Describe Digestive System of Frog

Describe digestive system of frog. Frog Frog is found in the water or near the water. It belongs to class Amphibia. It passes a specific part of life in water and remaining life on land. Its biological name is Rana Tigrina. It is a cold blooded animal i.e. blood temperature changes with that of the environment. At the start of winter, water is decreased and temperature is lowered, the frog lives buried in the mud to over come winter. Coelom The body cavity of frog is called Coelom. It contains many organs which form different systems. Digestive System of Frog This system consists of alimentary canal and accessory glands like liver and Pancreas.


digestive system of frog

Transcript of Describe Digestive System of Frog

Page 1: Describe Digestive System of Frog

Describe digestive system of frog.


Frog is found in the water or near the water. It belongs to class Amphibia. It passes a specific part of life in water and

remaining life on land. Its biological name is Rana Tigrina. It is a cold blooded animal i.e. blood temperature changes

with that of the environment. At the start of winter, water is decreased and temperature is lowered, the frog lives

buried in the mud to over come winter.


The body cavity of frog is called Coelom. It contains many organs which form different systems.

Digestive System of Frog

This system consists of alimentary canal and accessory glands like liver and Pancreas.

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Alimentary Canal

It is a coiled tube through which food passes. It consists of buccal cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach and


Buccal Cavity and Pharynx

Mouth is present between upper and lower jaws. Upper jaw has a row of pointed maxillary teeth. Lower jaw lacks

teeth. There is a pair of set of vomerine teeth on the roof of the buccal cavity. Frog does not chew the food with teeth.

But teeth are used only to grasp the food. The old teeth are continuously replaced by the new teeth through its life.

Near the vomerine teeth, internal nostrils are present on the roof of the buccal cavity. These open outwards into

external nostrils. Behind them, two large bulges indicate the position of eyes. The tongue of frog is sticky. The tongue

is attached at anterior end of buccal cavity. The posterior end of tongue is free and bifid. The frog feeds on different

insects. To capture its prey, it suddenly throws its tongue on to the prey, which sticks to the tongue and is brought to

the buccal cavity, when the tongue is drawn back.

Near the maxillary joints, pair of opening of eustachian tubes is present. In male frog, there is also, present a pair of

opening of vocal, sacs on the lateral side of floor of the buccal cavity which help the croaking. Buccal cavity narrows

posteriorly to form pharynx. The digestive system, respiratory system and ears are linked to pharynx. In posterior part

of pharynx, there is another opening called Glottis. This leads to lungs through trachea. It closes at the time of

digestion of food but remains open when animal is respiring.

Esophagus, Stomach and Intestine

Pharynx leads into a small but wider tube called oesophagus or gullet. The oesophagus opens into the stomach. The

anterior end of stomach is called Cardiac end while the posterior end is called pyloric end. The walls of stomach are

muscular and glandular.

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The muscles of walls of stomach contract and relax, by which food is broken down into tiny pieces. The secretions of

stomach have different enzymes which help in chemical digestion. In stomach, digestion of protein of food is started.

After stomach, first part of intestine begins which is called duodenum. The ducts from liver and pancreas open into

the duodenum. These ducts bring juices from these glands. The second part of intestine is Ilium are called Small

intestine. The secretion of pancreas is called Pancreatic Juice. Pancreatic juice enters the bile duct by small duct.

This juice digests the food and brings in such form which can be absorbed by the blood through intestine. Digested

food is absorbed by illium and surplus water is absorbed by recturm. Remaining undigested food is expelled though

cloacal aperture. A membrane keeps the intestine intact at a place and prevents strangulation of small intestine. This

membrane is called mesentery.

Page 4: Describe Digestive System of Frog

Describe respiratory system of frog.

Respiratory System of Frog

There are three methods of respiration in frog.

Pulmonary Respiration

Cutaneous respiration

Buccal Respiration

Pulmonary Respiration

The exchange of gases through lungs is called pulmonary respiration. In this process, frog keeps its mouth closed.

Air reaches buccal cavity through nostrils. Nostrils are closed floor of buccal cavity is raised; glottis opens, and air is

pushed into the lungs. The intake of air is called inspiration. In frog, there is a pair of balloon shaped lungs. Each lung

consists of small thin walled chambers called alveoli which greatly increase the surface area of the lungs. On each

alveolus, there are many blood capillaries. When lungs are filled with air, then exchange of gases occurs between

blood and air in lungs at the site of alveoli. During this, the exchange of gases occurs between blood and air present

in buccal cavity. After this, air is removed from the lungs. Frog uses its nostrils and floor of buccal cavity for

inspiration and expiration.

Oxygen present in the air is dissolved in moisture present on lining of lungs. Then oxygen is diffused into the blood

where it combines with hemoglobin to form oxyhaemoglobin. This oxygenated blood goes to all parts of the body by

means of capillaries. Where oxygen separates from oxyhaemoglobin molecules and is absorbed by the cells. Carbon

dioxide from cells comes out into the blood, which carries it to the lungs, and from here carbon dioxide is expelled.

Cutaneous Respiration

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In frog, exchange of gases occurs through skin during hibernation and swimming. This is called cutaneous

respiration. Skin is richly supplied with capillaries. Skin is moist. Oxygen diffuses through skin to capillaries and is

carried by blood and CO2 diffuses back to blood from cells and is discharged out.

Describe circulatory system of frog.

Circulatory System of Frog

It consists of blood vascular and lymphatic systems.

Blood Vascular System

The blood vascular system of frog consists of following parts:

1. Heart

2. Arteries

3. Veins

4. Capillaries

Structure of Heart

Heart is conical organ. It is muscular. It has three chambers. It is present in the body cavity between the oesophagus

and sternum. Like a pump, it contracts and is relaxes. As a result of this, blood continuously circulates in the body.

The heart is surrounded by a membrane which is called pericardial which protects the heart.

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The three chambers of heart are as follows:

1. Right Atrium

2. Left Atrium

3. Ventricle

The two atria form the broader interior part of the heart. The right atrium is larger than left atrium. Both atria are thin

walled. The posterior conical thick walled part of the heart is called ventricle. A broad vessel, which is called truncus

arteriosus, arises from dorsal side of the ventricle and then divides into two branches near the atria. A thin walled

triangular sinus venosus opens into the right atrium. Some biologists consider truncus arteriosus and sinus venosus

as chambers of the heart.

Function of Heart

1. The chambers of the heart beat in a rhythmic way.

2. First of all sinus venosus contracts. Then, the two atria contract. After this ventricle and finally truncus

arteriosus is contracted.

3. The deoxygenated blood from the whole body except lungs is carried to sinus venosus by two precavals and

one post caval.

4. Sinus, venosus opens into the right atrium through an opening.

5. Oxygenated blood from the lungs is brought into the left atrium by two pulmonary veins.

6. Both the atria open into the ventricle and push their blood collectively into the ventricle by a common aperture,

which is guarded by a valve.

7. This valve maintains the unidirectional flow of blood in the heart and prevents the back flow of blood.

8. In the middle of ventricle some mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood takes place. On the two sides

the blood remains unmixed due to rapid flow of blood.

9. When ventricle contracts the blood goes to the truncus arteriosus through an aperture. This aperture controls

the speed and direction of the blood by a spiral valve present at the start of truncus arteriosus.

Arterial System of Frog

The blood vessels which carry the blood from heart to different parts of the body are called arteries. The system

consisting of arteries is called arterial system.

It starts from truncus arteriosus. It is divided into two main branches each of which further divides to form three small


Carotid Arch

It supplies blood to lower jaw, tongue, eye and brain.

Pulmocutaneous Arch

It carries blood to lungs and skin.

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Systemic Arch

Right and left systemic arches joint posteriorly to form dorsal aorta. But prior to their union, each systemic arch gives

out arteries supplying blood to vertebral column, oesophagus and fore limbs.

Dorsal Aorta

It runs along the vertebral column towards hind limbs. It gives off following branches.

Coeliacomesenteric Artery

It supplies blood to digestive system.

Renal Arteries

These supply blood to kidneys and general organs.

Posterior Mesenteric Artery

It supplies blood to rectum.

Iliac Arteries

These supply blood to hind limbs of their sides.

After reaching their specific organs, all the arteries divide and re divide to form capillaries. The walls of capillaries are

very thin. Due to this reason, the exchange of materials takes place between blood and tissues. The capillaries join to

form venules. These venules join to form veins. Then these veins carry blood back to heart.

Venous System

The blood vessels which bring the blood from different body parts, back into the heart are called veins. The system

containing of veins is called venous system.

Following are the major veins in frog.

Pulmonary Veins

Blood from right and left lungs goes to left atrium through pair of pulmonary veins. These have oxygenated blood.

Right and Left Precavals

Each precaval is formed by union of three veins which bring blood from tongue, lower jaw, head, shoulders, forelimbs

and skin. Both veins open in sinus venosus. From here blood goes to right atrium.


Page 8: Describe Digestive System of Frog

It is formed by union of five or six pairs of renal veins from the kidney and the genital veins. While passing through the

liver, it receives two hepatic veins. Then it enters the sinus venosus. Therefore, venous blood from different body

parts enters the heart.

Renal Portal Vein

The veins which bring blood from the hind limbs and pelvic region combine to form renal portal vein. The renal portal

vein enters the kidney of its side and form capillaries. Blood from kidney goes to the post caval through renal veins.

Post caval caries the blood to the heart.

Abdominal Vein

The Pelvic veins of two sides combine to form abdominal vein. Before entering the liver, it divides into branches. In

liver, it is further divided to form capillaries. The blood from the liver is drained into post caval by hepatic veins of both


Hepatic Portal Vein

The blood vessels (veins) bringing blood form various organs of digestive system (stomach, duodenum, illium,

rectum, pancreas and spleen etc) combine to form a large vein. This is known as hepatic portal vein. Near the liver a

branch of abdominal vein combines with it. Then it enters the liver and divides and re divides to form capillaries. The,

blood entering the liver through hepatic portal veins goes to the post caval by means of hepatic veins. The blood from

post caval goes to heart through sinus venosus.

The blood coming back into the heart is of two types.

Oxygenated blood which comes from lungs by pulmonary veins.

Deoxygenated blood from all parts of the body enters sinus venosus through precavals and post caval and

then enters the right atrium.

Lymphatic System of Frog

In circulatory system, due to blood pressure, many components of blood plasma come out of the capillaries and fill

the inter cellular spaces. These components are also in the form of fluid and called tissue fluid or interstitial fluid.

Much of it reenters the capillaries and some of it enters the lymph vessels where it is known as lymph. The flow of

lymph is unidirectional. Through lymph “vessels” lymph goes to big veins. Thus, lymph again enters the blood.

1. The lymph keeps the tissues wet.

2. The lymph helps in transport of various substances from blood to tissues and vice versa.

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Excretory System of Frog

In frog, waste materials are removed in different ways e.g. through skin, lungs, liver digestive system etc. But for

removal of nitrogenous wastes, there are two kidneys. Kidneys are attached to dorsal wall of body cavity. These are

present close to vertebral column in posterior part of body cavity. These are elongated and made up of urinary

tubules. Urinary tubules combine to form collecting ducts which open into Ureter. The urine from kidneys comes into

ureters after illustration. Both ureters which start from edges of kidneys open into the cloaca. From here, urine is

excreted directly or stored in the urinary bladder, which on opening of cloacal aperture is expelled. The carbon

dioxide and water are excreted through lungs and skin while through liver and digestive system; undigested food and

some wastes are excreted.

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