DMEE Configuration

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Transcript of DMEE Configuration

  • 8/17/2019 DMEE Configuration


    DMEE Confguration:StepBy Step Part 1created by Ranu Eugene on Jun 26, 2015 9:18 AM, last modied by Ranu Eugene on Jun29, 2015 8:29 !M"ersion #in$%are

    &i All, 

     '%is is my (irst )ocument in t%e (orum and %o*e t%is +ill be %el*ul or all- . %a/e searc%ed in (orum but . did not get any )ocument on )MEE +%ere $te* y $te*onguration is i/en- Any $uggestion and ritics are al+ays 3elcome as t%is +ill %el* me to im*ro/e- .ntroduction:)ME stands or )ata Medium E4c%angeA data medium e4c%ange )ME is a data e4c%ange le +%ic% is used to send *ayment inormationo an enter*rise to ban7s or ta4 aut%ority- asically t%ese les contain nancial data +%ic% can bein at le or 4ml le ormat- )ierent (ile ormats can be created or dierent countries anddierent ban7s based on t%eir o+n norm +%ic% re*laces con/entional AA! *rograms- 

    DMEE Confguration:Step By Step.

    Create Payment Medium Formats (OBPM1)  Accounts Receivable and AccountsPayable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments  Automatic OutgoingPayments Payment Media Make Settings for Payment Medium Formats from Payment MediumWorkbench reate Payment Medium Formats

  • 8/17/2019 DMEE Configuration


    Select !e" #ntries


    (ormat : ;

  • 8/17/2019 DMEE Configuration


    ountry : .=Ma**ing using )ME engine : $electom*any ode : $elect&ouse an7 : $elect Save!

    Create a new format with the same name as your DMEE format tree. Choose the formatoutputPayment medium without docs., and type File. Under Program control, set the Mappingusing DME engine indicator. Once this indicator is set, the DME engine button appears, whichallows you to access the DMEE format tree directly.Under Format information, specify your country. You can also write documentation for your PMWformat by choosin the field help for the Documentation module field. !rom there,choose Proceed, and a document maintenance screen appears. "elect document class Generaltext , enter a name for the te#t, and create the documentation. $astly, enter the name of this te#t inthe PMW format in theDocumentation module field.

    DME Engine: Initia S!reen (DMEE): 

  • 8/17/2019 DMEE Configuration


     $elect Acti/e "ersion and *ress o*y-

  • 8/17/2019 DMEE Configuration


    lic7 on %ange-lic7 on )MEE tree:!ro*erties &ere you need to gi/e t%e ormat attributes or your )MEE out*ut (ile-!lease see t%e screen s%ot elo+- 

    .n t%e (ield ty*e you %a/e t+o o*tions 1 or 2 

  • 8/17/2019 DMEE Configuration


  • 8/17/2019 DMEE Configuration


    arriage Return is used or creating ne+ line in +ord or !)( ormart and Cine (eed is used orcreating ne+ line in FMC ormat- !lease reer $creen $%ot i/en elo+- 

    .n &eader !art you need to dene t%e Ce/el and t%e ty*e o out*ut you +ant--$creen s%ot is attac%ed or t%e same- 

     '%e tic7 on arriage return and Cine eed is or creatin ne+ line ater t%e nis% o &eader !art-

  • 8/17/2019 DMEE Configuration


    arriage Return is used or creating ne+ line in +ord or !)( ormart and Cine (eed is used orcreating ne+ line in t4t (ormat- Add t%e elds to &eader and )etails as *er t%e reuirement and t%en sa/e- 

    =o+ +ill s%o+ ste* by ste* or e/ery &eader and *ayment )etails congured %ere-

    A- !-$:Reuirement may /ary according to lient and an7-

     .n &eader !art . %a/e made it onstant +%ic% you need to c%oose in Attributes tab o )MEE-i/e nameas . %a/e gi/en &eader,i/e Cengt% and c%oose c%aracter as s%o+n in $creen $%otelo+- 

    o to $ource 'ab and +rite +%at you +ant to get in t%e out*ut as s%o+n in screen s%ot belo+- 

  • 8/17/2019 DMEE Configuration


      '%e =e4t is or*orate .),'%is is not%ing but t%e *aying o code-i/e =ame,Cengt% and 'y*e-!lease select $tructure (ield. %a/e ta7en $tructure (ield because it can be etc%ed rom t%e 'ablesand (ield,$ome data are t%ere +%ic% you can etc% rom tables so eit%er you %a/e to ma7e itconstant or you %a/e to use E4it Module- 

    lic7 on $ource 'ab- ou +ill nd (ield name,ou can c%oose (ield name according to your reuirement-&ere . %a/e ta7en (!A&B;D@R as s%o+n in screen s%ot belo+- 

  • 8/17/2019 DMEE Configuration


    =o+ 3e +ill congure t%e *ayment details-

    As . %a/e co*ied t%e standard structure +%ere $egment grou* and Elements +ere already t%erebut you can denitely create segment grou*,segment and elements according to t%e reuirement- .n my onguration t%e rst is *ayment ty*eMeans t%e *ayment is =E(' or R'$(or t%is you can not use constant or structure eld,%ere you need to use E4it Module and you needt%e %el* o AA!ER to +rite a logic'%e logic %ere is t%at i t%e amount is less t%an or eual to rs200000 t%en =E(' else R'$- 

    =o+ clic7 on t%e $ource 'ab and one need to *ro/ide structure and (ield namet%oug% +e are usingE4it Module but +e need to *ro/ide $tructure and (ield name so t%at t%e data can be *o*ulated int%e $tructure and eld gi/en and system *o*ulates t%e data in )MEE le t%roug% t%is $tructure and(ield

    . %a/e Dsed (!A&B(GRM;,-!lease reer t%e screen s%ot elo+- 

  • 8/17/2019 DMEE Configuration


     '%e E4it (unction H;)MEE

  • 8/17/2019 DMEE Configuration


    !$:!lease maintain t%e .($ code o !ayee ban7 in ontrol )ata 'ab in $3.(' column in &ouse ban7- 

  • 8/17/2019 DMEE Configuration


    lic7 on !ayee an7 =umber and ongure According to $creen $%ot- 

  • 8/17/2019 DMEE Configuration


    lic7 on Recei/ers .($ ode and congure as s%o+n in $creen $%ot elo+-

  • 8/17/2019 DMEE Configuration


    . %a/e used E4it Module %ere as +ell and t%e coding is as ollo+s: 

    3&E= =

  • 8/17/2019 DMEE Configuration


     =o+ lic7 on eneciary Account =o and congure as s%o+n in $creen $%ot elo+- 

  • 8/17/2019 DMEE Configuration


    &ere also . %a/e used E4it Module and t%e oding is as ollo+s: 

    3&E= =

  • 8/17/2019 DMEE Configuration


    =o+ lic7 on 'ransaction urrency and congure as s%o+n belo+-

  • 8/17/2019 DMEE Configuration


    =o+ lic7 on Amount and congure as $%o+n in $creen $%ot- 

  • 8/17/2019 DMEE Configuration


    lic7 on =ame o !ayee"endor and congure as s%o+n in $creen $%ot elo+- 

  • 8/17/2019 DMEE Configuration


    lic7 on "endor Email .d and ongure as s%o+n in $creen $%ot elo+-

  • 8/17/2019 DMEE Configuration


    &ere also . %a/e used E4it Module-oding is as ollo+s:

  • 8/17/2019 DMEE Configuration


     3&E= =

  • 8/17/2019 DMEE Configuration


      Settings in Ban" Customi#ation (FB$P):a !ayment Met%ods in ountry: reate !ymt- Met%od OEP or country O.=P- )ene t%e urrency- 

  • 8/17/2019 DMEE Configuration


    .n !ayment Medium,!ut ;

  • 8/17/2019 DMEE Configuration


    reate =e+ Entries or LEL 

    c an7 Accounts 

  • 8/17/2019 DMEE Configuration


    reate an7 Account or 1000- 

    )ue to limitations o screens%ots D* to 20 in one )ocument rest o t%e onguration is in

    DMEE Confguration:Step By StepPart %!lease (ollo+ t%e lin7 or t%e same-%tt*:??scn-sa*-com?docs?)GB650#1 

    &o*e t%is +ill be %el*ul or all- 

    Any $uggestions or ritics +ill be %ig%ly a**reciated as t%is +ill %el* me to .m*ro/e in (uture- RegardsEugene