Combination of Planets

Combination of Planets = Mars + Mercury Mars = Stones Mercury = Hand Meaning:Stones on Hand RESULTS FOR MERCURY+KETHU COMBINATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If the combination of Mercury+Kethu is present in natives horoscope,then he/She is likely to face the following health problems. 1) Poor memory 2) Throat related disease 3) Excessive hair growth in the body Mercury-Land Kethu-Dispute Mercury + Kethu=Land + Dispute = Land Dispute smile emoticon Mercury's character and scientific correlation: Mercury’s Most Prominent Character is ADAPTABILITY. Let us see how mercury gained this character and what is the base behind this portfolio being allocated to Mercury by our sages. Scientific Information: Mercury undergoes some of the widest temperature swings of any body in the Solar System with temperatures reaching +430 C and dipping down to -180 C. Which means Mercury’s atmosphere is capable of withstanding robust temperature variations naturally. By this Mercury could have got the charcter,ADAPTABILITY. We should remember here that our sages has given this character to Mercury even before scientists discovered Solar System. Wow What a DIVINE MESSENGERS our Sages are ! Feel proud of this DIVINE subject ASTROLOGY and for being associated with it. Combiination of Planets = Mercury + Venus. Mercury = Hands 1

Transcript of Combination of Planets

Page 1: Combination of Planets

Combination of Planets = Mars + MercuryMars = StonesMercury = HandMeaning:Stones on Hand

RESULTS FOR MERCURY+KETHU COMBINATION----------------------------------------------------------------------If the combination of Mercury+Kethu is present in natives horoscope,then he/She is likely to face the following health problems. 1) Poor memory2) Throat related disease3) Excessive hair growth in the body

Mercury-LandKethu-DisputeMercury + Kethu=Land + Dispute = Land Dispute smile emoticon

Mercury's character and scientific correlation:

Mercury’s Most Prominent Character is ADAPTABILITY.Let us see how mercury gained this character and what is the base behind this portfolio being allocated to Mercury by our sages.

Scientific Information:Mercury undergoes some of the widest temperature swings of any body in the Solar System with temperatures reaching +430 C and dipping down to -180 C.

Which means Mercury’s atmosphere is capable of withstanding robust temperature variations naturally.

By this Mercury could have got the charcter,ADAPTABILITY.

We should remember here that our sages has given this character to Mercury even before scientists discovered Solar System.

Wow What a DIVINE MESSENGERS our Sages are !

Feel proud of this DIVINE subject ASTROLOGY and for being associated with it.

Combiination of Planets = Mercury + Venus.Mercury = HandsVenus = HipMeaning:Hands on Hip.

Combination of Planets = Saturn + MercurySaturn = ButtsMercury = HandsMeaning:Hands on Butts


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If Saturn is aspected by Mars from 1,2,3,5,7,9,11 place, native is working in risky and physically hard jobs I.e. wireman, electrician etc. If they get any sophisticated, they quit it soon. If Jupiter aspects Saturn or mars, the native will manage the difficulty and continue job.

If Mars is placed 1,2,5,9,12 of Saturn in birth chart and transit Saturn comes trine of Mars place in birth chart, the native will face more enemies and discomfort situations in working or business environment

When kethu is placed at 2,5,7,9,12 place of Saturn, the native come out their job earlier or facing dissatisfaction in job, if Jupiter is placed 2,5,7,9,12 of kethu or Saturn, the native will tackle the dissatisfied situations in job environment.

PLANET COMBINATION FOR ASTRO INTEREST--------------------------------------------------------------------

Saturn is placed 1,2,5,7,9,12 place of moon in birth chart. When transit Saturn comes 1,2,5,7,9,12 place of moon in birth chart, the native is stimulated with astrology interest and tries to learn it.

Results of Transiting Guru----------------------------------The results of Transiting Guru being in 1-5-9 or in the 7th to each of the planets indicated below provides the respective results shown against them. Guru by himself does not provide these results, but the results will be felt only when these planets come in the ambit of Guru-drushti, otherwise nothing would come to pass. Hence, degree wise calculation is important for timing an event.

Ravi: A promotion at work; cooperation in general, but especially from Government.Chandra: Change of residence, health impairment due to cold.Kuja: Acquiring agricultural land, brotherly supportBudha: Gaining new knowledge, acquisition of landGuru: Gets recognition in society and acquires fame, the birth of a son.Shukra: Prospects of getting married, acquisition of wealth, the birth of a daughter and constructing a house.Shani: Obtaining a job or promotion, work related diversificationRahu: Surgery, illness, death, abortion and impediments in educationKetu: Health defects due to nerve related problems, becomes spiritual.


1) Find out in which bhava moon is placed from lagna; your topic of interest will be connected to that bhava.

2) Find out in which bhava lagna lord is placed from lagna; your topic of interest will be connected to that bhava. Astrologers will not be able to give prediction for all bhavas. They will be able to handle maximum two bhavas only as per the above rules. They will be successful in handling maximum two bhavas. If they claim, they can predict everything; then it is their ignorance.

What will be the result for this combination of planets? as per Nadi Astrology.


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Jupiter in Mithuna endows a male native with a lot of intelligence, affection and friendship with all. A very eloquent person. Jupiter also rules over the size and shape of body. However a native's stature largely depends on the rashi where he sits. Being Mithuna, an airy sign this person would of medium height unlike in Aries, a fiery sign, he would be very tall. Mokshakaraka Ketu representing the maternal grandfather is also located with Jupiter. Hence, the maternal grandfather was a priest or even a sanyasi - spiritual person. Mithuna has 3 stars. Mrigashira, Ardra and Punarvasu. The location of Jupiter and of Ketu within these three stars and their padas also matter. If Jupiter was in Mrigashira, that person is a hunter, gatherer and keeps looking for something new to add to his collection. Mrigashira endows one with incest relationships similar to how Prajapati got too affectionate with his own daughter Rohini and chased her around by changing shapes and forms. Rudra had to put him down. Guru in these two padas of Mrigashira means something as I described. Guru in any of the 4 padas of Ardra means something else. Ardra has a destructive element. If Guru was situated here, then these people go destroying anything and everything so that it can grow from the bottom up at a later date. They are not affectionate or attached to anything or anyone. They do not care of the consequences. Only some stars have the word "Thiru" attached to them. This is one of them and is called Thiruvadura. Punarvasu is a welcome breeze after the destructive effects of Ardra. The 3 padas of Punarvasu here will rejuvenate everything. If Guru was located here in Punarvasu, then that person would be very spiritual, understanding, beneficial and will heal all previous wounds. So, it is not just useful to see where a planet is located rashi-wise but one also needs to look at which star and which pada he is located in. For example, if Guru were to be located in Ardra 2nd and 3rd pada, that person wreaks havoc and destroys everything, but in the fourth he may be a little more calm.


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Coming to Mercury Venus and Moon's location in Dhanus. What can each of them do there? What can their combined strength do there? More importantly, Rahu, the representation of paternal grandfather and the mammoth mouth of the kala purushua is located with them. Based on the looks of the posted chart, it is a combination of Rahu + Mercury +Shukra +moon. 

Mercury in Dhanus will endow one with a sense of loneliness, spiritual abilities and a dharma niratha (adhering to dharma). Venus in Dhanu endows one with well educated sisters and will earn good money through legitimate means. Moon in Dhanu will mean that the native's mother had inflictions from cold and she would have surpassed a lot of troubles in the past and is of a good nature. For the native himself, this location of moon indicates that he is of a pious nature and has several worries that he keeps pondering over. 

Dhanu again has three stars. All of Moola and Poorvashada and the first pada of Uttarashada. The location of these planets in the stars and their pada needs to be seen too. Moola looks into the bottom of everything. A very destructive star ruled by Nirruti, the goddess of death. Very investigative and will overcome hurdles and realizes the truth after sufferings. Poorvashada has heavy leadership qualities and they cannot be won over. None can beat them. A war or battle waged when this is the ruling star cannot be lost. Very good star for lawyers and those wanting to fight. They are very eloquent and their arrogance takes to places that they cannot return from. Uttarashada has similar characteristics like poorvashada, but they are more calm, serene, calculative and they can come back to their own sense when they achieve what they want. 

But what is Rahu's role here? His role is to amplify anything that he is associated with due to his big mouth. Mercury is buddhi, Venus is wealth and moon is the mind faculty. He amplifies all of these due to his association with these planets. But, we also need to look at the rashi's characteristics too.

Jupiter meets Saturn=================

When Gochar Saturn meets the Jenana Jupiter in the birth chart, the native will get motivated from external source and improve his career/Business/Life style.

If the Jupiter is along with Moon, the native will use his mind power to become a famous personality.

What will be the result for this combination of planets? as per Nadi Astrology.


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Guru in Mesha is a pitta prakruti. Very heated constitution. Very tall guy with a very small nose. Always working. Rashi phalam for Guru being in Mesha.

12th to Jupiter is Mars and Venus, so they push him. He will be a woman's husband. Because of interchange Mars will be in his own house. As Senthil Nathan said, an affair is correct, but how would that previous guy be younger? I dont know? degree of jupiter and Mars?

Mars in Meena gives divine thoughts, not pious, but a helping person. Venus is in the same sign of Meena means something else. A very fortunate man. The wife may be beautiful, or sometimes not because of association with Mars. This native's palm will have a fish on the mount of venus. 

Sun + Jupiter--------------

When guru is posited at 1,2,3,5,7,9,11,12 place of Sun, native's father and son is gentleman and follows the customs. They are spritual and famous person in his society.

Jupiter has no planets on either side - Native is living away from his blood relatives.Mercury is in trine with Kethu- his was love marriage. Jupiter+Mars+Rahu- met with AccidentsVenus+Moon- Wife has big eyesVenus+Mercury+Kethu- Wife has long hairSun+Mercury+Kethu- Son had love Marriage

Saturn + Mercury------------------


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When Mercury is located at 1,2,3,5,7,9,11,12 of Saturn, native is beneficial from his job and get helps from friends when he struggle with problems in job. Native will buy more tangible properties

Mercury is located at 1,2,3,5,7,9,11,12 place of Venus, the native's wife is intelligent and talkative.

Detachment & Ketu:

Detaching from

Ketu in 1st house- Ego, Body, Social Identity,

2nd house-material stability

3rd house-competition, factual information, thought patterns, ability to take decisions

4th house-family, home, property, emotional happiness

5th house-children, creative expression, center stage activities,

6th house--enmity, health issues, arguments and adversaries,

7th house-relationship codependency, parterships, popularity

8th House-help from others, other's finances, emotional stability

9th house belief systems, idealogies, concept, philosophies, knowledge

10th house-career achievements, wordly success

11th house-friendships, gains, elite or secelt groups and networds

12th house-forein places, spiritual search

Ketu with Venus-relationships, plasures in life

with Jupiter-children, wealth, believes, knowledge

Saturn-weakness, complexes and vulnerabilities

Sun-goals, career, achievements,

Moon-emotional happiness and inner peace

Mercury-friends, associates, mental skills and abilities

Mars-sexual desires, getting one's own way, new initiative, risk taking

How to obtain the name of a native in Brighu - Nandi Nadi Astrology:

Jeevakaraka for a male is Jupiter (Guru). Jeevakaraka for a female is Venus.

I step: First see the most powerful Association with the Jupiter.


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Powerful Association is

First priority: The planets which is in Conjunction with the Jupiter. ie. in the same sign (gives 100% results).

Second Priority:  The Planets Which are posited next sign from the Jupiter - 2nd house from the Jupiter.(gives 90% results)

Third Priority: The Planets which are posited in the 5th and the 9th sign to the Jupiter (gives 75% results).

Fourth Priority : The Planets which are posited in the 3rd sign, 7th sign and the 11th sign from the Jupiter. (gives 50% results).

Fifth Priority:The Planets which are posited in 12th house to the Jupiter. (gives 25% result).

II Step: How to Eliminate planets from the Association:1. Even-though a planet conjunct with the Jupiter and the planet is in the debilitated or in inimical sign then the planet will be eliminated. then take a planet in the planet in the 2nd sign to the Jupiter. likewise check the planets in the 5th and 9th sign from the Jupiter, 3,7,11th signs from the Jupiter and then the 12th sign from the Jupiter.

2. If two planet are in the conjunction with the Jupiter. Among these planets one planet is friendly to that sign and the other planet is inimical to that same sign then the inimical planet will be eliminated. likewise check the planet's strength and weakness in the 5th and 9th sign from the Jupiter, 3,7,11th signs from the Jupiter and then the 12th sign from the Jupiter.

3. After the elimination one or two planets will be more strongest in the above said 1,2,5,9,3,7,11 and 12th positions to the Jupiter.

4. The native will have the Strongest Planet's significance name.if the strongest planet is The Sun - The name of the native will be Ravi, Siva, Adhithya etc.The Moon - The name of the native will be Chandran, Shakthi etc.The Mars - The name of the native will be Kumaran, Karthikeyan, Senthil etc.The Mercury - The name of the native will be Vishnu, Narayanan etc.The Jupiter - The name of the native will be Gurusamy, Acharya (if no planet combinations with the Jupiter)The Venus - The name of the native will be Lakshmi Kanthan, Sundaram etc.The Saturn - The name of the native will be Iyappan, Karupasami, iyanar etc.The Rahu - The name of the native will be Nagarajan (Rajan - King - Planet of Expansion is Rahu)The Ketu - The name of the native will be Nagalingam, Nagesh etc.

Reason for My Name:

My Name is Senthil Nathan.

In my Chart No planet is in the Conjunction state with the Jupiter (same sign where the Jupiter is posited). The Jupiter is alone. So first rule is not applicable.

Mars posited in the next sign (2nd house to the Jupiter) to the Jupiter. Mars is in his own (Moolatrikona Sign). The Most Powerful Association to the Jupiter. It gives 90% results.


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Even-though Venus is in the 5th House to the Jupiter. Venus is in inimical Sign (Cancer) . Rahu is in the 9th house (Scorpio) - the house of Mars.

Effect of Mars is higher than any other planet. Mars denotes Lord Subramanian / Murugan and Senthil.

Rahu - The Planet of Expansion - It Expands the name Senthil to Senthil Nathan.

Rasi and directions-------------------

Mesa - EastRishba - SouthMithuna - WestKadaga - NorthSimma - EastKanya - SouthThula - WestVruchaga - NorthDhanush - EastMagara - SouthKumba - WestMeena - North

Reason behind Trikona Aspect-------------------------------

Trikonas are 1, 5, 9. Trikona rasi's directions are same. So we can consider that planets posited at trikonas are in conjunction. This is because the trikona aspect is primary and strong one in Naadi Astrology.

For example, Aries, Leo, Dhansu represent East direction. If Sun, Jupiter, Saturn are posited Aries, Leo, Dhanush respectively, we can consider the planets are in conjunction as these are in same directions

Reason behind 3-7-11 Aspects--------------------------------

3-7-11 places from a planet represent opposite directions. As per the astrology rule, opposite aspect is also powerful, so that naadi astrology consider the 3-7-11 places are second priority aspects.

For example, Jupiter is posited at Aries, this denotes that the Juipter is in East diection. The Gemini, Libra, Kumba denote West directions, If Sun is at Gemini, Mercury is at Libra, Saturn is at Kumba rasi, then we can take the plants posited at opposite directions has secondary aspects in Naadi Astrology. These aspects also give 75% impact on the planet.


If a person has either moon or lagna lord in 7th from lagna;then he will be always thinking about opposite sex.All his conversation will be related to opposite sex.His mind will be permanently locked to 7th bhava.


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WHO WILL FALL IN LOVE---------------------------------MALE /FEMALE HOROSCOPES1) Kethu is placed in 1-5-9 or 2 from Mercury2) Jupiter is placed in 1-5-9 or 2 from Mercury

AWAY FROM BLOOD RELATIONS------------------------------------------------1. If there are no planets in conjunction with (or) opposite to (or) either side of Sun, then the father of native will be away from blood relatives.

2. If there are no planets in conjunction with (or) opposite to (or) either side of Moon, then the Mother of native will be away from blood relatives.

3. If there are no planets in conjunction with (or) opposite to (or) either side of Jupiter in male chart, then the male native will be away from blood relatives.

4. If there are no planets in conjunction with (or) opposite to (or) either side of Venus in female chart, then the female native will be away from blood relatives.

5. If there are no planets in conjunction with (or) opposite to (or) either side of Mars in male chart, then one of the younger brother of native will be away from blood relatives.

6. If there are no planets in conjunction with (or) opposite to (or) either side of Mars in female chart, then one of the younger brother or husband of the female native will be away from blood relatives.

7. If there are no planets in conjunction with (or) opposite to (or) either side of Mercury, then the maternal uncle or youngest brother or youngest sister of native will be away from blood relatives.

8. If there are no planets in conjunction with (or) opposite to (or) either side of Saturn, then the elder brother of native will be away from blood relatives.


If a person has either moon or lagna lord in 11th house from lagna, then he will be an opportunitist. He will always try to grab some thing from others. He will make easy money. If an Astrologer has this combination, he will easily make money. If you do not have this combination, do not worry, try to fix your nama rasi in 11th house, then you will be able to make easy money.


Aries: Mercury, Rahu and Ketu.Taurus: Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Rahu and Ketu.Gemini: Rahu and Ketu.Cancer: Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.Leo: The Moon, Rahu and Ketu.Virgo: Saturn, Mars, the Sun, Rahu and Ketu.Libra: Mercury, Rahu and Ketu.Scorpio: Mars, Venus, Rahu and Ketu.Sagittarius: The Moon, Rahu and Ketu.Capricorn: The Sun, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu.


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Aquarius: The Moon, Mercury, Rahu and Ketu.Pisces: The Sun, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.

Remedies to win court case:Chant this powerful “Baglamukhi Mantra” for 108 times daily for next 41 days with full dedication and devotion. Surely you will attain success.!!Om Hleem Baglamukhi Sarwdushtanam Wacham Mukham PadamStambhay Jihwa Kilay Buddhi Vinashay Hleem Om swaha!!

On coming Amavasya (NEW MOON) night before your hearing you should perform this remedy and one more time you should perform before one day of your hearing in court you should do it in a same manner.

What you have to do is? You should take 5 Basen kay Laddu (Gram Flour) and along with this take 5 pieces of rock salt and then place both of them in a wooden box or paper box (which is easily available for you) and then on the night of Amavasya and before the 1st day of your hearing (in court) pray to GOD or your KULA DEVAM to get rid from this court case and turn this case in my favour (it should be done in night time in between 11-12)

after that take the items in your hand and go to Chauraha (a place where four road meets) and keep the wooden or paper box (which the laadu and rock salt contains) in that chauraha (where 4 roads meet) and after keeping there come to your house without looking back (if someone calling you then also don't look back and come straight to your home) you have to repeat this remedy for 4 times (On Amavasya) and then see the positive results.

Careers by planet

Sun: authority, politicians, scientists, leaders, directors, government employees, doctors, jewellersMoon: nursing, the public, women, children, travelling, marine, cooks, restaurants, import/export.Mars: fire, energy, metals, initiative, weapons, construction, soldiers, police, surgeons, engineers.Mercury: intellect, writing, teaching, merchandise, clerks, accountants, editors, transport, astrologers.Jupiter: finance, law, treasury, scholars, priests, politicians, advertising, psychologist, humanitarian.Venus: pleasures, luxuries, beauty, art, music, entertainment industry, sex industry, hotels.Saturn: the aged, death, real estate, labour, agriculture, building trades, mining, monk.Rahu & Ketu: researchers, engineers, physicians, medicine/drugs, speculators, aviation, electricity, waste.



 Jupiter -self

Venus- Wife




1)      Venus is placed  in 4-6-8-10 from Jupiter


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2)      Kethu is placed in 1-5-9 or 2 from Venus

3)      7th Lord is placed in 4-6-8-10 from Ascendant Lord

4)      Kethu is placed in 1-5-9 or 2 from 7th Lord

5)      7th lord counted from Jupiter is placed in 4-6-8-10 from the lord of the house in which Jupiter is posited

6)      Kethu is placed in 1-5-9 or 2 from 7th lord counted from Jupiter

7)      Jupiter , Kethu and Venus are  placed in successive signs in the following sequence



8) Ascendant Lord , Kethu and 7th Lord are  placed in successive signs in the following sequence

Ascendant Lord+Kethu+7th Lord   

7th Lord +Kethu+ Ascendant Lord

9)Lord  of the house in which Jupiter posited , Kethu and 7th Lord counted from Jupiter are  placed in successive signs in the following sequence

Lord of the house in which Jupiter posited +Kethu+7th Lord  counted from Jupiter

7th Lord counted from Jupiter +Kethu+ Lord of the house in which Jupiter posited 

 If all the above combinations are present in Male horoscope, then it leads to break in marriage or divorce






 1)      Mars  is placed  in 4-6-8-10 from Venus

2)      Kethu is placed in 1-5-9 or 2 from Mars

3)      7th Lord is placed in 4-6-8-10 from Ascendant Lord

4)      Kethu is placed in 1-5-9 or 2 from 7th Lord

5)      7th lord counted from Jupiter is placed in 4-6-8-10 from the lord of the house in which Jupiter is posited

6)      Kethu is placed in 1-5-9 or 2 from 7th lord counted from Jupiter

7)      Jupiter , Kethu and Venus are  placed in successive signs in the following sequence


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8)      Ascendant Lord , Kethu and 7th Lord are  placed in successive signs in the following sequence

Ascendant Lord+Kethu+7th Lord   

7th Lord +Kethu+ Ascendant Lord

 9)      Lord  of the house in which Jupiter posited , Kethu and 7th Lord counted from Jupiter are  placed in successive signs in the following sequence

Lord of the house in which Jupiter posited +Kethu+7th Lord  counted from Jupiter

7th Lord counted from Jupiter +Kethu+ Lord of the house in which Jupiter posited 

 If all the above combinations are present in Female horoscope, then it leads to break in marriage or divorce

Scientific Research on Timing of Marriage, with this comprehensive research the students of Vedic Astrology would be able to predict the timing of marriage with good accuracy.

The 2nd, 7th and 11th houses should be considered and taken in account while analyzing about one’s marriage or marital bliss.

Some parameters has to be considered and should taken in account for clear and transparent results about one’s marriage.

Connection between – Vimshottari Mahadasha, Antar Dasha Lords with Lagna or 7th house or Lagna Lord

Char Dasha and antar dasha making a connection with DarakarakarThe 2nd house is called family house, expansion house and without the connection of this particular house you cannot welcome a person in your home. So your 2nd house and it’s lord also play a vital role in marriage.The Saturn and Jupiter activating lagna, Lagna Lord.

Lagna Lord and 7th house, which is called marriage house connections in Transit period.

Jupiter activating natal Venus and connecting with again 7th house.With the help of these parameters you would be able to predict (Marriage period) accurately.

LIST OF BOOKS ON NADI ASTROLOGY WRITTEN BY RG RAO1) Your Fortune From Thy House (Vastu Sastra)2) Transit of Planets on Thy Birth Chart3)Bhrigu Nandi Nadi4)Your Destiny In Thumb 5)Kashyapa Hora 6) Essence Of Nadi Astrology7) Fundamentals of Rao's System of Nadi Astrology8) Bhrigu Prashna Nadi9) Profession from the Position of Planets10) Fortune Telling from the Permutation & its Combinations of Planets


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11) Samudrika Sudha12) Core of Nadi Astrology13)Bruhath Nadi Astrology 14)Wonders Of Life From Hundreds Of Palm And Birth Charts15) Your Face Mirrors Fortune Vedic Physiognomy16) I Q Zone from Zodiacal rays17) Advanced Course on Astro-Palmistry18) Nine planets in Human house.19) Yoga Sudhakara20) Natal chart from the palm







1)      If Venus is placed in 1-2-3-5-7-9-11-12 from Jupiter, then marriage is promised.

2)      If 7th Lord is placed in 1-2-3-5-7-9-11-12 from Ascendant Lord, then marriage is promised.

3)      If 7th Lord counted from Jupiter is placed in 1-2-3-5-7-9-11-12 from the lord of the house in which Jupiter is posited, then marriage is promised.

If all the above combinations are present in male horoscope, then marriage is 100% promised.






1)      If Mars is placed in 1-2-3-5-7-9-11-12 from Venus, then marriage is promised.

2)      If 7th Lord is placed in 1-2-3-5-7-9-11-12 from Ascendant Lord, then marriage is promised.

3)      If 7th Lord counted from Jupiter is placed in 1-2-3-5-7-9-11-12 from the lord of the house in which Jupiter is posited, then marriage is promised.

If all the above combinations are present in female horoscope, then marriage is 100% promised. 



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1)      If Venus is behind Jupiter, Girl side should pressurise the native, then only he will agree for marriage, otherwise he will not take any decision.

2)      If Jupiter is behind Venus, Boy side should pressurise the girl, then only she will agree for marriage, otherwise she will not take any decision.


1)      If Venus is behind Mars, Girl side should pressurise the boy, then only he will agree for marriage, otherwise he will not take any decision.

2)      If Mars is behind Venus, Boy side should pressurise the girl, then only she will agree for marriage, otherwise she will not take any decision. 

MUNDANE RESULTS FOR MARS+KETHU COMBINATION--------------------------------------------------------------------------------When Mars+Kethu combination occurs during transit , in the mundane level the following unpleasant events will take place 1) Gun fire 2) Bomb blast 3) Fire accidents 4) wild fire 5) Knife stabbings

satrun mercury venus---- vata air sun mars jupiter----- -------pita fire moon mars jupitr ---- cough water

Saturn + venus combination shows late marriage and his elder sister will be a working lady

TRANSIT RESULTS This is a horoscope of a female. When transit Saturn was in Libra, she faced the following problems.1) she was jobless2) Left alone3) Misunderstanding with husband4) Mental depression 5) Faced failures in all efforts6) Confidence level was very low7) worried about future8) uncertain about life.9) Felt lethargic 10) Quarrel with husband 11) Misunderstanding with father12)Delays, Misunderstanding with mother.Transit Saturn was aspected by Natal Kethu, Natal Mars, Natal Moon and Natal Sun Transit Saturn+Natal Kethu - she was jobless, Left alone, Mental depression, Faced failures in all efforts,Confidence level was very low, worried about future,uncertain about life,Felt lethargic Transit Saturn+Natal Mars - Misunderstanding with husband,Quarrel with husband Transit Saturn+Natal sun -Misunderstanding with fatherTransit Saturn+Natal Moon - Delays, Misunderstanding with mother.


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If the combination of Jupiter+Rahu is present in natives horoscope,then He/She can very well shine in life only in other countries or other states or in a place other than their native place.


I had fascination for Astrology right from my adolescent age. It is because of my enchanting personal experience with some of the traditional Astrologers who could predict the nature and timing of events precisely. Till my twenties I did not have any idea about learning of Astrology, because I was not in a conducive environment. But I had a keen interest to learn Astrology.  I was born at Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu. My school days were spent at this place. I studied up to Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at my birth place. On completion of Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, I joined government service at age of twenty. The first place of posting was at Bangalore. I stayed there from March 1989 to December 1996.  I was forced to spend my evening hours alone at Bangalore as a bachelor. In order to kill the free time I started reading books. Once I went in search of old books. While walking on the road side of Avenue Road, I found an Astrology book written in Tamil. I bought it for two rupees. I read the book; again I went in search of Astrological books on the road side of Bangalore city. I could collect good number of old books written in English. I started reading several books on ‘Astrology’. In the mean time I could collect many more new books from ‘SAPNA BOOK HOUSE’, Bangalore. I collected many Tamil books also from my birth place. I read those books like a mad man. After reading several Books, I tried to apply the astrological rules to horoscope, but nothing was fitting to my birth chart. I was very much disappointed. I was about to lose my confidence in Astrology.  One day a thought occurred to me that I should meet some experienced Astrologer and get his guidance, so that I can continue my learning. I approached many senior Astrologers for guidance. But I could not get anything out of them. I was almost about to leave the idea of learning. In the mean time I saw an advertisement of Shri.R.G.Rao, an Astro-Palmist from Bangalore, in a Tamil magazine by name ‘Matha Jothidam’. He had given the advertisement for sale of his book with a title “Transit of planets on thy birth chart” This book has been written on the basis of Nadi granthaas available in Tamil Nadu.   I visited Shri.R.G.Rao’s house at Bangalore, and bought his book. I started reading his books. I visited him several times and got some guidance from him. He took palm print of mine, and analyzed my birth chart along palm print. He gave me in writing that you will become a known person in the society at the age of thirty three, which has come true in my life. After gaining some confidence in me he gave two books titled as “ CORE OF NADI ASTROLOGY” AND “ADVANCED COURSE ON ASTRO PALMISTRY” . He told me that these


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books have not yet been published, but I am giving these books to you since I have a confidence in you and you are the second person receiving these books from me. He blessed by putting akshata over my head. Further he told me that do not go to any body for any guidance; you can learn Astrology by yourself.   I acquired good knowledge on ‘Nadi Astrology’ by the grace of my Nadi guru Shri.R.G.Rao. Till today I have not found any equals to him. I have read his entire lot of books. His books are really a great boon to Astrologers. Those who do not read his books are really unlucky. In December 1996 I was transferred to Secunderabad, Andra Pradesh. There I met a friend by name Shri.RSN Murthy. He helped me in typing my first book ‘SECRETS OF NADI ASTROLOGY’. I was looking for a publisher to publish my book. During my search I met a person by name Shri. SATHYANARAYANA NAIK’. Basically he was a KP Astrologer. He developed interest in Nadi Astrology by seeing my successful predictions. Shri. RSN Murthy and Shri. SATHYANARAYANA NAIK both of them learned Nadi Astrology from me. They were my first students. Shri. SATHYANARAYANA NAIK took a copy of my first book and he promised me to publish it through some publisher in Hyderabad. He did not keep his promise, but did something else which I do not want mention here. I up loaded the copy my first book in one of the astrology discussion forum in yahoo groups for the benefit of public. Today the book ‘SECRETS OF NADI ASTROLOGY’ is everywhere in internet without an address of the Author. I dropped the idea of writing in English further.  I wrote a book in Tamil during my stay at Secunderabad. I shown un published manuscript to one of the Tamil speaking Astrologer by name Shri. GURURAMASUBBU, during one of his visit to Secunderabad to attend a Astrological conference arranged by Shri.Srinivas. He took a Xerox copy from me. I think it was in 1997.  In between I got married in Jun 1997. I had two children, first child was born in Aug 1998 and the second one was in Aug 1999. I was totally absorbed in family life. In June 2001 I was transferred to Trivandrum, Kerala.  During my journey to Trivandrum I met one of my relative; he encouraged me to write in Tamil magazine. I started writing in Tamil. Initially many Astrologers ridiculed me of my writings about Nadi Astrology. They demanded evidence of my writings from classical astrological books. Today the same Astrologers are stealing my writings and trying to establish themselves as authority on Nadi Astrology.  I have written 16 books on Astrology so far; out of which 14 have been already published 2 are yet to be published.  I feel proud that my writings are worth stealing. Many have acquired degrees by using my writings, but without any acknowledgement. I did my duty, rest I left with god. Today many are trying to establish themselves as Nadi gurus, without knowing the base of Nadi Astrology. God only must help the students

Satyanarayana Naik Dear Sri Ravi – Guruji’s 

1. I do not deny you are the person who introduced me to the R.G.Rao’s system.

2. I met you in Late Sri Zafar Ansari in his Nampalli house. 

3. You first discussed this subject there with him. I was an observer

4. I had already had friends in Astrology some of whom were familiar with Late Sri R.G. Rao’s books and prediction methods. I was not convinced of it at that time

5. Even when you were discussing with him I did not show any interest.

6. Next visit to that place again was by Sri Murty. Mr Zarar Anasari asked him to provide the notes on this subject. 

7. Mr. Murty said he would ask your permission and then give a copy to him.


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8. On the way he explained many things about this system and said you were his guru in philosophical sense and he learnt the subject while you dictated the notes to him.

9. He told me it’s all based on significations of planet. 

10. He told me that I should meet you which would help me in learning the subject.

11. He then one day took me to your house. 

12. You were very cordial and said that you are a siddha yogi. 

13. In fact you discussed many points with regard to Naadi in general not as specific rules.

14. Then you told me the books written by Sri R.G.Rao.

15. That was the end of that day

16. Latter on couple of days I came to your house. You were very cordial and one the other day you discussed about my horoscope to fix the birth date correctly. Though gave some date of April I did not say anything. Later on I got it from my sister the correct birth details. 

17. One of these two three days of meeting during a span of 15 days you showed me from a distance a book kept on the top of shelf and told me that it is Core of Naadi Astrology unpublished and purchased from Sri R.G.Rao at Rs. 2,500. 

18. I did not bother you about taking a copy of it as it would be unfair to take a copy from you though you could not have objected to it. 

19. In fact I had prepared to Learn from you but unfortunately you were transferred.

20. I contacted Sri R.G. Rao and he sent me some of the books. 

21. Later on I went to him in 3 sessions. One for 15 days for 3 hours maximum daily. The 2nd session he allowed me to sit with him while he attend the clients. 3rd session when he came to Hyderabad for a workshop. By then I had prepared the notes given by him and by studying many his books. 

22. He appreciated that work and then introduced to me in the class and showed that to everybody in the class the work I have done. 

23. I then took his permission to make it a booklet and published it. 

24. Later on you visited Hyderabad on some work and stayed in Padmaja Lodge

25. I showed that work to you.

26. You also appreciated it.

27. I told you I would be writing an enlarged version and publish it and told you I will include your name in it.

28. You said being a Siddha yogi you are not bothered about it and if I feel like I could do so.

29. This made the book to get published by the local publisher.


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30. I do not know what happened to the copy given to Mr. Zafar Ansari.

31. I do not know when I promised to publish in your name that which I have not seen at that time. 

32. After publishing the book I sent you the copies. I came to Madras stayed I your house and you introduced to me in an Astrological conference as your Shishya and that I have written Prediction Secrets Naadi Astrology. 

33. You marketed many books and you also appreciated the transit chart of 100 years and you showed me that you have kept it under you table for ready prediction. 

34. But After 10 years, you have published a different version about me. Despite the fact that I have written many books afterwards with new research theories which were all again with due respect to Late Guruji’s Sri R.G. Rao. 

35. I have never claimed that I have invented the Naadi System of Astrology,.In a you also did no claim that you invented this system. YOu told be that it is R.G. Rao's system. I appreciate your keen interest shown to me in introducing this methodology. I still give you the same guru stana to you. 

36. Sir you are a siddha yogi and a saintly person. I still respect you.


I found in several peoples case , the cancer patients have curly or wavy hair. Mercury+ Kethu combination is present in their horoscope. In soundarya lahari written by Adi Sankaracharya , Chanting of 75th Sloka is prescribed to get cured from Cancer disease.

RESULTS FOR MARS+KETHU COMBINATION----------------------------------------------------------------------If the combination of Mars+Kethu is present in natives horoscope,then he/She is likely to face the following health problems. 1) Appendicitis2) Hernia 3) Piles & fistula 4) Impotency in case of men5) Closed fore skin of penis with pin hole6) Thick hymen in case of women( difficult to penetrate)7) Any extra growth in the body8) Small penis in case of some men


The results of planets posited in 2nd house will be as follows.

sun-person will be always truthful in his speech

moon-person will not stick to his words

mars-person will be very harsh in his speech


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Mercury-person will be very jovial and soft spoken

Jupiter -person will be very fond of giving advice to others

Venus-person will have attractive speech

Saturn-person will talk very less

Rahu-person will be a liar

Kethu-person will never talk any thing directly.


The results of planets posited in 3rd house will be as follows.

sun-person will be a good guide,he will illuminate othes by bringing light in to thier life.he will protect the people around him.this is mahatma amsa.

moon-person will feed many people,donate food,he will be holding nector in hand,he is born with dhanvanthri amsa,he will have healing touch.he is a born doctor

mars-person would like to keep some weapon in hand.this is Ayudha amsa.he would not mind beating the people.he will be like hitler if he gets power.

Mercury-person will be holding a book in hand.this is saraswathi amsa.he will be a good communicator,donate knowledge.

Jupiter -person will have divine power in hand.this is vara hasta amsa.he will bless every one.he will do lot of dhana and dharma.

venus-person will be holding golden bowl in hand.thi is lakshmi amsa.he will donate money and wealth.

saturn-whatever the person touches ,it becomes slow.this is mandha amsa.he will not give anything to anybody.he is miser.

Rahu-whatever the things the person touches,the thing will break.the person will have the habit of stealing.Thi is binnamsa.

Kethu-whatever the things the person touches,the thing will get in to obstacle.this is vigna amsa.


To find out seniority of the questioner among his co-born, note down the Prasna lagna.

If the prasna lagna is 1-5-9 from Mesha, then the questioner will be either 1st or 5th or 9th among the co-born.


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If the prasna lagna is 2-6-10 from Mesha, then the questioner will be either 2nd or 6th or 10th among the co-born. If the prasna lagna is 3-7-11 from Mesha, then the questioner will be either 3rd or 7th or 11th among the co-born. If the prasna lagna is 4-8-12 from Mesha, then the questioner will be either 4th or 8th or 12th among the co-born.


1) If your janma lagna and the other persons janma lagna both are mutual trines,then he will be friendly with you,he will always try to help you.

2) If your janma lagna and the other persons janma rasi both are mutual trines,then he will be friendly with you,he will always try to help you.

3) If your janma lagna and the other persons nama rasi both are mutual trines,then he will be friendly with you,he will always try to help you.

4) If the other persons janma lagna is 11th to your janma lagna,then you will be benefitted through him. you can gain something from him.

5) If the other persons janma rasi is 11th to your janma lagna,then you will be benefitted through him. you can gain something from him.

6) If the other persons nama lagna is 11th to your janma lagna,then you will be benefitted through him. you can gain something from him.

7) If the other persons janma lagna is 3rd to your janma lagna,then you will be benefitted through him by way of support . He will extend support whenever it is asked for.

8) If the other persons janma rasi is 3rd to your janma lagna,then you will be benefitted through him by way of support . He will extend support whenever it is asked for.

9) If the other persons namarasi is 3rd to your janma lagna,then you will be benefitted through him by way of support . He will extend support whenever it is asked for.


During Surya dasa ,one will have friendship with doctors

During Chandra dasa , one will have friendship with social workers

During Mangal dasa, one will have friendship with policeman

During Budha dasa, one will have friendship with Businessman

During Guru dasa, one will have friendship with Teachers

During Sukra dasa, one will have friendship with artists, financiers


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During sani dasa, one will have friendship with Industrialists

During Rahu dasa, one will have friendship with foreigners

During Kethu dasa, one will have friendship with Spiritually inclined people(sadhus,sanniyaasis)


1) If the other persons janma lagna is 8th to your janma lagna,then you will be troubled by him in one or the other way. you will be illfamed through him.he will try to spread rumours about you.he will be your secret enemy.

2) If the other persons janma rasi is 8th to your janma lagna,then you will be troubled by him in one or the other way. you will be illfamed through him.he will try to spread rumours about you.he will be your secret enemy.

3) If the other persons nama rasi is 8th to your janma lagna,then you will be troubled by him in one or the other way. you will be illfamed through him.he will try to spread rumours about you.he will be your secret enemy.

4) If the other persons janma lagna is 6th to your janma lagna,then you will be troubled by him in one or the other way. he will be your open enemy. he will be big challange to you.

5) If the other persons janma rasi is 6th to your janma lagna,then you will be troubled by him in one or the other way. he will be your open enemy. he will be big challange to you.

6) If the other persons nama rasi is 6th to your janma lagna,then you will be troubled by him in one or the other way. he will be your open enemy. he will be big challange to you.

7) If the other persons janma lagna is 12th to your janma lagna,then he will create losses to you.

8) If the other persons janma rasi is 12th to your janma lagna,then he will create losses to you.9) If the other persons nama rasi is 12th to your janma lagna,then he will create losses to you.


1. If there are no planets in conjunction with (or) opposite to (or) either side of Sun, then the father of native will be away from blood relatives.

2. If there are no planets in conjunction with (or) opposite to (or) either side of Moon, then the Mother of native will be away from blood relatives.

3. If there are no planets in conjunction with (or) opposite to (or) either side of Jupiter in male chart, then the male native will be away from blood relatives.

4. If there are no planets in conjunction with (or) opposite to (or) either side of Venus in female chart, then the female native will be away from blood relatives.

5. If there are no planets in conjunction with (or) opposite to (or) either side of Mars in male chart, then one of the younger brother of native will be away from blood relatives.


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6. If there are no planets in conjunction with (or) opposite to (or) either side of Mars in female chart, then one of the younger brother or husband of the female native will be away from blood relatives.

7. If there are no planets in conjunction with (or) opposite to (or) either side of Mercury, then the maternal uncle or youngest brother or youngest sister of native will be away from blood relatives.

8. If there are no planets in conjunction with (or) opposite to (or) either side of Saturn, then the elder brother of native will be away from blood relatives.

If there are no planets in 12th from Jupiter in male horoscope , he will not have any dependents.


For odd signs

(a) 1-5-9 & 4-8-12 houses are benific houses,and their lords are benific planets.(b) 2-6-10 & 3-7-11 huoses are malefic houses and their lords are malfic planets.

For even signs

(a) 1-5-9 & 2-6-10 houses are benific houses,and their lords are benific planets.(b) 3-7-11 & 4-8-12 huoses are malefic houses and their lords are malfic planets.

Mesha,Mithuna,simha,Thula,dhanus,kumba-odd signsVrishaba,kataka,kanya,vrichika,makara,meena-Even signs

Results of planets posited in 2nd house

The results of planets posited in 2nd house will be as follows.sun-person will be always truthful in his speechmoon-person will not stick to his wordsmars-person will be very harsh in his speechMercury-person will be very jovial and soft spokenJupiter -person will be very fond of giving advice to othersVenus-person will have attractive speechSaturn-person will talk very lessRahu-person will be a liarKethu-person will never talk any thing directly.