Overview on DMEE Tree With PMW Config Steps

Created on 8 th May 2008 Page 1 of 33 Overview on creation of DMEE tree in XML format with PMW configuration steps: The Screen shots are from ECC 6.0 (Enhancement Pack 2) T.Code DMEE / DMEE1 Click Create Click XML file

Transcript of Overview on DMEE Tree With PMW Config Steps

  • Created on 8th May 2008 Page 1 of 33

    Overview on creation of DMEE tree in XML format with PMW configuration steps: The Screen shots are from ECC 6.0 (Enhancement Pack 2)

    T.Code DMEE / DMEE1

    Click Create

    Click XML file

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    Give the Documentation name

    and click and enter the text and Save.

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    Go back to the DMEE Tree screen.

    Format Attributes Depending on the type of file format, you can specify other details: for flat files, you can enter delimiter information; for XML files, you can specify further processing (via exit module) for a file after its creation, by entering an XSLT program. For format trees of the tree type PAYM, you can additionally specify that an accompanying sheet is to be printed when the file is generated.

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    Levels Here you specify the number of levels in the format. In addition, you can define a repetition limit for each level. This value specifies how often a certain level may be output. If this number is exceeded, the corresponding level cannot be output anymore. If the limit is reached for the uppermost level in the format tree and additional data is to be processed, a second file is generated. If the limit is reached for lower levels, the preceding level is repeated so that data can continue to be output for this level.

    Sort/Key Fields

    If a sort field is additionally marked as a key field, then a change to the value in this field causes the corresponding format level to end.

    It is essential that the key fields are defined correctly to ensure that during file generation, the sequence of the different levels are output as they are defined in the format.

    For example if payment run is executed for multiple company codes, then data is written to file in sequence of Company codes at every change of a company code. In other words, the payment data of the company codes is not mixed in the file.

    You can set the indicator No Sorting also for a key field of level 001 if all items have the same value in this field so that no sorting is necessary eg. If all items are for one company code.

    In case of Level , Help showed the following example:

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    The following flat file has 3 levels (cf. format tree SAP_EXAMPLE for tree type PAYM) HD Company 1 BP Partner 1 123456 PY 2000 EUR PY 2000 EUR BP Partner 2 88888 PY 4000 EUR PY 5000 EUR PY 2000 EUR SU 15000 EUR

    For one header record, there are one or more business partner records. In turn, for one business partner record, there are one or more payment records. For each header record, there is exactly one total record at the end.

    The header record ('HD') and the total record ('SU') have level 1 , the business partner record ('BP') has level 2 and the payment document record ('PY') has level 3.

    There is standard Tree SAP_EXAMPLE which was created based on Flat File format. This demo would show identical (but not exactly the same) structure of Tree but with Xml format.

    The scenario in XML format would show a Element Group which will have two Elements viz. one for payment details (Header) and other for total amount (Total). The Header will have sub node for Element (Business Partner) to group payment line items for a single payee The Business Partner would have sub node for Element (Payment record) to group all the actual Payment records. The Total would have the total amount of all the payment line items of the file.

    In case of XML format file, ensure that the Name of the Node should NOT have spaces, otherwise the DMEE tree would show Errors and cannot be activated. If the names of the Nodes showed spaces (in case of XML format tree) and at the end when the Tree was checked by clicking the , it would show errors. The names need to be corrected and then the Tree can be activated.

    If the DMEE Tree is of format Flat File, then it would have Segment Group / Segment and can contain Elements.

    Right Click on and create one Element (Name it as XML_Root) as Constant and right click on it and create two Elements as sub nodes with Constant for Mapping procedure. These nodes are specified at Level 1.

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    In the Source tab, give the Constant

    when you open an element by double clicking it would have blue arrow meaning that the data viewed is for this node.

    Right Click on the node Header Record and create Element as Sub node

    In case of Record ID it is constant.

    The Bank / Financial Institution gives the format showing the data, Type and Length they require and based on this, the constants can be as per the given lengh and incase of standard SAP fields, take the information (Type, Length) from the respective structures.

    In case of Sender Name If the structure and field names are known, then these can be directly entered in the Source tab after selecting it as Structure field in the Mapping procedure and entering the Length and name.

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    Similarly other Nodes like AccountNumber is mapped to Structure field of FPAYHX-UBKNT.

    Another way of creating a node for Structure field is from Source (shown in the bottom right corner) - Select the required field from the required structure, then drag and drop in the node where it needs to be placed. In this case, the system would automatically create the Element with all the details and only name needs to be changed (it is noticed that all the fields in the Structure are not shown in this screen)

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    Drag and drop the field UBNKL_EXT from the structure FAPAYHX into the node Header Record and it would show as follows

    Change the name as Bank ID

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    Another way of selecting the structure & field from source is create an Element, set it as Structure field and double click on the and system would automatically take the Structure & Filed name

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    In this Element of CreationDate, the Atrributes tab can be set to have the required format against

    by clicking on

    Right Click on node CreationDate and create Element at same level. Business Partner is created as Constant at Level 2.

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    After creating the necessary Elements at Level 2 as Sub nodes, create an Element at sub node of Business Partner for the Payment Records at Level 3.

    This Element can be set as Reference ID for COUNT to show the number of Payment Records for all the Business Partners.

    Create subsequest elements as Sub node of PaymentRecord to take the data at Level 3.

    In case of the Element for Payment amount , ensure that Type is taken as Currency and give the required Structure & Field in the Source tab

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    This Element is also set as Reference ID for AMOUNT as it needs to have the Total of all Payments (to be shown at Level 1) in the sub node of Total.

    And for attributes the following screen is shown in case the type is Currency for the Struture & Field.

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    Element Euro Indicator is set as Own mapping (atoms) meaning that Atoms under this node can be created to have some conditions.

    Right Click on the Element Euro Indicator and create an Atom as Constant with value as Y in the Source Tab.

    Similarly create another Atom for the Element Euro Indicator as Constant with value as N in the Source Tab.

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    In the conditions tab of each of the Atoms, specify the arguments as follows

    If the 1st Argument FAPAYH WAERS (Source is from Structure & field select 2 for this) is equal to (select Operator = ), then a constat as EUR (constant values should be in single quotes), then show the Constant (select 1 for this) which output result is Y (entered in the Source tab of this Atom)

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    In case of Atom for EURO No, then Conditions tab should be

    Note to Payee In order to show Vendor Reference number (entered in the Reference field at the time of posting Vendor Invoice) and Document Date, then an Element with Own mapping along with Atom handling

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    to set as 01 this would concetenate the Refernce field and Document Date (Structure and fields noted in T.code OBPM2 as Type 1) of multiple document numbers (the number as set in T.Code OBPM1).

    Right click on the NotetoPayee and create two Atoms.

    In the Source Tab, the Structure & Field would be DMEE_PAYD-TEXT and the Key field number needs to be set as per the Type set in T.Code OBPM2.

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    Similarly for Ref2 node

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    The T.code OBPM2 settings are as follows

    and OBPM1 settings are as follows

    If there are more than 2 Payment documents are included, then system would create Payment Advices as per the settings in FBZP (Payment Method at Company Code)

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    Create Element as Sub Node for NumberofPayment Records as Aggregation (Count) for Type Numeric.

    In the tab of Aggregation, select the Reference ID with type 2 for Summation of Values

    Create Element as Sub Node for TotalofPayments as Aggregation for Type Currency.

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    The Conv.function can also be selected from the drop down list

    In the tab of Aggregation, select the Reference ID with type 1 for Summation of Values

  • Created on 8th May 2008 Page 21 of 33

    Node types used in the Data Medium Exchange Engine (DMEE) for defining outgoing DME files in the format of XML files: Node Usage

    Element Represents one line of an XML file; can contain a value itself, or it can be used to group elements as subnodes

    Atom Used: 1) to output more than one value to a single element, or 2) to control which value is output to an element (based on conditions)

    Technical node Element that is not output to a target file; it stores values that are used in other tree nodes (elements, atoms) by a reference to this node.

    XML attribute Represents a subnode of an element;provides detailed information for an element;can contain atoms as subnodes (for example, to map conditions)

    In case of Flat File format the following nodes are also available

    Segment Group to group Segments

    Segment it may contain further Segments also.

    Data Mapping:

    In case of Tree Type PAYM, Source fields are in structures FPAYH, FPAYHX, FPAYP.

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    Source Fields for Note to Payee are taken from structure DMEE_PAYD.

    After the DMEE tree is created and saved, check if it is error free and then Activate.

    Click to activate the Tree.

    Note showed as 1 as in Maintenance. If it is activated, it shows

    as in Display Mode.

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    Vendor Name Invoice doc # Invoice Ref # Amount Currency 100000000 - SEPA_CT Vendor 1

    1900000713 TEST DMEE XML3

    22.00 EUR

    100000006 - Test Vendor 9

    1900000710 TEST DMEE XML1

    20.00 EUR

    100000006 - Test Vendor 9

    1900000711 TEST DMEE XML2

    30.00 EUR

    100000006 - Test Vendor 9

    1900000712 TEST DMEE XML3

    15.00 USD

    The DMEE XML Format is assigned to Payment Method 9 and when Payment Run is executed for the above two vendors from T.Code F110,

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    Check ON Create payment medium would generate the output file

    The following XML file is generated which can be viewed from T.Code F110 > Menu > Environment > Payment Medium > DME Administartion

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    Same data (Vendor FI Documents) when changed for the Payment Method to 8 (for Flat File) it shows as follows: Payment Method 8 is assigned to DMEE File format and Payment Method 9 is assigned to DMEE XML format.

    File Format set in the DMEE is as follows (meaning as Fixed Format based on the field length)

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    Note to Payee confguration done in T.Code OBPM2 is for XML format only. In case of File type, the fields need to be explicitly defined in the Tree.

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    PMW Configuration steps in brief are as follows for XML format:

    T.Code OBPM1 select the Type as XML

    T.Code OBPM4 Create Variant for the Payment Medium format.

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    T.Code FBZP Payment Methods in country

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    IBAN International Bank Account Number (to be mainatained in Vendor Master) SWIFT Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication

    Assign the DMEE Payment Media Format -

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    T.Code FBZP Assign the Payment method to Company Code

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    T.Code FBZP Bank determination Assign the Payment Method to the Bank in the Company Code.