Conjunction of Planets. by L. R. Chawdhari

CONJUNCTION OF PLANETS (In Hindu Predictive Astrology) This book deals witl: the results of 155 Conjunctions of two to seven Plancts witli relevent propitiations methods [orvarious Conjunctions and Planets. BY Dr L. R. CHAWDllRI M.I.E.,MA. (Astrology) Superintcnding Engineer.(Retd)



Transcript of Conjunction of Planets. by L. R. Chawdhari


(In Hindu Predictive Astrology)

This book deals witl: the results of 155 Conjunctions of two to seven Plancts witli relevent propitiations methods [orvarious Conjunctions and Planets.

BYDr L. R. CHAWDllRIM.I.E.,MA. (Astrology)Superintcnding Engineer.(Retd)

SAGAR PUBLICATIONS72,Janpath,Ved Mansin,NEW DELHJ 110001


In the delineations of horoscope, one has to deal with many problems which have already been detailed, the author's world famous book 'SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS OF HOROSCOPE' based on Hindu astrology, which book became a big volume, so the important aspects of CONJUNCTIONS OF PLANETS could not be included in the book.

Tbe authors's mind was in constant agitated forro that without this important aspect, how tbe correct delination of horoscope can be made. Finally, the author has the honour to present this work lo the learned readers.

lo this book, the effects of conjunction of Plancts of two to seven Planets in a housc have been described in dctail. Pithuyasas, son of Varaharnihira has said that effectsof conjunction is just the mixture of hooey and ghcc, if combined in equal quantities will turn out as poison. Each conjunction has beco detailed for its benefic and malefic results.In a conjunction whcn a planet is found retrograde or combust, it becomcs difficult to ofer the correct prcdictions. In this book, all ef forts have been made to expound this point in dctail.Care is to be taken for the aspects and the position of house and sign for the planet.One important chapler 'ASPECTS ANO TRANSIT OF PLANETS' has now been added and other cbaptcrs have been revised.Every human being desires to escape from the Evils and malefic ef fects of thc plancts and to mitigate, minimisc and to ward off such ef Iects, suitable, cheap and practica! upaycs have been suggestcd in a ycry detailed way through the articles, relations and professions of various planets and houscs,propitations of planets havc also been in cludcd through Mantras, donations, Tantric Upayes, Gerns, Colours and Surya Namaskar (Prayer to Sun God).

A fcw practical examples have also bcen included for the practice o rcudcrs,

Thc nuthor is thankful to all readersin INDIAand ABROADgrant11111111:is.,ivc popularit y to my work necessitating tbe SECOND Editioo.

Also the author is thankful to the press who have published a good, rightful and constructive reviews of author's works.

DR. LR. CHAWDHRIJYOTlSH TANTRA KENDRA110, Pr.itap Chambers, Gurdvara Road, Karol Bagh, New 1 >elhi110005PHOHES OFF.5717899RES.~00657

Dated Jan. 1989



l. COMBUSTJON AND RETROGRATIONDefinition, Combustion, Orb, Valuable instructions, Retrogression, Effects, Retrograde planets, method of Judgement, Retrogression and Transit. Effect of Each planet for each Ascendant.

2. CONJUNCTIONS OF PLANETSTheir effects and remedial measures for evil effects of: Two PlanetsThree Planets Four Plancts Five Planets Six Planets Seven PlanetsConjunction of RAHU and KETU with other planets.


4. ASPECTS AND TRANSIT OF PLANETS.Aspects, Main Aspects defined, rules for aspects, check list of aspects, Hindu Versus Westren Astrology and Table of aspects.tRANSIT of Planets in houses, and nakshatras, Transitof Planets to Mid heaven and Ascendant, Summary ofPlancts in transit,

5.PLANETS AND HOUSES.Articles, relations and professions assigned to each planct, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, Planets and Professions.Articlcs of conjuncted planets



28 to 82

83 to 92

93 to 124

125to149Atticles, relations and Professions assigned to al1 thetwelve houses.

6.PROPITIATIONS OF PLANETS 150to176Dcfinition, method and periods of upayes and upayes for immediate relief, Malclic Plancts and upayes, Mantras and Donations, TantricUpa yes, Mantra inTantric and use of Gaya tri Mantra, Gcms, how they affect your wave lengths, and traits of Gems, Colours and their effects, Vibratory Values of Colours, Colours for each Sign and Table of fast, Prayer, Meditatiion and Surya Namaskar.


Combustion and RetrogrationThere are 12 Zodiacal signs and 1:7 constellations divided into four quarters (Padas) each, seven plaaets and two shadowy planets so in ali there are nine planets.The Sun, Venus ane Mercu'.ry roughly move in each sigo for 30 days, Mars moves in 40 days, Mooo moves in 2114 days, Jupiter moves in 360 days, Rahu and Ketu in 540 days and Saturo in900 days. The various divisions of the sigas, the sources of strength and weakness among the planets, the names and identifying marks of constellations all are not provided in this book and may be refered in book, SCIENTIFIC ANAL YSIS OF HOROSCOPE by your author.

For the correct delineations of the horoscope, one should first check the planetary strength and position, then aspects, then the good and evil results whicb accure to planets from ownership and then associa tion and conjunctions.

In a conjunction of planets, we observe that in addition to the abovbe points, there are two more important factors namely CUMBUSTION and RETROGRATION which needs to be cheked and analysed. These two factors are detailed hereunder for the guidance of readers.


Combustin or in Hindi called Asta has a great singnificance or im portance in tbe interpretation of horoscope. Planets become combust when they are within certain limts of the Sun, According to Surya Sid hanta the following limits of combustion are indicated from the Sun on either side in Hindu Astrology. Combustion is one of the modes of conjunction. The limits are:

Moon within 12 degrees of Sun. Mars within 17 degrees of Sun,Mercury within 14 degrees of Sun and 12 degrees when retrograde.J upiter within 11 degrees of Sun.Venus within 10 degrees ofSun and 8 when retrograde. Saturo within 15 degrees of Sun,Rahu combusts Sun and Ketu eclipses the Moon.

Western Astrology allows an orb 8.30' either side of thc Sun for a planet becomingcombust. An inherent contradiction is evidcnt in this2

theory as, a uniform orb for all celestialbodies of various sizes and distances, can oot be cooceived.lo Pbaldeepika AdhayaXX Solk 30. it is laid down, "The good in flueoce of a plaoet is at its maximum, three quarter, a balf quarter or nil as the planets are in tbe exaltatioo, Swakshetra, frieodly sigo. inim ical sign or depression sign respectively.The proportions given above are with respect to beoefics or lords of the benefic houses, In tbe case of malefics or lords of malefic houses, it wi11 be reverse. Wbeo a planet is in combustion its effeets will be similar to that in depression" i.e. debilitation or nil quantitatively.Parasara says that planets are capable of optimum self expressioo occupying the 7tb house from theSun which howeverbecomesnil whcn conjuncting with the Sun.Parasara has also said that when 9th lord is debilitated or combustit malees the native resort to begging for alms. Sbould Saturo occupy6th, 8th or 12th bousc, debilitationor combust troubles through poison, weapon, change of place or job, cause for great fear, death of parent, illbealtb ofwife and children,troubles through state. loss, confinementetc. are denoted.

Varahamihira says the planets that are debilitiated, vanquished in car, combust by the Sun, devoid of rasmis or dwarfed become like ser peots immunilized by mantra or spell.

In Sarvartha Chintamani,the author Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao has said in stanza 152 while suggesting that "lf the lord of any bhaveis com bust with 'tbe Sun (or occupies 8th etc.) without the associatioa or aspect of beneficia] planets, the Bhave's results become defunct.In our classical works it is said that during the dasa of a planet in combustin, one will be drawn into unnecessary conflicts and quarels, wife and children are afflicted and one meets with the death of serious accideats,So from the above discussion we find that a planet is said to lose its power completelywhen it is within a certain distance from the Sun as detailed abovbe. MERCURY BEING AN EXCEPTION. This is called RaviBudhaYoga, In addition the planet is called combust when posited in tbe same degrees and minutes of longitude as tbe one occupied by the Sun then it is said to be in "RAPT CONJUNCTION" with tbe Sun and it is considered to be eclipsed and becomes utterly powerless.3

It is also provided by our sagees that planets within a distance of 5 degrees from the Sun are in fuII combustion, if however they are 10 degrees apart from tbe Sun, the combustion is partial or ordinary. When the planet is beyond 15 degrees. there is no combustin at ali.Inother classical and various texts and also in J atak Tatva it is stated that the dasa of a planet that is eclipsed (combust) will cause troubles and produce untoward results. In J atak Parijat it is laid that the planet may not prove auspicious when they are eclipsed by Sun;s rays also a planet is a house cannot advance it if its lord is eclipsed.Kalidasa in Uttrakalamrita has stated that one's Jongevity is reducedif a planet other than Venus or Saturo is combust.

Ptolemy has said planets when they are rising or stationary produce intensification in the events but when setting. and under the rays of Sun (combust) or advancing al evening,they bring about an abatement.Alfred J. Pearce, William Lily, C.E.O. Cartor has also agreed on combustion and say that planets under combustion become powerless. Venus in the heart of Sun CAZIM1 gives vast honours and dignties. Sun with Dragons Head (Rahu) is good.According to Hindu Astrology, Rahu combuts or eclipses Sun whileKetu eclipses the Moon.


In the foregoing verses quoted from the old treatises we find that combust planet becomes powerless but Venus, Mercury and Saturo are exempted from combustion. The combust pJanet is deprived of itsnatural characteristics. AD that it denotes or signifies as a Karka isdestroyed, wholly or partially depending on how close the planet is tothe Sun.Each month Sun conjoins Moon and each year Sun conjoins the other planets at sometime, at which time they cease to be seen in the night sky.They will be seen on the Western horizon just after Sunset and after sorne days or week's absence will reappear on the Eastem horizon before Sunrise. The disappearance may be days before the conjunction with the Sun and it may not reappear in the East before Sunrise till many days after the conjunction witb the Sun. The disap ppearance in Heliacal Setting and the reappearence the Heliacal Rising.The close conjunction ofSun Venus gives a warm hearted, cheerful and affectionate disposition, inclines one to art, but is sometimes bad for marriage and makes the native resentful and combative. The Moon4

does not become combust but when very near thc Sun becomes the New Mooo wben be is said to waning and weak which is actualJy the same as if the Moon in this position was described as combust,

Mercury though liable to combustin astronomically seem to grow in astrological strengtb when ver close to Sun, In Iact a specialyoga, Budha Aditya Yoga OT Ravi Budha Yoga is generated by Mercury's proximityto the Sun. This Yoga is only fonned when Mercury though combust is in bis own or Mooltrikona house. The combustin of Mcr cury sharpens the intelligence.

The interpretation of conjunction mucb depend upon the sign and house which cancells the dosha caused dueto combustin if the planet is with a plaoet in his own or exaltationhouse or in the association with Kendra (angular) and trikona (trines) lords.The general principie observd in the propcr evaluations is to look for the props for weakncss and dents against strength in order to ar rive at a blanced picture. A planet exalted in rasi for instance and debilitated in Navamsa, it is cut to size. Thirdly when a natural or func tionaUybeneficplanet aspects ao iU placed planet, the latter is absolved of its weakness ora considerable part of it. These are sorne well recog nised principies.

Varahamihira says on Ayurdaya rhat in tbe matter of dcduction of longevity years dueto combustin of Venus and Saturo are exemptcd from half rcduction. Also Mercury is exempted Irom such dcductions due to combinbatin


Sun Mercury conjunction is common in many horoscopes as Mer cury remains near the Sun andas detailed above this is exempted from the combustion. Almost all astrologiacal works agree that Sun Mer cury combination is auspicious. The foUowing are sorne of thc rcsults ascribed by different writers:Fluctuating wealth, polite speech Iamous, rcspected, liked by king,a great man, wealthy and strong,The personwiU have glaring beauty and streogth but he wiU be fickle minded.The person wilJ be famous, clever, intelligent and happy etc.The abvove analysis does not impose any limitation as to the dis tance berween tbe planets conjoining though by implication, we bave to assume tbat the extent and nature ofthc results dcpends much upon'(he distance between the combining bodies. Thcre are as usual different shades of the combustin aod combination being one of the modes of conjunction, it cannot be always treated as harmful.

So we shall now surnmarise tbe main findings of the foregoing discussionrl. Combustion of a planet in a boroscope is no doubt unfortunate

2. lt is however nothing to be alarmed,3. It is far less fearful that Satum adversely placed or the lord of22ndDrekkana.4. There are other factors like aspects, position of planets in sign and house, lordship wtc. which we must look for.5. Al its worst, its effects will be mixed.

6. Venus. Mercury and Satum are comparatively less fearworthy than other.

7. As ali astrological afflictions, combinations, effects too is capable of being over come by Gems, mantras,yantras and medicines etc. such details are provided in Chapter II and IV for each combustin or conjunction of planct.


In aspect and conjunction 'ORB' has great importance. Technical ly, 'ORB' is the distance in longitude within which the influence of a planet or aspect will operate.In ancient times it was taught that eacb planet had an "ORB" or'spbere' of influence which extended beyond its own body out intospace in ali directions; in fact,it might be termed the 'aura' of the planet;and that the influence or 'rays' of the planets were mingled as soon as the peripheries of thses 'ORBS' carne into contact or into aspecting distance, as the case might be. The latest researches in scientficAstrol ogy seem to be approaching an actual physical explanation of this state ment, and there can be little doubt that it is the true basis of the "ORBS" employed by astrologers and thus will explain why 'orb' should differ for each planet, as well as for every aspect. But we are here concerned with the practical application of the term, which indicates how many degreesof'approach' and 'departure' maybeallowed before and after any aspect becomes technically complete. The fotlowing must be ac cepted and not taken as hard and fast rules.6

For conjunction or oposition allow 12 degrees when Sun aspects Moon, about 10 degree either luminary aspects a planet, and about 8 degrees for planets aspecting each other.

For Saquare and Trine about 8 degree all round may be allowed For Sextile 7' for Semisquare and Sesiquiquadrate 4 For semisextile and Quincunx ~ For tbe parallel of declinationone degree.Theses are tbe outside limits. In ali cases the closer an aspect is, the stronger it is, and vice versa. An aspect that is only just within orbs is very weak. In sorne cases two planets that are widely apart by aspect may be brought closer togetherby a tbird planet.But by way of guide and in order to assistthe mind, the approximate interval, during whicb any conjunction or opposition between any of the planets Saturn. Jupiter and Mars remains within 8 degrees orb whicb has been given as outside limit. may be stated as follow; Saturn and Jpiter, one year, Saturo and Mars, very variable according to the position of earth at the time, but say one month, these periods are ap proximate. For otber conjunctions,tbe Ephemeris for the year of birth will of course, show exactly how long they remain in force

Before elucidating conjunctions of the various planets, it is quite necessary to study the rules of the astrology of aspects and conjunc tion of the planets. The readers should memorise them for correct predictions. These instructions are very important and cannot be ig nored in the delineations.


l. Kendras, Trikonas, Panaparas, and planetary combinations are generaly to be taken from the Lagna (Ascendant) unless from the con text you are otherwise advised.

2. The ownership of the planets is a constant factors. It does not change.

3. Aspects are nearly as powerful as the planetary conjunctions.

4. Planets in conjunction or Parallel with Saturn is considered good.5. It there are two or three debilitiated planets in the horoscope, the person will have many misfortunes.6. Good and Evil planets (by ownership) give their rcuslts mostly in their periods and sub periods or Dasas and Bhuktis,7. When lord of a Kendra and Kona or Trine combine in a house or mutually aspect each other, both acquire great strength to do good.7

8. Combinations from the Moon are as valuable as those fromLagna and predictions may be safely ventured on such .

9. Conjunction of Evil planets, produce bad health, unless they are aspected by benefics.

10. By the association or aspect of benefic planet with natural, the netural planct gains strength to do good, while the benefic retains its original power.

11. Lords of Kona (lst, 5th and 9th houses) give good, while lords of 3rd 6th, and llth houses produce evil results,

12. When benefics own kendras produce evil, but malefics own kendras produce good. Good and Evil planets become more and more powerful as they are lords of kendras (Ist, 4th 7th and lOth) houses;5th and 9th houses or 3rd. 6th and llth houses respectively.In this connection we will clarify that Sun, Saturo, Mars. weak Moon and badly associated Mercury termed as natural are malefic planets. Jupiter, Venus, welJ associated Mercury and Full Moon are natural good planets. Lord of lst is weaker than Jord of 4th, lord of 4th is less powerful than that of 7th house, and lord of 7th is weaker than lord of lOth house. The same gradation applies to trines (lst. Sth and 9th) and 3rd, 6th. and llth houses also. In the case of evil planets, they graduaUy go stronger by being owners of the later quadrants or kendras and get the highest power when they become lord of lOth. The reverse . holds good with good planets. Benefics owing first house are not so bad as those owing 4th and those who own 7th are worse than those who rule the 4th and those who own the lOth are worst of the whole lot. Remember difference between ownership and occupancy of the planet.13. The lords of 2nd and 12tb houses give good or bad results ac cordingly as they are in conjunction with lords of the other houses and tbe nature of the house they occupy. These lords are not powerful by virtue of their own merits by owing certain houses but are considerab ly influenced to give good or evil results by the association or conjunc tion and position they occupy.14. Lord of 8th house produces evil results for peace and happiness as it is 12th from 9th house, a house of fortune generaUy but not in ali cases. For Aries, Libra and Scorpio lord of 8th is also lord of Ist. and behaves good. In sucb cases we bave to add that if a planet lord of 8th house happens to be the lord of lst or combines with a benefic, be comes good.8

(i) Jpiter and Venus owning kendras become very inauspicious. When they occupy the 2nd and 7th houses with such ownership, they become nowerful in infiicting death on the native1 2nd and7th are the niaraka or death houses. The effccts will oe shown during their periods and sub periods.

(H) Mercury is less malefic than Jpiter and Venus and MOON IS t.ESS THAT MERCURY. SUN AND MOON DO not give evil even when they own 8th house. The exception also has beco laid in favour of Mars and Venus when they happen to own first or birtb signas explained in rule 14 supra.

(iii) Mars does not become good when he owns only the lOlh bouse. He must own the 5th house also to bccome thoroughly good, and can happen only for a man born in Cancer or Leo Lagna.15. Rahu and Ketu give the same results as those given by the houses they occupy and the plancts they are in conjunction with, when they are powerful.

The above rule we clear from the example o Leo birth. Rahu ac cording to Parasara is exalted in Taurus and Kctu in Variscbak or Seor pio. Now Rabu alone in lOth bouse aspected by Saturn and Ketu from4th house and Rahu occupies Venus house. Therefore the results indicated by Rahu are of Venus and Saturo. So we should carefully cal culate and balance the strength before making any predictions about Rahu. Ketu is in the house of Mars with Saturo, so will give the results of Mars and Saturo. But while calculating the rcsults evil or beoefic. they must be powerful. In this case both are in cxalted signs and will confer good results during their dasas and bhuktis or pcriods and sub periods.

For more detailson Rahu and Ketu refer author's worldwide famous book "Saturo, a friend or foe T" Chapter9.

Rahu and Ketu occupying kendras or Trikonas and combining with other planets produce yoga or success.9

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16. lfthe lord ofKendras are in conjunction with the lords ofTikonas (Trines) without being associatcd with the lords of otber houses, they becomc cxtremely powerful in producing Rajayoga.

But Sun and Moon have lordship of only one house, while others are of two houses so we can say thc planets in conjunction may either own kcndras and Trikonas each in bimself or may be lords of different houscs whicb form kendras and trikonas,

17. If the powerful lords of the kendras and trikonas are in conjunction. even when they ae otherwise evil, they produce good results.

18. lf lords of 9th and lOth houses exchange places viz. if tbe lord of 9th occupics the lOth or the lord of 10 occupies the 9th house, they produce good results.

19. Jf thc powcrful lords of kcndra joins with any one of the lords of trikona they produce Rajayoga.

But when lord of 9th and lOth houses are joined by the lords of 8thand llth houses, success in endangered. \

So the simple combination of the lords of 9th and lOth without the union of other planets are best for Rajayoga. But wben they are con joincd with the lords of other kendras and trikona houses they also produce good results.

20. Plancts dehilitatcd or evil cannot do anything to the pcrson un lcss thcir own periods operare. Thc plancts may be exaltcd but wbat could thcy givc.?10

21. Wben friendly and unfriendly planets combine together they produce mixed and ordinary results, If the planets occupy quadrants, trines or places of exaltatioosin conjuntion with friendly planet. Tbey produe bener results.

22. A natural malefic becomes benefic if he owns a quadrant andbecome very powerful benefic if he owns a trine house.

23. A planet owning benefic and malefic houses at tbe same time beeomes neutral.

24. A1so a beneficby ownershipif a planet occupies a malefic house becomes a netural.

25. Plancts own.inga benefic house alongwith the ownership of 61h,8th or l2tb house becomes a netural, He will do considerable evilsduring second half of their dasa and bhukti,The student is now in full grip of the main rules required for the delineation of conjunctionof theplanets and are advised to apply t hem calmly and with intelligence.


Tbe nexr point is how to analyse the conjunction of plancts whcn one or more planets are retrograde in the conjunction.As the benefic influence of a retrograde planet is wcakcncd, The retrogration is contrary to the regular direction of the planet and is in that respect EVIL When malefic planets are retrograde, the evil ef fccts are increased.

We will now deal this point in detail. The further details than stated below can be referred in author's famous book, "SATURN, A FRIEND OR FOE?"Chapter 11.

Sun and Moon havealways direct motion whereas Rahu and Ketu ha~ reverse motion. Other planets bave direct and Retrograde mo tioos.Due to difference in the speeds of planets, there is a continuous chancge in the Zodic, one planet ovcrtaking and passing anotber, then apparentlyslowing,stopping and begining to move backward. The ap parant stopping is a "Stationary position; the apparent backward rnove ment is termed "Retrogration .

The differeat periods of planets in retrogratioo are giveo below for the purpose of information and valuable use for finding out the actual occurence of an incidence.


Plan etDistanceNo. of days of staNo. of days of

from Suntionary beforeafter.Retrogration

Retrograde Direct

MARS21.8132380MERCURY14T020 1IT020 1 24JUPITER2451155120VENUS2929242SATURN2511095140URANUS2571036155NEPTUNE2591116157PLUTO2(5()1007160The Iavourable influence of a good aspect forwarded bya planet during retrogration is considerably debilitated and falls short of its ef ficacy in the good results which would otherwise be indicated.

But the general principies are that influence of benefic planet is weakened wben they are Retrograde. Tbe retrogration is contrary to the regular direction of the planet and is in lhat respect evil. Wbeo maJefic planets are retrograde, the evil effects are increased, Aspect whether radical or progressed that are throwo to a retrograde planet reduces the efficiency o the planet, what it promises falling short in actual rcsults. Should both the planets be retrograde, the things indi cated by the aspect would be deficient or disappointing. Hence Retrogration is considered a DEBILITY.So when a planet is retrograde, it is teated as a debilitated planet ir respective of its owvership, strength, position etc. and indicates its results being a retrograde planeL

13So it is quite imperative to study the effects of retrograde planets. More details are provided in author's famous book, ~sATURN, A FRIEND OR FOE?12


l. Mercury Retrograde. Wben in birtb chart Mercury is found retrograde, the native thinks in terms of symbols and insight, ratber tban facts and figures. The mind works more easily on the sub con cious leve). bence their insight into motivations are often uncanny and revealing. Sucb people are amazingly profound, creative, discoveringpossibilities which are more direct, obvious, practival mind overlooks.Such people talk to themselves and bum little tunes.

As Mercury is connected witb Education, literature, Intelligence and Astrology. So the person if a writer will prerer stories of atmos phere to action, Cbaracter to conflict. lf astrologer, they are often more accurate in natal analysis than in predictive work, unless an eventor action is seen as an consequence of sorne inner motivation, ratberthan outward circumstances. Tbey do not always seem ro hear otherpeople. They justify their actions with reasons they grasp after tbe matter is concluded.It is always wortbwile listening to people witb Mercury retrograde. What they say may not apply to matter at hand but is ultimately cor rect.

2. Venus Retrograde. People wth retrograde Venus do not find enjoyments in things likcd by most people. Such individuals find it hard to adjust to outward social conditions. In conditions which re quire tact and cbarm tbcy are truthful and blunt. The idcalistic images of love. Sex, marriage, child birtb are quite diffcrent for them. Tbeytend to be fastidious about things which others do not consider important. They have generally reverse habits and thinking than the other people. They are also inclined to unconventional love exprcssions, may renounce love for religions; and become quite ceremonious.3. Mars Retrograde. When Mars is retrograde in one's birth chart, the physical energy and vitality never rise to meet the challenge. It im plies a stubborn, unyielding physical force which does not move until sorne mystical reasons is found for its expression, It is oen key to irn portance and frigdity, in men and women whose physical forces are not unlocked until implementd bysome nonrelatcd idea or ideal.

such persons often stop in the middle of a project to recapitu late.They often malee good scientists and doctors. They also succeed in other occupations wbich require handling of physical material in an objective, non involved way. They are very good at planning and or

ganising the physical labour of other thoughts or develop quite differently,

Also such people are law unto tbemselves. They normally do not accept tbe traditional way but adopt unorthodex methods their ap proach to life is different tban usual established social norms. Mars retrograde when adversly configurated in Natal

Chart indicates persons must go under extensive and successive surgery.

Women with sucb retrograde Mars are signs of marital troubles, causes the women to become frigid or to go to tbe other extremes and no middle course. Sucb womcn detest any intimate relations with their husbands but are easy with younger fellows they contact, they usualy get themsclves into troublcs.

Transitting Retrograde Mars follows the general principie that the powers of a retrograde planet progressivcly in creases as its speed slows down rcaching at peak during stationery period. So during its retroga tion one should not huy arms or automobiles, buy new property or move into new house, to undergo surgery, to start a law suit, to join a new job, to have sex for the first time, to employ new servant or to enter into partner ship.

Such people frequently rebel against their own desires, try to stiffle them prefcrring to acr, whcn tbey have to, against tremendous odds, subconciously seeking an excuse for the failure they anticipate.4. Jupiter Retrograde. People with Jupiter retrograde often find success in the failures of others. They start ar the point where others become discouraged, and have unique ability to succeed in projects which have been abandoned. Tbey are people who become surprised when they find opportunities are worked out witb ease. Such people revive the failed company and uncover hidden assets etc. or in other words they do sorne remarkable jobs which cannot be done by others.In order to achieve theirmaterial goal, they prefer to bargain, employ in direct subtle psychological warfare methods in achieving their goal. Sucb people do not respond enthusiastically to obvious opportunities for gain, but become immediately alert for profits to be derived from such unpromising situation.

14Being of subjective foresight, they secm out of step with the time. They predict disaster wbere others see success and vicerversa. Tbey are specially good in situation whicb involve an unknown clcment a chance factor. Tbe flexibilitywhicb is possible dueto the unknown ele ment becomes key to success. '

5. Saturn Retrograde. With Saturn retrograde, there is need to be on guard against a subconcious defeatism which undermine thir most noble ambitions. Because of this selJ Protective fear motivation they tend to yield too easily to external influences. They either appear shy, uneasy, introverted, lacking in self assertion or attempt at times to cover this insecurity with a pretext of arrogance.

They have strong sense that fate, sorne universal complelling force, controls their destiny. They feel alone, isolated, seperated from their fellow men and seldom understood. They are secretives. They may be an apparent super sophistication about them, an air of total boredom, an impression that nothing could shock them, stemming from the fact that they really worry about being a bore and wish to con ceal a fact that they are indeed, shockable.

Such people do not like to be known openly in public, for they sub conciously fear there is no face behind the mask. They find security in intellectuals or spirituals.

6. Uranus Retrograde. People with Uranus retrograde are most creative, imaginable. rebellious, work always for self,individualistic. In order to search identity and ego fulfilment, they often reach the ,most magnificient heights of humanitarian actions. In their worst exprs sion they are self destructive, inclined to regard themselves as unap preciated, constantly in court, wishing to reform everyone but themslves. Critics of others.Uranus is a planet symbolising tbe Divine counterpart of the human ego. Such natives are generally at odds with their generation. He is the conscience of his fellows,which is why he so often seems to have none of bis own. Such people shoutd bear in mind that those who would save their tives will lose them, and those who would lose theic lives, in sorne higher cause than ego, will surely find them.

7. Neptune Retrograde. Such people with Neptune retrograde need to avoid parading their virtues before the world. There is a ten dency to remind everyone else of their righteousness, arousing resent ment instead of admiration they seek. They should be selfish.

Spiritual inconsistancy is denoted in such people. Being psychic themselves, they may decry the reatity of extrasensory skeptical of theic own belief s but suspect concealment of truth when others appear cyni cal. Pride is apparently missing, They will conceal their ideas to such an extent that they will become so complicated that they do not under stand their meaning themselves. They seek seclusion, escape from material coils. They become very subtle. In their highest form of ex15

pression they are able to revitalise old belief s, and launch counter reformations of simplicity when religion becomes more ritualism or religiousity.8. Piulo Retrograde. Piulo retrograde is fouod in birth cbarts of those,wbo subconsciously rebel against the force of group pressures and becomes the cause of collapse of established social moves. They becomes violently intolerant of intolerance. They form diques to eradicate diques. Such people are extremely conscious of social caste. Tbe resistance to group pressures is their greatest single motivation. Such people have the seeds of anarchyor saiothood with them. A spe cial trait for such people is the desire to the change of the course of personal inevitability and create an entirely new order for self. Their actioos involviog group excitement should be caref ully and objective ly analysed.

Note If a Retrograde planet is aspected by Jpiter, the results are amazing)y good,


The best method to judge the influence of a retrograde planee is a measure of time, "One day for one year of life".When a planet apparently changes its motion from Retrograde to direct or viceversa, by secoodary progression, conversly direct allow ing an orb of influeoce of one year on either side or when a planet or the lights crosses the equator or the ecliptic by the same method of progression withio the life time of a person or of an undertaking, sorne particular phase of that person's life, or that of tbe project under con sideration is affectcd. Researcb seems to indicare that tbese periods usually coincide with the time of the termination of the issue or of the life itself or with the conclusion of sorne condition appertaining to it and the begining of sorne other wbich alters its prevailing status.It wil1 be noted in applying this theory, that frequcntly, these indica tions appear in the ephemeri in one progressed year before or after that of the actual occurance of the event, but this is no doubt due to the factor of time which enters into the matter. Therefore, make an allowance for this "orb of lnfluence," So summing up the whole discus sion we come to the conslusion that

A retrograde planet allows time to view the circumstances imper sonally and to decide what to do about it unaffected by our emotions. There are times to use cautions, make an important moves untill the planet is in direct motion."

When it is in direct motion again, you can enjoy the fruits orPlan the things when a planet turns retrograde and generally the plans will be completed when it turns direct and generally between these dates, it is a period of marking time.


Based on the abobve rules and Astrological cannons we find that when a natural benefic planet transists a favourable House{1,2,4,5,7,9,10), if retrograde wiD give more good results,But when a benefic retrograde planet transits malefic house{3,6,8,11.U), the evil results will be reduced to the minmum.Also when a maJefic retrograde planet transits a favourable housewill neutralise the good effects of that house.But when it transits a malcfic house, of course a retrograde planet, the malefic effect of that house will become more evils.On the otber hand, wben the planet is direct, he will then be able to show bis pressures to the people by speaking and agonising over them, the individual with the retrograde birth planet often goes through the same agonies without being able to communicate, in any sensible way, what is happening to him.

A retrograde planet representa psychic process turned in ward and not manageable, except witb enormous efforts by tbe conscious ego. A direct planet represents a psychic process, or part of the personality that is manageable by the ego consciousness.So, far making analysis of a conjunction of plancts the most difficult positions are COMBUSTION and RETROGRATION wben these are found in conjuncting planets. With the above guide lines reader can now easily find the effects of sucb conditions which will hclp them in the correct analysis.


lo tbe foregoing "Valuable lnstruction" we have repeatedly men tioned benefic or malefic planet. It may baffle the readers, tbat which planets are benefic or malefic for particular asccndant? For the guidance of readers the same are detailed below:Likewise planets, there are certain benefic and malclic Houses viz.;

171,2,4,5,7,9,10 are the benefic and 3,6,8,11, and 12 are the malefic

houses. The Planets Jupiter,, Venus, Mercury and Moon are beneficPlanets whereas Sun, Mars and Saturo are malefic ones.

The effects of the planets can be divided broadly into Four parts:

l. The Planets which always produce Good or benefic results.

2. The Planets which produce always malefic results.

3. In this part,the planets always remain Neutral.4. The Planets whicb give malefic and benefic results.The above four parts are dctailed for the guidance of readers:l. The most benefic houses are Trines or Trikona lst, 5tb and 9lh houses. The lords of these houses give always benefic results, irrespec tive of the fact the plancts may be malcfic even like Mars, Saturo etc. In addition to tbe result conferred by them in the Hooscope as general, they also behave like that in thcir Dasa and Antar Dasa (Major period and sub period).

2. The malefic houses are 3rd, 6th, 8th Llth, Lords of these houses always denote malefic results wbether they are benefic or if they are malefic, the evil results predominate for the effects as signified by house sign and planet. Such planet affects health and other matters but not the income.3. Kendra houses lst 4,7, lOth fall in this part. If the lords of these houses are benefic planets they denote malefic results and if are Malefic,then they confer thc results either benefic or malefic. In the former case of benefic planet, it is not oblgatory tbat thcy always work as malcfic, thcy too can show benefic results depending on Aspect, Ex altation, own rasi or sign position etc.

4. The planets in the fourth part are those which are lords of 2nd and 12tb houses. These planets are such whicb will give both malefic and beoefic results. The planet wiJI give tbe results of these houses where the other rasi or sign oftbeir lord is posited. But S1,10 and Moon, when lords of 2nd or 12th houses will give the results where they are posited,In case of Dasa of 12th house, lord and bhukti of a Yog Karka willgive the effects of Raj Yoga.

Now in veiw of the above rules, we analyse the position of ali planets for every Ascendant showing their benefic and malefic nature is as per lordship of various houses.


Lagna Planet Lord of ResultsHouse


l. Aries Sun 5th

Moon 4th

Mars lst &6th

Mercury 3rd, &6th

Jupiter 9th &12th

Venus 2nd, &7th

Benefic when strong for ali matters for 5th house viz, boldness, success in exams. Govt. gain, personal gain, respect, Good children etc.

If strong by position, Pakash bala, strength and well aspccted, will give good rcsults for 4th house and for matters for which she is Karka. If badly placed. evil results.

First is more strong than 8th house so rcsults of the Lagan will predominate. Yog Karka Planet, ovcr ali Mars in this case will be good and on the average.

Bad. The stronger planet the malefic one. The weakest, more i1l health, loss of con veyance and will reduce the numbers of brothers but good for finances.

If strong will givc Govt. favour, religious, good thoughts, success and gain for 9th house matters. If wcak, thcn results are reverse.

If strong then will bccomc malefic being lord kendra. If it is well aspected, will be come more cvil. Jf aspccts are evil, will give good results.

Saturn lOth, & It will actas malefic. Bue if strong, evil will lllh be increased but gainful for weallh andprofession

2. Taurus Sun4lhA malcfic in Kendra is good, provided it is

aspected by benefic plancts, and strong,

wiJI give good results for house property, convcyance, If weak and malefic aspects

are there on Sun, Evil rcsults viz; ill health,

worried, enemies, loss of property, conveyance and from Govt. and officer.

Moon 3rd It is malefic but if it is weak, has malefic aspect, located in bad house then it will be subjected to Vipreet Raj Yoga and will be stow immense wealth but if strong then average results.

Mars 7th& It will give the results of 7th house. Being12th a malefic but lord of kendra it will give good results provided it has benefic aspects, lf aspects are malefic then will act evil for 7tb house matters i.e. wife, business, Govt,

Mer 2nd,& It will be too much benefic provided strong cury 5tb and well aspected lf weak and badly aspected then failure and break in education, worried on account of children, unsuccess ful in prospects of 5th house matters etc.

Jupiter &h, & Bad effects, but being lord oflltb if strong llth it will give benefits. If weak will denote evil results for llth house matters, loss ofincome, loss to elder brother and children,disease etc.

Venus lst. & It will be malefic. When mooltrilcona rasi6th of Venus is in 6th bouse, it becomesmalefic. But when Venus in 6th house isweak it will give gain of money.

Saturo 9th,& Rajyogkarka (Lord ofTrine and Kendra)lOthwilJ give immense wealth. lf weak, then benefic results are small.

yield much good results.Moon2ndIf strong gives much wealth, high and good position but if weak then loss of wealth and illhealtb.3. Gemini Sun 3rd. Sun is not much benefic here and will not20

Mars 6th & Both houses are malefic, But Marsas Urhllthlord is good, so will give both bad and good rcsults.

Mercury Ist, & Being benefic and lord ofKendra it should4th be maJefic but since is lagna adhipati, it will givc good and bad results if strong. If weak thcn evil rcsults are prcdicted.

Jupi ter 7th, & lt is benefic and kendra Lord, so malefic lOth and when weak and posited in 6th, 8th, Ulh house will give mximum evil, illhealtb. lf strong tben Govt. favout is expccted.

Venus Sth & It will give cffects of the Sth house, educ12th tion, food, children, good luck etc. if strong, It will givc cvil results if posited wcak.

Saturo ~th, & Thc8th house is Malefic but 9th is Trikona9th. housc. But Aquarius as 9th housc is Mooltrikona rasi for Saturo, it will give good rcsult in thc cnd of lancts in thcir signs ol exaltation or debilitation.12. 1f eithcr of them is retrograde.Always go the shortcst way through the Zodiac in thc chart eithcrIorward or go back to the figure and asccndant.


The difference between Hindu and Western astrology on the pointof aspect is as below:1. In Western Astrology conjunction is an aspect whereas in Hindu astrology conjunction generales effects due to being together but it is not treated as an aspect.

2. ln Western system, the computation of aspect is made from de gree to degree, whereas in Hindu system, count is made from sign to sign.3. In Western system the aspect will be mutually the same, but inHindu Astrology the degree of aspect vary.4. In Western astrology certain type of aspects such as sextile and trine are benefic and square and opposition are evil, but in Hindu sys tcm thcrc is no such classification,

In Hindu system

(i) Aspect of benefic planets is always good and that of malefic is bad.(ii) Whether malefic or benefic planet, if he aspects its own house, he strengthens it and does not harm.(iii) Aspect of lords of good houses such as 5th,9th and Kendras are good whereas that of lord of evil houses,6,8,12 are evil


In para 3 supra regarding variations of degrees of aspect in Hindu astrology we provide a table as is found in old Hindu texts.


PLANETaspects9th aspectsaspectsSun100%75%50%2.5%Moon100%75%50%25%Mars100%100%50%25%Mercury100%75%50%25%Jupiter100%75%100%25%Venus100%75%50%25%ASPECTINOiH aspect 4th and 8th 5th and 3rd and lOth





In chapter I o this book, we have givcn a passing rcfcrcnce to transit of planets, which now on claboratc.

After ascertaining the conjunction of plancts, thcir aspccts on each otber, the most important part is to check the conjunction or aspects of planets in TRANSIT in the birth chart in order to arrive al the cor rect judgement and prcdictions.

We will deal TRANSIT of plancts in a sumup form. for more dctails readers should refer author's world Iamous book, "TRANSIT OF PLANETS".


It is a wcll known theory that the movemcnts of planets in the Zodiac from moment to momcnt signiy good or evil. This is the basis over which transit system rests.

During the transit ali planets give good effocts in llth house. Sun proves good in transit in 3,6 and 10th houscs. Mars and Saturn in 3rd and 6th houses. Moon in 1,3,6,7 and 10th houscs. Venus in ali houscs other than 6,7 and lOtb houscs. Jpiter in 2,5,7,9 houses whcrcas Mer cury in 2,4,6,8 and lOth houses.The Sun and Mars in their transit through 3,6 and 1 lth houses bring an improvement in position,honour and give gain. In 2nd house they cause loss of money: in 4th and 5th misery and fear, in 7th house, dis eases, Intense sorrows in 9th house. Mars causes disappointments in lOth whereas Sun in lOth causes success in profession.Now we explain brief effccts of various planets in different houses of the birth chart to be modified accordind to conjunction vedha and aspects etc.

l.THE SUN(Transit Period one month)

lst House: Loss of prestige and position. 111 hcalth, irritated temper, aimless travels,obstacles, delays, seperation from family and anxiety etc.10I

2od House: Loss of money, financial worries, to be duped by others, company of tbe wicked, quarrels with relations and friends. Danger of loss in business etc.

3rd House: Gain ofmoncy, new positioo and status, happiness, good health, success over enemics, domestic comforts, recognitioo by supe riors, good friendhsip etc.4th House: Domestic unhappiness, Loss of respect, financial stress, Ouarrels, and disputes in family. Problem regarding property and land and conveyance etc.5th House: Mental teostion,loss from enemies and children, Expco diture, displeasure from Govt: worries, Loss of money, sorrows and accidents etc.6tb Hou~: Victory over enemies, good health, happiness, peace of mind, favour from superiors, success in efforts, cnjoymencs, gain inser vice etc.

7tb House: Afflicted health, humilation, loss of money,quarrel with wife, depression of mind, unsuccessful efforts and troubles etc.

8th House: Fear, anxiety, ill health to wife, displeasure from supe riors, quarrel with friends, expenditure, loss through enemies and high blood pressure.

9th House: One may becomc rash, false accusation, loss of moncy, disturbed miad, quarrels with elders, failure in attempts and scpera tion from loved ones etc.lOtb House: Victory over enemies, wealth, happiness, gain and of luxurious articles. Success or promotion in service, gain through friends and others etc.llth House: Eojoymeot of oew position, honour, gain of money,good bealth and luck. Gain through father, sucess in under standings and domestic bliss etc.

llth House: Be cautious from opponents, Loss of money, troubles, disfavour from Govt, and superiors. Eyes affliction, friends will behave enemies etc.2. TOE MOON(Thansit perod 2 11 4 days)

lst House: Good health, gain of money, sexual enjoyment, meeting with friends, you will be cmotionally demanding from loved ones, be within control. Good food etc.

lnd House: Depression of mind, loss of honour, obstacles, expen diture and dispute. Minor gain of money. Abad time to spend money, so avoid.

3rd House: Sucess, gain, friendship witb opposite sex, fruitful correspondenceand conversation, Vicinity oy and bappiness etc.

4tb House: You should relax at home. Avoid confrontation, emo tionally possessive. Keep safeguard your valuables and things.MentaJ worryetc.

Sth House: Expenditure, Loss of mernory, in love greater emotion al depth,do not be possessive, exprcss your feelings to loved ones and others etc.6th House: Gain of wealthjoy,enemies will be destroyed, good health and friends bappiness. Gain by desire. Pay attention to home and take care of health etc.

7tt. House: Sexual bliss, good friends, food and clothes. Gain of con veyance, moncy and happiness. Cooperation from opposite sex. Favour from elders etc.

8th House: Untoward event, loss of money, quarrels, ill health, be not emotional.

9th House: Beneficia} travels, new foreign friends, unexpectcd expenses etc.lOtb House: Success, Pleasure ali round in business and scrvice. Good public relations, and sale of property. Happiness and gifts cte.

Uth House: Meetingwith frieods, sexual enjoyment, gain of money, prosperity and good health, Friends will be helpful,

12tb House: Jealousy, loss, expenditure, injury, misunderstanding, secretive mind, good for mystical or spiritual trials.3. THE MARS(translt period 1 112 month)

1st House: Avoid quarrels, obstacles, dejection, rclations will be dif ficult to handle.Displeasurefrom superiors, blood pressure, sepeation of relations.

lnd House: Displeasure from officers, friends and thicvcs. Harsh temper, lncreased expenditure, disputes etc. of posscssive nature etc.

1043rd House: Good health, gain of money and happincss, alround suc cess, strength, good position, honour, authority and pleasurc from children.105

4th House: Family disputes, professional troubles, sorrows through relations, parents and opponents. vice decds domestic unhappiness.

Sth House: Causes improper desires, mental anguish, quarret with children, troubles, theft in bouse, irritable temperaments, feeting egoistic, strong love nature etc.

6th House: Happiness, victory over enemies, termination of evils and litigations. Gain , honour, favour from superiors, gaio in income, comforts but care for healtb.

7th House: Compromise between wife, partner etc, make adjust ments during this period being a positive side. On negative side, quar rcls witb wife, loss of money, agony etc.8th House: Mental worry, iJ1 health, fever, fatigue, fear, accidents, and wounds, sinful acts, disagreernent with wife, not a good time to raise loan.

9tb House: Mental anxicty, wearisome journeys, loss of wealth, avoid travelling. But if confined or aspccted by Jupiter reverse the rcsults. Be not dogmatic in views.

JOth House: failure in attcmpts, ill health fcar and encmity. Second half will show good rcsults. Be careful. Do Hard work to gain, conflict wit h Govt, etc.

11 th House: Financial gain, good hcalth, happiness and cnjoyment, gain of landed property, birth of son, s:: cccss and acquiring luxuries and amusements etc.Uth House; Loss of wealth, unwanted expcnditure, quarrels with wife. loss fromm enemies, mental worrics, troubles through womcn, dishonour and losscs.

4. THE MERCURY (Transit Period one month)

lst House: Active miad. good time to exprcss, beneficial short jour neys, relax. If afflicted cnemies, loss , unsteady mind, troubles in jour neys, company of low women.

2nd House: Gain of money, rcliablc friends, sucess in undertakings but disgrace, scandals and unjust blamcs cte. Avoid property deals if aflicted.

3rd House: Favarouble period for intclledtual work. Meeting ncw pcople.short travcls no; good to relax, postponc contracts, business, p, Mercury 11, Ketu 14 in Geroini Moon 10 ,27' in Leo, Herschal 2P Pluto (R) 8 in Virgo, Neptune (R) 7 in Scorpio, Rahu 14 in Saggitarius, Jupiter (R) 18 in Capricorn and Mars 27 in Aquarious, Saturn free from combustion. Balance of Ketu 1 ycar 6thmonths 5 days, dasa at birth.HlNTS: The hoy is son of a wealthy man. Mercury in own house. Jupiter in lOth house, lth lord aspected by Jupiter also Sun Saturo conjunction aspectcd by Jpiter. Sun dasa 11.U. 1974 to.11.12. 2000. A very bright futurc is awaiting for him.?

XII And now the horoscope ofyour author.Born on 13lh/14th Octobcr, 1928 al 4 A.M. at 30 N U', Latitude and 71 E 28', Longitude. Ascendant Leo. Sun 2728', in Virgo, Moon032', Mercury (R) 16 27', and Venus 250 8' in Libra, Saturo 2213' and Ketu 935' in Scorpio, Jpiter (R) 1428' in Aries, Rahu 935' in Taurus, Mars 119' and Pluto 256' in Gemini, Hcrschal (R)1226' in Pisces, Neptune 7'28' and Fortuna 243' in Lagna or As cendant, and Gulika 226' in Virgo. Balance of Mars dasa al birth 3 ycars 2 months 20 days.

HINTS:Moon, Mcrcury, Venus are aspectcd by Jupiter from 9th house, Mars in llth house and Rahu is exaltcd in lOth house.

By thc grace of Lord SHlVA, your autbor is a Senior Class 1 En gincer {Civil), blessed with properry, conveyance, good famiJy, good hcalth and comforts o life.. Self study ofPalmistry and Astrology since1952 (Jupiter period started on 3.1.1950 and the study started during Jupiter period and Jupiter sub pcriod). Mark Jupitcr in 9th house aspecting conjunctionsin 3rd house which indicate writing, publishing and spirituality. Distant travels (not so far). JGndJy check?

XIII A Lady born on 26th April, 1951at6.20 AM. Lat. 28.39 'Nand Long. 7713 'E.

Ascendant Aries, Mars, Sun and Mercury in Lagna, Venus In Tau rus, Ketu in Leo, Saturo in Virgo, Rahu in Aquarius, Moon in Sag gittarius, and Jupiter in Pisces, Balance ofKetu dasa at birth is 2 years3 months and 16 yays. An interesting horoscope for analysis.HTNTS: Exalted Sun and Mars in own house in lagna with Mcrcury (3rd and 6th house lords.). This conjunction is of vital importance. Mars and Mercury are combust. 7th house lord. The lady has a charm ing and graceful look, intelligent, of well proportioned body. sanguine nature, tall and well versed in household afairs. 5th lord Sun is exalted has blessed here witb highcr and good academic carcer.She is M Se. Chemistry, Sun being eclipsed by Ketu and in Ashwini star did not help her to get any bencfit from her educationeven during her Sun's dasa from 12.8.73 to 12.8.79. which passcd without any promising effects. She has a robust bealth as there is no Sun Moon conjunction.

Note the results of illusionary grand Conjunction. The lady is un married with aJJ such good qualities till the age of 191/ 2 years. She is not Mangleek vide author's world Iamous book, "Saturo a Friend or Foe". page 186. Moon Rahu dasa will bless her with marriage, a good financia! position and of course Ioreign Travel,

Readers should check the conjuntion in a more lucid way

XIV The native born on 19Lh December 1923 at 6.43 p.m. at 3234' N Longitude and 7130' E Latitude. Born in Gemini ascendent, Rahu in Leo, Mars and Saturo in Libra, Jupiter in Scorpio, Sun, Mer cury, Venus in saggitarius,Ketu in Aquarius, and Moon in Aries. Birth