Credit Management Solutions

Bluering was established in response to a growing need for software business solutions, particularly in the banking and finance sectors. The main objective of the company is to become a global solution provider that offers software applications catered to individual requirements, insuring a unique, comprehensive product of superior quality. With extensive end-to-end solutions for pre-lending decision making, bluering products are fully integrated, wide-ranging and feature a workflow engine that is user-friendly. By supplying retail and corporate banks with the answer to their specific software needs, the company is able to fill a niche in the market for complete credit management solutions. Offering a varying range of services, bluering provides all necessary components for a complete solution package – from training to implementation, support, and business consulting, in addition to a list of other solutions pertinent to an enterprise-wide computerization plan. The company is completely committed to providing the successful implementation of its products, using all required resources to make sure every project is completed successfully, guaranteeing the highest level of satisfaction. Moreover, the bluering staff is trained to be customer centric, ensuring that the corporate culture is centered on the continuous development of company resources in order to continually deliver better products and services. With a professional and experienced team, each a specialist in their respective field, bluering has already established an impressive name for itself in the market, counting several prominent banks in Lebanon among its growing client roster. The minds behind the company’s success are industry innovators, firmly committed to consistently improving and updating their products by adding creative features and functionality. As a result, bluering is continuously evolving, allowing for its products and services to be made available across the Middle East, with further developments including expansion into the European market. Bluering Company Profile


Bluering is a software company that delivers corporate and retail credit management solutions to the global banking and financial sector

Transcript of Credit Management Solutions

Page 1: Credit Management Solutions

Bluering was established in response to a growing need for software business

solutions, particularly in the banking and finance sectors. The main objective

of the company is to become a global solution provider that offers software

applications catered to individual requirements, insuring a unique,

comprehensive product of superior quality. With extensive end-to-end

solutions for pre-lending decision making, bluering products are fully

integrated, wide-ranging and feature a workflow engine that is user-friendly.

By supplying retail and corporate banks with the answer to their specific

software needs, the company is able to fill a niche in the market for complete

credit management solutions.

Offering a varying range of services, bluering provides all necessary

components for a complete solution package – from training to

implementation, support, and business consulting, in addition to a list of other

solutions pertinent to an enterprise-wide computerization plan. The company

is completely committed to providing the successful implementation of its

products, using all required resources to make sure every project is

completed successfully, guaranteeing the highest level of satisfaction.

Moreover, the bluering staff is trained to be customer centric, ensuring that

the corporate culture is centered on the continuous development of

company resources in order to continually deliver better products and


With a professional and experienced team, each a specialist in their

respective field, bluering has already established an impressive name for

itself in the market, counting several prominent banks in Lebanon among its

growing client roster. The minds behind the company’s success are industry

innovators, firmly committed to consistently improving and updating their

products by adding creative features and functionality. As a result, bluering is

continuously evolving, allowing for its products and services to be made

available across the Middle East, with further developments including

expansion into the European market.

Bluering Company Profile

Page 2: Credit Management Solutions
Page 3: Credit Management Solutions

Corporate credit is one of the major sources of income to banks and financial

institutions. It is also one of the main areas of risk that can directly affect their

profitability, credibility and growth. Credit portfolios have long been a critical

issue to private banks, central banks and regulatory bodies. The Basel

committee has been working on this issue and published the Basel II Accords,

in which a clearer credit risk methodology was identified.

Private Banks worldwide are preparing themselves to define and apply a

credit risk policy compliant with Basel II requirements. The most important part

of such methodology is to be able to rate and quantify, periodically, the risk

of the credit portfolio that will directly affect the capital required for the bank.

Such a post lending approach is both essential and critical, but what is more

important is for the banks to enhance their pre-lending process so that they

improve their credit portfolio and reduce the credit risk.

Bluering Corporate Credit is your pre-lending solution that will allow you to:

Bluering Corporate Credit

corporate credit



Identify the potential risk of customers before the fact.

Enhance data availability.

Re-engineer the credit business process.

Introduce best practices and standardization to the credit file.

Simplify financial analyses through enhanced tools.

Offer broader decision-making tools, information and knowledge.

Create a paperless environment through integrated capture of

physical documents.

Generate all post lending controls, such as renewal dates, validity dates,

maturity dates and payment dates, among others.

Apply triggers and quality control related to the performance of

creditors, relationship managers and credit analysts.

Relieve credit analysts and relationship managers from all the hassle

of preparation and follow-up of credit files and credit documents,

allowing them to focus instead on the credit and risk side of


Page 4: Credit Management Solutions

Bluering Corporate Credit Features

Manage the full cycle of credit decision – from the branch until the

final decision of credit committees – including the generation of all

forms required as supporting documents in a credit file.

Store all financial data of credit customers and generate any

financial reports required by credit analysts. It can directly integrate

with credit bureaus to gather industry average ratios for comparative


Act as a document management application that will allow the

capture and storage of all documents received from the customer or

any internally generated document that comprises a credit file. It

allows easy follow-up and retrieval of all documents.

Generate any form required by analysts or relationship managers,

such as BIR, CAM, credit proposal, financial summary, etc.

Offer a completely parameterized workflow engine that will allow the

electronic transmission of credit files inside the bank for approval or

rejection. All steps of this decision-making process are recorded for

audit and future control.

Serve as a customer relationship management system for credit

officers in a bank. It allows the full management of the relationship

with the customer as well as the follow-up of major events, such as

payments, renewals, meetings, etc.

Include fully parameterized features to allow customization for every

bank and for any required future changes.

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Retail credit has been booming for the past decade, allowing banks to

expand their reach. As a result, many new banking products are being

introduced and the market has become extremely competitive.

Retail banking is a great source of income to banks, but, unlike corporate

credit, the cost associated to the management of every retail customer is

more expansive than the return. Volume is the main criteria for success of a

retail product and risk should, therefore, be considered for the entire portfolio

of every product.

Banks should be able to increase the volume of their lending while

maintaining a certain control on the risk of the product itself. This can only be

achieved by introducing an application that will centrally manage the

pre-lending decision based on a predefinition of needed customer profiles,

or by predefining unwanted profiles of customers.

Bluering Retail Credit is your retail pre-lending solution that will allow you to:

Bluering Retail Credit

Define the profile of required customers by product through the

introduction of an internal scoring system.

Define all policies and procedures and directly apply them at the

level of the application forms.

Gather and centralize all customer information, financials,

documents and transactions for better analyses.

Have all post lending controls, such as renewal dates, validity dates,

maturity dates, payment dates and others.

Apply triggers and quality control related to the performance of

creditors, relationship managers and credit analysts.

Relieve credit analysts and relationship managers from all the hassle

of preparation and follow-up of credit files and credit documents.

r e t a i l c r e d i t


Page 6: Credit Management Solutions

Bluering Retail Credit Features

Allow for the electronic creation and handling of all application


Offer an electronic workflow based on a number of user-defined

criteria and banking policy controls.

Generate credit scoring for applicants based on the bank’s credit

policy as well as general best practices in the field.

Centralize information about applicants and application forms.

Distribute applicants and application forms to all branches, allowing

more control, better decision-making and cost reduction.

Standardize application forms and all supporting documents, which

reduces couriers between branches and speeds up the process.

Allow for an unlimited number of retail credit products.

Feature multi-currency applications, with the automatic generation of

counter values.

Generate multiple statistical reports covering the following areas:

- Overall risk performance

- Branch sales performance

- Comparative product performance analysis

- Workflow progress report (process lead times).

