsm, t he -J<tnd that Is evidenced by 1taylmJ / n ; school. .His doee" touch wlth the eov· ; "rument ru11Clol" lifll a-p(lelli uutiiioally strong.

Mr. 0. S. Goorb:, a former gt"adua'te of M. 0., nnd later 11 graduate of ~ole Divinity Scl1ool, vlslte<l t he L'Ollege and tulkcd to the atudeut body. As a mnn of sincere tboC 11ud lifted Ideals, what he said was of so ' 1l~ep lnsplrntlou. Be soon l!ltlls for Chinn where be Is. to toke up the work of an educ11tloual mlsslo11111·y ~UHier Uto direction Of the Cougrcgnt101111I Mlsslo1111ry Board..

llr. Gephart of the local Y. M. C. A. spoke "pointed!;!!," when he come out :S to tng the men 'p~pu r1ttory to the. big uununl 'watermelon fel.'<1 down, lit- the Y. M. liulldlng. And It was· eltber t110 pol11t or the ~Ion tbnt l.ttr~~led, (or -: nu U1e men become "melo1icboly" that , night, • · · ·~

central Academy and cOllege opened up ita S. A. T. C. Octo~r fil'llt, · and a te~ clfJJ'S ptf,or to t1ie oynt J."..res. F.'ewlll lllld Lieut Uupert, the commandttut. called at eh111K'I 'time. I.leuL Rupert ' 111 a soldierly W•U' .set forth the ~ur· pose ot' the S. A. T. C. and dwelt upon what Jt has done iu the ~ OOHt!ftll..ln ~be:Unltccl Stat:cs, .wbcro lt/Jia11 been In· &tailed. ·. • • -

The Fouctb Ubert.7 Loen bl'OUSbt to our. dt;y ~oll'of Wlchlta'ii m011t' djatSU:. .suiahed dtbe~ M~. C. Q.· ~.

Page 2: Dr. Kurtz gives the McPhersonarchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v2-1r.pdf · VOLUME2. 225 ENROLLED-PLUS SPECIALS . 36 Prof. J. J. Yoder Interviewed Publuhed by McPHERSON

~· .... I •

The SJ)ect•tor the tip end ot our pen-coperftoona wltable ''big · slater", who . took -:her O., •• all Otbl'r collegee; Jii• lOflt m11n1 marbe; marbe not. , - .Y- to her room. where llbe found tlowen, • ot her ooa( atbletee to--"the serl'lce fl · 1• A.re roo interested lo what kind w'bt<:h . Juul been Jett there b7 the eo-· Code sAm. bot' at1ll there, Ja good tu•

-l'u!.u.bedaou=.,.b• ~eo :::~r- ot a paper repreeenta KcPheraou Col- clal 81!1'vlce commltlee. The "ble ala- terlal tor bnaket ball t:bla winter 111 -.- ~.... •· w _ . 1 1 - ter" tben iotroduced her to other girls aa t:b1a bae' ahn(a ..P~7~ 11 lendl111 En,tered H ~d ~18 matter ~ov-, ~. Will 1011 help lonaugiirate high- and helped her enroll. Later she plat· role lo stnde'!,t a~vi~ - m!lll>' ot ti~

embet 20, 1017, at the Poat. Oftlce at mlndetT ae1·lou111ell8 and cl¢an tun? ed tl1e part of. especial cseort. b~oilgh~ McPlleraonlane l~~.f~~ ~with r c11I i\lcPberaon: K~as. under- the"act of i n. Will you do four part when· "little sister". to t!Je Y: W. ll()(•llll an!l gusto to the -opentoi- of the seneou. MllJ'Cb 3. 1897. e,·er called upon, and <lo it :to the ~t 1111w that she ·had ll "good time.''. The DR'.. CULLEmERMON OF

of your ablllt.y? . - eoc:lal this 7ear was a la Jndlnn; eight SEPTEMBER' N INTH. ~$LOO per Jeer hi Alh- "'l.V. WIU you ot sel1·1nltiatlon gbe tribe& bi!ing rep1'el!ented. Eoch gave

all your brilliant Ideas concerntog'jour· o e<.-ene, 11 aong or a don<:e by tJie light (Reported by · Mr. · Prather) l Edltorlin.Clltef .... Gladye Irene Beaston nallsm 00 ''The Spectator? <>f · a . glowing camp fire; then . "heap "The Unpardonloble Sln"-Text MDI. A.Moclate .Edltor ............ Barry Gilbert :V. Pleaae.-lt there la ariy "ku()(k· good .lnjun cnt beup blg watermelon." . _ U.3%, S3-- \ Bost- MADager .... :.. ...... : .... P11ul Pear Ing" ·00 be done, do It to-our laces. On September the tweilty·slxth. ft~ty- _ -in§lls passage oi .9Crtpture Christ AIAIOC. MUIJ,lness· ¥gr................................. VI. Fucylt7, It e.ver .we fall short eight iiew members took the light · ot ha. 8 ellod llls words . iii' majesty. A·

; • · s:r~F of-truly repreee11tl11g the highest ldeule the nsl!-OClntlon In a benutltul and im·. 'grent ma'88 of people ·.consider the m• Athletlcs ................... _,. ..... Georgo Goone .... of "Mcl'he,rson Ool.lege, tetf· us tor we 111·el!ljll'C Clllldle ser\'l<:C: this Ugh( ls p!!rdo ble sin

8 epEdft" sin, but Uod '

In Boclecy .......... : ......... ~arguerlte Muee are working In the best biterests of symbolic of tile lo,•e of 'l'he <;lbrist, bl H ~ t 1 ' ..:A.It So y W C A la ~tar trar7: e uoes no <' IOO!it Exchanre ... - ................... , ce • reneon o~r deur old M .. 0. and It Is the hope of the · · · " a certain sin, and aa111, yon do t!Jls ro• Locals .......... -..... - ..... :. ..... - •. ...not decided thrtt It may burn brlghtJy und steadily <'8nnot be forgiven. God Ill alwars wu. Bwdnesa ..... - ...... - .. --·-·····Mr. i\107er Y M C A. In t be ll"ea of M. C. glrle. _llllJt t.o forgh·e, but man cannot alw11r1 Cbapel. ................. - ................. .ll4y Franz , • • • r 'l'he dollar membe1'8ltlp fee has been repent, for when he .has reached


Tell·ll·tule Tavem ................ not tleclded At uo previous rlme In the history ot cnnl'elle<I anq nt the meeting of Oct<>- climax of reslsfa!lce to j:he Spirit. th11 ln Verae .................................... not decld&?, U1e sebool huli a deeper and more uul· her the secontl -a trulttul1)1ca was m~e :power of conBClence la· destroyed. Artswers to Askers ............ " '·ersul lntet-est In th1) Y. M. C. A. wo.rk tor volunteer systemuUc giving, and a The slu against grow.th b1 b'umun lire ~~;h~t : 0

t ltend ..... : ...... Grnce G;e;::::;:. hec11 munltcet. Mr. Austin, the preel· big drh·e Is being put 0'.1 in thQls view. la the greatest sin, against the S11lrl ue ' r & ............. .................. no dent. ls n man of high Ideals and un., Also· this week. Dr. Racheal ~antlns of Ootl. Tho effect o! thio 4loobcdlcnc·•

H t1ll of FAme .................... " usu;11 ability. '£he me,; ot the cnblnet talks to the girls of wur work; she Is to the uaturnl laws of Ute can ne.-N

are e~)bhle anc:i . ..erlou~ miuded. Their County C~lttnau of the Surgical Dres; be wiped out. · First t!Jere 18 the sl~ which (Ottuwu University) he happerui weekh' meetings ha,•e been very In- lllngs Department of tlie Red CrollS, agalnst physical growth. Thouaands of

formu.I and the trend of thot and dis· and knows the need for help In foldiog Englltlh iiubjeets, and Amerkan Ni wc\f; cusslon polnt8 to a great interest In bandnges. The M. C. girl 18 eoon to have stunted tile development of tllt'lr

to Jie u trustee.

~frl'hcrt<On «<>llege lite 18 being plac- the welfare of t11elr brotl1ers here In lcurn_ Uwt there Is 11 war-iwgel wb9se bodies In Factories, and .l.t will tnkt <'<I luto ,1 crucible of "Spectator" re- school. The regular Wednesd~7 morn- wings are more glorious thnn henrt- generations to repair their ten·lhle

lug meetings hove been lnsplratlonol, breaking-She la culled Servlre! crime. God forgave,· but ... th.elr phyil1.' porler·~. among the fluming fires ot Miss Ed.nu Neher le 'tile nssoclutlon their thot and feelin.g. un<l tl1e 11ttendunce goocl. If the work cal Ute remained unchanged. Tbuij It

I f of this. ·''ear .he Judged from. tl1e .splen- president for this year. Ber henlthful la that .eJgnrette 81110Jdng· · incurs a wost We lutenc tlult. this' paper. flO nr ae minded Ideals -Oncl well poised spirit " tit-ii within our power, shall be Inter- did start thut hns been made, It wll! lastlug mult, a deformity which God,

c:stlug. Arthur Brisbane. 8 prominent snrp.1ss tJ1e work of nny prenow; 1enr. ure being appi-ecluted. She 81118 there Himself cannot erase, Second, tbert jnuru:ill~t. ~lle,·es e,·eryon~ Is prlmar· The Mc·Pheraon Y . M. C. A. 111 town are already one hundred and ' twentr· Is the slu against mental and moral lly onll ('OnEtanttr most Interested In <'niertnlned -the college members to-a six members, fltty-six mo~ thtm last growtl1, which Is alJlo Illustrated again him-elf:"" ''The Spectator" must have watermelon feed and ,co-o~ratlon and yenr. Sluc,-e ,tbe. girls grcut17 out-uum- In the cigarette ftend; tor bis mfod II

11 iWl'KOllnl touch. E\·ery reprel!enU\tlve J:OOcl fello.wshlp was thus enrl7 estab- her the boys, the Y. M. C. A. gnve the benumbed, his con!l('lence Is not Im· C l I I 11111 .. •cl. On tll{i :E'rldily ev·enlllg .fol· Y. w. C. A. the privilege ot using the pres.•lonnl.ilc nncl his soul refu&!8 lo 1·e-nr i\lrl'h<•t110u ;o lcge "' 11 be urge< to ch111iel for lifr~,1e<lne11d11y mornli1g re- '

11111trlhutc to It. "'i'he Specthtor" shall towing the duys of mntrk1il11tlou tlie ~(Hlnd to the flne·r, nobler impulses or not t11ke on the persiounllt,v of nny one \'. l\1. C. A. g1n·e 11 rc<.-eptlou to 1111 the ~:::~1~ meetings. ' 'We thonk you life. 'lhll'cll7, tlie.re is the sin ugnln.st memher of Its 11blff, but ns 11 klncl of college lloyit . . Within the walls of the spirit uni growtl1 . • God la all powerCal n d1:u11cleo1L take Its hue from the gymnasium 1\11 were receh·ed luto 11 in transforming the life of a man. ~al !ll'rH01me1. or 1ms most wortliy lnstl· ·reuowshlp or g!1mcs and contests. Tbe ATHLETICS I 11 ('Oustant refusal to obey His plencl-tnllon. of whkb It L~ nn expouenL melon sale pro,·ed ln'Cnt sport. M r . Al the present tennis Is a favorite l.ngs will finally resalt In a splrltual

.\ <·ollei:e p3 per Is un oplnlon-gh·er. Austin. the captn ln of the eveulug, then wllh the student8: 6\'C good courts death, and the time <-omeiJ when tilt 'Hie most c-o:nmon nceusatlon made a- nnnounred lhnt C\'l'f'Y one should-retire nrc 1'.0nst;wtly lo Ulll! outside schoof nobler voices will not call, for the ~ool g.1h1st •Amerk."111 wrltei·s l;y those who to . tbe e>rtl!rlor of lite building. whertl nm! study hours. Them . Is an Inter- ls deucl to hearing. kuow. Is thnt they nre tncklug In tile the mcloni! we1·c devoured with grent <·ht•• tourunment on now. Fl11!'11 elass 'rhe pm·lod of life wit.en tile prompt· r11cully ot .c·rltklsm. °i'hey pru111e' over fun. '£bey then sung the assoellttlon JJelrrtll two from Its .111em1Jershlp. n boy. Inga ot the .Spirit are the strongest lJ ' much, they present chnnul11g exposl· hymn uncl were· dismissed. : nnd d girl, to represent It& tu lent and d11rb1g ndolesenee ;· It Is the .'period ol tlonA. but of the critical tacult)' they - '.l'he Y. M. O. A. Is entirely in bar· pennants are to 1Je awarded botl1 tJ1e ereatest development: · the emotions ure t-onsplruonely lo need. We believe In mony with tbe spirit of service and winners. Thia trent of rlvnlr7 among strengt!Jen, Instincts . mature, vocatloo-

•. <'OllBtrnctlv!' criticism, and through the ioyalty to "tl1e flag" and God, as la the eln88C8 promlaes to be lnterestlng, a l tendencies are awakened and • klml co-opera"°n.-of our faculty and ·beb1g so magulftt'lently dlaplayed b)' so come on clll8S08, get llOJUe "pell"- longing for allegleuce wijb God begln.s. rellow Mtutleats we hope to d lecourage the lives of U1e great "'Y" men of the boost your playe"; for It Is eoon to DI! The aeplratlon of youth should ne\'er tbe e'·Us of McP£1erson College life and hour. found out "whose who and why" in be t.'t·nshed IJut directed aright and Jeud e1wo1u·uire Its finer, nobler aspects. We tc•nnls nt 'McPherson College. to God. It Is at thla time that 'l'he do 1101 hellern .In entering upon an lo- Y. W .. C. A. Flow about lnter-<•oUcglnte gome.s. tills Christ should become the Ideal. • \'t'<:th'tl diatribe against the 80 tl1ought year? ,The ntore·usketl question will Finally a ' failure fo give ei!;preselon wrm1gH of th11 t'()ll~e here~or singing 'l'i1e Young Women's Ollrls tlan AllSO- lie !rnswercd · nt the Kunsns Inter-eol- to1 the Christian Impulse, tl}e aven~c or .1!11 l:ood words or. ela'borate ~· \ h•tlen llW! become a vltal ' purt of Mc- leglat.e Athletle Conference, which ls througb·w'bkh all .real growth la made • .tu11h·e llntteey, lint lnatead, through a t'hersou t-ollege life again. tbla year: to be ca lled aome time' in tile near tiJ • . kills the conactence; ·and when the co~· •lucerety llJlrrored likenetl8 of what la and this splendid 'begl.nulng - may be tnre. There are mteen colleges tn thls llcleuce I.I dead, th~ cb.a~~tor ~pe~t­i<oln.r on at 11:. C., we hope ''The Spec- traced db:ectq to ae! eral C!ll18C8: 'l'.be state membertl of tbla a1SOC!atlou, He- ance. I.I gbne-Man haa ' commltted ur ta tor" mar ID aome way help her col· wma1 custom of meeting tbe..tralna waa Pberaon ioeloded. The college feels unpardonable aln ! Element.a retardl~ • to 11 more lilted porpoaetul exia- carried_ out, and eecb new girl, aa 8000, It cannot attord to drop athletlce, ~ _growth ure very da~os at tbla time ience. • ' as she.arrived on the C8Dlpos was Intro- auee ft has · proyeu an excelle11: hn· when t'he world demaiiila a strong pby

• ~ llrt lncljned ,to-write ll catechism; ·~~--~ the membership <!O'!liiilttee. petue ~ t)l.at _!mportant thing, Jrblch sli.-al, _moral 'encl menta! ~n. "9111~ •nrrnsttoM St\Ch AS the11e nre on From· lastl year's i:trls wlis :chosen a IRJermed college. spli'lt. Of coul'88'1tr-

~· · • • " ' l<._... .- ...... " ... -·

Page 3: Dr. Kurtz gives the McPhersonarchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v2-1r.pdf · VOLUME2. 225 ENROLLED-PLUS SPECIALS . 36 Prof. J. J. Yoder Interviewed Publuhed by McPHERSON

'A ~R ~TIO" B'°· ~' wae {iia·d~ ~ua- .;ffe.ttO\\• weJ. ' ~ ~reij ~k~ - ,-•; TWE£N YACUl:.TY -ANDi z;ecelv~-P<to t~ fu~re...work of this ~--1-t ~~en w~ ~ 1!941111_1e, •

-sTUDENT £NCOUlt• --~ Ohr&lllr qlflltion.h, .~-,l\(!~111 e~enlhr,ig'~ ~x ·~~~ . "'¥: ~ - Tb~ do It "7 ~I. _.,. :AGf;D; • ' , . t t7· enc "'ee• wae maue t e penn11· , • J lot'e tbe UWe treehlM. •

x . , _ uent hour of meeting and the new(, el· . - tp. '°-· ~~-W ~~; IJ• n~'<'grdance • ..,-!tl;\'·tbe nf~I ~ ectat oftlclR.18 ate Pztaldent, Oliver Faculty -,8ate,tama· ec;q.~ ':\'~"'M"er ~II set'qfteci, ,

tom or ?(cP!,lefll:Ou Col~ to fi!Jd and Ktistln. Vice President,,; J. <i Forney • _ . • Stud-ta. Fei: tbllf !fl' toq Sl'fltD to bum. upply the beat plans and method& for and Seeretury-Treaaurer Vernon Biie~- • On iho flrit ~ondaJ ! venlnc ?f t i!_'! In i. '«4!'1'··. •. ~ettlug ·t.IJ!np do11e, ~ B.Ylt:ell! of fac· c11stltft. ,.A comm.lttee of tlu'CC were llr•t wet-k of the llrat quarter 9f · the DU1t It dry: utty udv1aers haa been· ln1tltu~ thl.s appointed ll!J reporters: Ernel!! Ickert· 6rat· aemeeter of the yeu- 1918. the •tu· ::i.t.ie ·b short: . ¥c:ir. The plan prondee that all atu- berry, Paul Yocle~ ,11nd Bruce Wllllo.ma. drn.tlJ we1'! IJllthited IP,19,.' !hll . l\!!1\' 80:: ' And eo•ani J,-..P.rfttber.' ;l(•Ul8 ('xt-ept College Jnnlora afld Sen· Ttie toplce .. for ·<)lllCUSSlon up to the «bl order at a ~ptlon glten ti7 the -~·mi--=m!~-l!!!!~:!!!!!l!!!!!!!ill~ lors shall be assigned a faculty advlaer. present time ha\'e been problems COn· 1 f11cqity. The ·~uni eul~ ~CD!!· . , _ ':' ·. • • Tl1t> Juniors 11Dd Senlo~ have already frontlug, the ministers, eepeelally with µone JJJ)On . the llf_e. ,Chll!'l'Fter ·.and •·. CelJ•&le I ,Atl\1 et1c"~

"'t hosen their mnjor worJc 11111} are there- rclere1we to their preparation, but so llllltlea of the~lona- profe~ In· "i"li' ...,. · rorc to~'llted. Briefly stated _the pur· fllr their stucly has not been e"tenatve ~ formed the n~ stuclenta l!11«l, ~In'!· .Supplies pose of the pln11 Is two--fotd t9 provide_ enough to bring them to ony <leflnlte ed the old 0114l8 hat every. te4flllll' It " · ~ - '

11 p:ll'tlcular member of t11e faculty to conc)uelon. Oth·er Austin. J. C. For- an e:tpert ~nd t t ev!!ry. d~~~t STANDAIU'> GOODS whom each student may go for help and ney and Ernest Jckenberry bate lead Is emclent. The faculty grew very '!@" . • ~RIC~ RIGHT . ndl'lt>e 0 0 wh11tever q·uestlons aud prob- the m'•ctlngs, The book on "The Min- mlnll!<:ent; and Oll('lt more . remlnde•i· R. E. MOHi:. ER tem& wny arlae. whether pertaining to tster and B is Ufe 1Vork" baa been sug- her students of the struggle ~ronl(h • • ,

• the <'llrrt~uium or not. In which the ~ac· .i;ested for read_lng; such topi:·e• ne which M. C. hue. come. Ice cream nn<l . ·< .·.:'.~ ' ; , , • utry 111tvlsere w111· be a help; 11nd to "Helps nnd Blnder11n<oes,•1 "'l'he Fln u- waters were ser..-ed ns ref~hme.nt'I. Or B· J ~ Allen hriug the students lllld faculty l'!to d.ul Problem" ond "'What constitutes T he evenlng wu entertaining !lnd very • . • '·~ . .closer relations eoch with th?. other. A Call to Tbe -Mlnlgtry" are to he stud- rnstrurth·e; everyone reported ' ii COOil CaiJa AatWered Daf 'Ol' N&Jat' ·" '.rbei'I.' nre probably no students lu led by this org1111lzatlo11 this winter. time. and tbe students will not eoou • : ~

so:·hoot who do not oreasloMllY hn,·e 'lhe Stmleut M!nlsters Orgonlzotlon forget the fine eodal splflt of the t a1?· . ~HONE. NO, .63. " , cttfflcnlties they woultl like to talk over feels thut It hos os hlg part to play 11ltJ. ; · ·· · · '

::~~ ~:~:11 ~1~:1>e;o:1~ ~':: r;~:~ui:: g~~ ~~,~~~-ot1~~~ n:;:ct:~:11 ::r="~;~ Collue Freahman 4~Get . Ac~ W._~,be11 . Je~IJ"Y. ... -11 Litt.le ucMcoe. On th~ other honcl we 'a.>ep young 1ulnlsters true to their col- . quaintecl" Hilse · . J. E!: OUST A.F.SON \l"'("'C there are 110 members of the Ung: to e\'er keep the spiritual needs nae Walell Repa~Dg f:~·ult)'. who are not 'Yllll~ and anx· b~for<l their ml11ds; and espe<:lally to The Freshmen clues. tl!ty·slx wcm· , ., ', ;,,u, to give 0111 a881Btance of wbich help wou1d ·amt dislllmlbatc the spirit: bers. had .greot fun 011 a "feed'' luattMt:.Pbersoq, ...: Kl!JSIS they nre capsble in a pe.raonal way to ual life ot the school Tb.ls orgru1l:fa- :Friday evening at 11CVe11·tblrty \11 11 • • • • •

•n.r s tudent wb.o may flak. I t IB boped lion expe<;ta to muke ll:§etf kn.own by 1:rove q11c·l111lf mlle euat oC tj1e rollege Keep your clolhea'.loolr.iag ~ ttd the new syetem ... wlU Jll'OVlde n 01eo11s of weekly meetings. apeelill pub- «ampus. The eodal COl!lmit tee b111l new by aeodln& tllem 10 : . ~ polnt or ('()Dtat't ~l"°ee.11 1tn1e.nts and lie meetings, and above all, by a person- pl11nned a lltely P,l"O!Cl'81DlDe !ll!!i ~d- ' • , r11l'i1tt)' 110!! rellulHn a treedtlid ·m.~re ~I Jouch . .. A. ,•ery new and · fri1lttyl le1! ' to l!ll7·fltrJ onell:u~ a jopl.Jll!'d. -$Ml~ lutlruut• a880<:1.ation a11d cooperation pla11 has l!een Introduced Into the cur· I titQe. Tbere wH a l!C'I\' featnr'j! ln the. P-h 247 214 N.-.Maln. whkl• it seems from all standpoints can rlc.ulum of lts study. Big men of the c11ts. ln<!lvlduul lu11ches were. g!\•en ; !!Ill! · · ' '· ~ brlug nl•mt only good-results for all s«hool nnd tow11 wm lecture at varlom out In paper folders, ond the content8 t'OD<'N ll<'<I. A11 a eecondary part of the meetinll'S on such subjects as Evangel· tJ1ereof enjpyed lmmeneely. Then af· phm, the tearhers have arrange<f for as Ism. Pnstorul Work. Rural Community ter "getting acqnllluted" the cla88 ad· mou)' periods a week at< IA ronvenient Sur\'Cf. Homlletks un<ldll.ller subjects jourued. reacblng "!tome" In time to ·I in •·•ch l'Rse to be eet aalcle as "Con· or ..-Ital Interest to the ministers. (-Ontorm with clorwltory regulatloi1s. fercum l'erlods." These eonforeuce hour~ with tbe complete echedule of en<·h teneher are posted 111 the hall. · Thi• wlll wuke It still e~sler for the students to get lu to11ch wlU1 m11 p:ir· tkulnr fnculty member they wish to ~ und re<·elve the help of which they mny be in 11eed. ·

It Is the sincere desire ot the fnculty thot ihis S<:bOol year may be especially reu1urknble for . U1e close «roperatlon of stnd~uts nnd faculty "Ill the highest hleu I• tor wlitch the achoo! atund&-de­"•topm1mt or chrlstl11n chni'acter and 1-r~lutng !or service.



OUR PRESIDENT STARS! Senior-Freahman Reception

Ou 'l'trnrsdny evening of October the 'l'be Senior·1''resbman reception w as third, Dr. D. W. Kuru giwe hla lee- held:111 the. gymnasium amid a' coDfus­ture 011 "German Kultur" UL t he meet· Ion Of t1Je


elements. '!'he r~l;l desccqdeil Ing° ot the eighth district of the Kansas tlle ~·lntls blew, Olld the storm beot..up­Federatlou of Women's Clubs. Here 011 thnt hulldlng until the freahmeu nre n few ot the comments from hls were almost destracted. Prof. Mohler. audience: t11e faculty advtaer, attempted to m1tke

"McPherson <-oulcl no~ hove provld· I a speech In behaif of the lntant-ry, hut i!d 1rnythlng finer for us." I was drlveo ort thel height& of oratory.

"F.n•ry au<llenre 111 the countrY and. was compelled to retreat and tnake ~hout<I heor that lecture. for be knows u ~'<>Unter attack In whleh he was euc­wliut he talks. oncl delivers It ln sucb ceaatut lo putting Ol'er a roo4 met11.1f:e. a finished nn<I forcetu~ manner that The program w'!B' Jnte~t!rig 'll1Jd YP.­'no one could have heard It without predated -by all T~ ~splrl( of the· bel11g stormed with tlie lfl"llllbll!88 ot Seµlor-f'rt!thman .~11tion It · expres· thla war." slVfl of tbe.l!p.lrlt p,'f M. C. • ; "Dr. K·urtz? I hu\•e n!lver heard him

before, for' lf I had J abould never lisve ·"Bl·WEA.KL y POMES" Uurlng the fiirat few days of school forgotten hlm. B;le mind 18 loa<le<l of • · ?·

thl• Year n meeting waa Called of . all the keenest tbot and his heart la polg· flald the baJd·l)e!Jled gum to ijle wait· the Dllnlstera and thoee etudJ'lng ,. for n:uit with deepest noblest teelipga. I · ·, , )reea bold, the minlstery. About" elelJ,t!!Cn · 01e1~ .neve_r hope to h!l&r a i;nore maeter!til "Lo(>k here, wom!'n, D!Y eooo&'.,. eoJ{l" met In the bible rdom ot the eoll* anrlrals ot ulttlng conditions; he la JUplied she 1eornt ul17, ·'1 ·eant belp and chose Mr. Oliver Auetln o .their one of tew whq ha11 B;·.,'world 'l'leW.' ' ., · • ~. ]that,. ,

!chatr111a11 for the ev~ulnr. His-Intro- He does 'not consider · tlllt cilels .!II Jf the blamed ~!II'• ·cbllJT, ,pui Of!

l<lucrory tulk was lmpreatve and ear- terme of ~ed-borror or ptetnreaque - ' J1oiir lµat. rte.I with It lnaplratlog and "Dt'O~ilite- pity ; to Jµm It la_ a probl~m. deep, vital, • , m~IJ!. A h1·lef statenr:ent of "tentlltive . tl';iio8t ove~vhelm11lng.". • • . 'Clie. college men .are very lllow. -. ..

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··.·····-~···········-.t~ .... • lllll11la7 C'r('l'3'000'''!1'H b~ptepar-

, Llbertf'~ pa-

Dear An111'er·mah : wm ·T~ 1>leaae tell ale wbere I may 4ud llC!.metbtng..ot the llfe of llOl!etta Staue. Iii she still

' • . I • Uvlna?

. pen~ A11swer-ru1u1 ,· Is tfom ~uµ1~ only 11 fnlry-sto~y man?', I ~~-.:e't.9 un­le11rn >10 1ii'twb 1 lenrne<I as a child. ~­• A11 Academy 'Freshman. T~m Thumb Ill poll8lbi.v the most ia-


Mr. Au•tfn wu called/ home· laet moiis dwarf In the world. ·B IB real name Is Clutrles S. Strlltton-;· be was two feet In belght and • weighed 19


• 1'!4tunto1 beeauae of the eerfowi Illness OF1COLJ,EGE CLA~SES: of his mother- .. . . ,· · · p0und&• Seniors. .. _

•. Yr. anti line. . 1''~1;s of Conway • "\l!pr1t11P1 ~IBltt>d thl'lr daughter .Ruth

"iwer tlte week-e1lll. They bod, with ,. • the!ll. i\111!!1 \~ltmore · ot Wichita;

Denr ·Answer-mnn: Would you plense' gh·e the t!lrirntiou of 'tbe tenn

wise mnn. but the mun who gi.-es In PresldenL ..... : ......... ~mos Boone

• A ucw bnrrel of syrup arrived at the ilt.:1.. dormltol'y S11tnrtln~. and this · .. one J! , "lilnll 'Item cnused unbelleveable rll· K jolclnll 'i.moniz the ·student boarders f ~. 111~~1-~ . ' .... -

t .,.. .,,. F.1!11 Ulnll"r RpeJ1t "O\'er Snt­!•rtlny 'nrul Suuduy" wltb her parents "t Nlekerf<On. 1vm84f!. • _Miss J,eah ~lllPr was the week-i!nd

guest of MIAA Alke Boerner, formerly n graduRte or McPhel'l!On College, who l~ te:u:hlug In the Windom Blgb-&b~I tltl• "' lnlt>r. I . . . . J

~ • · ~11.£: A.l:.!.!,!!.8 TI11kcr ls_ In tbe McPiier· ~~:•~111, ~:r1~1g fro;n-aii~ra: .,. tlcln.~ whld1 wn • performed Mondoy

, utt.Prnoo11.

TJ11 Mt-,\ 1·oy. Huth Kilmer nod Fay Blllor 11111•1it1Nl lhP wheat tnir iii WIC'l1i­ll1. lln11cluy.

• Dr. A • • r. Culler ga.-e an addre$S at J.lnclshori: $11nllny afternoon In the in· lc•l'l'sl of the F'<Jurth Llbercy. Loaq.

MIAA E:•·a Boone ~pent Su11d11y nt her l1omP ht J,yons. KenMs.

Miss Huth Fl'r1;11e troi11 S_i' John nnd . Mr . ._FMwnr<l Ve111Pelt from Nuvnrre, . KonRrt• enrollrcl Tuestlny. ;

. Mle1t Fh·o Uork fll><'nt the weck-i!1Hl 'nt hl'f• hniu~ In N11\'uri;c. Kansns:

: ¥r. 1nit1 ~frg .. l~l•ll Deeter arrived " llt. Mt:l'ht>r•on Colleite Monday. They

m1ue from Nt>w Hu 1·en Collllecticut, where Mr. Dl't't('r ha11 formerly been.

• . tnkfog work 111 Yale. They wlll oecu­• PY t.bl> old Muir property.


. .. . . . ~. Oh tr11de~m11n. In tby boilr ot eee; ~It on this OOl)er ;you should -«e, -I) ;T,!lk~ oitr 1tdl'tse 11m1 be ,.;.,, :',.. ·:

il6o . etrolght aheo.d ilnd adv~t Ill ~

"other-worldllnes@? . 1: R. U. The. ierm "other-worldliness" wus

co.lne<l by Ocorge Elllot.

Dea r Auswcr·mnn: ·what was tile tcnson tor the defent of .N11p0leon ut

"' lw11 he le right-." . "le murr.led," mutter~! Mr. Austin. She; "Aud WQUld you really . put

yonr~lf Qut for iny sake? · FI() : "I udecd (would." '. She: "Thcu please <lo; ·1 nm ·· so

xlc•cpy.'' Wnterloo? lllstory Student. . ' Clnsii lu pbUol:lOpby discussing "epuse

Al'<Wcllng to Professor Cralk, It - II!_ D!Hl ell'eC°t." . ·..-nttrlhuted to the foc.t 'that Napoleon ate "°me bolled onions before. the bat· Dr. Kurtz: Dltl nuy of you evei·

see the ell'ect before the ,cause?'' tie, along with belog par;,,ionately fond of onions be bad cuucer o! the s!Omacb. Clyde For11ey: Yes sir, a man wheel· the re•ult was lne>itable ! lug a wheel-burrow." .

.Prof. Morris: ·:.Ho~· m8t. ,.sides to Dettr An•wer-mun : Can you give a ~lrcle?" •

me' the origin or the ~ustom of " Raz. Acu<l. $oph. ~ "Two--A .outside 1111<! Ing?" · Troubled ~siimnn. . . 11 inside."

' It 1nu•t bo u• very ancient one. In McPhl'rwn college . boy diS('O\'l'rs 11

"~),.,~ Sceond 'Rlicpbcml'i. Piny," ll very DC\V nuwo !or hie lrnlr: early mlrncle play, Mac .. was tossed up · G. B. to his sister' Eva: How's my In a hlnnket tl8 punlsbme~t for bis slrnll -grnss?" · • shL~!ll stealing.

DPnr .A1unvcr·muu.: \Yhat mukes JlPOpll• 110 whnt'tbey do? People are al· wu~·" hurrhl)t m~· frellng&

I remain, Quite Unbupps.

TMK asker Is referred ' to Dr. Kurts. Tltc only !!Olutlon that the answer-man hos is the one g1"en br Penrod, who, when asked whut 11111de boys do wl1at they· tlo." Nlplicd. '.'Different things."

Mies Troauc In Rhetoric :-"You must le1"·e 11 Jinc between the title and the 'beithi1ilng of your theme."

Clnrn Crom.itey ~ " l didn't lrnve tlm Photogrupber: "bid you sny yoy

wanted a lorge picture?" Ray Gish: "l\o, a small oue."

. PhOtOftr11 phcr : •"J.'lll'lf dose your mouth/'

Prof. Yocler: "Ec'Onomlcs Is 'some­times cruclcly defined 11s the ··11reiu1 and butte1·' problem."

v. Prea. ......... _~-...... .:::Ione 'Ebuugti ' Sec. and Treus ..... ; ...... Ednn Nehr

.Tuulors. I

l'res .... : ... : ......... : .. :'. ........ ~ ....... Snm Eberl 'v. 'Pros ................. : .. : ... :o, B. Rullrolds Secy ................. .' .... :.-~Gladys~ Beas1cm I •rrcuH ...................... : ..... :'.: .. R.a:r FfHutJ

So11honiorcs. • ·.. . · . \ . V. Pres ........... .. ; ............ Marthn

1L r)

Pres ..... : ................... : ..... Georiie· B0<~111~ Sccy .................. Cnllle Rlddlebar.i:~

Trens. .......... : ..... .. -..,..~ ... Paul Y<><-;: Freshman.

Pres. ............... _'. ...... _ ... ,.Joy Srultlc ' V. Pres..,. .... ......... .......... l!Jarl , Fra11tr. Seey. & •rrens •.• ~nrgu.edte1Mohh•r ,

OF ACADE..'1Y cr,ASSES : . ( Seniors · . . \

PreH ........................ '. ...... ,.Alf11M Rtlk'"r V. • Pres ... : .. ~ .................. -i .. 1:.:Ray Otsh 1 Secy. and Tre11s;. . .'M11rga1·et Bish ·

Juniors. ~ . ' Pres ......................... Fa1111fe McGnt()' ' V. Pres ............................. Mary Bnk11r Secy. aud 'l'reas .... .M.artha ,}tui;IN

opbomores. Pres.--........ _ .............. .Esther Moou V. Pres. ............ .... __ Garmon Darou Secy. & Treas ..... Baven Butrbinsmo

Freshman • Pres .................. :.. ....... -Penrl I.e11Y~ll V. Pre11 ............................ .Nev11 Yoch·r S_eey. and Tren·a ..... Luura ·McClel11111

Den" Answer-mun: Plen1:1.e !live the t·orrt'<'t ~IM•lllng for· Wycliffe.


Sherfy: "Yi•s, IJqt there 1fre too runny hu~tcrs." DR. RACHEAL : QUANTllJS

SPOKE TO Y. 'Vf. C. A. 'fbe nuswcr-mnn hesitates to sny

alnt'i" Jolu1 Wycllf~ spelled his · name twenty· thrce dltfereut "'uys.

The othe1· night Paul P11ir ullll Joy Smith were bot11cretl wltll mosquitoes.

Flnnlly to escape tiler_ c.mw!et!)~ndei; Dr. ·nnchcal .Qua-ntlus ~lOke t~ the their lled. JUKt at this time· 11 llg!tt: ,y~ ~ d:~A:· Wednesday morr.log about

Dear Answcr-10an: Who was 'the en~n~ bug ·t·uu:.e In at t.be wii:idow. the l~l)Ortance of Jhe..surgicnl drcsic· ''nine day queen"?

Ignorant. You refer to Jane Grey who reigned

on the Oirone of England only nine <lnys. /

" •It 8 no uee. wMspere<l_Paul to Joy, Ing work, und the need tor e.-ery girl Here C'Orues one. looking for u.~ with to lend her supll()rt. Arran&ements

a lantcru..0 ......

Rotl•.~ - 'Bow do you spell"I'eeeh'e<l?" u rertalu number ot ho~'work durln Ua: "R-e-e-aposrophe-d.': - · I 11 week · It wail dectded that 'tl;e Re< Prof. Cr11lk: "Wbuf mak~ the tow· Cr09f!. Hoom should. be oiien· on Tuesdu

er or Plsn lean?" · .. · · · morning muJ on Thursdny .-and i'rldt1 .

, D_o1·~thy MUlcr: '',~-don't . kno•: or nfteruoon1J. T~ie gl~l~ a1>~i;e:clate th

, • were madl! for the girls each to pledge~

1 11 tnke Rome my~lf. , _ · dlrectt'on o(. Mrs. Heasto1r -and.:. .Mrs

, . . Student (lookh.Jg_ tor ~ Job _111_ s . ..,A. Mohler · wlli> give so·mucb' otthelr ttmJ · l:'o\i'll find th\· project of .Ome .uuu; ~

Npglect can otr.er no ex-qqq. . · . . _ .Be wlBe at on('('. at once prolong xour ' • Jda~

A. 1<lieJ\I hnslne~ llOCl~ de-kkk.

Miiny ftro ~ullt'<l-but'fcw get up for T. 0.) : "I can ~rite o~out a111tblug.'' thnt th~ girls may lielp wht~is "war. I

==~01:~~!:tb~lr J::::S.-houses ::~:.~~~~~.~T::::,.:: Ltf~Uie them~(~~~ .us. the.} · Matrowi rusb Ill' "!liere angels Jenr nlmost ba.ld·headed?'' - .-arlatlonii are~u.r own,;li Rtgb.er Pow· 1'o ll'ead. . ... Brllllrinr Ju11lor: "Whr ~1,1ee-he er 11·rltt'!I the flnale.~E. L. ·

Page 5: Dr. Kurtz gives the McPhersonarchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v2-1r.pdf · VOLUME2. 225 ENROLLED-PLUS SPECIALS . 36 Prof. J. J. Yoder Interviewed Publuhed by McPHERSON


(Or. CuUer, who "Is Chairman of._ the l"ounty Red Cl'088 Chapter aud 18 tbor­"I" Informed on every part of the work 111; 6 rontrlbut...-1 this uppenl to the

,1r18 or tile eolleire.J f:l'er sln·re tbe war began and until

1"111: ofter 118 clollC the Bed Cross bas i:AAumed the burden or the wouncled eol­•ller nnd tl1e c lvlllan rcfugeell" a long ••l'N'Y battle line and · e~ery atnleted luncl where isufferlng reigns. The work rile ItC'd Croes hne done and the manner 111 whkh It bns relleved 1uttertng are sl111ply 1-eyond tf:1e · ind to grasp.

,\ fe\"I: lnctd~u will show how grell t 1 h•• work Is: n the German rush tuto ltnly Inst fall • they destroyed 86 hos11llnls wltll nil thell" ~ulpment. In s l' du~-R the RNI Q.ross had nil the mu­M'la ls for more tlinn tha t number on. Ill•· h:tttle .llne lu Italy taking all tbe

One of the nclvanUiges of college lilt la tile opportunity to hear the best l11etnrers ana entertahlC!MI. The 8tur& ot the Lyt-eum prefer to come to eol-1 .. .;o towua und thcee cowu1~11itiets eu· Joy such cultural advantage& f.ir tic­ypocl thnt of other communities or the 83me size. The tact thnt McPbel'80u hne two eolle{fes nm! 1111 e"c'Cptionul high culturul i;rude of C.IU1.enshlp urnke1> our c·lty notecl tor Its g00<l lv­<'Cllm leeture courses.

Last ;rea r tl1e experiment wus tried ot having one lecture t'OUrl!(• tor the ·college1t und l'lt;r. Talent of the first pnde wus 4'ecurecl. -lt wns nu un­bowuled suct'l'AA. MartJ" people 11p11lled for tickets who cou\jl not be nt'<.'OillO·

dated. The 8Ut"Cess of the rnntur.e bns lnducecl all eont'Crned to conduct our lecture course on the 1111me bnsls this year.

.-r· .

' For· Staple '~and ~.Finey Groceries,.

Staple. Hardware and ·Paint ·

Call . and See Us. -STROHM,S GROC,Y

Pho!Jes 331 and ·n. Two Ddtverlcs lo College Bill Eac:• Da:r

uw wrl >1 I from Frnnre. The Red CroSl! The commi ttee hoe provltled tor n r0<·rl1·es a tlloueond homeless cltlldren courl:'C of. six 11umbers , to I><'· given nt ,.,.,.,.)' dny at E\"lnn nnd takes ca re ot the Opera House at prl1oes fiPc<"ifled 1h,•m. \Vo hn1~0 els great w erehousea:J belo,v. T bld y~ur there \vtn be no In fr:inre a nd several tbollll&nd tons recur rent dr11wlug of Seats but patrons or """" clothing for tile refugees .this wl111er. 'Ihe demands upon the Red c 'ro•~ n re . s lm1>l1 s tupendous,

A• Hcry one can realize. 11s lo~ ae lhl' 11·nr goes on surgical dre881ngs wlU he n<'C'ded. With plenty of clean gauze Iii•• wounded solclle~ can be"cnred for ; wi thout it gangrene and polsqn will ,,., In. All our work for the !>Ors · u•«•r there"" will be uselellll unless we ha1·e the s urgical droselni;s tor their """""ls. 1'hese' dressit1g11 must be ma•le hc1·e. American women and girls "'""' ""err one do their bit. I do not llt'll•·,-.," there Is n single true American i:lrl who onre rcnllzes ·what It meanH tha l woulcl not give ·severnl hours n w{'(>k or ruore to I.he maklag ot surgl­"" ' dressings.

will be gfreu Lhelr sents" nl the beglnn­nfug of the ycnr nud ret.nl u · them hnlU1t101i of e1·err actor. " Uvhlg rnore throughout the entire l 'OUrAC. l h·e~ thnn one" 'she mnstcrfully pro­

Tbe t:ti~nt Is nil of '"beudline" type. dtwes the bcRt modern dramas ns tbey There}• not n l'henp number on the hn\"e been Interpreted by t he best com­<..-ourse. 1'¥e1·y oue Ii! u le:uler nnrl nre p• uies. She Is unnnlmouRly h~1llcd ns HO used ht other c·oun;es. wbkh ure n muMer Ir\ the art of drum~tk .re· tilled In with eheup tAleut. 1!111.

First us lerturer eomes the lm·om· For the heavy muslcat numlier, gh-Jl:o rable Dr. C..dmon. Dr. Cnclm:m w1•s l:ig us the bc>st in thlM.. nrt.. we -b.a<"e b~re Inst. winter but It Is the unanl- r<eeured Antonio Salli, the Cellist ot mous opinion thnt no one could come l:be Court "ot Spain, l)(lrhnps the grent­who would gll'e hctter sntlRfurtlon this est living Cellist. He will lJc n~-eom · year. Not only Is be 1t11 lntelleetual p.1nied with an oreheetra of stringed glllnt of the Amt>rlcan pulpit to<lny but lnstrumeut11. Honored by. the <Cdurts .1 lt'<'turer or exceptional power, fncll- or Europe und pr(l('lnlmed with the ll y ot e:qm~sslon. and richness ot grentest en thusiasm by the musical thoug~t. HIM lecture will be popular l'ritks, we feel tlUlt no one who_ lo\•ee with all who care to think. good muJtlc should miss this number.

Known thronghout two continents Last, but not leaist.. enrerallling and 119 the "'Little llother or the Prisons" Ins tructive will be the r<!cltnl of Jn­Mund Bulllngton Booth will" be a rare ' dlnn music hy Princes; Wntawuso, ' u trent to our student body. Perhaps ; member of the Penoh8'.-ot tribe of Io-11u woman <'OUld be seeurcd who by dlans, celebrated In Longfcltow'a d1nrnc-ter ond work could bring 11 gre11t- "Mlnnehnha." She gl\"('8 1tlmost. every er message to oar people. Site hos vttrlety of I u(llan music 11nd dance. stn rted out over 85,000 prisoners Into ahowlug a woucierful vcrsotlllty and new paths of 11.fe. She ltns n winning taking one back luto the weird enchnnt­·personallty and an Inspiring messsge. ment of the red men of tbe forest. Ac­

Greutest perhal)!! that c-ould be se- companied by several artists Bbe will cured In his line is Ng l'oon Chew, slve an enterta inment that for ebccr ('hluese staie~miin and Pnblldst.. u Interest ..uml romanc;,c cu11 be ex('(l(lded f11l"tor In the Chinese revolution. nud by none. ~nsequently an Interpreter of tile fur These slx uumbers will be given tor El!Rt and ltll problems.- He uses Eng- the 1ol1owlug prl<.'eB plllll war tax: llsb. with unparalelled foclllty and I«ld scsta of Parquet circle $2.21! beauty 11tld bas been called the "Mark Green :seats Parquet-(ftrst 4 TOW& 2.oo Twain of the Chinese' race." Spark- White parquet seiits buck of posts l ,7G llug "!Ith wit and wisdom hlA lecture llalcon7 (ftnit


4 rows) $2..26 will pro\"e most helpful Bafeony .(ll'ltth row . back) $1.GO

Guy Zenol11 MacLaJ'en" pe11torms Jn These prit'Cll are.a little higher than

nlng from 76c to $1.00 per n.nm~r· It ·. Is therefore to the Interest of the stu-· dents to secure scuson tickets. There Is alwa:l'll a great demand for tickets from wblch a put may be- reallud ti , the owner does not or c11nnot · ntte1i~ ~ a <'ertolu 11umber . We believe It la to tbe beet loterellts of tbe' etudenta to take l.n all the numbeni of thill eoune.- '

Tile Committee. " . !

The hlrth·stonefi of the• d(ffereut :l classes:

Freshman- Emer11lcl. Sopltomore-Dlo111ond. .Juniora- Grlndetooe.=:::;:. s.,.;lor&--l"om"beton•'. ' . .. -.

Wbet•er Y- 8117 OI'.

YoaWtu _,., • Wl!LCOllE.

. {

\\"~ nn' "-'l'l-'Cle<I In Mel'herson Coun­ty ro use ruatcrlnls to the extent of thirty thous:111d dollars before Christ­mu~. Tile one gren t call 11 for snrgl­en l <lresslngs. Classes are organized In ull rhe scboolw; college.a, churches 1•rnl <·lubs. which h11ve their regular mrr1 lu,::s for , work. The fncnlty baa re<·ommended lhnt each _gltl give two hOUNI per "'.CCk for the making of sur­i:frn l rtrelislngs. the sa~e 88 any otller d : "" ln some 11ChootB this 18 required w11 h 1ienalties tor «llaobedlenee; but w~ t1ope thnt on· appeal to the girl~ ut our <'Ollege here will bring a··'unani­"'011" resi>onae. Our bo;rs are ·called 10 i::o ··over tl\c,rc" to make the world ••le tor ue; It certainly Is a small ~sk for <he girls to prqvldc for their nei!ds. \\' ,. wish to &P&,>eal to every girl ln tbe "''hoot to take her regular place 88 a " vrkcr for two bonrs e\"ery week.

a rpanpe! ;unique to bereelf. Without •~st yeu.r but we ilre compelled.:to hold f l!!~!!!!!!~i!!!i!!!!l!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;!=i!!!!!!!!!!l!m!lt

REWAJU> studying a drama 1rom the book she the tleket eale"'to the number of -ta attends lte perfortnnnce by the orig!: so that none need- be crowded 'rbe nal <.'01DP8DJ' tor fi¥e nlgbte In !RK'Cell; plan will a ll!O llvold the waJtlng tor

.\ ltirge '"l'baok you" awarded to elon, ta"klng the 88me ee11t and wtitiout se11ts aud we tielieve wUI be mocb0

iuore is nrone wbO dJ~v_e;. a cartoo11tat-. no.tea . (jf any kind abe memorlt.er"the 8atl8factor7. ' .. *:,~~ •u l h·~l. . . Jlldlto"'°". ·• ' • - °' ,\lny irn<J reproonoo1t It ~ a perfeet SIJ~le nclm!Mlon8 will be Ji_!.J!!. rnn-

Page 6: Dr. Kurtz gives the McPhersonarchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v2-1r.pdf · VOLUME2. 225 ENROLLED-PLUS SPECIALS . 36 Prof. J. J. Yoder Interviewed Publuhed by McPHERSON





l'erhnPS t.he questloau1o!!t'trcquently 11sked of the new student upon hi8 ar· rl.-al 'at McPber80n College, Ill the one cakulat:ed to am'1rl:aln whether he w111 ~ally bimr<elt with the Irving, Tcono­C'lust. EmcrAon or Ckeronlnu J,lterary Society. lio }•'Ill find himself .con· stttntcy buunted unUf be ha~ become n member of one of tl1ese orgnulzaUons, n~ the spirit of rlvnlry runs high mnong tile four l!()C)et1!'1!.

ICONOCLAST \\'hrr1 the . Jcouoelnst non Cull WllS

m111le It WllH toun1I thnt the l'Ol' l<'tY hull !11lly Its sh1u·e of members; thC~(l. with U1e old rnewberl!. swellell Ute enroll· ment t.o npproxhnately se•·enty-Jh·e membe1·.;. The •O<'i(,ty i::ove Its first program of five 1<plendld numhers on $:1tur1Jny en•ning or. Sept.cml>l'r twenty· tlr~t. '!'he Momlny e•·enlng following th1• lt'OuoclHsts enrrrlnlned the Irvlugs at 1111 egg s11p1x•r iu Prke'~ pnsturc . whr1~ nnothe.r dl•llghtful proi:rnm was l'\'lldl'red. 'l'lll' 1'<'mt1l.r11lrr of th<' e.-ru· h ill WliS JoJTK'llt in p1nylui: \'IH' IOUK g111(1(!8

icml 1i1 flu·ally p:1rt11kl11i: of the "upper. '"'""lstl ng of 1.oll•·•l rg~•. h1ut". plcklr• ~:tHl ~W(>l_ll dcJ(.tl",

Thi' rt111ks of the konodust Society N111tnln mtlt'h n1rl(\(] utul remn rkulJlo t;a ll'ut. whl"h Is eag~r to dls1>l11y itself. 'l'llC'n• nrc re:u.leorM. 1ntucl<·l.111K. tu:tori;c, ~olol:-itR. orator s n1u1 n' mu.le qw1 rh~t of t·owdcl~r:illle note. 'flw memhc•rs or

- j,1~ 8()(•le1y do not look upou t11e liter· ury ret111h"t.)mentx of thP (·ol1e1te na u 1l11ty bur rnUlt'r ns a ' nire 11rl.-llci:e. uutl thl'.Y hop<• with tlu .. <'O·nt)(.•t·n ttou

• of thl .. ir l'(b-11"(1 1" , io!Ot.' il•th•~ tu 11111ke lhCl llH•rnry work of thi• 1·olh•i:;e what It

· •lwnhl "'" "\\'t• ure nll hoo~t1 11i: tho tah•11t nwl WP lun·e bt•,•n ba,·lug pre>-­S..'Tumr ll1111 ull'rlt 1he utlruclsuee of nil. It you wiant to g1•t In tond.a with n 'hmwh or II.-.~ wires. jofu and .,.():operate with u•. Jr yot~ "'.,isl!.~ -d n P.lcns· :out 111u\ 11rofltJJhl1> ev~lng nt tl'nd our )>rOJ:T'tllll'4.

<llfkN·s : ' ; t•n:-g.~Howur<i Ii1gh~. \ '. l'r~s.-Mnmle Kini:. ~cc.-J;;"u lloone. ·: reua.-Mnl>el B1uhnker.

IRVlNGS D• me !tumor hntl hlnt\IQ ut the !}C)-

1:lnnh11; or tlii' 0

l!l'l1ool year thut the · lr\'1111; f.lt t>rnry $otiety wus d1•11d, but

tile f1>llowl11g WC'ek <h'<·ldedl)' proved the <-ontrury. Uucler lhe t1hle lcu•ler·

• Rhl11 of 'Mr. AuxUn the Society hns gone ·•o,'t'r Ute top.'~ Old und new n1embers hu,·e ralllc1l .to the ~olors. otllccrs hnvc h<.'1'11 lnslnlled um! pl1111s mudc for U1e

- 1-omlng y1>>1r. The sodety hllR started oft w!,th the right sph'l't, the Rplrlt ot

• loyaltr," IJ<'IJ, good fellowship and eo­operation wltli Its ·sl~t~r societies.

• . Following the Joint xoclety program thrt>;e spll'ndid Jnlog programs have

~ ~ lll'<',n .j:l\'l?U, and menr more \'llrled ancl h1x1ilrlng ones ur<• lieinj; 11liinued by U1c tlroi:rnru <'Onmaltu-e. 10 whkh erery

At t he beginning of the school yeitr the Jr\'IUgs were royally entertained by the konoclust". The co-01ierntlon allal kindly regard of this aoelety Is certainly appreciated by tbe Inlni;s, ru:rd there Is n hope thn t tJ1e two soc le· tie's me:y "tenm·work" together thus U>e remainder or the yeur.

Suturdny evening, October the fifth, 1t putrlotic progrrunme wns given In the ChrqJCI. The most lmport:a ut Cea tu re of t•hl• program Wll8 Uae dedicutlon or the Jr\·lng gerl'iCC flug, whkh rontnin· I'd slxty·thrrc stm·s, s ixty-two blue ones rettrl.'~eut111g tht> boys anal one rl'll one for ~11:<.• Lily Duwkinson ,who h< '"' l'ntea'tnluer ha ll Y. W. <.;, A. hostess houilC'. Mr. Horry Gilbl.'rt presented t h<' ' ting In n •·er·y ap11r'1pr!at e mun· ner. ''okinJ: the xt•11thue11t of the so· clt>ty und frleml• In his tribute to those hi thr •en·I•"' for their l'oamtry. Th<' soda•ty is nnt ouly proud of Ull'lll. but f~t,. It u J:r<'al honor to hnv(• theu1 ns rnernht\rM.

Olll<·('tN: t'rP~.-~l r. Oli•·er .\u•tln. V. Prc~.-!\iarg1wrll(• ~Ius(i.,

s.~-.-Luclle Gnog .. ~·.

Friday Evening, Octobe r 18.

John ~l~Cormick world reuo•vned Irish 'J'cnor hns 11lw11ys been noted tor drawlug huger erowcls Umn any other rni<-e n rtlst In Amerlcn. He hns 1iclp11· lnrl•..1'<1 many soogs with t he Amotlcun pnblk. making famous such as these: "l Heur You . Ca lling Me". "Mother Muehree." 111111 "Kl'ep The Howe F'lres Burning." C)ne ·of the rarest blo88oms of his nchle"cment nlong t his Hue ls his lutl'~t song "D1!11r Old Pal of ~line." so full or t he most exquisite tenclcrness, ht rnld11i: till' longing which every sol· <lier mnst kel for the wom:ui. whoi;e <'nfohll 111: urms mcm1 not only pure not.I£• lo•·e. but de1111 lifted comrudsblp. "" 1111 luterpretutl\'e urtlst llcCormick is Ideal. He 11b1111dons hluiaeJr 1>nss· lon:itcly to a1ll'b so111;s tlU they beeome 11 ""'"t<'rful rneissni::c f.rom the henrt. At11ll<'ncoes ' <:1111 not res ist 1:ca·1i11s. tbe kind 111 whkh the Uneueli-'S of voke eom· hln1•is with •lncerity of teeH11g: und tho the• s<ml: oo l'\'N' lStl isimplo anal '!HJ:hl". :\k<Jonnlek'~ refined bcart·

EMERSONIANS rl•lt· i11t1>rprPtn1lo11 rnises It 111.>o.-c the '!'ht• f:wer•oniun Lltl'r11ry. tho some- •·ou11uo11. '!'he unlllll<' llcxJhilityof b is

whut l'lnbnrrussed n r tlll' beglnulni: or •·ok-e cnuhtes him to <·olor what Ill' sings the tct·hool )"Cllr h~~ the nbseucc Of SC)me with whatt•v('r cmotlous lhe henrt Im· 'l.f h~r old nfHl'ers. got u1>0n her feet pels. und hu,·lug experienced the whole ni:»lll In time to mnkc 11 good showing gttuant of joy uml bitterness. which in the cnmpnlgu !or new merutiers. LI. life ottea·s. he hn• become lntcusely, new l'resldent aud Vire Prci;ldent were be1ut1fully humau. HI~ •·olt-e Is St•· l'lel·t·P<I the first week.· nncl . they to· preme. It's •uperb cllc:tlon, the t1uwlcs11 gctlwr with the Inst yeur'• secretary. smoothuc"'~ with which. the tones are arranged things for the first two wPCks linked. nnd tJ1e ricrfect purity ot the till 11 •lute l'OUlcl hl' mndc !)UL t011<• Itself 11111kes him 11 mnstc.i· 81ugcr.

At present tht• new oftl('t'rs h1"·e. heen He IR lon!d not only for his soni:. but inshalled uurl thin~s ur-e goinfi fine. bt•c·uu~(· he UKes it more 1111<1 more to 'l'hls J:O-Otl • 11lrl l results In goo1l 11ro- the •«•r.-kl' ot l\uru1111il •·.-Fie Is overly g:r1tm8. nnd t:ood t1rogrnms ar(~ dn1w- lnter(l~[ed In the wnr nnd hns s::h~eu lug ~oocl t rowd >t. 'l'ber•~ 1uoy he 01 to tlH' gon!r11nu.t11C for 1.11€! wn1· re lit>f rrw. who ut first thnt ti\~ F.mersoniuns work : in ful' I ht• hus be<>11 111.-ish In h is wt'l'l'n'I Uf' 10 p:ar. !ml I( they s top to gift~ 10. th!:, Po.-ernmcnt. l'o1111lrler, Liu·~· m·e convhu ed ttant Is Is u It I• holl!lll thnt tunny Mcl 'hersou· hn.-e 111r. '!'hat thl' Eru1•rsonluns are Colll'gr studa•nts may b<• able to hear gul111t to ~11n1r Ito the "'''Y front this hi• 1·1111<-ert nt Hutch inson, Octohcr the whtll•r. lfi the vroml••' of som~ of her l".Jgh1£•1•nth. for Mr. MeCormkk reneh· h•1111l111: boostlui: uwmhers. I'S Iha• height of his glory lu eon~'Crt

0111.<'t'rs : rath1•r than In 01l!'ru. ror us ne explains l'r<'s.-t•:urne~I \\'lul'. it, lt brlugi; him ucarer his uu<lll•nce.

The McPherson Hlgb1 St'hool Annual Art .Exhibition was opened on Monclnr,

'O<lt.olll.'r the seventh, 11ud'ren11ilns opea' till Saturday. McPherson Is coustnnt­ly becollllng more widely known In thei nrt world on ucrount of the exl'eptlon­ully h igh quollty ot Ute cxhlblt10111 whleh 11l'e bell! here nnd sent out tro1u here:

Agnln ouc gnllery Is gll'en to the mns­tcrful wo1·lc ot Blrge1· Sandzen. · He b,;

fore nil others, wt1Rt be counted the foremost pulntcr pt the lnmlsenpe o.f• ·tJw 8outhwest. / 1:'bc l)U inllugs that h~ exhlhlts tills y~r are new cnm·nsscs; neal'ly nil of Ua m hnve been painted thl~ r,;n si.uce -hi return from his sum­

'mc1· sl<et~hlng tours In Western mm­•nH nud Colorn do. · Mr. S11mlzen's work IR unl1111c in tbet both his subjects oud the munnt>r 111 which he luteriircts them ure "'uf'w." Afler u lupsc of 1nnny years, he bus taken up portrait work: ·"'fhc Solcller Gr1mdtnthe1"' shown i11 this exhibit IK no inte resting exam1tle.

Uuymond Johnson. 11ruong other thlltgs. h:as 11 very unusual nnd henuti· ful 1'1111\'la!< t•ulled "The llytbw of Wind." Herhert Krehbiel, Oseur .Ju"· obsou. Mary Mursh. Sheldon Pnrsous 11nd Anne Bremer ure nil represenl"I by flue new pnlntlngs. Ouc room will

be dernted to ex<1ulslte an<l \'uluuble print~; here t.he lorers.._of etchings nud


p ther graphic urts hnre u t1·e11t. ProgrnlDfl u re beb1g gh'en on 1' \IC"·

duy, WednC811ny. Thursduy nnd ~'rld<1 y

C\'enlngs. On " 'ed11csduy c•·t-ni;ag l\Jr. Sm.tdzen gn,·e 11 leeture on nrt. deullu_g prlndpnlly with Frmwh 111· t. Some iu· tcre~tlng Freuch ekhlngs were secur~'ll ror the ~xhlhltlon. which In ~ <kl:re<' lllu1<tmted this 1<.-ct11re, '.l'hlN Frl<lur e,·euiui: u very fine progrnu1 ls prowL'i· e<I I·~· profe"1tor Thorsen, plnnlst from Lindsho;?c;4tiser\'Utory ot Musk. nut! :Ulsi< F:ssliuger. soloist. the director or mnslc· In th<' ~kPhet·son Schools. '.l'ln' ot hl'r progrums were Interesting vro-1l11ctlons of "homc·tn let1L"

\'. rre ... - n .. rtha :Uc<'lrlund. );OTf: :-.\uy (lfl(• lnterl'Sted In this

Art, in nll of the Allied nations. is being tostert'fl duriilg this time of strl'ss ror it Is ret·ogulze(l by thi nking men ns

t he u nh ·ersnl lun;unge" ot. lleauly. It Is hoped the students of this eollilge wero"nble to see this exhibition w en·

~C'l'.-Mnrie Cnllcu. w11111h•rf11l trcnt. co11s11lt with Prof. 'l'rea$.-f~url Hnn·ll'. Uowhlllcl u~ he is ~elling rc>Rerved sents CI CERONIJ\NS . for the Nn11·r rt. The prl~1· of tho sents

rn11i:c• from one dollnr to 'two clollurs. 'J.'h~ l'kerouiuns ns usuul an~ ou the mn11 tlals yr,·1r. und ¥cry much In evl· dell• I'. Tlll'Y hu •·e elt~·t:ed their new Olli('t•r• null tbe program committee h:is di&·o\'ered some unique tttlent nucl fur· ulshetl· the 1<1>ei1•ty ~oruc splendid pro­grJlm~ : th!'re hus been one OllCll pro· gram whkh had .itn 111111R1111Uy go0<l li t· h'111ln11l'e. 'l'he finest thing ·ahout the Ckcronlans Is Uu1t they promll!C to Qo

bettt•r work ns the wlnl<'t progres.«es. Ofllters: ,..

l'res.-.\gue.< Baker. V. Pres.~Huzel Vogt. &.-..:.-~·u~· Elliot. 'l'ren~.-C'lytlr Rllnc.


'l'hc Vol1111t<'et' Hund. wltkh meets 01; I 'l'hur•dny e•·euu11:s b:ai; hnd two re­gulu r meetings. 'l'hese meetings ure 11lw11y1< mtule Interesting uml lustruc· Uve by progrnms or rnrlous rypes. Tiie Band Is 11lu1111lng prnctlcul work to be clone on 'College Hill and In Uae neigh· boring eommunlt:les. Tiu! attend~"'"' so t11r hus heen "ery goo!I. Ml will be •vclcorue<I: Come. : you will IW' in· f('r<»<lc-.1. "" •tell 11~ lwnPrlttt'<I.

I . . '

joy It. 111111 to protlt by ·Its lessons ot benuty. The exhibit Ion Is noteworthf • for the ruet thnt It Is typlMllY South· w.esten1 in l'huructer. the p9h'lU11gs all being hy meu who hn•·e the spirit of the \\'c•t 11l heart :r. C. S .


STUDENTS ATTENTION! I J n keeplug with Uac system endo1·s

cd by the go••erumcnt, the "COI~LEG1 ROOK STOUE" bns 1unugurntcd a mont_hly pu'yment -ot' bill!!. - ....

~ . l Dea1_1 Hnruly did ·11bt meet hi~ ~ha S.i· \

t'>I on Mo11d11y oi'! he W'18 called to Knu· ~.:s_ ( Illy on hu~hll'tlR f'1r tlll' mll~I:<' .