CS12420 - Lecture 01 Frames and Components and events Lynda Thomas [email protected].

CS12420 - Lecture 01 Frames and Components and events Lynda Thomas [email protected]

Transcript of CS12420 - Lecture 01 Frames and Components and events Lynda Thomas [email protected].

CS12420 - Lecture 01Frames and Components

and events

Lynda Thomas

[email protected]

In This Lecture

• Frames, panels and layout

• Basic Components

• This is the most important of the Swing lectures because here you see the overall way an event driven program works

• Just a reminder Swing is built on AWT. Some things exist in AWT and in Swing. Example: Frame/JFrame are the AWT and Swing versions. DO NOT MIX!!!!!


• Generally known as a window

• JFrame– Title– Buttons to close, maximize, iconize

This is where we look at handout 1if we haven’t already

JFrame – some methods

• setVisible(boolean b)

• setTitle(String title)

• setSize(int width,int height)

• setLocation(int horizontal,int vertical)

• pack()

• setDefaultCloseOperation(int operation)– setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE)

JPanels – some methods

• Used as canvas or containers in Frames

• JPanelsetBackground(Color c)

setPreferredSize(Dimension d)

But what do you put in your JPanel (or JFrame) ?

JComponents like:

• JLabel - displays stuff

• JTextField - display and enter

• JTextArea - display and enter

• JButton - press and action

Layout Manager

• JFrame : default is BorderLayout– CENTER, NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST

• JPanel: default is FlowLayout– RIGHT, LEFT, CENTER

• GridLayout– Rows and columns

• GridBagLayout– Most powerful (and complicated)

So Far in This Lecture

• Frames, panels and layout

• probably skip example in 1-frames

for now - which is on next 2 slides

Driverpublic class SimpleFrameDriver {

public static void main(String[] args) {SimpleFrame sFrame1 = new SimpleFrame(); //etc

Frameimport javax.swing.*;public class SimpleFrame extends JFrame {

SimpleFrame() {this.setSize(200,200);this.setLocation(200,320); //etc

public class SimplePanelFrame extends SimpleFrame {//note SimpleFrame gives visibility, size, exiting on close etc.

SimplePanelFrame() {ColorPanel CPWest = new ColorPanel(Color.white);add(CPWest,BorderLayout.WEST); //etc

public class ColorPanel extends JPanel { ColorPanel(Color c,int w,int h) { this.setPreferredSize (new Dimension(width,height));

this.setBackground(col); }

Where do these methods come from?They come from JPanel

And this leads us to event driven programming

• Nothing happens until you click a button (later – move the mouse etc also)

• Something has to ‘listen’ to button presses

• These things are called ‘Listeners’

• You can have separate Listeners or things like Panels which are also Listeners

Edit the simple example(or look at 2-simpleImprovedCode or 2- handout )

import javax.swing.*;/** the panel */public class MyPanel extends JPanel private JButton button; public MyPanel() { button=new JButton("Hello"); add(button); MyActionListener listener=new MyActionListener(); //added button.addActionListener(listener); }


Add a class called MyActionListener

import javax.swing.*;

import java.awt.event.*;

public class MyActionListener implements ActionListener{

public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {

System.out.println("pressed button");



• See handout 2 for a nicer version

• Also show how the Panel could implement ActionListener…

Project Specification – handout 3


Up 8 Down


We will build this from the ground up in 3-events-components/Counter

handout 3First the model: CounterModel.java

This represents the functionality of the Model

Try and separate the Model and the way it is presented

public class CounterModel {

private int value;

public CounterModel() {

value = 0;


public void increment() {





Notice CounterModelTest where we test the model!

Components - and some methods

JLabel(String text)setText(String text)

setForeground(Color c)

JButton(String text)Moves us into event-driven programming

addActionListener(ActionListener listener)

CounterDriver runs the CounterFrameCounterFrame has a CounterPanel in it

CounterPanel is guts …..Contains a link to the Model and Buttons

CounterListener listens to the Buttons

public class CounterPanel extends JPanel {

private CounterModel counter;

private JLabel valueLabel;

JButton upButton, downButton, resetButton;

public CounterPanel() {

//setup the layout

this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());

//create model and its display:

counter = new CounterModel();

valueLabel =

new JLabel(""+counter.getValue(),SwingConstants.CENTER);


//this is the constructor from last slide continued …

//setup the listener (include a link back to here so that it can update)

CounterListener countList = new CounterListener(this);

//now do the buttons

upButton = new JButton("Up"); //create a button

this.add(upButton,BorderLayout.WEST); //position it

upButton.addActionListener(countList); //set listener to listen

//do same with other buttons


//THAT IS RESPONDING TO EVENTS – create, add, listen

How does the listener work?import java.awt.event.*;

public class CounterListener implements ActionListener {

private CounterPanel counterPane;

public CounterListener(CounterPanel cp) {

counterPane = cp;


public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {

String actionCommand = evt.getActionCommand();

if(actionCommand.equals("Up")) {


} //etc

UML Class Diagram

JFrame JLabelJPanel JButton<<interface>>ActionListener


CounterPanel+ increment()+ decrement()+ reset()

CounterModel+ increment()+ decrement()+ reset()+ getValue() : int

CounterListener+ actionPerformed(e : ActionEvent)

SimpleFrame+ showIt()

CounterDriver+ main()

Lynda – this is handout 3 we’ll act this out (maybe)

If this seems complicated ….

• It is because things are getting all linked up with things pointing to things that point to them

• One possibility is to make the Panel itself its own listener – see CounterAlternative

public class CounterPanelSelfListener extends JPanel

implements ActionListener {

private CounterModel counter;

private JLabel valueLabel;

JButton upButton, downButton, resetButton;

public CounterPanelSelfListener() {


//now do the buttons

upButton = new JButton("Up"); //create a button

this.add(upButton,BorderLayout.WEST); //position it




public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {


If this is too complex look at zzBruteForce – handout 4


Everything done in one class.

if (this helps)

great – look at it

but consider the advantages of the other way


ignore it!

This Lecture

• Basic Frames and the things that go in them• TODO: put a JTextField in the North that

allows the user to enter a starting value for the Counter – There is an example of a JTextField in Bank– You’ll get the most out of it if you try it today.

It shouldn’t take very long at all.

In The Next Lecture

• Other kinds of selection and Menus