Customer Service Survey: Consumer Behavior & Expectations in Today's Interactive World

Customer Service. Simplified. Customer Service Experiences Survey


This report highlights Jacada's key findings and insights to the customer service industry. • Over 500 consumers participated. • They were surveyed concerning their behaviors and expectations when it comes to interacting with customer service focused industries such as healthcare, insurance, financial institutions, telecommunications, utilities and retail. • Both traditional customer service channels (phone/IVR, website) and newer technologies (email, live chat, mobile apps, virtual assistant, forums, and social media) were explored. To learn more, visit our website -

Transcript of Customer Service Survey: Consumer Behavior & Expectations in Today's Interactive World

Page 1: Customer Service Survey: Consumer Behavior & Expectations in Today's Interactive World

Customer Service. Simplified.

Customer Service ExperiencesSurvey

Page 2: Customer Service Survey: Consumer Behavior & Expectations in Today's Interactive World


Customer Service Experiences Survey

Customer Service ImpactJacada’s purpose as a veteran leader in the customer service industry for the last 20 years has been to innovate and enhance customer service technology and solutions for leading organizations worldwide. Jacada knows that better customer service improves customer satisfaction and loyalty. Our research is critical to find out what customers see, feel, and think on their end about the customer service experience. This gives us insight to raise standards, offer solutions, and provide feedback to companies that are interested in improving customer service.

About JacadaJacada enables organizations to deliver advanced agent and customer interactions by implementing cutting-edge web, mobile, and self-service solutions as well as agent desktops and process optimization technology. Customers can benefit from an improved customer service experience at every touch point with your organization, whether at the call center, on the web, on the go or at the store.

Customers across the globe, in every vertical, are using award winning Jacada solutions to broaden their customer service channels while automating complex processes. Thus, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty, reducing operational costs, while enforcing and monitoring compliance with regulatory policies and procedures. Jacada solutions empower organizations to deliver "Customer Service. Simplified."

Page 3: Customer Service Survey: Consumer Behavior & Expectations in Today's Interactive World


Customer Service Experiences Survey

Table of ContentsForward from Jacada

Key Findings

Graph 1: Number of Interactions with Customer Service

Graph 2: Best and worst Customer Service by Type

Graph 3: The Company by Type, Contacted most

Graph 4: Top 10 Companies Cited for Best Customer Service

Graph 5: Top 10 Companies Cited for Worst Customer Service

Graph 6: Self Service VS. Speaking to a Live Agent

Graph 7: Issues I Prefer to be Solved by a Live Agent

Graph 8: Issues Customers Prefer to Solve by Themselves

Graph 9: Length of Time I Spend Trying to Solve an Issue by Myself

Graph 10: Length of Time I'm Willing to be on Hold

Graph 11: Frustrations with a Company's Customer Service Phone Menu

Graph 12:How Do Several Connection Options Influence my Perception

Graph 13: Types of Customer Service Options Expected from a Company

Graph 14: Methods I use to Get Help from a Company

Graph 15: Noticing the Level of Customer Service Technology

Graph 16: Leaving a Company with Less Than Satisfactory Customer Service





















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Customer Service Experiences Survey

The survey findings signal that while customers still expect traditional contact methods such as phone support, they also expect an interactive website, email, live chat, mobile apps, social media and/or any other options that will solve their issues quickly and on the go.

Interestingly enough, getting a hold of the company’s call center via the phone is still rated highest. However, since consumer behavior has changed towards a mobile lifestyle, so have the expectations for fast connection options with the company, while on the go.

What does this mean for the customer service industry? It is important for consumer-centric companies to adopt solutions that are faster and more efficient; improving quality of responses, decreasing call volume and hold time, and improving customer satisfaction. These solutions should be compatible with internet/mobile devices and be able to seamlessly connect back to the call center with minimal need for repeating information.

Noteworthy technologies and tools that are addressing the consumer need for quick, simple solutions include Visual IVR, Live Chat, mobile apps, enhanced websites, and adoption of social media management to address customer service issues.

This is the first year that Jacada conducted a consumer survey and this report highlights our key findings and insights to the customer service industry.

•Over 500 consumers participated.

• They were surveyed concerning their behaviors and expectations when it comes to interacting with customer service focused industries such as healthcare, insurance, financial institutions, telecommunications, utilities and retail.

•Both traditional customer service channels (phone/IVR, website) and newer technologies (email, live chat, mobile apps, virtual assistant, forums, and social media) were explored.

Key Findings:

• In a typical month, 88% of people surveyed had at least one interaction with customer service.

• 81% of consumers prefer to speak to a live agent, but dislike IVRs and long hold times.

•Consumers are most frustrated with IVRs when they need to repeat all their information.

•Consumers' perception of a companies customer service is positively affected when several connectivity options are provided.

Forward from Jacada

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Customer Service Experiences Survey

Key Findings According to Graph 1, in a typical month 89% of people have at least 1 interaction with customer service. 29% of people have had 5 or more interactions. The interaction could include a call to the customer service center, visiting the company’s website, or other forms of online customer service.

Graph 1 In a typical month, how many interactions do you have with customer service?











20 or more

20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

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Customer Service Experiences Survey

Graph 2 indicates that financial institutions (Banks, credit card companies, credit unions, etc.) provide the best customer service, while Cable, Satellite and Phone companies provide the worst service.









My Utilities providers (gas, water...)

My Cable company

My Satellite TV Provider

Retail stores

My Bank

My Cellular/Phone company

Hotels, Airlines or Travel...

1 2 3 4 5

Graph 2 The best and worst customer service I receive is from: 1=best and is 5=worst

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Customer Service Experiences Survey

According the Graph 3, 70% of people said that they have the most contact with their telecom providers. Telecom providers as an industry had the worst score for customer service as evident in the previous question. Meaning, the companies that are contacted the most have the worst customer service. The next closest industry is at 11%.

Graph 3 Which company, with a call center, do you contact the most?

Telecom (TV, Phone, Internet) 69.77%





Financial Institutions (Banks, Credit Cards)

Technology (Computer, IT)



0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The companies that are contacted the most have the

worst customer service

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Customer Service Experiences Survey

Verizon & American Express were rated best for customer service as evident in Graph 4 while as an industry, phone companies and the banking industry were rated as average and #1, respectively, for customer service. 4 financial institutions were in the top 10.

Verizon Amex AT&T Delta Air Lines

Direct TV

Amazon Chase Bank of America

Marriot Hotels


Graph 4 Top 10 Companies Cited for Best Call Center Customer Service

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Customer Service Experiences Survey

According to Graph 5, Comcast and AT&T were rated worst for customer service. 4 cable companies & 2 telecom companies were in the top 10. Bank of America and Wells Fargo were both rated worst for customer service while the banking industry as a whole was rated as best for customer service (See Graph 2). Telecom as an industry (TV, Phone, Internet) was rated as having by and far the largest number of monthly contacts for customer service (See Graph 3). The top 5 worst companies for customer service were all in the telecom industry (Comcast #1, AT&T #2, Verizon #3, Time Warner Cable #4, Direct TV #5). The industry rated the worst customer service, telecom (As shown in Graph 2), has the top 5 companies listed individually for worst customer service. Further, several companies showed up on the worst and best customer service list including: AT&T, Verizon, Direct TV and Bank of America.

VerizonComcast AT&T Time Warner Cable

Direct TV

DellSprintBank of America

Wells Fargo


Graph 5 Top 10 Companies Cited for Worst Call Center Customer Service

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Customer Service Experiences Survey

81% of people surveyed would prefer speaking to a LIVE person when calling customer service. 19% would prefer to have the ability to solve the issue themselves as seen in Graph 6. Given the popularity of internet and mobile (tablets and smartphones), companies need to ensure their websites are compatible with mobile phone browsers and offer new technologies such as Visual IVR that presents users with a menu driven interface to traditional IVR.

Graph 6 For the majority of customer service calls you make to companies, do you prefer

Speaking to a live person ASAP 81.08%

18.92%The ability to solve

the issue yourself

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Companies need to ensure their websites are compatible with mobile phone browsers and offernew technologies such as Visual IVR

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Customer Service Experiences Survey

45% would prefer to speak to a live person regarding ANY issue. 50% would prefer to speak to a live person regarding billing or technical issues as seen in Graph 7. These days, customers can call a company from anywhere, day or night. The internet and mobile devices have had a huge impact on customer expectations. This presents new growth opportunities for companies that are willing to offer new services and technologies that will enhance such mobile interactions, lifting the limitations associated with the traditional phone call.

Billing 24.53%




Technical difficulties

General inquiries

In all cases

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Graph 7 For which types of customer service issues would you preferto speak to a live person?

The internet and mobile devices have had a huge impact on customer expectations.This presents new growth opportunitiesfor companies

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Customer Service Experiences Survey

Customers prefer to solve certain issues on their own. 50%, prefer to not solve any issue themselves while the other 50% responded that there are issues they want to solve through self-help. 16% wanted to resolve Paying a Bill/Billing issues, 11% technical issues, 9% account information, and 4% returns. A further 7% of customers would prefer to solve all issues on their own. Given the proper support and connectivity solution, self-help is convenient; saves time and money for both the customer and the company, even when the customer ends up calling the customer service center.

Graph 8 Which types of customer service issues would you prefer to solve yourself?

Billing / Bill Pay 16.67%






Technical Issues

Account Info




0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

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Customer Service Experiences Survey

While 50% of customers preferred to handle some customer issues themselves there does appear to be a limit to the amount of time they want to spend on it. According to Graph 9, the largest group of responders chose 5-9 minutes as the length of time that they would try to solve the problem themselves before calling customer service. Here are the other options: 23% 1-4 minutes, 20% 10-19 minutes, 10% 20-29 minutes, 20% 30 or more minutes. What is surprising is that 20% of customers would spend 30 minutes or more trying to solve the issue themselves. This is a positive sign for organizations focusing on expanding self-service capabilities for their customers.

Graph 9 For how long (in minutes) would you try to solve an issue yourselfbefore calling a live customer service





30 or more






0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

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Customer Service Experiences Survey

While 30% of users would spend 20 or minutes solving an issue themselves they don't have the same patience when calling a customer service. Their patience for waiting on hold for an agent before hanging-up or call-back is much shorter then self-help customers. According to graph 10, 30% of people will hang up in less than 2 mins. of being "on hold." 48% of people will hang up between 2-5 mins. of being “on hold.” Further, 15% will wait 6-10 minutes and 6% would wait more then 10 minutes. 77% would wait less then 5 minutes. Hence, Companies that make it a priority to significantly reduce call handle times and provide alternate connection solutions to the traditional phone call, should expect to see an improvement in customer satisfaction.

Less than 2 minutes





2-5 minutes

6-10 minutes

More than 10 minutes

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Graph 10 How long are you willing to be "on hold" on the phone while waiting for an Agent before you hang-up or want the company to call you back?

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Customer Service Experiences Survey

As per graph 11, customers find frustration in customer service menu systems for the following reasons: 49% of people are frustrated with customer service phone menu when they have to repeat all their information again. 33% are frustrated when there is no option relevant to their question. A further 9% are frustrated by the lack of a "back" function once a menu number was pressed and 7% found the menus confusing. Companies adding new technologies should check that the solutions are simple for users to use, bridges the connectivity gap between mobile and traditional contact channels, and accelerates the customer service experience.

Graph 11 What frustrates you the most when listening to the company'scustomer service phone menu?

No option relevant for my question 33.21%






I cannot go back one I "pressed" a number and made a decision

I have to repeat all the information again if I get connected to the call center

The menu is confusing

I cannot enter text

My customer data provided is outdated

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Companies adding new technologies should check that the solutions are simple for users to use

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Customer Service Experiences Survey

It doesn't matter to me - one option that works is all I need 17.93%



It's nice, but there are more important factors in how I view the company's

customer service

It very positively affects my perception of the company's customer service

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Customers report that having several options to connect with the company to solve an issue influences their perception of the company's customer service experience. According to graph 12, 46% said it very positively affected their perception, 35% said it's a nice to have, but there are more important factors, and 17% said it doesn't matter. The bottom line is that having several contact methods available does positively impact the customer's perception of a company's customer service efforts. It is important for companies to look into the preferred contact methods for their customers and keep up to date on the latest technologies that offer and/or enhance connectivity.

Graph 12 How does having several options to connect with the company and solvean issue influence your perception of the company's customer service efforts?

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Customer Service Experiences Survey

Customer expectations of customer service options has changed alongside technology. Users were asked to choose the relevant customer service options that they expected from a company they did business with. The majority, 85% expect customer service phone support. 53% expect email support, 45% website customer service, 39% live chat, 19% mobile app, 14% virtual assistant, and social media 10%. When a customer reaches out to a company in hopes of resolving an issue, they expect their needs to be met, and in today's world that means offering a broad range of customer service options. However, some things never changes as evident from the 85.92% that still prefer to use the phone when contacting a company. While traditional contact methods are still ranked highest, we see many mobile, interactive and social media channels gaining popularity.


Physical store

Email support

Website 45.07%

Live chat 39.44%

Mobile app 19.72%

Virtual assistant 14.08%

Social media 9.86%




0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Graph 13 What types of customer service options do you expect from a company? Please choose the relevant one.

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Customer Service Experiences Survey

Customers are most likely to use the following contact methods to request assistance or information from companies that they are doing business with, in order of popularity: The phone number listed on the company's website, email support, live chat, online self-help, support forum, a mobile application, and a virtual assistant. Traditional contact methods are still most popular as most people will first go to the phone number listed on the website. We see new technologies and interactive platforms emerging. To remain competitive, companies must proactively address this issue and adjust their customer service offerings accordingly.

Graph 14 If you have an issue with a company you bought from/did business with, which method are you most likely to use to get help? (rate from 1-7, 1 being the method you are most likely to use, 7 being the metod you are least likely to use)

Phone number listed on website

Mobile application


Support forum/help section 3.92

Online self-help resource... 3.58

Live Chat 3.49

Virtual Assistant 4.59




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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Customer Service Experiences Survey

Users were asked if they notice the level of technology a company's customer service center uses. 76% of users responded that they did notice it. It is no secret that companies need to be innovative in order to maintain a competitive edge and here we see that innovation also plays a vital role in the customer service experience. While customers will like and prefer certain contact methods based on a variety of factors, they expect the company to offer a level of technology that meets and/or exceeds current standards.

Yes 76.47%


0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Graph 15 Do you notice a level of technology a company's customer service center uses to interact with you?

While customers will like and prefer certain contact methods, they expect the company to offer a level of technology that meets and/or exceeds current standards

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Customer Service Experiences Survey

Users were asked if they would leave a company that doest not provide satisfactory customer service. 92% of people would leave a company that does not provide satisfactory customer service. The survey did not ask the 7% of respondents who answered “no” if there were multiple business' competing in the users geographic area.

Graph 16 Would you leave a company that does not provide satisfactory customer service?

Yes 92.48%


0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

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© 2014 Jacada. All right reserved.

Customer Service Experiences Survey

Conclusions Consumer behavior and expectations on the use of traditional customer service methods is evolving and companies must adapt to meet these new expectations if they want to deliver quality customer service. While calling customer service and speaking to a live agent remains the top preference for contacting businesses, in general, consumers are more connected and want to have several options available to them to deal with customer service issues.

Timeliness and ease of use are among the top factors that consumers take into consideration when deciding which contact method to use. Common frustrations are long hold times, needing to repeat their information all over again and irrelevant menu options.

It cannot go unnoticed that most customers still prefer the phone over other contact methods. Companies should be aware that this experience, often associated with common IVR frustrations, can be greatly enhanced. This is attainable by providing a visual IVR option, for those consumers on the go, in a rush or those who are simply looking for the latest and greatest from their service providers.

Take away? The impact that a positive customer service experience has on company loyalty is significant. Companies should note that their customers are judging them by their customer service experience and available customer service options. Companies seeking to improve customer service should be looking to adopt innovative connectivity solutions that offer consumers options for self-help, speeds up the process for the consumer, reduces time for the call center agent, ensures the customer information only needs to be provided once, bridges the gap between mobile, desktop, and telephone, and supports the traditional call-in methods.

Timeliness and ease of use are among the top

factors that consumers take

into consideration when deciding which contact methodto use.