Cyber and Data Security Proposal Form - QBE Insurance

1 Your business Please list the locations from which you conduct business including overseas domiciled locations: Name(s) in full of all entities to be insured Websites Please detail the sector in which your business operates and describe the operations performed by your business. Commencement date of your business / / Please provide the following details in respect of your principals or directors: Name Qualifications Year qualified Years practicing as principal This firm Previous firm / / / / / / / / www. www. www. www. Business details Please supply total numbers of Partners / principals / directors Professional staff Consultants System analysts / designers (a) Has the name of the business changed? (b) Have you purchased or merged with any other business? (c) Have you sold or demerged from any other business? (d) Do you require cover for any subsidiary, joint venture or associated company? (e) Do you expect any significant change to your operations or the development and release of new services/products over the next twelve (12) months? If ‘yes’ to any of the above, please supply details: Programmers Sales & marketing Administration / supports Other (please specify) Total In the past five(5) years Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No QBE Insurance (Singapore) Pte Ltd Cyber and Data Security Proposal Form Email

Transcript of Cyber and Data Security Proposal Form - QBE Insurance


Your business

Please list the locations from which you conduct business including overseas domiciled locations:

Name(s) in fullof all entities tobe insured


Please detail the sector in which your business operates and describe the operations performed by your business.

Commencement date of your business / /

Please provide the following details in respect of your principals or directors:

Name Qualifications Year qualifiedYears practicing as principalThis firm Previous firm

/ /

/ /

/ /

/ /





Business details

Please supply total numbers of

Partners / principals / directors

Professional sta�


System analysts / designers

(a) Has the name of the business changed?

(b) Have you purchased or merged with any other business?

(c) Have you sold or demerged from any other business?

(d) Do you require cover for any subsidiary, joint venture or associated company?

(e) Do you expect any significant change to your operations or the development and release of new services/products over the next twelve (12) months?

If ‘yes’ to any of the above, please supply details:


Sales & marketing

Administration / supports

Other (please specify)


In the past five(5) years

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

QBE Insurance (Singapore) Pte Ltd

Cyber and Data SecurityProposal Form



Please provide the percentage of total gross revenue that is assigned to the IT budget:

Please provide the percentage of gross revenue derived from e-commerce:

IT operations

Which management positions are assigned within your organisation? (Please tick where appropriate)

Chief information o�icer

Chief risk o�icer

Chief privacy o�icer

IT director

IT/information security manager

Chief compliance o�icer

Chief information security o�icer

IT manager

Please provide numbers of:

Computer users: Servers: PC’s: Portables (laptops, smartphones etc): Physical server locations:


Please confirm which (if any) of your IT functions are outsourced:

IT services support

In-housePartially outsourced

Totally outsourced

To what level areyou indemnifiedby the outsourcer?

Outsourcing vendor(please provide names)

Infrastructure - telecoms

Infrastructure - network

Business applications

Website hosting


Financial details

Please supply details of your total revenue (include fee income, net profit/loss (before tax), gross wage roll) from the countries in which you conduct business:

Country Currency Revenue last financial year Revenue current financialyear (forecast)

Revenue next financial year (forecast)


Please state the approximate percentage of your activities (based on revenue current financial year-forecast) applicable to each region:


% % % %% % %

Australia USA/Canada Europe Rest of the world Total


IT operations (continued)


Do you have a governance framework/policy supporting a consistent and structured approach to information security?

Please detail your risk management of third-party IT vendors (please tick where appropriate)

Data security due diligence

Audits performed

Contract requires securityincident to be reportedto you


Ad-hoc basis


Yes No

Are all sta� regularly updated on security best practice and the latest applicable privacy, data and security legislation? Yes No

Please detail your training processes for sta� in respect of potential cyber threats and fraud:

Have you conducted a vulnerability scan and/or penetration test in the last 12 months? (If any areas of concern were highlighted, please detail how these were/are to be addressed):

Do you carry out background screening on:

Please provide further details in the box below:

Please detail the checks for the authorisation of payments above US$3,000 to third-parties:

Sta� with access to personally identifiable information

Sta� with privileged systems access

Yes No Working towards


Controls (continued)

If ‘no’ to any of the above, please provide details:

Please provide details of your system controls:

(a) Are there restrictions on sta�’s ability to download and install software? Yes No

(b) Are there restrictions on sta�’s access to confidential data dependent on their position in your company? Yes No

(c) Is a central risk log in place for all cyber-incidents? Yes No

(d) Does your system have anti-malware, firewall protection and automatic virus scans of computer systems? Yes No

(e) Do you undertake regular intrusion detection and user activity monitoring? Yes No

(f) Do you monitor networks in real-time for possible intrusions or abnormalities? Yes No

Business impact

If a business critical cyber-incident were to occur (a hacking event preventing the use of critical business systems for example), how long would it be before you were to su�er a loss of net profit?

How much net profit per day would you expect to lose if such a cyber-incident were to occur?

48 hours+Between24-48 hours

Between12-24 hours

Between1-12 hours

< 1 hour

Do you employ the following (for the purposes of network interruption/privacy breach):

What is your expected recovery time after su�ering a cyber-incident or experiencing downtime of critical business systems?

(a) An incident response plan or disaster recovery plan Yes No

(b) A business continuity plan Yes No

If yes, has either of these plans been tested in the last 12 months? Yes No

(c) A manual workaround to mitigate loss in the event of network outage? Yes No

(d) Daily backup of sensitive data Yes No

Yes No

(e) Fail-over to a “hot site” in the event your main hosting site goes down (owned or third party)

If yes, are backups stored in an o�-site location?

Yes No

48 hours+Between24-48 hours

Between12-24 hours

Between1-12 hours


Please detail your deletion/destruction procedures for data including limits on time held on systems:

Please provide details of your patching policy including testing and the ability to roll back to previous versions:


Use, storage and protection of personal data











Please provide details of personal data stored and/or processed in the table below (please note that employee records should be separately outlined in the final row of the table):

Yes No

What is the highest proportion of data stored in any one location?

Do you segregate critical data (financial account information, health records etc.) in an isolated environment?

Basic information (names, addresses etc)

Stored on system *Including cloud storage (please answer yes/no)

Number of records stored

Yes No

Processed annually (please answer yes/no)

Number of records processed

Yes No

Government document numbers (drivers licence number, passport number etc)

Yes No

Are theserecords encrypted?

Yes NoFinancial accountinformation (account numbers, sort-codes, credit/ debit card numbers etc)

Yes No

Yes NoHealth records Yes No

Yes NoEmployee records including previous employees (if still held)

Yes No

Do you sell/share confidential data (including PII) to/with third-parties (please tick)?

If so, is this expressly stated in the contracts/terms and conditions of those individuals whose data is sold or shared?

Where confidential data is sold and/or shared with a third-party, do they indemnify you for their unauthorised use of this information?

Sell Share

Yes No

Yes No

Do you store personally identifiable records in respect of US residents? Yes No

Laptops, tablets & smart phones

Encryption and regulation

Please tick where appropriate to illustrate your encryption processes:

Please detail encryption methods in place for confidential data, if none, please detail any processes in place to protect held data (e.g. encrypted or tokenised) :

Always encrypted Sometimes encrypted

Removable media (USB sticks, CD’s etc)

E-mails and defined folders on the system

Never encrypted

Please detail your level of compliance with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) data standards:

Which other industry standards are you compliant with?

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Non compliant

ISO 27001 Other (please detail)


Online communications

Yes No

Please complete the table below outlining controls of online communications including social media and websites:

Do you operate any external facing platforms which are used by customers?

Standard practice

Ad-hoc basis Not practiced

User generated content monitored (including chat rooms, bulletins etc)

Permission from third parties to use their content

Procedures in place to flag and remove inappropriate content


Legal review of content published online

Previous insurance

Do you currently purchase cyber insurance?

Your insurance requirements

Have you ever been refused this type of insurance, had special terms imposed by insurers or had a similar insurance cancelled?

If YES, please confirm:

Yes No

Yes No

Name of insurer:

Renewal date:

Limit of indemnity:



If YES, please provide full details:

Excess/DeductibleCover Limit of Indemnity

Third party cover

Section 1 - Cyber, data security and multimedia cover

First party cover

Section 2 - Data breach notification costs cover

Section 3 - Information and communication asset rectification costs cover

Section 4 - Regulatory defence and penalty costs cover

Section 5 - Public relations costs cover

Section 6 - Forensics costs cover

Section 7 - Credit monitoring costs cover

Section 8 - Cyber business interruption cover

Section 9 - Cyber extortion cover



Claims & circumstances

Have you ever su�ered a business outage that has lasted more than 6 hours? Yes No

If ‘Yes’, please provide details including date of claim and amounts paid or reserved by insurers and/or details of any business outages su�ered:

If ‘Yes’, what steps have been taken to prevent a reoccurrence:

If ‘Yes’, please provide details:

Are there any potential claim(s) or circumstance(s) that are likely to give rise to a claim or loss against your company that would fall within the scope of this insurance?

Yes No

Have you been involved in any dispute or arbitration concerning products, services or intellectual property rights? Yes No

Have you sustained any loss from the suspected dishonesty or malice of any employee? Yes No

If ‘Yes’, please provide details including estimated cost of claim/loss:

If ‘Yes’ to any of the above, please provide details below:


/ /

I the undersigned, after enquiry declare as follows:

1. I am authorised by each of the other entities to be insured to complete this proposal form.

2. I have read and understood the notice to the proposed insured at the back of the proposal form.

3. I have read this proposal form and the accompanying documents and acknowledge the contents of same to be true and complete.

4. I understand that, up until a contract of insurance is entered into, I am under a continuing obligation to immediately inform QBE of any change in the particulars or statements contained in this proposal form or in the accompanying documents.

Name of business

Signed: Partner, principal or director Date

Within the last 5 years have you sustained any systems intrusion, tampering, virus or malicious code attack, loss of data, loss of portable media, hacking incident, extortion attempts, data theft or similar?

Within the last 5 years have you received any claims or complaints with respect to allegations of invasion of or injury to privacy, identity theft, theft of information, breach of information security, content infringement or been required to provide notification to individuals due to an actual or suspected disclosure of personal information?

Yes No

Yes No

QBE Insurance ( )

1 Raffles Quay #29-10South Tower Singapore 048583Tel : (65) 6224 6633 • Fax : (65) 6533


Summary of cyber coverage

Section 1 - Cyber, data security and multimedia cover

• Liability arising out of multimedia exposures as a result of a hacker. For example defamation, libel and infringement of intellectual property rightsLiability arising from the failure to properly handle, manage, store, destroy or otherwise control personally identifiable information•

• Liability arising out of unintentional transmission of a computer virus• Liability arising out of a hacker’s fraudulent use of information

The costs of any financial benefit that has been transferred to a third-party that cannot be recouped and has occurred as a result of a covered loss•

• The costs to withdraw or alter data or images or other website content as a result of a court order or to mitigate a claim• The costs to replace or restore documents discovered by the insured to be lost, damaged or destroyed• Compensation costs arising as a result of directors, partners and employees attending court in connection with a covered claim• Defence costs

The provision of consumer notifications to comply with data breach law following a data breachThe legal fees incurred to identify notification communication obligations and draft notification communicationsThe costs to send and administer notification communicationsThe costs of call centre services to respond to enquiries and queries following a notification communication

Section 4 - Regulatory defence and penalty costs cover

Section 5 - Public relations costs cover

Section 6 - Forensics costs cover

• Payment for a security specialist to assess the insured’s electronic security and the costs of reasonable security improvement

Section 7 - Credit monitoring costs cover

• Payment for credit monitoring services in order to comply with data breach law

Section 8 - Cyber business interruption cover

Section 9 - Cyber extortion cover

• Payment for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred by the insured including the value of any ransom paid by the insured for the purpose of terminating a cyber-extortion threat

The costs to repair, restore or replace the a�ected parts of the insured’s information and communication assets after they were damaged, destroyed, altered, corrupted, copied, stolen or misused by a hacker

Payment for those amounts which the insured is legally obliged to pay (including legal and defence costs) as a result of a civil regulatory action,regulatory compensatory award, civil penalty, or fines to the extent insurable by law, imposed by a government or public authority regulator

Payment for all reasonable costs the insured incurs for a public relations and crisis management consultant to avert or mitigate any material damage to any of the insured’s brands and business operations

Payment for a forensic consultant to establish the identity or methods of the hacker or other details required by the insurer following a data breach

Payment for the temporary storage of the insured’s electronic data at a third-party host location, if it is viewed that the insureds’ information and communication assets remain vulnerable to damage, destruction, alteration, corruption, copying, stealing or misuse by a hacker

Payment for loss of business income, as a result of the total or partial interruption, degradation in service, or failure of information and communication assets following a failure by the insured or a service provider to protect against unauthorised access to, unauthorised use of, a denial of service attack against, or transmission of a computer virus to information and communication assets

Section 2 - Date breach noti�cation costs cover

Section 3 - Information and communication asset recti�cation costs cover

Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) 2012


Supplementary Consent Clauses

To process, administer and/or manage your relationship, account and policy with QBE Insurance (Singapore) Pte Ltd (QBE), QBE will need to collect, use, disclose and/or process your personal data. Such personal data includes (i) information set out in this [form] and any other personal information provided by you or possessed by QBE; and (ii) your claims.

Such personal data will be collected, used, disclosed and/or processed by QBE for the purpose(s) of:

a) considering whether to provide you with the insurance you applied for;

b) processing your application for underwriting and insurance;

c) administering and/or managing your relationship, account and/or policy with QBE;

d) processing and/or dealing with any claims including the settlement of claims and any necessary investigations relating to the claims, under your policy;

e) carrying out due diligence or other screening activities (including background checks) in accordance with legal or regulatory obligations or risk management procedures that may be required by law or that may have been put in place by QBE;

f) carrying out your instructions or responding to any enquiries by you;

g) dealing in any matters relating to the services and/or products you are entitled to when applying for this or other policies you applied for. This includes the disclosure of some of your personal data when mailing of correspondence, statements, invoices, reports or notices to you, as well as the disclosure of some of your personal data on the cover of envelopes/mail packages;

h) investigating fraud, misconduct, any unlawful action or omission, whether relating to your application, your claims or any other matter relating to your policy, and whether or not there is any suspicion relating to these;

i) compiling a claims history for the purpose of investigation and detecting fraud in present and future claims

j) complying with applicable law in administering and managing your relationship with QBE;

k) providing you with direct marketing communications about QBE’s products and services; if you do not want to receive any direct marketing, you may withdraw your consent at any time free of charge by writing in to [email protected]

We may/will also be collecting from sources other than yourself, personal data about you, for one or more of the purposes described above, and using, disclosing and/or processing such personal data for one or more of those purposes.

Your personal data may/will be disclosed by QBE to its third party service providers or agents (including its lawyers/law firms), which may be situated outside of Singapore, for one or more of the purposes described above, meaning third party service providers or agents, if engaged by QBE, will be processing your personal data for QBE.

By signing below, you:

• consent to QBE collecting, using, disclosing and/or processing your personal data for the purposes described above;

• consent to QBE collecting personal data about you from sources other than yourself and using, disclosing and/or processing the same, for one or more of the purposes described above;

• consent to QBE disclosing your personal data to its third party service providers, or agents (including its lawyers/law firms), for the purposes described above; and

• consent to QBE transferring your personal data out of Singapore to its third party service providers, or agents where such third party service providers or agents are sited (whether in Singapore or outside of Singapore), for the purposes described above.

