DEBATE: Atty. Hussein Abinal (Shia) vs. AbuJaiyana (Ahlus-Sunnah) The Imamite Doctine Of 12er...

Page 1 of 33 Ahlus-Sunnah Vs.Shia Debate The Imamite Doctine Of 12er Shiaism Is Part Of The Islamic Faith February 4-7, 2013 The rematch between Shia Senior Apologist ATTY. HUSSEIN ABINAL from Manila (orig. Marantaw, Lanao Del Sur) and ABU JAIYANA, from Tacurong City, apologist for Christians and Shi’ites This debate was done in the Shia facebook group (don’t be deceived with the number of “Likes” in each post) Hussein Abinal Proposed Debate: Imamah is an Islamic Doctrine / Creed Shee'ah: Hussein Abinal Affirmative Sunni: Abu Jaiyana Negative Like · · Unfollow Post · Monday at 12:55am via mobile Abu Jaiyana That's vague and tricky sir. We have to make it clear and specific: Resolve: The Imamite Doctine Of 12er Shiaism Is Part Of The Islamic Faith That would be better Monday at 7:29am via mobile · Like · 2 Abu Jaiyana *Doctrine Monday at 7:35am via mobile · Like Hussein Abinal Agreed. Monday at 8:18am via mobile · Like · 2 Hussein Abinal Shall we start? Monday at 8:31am via mobile · Like · 1


DEBATE: Atty. Hussein Abinal (Shia) vs. AbuJaiyana (Ahlus-Sunnah) The Imamite Doctine Of 12er Shiaism Is Part Of The Islamic Faith .pdf

Transcript of DEBATE: Atty. Hussein Abinal (Shia) vs. AbuJaiyana (Ahlus-Sunnah) The Imamite Doctine Of 12er...

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Ahlus-Sunnah Vs.Shia Debate

The Imamite Doctine Of 12er Shiaism Is Part Of The Islamic Faith February 4-7, 2013

The rematch between Shia Senior Apologist ATTY. HUSSEIN ABINAL from Manila (orig. Marantaw,

Lanao Del Sur) and ABU JAIYANA, from Tacurong City, apologist for Christians and Shi’ites

This debate was done in the Shia facebook group (don’t be deceived with the number of “Likes” in each post)

Hussein Abinal Proposed Debate: Imamah is an Islamic Doctrine / Creed Shee'ah: Hussein Abinal Affirmative Sunni: Abu Jaiyana Negative

Like · · Unfollow Post · Monday at 12:55am via mobile

Abu Jaiyana That's vague and tricky sir. We have to make it clear and specific:


The Imamite Doctine Of 12er Shiaism Is Part Of The Islamic Faith

That would be better

Monday at 7:29am via mobile · Like · 2

Abu Jaiyana *Doctrine

Monday at 7:35am via mobile · Like

Hussein Abinal Agreed.

Monday at 8:18am via mobile · Like · 2

Hussein Abinal Shall we start?

Monday at 8:31am via mobile · Like · 1

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Abu Jaiyana Any suggested format and rules? If none, the format of the first debate shall apply.

Go ahead now

Monday at 8:32am via mobile · Like

Abu Jaiyana Any suggested format and rules? If none, the format of the first debate shall apply.

Go ahead now

Monday at 8:33am via mobile · Like

Hussein Abinal Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Rahiim

Ashhadu an laa ilaaha illallaaho wahdahuu laa shariikalah

Wa ashhadu anna muhammadan 'abduhuu wa rasuuloh

Allaahommaa sall 'alaa muhammad wa aale muhammad

Salaamun alaykum wa rahmatollaahi wa baraakatoh

The doctrine of Imamah / Imamate of the Twelve (12) Imams a.s. from the Ahlulbayt of the Messenger s.a.w.a. is a part of

the Islamic Faith.

In fact, it is a very important doctrine which has been founded in the Qur'an and Sunnah of the Messenger s.a.w.a.

In Sahih Muslim, the Messenger s.a.w.a. defines Religion , Islam, as Sincerity to Allah, His Book, the Qur'an, His Messenger,

Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.a., the Imams / A'imma of the Muslims and their people. Book of Faith ( Kitab al-Iman) Book 1 -

Hadith No. 98

In the same Sahih Muslim, it is narrated on the authority of Jarir that he observed I gave pledge of allegiance to the

Messenger ( may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him ) on the observance of prayer, the payment of Zakat, and

Sincerity and well-wishing for every Muslim. Book of Faith ( Kitab al-Iman ) Book 1 - Hadith No. 102.

These two narrations showed how important is the belief in Imamah which, in the first hadith, is mentioned after the

Messenger s.a.w.a. and in the second narration, is lined up after the prayer and zakat as it is already obvious in Sincerity as

defined by the Messenger s.a.w.a. in hadith no. 102.

That is, aside from the prayer and zakat a Muslim must be sincere to Allah s.w t , His Book, His Messenger s.a.w.a. and the

Imams of the Muslims and the people

In Sahih al-Bukhari, several narrations on the necessity of obeying the Ruler appointed by the Messenger s.a.w.a. Vol. 9,

Book 89, Hadith No. 6707, the responsibilty of the Imam ( Ruler ) Hadith No. 6708, the fact that the khilafat will remain

with the Quraysh Hadith No. 6710, the obigatoriness of obeying the Muslim ruler as separation from him and the Muslims

will result in a Jahiya death Hadith No. 6713, the prohibitiom against demanding leadership Hadith 6716-6717, the regret of

those keen on taking the authority of ruling Hadith No 6718, and the truth that there will be twelve Muslim rulers who will

be from the Quraysh Hadith No. 6785, among others, are recorded.

All these narrations and other ahadith that will be provided later point to the necessity of believing and following the

Successors of the Messenger s.a.w. who are the Imams and Rulers of the Muslims.

The names of the Imams a.s. and Rulers as mentioned in both shee'ah and Sunni sources are Imam 'Ali a.s., Imam Hasan

a.s., Imam Husayn a.s., Imam 'Ali a.s., Imam Muhammad a.s., Imam Ja'far a.s., Imam Musa a.s., Imam 'Ali a.s., Imam

Muhammad a.s., Imam 'Ali a.s., Imam Hasan a.s. and the Imam of the Age, Muhammad al-Mahdi a.s., may Allah s.w.t.

hasten his appearance.

The narrations on the Divine Leadership of the Imams a.s. as well as their being the people chosen, guided, purified,

honored and favored by Allah s.w.t. from the family of Ibrahim a.s. and Isma'el a.s. are fully concordant to the Qur'anic

verses talking about the path of the people favored by Allah s.w.t. 1:6-7, the chosen servants of Allah s.w.t. who inherited

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the Book, the Qur'an 35:32-33, the envied family of Ibrahim a.s. who have been given the Book and Wisdom and the Great

Kingdom / Mulkan Azeema 4:54.

What is this Doctrine of Imamah / Imamate of the 12 Imams a.s.that we believe as part of the Islamic Faith or what is

called a principle or doctrine of religion or usol ud deen?

This doctrine is the belief that just as Allah s.w.t. gave Nubuwwat, Risalat, Khilafat, and Imamah to His chosen and purifed

Slaves in the past or before the Messenger s.a.w..a, He also gave this very important office to the Family of the Messenger

s.a.w.a. in accordance to the prayers of Ibrahim a.s. and his son Isma'el a.s.

Surah Ibrahim, Verse 35:

ذا البلد آمنا واجنبني وبني أن نعبد الصنام اجعل ه وإذ قال إبراهيم رب

And when Ibrahim said: My Lord! make this city secure, and save me and my sons from worshipping idols:

(English - Shakir)

Surah Ibrahim, Verse 36:

نه من ي ومن عصاني فإنك غفور رحي ن الناس فمن تبعني فإ إنهن أضللن كثيرا م م رب

My Lord! surely they have led many men astray; then whoever follows me, he is surely of me, and whoever disobeys me,

Thou surely art Forgiving, Merciful:

(English - Shakir)

Surah Al-Baqara, Verse 124:

هن قال إن ي جاعلك للناس إماما قال ومن ذر ي تي قال ا ينال عهدا الالمين وإذ ابتلى إبراهيم ربه بكلمات فأتم

And when his Lord tried Ibrahim with certain words, he fulfilled them. He said: Surely I will make you an Imam of men.

Ibrahim said: And of my offspring? My covenant does not include the unjust, said He.

(English - Shakir)

Surah Al-Baqara, Verse 127:

ميع العل وإ يم ذ يرفع إبراهيم القواعد من البيت وإسماعيل ربنا تقبل منا إنك أنت الس

And when Ibrahim and Ismail raised the foundations of the House: Our Lord! accept from us; surely Thou art the Hearing,

the Knowing:

(English - Shakir)

Surah Al-Baqara, Verse 128:

سلمة لك وأرنا مناسكنا وتب علينا ة م اب الرحيم ربنا واجعلنا مسلمين لك ومن ذر يتنا أم و إنك أنت الت

Our Lord! and make us both submissive to Thee and (raise) from our offspring a nation / Ummah submitting to Thee, and

show us our ways of devotion and turn to us (mercifully), surely Thou art the Oft-returning (to mercy), the Merciful.

(English - Shakir)

Surah Al-Baqara, Verse 129:

نهم يتلو عليهم آياتك ويعل مهم الكتاب والحكمة ويزك يهم رب إنك أنت العزيز الحكيم نا وابعث فيهم رسو ا م

Our Lord! and raise up in them an Apostle from among them who shall recite to them Thy communications and teach them

the Book and the wisdom, and purify them; surely Thou art the Mighty, the Wise.

(English - Shakir)

To be continued.

Monday at 12:51pm via mobile · Like · 4

Hussein Abinal Continuation of my presentatiom.

The verses above proved that Ibrahim a.s. had sons who were protected from worshiping idols 14:35-36.

When Ibrahim a.s. was appointed Imam for mankind, while he was already a follower of Nuh a.s., a prophet and a

messenger, a khalil / friend of Allah s.w.t. and an Ummah by himself because he was an Imam and a mukhlas / pure, he

prayed for some of his offspring this Imamah that Allah s.w.t. called His Covenant / Ahd.

....And Allah says: My Covenant does not include the unjust. 2:124

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The greatest injustice is attributing partners to Allah s.w.t.

Surah Luqman, Verse 13:

يم وإذ قال لقمان ابنه وهو يعه يا بني ا رك للم ع تشرك بالله إن الش

And when Luqman said to his son while he admonished him: O my son! do not associate aught with Allah; most surely

polytheism is a grievous iniquity--

(English - Shakir)

Therefore, only the sons of Ibrahim a.s. who did not worship any idol could be an Imam just like Ibrahim a.s.

All these realities require belief or faith.

We believe that the verses are true and we believe that Imamah or Divine Leadership was transferred from the Messenger

s.a.w.a. to the Imams a.s. as the Nubuwwat and Risalat have ended with the passing away of the Messenger s.a.w.a.

Surah Al-Isra, Verse 71:

ئك يقرءون كتابهم و ا ي لمون فتيل يوم ندعو كل أناس بإمامهم فمن أوتي كتابه بيمينه فأول

(Remember) the day when We will call every people with their Imam; then whoever is given his book in his right hand,

these shall read their book; and they shall not be dealt with a whit unjustly.

(English - Shakir)

Surah Al-Isra, Verse 72:

ذه أعمى فهو في الخرة أعمى وأضل سبيل ومن كان في ه

And whoever is blind in this, he shall (also) be blind in the hereafter; and more erring from the way.

(English - Shakir)

These verses conveyed the truth that on the Day of Judgment, every people will be called with their Imam. That is, all the

peoples of this World will be summoned with their respective Imams.

Then the verse says that: "then whoever is given his record in his right hand, these will read their book / record of good

and bad deeds and will not be dealt a whit unjustly" That is, they will be saved. They are the Companions of the Right Hand

as their records will be given to them through their right hands.

In contrast, those who are blind in this truth shall be blind in the hereafter as he did not believe this ayah or the guidance

that it contains and while still in this World, he has already gone astray from the path.

Therefore, on Judgment Day, they will be given their record in their left hands as they are the Companions of the Left Hand

and will even receive their records at their backs as they followed the wrong Imams.

The followers of the Ahlulbayt a.s. believed that the Imam mentioned in 17:71 are either the Imam of guidance who guided

their people by the Command of Allah s.w.t. or the Imam who called the people to the fire of hell.

The shee'ah disagreed with the Sunni whose opinion is, the Imam in 17:71 may refer to a prophet or the book of guidance

or record good and bad deeds which is a multiple choice and therefore cannot bring certitude because the verse clearly says

that all the peoples will be called with the Imam they followed then the giving of the book in the right hand branched out

from the sentence " On a day We shall call every people with their Imam" which connotes the calling of the people as a


The assertion of the Sunni that the Imam in 17:71 is the Imaamim mubeen or the record of good amd bad deeds is a

matter of faith whether it is correct or wrong

Also, the claim of the Sunni that the Imam in 17:71 is the Prophet or yhe Book like the Qur'an is a matter of faith.

In the same manner, our view that due to this ayah, every people after the Messenger s.a.w.a, will also be called with the

Imam they followed and those people who followed the 12 Imams a.s. who succeeded one another as the rightful Imams or

the Imams of guidance have been in the right path is a matter of faith or belief and we believed that this is suppprted by

the correct understanding of the verses of the Qur'an telling mankind that Imams are of two kinds, the Imams guiding

others by the Command of Allah s.w.t 21:73 and 32:24 and Imams calling others to the hellfire 28:41 and 9:12.

Moreover, the Imams of guidance were either prophets a.s. as in the case of Ibrahim a.s. Ishaq a.s. and Ya'cub a.s. 21:73

and non-prophets as in the case of the twelve ( 12 ) Imams from the Qawm of Musa a.s. who were the Naqeeba 5:12,

A'imma, and Ummah 7:159.

To be continued.

Monday at 2:43pm via mobile · Like · 3

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Hussein Abinal Continuation of my presentation.

It is now clear that the belief in the Imamah of ahlulbayt a.s. emanates from the Qur'an and Sunnah.

It is not an invention of a Jew by the name Abdullah Ibn Sabah.

The Qur'an informed us that the authority to choose belongs to Allah s.w.t. and choosing anyone other the choice of Allah

s.w.t. is SHIRK.

Surah Al-Qasas, Verse 68:

ا يشركون وربك يخلق ما يشاء ويختار ما كان لهم الخيرة سبحان الله وتعالى عم

And your Lord creates and chooses whom He pleases; to choose is not theirs; glory be to Allah, and exalted be He above

what they associate (with Him).

(English - Shakir)

This ayah is telling us that the authority over creation as well as legislation belongs to Allah s.w.t.

Surah An-Nisa, Verse 54:

يماأم يحسدون الناس على ما آتاهم الله من فضله فقد آتينا آل إبراهيم الكتاب والحكمة لكا ع وآتيناهم م

Or do they envy the people for what Allah has given them of His grace? But indeed We have given to Ibrahim's children the

Book and the wisdom, and We have given them a grand kingdom.

(English - Shakir)

Surah An-Nisa, Verse 59:

وه إلى الله والرسول إن كنتم تؤمنون بالله يا أيها الذين آمنوا أطيعوا الله وأطيعوا الرسول وأولي المر منكم فإن تنازعتم في ش يء فرد

لك خير وأحسن تأويل واليوم الخر ذ

O you who believe! obey Allah and obey the Apostle and those in authority from among you; then if you quarrel about

anything, refer it to Allah and the Apostle, if you believe in Allah and the last day; this is better and very good in the end.

(English - Shakir)

Surah An-Nisa, Verse 65:

ا قضيت ويسل موا تسليمافل ورب ك ا يؤمنون حتى يحك موك فيما شجر بينهم ثم ا م يجدوا في أنفسهم حرجا م

But no! by your Lord! they do not believe (in reality) until they make you a judge of that which has become a matter of

disagreement among them, and then do not find any straitness in their hearts as to what you have decided and submit with

entire submission.

(English - Shakir)

The above verses proved that the Family of Ibrahim a.s. were envied by the people. But Allah s.w.t. emphasized that this

Family a.s. have been given the Book, the final Book is the Qur'an, and Wisdom, the same Kitaab and Hikma taught by the

Messenger s.a.w.a. to the Ummatan Muslimatan 2:128-129 from the Family of Ibrahim a.s. and Isma'el.

Then Allah s.w.t. commanded the Believers to obey Allah and obey the Messenger and the Olil Amr.

The Shee'ah and Sunni believed in Allah and the Messenger and the Olil Amr but they parted ways as to who the Olil Amr

were, the Shee'ah believing that the Olil Amr have been the 12 Imams who, according to the Messenger s.a.w.a. were his

successors and leaders of the Muslims after him, while the Sunni followed the narratives of Umar and his partisans that the

Messenger s.a.w.a. did not appoint anyone to succeed him.

The shee'ah obeyed the Messenger s.a.w.a. without any reservation but other Muslims opposed and hated the decision of

the Messenger s.a.w.a. making them the people alluded to in 4:65.

The faith in the Imamah of the 12 Imams a.s. resulted from our faith in Allah, His Book and His Messenger s.a.w.a.

Disbelief in Imamah is disbelief in the Nubuwwat and Risalat of the Messenger s.a.w.a.

Disbelief in the Nubuwwat and Risalat of the Messenger s.a.w.a. is disbelief in Allah s.w.t.

Divine Justice and Divine Wisdom both dictate that after the Messenger s.a.w.a., the Muslims must not be left without an

Imam who shall guide them to the all-embracing way of life that is Islam, who shall explain to them the Divine realities

found in the verses of the Qur'an, the details of the Sharia and Islamic ethics.


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Ya Allah, bless Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad

Monday at 4:54pm via mobile · Like · 3

Abu Jaiyana Thank you Atty. Hussein Abinal for your presentation. Can I ask some clarificatory questions about your



Monday at 5:52pm via mobile · Like

Hussein Abinal Please....

Monday at 6:05pm via mobile · Like · 2

Monday at 6:19pm via mobile · Like

Abu Jaiyana Here are my questions:

1. You cited some ahadith from Bukhari and Muslim giving emphasis on the obligation/duty of the Muslims to obey theie

leaders. We, the Ahlus-Sunnah say, we hear and we obey the Prophet's instruction.

The leaders/Imams mentioned in those ahadith, do they refer to all Muslims leaders in general or do they refer to your 12

error-free Imams?

2. You cited the hadith that says that the khalifa will remain with the quraish. How many of your12 Imams became Khalif of

the Muslim Ummah?

3. You cited the hadith which somehow implies that to die without believing in an Imam or leader is to die like the days of


Does that particular hadith means to believe in your 12 Imams after the Prophet s.a.w? Please provide evidence otherwise

explain how does that hadith proof for your shia imamah doctrine?

4. You quoted several ayat and you alluded that the faith in 12 error-free Imams after the Prophet is rooted from those


Where did you base your allusion from those ayat, from sahih hadith, or known tafseer, or it is just a shia theory of imamah

in the quran? Evidence please.

5. I find the ayat you cited as proof for the shiah doctrine of Imamah. Can you provide any explicit ayah which says that

after Prophet Muhammad there will be 12 infallible Imams and that Muslims must obey and follow them?

6. If any Muslim rejects the Shia doctrine that there were and there is an error-free human being because only Allah is

error-free being, would he go to hell or not?

Thank you.

Monday at 8:46pm via mobile · Like · 4

Abu Jaiyana I would like to make some corrections ....

5. I find the ayat which you cited to support your Shia imamah doctrine *to be extremely remote from the apparent

meaning of those ayat....

6. *rejecting the Shia doctrine of Imamah until his death.

Im using a small cp here. Thanks

Tuesday at 6:13am via mobile · Edited · Like · 2

Hussein Abinal I will answer.your questions later. InshaAllah.

Tuesday at 8:51am via mobile · Like · 1

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Hussein Abinal Here are my answers to your clarificatory questions.

1. I gave the ahadith in Bukhari and Muslm that could prove that belief and obedience to Leaders chosen and appointed by

Allah s.w.t. through the prophet s.a.w.a. is a part of the Islamic faith.

The ahadith that pertains to the Muslim leaders in general showed that obedience to them is not unqualified or


Obedience to them is necessary if what they have commanded is not disobedience to Allah s.w.t.

Narrated 'Abdullah :

The Prophet said, "A Muslim has to listen to and obey (the order of his ruler) whether he likes it or not, as long as his

orders involve not one in disobedience (to Allah), but if an act of disobedience (to Allah) is imposed one should not listen to

it or obey it. (See Hadith No. 203, Vol. 4)( Sahih Bukhari: Judgments (Ahkaam),Volume 9 Book 89 Hadith # 6714)

While as for the Leaders or Rulers chosen and appointed by the Messenger s.a.w..a, obeying them is without any

qualification or condition.

Narrated Abu Huraira :

Allah's Apostle said, "Whoever obeys me, obeys Allah, and whoever disobeys me, disobeys Allah, and whoever obeys the

ruler I appoint, obeys me, and whoever disobeys him, disobeys me."( Sahih Bukhari: Judgments (Ahkaam),Volume 9 Book

89 Hadith # 6707)

Narrated Ibn 'Abbas :

The Prophet said, "If somebody sees his Muslim ruler doing something he disapproves of, he should be patient, for whoever

becomes separate from the Muslim group even for a span and then dies, he will die as those who died in the Pre-lslamic

period of ignorance (as rebellious sinners). (See Hadith No. 176 and 177)( Sahih Bukhari: Judgments (Ahkaam),Volume 9

Book 89 Hadith # 6713)

Obedience to the Olil Amr 4:59 is not subject to any condition or proviso.

Tuesday at 10:25am via mobile · Like · 3

Hussein Abinal 2. The Khilafat and Imamah of the 12 Imams a.s. / Rulers have been legislated by Allah s.w.t. in the

Qur'an and Sunnah. They are Imams whether they are standing or they are sitting. Meaning, whether they revolt or they

remain silent, the Muslims must obey them. If the early Muslims have indeed heard and obeyed, they would not have

snatched the khilafat away from the Ahlul Bayt a.s.

28:68, 4:54, 4:59, 9:119. 24:55, 5:55.

Tuesday at 10:40am via mobile · Like · 5

Hussein Abinal 3. The ahadith like "Whoever dies without knowing the Imam of his time / age dies a Jahiliya death" found

in both Shee'ah and Sunni narrations and the two traditions I have given from Sahih Bukhari, Hadith Nos. 6707 and 6713,

are in complete agreement with the Qur'anic verses requiring obedience to Allah s.w.t. and His Messenger s.a.w.a. and the

Olil Amr 4:59, Saadiqeen 9:119, Khulafaao 24:55, Wali 5:55.

Verses 17:71-72 given earlier and the more than hundred narrations regarding the duty of the Muslims to love and obey the

Imams a.s. should be sufficient to prove the truth that belief in the Imamah or leadership of the 12 Imams a.s. is an

integral part of the Islamic faith.

Tuesday at 11:21am via mobile · Like · 3

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Hussein Abinal The verses of the Qur'an I have given like 2:124, 17:71-72, 4:54, 4:59 and other verses are decisive

Tuesday at 1:24pm via mobile · Like · 3

Hussein Abinal 4. The verses I have given like 2:124, 17:71-72, 4:54, 4:59, 2:127-129 and other verses are decisive ones

/ aayatun muhkamatun / verses having only one meaning and though they may have been given differing exegesis, we

have been cpmmanded by Allah s.w.t. to ponder oe meditate on His signs for our guidance and with the help of other

verses related to them and the narrations of the Prophet s.a.w.a., , we could derive our rational arguments for our faith.

The ahadith al thaqalayn, al manziila, as safiina, an nujoom, al kisa and other narrations gave the details of the verses

containing necessity of following the people favored by Allah s.w.t. with knowledge and faith, wisdom, purity, authority,

leadership, successorship and guardianship.

These are not conjectural informations.

The Qur'an and the Sunnah attest to the truthfulness of our claim that Imamah of the Ahlul Bayt a.s., the 12 Imams a.s., is

indeed a Message brought to all mankind by the Messenger s.a.w.a. that must be believed by every Muslim if he or she

wants tp prosper in this World and Next life.

Tuesday at 1:59pm via mobile · Like · 3

Hussein Abinal 5. It is extremely easy to deny anything including the belief in the Imamah of the 12 Imams a.s. but a

Mo'min cannot easily ignore or reject the rapport between the Qur'anic verses and the narrations detailing them pointing to


Tuesday at 3:02pm via mobile · Like · 2

Hussein Abinal veracity of this belief.

Tuesday at 3:04pm via mobile · Like · 2

Hussein Abinal 6. Belief, like disbelief, has various grades.

In a case where there is rejection that there were and there is an error-free human being because Allah s.w.t. is the only

error- free and that the Imamah of this human being is denied or rejected, two rejections have been committed;

1. Rejection.of the Imamah of the 12 Imams a.s.and

2. Infallibility of the Imams a.s.

Since both the verses of the Qur'an and the Sunnah declared the Imamah and infallibilty of the Imams a.s., this is kufr that

would result to the disbelief not only in Prophethood and Risalat of the Messenger s.a.w.a. but also the Oneness of Allah


The Qur'an says:

Surah Al-Anaam, Verse 33:

كن الالمين بآيات الله يجحد قد نع بونك ول ون لم إنه ليحزنك الذا يقولون فإنهم ا يكذ

We know indeed that what they say certainly grieves you, but surely they do not call you a liar; but the unjust deny the

communications / aayat / signs v verses of Allah.

(English - Shakir)

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The unjust people do not deny the Messenger s.a.w.a. himself. They believed in him. But they have rejected the verses that

have been revealed to the Messenger s.a.w.a. calling the Muslims to believe, love and obey the Imams a.s.

The inevitable consequence is the consignment of the disbeliever to the most grievous penalty in the fire of Hell.

Shukran and Salaamun 'alaykum.

Allaahommaa salli 'alaa Muhammad wa Aale Muhammad.

Tuesday at 3:57pm via mobile · Like · 2

Hussein Abinal You may now proceed with your presentation. Thanks.

Tuesday at 4:07pm via mobile · Like · 2

Abu Jaiyana Sorry I arrived late at home last night, i was too tired to compose my presentation.

Im typing it now and i will post it as soon as i finish it.


Yesterday at 7:18am via mobile · Like

Abu Jaiyana In the name of Allah. the Beneficent, the Merciful.

All praise is due to the Almighty God, Allah. We praise Him and seek His help and forgiveness. Whosoever has been guided

by Allah, there is none to misguide him; whosoever has been misguided by Allah, none can guide him.

I bear witness that there is no other god except Allah, alone, without partner or associate. And I bear witness that

Muhammad is His servant and messenger.

May Allah the Exalted bestow His peace and blessings on the Prophet Muhammad, upon his good and pure family as well as

upon all of the noble Companions and upon those who followed them in righteousness until the Day of Judgment.

It is intended debate to present to both Muslims and non-Muslims accurate information about the faith and tenets of the

Shi'ite sect known as the Twelve Imamers or Ja'faris.

It is essential for the Sunni Muslim to know the fact of the Shi'ite deviation from the straight path of Islam taught by the

Prophet Muhammad s.a.w and his noble Companions (radiyallaahu anhum).

Shi'ism originated in the first century of Islam as an exaggerated affection for and partisanship of Ahlul-Bait (the family and

descendants of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. Later on, it developed into a set of misbeliefs and erroneous concepts which

ultimately constituted a new religion; a religion other than that which was taught by the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. and by

his Companions after him.

During the time when Spain was under the reign of Arab Muslims, the Imam Abu Muhammad bin Hazam used to debate

with Spain's priests regarding the texts of their sacred books. He used to bring forth proofs which established their having

been tampered with and altered so much that their authentic origins had been lost.

Those priests used to argue with Ibn Hazam that the Shi'ites had asserted that the Qur'an also had been altered. Ibn

Hazam refuted their argument by replying that the allegation of the Shi'ites is not a proof against the Qur'an, nor against

the Muslims, because SHI'ITES ARE NOT MUSLIMS. Al-Hazarn, Al Fisal fil Millal wan-Niha1, Vol. 2, p. 78 and Vol. 4, p. 182

I previously thought that Shiaism is merely a different fiqh madhhab just like the famous schools of thought in Islam, but

their main concern and focus is on political matters especially on leadership. I therefore thought that Shiism is just another

school of thought in Islam and shia are therefore Muslims.

I spent lots and lots of time reading Shia books, starting for their so-called authentic books such as Al Kafi of Al Kulaini,

Biharul Anwar by Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi, works of Mirza Husain bin Muhammad Taqi An-Nawari At-Tabarsi and others

especially on their attacks about the preservation of the Qur’an, it is quite clear for me that Shiaism is not merely a sect, but

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dangerous cult and an entirely new religion altogether. I can confidently confirm the statement of Imam Abu Muhammad

bin Hazam that SHI'ITES ARE NOT MUSLIMS. (Except those Shi’ites who are not aware of their polytheistic creed.)

Continue next post.

Yesterday at 8:12am · Like

Abu Jaiyana There are many Shi’ite beliefs that would make us conclude that Shi’ism is not part of Islam but a polytheistic

cult disguising as part of Islam. One of those Shi’ite beliefs is their doctrine on Imamah. Imamah is the very core of Shiism;

without it, there will be no Shiism.

To systematically resolve whether or not the Shi’ites’ belief on Imamah is part of Islamic faith, we need to now first what is

this Imamah doctrine, and what did Prophet Muhammad s.a.w said about what is faith as recorded in the most authentic

sources of ahadith.

What is the doctrine of Twelver Shiaism on Imamah? (Imamite Shiaism)

Apart from the Prophets, there is another group of God appointed persons called Imams who are greater or higher in rank

than the Prophets of Allah after Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. These are people who possess Ismah (infallibility); they don’t

make any error consciously or unconsciously, and have access to a knowledge that is not accessible by ordinary people. The

world cannot be empty of an Imam otherwise it will be destroyed. These individuals are twelve people among the

descendants of the Holy Prophet who are appointed by nobody except Allah alone to lead the Muslims. Anyone who chooses

a leader other than these twelve is misguided and not a complete believer. The twelfth of these Imams is the Mahdi and,

although he has been in occultation for more than one thousand years, he will return when Allah (wishes and then justice

will prevail.

My opponent, I strongly believe, purposely hid this concept because he knows that he would need billions of words to

convince the non-shia to believe that this is really part of Islamic faith.

However, that would not be a problem at all because I have studied Shiaism and I will not only prove that their doctrine of

Imamah is absolutely alien to Islamic faith but I will also expose their polytheistic belief about Imamah which made me

conclude, and perhaps the neutral readers of this debate would also conclude, that Shiaism is a polytheistic cult disguised as

part of Islam.

• Allah said that Prophet Muhammad is the seal of the Prophets. The wisdom why Allah has to have the Qur’an perfectly

preserved is because there will be no more new Prophets to come. It would be extremely inconceivable that the

Prophethood is sealed yet there are group of people who are higher than the Prophets.

• There is not a single ayah in the Quran which at least hints the Muslims, let alone explicit ayah, telling the Muslims that

after the Prophet, there will be 12 error-free individuals who would lead the Muslims and that Muslims should follow them.

• In the absence of any injunction from the Qur’an about these 12 infallible Imams, it would be unjust for God to punish

any Muslim, let alone the vast majority of Muslims since the beginning of Islam for not believing this highly important


Let us examine their reliable sources about what they say about their Imams which my opponent Atty. Hussein Abinal

wanted us to believe.

• “The Imams possess all the knowledge granted to the angels, prophets, and messengers.”

(Al-Kulaini, Al-Kafi, p.255

• “The Imams have knowledge of whatever occurred in the past and whatever will happen in the future, and nothing is

concealed from them.” (Al-Kafi, p. 260.)

• Imam Abu Abdullah said: “I have knowledge about what in the heavens and what is in the earth, what in the paradise and

what is in the fire, and I know what was (before) and what is going to happen…” “Biharul anwar” vol 26, p 111“ “Al Kafi”

vol 1, p 261

• “There is not a single truth possessed by a people saved that which originated with the Imams, and everything which did

not proceed from them is false.” (Al-Kulaini, Al-Kafi, p.399)

• “And an essential tenet of our Shi’ite sect is that the Imams have a position which is reached neither by the angels nor by

any commissioned messenger of God.” (Ayatollah Khomeini, Hukumat-i-Islami, p.52-53)

Folks, ask any Jewish or Christian theologian or any theologian; who could possibly possess that kind of knowledge; they

will be unanimous to tell you that ONLY GOD ALMIGHTY CAN POSSIBLY POSSESS IT.

None of the creation shares the divine attributes of God. Thus, Imamah in Shiaism is NO DOUBT A BLATANT POLYTHEISM!

It is ascribing partners to Allah.

These polytheistic evidences of the Shia Imamah doctrine is more than enough to declare them as non-muslims, let alone

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part of Islamic faith.

There are plenty of blasphemous Shia teachings about their Imamah Doctrine which my opponent Atty. Hussein Abinal

didn’t present here, and you know the obvious reason why he didn’t do it – it’s so shameful to present those polytheistic

teachings here folks.

Prophet Muhammad s.a.w spent 13 years in Makkah preaching nothing except pure monotheism (Tawheed), but the Shia,

who claim to be Muslims and followers of the Ahlulbait, are teaching polytheism (Shirk) exactly the antithesis of Tawheed.

Now after this exposition of Shia Imamah, DO WE STILL HAVE ANY DOUBT that Shiaism is NOT part of Islam?

Can we even entertain the question whether or not Shia Imamah doctrine is part of Islamic faith AFTER KNOWING that


There are so many blasphemous teachings propagated by this heretical and polytheistic cult of Imamah shiaism, but I will

just give few examples which prove that Imamah in Shiaism is not part of Islam, let alone part of Islamic faith. These

examples are so explicit that I don’t need to explain why each of theme is a clear polytheistic teaching:

• “The Imams know when they will die, and they do not die except by their own choice.” (Al-Kafi, p. 258.)

• “He is immune to sin from the first of his life to the last of it.” (Allamah al-Hilli, Al Babul Hadi Ashar, p. 58)

• “We [the Imams] are the eyes of Allah in his creatures and the final authority in all human beings.” (Usool-e Kaafi, Vol.

No. 1, Page No. 145)

• “The Imam knows his hour of death and his death is in his control.” (Usool-e Kaafi, Vol. No.1,Page No. 258)

• “All of the earth belongs to the Imams.” (Al- Kulaini. Al-Kafi, p.407)

The above-mentioned Imamah doctrine of the 12r Shiaism with the specific references I provided are not words of Prophet

Muhammad s.a.w. They were words attributed to the members of the Ahlulbayt. Only the shia people, who are very few

compared to the rest of the Muslims, believe in those narrations.

In a hadith, the Prophet is reported to have said:

Narrated AbuMalik al-Ash'ari:

The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: ALLAH HAS PROTECTED YOU FROM THREE THINGS: that your Prophet should not

invoke a curse on you and should all perish, that those who follow what is false should not prevail over those who follow the


How come that only a very small minority believes on those narrations? The answer is obvious – they are polytheistic


Now, let us examine what did Prophet Muhammad said about what Faith is in Islam.

Continue next post.

Yesterday at 8:13am · Like · 2

Abu Jaiyana When it comes to the fundamentals of Islam, Allah and His Messeger s.a.w did not leave and allow people

figure out what would be the fundamentals of the religion. This is a very serious matter to the extent that disbelief or

straying away or deviating from it makes a Muslim no longer a believer according to the consensus of Muslim scholars.

Allah, through the angel of revelation, Jibreel a.s. taught the Muslims what faith is:

One day while the Prophet was sitting in the company of some people, (The angel) Gabriel came and asked, “WHAT IS


AND TO BELIEVE IN RESURRECTION." Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 2, Number 47

He (the inquirer) said: Inform me about IMAN (FAITH). He (the Holy Prophet) replied: That you affirm your faith in ALLAH,


DIVINE DECREE ABOUT GOOD AND EVIL. He (the inquirer) said: You have told the truth. He (the Holy Prophet) remarked:

He was Gabriel (the angel). He came to you in order to instruct you in matters of religion. Sahih Muslim Book 001, Number


This hadith is repeated all over the books on FAITH (IMAN) in the two most reliable sources of Islam after the Quran. Cross


Sahih Muslim Book 001, Number 0004, Book 001, Number 0002, Book 001, Number 0003, Book 001, Number 0004, Book

001, Number 0006:

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Narrated Ibn 'Umar:

Allah's Apostle said: Islam is based on (the following) five (principles):

1. To testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad is Allah's Apostle.

2. To offer the (compulsory congregational) prayers dutifully and perfectly

3. To pay Zakat

4. To perform Hajj

5. To observe fast during the month of Ramadan.

Ref: Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 2, Number 7

Thus, Faith and the Principles of Islam have been made clear to us by the Prophet s.a.w.

All of the items mentioned in the ahadith above are ALL OVER IN THE QURAN, that is why no one doubts, let alone

questions whether they are really part of Islamic faith.

Now, let’s go back to the main issue:

Did you find the doctrine of Imamah from those authentic, specific, and explicit words of our Noble Prophet?

In my rebuttal, I will refute all the references cited by my opponent, Atty. Hussein Abinal as proof for Shia Imamah


I believe that the responses given by Atty. Hussein Abinal to my questions are proof enough for the futility of the Shia


1. He admitted that the ahadith he cited don’t mean belief or obedience to their 12 Imams but any Muslim leader in


2. He also evaded my question as to how many of their 12 Imams became caliphs of the Muslim Ummah.

3. He also gave extremely vague answer whether the leaders mentioned in Bukhari 6707 & 6713 refer to their Imams or


4. Although he denied that his exegeses on the ayat he cited from the Quran are nothing more than a conjecture, he failed

to show/provide any tafseer, or sahih hadith, or ijmaa, which supports his exegeses.

5. He failed to show us even a single ayah from the Quran informing and commanding the Muslims about the appearance of

12 erro-free individuals who are higher than the Prophets of Allah, after the demise of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.

6. He fall in to the trap when he declared as disbeliever anyone who wouldn’t believe in their Infallible Imams due to the

fact that it is Allah alone is infallible. Atty. Hussien Abinal would have a mountain load to justify that because he failed to

show even a single ayah from the Quran informing and commanding the Muslims about the appearance of 12 erro-free

individuals who are higher than the Prophets of Allah, after the demise of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.

Thank you very much.

Atty. Hussein Abinal, you also have the right to ask clarificatory questions on me, but if you choose to waive that right, it is

up to you.

Yesterday at 8:13am · Like · 1

Hussein Abinal REBUTTAL


Allaahommaa salli 'alaa Muhammad wa Aale Muhammad.

Before pointing out how misleading the presentation of Abu Jaiyana is and how irrelevant his assertions are, in the issue of

whether the Imamah of the 12 Imams a.s. from the Family of the Messenger s.a.w.a. is a part of the Islamic Faith, I am

quoting the following Narrations proving that after the Messenger s.a.w.a., Allah s.w.t. has identified the Right Path with the

Path of the Imams a.s.




1. The Holy Prophet placed his hand on the neck of Ali and said: "This is the guide of the righteous and the slayer of the

profligate. He who helps him is victorious and he who abandons him is forsaken. Hakim has recorded this in his Mustadrak,

vol. 3, p. 129, as a tradition related by Jabir. This is tradition No. 2527 in Kanz al-Ummal, vol. 6, p.153, and Thalabi has

recorded it as related by Abu Dharr while commenting on the verse of 'superior authority' in his Tafsir al-Kabir.

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2. The Holy Prophet said: "Three things have been revealed to me about Ali: he is the master of the Muslims, leader of the

pious and the chief of the singularly radiant." Hakim has recorded this tradition in his Mustadrak, vol. 3, beginning of p. 138.

Al-Barudi Ibn Qani, Abu Nu-aym and al Bazar have recorded it; and this is tradition No. 2628 in Kanz al-Ummal, vol. 6, p.


3. The Holy Prophet said: "It has been revealed to me about Ali that he is the master of the Muslims, friend of the pious and

the chief of the singularly radiant." Ibn Najjar and many other traditionists have recorded it. This is tradition No. 2630 in

Kanz al-Ummal, vol. 6, 157.

4. The Holy Prophet said to Ali: "Welcome to the master of the Muslims and leader of the pious." Abu Nu-aym has recorded

it in his book Hilyah al Awliya. This is No. 11 of the traditions cited by Ibn Abi al-Hadid and appears in his Sharh al Nahj al-

Balagha, vol. 2, p. 450, and tradition No. 2627 in Kanz al-Ummal, vol. 6, p.157.

5. The Holy Prophet said: "The first person who enters this door is the leader of the pious, the master of the Muslims, the

protector of the faith, the seal of those who execute the trust and the chief of the singularly radiant." Then Ali entered the

door and the Holy Prophet stood up and joyously embraced him and wiped off the sweat from his forehead, and he was

heard saying: "You will repay my debts, convey my message to the people and will show them the right path when there

will be dissension among them after me." Abu Nu-aym has recorded this tradition in his Hilyah al-Awliya as related by Anas,

and Ibn Abi al Hadid has copied it with details in his Sharh al-Nahj al-Balagha, vol. 2, p.450.

6. The Holy Prophet said: "Allah has informed me that Ali is the flag of guidance, the Imam of my friends and a light for

those who are obedient to me; and he is the word which I have imposed upon the pious as duty." Abu Nu-aym has

recorded it in his Hilyah al-Awliya as related by Abu Barzah al-Aslami and Anas ibn Malik. Ibn Abi al-Hadid has copied it in

his Sharh al-Nahj al-Balagha, vol. 2, p.449.

7. The Holy Prophet pointed with his hand towards Ali and said: "This Ali is the first person to believe in my prophethood

and will be the first person to shake hands with me on the day of judgement. He is the truest person and the wisest

discriminator in this nation. He will differentiate between truth and falsehood and he is the ruler of the faithful."

Tabrani has recorded it in his Kabir as a tradition related by Salman and Abu Dharr. Bayhaqi has recorded it in his Sunan

and Ibn Adi in his Kamil as a tradition related by Hudhayfah. This is tradition No. 2608 in Kanz al-Ummal, vol. 6, p.156.

8. The Holy Prophet said: "O you ansars-residents of Madina! Let me tell you one thing. If you will rigidly follow it you will

never go astray. Here is Ali. Love him as you love me and be respectful to him as you are respectful to me. What I have

told you is certainly the commandment of the almighty and glorious Allah which Jibra-il has conveyed to me." Tabrani has

recorded it in Kabir, and this is tradition no. 2625 in Kanz, vol. 6, p. 157, and tradition no. 10 in Sharh al-Nahj al-Balaghah,

vol. 2, p. 450, by Ibn Abi al-Hadid. Please note how the adherence to Ali has been made a condition for their not deviating

from the right path. This clearly means that those who will not adhere to Ali will go astray. Also please note the tone of his

instruction. He asks his followers to hold Ali as dear as they held the Holy Prophet himself and to be as respectful to Ali as

they were to the Holy Prophet himself. This could not have been said about anybody other than he who was his regent in

his lifetime and was going to be his successor after his death. A great truth will dawn upon your mind when you will

consider the words, "What I have told is certainly the commandment of the almighty and glorious Allah, which Jibra-il has

conveyed to me."

9. The Holy Prophet said: "I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its door. He who wants to acquire knowledge should come

through the door." Tabrani has recorded it in his Kabir as related by Ibn Abbas as mentioned in Suyuti's Jami al-Saghir, p.

107. Hakim has recorded it in the chapter 'Virtues of Ali' in Sahih al-Mustadrak, vol. 3, p. 226, on the authority of two

reliable reporters-one, Ibn Abbas, whose report has been transmitted through two different but reliable sources, and the

other, Jabir ibn Abdullah Ansari- and has advanced decisive arguments in support of the reliability of its sources. Ahmad ibn

Muhammad ibn Siddiq al-Maghribi, residing in Cairo, has compiled a magnificent book to prove the genuineness of this

tradition and named it Fath al-Mulk al-Ali. The book was printed in the year 1354 Hijrah in Matba al-Islamiyah, Egypt.

Research scholars will immensely benefit by its perusal, because the book embraces many branches of knowledge.

10. The Holy Prophet said: "I am the store-house of wisdom and Ali is its door." Tirmidhi has recorded it in his Sahih. Ibn

Jarir has also recorded it and many eminent scholars have taken the tradition from them, for example, Muttaqi of India,

who has copied it in his Kanz, vol. 6, p. 401, and has quoted Ibn Jarir as saying: "We believe this tradition to be genuine

and authentic." Jalal al-Din Suyuti has copied it from Tirmidhi in Jami al Jawami and Jami al-Saghir. Please refer to Jami al-

Saghir vol. 1, p. 170.

11. The Holy Prophet said: "Ali is the door of my knowledge, and after me he will explain to my followers what has been

sent with me. Love for him is faith and hatred towards him is hypocrisy." Al-Daylami has recorded it from the tradition

attributed to Abu Dharr as found in Kanz al-Ummal, pt. 6, p. 156.

12. The Holy Prophet said to Ali: "After me you will explain to my followers about that which they will differ." Hakim has

recorded it in Mustadrak, vol. 3. p. 122, as related by Anas. Daylami has recorded it as related by Anas as stated in Kanz,

vol.6, p. 156.

Yesterday at 9:57am · Like · 2

Hussein Abinal [A careful consideration of this and other similar traditions reveals that Ali holds the same position in

relation to the Holy Prophet as the Holy Prophet holds in relation to Allah, who says about His Prophet: I have caused the

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book to descend on you so that you may show them the right path when there is a difference among them and for the

faithful this book is a guidance and a mercy (Nahl: 64). Please note how similar and parallel to this are the words of the

Holy Prophet addressed to Ali: "After me you will explain to my followers those matters in which they will differ ."]

13. Ibn al-Samak has recorded the following tradition as related by Abu Bakr, who heard it from the Holy Prophet himself.

"Ali holds in relation to me the same position as I hold in relation to my Lord." Ibn Hajar has copied it in his Sawa-iq, p.

106, while explaining the fifth meaning of the fourteenth of the verses dealt with in chapter 11 of his book.

14. The Holy Prophet, said: "Ali ibn Abu Talib is the door of forgiveness. He who enters the door is faithful and he who goes

out of it is an infidel.' This is tradition no. 2528 in Kanz al-Ummal, vol. 6.p. 153.

15. The Holy Prophet, on the day of Arafat (the climactic day of the pilgrimage) during the farewell pilgrimage, said: "Ali is

from me and I am from Ali and nobody can discharge my duty as a messenger except myself or Ali." Ibn Majah has

recorded it in his Sunan, vol. 1, p. 92, in the chapter on the virtues of the sahabah. Tirmidhi and Nasa-i have recorded it in

their Sahihs and this is tradition no. 2531 in Kanz al-Ummal, vol. 6, p. 153. Ahmad has recorded it in his Musnad, vol. 4, p.

164, as a tradition related by Habashi ibn Junada transmitted through numerous and reliable sources. Please note that

Ahmad has taken the tradition from Yahya ibn Adam, who took it from Israil ibn Yunus, who took it from his grandfather

Abu Ishaq al-Sabi-i, who heard it from Habashi. All these persons are considered responsible and reliable by the two

Shaykhs, Bukhari and Muslim, who have treated them all as authorities in their Sahihs. He who refers to this tradition in

Ahmad's Musnad will come to know that the Holy Prophet uttered this tradition on the occasion of the last pilgrimage, after

which he spent only a brief period in this world. Prior to this, he sent Abu Bakr with ten verses of al-Tawbah to be recited to

the people of Makka. Then he called up Ali and, as recorded by Ahmad in the Musnad, vol. 1, p. 151, said to him: "Go and

overtake Abu Bakr, take from him the script immediately when you meet him, and go to the people of Makka and recite the

verses to them." Ali overtook Abu Bakr at Juhfa and took the script from him. Ahmad says: "Abu Bakr returned to the Holy

Prophet and inquired from him if any verse had descended about him. The Holy Prophet replied: "No. But the angel Jibra-il

came to me and said, 'Either discharge your duty yourself or depute for its discharge the man who is from you."

According to the report made by Ali, which Ahmad has recorded in his Musnad, vol . 1, p . 150, when al-Tawbah descended

on the Holy Prophet he said to Ali; "Either I myself or you must go with these verses," and Ali said: "If it is so, then I will

go." The Holy Prophet said: "Then depart. Allah will confirm your utterance and guide your heart"

Certainly it is the speech of a noble messenger, possessed of strength, established in the presence of the Lord of the

throne, (one) to be obeyed, and trustworthy. And your companion is not mad (Takwir: 19-22) .

And he does not speak from his own desire; it is nothing but revelation revealed (Najm: 34). So, where then are you going?

(Takwir: 26). And if you picture in your imagination that period, and reflect upon the wisdom in making a declaration in

Arafat on the occasion of the great pilgrimage before a huge crowd, the truth will dawn on you in its full resplendence. And

if you consider the brief wording of the tradition and its extensive and lofty meaning and the unambiguous and formidable

implication the Holy Prophet has conveyed through this extremely terse expression, you will realise that the tradition rigidly

confines to Ali, to the exclusion of all others, the fitness to participate with the Holy Prophet in his mission. It is not a matter

of surmise that only the executor of the will of a prophet can discharge the duty of the prophet, and none else can hold the

superior position of true guide and leader of the nation except his rightful-regent and successor. All praise is due to Allah

who has guided us to this path which we could not have discovered without His guidance.

16. The Holy Prophet said: "He who obeyed me obeyed Allah and he who disobeyed me disobeyed Allah, and he who

obeyed Ali obeyed me and he who disobeyed Ali disobeyed me." Hakim has recorded it in Mustadrak, vol. 3, p. 121, and

Dhahabi has recorded it in his Talkhis al-Mustadrak; both of them have clearly stated this tradition to be genuine according

to the standard set by Bukhari and Muslim.

Yesterday at 9:59am · Like · 2

Hussein Abinal 17. The Holy Prophet said: "O Ali! He who separated himself from me separated himself from Allah, and

he who separated himself from you separated himself from me." Hakim has recorded it in his Sahih al Mustadrak, vol.3, p


18. The Holy Prophet said: "He who uttered a curse against Ali uttered it against me." This was reported by Umm Salmah

and has been recorded by Hakim in Mustadrak, vol. 3, p. 121; he has admitted it to be genuine according to the standards

set by Bukhari and Muslim. Dhahabi has recorded it in his Talkhis and confessed it to be genuine.

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Ahmad has recorded it in his Musnad, vol. 6, p. 323, among the traditions related by Umm Salmah, Nasa-i has recorded it in

his Khasa-is al-Alawiyyah, p. 17, and many other traditionists have recorded it also. A similar tradition of the Holy Prophet

as reported by Amr ibn Shash says: "He who caused grief to Ali caused grief to me."

19. The Holy Prophet said: "He who loves Ali loves me and he who hates Ali hates me." Hakim has recorded it in Mustadrak,

vol. 3, p. 130, and confessed it to be genuine according to the standard set by the two Shaykhs. Dhahabi has recorded it in

his Talkhis and confessed it to be true according to the same standard. There is a similar statement by Ali, who said: "By

Him who produces a plant from a seed and blows soft and fresh breezes, the Holy Prophet had assured me that only the

faithful will love me and none but the hypocrite will hate me." Muslim has recorded it in his Sahih, vol. 1, p. 46, and Ibn Abd

al-Barr has recorded it in his account of Ali in his book Isti-ab on the authority of several companions of the Holy Prophet.

The Holy Prophet's well-known words, "O Allah! Love him who loves him (Ali) and hate him who hates him," have been

reliably transmitted throughout as has been confessed by the compiler of Fatawa-i al-Hamidiyyah in his pamphlet Salawat

al-Fakhirah fi Ahadith al-Mutawatirah.

20. The Holy Prophet said: "O Ali! You are the leader in this world and the leader in the world hereafter. Your friend is my

friend and my friend is the friend of Allah, and your enemy is my enemy and my enemy is the enemy of Allah. Woe to him

who hates you after me." Hakim has recorded this in his Mustadrak, vol. 3, p. 128, and has stated it to be genuine

according to the standard set by the two Shaykhs. Hakim has recorded it as stated by Abu al-Azhar, who took it from Mu-

ammar, who took it from Abd al-Razzaq, who took it from Zahri, who took it from Ubaydallah ibn Abdullah, who heard it

from Ibn Abbas, all of whom are reliable persons. Hakim states that the tradition is genuine according to the standard set

by Bukhari and Muslim. Sunni scholars have unanimously accepted Abu al-Azhar as reliable, and when a reliable person

alone reports a tradition it is considered genuine by the two Shaykhs.

21. The Holy Prophet said: "O Ali! Good news of entering the paradise to him who faithfully loves and confirms your words

and woe to him who hates and belies you." Hakim has recorded it in his Mustadrak, vol., p. 135.

22. The Holy Prophet said: "He who wants to live my life and die my death and have an abode in the garden of eternal

peace in paradise which my Lord has promised me should make friends with Ali ibn Abu Talib, for he will never allow you to

deviate from the path of truth and to fall in the track of falsehood." Tabrani in his Mu-jam al Kabir and Rafa-i in his Musnad

reproduce this tradition from Ibn Abbas. This tradition is found in Kanz al Ummal, pt. 6, p. 217, tradition No. 3819, and has

also been mentioned on the margin of Musnad of Ahmad ibn Hanbal. pt. 5. p. 94. Hafiz Abu Nu-aym has also included this

tradition in his Hilyah al Awliya and Ibn Abi al Hadid has taken it from him in his commentary on Nahj al Balagha (Cairo

edition, vol.2. p.450).

23. The Ho]y Prophet said: "I advise all those who believe in my prophethood and confirm my message to obey Ali ibn Abu

Talib. for he who obeys him obeys me and he who obeys me obeys Allah, and he who loves him loves me and he who loves

me loves Allah, and he who hates him hales me and he who hates me hates Allah, the mighty and glorious." Tabrani has

recorded this tradition in his Al Kabir; Ibn Asakir in his History and it is included in Kanz al Ummal, pt. 6, as tradition No.

2571 at the end of p. 154, and tradition No. 2576 in pt.6, p.155.

24. The Holy Prophet said: "He who is desirous of living my life and dying my death and of having an abode in the garden

of Eden planted by my Lord should obey Ali after me and his successor after him and follow my Ahl ul Bayt, who are my

children and have been created from the same clay as myself and have been gifted with my wisdom and knowledge. Woe

to those of my nation who deny their merits and disregard their relation with me. May they be deprived of my intercession


25. The Holy Prophet said: "He who wishes to live my life and die my death and to enter the garden which my Lord has

promised me, which is the garden of eternal peace, should obey Ali and his children after him, for they will never allow you

to deviate from the path of truth and follow in the track of falsehood."

For 24 and 25, which contain the merits of Ahl ul Bayt, and instructions to follow them after the Holy Prophet, refer to:

(i) Ibn Hajar's Sawa-iq al Muhriqah p. 90, in connection with the interpretation of verse 24 of al Saffat, and chapter 11, p.

89 reported on Al Tabrani's authority.

(ii) Tha-labi's Tafsir al Kabir in connection with the commentary on verse 23 of al Shura. .

(iii) Al Zamakhshari's Tafsir

(iv) Al Tabrani's Awsat

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(v) Jalal al Din al Suyuti's Ihya al Mayyit

(vi) Al Nabhani's Ara-in and al Sharaf al Mu-abbad

(vii) Abd al Ghani's Aydah al Ishkal

(viii) Al Mulla's Sirat

(ix) Qadi Ayad's Al Shifa

(x) Kanz al Ummal pt.6, p.396.

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Hussein Abinal 26. The Holy Prophet said: "O Ammar! When you find Ali walking on one path and the people walking on a

different track, then follow the path of Ali and leave the people. Ali will never lead you to destruction and will never

misguide you." Daylami has recorded this tradition as related by Ammar and Abu Ayyub as stated in Kanz al-Ummal, vol. 6,

beginning of p. 156.

27. A tradition of the Holy Prophet, as related by Abu Bakr runs as: "My hand and the hand of Ali are equal in dispensing

justice." This is tradition no. 2539 in Kanz al-Ummal, vol.6, p .153.

28. The Holy Prophet said: "O Fatimah! Are you not pleased with this, that Allah cast a glance on the dwellers of earth and

selected from them two men, . one of them your father and the other your husband?" Hakim has recorded it in his Sahih al-

Mustadrak, vol. 3, p. 129, and many other traditionists have reported it and admitted it to be genuine.

29. The Holy Prophet said: "I am the warner and Ali the guide. O Ali! After me the seekers of guidance will get guidance

from you." Daylami has recorded it as related by Ibn Abbas and this is tradition no.2631 in Kanz, vol. 6, p. 157.

30. The Holy Prophet said: "O Ali! It is not permissible for anybody to cohabit and enter the masjid except you and me."

Tabrani has recorded another tradition with a similar meaning as related by Umm Salmah and Bazar and by Sad, who heard

it from the Holy Prophet himself. The tradition runs as: "It is not permissible for anybody to cohabit and enter this masjid

except me and Ali." Ibn Hajar has recorded it in his Sawa-iq. Please refer to tradition no. l 3 of the forty traditions which he

has recorded in chap .9.

This tradition appears in Mustadrak, vol.3, p. l 17, 125; Abu Yula has recorded it as mentioned in Sawa-iq, chap. 9, p. 76;

Ahmad ibn Hanbal has recorded it in his Musnad, vol.2, p. 269 and vol.4, p. 369; Muttaqi of India has reproduced it in Kanz

vol. 5, p. 29; Tirmidhi has recorded it in his Sahih; Ibn Maghazali has recorded it in Al Manaqib; and Tabrani has recorded it

in Al Mu-jamah al Kabir.

31. The Holy Prophet said: "I and this man Ali will be the judge upon my followers on the day of judgement." Khatib has

recorded this tradition among the traditions related by Anas. It is tradition no.2632 in Kanz al-Ummal, pt.6, p. 157.

Yesterday at 10:00am · Like · 2

Hussein Abinal 32. The Holy Prophet said: 'There is this inscription on the gate of paradise: "There is no god but Allah,

Muhammad is the messenger of Allah and Ali is the brother of the messenger of Allah." Tabrani has recorded it in Aswat

and Khatib in Muttafiq wa al-Muftarak as stated in Kanz al-Ummal, vol. 6 p.159. The compiler of Kanz al Ummal has copied

it therein and also in his Muntakhab. In his Musnad vol. 5, p.35, Ahmad has copied it; on page 46 he copied it from Ibn


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It is a well-known fact that the Holy Prophet established brotherhood among his companions on two occasions On the first

occasion brotherly relation was established between Abu Bakr and Umar, and between Uthman and Abd al Rahman ibn Awf-

on the second occasion brotherly relation was established between Umar and Atban ibn Malik, but on both occasions Ali was

adopted as brother by the Holy Prophet. The Holy Prophet is reported to have said to Ali: "You are my brother in this world

and the world to come." Hakim has recorded this tradition in his Mustadrak, vol. 3, p. 14; Dhahabi has recorded it in his

Talkhis; Tirmidhi has recorded it, and Ibn Hajar has copied it from him in his Sawa-iq, p. 73. Fakhr al Din Razi has

mentioned the following tradition in his interpretation of verse 207 of al Baqarah in his Tafsir al Kabir, vol. 2, p. 189.

On the night of hijrah Allah revealed to Jibra-il and Mika-il: "I have established brotherhood between you two and have

ordained the life of one to be longer than the life of the other. Now, who of you is willing to make a present of the extra

length of his life to the other?" But each preferred the longer life for himself. Then Allah revealed: 'Why not follow the

example of Ali ibn Abu Talib. l have established brotherhood between him and Muhammad. He is now sleeping on the bed

of Muhammad in order to save the life of Muhammad by sacrificing his own." It was on this occasion that Allah caused to

descend the following verse: "And there is among the people he who sells his life for the pleasure of Allah." (Baqarah: 207)

Ali ibn Abu Talib used to say:

"By Allah, I am the brother of the Messenger of Allah and his friend and his brother and the inheritor of his knowledge. No

one has a better title for succeeding him than I."

Nasa-i has recorded it in his Khasa-is al Alawiyyah; Hakim in Mustadrak, vol. 3, p. 112; Abu Nu-aym in his Ma-rifah, Ahmad

in his Musnad, vol. 5, p. 40; and Muttaqi of India in Kanz al Ummal and also in Muntakhab.

33. The Holy Prophet said: "On the leg of the great and sacred throne in the highest heaven is inscribed: "There is no god

but Allah. Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. I strengthened him with Ali and helped him through Ali." Tabrani has

recorded it in Kabir, Ibn Asakir has taken it from Abu Hamra, whose sources culminate with the Holy Prophet as appears in

Kanz, vol.6. 158.

34. The Holy Prophet said: "He who wants to see Adam in his knowledge, Nuh in his determination, Ibrahim in his

clemency, Musa in his intelligence and Isa in his religious devotion should look at Ali ibn Abu Talib." Bayhaqi has recorded it

in his Sahih and Ahmad ibn Hanbal in his Musnad. Ibn Abi al-Hadid has copied it from them as tradition No. 4 among the

traditions reproduced by him in Sharh al Nahj al-Balaghah, vol.2, p.449. Fakhr al-Din Razi has quoted it in his annotation of

the 'Verse of Imprecation' (Mubahilah) in his Tafsir al-Kabir, vol. 2, p. 288, and has stated that this tradition has been

accepted by all as genuine. Ibn Batah has recorded it as a tradition related by Ibn Abbas as is stated in the book Fath al-

Mulk al-Ali bi Sihah Hadith-i Bab-i Madinat al-Ilm Ali, p. 34, by Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Siddiq al-Hasani al-Maghribi.

Please refer to that book. Among those who have admitted Ali to be the store-house of the secrets of all the prophets is the

chief of Gnostics, Muhi al-Din ibn al-Arabi, from whom Al-Arif al-Sharani has copied it in his Al-Yuwaqit wa al Jawahir, p.172,

topic 32.

35. The Holy Prophet said: "O Ali! There is a resemblance between you and Isa whom the Jews hated so much that they

laid a false blame on his mother; the Christians loved him so much that they assigned to him the position which is not for

him." Hakim has recorded it in Mustadrak, vol.3, p. 122.

36. The Holy Prophet said: "There are three foremost persons: Yusha ibn Nun, who was the foremost in believing in the

prophethood of Musa, the companion Yasin, who was the foremost in believing in the prophethood of Isa, and Ali ibn Abu

Talib, who is the foremost in believing in the prophethood of Muhammad." Tabrani and Ibn Marduwayh have recorded it as

related by Ibn Abbas, while Daylami has recorded it as related by A-ishah.

37. The Holy Prophet, said: "There are three siddiqs (absolutely sincere and truthful): Habib al-Najjar, the believer of the

people of Yasin, who said: O my people! Follow the messengers; Hizqil, the believer of the people of Fir-wan, who said: Do

you kill a man because he says that his Lord is Allah; and Ali ibn Abi Talib, who is superior to them." Abu Nu-aym and Ibn

Asakir have recorded it as related by Abu Layla, whose sources culminate in the Holy Prophet himself, Ibn Najjar has

recorded it as related by Ibn Abbas, who heard it from the Holy Prophet himself. Please refer to traditions nos. 30 & 31 in

Ibn Hajar's Sawa-iq al-Muhriqah, chap.9, end of p. 74.

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Hussein Abinal 38. The Holy Prophet said to Ali: "My followers will turn treacherous towards you, when you will be living

according to my way, and you will be killed while still adhering to my sunnah. He who loves you loves me and he who hates

you hates me. And this," pointing to Ali's beard, "will be deeply tinged with the blood of this" (pointing to Ali's head). Hakim

has recorded it in Mustadrak, vol. 3, p. 147, and confirmed . to be genuine. Dhahabi has also recorded this tradition in his


Ali ibn abu Talib is reported to have said: 'The Prophet had foretold me that after him his followers would become

insubordinate to me." Hakim has recorded it and the subsequently stated tradition as related by ibn Abbas in Mustadrak,

vol. 3, p. 140, and Dhahabi has reproduced both these traditions in his Talkhis.

39. The Holy Prophet said: "There is among you a person who will fight for the interpretation of the Quran just as I fought

for its revelation." The people around him raised their heads and cast inquisitive glances at the Holy Prophet and at one

another. Abu Bakr and Umar were there. Abu Bakr inquired if he was that person and the Holy Prophet replied in the

negative. Then Umar inquired if he was that person and the Holy Prophet said: "No, but the person who is mending shoes

(i.e. Ali)." Abu Sa-id al-Khudri says: "Then we went to Ali and conveyed the good news to him. He did not even raise his

head and remained as busy as he was, as if he had already heard it from the Messenger of Allah." Hakim has recorded it in

Mustadrak, vol. 3, end of p. 122. Dhahabi, who had recorded it in his Talkhis, has also admitted it to be genuine. Ahmad

has recorded it as a tradition related by Abu Sa-id in his Musnad, vol. 3, pp. 33 & 82. Bayhaqi has recorded it in his Shab al-

Iman, Sa-id ibn Mansur in his Sunan, Abu Nu-aym in his Hilya al-Awliyah and Abu Yula in Sunan. This is tradition no. 2585

in Kanz al Ummal, vol. 6. p. 155.

Similar to this is the tradition related by Abu Ayyub al-Ansari regarding the caliphate of Umar. He says that the Messenger

of Allah had ordered Ali to wage war against and kill those who broke the allegiance, the deviators from the right path and

the renegades. Hakim has recorded it in his Mustadrak, vol.3, p. 139.

There is another tradition as related by Ammar ibn Yasir. He says: 'The Messenger of Allah said: 'O Ali! Soon you will fight

against a group of rebels and you will be on the side of right. He who fails to help you on that day is not from me." Ibn

Asakir has recorded it. It also appears as tradition no.2588 in Kanz al-Ummal, vol. 6. p. 155.

And Abu Dharr says: "The Messenger of Allah said: "By Him who has my life in His hand, there is among you a man who

will fight after me for interpretation of the Quran just as I fought with the non-believers for its revelation." Daylami has

recorded it as stated in Kanz al-Ummal, vol. 6, at the close of p. 155.

Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn Abu Rafi says that his father related to him on the authority of his grandfather, Abu Rafi, this

tradition of the Messenger of Allah: "O Abu Rafi! After me there will be a group which will fight against Ali. He who will side

with Ali and fight against that group will secure a right on Allah. He who cannot fight against that group with his hand ought

to use his tongue against it, and he who cannot use his tongue ought to oppose that group with his heart."

Tabrani has recorded it in his Kabir as stated in Kanz al-Ummal, vol. 6, p. 155.

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Hussein Abinal To be continued later.

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Hussein Abinal The narrations from the Messenger s.a.w.a. proved conclusively our belief in the Imamah / leadership of

the Imams a.s. because the explanations of the Messenger s.a.w.a of the Qur'an or the verses of the Qur'an are wahi /

revelation from Allah s.w.t.

Allah s.w.t. says:

Surah An-Najm, Verse 2:

ما ضل صاحبكم وما غوى

Your companion does not err, nor does he go astray;

(English - Shakir)

Surah An-Najm, Verse 3:

وما ينطق عن الهوى

Nor does he speak out of desire.

(English - Shakir)

Surah An-Najm, Verse 4:

وحي يوحى إن هو إ ا

It is naught but revelation that is revealed,

(English - Shakir)

The Messenger s.a.w.a. is the foremost in servitude to Allah s.w.t. and the leader of all the prophets and Messengers a.s.

who, according to the Qur'an, have compleletly obeyed Allah in words and indeeds:

Surah Al-Anbiya, Verse 26:

كرمون ن ولدا سبحانه بل عباد م وقالوا اتخذ الرحم

And they say: The Beneficent Allah has taken to Himself a son. Glory be to Him. Nay! they are honored servants

(English - Shakir)

Surah Al-Anbiya, Verse 27:

ا يسبقونه بالقول وهم بأمره يعملون

They do not precede Him in speech and (only) according to His commandment do they act.

(English - Shakir)

The Qur'an also says:

Surah Al-Hashr, Verse 7:

وما آتاكم الرسول فخذوه وما نهاكم عنه فانتهوا واتقوا الله إن الله شديد العقاب .......

....... and whatever the Apostle gives you, accept it, and from whatever he forbids you, keep back, and be careful of (your

duty to) Allah; surely Allah is severe in retributing (evil):

(English - Shakir)

Allah s.w.t. says:

Surah An-Nisa, Verse 65:

م ا قضيت ويسل موا تسليمافل ورب ك ا يؤمنون حتى يحك موك فيما شجر بينهم ثم ا يجدوا في أنفسهم حرجا م

But no! by your Lord! they do not believe (in reality) until they make you a judge of that which has become a matter of

disagreement among them, and then do not find any straitness in their hearts as to what you have decided and submit with

entire submission.

(English - Shakir)

My opponent, Mr Abu Jaiyana, has not given any proof that the Imamah / Imamate of the 12 Imams a.s is not a part of the

Islamic faith.

He has not given any hadith of the Messenger s.a.w.a. saying belief in the leadership of the 12 Imams a.s is not a part of

the Islamic faith.

On the contrary, the ahadith already given proved the necessity of believing and obeyng the Imams a.s. if a Muslim is

sincere to his claim that he believes in Allah s.w.t. and the Messenger s.a.w.a and that he obeys Allah s.w.t. and His

Messenger s.a.w.a.

He has not given any verse / verses of the Qur'an which, if explained properly and honestly, belief in the Imamah of the 12

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Imams a.s. from the Ahlul Bayt a.s. has to be rejected.

Again, on the contrary, I have given verses that serve as the underpinning for the veracity of my assertions regarding the

Imamah of the purified Ahlul Bayt a.s.

What is consistent in his arguments, if these are even worthy of being called arguments, is the denial and rejection of

everything that does not jibe with his biases or prejudices.

He has not lived up to the challenge of the Qur'an that says:

Surah Al-Baqara, Verse 111:

قل هاتوا برهانكم إن كنتم صادقين ........

..... Say: Bring your proof if you are truthful.

(English - Shakir)

via iQuran

The narrations of the Messenger s.a.w.a regarding the necessity of believing in the leadership of the Imams a.s. from the

Imams a.s. themselves will be posted if the need for it arises.

To be continued...

Yesterday at 1:07pm via mobile · Like · 3

Hussein Abinal The presentation of Mr. Abu Jaiyana is misleading because the only issue which is being debated here is

the Imamah / leadership of the Imams a.s.

Whether it is a veridical object of faith in Islam or not.

This I have proven with demostrations from the Qur'an and the Sunnah.

Belief in the Imamah of the Ahlul Bayt a.s. is what distinguishes the Shee'ah from people of the other schools of thought

within Islam.

The Shee'ah, just like other Muslims, believed in Allah s.w.t. and in His Oneness and in the Nubuwwat of the Messenger


Their Religion is Islam, their Book is the Qur'an, their Qibla is the Ka'aba, they believed in the Angels, they believed in the

Unseen and they believed in everything that Allah s.w.t. and His Messenger s.a.w.a. have commanded them to believe in.

The issues he raised are irrelevant to the topic under discussion.

It is not whether the Qur'an is tampered or not.

The shee'ah believed that the Qur'an we have now is the same Qur'an that was revealed to the Messenger s.a.w.a which is

free from error as no falsehood can approach it from before it or behind it.

Surah Fussilat, Verse 42:

ن حكيم حميد ا يأتيه الباطل من بين يديه و ا من خلفه تنزيل م

Falsehood shall not come to it from before it nor from behind it; a revelation from the Wise, the Praised One.

(English - Shakir)

In fact, all our arguments are anchored on its verses whereas the other sde cannot find support from it. What the Sunni

have done is to reject its verses if they will help the cause of the shee'ah.

It is not about declaring the followers of a particular school of thought deviated or not.

The deviation of the followers of a school of thought can be confirmed if the charges against them are proven with


It is not about whether the Imams a.s. were given status which may higher than what had been given to the previous

prophets a.s. and the angels a.s., which is a separate topic in itself, then conclude that the sealing of prophethood is

rendered nugatory because of the existence of the 12 Imams a.s. given mandate or authority to guide the people to the

right path.

What has been sealed with the advent of the Messenger s.a.w.a. is the receiving of Wahi / Revelation which concerns the

Final Book, the Qur'an.

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Imamah or Divine leadership to guide the Muslims by the command of Allah s.w.t. has not been terminated by the

demise.of the Messenger s.a.w.a.

In fact, he emphasized belief and obedience to the Imams a.s. and prophesied the coming of the Imams who were not

been born during his Nubuwwat.

The issue here is not even the infallibility or profound knowledge of the Imams a.s. which, although believed by their

followers just as they believed the infallibility and knowledge of the prophets a.s., would require separate proof and


To be continued.

Yesterday at 3:49pm via mobile · Like · 3

Hussein Abinal Continuation of my rebuttal.

As already mentioned in the previous post, the issue being debated here is the Imamah of the Ahlul Bayt a.s. or the 12

Imams a.s.

It is one of the doctrines that must be believed by every Muslim.

The opening statement of Mr. Abu Jaiyana proved this truth.

While invoking Allah's blessings on the Messenger s.a.w.a. and his family a.s., he admitted the goodness and purity of the

family of the Messenger s.a.w.a.

This goodness and purity are among the blessings of Allah s.w.t. to the Aale Muhammad.

The Right path is the path of the Mukhlaseen / chosen and purified servants of Allah s.w.t.

Surah Al-Hijr, Verse 39:

هم أجمعين بما أغويتني لزي نن لهم في الرض ولغوين قال رب

He said: My Lord! because Thou hast made life evil to me, I will certainly make (evil) fair-seeming to them on earth, and I

will certainly cause them all to deviate

(English - Shakir)

Surah Al-Hijr, Verse 40:

إ ا عبادك منهم المخلصين

Except Thy servants from among them, the devoted / purified ones.

(English - Shakir)

Surah Al-Hijr, Verse 41:

ذا صراط علي مستقيم قال ه

He said: This is a right way with Me:

(English - Shakir)

Surah Al-Hijr, Verse 42:

إن عبادا ليس لك عليهم سلطان إ ا من اتبعك من الغاوين

Surely. as regards My servants, you have no authority, over them except those who follow you of the deviators.

(English - Shakir)

The purified Ahlul Bayt a.s., according to the Sunnah of the Messenger s.a.w.a., were the 14 Ma'sumeen, the Messenger

s.a.w.a, Fatima a.s. and the 12 Imams a.s.

Their purification has been a thorough purification. 33:33

Surah Al-Ahzab, Verse

ركم تطهيرا ............. إنما يريد الله ليذهب عنكم الر جس أهل البيت ويطه

............ Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the House! and to purify you a (thorough)


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(English - Shakir)

This is a proof that the family a.s. of the Messenger s.a.w.a. must be obeyed because their Path is free from error. Free

from the misguidance of Iblis. The Messenger s.a.w.a. made this plain and clear to all Muslims to clarify to them his


Then, Mr. Abu Jaiyana included the Noble Companions. They were the Companions for whom 9:100 were revealed.

Surah At-Taubah, Verse 100:

ابقون الولون من المهاجرين والنصار والذين اتبعوهم بإحسان رضي الله عنهم ورضوا عنه وأعد لهم جنات تجرا تحتها النهار خالدين والس

يم لك الفوز الع فيها أبدا ذ

And (as for) the foremost, the first of the Muhajirs and the Ansars, and those who followed them in goodness, Allah is well

pleased with them and they are well pleased with Him, and He has prepared for them gardens beneath which rivers flow, to

abide in them for ever; that is the mighty achievement.

(English - Shakir)

These were the early Muslims who were foremost in belief and obedience to Allah s.w.t and His Messenger s.a.w.a. from

among the Muhajir and the Ansar.

The Companions who disobeyed Allah s.w.t. and His Messenger s.a.w.a. in the matter of the Imamah of the Ahlul Bayt a.s.

cannot be included in this distinction , especially, when most of these Companions used to run away from the battles of

Islam and leave the Messenger undefended in the midst of the enemies of Islam

Then, the believers who emulated these Companions up to now by following the good deeds of the best Companions are

also on the Right Path and Allah s.w.t. is well pleased with them and they with Him.

If this is what Mr. Abu Jaiyana intends in his Salawat, it is correct.

But the problem is, he is making the path of all the Companions the right path after the Messenger s.a.w.a. ignoring all the

verses and sunnah for the Imamah of the Aale / Family of Muhammad s.a.w.a.

There has never been a time in the past before the Messenger s.a.w.a. whereby Allah s.w.t. made the Path of the

Companions of the Messenger a.s. the Right Path.

This is a clear misguidance.

The Companions of the Messengers a.s. were seen and judged by the Qur'an in the light of their belief and obedience to the

Messengers a.s. and their successors / khulafaao.

How can a belief like this be a source of polytheism?

Islam is not limited to the Five Pillars of Islam. This is not being debated. This is given. A shee'ah believes in it in

accordance to the teachings of the Qur'an and the Sunnah.

Moreover, the narration on the Five Pillars of Islam is never contradictory to the teaching.of the Qur'an and the Sunnah on

the leadership of the Imams a.s.

The role of the Imams a.s., among others, is the elucidate any misunderstanding or incorrect perception or dispute on the

Oneness of Allah s.w.t. and the Nubuwwat and Risalat of the Messenger s.a.w.a. and the proper performance of the acts of

worship like prayer, fasting, zakat and hajj.

The Final Rebuttal will follow soon.

22 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3

Hussein Abinal Cirrection. "to elucidate"

22 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2

Hussein Abinal Final Rebuttal

Imamah means that a person has an intrinsic quality because of which the people should follow him faithfully, making their

words and deeds conform to his words and deeds.

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Belief in the Imamah 25:74, 28:5 of the most purified 33:33 servants of Allah s.w.t. from the progeny of the Messenger

s.a.w.a. is never polytheism, contrary to the assertion of Mr. Abu Jaiyana, but a proof of one's belief in the Oneness of Allah


It is as if Mr Abu Jaiyana is telling us in his presentation that the Bani Israel who believed and obeyed the 12 Imams 32:24,

/ Naqeeba 5:12 / Ummah 7:159 from the qawm / community of Musa a.s. who guided their followers to the right path and

the truth by the Command / Amr of Allah s.w.t. as they had the qualities of patience and certitude to the Signs of Al lah

s.w.t. and justice were the polytheists and those who disbelieved and disobeyed these Imams whose names were not also

mentioned in the Qur'an were the monotheists.

That is the worst judgment that a believer in Allah s.w.t. and the Last Day could make intentionally or unintentionally.

Thank you for your patience in waiting for my final tebuttal

Surah Aal-e-Imran, Verse 8:

اب ربنا ا تزغ قلوبنا بعد إذ هديتنا وهب لنا من لدنك رحمة إنك أنت الوه

Our Lord! make not our hearts to deviate after Thou hast guided us aright, and grant us from Thee mercy; surely Thou art

the most liberal Giver.

(English - Shakir)

Surah Aal-e-Imran, Verse 9:

ربنا إنك جامع الناس ليوم ا ريب فيه إن الله ا يخلف الميعاد

Our Lord! surely Thou art the Gatherer of men on a day about which there is no doubt; surely Allah will not fail (His)


(English - Shakir)

Salaamun 'alaykum wa rahmatollaahi wa barakaatoh.

Hussein Abinal He may now start posting his rebuttal.

17 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3

Abu Jaiyana Atty. Hussein Abinal

Thank you sir for your very exhaustive rebuttal. This is my first time to encounter an installment rebuttal in which the

interval of each post is quite long to wait as if it is not a debate.

Anyway, thank you for that. I will type my rebuttal now and I'll post it asap.


11 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2

Hussein Abinal Salaam.

This is due to the fact that I have to attend to some important meetings and work related errands.

Anyway, I must analyze thoroughly what you have posted as it is not proper to just answer questions or rebut assertions

without getting at the bottom of the issues being presented.

Thank you.

9 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2

Abu Jaiyana I begin by mentioning the name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful

I testify that there is no deity worthy of worship but Allah, and I testify that Muhammad s.a.w. is Allah’s Servant and

Messenger, the seal of Prophethood.

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Peace be unto those who follow the right guidance.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In my presentation, I pointed out explicit texts from what is considered as most reliable sources of Shiaism namely, Al Kafi

of Kulaini, Biharul anwar of Majlisi, and Hukumat-i-Islami of Ayatollah Khomeini. I even cited the work of their Allamah al-

Hilli. From those sources, we have seen that the Doctrine of Imamah in Shiaism is NOT JUST absolutely ALIEN in Islamic

faith, but it is also a Doctrine of POLYTHEISM, the ANTITHESIS of TAWHEED.

My opponent, Atty. Hussein Abinal completely ignored those evidences and he is so happy to accept that their doctrine of

Imamah is polytheistic. Are we now correct to conclude that Imamite Shia are MUSHRIKS (Polytheists) beyond doubt? I

think that it is clearly so. Atty. Hussein Abinal, instead of defending their doctrine, he turned a blind eye on my arguments.

As early as now, I think that this game is over.

8 hours ago · Like

Abu Jaiyana We’ll proceed anyway.

SNOW JOB FALLACY of Atty. Hussein Abinal in this debate:

Snow Job fallacy is “Proving” a claim by overwhelming an audience with mountains of irrelevant facts, numbers, documents,

graphs and statistics that they cannot be expected to understand.

In my presentation, I quoted ahadith from Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari wherein the Prophet s.a.w explicitly explained

what FAITH is and the principles of Islam. The list was given, and we all know that they are all over in the Quran, which I

why nobody questions or even doubts whether or not they are really part of Islamic faith.

On the same level I challenged Atty. Hussein Abinal to produce a single ayah from the Quran informing and instructing the

Muslims that after the demise of Prophet s.a.w there will be 12 error-free individuals who are higher in rank than the

Prophets. Atty. Hussein Abinal failed to show a single ayah, not even a hint.

What he did instead is a SNOW JOB FALLACY. He posted voluminous ahadith which are either weak or fabricated. They are

from the following:

What is very frustrating for the Shia audience is that NONE of those many, many ahadith which Atty. Hussein Abinal quoted

says that “After the demise of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w there will be 12 infallible individuals who are higher in rank than

the Prophets of God” NONE whatsoever.

The ahadith he cited simple talk about the virtues of Ali bin Abi Talib r.a. and not about 12 infallible Imams, thus, it was just

a waste of time for Atty. Hussein Abinal to present those references. The end result is that he committed a fallacy called


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8 hours ago · Like

Abu Jaiyana Examples of FABRICATED AHADITH which Atty. Hussein Abinal considered Sahih:

Ahadith related to Ali being nominated by the Prophet as Khalif such as the hadith Ghadeer and other are all rated

fabricated ahadith. None of these type of ahadith is recorded in authentic, and they contradict what is written in the Sahih

ahadith such as Bukhari and Muslim and others in which Ali testified the greatness of Abubakr and Umar, and that Ali also

participated in an election with Uthman r.a. and four others.

Had Ali been appointed by the Prophet to be the Khalif after him, he would not have participated in the election and he

would have presented the appointment of the Prophet in Ghadeer Khumm.

In Sahih Bukhari, the Prophet s.a.w clearly instructed that in case he dies, they should go to Abubakr r.a Sahih Bukhari

Volume 5, Book 57, Number 11

Shaykul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah also discussed in detail that the hadith Ghadeer is a fabrication of the Shia. He pointed out

that the wordings of the hadith itself are a fabricated because it is contrary to the well-established historical facts. This is

recorded in Al-Bidaayah wan-Nihaayah, vol. 7, p. 347. Minhaj-Us-Sunnah

So the lies of Shia fabricators are once again exposed here.

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“I am the city of knowledge and ‘Alee is its door. So whoever wants the abode should go to the door.”

All narrations related to this are Shia fabricated hadith Ath-Thahabee related that its NARRATOR AHMAD IBN ‘ABDILLAAH

IBN YAZEED was A LIAR and Ibn ‘Adee labelled him a FABRICATOR.

Ussol-Al-Hadith unders section Mawdoo‘ (Fabricated)/ Reasons For Fabrication/ I. Political Differences p.63

Atty. Hussein Abinal didn’t even care. He just copy pasted from websites what he posted. Get your facts right Atty. Hussein

Abinal. Verify your sources FOR YOUR OWN SAKE!

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8 hours ago · Like

Abu Jaiyana PIGHEADEDNESS ARGUMENT of Atty. Hussein Abinal

Argument by Pigheadedness - it is a refusal to accept a well-proven argument for one of many reasons related to


Atty. Hussein Abinal decisively gave us ahadith from Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim for his claim for Imamah. However,

when I pointed out the futility of those evidences for Imamah because those ahadith are referring to any Muslim leader in

general, and he admitted it too, he shifted gear in his rebuttal and abandoned the ahadith he used as proof in his

presentation. He sadly resorted to the following unreliable references:

• Nahjul Balagha, a Shia book containing speeches attributed to Ali bin Abi Talib r.a. – this book is a book which has no

known Isnad, let alone sahih Isnad.

• Mustadrak Al Hakim – the ahadith cited are fabricated because they clearly contradict the Hadith graded as sahih such as

Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim

• Other weak ahadith, and other unknown books.

As I pointed out in Atty. Hussein Abinal’s SNOW JOB FALLACY, none of the ahadith which he quoted from the above-

mentioned references saying that “After the demise of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w there will be 12 infallible individuals who

are higher in rank than the Prophets of God”

Even if I would agree for a moment, for the sake of argument, that the ahadith he cited are sahih, they don’t talk about 12

infallible Imams. As we have seen, they are all about virtues of Ali r.a. his knowledge etc.

I can silence those ahadith by the following ahadith which are far more authentic than the references he cited:

• Narrated Abu Bakr: I said to the Prophet while I was in the Cave. "If any of them should look under his feet, he would see

us." He said, "O Abu Bakr! What do you think of two (persons) the third of whom is Allah?" Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, Book

57, Number 5

• Narrated 'Amr bin Al-As: The Prophet deputed me to read the Army of Dhat-as-Salasil. I came to him and said, "Who is

the most beloved person to you?" He said, “‘Aisha." I asked, "Among the men?" He said, "Her father." I said, "Who then?"

He said, "Then 'Umar bin Al-Khattab." He then named other men. Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, Book 57, Number 14

Does that mean that Abubakr As-Siddiq is greater than Ali r.a? Obviously Yes!

Says Who? Says the Companions of the Prophet s.a.w and says Ali r.a. himself:

• Narrated Ibn 'Umar: We used to compare the people as to WHO WAS BETTER DURING THE LIFETIME OF ALLAH'S

APOSTLE. We used to regard ABU BAKR as the best, then 'Umar, and then 'Uthman. Volume 5, Book 57, Number 7

• Narrated Muhammad bin Al-Hanafiya: I asked my father ('Ali bin Abi Talib), "WHO ARE THE BEST PEOPLE AFTER ALLAH'S

APOSTLE?" He said, "ABU BAKR." I asked, "Who then?" He said, "Then 'Umar. " I was afraid he would say "Uthman, so I

said, "Then you?" He said, "I am only an ordinary person. Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, Book 57, Number 20

Now, would Atty. Hussein Abinal dare to belie Ali r.a. and the testimonies of the Sahabah???

Despite the admission of Ali r.a. that Abubakr is the best of them all, that doesn’t in anyway mean that Abubakr was

infallible and he never claimed that, he was a very humble servant of Allah. The point is that if Abubakr r.a. is better than

Ali yet he was not infallible, in what logic that Ali r.a. could be infallible? Does that make any sense at all???

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8 hours ago · Like

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Abu Jaiyana BURDEN OF PROOF FALLACY of Atty. Hussein Abinal

Atty. Hussein Abinal wanted to shift the burden of proof on my side. That’s very, very funny with all due respect.

Folks, the burden of proof in this debate is upon him because he is in the affirmative side while I am in the negative side;

that is SHIFTING THE ONUS PROBANDI. It is placing the burden of proof on the wrong side of the argument a.k.a. BURDEN


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8 hours ago · Like

Abu Jaiyana FAILURE TO STATE FALLACY of Atty. Hussein Abinal

Atty. Hussein Abinal accused me of misleading leading the topic. Folks, that is absolutely false and a malicious lie. The topic

is very clear that it is about SHIA IMAMAH DOCTRINE; it is not just about any type of leadership. That is why in the

beginning of this debate I emphasized the SHIA Imamah, not just any leadership issue, and Atty. Hussein Abinal agreed to


Our post related to this is written above; see them for yourselves folks and you will see that Atty. Hussein Abinal is eating

what he already have spat; that must be VERY FILTHY!

As pointed out by one of the audience, Atty. Hussein Abinal did not define what Shia Imamah is. He also didn’t define what

Faith means from the Islamic perspective.

It was I who give the definition Islamic of faith according to the authentic ahadith agreed upon by Bukhari and Muslim, and

it was I who gave the definition and the meaning of Shia Imamah, as well as the references from the most reliable books of

the Shia, and from that, I made my arguments that Shia Imamah is not part of Islamic faith.

So who is guilty of misleading the topic here? It is obvious that Atty. Hussein Abinal is guilty of misleading the topic.

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8 hours ago · Like

Abu Jaiyana Atty. Hussein Abinal is guilty of another fallacy called TOO NARROW FALLACY. This fallacy is committed by a

debater by restricting the definition and does not include all the items which should be included.

Atty. Hussein Abinal just wanted to talk about leadership. What is the issue about leadership? There is no issue at all ladies

and gentlemen.

All Ahlus-Sunnah Muslims believe in leadership after the Prophet s.a.w. The Muslims cant stand with having a leader, that is

why the Prophet strongly emphasized the duty of every Muslim to obey their leaders. All ahadith which Atty. Hussein Abinal

cited from Sahih Bukhari/Muslim are all about obedience to the leaders of the Muslims.

What we don’t agree and we object very strongly, is the Shia doctrine of Imamah in which there will be 12 infallible

individuals after the Prophet and they are higher in rank than the Prophets of Allah.

The first two Rightly Guided Caliphs who were the best among the Sahabah according to Ali himself, and was assured

Paradise by the Prophet s.a.w, were declared by the Shia as Kafirs because of the alleged usurpation of leadership from the

supposed divinely appointed Imam, Ali r.a.

That’s the real issue there about Imamah which Atty. Hussein Abinal wanted to hide.

Atty. Hussein Abinal: STOP PLAYING TAQIYYAH. Don’t pretend that you don’t know the real issue about your Imamah.

We know that taqiya is rampant in Shiaism, but it won’t work here. So please stop pretending.

You are guilty of Redefinition Fallacy (Redefining a term, usually to make it fit your argument better).

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8 hours ago · Like


Atty. Hussein Abinal tried to bluff us by citing the hadith which talks about 12 Khalifs after the Prophet s.a.w. He is

somehow trying to deceive by saying:



Instead of giving us the figure, he resorted to idle talk; he evaded my question, because he knows that if he would give the

exact figure, his bluff will disappear like bubbles in the wind.

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8 hours ago · Like

Abu Jaiyana WORD MAGIC FALLACY of Atty. Hussein Abinal

What is Word Magic Fallacy? It is assuming that just because there is a word for it, it must exist.

Atty. Hussein Abinal is clearly guilty of this fallacious argument in his presentation:

He quoted ahadith, and ayat from the Qur’an which contain the word Imam, Aimmah, et cetera, then he concluded that

their Shia Imamah doctrine must be true because of the mentions of those words. That is Word Magic Fallacy folks!

That is a very lousy trick indeed!

I can do the same trick too. I can prove that Imams Abu Hanifah, Malik, Shafi’I, Ahmad, ect are in the Qur’an because the

word Imam is in the Quran –

Another WORD MAGIC FALLACY of Atty. Hussein Abinal is the 12 leaders of Bani Israel. The same Abinal allusion and wild



How SILLY. There are 12 leaders in Bani Israel because there were 12 tribes because Prophet Ya’qoob (Jacob) had 12 sons.

Each tribe has a leader. Had Bani Israel have 20 tribes, then the leaders will also be 20.

It has nothing to do with 12 infallible Imams after Prophet Muhammad s.a.w –

When I asked Atty. Hussein Abinal where did he get/base his exegesis for those ayat, is it from the Sahih ahadith, or from

the books of Tafseer, or from Ijmaa of the Scholars. He admitted that he didn’t base his exegesis from any of those, and he

indirectly admitted that it is just his own Shia Theory. That’s the reason why we see a WORD MAGIC FALLACY there.

This is the product of IMAMITE SICKNESS. Whenever, the word Imam is mentioned in the Qur’an, “Oh that must be our

infallible Imams”, and whenever the number 12 is mentioned, “Oh that must be our 12 infallible Imams”

How silly exegesis indeed!

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8 hours ago · Like


Though the burden of Proof is on the side of the affirmative i.e. Atty. Hussein Abinal to show us that Shia Imamah is part of

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Islamic faith, it is not true that I didn’t give any explicit evidence that Shia Imamah is not part of Islamic faith.

I quoted the sahih Ahadith from both Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim where the Prophet s.a.w explicitly explained what

faith is in Islam, and from the enumerated list, Shia Imamah is not one of them. Here is the hadith again:

He (the inquirer) said: Inform me about IMAN (FAITH). He (the Holy Prophet) replied: That you affirm your faith in ALLAH,


DIVINE DECREE ABOUT GOOD AND EVIL. He (the inquirer) said: You have told the truth. He (the Holy Prophet) remarked:

He was Gabriel (the angel). He came to you in order to instruct you in matters of religion. Sahih Muslim Book 001, Number


Cross references:

Sahih Muslim Book 001, Number 0004, Book 001, Number 0002, Book 001, Number 0003, Book 001, Number 0004, Book

001, Number 0006:

Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 2, Number 47

Atty. Hussein Abinal confessed that Imamah is one of the foundations of Shiaism (Usul-ud-Deen). As a matter of fact,

denying this Shia Imamah, according to Hussein Abinal, would make a person Kafir (disbeliever).

Why is it that it is not explicitly mentioned in the Quran or in the Sahih Ahadith? – WOW!!! What a religious foundation!!!

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8 hours ago · Like


Atty. Hussein Abinal, in his desperation to refute my arguments and evidences about what Islamic faith is from the sahih

ahadith, he appealed to my salutation to the pure family of the Prophet.

He virtually said that “See, Abu Jaiyana testified for the Ahlulbait for being pure.” Duh!!!

That’s ludicrous because all Ahlus-Sunnah believes that the family of the Prophet were noble; that includes the Prophet ’s

wives, and children, and grandchildren ect.

What we don’t believe in them are the LIES attributed to them by the Shia; that they were error-free human beings, and

that they are higher in rank than the Prophets of Allah, and that they are like gods and goddesses in Greek and Roman


They were no more than ordinary human beings as Ali himself said about himself, and therefore they are fallible.

Atty. Hussein Abinal is imitating the Trinitarian Christians’ way of reasoning. They said “See, Jesus is highly honored in the

Qur’an, he must be God”.

Oh, what an argument!!!

Nice try sir Abinal – I didn’t know you are a joker

8 hours ago · Like


Atty. Hussein Abinal also misunderstood the hadith I cited about the five pillars of Islam. That’s the problem of not reading

between the lines so to speak.

The hadith I cited is not an isolated evidence, but an explicit evidence for my argument that when it comes to important

matters in Islam God did not allow or leave the people to figure out what the foundations and principles of Islam are. Allah

and His Noble Prophet s.a.w made very clear for us what Islam is.

So don’t misrepresent my arguments Atty. Hussein Abinal; you won’t succeed because I typed my argument myself, and I’m

not doing cut and paste from google which you are guilty of in your 40 irrelevant and weak ahadith.

You still need to explain why your Shia Imamah is nowhere found in the Quran and the authentic ahadith. Our pillars of

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Faith are all over in the Quran and it is further clarified and enumerated explicitly by the Prophet s.a.w.

Why can’t we find anything close to this?

“O you who believe, after the demise of your Prophet, there will be 12 infallible Imams to rule over you, you should obey

and follow them”

Or a hadith close to this:

Narrated by: X, Y & Z

The Prophet s.a.w said: “Iman is to that you affirm your faith in Allah, in His Angels, in His Books, in His Apostles, in the

Day of Judgment, and in the 12 INFALLIBLE IMAMS AFTER ME”

Here is the reason why Atty. Hussein Abinal could not produce anything close to them; it’s because:


The Shia Imamah Doctrine is never part of Islamic faith, and it is a polytheistic doctrine, and those who consciously believe

in it are polytheists (Mushrikun), they are not Muslims!

May Allah guide the Shia to the right path. Ameen!

Jazakallahu Khair.

8 hours ago · Like

Abu Jaiyana Atty. Hussein Abinal, you may now proceed to your conclusion. Shorten the intervals please. Installment post

is so boring and time wasting.

Thank you.

8 hours ago · Edited · Like

Hussein Abinal Conclusion.


Allaahommaa salli 'alaa Muhammad wa Aale Muhammad

Brothers and sisters in Islam

Salaamun 'alaykum wa rahmatollaahi wa barakaatoh

In presenting my arguments on the veracity of our belief in the Imamah / Divine leadership of the Twelve (12) Imams a.s.

as an important and integral part of the Islamic Faith, I have not relied on my personal opinions but I have anchored them

on the pure text of the Book of Allah s.w t., the Qur'an, and the Sunnah of the Messenger s.a.w.a.

This is what Allah s.w.t. has enjoined upon the believers. We are told explicitly to refer our disputes to Allah s.w.t. and the

Messenger s.a.w.a.

Surah An-Nisa, Verse 59:

وه إلى الله والرسول إن كنتم تؤمنون بالله يا أيها الذين آمنوا أطيعوا الله وأطيعوا الرسول وأولي المر منكم فإن تنازعتم في ش يء فرد

لك خير وأحسن تأوي ل واليوم الخر ذ

O you who believe! obey Allah and obey the Apostle and those in authority from among you; then if you quarrel about

anything, refer it to Allah and the Apostle, if you believe in Allah and the last day; this is better and very good in the end.

(English - Shakir)

The first part of this verse tell us to Obey not only Allah s.w.t. and the Messenger s.a.w.a. but also the people among the

Muslims who have been bestowed authority by Allah s.w.t.

The Messenger s.a.w.a. explained the Olil Amr in various ways in the ahadith I have given so as to complete the arguments

of Allah s.w.t. against the Muslims. They may believe and obey or disbelieve or disobey .

The Olil Amr should not have been the subject of dispute after the truthful words of the Messenger s.a.w.a. pointing to the

leadership, guardianship and successorship of his ahlulbayt a.s. if the Companions and their followers like Abu Jaiyana and

other Sunnites have indeed believed and obeyed Allah s.w.t. and His Messenger s.a.w.a.

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Then Imamah of the 12 Imams a.s. became the subject of dispute and disbelief by my opponent and had insinuated that

this is a polytheistic belief and alien to Islam.

Since I am a believer in Allah and the Last Day and I am not a hypocrite who pretends to be a believer, I have referred the

issue under discussion to the Qur'an and the Sunnah. I have given proof that this is a pure Islamic Doctrine. Its examples

happened in the past, then it was preached by the Messenger s.a.w.a. and the consequence of its belief or disbelief will be

manifested on Judgment Day. 17:71-72

To the assertions of Mr. abu Jaiyana that belief in the Imamah as understood by the Shee'ah / followers of the Ahlul Bayt

a.s. is Kufr,

The Qur'an says:

.....Say, ( O Our Messenger ) Produce your proof if you are truthful..2:111

Abu Jaiyana, like other disbelievers in imamah, tried his best to prove his assertions using our belief in the infallibilty of the

Imams, their extra-ordinary lnowledge, their nearness before Allah s.w.t. the greatness of their authority which are issues

that could be given answers from the Qur'an and Sunnah but not in this debate where the sibject matter under resolution is

the Imamah of the 12 Imams a.s.

Is adducing proof from the Ahadith like Bukhari, Muslim and others like the hadith al thaqalayn, hadith al manzila, hadith as

safiina, hadith al kisa and other narrations pointing to the Imamah and Khilafat and Wilayah of the Imams a.s. a SNOW JOB


Or this is your way of saying you.disblieve the TRUTH.

To be continued..

5 hours ago via mobile · Like

Hussein Abinal Continuation of my conclusion.

Mr. Abu Jaiyana, in trying to debunk the cogency of my presentation whch has been based on solid premise resulting to the

conclusion.that the belief in Imamah of the 12 Imams a.s. is a part of the Islamic faith, he declares as fabricated every

narration that would give support to my suppositions.

The Qur'an contains verses which are explained and interpreted exhaustively by the Messenger s.a.w.a. for the guidance of

the Muslims


Surah Fatir, Verse 32:

قتصد وم لك هو الفضل الكبير نهم سابق بالخيرات ثم أورثنا الكتاب الذين اصطفينا من عبادنا فمنهم ظالم ل نفسه ومنهم م بإذن الله ذ

Then We gave the Book for an inheritance to those whom We chose from among Our servants; but of them is he who

makes his soul to suffer a loss, and of them is he who takes a middle course, and of them is he who is foremost in deeds of

goodness by Allah's permission; this is the great excellence.

(English - Shakir)

Who inherited the knowledge of the Book?

Was it Imam 'Ali a.s. and the rest of the Imams a.s. or Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Muawiya and Yazid?

Surah Al-Fath, Verse 29:

دا ار رحماء بينهم تراهم ركعا سج اء على الكف د رسول الله والذين معه أشد حم ن الله ورضوانا سيماهم في وجوههم م ن م يبتغون فضل م

وراة لك مثلهم في الت جود ذ را أثر الس نجيل كزرع أخرج شطأه فآزره فاستغلظ فاستوى على سوقه يعجب الز ع ليغيظ بهم ومثلهم في ال

يما غفرة وأجرا ع الحات منهم م ار وعد الله الذين آمنوا وعملوا الص الكف

Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah, and those with him are firm of heart against the unbelievers, compassionate among

themselves; you will see them bowing down, prostrating themselves, seeking grace from Allah and pleasure; their marks

are in their faces because of the effect of prostration; that is their description in the Taurat and their description in the

Injeel; like as seed-produce that puts forth its sprout, then strengthens it, so it becomes stout and stands firmly on its stem,

delighting the sowers that He may enrage the unbelievers on account of them; Allah has promised those among them who

believe and do good, forgiveness and a great reward.

(English - Shakir)

Who was the firmest against the unbelievers?

Imam 'Ali a.s., who vanquished the enemies in the battlefields, or Abu Bakr and others who kept on running away from


Who was the merciful to the believer?

Imam 'Ali a.s. or Abu Bakr and Umar who both showed firmness and courage against Imam 'Ali a.s. and his family?

Surah An-Nisa, Verse 54:

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يماأم يحسدون الناس على ما آتاهم الله من فضله فقد آتينا آل إبراهيم الكتاب والحكمة لكا ع وآتيناهم م

Or do they envy the people for what Allah has given them of His grace? But indeed We have given to Ibrahim's children the

Book and the wisdom, and We have given them a grand kingdom.

(English - Shakir)

Who were the emvied people?

Were they not the Ahlul Bayt a.s. who were given the Book and Wisdom and the great kindom?

Or the former polytheists who embraced Islam and returned o disbelief by disobeying the commands of Allah s.w.t. and His

Messenger s.a.w.a.?

Can a true believer declare every narration identifying the people alluded to in those verses in the ahadith / Sunnah as

referring to the Imams a.s. fabricated?

Definitely, No. Otherwise, that man must be a disbelieving hypocrite.

Mr. Abu Jaiyana should have also known from the Qur'an and Sunnah that Allah s.w.t. has chosen the prophets,

messengers, vicegerents and imams and these chosen and guided Slaves of Allah s.w t. were His representative whether

they had the rein of power or not.

The likes of Nuh a.s., Lut a.s., Yahya a.s, 'Eesa a.s. and other prophets and even the khaliif of Musa a.s., his brother Harun

a.s , were rejected and disobeyed but still they were the representatives of Allah s.w.t. over their people.

Mr. Abu Jaiyana is telling us that since the Imams a.s. were not able to exercise their temporal duties because they were

prevented from doing it by the Muslims who even killed them one by one, it is a proof that Imamah is non-existent.

That must be ignorance of the Qur'an and the Sunnah.

Mr Abu Jaiyana is calling my reliance in getting the true and correct connotation of the word Imam in the Qur'an and


That is an excuse intended to disbelieve the truth.

I have already given the details in various places the meaning of this word and why we believe its being used for the 12

Imams a.s. has been the command of Allah s.w.t. in the Qur'an and Sunnah.

His other objections have been addressed before and there is no compelling reason to repeat my answers to them here.

Finally, I have already presented the proof and evidences for my belief in the truth that the Imamah of the Twelve ( 12 )

Imams a.s. is a part of the Islamic faith.

The discerning observers of this debate could now clearly see who is on the side of guidance and who is on the side of



Alhamdulillaahi rabbil 'aalameena

Allaahomma salli 'alaa Muhammad wa Aale Muhammad

Salaamun 'alaykum wa rahmatollahi wa barakaatoh.

4 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1

Abu Jaiyana In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

All praise is due to the Almighty God, Allah. We praise Him and seek His help and forgiveness. Whosoever has been guided

by Allah, there is none to misguide him; whosoever has been misguided by Allah, none can guide him.

I bear witness that there is no other god except Allah, alone, without partner or associate. And I bear witness that

Muhammad is His servant and messenger.

May Allah the Exalted bestow His peace and blessings on the Prophet Muhammad, upon his good and pure family as well as

upon all of the noble Companions and upon those who followed them in righteousness until the Day of Judgment.


My Shia opponent, Atty. Hussein Abinal keeps on quoting the ayah “produce your proof if you are truthful” because he

wanted to do ABRACADABRA that I did not produce any proof that Imamah of Shiaism is a polytheistic doctrine and can’t be

part of Islamic faith. Polytheism and pure monotheism (Tawheed) are absolutely INCOMPATIBLE folks!

Here are the evidences I cited from Shia’s reliable sources: ABRACADABRA, appear again !!!

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• “The Imams possess all the knowledge granted to the angels, prophets, and messengers.”

(Al-Kulaini, Al-Kafi, p.255

• “The Imams have knowledge of whatever occurred in the past and whatever will happen in the future, and nothing is

concealed from them.” (Al-Kafi, p. 260.)

• Imam Abu Abdullah said: “I have knowledge about what in the heavens and what is in the earth, what in the paradise and

what is in the fire, and I know what was (before) and what is going to happen…” “Biharul anwar” vol 26, p 111“ “Al Kafi”

vol 1, p 261

• “There is not a single truth possessed by a people saved that which originated with the Imams, and everything which did

not proceed from them is false.” (Al-Kulaini, Al-Kafi, p.399)

• “And an essential tenet of our Shi’ite sect is that the Imams have a position which is reached neither by the angels nor by

any commissioned messenger of God.” (Ayatollah Khomeini, Hukumat-i-Islami, p.52-53)

So there they are Atty. Hussein Abinal. The attribute of God being knowledgeable about all things, (Al Aleem) YOU

ATTRIBUTED it to your Imams who were just ordinary human beings, let alone higher than the Prophets of God.

There is no doubt, Shia Imamah is polytheism, you can’t deny that Sir Hussein Abinal.

12 minutes ago · Like

Abu Jaiyana Atty. Hussein Abinal failed to show any ayah from the Quran informing the Muslims that after the demise of

Prophet Muhammad s.a.w there will be 12 infallible individuals to be obeyed and followed. He also failed to show any hadith

where the Prophet s.a.w included Imamah as part of Islamic faith – NONE WHATSOEVER.


On the contrary, I have shown numerous ahadith from Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim wherein the Prophet explicitly

explained what Islamic faith is. It is plain for us to see.

Atty. Hussein Abinal denied the fabricated ahadith he presented in his rebuttal, but as you have seen, he just denied it

without evidence.

I cited the evidences why the ahadith he cited are fabricated ahadith by Shia liars. The explanations are there as well as the


So he can keep on denying it to the max, but it is just a LIP SERVICE FALLACY because he hasn’t presented any evidence or

refuted the evidences I presented.

Atty. Hussein Abinal also admitted that his exegeses on the ayat he cited, none of them is based on any tafseer, or sahih

ahadith, or ijmaa. He was just doing a SNOW JOB FALLACY by citing many ayat that don’t in any way say that there will be

12 infallible people after Prophet Muhammad, and that he wanted the audience to see something in there which doesn’t


Had there any hint for the 12 infallible Imams there, Hussein Abinal would not cease on appealing to tafseer, or hadith, or

even his mustadraks. Unfortunately, all that he could provide is a new fallacy called “Imamite sickness” or “Imamite

syndrome” – everytime the word Imam, or 12 is mentioned, that must be their Imams or 12 Imams.

I clearly argued that 12 leaders of Bani Israel has something to do with the 12 son of Jacob (Ya’qub) and it has nothing to

do with the 12 Imams.

The ayat about the family of Ibrahim a.s. has nothing to do with the 12 Imams. It has to do with his children who were

made Prophets of Allah after him. All of the known Prophets after Ibrahim came from Ibrahim.

So Ibrahim a.s. was the leader of the Prophets after him. It has nothing to do with 12 infallible Imams – that is why NO

HADITH, NO TAFSEER, let alone IJMAA that the ayat cited by Atty. Hussein Abinal are about the 12 infallible Imams.

11 minutes ago · Like

Abu Jaiyana Atty. Hussein Abinal also insisted that the leaders or Imams mentioned in the ahadith he cited must be

their12 Imams while CONTRADICTING HIS OWN ADMISSION that they all refer to any Muslim leader/s in general.

So if they refer to any Muslim leader, then how could they be proof for the 12 Imams? That doesn’t add up ladies and


Moreover, it is a proof against the Shia, not for the Ahlus-Sunnah because the Ahlus-Sunnah recognizes all the Muslim

leaders including Ali, Hassan and Husain (radhiallahu anhum) as commanded by the ahadith and ayat which Atty. Hussein

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Abinal cited in this debate.

On the other hand, Shia disobeyed Allah in toto because they reject many Muslim leaders who are considered to PIOUS

LEADERS by the VAST MAJORITY of the Muslim world such as Abubakr, Umar and Uthman (radhiallahu anhum).

Therefore, in reality, the ahadith and ayat cited by Atty. Hussein Abinal about the command to obey the Muslim leaders is

IN FACT proof for the Ahlus-Sunnah and CONTRARY for the Shia Imamah doctrine.

The Prophet s.a.w spoke the truth about Atty. Hussein Abinal’s approach to the Quran:

Narrated Jundub: The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: IF ANYONE INTERPRETS THE BOOK OF ALLAH IN THE LIGHT

OF HIS OPINION even if he is right, HE HAS ERRED. Sunan Abu Dawood Book 25, Number 3644

My argument and my evidences from Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari were not dealt with; they were not even touched by

my opponent Atty. Hussein Abinal.

He completely evaded my evidences because he can’t refute them because they ARE ALL AUTHENTIC, AGREED UPON,


He (the inquirer) said: Inform me about IMAN (FAITH). He (the Holy Prophet) replied: That you affirm your faith in ALLAH,


DIVINE DECREE ABOUT GOOD AND EVIL. He (the inquirer) said: You have told the truth. He (the Holy Prophet) remarked:


Book 001, Number 0001

Cross references:

Sahih Muslim Book 001, Number 0004, Book 001, Number 0002, Book 001, Number 0003, Book 001, Number 0004, Book

001, Number 0006: Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 2, Number 47

10 minutes ago · Like


If God will punish me for not believing in the Shia polytheistic doctrine of Imamah, I would not feel that I am really

blameworthy of for not believing something which Allah did not say in the Qur’an or which the Prophet did not say in any

authentic hadith.

On the otherhand, if Allah will punish the Shia for INTRODUCING NEW SET OF BELIEF SYSTEM such as this polytheistic

doctrine of Imamah, we could justly say that THEY REALLY DESERVED TO BE PUNISHED because they are in effect saying

that Allah and His Messenger forgot to tell the people explicitly to believe in the 12 error-free human beings after Prophet

Muhammad s.a.w.

Thank you very much, and thank you for Atty. Hussein Abinal for his effort and time. I made some emphases in my

rebuttals, not to defame my opponent but just to point out the futility of his evidences and arguments.

He has been very patient in this debate despite some unnecessary interruptions by some of the audience. I really appreciate

his mature behavior in this debate.

May Allah guide him and his family back to the true Islam, the Islam taught by Prophet Muhammad and his noble

companions and his pure family. Ameen!

Subhannaka Allahuma wa bihamdik, ashadu anna lailaha ila anta, astagfiruka wa atubuilaik.

As-Salamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

10 minutes ago · Like

- End of the Debate -