CraC! Creativity and Communication Course Guide - Unitec COMM5533

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    CraC !


    COMMUNICATIONCOMM 5533 Course Guide

    Department of Communication Studies

    Te Tari Whitiwhiti Koorero

    Unitec Institute of Technology


    Spring 2009 Version 0.75


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    U N I T E C D E P A R T M E N T O F C O M M U N I C A T I O N S T U D I E STe Tari Whitiwhiti Koorero

    CraC! Creativity and Communication: COMM 5533 Course GuidePeter J MELLALIEU, Spring 2009

    For further information about the Unitec Department of CommunicationStudies contact: Dr. Sara Donaghey, Programme Director, UndergraduateProgrammes, Department of Communication Studies, Unitec New ZealandPrivate Bag 92025, Mt Albert, AUCKLAND, Ph: +64-9-815 4321 ext [email protected]

    Version 0.75 (Prototype) 1 September 2009

    This edition of the course outline was developed by Peter Mellalieu, buildingon earlier editions produced by Mary Kingsbury and Glenda Jacobs.

    Design: Apple iWork by MyndSurfers. Layout informed by Stibic (1980) andMcAlpine (1997)

    Cover page: One of Edisons balls. Photo: Peter Mellalieu, 2005.[email protected]:[email protected]://
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    Document changeVersion Previous Current

    0.52 (Prototype) 27 July


    Fig 4.1 Fig 4.1 Corrected to

    display correctly inAcrobat 5. Weightsremoved

    0.52 (Prototype) 27 July2009

    Fig 4.2 Workload added to Fig4.2

    0.52 (Prototype) 27 July2009

    (new) Fig 4.3 Added.

    Previously Fig 4.1 in ver0.52

    0.52 (Prototype) 27 July


    (new) Fig 4.2 and Section 103.

    Due date and timespecified

    0.52 (Prototype) 27 July2009

    S. 10 Field trip date changed

    0.52 (Prototype) 27 July2009

    S 102 tumblr address corrected

    0.52 (Prototype) 27 July2009

    (new) ANNEX A - Assignment 1

    0.52 (Prototype) 27 July2009

    (new) ANNEX C - Assignment3

    Next version - to come Elaboration of S 45 - acreative touch

    Version 0.64 (Prototype)10 August 2009

    Table 4.2 Weight table adjusted tospecify due date forblogs.

    Version 0.75 (Prototype)1 September 2009

    Table 4.2

    Section 8

    Assignment due datesaltered (delayed)

    (Section 8, and Table4.2) Dates added toTable 4.2

    Version 0.75 (Prototype)1 September 2009

    Annex B - incorporatedfrom tumblr site.

    Version 0.75 (Prototype)1 September 2009

    Annex A Assignment assessmentrubrics re-defined forblogs (Assignment 1)Annex B: Assignment 2added

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    Contents..................................................................0. Course descriptor! 1

    ...............................................................01 - Introduction 1

    ......................................................02 - Apposite questions 1

    ...............................................1. Aims and learning outcomes ! 2................................................................11 -Course aims 2

    ......................................................12 - Learning outcomes 2

    ........................................................13 - Programme aims 2

    ...................................................................2. Course facilitator! 3.........................................................................3. Course topics! 5

    ..................................................31 - Introducing creativity 5

    ................................32 - Developing creativity in individuals 5

    ....33 - Leading creativity in groups, teams, and organisations 5

    .............................34 - Creativity in communication practice 5

    ...........4. Course architecture and overview of assignments ! 6................................41 - Creative communication campaign 6

    ................................................42 - Individual investigation 8

    ..............................................44 - My teaching philosophy 10

    .......................................................45 - A creative touch 10

    ..................................5. A creative pause: the mountaineers! 12......................6. Defining creative thinking: an introduction ! 13

    .........................................................61 - Lateral thinking 13

    .....................................................................62 - Create 13

    ...................................................................63 - Creative 13

    .................................................................64 - Creativity 13

    .................................................................65 - Exercises 14

    .......................................66 - Illustrating creative process 14

    ................................................................7. Text and literature! 18.......................................71 - Core text: serious creativity 18

    ...................................................72 - Reference readings 19

    ...................................................................73 - Exercise 20

    .........................................................74 - Academic skills 20

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    ...............................................................8. Learning schedule! 21.........................................9. A logical pause: the fire station! 22

    .................................................10. Conducting assignments ! 23..................................101 - Your personal journal and blog 23

    ..........................102 - House style: Document presentation 23

    ...........................................103 - Submitting assignments 24

    ...........................................104 - Exercise: Global English 25

    .............................................105 - Backup! Backup!! Backup!!! 25

    ......................................11. Assessment policy and practice! 26......................................................111 - Non-completion 26

    ...................................112 - Extensions and late deliveries 26

    ............................................................................12. Literature! 27.........ANNEX A: Assignment 1 - Personal creativity journal! 30

    ...................................................................A11 - Length 30

    ................ A12 - Why keep a professional reflective journal? 31

    .............................................. A13 - Investigation process 33

    ................................................... A14 - Reflective learning 34

    .......................... A15 - Summary of key insights and theory 35

    A16 - The learning log: capturing data for your reflective

    ........................................................................... journal

    ................................................ A17 - Writing style: a note 35

    ................................................................ A18 - Audience 35

    ............................................................... A19 - Literature 36

    ANNEX B: Assignment 2 - Creative communication

    ..................................................................................campaign! 39.........................................................B11 - Two elements 39

    ...........................................B12 - Assignment Dimensions 39

    ......................................................B13 - Timing schedule 40

    ......................................B14 - A suggested plan of attack 40

    ..........B15 - A note on harvesting, treatment, and reflection 41

    ...........................B16 - On presentation and writing quality 41

    ...............................................................B17 - Literature 41

    ..............ANNEX C: Assignment 3 - Individual investigation! 44

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    ...................................................................C11 - Length 45

    ...............................................................C12 - Language 45

    ..........................................C13 - Assessment and grading 45

    ......................................C14 - Haswells Minimal marking 45

    ............................................C15 - Interactive peer review 46.............C16 - Project management and research assistance 46

    ...............................................................C17 - Literature 49

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    0. Course descriptor

    Course: COMM5533 Creativity and Communication

    Level: 5

    Credits: 15

    Table 0.1 Learning time (hours per week)

    Studio Self-




    Weeks Total hours

    3 7 10 15 150

    01 - IntroductionCreative and divergent thought has always been both a prerequisite for and aconsequence of progress and change. Yet only in the latter half of the lastcentury has the worth of such thinking been recognised, its processesexplored, and its uses incorporated into both academic and business contexts.

    Senior executives worldwide are identifying the contribution to competitiveadvantage of harnessing the creative intelligence of employees at all

    organisational levels. Accordingly, this course both introduces you to thetheory of creative thinking, and gives you practice in a range of differentthinking techniques and approaches culminating in your delivery of a creativecommunication campaign.

    02 - Apposite questionsIn essence, this course is designed to help you address these questions:

    How do we identify and create novel and appropriate solutions topressing personal, organisational, and community issues?

    How do we overcome barriers to creativity within the teams andorganisations with whom we collaborate?

    How do we communicate the results of our creativity so that appropriatebehaviour change is implemented succesfully?

    However, before proceeding further, lets commence with a root definition forcreativity that I found today in my Apple online dictionary: the use of theimagination or original ideas, esp. in the production of an artistic work.

    We will expand, clarify, and enrich our conception of creativity and related

    terms as our learning adventure proceeds.

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    1. Aims and learning outcomes

    11 -Course aimsTo enable students to understand the contributions of creativity to professional

    communication roles. It equips students with a range of techniques forcollaborative teamwork, problem solving and communicating novel ideas, whileexploring how to prepare creative messages for various media.

    (For my preferred approach to communicating these aims, see Section 107)

    12 - Learning outcomesOn successful completion of this course, you are expected to demonstrate yourcompetency to:

    Define creativityagainst a background of theory, and examine itsimportance to both personal and professional growth

    Analyse and compare theories of creative and lateral thinking

    Examine the communication processes required to implementcreative and lateral thinking theory

    Explore the role ofcollaboration in generating creative solutions

    Assess the role oforganisational culture in fostering creativity

    Compare, analyse, and develop creativity in different types ofcommunication campaigns

    13 - Programme aimsWithin the context of the Bachelor of Communication, you are expected todemonstrate your competency to conduct processes that:

    Require a wide range of specialised technical or scholastic skills

    Involve a wide choice of standard and non-standard procedures

    Are employed in a variety of routine and non-routine contexts

    ... employing

    A broad knowledge base with substantial depth in some areas

    Analytical interpretation of a wide range of data

    The determination ofappropriate methods and procedures in responseto a range of concrete problems with some theoretical elements

    ... and applied in self-directed and sometimes directed activity

    Within broad general guidelines or functions

    With full responsibilityfor the nature, quantity, and quality ofoutcomes

    With possible responsibility for the achievement ofgroup outcomes.

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    2. Course facilitator

    Peter J. MELLALIEU, DipIwiEnvMgt, PhD, MPubPol, BTech(hons)

    Dr Mellalieu is Associate Professor with current interests in eco-sustainableenterprise development at Unitec Institute of technology, Auckland, NewZealand.

    He was recruited to Unitec in July 2000 as the foundation programmedirector for a pioneering executive enterprise development programme, theMaster of Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship, (MBIE).

    Since 2003, he began supervising the first crop of MBIE research partners(students), and re-developing courses including: Lateral and CreativeThinking; Leading Creative Teams; Strategic and Critical Thinking for

    Managers; Foundations of Innovation and Entrepreneurship; and co-facilitating several other courses in the MBIE programme and undergraduateprogrammes.

    Since joining Unitec, he has visited several entrepreneurship developmentprogrammes including Babson College (Massachusetts), London BusinessSchool, Cambridge University, and the Rennes International School ofBusiness (France). In 2005, as international visiting professor, he undertookcapacity building programmes for academics and trainers in entrepreneurshipdevelopment whilst based at the University of Botswana, southern Africa, andteaching at Florida Gulf Coast University.

    Peter has presented at international conferences in the areas ofentrepreneurial learning, enterprise development, action-adventure learning,

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    strategic thinking, strategic audit, and decision support systems. In 2000, hehosted the internationally renowned researcher on posi+ive psychology andflow, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, at the Breakthroughs InternationalConference on Thinking. Peter was Chef de Mission for the New Zealandrepresentative team competing in the Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE)

    World Championships, Amsterdam, September 2002 following Unitecss

    team winning the first New Zealand SIFE competition in August 2002.

    Figure 2.2 Man on the moon, Florida (2005)

    He has worked with or consulted for organisations such as Enza TechnicalServices, the Square Edge Creative Centre, Massey University, DSIR Physics &Engineering and Applied Biochemistry Laboratories (Now IRL Limited), theNZ Ministries of Agriculture, Health, Justice, Trade and Industry, Tasman

    Vaccines, New Zealand Cooperative Dairy Company (now Fonterra), ICIPlastics (UK), a CAD/CAM systems designer, (Belgium), and the Employersand Manufacturers Association.

    The current focus of his new teaching roles include re-creating theCommunication and Creativity course, and developing new courses inManaging Risk and Crisis, and Enterprise and Strategic Thinking. He is alsoengaged in a project to develop an interactive marketing strategy for Unitecs

    business and organisations studies academic departments.

    His earlier research interests lay in drawing lessons from case studies of highambition/high technology entrepreneurial ventures, and exploiting theconcept of the heroic journey narrative as a basis for preparing creativeteams for successful new venture leadership.

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    3. Course topics

    31 - Introducing creativityDefining creativity

    Role of creativity in organisations, enterprise, innovation, and society

    Comparing creative, lateral, persuasive, and logical thinking

    Problem solving and problem identification

    Creative communication

    Why creative thinking has been undervalued and feared

    Communication within the creative process

    32 - Developing creativity in individualsModels of creativity

    How theorists have defined and studied creativity

    How creativity develops in individuals;

    The nature of the creative process

    How creativity can be induced

    Techniques for stimulating creativity

    33 - Leading creativity in groups, teams, andorganisationsCollaborative team creativity and productivity

    Team leadership

    Team followership

    Managing creatives ... herding cats

    Barriers and drivers of creativity in groups, teams, and organisations

    34 - Creativity in communication practiceApplicability of creativity techniques to effective communicationespecially: writing, speaking, problem identification, problem solving,and mediation;

    Types of professional communication: media, genre

    Role of creativity in creating and delivering communication

    Creative solutions to difficult and novel problems in organisations.

    Creative communication campaign

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    4. Course architecture and

    overview of assignmentsThe Course Architecture (Figure 4.1) illustrates how you will workconcurrently on three assessment projects during the course. Figures 4.2 and

    4.3 show the schedule of assignments and grade weightings.

    Figure 4.1: Course architecture showing key work components

    Source: Author

    41 - Creative communication campaign

    The Creative Communication Campaign is both the core, and the final,capstone assignment for the course. Accordingly, your team must demonstrateits achievement of the learning outcomes of the course through:

    Using creativity-enhancing processes . to

    Identify an important public or organisational issue susceptible to thebenefits of applying systematic creative thinking . through ...

    Generating some magic, potent or fertile creative solutions to theissue (using systematic creativity processes) ... finally ...

    Devising a creative communication approach to persuading keystakeholders to adjust their behaviour to commit to adopting the moreradical and valuable aspects of the most potent creative solutions.

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    Figure 4.2 Assignment deadlines, grade weightings, and workload


    Assignment Week Due % Out of Workload


    1 Personalcreativity journal

    1 a Blogs - Week 1-5 Week 5

    17 Aug

    5 100 7.5

    1 b Blogs - Week 6-11 Week 12

    19 Oct

    5 100 7.5

    1 c Reflective essay Week 14

    2 Nov

    15 100 10

    2 Creativecommunicationcampaign

    2 a Exhibition Week 11

    12 Oct

    30 100 20

    2 b Final artifact Week 13

    26 Oct

    20 100 15

    3 Individualinvestigation

    3 a Interactive Peerreview

    Week 10

    21 Sept

    7.5 100 10

    3 b Artifact Week 11

    12 Oct

    17.5 100 10

    Studio attendance 40

    Personal study

    Team maintenance

    Risk contingencies


    Total: 100 150

    Note: The Exhibition and Interactive Peer Review are due for presentation

    during studio meeting times in the week due. All other items are due forsubmission on the Friday in the week due, at 1700 h.

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    In other words, your team must demonstrate both a creative output and acreative process.

    The Creative Communication Campaign includes two components:

    An Interactive exhibition - such as a training session, dramatic

    performance or formal presentation. The exhibition includes apresentation of the draft Final Artifact.

    Final artifact. The artifact may be a simple print report through to amulti-media, hyper-media, web-site, computer game, or conferenceposter .... The teams final artifact will be enhanced and informed byfeedback from the audience and judges at the teams exhibition.

    For further details, see ANNEX B.

    42 - Individual investigation

    Use the individual investigation to explore deeply a topic that develops yourpersonal interest and engagement with the domain of creativity incommunication.

    Typically, your individual investigation will be framed in the genre of ascholarly debate or persuasive argument around a succinct topic. For instance:Substantial personal creativity depends on natural talent. It cannot bedeveloped in the inherently uncreative personality, or Argument, truth, andlogic will remain at the core of our thinking in culture, education, and in theoperations of our society ... to humanitys detriment. (based on de Bono,2009, p. 5)

    The typical genre for presenting the artifact resulting from your individualinvestigation is an investigative persuasive essay. However, you are, orcourse, invited to explore alternative genre.

    An alternative option for this assignment is to use your individualinvestigation to provide supplementary research in support of the CreativeCommunication Campaigns conducted by a class team. In other words, youact as a research consultant to another team.

    As with the Creative Communication Campaign, you have a choice of media

    from which to select the means through which you realise your artifact.

    You will have a brief opportunity to orchestrate an interactive peer review- with a selection of course learning partners to gain constructive peer critiqueof your investigation prior to submission of your final individual artifact.

    You will publish your artifact to the course Knowledge Base so that currentand future course learning partners will be able to enjoy the fruits of yourinvestigation.

    For further details, see ANNEX C.

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    43 - Personal creativity journal

    In view of the experimental - and pioneering - aspects of our work during thiscourse mistakes will happen. Mistakes are opportunities to learn for both your

    benefit - and the benefit of others. As the theoretical physicist Albert Einsteinremarked: Anyone can learn from his own mistakes. It takes genius to learn

    from the mistakes of others.

    Accordingly, you will record a personal creativity journal of your learningadventure over the 15 weeks of the course.

    In this emerging world of Web 2.0, I expect you to record your journal as ablog. You choose the extent to which you publish your blog as private, publicto the class, or public to the world.

    Your personal journal (blog) documents your creative process. The blog willrecord a blow by blow diary of the your creative attempts, misadventures,

    and ultimate success, recorded.

    At least weekly, if not daily, and/or by key event

    In the format of a diary, blog (public or private), or Facebook

    The final entry in the blog is a more substantial reflective essay that re-examines the entirety of your journey.

    Your reflective essay will

    Summarise the key activities, and insights gained from your journey

    Inform your future career progression

    Advise future CraC! learning partners of the trials, tribulations, joys, andsecrets of success of the course

    Inform the course facilitator of suggestions for enhancing theeffectiveness of the learning environment for future participants.

    Include specific sections regarding your final individual and teamartifacts - these will be published with your artifacts.

    For further details, see ANNEX A.

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    Figure 4.3: Course architecture showing assignment weights

    44 - My teaching philosophyMy teaching philosophy embraces the notion that I reward excellence, Ireward outrageous failure ... but I do not reward mediocrity. In other words,if you make a mistake in your quest for excellence you have theOPPORTUNITY to earn some marks through reflecting on the experience in

    your blog. For instance, what went wrong? What did I intend? Why did thingsgo wrong? How could I (or others) avoid a repeat in future situations such as Iexperienced? If I had more resources, or more time, what would I have likedto achieved? What grade do I expect to get for this assignment? ... why?

    45 - A creative touchAlthough the individual investigation is a solo assignment project, I po-posethat each learning partner will have a fixed budget that they spend within the

    class purchasing expertise and advice from other members of the class. Thebudget will be a currency that converts directly to extra grades for those thatreceive payment for their advice. This creative process is intended to promotecollaboration within the class, whilst laying the responsibility for the artifactscreation and project management on each individual student.

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    Figure 4.4 Failure is not an option!

    Source: Peter Mellalieu, Kennedy Space Centre, FL (2005)

    Je recompense lexcellence;Je recompense lechec attroceMais je ne recompense pas le

    mediocricite.Mellalieu, 1997

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    5. A creative pause: the

    mountaineersLets break from the intensity of the course introduction, overview, and thealarming complexity and novelty of the assignments. Sharpen up your lateral

    thinking with this exercise that we will discuss in our first class. As practice forstarting your blog, notice and record your ideas, activities, and feelings as youattempt this puzzle.

    Source: The Mensa book of thinking (T.B.C.)

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    6. Defining creative thinking: an

    introductionI promised further elaboration on the term creativity and related terms. Letsstart here.

    61 - Lateral thinkingWay of solving problems by employing unorthodox means.

    Collins concise dictionary and thesaurus, (1991)

    62 - CreateTo bring into being (2) To give rise to (3) to make.

    Synonyms1. beget, bring into existence, coin, compose, concoct, design, develop,

    dream up, form, formulate, generate, give birth to, give life to, hatch,initiate, invent, make, originate, produce, spawn,

    2. appoint, constitute, establish, found, install, invest, make, set up

    3. bring about, cause, lead to, occasion.

    Collins concise dictionary and thesaurus, (1991)

    63 - CreativeCreative is a term of praise much affected it is presumably intended tomean original, or something like that, but is preferred because it is more

    vague and less usual. It has been aptly called a luscious, round, meaninglessword, and said to be so much in honour that it is the clinching term ofapproval from the schoolroom to the advertisers studio.

    H. W. Fowler,A dictionary of modern English usage, quoted in Thorne (1992,p. 123)

    64 - CreativityThe mysterious process by which men and women come up with new ideasand new things resulting from the interaction of a system composed of threeelements: a culture that contains symbolic rules, a person who brings noveltyinto the symbolic domain, and a field of experts who recognize and validatethe innovation.

    Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi, posi+ive psychologist, discoverer of flow in humanpursuits, and author of: Creativity: flow and the psychology of discovery andinvention (1996)

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    65 - ExercisesWikipedia gives an excellent overview, comparing and contrasting terms suchas innovation and invention. Read Wikipedias definition, overview. Follow upONE of the reference links at the end of the wiki article. Bring your summaryof one article to class.

    Learn to spell and pronounce Mike Chicks-send-me-high!

    66 - Illustrating creative processAs far back as 1926, Wallas identified four stages of the creative process.According to Thorne, many people have looked at the stages again without agreat deal of improvement. Figure 6.1 is my improvement, based on Thornesnotes (pp. 132 140). You might question the use of the modifier optimal Icould not possibly comment!

    Figure 6.2 charts de Bono's overall approach to orchestrating creativeprocesses in an organisation. techniques of lateral thinking. The techniquesare arranged in a sequential structured manner, as you might use them inorganizing a 'creative problem solving' task. The overall sequence reads fromtop to bottom, then left to right.

    The overview chart, Figure 7.2 introduces the structure as a sequence ofstages. A more detailed chart is also available.

    Use Figure 7.2 process guide as a checklist to organise your CreativeCommunication Campaign assignment.

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    It is almost a miracle thatmodern teaching methods

    have not yet entirelystrangled the holy curiosityof inquiry;for what this delicate littleplant needs more than

    anything, besidesstimulation, is freedom.

    Albert Einstein

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    Figure 6.2 Serious Creativity: Process Checklist Overview













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    7. Text and literature

    Figure 7.1 Edward de Bono wants you!

    Source: accessed 16 July 2009 8:45 PM:

    71 - Core text: serious creativityDe Bono, Edward (1994)Serious Creativity. London: HarperCollins.

    The works of De Bono will be used extensively on this course and it isimperative that you have your own personal copy. An overview of the

    structure of de Bonos text is presented in Section 6.

    You can purchase the de Bono book from the Unitec Bookstore.

    Your investigations will compare and contrast the approach of de Bono todeveloping creativity with those of other scholars and practitioners.Consequently, your reading WILL extend beyond this dated (but still valuable)de Bono text.

    Accordingly, you will be expected to use the internet and library facilities toresearch the topic and update the text as widely as possible.

    A place to start is the website in support of de Bonos many writings andthoughts:

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    Additional readings will emerge via the course porthole - Blackboard (andeventually Moodle)... your own Personal Investigation assignment ... and theassignments of your learning partners.

    72 - Reference readings

    The following is a list of classic, well-cited texts in the field of creativity studiesFurther suggested texts for this course will be contributed to the Zotero

    bibliographic database (group) established for this course.


    Classic textsAdams, J (2001) Conceptual blockbusting (4th ed.) US Perseus

    Amabile, T (1996) The motivation to be creative (article)

    Clutterbuck, D (1999)Doing it different: lessons for the imaginative managerLondon: Orion

    Csikszentmihalyi, M (1996) Creativity: flow and the psychology of discoveryand inventionUSA: HarperCollins

    Csikszentmihalyi, M (1997) The evolving selfUSA: HarperPerennial

    Ealy, CD (1995) The woman's book of creativity Hillsboro

    Finke, T Ward, T & Smith S (1992) Creative cognition MIT: Bradford

    Finke, T, T Ward &S Smith (1995) Creativity and the mind: discovering thegenius within. NY Plenum Press

    Fritz, R (1994) Creating, Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann

    Hermann, N (1994) The creative brain USA. Hermann

    Hewitt-Gleeson, M (1997)Software for the brain (2nd ed.) North Brighton:Wrightbooks

    Kao, J.(1996)Jamming: the art and discipline of business creativity. USA.Harper Collins

    Michalko, M (1998) Cracking creativity: the secrets of creative geniusBerkley: Ten Speed Press

    Perkins,D.(2001)The eureka effect.NY. London. WW Norton.

    Rickards, T (1999)Creativity and the management of change, Malden, USA:Blackwell

    Senge, P (1999) The dance of change: The challenges of sustainingmomentum in organizations London: Nicholas Brealey

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    Thorne, P (1992) Organizing genius: the pursuit of corporate creativity andinnovation, Oxford: Blackwell

    Von Oech, R (1998)A whack on the side of the headLondon: Thorsons

    73 - ExerciseA productive place to start your search for more recent and contemporaryreferences is to conduct a citation search on the following authors. Who hascited these books? What have subsequent writers reported? What more recentpublications have these authors produced? A librarian can assist you learn theskills to commence a citation search, and evaluate the results you find.

    Complete the bibliographic citation for Amabile 1996. What area of interestsdoes Teresa Amabile now pursue?

    74 - Academic skillsYou will find the following text very helpful in conducting your assignments:

    Turner, K., Ireland, L., Krenus, B., & Pointon, L. (2008).Essential AcademicSkills. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Retrieved July 16, 2009,from

    Note the following chapters in particular:

    Reflective writing - for your personal blog and journal

    Collaborative learning and working in groups - your creativecommunication campaign

    Presentations - your team exhibition presentation

    Small-scale exploratory research projects - your personal investigation

    Writing up research

    If you do not expectthe unexpected, youwill not find it.Heraclitus, 535? 475 BC, Greek philosopher

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    8. Learning scheduleSee Section 3 for detail of topics to be covered in each phase




    Topics Notes

    1 20-Jul Introducing creativity Section 31

    2 27-Jul

    3 3-Aug Developing creativity in individuals Section 32

    4 10-Aug Field trip/class visit

    5 17-Aug ASSIGNMENT 1a due

    6 24-Aug Leading creativity in groups,teams, and organisations

    Section 33

    7 31-Aug

    8 7-Sep Field trip/class visit

    9 14-Sep Creativity in communicationpractice

    Section 34

    10 21-Sep Assignment 3a due



    11 12-Oct ASSIGNMENT 3b due

    Exhibitions-Part I ASSIGNMENT 2a

    12 19-Oct ASSIGNMENT 1b due

    Exhibitions-Part II ASSIGNMENT 2a

    13 26-Oct LABOUR DAY (Mon 26)


    14 2-Nov STUDY WEEK


    15 9-Nov Exam week 1

    16 16-Nov Exam week 2

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    9. A logical pause: the fire station

    Attempt the puzzle below - you do not need a computer!

    Contrast your approach to solving this problem with the Mountaineersproblem presented earlier. Are you more confident about your answer? Why?

    Source: The Mensa book of thinking (T.B.C.)

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    10. Conducting assignmentsThere is much to cover in this course. However, if you work steadily and keepup with the reading schedule the course will be challenging, ideally flowful,

    but not permanently stressful and straining. Note: If you do suffer the latter ...tell us in your personal journal, and let your team and me know EARLY in the

    course of events!

    Much of the work involves practical application of and experimentation withthinking tools and techniques. Accordingly, active participation andinvolvement will pay you dividends in the long run!

    Assignments are spread throughout the course to give you plenty of time toresearch, read, reflect, write ... and gain peer feedback . You should developassignment preparation schedules early. Please feel free to discuss them with

    your team and me to ensure they are practical and realistic.

    Above all, start planning your work schedule early ... and log the key dates intoyour iPhone, PDA, fridge ... or whatever! :)

    101 - Your personal journal and blogStartyour blog now. What is your reaction to what you have read so far:Excitement? Anxiety? Alarm?

    I use iWeb, Facebook, Blogger, and tumblr to journal my life. For this course, Iam experimenting with tumblr, a very easy-to-learn blog facility with aminimalist visual interface.


    102 - House style: Document presentationAssignments require a high standard of content and creatively professionalpresentation.

    In written assignments, there is a specific mark allocation for accuracy ofEnglish, presentation, organisation of ideas. If your ambitions are for an Agrade or better, employ or improve upon the course House Style illustrated in

    this document, based on Global English (McAlpine).

    Citations and referencesYou are expected to demonstrate your use of a bibliographic citation tool suchas Zotero or Endnote.

    You will be provided facilities in Zotero to share useful citations with yourlearning community. Try searching for the Zotero group Unitec crac.

    Or visit:

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    103 - Submitting assignments

    Due date and timeThe due date for the submission of artifacts is 1700 h on the Friday in the

    week the assignment is due, as specified in Figure 4.2 - Assignment Deadlines.

    Digital submissionYou must submit your assignment via the Blackboard Digital DropBox.Ideally, submit your document as ONE .pdf artifact.

    Alternatively, you can submit your document as a web page, Google doc, etc.However, you must submit the cover page and the link to your document siteonto the Blackboard Digital Drop Box. Assume you are sending your prizeddocument to a busy executive who will spend no more than 15 seconds lookingfor your document amongst the sixty other he must deal with!!

    To check for accidental incidents of plagiarism (by you or others), you must

    also submit your assignments to

    You will be provided with the opportunity to submit ONE draft assignment, and ONE opportunity to submit your final document. The draftsubmission will enable you to check your article for accidental un-referencedquotes, for example.

    Hard copySubmit your hard copy completed assignment in class, or in the designatedassignment box for the Department of Communication Studies. You may berequired to submit a CD of your assignment.

    Cover sheetEnsure that each assignment (hard and soft copies) has a simple cover sheetthat identifies:

    The assignment number, and type

    Your assignment title (your choice, to reflect the issues or authorschosen)

    Your name (in the format: Personal name, FAMILY NAME)

    Your student ID.Your Course Facilitators name Dr Peter MELLALIEU

    The course number and title, and

    The Department of Communication Studies.

    Due date

    Date of submission

    Bind professionally your hard copy assignment or place it in a plasticcover.

    Help me, please: UNDERLINE and CAPITALISE your FAMILY NAME as inthe example of the Course Facilitators name.

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    104 - Exercise: Global EnglishHere is an alternative approach to expressing the Course Aims.

    Which do you prefer?


    If you prefer the latter, please direct your preference and reasons to theProgramme Director.

    Original1. To enable students to understand the contributions of creativity to

    professional communication roles. It equips students with a range oftechniques for collaborative teamwork, problem solving andcommunicating novel ideas,while exploring how to prepare creativemessages for various media.

    My attempt at a Global English versionThe aims of the course Creativity and Communication are to:

    Enable you to understand the contributions of creativity to professionalcommunication roles.

    Equip you with several techniques for collaborative teamwork, problemsolving, communicating novel ideas, and preparing creative messages for

    various media campaigns.

    105 - Backup! Backup!! Backup!!!It is essentialthat you make and keep a copy of each assignment, sothat you have backups should anything happen to the ones you submit.

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    11. Assessment policy and


    111 - Non-completionPLEASE NOTE: non-completion of any ONE of the assessment items willresult in a failing grade for the course

    112 - Extensions and late deliveriesThe show must go on: There will be no extensions or postponementsfor the team exhibition assignment once delivery dates have been negotiated

    with the course facilitator.

    The assignment due time is the START of the studio session. You will receive a

    15% lateness penaltyif you deliver Assignment 2 after the officialcommencement of our class studios.

    Extensions on the written assignments will onlybe granted underextenuating circumstances andprovided aSpecial AssessmentCircumstances(SAC Application)has been made.

    Work handed in up to 3 days after the deadline, will be given a maximum of aC- grade with minimal feedback. Work handed in after three days with no SAC

    Application will not be marked. A heavy workload is no excuse for anextension.

    If for any reason your assignment is late, (or likely to be late) please:

    Notify me

    Fill in a Special Assessment Circumstances (SAC) form (available fromthe BISC office)

    Apply to the Programme Director for a negotiated extension

    Give a copy of the SAC to me and to the Programme Administrator.

    Attach to the form any appropriate supporting documentation about the

    delay together with a copy of the work to date and blog, as evidence ofwhat progress has been made and what remains to be done.

    Arrange to submit your completed assignment by the agreed extensiondate.

    Completing these processes are your responsibility.

    IMPORTANT: ALWAYS submit whatever work you have completed on/before the due date/time. Include handwritten notes, sketches, blog entries,,rough drafts, ...

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    12. LiteratureBarbour, R. (n.d.). Robert Fritz Inc - About Us. Retrieved July 9, 2009, from

    de Bono, E. (2009). Think!: Before It's Too Late. London: Random House -

    Vermilion. Retrieved July 9, 2009, from

    De Bono, E (1994)Serious Creativity. London: HarperCollins.

    BusinessAlliances - BSI Learning is committed to staying abreast of the latestlearnings and product developments from around the world. (n.d.). .Retrieved July 9, 2009, from


    Edward de Bono - (image). (n.d.). . Retrieved July 10, 2009, from*7JO4mfaKmkG0z0EhGr0ttO


    Fritz, R. (1993). Creating: A practical guide to the creative process and how touse it to create anything - a work of art, a relationship, a career or a

    better life. (1st ed.). Ballantine Books.

    Haswell, R. H. (1983). Minimal marking. College English, 45, pp. 600-604.

    McAlpine, R. (1997). Global English for Global Business, Auckland: Longman,ISBN 0 582 73998 5.

    McAlpine EFLAW Readability Score, Retrieved 30 July 2007 12:33 PM,

    Mellalieu, P. J. (2007, October 21). Creating the A+ assignment: A projectmanagement approach. Retrieved July 27, 2009, from http://


    Mellalieu, P. (2007, July 3). Lets all learn and teach Global English in ourbusiness schools! Retrieved July 27, 2009, from!.html.

    Mellalieu, P. J. (2007, October 18). Model answer: A Five Paragraph essay inmanagement. Retrieved July 27, 2009, from


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    Mellalieu, P. J. (n.d.). Course guide and syllabus: Lateral and creativethinking. Retrieved July 7, 2009, from

    Mellalieu, P. J. (n.d.). Creativity in Communication - a conversation. RetrievedJuly 7, 2009, from

    Mellalieu, P. J. (n.d.). Creativity in Communication - What is a 'CreativeCommunication Campaign'? Retrieved July 9, 2009, from

    Mellalieu, P. J. (n.d.). Help me re-create a 12-week course 'Creativity inCommunication' at Unitec Institute of Technology - The de BonoSociety. Retrieved July 7, 2009, from http://

    Mensa - Home. (n.d.). . Retrieved July 16, 2009, from

    Profile App Directory - The de Bono Society. (n.d.). . Retrieved July 7, 2009,from

    Publication - Teresa M. Amabile. (n.d.). . Retrieved July 16, 2009, from[email protected].

    Robert Fritz Inc -. (n.d.). . Retrieved July 9, 2009, from

    Quality Web Content - From Plain English to Global English:, Retrieved 3 July2007 3:32 PM,

    Sternberg, R. J. (1999).Handbook of creativity. Cambridge University Press.

    The de Bono Society. (n.d.). . Retrieved July 7, 2009, from http://

    The Learning Web - Home Page. (n.d.). . Retrieved July 13, 2009, from

    Turner, K., Ireland, L., Krenus, B., & Pointon, L. (2008).Essential AcademicSkills. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Retrieved July 16, 2009,from

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    Epilogue: How has technology affected the way we can facilitate

    creativity and communication?

    Who the hell wants to hear

    actors talk?Harry Warner, Founder, Warner Brothers Studio, in 1927, upon considering

    the possibility of talking pictures.

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    ANNEX A: Assignment 1 -

    Personal creativity journalYour Personal creativity journal assignment comprises a critical butconstructive personal evaluation of your planning and execution of your

    assignments and participation in the class. Through this reflective process,you will identify ways that you can improve your process of learning,strategising, innovating, leading, communicating, and creating beyond yourcurrent participation in the course.

    The Personal creativity journal will build on your response to questionspresented in two categories:

    Investigation Process - What you planned. What you achieved. Why youdid it;

    Reflective Learning - What you learned from the experience of workingon the assignment in relation to the learning outcomes of your course:leadership, strategy, communications, creativity, and so forth.

    Events and issues can easily be forgotten. Accordingly, in order to documentRAW MATERIAL to use for this assignment, you are required keep a learninglog (diary, blog, professional journal) as you complete the assignment.

    The assessment rubric for this assignment is shown in Figure A.1

    A11 - LengthDepending on the medium you use to choose to present you final journal, thefollowing are maximum limits for the size of your final submitted artifact:

    1250 words +/- 250, excluding bibliography, appendices, figures.

    500 seconds (a little less than the limit of a YouTube upload)

    2 Gigabyte (the limit of a YouTube upload

    Record your thoughts to taptheir power.Edwards et al, 1997

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    A12 - Why keep a professional reflectivejournal?This section is quoted directly from Edwards et al., (1997)

    You keep a professional journal on your activities to create a useful reference

    for you about you. Make the entries explicit, so they are clear for laterreference. Such a record is a stimulus for recall. It gets you to think aboutyourself in action; it encourages 'stop and think' time.

    Your journal can include text, photos, drawings, clippings, doodles, quotes,diagrams, predictions, projections, dreams, envisioning, ideas, or emotionaloutbursts that cannot be shared with others. It brings things to the surfaceand it is usually confidential.

    Journalling is not easy for some. It can be learned, and there are greatreference sources for this. Most start with rules and procedures, and try to

    teach you accuracy and self-discipline in recording. There is no one right way,so whichever system you start with, you will probably have to modify it.

    The progressive growth of your stored experiences allows you to refer backand learn from your successes and failures. It also lets you take advantage ofsome of your best thinking and some of your toughest lessons. You don't haveto keep learning things from first principles.

    Journals are a great help in disagreements. A written record carries enormousweight both in legal proceedings and in arguments. It is also a great way todeal with rude people on the phone: 'What was your name again? Now could

    you repeat that slowly so that I can get it down accurately?' is usually enoughto produce a quick change in manner.

    Journalling is accepted as one of the legal forms of contract management. Inthis area your work will inevitably come up against some unscrupulousindividuals. A paper trail of your thoughts, observations and agreementscompleted quickly, regularly and intelligibly provides you (and in the lastresort an outside authority) with a clear link back to past events that does notrely on memory or hearsay or total recall.

    Reading maketh a full man;conference a ready man;and writing an exact man."Francis BACON.

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    If experience in itself was sovaluable, then humans, whoare enmeshed in experience,ought to be more

    knowledgeable than they are.Sadly, the only conclusion thatcan be reached is that we donot learn from experience.Experience has to be arrested,

    examined, analysed,considered and negated inorder to shift to knowledge.Costas Criticos, in Boud et al (1993), quoting Aitchison and Graham (1989)

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    A13 - Investigation processThis and the next section present some questions to guide your preparationfor this assignment.

    The investigation process aspect of your assignment includes details abouthow you went about planning for and creating your completed assignment;

    your investigation and research approach; your design plan; and itsimplementation. You conclude with your recommendations to a futurestudent who might later undertake this kind of project.

    Here are some questions to guide your thinking in this part: (Some of thequestions are based on Thorpe in Boud et al., 1993)

    VisionWhat was your initial vision for the assignment? What were your aims? (Fromboth a task output and personal/professional development perspective)

    Investigation process - intendedWhat theories and recommended procedures informed or guided yourapproach to the assignment? What modifications or adaptations to thesetheories did you make in order to create the plan for achieving your aims?

    Why? What was the process, or plan you intended to follow in order to createyour assignment? What reading, research, and/or other investigations did youplan to carry out? What were your timelines and your budget for allocating

    your time to the various stages of work?

    Risk management

    What risks (personal, physical, psychological, environmental, financial) wereyou aware of as you planned your assignment? What contingency plans didyou have in mind to deal with risk situations that might manifest themselves?

    Investigation process - actualWhat adaptations or improvisations did you need to make as youimplemented your plan? Why? What unanticipated risks emerged as youcarried out the project, and how did you manage them?

    Resource limitationsSuppose you had more time and/or resources for the assignment. What else

    would you like to have done to extend or improve the assignment?

    Investigation process - recommendationsIf you were to carry out this assignment again (or advise a future learningpartner (student) about how to carry out a similar project) whatimprovements would you make to the process that you used? What are themost important risks that need to be managed?

    A life not studied is a life not

    lived.James BOSWELL

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    A14 - Reflective learningThe aim of this part of your assignment is to guide you to reflect critically onthe lessons you learned in consequence of your having carried out andcompleted the assignment.

    To reflect critically means to reflect thoughtfully, intelligently, creatively, andinsightfully on your actions, thoughts, feelings, and outcomes. By examining

    what you felt, and how you executed the assignment, you will identify waysthat you can improve your process of learning, strategising, innovating,leading, communicating, and creating.

    Here are some questions to guide your critical reflection:

    InterestWhich aspects of the assignment interested you? Which things would youhave liked more of? ... less of? Are you feeding your interest?

    EnergyWhat did you feel as you started, executed, and completed the assignment?Anxious? Bored? Challenged? Excited? Frustrated? How did you getenergised to complete the assignment?

    ChallengesWhat challenges did you face in carrying out the assignment? Clarity ofassignment specification and guidelines? Difficulties with reading materials?

    Availability of help from course tutors or others? How did you overcome thechallenges? What help did others provide?

    LearningHow has your knowledge of, and approach to creativity (and communicationstudies generally) changed as a consequence of having completed theassignment? To what extent are you achieving the objectives you had fortaking this course? Can you relate these changes to particular people, events,or circumstances? Do you perceive the changes as improvements or not? Dothe changes represent an improvement in your confidence? Was your learningstimulated by feelings of satisfaction or dissatisfaction? ... by success or failurein your own performance? Are there implications for how you will approach

    your learning in future parts of the course? Are your personal goals for tertiary

    study and general personal/professional development evolving?

    Assignment improvementsWhat suggestions do you have for the tutor regarding improvements thatcould be made to improve the learning outcomes from this assignment and/orthe course generally?

    Make sure you are DOINGwhat you say is IMPORTANT.


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    A15 - Summary of key insights and theoryConsider both your Investigation Process and Reflective Learning.Summarise: What were the key insights you discovered? What theories did

    you find especially helpful? Which theories do you challenge on the basis ofyour experience with this course? ... on what grounds? How might you apply

    your learning in future assignments or elsewhere?What steps will you take to advance your learning in creativity andcommunications in the future? What are the implications for your overallacademic and professional development? How will you apply what you havelearned in your professional and personal life?

    A16 - The learning log: capturing data foryour reflective journalIn order to capture information for your process critique, many students

    have found great value in keeping a personal learning log of their courselearning adventures. Alternative names are: a professional journal orreflective diary.

    Your learning log captures your immediate reactions to a situation. Later, youcan record your process of reflection, and your thoughts about how you couldimprove your performance in a similar, future situation.

    Your learning log is concerned with soft data: thoughts, feelings, impressionsand reactions.

    Consider this:

    I have seen MBA students, all experienced managers from industry andcommerce, initially revolt at the suggestion of keeping a learning log, andthen, after a few months, come to regard the log as a very personal andcherished learning tool which they have carried with them back into theirdaily working life. Scott Inglis

    A17 - Writing style: a noteFor the blog and journal, you are free to use a more personal, conversational

    and informal writing style than that required for a formal report. For example,you may write in this style:

    I was initially very frustrated when my boss heaped extra work on meduring the period I had scheduled for revising and polishing theassignment.....

    A18 - AudienceYou may write the process critique in the style of a personal letter to apersonal business mentor/coach, to a favorite teacher, to the Course Co-

    ordinator or course facilitator, or a close friend. Use some innovation andcreativity in your presentation format!

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    Final noteAs you read through the questions presented earlier, re-consider the commentcited by Costas Criticos earlier in this document. Part of your task with thiscomponent of your assignment is to arrest, examine, analyse, and consider

    YOUR experience of carrying out the course activities.

    A19 - LiteratureInglis, S (1994)Making the Most of Action Learning, UK: Gower

    Edwards, J, Butler, J, Hill, B, Russell, S (1997),People Rules for RocketScientists, p. 18-19, 1997, Samford: Samford Research Associates,[email protected], isbn 0 646 33800 5

    Thorpe, M (1993) Experiential Learning at a Distance, in David Boud, RuthCohen and David Walker Using Experience for Learning, OpenUniversity Press: Buckingham

    "It's not what happens to usthat counts, it's how we havelearnt to react to [whathappens] that counts."


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    Figure A.1 Assessment Rubric - Assignment 1a, 1b Weekly blog

    COMM 5533 Creativity and Communications

    Item relative emphasis weightings shown inpercentages



    Introduction. Introduces yourself to the journal reader.Outlines purpose of your blog 10

    Evidence of regular writing of learning log (blog) - atleast weekly. Writing from a personal perspective (the

    I), the extent to which a key learning experience isclearly identified, described and related to learninggained and further learning required.


    Contribution to the blogosphere: Use of on-line blog;Evidence of reading of course material; Contributions ofmaterial illustrating use of creative thinking techniques,development of attitudes in support of personal and teamcreativity.


    Reflective learning.The account should represent a holistic perspective andalso include evidence of reflection in action and uponaction. The account should also consider the experienceof reflection, what the reflective experience means to you(reflecting upon the reflective experience).

    Presents examples of key activities, and insights gainedfrom your journey; Informs the course facilitator of

    suggestions for enhancing the effectiveness of thelearning environment for current and future participants.


    Creative use of media: Layout and presentation,innovation, and design. 15

    Professional language and Academic conventions: Wordchoice, grammatical and spelling conventions, sentencefluency, organisation and logic, voice, and overallcoherence. See Figure C.2.

    Referencing, Zotero or Endnote, Acknowledgements


    Total 100

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    Figure A.2 Assessment Rubric - Assignment 1c - Reflective Journal

    COMM 5533 Creativity and Communications

    Item relative emphasis weightings shown inpercentages




    Introduction. Introduces yourself to the journal reader.Outlines purpose of your reflective essay 10

    Investigation processes and reflective learning.The account should represent a holistic perspective andalso include evidence of reflection in action and uponaction. The account should also consider the experienceof reflection, what the reflective experience means toyou (reflecting upon the reflective experience).

    Summarises the key activities, and insights gained from

    your journey; Informs your future personal and careerprogression; Advises future CraC! learning partners ofthe trials, tribulations, joys, and secrets of success ofthe course;Inform the course facilitator of suggestionsfor enhancing the effectiveness of the learningenvironment for future participants.

    Illustrations with respect to specific instances from youweekly blog.


    Creative use of media: Layout and presentation,innovation, and design. Use of on-line blog 20

    Professional language and Academic conventions: Wordchoice, grammatical and spelling conventions, sentencefluency, organisation and logic, voice, and overallcoherence (See Figure C2).

    Referencing, Zotero or Endnote, Acknowledgements.

    Weekly blog included as Appendix.


    Total 100

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    ANNEX B: Assignment 2 - Creative

    communication campaignThe Creative Communication Campaign is the final, capstone assignment for

    your course participation. The assignment also forms the core around which

    you learn and apply systematic processes for creative and lateral thinking.

    Accordingly, your team must demonstrate its achievement of the courselearning outcomes through using creativity-enhancing processes . to

    Identify an important public or organisational issue susceptibleto the benefits of applying systematic creative thinking . through

    Generating some magic (DB) creative solutions to the issue(using systematic creativity processes) finally

    Devising a creative communication approach to persuading key

    stakeholders to adjust their behaviour to commit to adopting the moreradical and valuable aspects of the most potent creative solutions.

    In other words, your team must demonstrate both a creative output and yourapplication of systematic creative processes.

    B11 - Two elementsThe Creative Communication Campaign includes two components:

    An interactive exhibition - such as a training session, dramatic

    performance or formal technical presentation. The exhibition includes apresentation to the audience of your draft or prototype version of theFinal Artifact.

    Final artifact. The artifact may be a simple print report through to amulti-media, hyper-media, web-site, computer game, or conferenceposter . The teams final artifact will be enhanced and informed byfeedback from the audience and judges at the teams exhibition.

    B12 - Assignment DimensionsArtifact: Depending on the medium you use to choose to present you teamscampaign, the following are absolute maximum limits for the size of your finalsubmitted artifact:

    3000 words , excluding bibliography, appendices, figures.

    1000 seconds (a little less than the maximum limit of two ten-minuteYouTube uploads)

    3.0 Gigabyte (a little less than the limit of a YouTube upload, or the sizeof a DVD)

    The person who assesses your artifact should be able to read or view your

    artifact within fifteen minutes. (They need not read every word orAppendix to assess your artifacts quality)

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