CRM U II-21-09-11

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Transcript of CRM U II-21-09-11

  • 8/3/2019 CRM U II-21-09-11





    The word derives from "custom," meaning

    "habit"; a customer was someone who frequented a

    particular shop, which made it a habit to purchase

    goods of and with the shopkeeper had to maintain a

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    relationship to keep his or her "custom," meaning

    expected purchases in the future.

    The slogans "the customer is king" or "the

    customer is god" or "the customer is always right"

    indicate the importance of customers to businesses

    although the last expression is sometimes used


    This section looks in more detail at what we

    mean by customers and how they are different

    from consumers and clients. It considers all

    external and internal stakeholders as customers,

    consumers or clients of a marketing activity. So, an

    internal stakeholder might be the consumer of a

    service performed by another department in the

    same organization. The key differences between

    those stakeholders are who buy a product or service

    (the customers) and those who use it (theconsumers). Customers and consumers may be the

    same or different people.

    Note what distinguishes a customer from a

    clientand the different kind of relationship each has

    with a service provider. In your own work context,

    when areyou a consumer, a customer and a client?

    Who areyourconsumers, customers and clients?

    An understanding of marketing requires a

    clear understanding of the terms customer,

    consumer and client. The customer is the personbuying from an organization. The customer can also

    be another organization, for example, when a

    bookstore buys from a book publisher. The

    customer will alsobe the consumerifthe person or

    organization uses what has been bought. This is not

    the case with the bookstore: there the bookstore is

    the customer of the publishing company and a

    person buying a book from the bookstore is likely to

    be the consumer.

    Here are two simple examples that highlight

    the distinction (difference):

    You choose, buy and eat an ice cream.

    Here you are the customer and consumer.

    Your child chooses and eats an ice cream

    but you pay for it. Here your child is the consumer

    and you are the customer.

    Customers and clients

    Now we turn to the difference betwee

    customers and clients. The term client is generally

    associated with the provision of professiona

    services (such as accountancy and legal services). In

    these contexts, the specific service being provided is

    normally discussed and agreed between client and

    provider. While the client has more influence ove

    the specification of the product or service being

    provided, the service provider. The marketer in this

    context is often in a position to advise the client as

    to what his or her needs and wants actually are, and

    then charge fees for delivering services that meet

    these needs. You should immediately recognize that

    the power balance between the marketer and the

    person being provided with a product or service can

    be quite different according to whether the person is

    a customer or a client.


    Customers play the most significant part in

    business. In fact the customer is the actual boss in a

    deal and is responsible for the actually profit for the

    organization. Customer is the one who uses the

    products and services and judges the quality o

    those products and services. Hence its important

    for an organization to retain customers or make new

    customers and flourish (grow) business. To managecustomers, organizations should follow some sort of

    approaches like segmentation or division of

    customers into groups because each customer has to

    be considered valuable and profitable.

    Loyal Customers: These types of customers are

    less in numbers but promote more sales and profit

    as compared to other customers as these are the

    ones which are completely satisfied. These

    customers revisit the organization over times hence

    it is crucial to interact and keep in touch with them

    on a regular basis and invest much time and effort

    with them. Loyal customers want individua

    attention and that demands polite and respectfu

    responses from supplier.

    Discount Customers: Discount customers are also

    frequent visitors but they are only a part of business

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    when offered with discounts on regular products

    and brands or they buy only low cost products. If

    the discount is more, more they tend towards

    buying. These customers are mostly related to small

    industries or the industries that focus on low or

    marginal investments on products. Focus on these

    types of customers is also important as they also

    promote distinguished part of profit into business.

    Impulsive Customer: These customers are

    difficult to convince as they want to do the business

    in urge (advise) or caprice (impulse). They dont

    have any specific item into their product list but

    urge to buy what they find good and productive at

    that point of time. Handling these customers is a

    challenge as they are not particularly looking for a

    product and want the supplier to display all the

    useful products they have in their tally in front ofthem so that they can buy what they like from that

    display. If impulsive customers are treated

    accordingly then there is high probability that these

    customers could be a responsible for high

    percentage of selling.

    Need Based Customers: These customers are

    product specific and only tend to buy items only to

    which they are habitual or have a specific need for

    them. These are frequent customers but do not

    become a part of buying most of the times so it isdifficult to satisfy them. These customers should be

    handled positively by showing them ways and

    reasons to switch to other similar products and

    brands and initiating them to buy these. These

    customers could possibly be lost if not tackled

    efficiently with positive interaction.

    Wandering Customers: These are the least

    profitable customers as sometimes they themselves

    are not sure what to buy. These customers are

    normally new in industry and most of the times visit

    suppliers only for confirming their needs and create

    the awareness of their product /service. They

    investigate features of most prominent products in

    the market but do not buy any of those or show least

    interest in buying. To grab such customers they

    should be properly informed about the various

    positive features of the products so that they

    develop a sense of interest.

    Using this understanding to help turn

    Discount, Impulse, Need-Based, and even

    Wandering Customers into Loyal ones will help

    grow our business. At the same time, ensuring that

    our Loyal Customers have a positive experience

    each time they enter our store will only serve to

    increase our bottom-line profits.


    The initial question is: Who is your

    customer? This is not always obvious since there

    are many factors involved in the purchase and use

    of a certain product or service. Yet five main roles

    can be identified that exist in many purchasing

    situations. Often several, sometimes all of these

    roles might be conducted by the same individual but

    recognizing the needs and requirements of eachseparately leads to potential areas for service


    The following figure shows the most

    common roles that customers represent.

    Here is a short description of the single roles:

    Initiator: The individual who initiates the search

    for a solution to the customers problem.

    Influencer: Individuals who have some influence

    on the purchase decision.

    Decider: Taking into consideration the views of the

    initiator and influencer some individual will make

    the decision as to which product or service should

    be purchased.

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    Purchaser: The individual who is actually paying

    for the product or service

    User: The individual who finally consumes the

    product or service

    It is important to understand that in any

    buying situation. The various actors can and will

    influence the buying decision and they will also be

    either active or passive experiencing a product and

    service. Therefore should be considered when

    designing the overall brand experience. If

    different individuals undertake these roles, it is

    necessary to develop individual and differentiated

    services to satisfy the different needs and


    The standard example for this is a visit to a

    theme park with children. The initiator might be the

    child that saw an advertising on TV, while thedecider and purchaser are the parents. While it is

    important to design a great experience for children

    at a theme park, it might be even more important to

    focus on the experience of parents because

    ultimately they will decide and pay for the next trip

    to Disneyland.

    The different roles become even more

    apparent in a business-to-business context.


    DATABASEUnderstanding your customers helps you to

    sell them more of your products and services as

    well as support them better.

    And it starts by understanding who are they? And

    what are their needs?, profiling them also makes it

    easier to find new ones. You can look for similar

    prospects, and sell to them in a similar way and

    retain your existing ones.

    As you evaluate your options, you face questions


    y What information to track?

    y How toorganize the information?

    y Which Database Software to Use?

    The first question about the database you

    should consider is:


    This varies dramatically, but there are severa

    frequently used types of business information:

    y Contact details

    y Customer preferences

    y Communications history

    y Sales history

    y Actions

    y Payments

    Then there is business-specific customer

    information. For example, family-oriented

    organizations track family members, real estate

    companies track the properties, and engineering

    firms analyze equipment they maintain on behalf of

    the customers and so on.


    How all this information can be organizedfor an easy access and use? Should it fit into a

    single system or multiple systems? How can I fit

    my data into the database structure?

    Single vs Multiple Systems

    Using a single database minimizes the hassle

    of synchronizing multiple sources of data and

    improves data accuracy. However, if your business

    software must incorporate industry-specific logic

    you are unlikely to find an integrated system that

    includes both that logic and a full-featured customerdatabase. In that case, the best option is to use your

    industry-specific software as a primary source of

    information and copy the customer records from

    that software into the customer database, where you

    add more information to them. As much as possible

    avoid synchronizing the two systems both ways

    there should be just one master customer database.

    Customizing databases tofit your information

    The organization analyzes what information

    goes into your database and where it comes from

    consider how this data can fit into the database. The

    simplest method of customizing a database is

    creating extra fields in the customer record. Many

    database programs make it easy and so you can

    accommodate business-specific information by

    adding more and more fields.

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    When you have hundreds of fields, the

    system becomes difficult to manage. This is

    probably because you have put together information

    about different objects. Re-structuring your data

    makes it easier to access and manipulate. There are

    two methods of re-structuring such data:

    Splitting customer records into related

    record types

    Storing some information in external files

    Splitting customer records into related record


    Suppose we need to record basic family


    y Family name

    y Husband's name and birthday


    Wife's name and birthdayy Child 1 name and birthday

    y Child 2 name and birthday

    y Child 3 name and birthday

    If you were to add all these details to your

    customer record, they will occupy eleven fields.

    Finding a John Smith will be difficult - you need to

    search four times - for John as the husband, Child 1,

    Child 2 and Child 3. And the system won't

    accommodate families with four or more children.

    To handle this information, the databasescan store it in different record types and relate these

    records to one another. Because of these ability

    these databases are called relational (as opposed to

    flat) databases. In a relational database, you would

    have family and person information in different

    records and link persons' records to their family


    In our example, each personal record will

    then have three fields: name, birthday and the link

    to the family record. John Smith can be easily found

    with one search, no matter who he is in the family.

    The difference in ease of use is even more apparent

    when you need to store more information, like

    insurance policies with number, name of the

    insurer, monthly premium, expiration date etc.

    To see if a piece of customer information

    should be tracked in a separate record type check

    whether a customer can have more than one of it.

    Can a customer have multiple policies? Family

    members? Air conditioners? Can a customer be

    included into multiple lists? If the answer is yes

    then those objects should be tracked separately and

    linked to the customer records. If no, they can be

    incorporated into the customer record.

    Store some information in external files.

    There is a natural desire to track all

    customer information on the database, but is it

    really required? There are some data types that

    databases don't handle well, for example

    spreadsheets. The databases are designed to work

    with large number of similar records, while in a

    spreadsheet each row could be different from the

    previous one. Spreadsheets' formulas can be easily

    modified, while in databases they are programmed.So if you are used to tracking some

    customers information in spreadsheets or some

    other external files (photos, text documents etc)

    perhaps it is worthwhile to continue doing so

    linking those files to the customer records. You wil

    keep your database simple and agile and retain the

    familiar ways of working with these files, but can

    still easily access all customer information from a

    central location.

    The down side is that you cannot easilysearch on or otherwise process the information that

    is stored externally. If you store customer

    borrowing power calculations in E

    spreadsheets, you can easily access this data on any

    customer, but cannot find customers who can

    borrow in a specified range without going through

    each and every record.

    Which Database Software to Use?

    Many people consider one or more of the following


    y Microsoft Access

    y Popular contact managers, such as ACT or


    y Accounting program

    y Employing a software developer

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    y A package that is both simple and easily

    customizable, such as Simply Contacts


    Microsoft Access

    Perhaps one of the first programs people

    turn to when it comes to building customer database

    is Microsoft Access, probably the single most

    popular database program. Most already have it as

    part of Microsoft Office Professional orPremium,

    making it an easy choice. The system comes with

    Wizards assisting in setting up new databases,

    creating tables and basic forms.

    Access is a great system in the hands of a

    professional, but developing a functional customer

    database in it usually requires more expertise and

    time than a business person can afford.Popular Contact Managers

    Many people have heard about ACT and

    Goldmine. Unlike Access, which is a generic

    database tool, these programs are business

    applications designed with customer management in

    mind. They offer rich contact management

    functionality out of the box and can be extended by

    adding extra fields, reports or buying add-on


    The program's functionality suits a busysalesperson whose day is filled with appointments,

    pursuing leads, writing proposals, closing sales and

    so on. But for many other users it is simply


    Accounting Program

    The main purpose of a customer database is

    to improve service and relationships with your

    customers. The main purpose of accounting

    software is to balance your books. Customer

    database deals with the client side of your business

    and does not go beyond order fulfillment.

    Accounting software deals equally with the sale and

    supply sides. You should track prospects on your

    customer database, but a prospect is of no interest to


    Employing a Software Developer

    Use a software developer if your needs are

    radically different from other companies.

    Developers can build a system highly tailored to

    your business but you need to know very well what

    you want to accomplish and relate this to a

    developer in a clear and concise brief.

    Very often business people describe what

    they need as a "simple program". But as the project

    unfolds, it turns out the software should do more or

    handle special cases that were not initially planned

    This causes disputes, cost increases and frustration

    on both sides.

    Simply Contacts Database

    Then there are programs like Simply

    Contacts Database. Out of the box, it includes

    basic contact information, customer history, an

    notes and can attach external files, such as text

    documents, spreadsheets or pictures to the customer

    records or history. It can print mailing labels and domail merge and e-mail merge.

    But the best thing about this software is its

    flexibility and expandability. There is a simple

    function to add extra or remove unwanted fields that

    automatically adjusts all standard screens and

    reports. On top of this, users can define their own

    screens and reports. For example, if you want to

    track both customers and suppliers on your database

    you can create "customer view" and "supplier view"

    with different fields to view the respective recordsyet display full information in the "contact view".

    With a program like Simply Contacts Database, you

    can start with the data that you already have and

    easily add more fields as the need arises, perfecting

    the understanding of the business requirements for

    your customer database.


    The American marketing association defines market research

    as: "The systematic gathering, recording, and

    analysis of data about problems relating to the

    marketing of goods and services". Consumer

    analysis is an important part of this marketing

    research. Without marketing research, it is quite

    impossible today to start any business. Consumer

    analysis is the first step of any marketing research.

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    In this module, our objective is to develop

    your skills in consumer analysis. Consumer analysis

    allows you to identify your prospect and segment

    market. The objectives of this consumer analysis

    lesson are to give you the fundamental notions


    *Customer benefit

    *Customer profile

    *Market customer

    By the end, consumer analysis techniques

    will enable you to establish your market


    1. Customer benefits 2. Customer profile

    3. Market customer 4. Do it yourself 5. Coaching

    Understanding is beginning with

    segmentation. Segmentation is all about splitting a

    market up into relevant sections to make marketingmore effective. In order for a business

    to segment its market, it needs to understand and

    analyze its target customers. A problem that faces

    any start-up or small business is that customers are

    not all the same.

    In short, the challenge for a business is to:

    Identify groups of customers who have similar

    needs and wants

    Find a way of offering (positioning) a product

    which is attractive to those customer groups

    Markets consist of customers with similar

    needs. For example, consider the wide variety of

    markets that exist to meet the need to:

    Eat (e.g. restaurants, fast food)

    Drink (e.g. coffee bars, pubs & clubs)

    Travel (for business and leisure, near or far)

    Socialize (as couples, with family, with friends)

    Be educated (as a child, adult, for work or other


    As you can imagine, such markets (if they

    were not further divided into smaller parts) would

    be very broad and difficult for a new business to


    The great news for any new business is

    that customers in any broad market are not the

    same. For example, within the market to provide

    meals, customers differ in the:

    y Benefits they want (food quality, ambience

    dietary health)

    y Amount they are able to or willing to pay

    (budget, expensive)

    y Quantities they buy (bulk buy or one-off


    y Time and place that they buy (fast-food

    up-market restaurant)

    It therefore makes sense for businesses to

    divide (orsegment) the overall market and to

    target specific segments of a market so that they can

    design and deliver more relevant products

    Understanding Customers will give you a

    theoretical introduction to understanding and

    analyzing business information.

    Generally the customers are classified into

    **Internal customers**External customers.

    Internal customers are members of staff or outside

    suppliers that contribute towards the service

    provided to external customers. They include:

    y Colleagues

    y Managers/supervisors

    y Staff in other functional departments

    Good customer service to internal customers wil

    help to establish good working relationships

    between colleagues, managers and staff teamsThese relationships are important if the business is

    to function effectively. For example, working in a

    pleasant environment where staffs are supportive o

    each other can keep staff turnover and reduce the


    External customers, on the other hand, are the

    people who we more usually associate with the term

    customer, i.e. the people that actually buy or use

    an organizations products and services.

    A key point to remember is that there are

    many occasions in which a business comes into

    contact with external customers. It is not just about

    the moment a transaction takes place. Points of

    customer contact take place:

    y When a customer is enquiring about the


    y Taking a customer order or payment

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    y Delivering a product

    y When handling a complaint or problem

    y When making repairs or doing maintenance

    y Providing after-sales care

    Knowing vs. Understanding Your Customer

    There's a difference between knowing who

    your customer is and understandingyour customer.

    You need to do both. Most people spend most of

    their time on the former and too little time on the

    latter. This will ultimately result in failure. Why? If

    you don't understand your customer, you won't have

    full clarity on your value proposition.

    Knowing your customers is information

    typically collected by a business. It means you

    know who they are demographically, what content

    they're reading, and so on. Most companies do agood job on this front.

    When it comes to understanding customers,

    however, many companies come up short.

    Understanding customers helps businesses deliver

    an online product with meaningful and compelling

    value propositions that meet not only their current

    needs but also their evolving and future needs.

    Nissan Motor India opens first field quality

    centre and training facility in India. Training

    facility opens at Nissan manufacturing plant atOragadam. The purpose for fieldquality & training

    centre is to achieve a better understanding of

    customer need s so it can build vehicles that

    garner(acquire) a higher level of customer

    satisfaction. This will be 7th facility set up by

    Nissan across the globe.

    Nissan Motor India Managing Directorand

    Chief Executive Kiminobu Tokuyama said, At

    Nissan, quality is a key attribute in establishing

    brand value. The training centre will provide

    product, process and soft skill training for

    dealership staff, which will help us better focus on

    ensuring a quality ownership experience for our




    First, customers are not created equal. They

    come and buy from you for different reasons based

    on different motivations. Some buy because they

    find your price to be the lowest, some because they

    find your services to be outstanding, while some

    purchase from you because of your reputation in the


    Second, by knowing and understanding your

    customers, you will be able to better leverage your

    time, energy and resources to pursuing the right

    customers. You can adapt your selling strategies to

    each type of customer: shorter and quicker selling

    strategies to price-conscious customers, while

    dedicating more time and resources to your most

    important and high-potential customers. Especially

    if you are a one-person business owner, you need to

    reevaluate your customer relationships and makechoices about how to maximize and effectively use

    your limited time and resources.

    Below is a list of questions that can help you

    look at your customer's motivations and in the

    process learn new insights about your customers

    their needs and threats and opportunities that exist

    These five questions will help you get a snapshot of

    your business where your healthy relationships

    exist, where there are opportunities, and where there

    are potential problems.Why does your customer buy?

    Customers have different motivations when

    they buy. Some consider price as the main deciding

    factor, often looking for the lowest available price

    Others try to find ways to reduce cost and at the

    same time enhance revenue and improve quality.

    But most of all, customers buy your

    products because of the value that it can give them

    They are not buying your product per se, but what

    your product can give them. They are buying the

    satisfaction of a want. It is important that you know

    what customers consider most valuable about your

    products or services. Ask and talk to your customers

    to find out. Once you have a list, ask them again if

    you are indeed delivering what they want.

    The two questions will determine the

    relationship that you will have with the customer.

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    What does the customer value with regards

    to your products and services?

    How well do you provide that value?

    How much of the customer's total business do

    you have compared with your competitors?

    Your relationship with your customer is also

    shaped by the amount of business that you have

    with them. You may either be the sole supplier, or

    you may be constantly fighting for a share of the

    customer's business.

    If you share your customer's business with

    your competitors, you may want to select and

    pursue appropriate and inventive (creative)

    opportunities to increase that share, and carefully

    document the profitability efforts. Think of possible

    ways to make the customer want to do business

    with you alone, or at least bring the major bulk oftheir business to your company. You can even ask

    the customer directly, "How can I earn more of your

    business?" With this knowledge in hand, you can

    develop a focused strategy for your key customer

    that delivers on what each customer agrees is

    important to him or her.

    How does your customer see you?

    According to Larry Wilson, author of the

    bookStop Selling, Start Partnering: The new

    thinking about finding and keeping Customers, acustomer may view you in three ways: you are just

    anothervendor, a problem solver, or a partner.

    The most ideal would be to be viewed by

    your customer as a partner. You are trusted and

    relied upon to make the collaboration work for the

    both of you. These are the types of relationships that

    result in long-term profitability.

    How difficult is it for the customer to shift to

    your competitor?

    Loyal customers are important to your

    bottom line. Studies show that repeat customers

    often spend more money, generate larger

    transactions, refer more customers, and buy a

    broader range of products than one-time shoppers.

    Hence, it is vital to understand the ease or difficulty

    with which your customer can shift business to a

    different supplier.

    Some businesses tend to have inherently

    high switching costs for customers, while others

    enable to switch to a competitor at a low cost

    Customers who have made significant investments

    in people, time, manufacturing processes or

    technology to use your products have high

    switching costs.

    Some of the strategies to keep the customer

    locked into your business include lengthening lock-

    in cycle through purchase agreements, contracts or

    licensing; incorporating proprietary improvements

    designing products and promotions to get customers

    to invest in your product such as special offers to

    loyal customers or trial usage for new customers

    and leverage your customer base by selling

    complementary products.

    What does the customer expect after a sale?

    The hardest part of the sale is after the sale

    is made. It is the make or break period: the

    customer's expectations will either be realized or

    failed. It is the time where you will know whether

    the level of activity, delivery, customer service and

    commitment to promises made all supported the

    sales effort.

    It is important to carefully establish the level

    of expectation that customers should have after the

    sale. Some customer may expect little or no supportwhile some require processes or systems be put in

    place to guarantee that their purchasing experience

    remains smooth (e.g. return of the merchandise

    provision of required technical support, etc.).

    Knowing your customers can help you

    increase sales, loyalty and profits. If your business

    is not doing as well as you expected, you may want

    to think about customers and your business

    differently than you might have in the past and be

    willing to change the behaviors that produce your

    current results.


    You can start by defining your ideal

    customer and list all characteristics you will expect

    in this profile:

    ***Business to consumer: The main

    characteristics are quite unlimited: Geographic area

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    age, sex, income, level of study, employment and so

    on. So keep close to your benefit analysis and just

    list the characteristics that correspond to the

    benefits you offer: If you sell bathing suit, you will

    not care for people living in North Pole. If you sell

    fur clothes, do not lose your time with the

    characteristics of people living in Central Africa!

    ***Business to business: The main characteristics

    are the company size, the products or services, the

    level of technology, the turnover, the staff number,

    the location and so on. You must describe the

    required customer profile according to your product

    or service

    Example: What's the customer profile for fun

    board?Demographic characteristics: 15 to 25

    years old, male, and healthy

    Economic characteristics: Student or

    young professional, not less than $30,000 income

    coming from parents or work.

    Social characteristics: Middle and upper-

    middle class.

    Geographical area: North America,

    Australia, Northern Europe.

    Special interests: Sport like and sea like.

    You just have to think in order to define

    your customer profile: Of course, he is a young

    man. He has good money because you cannot afford

    to buy a fun board when you are short for your daily

    living. So, you can expect that he comes from

    developed countries. Obviously, he likes sports and

    sea very much.

    Why do you need all these characteristics?

    The response is that you need the larger information

    to channel effectively your advertisement: For

    example, the fact to know where he is located will

    conduct you to advertise mainly in English and in

    sportsmen newspapers.

    ***High and low involvement benefits

    Now, we have to examine another topic: Are

    these functional or psychological benefits quite

    important for the customer. It means that we have to

    distinguish low and high involvement products.

    Definition:Ifa consumer pays attention to buy a

    product, then it is considered as a high

    involvement product. If he does not pay too

    much attention, there is a low involvement


    Of course, all the expensive products are

    always high involvement products: Flats, cars

    antiques and so on. Nevertheless, some inexpensive

    products can be said high involvement products

    For example, the consumers pay attention in

    buying cheap drugs because health is an

    important stake. What is more, this feature

    depends also on the customer: For example, a

    fashionable dress is a psychological benefit but it becomes also a high involvement item for hi


    So, it is always fruitful to bring some high

    involvement topics to your product. High

    involvement feature to a quite basic product. It

    enables you to differentiate your product from the

    competition and to charge a high price.

    Finally, the product which gives the greater

    benefit to the consumer must gather both thre

    characteristics: Functional benefits, psychologicabenefits, high involvement features.

    Customer buying process

    According to your customer profile, you

    have to focus on the customer buying process. It is

    not the same thing to buy a candy, a car or a rea

    estate. You have to emphasize on the following

    aspects. I call it the DTHP process:

    Who is the decision making person?





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    In business to business, the purchaser may

    be a top ranking executive: The more hierarchical

    levels involved, the more difficult the sale.

    In business to consumer, the buying process

    could imply on person or the entire family. The

    same observation applies: The more individuals or

    groups involved, the more difficult the sale.

    At what time or period, does he buy?

    Consider frequency and regularity of the

    purchases. Some business follows seasoning periods

    such as the toys, the bathing suit. This period can be

    short: For example, the selling of flowers on

    Sunday, or the clothes during the discount periods.

    How does he buy?

    The buying decision includes the following


    STEP-1: The customer becomes aware of a need:The need could originate from an impulse (candy)

    or from a recognized deficiency (such as a


    STEP-2: The customer begins to explore how

    meeting the need: He reads newspapers, yellow

    pages, and so on. It is very important to know how

    he explores to target advertisement channels.

    STEP-3: According to the need and his income, the

    customer refines the buying criteria and defines a

    budget.STEP-4: He narrows the field of his choice in

    comparing quality/price ratio. He could need

    physical touch or face to face interaction such as a

    test drive.

    STEP-5: Finally he closes the sales. In many

    process, he needs to be helped by a salesman.

    How does he pay?

    Does he use cash, check, or credit card?

    Does he ask for times payment? Does he need a

    loan? If you could link some financial services to

    your product, such as times payments, it should give

    you a high advantage especially for expensive



    Identifying WHO your best customer is

    Customer analysis can help you identify

    who your customer is and thereby improve the

    segmentation targeting and positioning process

    Remember 80% of your business will come from

    20% of your customers. It is important you know

    who those customers can be.

    Planning out retention plans for your new


    New customers are important but so ar

    returning customers. Thus customer analysis can

    help convert your first time customers to returning


    Inducing further buying from your existing


    Cross selling, impulse purchases are some of

    the methods which increase purchasing by your

    existing customers. Example, if you know

    customers who have bought jogging equipment, you

    can cross promote other jogging related fashion tothem.

    Improving customer service

    Once you know who your customer is, you

    can know what kind of services they will demand

    Thus customer analysis will also help in service


    Effective campaign planning

    The demography and purchasing habits of

    your customers will help you with planning a highly

    effective campaign thereby improving your target.Increasing market share

    What if while doing customer analysis you

    recognize a set of customers that havent been

    targeted by you? At the same time, you also

    establish procedures better then the competitors. It

    will increase in market share.

    Increasing overall profitability

    Once the above factors are analyzed the

    company reaches or attains profit. Businesses are

    established for profits. And overall profitability as

    well as well being of the organization increases

    once its customers are satisfied. And customer

    satisfaction will happen only through customer


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    A customer perception analysis is an

    investigation into customer expectations as well

    their requirements by a company or a business or

    any organization catering to specific customers.

    Any company needs to be aware of what its

    customers are thinking, how trends change with

    their customers preferences, what their expectations

    are and how to meet those expectations. Thus, a

    customer perception analysis is a vital exercise

    which can lead to considerable improvement in the

    companys handling of its customers, and their

    behavior towards them. The results of such a

    customer perception analysis must be tabulated

    properly and it can be a valuable source of figuring

    out how customer perceptions change the way a

    company operates.

    It is important to underscore the word

    perception. Perception is the act of discriminating,

    realizing, and becoming aware of through the

    senses. The customers perception is what counts,

    not what we think it is. To understand this point it

    helps to consider perception categorized into (4)


    How a Graphic ArtsCompany views itself

    How the customerviewsthe Graphic Arts


    The realview of the

    Graphic Arts company

    How a Graphic Arts

    Company thinks the

    customerviews the


    The first quadrant has value, but includes

    obvious blind-spots. Some of us score higher in self

    objectivity than do others. The second quadrant is

    the one that counts most and the goal of assessing

    customer perception is to develop as accurate a

    picture of the customers view as possible. The

    third quadrant is a companys perception of how its

    customers perceive it. Bias creeps into this

    quadrant as well. The fourth quadrant is an mixture

    of 1 3 and deals with a philosophical discussion

    similar to, If a tree falls in the forest .

    In practice, our profile of customer

    perception resides in the third quadrant because our

    ability to vision, listen, and interpret is in itself a

    perception which carries filters. A quick review o

    concepts related to perception helps attain higher

    degrees of accuracy when assessing customer

    perception because it is wise to remember tha

    beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and in this

    case the beholder writes the check.


    Assessing customer perception is useless

    unless the information leads to actionable

    feedback. By this I mean that the information is

    not only relevant, but based on its presentation, it isclear what action should be taken to improve overall

    customer satisfaction.

    To this extent, assessing customer

    perception should be part of an overall systematic

    approach aimed at improving customer satisfaction

    There are five basic categories of methods to gather

    customer perception information.

    1. Surveys

    2. Feedback Cards/comment card3. Focus groups (e.g. 20 groups

    derived from the auto industry)

    4. Face to face interviews

    5. Telephone interviews

    6. Customer Complaint Process

    7. Employee feedback


    Our experience suggests that providing the

    customer with a survey is the most frequently used

    method to obtain customer feedback. These vary in

    length and focus with the most common categories

    for questions covering,

    1) Quality of product, 2), timeliness of


    3) Price, 4) responsiveness & flexibility,

    5) Service quality,

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    6) Cooperativeness of Customer Service

    Representatives and/or Sales Representatives,

    7) Innovation and creativity,

    8) Vastness (immensity) of service

    offerings etc.

    MERITS: Relatively easy to coordinate the


    Relatively inexpensive.


    Response rate is not usually stellar. We

    have not performed a formal study to define an

    average response rate, but we are told that if you do

    really well, a company might approach 50%.

    You cant control who responds and who

    does not. So, you may not necessarily obtain arepresentative perspective of the overall customer


    Poorly crafted questions may create a built-

    in bias by leading the respondent to answer in a

    certain way. This is an issue with all methods of

    assessment, but with a survey there is no

    opportunity for two-way communication that might

    resolve misunderstanding.

    FEEDBACK CARDS /COMMENT CARDSThese are attached to the product, or to an

    invoice, and focus on the quality of a product

    shipment. Areas of focus typically include;

    1) product quality, 2) condition of the

    product when it arrived, 3) timeliness, and 4)

    packaging.5)name ,age gender, of customer


    Inexpensive to execute.

    The cards are attached to something that is

    already going to be shipped or mailed.

    Because it is smaller in size and therefore

    less burdensome to complete, the recipient may be

    more inclined to return it.


    The size of the card restricts the number of

    questions that can be listed.

    Although directions for distribution (who

    should complete it) are included on the card, the

    card often does not hit its intended target.

    Sometimes the receiving department

    throws away the card.

    You cant control who responds and who

    does not. So, it is unlikely that you obtain a

    representative perspective of the overall customer



    A focus group session is a meeting conducted with

    a variety of customers to assess a product or service

    Meetings can also focus on service or process

    issues. The automobile industry conducts what it

    calls 20 Groups where it brings a group of twenty

    customers together for the purpose of discussion. Ina traditional Market Research sense, the results

    generated in a focus group are not considered

    scientific and are used to further hone other research

    instruments like a survey. We know of Graphic

    Arts firms that use the concept with a twist by

    bringing buyers and prepress/customer servic

    representatives together for the purpose of

    improving file transfers and/or job related


    MERITS:Sometimes a customer will think of an idea with

    others present that he/she otherwise would not.

    Generates a good deal of input in a short span of



    If not facilitated properly (focus on the outcomes

    and actionable items), the meeting can turn messy

    When this happens, it is worse than if nothing was


    Sometime individuals in a group are subjected to

    group think and support the viewpoints of others

    rather than voice their own.

    Face to Face Interviews

    You may see these being executed at

    shopping mall. Shoppers are escorted into a room

    where a prepared survey is completed which usually

    includes both open-ended questions and those that

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    require a rating. In the Graphics Arts world a

    company often relies on the sales force to obtain the

    customers perception by sitting down and having

    customer-supplier meetings.

    It is important to use interviewers that are

    independent of the process. It is not unusual for

    ownership to say, My sales force has a handle on

    the customer. After all, thats what I pay them for

    and they dont get paid unless they keep the

    customer happy. Ill restate the point that

    interviewer independence is mission critical.


    The setting provides an opportunity to clarify

    questions and discussion topics because

    communication is two-way. The interviewer can

    check-in for both nonverbal and vocal cues.

    The interviewee might be more attentive and

    thorough in answering questions when an

    interviewer is involved.


    The interviewer is constrained by geography.

    Either the interviewer visits the interviewee or vice-

    versa. So to obtain wider coverage can be


    The interviewer may enter bias into the activity, by

    either saying too much (leading the interviewee),

    not listening well, or by not accurately orcomprehensively recording responses.


    These are not telephone solicitations.

    Rather these are contacts made with existing

    customers for the purpose of assessing their

    perception of how well a company is meeting their

    needs. With intelligent crafting of both questions

    and sequence (the nesting of questions), a

    tremendous amount of useful and actionable

    information can be gleaned. As previously stated, it

    is critical to use interviewers who are completely

    independent so as not to filter the information. (Eg:



    The setting provides an opportunity to clarify

    questions and discussion topics because

    communication is two-way. The interviewer can

    check-in for vocal cues.

    The interviewer is not constrained by geography.

    The interviewee might be more attentive and

    thorough in answering questions when an

    interviewer is involved.


    The interviewer may enter bias into the activity, by

    either saying too much (leading the interviewee)

    not listening well, or by not accurately or

    comprehensively recording responses.

    Customer Complaint Process

    By customer complaint process I mean a formal

    process. Generally a company implements a form

    or electronic recording method for capturing a

    complaint. Responsibilities are assigned toindividuals to resolve the immediate issue. The log

    of complaints is analyzed to determine patterns and

    root causes of customer perceptions for the purpose

    of permanently eliminating the condition causing

    the complaint.


    If a company genuinely listens to the complaining

    customer, it is hearing an unsolicited cry for help

    and there is no better substitute for that particular

    perception. Proper handling of the complaint can lead to a

    save which may improve the relationship.


    Making this method the only source of customer

    perception. Often times customers do n

    complain; they just never do business with you



    The internal customer or employees gives

    suggestion n towards the product or service before


    Applications forCustomer Perception analysis

    Business performance improvement activities

    Sales force effectiveness programmes

    Strategic re-positioning

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    Exploring current and new market needs and


    Strategic change programmes

    Developing customer-centric capability models


    Understanding customer needs and

    expectations is very important to a product or

    service-oriented organization as it protects against

    dissatisfied customers. Many business men run their

    business by customers complaint. After customer

    needs and expectations are identified, customer

    satisfaction must be monitored and the findings

    used to generate improvements. Proactively

    conducting customer satisfaction surveys also

    generates a positive impression on customers about

    the organizations interest in them.

    customers expectations VS perceptions

    When a customer begins a relationship with

    you he or she already has a specific set of

    expectations. These expectations are based on their

    perceptions of you, your company and yourindustry. They are formed through personal past

    experience, and the experience of others with whom

    the customer interacts.


    Customer Satisfaction= ----------------------------------

    Customer Expectations

    Factors that influence customers expectations

    CUSTOMER BEHAVIORBuying Behavior is the decision processes

    and acts of people involved in buying and using

    products. Consumer behaviour is the study of

    when, why, how, and where people do or do not

    buy a product. It blends elements from psychology

    sociology, social anthropology and economics. It

    attempts to understand the buyer decision making

    process, both individually and in groups. It studies

    characteristics of individual consumers such as

    demographics and behavioural variables in an

    attempt to understand people's wants. It also tries to

    assess influences on the consumer from groups such

    as family, friends, reference groups, and society in


    Customer behaviour study is based on

    consumer buying behaviour, with the customer

    playing the three distinct roles of user, payer and

    buyer. Relationship marketing is an influential asset

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    for customer behaviour analysis as it has a keen

    interest in the re-discovery of the true meaning of

    marketing through the re-affirmation of the

    importance of the customer or buyer. A greater

    importance is also placed on consumer retention,

    customer relationship management, personalization,

    customization and one-to-one marketing. Social

    functions can be categorized into social choice and

    welfare functions.

    Consumer Buying Behavior refers to the

    buying behavior of the ultimate consumer. A firm

    needs to analyze buying behavior for:

    Buyers reactions to a firms marketing strategy

    has a great impact on the firms success.

    The marketing concept stresses that a firm

    should create a Marketing Mix (MM) that satisfies

    (gives utility to) customers, therefore need toanalyze the what, where, when and how consumers


    Marketers can better predict how consumers

    will respond to marketing strategies.

    The study of consumers helps firms and

    organizations improve their marketing strategies by

    understanding issues such as how

    The psychology of how consumers think, feel,

    reason, and select between different alternatives

    (e.g., brands, products, and retailers);The psychology of how the consumer is influenced

    by his or her environment (e.g., culture, family,

    signs, media);

    The behavior of consumers while shopping or

    making other marketing decisions;

    Limitations in consumer knowledge or information

    processing abilities influence decisions and

    marketing outcome;

    How consumer motivation and decision strategies

    differ between products that differ in their level of

    importance or interest that they entail for the

    consumer; and

    How marketers can adapt and improve their

    marketing campaigns and marketing strategies to

    more effectively reach the consumer.

    One "official" definition of consumer

    behavior is "The study of individuals, groups, or

    organizations and the processes they use to select,

    secure, use, and dispose of products, services,

    experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the

    impacts that these processes have on the consumer

    and society." Although it is not necessary to

    memorize this definition, it brings up some usefu


    **Behavior occurs either for the individual

    or in the context of a group (e.g., friends influence

    what kinds of clothes a person wears) or an

    organization (people on the job make decisions as to

    which products the firm should use).

    **Consumer behavior involves the use and

    disposal of products as well as the study of how

    they are purchased. Product use is often of great

    interest to the marketer, because this may influence

    how a product is best positioned or how we can

    encourage increased consumption. Since manyenvironmental problems result from product

    disposal (e.g., motor oil being sent into sewage

    systems to save the recycling fee, or garbage piling

    up at landfills) this is also an area of interest.

    **Consumer behavior involves services and

    ideas as well as tangible products.

    **The impact of consumer behavior on

    society is also of relevance. For example

    aggressive marketing of high fat foods, or

    aggressive marketing of easy credit, may haveserious repercussions for the national health and


    There are four main applications of consumer


    Marketing Strategy

    The most obvious (clear) factor is for

    marketing strategy. (i.e.)., for making better

    marketing campaigns. For example, by

    understanding that consumers are more receptive to

    food advertising when they are hungry, we learn to

    schedule snack advertisements late in the afternoon

    By understanding that new products are usually

    initially adopted by a few consumers and only

    spread later, and then only gradually, to the rest of

    the population, we learn that (1) companies that

    introduce new products must be well financed so

    that they can stay afloat until their products become

    a commercial success and (2) it is important to

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    please initial customers, since they will in turn

    influence many subsequent customers brand


    Public policy

    A second application is public policy. In the

    1980s, Accutane, a near miracle cure for spots, was

    introduced. Unfortunately, Accutane resulted in

    severe birth defects if taken by pregnant women.

    Although physicians were instructed to warn their

    female patients of this, a number still became

    pregnant while taking the drug. To get consumers

    attention, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA)

    took the step of requiring that very graphic pictures

    of deformed babies be shown on the medicine


    Social marketingSocial marketing involves getting ideas

    across to consumers rather than selling something.

    Marty Fishbein, a marketing professor, went on

    sabbatical to work for the Centers for Disease

    Control trying to reduce the incidence of

    transmission of diseases through illegal drug use.

    The best solution, obviously, would be if we could

    get illegal drug users to stop. This, however, was

    deemed to be infeasible. It was also determined that

    the practice of sharing needles was too ingrained inthe drug culture to be stopped. As a result, using

    knowledge of consumer attitudes, Dr. Fishbein

    created a campaign that encouraged the cleaning of

    needles in bleach before sharing them, a goal that

    was believed to be more realistic.

    As a final benefit, studying consumer

    behavior should make us better consumers.

    Common sense suggests, for example, that if you

    buy a 64 liquid ounce bottle of laundry detergent,

    you should pay less per ounce than if you bought

    two 32 ounce bottles. In practice, however, you

    often pay a size premium by buying the larger

    quantity. In other words, in this case, knowing this

    fact will sensitize you to the need to check the unit

    cost labels to determine if you are really getting a



    There are Six Stages to the Consumer

    Buying Decision Process (For complex decisions)

    Actual purchasing is only one stage of the process

    Not all decision processes lead to a purchase. Al

    consumer decisions do not always include all 6

    stages, determined by the degree of complexity. The

    6 stages are:

    Problem Recognition(awareness ofneed)

    It is the Difference between the desired

    state and the actual condition. For example, Hunger

    means Food. Hunger stimulates your need to eat

    Can be stimulated by the marketer through product

    information and they did not know you were


    Information search

    *Internal search, memory

    *External search, if you need moreinformation. Friends and relatives (word of mouth)

    internet gives lot information about the product

    Marketer dominated sources; comparison shopping

    public sources etc.

    A successful information search leaves a

    buyer with possible alternatives, the evoked set

    Hungry, want to go out and eat, evoked set is

    Chinese food, Indian food, burger king, Klondike

    kates etc

    Evaluation ofAlternatives Need to establish criteria for evaluation

    features the buyer wants or does not want

    Rank/weight alternatives or resume search.

    May think and decide that you want to eat

    something spicy, Indian gets highest rank etc. If not

    satisfied with choice they return to the search phase

    Can you think of another restaurant? Look in the

    yellow pages etc. Information from different

    sources may be treated differently. Marketers try to

    influence by "framing" alternatives.

    Purchase decision

    Choose buying alternative, includes product

    package, store, method of purchase etc.


    It May differ from decision, time lapse

    between purchase decision and purchase is produc


    Post-Purchase Evaluation-outcome:

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    It is Satisfaction or Dissatisfaction.

    Cognitive Dissonance, have you made the right

    decision. This can be reduced by warranties, after

    sales communication etc.After eating an Indian

    meal, may think that really you wanted a Chinese

    meal instead.


    Customer Value Analysis (CVA) and

    customer loyalty marketing research are far more

    in-depth than our basic employee or customer

    satisfaction survey reports. CVA represents the

    typical benefit a marketing research study can have

    on an organization. Customer Value Analysis

    empowers organizations with superior business

    intelligence capable of unlocking complex market

    opportunities. This tool helps our clients define theactions that will result in a competitive advantage.

    In marketing, customer lifetime value

    (CLV), lifetime customer value (LCV), orlifetime

    value (LTV) is the net present value of the cash

    flows attributed to the relationship with a customer.

    The use of customer lifetime value as a marketing

    metric tends to place greater emphasis on customer

    service and long-term customer satisfaction, rather

    than on maximizing short-term sales.

    Customer lifetime value (CLV)is definedasthe sum of cumulated cash flowsdiscounted using

    the Weighted Avera ge Cost of Capital (WACC)

    ofa customer over his or her entire lifetime with the


    In this chapter, we first discuss the

    importance and the relevance of CLV and compare

    it with other traditionally used metrics. Two

    approaches for measuring CLV, namely the

    aggregate approach and the individual level



    CLV is a measure of the worth of a

    customer to the firm. Calculation of CLV for all the

    customers helps the firms to prioritize the customers

    on the basis of their contribution to the firms

    profits. This can be the basis for formulating and

    implementing customer specific strategies for

    maximizing their lifetime profits and increasing

    their lifetime duration.

    In other words, CLV helps the firm to treat

    each customer differently based on their

    contribution rather than treating all the customers

    same. Calculating CLV helps the firm to know how

    much it can invest in retaining the customer so as to

    achieve positive return on investment. A firm has

    limited resources and ideally wants to invest in

    those customers who bring maximum return to the

    firm. This is possible only by knowing the

    cumulated cash flow of a customer over his or her

    entire lifetime with the company or the lifetime

    value of the customers.

    TRADITIONALLY USED METRICSSome of the commonly used metrics for

    computing customer value include RFM, Share-of-

    Wallet and Past Customer Value.

    RFM Method

    RFM stands for Recency, Frequency, and

    Monetary Value. This technique utilizes these three

    metrics to evaluate customer behavior and customer


    Recency: It is a measure of how long it has been

    since a customer last placed an order with thecompany.

    Frequency: It is a measure of how often a

    customer orders from the company in a certain

    defined period.

    Monetary value: It is the amount that a customer

    spends on an average transaction.

    Two methods are generally used for

    computing RFM.

    The first method involves sorting custome

    data from the customer database, based on RFM

    criteria and grouping them in equal quintiles and

    analyzing the resulting data.

    The second method involves the

    computation of relative weights for R, F , and M

    using regression techniques and then the use of

    those weights for calculating the combined effects

    of RFM. RFM can be considered as the sum of the

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    weighted recency, frequency, and monetary value

    scores for a customer.


    Share-of-Wallet at an aggregate level is

    defined as the proportion of category value

    accounted for by a focal brand or a focal firm within

    its base of buyers. At an individual customer level,

    SOW is defined as the proportion of category value

    accounted for by a focal brand or a focal firm for a

    buyer from all brands that the buyer purchases in

    that category. It indicates the degree to which a

    customer meets his needs in the category with a

    focal brand or firm (Kumar & Reinartz, 2005).

    It is computed by dividing the value of sales

    (S) of the focal firm (j) to a buyer in a category by

    the size-of-wallet of the same customer in a time

    period.The information about a customers

    spending with competitors is not normally available

    with the firms. This is obtained from primary

    market research or surveys administered to a

    representative sample of firms customers. The

    results are then extrapolated to the entire buyer

    base. However, in certain B-to-B contexts firms can

    infer the size of wallet for certain products

    especially when the number of players in the market


    This model is built on the assumption that

    the past performance of the customer indicates their

    future level of profitability and an extrapolation of

    the results of past transactions is a measure of

    customers value in the future. The value of a

    customer is determined based on the total

    contribution (towards profits) provided by the

    customer in the past. The contributions from past

    transactions are adjusted for the time value of

    money and the cumulative contribution till the

    present period is the past customer value (PCV) of a


    Customer lifetime value has intuitive appeal

    as a marketing concept, because in theory it

    represents exactly how much each customer is

    worth in monetary terms, and therefore exactly how

    much a marketing department should be willing to

    spend to acquire each customer. In reality, it is

    difficult to make accurate calculations of customer

    lifetime value. The specific calculation depends on

    the nature of the customer relationship. Customer

    relationships are often divided into two categories

    In contractual or retention situations, customers

    who do not renew are considered "lost for good"

    Magazine subscriptions and car insurance are

    examples of customer retention situations. The

    other category is referred to as customer migration

    situations. In customer migration situations, a

    customer who does not buy (in a given period or

    from a given catalog) is still considered a customer

    of the firm because she may very well buy at some

    point in the future. In customer retention situations

    the firm knows when the relationship is over. Oneof the challenges for firms in customer migration

    situations is that the firm may not know when the

    relationship is over (as far as the customer is


    An ideal customer is one who is highly

    profitable and loyal. The best marketing strategy is

    to find such customers and keep them loyal

    Customer Loyalty and Profitability are distinct

    behaviors. Some of your customers could be highly profitable, but not very loyal. On the other hand

    there are customers who are just mildly profitable,

    who tend to stay with you for a long time. However

    the vast majority of customers tend to exhibit a

    behavior between these two extremes. Marketer

    could alter the behavior of these customers through

    innovative data-driven marketing strategies

    Marketers use Customer Lifetime Value

    (LTV) as a single unified measure of profitability

    and loyalty of customers. More and more marketers

    use LTV as a basis for their marketing programs

    and strategic planning. LTV is nothing but the

    cumulative Net Present Value of the profits from a

    given customer (or a segment of customers) for a

    given number of years.

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    While estimating the LTV of your

    customers, there are several factors you need to

    consider, including:

    Revenue per customer:

    One of the key drivers for LTV is the

    spending rate, or revenue per customer.


    Increase in retention rate reduces customer

    service costs, increases revenue per customer.

    Additional Purchase:

    Existing Customer may make additional

    purchases that could increase their LTV.


    When your customers turn into advocates,

    they recommend their friends, co-workers or

    relatives to your company. Referrals typically tend

    to have higher retention rates and spending rates.


    LTV computation should apportion costs to

    the customer. These costs include cost of services or

    products, plus the variable administrative costs, as

    well as the acquisition cost.

    Developing long-term relationships with

    individual customers is a critical success factor. The

    challenge for a businesses is to add value by

    creating an environment where collective customer

    service processes can outperform the service levels

    provided by competitors, yet retain the benefits o

    strong individual customer relationships.

    The key elements of having a clear customer focus

    and meeting their needs are:

    1. Placing a high value on the customers you do

    have or attract

    2. Identifying the kind of customer your business


    3. Understanding customer choices that are


    4. Narrowing down the best market for your

    business (segmentation)

    5. Selecting the appropriate level of service requiredfor your chosen target market

    6. Marketing your product or service effectively

    7. Converting the opportunities created from

    targeted marketing into actual sales

    8. Providing consistently good customer service and

    have a service improvement culture.

    CLV can be used to generate customer levelstrategies and optimize firm performance

    Specifically these strategies include:(1) Customer selection,(2) Customer segmentation,(3) Optimal resource allocation,(4) Purchase sequence analysis, and(5) Targeting profitable prospects.

    These strategies help to maximize the profitability and customer equity of the firmthereby increasing the shareholder value. They alsohave strategic impact on profitable lifetime duration

    of the customers.


    Lifetime value is typically used to judge the

    appropriateness of the costs of acquisition of a

    customer. For example, if a new customer costs $50

    to acquire (COCA, or cost of customer acquisition)

    and their lifetime value is $60, then the customer is

    judged to be profitable, and acquisition of additiona

    similar customers is acceptable.

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    Advantages of CLV:

    Management of customer relationship as an


    Monitoring the impact of management

    strategies and marketing investments on the value

    of customer assets

    Determination of the optimal level of

    investments in marketing and sales activities

    Implementation of sensitivity analysis in order

    to determinate getting impact by spending extra

    money on each customer

    Optimal allocation of limited resources for

    ongoing marketing activities in order to achieve a

    maximum return

    A good basis for selecting customers and for

    decision making regarding customer specific

    communication strategies

    Measurement of customer loyalty (proportion

    of purchase, probability of purchase and repurchase,

    purchase frequency and sequence etc.)

    Identify the attributes that matter to your

    customers and the competitors' customers.

    Show exactly how customers define these


    Quantify the company's performance and yourcompetitor's performance.

    Show which competitors have superior value

    propositions and what can be done.

    Reveal which market players are poised to gain

    or lose market share.

    Provide a fact-based, data driven system for

    making decisions, beating the competition and

    tracking progress.



    There are three values are important to create

    value analysis





    The user create the values in different context


    Quality improvementInnovationsMass customizationWarranties and guarantees


    Price exclusivity

    Limited availabilitySocial image adsExclusive offerings


    Emotional communications


    The payer concentrates three main factor before

    they made purchase


    Low price from lower marginsLow price from increased productivity

    (achieved through economies of scale, modernized

    plant, automation, business process re-engineering)


    Acceptance of credit cards

    Offering of own credit card

    Deferred payment



    Customized financing



    Product display and demonstration

    Knowledgeable salesperson


    User support and maintenance service


    Convenient point-of-access

    Automated transaction recording


    Personal attention and courtesy

    Interpersonal relationships


    CRM helps companies understand the value

    of customers, target their most profitable customers

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    cultivate and maintain high-quality relationships

    that increase loyalty and profits.

    Precise evaluation of customer profitability

    and targeting the most profitable customers are

    crucial elements for the success of CRM

    In todays competitive business

    environment, the ability to identify profitable

    customers, build their long-term loyalty and steadily

    expand existing relationships is key competitive

    factors to a company. To meet these factors,

    companies across a wide range of industries have

    made Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

    one of the leading business strategies, integrating

    sales, marketing and service across multiple

    business units and customer contact points. CRMhelps companies understand the value of customers,

    target their most profitable customers, cultivate and

    maintain high-quality relationships that increase

    loyalty and profits. Precise evaluation of customer

    profitability and targeting the most profitable

    customers are crucial elements for the success of


    Many CRM researches have been performed

    to calculate customer profitability based oncustomer lifetime value and develop a

    comprehensive model of it. Most of them, however,

    had some limitations by not considering such as the

    change of profit contribution resulted from the

    customer defection (Berger & Nasr, 1998; Gupta &

    Lehmann, 2003). They need further extensions

    considering additional factors such as customer

    reactivation possibility, attracting/service cost and

    causes of customer defection.

    On the other hand, the customer

    segmentation based on their profitability to a

    company is still an underutilized approach. This

    study aims at providing an easy, efficient and more

    practical alternative approach based on the customer

    satisfaction survey for the profitable customers

    segmentation instead of using a customer

    profitability model, which is an important tool for

    marketing and managing customer relationships by

    providing the information of overall satisfactio

    level, repurchase intentions, word-of-mouth

    intentions, etc.

    In our approach, we use intelligent tools

    such as Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), Self-

    Organizing Map (SOM) Neural network and C4.5

    to segment profitable customers.

    DEA evaluates efficiency through the

    relation analysis between the companys input costs

    for a customer (e.g. marketing cost, production cost,

    inventory cost, delivery cost, service cost and

    relationship management cost) and the output (e.g

    his/her satisfaction level, repurchase intentions and

    word-of-mouth intentions in the customersatisfaction survey and his/her profit contribution to


    Through the successive mining of customer

    satisfaction survey and socio-demographic data by

    SOM and C4.5, we segment profitable customers

    among all the surveyed customers.

    Here survey-based profitable customers

    segmentation system (SPCSS) that designs

    executes (on-line, e-mail, etc.) the customer

    satisfaction survey for all customers in customerdatabase of a company and conducts those mining

    works for the profitable customers segmentation

    SPCSS has an architecture based on intelligent

    agent technology and also the integration of those

    mining process into decision support system

    framework by means of applying that technology.




    Traditional customer segmentation models

    were based on demographic, attitudinal, and

    psychographic attributes of a customer (Griffin

    2003). Recently, the customer segmentation based

    on customer transactional and behavioral data (e.g

    purchases type, volume and history, call cente

    complaints, claims, web activity data, etc.) collected

    by various information systems is commonly used

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    However, the customer segmentation based on

    his/her profitability to a company is still


    Customer profitability is a customer-level

    measure that refers to the revenues less the costs

    which one particular customer generates over a

    given period of time and has been studied the name

    of Customer value, Customer Lifetime Value, LTV

    and Customer Equity. Much customer profitability

    researches focused on the future cash flow derived

    from the past profit contribution and did not

    considered the change of profit contribution resulted

    from the customer defection (Berger & Nasr, 1998;

    Gupta & Lehmann, 2003).

    It is difficult and complicated to develop aneffective and exact customer profitability model and

    segment profitable customers based on that model.

    In this study, we provide an easy, efficient and more

    practical alternative approach through the customer

    satisfaction survey for the profitable customers

    segmentation instead of using that model.

    The typical customer satisfaction survey

    collects data on the causal context of satisfaction,

    i.e. antecedents (e.g. perceived performance ofvarious product attributes/service) and

    consequences (e.g. overall satisfaction level,

    repurchase intentions and word-of-mouth

    intentions). According to the Satisfaction-Profit

    Chain principle (Anderson & Mittal, 2000),

    improving product and service attributes causes

    increased customer satisfaction, increased customer

    satisfaction leads to greater customer retention and

    improving customer retention greater profitability.

    The term customers overall satisfaction

    level, repurchase intentions, word-of-mouth

    intentions obtained from the customer satisfaction

    survey and his/her profit/loss to a company derived

    from the accounting database of it for the first step

    of profitable customers segmentation.




    We propose a survey-based profitable

    customers segmentation system (SPCSS) based on

    data mining and agent technology that designs

    executes (on-line, e-mail, etc.) customer satisfaction

    survey and conducts predefined mining processesfor the profitable customers segmentation. SPCSS

    has a multi-agent based architecture and the

    integration of predefined mining processes into

    decision support system framework.

    There are three types of intelligent agents

    within the SPCSS architecture: Survey management

    (SM) agent with survey knowledge base that

    provides system co-ordination, facilitates (minedknowledge communication, and takes the charge of

    design and execution of customer satisfaction

    survey, profitable customers segmentation (PCS)

    agent that segments profitable customers among all

    the surveyed customers through the mining of

    integrated data from the customer satisfaction

    survey and accounting database and decides the

    priority order for each non-profitable custome

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    according to the size of possibility that he/she is

    converted to profitable one through the mining of

    integrated data from the customer satisfaction

    survey and customer database, and user assistant

    agent that acts as the intelligent interface agent

    between the user (e.g. the engineer of customer

    satisfaction center) and the SPCSS.



    The first step is to find out the customers

    among all the surveyed ones that have higher

    efficiency about their output (e.g. the level of

    customer satisfaction, repurchase intentions, word-

    of-mouth intentions and profit/loss to the company)

    from companys input costs for them (e.g.

    marketing cost (campaign and advertisement),

    production cost, inventory cost, delivery cost,

    service cost and relationship management cost). We

    call the group of customers with higher efficiency

    HECG (High Efficiency Customer Group) in this


    To find out HECG, PCS agent employs

    DEA ( Data Envelopment Analysis), an efficiency

    measurement tool, to evaluate the cost efficiency of

    all the surveyed customers (Charnes, Cooper,Lewin, & Seiford, 1994). DEA evaluates their

    efficiencies through the relation analysis between

    the companys input costs for them and the output.

    Because the customers who belong to

    HECG create more superior output than a

    companys input costs for them, they have an

    important effect on companys current and future

    profit generation. However, undesirable customers

    can belong to HECG because of the inaccuracy andinconsistency of survey data and so on. Therefore,

    the next step is to form profitable customers group

    (PCG) by removing undesirable customers that have

    similar socio-demographic features to non-HECGs

    ones among the customers belonging to HECG.

    PCS agent first extracts the socio-

    demographic (SD) features of HECGs customers

    and classifies them into the extracted features using

    SOM (Self-Organizing Map), a special type of

    neural network using an unsupervised learning

    scheme (Kohonen, 1989).

    In other words, through SOM Training of

    HECGs SD data from customer database, PCS

    agent produces SOM weight vectors with the SD

    features information of HECG. PCS agent classifies

    all the surveyed customers into the extracted SOM

    weight vectors (i.e. SD features) of HECG.

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    The SOM Classification process (Lee, You,

    Park, 2001) produces similarity scores by using theinner product (or dot product) between the extracted

    SOM weight vectors (i.e., jZ1,.,k) that show the SD

    feature patterns of HECG and the SD data vector of

    a survey customer (i.e. Xi). The similarity score

    indicates the level of similarity between two

    vectors, the extracted SOM weight vector and

    observed SD data vector of customer belonging to

    the HECG.

    In the case of similarity score higher than

    the similarity criteria that set a lower limit on the

    level of similarity, the customer is classified into the

    corresponding SD feature of HECG. In other words,

    the customer has that SD feature of HECG. For

    example, in the customers socio demographic data

    vector, Xi, is classified into the SD feature 1

    (i.e.W1) among k SD features because the similarity

    score of two vectors, 0.98, is higher than the

    predefined similarity criteria, 0.95.

    Through the SOM classification with high

    similarity criteria setting as shown in above

    example, PCS agent composes the profitable

    customers group (PCG) by selecting the customers

    with the very similar SD features to HECGs ones

    among all the surveyed customers.


    CS agent extracts the common SDrules of customers belonging to the PCG by C4.5

    (Quinlan, 1993), a decision tree learning tool, and

    then these mined rules are accumulated in the

    survey knowledge base of SPCSS to use them for

    customer management later.




    After PCS agent segments profitablecustomers, it evaluates the possibility that non-

    profitable custom