CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the...


Transcript of CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the...

Page 1: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro
Page 2: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro
Page 3: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro
Page 4: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro
Page 5: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro
Page 6: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro
Page 7: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro
Page 8: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro
Page 9: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro
Page 10: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro
Page 11: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro
Page 12: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro
Page 13: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro



Supervision appointment for the production and

trade of “Gorgonzola” cheese.


together with


Having regard to Italian Law No. 125 of April 10,

1954, on the protection of designations of origin

and type of cheese, and to Italian Presidential

Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, laying down

regulatory standards for the implementation of the

abovementioned Law;

Having regard to Article 1 of Italian Presidential

Decree No. 1269 of October 30, 1955, which

recognizes the designation of origin of

“Gorgonzola” cheese;

Having regard to the application of May 15, 1970 by

which the President of the “Consortium for the

protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office

in Novara, Via Avogadro 4, requests the

abovementioned consortium to be entrusted, in

accordance with Articles 7 and 8 of the

aforementioned Law 125, with the supervision

appointment for the production and trade of the

cheese for which the use of the designation of

origin “Gorgonzola” is allowed;

Having regard to the certificate of incorporation

Page 14: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro


of the consortium of May 14, 1970, the annexed

Bylaws and other documents accompanying the

application in accordance with the provisions of

Article 6 of the abovementioned Italian

Presidential Decree No. 667;

Upon receipt of the opinion of the National

Committee for the protection of designations of

origin and type of cheese, in favor of the

acceptance of the application above;

Considering the opportunity to entrust the

aforementioned consortium with the supervision

appointment for the production and trade of the

cheese having the designation of origin



In accordance with the provisions of Articles 7,

second paragraph, and 8 of Italian Law number 125

of April 10, 1954, concerning the protection of

designations of origin and type of cheese, and with

the regulatory standards issued for the

implementation of this law with Italian

Presidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that

the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola

cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro 4,

is entrusted with the supervision appointment for

the production and trade of the cheese for which

the use of the designation of origin “Gorgonzola”

Page 15: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro


is allowed.

When implementing the supervision entrusted, the

abovementioned consortium will also provide for,

with regard to the “Gorgonzola” cheese, affixing

the seals or other markings as per Article 5 of

said Italian Presidential Decree No. 667, according

to the standards contained in proper Specifications

which will be drafted by the consortium itself and

submitted for ministerial approval.

The present decree will be published in the

Official Gazette of the Italian Republic (Gazzetta

Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana).

Rome, this day of March 25, 1971

The Minister of Agriculture and Forestry


The Minister of Industry, Trade and Craftworks



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Company Register – Official Archive of CCIAA

Historical Registration of Limited Company

Conosorzio per la Tutela del Formaggio GORGONZOLA


Address of the Registered Office NOVARA (NO) Via Andrea Costa 5/C

Postal code 28100

Address of Certified Electronic Mail [email protected]

Telephone number 0321 626613

REA number NO – 121943

Fiscal code 00305470031

VAT number 01889280036

Legal Form Consortium

Constitution date May 14, 1970

Registration date April 19, 1977

Last protocol date March 3, 2016

President of Board of Directors Invernizzi Renato



Registration in the Companies Register:

Fiscal Code and registration number: 00305470031 of Novara Companies Register

Previous registration number: NO106-5421

Date of registration: February 19, 1996

Page 17: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro


Registered in the Ordinary Section on February 19, 1996

Constitution information:

Act of incorporation’s data: May 14, 1970

Company duration: December 31, 2030

Administrative Form: Boards of Directors (in charge)

Board of Auditors: Number of real members: 3

Number of substitutes: 2

The Consortium has no profit purposes.

The Consortium aims to:

-obtain the MIPAAF (Ministry of Agriculture Food and Forestry Policies) recognition;

- protect and monitor the use of the protected designation of origin (PDO) GORGONZOLA;

- promote any useful initiative undertaken in order to protect its typical and special features against any

abuse, unfair competition, counterfeiting, PDO improper use, and illegal behaviors;

- promote the popularity of the PDO GORGONZOLA in all the markets;

- promote the product;

- inform the consumers with all the means and initiatives;

- handle the general interests of the PDO GORGONZOLA;

In particular the Consortium is entitled to:

- make proposals of modification of the PDO GORGONZOLA’s regulation;

- define programs of qualitative and structural improvement;

- present plans of regulation of the PDO Gorgonzola cheese’s offer on the basis of the article 150

Regulation (UE) No. 1308/2013 and Decree of Ministry of Agriculture Food and Forestry Policies No.

0015164 of 12 October 2012;

- collaborate with the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry Policies in PDO monitoring,

protection, and preservation by means of vigilant agents;

- collaborate with the EU, the Italian Government, Regions, Autonomous Provinces, public and private

entities, and with the PDO control authority for the better PDO development and protection, making

available the Consortium’s organization;

- implement information, advertising, and promotional campaigns in order to increase the cheese

popularity and consumption;

- take part of associations, companies and entities that have the same or similar purposes, and that are

useful for the achievement of the social goals;

- hold the collective trademark identifying the PDO and grant its use to anyone being entitled to;



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- provide to label with the PDO logo the cheese made by subjects, members and non-members,

included in the control system of the authorized entity subject to this latter’s approval;

- provide plans, projects, regulations, proposals, and studies oriented to the technical, hygienic, and

sanitary improvement of companies.


Page 19: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl

Control Plan for Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

Control Plan for Protected Designation of Origin Cheese



DPC 012 - PT

Page 20: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl

Control Plan for Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

Contents 1 - Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................. 3 2 – Objective and field of application ................................................................................................................................. 3 3 – Reference documents ................................................................................................................................................. 3 4 – Definitions and Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................................... 3

4.1 – Definitions ............................................................................................................................................................. 4

4.2 - Abbreviations ......................................................................................................................................................... 4

5 – Access to the control and certification system ............................................................................................................. 4 6 – Recognition of parties in the production process and maintenance of the control system .......................................... 5

6.1 – Recognition procedures ........................................................................................................................................ 5

6.1.1 – Recognition of milk producers and collection centres .................................................................................... 5

6.1.2 – Recognition of cheese-makers, maturers and Packers .................................................................................. 5

6.1.3 – Validity of recognition ..................................................................................................................................... 6

6.1.4 – Variation in recognition circumstances ........................................................................................................... 6

6.2 – -Supervisory procedures ....................................................................................................................................... 6

6.3 – Analytical supervision of the product .................................................................................................................... 6

6.3.1 – Self-supervised analytical supervision ........................................................................................................... 6

6.3.2 – Analytical supervision by CSQA ..................................................................................................................... 7

6.4 – Withdrawal from the control system and removal from the lists ............................................................................ 7

7 – Recognised parties’ record keeping duties .................................................................................................................. 7

7.1 – Documentation of activity ...................................................................................................................................... 7

7.2 – Documentation sent to CSQA on a regular basis ................................................................................................. 8

8 – Method of dealing with non-compliance ...................................................................................................................... 8

8.1 – Method for firms in the production chain to deal with non-compliance .................................................................. 8

8.2 – Method for CSQA to deal with non-compliance .................................................................................................... 8

9 – Measures for suspending and striking off parties from the control system ......... Errore. Il segnalibro non è definito.

10 – Appeals ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9 11 – Confidentiality ............................................................................................................................................................ 9 12 – Advertising ................................................................................................................................................................ 9 13 – Production regulations for PDO “Gorgonzola” under temporary protection ............................................................... 9

13.1 – General ............................................................................................................................................................... 9

13.2 – Area of production .............................................................................................................................................. 9

13.3 – Production methods ............................................................................................................................................ 9

13.4 – Labelling and presentation ................................................................................................................................ 10

14 –Table of controls ................................................................................................ Errore. Il segnalibro non è definito.

Appendix A – List of forms ..................................................................................................................................................

A1 – Mandatory forms .........................................................................................................................................................

A2-Indicative forms

Page 21: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl

Control Plan for Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

1 - Introduction Council regulation (EC) No. 510/2006 of 20.3.2006 relating to the protection of geographical indications and designations of origin of agricultural products and foodstuffs requires agricultural products and foodstuffs that benefit from a protected designation of origin (PDO) or protected geographical indication (PGI) to be made in conformity with the relevant Specification (Article 4) and that compliance with the specified requirements is verified by the supervisory bodies authorised by member states. CSQA Certificazioni Srl (hereafter CSQA), as a Supervisory Body authorised for protected designation of origin Gorgonzola cheese in accordance with Article 53 of Law 128/98 and as replaced by Article 14 of Law No. 526/99, has designated this document - DPC 012 PT – as a guide for self-supervised production and verification of compliance. This Control Plan, drawn up on the basis of the Specification filed with the Italian Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry and approved by the competent European Union services, contains all the aspects that distinguish Gorgonzola cheese and, in particular: • a definition of the geographical area for production of the raw material, processing and preparation, in which all

parties in the regulated production chain must be located; • a product description, identifying the raw material, ingredients and final characteristics; • a description of the method by which the product is obtained; • the systems for identification and traceback of the product and its constituent ingredients; • details of the product presentation when made available to the consumer. In addition to the above mentioned items, this control plan DPC 012-PT describes the set of controls that the product must undergo in order to be stamped with the distinguishing brands of PDO Gorgonzola. The overall set of controls consists both of activities for which the parties involved in the regulated production chain are directly responsible (self-supervision) and of compliance checks carried out by CSQA for the purpose of establishing that processes and products are compliant. In accordance with the provisions of this Control Plan, the self-supervisory activities of those involved in the regulated production chain lead to the relevant registrations, which are examined and assessed in the course of supervisory audits (inspections) carried out by CSQA. The recognised parties in the production chain must therefore produce self-supervisory documentation, maintain it satisfactorily and make it available to CSQA for their compliance checks. 2 – Objective and field of application Through the use of assessment procedures, inspections and tests, this Control Plan seeks to identify the specified requirements of the Protected Designation of Origin Gorgonzola cheese production chain, and is applicable, as regards the specified activities, to all parties involved in the regulated production chain who wish to take advantage of this protection. These parties consist of the milk producing farms, milk collectors, cheese-makers, maturers and packers, all as defined in paragraph 4.1 below. 3 – Reference documents • Council regulation (EC) No. 510/2006 of 20.3.2006 relating to the protection of geographical indications and

designations of origin of agricultural products and foodstuffs; • Regulation (EC) No. 1107/96 of the Commission of 12 June 1996 relating to the registration of geographical

indications and designations of origin • Regulation (EC) No. 104/09 of the Commission of 3 February 2009 containing approval of the non-secondary

amendments to the Specification; • Law No. 128/98 – an EC law dated 1995/1997, with particular reference to article 53, as replaced by article 14 of

Law No. 526 of 21 December 1999, EC law 1999;; • Decree of 11 April 2008 – confirming the assignment of the mandate of the Consortium for the Protection of

“Gorgonzola” cheese DPO to perform the functions in accordance with article 14, paragraph 15 of law No. 526 of 21 December 1999 G.U.R.I. [Official Gazette] No. 28 of 26 April 2008).

• Legislative Decree No. 109 of 27 January 1992 implementation of EC Directives 89/395/EC and 89/396/EC concerning labelling, preservation and advertising of foodstuffs;

• Regulation (EC) No. 104/09 of the Commission of 3 February 2009 containing approval of the non-secondary amendments of the specification of a protected designation of origin entered in the register of protected designations of origin and geographical indications [Gorgonzola DPO]

• Ministerial Decree of 6 February 2009: amendment of production specifications for the designation “Gorgonzola” registered as Protected Designation of Origin pursuant to EC Regulation No. 104 of 3 February 2009

• Legislative Decree No. 297 of 19 November 2004 – Provisions sanctioning the application of regulation (EC) No. 2081/92, relating to the protection of geographical indications and designations of origin of agricultural products and foodstuffs;

• UNI CEI Standard EN 45011: “General Requirements concerning the bodies that manage product certification systems;

4 – Definitions and Abbreviations The definitions given below for the various parties (milk producer, milk collector, processor, maturer and packer) should not be interpreted as roles that are recognised in law but are intended to identify the activity the parties perform, as indicated in the table of controls in paragraph 14.

Page 22: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl

Control Plan for Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

4.1 – Definitions Certification of Compliance: a document in which CSQA states with reasonable certainty that an agricultural or food process or product conforms to the particular requirements of a specification approved by the competent Authorities; Applicant: a party in the regulated production chain that asks CSQA for access to the Gorgonzola PDO control and certification system; Recognised party: a party taking part in the Gorgonzola PDO control and certification system for activities undertaken at production sites identified for the purposes of the designation; Milk producer: a recognised party that farms cattle for the purpose of supplying milk, suitable for the preparation of Gorgonzola PDO cheese, to a milk collector or processor; Milk collector, Collector: a recognised collection centre acting as intermediary between the milk producer and the processor in the handling of milk intended for PDO Gorgonzola, collecting milk suitable for the PDO from the farm, and delivering it to the processor. Processor: a recognised party that processes milk suitable for the PDO, producing Gorgonzola cheese and adding the mark of origin. Maturer: a recognised party that matures the cheese, already marked with its origin, for the minimum stipulated period and has direct responsibility for the product and the maturing process prior to the cheese being wrapped in embossed aluminium foil bearing the PDO identifying mark. Packer: a recognised party that wraps the finished cheese, complying with all the specified requirements, in embossed aluminium foil with its PDO identifying mark, in accordance with appendix 2 of the production specification. This party may also be the maturer. Finished product: cheese made in accordance with set requirements, marked with its origin and eligible for subsequent identification with the final stamp of PDO Gorgonzola. Gorgonzola PDO: the finished product, complying with all the specified requirements and bearing both the mark of origin and the embossed aluminium foil carrying the PDO identifying mark. Batch: “a set of foodstuff items for sale, produced, manufactured or packed in practically identical circumstances (….)” ”The batch is determined by the producer, maturer or packer of the food product or by the first vendor based in the European Economic Community and is added under their own responsibility”. (article 13 – Legislative decree No. 109 of 27/01/92). Mark of origin: a stamp, in accordance with appendix 1 of the production specification, applied to both flat faces of the cheese using a die issued to entitled parties by the Preservation Consortium responsible and containing the designation logo and the cheese-maker’s identity number. Identification mark: distinguishing stamp of the designation, in accordance with appendix 2 of the production specification, impressed on the embossed aluminium foil to be applied to the whole cheese or portions of it, prior to the product being offered for consumption. Self-supervision: a check of compliance with the requirements, undertaken and recorded by the parties involved in Gorgonzola cheese production chain, for the activities carried out at their own production sites. Compliance Check: a document in which CSQA verifies observance of the compliance requirements for Gorgonzola cheese detailed in the relevant specification, for the purposes of issuing a compliance certificate. Specification: documentation containing the information stipulated in article 4 of Regulation (EC) 510/2006, filed with the Italian Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry and forwarded to the appropriate departments of the European Union. Non-compliance: failure to satisfy the specified requirements. Non-compliance is considered serious when the irregularities noted result in a failure to comply with the regulations applicable to the raw materials and/or the product. Preservation Consortium: Gorgonzola Cheese Preservation Consortium, appointed under decree by the Italian Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry in accordance with law No. 526 of 21 December 1999, with particular reference to article 14. Supervisory authorities: the Italian Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry, Regions with an interest in PDO Gorgonzola and the Preservation Consortium responsible. 4.2 - Abbreviations MIPAF: the Italian Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry, R: identification of a requirement of the production specification, ID: the identity number of each individual line in the table of controls, D: identification of a control of documentary type in the table of controls, I: identification of a control of inspection type in the table of controls, A: identification of a control of analytical type in the table of controls, NC: Non-compliance, AC: Remedial action. 5 – Access to the control and certification system All parties in the regulated production chain (farms, collection centres, cheese-makers, maturers and packers), located in the area defined in the specification and involved in the creation of PDO Gorgonzola, must be subject to the compliance controls set out in this Control Plan. For access to the Gorgonzola PDO control and certification system, any interested party not already recognised must submit a separate joining application to CSQA: specifically, form MOD 001 (for farms) or form MOD 002 (for other firms). The application should be accompanied by the supplementary documentation stipulated in the individual schedules. The application must be drawn up and signed directly by those requesting access to the designation control and certification system. Applications may be submitted to CSQA:

Page 23: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl

Control Plan for Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

- by the responsible Preservation Consortium, on behalf of its members, using an appropriate proxy (with any invoice reflecting the costs for each member), containing the provision that the liabilities arising from any mistakes are always the responsibility of the applicant.

- directly by the applicant.

By submitting a request to CSQA for access to the control and certification system; the parties named in the application accept the contents of the Control Plan in entirety and assume direct responsibility for the activities undertaken for the purposes of PDO Gorgonzola. 6 – Recognition of parties in the production process and maintenance of the control system On receipt of the application and the supplementary documentation stipulated, CSQA will check it for adequacy, completeness and compliance within 15 working days from the date of receipt. Should the application documentation prove to be incomplete or inadequate, the applicant will be notified, with a request for any supplementary documentation required. In the event of the application receiving a favourable assessment, CSQA will arrange to carry out an initial audit inspection for recognition purposes within 15 days. During the recognition audit inspection CSQA will check that the conditions found correspond with those detailed in the application and that the party in the production process has the capacity to satisfy the specified requirements, in relation to the applicant’s particular activities. The initial assessment will focus on the following factors in particular: • for milk producers: fundamental consistency with the information provided in the initial application; • for milk collectors: the availability of vehicles and equipment suitable for the collecting, transporting and storing milk

to PDO standard, as distinct from other milk, together with the adequacy of the systems in place for identification and traceback of the raw material.

• for processors: the availability of plant and equipment suitable for collecting, taking delivery, storing and processing of milk to PDO standard and the adequacy of the systems in place for identification and traceback of the product: the processing lines used for DPO must be exclusively dedicated to that purpose and where it is not possible to avoid coincidence with other production by DPO processing lines (for example due to limitation of premises and systems) and limited to the stages of cheese-making, processing may be performed at different times, allocating part of the day to DPO and part to other processing. That different time scheduling of the processing must be established by the producer and communicated in advance to the control body, including the different operation and timetables provided for the above-mentioned operations. The established programme must be scrupulously followed by the producer; any variation to that programme must be notified in advance

• for maturers and packers: the availability and suitability of plant and equipment for processing according to requirements and the adequacy of the systems in place for identification and traceback of the product.

6.1 – Recognition procedures The recognition procedure is initiated with the submission to CSQA of an application for access to the control and certification system. The submission of an application in writing, with the supplementary documentation stipulated, is an essential prerequisite for consideration of the application. 6.1.1 – Recognition of milk producers and collection centres On receipt of the application and after establishing its adequacy and completeness, CSQA will make arrangements to start the next stage, assessment of the applicant’s ability to meet the requirements stipulated in the specification for PDO Gorgonzola, within the period stipulated in paragraph 6 above. For milk producers and collection centres, should no circumstances arise during the course of the initial inspection audit such as to require further analysis and should the initial inspection be confirmed as positive, the company will be registered amongst the recognized parties in the relevant Gorgonzola PDO List maintained by CSQA. The actual use of milk for Gorgonzola PDO purposes is dependent on registration of the farm in the relevant CSQA List. 6.1.2 – Recognition of cheese-makers, maturers and Packers For cheese-makers, maturers and Packers, once the outcome of the initial inspection audit has been considered and should these checks not bring to light any circumstances of non-compliance, the expert analysis will then be assessed by CSQA’s Executive Certification Committee. Should the assessment not produce any reasons to prevent permission being granted, the Executive Certification Committee will approve the applicant’s eligibility and registration of the company in the relevant List and notify the responsible preservation Consortium so that the dies containing the identity number of the cheese-maker and the mark stipulated in appendix 1 of the production specification can be issued. Recognised parties taking part in the control and certification system, whether members of the consortium or not, may apply to the responsible Preservation Consortium for a number of marks of origin consistent with the company's production capability. The Consortium will notify CSQA of the issue of the dies. Eligibility approval, for Gorgonzola PDO purposes, will be given for the stage or stages of the process for which it has been requested and for which compliance with the specification has been demonstrated. The Executive Certification Committee may recommend further investigation, giving reasons for its decision. Information on the decision reached by the Executive Certification Committee will be given to the applicant, the national supervisory authority and the Preservation Consortium for Gorgonzola cheese, for the subsequent documents

Page 24: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl

Control Plan for Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

. 6.1.3 – Validity of recognition Validity of recognition for Gorgonzola PDO purposes, other than for instances of a party being suspended or struck off, is linked to the validity of ministerial authorisation issued to CSQA for the purposes of undertaking compliance checks. In the event of authorisation to undertake compliance checks being renewed, CSQA will continue to operate and situations previously recognised will continue to be so. 6.1.4 – Variation in recognition circumstances For the purposes of maintaining eligibility for the designation, should company circumstances be subject to material change, (in structure, production, organisation, name, address etc.) as detailed in the initial application for access to the control and certification system for PDO Gorgonzola (or in any subsequent additions thereto), those involved are required to notify CSQA of the variations, if possible in advance and in any case not more than 15 days after they occur. Material changes are defined as any alterations that have or could have the ability to prejudice the degree of compliance of products and processes, accurate product traceback or ownership of rights and obligations. Within 15 days of receiving notification, CSQA will make an assessment of the alterations that have occurred and will be entitled to carry out inspection audits and request additional documentation relating to the variations reported. 6.2 – -Supervisory procedures On successful conclusion of the recognition procedures, the recognised parties in the Gorgonzola PDO production chain will be subject to compliance checks for the specified requirements, undertaken in accordance with the control procedures and intervals indicated in paragraph 14 below – Table of controls. Solely as concerns the figure of 10% relating to the extent of controls for farms, this percentage is achieved by adding together:

a) 5% of parties selected at random from the List of farms recognised by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Regions in which the production of protected designation of origin Gorgonzola occurs;

b) 5% of parties nominated by the responsible Preservation Consortium, based on reported doubts or suspicions. Should these reports not reach the anticipated figure of 5%, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Regions involved will increase their share to make up the shortfall. Where there is no Preservation Consortium recognised by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the whole allocation will be decided by the Ministry and the Regions involved, using the procedure described in point a).

Parties belonging to the regulated production chain are obliged to comply with the specified requirements and the duties stipulated in the Control Plan, in relation to activities undertaken for the purposes of the PDO. In particular, they are expected to take and keep appropriate documented records with regards to the self-supervisory activity undertaken and compliance with the requirements relevant for PDO purposes, to make these available for compliance checks carried out by CSQA and to forward them as stipulated or required. Parties in the production chain must make themselves available and accept any compliance controls, with or without prior notice, that CSQA wishes to undertake for the purpose of compliance assessments at production sites and/or any other sites of interest. In the table of controls in paragraph 14 below, are details of the self-supervisory duties for which the regulated parties are responsible, in relation to the activities undertaken, as well as the corresponding compliance controls (relating to the individual party, the regulated stages of the process and the correctly applicable requirements) to be implemented by CSQA for the purpose of checking compliance with the specification for PDO “Gorgonzola”. Also shown in the table of controls are possible examples of non-compliance, their relative level of importance and the actions taken by CSQA in the event of them being detected. The overall set of controls over PDO Gorgonzola consists, therefore, both of activities for which firms in the regulated production chain are made directly responsible (self-supervision) and of compliance checks carried out by CSQA for the purpose of establishing compliance with the regulations applicable for PDO purposes, consisting of inspection audits of parties in the production chain and product testing. 6.3 – Analytical supervision of the product 6.3.1 – Self-supervised analytical supervision It is the responsibility of the recognised parties, who apply the PDO identification marks to the products, to ensure by self-supervision that the quality of the product satisfies the requirements stipulated for the Gorgonzola designation. In particular, the physical and sensory properties of the finished product in whole cheese format must be checked, through self-supervision by the maturer, for each batch of the product offered for consumption with the Gorgonzola PDO designation. The positive outcome of such checks must be properly recorded, with specific references identifying the batches examined, at least with a signature, on the company records; equally, any example of non-compliance detected should be properly recorded and documented, with relevant treatment of the offending product (cf. paragraph 8.1). The chemical properties (fat on dry matter) must be confirmed during self-supervision, by means of internal/company or external laboratory analysis, by each cheese-maker according to the quantities produced, with a check of the analytical parameter carried out every 50,000 whole cheeses made for of Gorgonzola PDO purposes (calculation on preceding year’s production and for new firms by estimate on the current year). The batch subjected to analysis must be identified and retained until compliance is confirmed; it may be released for consumption only after a full and successful outcome of the analytical findings.

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CSQA Certificazioni Srl

Control Plan for Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

Batches that prove to be non-compliant must be excluded from the PDO distribution chain. The analysis records must be kept by the cheese-maker with the identifying references for the batch of products analysed. The analysis reports must be produced at the intervals indicated above, kept and made available for compliance checks; copies must be forwarded to CSQA for information on the check carried out and the compliance of the reports. In addition, with regard to the sample taken during self-supervision, for the analytical testing of the product, the company should advise CSQA, concurrently with the sample taking, of: the date of sampling, the number of samples taken, identification of the production batch subject to sampling and of the sample sent to the laboratory and full details of the laboratory entrusted with the analysis. All information relating to the method of dealing with non-compliance and all the self-supervision records must be kept and made available for CSQA checks. In the event of analytical non-compliance, the party concerned must repeat sampling on the subsequently produced batch in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the remedial actions taken and send the results to CSQA. Depending on the severity and degree of deviation from specified value, CSQA may require the parties concerned to increase the frequency of sampling and self-supervised analysis in particular for the analytical requirements, the analysis must be produced with frequency of every 10,000 whole cheeses. 6.3.2 – Analytical supervision by CSQA For verification of the physical properties, CSQA checks are conducted during the course of the inspection audits, carried out by directly assessing the properties of at least 3 items (if necessary representing several production batches). If the physical properties prove to be non-compliant, every item in the batch concerned must be checked against the non-compliant parameter or parameters, with items not satisfying the requirements being excluded from the PDO. Checking the chemical properties (fat on dry matter) is carried out by taking samples of the product, sufficiently in advance of putting it on sale, for submission for testing at a laboratory (accredited in accordance with UNI CEI standard EN ISO/IEC 17025) at a frequency of one sample every 150,000 cheeses produced for Gorgonzola PDO purposes. (calculation on preceding year’s production and for new firms by estimate on the current year). The frequencies may vary according to the cases of non-compliance detected in relation to the analytical parameters investigated. Should there be instances of non-compliance in the analytical parameters investigated, in addition to excluding the batch examined from the PDO distribution chain, CSQA will arrange a further analytical check on the next batch produced and, depending on the degree of deviation from the expected value and self-supervision plan detected, may increase the frequency of sampling, extending the controls to subsequent batches. The batch subjected to sampling and analysis must be identified and retained by the cheese-maker until compliance is confirmed; it may be released for consumption only after a full and successful outcome of the analytical findings. Batches that prove to be non-compliant must be excluded from the PDO distribution chain. 6.4 – Withdrawal from the control system and removal from the lists When a party that is recognised for designation purposes wishes to withdraw from the control system (due to the company closing down, ceasing to trade, discontinuing production for Gorgonzola PDO purposes or for any other reason), notification of withdrawal should be forwarded to CSQA so that the appropriate steps can be taken to update the designation lists. Notification of withdrawal will result in removal of the party concerned from the relevant list maintained by CSQA. In instances where a previously recognised party is seen not to be involved in the production of designated Gorgonzola for a period of at least 18 consecutive months, without apparent reason, removal from the List may also be implemented by CSQA without receipt of notification of withdrawal. CSQA will send advance notice to the company pointing out the possibility of removal from the CSQA list. Once 30 days have passed without the firm objecting to removal, CSQA shall duly remove the party from the List of Recognised firms. Should the party affected by the removal wish to resume designated Gorgonzola related activities, the recognition procedure needs to be repeated. In the event of cancellation of certification the firm will pay to CSQA the control fees relating to the calendar year in which the removal was formalized. 7 – Recognised parties’ record keeping duties 7.1 – Documentation of activity It is each recognised party’s responsibility to follow the instructions set out in the production specification and in this Control Plan, according to the specific activity undertaken for Gorgonzola PDO purposes. Each party is also expected to take and keep appropriate documented records with regards to the self-supervisory activity undertaken, as evidence of meeting the compliance requirements for products and processes, observance of the provisions of this Control Plan and of the proper identification and traceback procedures for products processed and / or finished for PDO purposes and to make these records available for CSQA checks. Unless otherwise instructed in the implementation of applicable regulations, documentation and records produced for PDO purposes must be kept for at least two years from the date they are prepared.

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Control Plan for Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

7.2 – Documentation sent to CSQA on a regular basis With the exception of milk producers, all recognised parties are required to provide CSQA with regular reports, by the end of the following month, relating to the total monthly quantity of produce stocked for designation purposes and the quantity subsequently processed for Gorgonzola PDO purposes in the same month and put into the designation distribution chain. The following regular duties are emphasised in particular, listed by category of activity. Recognised milk collectors are required to send regular monthly reports to CSQA on:

- the quantities of suitable milk collected from each recognised farm, - the quantities of suitable milk issued / sold, with each recipient cheese-maker listed separately.

Recognised cheese-makers are required to send regular monthly reports to CSQA on:

- the quantities of milk stocked for each supplier, - .the quantities of milk suitable for the designation actually used for processing for PDO purposes at its own premises

(or if applicable transferred to other establishments), - the quantities of cheese identified at origin by application of the PDO identifying mark, in accordance with appendix

1 of the production specification (listed by category: large, medium or small), - the quantities of any fresh cheese suitable for the PDO (marked at origin) sold to recognised maturers (number of

whole cheeses, listed by category and by recipient). Recognised maturers are required to send regular monthly reports to CSQA on:

- the quantities of cheese suitable for making PDO Gorgonzola provided monthly by recognised suppliers (number of whole cheeses, listed by category and cheese-maker of origin),

- the quantities of cheese sold to recognised Packers and put into the distribution chain for Gorgonzola PDO purposes (number of whole cheeses, listed by category and recipient).

Recognised Packers are required to send regular monthly reports to CSQA on:

- the quantities of finished cheese, complying with all the specified requirements, provided monthly by recognised suppliers (number of whole cheeses, listed by category and supplier),

- the quantities of Gorgonzola cheese offered for consumption with distinguishing stamp of the PDO, in accordance with appendix 2 of the production specification (number of whole cheeses or number of portions, listed by category).

In the event of non-submission of the above data reports within the required period, CSQA will perform supplementary audit inspections at the expense of the party to locate the information directly. 8 – Method of dealing with non-compliance Non-compliance is defined as failure to satisfy the requirements detailed in the specification and in this Control Plan, which all parties must abide by for the purposes of placing their produce in the Gorgonzola PDO distribution chain. Instances of non-compliance may be recorded both by firms in the course of their specific activities and by CSQA during their compliance checks. All instances of non-compliance recorded must be dealt with appropriately so as to prevent any produce not meeting the requirements from entering the designation distribution chain. For this reason, it is necessary to specify and implement appropriate methods for identifying, recording, evaluating and resolving any instances of non-compliance noted. 8.1 – Method for firms in the production chain to deal with non-compliance Should a party in the Gorgonzola PDO cheese production chain detect an instance of non-compliance during the self-supervision process, the following principles should be adopted: • make a record of the non-compliance detected and specify the method for dealing with the non-compliant product so

as to make it conform, where possible, to the specified compliance requirements; • make the evidence available for instances of non-compliance noted and the remedial measures adopted; • supply appropriate evidence that the product has been excluded from the Gorgonzola PDO distribution chain or,

when this is not possible, re-establish fully compliant conditions. 8.2 – Method for CSQA to deal with non-compliance Instances of non-compliance in the product and/or process, detected during checks for compliance with the stipulated requirements of the Gorgonzola PDO regulations and this Control Plan, will be brought to the attention of the parties concerned with a request for details of how the inadequate circumstances are to be resolved and corrected. For a product that is judged to be irremediably non-compliant, appropriate measures must be adopted to ensure its exclusion from the Gorgonzola PDO distribution chain. When dealing with specific situations of non-compliance, reference should be made to the detailed contents shown in the columns relating to “Treatment of non-compliance” and “Remedial Actions” in paragraph 14 below of this Control Plan. To comply with current regulations, situations of non-compliance classified as “Serious” will be reported to the competent Authority having specific responsibility. All measures to exclude the product from the Gorgonzola PDO distribution chain will be reported to the Italian Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry, the Regions concerned and the Preservation Consortium responsible. In the event that the firm uses the designation on a non-compliant product and this is placed on the market, CSQA will take steps to report the detected non-compliance to the supervisory authorities.

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CSQA Certificazioni Srl

Control Plan for Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

9 – Appeals In accordance with the instructions of UNI EN standard 45001, CSQA has adequate procedures and resources available, approved by the Italian Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry, to handle any appeals against decisions made by the controlling body. In this respect, in cases of non-recognition for Gorgonzola PDO purposes, the party concerned must submit an appeal, against the decisions taken by the CSQA, to the President of the Appeals Committee. The appeal must be submitted within 30 days from the date of the decision notice issued by CSQA and the appellant should specify and document the grounds for disagreement with the above decisions. The President of the Appeals Committee will entertain and investigate the application received and the grounds for disagreement. On the basis of this examination, the President has the option to entertain or reject the appeal submitted, giving reasons for the decision. Should the appeal submitted be entertained, the President will, within 60 days of the submission, arrange for the Committee to be convened, for a preliminary examination of the appeal (including consulting expert opinion) and for the notification, attendance and hearing of interested parties. Within 30 days of the hearing, the Appeal Committee will reach a decision in respect of the appeal and notify the interested parties. The parties have no right of appeal against the Committee's decision. The costs of the appeal will be borne by the losing party. 10 – Confidentiality Other than for fulfilling its obligations to the Authorities appointed to control and supervise the designation, CSQA guarantees parties in the regulated Gorgonzola PDO production chain that all information that its staff (inspectors, technical and administrative staff or Committee members) may become aware of through contact with the parties, when performing compliance checks, will be treated confidentially and not made public. 11 – Advertising With reference to the mandatory and optional information about the Gorgonzola designation, attached to the product, companies must adhere strictly to what is stipulated, permitted or required in the application of the current production specification and this Control Plan. Any other data or information directed at the consumer on the packaging or in advertisements must observe standards of accuracy and must not be misleading; the producer is directly responsible for this to the competent public authorities. 12 – Production regulations for PDO “Gorgonzola” 12.1 – General The “Gorgonzola” Protected Designation of Origin is reserved for soft, fat, uncooked cheese, made exclusively with full cream cows’ milk. The production regulations specified in the context of the temporary protection granted at national level in Italy are set out in the following paragraphs, indicating in brackets (Rn) the requirements that are mandatory for compliance purposes. 12.2 – Area of production The area of production and maturing for PDO “Gorgonzola” (R1) includes the whole of the provinces of Bergamo, Biella, Brescia, Como, Cremona, Cuneo, Lecco, Lodi, Milan, Monza and Brianza, Novara, Pavia, Varese, Verbano Cusio-Ossola and Vercelli, as well as the following local authority areas in the province of Alessandria: Casale Monferrato, Villanova Monferrato, Balzola, Morano Po, Coniolo, Pontestura, Serralunga di Crea, Cereseto, Treville, Ozzano Monferrato, San Giorgio Monferrato, Sala Monferrato, Cellamonte, Rosignano Monferrato, Terruggia, Ottiglio, Frassinello Monferrato, Olivola, Vignale, Camagna, Conzano, Occimiano, Mirabello Monferrato, Giarole, Valenza, Pomaro Monferrato, Bozzole, Valmacca, Ticineto, Borgo San Martino and Frassineto Po. 12.3 – Production methods PDO ”Gorgonzola” cheese is produced according to the following operational sequence. Full cream cows’ milk (R2) from the area of production is pasteurised (R3), inoculated with milk enzymes and a suspension of penicillin spores and selected yeasts (R4) and mixed with calves’ rennet at a temperature of 28-36°C (R5). The resulting whole cheese undergoes dry salting (R6), which is continued for several days as a temperature of 18-24°C (R7). During the maturation process, varieties and strains of penicillin develop that are characteristic of “Gorgonzola” and produce the blue-greenish colouring (marbling). The minimum ageing period is fifty days (R8): this operation is carried out in areas with a temperature of 2° - 7°C and a relative humidity of 85- 99 % (R9). PDO “Gorgonzola” must display the following characteristics (R10): • cylindrical shape with flat faces; • straight sides with a minimum height of 13 cm; • diameter of the whole cheese between 20 and 32 cm; • non-edible rind of grey and / or rosy colour; • texture: compact, white and straw coloured, mottled due to mould growth (marbling) with characteristic blue-greenish


Page 28: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl

Control Plan for Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

• fat content of the dry cheese: 48 % minimum. PDO “Gorgonzola” cheese can be made available for consumption in the following categories (R11) whose flavour depends on the ageing period: • “ large” cheese: weighing between 10 and 13 kg, with a mild or slightly spicy flavour and a minimum ageing period of

50 days; • “medium” cheese: weighing between 9 and 12 kg, with a distinctly spicy flavour and a minimum ageing period of

eighty days; • “small” cheese: weighing between 6 and 8 kg, with a distinctly spicy flavour and a minimum ageing period of sixty

days; PDO “Gorgonzola” is a table cheese. 12.4 – Labelling and presentation PDO “Gorgonzola” is distinguished by two brands, to be applied in the area of production (R12): 1) one at origin (figure 1) applied to both flat faces, containing the identity number of the cheese-maker, achieved by

applying the dies issued by the Preservation Consortium appointed by the Italian Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry.

2) the other when the product has acquired characteristics that make it ready for consumption (1) and consists of embossed aluminium foil wrapping the cheese, also bearing the identifying mark (figure 2).

(1) - The characteristics that make PDO Gorgonzola cheese ready for consumption are those stipulated in the Production specification prior to the application of the embossed aluminium foil bearing the identifying mark shown in figure 2. Figure 1 - Mark of origin (Appendix 1 of the Specification)

Figure 2 – Identifying mark (Appendix 2 of the Specification)

The “large” cheese with the characteristics to be defined as “mild” (R13) and the “medium” and “small” cheeses (R14) with the characteristics to be defined as “spicy”, can each carry this information on the label beside or below the “Gorgonzola” designation, using significantly smaller lettering. The non-edible nature of the rind must be made clear in the product presentation (R15). The packaging of products to be made available for consumption must also display the following wording (R16): “Guaranteed by the Italian Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry in accordance with article 10 of Regulation (EC) No. 510/06”. Prior to use, the materials (embossed aluminium) showing the identification stamp of the “Gorgonzola” protected designation of origin, in accordance with appendix 2 of the production specification, must be authorised by the responsible Preservation Consortium, as holder of the mark. Before using a new wrapper, every maturer and packer must send a copy to the Preservation Consortium responsible who, after checking compliance with the specified requirements, the accuracy of the sales labelling and the designation and presentation of the product, will authorise its use, it being understood that the individual maturer or packer remains responsible as regards compliance with current legislation relating to the labelling of foodstuffs.

Page 29: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl

Control Plan for Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

Appendix A – List of forms A1 – Mandatory forms The forms listed below have been devised for firms, to enable them to prepare and submit an application to CSQA for access to the Gorgonzola PDO control and certification system that is consistent with the required and / or relevant factors. All sections of the forms indicated must be completed in every part and the original must be sent, with the supplementary documentation referred to attached, to:

CSQA Certificazioni Srl via S. Gaetano, 74 36016 Thiene (VI). Italy

- MOD 001 (Farms): Application for admission to the Gorgonzola PDO control system A form designed for non-recognised farms that wish to apply for recognition for designation purposes and for access to the protected distribution chain. - MOD 002 (Firms): PDO Gorgonzola – Application for admission to the control and certification system. A form designed for parties undertaking one or more of the activities of collection centre, cheese-maker, maturer or Packer. A2 - Indicative forms Some other paper-based forms are shown below, which are not mandatory, prepared by CSQA for the purposes of keeping self supervisory records of company operations. The firms concerned may use these forms or make use of other forms, including electronically based, forms, as long as they contain information of an equivalent nature and quality. - MOD 003: Cheese-makers’ schedule A form designed for recording cheese-making operations as evidence of compliance and for product traceback, starting with the milk sent for processing and finishing with the cheese salting operations. - MOD 004: Maturers’ register A form designed for recording warehouse operations as traceback evidence for goods received and placed in the Gorgonzola PDO distribution chain. - MOD 005: Packers’ register A form designed for recording packing operations, with the application of embossed aluminium bearing the identification mark as traceback evidence of the goods received and placed in the Gorgonzola PDO distribution chain.

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CSQA Certificazioni Srl Plan for controls over Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

14 – Table of Controls Party Procedure or

process stage Requisite Self-supervision ID Control activities Type of

control Extent of the

control for the year (in


Element checked

Documentation sent to



Severity of non-


Treatment of non-compliance

Corrective Action

Category Description

Farm Initial recognition

Location (R 1)

In geog-raphical area

Make application for access to control system (MOD 001)

1 Check eligibility of application




Applicant farm

List of farms and production capacity

Location outside of the area

Refusal of recognition

Adequacy of premises and systems

Health Eligibility

Indicate herd code in MOD 001 and complete description of farm

2 Check completeness of application




Applicant farm

Inadequate data in application

Suspension of recognition procedure

Request for supplementation

3 Audit inspection of correspondence to documentation




Applicant farm

Inadequate conditions found

Refusal of recognition

Request for adjustment of conditions and new audit inspection

Maintenance of the requisites (paragraph 6.1.4)

Location (R 1)

In geog-raphical area

Notify variations of location (within 15 days)

4 Check the notified variations


Every notification

Recognised farm

List of farms New location outside of the area


Revocation of recognition

5 Failure to notify variations


Notify inadequacies and exclusion from preserved distribution chain until adjustment

Await adjustment and new audit inspection

Adequacy of premises and systems

Record health and address details

Notify variations registraiton, ownership of farm and health eligibility of farm

6 Check the notified variations


Every notification

Recognised farm

Failure to notify variations


Notify inadequacy -exclusion from preserved distribution chain until adjustment

Awaiting adjustment and audit inspection

7 Inadequate documents

slight Supplementation of documentation required

Evaluation of supplementary documentation. In the event of missing supplementary documentation suspension until adjustment

8 Audit inspection I

As required, in relation to

notified variations

Recognised farm

Inadequate conditions found

Serious Exclusion of product from PDO distribution chain. Suspension from control system Request restoration of eligibility conditions

Audit inspection to check restoration of eligibility conditions

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CSQA Certificazioni Srl Plan for controls over Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

Party Procedure or process stage

Requisite Self-supervision ID Control activities Type of control

Extent of the control for the year (in


Element checked

Documentation sent to



Severity of non-


Treatment of non-compliance

Corrective Action

Category Description

Termination of business

Termination of business

Notification of termination of business

Notify termination of business (within 15 days

9 Check notification


Every notification

Recognised Farm

List of farms Absence of notification of termination of business

Cancellation from list of recognised parties

Livestock Farm

Identification and traceback

Bovine identification

Identify milk producer (e.g. by identification systems for veterinary purposes )

10 Check bovine identification


10% of

recognised parties

Recognised farm

Incomplete identification without loss of traceback


Notify inadequacy and request for identification adjustment and initiation of correct identification procedure

Check initiation of correct identification procedure. In event of non-compliance, suspension and new audit

11 Identification absent to the extent of precluding identification and traceback


Exclusion of product from PDO distribution chain Suspension from control system Request for adjustment of identification

Audit inspection to confirm identification adjustment

Record identification in herd register

12 Check herd register


10% of

recognised parties

Recognised farm

Register not updated


Notify inadequacy and request for adjustment of recording and initiate correct recording procedures

Check initiation of correct recording procedures. In event of non-compliance, suspension and new audit

13 Herd register absent

Serious Exclusion of product from PDO distribution chain Suspension from control system Request for reestablishment of recording procedures

Audit inspection to confirm adjustment of recording procedures

Milk produced ready for contribution or sale

Identification and traceback

Identification and traceback of records of milk production/sale activities

Regular recoding of quantities of milk produced and contributed (e.g. on separate herd book, collections list etc.) Preserve milk delivery notes etc.

14 Check presence and adequacy of records of quantities produced and contributions


10% of

recognised parties

Recognised farm

Inadequate records not prejudicial to traceback


Notify inadequacy and request for adjustment of recording and initiate correct recording procedures

Check initiation of correct recording procedures in event of non-compliance, suspension and new audit

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CSQA Certificazioni Srl Plan for controls over Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

Party Procedure or process stage

Requisite Self-supervision ID Control activities Type of control

Extent of the control for the year (in


Element checked

Documentation sent to



Severity of non-


Treatment of non-compliance

Corrective Action

Category Description

15 Inadequate records prejudicial to traceback

Serious Exclusion of product from PDO distribution chain. Request for adjustment of recording procedures

Audit inspection to confirm adjustment of recording procedures

Milk collector

Initial recognition

Location of collection centre (R 1)

Within geographical area

Make application for access to control system as per paragraph 5(MOD 002)

16 Check eligibility of application




Applicant milk collector

List of milk collectors and their productive capacity

Location of collection centre outside area

Refusal of recognition

Adequacy of premises and systems

Health eligibility productive capacity

Attach to application documentation required as per paragraph 5

17 Check presence and completeness of accessory documentation required




Applicant milk collector

Inadequacy of documentation

Suspension of recognition procedure

Request for supplementation of the documentation

18 Audit inspection on adequacy of conditions




Applicant milk collector

Inadequacy of premises systems or conditions

Refusal of recognition

Request for adjustment of conditions and new audit inspection

Maintenance of requisites (paragraph 6.1.4)

Location (R 1)

Within geographical area

Communicate location variations (within 15 days

19 Check the notified variations


Every notification of


Recognised milk collector

Updated list of milk collectors

New Location outside of the area


Revocation of recognition

Adequacy of premises and systems

Health eligibility, productive capacity etc.

Communicate substantial variations to the conditions of recognition (e .g. currency of health authorisation variations in capacity, etc.)

20 Check the notified variations and adequacy of documentation


Every notification of


Recognised milk collector

Inadequate documentation

Slight Required supplementation of documentation

Evaluation of supplementary documentation In the event of missing supplementary documentation, suspension until adjustment

21 Failure to notify variations

Serious Notify inadequacy. Exclusion from protected distribution chain until adjustment

Await adjustment and audit inspection

Page 33: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl Plan for controls over Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

Party Procedure or process stage

Requisite Self-supervision ID Control activities Type of control

Extent of the control for the year (in


Element checked

Documentation sent to



Severity of non-


Treatment of non-compliance

Corrective Action

Category Description

22 Audit inspection on adequacy of conditions


As required, in relation to notified variations

Recognised milk collector

Inadequacy of conditions found


Exclusion of product from PDO distribution chain Suspension from control system Request for adjustment of conditions

Audit inspection to confirm adjustment

Termination of business

Termination of business

Notification of termination

Notify termination of business or withdrawal from PDO control system

23 Check termination notification



termination notification

Recognised milk collector

List of milk collectors and their productive capacity

Absence of notification

Cancellation from list of recognised parties

Collection or purchase milk

Identification and traceback of milk collected

Milk from recognised and eligible farms (R 1)

Ascertain correct provenance of supplies (by origin and quantity) from recognised and eligible farm

24 Check eligibility of documentation of supply


100% of the


Recognised collectors

Provenance from unrecognised farms


Exclusion of product from PDO distribution chain. Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request for adjustment of procurement procedure

Audit inspection to confirm compliance of procurement procedure

Check eligibility of documentation accompanying supply

In acceptance procedure, check presence of correct documentation for procurement and supply

25 Check presence of suitable documentation /recording accompanying supply

I 100% of recognised


Recognised milk collector

Incomplete or inaccurate accompanying procurement documentation without loss of traceback

Slight Request for adjustment of documentation and transmission of evidence to CSQA

If the supplied documentation is not suitable, new audit

26 Incomplete accompanying procurement documentation with loss of traceback

Serious Exclusion of undocumented product from PDO distribution chain. Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request for adjustment of procurement documentation

Audit inspection to confirm compliance of procurement and documentation

Page 34: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl Plan for controls over Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

Party Procedure or process stage

Requisite Self-supervision ID Control activities Type of control

Extent of the control for the year (in


Element checked

Documentation sent to



Severity of non-


Treatment of non-compliance

Corrective Action

Category Description

Milk collector

Record activities of purchase/collection of eligible milk

Keep regular records relating to milk acquired /entered indicating quantities and provenance (e.g. collection lists, schedules and collection registers etc .)

27 Check suitability of collection records


100 % of the


Recognised milk collectors

Quantity procured (how much and from where ) for every collector

Inadequate records not prejudicial to traceback


Notify inadequacy and request for adjustment of records and initiate correct recording procedures

Audit initiation of correct recording procedures. In event of non-compliance, suspension and new audit

28 Inadequate records prejudicial to traceback


Exclusion of product from PDO distribution chain. Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request for adjustment of recording procedures

Audit inspection to confirm adequacy of recording

Milk storage Identification and traceback

Identification of storage tank

Identify containers used for storage of eligible milk according to requirements

29 Check suitability of identification of containers


100 % of

recognised parties

Recognised milk collectors

Identification of containers incomplete


Request for adjustment of identification of containers and initiation of correct identification procedures

Check correct initiation of identification procedures. In event of non-compliance, suspension and new audit

30 Identification of containers absent, prejudicial to correct provenance of milk


Exclusion of product from PDO distribution chain. Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request for adjustment of storage procedures

Audit inspection to confirm restoration of adequate storage procedures

Record storage activities

Keep adequate records on provenance and quantity of milk placed in storage containers for PDO

31 Check suitability of storage records


100 % of

recognised parties

Recognised milk collectors

Inadequate storage records not prejudicial to provenance


Notify inadequacy and request for adjustment of records and initiate correct recording procedures

Check initiation of correct recording procedures. In event of non-compliance, suspension and new audit

Page 35: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl Plan for controls over Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

Party Procedure or process stage

Requisite Self-supervision ID Control activities Type of control

Extent of the control for the year (in


Element checked

Documentation sent to



Severity of non-


Treatment of non-compliance

Corrective Action

Category Description

32 Inadequate storage records prejudicial to correct provenance

Serious Exclusion of product from PDO distribution chain. Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request for adjustment of storage records

Audit inspection to confirm adequacy of storage records

Compliance with regulations

Separate eligible milk from non- eligible milk

Separate eligible milk (from recognised farms) from non-eligible milk (from non-recognised farms)

33 Check separate collection

I 100% of recognised parties

Recognised milk


Failure to separate eligible milk from non-eligible milk

Serious Exclusion of non-conforming product from PDO distribution chain. Request for adjustment of collection method

Audit inspection to confirm adjustment of collection method

Milk ready for sale

Identification and traceback

Record milk sales activities

Keep adequate records on identification of quantity and destination of milk sold /exited

33 Check suitability of records


100% of

recognised parties

Recognised milk collectors

Quantity put into the production chain (how much and where) for every collector

Inadequate records not prejudicial to traceback


Notify inadequacy and request for adjustment of records and initiate correct recording procedures

Check initiation of correct recording procedures. In event of non-compliance, suspension and new audit

34 Records absent sufficient to preclude traceback


Exclusion of product from PDO distribution chain Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request for adjustment of recording procedures

Audit inspection to confirm reestablishment of adequacy of recording procedures

Collector notifies CSQA monthly of quantity of milk collected from every recognised farm and quantity of milk sold/ exited listed for each cheese-maker (paragraph 7.2)

35 Acquisition and control of notification relating to quantities milk collected /sold /exited

D 100% of recognised


Recognised milk collectors

Slight Audit inspection for direct location of data

Page 36: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl Plan for controls over Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

Party Procedure or process stage

Requisite Self-supervision ID Control activities Type of control

Extent of the control for the year (in


Element checked

Documentation sent to



Severity of non-


Treatment of non-compliance

Corrective Action

Category Description


Failure to transmit within the required time limit

Serious Suspension of the subject from the system

Inspection audit for direct data acquisition from the subject

Cheese maker

Initial recognition

Location (R 1)

Within geographical area

Make application for access to control system as per paragraph 5 (MOD 002)

37 Check eligibility of application




Applicant cheese maker

List of cheese factories and productive capacity

Cheese- maker located outside the area

Refusal of recognition

Adequacy of premises and systems

Health eligibility, productive capacity etc.

Attach required documentation to application

38 Check completeness and adequacy of accessory documentation required


Applicant cheese maker

Inadequate documentation

Suspension of recognition procedure

Request for supplementation of documentation

39 Audit inspection of adjustment of conditions


Every recognition

Applicant cheese maker

Inadequacy of premises systems or conditions

Revocation of recognition

Request for adjustment of conditions and new audit

Maintenance of the requisites (see paragraph 6.1.4)

Location (Requisite 1)

Within geographical area

Communicate variations of location (within 15 days

40 Check notified variations


Every notification of


Recognised cheese maker

List of cheese makers updated

New location outside area


Revocation of recognition

Adequacy of premises and systems

Variations of health eligibility , productive capacity, address details etc. .

Notify substantial variations to the conditions of recognition (e.g. currency of health authorisation variations of capacity, etc.)

41 Check the notified variations and adjustment of documentation

D Every notification of


Recognised cheese maker

Inadequate documentation

Slight Request for supplementation of documentation

Check supplementary documentation. In the event of absence of supplementary documentation, suspension until adjustment


Failure to notify of variations

Serious Notify inadequacy, exclusion from protected circuit until adjustment

Wait for adjustment and audit inspection

43 Audit inspection adequacy of conditions

I As required, in relation to notified variations

Recognised cheese maker

Inadequacy of conditions found.

Serious Exclusion of product from PDO distribution chain. Suspension of cheese maker from control system Request for adjustment of conditions

Audit inspection to confirm adjustment of conditions

Page 37: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl Plan for controls over Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

Party Procedure or process stage

Requisite Self-supervision ID Control activities Type of control

Extent of the control for the year (in


Element checked

Documentation sent to



Severity of non-


Treatment of non-compliance

Corrective Action

Category Description

Termination of business

Termination of business

Notification of Termination

Notify termination of business or withdrawal from PDO control system

44 Check termination notification

D Every termination notification

Recognised cheese maker

List of dairies and productive capacity

Absence of notification

Removal as recognised party

Cheese maker

Collection or acquisition of milk (acceptance of raw materials)

Identification and traceback

Milk coming from farms and/or recognised collectors (R 1)

Ascertain correct provenance of procurement (from recognised supplier)

45 Check correct provenance of procurement


100 % of recognised parties

Recognised cheese maker

Provenance from non- recognised farm or collector


Exclusion of product from PDO distribution chain. Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request for adjustment of procurement procedures

Audit inspection to confirm adequacy of procurement procedures

Verify suitability of accompanying supply documentation

Ascertain correct procurement documentation

46 Check suitability of procurement documentation


100 % of recognised parties

Recognised cheese maker

Inadequate documentation not prejudicial to traceback


Request for adjustment documentation and transmission of evidence to CSQA

Audit adjustments made to documentation. if documentation supplied is not suitable new audit of accompanying documentation

47 Inadequate documentation prejudicial to traceback


Exclusion of untraced product from PDO distribution chain. Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request for adjustment of procurement procedures

Audit inspection to confirm reestablishment of correct procurement procedures

Record purchase activities of eligible milk

Keep regular records of quantity and provenance of milk procured

48 Check suitability of records


100 % of recognised


Recognised cheese maker

Procurement (how much and from where) for each cheese maker

Inadequate records not prejudicial to traceback


Notify inadequacy and request for adjustment of records and initiate correct recording procedures

Audit adjustments made to records. In event of non-compliance suspension and new audit

Page 38: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl Plan for controls over Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

Party Procedure or process stage

Requisite Self-supervision ID Control activities Type of control

Extent of the control for the year (in


Element checked

Documentation sent to



Severity of non-


Treatment of non-compliance

Corrective Action

Category Description

49 Inadequate records prejudicial to traceback


Exclusion of untraced product from PDO distribution chain Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request for adjustment of recording procedures

Audit inspection to confirm adequacy of recording procedures

Monthly notification to CSQA quantity procured /data relative to milk entered

50 Acquisition of data relative to milk entering and checking of quantity procured

I 100% of recognised


Recognised cheese maker

Failure to notify within required time limit

slight Request transmission of required data within 15 days

Communication of exclusion from protected production chain of undocumented batches until adjustment

51 Failure to transmit within the required time limit by solicitation

serious Suspension of the party from the system

Inspection audit for direct data acquisition from the subject

Any sale of eligible milk

Identification and traceback

Record activities of sale of milk

Keep adequate records relative to milk sold /exited

52 Check presence and adequacy of records

I 100% of recognised


Recognised cheese maker

Inadequate records not prejudicial to traceback

Slight Notify inadequacy and request for adjustment of records and initiate correct recording procedures

Audit adjustments made to records. In event of non-compliance suspension and new audit

53 Inadequate records prejudicial to traceback

Serious Exclusion of untraced product from PDO distribution chain Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request for adjustment of recording procedures

Audit inspection to confirm adequacy of recording procedures

Page 39: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl Plan for controls over Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

Party Procedure or process stage

Requisite Self-supervision ID Control activities Type of control

Extent of the control for the year (in


Element checked

Documentation sent to



Severity of non-


Treatment of non-compliance

Corrective Action

Category Description

Milk storage Identification and traceback

Identification of storage tank

Identify containers used for suitable milk storage

54 Check suitability Identification of containers


100% of

recognised parties

Recognised cheese maker

Inadequate identification of containers not prejudicial to traceback


Request for adjustment of Identification of containers and initiation of correct identification procedures

Audit initiation of correct identification procedure. In event of non-compliance suspension and new audit

55 Inadequate identification of containers prejudicial to traceback


Exclusion of untraced product from PDO distribution chain. Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request for adjustment of storage procedures

Audit inspection to confirm adequacy of storage procedures

Record storage activities

Record milk placed in storage containers of PDO

56 Check suitability of records


100% of

recognised parties

Recognised cheese maker

Inadequate records not prejudicial to traceback


Notify inadequacy and Request for adjustment of records and initiate correct recording procedures

Audit supplementary documentation recording. In event of non-compliance suspension and new audit

Cheese maker

57 Inadequate records prejudicial to traceback


Exclusion product not traced by PDO. Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request for adjustment of storage records

Audit inspection to confirm adequacy of storage records

Separation of eligible milk from non-eligible milk

Separate eligible milk (from recognised farms and collectors ) from non-eligible milk (from unrecognised farms and collectors)

58 Check separate collection

I 100% of recognised


Recognised cheese maker

Failure to separate eligible milk from non-eligible milk

Serious Exclusion of non-conforming product from PDO distribution chain. Suspension of the subject from the system until resolution of non-compliance

Audit of resolution of non-compliance

Page 40: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl Plan for controls over Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

Party Procedure or process stage

Requisite Self-supervision ID Control activities Type of control

Extent of the control for the year (in


Element checked

Documentation sent to



Severity of non-


Treatment of non-compliance

Corrective Action

Category Description

Processing of milk

Identification and traceback

Record activities of processing eligible milk

Record milk sent for processing for PDO as necessary on specific processing schedules

59 Check suitability of records


100% of

recognised parties

Recognised cheese maker

Inadequate records with loss of traceback


Notify inadequacy and request for adjustment of records and initiate correct recording procedures

Possible audit of supplementation of documents. In the event of non-compliance suspension and new audit

60 Inadequate records prejudicial to traceback


Exclusion of untraced product from PDO distribution chain Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request for adjustment of recording procedure

Audit inspection to confirm adequacy of recording procedure

Milk producer notifies CSQA monthly of data relating to milk processed for PDO

61 Acquisition and checking of data relative to milk destined for PDO

D 100% of recognised parties

Recognised cheese maker

Failure to transmit within required time limit

Slight Request transmission of required data within 15 days

Communication of exclusion from protected production chain of undocumented batches until adjustment

62 Failure to transmit within the required time limit by solicitation

serious Suspension of the party from the system

Inspection audit for direct data acquisition from the subject

Compliance with specification

Full cream milk (R 2)

Initiation of processing of only full cream milk


Check eligibility of milk for processing


100% of

recognised parties

Recognised cheese maker

Use of non-full cream milk


Exclusion non-compliant product from PDO distribution chain Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request for adjustment of processing procedures

Inspection to confirm suitable reestablishment of processing procedures

Page 41: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl Plan for controls over Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

Party Procedure or process stage

Requisite Self-supervision ID Control activities Type of control

Extent of the control for the year (in


Element checked

Documentation sent to



Severity of non-


Treatment of non-compliance

Corrective Action

Category Description

Pasteurization of milk (R 3)

Heat treatment of eligible milk and record treatment temperature


Check suitability of heat treatment applied


100% of

recognised parties

Recognised cheese maker

Heat treatment absent or insufficient


Exclusion of non-conforming product from PDO distribution chain. Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request for adjustment of heat treatment procedures

Audit inspection to confirm adequacy heat treatment procedures

Inoculation with milk enzymes and a suspension of penicillin spores and selected yeasts (R 4)

Use cultures permitted by the specification and record materials used


Check eligibility of cultures used


100% of

recognised parties

Recognised cheese maker

Use of cultures not permitted by specifications


Exclusion of non-conforming product from PDO distribution chain. Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request adjustment of processing procedures

Audit inspection to confirm adequacy of processing procedures

Coagulation with calves’ rennet at 28-36° C (R 5)

Use permitted rennet at the temperatures provided and record materials and temperature


Check eligibility rennet and coagulation temperature. Preserve and make available identification documentation rennet acquired etc. (delivery notes and technical schedules from which to deduce the quantity acquired, type, batch of origin and producing firm etc.)


100% of recognised


Recognised cheese maker

Rennet or coagulation temperature not permitted


Exclusion of non-conforming product from PDO distribution chain. Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request for adjustment of rennet or coagulation temperature

Audit inspection to confirm adjustment of coagulation procedure

Page 42: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl Plan for controls over Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

Party Procedure or process stage

Requisite Self-supervision ID Control activities Type of control

Extent of the control for the year (in


Element checked

Documentation sent to



Severity of non-


Treatment of non-compliance

Corrective Action

Category Description

Record all process parameters specified (e .g. cheese maker schedule)


Check suitability of records


100% of

recognised parties

Recognised cheese maker

Inadequate records without loss of traceback


Notify inadequacy and request for adjustment of records and initiate correct recording procedures of process parameters

Audit initiation of correct recording procedures on process parameters. In event of non-compliance suspension and new audit


Inadequate records with impossibility to establish compliance

Serious Exclusion of undocumented product from PDO. Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request adjustment of recording procedures for process parameters.

Audit inspection of reestablishment of adequate procedures for recording process parameters

Mark of origin on fresh cheese

Compliance of batch

Marking Stamp on both faces mark of origin exclusively and by way of dies issued by the Preservation Consortium (R 12 )


Check authorisation of the mark dies by Consortium


100% of

recognised parties

Recognised cheese maker

Use of dies not issued by the Preservation Consortium or of other marking systems


Exclusion of non-conforming product from PDO distribution chain. Suspension from control system Notification to supervisory authority Request for adjustment of marking method

New audit inspection for readmission to production chain

Cheese maker

Record the product marked at origin on a regular basis


Check suitability of records


100% of

recognised parties

Recognised cheese maker

Quantity marked at origin put into the production chain for every cheese maker

Inadequate records without loss of traceback


Request for adjustment of recording and initiate correct recording procedures

Where required supplementary document audit. In event of non-compliance suspension and new audit

Page 43: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl Plan for controls over Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

Party Procedure or process stage

Requisite Self-supervision ID Control activities Type of control

Extent of the control for the year (in


Element checked

Documentation sent to



Severity of non-


Treatment of non-compliance

Corrective Action

Category Description


Inadequate records with loss of traceback


Exclusion of untraced product from PDO distribution chain. Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request for adjustment of recording procedures

Audit inspection to confirm adequacy of recording procedure

Cheese maker notifies CSQA monthly of quantity of cheese marked at origin (paragraph 7.2)


Acquisition of data relative to product marked at origin

I 100% of recognised


Recognised cheese maker

Failure to notify within required time limit

slight Request transmission of required data within 15 days

Communication of exclusion from protected production chain of undocumented batches until adjustment

73 Failure to transmit within the required time limit by solicitation

serious Suspension of the party from the system

Inspection audit for direct data acquisition from the subject

Salting Compliance with specifications

Dry salting (R 6)

Perform exclusively dry salting


Check suitability of salting


100% of

recognised parties

Recognised cheese maker

Non-dry salting


Exclusion non-conforming product from PDO distribution chain Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request for adjustment of salting procedures

Audit inspection to confirm re-establishment of compliant salting procedures

Salting for some days at temperatures of 18-24° C (R 7)

Salting according to the methods specified


Check method of salting and temperature


100% of

recognised parties

Recognised cheese maker

Non-compliant method or temperature


Exclusion non-conforming product from PDO distribution chain. Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request for adjustment of salting procedures

Audit inspection to confirm re-establish of compliant salting procedures

Page 44: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl Plan for controls over Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

Party Procedure or process stage

Requisite Self-supervision ID Control activities Type of control

Extent of the control for the year (in


Element checked

Documentation sent to



Severity of non-


Treatment of non-compliance

Corrective Action

Category Description

Record salting temperature (e.g. cheese maker schedule )


Check suitability of records


100% of

recognised parties

Recognised cheese maker

Inadequate records without loss of traceback


Notify inadequacy and request for adjustment of recording and initiate correct recording procedures

Audit supplementation of documentation In event of non-compliance suspension and new audit


Inadequate records with loss of traceback


Exclusion of untraced product from PDO distribution chain. Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request adjustment of recording procedure

Audit inspection to confirm compliance of recording procedures

Product eligible for PDO sold fresh

Identification and traceback

Maintain identification of the product ready for issue from premises

Maintain identification of the product ready for issue from premises. Fresh product sold to maturer must be accompanied by suitable identification documentation (Identify and record on transport documentation the batches and quantity of fresh product sold )


Check suitability of identification of product marketed

I 100% of

recognised parties

Recognised cheese maker

Quantity put into production chain for every cheese maker

Inaccurate or inadequate identification without loss of traceback


Request for adjustment of identification of batches and initiate correct identification procedures

Audit correct initiation identification procedures. In event of non-compliance suspension and new audit


Inadequate identification activities such as to prevent traceback

Serious Exclusion of the batch from PDO distribution chain Request for adjustment of identification

Supplementary audit inspection to confirm reestablishment of adequate recording procedures

Page 45: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl Plan for controls over Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

Party Procedure or process stage

Requisite Self-supervision ID Control activities Type of control

Extent of the control for the year (in


Element checked

Documentation sent to



Severity of non-


Treatment of non-compliance

Corrective Action

Category Description

Record sales activities of fresh product to maturer

Keep adequate records relative to sales activities of fresh product to maturer


Check presence and adequacy of records

I 100% of recognised


Recognised cheese maker

Inadequate records without loss of traceback

Slight Notify inadequacy and request for adjustment of recording and initiate correct recording procedures

Audit documentary supplementation in the event of non-compliance suspension and new audit


Inadequate records with loss of traceback

Serious Exclusion of untraced product from PDO distribution chain. Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request for adjustment of recording procedures

Audit inspection to confirm adequacy of recording procedures

Cheese maker notifies CSQA of monthly data relative to fresh product marked at origin sold to maturers


Acquisition of data relative to fresh product marked at origin sold to maturer

D 100% of recognised


Recognised cheese maker

Failure to notify within required time limit

slight Request transmission of required data within 15 days

Communication of exclusion from protected production chain of undocumented batches until adjustment

83 Failure to transmit within the required time limit by solicitation

serious Suspension of the party from the system

Inspection audit for direct data acquisition from the subject

Maturer Initial recognition

Location (R 1)

Within geographical area

Make application for access to the control system as per paragraph 5


Check suitability of application




Applicant Maturer

List of maturers productive capacity

Location outside of the area

Refusal of recognition

Adequacy of premises and systems

Health eligibility, productive capacity etc.

Attach to application required documentation as per paragraph 5


Check completeness and adequacy of accessory documentation required




Applicant Maturer

Inadequate documentation

Suspension of recognition procedure

Request supplementation of documentation


Audit inspection on adequacy of conditions




Applicant Maturer

Inadequacy of premises systems or conditions

Refusal of recognition

Request for adjustment and new audit inspection

Page 46: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl Plan for controls over Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

Party Procedure or process stage

Requisite Self-supervision ID Control activities Type of control

Extent of the control for the year (in


Element checked

Documentation sent to



Severity of non-


Treatment of non-compliance

Corrective Action

Category Description

Maintenance of the requisites (see paragraph 6.1.4)

Location (R 1)

Within geographical area

Notify of variations in location (within 15 days


Check notified variations


Every notification of


Recognised Maturer

List of maturers updated

New location outside of the area


Revocation of recognition

Adequacy of premises and systems

Health eligibility productive capacity, address details etc. .

Communicate substantial variations to recognition conditions (e.g. currency of health authorisation variations in capacity, etc.)


Check variations and adequacy of documentation


Every notification of variation

Recognised Maturer

Inadequate documentation


Request supplementation of documentation

Audit supplementation of documentation in case of no supplementary document, suspension until adjustment


Failure to notify variation

Serious Notify inadequacy -exclusion from protected production chain until adjustment

Await adjustment and audit inspection


Audit inspection adequacy of conditions


As required, in relation to

notified variations

Recognised Maturer

Inadequacy of conditions found


Exclusion of product from PDO distribution chain. Suspension from control system Request for adjustment of conditions

Audit inspection to confirm compliance of conditions

Maturer Termination of business

Termination of business

Notification of termination

Notify termination of business or withdrawal from PDO control system


Check termination notification



termination notification

Recognised Maturer

List of maturers and productive capacity

Failure to give notification

Cancellation from list of recognised parties

Acceptance of fresh product marked at origin from Maturer

Identification and traceback

Verify eligibility of accompanying documentation

Ascertain correct product identification and adequacy of supply documentation


Check suitability of supply documentation


100% of

recognised parties

Recognised Maturer

Identification or inadequate documentation not prejudicial to traceback


Request for adjustment of supply or Identification documentation

If the documentation supplied is not suitable new audit on accompanying documentation and written complaint to supplier

Page 47: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl Plan for controls over Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

Party Procedure or process stage

Requisite Self-supervision ID Control activities Type of control

Extent of the control for the year (in


Element checked

Documentation sent to



Severity of non-


Treatment of non-compliance

Corrective Action

Category Description


Identification of product incomplete with loss traceback


Exclusion of untraced product from PDO distribution chain. Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request adjustment of acceptance procedures

Audit inspection to confirm adjustment procedure for acceptance. Where appropriate new audit inspection on supplier

Record acquisition activities

Record quantities, provenance and identification of fresh product in entry


Check suitability of record


100% of

recognised parties

Recognised Maturer

Procurement of cheese for every maturer

Inadequate records not prejudicial to traceback


Notify inadequacy and request for adjustment of records and initiate correct recording procedures

Documentary check of supplementary records. In the event of non-compliance suspension and new audit inspection


Inadequate records with loss of traceback

Serious Exclusion product untraced product from PDO. Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request adjustment of recording procedures

Audit inspection to confirm adequacy of recording procedures

Identification and traceback

Identify /maintain identification of fresh product in maturing cells

Identify /maintain identification of fresh product obtained and/or purchased


Check presence and adequacy of identification

I 100% of recognised


Recognised Maturer

Inadequate identification without loss of traceback

Slight Notify inadequacy and request for adjustment of identification and initiation of correct identification procedures

Audit supplementation of documentation. In the event of non-compliance suspension and new audit inspection

Page 48: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl Plan for controls over Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

Party Procedure or process stage

Requisite Self-supervision ID Control activities Type of control

Extent of the control for the year (in


Element checked

Documentation sent to



Severity of non-


Treatment of non-compliance

Corrective Action

Category Description


Inadequate identification with loss traceback

Serious Exclusion of untraced product from PDO distribution chain. Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request adjustment of identification procedures

Audit inspection to confirm compliance of identification procedures

Maturing Compliance with specifications

Maturing at temperatures between 2° C and 7° C, (R 8)

Mature at the specified temperatures


Check suitability of maturing temperatures


100% of

recognised parties

Recognised Maturer

Non-compliant maturing temperatures


Exclusion product involved from PDO distribution chain. Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request for adjustment of maturing temperature

Audit inspection to confirm reestablishment of maturing temperature

Maturing at relative humidity between 85 and 99% (R 9)

Mature at the relative humidities as per regulations


Check suitability of relative humidity for maturing


100% of

recognised parties

Recognised Maturer

Inconsistent relative humidity


Exclusion of product involved from PDO distribution chain. Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request for adjustment of relative humidity

Audit inspection to confirm reestablishment of relative humidity of storerooms

Maturer Minimum ageing of 50, 60 or 80 days depending on type (R 8 and R 11)

Ageing at least for the minimum period provided by the specification for all types


Check of suitability of ageing period


100% of

recognised parties

Recognised Maturer

Ageing insufficient for PDO use


Exclusion non-conforming product from PDO distribution chain. Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request for adjustment of ageing periods

Audit inspection to confirm reestablishment of minimum ageing periods

Record all specified process parameters


Check suitability of records


100% of

recognised parties

Recognised Maturer

Inadequate records without loss of traceback


Notify inadequacy and request for adjustment of recording and initiate correct recording procedures

Audit initiation of correct recording procedures In event of non-compliance suspension and new audit

Page 49: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl Plan for controls over Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

Party Procedure or process stage

Requisite Self-supervision ID Control activities Type of control

Extent of the control for the year (in


Element checked

Documentation sent to



Severity of non-


Treatment of non-compliance

Corrective Action

Category Description


Inadequate records with loss of traceback


Exclusion of untraced product from PDO distribution chain. Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request for adjustment of recording procedures

Audit inspection to confirm compliance of recording procedures

Finished product

Compliance with specifications

Chemical characteristics: Fat on dry matter minimum 48% (R 10)

Sampling under self-supervision and analytical check. Ascertain compliance with 1 test every 50,000 whole cheeses (paragraph 6.3.1)


Sampling for analytical control of fat on dry matter parameters (paragraph 6.3.2)


1 Control

every 150,000 whole

cheeses (paragraph


Recognised Maturer

Fat on dry matter less than 48%


Exclusion of batch from PDO distribution chain. Request for adjustment of processing procedures

Repeat control on another batch of product

Transmit the notice to CSQA as provided in paragraph 6.3.1 in concomitance of sampling under self-supervision


Failure to send notice within 24 hours for withdrawal for sampling


Exclusion of batch from PDO distribution chain. Request for adjustment of analytical control procedures

Audit inspection to confirm reestablishment of suitable analytical control procedures on product. Repeat check on another batch of product

Record and preserve the results of the analytical controls performed (paragraph 6.3.1)


Acquisition and checking of suitability of analysis report relating to self-supervision activities Check suitability of records


100% of recognised parties

Recognised Maturer

Failure to comply with frequency of required analytical controls


Request for adjustment with transmission of results to CSQA Suspension from control system (see par. 9)

Audit inspection of reestablishment of suitable control procedures on the product. Check outcome of analytical controls


Absence of analytical records


Suspension product from PDO distribution chain until adjustment

Audit inspection to confirm reestablishment of suitable analytical control procedures for the product

Page 50: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl Plan for controls over Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

Party Procedure or process stage

Requisite Self-supervision ID Control activities Type of control

Extent of the control for the year (in


Element checked

Documentation sent to



Severity of non-


Treatment of non-compliance

Corrective Action

Category Description

Compliance with specifications (physical and organoleptic requirements)

Physical and organoleptic characteristics of whole cheeses, measurements, rind, texture (R10 and 11)

Ascertain presence of requisites compliance batches made available to consumers (see paragraph 6.3.1)


Check suitability of batches in processing during inspection (see paragraph 6.3.2)

I 100% of recognised parties

Recognised Maturer

Inconsistency of any one of the specified parameters

Serious Exclusion product involved from PDO distribution chain

Repetition of control on another batch of product

Record the outcomes of controls performed


Check suitability of records

I 100% of recognised


Recognised Maturer

Incomplete or inaccurate records not prejudicial to of traceback /compliance

Slight Request for supplementation of missing data and initiate correct recording procedures

Audit initiation of correct recording procedures and In event of non-compliance suspension and new audit


Incomplete or inaccurate recording activities with loss of traceback /compliance

Serious Exclusion of product from PDO distribution chain. Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request for adjustment of recording procedures

Audit inspection to confirm adjustment of recording of product controls

Maturer notifies CSQA monthly of quantity of finished product sold to recognised packers (paragraph 7.2)


Acquisition and checking of notice of quantities transmitted

D 100% of recognised


Recognised Maturer

Quantity put into production chain (number of whole cheeses listed separately by type and recipient)

Failure to give notice within required time limit

Slight Solicitation request for transmission of required data within 15 days

Communication of exclusion from protected production chain of undocumented batches until adjustment

111 Failure to transmit within the required time limit by solicitation

serious Suspension of the party from the system

Inspection audit for direct data acquisition from the subject

Packer Initial recognition

Location (R 1)

Within geographical area

Make application for access to the control system as per paragraph. 5


Check suitability of application




Packer applicant

List of packers and productive capacity

Location outside of the area

Refusal of recognition

Page 51: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl Plan for controls over Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

Party Procedure or process stage

Requisite Self-supervision ID Control activities Type of control

Extent of the control for the year (in


Element checked

Documentation sent to



Severity of non-


Treatment of non-compliance

Corrective Action

Category Description

Adequacy of premises and systems

Eligibility of health, productive capacity, etc

Attach to application required documentation as per paragraph 5 (MOD 002)


Check completeness and adequacy of accessory required documentation




Packer applicant

Inadequate documentation

Suspension of recognition procedure

Request supplementation of the documentation


Audit inspection adequacy of conditions




Packer applicant

Inadequacy of premises systems or conditions

Refusal of recognition

Request for adjustment and new audit inspection

Maintenance of requisites (see paragraph 6.1.4)

Location (Requisite 1)

Within geographical area

Notify variations of location (within 15 days)


Check the notified variations


Every notification of


Recognised packer

List of packers updated

New location outside of area


Revocation of recognition

Adequacy of premises and systems

Eligibility of health , productive capacity, address details etc.

Notify substantial variations to recognition conditions of (e.g. currency of health authorisation variations of the capacity, etc.)


Check variations and adequacy of documentation


Every notification of


Recognised packer

Inadequate documentation


Request for supplementation of documentation

Await supplementation and evaluation of supplementary documentation In the event of absence of documentation suspension until adjustment


Failure to notify variation

Serious Notify inadequacy. Exclusion from protected production chain until adjustment

Await adjustment and audit inspection


Audit inspection suitability of conditions


As required, in relation to

notified variations

Recognised packer

Inadequacy of conditions found


Suspension of packer from PDO control system and request for adjustment of conditions

New audit inspections for readmission of production chain

Termination of business

Termination of business

Notification of termination

Notify termination of business or withdrawal from PDO control system


Check termination notification



termination notification

Recognised packer

List of packers and productive capacity

Absence of notification

Cancellation from list of recognised parties

Page 52: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl Plan for controls over Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

Party Procedure or process stage

Requisite Self-supervision ID Control activities Type of control

Extent of the control for the year (in


Element checked

Documentation sent to



Severity of non-


Treatment of non-compliance

Corrective Action

Category Description

Packer Acceptance of product

Identification and traceback

Ascertain eligibility of product and adequacy of supply documentation

Ascertain correct product identification and adequacy of supply documentation


Check suitability of supply documentation


100% of

recognised parties

Recognised packer

Inaccurate identification


Request for adjustment of supply documentation

Written complaint to supplier. If the documentation provided is not suitable new audit of supply documentation.


Inadequate identification of product with loss traceback of the product


Exclusion of unidentified product from PDO distribution chain and request for adjustment of acceptance procedures

Supplementary audit inspection to confirm reestablishment of suitable acceptance procedures. Possible audit inspection of supplier

Record purchase activities

Record quantities and provenance of product entering


Check suitability of records


100% of recognised parties

Recognised packer

Procurement of PDO cheese for every packer

Inaccurate records without precluding traceback

Slight Notify inadequacy and request for adjustment of records. Initiate correct recording procedures

Audit initiation of correct recording procedures. In event of non-compliance suspension and new audit


Records absent prejudicial to traceback


Exclusion of product from PDO distribution chain. Request for adjustment of recording procedures

Supplementary audit inspection to confirm reestablishment of correct recording procedures

Packer notifies CSQA monthly of certified quantity of Gorgonzola collected


Acquisition and checking of data relative to quantity procured

D 100% of recognised


Recognised packer

Failure to give notice within required time limit

Slight Solicitation request for transmission of required data within 15 days

Communication of exclusion from protected production chain of undocumented batches until adjustment

125 Failure to transmit within the required time limit by solicitation

serious Suspension of the party from the system

Inspection audit for direct data acquisition from the subject

Page 53: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl Plan for controls over Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

Party Procedure or process stage

Requisite Self-supervision ID Control activities Type of control

Extent of the control for the year (in


Element checked

Documentation sent to



Severity of non-


Treatment of non-compliance

Corrective Action

Category Description

Final Marking Affixing of embossed aluminium foil identifying the PDO (R12)

Embossed aluminium foil bearing identifying mark

Mark only with embossed aluminium foil bearing identifying mark


Check eligibility of PDO embossing material


100% of

recognised parties

Recognised packer

Non-compliant embossing material


Exclusion of non-compliant product from PDO distribution chain. Suspension from control system Notice to supervisory authority. Request for adjustment of marking method

New Audit inspection for readmission to production chain

Finished product

Identification and traceback


Identify batch of PDO product bearing identifying mark


Check suitability of product identification


100% of

recognised parties

Recognised packer

Identification absent


Exclusion of product from PDO distribution chain and request for adjustment of identification of finished product

Supplementary audit inspection to confirm reestablishment of adequate identification procedures


Record PDO marked product


Check suitability of records


100% of

recognised parties

Recognised packer

Quantity put into the production chain for every packer

Inadequate records with loss traceback


Exclusion of untraced product from PDO distribution chain. Suspension from control system (see par. 9) Request for adjustment of records

Audit inspection to confirm adequacy of records

Packer notifies CSQA of monthly quantity of PDO Gorgonzola


Acquisition and checking of data transmitted

D 100% of recognised


Recognised packer

Failure to give notice within required time limit

Slight Solicitation request for transmission of required data within 15 days

Communication of exclusion from protected production chain of undocumented batches until adjustment

130 Failure to transmit within the required time limit by solicitation

serious Suspension of the party from the system

Inspection audit for direct data acquisition from the subject

Page 54: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl Plan for controls over Protected Designation of Origin Cheese from Gorgonzola

DPC 012 - PT

rev. 3 of 16.12.09

Party Procedure or process stage

Requisite Self-supervision ID Control activities Type of control

Extent of the control for the year (in


Element checked

Documentation sent to



Severity of non-


Treatment of non-compliance

Corrective Action

Category Description

Packer Designation and presentation

Compliance of elements of designation and presentation (R12-R13-R14-R15-R16))

Method of presentation as per paragraph 13.4

Exclusive use of the method of designation and presentation authorized by the Preservation Consortium exclusively responsible for the designation pertaining to the specifications.


Check suitability of the elements of designation and presentation


100% of

recognised parties

Recognised packer

Method of designation and presentation not authorized


Exclusion product involved from protected production chain and prohibition of use of non-authorized material. Request for adjustment of method of designation and presentation of product

Audit inspection to confirm use of suitable presentations

Page 55: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro
Page 56: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

MOD 001 (Farms ) Application to join the control system for DPO Gorgonzola

I, the undersigned__________________________________ legal representative of the company_____________________ with registered office at _____________________ no. ____Town_______________ Post code ________ and production site1 at ______________________________________________ hereby apply to join the control and certification system for DPO Gorgonzola cheese. To that end I declare the following at my own liability. VAT No._________________ Chamber of Commerce Register No.____________ Farm Registration (herd code)__________ Telephone No. _______________Fax No._____________________ Person in charge of relationships with CSQA Srl2 Estimate of quantity of milk produced annual_________________3

Company description Structure of the farm and production Animal stalls Fixed Free Year of construction___________________ Milking system By hand pipeline milking system milking room milking robot

Preservation of milk Refrigeration vat Yes No Other system ___________________________________

Collection of milk First purchaser_______________________________________________ Delivery address 4_____________________________________________ Own delivery ____ collection with collector Once a day twice a day

Every two days In bins in tanks Total milk herd present (number)______________ Lactating cows no._________ In terms of this application to join the control system of DPO Gorgonzola cheese, I consent to access by personnel assigned by CSQA Certificazioni Srl to the production sites relating to the DPO: furthermore I undertake to inform CSQA in the event of substantial variations to the conditions described above. Legislative Decree No. 196/03 – By compiling this application I hereby authorize CSQA Certificazioni Srl to process my personal data for institutional purposes connected to the control activities. Date__________________________ company seal and signature ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Proxy5 I hereby grant proxy to _______________________ to forward this application to CSQA Certificazioni Srl, Via S. Gaetano 74, 36016 Thiene, Vi. Liability deriving from any mistakes are in any event borne by the Principal . Date__________________________ company seal and signature The original to be sent to CSQA Certificazioni Srl Via S. Gaetano, 74 – 36016 Thiene, Vi.

1 If different from the registered office 2 If different from the legal representative 3 Show also the relative units of measurement (e.g. Tons or HL) 4 Identification of the producer (collector or cheese-maker) recipient of the milk. 5 To be completed by details of the proxy holder (collection centre or cheese farm)

Page 57: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro


Certificazioni Srl

DPO Gorgonzola Cheese Application for join the control and certification system

DPC 012 MOD 002 (Firms)

I, the undersigned_____________________________ legal representative of the company_____________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

with registered office at _____________________ no. ____Town_______________ (________) Tel No.______ Fax No. ______________VAT No. ___________________t In relation to the activities performed in the capacity of (check the box next to the activity or activities for which recognition is requested): Milk collection centre Cheese-maker Maturer Packer

HEREBY REQUEST access to the DPO Gorgonzola Cheese system of control and certification and subjection to the compliance controls by the authorised supervisory body CSQA Certificazioni Sri (hereinafter CSQA) for the purposes of recognition and registration. To that end, and under my own liability,

I HEREBY DECLARE • that I am aware of and accept without reservations the Control Plan for DPO "Gorgonzola", cheese, document

DPC 012 (hereinafter DPC 012), approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry; • that I am aware of and accept the Fee Tables for the activities control and certification of the protected designation of

origin "Gorgonzola", approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry also in the event that the activities do not conclude with recognition;

• that I authorize CSQA to perform the compliance controls at the processing sites for which registration with the control system is requested, with the frequency and using the methods provided by Control Plan DPC 012;

• that I undertake the liability arising out of any non-compliance on my part with the regulations and the Control Plan DPC 012;

• that I authorize CSQA, pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/03, to use the data provided by the company for the purposes connected to the exercise of the control system for the designation "Gorgonzola";

• that the person responsible for relationships with CSQA is Mr /Ms ___ • that the estimated production for the purposes of DPO Gorgonzola is _____________________ kg per year.

The company undertakes to communicate to CSQA, within 15 days of occurrence, all variations to the information shown in this Application. The company undertakes to transmit to CSQA all the information periodically requested for performance of the control activities using the methods and within the time limits required, as per the provisions of DPC 012; the company undertakes furthermore to provide CSQA with any other information which it may request in relation to the performance of the controls.

Attached to this application: List of production sites involved in the DPO Gorgonzola Cheese specifying addresses, telephone and fax numbers, activities performed and ground plans attached; Ground plan describing the premises, installed systems and equipment to be used for DPO Gorgonzola, for the production sites contained in the foregoing list; Evidence of registration with the Chamber of Commerce Evidence of health eligibility for the productive sites on the list List of name of suppliers for the purposes of DPO Gorgonzola, No.__________ other documents (to be specified)

The legal representative The original to be sent to CSQA Certificazioni Srl Via S. Gaetano, 74 – 36016 Thiene, Vi

Page 58: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro


Certificazioni Srl Cheese maker’s Schedule DPO Gorgonzola DPC 12-

MOD 003 Company______________________________- Date of time of commencement of processing: ___/___/______ time: Raw material Milk used for processing DPO Gorgonzola ________quintals Tank(s) provenance :_____________________ Pasteurization treatment: ________°C x ______ Cheese making

Processing cycles 1 2 3 4 Clotting Vat Quintals of Milk Type and batch of milk enzymes

Type and batch of penicillin spores

Type and batch of yeast Type and batch of calves’ rennet

Clotting temperature Cheese marked at origin (*) Large cheeses 10-13 kg no. Medium cheeses 9- 12 kg no. Small cheeses 6-8 kg no. Total forms no. Batch identification (*) the weights specified refer to the cheese at the moment it is made available to consumers Dry Salting Salting commencement date Salting temperature (°C) Salting termination date Notes Signature of person responsible

Page 59: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl Maturer’s Register DPO Gorgonzola

DPC-12 MOD 004


Incoming (product marked at origin) Outgoing (cheese eligible for DPO)

Op Date Cheese-maker identification number

Transport documents

No of cheeses: Weight kg



No of cheeses Weight kg Transport documents

Batch ID Small

6-8 kg Medium 9-12 kg

Large 10-13 kg

Total No.

Small 6-8 kg

Medium 9-12 kg

Large 10-13 kg

Total No.

1 1

2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 Totals Totals

Page 60: CSQA - IP Australia · PDF filePresidential Decree No. 667 of August 5, 1955, that the “Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola cheese” with head office in Novara, Via Avogadro

CSQA Certificazioni Srl Packer’s Register DPO Gorgonzola

DPC-12 MOD 005


Op Date Identification of incoming batch

No of unwrapped cheeses processed Quantity of packed Gorgonzola DPO and batches DDT Identification outgoing batch

Small 6-8 kg

Medium 9-12 kg

Large 10-13 kg

Total no

Whole cheeses

Half cheese

1 / 4 ths cheese

1/8 ths cheese

Other weights


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Totals Signature of person responsible