Crime and Punishment

Circle Talk – BKDEC – Jan 21 st 2015 Crime and Punishment A crime is a serious offence such as murder or robbery. A punishment is a penalty imposed on somebody who is convicted of a crime. There is an important difference between criminal law and civil law. Criminal law deals with matters such as murder. Civil law deals with matters such as contracts or divorce. traffic /ˈtræf.ɪk/ verb [ I ] trafficking , trafficked , trafficked to buy and sell goods illegally They were arrested for trafficking in the eggs of protected species of birds. smuggle /ˈsmʌg.l ̩/ verb [ T usually + adv/prep ] noun: smuggling, criminal: smuggler to take things or people to or from a place secretly and often illegally She was caught trying to smuggle 26 kilos of heroin out of/into the country. arson /ˈɑːr.sən/ intentionally starting a fire Eg: A cinema was burnt out last night. Police suspect arson. kidnap /ˈkɪd.næp/ verb [ T ] -pp- to take a person away illegally by force, usually in order to demand money in exchange for releasing them, criminal: kidnaper Eg: The kid was kidnapped last night speeding /ˈspiː.dɪŋ/ noun [ U ] Eg: She was fined for speeding last month.



Transcript of Crime and Punishment

Circle Talk BKDEC Jan 21st 2015 Crime and PunishmentA crime is a serious offence such as murder or robbery. A punishment is a penalty imposed on somebody who is convicted of a crime. There is an important difference betweencriminallaw andcivillaw. Criminal law deals with matters such as murder. Civil law deals with matters such as contracts or divorce.

traffic /trf.k/ verb [ I ] trafficking , trafficked , trafficked to buy and sell goods illegally They were arrested for trafficking in the eggs of protected species of birds. smuggle /smg.l/ verb [ T usually + adv/prep ] noun: smuggling, criminal: smugglerto take things or people to or from a place secretly and often illegally She was caught trying to smuggle 26 kilos of heroin out of/into the country. arson / intentionally starting a fire Eg: A cinema was burnt out last night. Police suspect arson. kidnap / verb [ T ] -pp- to take a person away illegally by force, usually in order to demand money in exchange for releasing them, criminal: kidnaper Eg: The kid was kidnapped last nightspeeding /spi.d/ noun [ U ] Eg: She was fined for speeding last month. drunk-driving /drkdra.v/ noun [ U ] US for drink-driving child abuse when adults intentionally treat children in a cruel or violent way

Spotlight: you steal money or things, but you rob a person or placeInnocent /n..snt/ not guilty of a particular crime, or having no knowledge of the unpleasant and evil things in life # opposite: guilty Eg: He firmly believes that she is innocent of the crime. sentence / t s/ noun [ C ] PUNISHME given by a judge in court to a person or organization after they have been found guilty of doing something wrong Eg: He got a heavy/light sentenceoffender /fen.d r / a person who is guilty of a crime : sex offenders defend /dfend/ PROTECT against attack or criticism Eg:I can't afford a lawyer so I shall defend myself discharge /dstrd/ ALLOW TO LEAVE to allow sb to leave somewhere, especially a hospital, a court Suspect: doubt, think likely, think guilty Eg: I have no reason to suspect sb/sth loyalty, "I suspect not/ so. Suspicious: seem guilty, doubt Ex: Her behavior was very suspicious (AUSTRALIAN informal suss ) pusher /p. r / /-/ noun [ C ] ( also drug pusher ) someone who sells illegal drugs arrest /rest/ The police arrested her for drinking and driving. charge /td/ /trd/ verb ACCUSE FORMALL to make a formal statement saying that someone is accused of a crime Eg. She is charged with murdering her husband. ault / slt/ a violent attack Eg: He was charged with sexual assault. terrorist /ter..rst/ / noun [ C ] someone who uses violent action, or threats of violent action, for political purposes Eg: Several terrorists have been killed by their own bombs What types of penalties are there for committing a criminal offence?imprisonment /mprz. n.mnt/ noun [ C or U ] She was sentenced to five years' imprisonment Life imprisonment noun [ U ] ( informal life ), community service noun [ U ] without paymentprobation /pro be. n/ /pro-/ noun [ U ] a period of time when a criminal must behave well in societies to avoid being sent to prison Eg. He was fined and given two years' probation. compensation /km.pense. n/ /km-/ noun MONEY is paid to someone in exchange for sth that has been lost or damaged or for some problem Eg: She received 40 000 in compensation for a lost eye. restitution /res.ttu. n/ the return of objects stolen or lost Eg: the restitution of ancient treasures psychiatric hospital /sa.kit.rk/ where people who are mentally ill (insanity) stay and receive treatment capital punishment noun [ U ] ( also the death penalty ) punishment by death