College of Arts, Sciences and Education 2018-2019 · 2019. 9. 9. · Assignment, and Art Education...

College of Arts, Sciences and Education 2018-2019 Unit Name Outcome Name Outcome Assessment Method Achievement Target Reporting Period Result Type Result and Analysis Action Program - Art Education - BFA {2016- 2017} 1.1 (SLO) Students will express their ideas, feelings, and experiences by creating authentic art. Students enrolled in ART 103: Design 1, ART 104: Design II, ART 105: Drawing I, ART 106: Drawing II, ART 195: Computers in Art, will submit examples of artwork including one independent work, a sketchbook, and a reflection paper to be evaluated using the Foundation Portfolio Review Rubric for Art Education majors only. Art Education faculty will carry out assessment process. Students will score “meets expectations” 5 times out of the 7 sections on the Foundation Portfolio Review Rubric. 2018 - 2019 Inconclusive There are no Art Ed students enrolled in these courses since the Art Education program has been discontinued. The last remaining students in the program have already completed these courses. They are now in their last semesters of student teaching. The Art Education program has been discontinued and will no longer be accepting new students. Once the last remaining students have completed their courses and graduate, the program will be closed out. 2.1 (SLO) Students will express their ideas, feelings, and experiences by creating art as a reflective exercise to further enhance their art teaching. Students enrolled in ART 240 will be given an Exit Survey to determine growth in the satisfaction of the Art Education program, and Art Education faculty will review and analyze the survey results to determine if achievement target was met. 75% of participating ART 240 students will report that they were “satisfied” on the Exit Survey for Art Education majors. 2018 - 2019 Inconclusive There are no Art Ed students enrolled in this course since the Art Education program has been discontinued. The last remaining students in the program have already completed these courses. They are now in their last semesters of student teaching. The Art Education program has been discontinued and will no longer be accepting new students. Once the last remaining students have completed their courses and graduate, the program will be closed out. Students participating in ART 240: Introduction to Art Education will be given a Written Art Lesson Assignment, and Art Education faculty will assess the assignment Students will have an average score of at least a 2 or higher on a 0-4 scale on the Written Art Lesson Rubric. 2018 - 2019 Inconclusive There are no Art Ed students enrolled in this course since the Art Education program has been discontinued. The last remaining students in the program have The Art Education program has been discontinued and will no longer be accepting new students. Once the last remaining students have completed their courses and graduate, the program will be closed out. 09/09/2019 8:47 Page 1 of

Transcript of College of Arts, Sciences and Education 2018-2019 · 2019. 9. 9. · Assignment, and Art Education...

Page 1: College of Arts, Sciences and Education 2018-2019 · 2019. 9. 9. · Assignment, and Art Education faculty will assess the assignment using the Critique Paper Rubric. Students will

College of Arts, Sciences and Education 2018-2019Unit Name Outcome

Name Outcome Assessment Method Achievement Target ReportingPeriod Result Type Result and Analysis Action

Program - ArtEducation -BFA {2016-2017}

1.1 (SLO) Students will expresstheir ideas, feelings, andexperiences by creatingauthentic art.

Students enrolled inART 103: Design 1,ART 104: Design II,ART 105: Drawing I,ART 106: Drawing II,ART 195: Computersin Art, will submitexamples of artworkincluding oneindependent work, asketchbook, and areflection paper tobe evaluated usingthe FoundationPortfolio ReviewRubric for ArtEducation majorsonly. Art Educationfaculty will carry outassessment process.

Students will score“meets expectations”5 times out of the 7sections on theFoundation PortfolioReview Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive There are no Art Edstudents enrolled inthese courses sincethe Art Educationprogram has beendiscontinued. Thelast remainingstudents in theprogram havealready completedthese courses. Theyare now in their lastsemesters ofstudent teaching.

The Art Education program hasbeen discontinued and will nolonger be accepting new students.Once the last remaining studentshave completed their courses andgraduate, the program will beclosed out.

2.1 (SLO) Students will expresstheir ideas, feelings, andexperiences by creatingart as a reflectiveexercise to furtherenhance their artteaching.

Students enrolled inART 240 will begiven an Exit Surveyto determine growthin the satisfaction ofthe Art Educationprogram, and ArtEducation facultywill review andanalyze the surveyresults to determineif achievementtarget was met.

75% of participatingART 240 students willreport that they were“satisfied” on the ExitSurvey for ArtEducation majors.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive There are no Art Edstudents enrolled inthis course since theArt Educationprogram has beendiscontinued. Thelast remainingstudents in theprogram havealready completedthese courses. Theyare now in their lastsemesters ofstudent teaching.

The Art Education program hasbeen discontinued and will nolonger be accepting new students.Once the last remaining studentshave completed their courses andgraduate, the program will beclosed out.

Studentsparticipating in ART240: Introduction toArt Education will begiven a Written ArtLesson Assignment,and Art Educationfaculty will assessthe assignment

Students will have anaverage score of atleast a 2 or higher on a0-4 scale on theWritten Art LessonRubric.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive There are no Art Edstudents enrolled inthis course since theArt Educationprogram has beendiscontinued. Thelast remainingstudents in theprogram have

The Art Education program hasbeen discontinued and will nolonger be accepting new students.Once the last remaining studentshave completed their courses andgraduate, the program will beclosed out.

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Page 2: College of Arts, Sciences and Education 2018-2019 · 2019. 9. 9. · Assignment, and Art Education faculty will assess the assignment using the Critique Paper Rubric. Students will

Unit Name OutcomeName Outcome Assessment Method Achievement Target Reporting

Period Result Type Result and Analysis Action

using the WrittenArt Lesson Rubric.

Students will have anaverage score of atleast a 2 or higher on a0-4 scale on theWritten Art LessonRubric.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive already completedthese courses. Theyare now in their lastsemesters ofstudent teaching.

The Art Education program hasbeen discontinued and will nolonger be accepting new students.Once the last remaining studentshave completed their courses andgraduate, the program will beclosed out.

3.1 (GEO 1.c.) Students will developdivergent thinking skillssuch as problem solving,critical thinking, and risktaking when engaging inthe process of artmaking, dialoguing aboutworks of art, and writingabout the visual arts.

Studentsparticipating in ART240: Introduction toArt Education will begiven What Do theVisual Arts Mean InMy Life?Assignment, and ArtEducation facultywill assess theassingment usingthe AAC&U WrittenCommunicationValue Rubric.

Students will have anaverage score of atleast a 2 or higher on a0-4 scale on theAAC&U WrittenCommunicationVALUE Rubric for the“What Do the VisualArts Mean In MyLife?” assignment.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive There are no Art Edstudents enrolled inthis course since theArt Educationprogram has beendiscontinued. Thelast remainingstudents in theprogram havealready completedthese courses. Theyare now in their lastsemesters ofstudent teaching.

The Art Education program hasbeen discontinued and will nolonger be accepting new students.Once the last remaining studentshave completed their courses andgraduate, the program will beclosed out.

4.1 (SLO) Students will gainknowledge andunderstanding of thescholarship that supportcontemporary ArtEducation issues.

Students enrolled inART 240:Introduction to ArtEducation will begiven Critique PaperAssignment, and ArtEducation facultywill assess theassignment usingthe Critique PaperRubric.

Students will have anaverage score of atleast a 2 or higher on a0-4 scale on theCritique Paper Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive There are no Art Edstudents enrolled inthis course since theArt Educationprogram has beendiscontinued. Thelast remainingstudents in theprogram havealready completedthese courses. Theyare now in their lastsemesters ofstudent teaching.

The Art Education program hasbeen discontinued and will nolonger be accepting new students.Once the last remaining studentshave completed their courses andgraduate, the program will beclosed out.

5.1 (SLO) Students will developfuture art educationleadership qualities suchas respect diversityincluding gender, culture,race, and disability at theschool and communityservice levels.

Students enrolled inART 340 will begiven an Exit Surveyto determine growthin the satisfaction ofthe Art Educationprogram, and ArtEducation facultywill review andanalyze the survey

75% of participatingART 340 students willreport that they were“satisfied” on the ExitSurvey for ArtEducation majors.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive There are no Art Edstudents enrolled inthis course since theArt Educationprogram has beendiscontinued. Thelast remainingstudents in theprogram havealready completed

The Art Education program hasbeen discontinued and will nolonger be accepting new students.Once the last remaining studentshave completed their courses andgraduate, the program will beclosed out.

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Page 3: College of Arts, Sciences and Education 2018-2019 · 2019. 9. 9. · Assignment, and Art Education faculty will assess the assignment using the Critique Paper Rubric. Students will

Unit Name OutcomeName Outcome Assessment Method Achievement Target Reporting

Period Result Type Result and Analysis Action

5.1 (SLO) Students will developfuture art educationleadership qualities suchas respect diversityincluding gender, culture,race, and disability at theschool and communityservice levels.

results to determineif achievementtarget was met.

75% of participatingART 340 students willreport that they were“satisfied” on the ExitSurvey for ArtEducation majors.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive these courses. Theyare now in their lastsemesters ofstudent teaching.

The Art Education program hasbeen discontinued and will nolonger be accepting new students.Once the last remaining studentshave completed their courses andgraduate, the program will beclosed out.

Students enrolled inART 340: ArtEducation Methodsand Materials will begiven ContextualFactor Paper, andArt Educationfaculty assess theassignment usingthe ContextualFactor Paper Rubric.

Students will have anaverage score of atleast a 2 or higher on a0-4 scale on theContextual FactorPaper Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive There are no Art Edstudents enrolled inthis course since theArt Educationprogram has beendiscontinued. Thelast remainingstudents in theprogram havealready completedthese courses. Theyare now in their lastsemesters ofstudent teaching.

The Art Education program hasbeen discontinued and will nolonger be accepting new students.Once the last remaining studentshave completed their courses andgraduate, the program will beclosed out.

6.1 (SLO) Students will achievecompetence in teachingart using a student-centered approach to arange of populationsincluding toddlers, youth,adolescents, adults, olderpersons, and those withdisabilities.

Students enrolled inED 407 (03):Internship will begiven the ArtTeacher Portfolioassignment, and ArtEducation facultywill assess theassignment usingthe Art TeacherPortfolio Rubric.

Students will have anaverage score of atleast a 2 or higher on a0-4 scale on the ArtTeacher PortfolioRubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met In evaluating artteacher portfolios ofthe 2 art edstudent's enrolled inED 407 (one in Fall2018 & other inSpring 2019) thefaculty of recorddetermined thatthey met the targetbe scoring a 3.1 and3.6 average. Theyhave done well.

There are two students left whohave not completed ED 407 - it istheir hope to be enrolled in Fall2019.

Students will takethe Praxis SubjectTest for Art to assesscontent knowledgeof in the field of arteducation.

75% of participatingstudents will earn apassing score onPraxis Subject Test forArt.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

2 studentssuccessfullycompleted thepraxis art contentexam both in fall2018, the third hasbeen unsuccessful intwo attempts. Thestudent plans toretake the test

We now only have three studentswho have not completed the praxisart content exam, i who hassuccessfully completed ED 407 andis retaking the test, and two whohope to complete the test insummer /fall 2019.

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Page 4: College of Arts, Sciences and Education 2018-2019 · 2019. 9. 9. · Assignment, and Art Education faculty will assess the assignment using the Critique Paper Rubric. Students will

Unit Name OutcomeName Outcome Assessment Method Achievement Target Reporting

Period Result Type Result and Analysis Action

Students will takethe Praxis SubjectTest for Art to assesscontent knowledgeof in the field of arteducation.

75% of participatingstudents will earn apassing score onPraxis Subject Test forArt.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

summer 2019. We now only have three studentswho have not completed the praxisart content exam, i who hassuccessfully completed ED 407 andis retaking the test, and two whohope to complete the test insummer /fall 2019.

7.1 (SAO & PO2.c.)

Students will prepare fora position as an arteducator at a publicschool or private school,art museum, orcommunity organization.

Studentparticipating in ED407 (03): Internshipwill be given theassignment Resumewith Rubric. ArtEducation facultywill carry outassessment process.

Students will have anaverage score of atleast a 2 or higher on a0-3 scale on theResume Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met The overall averageof all four was a2.75 which met theassessment target,with individualscores of 2.75 each.

We have only 2 students left in theprogram and hopefully they willenroll in Fall 2019 in ED 407.

Program -Biology(includingMinor andSecondaryEducationCertification) -BS {2016-2017}

1.1 (SLO) The student willaccurately interpret anddraw conclusions fromdata presented in tablesand graphs in scientificarticles to show they can“critically evaluateexisting knowledge.”

Work done bystudents in thisjunior-level class(BSB 310) will beassessed by facultyusing departmentalrubrics created forthis learningoutcome.

More than 75% of thestudents in BSB 310General Ecology willscore satisfactory orbetter (as measuredby the departmentalassessment rubric) onassignments requiringgraph interpretationand concept mappingof a scientific article.

2018 - 2019 Target Met The target was met.75% of the assessedstudents (15/20)scored satisfactoryor better on theassignment.

We are continuing to meet thetarget goal, but the percentage ofBSB 310 students who areachieving at the level we want istrending down. We will continue toincorporate data figures into thecontent of as many courses aspossible, and we will try to provideexercises to the students wherethey must deduce the intent andsignificance of data figures, withoutbeing told beforehand what theymean. That way, the students willget experience approaching figuresfrom both directions -- first startingfrom the conclusions and thendetermining what specifically in thedata lead to those conclusions;second starting from the data anddeducing what conclusions canarise from them.

Work done bystudents in thissophomore-levelclass (BSB 230) willbe assessed byfaculty usingdepartmentalrubrics created for

More than 75% of thestudents in BSB 230General Genetics willscore satisfactory orbetter (as measuredby the departmentalassessment rubric) inan assignment

2018 - 2019 Target Met Target WAS met.76% of Fall 2018BSB 230 studentsscored satisfactoryor better on therubric. 23% (4/17)scored proficient;53% (9/17) scored

This was the first time we have metthe target in this assessment. Whatwe have been doing to familarizestudents with figures and how tointerpret them seems to be payingoff. We will continue toincorporate data figures into thecontent of as many courses as

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this learningoutcome.

question interpretinga single table or figuretaken from a scientificpaper.

2018 - 2019 Target Met satisfactory; and23% (4/17) scoredunsatisfactory.

possible, and we will try to provideexercises to the students wherethey must deduce the intent andsignificance of data figures, withoutbeing told beforehand what theymean. That way, the students willget experience approaching figuresfrom both directions -- first startingfrom the conclusions and thendetermining what specifically in thedata lead to those conclusions;second starting from the data anddeducing what conclusions canarise from them.

1.2 (GEO 4.c.) The student will applythe scientific method to aresearch question. Thisreflects the GeneralEducation Goal 4.c “Todemonstrateunderstanding of self,society, and the naturalworld, students willdemonstrate the abilityto apply the scientificmethod to solveproblems.” It also reflectsthe Biology program’smission to developstudents with “the abilityto apply the process ofscience”, as stated in theBiology MissionStatement above.

Work done bystudents in thebiology capstonecourse will beassessed by facultyusing the AAC&UVALUE Inquiry &Analysis rubric.

Students in BS 400Senior Seminar willaverage “2.5” orhigher on the 0-4 scaleof the VALUE Inquiry& Assessment rubricused to evaluate acapstone project inwhich each studentsselects a publishedjournal article andwrites a researchproposal based on theresearch in the article.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Target was MET.The students in BS400 average 3.4/4on the 0-4 scale ofthe VALUE Inquiry &Assessment rubricused to evaluateresearch proposalsthe students wrote.

This is the third year in a row thedepartment has met thisachievement target. Also, thisyear's average score was higherthan last year's.We will continue to have studentsin pre-capstone courses work onthe big picture of understandingdesign and rationales behind theexperiments.

2.1 (SLO) The student will applyconcepts from previouscourses to currentcourses.

Work done bystudents in BSB 310,typically taken in the4th year, will beassessed by facultyusing departmentalrubrics created forthis learningoutcome.

More than 75% of thestudents in BSB 310General Ecology willscore satisfactory orbetter (as measuredby the departmentalassessment rubric) onactivities requiring theapplication ofknowledge gained infirst-year general

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

Target was NOTmet. Only 55%(11/20) met thetarget, and 0% wereranked as advanced. This is a significantdrop from the pasttwo years, when100% of theassessed studentsmet the target.

After a couple of years of meetingthe assessment target, we revertedto falling short. The Biology unit willcontinue to spend time, in as manyclasses as possible, makingconnections between new materialand material previously learned inother courses. When we makeexplicit connections, students seemto understand those connections.We do need to work on developing

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2.1 (SLO) The student will applyconcepts from previouscourses to currentcourses.

Work done bystudents in BSB 310,typically taken in the4th year, will beassessed by facultyusing departmentalrubrics created forthis learningoutcome.

biology andquantitative chemistrycourses.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

Target was NOTmet. Only 55%(11/20) met thetarget, and 0% wereranked as advanced. This is a significantdrop from the pasttwo years, when100% of theassessed studentsmet the target.

in the students the ability to makethose connections on their ownwithout having it pointed outbefore hand that they are there tobe found.

Work done bystudents in BSB 346,typically taken in the2nd or 3rd year, willbe assessed byfaculty usingdepartmentalrubrics created forthis learningoutcome.

More than 75% of thestudents in BSB 346Evolutionary Biologywill score satisfactoryor better (asmeasured by thedepartmentalassessment rubric) onan exam question thatrelates DNA sequencechanges toevolutionaryrelationships betweenorganisms.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Target was met.100% (19/19)students scoredsatisfactory orbetter on theassessed activity.74% (14/19) wereranked as proficientand 26% (5/19)were ranked assatisfactory.

The Biology unit will continue tospend time, in as many classes aspossible, making connectionsbetween new material and materialpreviously learned in other courses.When we make explicitconnections, students seem tounderstand those connections. Wewill continue to work on developingin the students the ability to makethose connections on their ownwithout having it pointed outbefore hand that they are there tobe found.

2.2 (SAO) In keeping with theUniversity Mission toprovide “a high-qualityundergraduateeducation” and inkeeping with the Biologyprogram goal of havingstudents understand“material acrossdisciplines,” the studentwill learn the conceptscovered by a commercial,nationally-administeredMajor Fields Test inbiology, taken in theirfinal semester beforegraduation.

All Biology majorswill, as arequirement forgraduation, take anationally-administered MajorFields Test in biologyfrom ETS inPrinceton, NJ, intheir last semesterof study. The testswill be graded byETS and returnedalong withinformationcomparing scores totest-takers at other4-year institutionsnation-wide. ETS willprovide information

More than 50% of thestudents taking theMajor Fields Test willscore above the 50thpercentile rankingwhen comparing theirperformance to thoseof students across thenation taking thesame test in the sameyear.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

Target NOT met.Only 48% (7/16) ofthe students takingthe Major FieldsTest in biologyscored above the50th percentile.

Despite falling just short of meetingthe assessment goal, this was thebest showing by departmentalstudents on the Exit Exam in almostten years. We are definitelytrending in the right direction. Ourstudents are learning and retainingbroad discipline-based knowledgebetter than in previous years. Tokeep this trend in the positivedirection, we will continue to try toreview and reinforce concepts inprevious courses in the courses weteach. We will also continue totrain our students in effective andefficient study techniques so thatthey do more than incorporateclass material into short-termmemory.

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Page 7: College of Arts, Sciences and Education 2018-2019 · 2019. 9. 9. · Assignment, and Art Education faculty will assess the assignment using the Critique Paper Rubric. Students will

Unit Name OutcomeName Outcome Assessment Method Achievement Target Reporting

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2.2 (SAO) In keeping with theUniversity Mission toprovide “a high-qualityundergraduateeducation” and inkeeping with the Biologyprogram goal of havingstudents understand“material acrossdisciplines,” the studentwill learn the conceptscovered by a commercial,nationally-administeredMajor Fields Test inbiology, taken in theirfinal semester beforegraduation.

about eachstudent’s percentileranking for the test.

More than 50% of thestudents taking theMajor Fields Test willscore above the 50thpercentile rankingwhen comparing theirperformance to thoseof students across thenation taking thesame test in the sameyear.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

Target NOT met.Only 48% (7/16) ofthe students takingthe Major FieldsTest in biologyscored above the50th percentile.

Despite falling just short of meetingthe assessment goal, this was thebest showing by departmentalstudents on the Exit Exam in almostten years. We are definitelytrending in the right direction. Ourstudents are learning and retainingbroad discipline-based knowledgebetter than in previous years. Tokeep this trend in the positivedirection, we will continue to try toreview and reinforce concepts inprevious courses in the courses weteach. We will also continue totrain our students in effective andefficient study techniques so thatthey do more than incorporateclass material into short-termmemory.

2.3 (PO 2.d.) In keeping with theUniversity Strategic Goal2.d of promoting“regional stewardshipthrough partnershipsacross campus and acrossthe region by forgingmeaningful and engagedpartnerships that providereal-life experiences forstudents”, the studentwill participate incommunity serviceopportunities whileenrolled in thedepartment.

All graduatingBiology seniors willbe given a Survey aspart of a requiredExit Interview withthe DepartmentChair. One questionon that survey willask students toenumerate thetypes of communityservice activitiesthey haveparticipated in whilean MUWundergraduate.Faculty will reviewand analyze thesurvey results.

More than 75% of thestudents participatingin the Exit InterviewSurvey will haveparticipated in at leasttwo different types ofcommunity serviceactivities.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

Target was NOTmet. 63% ofgraduating seniorsreportedparticipating in twoor more communityservice activities.Nonetheless, thiswas close to doublethe percentage whomet the goal lastyear.

We will continue to try to publicizedepartmental opportunities forstudents to engage in communityservice. Hearing faculty advocatefor service helps student realize itsvalue and alerts them to theopportunities, they mightotherwise be overlooking.

Program -Chemistry(includingMinor) - BS{2016-2017}

1.1 (GEO 3.a.) The student will (TSW)successfully executeproblem-solving relatedto basic stoichiometry,equilibrium,thermodynamics/quantum mechanics, and

Stoichiometry,equilibrium, andthermodynamics/quantum mechanicsquestions fromquizzes and examsin PSC 111 will be

The average score ofPSC 111 studentsshould be at least a“3” on the 0-4 scaleused in the AAC&UQuantitative LiteracyVALUE Rubric in

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

98 PSC 111 studentsacross five lecturesections and twosemesters (4sections in fall 2018,1 section in spring2019) were

In 2017-18 the average was 2.5.We had hoped that by encouragingstudents to make use of SI andencouraging them in class, wewould reach the target average of3.0. However, this did not happen.As you can see from the results

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Program -Chemistry(includingMinor) - BS{2016-2017}

1.1 (GEO 3.a.) quantitative analysistechniques.

evaluated by facultyusing the AAC&UQuantitative LiteracyVALUE Rubric.

performingcalculations andanswering questionsrelated to basicstoichiometry.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

assessed on theirknowledge of basicstoichiometry andthe relevantcalculations.Stoichiometryquestions andcalculations (fromseveral quizzes andexams) wereevaluated using theAAC&U QuantitativeLiteracy VALUErubric. The averagerubric score of the98 studentsevaluated was "2.5"with the followingbreakdown (44students, score = 1;8 students, score =2; 9 students, score= 3; 37 students,score = 4). Targetwas not achieved.

above, 40 of the 98 students,scored 4's, while 44 studentsscored 1's. It is apparent that,instead of the normal bell curve,we have a bimodal distribution.We do not believe that thestudents who are scoring 1's areattending SI sessions, and they arenot as engaged in class as we want.We have to find ways to engagethese students. This will involve adeeper dive into reviewingmathematics and problem-solving.The question is, "Do we want to dothis type of review in PSC 111General Chemistry I at the expenseof covering material needed totransition to PSC 112 GeneralChemistry II?" Currently, thedepartment has several courses fornon-science majors (SM 101, SM102, BSB 109, PS 109, and PSC 108).Should we encourage non-sciencemajors into those courses, whichwill have no math prerequisites andless scientific depth, and reservePSC 111 for science majors?

As we ponder these questions, wewill try to find ways to engage thestudents who are struggling themost (those who are scoring 1's).Instead of encouraging thesestudents to attend SI sessions, wemight need to require extra workfrom students who are struggling.If we make extra practice work arequirement, instead ofencouraging voluntary attendanceat SI, maybe these students will dothe extra practice to learn themathematics needed to learnstoichiometric processes.

Stoichiometry,equilibrium, and

The average score ofPSC 112 students

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

39 PSC 112 studentsacross two lecture

In 2017-18, the average for thisassessment was "2.1". We had

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thermodynamics/quantum mechanicsquestions fromquizzes and examsin PSC 112 will beevaluated by facultyusing the AAC&UQuantitative LiteracyVALUE Rubric.

should be at least a“3” on the 0-4 scaleused in the AAC&UQuantitative LiteracyVALUE Rubric inperformingcalculations andanswering questionsrelated to equilibrium.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

sections in spring2019 were assessedon their knowledgeof the basicconcepts ofequilibrium and therelevantcalculations.Conceptualquestions andcalculations onequilibrium (fromthe final exam) wereevaluated using theAAC&U QuantitativeLiteracy VALUErubric. The averagerubric score of the39 studentsevaluated was "2.8"with the followingbreakdown (9students, score = 1;6 students, score =2; 8 students, score= 3; 16 students,score = 4). Targetwas not achieved.

planned to include APIL strategiesand online homework to reach thetarget average of "3". However,due to time constraints, we wereunable to include the APILstrategies and online homeworkthat we had planned. We wereonly able to assign more homeworkand practice in this area andencourage student practice. Evenwithout the APIL strategies andonline homework, we were able toincrease the average from 2.1 to2.8. While we did not reach thetarget, we are encouraged by theimprovement. We are alsoencouraged that over 60% of thestudents met the score of 3.

Next year we hope to revamp thecourse in order to spend less timeon less relevant (althoughinteresting) topics so that we candevote more time to equilibrium.

Stoichiometry,equilibrium, andthermodynamics/quantum mechanicsquestions fromquizzes and examsin PSC 450/451 willbe evaluated byfaculty using theAAC&U QuantitativeLiteracy VALUERubric.

The average score ofPSC 312/450/451students should be atleast a “3” on the 0-4scale used in theAAC&U QuantitativeLiteracy VALUE Rubricin performingcalculations andanswering questionsrelated tothermodynamics/quantum mechanics.

2018 - 2019 Target Met PSC 312 was nottaught thisacademic year. PSC450/451 was taughtduring the fall (PSC450) and the spring(PSC 451).Thermodynamicswas assessed in PSC450. The 5 studentswere assessedtwice. The firstassessmentoccurred during thefall semester with aquiz. Questionswere evaluated

PSC 450/451 is on a two yearrotation. So these courses, andtheir assessments, will not be a partof the 2019-20 SMART plan. PSC312 will be used in this assessmentnext year.

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Page 10: College of Arts, Sciences and Education 2018-2019 · 2019. 9. 9. · Assignment, and Art Education faculty will assess the assignment using the Critique Paper Rubric. Students will

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Stoichiometry,equilibrium, andthermodynamics/quantum mechanicsquestions fromquizzes and examsin PSC 450/451 willbe evaluated byfaculty using theAAC&U QuantitativeLiteracy VALUERubric.

The average score ofPSC 312/450/451students should be atleast a “3” on the 0-4scale used in theAAC&U QuantitativeLiteracy VALUE Rubricin performingcalculations andanswering questionsrelated tothermodynamics/quantum mechanics.

2018 - 2019 Target Met using the AAC&UQuantitativeLiteracy VALUErubric. The averagerubric score of the 5PSC 450 studentsevaluated on thesemester quiz was"2.4" with thefollowingbreakdown (0students, score = 1;3 students, score =2; 2 students, score= 3; 0 students,score = 4). Targetwas not achieved.

However, thesecond assessmentof thermodynamicsoccurred at the endof the fall semesteron the final exam.Questions wereevaluated using theAAC&U QuantitativeLiteracy VALUErubric. The averagerubric score of the 5PSC 450 studentsevaluated on thefinal exam was"3.0" with thefollowingbreakdown (1students, score = 1;0 students, score =2; 2 students, score= 3; 2 students,score = 4). Targetwas achieved.

The fact thatstudentperformance

PSC 450/451 is on a two yearrotation. So these courses, andtheir assessments, will not be a partof the 2019-20 SMART plan. PSC312 will be used in this assessmentnext year.

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Page 11: College of Arts, Sciences and Education 2018-2019 · 2019. 9. 9. · Assignment, and Art Education faculty will assess the assignment using the Critique Paper Rubric. Students will

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Period Result Type Result and Analysis Action

Stoichiometry,equilibrium, andthermodynamics/quantum mechanicsquestions fromquizzes and examsin PSC 450/451 willbe evaluated byfaculty using theAAC&U QuantitativeLiteracy VALUERubric.

The average score ofPSC 312/450/451students should be atleast a “3” on the 0-4scale used in theAAC&U QuantitativeLiteracy VALUE Rubricin performingcalculations andanswering questionsrelated tothermodynamics/quantum mechanics.

2018 - 2019 Target Met improved during thesemester isencouraging.Because the targetwas met at the endof the semester, weare comfortablesaying that thetarget was met.

Quantum mechanicswas assessed in PSC451. The 5 studentswere assessedtwice. The firstassessmentoccurred during thespring semesterwith a quiz.Questions wereevaluated using theAAC&U QuantitativeLiteracy VALUErubric. The averagerubric score of the 5PSC 451 studentsevaluated on thesemester quiz was"3.8" with thefollowingbreakdown (0students, score = 1;3 students, score =2; 1 students, score= 3; 4 students,score = 4). Targetwas achieved.

The secondassessment ofquantum mechanicsoccurred at the endof the springsemester on thefinal exam.Questions were

PSC 450/451 is on a two yearrotation. So these courses, andtheir assessments, will not be a partof the 2019-20 SMART plan. PSC312 will be used in this assessmentnext year.

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Stoichiometry,equilibrium, andthermodynamics/quantum mechanicsquestions fromquizzes and examsin PSC 450/451 willbe evaluated byfaculty using theAAC&U QuantitativeLiteracy VALUERubric.

The average score ofPSC 312/450/451students should be atleast a “3” on the 0-4scale used in theAAC&U QuantitativeLiteracy VALUE Rubricin performingcalculations andanswering questionsrelated tothermodynamics/quantum mechanics.

2018 - 2019 Target Met evaluated using theAAC&U QuantitativeLiteracy VALUErubric. The averagerubric score of the 5PSC 451 studentsevaluated on thefinal exam was"3.0" with thefollowingbreakdown (0students, score = 1;2 students, score =2; 1 students, score= 3; 2 students,score = 4). Targetwas achieved.

PSC 450/451 is on a two yearrotation. So these courses, andtheir assessments, will not be a partof the 2019-20 SMART plan. PSC312 will be used in this assessmentnext year.

1.2 (SLO) TSW exhibit effectivewritten communicationin the areas of inorganicand analytical chemistry.

Formal lab reportswill be evaluated inPSC 112L by facultyusing the AAC&UWrittenCommunicationVALUE Rubric.

75% of PSC 112students should scoreat least a “3” on the 0-4 scale used in theAAC&U WrittenCommunicationVALUE Rubric inwriting a formal labreport.

2018 - 2019 Target Met 40 PSC 112Lstudents across twolab sections wereassessed on theirwrittencommunicationusing two formal labreports. Lab reportswere evaluatedusing the AAC&UWrittenCommunicationVALUE rubric. 88%of PSC 112Lstudents scored atleast a "3"on the 0-4scale used in theAAC&U WrittenCommunicationVALUE Rubric (40students evaluatedon two lab reports;2 at level 1, 3 atlevel 2, 15 at level 3,20 at level 4).Target was

Students are given a detaileddescription of the sections thatmust be included in the lab reports.They are also allowed to write twodrafts of the first lab report. Uponreading the first draft, theprofessor provides extensivefeedback to aid the student inwriting the second draft. Whilethere is only one draft allowed forthe second lab report, the studentsare provided with extensiveassistance from the professor.Multiple drafts of the first labreport and extensive assistancewith the second lab report allowthe students to meet the target.

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1.2 (SLO) TSW exhibit effectivewritten communicationin the areas of inorganicand analytical chemistry.

Formal lab reportswill be evaluated inPSC 112L by facultyusing the AAC&UWrittenCommunicationVALUE Rubric.

75% of PSC 112students should scoreat least a “3” on the 0-4 scale used in theAAC&U WrittenCommunicationVALUE Rubric inwriting a formal labreport.

2018 - 2019 Target Met achieved. Students are given a detaileddescription of the sections thatmust be included in the lab reports.They are also allowed to write twodrafts of the first lab report. Uponreading the first draft, theprofessor provides extensivefeedback to aid the student inwriting the second draft. Whilethere is only one draft allowed forthe second lab report, the studentsare provided with extensiveassistance from the professor.Multiple drafts of the first labreport and extensive assistancewith the second lab report allowthe students to meet the target.

1.3 (SLO) TSW demonstratecompetency in boththeoretical and practicalaspects ofinstrumentation andanalytical techniques.

Qualitative andquantitativequestions (quizzes,exams, assignments)related toinstrumentation willbe evaluated byfaculty.

75% of PSC 211/212students should be atthe satisfactory level(70%) or higher inanswering questionsand performingcalculations related toinstrumentation.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

Students whoobtained 90% ormore of the pointswere rated“proficient”.Students whoobtained between70 and 89% of thepoints were rated“satisfactory”.Students whoobtained less than70% of the pointswere rated“unsatisfactory”.

22 PSC 211 studentswere evaluatedusing the rubricattached in the"Relateddocuments" section.73% of PSC 211students scored atleast "satisfactory"on the rubric. 22students wereevaluated on a quiz

This is the third year in a row thatthe target has not been met. Thisyear's result (73%) is a significantimprovement from last year's result(50%). This improvement shows usthat the emphasis placed on thistopic and additional assessmentsare working. The professor willcontinue in this manner to reachthe achievement target of 75%.

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1.3 (SLO) TSW demonstratecompetency in boththeoretical and practicalaspects ofinstrumentation andanalytical techniques.

Qualitative andquantitativequestions (quizzes,exams, assignments)related toinstrumentation willbe evaluated byfaculty.

75% of PSC 211/212students should be atthe satisfactory level(70%) or higher inanswering questionsand performingcalculations related toinstrumentation.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

and an exam withquestions related toinstrumentation andanalyticaltechniques (6 atunsatisfactory, 10 atsatisfactory, 6 atproficient). Target of75% was notachieved.

This is the third year in a row thatthe target has not been met. Thisyear's result (73%) is a significantimprovement from last year's result(50%). This improvement shows usthat the emphasis placed on thistopic and additional assessmentsare working. The professor willcontinue in this manner to reachthe achievement target of 75%.

2.1 (SLO) TSW recognize andinterpret structure,reactions, mechanisms,and synthesis of organiccompounds.

Questions related toreactions andsynthesis fromquizzes and examsin PSC 211/212 willbe evaluated byfaculty.

60% of PSC 211/212students should be atthe satisfactory level(70%) or higher inanswering basicquestions related toorganic chemistryreactions andsynthesis.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Students whoobtained 90% ormore of the pointswere rated“proficient”.Students whoobtained between70 and 89% of thepoints were rated“satisfactory”.Students whoobtained less than70% of the pointswere rated“unsatisfactory”.

24 PSC 211 studentswere evaluatedusing the rubricattached in the"Relateddocuments" section.71% of PSC 211students scored atleast "satisfactory"on the rubric. 24students wereevaluated onseveral quizzes andan exam withquestions related toreactions andsynthesis (7 atunsatisfactory, 14 atsatisfactory, 3 at

Instruction will continue in thecurrent manner.

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2.1 (SLO) TSW recognize andinterpret structure,reactions, mechanisms,and synthesis of organiccompounds.

Questions related toreactions andsynthesis fromquizzes and examsin PSC 211/212 willbe evaluated byfaculty.

60% of PSC 211/212students should be atthe satisfactory level(70%) or higher inanswering basicquestions related toorganic chemistryreactions andsynthesis.

2018 - 2019 Target Met proficient). Target of60% was achieved.

Instruction will continue in thecurrent manner.

2.2 (SLO) TSW effectively presentinformation in oral andwritten forms in the areaof organic chemistry.

An oral presentationwill be evaluated inPSC 212 by facultyusing the AAC&UOral CommunicationVALUE Rubric.

75% of PSC 212students should scoreat least a “3” on the 0-4 scale used in theAAC&U OralCommunicationVALUE Rubric indelivering an oralpresentation.

2018 - 2019 Target Met 18 PSC 212 studentswere assessed ondelivering an oralpresentation. Thepresentation wasevaluated using theAAC&U OralCommunicationVALUE rubric. 100%of PSC 212 studentsscored at least a"3"on the 0-4 scaleused in the AAC&UOral CommunicationVALUE Rubric (18students evaluatedon onepresentation; 0 atlevel 1, 0 at level 2,1 at level 3, 17 atlevel 4). Target wasachieved.

Instruction will continue in thecurrent manner.

Formal lab reportswill be evaluated inPSC 211L by facultyusing the AAC&UWrittenCommunicationVALUE Rubric.

75% of PSC 211Lstudents should scoreat least a “3” on the 0-4 scale used in theAAC&U WrittenCommunicationVALUE Rubric inwriting a formal labreport.

2018 - 2019 Target Met 22 PSC 211Lstudents across twolab sections wereassessed on theirwrittencommunicationusing one formal labreport. The labreport wasevaluated using theAAC&U WrittenCommunication

Instruction will continue in thecurrent manner.

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Formal lab reportswill be evaluated inPSC 211L by facultyusing the AAC&UWrittenCommunicationVALUE Rubric.

75% of PSC 211Lstudents should scoreat least a “3” on the 0-4 scale used in theAAC&U WrittenCommunicationVALUE Rubric inwriting a formal labreport.

2018 - 2019 Target Met VALUE rubric. 91%of PSC 211Lstudents scored atleast a "3"on the 0-4scale used in theAAC&U WrittenCommunicationVALUE Rubric (22students evaluatedon one lab report; 0at level 1, 2 at level2, 7 at level 3, 13 atlevel 4). Target wasachieved.

Instruction will continue in thecurrent manner.

3.1 (SAO & SLO) TSW demonstrate ageneral knowledge of themajor branches ofchemistry covered on theChemistry Major FieldTest (MFT) from theEducational TestingService (ETS).

All Chemistry majorswill take theChemistry MFTduring the semesterof their graduation.The MFT is gradedby ETS and theresults compared toother scoresnationally. Theseresults are sent tothe department andwill be evaluated byfaculty to determineif achievementtarget was met.

90% of Chemistrymajors taking theChemistry MFT willscore in thesatisfactory level (25thpercentile) or higher.

2018 - 2019 Target Met There were twoChemistry majorswho graduated inMay 2019. Thestudents took theChemistry MajorFields Test (MFT)during the semesterof their graduation.They both scored inthe 34th percentile.Target was met.

The Chemistry faculty work withthe graduating seniors to preparethem for the MFT. The faculty willcontinue to do this.

4.1 (PO 2.c.) Chemistry majors willparticipate in activitiesthat strengthen andexpand K-12partnerships.

Chemistry majorstudents willcomplete an ExitSurvey during thesemester of theirgraduation. On theExit Survey, studentswill answerquestionsconcerning theirparticipation in K-12outreach activities.Faculty will reviewand analyze the ExitSurvey to determine

100% of Exit Surveyparticipants(Chemistry majors)will participate in atleast one outreachactivity.

2018 - 2019 Target Met There were twoChemistry majorswho graduated inMay 2019. On theirExit Surveys(attached in the"Relateddocuments"section), theyindicated, onQuestion #1 in the"Community ServiceInformation"section, that theyhad volunteered

Most MUW Sciences andMathematics majors participate inK-12 outreach events. The facultywill continue to encourage thisparticipation.

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4.1 (PO 2.c.) Chemistry majors willparticipate in activitiesthat strengthen andexpand K-12partnerships.

if Chemistry majorstudentsparticipated in atleast one outreachactivity.

100% of Exit Surveyparticipants(Chemistry majors)will participate in atleast one outreachactivity.

2018 - 2019 Target Met either during the MSRegional HighSchool Science Bowlor during SonyaKovalevsky Day,both of which aredepartmental K-12outreach activities.Target achieved.

Most MUW Sciences andMathematics majors participate inK-12 outreach events. The facultywill continue to encourage thisparticipation.

Program -Communication (includingMinor) - BA,BS {2016-2017}

1.1 (GEO 1.c.) Students willdemonstrate clear,correct, goal-directedwriting skills.

Using the AAC&UWrittenCommunicationVALUE rubric,departmentalfaculty will assessstudent writingsamples fromrelevant courses

The average score ofassessed studentwriting samples fromupper-level courseswill be at least 3 onthe 4-point WrittenCommunicationrubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met The overall meanscore for writingsamples fromupper-level courseswas 3.06 on the 4-point WrittenCommunicationrubric. The meanscore for samplesfrom COM 307 was3.16 (n=5), and themean score fromsamples from COM465 was 2.96 (n=5).These courses differin the type ofwriting required.Whereas COM 307is an upper-levelcourse focused onjournalistic writing,COM 465 is atheory-focusedcourse that requiresstudents to writeresearch andanalysis papersusing APA(AmericanPsychologicalAssociation) writingguidelines andcitation style. Thus,it is not possible tomake a course-to-course comparison

Continue assessing as planned.Consider places to reinforce APAwriting and citation conventions.Perhaps earlier theory-relatedcourses (such as COM 320) couldbe used to strengthen student skillsin this specific area.

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Program -Communication (includingMinor) - BA,BS {2016-2017}

1.1 (GEO 1.c.) Students willdemonstrate clear,correct, goal-directedwriting skills.

Using the AAC&UWrittenCommunicationVALUE rubric,departmentalfaculty will assessstudent writingsamples fromrelevant courses

The average score ofassessed studentwriting samples fromupper-level courseswill be at least 3 onthe 4-point WrittenCommunicationrubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met between these twocourses asrepresentative of adirect progression indemonstrated skill.However, thecomparisonbetween meanscores from lower-level courses (2.42)and upper-levelcourses (3.06) doesdemonstrateimprovement inskills as studentsprogress throughthe curriculum. Theweakest area forstudents in COM465 was APAconventions andcitations.

Continue assessing as planned.Consider places to reinforce APAwriting and citation conventions.Perhaps earlier theory-relatedcourses (such as COM 320) couldbe used to strengthen student skillsin this specific area.

Using the AAC&UWrittenCommunicationVALUE rubric,departmentalfaculty will assessstudent writingsamples fromrelevant courses.

The average score ofassessed studentwriting samples fromsophomore-levelcourses will be at least2 on the 4-pointWrittenCommunicationrubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met The overall meanwas 2.42 on the 4-point WrittenCommunicationrubric. The meanscore for writingsamples drawn fromCOM 200 was 2.00(n = 5), and themean score forwriting samplesdrawn from COM250 was 2.84 (n = 5).These resultsindicate studentsare demonstratinggenerally clearwriting and thattheir demonstratedproficiency isimproving from onecourse to the next.This offering of

Continue assessment as planned.For COM 250 (Newsgathering),compare 2019-2020 results to2018-2019 for year-to-yearcomparison of writing with thelarger semester-long project.

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Using the AAC&UWrittenCommunicationVALUE rubric,departmentalfaculty will assessstudent writingsamples fromrelevant courses.

The average score ofassessed studentwriting samples fromsophomore-levelcourses will be at least2 on the 4-pointWrittenCommunicationrubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met COM 250(Newgathering) wasfocused around asemester-longreporting project onthe economicconditions ofColumbus, Miss. Thenature of theproject allowedstudents more timeto edit final versionsof the news storiesthat served aswriting assignments(and thus writingsamples). Theimprovement inoverall scores forthese studentscould be the resultof this extra time forself-editing.

Continue assessment as planned.For COM 250 (Newsgathering),compare 2019-2020 results to2018-2019 for year-to-yearcomparison of writing with thelarger semester-long project.

2.1 (SLO) Students willdemonstrate appropriateuse of video productionequipment.

Using the VideoProduction Skillsrubric, departmentalfaculty will assessstudent productionsamples fromrelevant courses.

At least 80 percent ofassessed studentproduction sampleswill score at least 3 onthe 4-point VideoProduction Skillsrubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met The mean score onVideo Productionrubric was 3.28 on a4-point scale.Twelve out of 15production samplesscored at least 3 outof 4, which is 80percent of the totalsampled. The threesamples that did notmeet the thresholdwere drawn fromthe introductoryproduction course(COM 103). Themean score for thiscourse was 2.87 (n =5). The mean scorefor productionssampled from theregular upper-level

Continue assessing videoproduction skills as planned.Review coverage of basictechniques in COM 103 to improvestudent performance. Consideroffering a similar advanced courseon a rotating basis to encouragedevelopment of production skills.

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2.1 (SLO) Students willdemonstrate appropriateuse of video productionequipment.

Using the VideoProduction Skillsrubric, departmentalfaculty will assessstudent productionsamples fromrelevant courses.

At least 80 percent ofassessed studentproduction sampleswill score at least 3 onthe 4-point VideoProduction Skillsrubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met course (COM 431)was 3.08 (n = 4).During the springsemester, a specialtopics course (COM499 "CinematicTechniques") wasalso taught andsampled. The meanscore for samplesfrom this upper-level course was3.75 (n = 6). Thescores represent anoverall increase indemonstratedproficiency with useof video productionequipment from thelower-level courseto the upper-levelcourses.

Continue assessing videoproduction skills as planned.Review coverage of basictechniques in COM 103 to improvestudent performance. Consideroffering a similar advanced courseon a rotating basis to encouragedevelopment of production skills.

2.2 (SLO) Students willdemonstrate appropriateuse of audio productionequipment.

Using the AudioProduction Skillsrubric, departmentalfaculty will assessstudent productionsamples fromrelevant courses.

At least 80 percent ofassessed studentproduction sampleswill score at least 3 onthe 4-point AudioProduction Skillsrubric.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

The mean score onthe AudioProduction rubricwas 3.02 on a 4-point scale. Of the 9production samplesdrawn from COM103 and COM 431, 7scored 3 or better(an overall rate of78 percent). Themean forproduction samplesfrom theintroductory course(COM 103) was2.92, and the meanfor samples drawnfrom the upper-level course (COM431) was 3.15. Thisrepresents animprovement from

Continue assessing as planned. Inthe absence of demand for COM331 (Audio Production), audioproduction has been addressedincreasingly in COM 103 and COM431. It is possible that this year'ssmaller sample size contributed tothe result of failure to make thetarget threshold of 80 percent at 3or better on the 4-point scale (n = 9does not allow for much granularityin evaluating assessment results).

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2.2 (SLO) Students willdemonstrate appropriateuse of audio productionequipment.

Using the AudioProduction Skillsrubric, departmentalfaculty will assessstudent productionsamples fromrelevant courses.

At least 80 percent ofassessed studentproduction sampleswill score at least 3 onthe 4-point AudioProduction Skillsrubric.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

one course to thenext, with thestudents from theupper-level coursebenefiting fromincreased attentionto audio productionin the courses.However, this fallsjust below thetarget threshold of80 percentachieving a score of3 or better.

Continue assessing as planned. Inthe absence of demand for COM331 (Audio Production), audioproduction has been addressedincreasingly in COM 103 and COM431. It is possible that this year'ssmaller sample size contributed tothe result of failure to make thetarget threshold of 80 percent at 3or better on the 4-point scale (n = 9does not allow for much granularityin evaluating assessment results).

3.1 (SAO) Students will completeprofessional portfoliosthat showcase their skillsfor potential employersor graduate schools.

Faculty will use adepartmental rubric(CommunicationStudent PortfolioRubric) to assessportfolios producedby students inCommunicationSenior Seminar(COM 465).

At least 90 percent ofassessed studentportfolios will score atleast 80 on the 100-point CommunicationStudent Portfoliorubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met The mean score forthe sampled studentportfolios was 96 ona 100-point scaleusing thedepartmentalCommunicationStudent Portfoliorubric. Of the 10portfolios sampled,10 scored 80 orbetter, for a total of100 percent.Overall, theseresults are verypositive andindicate studentsnear completion ofthe program haveamassed a body ofprofessional workand demonstratedthe ability toorganize this workinto a coherentportfolio. Onceagain, a potentialarea ofimprovement is inthe breadth of workpresented (some

Continue assessing as planned.Consider additional methods ofreminding students to retainexamples of professional workearlier in their academic careers.

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3.1 (SAO) Students will completeprofessional portfoliosthat showcase their skillsfor potential employersor graduate schools.

Faculty will use adepartmental rubric(CommunicationStudent PortfolioRubric) to assessportfolios producedby students inCommunicationSenior Seminar(COM 465).

At least 90 percent ofassessed studentportfolios will score atleast 80 on the 100-point CommunicationStudent Portfoliorubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met portfolios sufferedbecause prior workhad been misplacedor not saved).

Continue assessing as planned.Consider additional methods ofreminding students to retainexamples of professional workearlier in their academic careers.

3.2 (PO 2.e.) Students will engage inmeaningful, real-lifeexperiences within theCommunication field.

Students inCommunicationInternship (COM460) will completean Exit Survey at theend of theirinternship.Departmentalfaculty will reviewand analyze theresults to determineif the achievementtarget was met.

At least 85 percent ofstudents participatingin the Exit Survey willrate their internshipexperience positivelyas defined by a scoreof 4 or greater, on ascale of 1-7.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Students enrolled inCOM 460(Internship) wereasked to evaluatetheir internshipexperience at theend of the course.On a scale of 1 - 7,with 1 being leastpositive and 7 beingmost positive, 100percent of studentsrated theirinternshipexperience 5 orgreater, with amean of 6.38 (n =8). This exceeds thetarget threshold of85 percent ratingthe internshipexperience 4 orgreater.

Continue assessing as planned.

Program -CreativeWriting - MFA{2016-2017}

1.1 (SLO) Students will complete aportfolio of work thatdemonstrates mastery oflanguage andconventions of a genre.

Faculty will assessthe students’ thesesusing the MFAWriting Skills Rubricthat measures skillwith the mechanicsof language,aesthetic use oflanguage, and use ofconventions of thegenre being studied.

Thesis students willachieve on theirtheses an average ofat least 88% on theMFA Writing SkillsRubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met 100% of studentsachieved the targetwith 6 out achieving100% on the rubricand 2 achieving 95%(14 out of 15).Students by thetime they completetheir theses, afterintense one-on-oneinteraction withtheir thesis director,

Continue to assess the writing skillsof our graduating MFA studentsbased on their theses.

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Program -CreativeWriting - MFA{2016-2017}

1.1 (SLO) Students will complete aportfolio of work thatdemonstrates mastery oflanguage andconventions of a genre.

Faculty will assessthe students’ thesesusing the MFAWriting Skills Rubricthat measures skillwith the mechanicsof language,aesthetic use oflanguage, and use ofconventions of thegenre being studied.

Thesis students willachieve on theirtheses an average ofat least 88% on theMFA Writing SkillsRubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met are able to producevery publishablework, as we seewith theirimpressive list ofpublications.

Continue to assess the writing skillsof our graduating MFA studentsbased on their theses.

Students in coursesdesignated asWorkshop will beassessed with arubric that measuresskill with themechanics oflanguage, aestheticuse of language, anduse of conventionsof the genre beingstudied. Eachinstructor willcomplete the MFAWriting Skills Rubricafter grading finalportfolios for theclass.

80% of studentsassessed will achieveon their finalportfolios an averageof 80% on the MFAWriting Skills Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Students inGraduate Workshopclasses wereassessed eachsemester. Sincestudents take morethan one workshopthey are assessedmultiple times. ofthe 76 scoresrecorded, 68 were80% (a score of 12)or higher on therubric of 15 points.89% percent ofstudents met thetarget. As we havenoted in the past,this group ofstudents includesstudents who arejust starting theprogram and somewho have been inthe program for ayear or more, sothere is a fairly widerange of scores from9 to 15.

We will continue to monitor thescores of our students on the MFAWriting Skill Rubric. we are pleasedto see an increase in the scoresbetween the Fall and Springsemesters, suggesting that studentsare improving. One area we canimprove on is to make sureinstructors are aware of thedeadline to enter grades on therubric. This is 2 weeks after theFriday of exam week, after this dateinstructors cannot score the rubric,though the department chair can ifthey relay the scores to the chair.This caused one set of partialreturns, which we will avoid in thefuture.

2.1 (RO & SLO) Students will conductresearch in literaryscholarship, pedagogy, orthe craft of writing andproduce essays or other

Students completingMasters Theses willinclude abibliography ofworks related to the

Students will achieveon their ThesisBibliographies anaverage of at least88% on the MFA

2018 - 2019 Target Met 100% of thesisstudents completeda bibliography ofworks related to thegenre of the thesis.

Because we met our target, we feelwe should continue to assesstheses based on the research skillsrubric. Because all students arenow including a craft essay along

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2.1 (RO & SLO) projects based on thatresearch.

genre of the thesis.Faculty will assessthe students’ thesisbibliographies usingthe MFA ResearchSkills Rubric.

Research Skills Rubric. 2018 - 2019 Target Met When assessedbased on thebibliographies usingthe MFA ResearchSkills Rubric, allstudents exceededthe target of 88%with 5 perfectscores and 3 earning93% (14/15).

with their bibliography, we mayconsider changing the descriptionof the target to include thebibliography and essay, which willbetter match the criteria of therubric.

Students in Formsand Literatureclasses will beassessed with arubric that measurestheir use of scholarlysources appropriateto their topic. Eachinstructor willcomplete the MFAResearch SkillsRubric after gradingthe designatedproject for the class.

80% of studentsassessed will achieveon their Forms andLiterature project anaverage of 80% on theMFA Research SkillsRubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met 86% of studentsachieved an averagescore of 80% orhigher on the MFAResearch SkillsRubric. Scoresranged from 9 to 15.Given that studentsmay take multipleForms or Literatureclasses in a givenyear, there are morescores than we havestudents in theprogram. Some aredoing research forthe first time at thegraduate level, so itis no surprise thatthey need work onthese skills.Nonetheless, theyare showingimprovement.Notably, our one 9was in the Fallsemester, and in theSpring there wasone 10 and two whoscored 11.

It is important to emphasizeresearch in our MFA program. Weacknowledge that this is not themain focus, nor is it the strength ofmany of our students, but it is anarea we need to continue toreinforce. Bearing in mind that itmay be a student's first graduate-level research experience, we needto balance demanding projects withtraining on how to conductscholarly research in the fields ofwriting and literature.

3.1 (SAO & PO2.d.)

Students will publishtheir work in appropriatepublications for theirgenres.

The programdirector will reviewand analyze theMaster’s ThesisSurvey results to

90% of studentsparticipating in theMaster’s Thesis Surveywill report that by thetime they defend their

2018 - 2019 Target Met All students whocompleted theThesis Survey (6 outof 8) indicated thatthey had published

We will continue to survey ourstudents as they complete Thesisand will increase our efforts toencourage them to complete thesurvey.

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3.1 (SAO & PO2.d.)

Students will publishtheir work in appropriatepublications for theirgenres.

determine students’publication history.

thesis they havepublished at least onework in a literaryjournal or had a playpublished or producedor had their writingpublished in anotheroutlet appropriate tothe genre.

2018 - 2019 Target Met creative work andlisted severalpublications. Areview of otherinformation postedon social mediaabout publicationsby our studentsreveals that theother two studentwho did notcomplete the surveyalso hadpublications while inthe program. Two ofthe students whograduated this yearwere recognized inAWP's Intro JournalsProject: AllisonChestnut with anhonorable mentionin Poetry and C. T.Salazar with anaward andpublication inTampa Review inPoetry. Sincereceiving the MFA,these students haveall continued topublish as well.

We will continue to survey ourstudents as they complete Thesisand will increase our efforts toencourage them to complete thesurvey.

3.2 (SLO) Students will understandthe literary marketplaceand other career optionsfor writers.

Students in EN 502Full WritingResidency willcomplete aProfessionalKnowledge Surveymeasuring theirknowledge of theliterary marketplaceand other careeroptions on a 5-pointLikert scalewhere 5 is Strongly

85% of EN 502students participatingin the ProfessionalKnowledge Survey willhave an average scoreof greater than 3(Satisfied) on a scaleon 1-5.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

On the survey ofProfessionalKnowledge fromJune 2018 78% ofstudents scored 3 orhigher, rating theirlevel of satisfactionwith theirknowledge ofpublishing inmagazines andbooks. Of those whoscored their

Though we were close to ourtarget, we didn't quite reach it thisyear. This is a good reminder tocontinue to emphasize how topublish, especially how to publish abook. Book publishing was a topicof one of our seminars at the Fullresidency this year, so it will beinteresting to see if we have acorresponding increase in thosescores.

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3.2 (SLO) Students will understandthe literary marketplaceand other career optionsfor writers.

Agree. 85% of EN 502students participatingin the ProfessionalKnowledge Survey willhave an average scoreof greater than 3(Satisfied) on a scaleon 1-5.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

satisfaction lowerthan 3, oneaveraged 2.8, oneaveraged 2.6, andone averaged 2,suggesting that thelevel of satisfactionis close to our targetfor most students. 3rated themselves aperfect 5 (verysatisfied) and 3averaged over 4 (4.2and 4.6).

Though we were close to ourtarget, we didn't quite reach it thisyear. This is a good reminder tocontinue to emphasize how topublish, especially how to publish abook. Book publishing was a topicof one of our seminars at the Fullresidency this year, so it will beinteresting to see if we have acorresponding increase in thosescores.

Studentsparticipating in theMaster’s Thesis

Survey willanswer the samequestions as on theProfessionalKnowledge Surveyto determine ifstudents improvedfrom their time inthe EN 502 FullWriting Residencycourse to the end ofthe program. Facultywill review andcompare thesurveys’ results.

90% of studentsparticipating in theMaster’s Thesis Surveywill have an averagescore of greater than 3(Satisfied) on a scaleof 1-5 on the“ProfessionalKnowledge” portion ofthe Master’s ThesisSurvey.

2018 - 2019 Target Met 100% of Thesisstudents surveyedrated theirsatisfaction a 3 orhigher on theirsatisfaction aboutknowledge ormagazine and bookpublishing andcareers for writers.The lowest scorewas 3.6, then one 4,two 4.4, and one 5.This shows asignificantimprovement by theend of the student'stime in the program.Students are moreconfident and arepublishing theirwork by the timethey complete theirthesis.

We need to continue to emphasizepublishing and careers in writing inour classes. It would be helpful tointervene earlier, but we can bepleased that students are moreconfident by the end of theirprogram. We need to continue toassess their satisfaction with theirknowledge of the writingprofession and seek more ways totrain them in this area.

Program -Education -(includingGifted StudiesandReading/Literacy

1.1 (RO) Students willdemonstrate theirproficiencies tounderstand and applyknowledge and skillsappropriate to theirprofessional field of

The instructor for ED500 (CoreRequirement) willassess and grade theresearch projectpresented by thestudent(s) utilizing

Students willdemonstrate theirproficiencies tounderstand and applyknowledge and skillsappropriate to theirprofessional field of

2018 - 2019 Target Met Eight studentscompleted theassignmentassociated with thislearning outcomewith a mean scoreof 93.5%: Student 1,

The division will retain thisassessment in ED 600 Leadershipthrough Action Research for SchoolImprovement. ED 500 EducationalResearch is no longer offered; thekey course components offered inED 500 are now offered as a part of

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Certificates) -ME {2018-2019}

1.1 (RO) specialization so thatlearning anddevelopmentopportunities for P-12students are enhancedthrough the developmentof a research study in thefield of their specifiedconcentration.

the Research ProjectRubric.

specialization (WordChoice? We need tobe consistent) so thatlearning anddevelopmentopportunities for all P-12 students areenhanced through thedevelopment of aresearch study in thefield of their specifiedconcentration byscoring an average of86% or higher on theResearch ProjectRubric in ED 500,Educational Research.

2018 - 2019 Target Met 76%; Student 2,88%; Student 3,89%; Student 4,95%; Student 5,100%; Student 6,100%; Student 7,100%; Student 8,100%. Seven ofeight studentsexceeded the targetof 86% on theResearch ProjectRubric.

ED 600. The instrument is also usedin ED 699 Ethical LeadershipCapstone Internship: PracticingProfessional Behaviors and Growthand is named ED 699 ActionResearch Proposal Evaluation rev.-1.

1.2 (PO 2.e.) The Master’s ofEducation in Educationacademic program willprovide internshipopportunities for itsstudents to formmeaningful professionalpartnerships.

At the end of theacademic year, theDivision Head willanalyze the datafrom the StudentCourse Evaluationsfor ED 697 and ED699 and report outcollectively thestudents’ responseto the question:“Please read thestatement carefullyand select only oneresponse: Myinternshipexperience providedme with knowledgeand/or skills that areuseful and practicalfor establishingmeaningprofessionalpartnerships.{Strongly Agree;Agree; NeitherAgree nor Disagree;Disagree; Strongly

80% of studentsparticipating the ED697 and ED 699Course Evaluationswill state that theyeither Strongly Agreeor Agree that theirinternship experienceprovided them withknowledge and/orskills that are usefuland practical forestablishing meaningprofessionalpartnerships.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive ED 697 Internship inMasters ofEducation and ED699 EthicalLeadershipCapstoneInternship:PracticingProfessionalBehaviors andGrowth both weretaught in theSummer 2018 termand Spring 2019term; ED 697 wasalso taught in theFall 2018 term. ED699 was lowenrolled in theSpring 2019 termand no courseevaluations werecollected for thatcourse, that term.

This courseevaluation itemdeveloped in the

This assessment measure has beenadded to ED 697 and ED 699 now.This measure will provide valuablefeedback for determining studentperceptions of the effectiveness ofinternship/field experiences in ED697 and Ed 699.

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1.2 (PO 2.e.) The Master’s ofEducation in Educationacademic program willprovide internshipopportunities for itsstudents to formmeaningful professionalpartnerships.

Disagree}” 80% of studentsparticipating the ED697 and ED 699Course Evaluationswill state that theyeither Strongly Agreeor Agree that theirinternship experienceprovided them withknowledge and/orskills that are usefuland practical forestablishing meaningprofessionalpartnerships.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive Spring 2019 termand missed beingadded to theevaluations forthese two courses.No data wascollected.

This assessment measure has beenadded to ED 697 and ED 699 now.This measure will provide valuablefeedback for determining studentperceptions of the effectiveness ofinternship/field experiences in ED697 and Ed 699.

The Division Headwill analyze theStudent InternshipEvaluations todetermine if theinternshipsupervisors marked“Yes” that theywould hire orrecommend to hirethe students foremployment.

Of those supervisorsparticipating in theStudent InternshipEvaluations, 80% willindicate that theywould hire orrecommend to hirethe students foremployment.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive The StudentInternshipEvaluationinstrument was notcompleted for use inthe 2018-2019academic year; nodata was collected.

The Student Internship Evaluationwill be implemented in the Fall2019 academic term.

1.3 (SAO) Students will successfullycomplete the Master’s ofEducation in Educationdegree program in atimely manner, within sixyears.

The Division Headwill use Banner todetermine thegraduating students’completion time ofthe degree programto determine ifachievement targetwas met.

At least 80% ofstudents whograduate from theMaster’s of Educationin Education will havecompleted the degreeprogram within sixyears.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive No studentsgraduated with theM.Ed. in Educationduring the 2018-2019 academic year,in the August 2018,December 2018, orMay 2019graduation cycles;No studentscompleted theGifted StudiesCertification orReading LiteracyCertification duringthis same period oftime.

The M.Ed. in Education is arelatively new degree option. Weanticipate data for this two-yeargraduate program in the 2019-2020academic year.

2.1 (SLO) Students demonstrate an The instructor for ED Non-certification 2018 - 2019 Inconclusive ED 595 Program This assessment remains relevant

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2.1 (SLO) understanding of and areable to apply knowledgeand skills specific to theGifted Studiesconcentration by creatinga comprehensivepresentation highlightingevidence-basedknowledge and strategiesrelated to a relevantissue/topic in giftededucation targeted at anaudience of appropriatestakeholders (GS).

595 will assess andgrade thecomprehensivepresentation givenby the non-certificationstudents in theMaster’s ofEducation inEducation GiftedStudiesconcentration usingthe Advocacy PlanRubric.

students in theMaster’s of Educationin Education GiftedStudies concentrationdemonstrate anunderstanding of andare able to applyknowledge and skillsspecific to the GiftedStudies concentrationby creating acomprehensivepresentationhighlighting evidence-based knowledge andstrategies related to arelevant issue/topic ingifted educationtargetin an audienceof appropriatestakeholders byscoring “Acceptable orabove” on theAdvocacy Plan Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive Development andEvaluation was nottaught in the 2018-2019 academic year.

for this SLO. The placement of thisassignment and assessment isbeing reconsidered, but for now itwill remain in ED 595. The divisionwill retain this assessment for theupcoming year.

2.2 (SLO) Students in the GiftedStudies Certificationprogram willdemonstrate anunderstanding of and areable to apply knowledgeand skills specific to theGifted StudiesCertification by creating acomprehensivepresentation highlightingevidence-basedknowledge and strategiesrelated to a relevantissue/topic in giftededucation targeting anaudience of appropriatestakeholders (GS).

The instructor for ED595 will assess andgrade thecomprehensivepresentation givenby the Gifted StudiesCertificationstudents using theAdvocacy PlanRubric.

Gifted StudiesCertification studentsdemonstrate anunderstanding of andare able to applyknowledge and skillsspecific to the GiftedStudies Certificationby creating acomprehensivepresentationhighlighting evidence-based knowledge andstrategies related to arelevant issue/topic ingifted educationtargeting an audienceof appropriatestakeholders byscoring “Acceptable orabove” on the

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive ED 595 ProgramDevelopment andEvaluation was nottaught in the 2018-2019 academic year.

This assessment remains relevantfor this SLO. The placement of thisassignment and assessment isbeing reconsidered, but for now itwill remain in ED 595. The divisionwill retain this assessment for theupcoming year.

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2.2 (SLO) Students in the GiftedStudies Certificationprogram willdemonstrate anunderstanding of and areable to apply knowledgeand skills specific to theGifted StudiesCertification by creating acomprehensivepresentation highlightingevidence-basedknowledge and strategiesrelated to a relevantissue/topic in giftededucation targeting anaudience of appropriatestakeholders (GS).

The instructor for ED595 will assess andgrade thecomprehensivepresentation givenby the Gifted StudiesCertificationstudents using theAdvocacy PlanRubric.

Advocacy Plan Rubric. 2018 - 2019 Inconclusive ED 595 ProgramDevelopment andEvaluation was nottaught in the 2018-2019 academic year.

This assessment remains relevantfor this SLO. The placement of thisassignment and assessment isbeing reconsidered, but for now itwill remain in ED 595. The divisionwill retain this assessment for theupcoming year.

3.1 (SLO) Students will be able todemonstrate anunderstanding of andapply knowledge andskills specific to theEducational Leadershipconcentration bycompleting a CurriculumProgram Evaluation (EL).

The instructor of ED652, Leadershipthrough CurriculumDevelopment andSupervision, willassess and grade theCurriculumDevelopmentAssignmentcompleted by thestudents using theCurriculum ProgramEvaluation Rubric.

Students completingthe CurriculumDevelopmentAssignment will beable to demonstratean understanding ofand apply knowledgeand skills specific tothe EducationalLeadershipconcentration byscoring an average of86% or above on theCurriculum ProgramEvaluation Rubric inED 652, Leadershipthrough CurriculumDevelopment andSupervision.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Eight students wereassessed in the2018-2019academic year witha mean of 99%:Student 1: 20/20,Student 2: 19.5/20,Student 3: 20/20,Student 4: 20/20,Student 5: 20/20,Student 6: 20/20,Student 7: 20/20,Student 8: 20/20.The group mean, aswell as eachstudent's individualscore, exceeded thetarget of 86% orabove.

The Curriculum DevelopmentAssignment is an essentialcomponent of the EducationalLeadership program. The divisionwill retain this measure.

4.1 (SLO) Students will be able todemonstrate anunderstanding of andapply knowledge andskills specific to theirReading/Literacyconcentration bycompleting a Literacy

The instructor for ED527 will assess andgrade the non-certificationstudents’ LiteracyPosition StatementFinal Project Rubricassignment using

Non-certificationstudents demonstratean understanding ofand are able to applyknowledge and skillsspecific to theReading/Literacyconcentration by

2018 - 2019 Target Met Three M.Ed.Reading/Literacyconcentrationstudents completedthe Literacy PositionStatement with amean score of100%: Student 1,

The Literacy Position StatementFinal Project provides essentialindications of a Reading/Literacystudent's success in the M.Ed. inEducation Reading/Literacyconcentration. The division willretain this measure.

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4.1 (SLO) Position Statement (RL). the ED 527 FinalProject Rubric.

creating a LiteracyPosition Statementhighlighting evidence-based knowledge andstrategies related to arelevant issue/topic inReading/Literacytargeting an audienceof appropriatestakeholders byscoring “Acceptable orabove” on the ED 527Final Project Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met 50/50 or 100%;Student 2, 50/50 or100%; Student 3,50/50 or 100%. Eachstudent completedthe assignment with100% completionaccording to theirindividual scores onthe ED 527 FinalProject Rubric.

The Literacy Position StatementFinal Project provides essentialindications of a Reading/Literacystudent's success in the M.Ed. inEducation Reading/Literacyconcentration. The division willretain this measure.

4.2 (SLO) Students in theReading/LiteracyCertification program willbe able to demonstratean understanding of andapply knowledge andskills specific to theReading/Literacyconcentration bycompleting a LiteracyPosition Statement (RL).

The instructor for ED527 will assess andgrade theReading/LiteracyCertificationstudents’ LiteracyPosition StatementFinal Project Rubricassignment usingthe ED 527 FinalProject Rubric.

Reading/LiteracyCertification studentsdemonstrate anunderstanding of andare able to applyknowledge and skillsspecific to theReading/Literacyconcentration bycreating a LiteracyPosition Statementhighlighting evidence-based knowledge andstrategies related to arelevant issue/topic inReading/Literacytargeting an audienceof appropriatestakeholders byscoring “Acceptable orabove” on the ED 527Final Project Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met TwoReading/LiteracyCertificationstudents completedthe Literacy PositionStatement with amean score of100%: Student 1,50/50 or 100%;Student 2, 50/50 or100%. Each studentcompleted theassignment with100% completionaccording to theirindividual scores onthe ED 527 FinalProject Rubric.

The Literacy Position StatementFinal Project provides essentialindications of a Reading/Literacystudent's success in the M.Ed. inEducation Reading/LiteracyCertification. The division will retainthis measure.

Program -EducationalLeadership -ME {2016-2017}

1.1 (SLO) Candidates will be able todemonstrate anunderstanding of andapply knowledge andskills specific to theirdiscipline by completing aClinical SupervisionAssignment.

The instructor of ED630, LeadershipthroughInstructionalSupervision, willassess and grade theClinical SupervisionAssignmentcompleted by thestudent(s) using the

Candidates completingthe ClinicalSupervisionAssignment will beable to demonstratean understanding ofand apply knowledgeand skills specific totheir discipline byscoring an average of

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive The division did notoffer ED 630Leadership throughInstructionalSupervision and hasthis course on anevery-other-yearrotation.

ED 630 is offered in the 2019-2020academic year. This measure, theClinical Supervision Assignment,provides a good indicator ofstudent success in EducationalLeadership and will be used in the2019-2020 academic year as a partof the ED 630 Leadership throughInstructional Supervision course.

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Program -EducationalLeadership -ME {2016-2017}

1.1 (SLO) Candidates will be able todemonstrate anunderstanding of andapply knowledge andskills specific to theirdiscipline by completing aClinical SupervisionAssignment.

Clinical SupervisionRubric.

86% or above on theClinical SupervisionRubric in ED 630,Leadership throughInstructionalSupervision.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive The division did notoffer ED 630Leadership throughInstructionalSupervision and hasthis course on anevery-other-yearrotation.

ED 630 is offered in the 2019-2020academic year. This measure, theClinical Supervision Assignment,provides a good indicator ofstudent success in EducationalLeadership and will be used in the2019-2020 academic year as a partof the ED 630 Leadership throughInstructional Supervision course.

1.2 (SLO) Candidates will be able todemonstrate anunderstanding of andapply knowledge andskills specific to theirdiscipline by completing aCurriculum ProgramEvaluation.

The instructor of ED652, Leadershipthrough CurriculumDevelopment andSupervision, willassess and grade theCurriculumDevelopmentAssignmentcompleted by thestudents using theCurriculum ProgramEvaluation Rubric.

Candidates completingthe CurriculumDevelopmentAssignment will beable to demonstratean understanding ofand apply knowledgeand skills specific totheir discipline byscoring an average of86% or above on theCurriculum ProgramEvaluation Rubric inED 652, Leadershipthrough CurriculumDevelopment andSupervision.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Eight students wereassessed in the2018-2019academic year witha mean of 99%:Student 1: 20/20,Student 2: 19.5/20,Student 3: 20/20,Student 4: 20/20,Student 5: 20/20,Student 6: 20/20,Student 7: 20/20,Student 8: 20/20.The group mean, aswell as eachstudent's individualscore, exceeded thetarget of 86% orabove.

The Curriculum DevelopmentAssignment is an essentialcomponent of the EducationalLeadership program. The divisionwill retain this measure.

1.3 (PO 2.c.) Strengthen and ExpandK-12 Partnerships-Partners will co-constructmutually beneficial P-12school and communityarrangements, includingtechnology-basedcollaborations, for clinicalpreparation and shareresponsibility forcontinuous improvementof candidate preparation(Council of Accreditationfor Educator Preparation,CAEP 2.1).

The department ofeducation will holdfocus groupmeetings withvarious partners (K-12 administration, K-12 teachers) to co-construct mutuallybeneficial P-12partnerships.

The department ofeducation and variouspartners will will host2 focus groups duringthe academic year inwhich they will shareopinions aboutdeveloping at leastone new mutuallybeneficial partnership.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

The division held nofocus groupmeetings with K-12administration or K-12 teachersconcerningEducationalLeadership in the2018-2019academic year.

The division recognizes the value ofengaging K-12 administration andK-12 teachers in discussions toexpand Educational Leadershiplearning opportunities and tobetter met the needs of our P-12partners. The division will meetwith K-12 administration and K-12teachers in the 2019-2020academic year to strengthencurrent and develop new mutuallybeneficial P-12 partnerships.

2.1 (SAO) Candidates demonstrateleadership skills for

Faculty will reviewand analyze the


2018 - 2019 Target Met For the 2018-2019year, the program

This exam is a very good measureof Educational Leadership students'

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2.1 (SAO) organizing and managinga K-12 environment forthe academic success andwell-being of all studentsby successfullycompleting the SchoolLeaders LicensureAssessment (SLLA) exam.

results of the SLLAnational exam. TheCouncil for theAccreditation ofEducatorPreparationPrograms requirethat 80% ofcandidates pass theSLLA exam.

leadership skills fororganizing andmanaging a K-12environment for theacademic success andwell-being of allstudents bysuccessfullycompleting the SLLAexam. 80% of studentswill pass the SLLAexam.

2018 - 2019 Target Met had six students tograduate. Of thosesix students, fourpassed the SchoolLeadership Examcoded 6011 withscores of 173, 160,170, and 159. Onestudent passed theSchool LeadershipExam coded 6990with a score of 153.There was onestudent who alreadyhad theadministratorendorsement on herlicense so she wasnot required toretake the test. Fiveof six students, or83%, whoattempted the exampassed the SLLAexam in the 2018-2019 academic year.

(Please note thatthe SchoolLeadership Examwas updated withinin the 2018-2019time frame; hence,the two differentcodes.)

success and will be retained as anassessment measure by thedivision.

3.1 (RO & SLO) Candidates willdemonstrate theirproficiencies tounderstand and applyknowledge and skillsappropriate to theirprofessional field ofspecialization so thatlearning anddevelopment

The instructor for ED600 will assess andgrade the researchproject presented bythe student(s)utilizing theResearch ProjectRubric.

Candidates willdemonstrate theirproficiencies tounderstand and applyknowledge and skillsappropriate to theirprofessional field ofspecialization so thatlearning anddevelopment

2018 - 2019 Target Met One EducationalLeadership studentwas enrolled in ED600 in the 2018-2019 academic yearand completed theresearch project.Student 1, 100%.

The division will retain thismeasure.

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3.1 (RO & SLO) opportunities for all P-12students are enhancedthrough the developmentof a research study in thefield of educationalleadership.

The instructor for ED600 will assess andgrade the researchproject presented bythe student(s)utilizing theResearch ProjectRubric.

opportunities for all P-12 students areenhanced through thedevelopment of aresearch study in thefield of educationalleadership by scoringan average of 86% orhigher on theResearch ProjectRubric in ED 600,Leadership throughAction Research.

2018 - 2019 Target Met One EducationalLeadership studentwas enrolled in ED600 in the 2018-2019 academic yearand completed theresearch project.Student 1, 100%.

The division will retain thismeasure.

Program -ElementaryEducation - BS{2016-2017}

1.1 (SAO & GEO5.a.)

Candidates will be able todemonstrate anunderstanding of andapply knowledge andskills specific to theirdiscipline by developingand teaching aninterdisciplinary unit.

The instructor(s) forthe methods block(ED 305; 310; 312;334) will assess andgrade the InTASC #4assignment by thestudent(s) using theAAC&U LifelongLearning ValueRubric.

Candidates will beable to demonstratean understanding ofcontent knowledgeand skills to theirdiscipline by theassignment on lifelonglearning in the areasof curiosity, initiative,independence,transfer and reflectionby scoring a collectiveaverage of 2 or better(benchmark or better)on the AAC&U LifelongLearning Value Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Residency 3students wereassessed on a VideoAssignment Rubricto score their levelof understanding ofcontent knowledgeand skills to theirdiscipline. Out of 21students, 20 scoreda 2 or higher on theInTASC #4 items onthe rubric. A moredetailed listing ofthe scores are in therelated document,TRACDAT 1.1 DATA.The assignmentguidelines andrubric can also belocated in therelated documents.

The division will retain thismeasure, which providesinformation concerning thestrength of programming andstudent success.

1.2 (PO 2.c.) Strengthen and ExpandK-12 Partnerships-Partners will co-constructmutually beneficial P-12school and communityarrangements, includingtechnology-basedcollaborations, for clinicalpreparation and shareresponsibility for

The department ofeducation will holdfocus groupmeetings withvarious partners (K-12 administration, K-12 teachers) to co-construct mutuallybeneficial P-12partnerships.

The department ofeducation and variouspartners will host 2focus groups duringthe academic year inwhich they will shareopinions aboutdeveloping at leastone new mutuallybeneficial partnership.

2018 - 2019 Target Met During the 2018-2019 reporting yearmembers of theDivision ofEducation andOutreach continuedto build mutuallybeneficial P-12partnerships withinthe community and

All division meetings with K-12administration and K-12 teachers inthe 2018-2019 academic year haveaddressed concerns related toElementary Education. The divisionwill retain this measure.

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1.2 (PO 2.c.) continuous improvementof candidate preparation(Council of Accreditationfor Educator Preparation,CAEP 2.1).

The department ofeducation will holdfocus groupmeetings withvarious partners (K-12 administration, K-12 teachers) to co-construct mutuallybeneficial P-12partnerships.

The department ofeducation and variouspartners will host 2focus groups duringthe academic year inwhich they will shareopinions aboutdeveloping at leastone new mutuallybeneficial partnership.

2018 - 2019 Target Met state. Newpartnershipsthrough the yearwere the result ofImplementationTeams (focus groupswithin thedepartment)meeting anddeveloping goals.Members of theImplementationTeams would thendevelop the neededrelationships withinthe community tomeet the goals.

Here are some ofthe partnershipsthat were a result ofthe ImplementationTeams during the2018-2019 year:1) Dr. MartinHatton, Ms. MelindaLowe, and Ms.Penny Mansell, allmembers theMarketingImplementationTeam, developed apartnership with theLowndes CountySchool DistrictCareer & TechnicalCenter. AmiWeldon with theLowndes CountySchool DistrictCareer & TechnicalCenter was anactive member ofdeveloping thispartnership as well.The partnership

All division meetings with K-12administration and K-12 teachers inthe 2018-2019 academic year haveaddressed concerns related toElementary Education. The divisionwill retain this measure.

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1.2 (PO 2.c.) Strengthen and ExpandK-12 Partnerships-Partners will co-constructmutually beneficial P-12school and communityarrangements, includingtechnology-basedcollaborations, for clinicalpreparation and shareresponsibility forcontinuous improvementof candidate preparation(Council of Accreditationfor Educator Preparation,CAEP 2.1).

The department ofeducation will holdfocus groupmeetings withvarious partners (K-12 administration, K-12 teachers) to co-construct mutuallybeneficial P-12partnerships.

The department ofeducation and variouspartners will host 2focus groups duringthe academic year inwhich they will shareopinions aboutdeveloping at leastone new mutuallybeneficial partnership.

2018 - 2019 Target Met established WWednesdays at thecenter for theTeacher Academystudents. During WWednesdays Ms.Lowe or Dr. Hattonpresent differentitems or haveevents that allowthe TeacherAcademy studentsto learn more aboutthe education fieldand more about TheW. This partnershipprovides aid to AmiWeldon by gettinginformation to herstudents, and itbenefits The W as itis a recruitmentopportunity throughbuildingrelationships withpossible futurestudents.

2) Ms.Melinda Lowe andMs. Penny Mansellhave developed apartnership withExcel by 5. Excel by5 is an organizationthat strives tosupport families andchildren throughcommunity basedcollaborations.Thesecollaborations havethe goal ofpreparing childrento enter school. Thepartnership allows

All division meetings with K-12administration and K-12 teachers inthe 2018-2019 academic year haveaddressed concerns related toElementary Education. The divisionwill retain this measure.

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1.2 (PO 2.c.) Strengthen and ExpandK-12 Partnerships-Partners will co-constructmutually beneficial P-12school and communityarrangements, includingtechnology-basedcollaborations, for clinicalpreparation and shareresponsibility forcontinuous improvementof candidate preparation(Council of Accreditationfor Educator Preparation,CAEP 2.1).

The department ofeducation will holdfocus groupmeetings withvarious partners (K-12 administration, K-12 teachers) to co-construct mutuallybeneficial P-12partnerships.

The department ofeducation and variouspartners will host 2focus groups duringthe academic year inwhich they will shareopinions aboutdeveloping at leastone new mutuallybeneficial partnership.

2018 - 2019 Target Met us to support thecommunity andpromote education.For our students itwill allow them tohave a wider view ofthe educationprocess andopportunities to seehow early educationeffects futureeducation.

3) This yearwe have alsopartnered withAnnunciationCatholic Schoolwhich is a privatePre-K through 8thgrade school. Wedid not have apartnership with aprivate school thatintegrates arts ineducation. Thispartnership allowsour students to beexposed to anothertype of schoolthrough fieldexperience.Annunciation alsoallows our studentsto aid in the musicalproductions whichgive students theopportunity to seewhat working in theeducation field islike outside theclassroom. Thepartnership alsoallows us to use theAnnunciationCatholic School

All division meetings with K-12administration and K-12 teachers inthe 2018-2019 academic year haveaddressed concerns related toElementary Education. The divisionwill retain this measure.

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1.2 (PO 2.c.) Strengthen and ExpandK-12 Partnerships-Partners will co-constructmutually beneficial P-12school and communityarrangements, includingtechnology-basedcollaborations, for clinicalpreparation and shareresponsibility forcontinuous improvementof candidate preparation(Council of Accreditationfor Educator Preparation,CAEP 2.1).

The department ofeducation will holdfocus groupmeetings withvarious partners (K-12 administration, K-12 teachers) to co-construct mutuallybeneficial P-12partnerships.

The department ofeducation and variouspartners will host 2focus groups duringthe academic year inwhich they will shareopinions aboutdeveloping at leastone new mutuallybeneficial partnership.

2018 - 2019 Target Met facilities forSummer Discoverywhich allows us toprovide summereducationopportunities toelementary agedchildren.

4) The divisionremains inpartnership withCopiah-LincolnCommunity Collegeto expandeducationalopportunities. Dr.Martin Hatton metwith K-12administration andelementaryeducation teachersat the WessonAttendance Centerwhich partners withCo-Lin and the W toprovide supervisedstudent teachingthrough the W'sResidency courses inWesson, MS. Theoutcome of this andother meetings hasled to efforts toprovide onlinemodule training notonly for WessonAttendance Center'ssupervisingclassroom teachersbut for allsupervisingclassroom teachersthat will affordContinuingEducation Units

All division meetings with K-12administration and K-12 teachers inthe 2018-2019 academic year haveaddressed concerns related toElementary Education. The divisionwill retain this measure.

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1.2 (PO 2.c.) Strengthen and ExpandK-12 Partnerships-Partners will co-constructmutually beneficial P-12school and communityarrangements, includingtechnology-basedcollaborations, for clinicalpreparation and shareresponsibility forcontinuous improvementof candidate preparation(Council of Accreditationfor Educator Preparation,CAEP 2.1).

The department ofeducation will holdfocus groupmeetings withvarious partners (K-12 administration, K-12 teachers) to co-construct mutuallybeneficial P-12partnerships.

The department ofeducation and variouspartners will host 2focus groups duringthe academic year inwhich they will shareopinions aboutdeveloping at leastone new mutuallybeneficial partnership.

2018 - 2019 Target Met (CEUs), a processthat not onlybenefits theindividualsupervisingclassroom teacherbut that providesconsistentdocumentation ofthe qualifications ofthe W's partneringsupervisingteachers.

All division meetings with K-12administration and K-12 teachers inthe 2018-2019 academic year haveaddressed concerns related toElementary Education. The divisionwill retain this measure.

2.1 (SAO & SLO) Candidates will be able todemonstrate skills andcommitment to creatingsupportive environmentsthat afford all studentsaccess to rigorous collegeand career-readystandards by successfullyteaching K-6 students.

The instructor(s) forthe methods blockwill assess and gradethe candidate(s)teaching using theTeaching InternAssessmentInstrument.

Candidates will beable to demonstrateskills and commitmentto creating supportiveenvironments thatafford all studentsaccess to rigorouscollege and career-supportiveenvironments bysuccessfully teachingK-6 students throughscoring on average a 2(acceptable) or aboveon the Teacher InternAssessmentInstrument.

2018 - 2019 Target Met For the 2018-2019academic year 17out of the 22students who tookthe Residency 3course scored a 2.00or higher on theTeaching InternAssessmentInstrument (TIAI).The semesterbreakdown was 4out of 9 studentsscored a 2.00 orhigher on the TIAI inthe fall 2018 and 13out of 13 studentsscored a 2.00 orhigher on the TIAI inthe spring 2019.While it did notappear that ourtarget would be metin the fall 2018, weshowed a turnaround in the spring2019 in which allstudents scored a2.00 or higher onthe TIAI. Please see

The division will retain thismeasure, which providesinformation concerning thestrength of programming andstudent success.

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2.1 (SAO & SLO) Candidates will be able todemonstrate skills andcommitment to creatingsupportive environmentsthat afford all studentsaccess to rigorous collegeand career-readystandards by successfullyteaching K-6 students.

The instructor(s) forthe methods blockwill assess and gradethe candidate(s)teaching using theTeaching InternAssessmentInstrument.

Candidates will beable to demonstrateskills and commitmentto creating supportiveenvironments thatafford all studentsaccess to rigorouscollege and career-supportiveenvironments bysuccessfully teachingK-6 students throughscoring on average a 2(acceptable) or aboveon the Teacher InternAssessmentInstrument.

2018 - 2019 Target Met the relateddocument,TRACDAT 2.1, to seea furtherbreakdown of thedata.

The division will retain thismeasure, which providesinformation concerning thestrength of programming andstudent success.

4.1 (SAO & SLO) Candidates admitted tothe Teacher EducationProgram will have thebasic skill set tosuccessfully complete theprogram and obtain ateaching license.

The Praxis Coreexam and the ACTwill be a directassessment of thestudents’ basic skillsets, and the abilityof the departmentto show thatstudents who areadmitted to theTeacher EducationProgram have thebasic skill set tosuccessfullycomplete theprogram and obtaina teaching license.The students' scoreswill coincide withthe university'sassessment cycle,June to May.

80% of candidatesattempting to beadmitted into theTeacher EducationProgram will havepassing Praxis Coretest scores or acomposite score of 21or higher on the ACT.

2018 - 2019 Target Met For the 2018-2019academic year,there were 42applicants to theTeacher EducationProgram. Of the 42applicants 39obtained acomposite score of21 or higher and 2obtained passingPraxis Core scores.One applicant didhave an SAT scorethat overly met theMississippiDepartment ofEducation'srequirement do beexempt from thePraxis Core and theACT. Please seethat relateddocument TRACDAT4.1 DATA for abreakdown of thescores.

The division will retain thismeasure, which providesinformation concerning thestrength of programming andstudent success.

Program - 1.1 (GEO 1.c.) Students will analyze In a sample group of In a sample group of 2018 - 2019 Target Met Of the 13 students We will continue to use the AAU&C

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English(includingMinor andSecondaryEducationCertification,Minor inCreativeWriting, andTESLCertification) -BA {2016-2017}

1.1 (GEO 1.c.) language through closereading of texts.

essays, the student'swriting will beevaluated with theAAC&U WrittenCommunicationVALUE Rubric. Atleast two Englishfaculty members(not the facultymember who taughtthe class from whichthe essay wasgenerated) willassess the studentwork.

essays (16-24 total: 8-12 students who willNOT graduate by endof academic year froman assignment in EN303, 304, or 360 ANDat least 8-12 studentsfrom EN 499: EnglishCapstone course),students will score anaverage of at least 2or higher on theAAC&U WrittenCommunicationVALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met assessed from EN303 and EN 360 and10 studentsassessed from EN499, all were rankedwith a 2 or higheraverage score onthe WrittenCommunicationValue Rubric. For303 and 360, thescores ranged from2.3 to 4 with anaverage score of3.45. For EN 499 thescores ranged from2.8 to 4 with anaverage score of3.45. We arepleased to see asignificantimprovement in thelowest scorebetween the 300-and 400-levelclasses, though theaverage remainedthe same.

Value Rubric in assessing the upperlevel papers in assessing 300-levelclasses and EN 499 EnglishCapstone. Though the averagescore remained the same, we arepleased to see an improvement inthe lowest score between the twolevels. We will discuss how we cancontinue this trend in 300-and 400-level classes and work for animprovement in the average overallscore for EN 499. These discussionswill be part of our overallcurriculum modification discussionsthat were begun this year, butwon't be implemented until 2020.

In a sample group ofessays, the student'swriting will beevaluated with theInformationLiteracry VALUERubric. At least twoEnglish facultymembers (not thefaculty member whotaught the classfrom which theessay wasgenerated) willassess the studentwork. A total of atleast four faculty

In a sample group ofessays (16-24 total: 8-12 from students whowill NOT graduate byend of academic yearfrom EN 303-304 & EN360 AND 8-12 total ofstudents who havecompleted EN 499:English Capstone)classes' samplestudents will score aclass sample averagescore of 2 on theInformation LiteracyVALUE Rubric to showtheir ability to analyze

2018 - 2019 Target Met Of the 13 studentsassessed from EN303 and 360 and 10students from EN499, the scoresranged from 2.2 to3.6 in EN 303 andEN 360 and from 2.3to 3.6 in EN 499.The average scorefor EN 300 and 360was 2.89 and theaverage score for EN499 was 3, whichindicates a slightimprovement by theCapstone. It should

We will keep assessing these twosets of samples using the ValueRubrics for Information Literacy forall papers with the target of at leastan average of "2" on both ValueRubrics applied to all papers. Wewill discuss strategies for use in300- and 400-level courses to showimprovement between 303 and499, focusing especially on thelower scores. Though a 2 isadequate, we would like to see thelow scores improve more overtime.

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members will beinvolved, sincedifferent facultycommittee will beassessing using thetwo differentrubrics.

language using closereading in a text.

2018 - 2019 Target Met be noted that theCapstone researchproject is a 14-20page researchpaper, so studentswere able to sustaintheir use ofinformation over amuch longer projectthan at the 300-level.

We will keep assessing these twosets of samples using the ValueRubrics for Information Literacy forall papers with the target of at leastan average of "2" on both ValueRubrics applied to all papers. Wewill discuss strategies for use in300- and 400-level courses to showimprovement between 303 and499, focusing especially on thelower scores. Though a 2 isadequate, we would like to see thelow scores improve more overtime.

1.2 (SLO) Majors will construct anddefend arguments usingtextual evidence.

In a sample group ofessays, the student'swriting will beevaluated with theAAC&U InformationLiteracy VALUERubric. At least twoEnglish facultymembers (not thefaculty member whotaught the classfrom which theessay wasgenerated) willassess the studentwork.

In a sample group ofessays (16-24 total: 8-12 from students whowill NOT graduate byend of academic yearfrom EN 303, 304, orEN 360 AND 8-12 totalof students who havecompleted EN 499:English Capstone)students will score aclass sample averagescore of at least a 2 orhigher on the AAC&UInformation LiteracyVALUE Rubric to showtheir ability toconstruct and defendarguments usingtextual evidence.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Of the 13 studentsassessed from EN303 and 360 and 10students from EN499, the scoresranged from 2.2 to3.6 in EN 303 andEN 360 and from 2.3to 3.6 in EN 499.The average scorefor EN 300 and 360was 2.89 and theaverage score for EN499 was 3, whichindicates a slightimprovement by theCapstone. It shouldbe noted that theCapstone researchproject is a 14-20page researchpaper, so studentswere able to sustaintheir use ofinformation over amuch longer projectthan at the 300-level.

We will keep assessing these twosets of samples using the ValueRubrics for Information Literacy forall papers with the target of at leastan average of "2" on both ValueRubrics applied to all papers. Wewill discuss strategies for use in300- and 400-level courses to showimprovement between 303 and499, focusing especially on thelower scores. Though a 2 isadequate, we would like to see thelow scores improve more overtime.Given that this assessment is listedtwice. We suggest removing theInformation Literacy Value Rubricfrom 1.1 and including it only in 1.2to avoid unnecessary duplication inour report.

1.3 (SLO) Senior majors will exhibitat least proficient levelreading, writing and

Graduating MUWnative senior Englishmajors randomly

90% of senior Englishmajors will score atleast Proficient in all

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive For the third year ina row, we havereceived no CLA+

Given that no English majorsappear to voluntarily take this testand that the numbers, if any did

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1.3 (SLO) analytic skills. selected to take theCLA+ test by the QEPdirector who decideto take the test,which is optional.

tested areas on theCLA+ standardizedtest. This test targetsthe following areas(which also mirrorMUW GeneralEducationRequirements):Analysis and ProblemSolving; WritingEffectiveness;Scientific andQuantitativeReasoning; CriticalReading andEvaluation, andCritiquing anArgument.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive data on Englishmajors.

take it, would be very small, we willconsider removing or replacing thistarget. The writing and analyticskills are already being assessedwith the Information Value Rubricand the Written CommunicationValue Rubric. If there were anotherexternal assessment tool availablethat students take, we mightconsider using it if we had access tothe data. Otherwise, it would bebetter to remove this target ratherthan having inconclusive resultsyear after year.

2.1 (GEO 1.c.) Students will write anessay which has a thesisand develops anargument usingdocumentation ofsources.

Sample group of EN101 Essays writtenin response to anassignment whichrequires a thesisstatement andaccuratedocumentation of atleast one source. Atleast two facultymembers (who havenot taught thesections from whichthe samples weretaken) will apply therubric to the sampleset.

EN 101 sample groupof at least 20 papers(from at least foursections taught by atleast four differentfaculty members) willscore an average of atleast 1.5 or higher onthe AAU&C WrittenCommunicationrubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met A total of 20 essaysfrom four differentsections of EN 101were assessed byfaculty who had nottaught that section.Four facultymembers wereinvolved, and eachassessed half of theessays in two sets.Scores for Set1 werethen averaged withthe scores for thecorrespondinglynumbered essays inSet2 to achieve thefinal average. Allstudents met thetarget with a finalaverage rangingbetween 1.5 and3.6. There was somevariation betweenscorers, and twostudents fell slightlybelow the target for

We will continue using the WrittenCommunication Value Rubric toasses composition essays, but if it isallowed, we would prefer usingessays from EN 102, which we feelwould yield more accurate results,since the criteria about using anddocumenting sources could bebetter assessed.

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2.1 (GEO 1.c.) Students will write anessay which has a thesisand develops anargument usingdocumentation ofsources.

Sample group of EN101 Essays writtenin response to anassignment whichrequires a thesisstatement andaccuratedocumentation of atleast one source. Atleast two facultymembers (who havenot taught thesections from whichthe samples weretaken) will apply therubric to the sampleset.

EN 101 sample groupof at least 20 papers(from at least foursections taught by atleast four differentfaculty members) willscore an average of atleast 1.5 or higher onthe AAU&C WrittenCommunicationrubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met one scorer but notfor the other,bringing theiraverages up to thetarget or higher. Theaverage scoreacross all paperswas 2.42, which isconsiderably higherthan the target.

We will continue using the WrittenCommunication Value Rubric toasses composition essays, but if it isallowed, we would prefer usingessays from EN 102, which we feelwould yield more accurate results,since the criteria about using anddocumenting sources could bebetter assessed.

3.1 (PO 4.d.) Students will receive aquality English educationmeeting students'expectationssatisfactorily.

At the end of theacademic year,departmentalfaculty will reviewand analyze EN 499course evaluationsfor the Capstonecurriculum questionresults to determineif achievementtarget was met.

90% of studentsparticipating in the EN499 Capstone courseevaluations willindicate a “somewhatsatisfied” or “verysatisfied” satisfactionlevel reflective of theEnglish department’scurriculum andinstruction quality.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

AY TotalParticipation: 14/15- 93.33%AY Total SatisfactionRate: 12/14 - .857 =86%

Fall 2018 CourseEvaluation Results:57.14% + 28.57% =85.71%(participation 7/8 -87.5%)Very Satisfied - 4/7 -57.14%Somewhat Satisfied- 2/7 - 28.57%Neither Satisfied norDissatisfied - 0/7 -0%SomewhatDissatisfied - 1/7 -14.29%Very Dissatisfied -0/7 - 0%

Spring 2019 CourseEvaluation Results:

Given that this was the first year toinclude the question on the courseevaluation for EN 499, we shouldcontinue this for another year. Itseems logical to adjust our target to80% choosing Somewhat Satisfiedor Very Satisfied. This would be amore accurate description of theanswers to the question and wouldaccount for the occasional studentwho either is neither satisfied nordissatisfied, as if that's possible, oronly somewhat dissatisfied.

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3.1 (PO 4.d.) Students will receive aquality English educationmeeting students'expectationssatisfactorily.

At the end of theacademic year,departmentalfaculty will reviewand analyze EN 499course evaluationsfor the Capstonecurriculum questionresults to determineif achievementtarget was met.

90% of studentsparticipating in the EN499 Capstone courseevaluations willindicate a “somewhatsatisfied” or “verysatisfied” satisfactionlevel reflective of theEnglish department’scurriculum andinstruction quality.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

42.86% + 42.86% =85.72%(participation 7/7 -100%)Very Satisfied - 3/7 -42.86%Somewhat Satisfied- 3/7 - 42.86%Neither Satisfied norDissatisfied - 1/7 -14.29%SomewhatDissatisfied - 0/7 -0%Very Dissatisfied -0/7 - 0%

Given the smallsample size of 14studentsparticipating, it maybe unlikely toachieve a 90%satisfaction rate.One student saidthey were NeitherSatisfied norDissatisfied, which isa neutral position,and one studentsaid they weresomewhatdissatisfied. Thisseems reasonable,suggesting that ourtarget was toooptimistic. This yearthe method ofconducting thesurvey was changedto include thequestions on thecourse evaluationfor EN 499. This mayhave increased therate of participation,

Given that this was the first year toinclude the question on the courseevaluation for EN 499, we shouldcontinue this for another year. Itseems logical to adjust our target to80% choosing Somewhat Satisfiedor Very Satisfied. This would be amore accurate description of theanswers to the question and wouldaccount for the occasional studentwho either is neither satisfied nordissatisfied, as if that's possible, oronly somewhat dissatisfied.

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3.1 (PO 4.d.) Students will receive aquality English educationmeeting students'expectationssatisfactorily.

At the end of theacademic year,departmentalfaculty will reviewand analyze EN 499course evaluationsfor the Capstonecurriculum questionresults to determineif achievementtarget was met.

90% of studentsparticipating in the EN499 Capstone courseevaluations willindicate a “somewhatsatisfied” or “verysatisfied” satisfactionlevel reflective of theEnglish department’scurriculum andinstruction quality.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

but may haveaffected the surveyresults. Only thequestions for ourassessment wereasked, whereas inthe prior surveyconducted on socialmedia, otherquestions may havebeen asked orstudents may bemore likely toexpress satisfactionin that arena than ina course evaluation.

Given that this was the first year toinclude the question on the courseevaluation for EN 499, we shouldcontinue this for another year. Itseems logical to adjust our target to80% choosing Somewhat Satisfiedor Very Satisfied. This would be amore accurate description of theanswers to the question and wouldaccount for the occasional studentwho either is neither satisfied nordissatisfied, as if that's possible, oronly somewhat dissatisfied.

3.2 (SAO) Students will be activelyengaged utilizing theirEnglish degrees.

The Alumni Survey issent out every threeyears. The nextrotation will be in2019, 2022, and soon. At the end of theacademic year,departmentalfaculty will reviewand analyze theresults to determineif achievementtarget was met.

25% of studentsparticipating in theAlumni Survey willstate that they areenrolled ingraduate/professionaldegree program.

2018 - 2019 Target Met 2019 Alumni SurveyResultsparticipation (3English Alumni)

"In which type ofdegree programhave you enrolledsince receiving yourdegree indicated atthe beginning of thissurvey?"2/3 - 66.67%: I haveenrolled/graduatedin a master's degreeprogram.1/3 - 33.33%: NotApplicable

Target Met at66.67%

Though the participation rate ofthis survey is small, we can beproud of the results. We willcontinue to monitor the AlumniSurvey when it is next sent out in2022. We will also continue tosupport our students throughrecommendations for graduateschool.

The Alumni Survey issent out every threeyears. The nextrotation will be in2019, 2022, and soon. At the end of theacademic year,departmental

85% of studentsparticipating in theAlumni Survey willstate that they arecurrently working intheir field of study orin a field where theyregularly use the skills

2018 - 2019 Target Met 2019 Alumni SurveyResultsparticipation (3English Alumni)

"What are youcurrently doing?"1/3 - 33.33%: I am

Though the participation rate ofthis survey is small, we can beproud of the results. We willcontinue to monitor the AlumniSurvey when it is next sent out in2022. We will also continue tosupport our students throughrecommendations for jobs and

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faculty will reviewand analyze theresults to determineif achievementtarget was met.

acquired in the Englishprogram.

2018 - 2019 Target Met working full-time forpay in my field ofstudy.1/3 - 33.33%: I amworking part-timefor pay.1/3 - 33.33%: I ampursuing furthereducation.

"Please indicateyour level ofagreement for eachstatement. - Thecurriculum for mydegree was relevantto the position Inow hold."1/3 - 33.33%:Strongly Agree2/3 - 66.67%: Agree

Collectively, bothstatements meetthe 85%, since allthree alumniindicate that thecurriculum wasrelevant to theircurrent position. It'simportant to notethe only one out thethree indicate thatthey are working intheir field of study,though.

graduate school.

The OfficialDepartmental SocialMedia Survey is sentout every year viathe departmentaland faculty pages. Atthe end of theacademic year,departmental

One year aftergraduation, 90% ofEnglish graduates willbe employed in theirfield or a related fieldor in graduationschool in their field orrelated field.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive Due to changes inthe administrationof the social mediasurvey, we aretransitioning tousing the Senior ExitSurvey forgraduating seniors.At the time of

In addition to transitioning to usingthe graduation survey to collectinformation on current graduates'employment, we will look intoother ways to collect data aboutalumni employment and continueto attempt to survey them until abetter method is found.

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faculty will analyzeand compare thesurvey results to theprevious academicyear to determine ifthere was anincrease or decreasein employment orgraduateenrollment.

One year aftergraduation, 90% ofEnglish graduates willbe employed in theirfield or a related fieldor in graduationschool in their field orrelated field.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive graduation out of 11respondents:1 had secured full-time employment inthe field of study3 were searching forfull-timeemployment in thefield of study2 were currentlyemployed full-timein the field of study4 were currentlyemployed part-time2 responded n/a(likely attendinggraduate school)3 indicated plans tocontinue theireducation: 1 atMUW, 1 at MUW orMSU, and 1 didn'tknow where yet.

In addition, weconducted a socialmedia survey ofalumni (only) withvery limited results:6 respondents. Ofthose, two listed'teacher,' one listedlibrarian, one runs afamily business, onewaits tables andmanages arestaurant, and one(who was apsychology double-major) is acounselor.

To gain betterinsight, we alsosearched socialmedia for the

In addition to transitioning to usingthe graduation survey to collectinformation on current graduates'employment, we will look intoother ways to collect data aboutalumni employment and continueto attempt to survey them until abetter method is found.

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The OfficialDepartmental SocialMedia Survey is sentout every year viathe departmentaland faculty pages. Atthe end of theacademic year,departmentalfaculty will analyzeand compare thesurvey results to theprevious academicyear to determine ifthere was anincrease or decreasein employment orgraduateenrollment.

One year aftergraduation, 90% ofEnglish graduates willbe employed in theirfield or a related fieldor in graduationschool in their field orrelated field.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive careers of ouralumni. Of 51 wholisted employmenton their profiles: 5listed writer, 1editor, 8 collegeinstructor, 11teacher, 3 librarian

In addition to transitioning to usingthe graduation survey to collectinformation on current graduates'employment, we will look intoother ways to collect data aboutalumni employment and continueto attempt to survey them until abetter method is found.

4.1 (SLO) Students will complete aportfolio of work thatdemonstrates acommand of grammar,syntax, and aesthetic useof language (CW).

Students in EN 312Creative Writing willbe assessed with arubric that measurescreative use oflanguage: themechanics ofgrammar andsyntax, aesthetic useof language, and useof conventions ofthe genres used intheir Final Portfolios.Each instructor willcomplete theWriting Skills Rubricafter grading FinalPortfolios for theclass.

Students in EN 312will achieve on theirFinal Portfolios anaverage of at least80% on the WritingSkills Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

One student out of23 did not achieve80% on the WritingSkills Rubric. Scoresranged from 1 scoreof 8 , 4 scores of 13,3 scores of 14, and17 scores of 15

Given that 96% of students didmeet our target, it does not seemlike there is a serious issue. Rather,we may want to adjust our targetto account for a few students whodo not achieve 80% on the rubric.

Students in EN 419Senior Portfolio willbe assessed with arubric that measurescreative use oflanguage: the

Students in EN 419will achieve on theirSenior Portfolios anaverage of at least88% on the WritingSkills Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met 100% of studentscompleting SeniorPortfolios with 5scores of 15 and 4scores of 14.

We will continue to offer seniorportfolio and assess the portfolios.Creative writing seniors are able tomeet the target, though only if theyscore perfect scores on two of thecriteria on the rubric. Therefore, we

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mechanics ofgrammar andsyntax, aesthetic useof language, and useof conventions ofthe genres used intheir final portfolios.Each instructor willcomplete theWriting Skills Rubricafter grading SeniorPortfolios for theclass.

Students in EN 419will achieve on theirSenior Portfolios anaverage of at least88% on the WritingSkills Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met 100% of studentscompleting SeniorPortfolios with 5scores of 15 and 4scores of 14.

may want to adjust the target tomake it more attainable. 85%would be just under 13 (12.75)instead of just over 13 (88% of 15 is13.2).

5.1 (SLO) Students will be able todiscuss the conventionsof a genre (CW).

Students in EN 311,EN 411, EN 412 andEN 415 willcomplete an examthat includesquestions about theconventions of thegenre being studied.

Students will achievean average of at least85% on the exam.

2018 - 2019 Target Met All students earned85% or higher onthe final exam forthese classes.

We will continue to monitor thefinal exams for workshop levelclasses to determine whetherstudents are able to talk abouttheir craft.

6.1 (SLO) Students will develop theability to teach English asa second language.

At the end of eachsemester, thedepartment TESLdirector will reviewstudent records todetermine if allcourse requirementsfor the TESLCertificate weremet.

25% of English majorsand minors will earnthe TESL certificationby the time theygraduate.

2018 - 2019 Target Met 12 seniorsgraduated fromEnglish this year and5 students wereawarded the TESLCertificate. This is42%, significantlyhigher than thetarget, which makesup for a slightlylower number lastyear.

We will continue to monitor thenumbers of students who completethe TESL Certificate program andcontinue to recruit students to thisarea.

Program -Family Studies(includingMinor) - BS{2016-2017}

1.1 (SLO) Students willdemonstrate effectiveoral communicationskills.

Assessment of thisachievement targetwill occur while thestudents arecompleting their FLEmicroteachingassignment.

Students will earn ascore of at least 56/70(grade of B, asmeasured by therubric) on theMicroteachingPresentation Rubric ontheir FLEmicroteachingassignment.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Two out of twostudents earned ascore of at least56/70 (grade of B,as measured by therubric) on theMicroteachingPresentation Rubricon their FLEmicroteachingassignment in FS465; thus, the

All of the activities listed in theaction statement from last year(i.e., microteaching video, sharingof rubric, practice) continuedduring the spring 19 term. As well,reminders about performance andstudent burn-out were provided.An additional motivating factor forthe 2019 class was that otherstudents from the department (FSmajors in lower-level classes) aswell as persons from the campus

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Program -Family Studies(includingMinor) - BS{2016-2017}

1.1 (SLO) Students willdemonstrate effectiveoral communicationskills.

Assessment of thisachievement targetwill occur while thestudents arecompleting their FLEmicroteachingassignment.

Students will earn ascore of at least 56/70(grade of B, asmeasured by therubric) on theMicroteachingPresentation Rubric ontheir FLEmicroteachingassignment.

2018 - 2019 Target Met achievement targetwas met.

community as a whole were invitedto attend the students'microteaching sessions (with thestudents' permission); studentsmay have been motivated to planand execute their lessons carefully,given that "outsiders" would be inattendance. This situation was alsomore like what beginning CFLEs willencounter in the field. As having anoutside audience in attendancemight have been motivating to thestudents, this activity, along withthe others mentioned, will continuefor AY 19-20. As well, a largeraudience increases campusawareness of the FS program (andwhat we do) and serves to increaselower-level students' awareness offuture coursework andexpectations.

1.2 (GEO 1.c.) Students willdemonstrate effectivewritten communicationskills.

Assessment of thisachievement targetwill be completed bythe instructor of thecourse; this course isa cross-listedcourse—bothsections are taughtat the same time inthe same location.

(Foundation Level)The average score ofFS/PSY 290 studentswill be at least 2.8(grade of C, asmeasured by therubric) on the AAC & UWrittenCommunication ValueRubric on a literaturereview assignment.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Students in both FSand PSY 290 duringthe 18-19 AY earnedan average score of2.9 on the WrittenCommunicationValue Rubric; thus,the target was met.

For 18-19, for the first writingassignment, all students wererequired to submit drafts; for thesubsequent assignments, studentswho earned Cs or lower (not due toplagiarism or lateness) wererequired to submit drafts. Inaddition, all students in the coursewho earned As and Bs werestrongly encouraged to submitdrafts on subsequent papers.Students were reminded that draftsare helpful and that I am there tohelp the students. As an extramotivating factor, students wereprovided with a small number ofpoints (1-3 points) for simplysubmitting drafts. After discoveringthat using a wireless connection vialaptop can sometimes createchallenges for students trying toview my feedback, I decided to alsoencourage them to use wiredconnections in one of the computer

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1.2 (GEO 1.c.) Students willdemonstrate effectivewritten communicationskills.

Assessment of thisachievement targetwill be completed bythe instructor of thecourse; this course isa cross-listedcourse—bothsections are taughtat the same time inthe same location.

(Foundation Level)The average score ofFS/PSY 290 studentswill be at least 2.8(grade of C, asmeasured by therubric) on the AAC & UWrittenCommunication ValueRubric on a literaturereview assignment.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Students in both FSand PSY 290 duringthe 18-19 AY earnedan average score of2.9 on the WrittenCommunicationValue Rubric; thus,the target was met.

labs on campus, if necessary, toview my feedback. Thisinformation is included in mysyllabus, and I post reminders touse a wired connection in courseannouncements. All of theseactivities will continue for AY 19-20.In addition, because some studentsappear to be motivated by extracredit, students will be offeredextra credit to meet with theinstructor to discuss the feedbackgiven on drafts; some students whorepeated the same mistakes fromdraft to final paper may not haveunderstood the feedback and maybe unsure of what to ask.

Assessment of thisachievement targetwill be completed bythe instructor of thiscourse.

(Baccalaureate Level)The average score ofFS 382 students will beat least 3.2 (grade ofB, as measured by therubric) on the AAC & UWrittenCommunication ValueRubric on the majorpaper assignment forthe course.

2018 - 2019 Target Met The average scoreof FS 382 studentswas a 3.2 on theWrittenCommunicationValue Rubric; thus,the target was met.

Instructor will continue with priorplan; she will also continuerequiring attendance (by providingpoints for attendance) at meetingsregarding paper drafts.

2.1 (GEO 1.a.) Students will evaluateinformation for thepurposes of makinginformed decisions(NOTE: Part of being aCFLE requires thatstudents learn to engagein evidence-basedpractice; in other words,they must use both peer-reviewed and their ownresearch, along withcurrent theoreticalapproaches to design,implement, and evaluateeducations programs foradult learners on some

Assessment of thistarget will becompleted by thecourse instructor.

The average score ofFS 465 students will beat least a 3.2 (B) onthe AAC & U ProblemSolving Value Rubricfor their completedneeds assessmentpapers.

2018 - 2019 Target Met The average scoreof FS 465 studentsfor spring 2019 wasa 3.46 on theProblem SolvingValue Rubric; thus,the target was met.

Use of this rubric will continue inspring 2020; as well, the PBLsimulation used in FS 465, in whichFLE best practices are modeledthrough use of a semester-longsimulation involving creation of aFLE program for new parents, willcontinue. As part of the simulation,students learn how to use datafrom a needs assessment and peer-reviewed research to chooseappropriate content for theintended audience.

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2.1 (GEO 1.a.) aspect of family life). Assessment of thistarget will becompleted by thecourse instructor.

The average score ofFS 465 students will beat least a 3.2 (B) onthe AAC & U ProblemSolving Value Rubricfor their completedneeds assessmentpapers.

2018 - 2019 Target Met The average scoreof FS 465 studentsfor spring 2019 wasa 3.46 on theProblem SolvingValue Rubric; thus,the target was met.

Use of this rubric will continue inspring 2020; as well, the PBLsimulation used in FS 465, in whichFLE best practices are modeledthrough use of a semester-longsimulation involving creation of aFLE program for new parents, willcontinue. As part of the simulation,students learn how to use datafrom a needs assessment and peer-reviewed research to chooseappropriate content for theintended audience.

2.2 (SAO) Students will experienceclinical practice tobecome qualified CFLEs.

This rubric form isbased on theEmployerAssessment Formused by the NationalCouncil on FamilyRelations CertifiedFamily Life Educator(NCFR-CFLE)program to assessapplication for fullCFLE status. Ourprogram isaccredited by thisbody so that ourstudents can earnprovisional CFLEstatus upongraduation.Students areassessed not only ontheir contentknowledge, but alsoon the traits, skills,and abilities neededto function well as aCFLE (our rubricexamines theirtraits, skills, andabilities as theircontent knowledgeis assessed in

100% of students willearn at least a gradeof B on the WorksiteSupervisor’sEvaluation Rubric formfrom their internshipsite supervisor for theFS 499, FieldExperience in FamilyStudies OccupationsCourse.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

For AY 18-19, 86%of students earnedat least a grade of Bon the WorksiteSupervisor'sEvaluation Rubric;thus, the target wasnot met.

One student who completed FS 499in summer 2018 earned a C+ fromher site supervisor; the otherstudents who completed FS 499 inAY 18-19 earned an A from theirsupervisors. The student who didnot earn at least a B was thestudent who (as noted in theprevious discussion of supervisorratings) left her internship whenshe completed the 280 requiredhours without closing out case files.The supervisor noted on the formthat the student left abruptly afterinforming the supervisor that thestudent had completed all of herrequired hours. As noted in theaction statement for the supervisorratings, development of ethical andprofessional behaviors will beemphasized in all coursework,especially in FS 497 and FS 499,through use of a new textbook.Also, for returning students whoapply for scholarships, subsequentawards will be given, in part, basedon their professional and ethicalbehavior in the classroom.

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2.2 (SAO) Students will experienceclinical practice tobecome qualified CFLEs.

coursework). Thisrubric is completedby their sitesupervisor (a personat their worksitethat has noaffiliation with thefamily studiesprogram) twiceduring theirinternship term andis therefore anindirect assessment.This SAO ties intostrategic goals 2e;3b, f; 4d.

100% of students willearn at least a gradeof B on the WorksiteSupervisor’sEvaluation Rubric formfrom their internshipsite supervisor for theFS 499, FieldExperience in FamilyStudies OccupationsCourse.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

For AY 18-19, 86%of students earnedat least a grade of Bon the WorksiteSupervisor'sEvaluation Rubric;thus, the target wasnot met.

One student who completed FS 499in summer 2018 earned a C+ fromher site supervisor; the otherstudents who completed FS 499 inAY 18-19 earned an A from theirsupervisors. The student who didnot earn at least a B was thestudent who (as noted in theprevious discussion of supervisorratings) left her internship whenshe completed the 280 requiredhours without closing out case files.The supervisor noted on the formthat the student left abruptly afterinforming the supervisor that thestudent had completed all of herrequired hours. As noted in theaction statement for the supervisorratings, development of ethical andprofessional behaviors will beemphasized in all coursework,especially in FS 497 and FS 499,through use of a new textbook.Also, for returning students whoapply for scholarships, subsequentawards will be given, in part, basedon their professional and ethicalbehavior in the classroom.

This rubric form isbased on theEmployerAssessment Formused by the NationalCouncil on FamilyRelations CertifiedFamily Life Educator(NCFR-CFLE)program to assessapplication for fullCFLE status. Ourprogram isaccredited by thisbody so that ourstudents can earnprovisional CFLE

100% of students willearn at least anaverage score of 24 onthe WorksiteSupervisor’sEvaluation Rubric formfrom their internshipsite supervisor for theFS 499, FieldExperience in FamilyStudies OccupationsCourse.

2018 - 2019 Target Met 100% of studentsearned an averagescore of 28 on theWorksiteSupervisor'sEvaluation Rubricfor from theirinternship sitesupervisor for the FS499, Internship,course.

Practical experiences and trainingin professional ethics will continuein all coursework that leads to thiscourse, the capstone for FS majors.We will continue to emphasize notonly professional ethics, but alsoprofessional skill development,including emphasizing developmentof professional dispositions (e.g.,genuine interest in working withfamilies, etc.) required of CFLEs.While the average score on thisrubric exceeded the target, and afew students were praised as beingvery professional in theirinteractions with clients andcoworkers at their

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status upongraduation.Students areassessed not only ontheir contentknowledge, but alsoon the traits, skills,and abilities neededto function well as aCFLE (our rubricexamines theirtraits, skills, andabilities as theircontent knowledgeis assessed incoursework). Thisrubric is completedby their sitesupervisor (a personat their worksitethat has noaffiliation with thefamily studiesprogram) twiceduring theirinternship term andis therefore anindirect assessment.This SAO ties intostrategic goals 2e;3b, f; 4d.

100% of students willearn at least anaverage score of 24 onthe WorksiteSupervisor’sEvaluation Rubric formfrom their internshipsite supervisor for theFS 499, FieldExperience in FamilyStudies OccupationsCourse.

2018 - 2019 Target Met 100% of studentsearned an averagescore of 28 on theWorksiteSupervisor'sEvaluation Rubricfor from theirinternship sitesupervisor for the FS499, Internship,course.

human services agency (in fact, oneof these students was offered a jobat her site), at least one studentexhibited unprofessional behavior.Students complete 280 hours in thefield at their sites; however, westress to students that, if they havework yet to finish, they have anobligation to complete that work,unless doing so represents asignificant commitment beyond the280 required hours. We encouragestudents to have a conversationwith their site supervisor aboutsuch issues. This past summer,however, a student left her sitewhen she completed 280 hours,even though this student had notfinalized several case reports. Thestudent apparently abruptly leftwithout finishing the reports ortalking to her supervisor, who wasleft to close out the cases herself.Clearly, there is an issue with ourpre-internship training if issuessuch as this arise, even with goodstudents (the student hadperformed quite well in her majorcoursework). In addition, recentresearch indicates that employersare looking for recent grads whoengage in professional and ethicalbehavior on the job. Finally, asfaculty, we have observedunprofessional behavior (e.g.,habitual lateness to class, attemptsto play us against each other,difficulty accepting constructivecriticism from faculty ) on the partof our students. Based on theseissues, during a meeting of FSfaculty in fall 18, we decided thatwe would begin using a textbookfor the FS 497, Pre-internship, andFS 499, Internship, courses toreinforce professional and ethical

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This rubric form isbased on theEmployerAssessment Formused by the NationalCouncil on FamilyRelations CertifiedFamily Life Educator(NCFR-CFLE)program to assessapplication for fullCFLE status. Ourprogram isaccredited by thisbody so that ourstudents can earnprovisional CFLEstatus upongraduation.Students areassessed not only ontheir contentknowledge, but alsoon the traits, skills,and abilities neededto function well as aCFLE (our rubricexamines theirtraits, skills, andabilities as theircontent knowledgeis assessed incoursework). Thisrubric is completedby their sitesupervisor (a personat their worksitethat has noaffiliation with thefamily studiesprogram) twiceduring theirinternship term andis therefore anindirect assessment.This SAO ties into

100% of students willearn at least anaverage score of 24 onthe WorksiteSupervisor’sEvaluation Rubric formfrom their internshipsite supervisor for theFS 499, FieldExperience in FamilyStudies OccupationsCourse.

2018 - 2019 Target Met 100% of studentsearned an averagescore of 28 on theWorksiteSupervisor'sEvaluation Rubricfor from theirinternship sitesupervisor for the FS499, Internship,course.

behavior needed for work as abeginning CFLE. We reviewedseveral textbooks (those I wasaware of from my time on the CFLEAcademic Program ReviewCommittee--our accreditationcommittee) and chose:Sweittzwer, H.F., & King, M.A.(2019). The successful internship:Personal, professional, and civicdevelopment in experientiallearning. This textbook will beintroduced in FS 497, pre-internship; students will revisitethical decision making andprofessional behavior in worksettings, topics introduced in FS203, professional issues. During FS499, students will completechapters and exercises from thetext that deal with becoming aprofessional, accepting constructivecriticism, establishing professionalboundaries, etc.. Another reasonfor adding a textbook was toincrease student application oflearning that occurs during theirinternship. Research does indicatethat student learning throughinternships and similar experientiallearning activities can be enhancedthrough increased opportunities forreflection (such as those providedthrough question sets and activitiesprovided in this text). Such criticalreflection, according to research,helps students to apply theirlearning. Use of this text for FS 497and 499 will begin during Fall 2019.A final way in which ethical andprofessional behavior will bereinforced is through use of a rubricto evaluate returning studentbehavior for the purposes ofawarding our departmentalscholarships; we will make our

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strategic goals 2e;3b, f; 4d.

100% of students willearn at least anaverage score of 24 onthe WorksiteSupervisor’sEvaluation Rubric formfrom their internshipsite supervisor for theFS 499, FieldExperience in FamilyStudies OccupationsCourse.

2018 - 2019 Target Met 100% of studentsearned an averagescore of 28 on theWorksiteSupervisor'sEvaluation Rubricfor from theirinternship sitesupervisor for the FS499, Internship,course.

returning students aware of thebehaviors expected of them whenwe are determining awards for thenext AY. Work on this rubric willbegin during summer 2019 and willbe applied to scholarshipapplication review during thespring term of 2020 (note thatstudents are already evaluated forscholarship awards on the basis ofan application form submittedthrough the financial aid portal).

2.3 (SAO) Students will feel that theFamily Studies programhas prepared them towork professionally andethically upongraduating.

At the end of theacademic year,faculty will reviewand evaluate theresults of the SeniorExit Survey.

Participating students’will report that theyfeel the Family Studiesprogram has preparedthem to work ethicallyupon graduating byhaving an average rateof satisfaction on theSenior Exit Survey as a6 on a scale of 1 to 10.

2018 - 2019 Target Met The average ratingof satisfaction onthe Senior Exitsurvey regardingethical practice(question 3) was a 9on a scale of 1 to 10;thus, the target wasmet.

The ethical decision making processassignment will be required of FS203 students in the future; as well,the addition of a new textbook forFS 497 and FS 499 will reinforce theidea of ethical practice whilepreparing for and during theinternship. Finally, scholarshiprenewal, in part, will be tied to arubric which evaluates returning FSstudents on ethical andprofessional behavior. This rubricwill be developed during summer19 and will be based on the CFLEworksite supervisor evaluationform (the form that provisionalCFLEs submit to NCFR in order tobecome full CFLEs after 2300 hoursof work in the field). This rubric isthe same rubric on which ourinternship site supervisorevaluation is based; as such, thedocument has already beenuploaded into TracDat. In thefuture, when reliability and validitystudies are completed on the CFLEExit Exam, we will begin using thismeasure to assess this outcome.This exam is described above.

At the end of theacademic year,faculty will reviewand evaluate the

Participating students’will report that theyfeel the Family Studiesprogram has prepared

2018 - 2019 Target Met The averagesatisfaction ratingfor studentscompleting the exit

Students who completed thesurvey for AY 18-19 indicated thatthe courses that best helped themprepare to work professionally

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results of the SeniorExit Survey.

them to workprofessionally upongraduating by havingan average rate ofsatisfaction on theSenior Exit Survey as a6 on a scale of 1 to 10.

2018 - 2019 Target Met survey was 9 on ascale of 1 to 10 forprofessionalpractice (question2); thus, the targetwas met.

were Families in Crisis andRehabilitation (FS 392), ProgramPlanning and Evaluation (FS 465),Family Policy (FS 401), andManagement of Family Resources(FS 225). Students found FS 392helpful because they learned howto create treatment plans, conductbasic family assessments, andcomplete brief client notes; theyalso learned how trauma impactsfamilies, how to work withtraumatized families, and howperceptions shape family responsesto stress and crisis. In FS 465,students learned how to planprograms appropriate for theirwork (internship) settings. FS 225informed students how to helpfamilies set appropriate goals andlocate resources to help them meetthose goals. FS 401 helpedstudents to understand the impactof policies and programs onfamilies, how to assess thoseimpacts, and how to prepare familyimpact statements for keystakeholders. Activities supportingthis experiential learning willcontinue in these classes in thefuture. Because these classes areoften the final courses studentstake in the major (FS 225 wasoffered in fall 18 and some seniorshad missed previous offerings;students take the others duringtheir senior year), students mightnot remember key assignmentsfrom each course. Along with thelink to the survey, students will beprovided with a list of each CFLEmajor core course along with keyassignments for each course torefresh their memories, which mayindicate that students are usingmore content and application

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At the end of theacademic year,faculty will reviewand evaluate theresults of the SeniorExit Survey.

Participating students’will report that theyfeel the Family Studiesprogram has preparedthem to workprofessionally upongraduating by havingan average rate ofsatisfaction on theSenior Exit Survey as a6 on a scale of 1 to 10.

2018 - 2019 Target Met The averagesatisfaction ratingfor studentscompleting the exitsurvey was 9 on ascale of 1 to 10 forprofessionalpractice (question2); thus, the targetwas met.

knowledge than currently capturedby the exit exam. For Spring 2019,FS faculty completed our programaccreditation renewal, which wassuccessful. This process requires usto re-evaluate each course in termsof objectives, content, and majorstudent assignments to ensure thatthey meet the content and practiceguidelines for the CFLE program. Atthe undergrad level, new gradsshould be able to apply what theyhave learned in class to work withfamilies. While the lower-levelcourses will continue to providestudents with foundationalknowledge, practical application ofthis knowledge will also beemphasized in these courses. Inthe future, this outcome will beassessed through use of an exitexam currently being developed bythe CFLE Advisory Board (of whichI--Berglund--am a member). Thistest will be available forwidespread program use by AY 20-21. This exam emphasizes practicalapplication of CFLE contentknowledge.

3.1 (PO 4.d.) Family Studies studentswill become professionalCFLEs.

Faculty will reviewthe quarterlynotifications ofnewly approvedCFLEs in the CFLENetworker, which isthe newsletterprovided for CFLEs.The CFLEdesignation isawarded toindividuals based onwork experienceover a certainamount of time andthat the individuals

5% increase from theprevious academicyear in MUW FamilyStudies alumni thatearn the CertifiedFamily Life Educator(CFLE) designation.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

Only 1 studentearned the CFLEdesignation as ofthe end of the 18-19AY, representing nochange in thepercentage of alumsfrom the 17-18 AYto the current AYearning thedesignation

The CFLE credential is emphasizedto all students, especially tograduating seniors. They will bereminded they can pay half of theirinitial credentialing fee during thesemester prior to graduation andpay the other half after graduation,when their official transcriptsbecome available. As well, we(those of us on the CFLE AdvisoryBoard) developed a brochure thatexplains the CFLE credential tostudents and potential employersin Fall 2018. Because thesebrochures are free, we ordered 100brochures from the National

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3.1 (PO 4.d.) Family Studies studentswill become professionalCFLEs.

earned a grade of atleast a C in allcoursework from anaccreditedinstitution.

At the end of everyacademic year, theassessmentcoordinator willreport out thenumber of FamilyStudies graduates toact as a frame ofreference forreviewers.

5% increase from theprevious academicyear in MUW FamilyStudies alumni thatearn the CertifiedFamily Life Educator(CFLE) designation.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

Only 1 studentearned the CFLEdesignation as ofthe end of the 18-19AY, representing nochange in thepercentage of alumsfrom the 17-18 AYto the current AYearning thedesignation

Council on Family Relations (NCFR),our parent organization. We havebeen giving these brochures to newand current students and requiringstudents in FS 497, pre-internship,to share the brochures with theirpotential internship sitesupervisors. These actions willcontinue for AY 19-20. As well,donations to the Department ofPsychology and Family Studies,made through a 'give now' linkfrom our department web site,could be used to support students'CFLE application fees, as well asother professional developmentactivities for all PFS students.

Program - FilmStudies -Minor {2016-2017}

1.1 (GEO 2.a.) Students willdemonstrate the abilityto analyze films ascultural and aestheticworks.

Using the AAC&UInterculturalKnowledge andCompetence VALUErubric, departmentalfaculty will assesssamples of writtenfilm analyses fromstudents in relevantcourses.

The average score ofassessed film analysesfrom relevant lower-level courses will be atleast 2 on the 4-pointInterculturalKnowledge andCompetence VALUErubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Writing samplesfrom FLM 201 wereanalyzed using theInterculturalKnowledge andCompetence VALUErubric. The meanscore of 2.267 (n =10) exceeded thetarget threshold of 2on the rubric's 4-point scale, with 8of 10 samplesmeeting orexceeding thethreshold. Theseresults indicate thatstudents aredevelopinginterculturalawareness in theiranalysis of filmsfrom differentcultural milieus.(FLM 201 was theonly lower-levelcourse offeredduring the academic

Consider whether a relevantassignment should be added backto FLM 101 to introduce studentsto intercultural film analysis earlierin the curriculum. Continueassessment as planned.

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Program - FilmStudies -Minor {2016-2017}

1.1 (GEO 2.a.) Students willdemonstrate the abilityto analyze films ascultural and aestheticworks.

Using the AAC&UInterculturalKnowledge andCompetence VALUErubric, departmentalfaculty will assesssamples of writtenfilm analyses fromstudents in relevantcourses.

The average score ofassessed film analysesfrom relevant lower-level courses will be atleast 2 on the 4-pointInterculturalKnowledge andCompetence VALUErubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met year with anassignment relevantto this assessmentmeasure.)

Consider whether a relevantassignment should be added backto FLM 101 to introduce studentsto intercultural film analysis earlierin the curriculum. Continueassessment as planned.

Using the AAC&UInterculturalKnowledge andCompetence VALUErubric, departmentalfaculty will assesssamples of writtenfilm analyses fromstudents in relevantcourses.

The average score ofassessed film analysesfrom relevant upper-level courses will be atleast 3 on the 4-pointInterculturalKnowledge andCompetence VALUErubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Writing samplesfrom "Images ofWomen in Film"(COM 303, cross-listed as WS 303)were analyzed usingthe InterculturalKnowledge andCompetence VALUErubric. The meanscore of 3.033 (n =10) exceeded thetarget threshold of 3on the rubric's 4-point scale, with 7of 10 samplesmeeting orexceeding thethreshold. Theseresults indicate thatstudents aredevelopinginterculturalawareness in theiranalysis of filmsfrom differentcultural milieus.(COM/WS 303 wasthe only upper-levelcourse offeredduring the academicyear with anassignment relevantto this assessmentmeasure.)

There was wide variation within thestudent works analyzed. Seven of10 samples met or exceeded thethreshold, and the mean scoresranged from a low of 2 to a high of4 on a 4-point scale. This coursedraws students from a variety ofmajors and minors, which mightexplain the variation noted.Continue assessment as planned.

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1.2 (SAO) Students willdemonstrate awarenessof films from a variety ofgenres, cultures, andtime periods.

Departmentalfaculty will assessthe variety of filmsviewed by studentsin relevant courseswith a survey.

At least 80 percent ofstudents surveyed willreport having viewedfilms from anothercountry.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Departmentalfaculty surveyedfilms viewed bystudents in FLM101, FLM 201, FLM301, and COM/WS303 to assess thecountry origin forfilms viewed bystudents in thesecourses. All students(100 percent) hadviewed films from acountry other thanthe United States.Great Britain,France, India, SouthKorea, and Chinawere among thecountries of originfor films viewed bystudents. (Studentfilm viewing wassurveyed percourse, so totalmight reflectstudents enrolled inmore than onecourse.)

Continue assessment as planned.

Departmentalfaculty will assessthe variety of filmsviewed by studentsin relevant courseswith a survey.

At least 80 percent ofstudents surveyed willreport having viewedfilms from more thantwo distinct timeperiods.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Departmentalfaculty surveyedfilms viewed bystudents in FLM101, FLM 201, FLM301, and COM/WS303 to assess thetime periods inwhich the filmswere made. Allstudents (100percent) had viewedfilms from morethan two distincttime periods (earlysilent era, Hays

Continue assessment as planned.

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Departmentalfaculty will assessthe variety of filmsviewed by studentsin relevant courseswith a survey.

At least 80 percent ofstudents surveyed willreport having viewedfilms from more thantwo distinct timeperiods.

2018 - 2019 Target Met production codeera, post-Hays era,1980s, 2000s).(Student filmviewing wassurveyed percourse, so totalmight reflectstudents enrolled inmore than onecourse.)

Continue assessment as planned.

Departmentalfaculty will assessthe variety of filmsviewed by studentsin relevant courseswith a survey.

At least 90 percent ofstudents surveyed willreport having viewedfilms from more thantwo genres.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Departmentalfaculty surveyedfilms viewed bystudents in FLM101, FLM 201, FLM301, and COM/WS303 to assess thevariety of filmgenres viewed bystudents in thesecourses. All students(100 percent) hadviewed films frommore than twogenres. Comedy anddrama were the twomost commongenres viewed (100percent). Action,horror, and sciencefiction genre filmswere each viewedby at least 90percent, and avariety of othergenres (Western,musical, crime, andwar) were alsoviewed. (Studentfilm viewing wassurveyed percourse, so totalmight reflectstudents enrolled in

Continue assessment as planned.

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Departmentalfaculty will assessthe variety of filmsviewed by studentsin relevant courseswith a survey.

At least 90 percent ofstudents surveyed willreport having viewedfilms from more thantwo genres.

2018 - 2019 Target Met more than onecourse.)

Continue assessment as planned.

2.1 (GEO 1.c.) Students willdemonstrate clear,concise writing aboutfilms.

Using the AAC&UWrittenCommunicationVALUE rubric,departmentalfaculty will assessstudent writingsamples fromrelevant courses.

The average score ofassessed studentwriting samples fromupper-level courseswill be at least 3 onthe 4-point WrittenCommunicationrubric.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

Writing samplesfrom COM/WS 303(Images of Womenin Film) wereanalyzed using theAACU WrittenCommunicationVALUE rubric. Themean score of theassessed writingsamples was 2.90 ona 4-point scale (n =10), which fellbelow the targetthreshold of 3 on a4-point scale. Six of10 writing samplesmet or exceededthe targetthreshold. Becausestudents in thiscourse are drawnfrom a variety ofmajors and minorsacross campus, it isnot clear which (ifany) writing coursesstudents might havetaken prior to thiscourse (COM 303has no prerequisite).

Continue assessment as planned.Consider whether this specifictarget threshold is appropriate forstudents drawn from a variety ofmajors and in various stages ofacademic progress.

3.1 (SLO) Students will show thatthey can access films inmultiple content-deliverymodes.

Using a survey,departmentalfaculty will assessthe variety of modes(traditional cinema,online streamingservices, TV

At least 80 percent ofstudents surveyed willreport having viewedfilms via two or morecontent-deliverymodes.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Rapid changes inviewingtechnologies andhabits over the pastfew years haverendered thisparticular learning

Consider dropping this particularassessment outcome, as itmeasures what has becomecommon consumer practice, ratherthan a novel film experience.Streaming services have becomethe normal mode of film

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3.1 (SLO) Students will show thatthey can access films inmultiple content-deliverymodes.

broadcast, archivalstorage, etc.) usedby students inrelevant courses towatch films.

At least 80 percent ofstudents surveyed willreport having viewedfilms via two or morecontent-deliverymodes.

2018 - 2019 Target Met outcome obsolete.All students (100percent) fromassessed filmcourses viewedfilms via two ormore content-delivery modes,with 100 percentwatching at leastone film viatraditional cinema,100 percentwatching a film viastreaming, and 100percent watching afilm on disc (DVD orBlu-Ray).

consumption (in addition totraditional cinema for big-budgetfilms and the older standby of discsfor home viewing).

3.2 (PO 3.a.) The program willencourage students toaccess films in a varietyof content-deliverymodes by usinginstructional technologiessuch as online coursedelivery to allow studentsflexibility in viewing films.

Departmentalfaculty will assessyearly courseofferings todetermine course-delivery mode.

At least 50 percent ofrelevant courses willbe delivered via onlinecourse delivery.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Of the four relevantfilm courses offeredduring the fall andspring semesters,three (75 percent)were offered online(FLM 101, 201 &COM/WS 303) andone was face-to-face (FLM 301).(Number ofstudents is not arelevant metric forthis particularoutcome.)

Continue to schedule courses andmodalities as needed based onstudent demand. Continueassessment as planned.

Program - FineArts (includingArt Historyand Studio ArtMinors) - BFA{2016-2017}

1.1 (SLO) Students will successfullycomplete the FoundationPortfolio Review as a BFAprogram entryrequirement.

Studentsparticipating in ART200 FoundationPortfolio Review arerequired to submit aportfolio of artworkfrom ART 103Design I, ART 104Design II, ART 105Drawing I, ART 106Drawing II, ART 195Computers in Art,

The average score ofstudents assessed willbe at least 7 “meetsexpectations” out ofthe eleven total areasusing thedepartmentalFoundation PortfolioReview rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met It is noteworthy thatwe met our targetgoals with 7students out of 9meetingexpectations orexceedingexpectations. Ourefforts to provideinformation andexamples in ourcanvas content has

We will continue this assessment.Our formal meeting with thestudents has gone well, where wecan enforce good practices andanswer questions they might have.The Art 100 Seminar faculty ofrecord has created a unit thataddresses the foundation reviewrequirements and tips to succeed.

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Program - FineArts (includingArt Historyand Studio ArtMinors) - BFA{2016-2017}

1.1 (SLO) Students will successfullycomplete the FoundationPortfolio Review as a BFAprogram entryrequirement.

and other examplesof works for studiocourses to beevaluated with thedepartmentalFoundation PortfolioReview rubric. Aminimum of threefaculty members willcomplete theassessments.

The average score ofstudents assessed willbe at least 7 “meetsexpectations” out ofthe eleven total areasusing thedepartmentalFoundation PortfolioReview rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met proved beneficial.We also began tohold a formalmeeting with theART 200 enrolledstudents to discussthe review process,address problemareas for moststudents, and relatebest practices for asuccessful review.Our average for the9 students was a 4.5score.

We will continue this assessment.Our formal meeting with thestudents has gone well, where wecan enforce good practices andanswer questions they might have.The Art 100 Seminar faculty ofrecord has created a unit thataddresses the foundation reviewrequirements and tips to succeed.

2.1 (SLO) Students will completethe written formalanalysis of one of theirworks of art as requiredin the FoundationPortfolio Review as a BFAprogram entryrequirement.

Studentsparticipating in ART200 FoundationPortfolio Review arerequired to submit aformal analysis of awork of art focusingon the formalelements (line,color, light, shape,etc.) in acomposition.Additionally, theprinciples of design(what pulls thecompositiontogether and makesit work) arediscussed in theformal analysiswhich will beevaluated by thedepartmentalFormal AnalysisReview rubric. Aminimum of threefaculty members willcomplete theassessments.

The average score ofART 200 students willbe at least a “3” onthe 1-4 scale using thedepartmental FormalAnalysis Reviewrubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met The average ofscores came out to2.96 or 3, so we justmet our target goal.The area ofdescription scoredthe lowest points -revealing threeparticipantsdescribing the artmaking decisionsand not the designdecisions. The mostconsistent area thatall participants didwell was inidentifyingstrengths,weaknesses, andareas ofimprovement. Thenext consistent areawas in analysis withonly one studentscoring belowtarget- this showsimprovement indiscussing how theelements andprinciples unify the

The faculty met and have discussedadding a formal analysisrequirement to all 100 and 200level art courses. We have alsodiscussed creating a beginning ofcourse quiz and ending quiz forfoundation classes that address theelement and principles of art.

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2.1 (SLO) Students will completethe written formalanalysis of one of theirworks of art as requiredin the FoundationPortfolio Review as a BFAprogram entryrequirement.

Studentsparticipating in ART200 FoundationPortfolio Review arerequired to submit aformal analysis of awork of art focusingon the formalelements (line,color, light, shape,etc.) in acomposition.Additionally, theprinciples of design(what pulls thecompositiontogether and makesit work) arediscussed in theformal analysiswhich will beevaluated by thedepartmentalFormal AnalysisReview rubric. Aminimum of threefaculty members willcomplete theassessments.

The average score ofART 200 students willbe at least a “3” onthe 1-4 scale using thedepartmental FormalAnalysis Reviewrubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met composition. The faculty met and have discussedadding a formal analysisrequirement to all 100 and 200level art courses. We have alsodiscussed creating a beginning ofcourse quiz and ending quiz forfoundation classes that address theelement and principles of art.

3.1 (SLO) Students will effectivelydisplay the combinationand synthesis of ideasand the experience ofworking in an imaginativeway as students create abody of art through thecompletion of a writtenassignment in ART 300Seminar: Process toSynthesis course.

Studentsparticipating in ART300 Seminar:Process to Synthesiswill be assigned awritten paper wherethey can expresscreative thinking asa response togenerating acoherent body ofwork. It will beevaluated with theAAC&U CreativeThinking VALUERubric. The

The average score ofART 300 students’written papers will beat least a “2” on the 0-4 scale evaluated withthe AAC&U CreativeThinking VALUERubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met On the whole theaverage scores werewell above our goalof 2.0. These scoresare very similar toprevious years,though thereappears to be awider rangebetween students-there were fivestudents whoseaverage was at 2.0exactly.* Five studentsreceived a score of

In terms of addressing those scoresof 1.0, the faculty of recordproposes two discussion sessions(one at the 4th week of thesemester and one at around the12th week). In the discussions, hecan explain the overall documentbut also cover the criteria questionswith examples (especially “TakingRisks”, “Embracing Contradictions”,and “Innovative Thinking”). He alsosuggests producing a document togo with that discussion that usesnarratives from living artists todemonstrate these concepts.

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3.1 (SLO) Students will effectivelydisplay the combinationand synthesis of ideasand the experience ofworking in an imaginativeway as students create abody of art through thecompletion of a writtenassignment in ART 300Seminar: Process toSynthesis course.

instructor of thecourse will assesseach studentsubmissions.

The average score ofART 300 students’written papers will beat least a “2” on the 0-4 scale evaluated withthe AAC&U CreativeThinking VALUERubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met 1.0 on one of thecriteria. Those lowscores were widelyspaced per criteriabut mostly occurredon criteria wherethe average scorewas also slightlylower. The oneexception to thiswas Student 7received a 1.0 on“EmbracingContradictions”-that criteria had thesecond highestaverage.The question thatreceived the lowestaverage score was“Taking Risks”. Wemay need to have aclass discussion onthat early (like inthe first week). Thehighest averagescores were for“Problem Solving”,“EmbracingContradictions”, and“Synthesizing”.High scores in thelast two is a littlesurprising sincethose are “highorder” criteria. Wethink itdemonstrates thatthe Junior Seminaris succeedingstrongly on the issueof pulling togetherinfluences, ideasand creatingsynthesis.

In terms of addressing those scoresof 1.0, the faculty of recordproposes two discussion sessions(one at the 4th week of thesemester and one at around the12th week). In the discussions, hecan explain the overall documentbut also cover the criteria questionswith examples (especially “TakingRisks”, “Embracing Contradictions”,and “Innovative Thinking”). He alsosuggests producing a document togo with that discussion that usesnarratives from living artists todemonstrate these concepts.

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4.1 (SLO) Students enrolled in theART 313 Modern andContemporary Art coursewill be assessedaccording to the take-home essay portion oftheir final exam. In thisessay, students will berequired to compare andcontrast the works offour 20th-century artistsin terms of their artisticsignificance and influenceon later art or artists.

Using the Art Historyrubric, students willbe assessed as tohow well theydefended theirthesis statement intheir I-Search paperproject by discussinga) the externalhistorical contextthat affected theproduction of eachartist’s body ofwork; b) the artisticmovement to whichthe artist belonged;c) the stylisticadvancements madeby each artist; andd) the aestheticimpact made byeach artist to a latergeneration of artists.

The average score ofART 313 students’ I-Search paper projectwill be at least 2.5 orbetter using the ArtHistory rubric. Aseparate rubric wouldbe completed for eachartist and thenaveraged.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

The class fellradically short of theachievement targetwith an overallaverage of 1.6. In2018, the averagewas 2.43, and in2017, the averagewas 2.19.

Interpretations ofresults: Out of 12students in theclass, only eightsubmitted thisportion of the finalexam. No one inthis class earned an“A” for theirsemester grade, andhalf either failed orearned the grade of“D.” Two studentsdid not participatein the installationproject, which iscustomarily anassignment that theclass enjoys. Themajority of thosewho did participatein the project didnot comprehend thedefinition of aninstallation. Myconclusion is thatthe students wereeither notacademicallycapable ofsucceeding orinterested insucceeding (or both)in this class.Ironically, their classattendance was

Plans for improvement: theinstructor of record will researchways to restructure this course sothat students will be more investedin the course. One solution wouldbe to focus on themes and issues,rather than a traditional arthistorical chronology. The goalwould still be to demonstrate howcontemporary art is indebted toModernism.

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4.1 (SLO) Students enrolled in theART 313 Modern andContemporary Art coursewill be assessedaccording to the take-home essay portion oftheir final exam. In thisessay, students will berequired to compare andcontrast the works offour 20th-century artistsin terms of their artisticsignificance and influenceon later art or artists.

Using the Art Historyrubric, students willbe assessed as tohow well theydefended theirthesis statement intheir I-Search paperproject by discussinga) the externalhistorical contextthat affected theproduction of eachartist’s body ofwork; b) the artisticmovement to whichthe artist belonged;c) the stylisticadvancements madeby each artist; andd) the aestheticimpact made byeach artist to a latergeneration of artists.

The average score ofART 313 students’ I-Search paper projectwill be at least 2.5 orbetter using the ArtHistory rubric. Aseparate rubric wouldbe completed for eachartist and thenaveraged.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

good. Plans for improvement: theinstructor of record will researchways to restructure this course sothat students will be more investedin the course. One solution wouldbe to focus on themes and issues,rather than a traditional arthistorical chronology. The goalwould still be to demonstrate howcontemporary art is indebted toModernism.

5.1 (SAO) Students successfullycomplete the capstoneSenior Exhibition.

Students arerequired tocomplete a SeniorExhibition as part ofART 499 Concept toExhibition: SeniorSeminar, thedepartment’scapstone course.The SeniorExhibition is aprofessional groupshow of graduatingstudents whichpresents a body ofartwork that isaestheticallycoherent,professionallypresented, and of anadvanced quality.Selecting works,

The average score ofstudents assessed willbe at least 4 “meetsexpectations” out ofthe six total areasusing thedepartmental SeniorExhibition Reviewrubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met NOTE: the rubricwas revised from :The average scoreof students assessedwill be at least 4“meetsexpectations” out ofthe six total areas toThe average scoreof students assessedwill be at least 3“meetsexpectations” out ofthe five total areasusing thedepartment SeniorExhibition Reviewrubric.

Fall and spring2018-2019 saw 16students pass

The faculty will continue to use thismeasure of the capstone artexperience it is both an indicator ofstudent and program success.

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5.1 (SAO) Students successfullycomplete the capstoneSenior Exhibition.

completing finalprojects, anddesigning theexhibition areaddressed and areevaluated by thedepartmental SeniorExhibition Reviewrubric. The Art andDesign faculty willassess each student.

The average score ofstudents assessed willbe at least 4 “meetsexpectations” out ofthe six total areasusing thedepartmental SeniorExhibition Reviewrubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met through theprogram, with 6students in fall 2018and 10 students inspring 2019. Fallstudents met withan 83% success ratewhile spring had a90% success rate atmeeting overalldepartmental goalsfor the seniorexhibition. Thefaculty were pleasedwith the overallsuccess rate of 88%.

Both fall and springstudents werestrongest intechnical masteryand independentworks with theweakest categorybeing artiststatements. In fall2018 the successrate for artiststatements was50%- after the fallresults, the facultyof recordreorganized thestructure andrequirements of theartist statements.For spring 2019, theresults jumped to90%, resulting in theincreased successrate. The springstudents had anoverallimprovement inscores across the

The faculty will continue to use thismeasure of the capstone artexperience it is both an indicator ofstudent and program success.

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5.1 (SAO) Students successfullycomplete the capstoneSenior Exhibition.

Students arerequired tocomplete a SeniorExhibition as part ofART 499 Concept toExhibition: SeniorSeminar, thedepartment’scapstone course.The SeniorExhibition is aprofessional groupshow of graduatingstudents whichpresents a body ofartwork that isaestheticallycoherent,professionallypresented, and of anadvanced quality.Selecting works,completing finalprojects, anddesigning theexhibition areaddressed and areevaluated by thedepartmental SeniorExhibition Reviewrubric. The Art andDesign faculty willassess each student.

The average score ofstudents assessed willbe at least 4 “meetsexpectations” out ofthe six total areasusing thedepartmental SeniorExhibition Reviewrubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met board, with asignificant increasein the scoring forartist statements.

We also are pleasedthat the advancedstudio critiques heldeach semester hasproved verybeneficial to thegraduating studentin solidifying theiradvanced work andprofessionalportfolio. Studentsare critiques by thefaculty and peers.

The faculty will continue to use thismeasure of the capstone artexperience it is both an indicator ofstudent and program success.

Studentsparticipating in ART499 Concept toExhibition: SeniorSeminar will begiven the Senior ExitSurvey to indirectlyevaluate theirlearning, experienceas a student, andprovide thedepartment with

75% of participatingstudents will score“Satisfied” on theSenior Exit Survey.

2018 - 2019 Target Met We are pleased thatwe are meeting ourtarget and that themajority of ourgraduates arepleased with theireducationalexperience. Areasthat were belowtarget: Spring 2019Part 1 Q4 – The ArtFundamentals

We will continue this exit survey - itprovides a good data source for theart program as a whole. We willaddress Part 2 Q5 – As you are nowgraduating you feel that you havedeveloped a personal style of artmaking –we should modify thisquestion to include graphic designemphasis students whose goal isnot a personal style but aprofessional portfolio, this questionmay be excluding them for a

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data for evaluatingeffectiveness. Thedepartment facultywill evaluate thesurveys.

75% of participatingstudents will score“Satisfied” on theSenior Exit Survey.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Seminar provideduseful informationand aided you as anew student – wehave been trying toevolve the ART 100seminar to provideuseful informationfor new studentsconcerningdepartmental rulesand art basicprogramrequirements ;Spring 2019 Part 2 Q3 – You wereencouraged toparticipate withprofessionals andpeers throughconferences,organizations, andexhibitions, etc.–this result is nottoo concerning,student travel willalways be affect bytheir access to funds; Fall 2018 Part 2 Q5– As you are nowgraduating you feelthat you havedeveloped apersonal style ofartmaking –weshould modify thisquestion to includegraphic designemphasis studentswhose goal is not apersonal style but aprofessionalportfolio, thisquestion may beexcluding them for afavorable response;

favorable response;

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Studentsparticipating in ART499 Concept toExhibition: SeniorSeminar will begiven the Senior ExitSurvey to indirectlyevaluate theirlearning, experienceas a student, andprovide thedepartment withdata for evaluatingeffectiveness. Thedepartment facultywill evaluate thesurveys.

75% of participatingstudents will score“Satisfied” on theSenior Exit Survey.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Fall 2018 Part 2 Q6-You understandhow to edit,prepare, and exhibitartwork from yoursenior showexperience –thisresult is not too low,the instructor ofrecord and gallerystaff are available toassist studentswhen hanging theirexhibition and thefaculty sponsorsencourage eachsenior to meet anddiscuss the worksthey plan to displayin their exhibitionalso the data showsa wide rangebetween fall 66%and spring at 90%which could bereflected by aparticular studentwho was notengaged in theprocess; and Fall2018 Part 2 Q7- Youfeel professionallyprepared to enterthe field of yourchoice –the datashows a wide rangebetween fall 50%and spring at 90%,this is not alarmingit could be anindividual’s stress atfacing a postundergraduateworld , the facultywill watch the datain the next year to

We will continue this exit survey - itprovides a good data source for theart program as a whole. We willaddress Part 2 Q5 – As you are nowgraduating you feel that you havedeveloped a personal style of artmaking –we should modify thisquestion to include graphic designemphasis students whose goal isnot a personal style but aprofessional portfolio, this questionmay be excluding them for afavorable response;

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Studentsparticipating in ART499 Concept toExhibition: SeniorSeminar will begiven the Senior ExitSurvey to indirectlyevaluate theirlearning, experienceas a student, andprovide thedepartment withdata for evaluatingeffectiveness. Thedepartment facultywill evaluate thesurveys.

75% of participatingstudents will score“Satisfied” on theSenior Exit Survey.

2018 - 2019 Target Met see if this isreflecting a newtrend.

We will continue this exit survey - itprovides a good data source for theart program as a whole. We willaddress Part 2 Q5 – As you are nowgraduating you feel that you havedeveloped a personal style of artmaking –we should modify thisquestion to include graphic designemphasis students whose goal isnot a personal style but aprofessional portfolio, this questionmay be excluding them for afavorable response;

5.2 (GEO 5.a.) Students willdemonstrate appropriateinterpersonal skills anddisplay an ability to workeffectively within diversegroups while designingpublicity and in theplanning/hanging of thegroup senior exhibitionas required in ART 499Concept to Exhibition:Senior Seminar.

Students enrolled inART 499 willcomplete an indirectonline surveyassessing theircontribution andpeer review of theirteammate’s efforts.Also the faculty ofrecord will directlyassess each teammembers’contributions. Thesetwo sources will becombined andevaluated using theAAC&U TeamworkVALUE Rubric by theinstructor of thecourse.

The average scoreswill be at least a “2.5”on the 0-4 scaleevaluated with theAAC&U TeamworkVALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met We are pleased thatwe met the targetvalue with anaverage of scoresresulting in a 3.5value. As weevaluate thesurveys, the lowestscore was foundunder FostersConstructive TeamClimate with a 2.6average for the fall -slightly above our2.5 goal. The facultyare aware thatthese results do notexactly reflect onthe faculty of recordfor ART 499 SeniorExhibition course,but may speak tocertain studenttemperament andlack of willingness towork with theirpeers to make thesenior show a

We will continue this assessment ofthe teamwork involved inexhibition publicity creation andhanging the group exhibition.

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5.2 (GEO 5.a.) Students willdemonstrate appropriateinterpersonal skills anddisplay an ability to workeffectively within diversegroups while designingpublicity and in theplanning/hanging of thegroup senior exhibitionas required in ART 499Concept to Exhibition:Senior Seminar.

Students enrolled inART 499 willcomplete an indirectonline surveyassessing theircontribution andpeer review of theirteammate’s efforts.Also the faculty ofrecord will directlyassess each teammembers’contributions. Thesetwo sources will becombined andevaluated using theAAC&U TeamworkVALUE Rubric by theinstructor of thecourse.

The average scoreswill be at least a “2.5”on the 0-4 scaleevaluated with theAAC&U TeamworkVALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met positive experience. We will continue this assessment ofthe teamwork involved inexhibition publicity creation andhanging the group exhibition.

6.1 (PO 2.d.) The Mississippi Universityfor Women Galleries willcontribute to the creativeeconomy of theuniversity community byoffering a diverse andengaging series of annualexhibitions.

Visitors to theMississippiUniversity forWomen Gallerieswill be asked tocomplete the MUWGalleriesAssessment Surveyquestionnaire. Thefocus will be onreception attendees.Using a galleryrubric, galleryvisitors will assesstheir level ofengagement orsatisfaction with theexhibitions ondisplay. Rubrics willbe updated withevery change ofexhibition. Theother informationon the assessmentmeasurement

70% of attendeessurveyed will choose“satisfactory” with theexhibitions by scoringan average of “3” orhigher using the MUWGalleries AssessmentSurvey.

2018 - 2019 Target Met The average ratingfor all 14 exhibitionssurveyed was 4.5.The galleries areenjoying 100%above thesatisfactory target,approachingextremely satisfied.We continue toattract new peopleto the Galleries. Inlarge part, thishappens with theBFA exhibitions, aswell as theexhibitions of somelocal artists. RogerRice, StephenPhillips, and JessicaWallace brought inthe largest numberof respondents. Allthree are alumniand drew from

The galleries will continue to assessvisitors to exhibitions andprogramming. Efforts to encouragemore engagement with thequestionnaires will be maintained.

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6.1 (PO 2.d.) The Mississippi Universityfor Women Galleries willcontribute to the creativeeconomy of theuniversity community byoffering a diverse andengaging series of annualexhibitions.

questionnaire willbe used todeterminedemographics. TheMUW GalleriesAssessment Surveyquestionnaire andall pertaining datawill be assessed bythe Gallery Directorand gallery staffmembers.

70% of attendeessurveyed will choose“satisfactory” with theexhibitions by scoringan average of “3” orhigher using the MUWGalleries AssessmentSurvey.

2018 - 2019 Target Met different pools ofvisitors. Rice’sfamily is well knownin the AfricanAmericancommunity outsideof Starkville; Rice isalso minister andbrought in severalfamily and churchmembers. Phillips isalso AfricanAmerican, but hisaudience cameprimarily from theamount of presscoverage hereceived. He createda line of ceramicsthat he called hisBlack Pantherseries, and itcaptured a lot ofattention. Wallace isa recent graduate,and she had anumber of herclassmatesreturning to supporther. These well-known local artistshelped to bringvisitors to see notonly theirexhibitions but theothers as well.We are attracting anumber of alumnithroughout theyear. We expectedstudentrespondents but notthese numbers ofalumni. Theexhibitions continueto receive high

The galleries will continue to assessvisitors to exhibitions andprogramming. Efforts to encouragemore engagement with thequestionnaires will be maintained.

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6.1 (PO 2.d.) The Mississippi Universityfor Women Galleries willcontribute to the creativeeconomy of theuniversity community byoffering a diverse andengaging series of annualexhibitions.

Visitors to theMississippiUniversity forWomen Gallerieswill be asked tocomplete the MUWGalleriesAssessment Surveyquestionnaire. Thefocus will be onreception attendees.Using a galleryrubric, galleryvisitors will assesstheir level ofengagement orsatisfaction with theexhibitions ondisplay. Rubrics willbe updated withevery change ofexhibition. Theother informationon the assessmentmeasurementquestionnaire willbe used todeterminedemographics. TheMUW GalleriesAssessment Surveyquestionnaire andall pertaining datawill be assessed bythe Gallery Directorand gallery staffmembers.

70% of attendeessurveyed will choose“satisfactory” with theexhibitions by scoringan average of “3” orhigher using the MUWGalleries AssessmentSurvey.

2018 - 2019 Target Met scores andcomplimentarycomments.

The galleries will continue to assessvisitors to exhibitions andprogramming. Efforts to encouragemore engagement with thequestionnaires will be maintained.

Program -French -Minor {2016-2017}

1.1 (SLO) Students will enhanceaural skills in Frenchthrough the use oftechnological resources.

Students willdemonstrateincreased aural skillsin French afterlistening or watchingfilms, excerpts fromaudio-magazines,websites, and video-

70% of non-Frenchminors enrolled in FLF100 or 200 levelFrench classes willexhibit at least a“minimumunderstanding” afterlistening to an audio-

2018 - 2019 Target Met During the 2018-2019 academic year,the department had1 student with aFrench Minor. and17 other students inthe Fall and 16other students in

The department will revisit therubrics to either assign higherscores to better performance or toinclude a ranking of 4 for nocomprehension, so that thenumerical data is more intuitive.We will also discuss the assignmentor assignments that are used in this

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Program -French -Minor {2016-2017}

1.1 (SLO) Students will enhanceaural skills in Frenchthrough the use oftechnological resources.

clips in French.French faculty willassess with theAuralComprehensionRubric.

clip or being shown avideo-clip in French.The AuralComprehension Rubricwill measure auralskills from a range of"no understanding" to"minimumunderstanding" to“proficientunderstanding" to"exemplaryunderstanding.”

2018 - 2019 Target Met the Spring (onestudent stoppedtaking French after101) in French 101-202. Of thesestudents, 100%earned a score ofless than 3, where 1is exemplary, 2 isproficient, and 3 isminimumunderstanding.Since each studentwas assessed twice,once per semester,that leaves 33 totalnon-majors whowere assessed(counting each timethey wereassessed).


Students willdemonstrateincreased aural skillsin French afterlistening or watchingfilms, excerpts fromaudio-magazines,websites, and video-clips in French.French faculty willassess with theAuralComprehensionRubric.

80% of all Frenchminors enrolled in FLF100 or 200 levelcourses will exhibit atleast a “proficientunderstanding” afterlistening to an audio-clipor being shown avideo-clip in French.The AuralComprehension Rubricwill measure auralskills from a range of"no understanding" to"minimumunderstanding" to“proficientunderstanding" to"exemplaryunderstanding.”

2018 - 2019 Target Met In 2018-2019 thedepartment had onestudent who wasdeclared as aForeign LanguagesMinor in French.She earned aperfect score of 1both semesters ofFLF 201 and 202

The department chair and theFrench faculty will discuss revisingthe rubric so that 1 is minimal and 3is exemplary, which will makeanalysis of the rubric morestraightforward and allow noanswer to be rated a 0.We will also discuss whichassignment or assignments areused to evaluate this goal.

2.1 (GEO 2.c.) French students enrolledin FLF 100 and 200 levelcourses will demonstrate

A French facultymember will assessa written or oral

All French minors willaverage at least thefollowing on the

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive We had no Frenchminors enrolled inFLF 101 or 102.

We will continue to provide culturalexperiences in French classes andcontinue to asses students

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2.1 (GEO 2.c.) knowledge about thevariety of cultures inFrench speakingcountries.

studentpresentation dealingwith cultural aspectsof a French speakingcountry using theAAC&U VALUERubric onInterculturalKnowledge andCompetence.

AAC&U VALUE Rubricon InterculturalKnowledge andCompetence.In FLF 101 – no lowerthan 1.5In FLF 102 – no lowerthan 2.0

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive We had no Frenchminors enrolled inFLF 101 or 102.

comprehension and understanding.

A French facultymember will assessa written or oralstudentpresentation dealingwith cultural aspectsof a French speakingcountry using theAAC&U VALUERubric onInterculturalKnowledge andCompetence.

All students taking FLF100 level classes(excluding Frenchminors) will averagecollectively at least thefollowing on theAAC&U VALUE RubricInterculturalKnowledge andCompetence.In FLF 101 – no lowerthan 1In FLF 102 – no lowerthan 1.5

2018 - 2019 Target Met All students in FLF101 and 102reached theirrespective targets.Scores ranged from1.5 - 4 (Average2.83) in 101 andfrom 2-4 (Average3.16) in 102.Students clearlybenefit from theexposure they haveto other cultures inFrench. 100% ofstudents met thetarget.

We will continue to assess Frenchassignments dealing with oralpresentations on cultural aspects ofa French-speaking country. Giventhe level of success, it may beworth examining whether a moredifficult assignment could be usedfor each class. Review of theassignments used for thisassessment will be conducted bythe department chair andlanguages faculty.

A French facultymember will assessa written or oralstudentpresentation dealingwith cultural aspectsof a French speakingcountry using theAAC&U VALUERubric onInterculturalKnowledge andCompetence.

All students taking FLF200 level classes(excluding Frenchminors) will averagecollectively at least thefollowing on theAAC&U VALUE RubricInterculturalKnowledge andCompetence.In FLF 201 – no lowerthan 2.0In FLF 202 – no lowerthan 2.5

2018 - 2019 Target Met All students in FLF201 and FLF 202met the goals of a2.0 or 2.5respectively. Thescores ranged from2.25-4 (Average3.14) in 201 and 2.5-4 (Average 3.44) in202. Four studentswere at thebenchmark of a 2.5,whereas in pervioussections of thecourse, scores haveall been above thebenchmark. This islikely due to theincreased

The department chair andlanguages faculty will review theassignments used to assessstudents with the Value Rubric onIntercultural Knowledge to see thateach has an appropriate level ofdifficulty for the class.

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A French facultymember will assessa written or oralstudentpresentation dealingwith cultural aspectsof a French speakingcountry using theAAC&U VALUERubric onInterculturalKnowledge andCompetence.

All students taking FLF200 level classes(excluding Frenchminors) will averagecollectively at least thefollowing on theAAC&U VALUE RubricInterculturalKnowledge andCompetence.In FLF 201 – no lowerthan 2.0In FLF 202 – no lowerthan 2.5

2018 - 2019 Target Met competencyrequired and theincreased difficultyof the assignment.

The department chair andlanguages faculty will review theassignments used to assessstudents with the Value Rubric onIntercultural Knowledge to see thateach has an appropriate level ofdifficulty for the class.

A French facultymember will assessa written or oralstudentpresentation dealingwith cultural aspectsof a French speakingcountry using theAAC&U VALUERubric onInterculturalKnowledge andCompetence.(Active)

All French minors willaverage at least thefollowing on theAAC&U VALUE Rubricon InterculturalKnowledge andCompetence.In FLF 201 – no lowerthan 2.5In FLF 202 – no lowerthan 3 (lowerCapstone level)

2018 - 2019 Target Met We had 1 Frenchminor enrolled inboth FLF 201 andFLF 202. She earneda perfect score of 4both semesters onthe AAC&U ValueRubric onInterculturalKnowledge andCompetence.

Continue assessment.

2.2 (PO 4.d.) Minors who complete aminor in our foreignlanguage program willdemonstrate satisfactionwith the instruction andof the program’sintercultural andmulticultural knowledgeemphasis.

At the end of theacademic year,departmentalfaculty will reviewand analyze the FLF202 CourseEvaluations Surveyresults to determineif achievementtarget was met.Since French minorsare rare, this everythird yearassessment shouldbe sufficient todetermine programsuccess.

75% of studentsparticipating in the FLF202 course evaluationsurvey will state thatthey were satisfiedwith the instructionreceived in their timein the French coursesand gained a greaterappreciation overall ofglobal culture,including the variedcultures of Frenchspeaking countries.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

AY Total SatisfactionRate: 3/5 - 60%

Fall 2018 CourseEvaluation did notinclude the targetedsurvey for thisassessment. It onlybegan in the Spring2019 term.

Spring 2019 CourseEvaluation Results:(participation 5/9 -55.56%)Very Satisfied - 3/5 -60%

Continue assessment.

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2.2 (PO 4.d.) Minors who complete aminor in our foreignlanguage program willdemonstrate satisfactionwith the instruction andof the program’sintercultural andmulticultural knowledgeemphasis.

At the end of theacademic year,departmentalfaculty will reviewand analyze the FLF202 CourseEvaluations Surveyresults to determineif achievementtarget was met.Since French minorsare rare, this everythird yearassessment shouldbe sufficient todetermine programsuccess.

75% of studentsparticipating in the FLF202 course evaluationsurvey will state thatthey were satisfiedwith the instructionreceived in their timein the French coursesand gained a greaterappreciation overall ofglobal culture,including the variedcultures of Frenchspeaking countries.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

Somewhat Satisfied- 0/5 - 0%Neither Satisfied norDissatisfied - 0/5 -0%SomewhatDissatisfied - 1/5 -20%Very Dissatisfied -1/5 - 20%

Continue assessment.

3.1 (SAO & SLO) Students will have a fiveto ten minute one on oneconversation in Frenchwith a French facultymember as a part of theassessment of studentlearning in FLF 101, 102,201 and 202. TheDepartmentalConversation Rubric willbe applied to theconversation.

A French facultymember will assessa five to ten minuteconversationbetween himselfand each studentenrolled in FLF 101and 102 (or thesummer intensivecourses*) coursesusing theDepartmentConversation Rubric.

75% of non-Frenchminors taking thefollowing FLFelementary Frenchcourses will score thefollowing averages onthe departmentalconversation rubric.In FLF 101 – no lowerthan an average of“minimal”In FLF 102 – no lowerthan an average of“minimal”

2018 - 2019 Target Met All studentsassessed in FLF 101and 102 earnedscores lower than 3(minimal), where 1is Exemplary, 2 isProficient, and 3 isminimal. Scoresranged from 2.5-1.04 in 101 and2.68-1.04 in 102.

Continue to assess students in FLF101 and 102 on the DepartmentConversation Rubric and reviewwhich assignment or assignmentsare used.

A French facultymember will assessa five to ten minuteconversationbetween himselfand each studentenrolled in FLF 101and 102 (or thesummer intensivecourses*) coursesusing theDepartmentConversation Rubric.

90% of French minorstaking the followingFLF elementary andintermediate Frenchcourses will score thefollowing averages onthe DepartmentConversation Rubric.In FLF 101 – no lowerthan an average of“minimal”In FLF 102 – no lowerthan an average of“minimal”

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive There were nominors this year inFLF 101 and 102.

We will continue to assess based onthe Department Rubric; however,we may consider removing thetarget based on minors in the firstyear, since it will be rare to haveanyone who has declared thatearly.

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A French facultymember will assessa five to ten minuteconversationbetween himselfand each studentenrolled in FLF 201and 202 (or thesummer intensivecourses*) coursesusing theDepartmentConversation Rubric.

75% of non-Frenchminors taking thefollowing FLFintermediate Frenchcourses will score thefollowing averages onthe departmentalconversation rubric.In FLF 201 – no lowerthan an average of“proficient”In FLF 202 – no lowerthan an average of“proficient”

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

10 studentsassessed met thetarget of 2 or loweron this assessmentwith 1 beingExemplary and 2being Proficient.Eight students didnot meet the target,though of thosemany were close.non-proficientscores were: 2.32,2.24, and 2.16 in FLF201 and 2.16, 2.16,2.52, 2.24, 2.28 inFLF 202. Of these,all but one wouldround down to 2,meaning they arecloser to proficientthan to minimal. Wemay need toconsider how weview average scoresbetween Proficientand Minimal. Only56% of non-majorsmet the targetscore.

The department chair and Frenchfaculty will review the assignmentsthat are used to score theDepartment Conversation Rubricand determine why students havemore problems the higher they arein the sequence. Is the because theassignments are more difficult orare students not learning thematerial? The rubric will also berevised to better account for noresponse or incorrect response.

A French facultymember will assessa five to ten minuteconversationbetween himselfand each studentenrolled in FLF 201and 202 (or thesummer intensivecourses*) coursesusing theDepartmentConversation Rubric.

90% of French minorstaking the followingFLF elementary andintermediate Frenchcourses will score thefollowing averages onthe DepartmentConversation Rubric.In FLF 201 – no lowerthan an average of“proficient”In FLF 202 – no lowerthan an average of“proficient"

2018 - 2019 Target Met The department had1 minor this year,who scored aperfect score of 1on the departmentConversationRubric.

We will continue to assessed basedon the Department ConversationRubric and a five-ten minuteconversation with the Frenchfaculty member.

Program - 1.1 (GEO 5.a.) Students will transfer Students The average score of 2018 - 2019 Target Met FS 250 Spring 2019 This is a first year assessing

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Gerontology -Minor {2018-2019}

1.1 (GEO 5.a.) general educationstrands to makeconnections betweendisciplines.

participating in FS250 Introduction toAging will be given aterm paper(Reaction Paper)and the instructor ofthe course willassess studentworks.

FS 250 students will beat least 3 on the 1-4scale used in theAAC&U Foundations &Skills for LifelongLearning Value Rubricin Reaction Paper.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Average Score ofFoundations andSkills for LifelongLearning VALUERubric: 3.02FS 250 was notoffered Fall 18

students' outcome in FS 250. I willcontinue this assessment measurefor next year.

1.2 (SAO & SLO) Students will be able toutilize the knowledge onend-of-life issues andexplain the ways of theconcepts of death canchange over time, place,and culture.

Studentsparticipating in NU453 Death, Dying,and Bereavementwill be given anonline final examand the instructor ofthe course willevaluate the examto determine ifachievement targetwas met.

The average score ofNU 453 students willbe at least 70% on thefinal exam.

2018 - 2019 Target Met NU 453 Spring 2019Average Score ofFinal Exam: 94.67NU 453 was notoffered Fall 18

This is a first year assessingstudents' outcome in FS NU 453. Iwill continue this assessmentmeasure for next year.

2.1 (GEO 2.a.) Students will be able todiscuss aging relatedtopics with culturalcompetency.

Studentsparticipating in FS250 Introduction toAging will be given adiscussionassignment and theinstructor of thecourse will assessstudent response.

The average score ofFS 250 students will beat least 3 on the 1-4scale used in theAAC&U InterculturalKnowledge &Competence ValueRubric in discussionposts.

2018 - 2019 Target Met FS 250 Spring 2019Average Score ofInterculturalKnowledge andCompetence ValueRubric: 3.14FS 250 was notoffered Fall 18

This is a first year assessingstudents' outcome in FS 250. I willcontinue this assessment measurefor next year.

3.1 (PO 1.d.) After completing HED301 Aging and PublicHealth & NU 453 Death,Dying, and Bereavement,students willdemonstrate moreinterest in thegerontology disciplineand get more interestedin gerontology relatedjobs.

Studentsparticipating in HED301 and NU 453courses will be givenan exit survey anddepartmentalfaculty will evaluatethe surveys todetermine ifachievement targetwas met. The exitsurvey consists of 5questions with aLikert scale of 1 to 5,1 being strongly

50% of participatingstudents assessed willscore an overallaverage of 4 or aboveon the exit survey,with 1 being stronglydisagree and 5 beingstrongly agree.

2018 - 2019 Target Met HED 301 and NU453 Sp 2019:90.98% studentsreported 4 (agree)and 5 (stronglyagree) in ExitSurvey.HED 301 and NU453 were notoffered Fall 18

This is a first year assessingstudents' outcome in HED 301 andNU453. I will continue thisassessment measure for next year.

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3.1 (PO 1.d.) After completing HED301 Aging and PublicHealth & NU 453 Death,Dying, and Bereavement,students willdemonstrate moreinterest in thegerontology disciplineand get more interestedin gerontology relatedjobs.

disagree and 5 beingstrongly agree.

50% of participatingstudents assessed willscore an overallaverage of 4 or aboveon the exit survey,with 1 being stronglydisagree and 5 beingstrongly agree.

2018 - 2019 Target Met HED 301 and NU453 Sp 2019:90.98% studentsreported 4 (agree)and 5 (stronglyagree) in ExitSurvey.HED 301 and NU453 were notoffered Fall 18

This is a first year assessingstudents' outcome in HED 301 andNU453. I will continue thisassessment measure for next year.

Program -Gifted Studies(includingCertificate) -ME {2016-2017}

1.1 (SAO & SLO) Candidates willdemonstrate skills andcommitment to creatingsupportive environmentsthat afford all P-12students access torigorous college andcareer ready standardsby planning andimplementing aninterdisciplinary unit thatincludes a use ofdifferentiatedassessment to measureand report the impact onstudent learning.

The instructor for ED598 will assess andgrade theinterdisciplinary unitpresented by thestudent(s) using theInterdisciplinary UnitRubric.

Candidates willdemonstrate skills andcommitment tocreating supportiveenvironments thatafford all P-12students access torigorous college andcareer readystandards by planningand implementing aninterdisciplinary unitby scoring an averageof 86% or above onthe InterdisciplinaryUnit Rubric in ED 598,Internship in GiftedStudies.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

Six students wereenrolled in thecourse in which thisassignment tookplace and wasassessed. Onestudent was notgraded on thisassignment (as adrop grade). Threeof the five studentsearned 100% andtwo earned 0%credit: Student A:100%, Student B:0%, Student C: 0%,Student D: 100%,Student E: 100%.The average for thefive studentsassessed is 60%.

Faculty teaching gifted studiesconfirm the value of thisassignment and rubric, althoughthe assignment should not beassessed in ED 598 Internship inGifted Studies. The assignment wasassessed in ED 517 Methods,Materials and Resources forTeaching the Gifted, and plans areto continue assessment of thisassignment in this course for 2019-2020 for the current MS in GiftedStudies, the Gifted StudiesConcentration of the M.Ed., andthe Certificate in Gifted Studies.

It is important to remember thatthere is no longer a Master ofScience in Gifted Studies; GiftedStudies is now either aconcentration in the Master ofEducation in Education (M.Ed.) or aprogram Certificate. Since no newstudents will be enrolled in the MSin Gifted Studies, we are reportingon students who are completingthe previous degree option.

1.2 (PO 2.c.) Strengthen and ExpandK-12 Partnerships-Partners will co-constructmutually beneficial P-12school and communityarrangements, includingtechnology-based

The department ofeducation will holdfocus groupmeetings withvarious partners (K-12 administration, K-12 teachers) to co-

The department ofeducation and variouspartners will host 2focus groups duringthe academic year inwhich they will shareopinions about

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

Thedepartment/divisiondid not hold anymeetings with K-12administration andK-12 teachers, onceagain, in 2018 -

The department/division did nothold any meetings, once again,however this has become a priorityfor the upcoming year. The divisionplans to meet with K-12administration, K-12 teachers, andparents of the gifted children they

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1.2 (PO 2.c.) collaborations, for clinicalpreparation and shareresponsibility forcontinuous improvementof candidate preparation(Council of Accreditationfor Educator Preparation,CAEP 2.1).

construct mutuallybeneficial P-12partnerships.

developing at leastone new mutuallybeneficial partnership.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

2019 related togifted studies.

serve within the immediatesurrounding area to include theColumbus Municipal School Districtand the Lowndes County SchoolDistrict to discuss ways thedivision's programming may bestmeet the needs of our P-12partners.

2.1 (SAO & SLO) Candidates demonstratean understanding of andare able to applyknowledge and skillsspecific to their disciplineby creating acomprehensivepresentation highlightingevidence-basedknowledge and strategiesrelated to a relevantissue/topic in giftededucation targeted at anaudience of appropriatestakeholders.

The instructor for ED595 will assess andgrade thecomprehensivepresentation givenby the student(s)using the AdvocacyPlan Rubric.

Candidatesdemonstrate anunderstanding of andare able to applyknowledge and skillsspecific to theirdiscipline by creating acomprehensivepresentationhighlighting evidence-based knowledge andstrategies related to arelevant issue/topic ingifted educationtargeted at anaudience ofappropriatestakeholders byscoring “Acceptable orabove” on theAdvocacy Plan Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive ED 595 was notoffered this pastyear.

This assessment remains relevantfor this SAO & SLO. The placementof this assignment and assessmentis being reconsidered, but for nowit will remain in ED 595. Thedivision will retain this assessmentfor the upcoming year.

3.1 (RO & SLO) Candidates willdemonstrate theirproficiencies tounderstand and applyknowledge and skillsappropriate to theirprofessional field ofspecialization so thatlearning anddevelopmentopportunities for all P-12students are enhancedthrough the developmentof a research study in thefield of gifted studies.

The instructor for ED500 will assess andgrade the researchproject presented bythe student(s)utilizing theResearch ProjectRubric.

Candidates willdemonstrate theirproficiencies tounderstand and applyknowledge and skillsappropriate to theirprofessional field ofspecialization so thatlearning anddevelopmentopportunities for all P-12 students areenhanced through thedevelopment of aresearch study in thefield of gifted studies

2018 - 2019 Target Met Four students wereassessed with amean score of98.75%. Student A:95%, Student B:100%, Student C:100%, and StudentD: 100%.

Results were derived from studentresearch project proposalspresented in ED 600 Leadershipthrough Action Research for SchoolImprovement (ED 500 is no longeroffered). The rubric is named ED699 and also is used in the ED 699Ethical Leadership Capstone course.

The program will retain thismeasure, however the assignmentwill be assessed from ED 600, notED 500.

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3.1 (RO & SLO) Candidates willdemonstrate theirproficiencies tounderstand and applyknowledge and skillsappropriate to theirprofessional field ofspecialization so thatlearning anddevelopmentopportunities for all P-12students are enhancedthrough the developmentof a research study in thefield of gifted studies.

The instructor for ED500 will assess andgrade the researchproject presented bythe student(s)utilizing theResearch ProjectRubric.

by scoring an averageof 86% or higher onthe Research ProjectRubric in ED 500,Educational Research.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Four students wereassessed with amean score of98.75%. Student A:95%, Student B:100%, Student C:100%, and StudentD: 100%.

Results were derived from studentresearch project proposalspresented in ED 600 Leadershipthrough Action Research for SchoolImprovement (ED 500 is no longeroffered). The rubric is named ED699 and also is used in the ED 699Ethical Leadership Capstone course.

The program will retain thismeasure, however the assignmentwill be assessed from ED 600, notED 500.

Program -History(includingMinor andSecondaryEducationCertification inHistory andSocial Studies)- BA {2016-2017}

1.1 (SLO) Identify and evaluatecontinuity and change,causality andcoincidence, voice andagency (SLO 5).

At the end of thespring semester, thedepartment chairwill reviewtranscripts ofgraduating seniorsfor the previous yearfor historical depthto determine ifachievement targetwas met.

100% of graduatingseniors will completeat least 4 lower-level(100 level) historysurvey courses (12credit hours) with apassing grade.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Seven studentsgraduated inAugust, December,or May 2017-8 witha history degree. Allhave 12 hours of100 level historywith a passinggrade.

1. Student 1:B,B,A,A2. Student 2:A,A,A,C3. Student 3:B,B,A,A,4. Student 4:P,B,B,B5. Student 6:A,A,A,B6. Student 7:A,A,A,B7. Student 8:B,B,B,A

No new action is needed beyondmonitoring graduating seniortranscripts.

At the end of thespring semester, thedepartment chairwill reviewtranscripts of

100% of graduatingseniors will completeat least 4 upper- level(either 300 or 400level) history survey

2018 - 2019 Target Met Seven studentsgraduated inAugust, December,or May 2017-8 witha history degree. All

No new actions are requiredbeyond monitoring graduatingsenior transcripts.

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graduating seniorsfor the previous yearfor historical depthto determine ifachievement targetwas met.

courses (12 credithours) with a passinggrade.

2018 - 2019 Target Met have 12 hours of300 and 400 levelhistory with apassing grade.1. Student 1:B,A,C,B2. Student 2:B,B,C,A3. Student 3:B,A,A,A4. Student 4:B,C,B,B5. Student 5:A,B, C,A6. Student 6:B,B,B,B7. Student 7:C,C,A,A

No new actions are requiredbeyond monitoring graduatingsenior transcripts.

1.2 (SLO) Relate the complexity ofthe human experienceacross time and space(SLO 6).

At the end of thespring semester, thedepartment chairwill reviewtranscripts ofgraduating seniorsfor the previous yearfor historicalbreadth todetermine ifachievement targetwas met.

100% of graduatingseniors will completeat least one non-western course (3credit hours) with apassing grade.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Seven studentsgraduated inAugust, December,or May 2017-8 witha history degree. Allhave non-westerncourse with apassing grade.

1. Student 1:A2. Student 2:C3. Student 3:C4. Student 4:B5. Student 5:B6. Student 6:B7. Student 7:C

No new action is needed beyondmonitoring graduating seniortranscripts.

At the end of thespring semester, thedepartment chair

100% of graduatingseniors will completeat least one pre

2018 - 2019 Target Met Seven studentsgraduated inAugust, December,

No new action is needed beyondmonitoring graduating seniortranscripts.

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will reviewtranscripts ofgraduating seniorsfor the previous yearfor historicalbreadth todetermine ifachievement targetwas met.

modern (pre 1500)course (3 credit hours)with a passing grade.

2018 - 2019 Target Met or May 2017-8 witha history degree. Allhad at least onepremodern coursewith a passinggrade.

1. Student 1:C2. Student 2:C3. Student 3:A4. Student 4:B5. Student 5:D6. Student 6:B7. Student 7:A

No new action is needed beyondmonitoring graduating seniortranscripts.

At the end of thespring semester, thedepartment chairwill reviewtranscripts ofgraduating seniorsfor the previous yearfor historicalbreadth todetermine ifachievement targetwas met.

100% of graduatingseniors will completeat least two Americanhistory courses (6credit hours) with apassing grade.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Seven studentsgraduated inAugust, December,or May 2017-8 witha history degree. Allhave 6 hours inAmerican historywith a passinggrade.1. Student 1:A,B2. Student 2:B,A3. Student 3:A,A4. Student 4:C,A5. Student 5:B,B6. Student 6:B,B7. Student 7:B,C

No new action is needed beyondmonitoring graduating seniortranscripts.

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At the end of thespring semester, thedepartment chairwill reviewtranscripts ofgraduating seniorsfor the previous yearfor historicalbreadth todetermine ifachievement targetwas met.

100% of graduatingseniors will completeat least two Europeanhistory courses (6credit hours) with apassing grade.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Seven studentsgraduated inAugust, December,or May 2017-8 witha history degree. Allhave 6 hours ofEuropean historywith a passinggrade.1. Student 1:B,B2. Student 2:B,B3. Student 3:A,A4. Student 4:B,B5. Student 5:A,A6. Student 6:B,B7. Student 7:B,C

No new action is needed beyondmonitoring graduating seniortranscripts.

2.1 (GEO 1.b.) Interpret and evaluateprimary sources carefullyand use them to make ahistorical argument (SLO1).

The Historydepartment facultywill use the AAC&UCritical ThinkingVALUE Rubric toassess thePerformance TaskAssessmentrequired of HIS 211students (fall).

The overall averagescore for HIS 211students completingthe Performance TaskAssessment will be nolower than a 3.0 onthe AAC&U CriticalThinking VALUERubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met The PerformanceTask Assessmentwas required ofeach student andthe Critical ThinkingValue Rubric wasapplied to eachindividual student'sassessment in Fall2018 in HIS 211 (arequired class for allhistory majors).Students were givena series of pieces ofhistorical evidenceand had todetermine thesignificance of each,how each piecerelated to theothers received, andthen develop a

We are going to continue to usethis assessment (the PTA) in HIS211, but if the class size continuesto be above the class cap of 15, wemay need to consider whether wethink doing the work in pairs iseffectively measuring the skills ofeach student. This may requireadjusting the content of HIS 211 toaccommodate or offering HIS 211more frequently.

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2.1 (GEO 1.b.) Interpret and evaluateprimary sources carefullyand use them to make ahistorical argument (SLO1).

The Historydepartment facultywill use the AAC&UCritical ThinkingVALUE Rubric toassess thePerformance TaskAssessmentrequired of HIS 211students (fall).

The overall averagescore for HIS 211students completingthe Performance TaskAssessment will be nolower than a 3.0 onthe AAC&U CriticalThinking VALUERubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met narrative using allthe evidence thathad been given.Overall, the averagefor the class was a3.125. All studentsperformed at aproficient level inthis area and on thespecific task thatmeasured it. Twostudents (see notebelow) performedat a top level (4)while all otherstudents measureda 3.

The overall classaverage of 3.0 wasmet.

We are going to continue to usethis assessment (the PTA) in HIS211, but if the class size continuesto be above the class cap of 15, wemay need to consider whether wethink doing the work in pairs iseffectively measuring the skills ofeach student. This may requireadjusting the content of HIS 211 toaccommodate or offering HIS 211more frequently.

3.1 (GEO 1.c.) Students will successfullycommunicate ideasclearly and professionallyin oral and writtenformats.

The Historydepartment facultywill use the AAC&UOral CommunicationVALUE Rubric toassess the ResearchPresentationrequired of HIS 211students (fall).

The overall averagescore for HIS 211students completingthe ResearchPresentation will beno lower than a 3.0 onthe AAC&U OralCommunicationVALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

In Fall 2018,students in HIS 211were required tocomplete an oralpresentation on aresearch topic oftheir choice.Students presentedan 8 minuteresearchpresentation basedon their semesterresearch. Placedtowards the end ofthe semester, butnot at the end, thepresentation actedas a researchproposalpresentation.However, because itwas not the finalassignment itprovided time to

The history faculty need to discussthis at our August meeting. Giventhe importance of oralcommunication skills in the 21stcentury, we need to make this apriority. This remains a frustratingarea and one in which our studentsstruggle. If time permits, a practicepresentation may be required.

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3.1 (GEO 1.c.) Students will successfullycommunicate ideasclearly and professionallyin oral and writtenformats.

The Historydepartment facultywill use the AAC&UOral CommunicationVALUE Rubric toassess the ResearchPresentationrequired of HIS 211students (fall).

The overall averagescore for HIS 211students completingthe ResearchPresentation will beno lower than a 3.0 onthe AAC&U OralCommunicationVALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

meet with studentswho had may bestruggling prior toturning in the finalportfolio. Studentsexplained theirtopic, the centralquestion they wereaddressing, a basicoverview of sources,and work to becompleted betweenthe time of thepresentation andthe due date for thefinal portfolio.Faculty used theOral CommunicationValue Rubric toassess studentperformance. Theoverall average forthe class using therubric was 2.88. Thisput the class justbelow the 3.0target. Last year 2students did notmeet the target, butthis year 6 did notmeet the target, notcounting thestudent whodropped the classshortly after theassignment. (NB: 1student haddropped the courseby the time of thisassignment.Another studentshowed up for thepresentation butwas not preparedand left before their

The history faculty need to discussthis at our August meeting. Giventhe importance of oralcommunication skills in the 21stcentury, we need to make this apriority. This remains a frustratingarea and one in which our studentsstruggle. If time permits, a practicepresentation may be required.

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3.1 (GEO 1.c.) Students will successfullycommunicate ideasclearly and professionallyin oral and writtenformats.

The Historydepartment facultywill use the AAC&UOral CommunicationVALUE Rubric toassess the ResearchPresentationrequired of HIS 211students (fall).

The overall averagescore for HIS 211students completingthe ResearchPresentation will beno lower than a 3.0 onthe AAC&U OralCommunicationVALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

turn to present.That studentdropped the courseshortly after.However, they arescored as a "0"across the board forthis assignment.)

The reasons for lowperformance areclear: 1. Notenough time hadbeen devoted to thesemester projectbefore thepresentation to beeffective; 2. Thestudents had notpracticed and timedtheir work. 3. (Newthis year) Studentsdid not have apresentationprepared but ratherread from notes ortried to glean apresentation fromother assignmentsremotely related tothe topic area.Indeed, one studentseemed to get upand talk about histopicextemporaneously.Overall, studentswere not preparedto deliver qualityoral presentations.

The history faculty need to discussthis at our August meeting. Giventhe importance of oralcommunication skills in the 21stcentury, we need to make this apriority. This remains a frustratingarea and one in which our studentsstruggle. If time permits, a practicepresentation may be required.

The Historydepartment facultywill use thedepartmentalHistorical Inquiry

The overall averagescore for HIS 499students completingthe Research Paperwill be no lower than a

2018 - 2019 Target Met In Fall 2018 studentsin HIS 499 wererequired tocomplete an originalresearch project

Faculty will discuss the HIS 499Capstone performance at theirdepartment meeting in August.Faculty teaching HIS 499 willcontinue to stress original research,

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and ArgumentRubric to assess theResearch Paperrequired of HIS 499students (fall).

3.0 on thedepartmentalHistorical Inquiry andArgument Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met that included anessay or paper ofsignificant length.Faculty used theHistorical InquiryRubric (HIAWR) toassess studentperformance. Thesix studentsenrolled in HIS 499Capstone had anoverall average of3.76 on thehistorical inquiryrubric and as agroup scored above3.0 on everymeasure of therubric. Individually,every student alsoaveraged higherthan a 3.0. In the"students writeclearly" category,they averaged a3.67. You can seethe specific resultsin the attachedspreadsheet.

analysis, and writing skills in thecourse.

4.1 (SLO) Locate and select avariety of historicalsources (primary,secondary, archival,library, electronic, etc.)for use in an historicalargument (SLO 2).

The Historydepartment facultywill determine HIS211 students’competency byreviewing thecompleted Libraryand Archive Sourceassignment(s) (fall).

The overall average ofHIS 211 students forthe Library andArchive Sourceassignment(s) will beno lower than a C (75percent).

2018 - 2019 Target Met In Fall 2018,students in HIS 211completed theLibrary and ArchiveSource assignment.Students worked ingroups on a singlearchive assignment.This is a changefrom past semesterswhen studentscompleted two suchassignments. Thesecond assignmenthad to be cut tomake room for the

We intend to continue to use thisinstrument in HIS 211 to measurestudents ability to connect withprimary, archival sources.

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4.1 (SLO) Locate and select avariety of historicalsources (primary,secondary, archival,library, electronic, etc.)for use in an historicalargument (SLO 2).

The Historydepartment facultywill determine HIS211 students’competency byreviewing thecompleted Libraryand Archive Sourceassignment(s) (fall).

The overall average ofHIS 211 students forthe Library andArchive Sourceassignment(s) will beno lower than a C (75percent).

2018 - 2019 Target Met researchpresentations (alsopart of thisevaluation).Because of the largenumber of studentsin the courseadditional classperiods had to bedevoted to thepresentations—resulting in theelimination of onearchive assignment.The assignment wascompleted at theMUW Archives. Theassignmentcentered on aspecific historicalquestion that had tobe answered usingarchive sources.Additional questionswere developedprior to thebeginning of thesemester—both toreplace onesfrequently used aswell as toaccommodate thelarger number ofstudents. Studentshad to figure out 1.What sources mightaddress theirquestion; 2. How toaccess thosesources; and then 3.Write an essayanswering thequestion and usingthe sources foundas support.

We intend to continue to use thisinstrument in HIS 211 to measurestudents ability to connect withprimary, archival sources.

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4.1 (SLO) Locate and select avariety of historicalsources (primary,secondary, archival,library, electronic, etc.)for use in an historicalargument (SLO 2).

The Historydepartment facultywill determine HIS211 students’competency byreviewing thecompleted Libraryand Archive Sourceassignment(s) (fall).

The overall average ofHIS 211 students forthe Library andArchive Sourceassignment(s) will beno lower than a C (75percent).

2018 - 2019 Target Met The class averagefor this assignmentwas an 80.93%. Allstudents received a“C” or higher, butfor one group of 2who earned a67.5%.

Scores out of a totalpoint value of 80.Students worked inpairs.


We intend to continue to use thisinstrument in HIS 211 to measurestudents ability to connect withprimary, archival sources.

4.2 (SLO) Students will successfullyunderstand, synthesize,and engage with theideas of others andaccept and/or resolvediffering perspectives orconflicting evidenceresponsibly.

The Historydepartment facultywill use thedepartmentalHistorical Inquiryand ArgumentRubric to assess theResearch Paperrequired of HIS 499students (fall).

The overall averagescore for HIS 499students completingthe Research Paperwill be no lower than a3.0 on thedepartmentalHistorical Inquiry andArgument Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met In Fall 2018 studentsin HIS 499 wererequired tocomplete an originalresearch projectthat included anessay or paper ofsignificant length.Faculty used theHistorical InquiryRubric (HIAWR) toassess studentperformance.The sixstudents enrolled inHIS 499 Capstone

We are satisfied with the studentperformance on the CapstoneResearch Paper as evaluated withthe HIAWR and will continue tomonitor their performance. Wewill discuss these findings at ourAugust, beginning-of-the-yearmeeting and continue to look forways to improve studentsunderstanding of context,secondary literature, and ability towork with conflicting evidence.

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4.2 (SLO) Students will successfullyunderstand, synthesize,and engage with theideas of others andaccept and/or resolvediffering perspectives orconflicting evidenceresponsibly.

The Historydepartment facultywill use thedepartmentalHistorical Inquiryand ArgumentRubric to assess theResearch Paperrequired of HIS 499students (fall).

The overall averagescore for HIS 499students completingthe Research Paperwill be no lower than a3.0 on thedepartmentalHistorical Inquiry andArgument Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met had an overallaverage of 3.76 onthe historical inquiryrubric and as agroup scored above3.0 on everymeasure of therubric. Individually,every student alsoaveraged higherthan a 3.0. Theserubric categories areparticularlyimportant to thiscategory:

Student develops aninterpretation basedon evidence: 3.75Studentdemonstrateawareness ofinterpretivedifferences: 3.42Student evaluatesand analyzesprimary sources:4.08Student employs abroad range ofsources: 3.67

You can see thespecific results inthe attachedspreadsheet.

We are satisfied with the studentperformance on the CapstoneResearch Paper as evaluated withthe HIAWR and will continue tomonitor their performance. Wewill discuss these findings at ourAugust, beginning-of-the-yearmeeting and continue to look forways to improve studentsunderstanding of context,secondary literature, and ability towork with conflicting evidence.

4.3 (SLO) Students will successfullydevelop a historicalargument that usesample evidence (primaryand secondary) tosupport its claims.

The Historydepartment facultywill use thedepartmentalHistorical Inquiryand ArgumentRubric to assess theResearch Paperrequired of HIS 499

The overall averagescore for HIS 499students completingthe Research Paperwill be no lower than a3.0 on thedepartmentalHistorical Inquiry andArgument Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met In Fall 2018 studentsin HIS 499 wererequired tocomplete an originalresearch projectthat included anessay or paper ofsignificant length.Faculty used the

Faculty will discuss the results ofthe HIAWR in the Capstone andcontinue to make primary sourcesand evidence-based argumentsusing primary sources andsecondary sources. We aresatisfied with the HIAWRassessment and this assignment.

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4.3 (SLO) Students will successfullydevelop a historicalargument that usesample evidence (primaryand secondary) tosupport its claims.

students (fall). The overall averagescore for HIS 499students completingthe Research Paperwill be no lower than a3.0 on thedepartmentalHistorical Inquiry andArgument Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Historical InquiryRubric (HIAWR) toassess studentperformance. Thesix studentsenrolled in HIS 499Capstone had anoverall average of3.76 on thehistorical inquiryrubric and as agroup scored above3.0 on everymeasure of therubric. Individually,every student alsoaveraged higherthan a 3.0. Theserubric categories areparticularlyimportant to thiscategory:

Student develops aninterpretation basedon evidence: 3.75Student evaluatesand analyzesprimary sources:4.08Student employs abroad range ofsources: 3.67Student graspsrelevant historicalfacts and content:3.75

You can see thespecific results inthe attachedspreadsheet.

Faculty will discuss the results ofthe HIAWR in the Capstone andcontinue to make primary sourcesand evidence-based argumentsusing primary sources andsecondary sources. We aresatisfied with the HIAWRassessment and this assignment.

5.1 (SAO) Students in the Capstonecourse will successfullyshow improvement in

The Historydepartmentalfaculty will analyze

The overall averagefor HIS 499 studentscompleting the

2018 - 2019 Target Met In Fall 2019 sixstudents completedthe Capstone class

While we got results this yearwithout putting the survey inCanvas, we need to make sure that

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5.1 (SAO) their knowledge andskills in the areas ofhistorical content, criticalthinking, communication,and inquiry.

the HIS 499students’ resultsfrom the CapstoneSurvey that asks thedegree to whichtheir knowledge andskills improved inhistorical content,critical thinking,communication, andinquiry (fall).

Capstone Survey willbe that studentsreport seeing anincrease of at least“3.0” on a 1-5 Likertscale, regarding thedegree to which theirknowledge and skillsimproved in historicalcontent, criticalthinking,communication, andinquiry.

2018 - 2019 Target Met and four completedthe Capstonesurvey. Of the fourwho completed thesurvey, all self-reported that theyincreased theirknowledge and skillsin history (Question1, average 4.75),critical thinking(Question 2,average 5.0),communicationskills (Question 3,average 5.0), andhistorical inquiry(Question 4, 5.0). Inaddition to scoringtheir learning highlyon the numericscale, somestudents wrotequalitativecomments, whichsupported theirscoring. Onestudent explainedthat it was theCapstone class (HIS499) that reallycemented much ofthis learning forthem: "Thecapstone projectwas exponentiallyhelpful in exposingme to primarysource work, andwas a deeplyimportant processin helping mecrystallizeeverything that Ihad learned to thispoint as a history

the survey is in Canvas this yearand we get results from everypossible student. The instructor forCapstone will make the survey partof the Canvas shell for the courseand lock entry to the course at theend of the semester until thesurvey is completed. This shouldensure that all students in thecourse complete the survey.

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5.1 (SAO) Students in the Capstonecourse will successfullyshow improvement intheir knowledge andskills in the areas ofhistorical content, criticalthinking, communication,and inquiry.

The Historydepartmentalfaculty will analyzethe HIS 499students’ resultsfrom the CapstoneSurvey that asks thedegree to whichtheir knowledge andskills improved inhistorical content,critical thinking,communication, andinquiry (fall).

The overall averagefor HIS 499 studentscompleting theCapstone Survey willbe that studentsreport seeing anincrease of at least“3.0” on a 1-5 Likertscale, regarding thedegree to which theirknowledge and skillsimproved in historicalcontent, criticalthinking,communication, andinquiry.

2018 - 2019 Target Met major. Historycoursework hastaught me toanalyze a problem,find appropriatesources, analyzesources bothtextually andcontextually, andhow to ask andanswer questionsthat were relevantto and shaped theworld around me."

While we got results this yearwithout putting the survey inCanvas, we need to make sure thatthe survey is in Canvas this yearand we get results from everypossible student. The instructor forCapstone will make the survey partof the Canvas shell for the courseand lock entry to the course at theend of the semester until thesurvey is completed. This shouldensure that all students in thecourse complete the survey.

6.1 (PO 2.e.) History majors willcomplete an internshipor study abroad programbefore graduating.

At the end of thespring semester, thedepartment chairwill reviewtranscripts ofgraduating seniorsfor the previous yearto determine ifstudents havecompleted aninternship or studyabroad program.

70 percent of Historymajors who graduatedin the previous yearwill have completedan internship or studyabroad program.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Seven studentsgraduated inAugust, December,or May 2017-8 witha history degree.

1. Student 1:Study Abroad andinternship2. Student 2:Internship3. Student 3:Two internships4. Student 4:Study Abroad andinternship5. Student 5:None6. Student 6:Two internships7. Student 7:Internship

We are very pleased with theresults of this assessment and willcontinue to monitor seniortranscripts.

7.1 (SLO) Students willdemonstrate bestpractices regardinglesson preparation,lesson delivery, andclassroom management.

At the end of the fallsemester, theinstructor for HIS410 Methods andMaterials inSecondary History

100% of students inHIS 410 will completethe class with anaverage grade of C (70%) or above.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive There are no resultsto report as we didnot offer HIS 410 inAY 2018-9

As more students opt for thealternative route to teachercertification, we should expect low-enrollment or no enrollment in HIS410.

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7.1 (SLO) Students willdemonstrate bestpractices regardinglesson preparation,lesson delivery, andclassroom management.

and Social Studieswill review studentwork and grades anddetermine whetherthe achievementtarget was met.

100% of students inHIS 410 will completethe class with anaverage grade of C (70%) or above.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive There are no resultsto report as we didnot offer HIS 410 inAY 2018-9

As more students opt for thealternative route to teachercertification, we should expect low-enrollment or no enrollment in HIS410.

7.2 (SLO) Students willdemonstrate successregarding supervisedteaching in local schools.

At the end of thespring semester, theSocial StudiesTeacher CertificationCoordinator willreview the TeacherIntern AssessmentInstrument (TIAI)metric of studentteachers enrolled inED 409 Observationand DirectedTeaching inSecondaryEducation Grades 7-12 during theacademic year thatis ending. The TIAImeasures six facetsof teaching, whichare: (1) planning andpreparation, (2)communication andinteraction, (3)teaching forlearning, (4)managing thelearningenvironment, (5)assessment ofstudent learning,and (6)professionalism andpartnerships. Eachstudent teacherreceives an overallscore from thementor teacherrelated to their

100% of studentteachers will receive a2 or above evaluationfrom the mentorteacher on the TIAImetric (on a 0-3 scale).

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive There are no resultsto provide.

As more students opt for thealternative route to teachercertification, we should expect low-enrollment or no enrollment in HIS410.

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7.2 (SLO) Students willdemonstrate successregarding supervisedteaching in local schools.

performance on thesix areas, and thefinal score is on a 0-3 scale. Thecoordinator willcompile the scoresand determinewhether theachievement targetwas met.

100% of studentteachers will receive a2 or above evaluationfrom the mentorteacher on the TIAImetric (on a 0-3 scale).

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive There are no resultsto provide.

As more students opt for thealternative route to teachercertification, we should expect low-enrollment or no enrollment in HIS410.

Program -Interdisciplinary Studies(includingAmerican,International,andMedieval/RenaissanceStudiesMinors) - BA,BS {2016-2017}

1.1 (SLO) Students will explore andanalyze issues, ideas,and/or events in a waythat serves an ultimatelyacademic purpose.

The facultymembers making upindividual studentresearchcommittees in IS 499will use the AAC&UInquiry and AnalysisVALUE Rubric toassess the Capstoneproject in IS 499.Student effort onthe IS 499 paper willproduce at least anaverage score of “3”for each of the sixitems measured inthe rubric: topicselection; existingknowledge,research, and/orviews; designprocess; analysis;conclusions;limitations andimplications.

Direct, summativeassessment isaccomplishedthrough analysis of astudent'sindependentresearch projectcompleted in IS 499Interdisciplinary

The average score forall students in IS 499completing theCapstone project willbe no lower than a 3.0on the AAC&U Inquiryand Analysis VALUERubric.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive There are no resultsto report. Therewere no graduatingseniors in any of theinterdisciplinarystudies minors.

The IS program is designed to be aselective program, as any IS majorneeds to be highly self-motivatedand capable of independentresearch. Our three-year trend indeclared majors and degreesawarded reflects the small numberstypical of IS. This is an importantmajor for highly motivatedstudents as it allows them tocombine interests without havingto double (or triple) major and itcosts nothing to the universityadminister, because it combinesfields already in existence oncampus and has no overheadregarding faculty. While we had noIS seniors in AY 2017-8, we havetwo in AY 2018-9. The majorcontinues to work well for a smallnumber of students.

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Program -Interdisciplinary Studies(includingAmerican,International,andMedieval/RenaissanceStudiesMinors) - BA,BS {2016-2017}

1.1 (SLO) Students will explore andanalyze issues, ideas,and/or events in a waythat serves an ultimatelyacademic purpose.

Studies Capstone.This course isnormally taken inthe student's lastsemester.

A IS 499 studentdevelops an idea fora comprehensiveproject thatmeaningfullycombines aspects ofthe two to threedisciplines he/shehas chosen for the ISmajor. The studentselects a facultycommittee(representing eachdiscipline), and thecommittee workswith the IS adviserto keep the studenton track over thesemester indeveloping afinished productthat is analytical butwhich may alsoinclude creativeelementsappropriate to thedisciplines included.At the veryfoundation of thecourse is a paper,usually 20 pages inlength that adheresto the goals andstandards ofacademic research.The committeeprovides guidance tothe student throughstages spaced outduring the semester:

The average score forall students in IS 499completing theCapstone project willbe no lower than a 3.0on the AAC&U Inquiryand Analysis VALUERubric.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive There are no resultsto report. Therewere no graduatingseniors in any of theinterdisciplinarystudies minors.

The IS program is designed to be aselective program, as any IS majorneeds to be highly self-motivatedand capable of independentresearch. Our three-year trend indeclared majors and degreesawarded reflects the small numberstypical of IS. This is an importantmajor for highly motivatedstudents as it allows them tocombine interests without havingto double (or triple) major and itcosts nothing to the universityadminister, because it combinesfields already in existence oncampus and has no overheadregarding faculty. While we had noIS seniors in AY 2017-8, we havetwo in AY 2018-9. The majorcontinues to work well for a smallnumber of students.

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Program -Interdisciplinary Studies(includingAmerican,International,andMedieval/RenaissanceStudiesMinors) - BA,BS {2016-2017}

1.1 (SLO) Students will explore andanalyze issues, ideas,and/or events in a waythat serves an ultimatelyacademic purpose.

prospectus;annotatedbibliography; initialdraft; second draft;final draft. A coupledays aftersubmitting the finaldraft, the studentorally presentshis/her project tothe committee. Thisencounter alsoallows committeemembers to probeareas needingfurther clarificationand to makerecommendationsabout how thestudent mayproceed in thepossible furtherdevelopment of theproject. Assessmentdata will becollected from allfaculty committeemembers, whosescores will beaveraged for thefinal result.

The average score forall students in IS 499completing theCapstone project willbe no lower than a 3.0on the AAC&U Inquiryand Analysis VALUERubric.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive There are no resultsto report. Therewere no graduatingseniors in any of theinterdisciplinarystudies minors.

The IS program is designed to be aselective program, as any IS majorneeds to be highly self-motivatedand capable of independentresearch. Our three-year trend indeclared majors and degreesawarded reflects the small numberstypical of IS. This is an importantmajor for highly motivatedstudents as it allows them tocombine interests without havingto double (or triple) major and itcosts nothing to the universityadminister, because it combinesfields already in existence oncampus and has no overheadregarding faculty. While we had noIS seniors in AY 2017-8, we havetwo in AY 2018-9. The majorcontinues to work well for a smallnumber of students.

1.2 (SLO) Students will report thatthe courses they took fortheir interdisciplinaryprogram caused them toevaluate and analyzediverse issues, ideas,and/or events acrossvarious traditionalacademic disciplineswhile makingconnections betweenthose disciplines.

The departmentchair will administerthe InterdisciplinaryStudies MinorsInquiry and AnalysisSurvey to all seniorIS minors inAmerican Studies,Medieval &Renaissance Studies,and InternationalStudies in the springsemester. The

The average score forall surveyed IS minorstudents on theInterdisciplinaryStudies Minors Inquiryand Analysis Surveywill be no lower than3.0 out of a possible5.0.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive There are no resultsto report. Therewere no graduatingseniors in any of theinterdisciplinarystudies minors.

The IS program is designed to be aselective program, as any IS majorneeds to be highly self-motivatedand capable of independentresearch. Our three-year trend indeclared majors and degreesawarded reflects the small numberstypical of IS. This is an importantmajor for highly motivatedstudents as it allows them tocombine interests without havingto double (or triple) major and itcosts nothing to the university

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1.2 (SLO) Students will report thatthe courses they took fortheir interdisciplinaryprogram caused them toevaluate and analyzediverse issues, ideas,and/or events acrossvarious traditionalacademic disciplineswhile makingconnections betweenthose disciplines.

survey is scored on a5-point Likert scale.

The average score forall surveyed IS minorstudents on theInterdisciplinaryStudies Minors Inquiryand Analysis Surveywill be no lower than3.0 out of a possible5.0.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive There are no resultsto report. Therewere no graduatingseniors in any of theinterdisciplinarystudies minors.

administer, because it combinesfields already in existence oncampus and has no overheadregarding faculty. While we had noIS seniors in AY 2017-8, we havetwo in AY 2018-9. The majorcontinues to work well for a smallnumber of students.

2.1 (GEO 1.c.) Students willdemonstrate effectivecontext and purpose forwriting, contentdevelopment, genre anddisciplinary conventions,source and evidence use,and control of syntax andmechanics.

Faculty committeemembers for eachstudent enrolled inIS 499 will utilize theAAC&U WrittenCommunicationVALUE Rubric toassess the writtenportion of thestudent’s Capstoneproject. This courseis normally taken inthe student's lastsemester.

The average score forstudents enrolled IS499 completing theCapstone project willbe no lower than a 3.0on the AAC&U WrittenCommunicationVALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive There are no resultsto report. IS 499was not offered inAY 2018-9 as wehad no graduatingseniors in theprogram.

The IS program is designed to be aselective program, as any IS majorneeds to be highly self-motivatedand capable of independentresearch. Our three-year trend indeclared majors and degreesawarded reflects the small numberstypical of IS. This is an importantmajor for highly motivatedstudents as it allows them tocombine interests without havingto double (or triple) major and itcosts nothing to the universityadminister, because it combinesfields already in existence oncampus and has no overheadregarding faculty. While we had noIS seniors in AY 2017-8, we havetwo in AY 2018-9. The majorcontinues to work well for a smallnumber of students.

3.1 (GEO 1.c.) Students will orallycommunicate theacademic value of one'sadvanced research in aneffective manner.

Faculty committeemembers for eachstudent enrolled inIS 499 will utilize theAAC&U OralCommunicationVALUE Rubric toassess the oralportion of thestudent’s Capstoneproject. This courseis normally taken in

The average score forstudents enrolled IS499 completing theCapstone project willbe no lower than a 3.0on the AAC&U OralCommunicationVALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive There are no resultsto report. IS 499was not offered inAY 2018-9 as wehad no graduatingseniors in theprogram.

The IS program is designed to be aselective program, as any IS majorneeds to be highly self-motivatedand capable of independentresearch. Our three-year trend indeclared majors and degreesawarded reflects the small numberstypical of IS. This is an importantmajor for highly motivatedstudents as it allows them tocombine interests without havingto double (or triple) major and it

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3.1 (GEO 1.c.) Students will orallycommunicate theacademic value of one'sadvanced research in aneffective manner.

the student's lastsemester.

The average score forstudents enrolled IS499 completing theCapstone project willbe no lower than a 3.0on the AAC&U OralCommunicationVALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive There are no resultsto report. IS 499was not offered inAY 2018-9 as wehad no graduatingseniors in theprogram.

costs nothing to the universityadminister, because it combinesfields already in existence oncampus and has no overheadregarding faculty. While we had noIS seniors in AY 2017-8, we havetwo in AY 2018-9. The majorcontinues to work well for a smallnumber of students.

4.1 (SAO & PO3.e.)

Students enrolled in IS499 will successfullycomplete their Capstoneproject, which involvescollaborating with facultyfrom multiple academicdisciplines in order tointentionally combinethose fields into asignificant researchproject focused on thestudent’s interests andacademic needs.

Faculty committeemembers willdetermine the finalcourse grades ofstudents enrolled inIS 499 Capstone.Final gradeinformation willthen be compiled bythe InterdisciplinaryStudies adviser forreview andreporting.

100% of studentsenrolled in IS 499Capstone will pass thecourse.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive There are no resultsto report. IS 499was not offered inAY 2018-9 as wehad no graduatingseniors in theprogram.

The IS program is designed to be aselective program, as any IS majorneeds to be highly self-motivatedand capable of independentresearch. Our three-year trend indeclared majors and degreesawarded reflects the small numberstypical of IS. This is an importantmajor for highly motivatedstudents as it allows them tocombine interests without havingto double (or triple) major and itcosts nothing to the universityadminister, because it combinesfields already in existence oncampus and has no overheadregarding faculty. While we had noIS seniors in AY 2017-8, we havetwo in AY 2018-9. The majorcontinues to work well for a smallnumber of students.

Program -Mathematics(includingMinor andSecondaryEducationCertification) -BA, BS {2016-2017}

1.1 (SLO) Students will writeconcise and clear proofs.

Proofs fromassignments andexams will beevaluated using theMathematics ProofWriting Rubric. Theprimary evaluatorwill be the courseinstructor, withpossible review byanothermathematics facultymember. Due tosmall classes (lessthan ten students

75% of all MA 301student work sampledat the satisfactory orhigher level.

2018 - 2019 Target Met 78% of worksampled in MA 301was at thesatisfactory orhigher level.40 total items wereassessed (22 itemsat the proficientlevel; 9 items at thesatisfactory level; 9items at theunsatisfactorylevel).Multiple itemsassessed for each

Continue quality instruction andcareful attention to proof writing,including correct use ofterminology and notation.

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Program -Mathematics(includingMinor andSecondaryEducationCertification) -BA, BS {2016-2017}

1.1 (SLO) Students will writeconcise and clear proofs.

beyond MA 182),multiple items fromeach student will beevaluated.

75% of all MA 301student work sampledat the satisfactory orhigher level.

2018 - 2019 Target Met student in MA 301 Continue quality instruction andcareful attention to proof writing,including correct use ofterminology and notation.

Proofs fromassignments andexams will beevaluated using theMathematics ProofWriting Rubric. Theprimary evaluatorwill be the courseinstructor, withpossible review byanothermathematics facultymember. Due tosmall classes (lessthan ten studentsbeyond MA 182),multiple items fromeach student will beevaluated.

75% of all MA 304 /MA 455 / MA 461student work sampledat the proficient level.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive None of these threecourses werescheduled to betaught in 2018-2019based on therotation ofmathematicscourses. So thereare no results forthis academic year.

MA 304 will be taught Fall 2019 andeither MA 455 or MA 461 will betaught Spring 2020.

1.2 (SLO) Students will interpretconcepts and solutions.

Problems fromassignments andexams will beevaluated using theQuantitative LiteracyVALUE Rubric. Theprimary evaluatorwill be the courseinstructor, withpossible review byanothermathematics facultymember. Due tosmall classes (lessthan ten studentsbeyond MA 182),multiple items from

75% of all MA 181student work sampledat level 2 or higher onthe AAC&UQuantitative LiteracyVALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met 75% of worksampled in MA 181was at level 2 orhigher.114 total itemsassessed (57 itemsat level 3; 26 itemsat level 2; 27 itemsat level 1).Multiple items wereassessed for eachstudent.9 students in Fall2018 and 4 studentsin Spring 2019.

Instructor plans to continueprogress toward a flippedclassroom. This will includerecording lecture material for MA181 and creating "guided notes" inadvance. This will allow more classtime for working problems in classand addressing questions fromstudents about the material andhomework problems.

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1.2 (SLO) Students will interpretconcepts and solutions.

each student will beevaluated.

75% of all MA 181student work sampledat level 2 or higher onthe AAC&UQuantitative LiteracyVALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met 75% of worksampled in MA 181was at level 2 orhigher.114 total itemsassessed (57 itemsat level 3; 26 itemsat level 2; 27 itemsat level 1).Multiple items wereassessed for eachstudent.9 students in Fall2018 and 4 studentsin Spring 2019.

Instructor plans to continueprogress toward a flippedclassroom. This will includerecording lecture material for MA181 and creating "guided notes" inadvance. This will allow more classtime for working problems in classand addressing questions fromstudents about the material andhomework problems.

Problems fromassignments andexams will beevaluated using theQuantitative LiteracyVALUE Rubric. Theprimary evaluatorwill be the courseinstructor, withpossible review byanothermathematics facultymember. Due tosmall classes (lessthan ten studentsbeyond MA 182),multiple items fromeach student will beevaluated.

75% of all MA 306student work sampledat level 2 or higher onthe AAC&UQuantitative LiteracyVALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

68% of worksampled in MA 306was at level 2 orhigher.17 items at level 3; 9items at level 2; 12items at level 1.Multiple itemsassessed for eachstudent in the class.8 students enrolled.

Target not met. Half the class wasinternational students who are verygood at computational tasks andweaker at verbal tasks related toconcepts. Instructor will createadditional problems related tointerpreting concepts and solutionsnext offering.

1.3 (GEO 1.c.) Students will give asample lesson thatpresents a problem andits solution.

Projects will beevaluated using theOral CommunicationVALUE Rubric. Theprimary evaluatorwill be the courseinstructor. Due tosmall classes (lessthan ten studentsbeyond MA 182),

MA 318 / MA 319student work sampledwill have an averagescore of 2.5 or higheron the AAC&U OralCommunicationVALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive Neither MA 318 norMA 319 was taughtin 2018-2019.

MA 318 will be taught in Fall 2019.

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1.3 (GEO 1.c.) Students will give asample lesson thatpresents a problem andits solution.

multiple items fromeach student will beevaluated.

MA 318 / MA 319student work sampledwill have an averagescore of 2.5 or higheron the AAC&U OralCommunicationVALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive Neither MA 318 norMA 319 was taughtin 2018-2019.

MA 318 will be taught in Fall 2019.

1.4 (SAO) Students will successfullycomplete MA 301. MA301 is the gatewaycourse to many of theupper level MA courses.

Faculty will reviewsemester gradeswithin MA 301.

75% of all MA 301students will earn asemester grade of C orbetter.

2018 - 2019 Target Met 75% of students inMA 301 earned asemester grade of Cor better.Semester grades: 1A; 2 B's; 1 D

Continue quality instruction andemphasize the importance of thecontent of MA 301, which isessential for success in subsequentupper level "proof-based" courses.

2.1 (GEO 3.a.) Students will solveapplication problems.

Problems fromassignments andexams will beevaluated using theQuantitative LiteracyVALUE Rubric. Theprimary evaluatorwill be the courseinstructor, withpossible review byanothermathematics facultymember. Due tosmall classes (lessthan ten studentsbeyond MA 182),multiple items fromeach student will beevaluated.

MA 284 student worksampled will have anaverage score of 2.5 orhigher on the AAC&UQuantitative LiteracyVALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

mean = 2.3040 total itemsassessed in MA 284.20 items at level 3;12 items at level 2; 8items at level 1.Multiple itemsassessed for eachstudent in MA 284

The instructor felt the studentsstruggled due to weaknesses withsome core calculus skills fromprevious courses, and this impactedtheir ability to master applicationproblems. The instructor plans tocreate and provide videos workingout sample application problems infull detail so that students haveadditional examples beyond thosepresented during lecture.

Problems fromassignments andexams will beevaluated using theQuantitative LiteracyVALUE Rubric. Theprimary evaluatorwill be the courseinstructor, withpossible review byanothermathematics facultymember. Due to

MA 306 student worksampled will have anaverage score of 2.5 orhigher on the AAC&UQuantitative LiteracyVALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met mean = 2.6531 total items assessin MA 306 (22 itemsat level 3; 7 items atlevel 2; 2 items atlevel 1).Multiple itemsassessed for eachstudent in the class.8 students

Target met. Continue qualityinstruction.

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small classes (lessthan ten studentsbeyond MA 182),multiple items fromeach student will beevaluated.

MA 306 student worksampled will have anaverage score of 2.5 orhigher on the AAC&UQuantitative LiteracyVALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met mean = 2.6531 total items assessin MA 306 (22 itemsat level 3; 7 items atlevel 2; 2 items atlevel 1).Multiple itemsassessed for eachstudent in the class.8 students

Target met. Continue qualityinstruction.

2.2 (SLO) Students will combinedifferent mathematicalideas in problem solving.

Problems fromassignments andexams will beevaluated using theQuantitative LiteracyVALUE Rubric. Theprimary evaluatorwill be the courseinstructor, withpossible review byanothermathematics facultymember. Due tosmall classes (lessthan ten studentsbeyond MA 182),multiple items fromeach student will beevaluated.

50% of all MA 303 /MA 312 / MA 457 /MA 459 student worksampled at level 3 orhigher on the AAC&UQuantitative LiteracyVALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met 75% of worksampled in MA 460was at level 3 orhigher.12 items at level 3; 3items at level 2; 1items at level 1.Multiple itemsassessed for eachstudent in the class.4 students

Target met. Continue qualityinstruction.

Problems fromassignments andexams will beevaluated using theQuantitative LiteracyVALUE Rubric. Theprimary evaluatorwill be the courseinstructor, withpossible review byanothermathematics facultymember. Due tosmall classes (lessthan ten studentsbeyond MA 182),

90% of all MA 303 /MA 312 / MA 457 /MA 459 student worksampled at level 2 orhigher on the AAC&UQuantitative LiteracyVALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met 94% of worksampled in MA 460was at level 2 orhigher.16 total itemsassessed in MA 460(12 items at level 3;3 items at level 2; 1items at level 1).Multiple itemsassessed for eachstudent in the class.4 students

Target met. Continue qualityinstruction.

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multiple items fromeach student will beevaluated.

90% of all MA 303 /MA 312 / MA 457 /MA 459 student worksampled at level 2 orhigher on the AAC&UQuantitative LiteracyVALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met 94% of worksampled in MA 460was at level 2 orhigher.16 total itemsassessed in MA 460(12 items at level 3;3 items at level 2; 1items at level 1).Multiple itemsassessed for eachstudent in the class.4 students

Target met. Continue qualityinstruction.

3.1 (PO 2.c.) The program willparticipate in outreachevents for K-12 students.

Review the EventsLog and count thenumber of outreachevents theMathematics facultyhosts.

Host at least twooutreach eventsduring the academicyear.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

The MississippiRegional ScienceBowl was held onFebruary 15, 2019.Attendees includedapproximately 100high school studentsand 20 teachers,with 20 teamscompeting from 13different schools.The day alsoincluded a scienceexam competition.It was a verysuccessful day,including awardingMUW scholarshipsto top performers.

We did not host aSonya KovalevskyHigh SchoolMathematics Day in2018-2019. Thefaculty member incharge of organizingthe event did notget information tothe high schools intime to allowschools to plan and

Hosting the Mississippi RegionalScience Bowl and Sonya KovalevskyHigh School Mathematics Day areboth planned for 2019-2020.

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3.1 (PO 2.c.) The program willparticipate in outreachevents for K-12 students.

Review the EventsLog and count thenumber of outreachevents theMathematics facultyhosts.

Host at least twooutreach eventsduring the academicyear.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

bring students. Hosting the Mississippi RegionalScience Bowl and Sonya KovalevskyHigh School Mathematics Day areboth planned for 2019-2020.

3.2 (PO 2.c.) Mathematics majors willparticipate in communityoutreach and serviceopportunities.

Departmentalfaculty will reviewand analyze theresults of theDepartmental ExitSurvey, which isprovided to allgraduating majors inthe department.

100% of graduatessurveyed will indicateon the DepartmentalExit Survey that theyhave participated insome communityoutreach and/orservice opportunitieswhile at MUW.

2018 - 2019 Target Met 100% ofmathematicsgraduates in 2018-2019 participated incommunityoutreach and/orcommunity servicewhile at MUW. (2out of 2 graduates)

Target met. Faculty will continue tobe role models by participatingthemselves in community outreachand service activities and willencourage mathematics majors todo the same.

Program -Music(includingMusicEducation andMusicTherapy) - BA,BM {2016-2017}

1.1 (SAO) Students will performworks from multiplemusical periods on theirmajor instrument at theend of their sophomoreyear.

Students willcomplete a 10questionSophomore ExitInterview followingthe “SophomoreBarrier Jury,” todetermine theircurrent progress andfuture career plans.

80% of the studentswill receive at least asatisfactory rating(given by the musicfaculty) during theirSophomore ExitInterview.

2018 - 2019 Target Met All 9 studentscompleted theSophomore BarrierInterview sucesfullyand satisfactorily(even the one whowas unpreparedfrom the musicalstandpoint).

We will continue to implement thisinterview. We will permanentlyadd on the question: "How muchtime do you practice each day?", toreinforce our requirement of dailypractice from all music majors.

At the end of MUS222, students willperform a 20 minuterecital for all musicfaculty featuringworks of at least 3(Three) musicalperiods(“Sophomore BarrierJury”). Theperformance mustbetechnically/rhythmically secure,memorized, andstylisticallyappropriate. Theentire music faculty,using the“Sophomore Barrier

90% of the studentswill score at least an80 (on the 1-100 scaleused in the“Sophomore BarrierRubric).

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

We have had 9students performthe "SophomoreBarrier Jury" thisyear, 3 in the Fallsemester and 6 inthe Spring. Six ofthe studentsassessed weresingers, and threeinstrumentalists(guitar, clarinet, andtrombone) Themajority of thestudents gavetechnically strongperformances, andthey scored gradesof 85%, 83%, 90%,94%, 93%, 94%,

We will continue to implementthese high standards ofperformance. It is our hope thatthis was an isolated case of simply astudent being unprepared, so wedo not foresee any similarsituations with this year'ssophomore class.

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Rubric”, willevaluate thestudent’sperformance.

90% of the studentswill score at least an80 (on the 1-100 scaleused in the“Sophomore BarrierRubric).

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

95%, 92%. Onestudent wasunprepared, andwas only able toperform one piece.(approximately 3minutes long). Thestudent failed thejury and latertransferred out ofthe department.

We will continue to implementthese high standards ofperformance. It is our hope thatthis was an isolated case of simply astudent being unprepared, so wedo not foresee any similarsituations with this year'ssophomore class.

1.2 (GEO 1.c.) Students will completewritten assignments onmusic history topics.

During MUS 302(Music History 2)students willcompleteassignments to begraded using theAAC&U WrittenCommunicationValue Rubric. TheMUS 302 instructorwill assess theirwork.

The average scores forstudents on relevantassignments in MUS302 will be 2 or higheron the 0-4 scale forthe AAC&U WrittenCommunication ValueRubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met The students ofMUS 302 (MusicHistory 2) wererequired to write amajor paper on theCatholic Mass.There were 9students whocompleted thisproject. and 8 ofthem scored higherthan the 2 on the 0-4 scale for AAC&UWrittenCommunicationValue Rubric.

The MUS 302 instructor stated thathe will continue to assign the majorpaper on this topic and willcontinue to asses the student'scommunication skills.

2.1 (PO 3.a.) Students will composemusical works usingmusic notation software(Sibelius or Finale).

Students in MUS 102(Music Theory 2) willcompose a musicalwork (solo orchamber music)using a musicnotation software.The MUS 102instructor will assesstheir work using the“MUS 102 FinalProject Rubric.”

90% of the studentswill score at least an85 (on the 1-100 scaleused in the “MUS 102Final Project Rubric”).

2018 - 2019 Target Met As a final project forMUS 102, studentswere asked to writean originalcomposition basedon the followingconditions:a keyboard piece ora piece for solovoice or instrumentand keyboardaccompaniment. Itsminimum length issixteen measures in3/4 or 4/4 time. Itshould take theform of a well-defined period or

We will continue to assign thisproject and assess student's abilityto write original music and also usetechnology to notate it. We arepondering loosening some of therestrictions as far as texture andoverall structure; when theassignment was first designedthese features were put in place tooffer a greater direction to studentswho were not experienced in theart of music composition.However, some current studentsseem more comfortable with thesetopics, and there is always thedanger of quashing their creativityby assigning a project that provesto be too conservative. The

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2.1 (PO 3.a.) Students will composemusical works usingmusic notation software(Sibelius or Finale).

Students in MUS 102(Music Theory 2) willcompose a musicalwork (solo orchamber music)using a musicnotation software.The MUS 102instructor will assesstheir work using the“MUS 102 FinalProject Rubric.”

90% of the studentswill score at least an85 (on the 1-100 scaleused in the “MUS 102Final Project Rubric”).

2018 - 2019 Target Met double-periodstructure, with allthe phrases andcadences requiredby that structure,and it should useone of the keyboardstyles we havestudied during theterm. The piece alsomust featuremultiple number ofnonharmonic tones,four secondarydominants.Nine studentscompleted thisassignment out ofthe 10 studentsenrolled in MUS102. The gradeswere as follow: 2students received100%, 5 received95%, and 2 received90%.

instructor will determine thischange based on where nextSpring's MUS 102 class is in thelearning process when this projectwill be assigned.

2.2 (SLO) Students will arrange amusical work of at least 4measures using thecommon practicecompositionaltechniques.

Students in MUS 102(Music Theory 2) willwrite a four-partchorale in the styleof J.S Bach workusing the “figuredbass” technique.The MUS 102instructor will assesstheir work.

80% of the studentswill score at least an80% on thisassignment.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Students wereasked to write afour part chorale ona given bass lineprovided by theinstructor. A slightvariation from theprevious years wasthe fact that thischorale alsocontained diatonic7th chords whichstudents wererequired to buildand resolve. Two ofthe 10 students didnot complete theassignment, so theyreceived a grade of

Since this was a take-homeassignment which was notcompleted by 2 students, we areconsidering having this assessmentexercise take place in class, on aday when everyone is present. Wecontend that the results will beeven more favorable, since thegrades of 0 will not bring down theclass average.

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2.2 (SLO) Students will arrange amusical work of at least 4measures using thecommon practicecompositionaltechniques.

Students in MUS 102(Music Theory 2) willwrite a four-partchorale in the styleof J.S Bach workusing the “figuredbass” technique.The MUS 102instructor will assesstheir work.

80% of the studentswill score at least an80% on thisassignment.

2018 - 2019 Target Met 0. Of the remaining8, 3 received 80%, 2received 90%, and 3received 100%.

Since this was a take-homeassignment which was notcompleted by 2 students, we areconsidering having this assessmentexercise take place in class, on aday when everyone is present. Wecontend that the results will beeven more favorable, since thegrades of 0 will not bring down theclass average.

2.3 (SLO) Students will create atranscription of a musicalexample containing asingle line melody andcomplex rhythms.

Students in MUS 104(Music Theory Lab 4)will transcribe amelody featuringascending anddescending intervalsand complexrhythms, afterhearing it 5 times.The MUS 104instructor will assesstheir work.

80% of the studentswill score at least an80% on thisassignment.

2018 - 2019 Target Met The students weregiven a melodicdictation in A major.The meter was 4/4.Out of 10 MUS 104students, onescored 45%, anotherone scored 77%,while the restscored over 80 % (4students scored100%, while theothers 93%, 91%,85%, 82%respectively).

We are discussing implementinggreater rhythmic variety within ourdictation, perhaps more unevennotes, rests, and dotted figuration.This will depend on thedevelopment of next year'sfreshmen class, however.

Program -Philosophy(includingApplied andProfessionalEthicsCertificate) -Minor {2016-2017}

1.1 (GEO 1.b.) The student will be ableto critically analyze thearguments andviewpoints of him orherself and others.

In all philosophycourses (PHL 201-450), students willbe given anargumentidentification and/orargument evaluationassignment (paper,in-class quiz, exam,oral exam) that willbe graded using theAAC&U CriticalThinking ValueRubric. Thisassignment will begraded by theinstructor of thecourse.

The average score ofphilosophy minors willbe a ‘3’ on the 0-4scale used in theAAC&U CriticalThinking Value Rubricon the argumentidentification and/orargument evaluationassignment in anyphilosophy course.

2018 - 2019 Target Met For Fall 2018, therewere no minors toassess.For Spring 2019,there was oneminor. Student 1scored all 4s on therubric averaging atotal of 4.

For 2016-2017: "Theaverage score onthe argumentidentification/evaluation assignment byphilosophy minorswas a 3.3."For 2017-2018: "Theaverage score onthe argument

Continue this assessment for nextyear.

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Program -Philosophy(includingApplied andProfessionalEthicsCertificate) -Minor {2016-2017}

1.1 (GEO 1.b.) The student will be ableto critically analyze thearguments andviewpoints of him orherself and others.

In all philosophycourses (PHL 201-450), students willbe given anargumentidentification and/orargument evaluationassignment (paper,in-class quiz, exam,oral exam) that willbe graded using theAAC&U CriticalThinking ValueRubric. Thisassignment will begraded by theinstructor of thecourse.

The average score ofphilosophy minors willbe a ‘3’ on the 0-4scale used in theAAC&U CriticalThinking Value Rubricon the argumentidentification and/orargument evaluationassignment in anyphilosophy course.

2018 - 2019 Target Met identification/evaluation assignment byphilosophy minorswas a 3.225."

Three-Year TrendData CollectionResults for Low-Enrolled:3.3+3.2+4=10.5/3=3.5

Continue this assessment for nextyear.

In all philosophycourses (PHL 201-450), students willbe given anargumentidentification and/orargument evaluationassignment (paper,in-class quiz, exam,oral exam) that willbe graded using theAAC&U CriticalThinking ValueRubric. Thisassignment will begraded by theinstructor of thecourse.

The average score ofstudents in aphilosophy course willbe a ‘3’ on the 0-4scale used in theAAC&U CriticalThinking Value Rubricon the argumentidentification and/orargument evaluationassignment.

2018 - 2019 Target Met For Fall 2018,samplings from 11courses wereassessed using theCritical ThinkingVALUE Rubric : TotalFall Average Score =3.055For Spring 2019,samplings from ninecourses wereassessed using thecritical thinkingvalue rubric: totalspring averagescore= 3.389Total 18-19 score3.22{Please see attachedspreadsheet andoriginal scans forindividual studentscores.}

Continue assessment for next year.

1.2 (SLO) The student of ethics willbe able to solve anethical dilemma usinglogical reasoning.

In all ethics courses(PHL 204, 206, 305,306, 307, 465),students will be

The average score ofphilosophy minorswho take an ethicscourse will be a ‘3’ on

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive For Fall 2018, therewere no minors toassess.For Spring 2019, we

Continue this assessment for nextyear.

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1.2 (SLO) The student of ethics willbe able to solve anethical dilemma usinglogical reasoning.

given an assignmentthat requires theevaluation of anethical dilemmausing the tools oflogic and ethicalreasoning. Thisassignment will begraded by theinstructor using theAAC&U EthicalReasoning VALUERubric.

the 0-4 scale used inthe AAC&U EthicalReasoning VALUERubric on the ethicaldilemma assignment.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive had one minor butthe student was notin any of thesecourses that wereassessed.

For 2016-2017:"There were nophilosophy minorswho took ethicscourses during the2016-2017academic year."For 2017-2018:"Total Average for17-18 AY = 3.56,rounded to 3.6"

Three-Year TrendData CollectionResults for Low-Enrolled: 3.6 fromthe only year therewas data availableto collect on theminors

Continue this assessment for nextyear.

In all ethics courses(PHL 204, 206, 305,306, 307, 465),students will begiven an assignmentthat requires theevaluation of anethical dilemmausing the tools oflogic and ethicalreasoning. Thisassignment will begraded by theinstructor using theAAC&U EthicalReasoning VALUERubric.

The average score ofstudents in an ethicscourse will be a ‘3’ onthe 0-4 scale used inthe AAC&U EthicalReasoning VALUERubric on the ethicaldilemma assignment.

2018 - 2019 Target Met For Fall 2018,samplings from 3courses wereassessed using theEthical ReasoningVALUE Rubric : TotalFall Average Score =3.487For spring 2019,samplings from fourcourses wereassessed using theethical reasoningvalue rubric: Totalspring average scoreis 3.43.Total 18-19 averagescore: 3.46.{Please see attached

Continue the assessment for nextyear.

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In all ethics courses(PHL 204, 206, 305,306, 307, 465),students will begiven an assignmentthat requires theevaluation of anethical dilemmausing the tools oflogic and ethicalreasoning. Thisassignment will begraded by theinstructor using theAAC&U EthicalReasoning VALUERubric.

The average score ofstudents in an ethicscourse will be a ‘3’ onthe 0-4 scale used inthe AAC&U EthicalReasoning VALUERubric on the ethicaldilemma assignment.

2018 - 2019 Target Met spreadsheet andoriginal scans forindividual studentscores.}

Continue the assessment for nextyear.

1.3 (SAO) Due to the fact thatcritical thinking—andmore specifically, theability to analyze theviews of oneself andothers—is a generaleducation requirement(see also 1.1. GEOoutcome above), allMUW students will beexpected to successfullycomplete a course inphilosophy.

A sampling of lower-level courses inphilosophy (201through 205) will beexamined. Samplewill be selected byrandom choice viaenrollment roster.Instructors ofphilosophy willexamine the resultsof final grading ineach course anddetermine howmany students outof each classsuccessfullycompleted thecourse and thusfulfilled the Gen Edrequirement (1.b)and how manystudents failed tocomplete thecourse.

The average score ofthe philosophy minorsin each courseincluded in the samplewill be 85% (grade ofB) or higher toindicate the successfulcompletion of thephilosophy course.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive For Fall 2018, therewere no minors toassess.For spring 2019, wehad one minor butthe student was notin the courses to beassessed.

For 2016-2017:"There was only onephilosophy minor ina lower-levelphilosophy coursethat could beevaluated. Thatstudent received afinal grade of 86%(B) in PHL 202Aesthetics (Fall2016)."For 2017-2018:"There were 3philosophy minorsin a lower-levelphilosophy coursethat could beevaluated.

Continue this assessment for nextyear.

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Page 119: College of Arts, Sciences and Education 2018-2019 · 2019. 9. 9. · Assignment, and Art Education faculty will assess the assignment using the Critique Paper Rubric. Students will

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1.3 (SAO) Due to the fact thatcritical thinking—andmore specifically, theability to analyze theviews of oneself andothers—is a generaleducation requirement(see also 1.1. GEOoutcome above), allMUW students will beexpected to successfullycomplete a course inphilosophy.

A sampling of lower-level courses inphilosophy (201through 205) will beexamined. Samplewill be selected byrandom choice viaenrollment roster.Instructors ofphilosophy willexamine the resultsof final grading ineach course anddetermine howmany students outof each classsuccessfullycompleted thecourse and thusfulfilled the Gen Edrequirement (1.b)and how manystudents failed tocomplete thecourse.

The average score ofthe philosophy minorsin each courseincluded in the samplewill be 85% (grade ofB) or higher toindicate the successfulcompletion of thephilosophy course.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive Three minors in PHL204 scored 91% forfall and spring."

Three-Year TrendData CollectionResults for Low-Enrolled:(86%+91%+91%)/3 =89.33% from the 2years that data wasavailable to collecton the minors {MetThree-Year DataTrend Target}

Continue this assessment for nextyear.

A sampling of lower-level courses inphilosophy (201through 205) will beexamined. Samplewill be selected byrandom choice viaenrollment roster.Instructors ofphilosophy willexamine the resultsof final grading ineach course anddetermine howmany students outof each classsuccessfullycompleted thecourse and thusfulfilled the Gen Ed

The average score ofthe students in eachcourse included in thesample will be 75%(grade of C) or higherto indicate thesuccessful completionof the philosophycourse.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

AY Total AverageScore:(70.85%+66.95%)/2= 68.9 = 69%

For Fall 2018,samplings from 8courses wereassessed accordingto their final scores:Total Fall AverageScore = 70.85%For Spring 2019,samplings from 7courses wereassessed accordingto their final scores:Total Fall AverageScore = 66.95%

Continue this assessment for nextyear.

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requirement (1.b)and how manystudents failed tocomplete thecourse.

The average score ofthe students in eachcourse included in thesample will be 75%(grade of C) or higherto indicate thesuccessful completionof the philosophycourse.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

spreadsheet andoriginal scans forindividual studentscores.}

Continue this assessment for nextyear.

1.4 (PO 4.d.) In keeping with theMississippi University forWomen’s strategicpriority/goal of“providing academicprograms to meet theneeds of today’s studentand workforce” (SPG4.d.), the philosophyprogram will seek toincrease enrollment inthe philosophy minor inthe conviction that theskills, knowledge, andvalues instilled in thestudent of philosophy areinvaluable to the successof the student as aperson, worker, andcitizen beyondgraduation (as regardssuccess in the workplace,this conviction is borneout in an abundance ofempirical data).

Data will becollected by thephilosophy programassessmentcoordinator on thenumber ofphilosophy minorsdeclared.

A steady increase inphilosophy minorsdeclared over the nextthree years, from 6 to10.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

Based onexamination ofcourse rosters forthe 2018-2019academic year, ithas beendetermined thatthere is 1 newphilosophy minor.Currently for thewhole programthere are 4 minorsdeclared.

For 2016-2017:"Based onexamination ofcourse rosters forthe 2016-2017academic year, ithas beendetermined thatthere are currentlyaround 4 philosophyminors."For 2017-2018:"Based onexamination ofcourse rosters forthe 2017-2018academic year, ithas beendetermined thatthere are currentlyaround 3 philosophyminors."

Continue this assessment for nextyear.

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Page 121: College of Arts, Sciences and Education 2018-2019 · 2019. 9. 9. · Assignment, and Art Education faculty will assess the assignment using the Critique Paper Rubric. Students will

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1.4 (PO 4.d.) In keeping with theMississippi University forWomen’s strategicpriority/goal of“providing academicprograms to meet theneeds of today’s studentand workforce” (SPG4.d.), the philosophyprogram will seek toincrease enrollment inthe philosophy minor inthe conviction that theskills, knowledge, andvalues instilled in thestudent of philosophy areinvaluable to the successof the student as aperson, worker, andcitizen beyondgraduation (as regardssuccess in the workplace,this conviction is borneout in an abundance ofempirical data).

Data will becollected by thephilosophy programassessmentcoordinator on thenumber ofphilosophy minorsdeclared.

A steady increase inphilosophy minorsdeclared over the nextthree years, from 6 to10.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet Three-Year Trend

Data CollectionResults for Low-Enrolled: Thenumber of minorshave fluctuatedover these past 3years, and currentlythere are 4 declaredminors, whichmeans that theachievement targetto go from 6 to 10declared minors in 3years was not met.

Continue this assessment for nextyear.

2.1 (SLO) The student will exhibitknowledge of the basicthemes and ideas specificto the domain ofphilosophy covered in agiven course.

In all philosophycourses, studentswill be given anassignment (exam,paper, etc.) thatrequires that thestudentdemonstrate basicknowledge of thesubject matter thatdefines the area ofphilosophy treatedin that course bythat point in thecourse (e.g., astudent of PHL 202Aesthetics willdemonstrateknowledge of Kant’saesthetics). Sample

The average score ofthe philosophy minorsin each courseincluded in the samplewill be 85% (grade ofB) or higher on thebasic subject matterassignment.

2018 - 2019 Target Met As there were onlyone philosophyminor who took acourse (Spring 19PHL 310) during the2018-2019academic year, anassignment wasevaluated. Theassignmentassessed studentunderstanding ofthe subject matterof the course. Theaverage score was100% on the samplefrom the philosophyminor for spring,since the minor didnot take a class in

Continue this assessment for nextyear.

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Page 122: College of Arts, Sciences and Education 2018-2019 · 2019. 9. 9. · Assignment, and Art Education faculty will assess the assignment using the Critique Paper Rubric. Students will

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2.1 (SLO) The student will exhibitknowledge of the basicthemes and ideas specificto the domain ofphilosophy covered in agiven course.

will be selected byrandom choice viaenrollment roster.

The average score ofthe philosophy minorsin each courseincluded in the samplewill be 85% (grade ofB) or higher on thebasic subject matterassignment.

2018 - 2019 Target Met the fall term.

Rubric/GradeConversion:4=100%; 3=90%;2=75%The Minor scoredscored in allcategories. Pleaseseeattached/relateddocument.

For 2016-2017: "Asthere were onlythree philosophyminors who tookcourses during the2016-2017academic year, apool of three final orlast exams, one perstudent wasevaluated. Theseexams assessedstudentunderstanding ofthe subject matterof the course. Theaverage score was93.3% on thesample of examsfrom the philosophyminors. "For 2017-2018: "Asthere were onlythree philosophyminors who tookcourses during the2017-2018academic year, apool of three final orlast exams, one perstudent wasevaluated. Theseexams assessed

Continue this assessment for nextyear.

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Page 123: College of Arts, Sciences and Education 2018-2019 · 2019. 9. 9. · Assignment, and Art Education faculty will assess the assignment using the Critique Paper Rubric. Students will

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2.1 (SLO) The student will exhibitknowledge of the basicthemes and ideas specificto the domain ofphilosophy covered in agiven course.

In all philosophycourses, studentswill be given anassignment (exam,paper, etc.) thatrequires that thestudentdemonstrate basicknowledge of thesubject matter thatdefines the area ofphilosophy treatedin that course bythat point in thecourse (e.g., astudent of PHL 202Aesthetics willdemonstrateknowledge of Kant’saesthetics). Samplewill be selected byrandom choice viaenrollment roster.

The average score ofthe philosophy minorsin each courseincluded in the samplewill be 85% (grade ofB) or higher on thebasic subject matterassignment.

2018 - 2019 Target Met studentunderstanding ofthe subject matterof the course. Theaverage score was91% on the sampleof exams from thephilosophy minorsfor both fall andspring."

Three-Year TrendData CollectionResults for Low-Enrolled:93.3%+91%+100%=94.77 = 95% {MetThree-Year TrendTarget}

Continue this assessment for nextyear.

In all philosophycourses, studentswill be given anassignment (exam,paper, etc.) thatrequires that thestudentdemonstrate basicknowledge of thesubject matter thatdefines the area ofphilosophy treatedin that course bythat point in thecourse (e.g., astudent of PHL 202Aesthetics willdemonstrateknowledge of Kant’saesthetics). Samplewill be selected byrandom choice via

The average score ofthe students in eachcourse included in thesample will be 75%(grade of C) or higheron the basic subjectmatter assignment.

2018 - 2019 Target Met A sample of studentscores on exams orassignments wascompiled fromphilosophy classes.These exams orassignmentsassessed studentunderstanding ofthe subject matterof the course. Theaverage score wasabove 90%.Rubric/GradeConversion:4=100%; 3=90%;2=75%

Fall 2018PHL 201: 3rd Test(10 Students) - 3;3.7; 3.3; 3.4; 3.7;

Continue this assessment for nextyear.

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enrollment roster. The average score ofthe students in eachcourse included in thesample will be 75%(grade of C) or higheron the basic subjectmatter assignment.

2018 - 2019 Target Met 3.5; 3.6; 3.1; 3; 3.6PHL 201: 2nd Test (5Students) - 2.8; 3; 3;4; 3.4PHL 204: 2nd Test (5Students) - 3.7; 3.2;4; 4; 3.1PHL 307: 2nd Test (5Students) - 2.9; 2.8;4; 3.4; 3.6PHL 205: (5Students) - 3.8; 2.4;3; 3.2; 2.2PHL 205: (5Students) - 3.6; 3.8;3.2; 4; 2.4PHL 201: (5Students) - 3.6; 4;3.4; 3; 2.4PHL 304: (5Students) - 4; 4; 3.8;2.9; 2.2PHL 465: (5Students) - 3.8; 3.6;4; 2; 4PHL 205: 1st Exam(5 Students) - 3; 3.6;3.8; 1.8; 4Fall 2018 AverageScore: 3.34 = >90%

Spring 2019PHL 307: (5Students) - 3.8; 3.4;4; 3; 3PHL 204: (5Students) - 3; 3; 3.4;4; 3PHL 201: (15Students) - 3.3; 3.8;3.4; 2.8; 3.4; 4; 3.4;3.4; 3; 2.4; 2.2; 3; 4;3.6; 4PHL 204: (10Students) - 4; 4; 3.6;3.6; 4; 2.7; 2.5; 3; 4;

Continue this assessment for nextyear.

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In all philosophycourses, studentswill be given anassignment (exam,paper, etc.) thatrequires that thestudentdemonstrate basicknowledge of thesubject matter thatdefines the area ofphilosophy treatedin that course bythat point in thecourse (e.g., astudent of PHL 202Aesthetics willdemonstrateknowledge of Kant’saesthetics). Samplewill be selected byrandom choice viaenrollment roster.

The average score ofthe students in eachcourse included in thesample will be 75%(grade of C) or higheron the basic subjectmatter assignment.

2018 - 2019 Target Met 3PHL 310: (5Students) - 4; 4; 4;3.4; 2.4PHL 205: (5Students) - 2; 3.6; 4;3.4; 4Spring 2019 AverageScore: 3.5 = 95%

Total Average Score:3.42 = Above 90%

Continue this assessment for nextyear.

Program -PhysicalSciences(includingSecondaryEducationCertification) -BS {2016-2017}

1.1 (SAO) Students willdemonstrate knowledgeof principles, theories,laws in the physicalsciences as well aseducational theory,expectations andpractices as statelicensing requirementsdictate.

Prior to internship,students will takethe Praxis® SubjectAssessments test toassess contentknowledge in thefield of physicalsciences and thecorrespondingPrinciples ofLearning andTeaching (PLT) Testto assesseducational theoryand knowledge.Faculty will reviewand analyze theresults to determineif achievementtarget was met.

90% of the studentsevaluated in theprogram will pass thePraxis SubjectAssessments Test inChemistry: ContentKnowledge with ascore of 151 or above.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive There was a studentenrolled in thePhysical Sciencesprogram thisacademic year;however, hewithdrew from theinstitution at theend of the Fall term.He has sincecontacted ourdepartment andintends to comeback Fall 2019.

Therefore, the onestudent was noteligible to take thePraxis, so there is nodata to report.

We will continue our recruitingefforts and the assessmentmeasure. Next year, the studentwill be back on rotation, so weshould have data to report yearafter next.

Prior to internship,students will take

90% of the studentsevaluated in the

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive There was a studentenrolled in the

We will continue our recruitingefforts and the assessment

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the Praxis® SubjectAssessments test toassess contentknowledge in thefield of physicalsciences and thecorrespondingPrinciples ofLearning andTeaching (PLT) Testto assesseducational theoryand knowledge.Faculty will reviewand analyze theresults to determineif achievementtarget was met.

program will pass thePraxis SubjectAssessments Test inPhysics: ContentKnowledge with ascore of 139 or above.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive Physical Sciencesprogram thisacademic year;however, hewithdrew from theinstitution at theend of the Fall term.He has sincecontacted ourdepartment andintends to comeback Fall 2019.

Therefore, the onestudent was noteligible to take thePraxis, so there is nodata to report.

measure. Next year, the studentwill be back on rotation, so weshould have data to report yearafter next.

Prior to internship,students will takethe Praxis® SubjectAssessments test toassess contentknowledge in thefield of physicalsciences and thecorrespondingPrinciples ofLearning andTeaching (PLT) Testto assesseducational theoryand knowledge.Faculty will reviewand analyze theresults to determineif achievementtarget was met.

90% of the studentsevaluated in theprogram will pass thePrinciples of Learningand Teaching (PLT)Test with a score of157 or above.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive There was a studentenrolled in thePhysical Sciencesprogram thisacademic year;however, hewithdrew from theinstitution at theend of the Fall term.He has sincecontacted ourdepartment andintends to comeback Fall 2019.

Therefore, the onestudent was noteligible to take thePraxis, so there is nodata to report.

We will continue our recruitingefforts and the assessmentmeasure. Next year, the studentwill be back on rotation, so weshould have data to report yearafter next.

1.2 (SLO) In PS 313, students willsuccessfully applydifferent pedagogicalmethods in the teachingof science.

In PS 313, studentswill develop adetailed ScienceUnit Plan. Facultywill review andanalyze the ScienceUnit Plan using the

90% of PS 313students evaluated inthe program will scoreat least an “80” on the0-114 scale used in theScience Unit PlanScoring Rubric (placed

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive PS 313 is offered inalternating years,and it was notoffered this year.Therefore, there isno data to report.

We will continue our recruitingefforts and the assessmentmeasure. Next year, the studentwill be back on rotation, so weshould have data to report yearafter next.

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1.2 (SLO) In PS 313, students willsuccessfully applydifferent pedagogicalmethods in the teachingof science.

Science Unit PlanScoring Rubric.

in documents folder)in developing aScience Unit Plan.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive PS 313 is offered inalternating years,and it was notoffered this year.Therefore, there isno data to report.

We will continue our recruitingefforts and the assessmentmeasure. Next year, the studentwill be back on rotation, so weshould have data to report yearafter next.

2.1 (GEO 1.b.) Students will successfullyanalyze and test standardexperimental methodsand suggestimprovements.

In PS 313, facultywill use the AAC&UCritical ThinkingValue Rubric toassess the student’sevaluation of anexistingexperimentalprocedure.

PS 313 studentsevaluated in theprogram will average ascore of at least a “3”on the 0-4 scale usedin the AAC&U CriticalThinking Value Rubricin evaluating anexisting experimentalprocedure.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive PS 313 is offered inalternating years,and it was notoffered this year.Therefore, there isno data to report.

We will continue our recruitingefforts and the assessmentmeasure. Next year, the studentwill be back on rotation, so weshould have data to report yearafter next.

2.2 (GEO 1.b.) Students will successfullyselect techniques,apparatus and materialsin the designing ofexperiments.

In BSB 304, facultywill use the AAC&UCritical ThinkingValue Rubric toassess the student’sdesign of anexperimentalprocedure.

PS 313 students willaverage a score of atleast a “3” on the 0 - 4scale used in theAAC&U CriticalThinking Value Rubricin designing anexperimentalprocedure in BSB 304Research Methods.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive PS 313 is offered inalternating years,and it was notoffered this year.Therefore, there isno data to report.

We will continue our recruitingefforts and the assessmentmeasure. Next year, the studentwill be back on rotation, so weshould have data to report yearafter next.

3.1 (SLO) Students will successfullyresearch safety aspectsand first aid protocol in achemistry lab.

In PS 313, facultywill use the Safetyand Welfare ModuleScoring Rubric toassess student’sSafety andEmergency LessonPlan and SafetyPolicies andProcedures.

90% of PS 313students evaluated inthe program willdevelop a Safety andEmergency LessonPlan and score at leasta “8” on the 0 - 12scale used in theSafety and WelfareModule Scoring Rubric(placed in documentsfolder) in developing1. HazardousInventory List, 2.Storage Floor Plan forChemical Storage, 3.Discussion of Safe andProper Techniques forPreparation, Storage,

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive PS 313 is offered inalternating years,and it was notoffered this year.Therefore, there isno data to report.

We will continue our recruitingefforts and the assessmentmeasure. Next year, the studentwill be back on rotation, so weshould have data to report yearafter next.

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Page 128: College of Arts, Sciences and Education 2018-2019 · 2019. 9. 9. · Assignment, and Art Education faculty will assess the assignment using the Critique Paper Rubric. Students will

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3.1 (SLO) Students will successfullyresearch safety aspectsand first aid protocol in achemistry lab.

In PS 313, facultywill use the Safetyand Welfare ModuleScoring Rubric toassess student’sSafety andEmergency LessonPlan and SafetyPolicies andProcedures.

Dispensing,Supervision, andDisposal of InventoryItems, 4. Discussion ofSafety Policies andProcedures asEstablished by Stateand/or NationalGuidelines, and 5.Learning Activitiesthat DemonstrateMaintenance of SafetyEquipment.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive PS 313 is offered inalternating years,and it was notoffered this year.Therefore, there isno data to report.

We will continue our recruitingefforts and the assessmentmeasure. Next year, the studentwill be back on rotation, so weshould have data to report yearafter next.

4.1 (GEO 1.b.) Students willdemonstrate variousmanagement techniquesfor the classroom.

In PS 313, facultywill use the AAC&UCritical ThinkingValue Rubric toassess the students’evaluation of awebinar onclassroommanagement.

PS 313 studentsevaluated in theprogram will evaluatea webinar in relevanceto classroommanagement andaverage a score of atleast a “3” on the 0 – 4used in the AAC&UCritical Thinking ValueRubric in anevaluation of thewebinar.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive PS 313 is offered inalternating years,and it was notoffered this year.Therefore, there isno data to report.

We will continue our recruitingefforts and the assessmentmeasure. Next year, the studentwill be back on rotation, so weshould have data to report yearafter next.

5.1 (PO 2.e.) Students will activelyengage in local K – 12school events thatprovide real-lifeexperiences for students.

In PS 313, facultywill use theProfessionalDevelopmentModule ScoringRubric to assess thestudent’sparticipation in localK – 12 school eventsthat provides real-life experiences forstudents.

100% of the PS 313students evaluated inthe program will do K-12 outreach and scoreat least a “2” on the 0– 3 ProfessionalDevelopment ModuleScoring Rubric (placedin documents folder).

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive PS 313 is offered inalternating years,and it was notoffered this year.Therefore, there isno data to report.

We will continue our recruitingefforts and the assessmentmeasure. Next year, the studentwill be back on rotation, so weshould have data to report yearafter next.

5.2 (PO 2.c.) Students will participatein university orcommunity activities thatstrengthen and expand K-12 partnership.

Students willcomplete an ExitSurvey during thesemester beforetheir professionalteaching internship.On the Exit Survey,

100% of the PS 313students participatingin the Exit Survey willreport that theyparticipated in at leastone outreach activity.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive PS 313 is offered inalternating years,and it was notoffered this year.Therefore, there isno data to report.

We will continue our recruitingefforts and the assessmentmeasure. Next year, the studentwill be back on rotation, so weshould have data to report yearafter next.

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5.2 (PO 2.c.) Students will participatein university orcommunity activities thatstrengthen and expand K-12 partnership.

students will answerquestionsconcerning theirparticipation in K-12outreach activities.Faculty will reviewand analyze theresults determine ifachievement targetwas met.

100% of the PS 313students participatingin the Exit Survey willreport that theyparticipated in at leastone outreach activity.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive PS 313 is offered inalternating years,and it was notoffered this year.Therefore, there isno data to report.

We will continue our recruitingefforts and the assessmentmeasure. Next year, the studentwill be back on rotation, so weshould have data to report yearafter next.

Program -PhysicalTheatre(includingCertificate) -MFA {2016-2017}

1.1 (SLO) First year students willincrease level of technicalperformance skills(acting, voice,movement, and music).

Movement/ Voice(TH 501) introducesstudents to graduatelevel voice/speechskills and specificmovementvocabulary, leadingto specificimprovisatory andcomposition skills. Arubric is used tomeasure specifictechnicalproficiency.Monologues, SceneWork anddramaturgicalexercises in theacting sequence (TH551 and TH 552)offer students awide variety oftextual and PhysicalTheatre challengesto home skills. Boththe texts and thephysical orientedtheatre span anumber of eras andgenres offeringdifferent stylisticmaterial.Assessment formsare completed for

75% of students areexpected to performat Journeyman levelon the departmentalrubric by the end ofyear one.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive Since this degreeprogram has beendiscontinued, therewere no studentsadmitted in the Fall2017 cohort as ofOctober 2, 2017;therefore, there wasno data to reportlast year nor thisyear for thisachievement target.

Because this degree program hasbeen discontinued, "At this time,we (MUW) are not acceptingapplications to the MFA in PhysicalTheatre. "

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Program -PhysicalTheatre(includingCertificate) -MFA {2016-2017}

1.1 (SLO) First year students willincrease level of technicalperformance skills(acting, voice,movement, and music).

each performanceand expectationsbecome morerigorous with eachadvanced course.

75% of students areexpected to performat Journeyman levelon the departmentalrubric by the end ofyear one.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive Since this degreeprogram has beendiscontinued, therewere no studentsadmitted in the Fall2017 cohort as ofOctober 2, 2017;therefore, there wasno data to reportlast year nor thisyear for thisachievement target.

Because this degree program hasbeen discontinued, "At this time,we (MUW) are not acceptingapplications to the MFA in PhysicalTheatre. "

1.2 (SLO) First year students willcreate and performoriginal dramatic worksin the form of solo andensemble projects with abalance in both form andcontent.

“Hands on” creationof projects isintroduced andexecuted at the endof each semester ofthe first year ofstudy in publicperformances. Skillsare all evaluated ona rubric for technicaland artistic merit.Performances arecreated andperformed in TH551, TH552, and TH502 with publicshowings at the endof each semester.Additionalperformances aregiven in Modules 3(FLIC Circus Schoolin Torino).

75% of studentsshould showproficiency at theJourneyman level onthe departmentalrubric by end of thefirst year.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive Since this degreeprogram has beendiscontinued, therewere no studentsadmitted in the Fall2017 cohort as ofOctober 2, 2017;therefore, there wasno data to reportlast year nor thisyear for thisachievement target.

Because this degree program hasbeen discontinued, "At this time,we (MUW) are not acceptingapplications to the MFA in PhysicalTheatre. "

1.3 (SLO) First year students willincrease/develop astrong work ethic.Students are expected toperform assigned taskswith diligence, reliability,and punctuality.

Attendance isstrictly monitored inall departmentalcourses. Studentsare evaluated by arubric (based onProfessional/Unionstandards) for eachrehearsal. Thisrubric is used to

80% of students willmeet professionalstandard on thedepartmental rubricby end of first year.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive Since this degreeprogram has beendiscontinued, therewere no studentsadmitted in the Fall2017 cohort as ofOctober 2, 2017;therefore, there wasno data to reportlast year nor this

Because this degree program hasbeen discontinued, "At this time,we (MUW) are not acceptingapplications to the MFA in PhysicalTheatre. "

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1.3 (SLO) First year students willincrease/develop astrong work ethic.Students are expected toperform assigned taskswith diligence, reliability,and punctuality.

determine grade inPerformance Labs.Adherence toRehearsal Demeanorand Code of Ethics ismonitored through alog of requiredattendance formeetings,rehearsals, andperformances.Students are furtherrequired tocollaborate activelyin research projectsof their peers andare gradedaccordingly.

80% of students willmeet professionalstandard on thedepartmental rubricby end of first year.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive year for thisachievement target.

Because this degree program hasbeen discontinued, "At this time,we (MUW) are not acceptingapplications to the MFA in PhysicalTheatre. "

2.1 (SLO) Second year students willincrease level of technicalperformance skills(acting, voice,movement, music).

AdvancedMovement/ Voice(TH 601) continuesthe study ofgraduate levelvoice/speech skillsand specificmovementvocabulary, leadingto specificimprovisatory andcomposition skills. Arubric is used tomeasure specifictechnicalproficiency.Monologues, SceneWork anddramaturgicalexercises in all levelsof the actingsequence (TH 634,TH 635, TH 636)offer students awide variety oftextual and Physical

70% of students areexpected to performat Mastery level onthe departmentalrubric by the end ofthe second year ofcourse work.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive Since this degreeprogram has beendiscontinued, therewere no studentsadmitted in the Fall2017 cohort as ofOctober 2, 2017;therefore, there wasno data to reportthis year for thisachievement target.

Because this degree program hasbeen discontinued, "At this time,we (MUW) are not acceptingapplications to the MFA in PhysicalTheatre."

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2.1 (SLO) Second year students willincrease level of technicalperformance skills(acting, voice,movement, music).

Theatre challengesto home skills. Boththe texts and thephysical orientedtheatre span anumber of eras andgenres offeringdifferent stylisticmaterial.Assessment formsare completed foreach performanceand expectationsbecome morerigorous with eachadvanced course.

70% of students areexpected to performat Mastery level onthe departmentalrubric by the end ofthe second year ofcourse work.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive Since this degreeprogram has beendiscontinued, therewere no studentsadmitted in the Fall2017 cohort as ofOctober 2, 2017;therefore, there wasno data to reportthis year for thisachievement target.

Because this degree program hasbeen discontinued, "At this time,we (MUW) are not acceptingapplications to the MFA in PhysicalTheatre."

2.2 (SLO) Second year students willcreate and performoriginal dramatic worksin the form of solo andensemble projects with abalance in both form andcontent.

“Hands on” creationof projects iscontinued in thesecond year of studythrough publicperformances. Skillsare all evaluated ona rubric for technicaland artistic merit.Performances arecreated andperformed in TH635, and TH 693with public showingsat the end of eachsemester. Additionalperformances aregiven in Module 6 atFamille Floz, Berlinand in Module 7 atContinuo Theatre,Prague.

70% of studentsshould showproficiency at theMastery level on thedepartmental rubricby end of the secondyear of course work.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive Since this degreeprogram has beendiscontinued, therewere no studentsadmitted in the Fall2017 cohort as ofOctober 2, 2017;therefore, there wasno data to reportthis year for thisachievement target.

Because this degree program hasbeen discontinued, "At this time,we (MUW) are not acceptingapplications to the MFA in PhysicalTheatre."

2.3 (SLO) Second year students willincrease/develop aStrong Work Ethic.Students are expected toperform assigned taskswith diligence, reliability,and punctuality.

Attendance isstrictly monitored inall departmentalcourses. Studentsare evaluated by arubric (based onProfessional/Union

85% of students willmeet professionalstandard on thedepartmental rubricby end of the secondyear of course work.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive Since this degreeprogram has beendiscontinued, therewere no studentsadmitted in the Fall2017 cohort as ofOctober 2, 2017;

Because this degree program hasbeen discontinued, "At this time,we (MUW) are not acceptingapplications to the MFA in PhysicalTheatre."

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2.3 (SLO) Second year students willincrease/develop aStrong Work Ethic.Students are expected toperform assigned taskswith diligence, reliability,and punctuality.

standards) for eachrehearsal. Thisrubric is used todetermine grade inPerformance Labs.Adherence toRehearsal Demeanorand Code of Ethics ismonitored through alog of requiredattendance formeetings,rehearsals, andperformances.Students are furtherrequired tocollaborate activelyin research projectsof their peers andare gradedaccordingly.

85% of students willmeet professionalstandard on thedepartmental rubricby end of the secondyear of course work.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive therefore, there wasno data to reportthis year for thisachievement target.

Because this degree program hasbeen discontinued, "At this time,we (MUW) are not acceptingapplications to the MFA in PhysicalTheatre."

2.4 (SLO) Second year students willdemonstrateContextualize Practice,the ability to situatecurrent practice in ahistorical and culturalframework.

Students areintroduced to theidea of analyzing,evaluating andcritiquing bothhistorically pertinenttheatre andcontemporaryperformance.Critical essays,dramaturgicalanalysis and peercritiques areevaluated forcontent, execution,and presentation.Students in all ofthese classes areguided through goalsetting exercises (forself) which arecompared at thebeginning and the

60% of studentsenrolled in degreeprogram will beconversant andarticulate at theMastery Level on thedepartmental rubric atend of Year Two.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive Since this degreeprogram has beendiscontinued, therewere no studentsadmitted in the Fall2017 cohort as ofOctober 2, 2017;therefore, there wasno data to reportthis year for thisachievement target.

Because this degree program hasbeen discontinued, "At this time,we (MUW) are not acceptingapplications to the MFA in PhysicalTheatre."

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2.4 (SLO) Second year students willdemonstrateContextualize Practice,the ability to situatecurrent practice in ahistorical and culturalframework.

end of eachsemester. Journalsare kept for self-evaluation.

60% of studentsenrolled in degreeprogram will beconversant andarticulate at theMastery Level on thedepartmental rubric atend of Year Two.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive Since this degreeprogram has beendiscontinued, therewere no studentsadmitted in the Fall2017 cohort as ofOctober 2, 2017;therefore, there wasno data to reportthis year for thisachievement target.

Because this degree program hasbeen discontinued, "At this time,we (MUW) are not acceptingapplications to the MFA in PhysicalTheatre."

3.1 (SAO & RO) Students will completeMFA Degree with awritten thesis.

Departmentalfaculty will reviewstudent records todetermine ifachievement targetwas met.

75% of students whocomplete the twoyears of courseworkwill submit acompleted thesiswithin 5 years ofentering the program(2.5 years after finalcoursework).

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive The students havenot completed theirresearch theses yet.Therefore, no datacollected to reporton.

The students should be finishingtheir theses soon. The departmentwill report on the data as it iscollected.

4.1 (PO 3.c.) Students will increaseappreciation andunderstanding of theatrein a global context.

Students graduatingthe program will begiven an Exit Surveyand departmentalfaculty will reviewand analyze thesurvey results todetermine ifachievement targetwas met.

90% of Graduatesparticipating in theExit Survey willindicate theexperience ofinternational studiesas a unique andvaluable educationalexperience beyondthe traditional on-campus experience.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive The Accademiadell'Arte, theinstitution offeringthis program inconjunction withMUW, has shutdown its GraduateStudies office andtherefore, has notsent out exit surveysto graduatingstudents. Attemptsby the MUWTheatre Dept. todisseminate thissurvey directly hasyielded no resultsbefore theAssessmentdeadline.

We will attempt to send the surveyto the graduates we can locate whohave not filled it out yet. Data willnot be analyzed as there is noreason to address recruitment andretention with the program'stermination.

Program -PoliticalScience(includingMinor and

1.1 (GEO 1.b.) Interpret and evaluatesources and/or evidencecarefully and use them tomake an argument.

The Political Sciencefaculty will use theAAC&U CriticalThinking VALUERubric to assess the

The overall averagescore for students inan upper-level POLcourse completing theanalytical assignment

2018 - 2019 Target Met Eight studentsubmissions in POL250 World Politicswere evaluatedusing the AAC&U

These strong results are likely theresult of assignment scaffolding,wherein the final submission cameafter several rounds of submissionsthat had students building up to a

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PublicAdministration Certificate) -BA {2016-2017}

1.1 (GEO 1.b.) Interpret and evaluatesources and/or evidencecarefully and use them tomake an argument.

analyticalassignment requiredin POL 250 WorldPolitics or POL 301Southern Politics.

will be no lower than a3.0 on the AAC&UCritical ThinkingVALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Critical ThinkingVALUE Rubric, andthe overall averagescore was 3.6, wellabove the target of3.0. In addition, nostudent completingthe assignmentscored below a 3.0;the lowestindividual averageon the rubric was a3.2, while thehighest was a 4.0.Scores were higheston the "explanationof issues" dimensionof the rubric, withan overall averageof 3.75. They werelowest on the"evidence" and"student's position"dimensions, withoverall averagescores of 3.5 in bothcategories.

The assignmentused to evaluatestudents' criticalthinking was theCase Study Analysis,in which studentsanalyzed an ongoinginternationaldispute using amodel of strategicinteraction derivedfrom rational choicebargaining theory.The assignmentdescription isattached along withthe rubric scoresdata.

final paper. Because of thisstructure, students who completedeach step of the assignment refinedtheir work with each submissionand also developed a clearerconceptual understanding of thepaper they were writing and itslogical structure. The evidence andstudent position dimensions areprobably the most difficultdimensions to master, so it is notsurprising these dimensions hadthe lowest average scores and isencouraging that no student scoredbelow a 3.0. Given this likelihood,faculty will retain this method ofassignment design.

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2.1 (GEO 1.c.) Students willdemonstrate effectivecontext and purpose forwriting, contentdevelopment, genre anddisciplinary conventions,source and evidence use,and control of syntax andmechanics.

The Political Sciencefaculty will use theAAC&U WrittenCommunicationVALUE Rubric toassess the analyticalwriting assignmentrequired of studentsin POL 250 WorldPolitics or POL 301Southern Politics.

The overall averagescore for students inan upper-level POLclass completing theanalytical writingassignment will be nolower than a 3.0 onthe AAC&U WrittenCommunicationVALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Eight students'submissions in POL250 World Politicswere scored usingthe WrittenCommunicationVALUE Rubric, andthe overall averagescore was a 3.425,just below lastyear's score of 3.5and above the 2016-2017 score of 3.3.No student scoredbelow the target of3.0, though twostudents achievedexactly that score.The highest scorewas a 4.0. Overallaverages across therubric's fivedimensions wereabove 3.0, but werelowest--at 3.25--forthe "context andpurpose," "genreand disciplinaryconventions," and"syntax andmechanics"categories.

As was noted for Goal 1.1 (GEO1.b), the scaffolding design of thisassignment is credited with helpingstudents score well on the rubric.So, the assignment design will beretained and used with otherassignments as well. In addition, tohelp with the "context and purposeof writing" dimension, theinstructor will augment the POL250 assignment with an audienceelement, asking students toimagine they are addressing alegislature's foreign relationscommittee, a session of the UnitedNations, or some other body ofpolicymakers.

2.2 (GEO 1.c.) Students willdemonstrate effectiveorganization, language,delivery, supportingmaterial, and centralmessage for oralcommunication.

The Political Sciencefaculty will use theAAC&U OralCommunicationVALUE Rubric toassess the oralpresentationrequired of studentsin POL 250 WorldPolitics, POL 301Southern Politics, orPOL 202 AffectingPolitical Change.

The overall averagescore for students inan upper-level POLclass completing theoral presentation willbe no lower than a 3.0on the AAC&U OralCommunicationVALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Five students' finalresearchpresentations inPOL 390 SouthernPolitics wereevaluated using theOral CommunicationVALUE Rubric, andthe overall averagescore was 3.4,above the target of3.0. In addition, the

Given that students lowest scoreswere in "supporting material" and"central message," the instructorwill provide examples of modelstudent submissions and researchpresentations and will begin havingstudents begin the scaffoldedassignment that ends in theresearch presentation earlier in thesemester. The weaker scores inthese areas were likely the result oftoo-little time spent analyzing dataand settling on conclusions.

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2.2 (GEO 1.c.) Students willdemonstrate effectiveorganization, language,delivery, supportingmaterial, and centralmessage for oralcommunication.

The Political Sciencefaculty will use theAAC&U OralCommunicationVALUE Rubric toassess the oralpresentationrequired of studentsin POL 250 WorldPolitics, POL 301Southern Politics, orPOL 202 AffectingPolitical Change.

The overall averagescore for students inan upper-level POLclass completing theoral presentation willbe no lower than a 3.0on the AAC&U OralCommunicationVALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met lowest individualstudent average wasa 3.0, and thehighest was a 4.0.On every dimensionof the rubric, theclass average wasabove a 3.0; thelowest scores werein the areas of"supportingmaterial" and"central message,"which each saw aclass average of 3.2.The highest scoreswere along the"language" and"delivery"dimensions.

The POL 390Southern Politicsresearchpresentationassignment promptis attached, as is therubric scores data.

Given that students lowest scoreswere in "supporting material" and"central message," the instructorwill provide examples of modelstudent submissions and researchpresentations and will begin havingstudents begin the scaffoldedassignment that ends in theresearch presentation earlier in thesemester. The weaker scores inthese areas were likely the result oftoo-little time spent analyzing dataand settling on conclusions.

3.1 (PO 2.e.) Students willdemonstrateunderstanding of howthe curriculum in themajor and in-classlearning relate toproblems of the realworld.

The departmentchair or PoliticalScience faculty willanalyze the POL 490students’ resultsfrom the InternshipSurvey that asks thedegree to whichtheir courseworkrelates to andprepares them tohandle real-worldproblems (fall).

The overall averagefor POL 490 studentscompleting theInternship Survey willbe that studentsreport seeing anincrease of at least“3.0” on a 1-5 Likertscale, regarding thedegree to which theircoursework relates toand prepares them tohandle real-worldproblems.

2018 - 2019 Target Met There were fourstudents completingPOL 490 Internshipin 2017-2018, andall four completedthe internshipsurvey forassessment. 75% ofstudents (three ofthe four students)agreed that "yes,absolutely" thework experiencegained through POL490 allowed themto apply knowledgeand abilities

The use of Google Drive to createand disseminate the InternshipSurvey worked well, and if studentsand faculty continue to use thatplatform for most of theirinternship-related communication,the internship survey will continueto be administered there. Thefaculty will also continue requiringthat students use observationsmade in the course of theirinternship to engage with academicliterature and write a paper.

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3.1 (PO 2.e.) Students willdemonstrateunderstanding of howthe curriculum in themajor and in-classlearning relate toproblems of the realworld.

The departmentchair or PoliticalScience faculty willanalyze the POL 490students’ resultsfrom the InternshipSurvey that asks thedegree to whichtheir courseworkrelates to andprepares them tohandle real-worldproblems (fall).

The overall averagefor POL 490 studentscompleting theInternship Survey willbe that studentsreport seeing anincrease of at least“3.0” on a 1-5 Likertscale, regarding thedegree to which theircoursework relates toand prepares them tohandle real-worldproblems.

2018 - 2019 Target Met developed in thepolitical scienceprogram to realworld problems.The other studentselected a four onthe Likert scale,indicating mildagreement with thestatement. Theoverall averagescore given the POL490 Internship wasa 4.75, well abovethe 3.0 target.

The use of Google Drive to createand disseminate the InternshipSurvey worked well, and if studentsand faculty continue to use thatplatform for most of theirinternship-related communication,the internship survey will continueto be administered there. Thefaculty will also continue requiringthat students use observationsmade in the course of theirinternship to engage with academicliterature and write a paper.

4.1 (SAO & GEO4.a. & 4.b.)

Students willdemonstrate that theyhave appreciation for andevidence of diversity ofcommunities andcultures, analysis ofknowledge, civiccommitment, civiccommunication, civicaction and reflection, andcivic context andstructures.

The Political Sciencefaculty will use theAAC&U CivicEngagement VALUERubric to assess thea major CivicEngagement Project(ex., StakeholderAnalysis) required ofstudents in POL 202Affecting PoliticalChange.

The overall averagescore for students incompleting the CivicEngagement Projectwill be no lower than a3.0 on the AAC&UCivic EngagementVALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met In Fall 2018, POL202 AffectingDemocracy wastaught and theassignmentsubmissions, groupwork interactions,and reflections ofeight studentsenrolled in thecourse weremonitored over thecourse of severalcivic engagementassignments and theentire body of workscored using theCivic EngagementVALUE Rubic. Theassignmentsincluded periodicattendance andreporting on publicmeetings (mostattended citycouncil meetings),identification of anissue of concern tocitizens of the localcity (Columbus) or

Goal 4.1 will continue to beassessed using the CivicEngagement VALUE Rubric toevaluate the body of student workin POL 202 Affecting Democracy.The low class average on "civiccommunication" indicates thatgroup work on engagement eventassignments in the course is ademanding and high-qualityassessment measure, but theinstructor will add instructionalmaterial and assignment guidanceaimed at having students thinkabout how the principles ofdeliberative civic communicationcan and should be applied to theirown group work in the class. Inaddition, it may be that having allend-of-the-semester majorassignments structured as groupwork creates a false impression (fora particular type of student) thatfree-riding is an adequate strategy.The instructor will put additionalstress on the fact that she can trackindividual contributions to groupwork in the Google Docs, GoogleSlides, and Google Sheets softwareand will add an individual reflection

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4.1 (SAO & GEO4.a. & 4.b.)

Students willdemonstrate that theyhave appreciation for andevidence of diversity ofcommunities andcultures, analysis ofknowledge, civiccommitment, civiccommunication, civicaction and reflection, andcivic context andstructures.

The Political Sciencefaculty will use theAAC&U CivicEngagement VALUERubric to assess thea major CivicEngagement Project(ex., StakeholderAnalysis) required ofstudents in POL 202Affecting PoliticalChange.

The overall averagescore for students incompleting the CivicEngagement Projectwill be no lower than a3.0 on the AAC&UCivic EngagementVALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met county (Lowndes),interviews withcitizens to assessthe range ofperspectives on theproblem, and small-group workconducting apreliminarystakeholderanalysis, designing acivic engagementevent that wouldenable direct,representativedeliberation on theissue, and giving amock proposalpresentationimagining that thecivic engagementevent was beingpitched to localofficials. Studentsalso reflected ontheir experiences atthe end of thecourse in an opendiscussion of thevalue of civicengagement - theirsand others' - andtheir ability to do soin existing and newways.

The overall averagescore for the classwas 3.3, above thetarget of 3.0. Whileone studentaveraged a meager1.3, this was anextreme outlier, andif that datum isremoved from the

essay that requires students todiscuss their own experiences inthe course and their contributionsto the group work.

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4.1 (SAO & GEO4.a. & 4.b.)

Students willdemonstrate that theyhave appreciation for andevidence of diversity ofcommunities andcultures, analysis ofknowledge, civiccommitment, civiccommunication, civicaction and reflection, andcivic context andstructures.

The Political Sciencefaculty will use theAAC&U CivicEngagement VALUERubric to assess thea major CivicEngagement Project(ex., StakeholderAnalysis) required ofstudents in POL 202Affecting PoliticalChange.

The overall averagescore for students incompleting the CivicEngagement Projectwill be no lower than a3.0 on the AAC&UCivic EngagementVALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met observations, theoverall averageincreases to 3.6 andthe range ofindividual averagesextends from 3.2 to4. On five of therubric's sixdimensions, theclass average wasabove a 3.0, but on"civiccommunication,"the score was a 2.9.Again, the low-scoring studentshould beconsidered, since hisscore of 1 (whichreflects the fact thathe really onlylistened to the ideasof other groupmembers in theengagement eventassignments,contributing nothingof his own to theproject) brings thecourse averagedown 0.2 points; ifthat observation isremoved from theanalysis, the courseaverage rises to a3.1.

Goal 4.1 will continue to beassessed using the CivicEngagement VALUE Rubric toevaluate the body of student workin POL 202 Affecting Democracy.The low class average on "civiccommunication" indicates thatgroup work on engagement eventassignments in the course is ademanding and high-qualityassessment measure, but theinstructor will add instructionalmaterial and assignment guidanceaimed at having students thinkabout how the principles ofdeliberative civic communicationcan and should be applied to theirown group work in the class. Inaddition, it may be that having allend-of-the-semester majorassignments structured as groupwork creates a false impression (fora particular type of student) thatfree-riding is an adequate strategy.The instructor will put additionalstress on the fact that she can trackindividual contributions to groupwork in the Google Docs, GoogleSlides, and Google Sheets softwareand will add an individual reflectionessay that requires students todiscuss their own experiences inthe course and their contributionsto the group work.

Program -Psychology(includingMinor) - BA{2016-2017}

1.1 (GEO 1.c.) Psychology students willdemonstrate effectivewritten communicationskills.

Students enrolled inPSY 455 will write anAPA style paper thatdescribes anoriginal, empiricalresearch study. Thepaper will beevaluated by thecourse instructor

The average score ofPSY 455 students onan APA style paper willbe at least a 3.5 on the0-4 scale used in theAAC&U WrittenCommunicationVALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

Average score was1.9.

As was noted last year, studentsperformed poorly. Faculty teachingthis course will be encouraged toadd class discussion of researcharticles, allow for revision ofwritten work, and provide moreeffective feedback on studentwork.

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Program -Psychology(includingMinor) - BA{2016-2017}

1.1 (GEO 1.c.) Psychology students willdemonstrate effectivewritten communicationskills.

using the AAC&UWrittenCommunicationVALUE Rubric.

The average score ofPSY 455 students onan APA style paper willbe at least a 3.5 on the0-4 scale used in theAAC&U WrittenCommunicationVALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

Average score was1.9.

As was noted last year, studentsperformed poorly. Faculty teachingthis course will be encouraged toadd class discussion of researcharticles, allow for revision ofwritten work, and provide moreeffective feedback on studentwork.

1.2 (GEO 1.c.) Psychology students willdemonstrate effectiveoral communicationskills.

Students enrolled inPSY 455 will orallypresent the original,empirical researchstudy they eitherproposed orcompleted as part ofcourserequirements. Theoral presentationwill be evaluated bythe courseinstructor using theAAC&U OralCommunicationVALUE Rubric.

The average score ofPSY 455 students onan oral presentationof original, empiricalresearch will be atleast a 3.5 on the 0-4scale used in theAAC&U OralCommunicationVALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive Oral presentationswere not included incourserequirements due tothe need forreviewingfoundationalmaterial across thesemester. Datawere not collected.

Maintain assessment. Will discussmoving assessment of oralcommunication to another courseto better facilitate data collection.

2.1 (SLO) Upon completion of theprogram, psychologymajors will demonstratea fundamentalunderstanding ofpsychological science.

A sample ofgraduating seniors inpsychology willcomplete thePsychology ACAT forthe followingcontent areas:Abnormal,Developmental,ExperimentalDesign, Statistics,History and Systems,Human Learning andCognition, Social,and Personality.

The average, overallPsychology ACATscore for a sample ofgraduating seniors inpsychology will fall nomore than 1 standarddeviation below thenational average.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Data from threestudents who tookthe test in the falland from 13students who tookthe test in thespring are available.Scores range from200 to 800; 500 isthe average with astandard deviationof 100. Scores fromthe fall testingranged from 426 to483; scores from thespring testingranged from 287 to518. Average scorefor the fall was 445and for the springwas 433. Both

This is an improvement over lastyear. Assessment will bemaintained.

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2.1 (SLO) Upon completion of theprogram, psychologymajors will demonstratea fundamentalunderstanding ofpsychological science.

A sample ofgraduating seniors inpsychology willcomplete thePsychology ACAT forthe followingcontent areas:Abnormal,Developmental,ExperimentalDesign, Statistics,History and Systems,Human Learning andCognition, Social,and Personality.

The average, overallPsychology ACATscore for a sample ofgraduating seniors inpsychology will fall nomore than 1 standarddeviation below thenational average.

2018 - 2019 Target Met semester averagesfall within onestandard deviationof the nationalaverage.

This is an improvement over lastyear. Assessment will bemaintained.

2.2 (SAO) The psychology programwill offer researchopportunities tostudents.

Departmentalfaculty will report tothe DepartmentChair the totalnumber of enlistedresearch assistantsfor the academicyear.

At least two studentswill work as a researchassistant eachsemester (e.g.,through PSY 449).

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

Zero studentsworked as researchassistants.

Assessment will be maintained. Weare not optimistic aboutimprovement until faculty staffingneeds are met because existingfaculty have no time to superviseresearch assistants.

Faculty will reviewand evaluatestudent responsesto the item on theMUW GraduationSurvey requestingthey rate MUW’seffectiveness inproviding researchopportunities.

At least 75% ofgraduating seniors inpsychology whocomplete the MUWGraduation Survey willindicate MUW’seffectiveness atproviding researchopportunities as eitherexcellent or good.

2018 - 2019 Target Met 2018-2019 MUWGraduation SurveyResults:Excellent - 40%Good - 50%Total - 90%

Excellent - 4/10;40%Good - 5/10; 50%Fair - 1/10; 10%Poor - 0/10; 0%N/A - 0/10; 0%

We will continue to use this for ourassessment measure next year.

2.3 (SAO) The psychology programwill prepare students forgraduate study.

Facebook, email,and othercommunications willbe monitored byfaculty to identifystudents acceptedinto graduateprograms.

Each year a minimumof three alums inpsychology will entergraduate programs inpsychology or arelated discipline.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

Faculty are notaware of anystudents beingaccepted intograduate programssince last year.

Current approach will bemaintained because it is practical.Curriculum review and revision willlikely include a proposal for a newcourse with psychology career andgraduate study content.

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2.4 (PO 4.d.) The psychology programwill prepare students foremployment in a relateddiscipline.

Faculty will reviewand evaluate theresponses to thefollowing questionon the MUWGraduation Surveyto assess thepercentage ofgraduatingpsychology studentswho are working inthe discipline:"What is yourcurrent employmentstatus?"

35% of graduatingseniors in psychologywho complete theMUW GraduationSurvey will reportbeing employed in ajob related to thediscipline.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

2018-2019 MUWGraduation SurveyResults:Secured Full-TimeEmployment in Fieldof Study - 1/10 -10%Currently EmployedFull-Time in Field ofStudy - 0/10 - 0%Total - 10%

Secured Full-TimeEmployment in Fieldof Study - 1/10 -10%Searching for Full-Time Employment inField of Study - 2/10- 20%Currently EmployedFull-Time in Field ofStudy - 0/10 - 0%Currently EmployedFull-Time - 0/10 - 0%Currently EmployedPart-Time - 5/10 -50%N/A - 2/10 - 20%

We will continue to use this for ourassessment measure next year.Curriculum review and revision willlikely include a proposal for a newcourse with psychology careercontent.

Program -Reading/Literacy (includingCertificate) -ME {2016-2017}

1.1 (SAO & SLO) Candidates will be able todemonstrate anunderstanding of andapply knowledge andskills specific to theirdiscipline by developingand presenting aprofessionaldevelopment workshopbased on school data.

The instructor for ED599 will assess andgrade theprofessionaldevelopmentworkshop presentedby the student(s)using theProfessionalDevelopmentRubric.

Candidates will beable to demonstratean understanding ofand apply knowledgeand skills specific totheir discipline bydeveloping andpresenting aprofessionaldevelopmentworkshop based onschool data by scoringan “Acceptable” onthe ProfessionalDevelopment Rubric

2018 - 2019 Target Met TwoReading/Literacystudents with amean score of 100%completed theassignment asevaluated by the ED699 Action ResearchProposal Evaluationinstrument: Student1, 100%; Student 2,100%.

The division will retain this measureand will continue its evaluation as apart of ED 699 Ethical LeadershipCapstone Internship: PracticingProfessional Behaviors and Growth.

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Program -Reading/Literacy (includingCertificate) -ME {2016-2017}

1.1 (SAO & SLO) Candidates will be able todemonstrate anunderstanding of andapply knowledge andskills specific to theirdiscipline by developingand presenting aprofessionaldevelopment workshopbased on school data.

The instructor for ED599 will assess andgrade theprofessionaldevelopmentworkshop presentedby the student(s)using theProfessionalDevelopmentRubric.

in ED 599, Internshipin Reading Literacy.

2018 - 2019 Target Met TwoReading/Literacystudents with amean score of 100%completed theassignment asevaluated by the ED699 Action ResearchProposal Evaluationinstrument: Student1, 100%; Student 2,100%.

The division will retain this measureand will continue its evaluation as apart of ED 699 Ethical LeadershipCapstone Internship: PracticingProfessional Behaviors and Growth.

1.2 (PO 2.c.) Strengthen and ExpandK-12 Partnerships-Partners will co-constructmutually beneficial P-12school and communityarrangements, includingtechnology-basedcollaborations, for clinicalpreparation and shareresponsibility forcontinuous improvementof candidate preparation(Council of Accreditationfor Educator Preparation,CAEP 2.1).

The department ofeducation will holdfocus groupmeetings withvarious partners (K-12 administration, K-12 teachers) to co-construct mutuallybeneficial P-12partnerships.

The department ofeducation and variouspartners will host 2focus groups duringthe academic year inwhich they will shareopinions aboutdeveloping at leastone new mutuallybeneficial partnership.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

No meetings wereheld in 2018-2019with K-12administration andK-12 teachers to co-construct mutuallybeneficial p-12partnerships specificto theReading/Literacymajor, certificate orM.Ed.concentration.

The division recognizes the value ofthis measure and will meet with K-12 administration and K-12teachers in the Columbus MunicipalSchool District and the LowndesCounty School District in the 2019-2020 academic year to addressways to strengthen programmingand expand opportunities forReading/Literacy students.

2.1 (SAO & SLO) Candidates will be able todemonstrate skills andcommitment to creatingsupportive environmentsthat afford all studentsaccess to rigorous collegeand career-readystandards by developinga reading programspecific to the needs ofthe school.

The instructor for ED599 will assess andgrade the readingprogram developedby the student(s)using the ReadingProgram Rubric.

Candidates will beable to demonstrateskills a commitment tocreating supportiveenvironments thatafford all studentsaccess to rigorouscollege and career-supportiveenvironments bydeveloping a readingprogram specific tothe needs of theschool by scoring anaverage of 86% orabove on the ReadingProgram Rubric in ED599, Internship in

2018 - 2019 Target Met TwoReading/Literacystudents with amean percentage of100% completed theassociatedassignment: Student1, 100%; Student 2,100%

The division will retain this measurebut with the associated assignmentin ED 697 Internship in Masters ofEducation using the StandardsReview Rubric.

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2.1 (SAO & SLO) Candidates will be able todemonstrate skills andcommitment to creatingsupportive environmentsthat afford all studentsaccess to rigorous collegeand career-readystandards by developinga reading programspecific to the needs ofthe school.

The instructor for ED599 will assess andgrade the readingprogram developedby the student(s)using the ReadingProgram Rubric.

Reading Literacy. 2018 - 2019 Target Met TwoReading/Literacystudents with amean percentage of100% completed theassociatedassignment: Student1, 100%; Student 2,100%

The division will retain this measurebut with the associated assignmentin ED 697 Internship in Masters ofEducation using the StandardsReview Rubric.

3.1 (RO & SLO) Candidates willdemonstrate theirproficiencies tounderstand and applyknowledge and skillsappropriate to theirprofessional field ofspecialization so thatlearning anddevelopmentopportunities for all P-12students are enhancedthrough the developmentof a research study in thefield of reading literacy.

The instructor for ED500 will assess andgrade the researchproject presented bythe student(s)utilizing theResearch ProjectRubric.

Candidates willdemonstrate theirproficiencies tounderstand and applyknowledge and skillsappropriate to theirprofessional field ofspecialization so thatlearning anddevelopmentopportunities for all P-12 students areenhanced through thedevelopment of aresearch study in thefield of readingliteracy by scoring anaverage of 86% orhigher on theResearch ProjectRubric in ED 500,Educational Research.

2018 - 2019 Target Met ThreeReading/Literacystudents completedthis assignment inED 600 LeadershipThrough ActionResearch in the2018-2019academic year witha mean score of88%: Student 1,76%; Student 2,99%; Student 3,89%.

The division will retain this measurefor the Reading/Literacy major. Thismajor is being phased out;Reading/Literacy is now aconcentration in the Master ofEducation (M.Ed.) in Education.

Program -ReligiousStudies -Minor {2016-2017}

1.1 (GEO 2.c.) Religious studies minorswill demonstrate theability to use religiousstudies methods andconcepts in analyzing thehistory, basic beliefs, andcharacteristic practices ofa particular worldreligion.

In any religiousstudies courseinvolving directanalysis of aparticular religion,the student's Examwill be evaluatedwith the AAC&UInterculturalKnowledge andCompetence VALUERubric. The faculty

The average score ofstudents will be atleast a 3 on the 0-4scale used in theAAC&U InterculturalKnowledge andCompetence VALUERubric in usingreligious studiesmethods and conceptsin analyzing thehistory, basic beliefs,

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive One (1) religiousstudies minor in REL380 NativeAmerican Religionsand Literatures,Spring 2019, scoreda 3.67 on theAAC&U InterculturalKnowledge andCompetence VALUERubric when usingreligious studies

Inconclusive. Use the results for theone student in planning futureassessment.

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Program -ReligiousStudies -Minor {2016-2017}

1.1 (GEO 2.c.) Religious studies minorswill demonstrate theability to use religiousstudies methods andconcepts in analyzing thehistory, basic beliefs, andcharacteristic practices ofa particular worldreligion.

member for theclass and the leadfaculty member inreligious studies willassess the student'swork.

and characteristicpractices of aparticular worldreligion on the Exam.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive methods andconcepts to analyzethe history, basicbeliefs, andcharacteristicpractices of aparticular worldreligion on the FinalExam. Exams werenot available for thesecond religiousstudies minor.

Inconclusive. Use the results for theone student in planning futureassessment.

In any religiousstudies courseinvolving directanalysis of aparticular religion,the student's Mid-Term Essay will beevaluated with theAAC&U InterculturalKnowledge andCompetence VALUERubric. The facultymember for theclass and the leadfaculty member inreligious studies willassess the student'swork.

The average score ofstudents will be atleast a 3 on the 0-4scale used in theAAC&U InterculturalKnowledge andCompetence VALUERubric in usingreligious studiesmethods and conceptsin analyzing thehistory, basic beliefs,and characteristicpractices of aparticular worldreligion on the Mid-Term Essay.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Two (2) ReligiousStudies minors (onein HIS 327 Rise ofIslam, Fall 2018, andone in REL 380Native AmericanReligions andLiteratures, Spring2019) scored anaverage of 3.25 onthe AAC&UInterculturalKnowledge andCompetence VALUERubric when usingreligious studiesmethods andconcepts to analyzethe history, basicbeliefs, andcharacteristicpractices of aparticular worldreligion (Islam orNative Americanreligion) on the Mid-Term Essay. (Onestudent scored 3and one studentscored 3.5.)

Target met. Use in planning futureassessment.

1.2 (GEO 2.b.) Religious studies minorswill demonstrate theability to use religious

In any religiousstudies courseinvolving direct

The average score ofstudents will be atleast a 3 on the 0-4

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive In 2018-2019,religious studiesmajors (2) did not

No targeted actions because nocourses meeting the criteria taken.

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1.2 (GEO 2.b.) studies methods andconcepts in analyzing andcomparing the history,basic beliefs, andcharacteristic practices ofat least two worldreligions.

analysis of at leasttwo world religions,the student's Examwill be evaluatedwith the AAC&UInterculturalKnowledge andCompetence VALUERubric. The facultymember for theclass and the leadfaculty member inreligious studies willassess the student'swork.

scale used in theAAC&U InterculturalKnowledge andCompetence VALUERubric in usingreligious studiesmethods and conceptsin analyzing andcomparing the history,basic beliefs, andcharacteristicpractices of at leasttwo world religions onthe Exam.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive take any coursesthat involved in-depth analysis andcomparison of thehistory, basicbeliefs, andcharacteristicpractices of at leasttwo world religions.Each of theircourses largelyfocused on a singlereligion.

No targeted actions because nocourses meeting the criteria taken.

In any religiousstudies courseinvolving directanalysis of at leasttwo world religions,the student's Mid-Term Essay will beevaluated with theAAC&U InterculturalKnowledge andCompetence VALUERubric. The facultymember for theclass and the leadfaculty member inreligious studies willassess the student'swork.

The average score ofstudents will be atleast a 3 on the 0-4scale used in theAAC&U InterculturalKnowledge andCompetence VALUERubric in usingreligious studiesmethods and conceptsin analyzing andcomparing the history,basic beliefs, andcharacteristicpractices of at leasttwo world religions onthe Mid-Term Essay.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive In 2018-2019,religious studiesmajors (2) did nottake any coursesthat involved in-depth analysis andcomparison of thehistory, basicbeliefs, andcharacteristicpractices of at leasttwo world religions.Each of theircourses largelyfocused on a singlereligion.

No targeted actions because nocourses meeting the criteria taken.

2.1 (GEO 2.a.) Religious studies minorswill demonstrate theability to use religiousstudies methods andconcepts to conduct in-depth analysis of one ormore texts from aparticular religioustradition.

In any religiousstudies courseinvolving directanalysis of one ormore texts from aparticular worldreligion, thestudent's Exam willbe evaluated withthe AAC&UInterculturalKnowledge and

The average score ofstudents will be atleast a 3 on the 0-4scale used in theAAC&U InterculturalKnowledge andCompetence VALUERubric indemonstrating theability to use religiousstudies methods andconcepts to conduct

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive One (1) ReligiousStudies minor in REL380 NativeAmerican Religionsand Literatures,Spring 2019, scored4 on the AAC&UInterculturalKnowledge andCompetence VALUERubric when usingreligious studies

Inconclusive. Use the results for theone student in planning futureassessment.

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2.1 (GEO 2.a.) Religious studies minorswill demonstrate theability to use religiousstudies methods andconcepts to conduct in-depth analysis of one ormore texts from aparticular religioustradition.

Competence VALUERubric. The facultymember for theclass and the leadfaculty member inreligious studies willassess the student'swork.

in-depth analysis ofone or more textsfrom a particularreligious tradition onthe Exam.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive methods andconcepts to analyzemultiple texts froma particular worldreligion (NativeAmerican/Indigenous) on the Exam.Courserequirements didnot make an examavailable for thesecond minor.

Inconclusive. Use the results for theone student in planning futureassessment.

In any religiousstudies courseinvolving directanalysis of one ormore texts from aparticular worldreligion, thestudent's Mid-TermEssay will beevaluated with theAAC&U InterculturalKnowledge andCompetence VALUERubric. The facultymember for theclass and the leadfaculty member inreligious studies willassess the student'swork.

The average score ofstudents will be atleast a 3 on the 0-4scale used in theAAC&U InterculturalKnowledge andCompetence VALUERubric indemonstrating theability to use religiousstudies methods andconcepts to conductin-depth analysis ofone or more textsfrom a particularreligious tradition onthe Mid-Term Essay.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Two (2) ReligiousStudies minors (onein REL 304Philosophy ofReligion, Fall 2018,and one in REL 380Native AmericanReligions andLiteratures, Spring2019) scored anaverage of 3.85 onthe AAC&UInterculturalKnowledge andCompetence VALUERubric when usingreligious studiesmethods andconcepts to analyzeone or more textsfrom a particularworld religion onthe Mid-Term Essay.(One student scored3.7 and one studentscored 4.)

Target met. Use in planning futureassessment.

3.1 (SAO & PO4.a.)

Religious studies minorswill receive advising inthe minor each semesterto ensure the successfulcompletion of theminor’s requirements.

Each semester, theLead Faculty willcomplete both thedepartment’sinternal audit sheetfor the minor andthe audit sheet

100% of students willattend an advisingsession each semesterwith the Lead Facultyin Religious Studiesand receive a copy ofhis/her internal audit

2018 - 2019 Target Met In 2018-2019, theprogram had twominors. The LeadFaculty coordinatedwith the students'major advisors foradvising, reviewed

Target met. Use in planning futureassessment.

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3.1 (SAO & PO4.a.)

Religious studies minorswill receive advising inthe minor each semesterto ensure the successfulcompletion of theminor’s requirements.

provided by theRegistrar and willprovide a copy ofthe internal auditsheet to thestudent. The LeadFaculty will alsokeep the completedaudit sheets on filefor review at theend of eachacademic year.

sheet. 2018 - 2019 Target Met the audit sheetsprovided by theRegistrar, providedcompleted internalaudit sheets, andkept the completedaudit sheets on file.

Target met. Use in planning futureassessment.

The Lead Faculty willmap out thestudent’s remainingcoursework at eachadvising session, willconduct a finaladvising sessionwith the studentonce allrequirements havebeen met, and willconfirm that thestudent willgraduate with theminor. At the end ofthe academic year,the Lead Faculty willreview the students’documents/auditsheets.

90% of students willattend a final auditconfirming that allrequirements of theminor have been metand will graduate withthe minor.

2018 - 2019 Target Met In 2018-2019, theprogram had twominors. The LeadFaculty coordinatedwith the students'major advisors foradvising thestudents andcompleted internalaudits o check thatall minorrequirements werebeing met. Inreviewing thecompleted auditsheets and studenttranscripts in the fallsemester inpreparation for thestudent to graduatein spring 2019, theLead Facultyconcluded that thestudents were ontrack to completethe requirementsfor the minor bygraduation, andboth graduated withthe religious studiesminor in May 2019.

Target met. Use in planning futureassessment.

4.1 (SLO) Religious studies minorswill report that they have

A written Exit Surveyusing a five-point

90% of studentsparticipating in the

2018 - 2019 Target Met A written ExitSurvey using a five-

Target met. Use in planning futureassessment.

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4.1 (SLO) gained a broadunderstanding of religionas a human phenomenonand they understand thehistory andcontemporaryexpressions of worldreligious traditions.

scale on each of fivequestions will begiven to the studentin the final semesterbefore completion.The Lead Faculty willreview and analyzethe Exit Surveyresults at the end ofthe academic year.

Exit Survey will reportat least a 3 rating(satisfied) on a five-point scale that theyhave gained a broadunderstanding ofreligion as a humanphenomenon and theyunderstand the historyand contemporaryexpressions of worldreligious traditions.

2018 - 2019 Target Met point scale on eachof five questionswas given to thetwo religious studiesminors whograduated in 20189-201 (spring 2019).On a scale from 1(Very Dissatisfied) to5 (Very Satisfied),the studentsassigned a 4 or 5 forhow satisfied theywere with what theylearned in eacharea: basic conceptsand methods in thefield of religiousstudies, religion as abroad humanphenomenon (whatreligion is and whatit means to bereligious), thehistory of worldreligions,contemporaryexpressions of worldreligions, andsimilarities anddifferences betweenreligious traditions.

Target met. Use in planning futureassessment.

Program -SecondaryTeacherEducation -MAT {2016-2017}

1.1 (SAO & SLO) Candidates will be able todemonstrate anunderstanding of andapply knowledge andskills specific to theirdiscipline by successfulcompletion of theInternship.

The instructor for ED566 will assess andgrade the teachingof the candidateusing the TeacherIntern AssessmentInstrument.

Candidates will beable to demonstratean understanding ofand apply knowledgeand skills specific totheir discipline byscoring on average a 2(Acceptable) or aboveon the Teacher InternAssessmentInstrument in ED 566,Internship is MAT.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive The Teacher InternAssessmentInstrument was notimplemented in ED697 Internship inMasters ofEducation.

Significant changes have occurredwith the graduate course offeringsin Education, and these changesrequire greater oversight of thegraduate course requirements inEducation.

All Secondary Teacher Education -MAT students will be assessed viathe Teacher Intern AssessmentInstrument.

If ED 566, the MAT internship

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Program -SecondaryTeacherEducation -MAT {2016-2017}

1.1 (SAO & SLO) Candidates will be able todemonstrate anunderstanding of andapply knowledge andskills specific to theirdiscipline by successfulcompletion of theInternship.

The instructor for ED566 will assess andgrade the teachingof the candidateusing the TeacherIntern AssessmentInstrument.

Candidates will beable to demonstratean understanding ofand apply knowledgeand skills specific totheir discipline byscoring on average a 2(Acceptable) or aboveon the Teacher InternAssessmentInstrument in ED 566,Internship is MAT.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive The Teacher InternAssessmentInstrument was notimplemented in ED697 Internship inMasters ofEducation.

course is offered in the 2019-2020academic year, MAT internshipstudents will be assessed via theTeacher Intern AssessmentInstrument in that course. If ED 566is not offered in the 2019-2020academic year, MAT internshipstudents will be combined withM.Ed. students in ED 697, theM.Ed. Internship course, andassessed via the Teacher InternAssessment Instrument.

1.2 (PO 2.c.) Strengthen and ExpandK-12 Partnerships-Partners will co-constructmutually beneficial P-12school and communityarrangements, includingtechnology-basedcollaborations, for clinicalpreparation and shareresponsibility forcontinuous improvementof candidate preparation(Council of Accreditationfor Educator Preparation,CAEP 2.1).

The department ofeducation will holdfocus groupmeetings withvarious partners (K-12 administration, K-12 teachers) to co-construct mutuallybeneficial P-12partnerships.

The department ofeducation and variouspartners will host 2focus groups duringthe academic year inwhich they will shareopinions aboutdeveloping at leastone new mutuallybeneficial partnership.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive While discussionsoccurred on campusthat led tosignificantimprovements ofthe MAT, thedivision did not holdfocus groupmeetings to developmutually beneficialpartnerships forimprovement of theMAT experience forstudents and our P-12 partners.

The division will retain thisachievement target. The divisionhas engaged other areas of campusengaged in secondary education atthe undergraduate level todetermine ways to improveundergraduate to graduate MATpathways for students interested insecondary education opportunities,but significant work needs to bedone to determine how best wemay meet the needs of K-12administration and K-12 teachers,particularly in the ColumbusMunicipal School District and theLowndes County School District.Additionally, the division isinterested in providing educationalpathways for teacher assistants,and we recognize the value that aMAT pathway may provide forteacher assistants who haveundergraduate degrees in asecondary education subject areabut who do not have teachinglicenses.

The division is committed to thisachievement target and todeveloping partnerships designedto improve and expand MATopportunities.

2.1 (SAO & SLO) Candidates will be able to The instructor for ED Candidates will be 2018 - 2019 Inconclusive This assessment Significant changes have occurred

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2.1 (SAO & SLO) demonstrate skills andcommitment to creatingsupportive environmentsthat afford all studentsaccess to rigorous collegeand career-readystandards by developinga teaching unit.

566 will assess andgrade the teachingunit developed bythe student(s) usingthe Teaching UnitRubric.

able to demonstrateskills and commitmentto creating supportiveenvironments thatafford all studentsaccess to rigorouscollege and career-supportiveenvironments bydeveloping a readingprogram specific tothe needs of theschool by scoring anaverage of 2 or aboveon the Teaching UnitRubric in ED 566,Internship in MAT.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive instrument wasoverlooked whenthe decision tomove this studentfrom ED 566 to ED697 was made.Greater oversight ofcourserequirementsaligned withassessmentmeasures isrequired.

with the graduate course offeringsin Education, and these changesrequire greater oversight of thegraduate course requirements inEducation.

All Secondary Teacher Education -MAT students will be assessed viathe Teaching Unit Rubric.

If ED 566, the MAT internshipcourse is offered in the 2019-2020academic year, MAT internshipstudents will be assessed via theTeaching Unit Rubric in that course.If ED 566 is not offered in the 2019-2020 academic year, MATinternship students will becombined with M.Ed. students inED 697, the M.Ed. Internshipcourse, and assessed via theTeaching Unit Rubric.

3.1 (RO & SLO) Candidates willdemonstrate theirproficiencies tounderstand and applyknowledge and skillsappropriate to theirprofessional field ofspecialization so thatlearning anddevelopmentopportunities for all P-12students are enhancedthrough the developmentof a research study intheir area of expertise.

The instructor for ED500 will assess andgrade the researchproject(s) presentedby the student(s)using the ResearchProject Rubric.

Candidates willdemonstrate theirproficiencies tounderstand and applyknowledge and skillsappropriate to theirprofessional field ofspecialization so thatlearning anddevelopmentopportunities for all P-12 students areenhanced through thedevelopment of aresearch study in theirarea of expertise byscoring an average of86% or higher on theResearch ProjectRubric in ED 500,Educational Research.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Three MAT studentscompleted ED 600Leadership ThroughAction Researchwith a mean scoreof 89%. Thesestudents completedthe research projectproposal with thefollowing scores:Student A: 86%,Student B: 82%, andStudent C: 99%.Note: The ResearchProject Rubric isnamed ED 699 andis used in thatcourse as well.

This measure is appropriate, andthe program will retain thismeasure with the understandingthat this measure is assessed fromED 600, not ED 500.

Program -Spanish

1.1 (GEO 1.c.) Knowledge of Grammar:Students will be able to

Students willproduce a written

The average score ofstudents on the

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

Of the 142assignments

Continue with plan. one thing toconsider would be having students

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(includingMinor and K-12Certification) -BA {2016-2017}

1.1 (GEO 1.c.) manipulate simplestructures. Students willknow the basic verbalsystem of Spanish(tenses, moods, aspects)and be able to produceforms.

assignment(composition orexam) that will begraded by theinstructor using theAAC&U WritingCommunicationValue Rubric.

written assignmentwill be a 2 or higher onthe scale 0-4 from theAAC&U WritingCommunication ValueRubric on the controlof syntax andmechanics evaluationof this assignment.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

assessed, 18 scoreda o on the rubric forfailing to followinstructions and/orproducecomprehensiblelanguage in writtenform. 28 studentsscored a 1 on therubric; 64 earned a2 and 32 earned a 3on the writtenrubric. TotalAverage - 2.03

complete drafts of theircompositions, provide feedback onthose drafts and then grade thefinal version of the assignment. Thiscould help boost scores and generalability with written language.

1.2 (GEO 1.c.) Speaking Proficiency:Students will be able togo beyond the one wordresponse and be able toproduce simple,sentence-lengthutterances with areasonably accuratepronunciation on topicsrelated to their personaland academic lives(family, classes, dailyactivities, leisureactivities, etc.)

Students willcomplete an oralexam with theinstructor that willbe evaluated usingthe AAC&U OralCommunicationRubric.

The average score ofstudents on the oralassignment will be a 2or higher on the scaleof 0-4 from the use ofLanguage as describedby AAC&U OralCommunicationRubric.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

Of the 146 studentassignmentsassessed, 6 earned azero, 72 earned 1,59 earned 2 and 9earned 3 based onthe OralCommunicationRubric. The averagescore was 1.49.

Lowering the average to 1.5 wouldbe a more readily attainable goal,although still a challenge at thelower levels.

2.1 (GEO 2.c.) Cultural Knowledge:Students will exploreissues related to Hispaniccultures at a basic level.Students will have anawareness of culturaldifferences and be ableto make comparisonsbetween Hispaniccultures and their own.

100 level studentswill complete anassignment on atopic of culturalrelevance thatrelates to theSpanish-speakingworld. This will begraded by theinstructor using theAAC&U InterculturalKnowledge andCompetence VALUERubric.

The average score ofthe 100 level studentson the culturalrelevance assignmentwill be a 1 or higher onthe 0-4 scale used inthe AAC&UInterculturalKnowledge andCompetence VALUERubric.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

8 students at the100 level completedan assignmentwhich used theInterculturalKnowledge andCompetence valuerubric. Of these 8, 5earned a score of 1and 3 earned a 2.The average was1.375.

For the upcoming academic year, inorder to ensure continuity andcompliance, it is recommendedthat the instructors agree on andplan a cultural activity that will beassessed prior to the start of thesemester.

200 level studentswill complete anassignment on a

The average score ofthe 200 level studentson the cultural

2018 - 2019 Target Met Of the 53 studentsassessed, 16 earneda 1, 15 earned a 2

Continue with plan.

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topic of culturalrelevance thatrelates to theSpanish-speakingworld. This will begraded by theinstructor using theAAC&U InterculturalKnowledge andCompetence VALUERubric.

relevance assignmentwill be a 2 or higher onthe 0-4 scale used inthe AAC&UInterculturalKnowledge andCompetence VALUERubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met and 22 earned a 3on the rubric. Theaverage score was2.33.

Continue with plan.

2.2 (SAO & GEO2.c.)

Students will articulatetheir cumulative culturalknowledge in a Capstoneassignment by examiningcultural differences andmaking comparisons.

Students willcomplete theCultural DifferencesCapstoneAssignment thatrequires them todemonstrate anawareness ofcultural differencesamong Spanishspeakers. Thisassignment will begraded by theinstructor using theAAC&U InterculturalKnowledge andCompetence VALUERubric.

The average score ofstudents on theCultural DifferencesCapstone Assignmentwill be a 2 or higher onthe 0-4 scale used inthe AAC&UInterculturalKnowledge andCompetence VALUERubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Students in 202completed anassignmentresearching amusical group/artistfrom the Spanish-speaking world andthen comparing thegenre and music toan English-speakinggroup from the US.Of the 22 studentsassessed, theaverage score was2.09.

Continue with plan.

2.3 (PO 3.b.) The completion of foursemesters of Spanish willencourage global thinkingand perspectives throughbroadening of culturaland language-basedknowledge among ourstudents. In an effort toprovide students with a“global perspective” andto prepare “them for theglobal workforce of thefuture,” the Spanishprogram will activelyseek to increase interestand enrollment in the

The assessmentcoordinator willcollect data from anEnrollment Reporton the number ofdeclared Spanishminors and majorsat the end of theacademic year.

An increase in minorsand majors over thenext three years (7and 3, respectively).

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

3 Spanish majorsand 4 minors, that Iam aware of. I amaware of severalstudents whoexpressed interestand the intention ofdeclaring a minor,but as of the end ofthe semester, hadyet to do so.

Continue to promote program.Encourage students to enroll insummer courses so they cancomplete intro/intermediate levelsand have sufficient time tocomplete a major or minor.

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2.3 (PO 3.b.) Spanish minor and major. The assessmentcoordinator willcollect data from anEnrollment Reporton the number ofdeclared Spanishminors and majorsat the end of theacademic year.

An increase in minorsand majors over thenext three years (7and 3, respectively).

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

3 Spanish majorsand 4 minors, that Iam aware of. I amaware of severalstudents whoexpressed interestand the intention ofdeclaring a minor,but as of the end ofthe semester, hadyet to do so.

Continue to promote program.Encourage students to enroll insummer courses so they cancomplete intro/intermediate levelsand have sufficient time tocomplete a major or minor.

Program -Theatre - BA{2016-2017}

1.1 (SLO) Students will increasetheir level ofcommunication skills.

All first-year transferstudents will bereviewed at the endof the Fall semester(last week of regularclasses). They aregiven a fourquestion Survey inadvance that allowsthem to self-assesstheir own growth astheatre artists (seeattached doc,“Questions forSophomoreReview.” Theinterviewees will berequired to turn inwritten answers toreviewing faculty,but will be requiredto give an oralresponse as well.This method ofassessment willallow the studentsto see what skillsthey need to focuson in the latter partof their collegecareers. Thequestions will bescored using thedepartment’s own

60% of transfersparticipating in theSurvey are expectedto score on theSophomore/TransferInterview/AuditionProject Rubric a“strong pass” in two ofthe three followingcategories:performance/presentation; craftsmanship;and interpretation.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

3 Transfer receiveda "Weak Pass"grade.0% of studentsachieved Proficiency

From the Chair: This will require ameeting with general faculty beforethe beginning of the year. There isa concern that the faculty areapplying stricter criteria than areneeded in the assessment of thetransfer students. We need toreconcile the faculty's desire forexcellence with the program'sresponsibility to provide a fair andcredible assessment.

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Program -Theatre - BA{2016-2017}

1.1 (SLO) Students will increasetheir level ofcommunication skills.


Originally,assessment wasrotated withgraduating Seniorsbeing reported inodd-numberedyears andsophomore reviewtaking place in even-numbered years.Until the number ofstudents is sufficientto support thisprotocol, bothmethods ofassessment will beused every year.Sophomore and firstyear transfer reviewwill take place at theend of the Fallsemester and Seniorexit portfolios willtake place in the lasttwo weeks of theSpring semester.The Departmentintends to assign adate for the “exitportfolio review.”On that dategraduating seniorswill present an“acting portfolio”and/or a “technicaltheatre portfolio” tothe faculty. TheSophomore/TransferInterview/AuditionProject Rubric willbe use to assess the

60% of transfersparticipating in theSurvey are expectedto score on theSophomore/TransferInterview/AuditionProject Rubric a“strong pass” in two ofthe three followingcategories:performance/presentation; craftsmanship;and interpretation.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

3 Transfer receiveda "Weak Pass"grade.0% of studentsachieved Proficiency

From the Chair: This will require ameeting with general faculty beforethe beginning of the year. There isa concern that the faculty areapplying stricter criteria than areneeded in the assessment of thetransfer students. We need toreconcile the faculty's desire forexcellence with the program'sresponsibility to provide a fair andcredible assessment.

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Program -Theatre - BA{2016-2017}

1.1 (SLO) Students will increasetheir level ofcommunication skills.

level of expertise inthe student’s chosenarea ofpresentation.

60% of transfersparticipating in theSurvey are expectedto score on theSophomore/TransferInterview/AuditionProject Rubric a“strong pass” in two ofthe three followingcategories:performance/presentation; craftsmanship;and interpretation.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

3 Transfer receiveda "Weak Pass"grade.0% of studentsachieved Proficiency

From the Chair: This will require ameeting with general faculty beforethe beginning of the year. There isa concern that the faculty areapplying stricter criteria than areneeded in the assessment of thetransfer students. We need toreconcile the faculty's desire forexcellence with the program'sresponsibility to provide a fair andcredible assessment.

All sophomorestudents will bereviewed at the endof the Fall semester(last week of regularclasses). They aregiven a fourquestion Survey inadvance that allowsthem to self-assesstheir own growth astheatre artists (seeattached doc,“Questions forSophomoreReview.” Theinterviewees will berequired to turn inwritten answers toreviewing faculty,but will be requiredto give an oralresponse as well.This method ofassessment willallow the studentsto see what skillsthey need to focuson in the latter partof their collegecareers. Thequestions will be

75% of nativesophomores (e.g.those who havematriculated solely atMUW) participating inthe Survey areexpected to score ontheSophomore/TransferInterview/AuditionProject Rubric a“strong pass” in two ofthe three followingcategories:performance/presentation; craftsmanship;and interpretation.

2018 - 2019 Target Met One Nativesophomore receiveda "Strong Pass"grade100% Proficiency

We see no need to change thismethod of assessment. We expectmore Sophomores to participatenext year.

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scored using thedepartment’s own“SOPHOMORE/TRANSFERINTERVIEW/AUDITION PROJECT” Rubric.

Originally,assessment wasrotated withgraduating Seniorsbeing reported inodd-numberedyears andsophomore reviewtaking place in even-numbered years.Until the number ofstudents is sufficientto support thisprotocol, bothmethods ofassessment will beused every year.Sophomore and firstyear transfer reviewwill take place at theend of the Fallsemester and Seniorexit portfolios willtake place in the lasttwo weeks of theSpring semester.The Departmentintends to assign adate for the “exitportfolio review.”On that dategraduating seniorswill present an“acting portfolio”and/or a “technicaltheatre portfolio” tothe faculty. TheSophomore/TransferInterview/Audition

75% of nativesophomores (e.g.those who havematriculated solely atMUW) participating inthe Survey areexpected to score ontheSophomore/TransferInterview/AuditionProject Rubric a“strong pass” in two ofthe three followingcategories:performance/presentation; craftsmanship;and interpretation.

2018 - 2019 Target Met One Nativesophomore receiveda "Strong Pass"grade100% Proficiency

We see no need to change thismethod of assessment. We expectmore Sophomores to participatenext year.

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Project Rubric willbe use to assess thelevel of expertise inthe student’s chosenarea ofpresentation.

75% of nativesophomores (e.g.those who havematriculated solely atMUW) participating inthe Survey areexpected to score ontheSophomore/TransferInterview/AuditionProject Rubric a“strong pass” in two ofthe three followingcategories:performance/presentation; craftsmanship;and interpretation.

2018 - 2019 Target Met One Nativesophomore receiveda "Strong Pass"grade100% Proficiency

We see no need to change thismethod of assessment. We expectmore Sophomores to participatenext year.

Oral interpretation(TH205) introducesstudents to voiceand speech skills.The AAC&U CreativeThinking VALUERubric is used tomeasure specifictechnicalproficiency.Monologues andscene work in thebeginning throughadvanced actingclasses (TH 219, TH319, TH 419) offerstudents a widevariety of texts tohone skills. Thesetexts span a numberof eras and genresoffering differentstylistic material.

Assessment formsare completed foreach performanceand expectations

Each student isexpected to improveupon his/her oral andwritten presentationseach semester fromthe time they enterthe university untilthey graduate. 90% ofstudents are expectedto meet proficiency onthe AAC&U CreativeThinking VALUERubric. Proficiency isachieved by a score of“3” or better in all 5categories.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

2.5: 1-One-YearTransfer3: 1-One-YearTransfer3.5: 1 Sophomore4: 1 GraduatingSeniorAvg. Score: 3.2575% of studentsachieved"Proficiency"

Even though the target was notmet, it was a difference of only onestudent. There seems to be noneed to change this assessmentmethod.

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become morerigorous with eachadvanced course. InDesign and Directing(TH 275 and TH 320)students make oralpresentations tosupport three-dimensional works.Because thesequence of thelisted courses mayvary for eachstudent, eachstudent ismonitoredindividually forongoingimprovement. Sincewe are a smallprogram, it isnecessary to rotatethe assessment ofgoals. In order tohave a reasonablesampling ofsophomores, a filewill be kept on allstudents until thereare enoughsophomore files toreview; likewise, forgraduates.

Originally,assessment wasrotated withgraduating Seniorsbeing reported inodd-numberedyears andsophomore reviewtaking place in even-numbered years.Until the number ofstudents is sufficient

Each student isexpected to improveupon his/her oral andwritten presentationseach semester fromthe time they enterthe university untilthey graduate. 90% ofstudents are expectedto meet proficiency onthe AAC&U CreativeThinking VALUERubric. Proficiency isachieved by a score of“3” or better in all 5categories.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

2.5: 1-One-YearTransfer3: 1-One-YearTransfer3.5: 1 Sophomore4: 1 GraduatingSeniorAvg. Score: 3.2575% of studentsachieved"Proficiency"

Even though the target was notmet, it was a difference of only onestudent. There seems to be noneed to change this assessmentmethod.

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to support thisprotocol, bothmethods ofassessment will beused every year.Sophomore and firstyear transfer reviewwill take place at theend of the Fallsemester and Seniorexit portfolios willtake place in the lasttwo weeks of theSpring semester.The Departmentintends to assign adate for the “exitportfolio review.”On that dategraduating seniorswill present an“acting portfolio”and/or a “technicaltheatre portfolio” tothe faculty. TheAAC&U CreativeThinking VALUERubric will be use toassess the level ofexpertise in thestudent’s chosenarea ofpresentation.

Each student isexpected to improveupon his/her oral andwritten presentationseach semester fromthe time they enterthe university untilthey graduate. 90% ofstudents are expectedto meet proficiency onthe AAC&U CreativeThinking VALUERubric. Proficiency isachieved by a score of“3” or better in all 5categories.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

2.5: 1-One-YearTransfer3: 1-One-YearTransfer3.5: 1 Sophomore4: 1 GraduatingSeniorAvg. Score: 3.2575% of studentsachieved"Proficiency"

Even though the target was notmet, it was a difference of only onestudent. There seems to be noneed to change this assessmentmethod.

2.1 (GEO 5.a.,PO 4.d., SAO)

Students will increasetheir skills ofprofessionalism and workethics by performingassigned tasks withdiligence, reliability, andpunctuality.

All sophomore andfirst-year studentswill be reviewed atthe end of the Fallsemester (last weekof regular classes).They are given afour question Surveyin advance thatallows them to self-assess their owngrowth as theatre

90% of studentsparticipating in theSurvey will state thattheir goal upongraduating theTheatre program is tohave the skillset togain employment or along-term internshipin theatre or a relatedfield.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

75% of students (3out of 4) answeredquestions #3 and #4satisfactorily,showing theyunderstood theimportance ofacquiring thenecessary skills topursue a career inTheatre or TheatreEducation. Please

Over three years, 85% ofsophomores and first-year transfers(11 out of 13) have answered thequestions satisfactorily. Given thatthe threshold for other SLOs forsimilar student rankings is around60%, we feel that the threshold forthis achievement is too high. Wewould like to change it to athreshold of 75%, which isconsistent with our findings, year-to-year.

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2.1 (GEO 5.a.,PO 4.d., SAO)

Students will increasetheir skills ofprofessionalism and workethics by performingassigned tasks withdiligence, reliability, andpunctuality.

artists (see attacheddoc, “Questions forSophomoreReview.”Departmentalfaculty will reviewand analyze theresults of the Surveyto determine ifachievement targetwas met.

90% of studentsparticipating in theSurvey will state thattheir goal upongraduating theTheatre program is tohave the skillset togain employment or along-term internshipin theatre or a relatedfield.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

see the relateddocuments onStudent responses.

Over three years, 85% ofsophomores and first-year transfers(11 out of 13) have answered thequestions satisfactorily. Given thatthe threshold for other SLOs forsimilar student rankings is around60%, we feel that the threshold forthis achievement is too high. Wewould like to change it to athreshold of 75%, which isconsistent with our findings, year-to-year.

At the end of thespring semester, thedepartment chairwill reviewtranscripts of TH 360students todetermine ifachievement targetwas met.

The collective averageof all TH 360 students'final grades will be90%.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

There were twostudents enrolled:Student 1 FinalGrade: 96.6Student 2 FinalGrade: 58Average Final Score:77.3

This is the first time using thisassessment method, so we willcontinue to gather data beforemaking conclusions on its efficacy.

Attendance isstrictly monitored inall departmentalcourses and for allrehearsals and workcalls. All studentsenrolled in TH 400-The TheatrePracticum-will beevaluated using theAAC&U TeamworkVALUE Rubric.

It is expected that thefreshmen,sophomores, first yeartransfers, juniors andseniors participating inTH 400 will meetproficiency on theAAC&U TeamworkVALUE Rubric.Proficiency is definedby averaging a scoreof “3” in at least 4categories forfreshmen,sophomores, first yeartransfers, juniors andseniors. Students mustshow proficiencybefore being allowedto complete Internshipand/or graduate.

2018 - 2019 Target Met 80% (11 out of 15)students achieved arating of"Proficiency"For the ScoringBreakdown, pleasesee the RelatedDocument "2-1-1Scoring Breakdown

The 60% pass rate is still workingwell so there is no need to changeit. However, the threshold of 60% isstill not listed on the AchievementTarget.

Attendance isstrictly monitored in

It is expected that 70%of freshmen,

2018 - 2019 Target Met 65% (11 out of 17)students achieved a

Results have been consistent, sothis assessment method will remain

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all departmentalcourses and for allrehearsals and workcalls. Students areevaluated by theAAC&U CreativeThinking VALUERubric for theirparticipation in themajor productionsof both the Fall andSpring semesters.

sophomores, first yeartransfers, juniors andseniors participating inthe major semesterproductions will meetproficiency on theAAC&U CreativeThinking VALUERubric. Proficiency isdefined by achieving ascore of “3” in at least4 categories forfreshmen,sophomores, first yeartransfers, juniors andseniors. Students mustshow proficiencybefore being allowedto complete Internshipand/or graduate.

2018 - 2019 Target Met rating of"Proficiency".For a breakdown ofthe scoring, pleasesee the relateddocument "2-1-2Scoring Breakdown"

in place.

2.2 (SLO & PO4.d.)

Students will develop anaccountable character bydemonstrating the abilityto manage their owntime effectively, as wellas work well with othersin collaborative projects,and to serve as leaders ofpeer groups.

TH 400 is assessedjointly by 3 facultymembers based onability to meetproject deadlinesand collaborativeskills. Post Mortems(of each theatreproduction team)are held to trackeffectiveness ofcollaboration andare all evaluatedusing the CreativeProject GradingRubric developed bythe faculty.

60% of Sophomoresshould demonstrateproficiency in thisarea. Proficiency forSophomores is definedas scoring at least a 90in two categories andno lower than a 80 (B-) in the other twocategories on theCreative ProjectGrading Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met 1 student met thecriteria for this SLOand was assessedtwice, once each inthe Fall 2018 andSpring 2019semesters.Fall Score: 95Spring Score: 94Avg. Score: 94.5

This assessment method has beenone of our most successfulindicators on student development,so we will continue to use itwithout changes.

TH 400 is assessedjointly by 3 facultymembers based onability to meetproject deadlinesand collaborativeskills. Post Mortems

90% of graduatingSeniors shoulddemonstrateproficiency in thisarea. Proficiency forgraduating seniors inthis area is defined as

2018 - 2019 Target Met Two students metthis criteria for theFall 2018 and Spring2019 semesters.Student 1: Assessedtwice (in Fall andSpring semesters).

This assessment method has beenone of our most successfulindicators on student development,so we will continue to use itwithout changes.

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(of each theatreproduction team)are held to trackeffectiveness ofcollaboration andare all evaluatedusing the CreativeProject GradingRubric developed bythe faculty.

scoring at least a 90(A-) in at least threecategories and nolower than an 80 (B-)in the one othercategory on theCreative ProjectGrading Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Fall Score: 95 SpringScore: 96.Cumulative score:95.5Student 2: Assessedonce, in fallsemester. Fall score:93Cumulative Avg:94.6

This assessment method has beenone of our most successfulindicators on student development,so we will continue to use itwithout changes.

2.3 (SLO & SAO) Students will effectivelydemonstrate theircomprehension anddeveloped abilities bysynthesizing the sum oftheir knowledge gleanedin the Theatre curriculumto independently devise acreative piece with aunique point of view.

During the student’sSenior year, it isexpected that thestudent will be ableto independentlycraft a creative workin at least one areaof practical Theatreproduction andperformance.Examples include:acting, directing,scene painting andcostume design. Thestudent will utilizepractical skillslearned in second-year and some third-year classes (TH 217-Stage Crafts; TH219-BeginningActing; TH 275-Introduction toDesign; TH 318-Stage Lighting, andTH 319-IntermediateActing). These skillswill be mastered inmore advancedclasses (TH 320-Directing; TH 419-Advanced Acting;and TH 400-TheatrePracticum). Theindividual

90% of graduatingseniors are expectedto achieve Proficiency.Proficiency is definedas scoring at least 90%(A-) on the Senior ExitProject Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met One student metthe criteria for thisSLO. This studentscored a perfectscore of 1000 whichis an A+

This is the second time using thisrubric so the sampling size is stillquite small. Also the one studentinvolved was exceptionally giftedwhich may skew the average. Wewill make no formal conclusions atthis time, but continue to use therubric next year.

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2.3 (SLO & SAO) Students will effectivelydemonstrate theircomprehension anddeveloped abilities bysynthesizing the sum oftheir knowledge gleanedin the Theatre curriculumto independently devise acreative piece with aunique point of view.

achievement to beassessed will bechosen by thestudent, with theconsent of theTheatre faculty,during the SeniorExit Project. Theproject will begraded using thedepartmental SeniorExit Project Rubric.

90% of graduatingseniors are expectedto achieve Proficiency.Proficiency is definedas scoring at least 90%(A-) on the Senior ExitProject Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met One student metthe criteria for thisSLO. This studentscored a perfectscore of 1000 whichis an A+

This is the second time using thisrubric so the sampling size is stillquite small. Also the one studentinvolved was exceptionally giftedwhich may skew the average. Wewill make no formal conclusions atthis time, but continue to use therubric next year.

Program -Women'sLeadership -MA {2016-2017}

1.1 (RO) Through finding,examining and analyzingprimary and secondarysources, the students willpractice graduate levelresearch skills on bothassigned and self-generated topics onwomen’s leadership.

Graduate studentswill complete atleast one AnnotatedBibliographydemonstratingresearch and sourcequality assessmentskills on a self-selected topic.Either the directoror a designated WSfaculty member willassess theannotatedbibliography usingthe AAC&U VALUERubric onInformationLiteracy.

In a sample set of atleast three annotatedbibliographies fromeither WS 500 or WS501 sections, each ofthe essays will earn anaverage score of 3.5 orhigher on the AAC&URubric on InformationLiteracy.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Four Bibliographiesfrom WS 500 wereassessed. All fourscored above a 3.5.I have moved theAnnotatedBibliographyassignment soonerin the semester, andI now expect theBibliography topicto be their finalproject topic, whichhas made a bigdifference in thecoherence of WS500. I don't knowwhy I ever allowedthe students toswitch topics aftertheir AnnotatedBibliography wasfinished. One fullsemester's researchon one topic is idealfor what thesestudents need toprepare for theirthesis. I see asignificantimprovement intheir informationliteracy/research

We will continue this type ofassignment. A faculty member inthe Public Health graduate programwill teach WS 500 in the fall while Iam on sabbatical. She and I havetalked a great deal about havingconsistency in the syllabus, nomatter who is teaching the class.

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Program -Women'sLeadership -MA {2016-2017}

1.1 (RO) Through finding,examining and analyzingprimary and secondarysources, the students willpractice graduate levelresearch skills on bothassigned and self-generated topics onwomen’s leadership.

Graduate studentswill complete atleast one AnnotatedBibliographydemonstratingresearch and sourcequality assessmentskills on a self-selected topic.Either the directoror a designated WSfaculty member willassess theannotatedbibliography usingthe AAC&U VALUERubric onInformationLiteracy.

In a sample set of atleast three annotatedbibliographies fromeither WS 500 or WS501 sections, each ofthe essays will earn anaverage score of 3.5 orhigher on the AAC&URubric on InformationLiteracy.

2018 - 2019 Target Met abilities, comparingthe beginning of thesemester to thefinal week of thesemester. TheResearch Librarian'spresentation isexactly what theyneed to push themforward toward theAnnotatedBibliography.Several WS 500 andWS 501 studentsmade individualvisits to have one onone help with theResearch Librarian.She is very helpfuland patient.

We will continue this type ofassignment. A faculty member inthe Public Health graduate programwill teach WS 500 in the fall while Iam on sabbatical. She and I havetalked a great deal about havingconsistency in the syllabus, nomatter who is teaching the class.

1.2 (SLO & RO) Through analysis ofsecondary sources thestudents will learn toassess the quality ofsecondary research onboth assigned and self-generated topics inwomen’s leadership.

The director of theprogram will assessa completed WS 500or WS 502 articlereview assignmentusing AAC&U VALUERubric on Inquiryand Analysis.

Each of the studentscompleting theassignment for“Article Review II” inthe graduate courseWS 500 or any of thearticle review orcritique assignmentsin WS 501 will averageat least a 3.5 using theAAC&U VALUE Rubricfor Inquiry andAnalysis.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Six sample articlereviews wereselected at randomfrom WS 500 andWS 502, one ofwhich was writtenby a student whowas dismissed fromthe program.Technically, all sixreviews did notmeet the target of3.5 and above, sincethe dismissedstudent's reviewwas scored a 2.However, theremaining 5students who areprogressing throughthe program allscored above thetarget number. Thiscohort of WS 500and WS 501 is

The article review assignments arean important part of learningresearch methods and theoryapplications. Next year I plan torequire students to choose articlesfrom their major research projects.Up until now, I didn't specify thatthe articles had to be connected totheir selected topics, but theprogress in research methods andtheory applications needs to bemore coherent in these gatewaycourses.

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1.2 (SLO & RO) Through analysis ofsecondary sources thestudents will learn toassess the quality ofsecondary research onboth assigned and self-generated topics inwomen’s leadership.

The director of theprogram will assessa completed WS 500or WS 502 articlereview assignmentusing AAC&U VALUERubric on Inquiryand Analysis.

Each of the studentscompleting theassignment for“Article Review II” inthe graduate courseWS 500 or any of thearticle review orcritique assignmentsin WS 501 will averageat least a 3.5 using theAAC&U VALUE Rubricfor Inquiry andAnalysis.

2018 - 2019 Target Met particularly strongin analysis, and havewrittensophisticatedreviews. Theirability to assesssecondary materialis one of thefoundation stonesof their thesiscompletion.

The article review assignments arean important part of learningresearch methods and theoryapplications. Next year I plan torequire students to choose articlesfrom their major research projects.Up until now, I didn't specify thatthe articles had to be connected totheir selected topics, but theprogress in research methods andtheory applications needs to bemore coherent in these gatewaycourses.

1.3 (SLO & RO) The student will producea master’s levelproject/thesis with areview of relevantliterature and analysis ofprimary and secondarysources, based on anoriginal idea connectedwith the development ofleadership in women andgirls.

The studentsCapstone/Thesiscommittee(consisting of adirector and twoother facultymembers) willassess thecompleted project inWS 512:Capstone/Thesisusing the AAC&UVALUE Rubric onIntegrative Learning.

A student’s WS 512Capstone/Thesisproject will score anaverage of no lessthan 3.5 on theAAC&U VALUE RUBRICon IntegrativeLearning.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive We did not have athesis completedthis year, so therewas no assessmentof WS 512. We willhave 4 thesescompleted in 2019-2020.

Four theses will be completed byMay 2020.

2.1 (SLO) The students willcomplete direct mentoror internship experiencewith a woman who worksin a non-traditional field,in a political, educationalor non-profitorganization with aconnection to improvingwomen’s lives, or in afield which documentswomen’s lives andexperiences.

At the end of theirmentoring orinternshipexperience, studentswill complete a“Reflective Essay”including evidenceof intellectual andpersonal growth intheir hands-onknowledge of boththe diversity andcommonalities ofwomen’sexperiences. TheDirector of theProgram will assessthe reflection

100% of students whocomplete WS 510(required practicum)will be able todescribe at least twospecific examples ofpersonal orintellectual growth intheir knowledge aboutwomen’s leadershipskills gained duringtheir mentoring orinternship experience.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive Only one section ofWS 510 was offeredin the spring in theaccelerated term.Three graduatestudents, under thesupervision of afemale state senatorand a politicalscience facultymember, attemptedto complete abooklet giving thebiographies of everywoman in thesenate. As theymoved into the

This spring 2019 WS 510 will beoffered again in the full term spring2020 semester. Another WS 510,an internship with The NorthMississippi Coalition forBreastfeeding, is offered in the fall.One graduate student is enrolled.

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2.1 (SLO) The students willcomplete direct mentoror internship experiencewith a woman who worksin a non-traditional field,in a political, educationalor non-profitorganization with aconnection to improvingwomen’s lives, or in afield which documentswomen’s lives andexperiences.

essays. 100% of students whocomplete WS 510(required practicum)will be able todescribe at least twospecific examples ofpersonal orintellectual growth intheir knowledge aboutwomen’s leadershipskills gained duringtheir mentoring orinternship experience.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive work, thesupervisors realizedthat the bookletcould not becompleted thissemester, andwould be muchmore likely to cometo fruition during afull term 2019-2020.At therecommendation ofthe supervisors,since the studentscould not completethe project in WS510, they alldropped the coursewith WPs.Conversations aboutthe project betweenthe students,director, andsupervisorsindicated a positiveexperience with aworthy goal. Theyall agreed that itcould not becompleted in thesecond acceleratedterm. Thesupervisor and thefaculty memberplan to offer thissame research andwork experiencenext spring.

This spring 2019 WS 510 will beoffered again in the full term spring2020 semester. Another WS 510,an internship with The NorthMississippi Coalition forBreastfeeding, is offered in the fall.One graduate student is enrolled.

The women leaderswho act as mentorsor as supervisors inWS 510 willcomplete aSatisfaction Surveyabout the student’s

At least 85% ofstudents whocomplete the WS 510practicum will earn ascore of 3“satisfactory” or 4“highly satisfactory”

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive Only one section ofWS 510 was offeredin the spring in theaccelerated term.Three graduatestudents, under thesupervision of a

We will offer the WS 510 on thesenate women booklet in thespring of 2020 in the full term.Both supervisors have agreed tothe project. In the fall, onegraduate student is enrolled in WS510 for an internship with the

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participation. (on a four point rangefrom 1 Unsatisfactory,2 Slightly dissatisfied,3 Satisfactory to 4Highly Satisfactory)from theirmentor/supervisor.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive female state senatorand a politicalscience facultymember, attemptedto complete abooklet giving thebiographies of everywoman in thesenate. As theymoved into thework, thesupervisors realizedthat the bookletcould not becompleted thissemester, andwould be muchmore likely to cometo fruition during afull term 2019-2020.At therecommendation ofthe supervisors,since the studentscould not completethe project in WS510, they alldropped the coursewith WPs.Conversations aboutthe project betweenthe students,director, andsupervisorsindicated a positiveexperience with aworthy goal. Theyall agreed that itcould not becompleted in thesecond acceleratedterm. Thesupervisor and thefaculty memberplan to offer this

Northeast Mississippi Coalition onBreastfeeding.

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The women leaderswho act as mentorsor as supervisors inWS 510 willcomplete aSatisfaction Surveyabout the student’sparticipation.

At least 85% ofstudents whocomplete the WS 510practicum will earn ascore of 3“satisfactory” or 4“highly satisfactory”(on a four point rangefrom 1 Unsatisfactory,2 Slightly dissatisfied,3 Satisfactory to 4Highly Satisfactory)from theirmentor/supervisor.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive same research andwork experiencenext spring.

We will offer the WS 510 on thesenate women booklet in thespring of 2020 in the full term.Both supervisors have agreed tothe project. In the fall, onegraduate student is enrolled in WS510 for an internship with theNortheast Mississippi Coalition onBreastfeeding.

3.1 (PO 4.d.) Students will take avariety of graduate levelcoursework in Education,Business and ProfessionalStudies, Nursing, PublicHealth, History/PoliticalScience/Public Policy, andor Literature.

The student courseschedule in whichthe student isregistered in BannerWeb during everysemester of theprogram after thefirst semester. Afterthe first semester ofgraduate work,which will generallyconsist ofenrollment in WS500, WS 501 and WS502, the student andadvisor will worktogether to selectfor registration in atleast one mutuallyagreeable courseper semester inother graduateprograms at MUWwhich do not havethe WS prefix, butalso offer significantwomen’s issues orwomen’s leadershipcontent.

100% of MA inWomen’s Leadershipgraduates willcomplete graduatelevel coursework in atleast three other areaswith prefixes otherthan WS.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Graduate Studentsthis year tookclasses whichallowed them tofocus on women'sissues topics in fivedifferent disciplines:English (WomenPlaywrights),Entrepreneurship,EducationalLeadership, PoliticalScience, and PublicHealth. We arefortunate to havesuch a broad rangeof courses in othergraduate areaswhich can beapplied to ourinterdisciplinaryprogram.

Graduate students will completethe year having taken at least twointerdisciplinary areas beyondcourses with the WS prefix.Although through this past year thedirector has been the only advisorfor the program, next year anadditional faculty member will beadvising in the program.

3.2 (PO 4.d.) Students who take avariety of graduate level

The programdirector will apply a

The program directorwill collect a sample

2018 - 2019 Target Met All of the studentswho took courses in

Through consultation with graduatefaculty and advising

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3.2 (PO 4.d.) coursework in Education,Business and ProfessionalStudies, Nursing, PublicHealth, History/PoliticalScience/Public Policy, andor Literature willcomplete papers orprojects in those classeswith either a direct orindirect focus onwomen’s issues orwomen’s leadership.

simple check offrubric to a samplegroup of at least fivepapers from at leastthree graduate levelcourses taken inother disciplines byWomen’sLeadership graduatestudents over theacademic year.

set of at least fivepapers from at leastthree graduate levelcourses taken in otherdisciplines by programstudents over theacademic year, andusing a simple checkoff method (1. Paperor project DOES MEETthe women’s issuescontent expectationsof the MS in Women’sLeadership Program or2. Paper or ProjectDOES NOT meet thewomen’s issuescontent expectations),90 % of students inthe program willproduce papers orprojects which DOMEET the contentexpectation.

2018 - 2019 Target Met other disciplinesbesides Women'sLeadershipcompleted papersor projects focus ona women's issue orissues.

sessions with students, all studentswho take courses in otherdisciplines will continue tocomplete projects and papersfocused on a women's issue orissues.

4.1 (PO 4.d.) Students will receive aquality women’s studieseducation.

At the end of theacademic year,surveys will be takenof programcompleters.Departmentalfaculty will reviewand analyze theCapstone Surveyresults.

90% of studentsparticipating in theCapstone Survey willindicate a “somewhatsatisfied” or “verysatisfied” satisfactionlevel reflective of thewomen’s studiescurriculum, hands-onlearning opportunitiesand quality ofinstruction.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive This year there wereno completers.Next spring (2020)there will be fourcompleters.

Next spring, unless someonedecides to move to part-timestatus, four completers will beenrolled in WS 512 and willgraduate. They will be assessed asplanned.

Women’s Studiesfaculty (a group of atleast three faculty)who attend thestudents’ GraduateCapstone/Thesispresentations andreview the finalprojects will score

100% of studentscompleting WS 512:Capstone/Thesis willaverage least a 3.5(upper levelmilestone) score orhigher on all threeAAU&C VALUE rubricsapplied to their final

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive This year there wereno completers. Inthe spring of 2020we should have fourgraduates who givethesispresentations.

Next spring, unless someonedecides to move to part-timestatus, four completers will beenrolled in WS 512 and willgraduate. Their presentations willbe assessed as planned.

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the students’ workusing the AAC&UVALUE Rubrics onCritical Thinking,OralCommunication, andIntegrative Learning.

projects. An averageof the facultycommittee’s scoreswill be used todetermine thestudents’ final scores.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive This year there wereno completers. Inthe spring of 2020we should have fourgraduates who givethesispresentations.

Next spring, unless someonedecides to move to part-timestatus, four completers will beenrolled in WS 512 and willgraduate. Their presentations willbe assessed as planned.

4.2 (SAO) Students will be activelyengaged using theirmaster’s degrees inWomen’s Leadership.

The Alumni Survey issent out every threeyears. The nextrotation will be in2019, 2022, and soon. At the end of theacademic year, theprogram directorwill review andanalyze the resultsto determine ifachievement targetwas met.

15% of studentsparticipating in theAlumni Survey willstate that they areenrolled in a higherlevelgraduate/professionaldegree programconnected with theirmaster’s degree inwomen’s studies.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive After running areport from the2019 MUW AlumniSurvey, there wereno Women'sLeadership Alumniwho completed thesurvey. Therefore,there are no resultsto report for thisassessmentmeasure.

The MUW Alumni Survey will beran again in 2022.

The Alumni Survey issent out every threeyears. The nextrotation will be in2019, 2022, and soon. At the end of theacademic year, theprogram directorwill review andanalyze the resultsto determine ifachievement targetwas met.

75% of formerstudents participatingin the Alumni Surveywill state that they arecurrently working intheir field of study orin a field where theyregularly use the skillsacquired in themaster’s program.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive After running areport from the2019 MUW AlumniSurvey, there wereno Women'sLeadership Alumniwho completed thesurvey. Therefore,there are no resultsto report for thisassessmentmeasure.

The MUW Alumni Survey will berun again in 2022. However, thedirector will continue to keep trackof where our graduates areworking.

The DepartmentalSocial Media Surveyis sent out on theProgram Facebookpage every year. Atthe end of theacademic year, thedirector faculty willanalyze andcompare the surveyresults to theprevious academic

5% increase from theprevious academicyear of Women’sStudies alumnistudents participatingin the OfficialDepartmental SocialMedia Survey statingthat they are eitheremployed in a fieldwhere they regularlyuse the skills acquired

2018 - 2019 Target Met Our graduatescontinue tomaintain a strongconnection to ourprogram throughsocial media, andhave proven to bepositive marketersand recruiters. Theyall are working incareers which usethe skills they

We will continue to track ourgraduates' careers. In spring 2020,we will double the number ofgraduates from this program.

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year to determine ifthere was anincrease or decreasein employment orfurther graduatestudy.

in the master’sprogram or areenrolled in a higherlevelgraduate/professionalprogram connectedwith women’sleadership.

2018 - 2019 Target Met acquired from ourprogram. The firstgraduate of theprogram has chosennot to work fulltime, but tovolunteer in non-profits and to useher girls' leadershipprogram (which washer thesis) in smallgroups in her homecity. She still worksfull time in theirfamily's business.The 2017 graduatewho quit her jobthat year andopened her ownbusiness thrived inthat role. She thenapplied and washired to be a storemanager for acorporation in anearby large city.She says thatearning the degreerestarted a stagnantcareer. Graduate 3,who was hired as aDirector ofDevelopment forthe local K-12boarding school thesemester shefinished her degree,is now in her secondyear in that job, andhas become a well-known communityleader. Aftergraduate 4completed herdegree, she almostimmediately moved

We will continue to track ourgraduates' careers. In spring 2020,we will double the number ofgraduates from this program.

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The DepartmentalSocial Media Surveyis sent out on theProgram Facebookpage every year. Atthe end of theacademic year, thedirector faculty willanalyze andcompare the surveyresults to theprevious academicyear to determine ifthere was anincrease or decreasein employment orfurther graduatestudy.

5% increase from theprevious academicyear of Women’sStudies alumnistudents participatingin the OfficialDepartmental SocialMedia Survey statingthat they are eitheremployed in a fieldwhere they regularlyuse the skills acquiredin the master’sprogram or areenrolled in a higherlevelgraduate/professionalprogram connectedwith women’sleadership.

2018 - 2019 Target Met into a career inpublic relations andmarketing for a localK-12 Boardingschool. This springshe has justcompleted hercommunity's year-long program foremerging localleaders. Graduate 4has thus moved intoa field in which sheuses the skills fromour program. Sincewe have nocompleters thisyear, there are noother graduates tosurvey.

We will continue to track ourgraduates' careers. In spring 2020,we will double the number ofgraduates from this program.

Program -Women'sStudies(includingMinor) - BA{2016-2017}

1.1 (GEO 1.b. &2.c.)

The students will be ableto analyze, in writtenform, issues dealing withthe global, historical,political, psychological,sociological, biological,and/or religious aspectsof women’s lives.

In a sample group ofat least 10 essaysfrom the final examsof at least twosections of WS 200,with two women’sstudies facultymembers scoringusing the AAC&UVALUE Rubric onCritical Thinking,students enrolled inWS 200:Introduction toWomen’s Studieswill demonstrate theability to write afinal exam essayanalyzing two ormore of the globalhistorical, political,psychological,sociological,biological, and/orreligious aspects of

Non-women’s studiesmajors or minors’writing will score anaverage of at least a 2(lower milestonelevel) or higher usingthe AAC&U VALUErubric on CriticalThinking.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Because of oneaccidentallydestroyed and oneduplicated paper,there were only 7non-minor/majorpapers to score, butsince this generaleducation grouprepresents twosections--summerand spring, and twofaculty membersscored them, I thinkwe have a bettersample overall thanlast year. Using thecritical thinkingrubric scores, therange is from 2 to3.71 with a mean of3. I'm impressedwith the overallaverage, because itis one full point

I will have ten to twelve generaleducation student papers to scorenext spring.

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Program -Women'sStudies(includingMinor) - BA{2016-2017}

1.1 (GEO 1.b. &2.c.)

The students will be ableto analyze, in writtenform, issues dealing withthe global, historical,political, psychological,sociological, biological,and/or religious aspectsof women’s lives.

women’s lives. Non-women’s studiesmajors or minors’writing will score anaverage of at least a 2(lower milestonelevel) or higher usingthe AAC&U VALUErubric on CriticalThinking.

2018 - 2019 Target Met ahead a the target. I will have ten to twelve generaleducation student papers to scorenext spring.

In a sample group ofat least 10 essaysfrom the final examsof at least twosections of WS 200,with two women’sstudies facultymembers scoringusing the AAC&UVALUE Rubric onCritical Thinking,students enrolled inWS 200:Introduction toWomen’s Studieswill demonstrate theability to write afinal exam essayanalyzing two ormore of the globalhistorical, political,psychological,sociological,biological, and/orreligious aspects ofwomen’s lives.

Women’s studiesmajors or minors willscore an average of atleast a 2.5 or higher(mid milestone level)using the AAC&UVALUE rubric onCritical Thinking.

2018 - 2019 Target Met *This Rubric isapplied only to themajors and minorsin WS 200. Theother 7 students areassessed with thegeneral educationstudents. Twostudents, one minorand one major, tookWS 200 this year,scoring 3 and 3.6,well above thetarget score of 2.5.

We will continue to score majors'and minors' WS 200 papers usingthe critical thinking rubric, and willcontinue to have a higher targetscore than for general educationstudents.

The director ofwomen’s studies willapply the AAC&UVALUE rubric onInquiry and Analysison a sample groupof at least 10 essaysand/or discussionposts from studentsenrolled in WS 200:

All students in WS 200will score at least a 1.5on the Inquiry andAnalysis VALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met This analysis ismeant to be appliedto the generaleducation studentsin WS 200. Becauseof one accidentallydestroyed and oneduplicated paper,there were only 7non-minor/major

Because higher level criticalthinking is such an importantoutcome of our core curriculum, Iwill continue to apply this rubric tonon-majors and non-minors. Nextyear I will add an AT and AM tomeasure also major and minorscores using this rubric (this yearthe two major/minor studentsscored 2.67 and 3.5, well above the

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Introduction toWomen’s Studies todetermine if theachievement targetwas met.

All students in WS 200will score at least a 1.5on the Inquiry andAnalysis VALUE Rubric.

2018 - 2019 Target Met papers to score, butsince this generaleducation grouprepresents twosections--summerand spring, and twofaculty membersscored them, I thinkwe have a bettersample overall thanlast year. Using theInquiry and Analysisrubric, this group'sscores had a rangeof 1.75 to 3.5. Themean score was2.79. All studentsscored well abovethe target score of1.5. I am pleasedwith these results,because this rubricscores a higher levelof critical thinkingwhich is necessaryfor research. Theseare the skillsstudents should belearning in theirgeneral education.

target of 1.5. The target score formajors and minors next year will be2.5.

With the director ofwomen’s studiesapplying the AAC&UVALUE rubric onInterculturalKnowledge andCompetence, in asample group of atleast 10 essaysand/or discussionposts from studentsenrolled in WS 200in one academicyear, studentsenrolled in WS 200:

Non-women’s studiesmajors or minors willscore an average of atleast a 2.5 or higheron the AAC&U ValueRubric on InterculturalKnowledge andCompetence.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

Because of oneaccidentallydestroyed and oneduplicated paper,there were only 7non-minor/majorpapers to score, butsince this generaleducation grouprepresents twosections--summerand spring, and twofaculty membersscored them, I thinkwe have a better

Next year I will lower the targetscore for general educationstudents from a 2.5 to a 2 on theIntercultural Knowledge andCompetence Rubric.

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Introduction toWomen’s Studies,will demonstrate theability to write anessay or discussionpost demonstratingthe historical andcurrent global andintercultural roles ofwomen in society.

Non-women’s studiesmajors or minors willscore an average of atleast a 2.5 or higheron the AAC&U ValueRubric on InterculturalKnowledge andCompetence.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

sample overall thanlast year. TheInterculturalKnowledge andCompetence Rubricscores range from1.5 to 4, with amean of 2.9. Two ofthe seven scoredwell below thetarget of 2.5. Inretrospect, I think itis unrealistic toexpect studentstaking this class forgeneral educationcredit to score 2.5on this rubric. Ithink that the targetshould be loweredto 2. However, twoof the papers didnot meet a target of2, either. It couldbe that thesestudents wereunfamiliar with thesoftware andexpectations of anonline abbreviatedsummer class.

Next year I will lower the targetscore for general educationstudents from a 2.5 to a 2 on theIntercultural Knowledge andCompetence Rubric.

With the director ofwomen’s studiesapplying the AAC&UVALUE rubric onInterculturalKnowledge andCompetence, in asample group of atleast 10 essaysand/or discussionposts from studentsenrolled in WS 200in one academicyear, students

Women’s studiesmajors or minors willscore an average of atleast a 2.5 or higheron the AAC&U ValueRubric on InterculturalKnowledge andCompetence.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Because of oneaccidentallydestroyed and oneduplicated paper,there were only 9papers to score, butsince this generaleducation grouprepresents twosections--summerand spring, and twofaculty membersscored them, I thinkwe have a better

We will continue to apply thisrubric to majors and minors paperswith a target score of 2.5.However, next year, if the raw datashows majors and minors regularlyscore 3 or above, I will considerraising the target from 2.5 to 3.

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enrolled in WS 200:Introduction toWomen’s Studies,will demonstrate theability to write anessay or discussionpost demonstratingthe historical andcurrent global andintercultural roles ofwomen in society.

Women’s studiesmajors or minors willscore an average of atleast a 2.5 or higheron the AAC&U ValueRubric on InterculturalKnowledge andCompetence.

2018 - 2019 Target Met sample overall thanlast year. Of thesenine, 2 werewomen's studiesmajors or minors.They scored 3 and3.6, well above thetarget score of 2.5.

We will continue to apply thisrubric to majors and minors paperswith a target score of 2.5.However, next year, if the raw datashows majors and minors regularlyscore 3 or above, I will considerraising the target from 2.5 to 3.

1.2 (SAO) By the completion of theminor or major programin women's studies, thestudents will complete adirect mentor orinternship experiencewith a woman who worksin a non-traditional field,in a non-profitorganization with aconnection to improvingwomen’s lives, or in afield which documentswomen’s lives andexperiences.

At the end of theirmentoring orinternshipexperience, studentswill complete a“Reflective Essay”including evidenceof intellectual andpersonal growth intheir hands-onknowledge of boththe diversity andcommonalities ofwomen’sexperiences. Facultywill review andanalyze thestudents’ essays todetermine ifachievement targetwas met.

90% of students willbe able to provide atleast two specificexamples of personalor intellectual growthin their knowledgeabout women’sexperiences whichwas gained duringtheir mentoring orinternship experience.

2018 - 2019 Target Met WS internships andspecial topicsclasses both wereonce offered underthe WS 400 number.Last fall, therefore,we had one studentintern who earned athree hour credit.However, thedepartment agreedto add WS 401:Internship inWomen's Studies tothe curriculum, sothat special topicscourses andinternships could bemore easilyrecognized on astudent's transcript.In the spring of2019, one studentcompleted WS 401:Internship. Bothstudents wrotereflective essaysabout theirexperiences. Theattached Rubricdata shows that thestudents scoredexemplary in allthree categories:

We will offer WS 401 again nextspring, and help interested minorsand majors find an internshipwithin a field or discipline in whichthey will flourish.

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1.2 (SAO) By the completion of theminor or major programin women's studies, thestudents will complete adirect mentor orinternship experiencewith a woman who worksin a non-traditional field,in a non-profitorganization with aconnection to improvingwomen’s lives, or in afield which documentswomen’s lives andexperiences.

At the end of theirmentoring orinternshipexperience, studentswill complete a“Reflective Essay”including evidenceof intellectual andpersonal growth intheir hands-onknowledge of boththe diversity andcommonalities ofwomen’sexperiences. Facultywill review andanalyze thestudents’ essays todetermine ifachievement targetwas met.

90% of students willbe able to provide atleast two specificexamples of personalor intellectual growthin their knowledgeabout women’sexperiences whichwas gained duringtheir mentoring orinternship experience.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Essay OverallRanking, Quality ofWriting, andNumber andSpecificity ofExamples. Bothstudents say thatthey enhancedspecific skills. Onestudent wrote: "Inorder to achievesuccess, I had toexhibit confidencein every decision Imade. I also set myown work schedule,so self-sufficiencywas necessary forme to complete myinterviewtranscriptions andresearch in a timelymanner. I employednewfoundcommunicationskills whenconversing withfaculty, students,and, mostimportantly, with[my internshipdirector] as Iworked within thePainter facilities.The most vitalattribute I perfectedduring thisinternship was myclear and concisewriting and listeningskills. Whenlistening to the oralinterviews, I had tolearn how to rapidlyand accuratelytranscribe each one.

We will offer WS 401 again nextspring, and help interested minorsand majors find an internshipwithin a field or discipline in whichthey will flourish.

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1.2 (SAO) By the completion of theminor or major programin women's studies, thestudents will complete adirect mentor orinternship experiencewith a woman who worksin a non-traditional field,in a non-profitorganization with aconnection to improvingwomen’s lives, or in afield which documentswomen’s lives andexperiences.

At the end of theirmentoring orinternshipexperience, studentswill complete a“Reflective Essay”including evidenceof intellectual andpersonal growth intheir hands-onknowledge of boththe diversity andcommonalities ofwomen’sexperiences. Facultywill review andanalyze thestudents’ essays todetermine ifachievement targetwas met.

90% of students willbe able to provide atleast two specificexamples of personalor intellectual growthin their knowledgeabout women’sexperiences whichwas gained duringtheir mentoring orinternship experience.

2018 - 2019 Target Met This involved myundivided attention,clear and concisewriting, and evenmore focusedlistening in order forthe transcriptions totruly read andsound like thewomen whogenerously gavethem."

We will offer WS 401 again nextspring, and help interested minorsand majors find an internshipwithin a field or discipline in whichthey will flourish.

1.3 (SLO) Senior majors will exhibitat least a proficient levelin reading, writing andanalytic skills.

Graduating MUWnative seniorWomen’s Studiesmajors and minorsrandomly selectedto take the CLA+ testby the QEP directorwill decide to takethe test (which isoptional). Resultswill be reviewed andanalyzed by faculty.

90% of seniorWomen’s Studiesmajors and minors willscore at leastProficient in all testedareas on the CLA+standardized test.This test targets thefollowing areas (whichalso mirror MUWGeneral EducationRequirements):Analysis and ProblemSolving; WritingEffectiveness;Scientific andQuantitativeReasoning; CriticalReading andEvaluation, andCritiquing anArgument.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive Since we had nograduating senior inwomen's studiesthis year, the CLA+did not provide anyuseful information.Two seniorsgraduated with theminor, but they didnot take the CLA+.

Next year we will have a graduatingsenior. I will make sure she takesthe CLA+

2.1 (SLO) Students will exhibit theability to conduct and

Faculty will reviewstudents’ recorded

By the end of eachacademic year, at

2018 - 2019 Target Met We have the signed"Deed of Gift" forms

In January of 2020, I will begintraining the student intern who will

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2.1 (SLO) record a structuredinterview of a woman.

oral histories andkeep a log of all neworal histories ofwomen that areadded to theuniversity archivesfor future student,faculty and scholarresearch.

least three new digitaloral histories ofwomen interviewedby women’s studiesmajors or minors willbe added to Universityarchives for futureresearch. Theinterview subjects willchoose after thecompleted interviewwhether or not theywish the recordingand written materialsto be preserved forfuture research.

2018 - 2019 Target Met from all but one ofthe 13 "GoldenGirls" the studentsinterviewed on theirfiftieth homecomingreunion. Themissingdocumentation hasbeen promised tome by the alumnawho gave herinterview.

recruit and train the interviewersfor Homecoming in March, 2020.

Women’s Studiesmajors and minorswill use oral historybest practices,including collectingsigned “deed of gift”forms frominterviewees,preparing targetedquestions, anddigitally recordingan oral history of awoman from aparticular age groupor professionalgroup. Faculty willreview and analyzethe students’ work.

By the time theygraduate, 100% ofWomen’s Studiesminors and majors willsuccessfully conductand report in writingon at least twostructured interviewsof at least twowomen. Theseinterviews will containspecific familial andbiographical details,work history,educational historyand genderrelationship opinions(from the subject).

2018 - 2019 Target Met This year onegraduate student inwomen's leadership,one major and threeminors were in thestudent group whichconducted theHomecoming oralhistories of the classof 1969 whichgraduated fiftyyears ago this year.A junior minor wholearned the processlast year was theHead intern whomade sure allpaperwork--deed ofgift forms andbiographical formswere completed.This year 13alumnae wereinterviewed usingbest practices andtheir storiesdigitized. However,one alumna left

In the fall, I will be on sabbatical,and the head student intern willgraduate in December. In January Iwill train a senior major to beginrecruiting and training a new groupof student interviewers. The seniormajor I have selected has alreadyinterviewed alumnae for twoHomecomings. In addition, since Iwill retire after the spring semester,I have also recruited anotherfaculty member skilled in collectingoral histories to work with theGolden Girls project, and she willtake over this role after I am gone.

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Women’s Studiesmajors and minorswill use oral historybest practices,including collectingsigned “deed of gift”forms frominterviewees,preparing targetedquestions, anddigitally recordingan oral history of awoman from aparticular age groupor professionalgroup. Faculty willreview and analyzethe students’ work.

By the time theygraduate, 100% ofWomen’s Studiesminors and majors willsuccessfully conductand report in writingon at least twostructured interviewsof at least twowomen. Theseinterviews will containspecific familial andbiographical details,work history,educational historyand genderrelationship opinions(from the subject).

2018 - 2019 Target Met before signing thedeed of gift form(through no fault ofthe student), and Iam waiting for herto send that signedform to meelectronically.

In the fall, I will be on sabbatical,and the head student intern willgraduate in December. In January Iwill train a senior major to beginrecruiting and training a new groupof student interviewers. The seniormajor I have selected has alreadyinterviewed alumnae for twoHomecomings. In addition, since Iwill retire after the spring semester,I have also recruited anotherfaculty member skilled in collectingoral histories to work with theGolden Girls project, and she willtake over this role after I am gone.

2.2 (GEO 4.c. &1.b.)

Students willdemonstrate that theycan use women’s creativeworks (including but notlimited to diaries, letters,journals, body art,clothing, interior design,non-traditional medicinaltreatments, and/orculinary arts) to drawconclusions about theroles or statuses ofwomen in a culture orcultures.

Two women’sstudies facultymembers will applythe Value Rubric onCritical Thinking to asample set of atleast six research oranalytic essays fromat least three upperlevel women’sstudiesundergraduatecourses (excludingpapers from WS 400or WS 499).

A sample set of atleast six research oranalytic essays from atleast three upper levelwomen’s studiesundergraduatecourses (excludingpapers from WS 400or WS 499) willaverage a score of atleast a 3 (uppermilestone level) orhigher on the AAC&UVALUE Rubric onCritical Thinking.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

Seven papers fromthree differentupper level classeswere scored by twofaculty members.Using the CriticalThinking Valuerubric, the overallaverage of theseven papers was2.8. Themajor/minoraverage was 4.00,and the non-minorsand non--majoraverage was 2.5.Although themajor/minor scorewas well above thetarget of 3, and 2other papers scoredabove a three, fourpapers scored wellbelow target, with arange from 1.3 to2.4. I think part ofthe low scores were

For the first time this year I alsoapplied the Inquiry and AnalysisRubric to these upper level papers.In my opinion, the departmentrubric is not sensitive enough togive enough usable data. I willcontinue applying both thedepartment rubric and the Inquiryand Analysis Rubric from now on.(see attached rubric data.)

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2.2 (GEO 4.c. &1.b.)

Students willdemonstrate that theycan use women’s creativeworks (including but notlimited to diaries, letters,journals, body art,clothing, interior design,non-traditional medicinaltreatments, and/orculinary arts) to drawconclusions about theroles or statuses ofwomen in a culture orcultures.

Two women’sstudies facultymembers will applythe Value Rubric onCritical Thinking to asample set of atleast six research oranalytic essays fromat least three upperlevel women’sstudiesundergraduatecourses (excludingpapers from WS 400or WS 499).

A sample set of atleast six research oranalytic essays from atleast three upper levelwomen’s studiesundergraduatecourses (excludingpapers from WS 400or WS 499) willaverage a score of atleast a 3 (uppermilestone level) orhigher on the AAC&UVALUE Rubric onCritical Thinking.

2018 - 2019 Target NotMet

due to the largenumber of non-English/Women'sStudies majors whotook the WS/EN 350cross-listed courselast summer.Several of them hadconsiderabletrouble analyzingand writing onliterature aboutwomen, becausethey had notlearned those skillsin their generaleducation surveyclasses.

For the first time this year I alsoapplied the Inquiry and AnalysisRubric to these upper level papers.In my opinion, the departmentrubric is not sensitive enough togive enough usable data. I willcontinue applying both thedepartment rubric and the Inquiryand Analysis Rubric from now on.(see attached rubric data.)

Utilizing the WSDepartmental Rubricfor Upper LevelPapers, theassessmentcoordinator willassess the studentspapers to determineif the achievementtarget was met.

The collective averagescore for thosestudents' assessedpapers will be a 2(Proficient) on the WSDepartmental Rubricfor Upper LevelPapers.

2018 - 2019 Target Met Of the six upperlevel papers scoredusing thedepartment rubric,all met the targetscore. Three scoredExemplary (3), andfour scoredProficient (2). Sincethere isconsiderabledifference betweenthe departmentrubric scores andthe Critical ThinkingValue Rubric scores,I do not think thatthe departmentrubric is sensitiveenough to give ussignificantinformation.

For the first time this year I alsoapplied the Inquiry and AnalysisRubric to these upper level papers.In my opinion, the departmentrubric is not sensitive enough togive enough usable data. I willcontinue applying both thedepartment rubric and the Inquiryand Analysis Rubric from now on.

Women’s Studiesmajors and minorswill complete a 400level project using

Women’s Studiesminors and majors willsuccessfully completea 400 level project

2018 - 2019 Target Met This year one minorcompleted a 400level internshipwhich included

I want to continue having majors orminors transcribe oral historyinterviews, and next year I alsowant to add a diary transcription to

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primary biographicalor creative sourcesby/from women.

using letters, diaries,interviews, or otherprimary sourcesby/from women, andaverage a score of atleast a 3 (upper levelmilestone level) orhigher on the AAC&UVALUE Rubric forInquiry and Analysis.

2018 - 2019 Target Met transcribing twoalumnae interviewsfrom the 2018Golden Girl oralhistories. Bothtranscriptionsscored a 4 on theinquiry and analysisvalue rubric. Thesetranscriptions willaid considerablythose who areresearching theseoral histories in thearchives. In herreflection on theinternship, shedetailed what shehad learned aboutwomen's roles inhistory andeducation.

the tasks. We have a considerablenumber of diaries in the archiveswhich need transcription.

2.3 (PO 4.d.) Students will exhibitinformation literacy andresearch skills.

A committee of atleast three women’sstudies facultymembers will assessall WS 499 finalprojects using theAAC&U VALUErubric onInformationLiteracy.

100% of students’ WS499 final projects willscore at least a 3 orhigher (uppermilestone level) onthe AAC&U VALUErubric on InformationLiteracy.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive No studentscompleted WS 499this year.

One student is on track to completeWS 499 in spring, 2020

3.1 (PO 4.d.) Students will receive aquality women’s studieseducation.

At the end of theacademic year,departmentalfaculty will reviewand analyze theCapstone Surveyresults to determineif achievementtarget was met.

90% of studentsparticipating in theCapstone Survey willindicate a “somewhatsatisfied” or “verysatisfied” satisfactionlevel reflective of thewomen’s studiescurriculum, hands-onlearning opportunitiesand quality ofinstruction.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive For Fall 2018 andSpring 2019, nostudents were inrotation tocomplete the WS499 course.However, thereshould beenrollment in Fall2019, so there willbe data to collectfor the nextassessment cycle.

Data will be collected on thosestudents who enroll in the WS 499course in the next academic year.

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Women’s Studiesfaculty (a group of atleast three faculty)who attend thestudents’ Capstonepresentations andreview the finalprojects will scorethe students’ workusing the AAC&UVALUE rubrics onCritical Thinking,OralCommunication, andInformationLiteracy.

100% of all WSCapstone students willaverage a score of atleast a 3 (upper levelmilestone) or higheron all three AAC&UVALUE rubrics appliedto their final projects.An average of thefaculty scores will beused to determine thestudents’ final scores.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive No studentcompleted WS 499this year.

Next year a faculty committee willscore the completer in WS 499.

3.2 (SAO) Students will be activelyengaged using theirWomen’s Studiesdegrees.

The Alumni Survey issent out every threeyears. The nextrotation will be in2019, 2022, and soon. At the end of theacademic year,departmentalfaculty will reviewand analyze theresults to determineif achievementtarget was met.

25% of studentsparticipating in theAlumni Survey willstate that they areenrolled in agraduate/professionaldegree programconnected with theirdegree in Women’sStudies.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive After running areport from the2019 MUW AlumniSurvey, there wereno Women's StudiesAlumni whocompleted thesurvey. Therefore,there are no resultsto report for thisassessmentmeasure.

The MUW Alumni Survey will berun again in 2022.

The Alumni Survey issent out every threeyears. The nextrotation will be in2019, 2022, and soon. At the end of theacademic year,departmentalfaculty will reviewand analyze theresults to determineif achievementtarget was met.

75% of studentsparticipating in theAlumni Survey willstate that they arecurrently working intheir field of study orin a field where theyregularly use the skillsacquired in theWomen’s Studiesprogram.

2018 - 2019 Inconclusive After running areport from the2019 MUW AlumniSurvey, there wereno Women's StudiesAlumni whocompleted thesurvey. Therefore,there are no resultsto report for thisassessmentmeasure.

The MUW Alumni Survey will berun again in 2022.

The DepartmentalSocial Media Surveyis sent out on the

5% increase from theprevious academicyear of Women’s

2018 - 2019 Target Met This year throughsocial media Iupdated

At this point, I do not think it isunreasonable to continue trackingALL of the students who graduate

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LLP Facebook pageevery year. At theend of the academicyear, departmentalfaculty will analyzeand compare thesurvey results to theprevious academicyear to determine ifthere was anincrease or decreasein employment orgraduateenrollment.

Studies alumnistudents participatingin the OfficialDepartmental SocialMedia Survey statingthat they are eitheremployed in their fieldof study or in a fieldwhere they regularlyuse the skills acquiredin the Women’sStudies program orare enrolled in agraduate/professionalprogram connectedwith women’s studiesor women’sleadership.

2018 - 2019 Target Met information from 10of theminors/majors/interdisciplinaryemphasis/HonorsWS emphasisstudents I've beentracking since 2013.No minors or majorsgraduated this year,although threeHonors Collegeseniors completedtheir seniorresearch projects inwomen's studies. A2013 IS emphasisgraduate who workswith the BBC in herhome country won(with her journalismteam) BestDocumentary at theHong Kong HumanRights Press Awardsthis year. She wasthe photographerand producer. A2014 minor hasfinished her fifthyear of teaching in apublic high school,and is also in amaster's program.A 2015 major is stillpursuing a graduatedegree in HealthInformationTechnology. Sheplans to return toher home countryand work in publichealth with womenand children. A2016 graduate hascompleted her law

in one of the categories in women'sstudies.

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The DepartmentalSocial Media Surveyis sent out on theLLP Facebook pageevery year. At theend of the academicyear, departmentalfaculty will analyzeand compare thesurvey results to theprevious academicyear to determine ifthere was anincrease or decreasein employment orgraduateenrollment.

5% increase from theprevious academicyear of Women’sStudies alumnistudents participatingin the OfficialDepartmental SocialMedia Survey statingthat they are eitheremployed in their fieldof study or in a fieldwhere they regularlyuse the skills acquiredin the Women’sStudies program orare enrolled in agraduate/professionalprogram connectedwith women’s studiesor women’sleadership.

2018 - 2019 Target Met degree and now isan attorney forLegal Services in amid-western capitalcity. Another 2016IS emphasisgraduate iscontinuing a Ph.D.program in Englishat a large mid-western university.A 2017 minor isworking as a nursefor a large hospitalnetwork. One 2018graduate is willbegin her secondyear of the MA inWomen'sLeadership programat MUW. One 2018student with a WSHonors thesis willbegin her secondyear in an EnglishMA program.Another 2018graduate whocompleted a WSHonors thesis is in agraduate program inMaynooth, Ireland.A 2018 minor is in aPh.D. program inPsychology. Sinceour women'sstudies program ismultidisciplinary,our students areprepared for anynumber of graduateand professionalprograms. All oftheir work reflects acontinuing interestin gender studies,

At this point, I do not think it isunreasonable to continue trackingALL of the students who graduatein one of the categories in women'sstudies.

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The DepartmentalSocial Media Surveyis sent out on theLLP Facebook pageevery year. At theend of the academicyear, departmentalfaculty will analyzeand compare thesurvey results to theprevious academicyear to determine ifthere was anincrease or decreasein employment orgraduateenrollment.

5% increase from theprevious academicyear of Women’sStudies alumnistudents participatingin the OfficialDepartmental SocialMedia Survey statingthat they are eitheremployed in their fieldof study or in a fieldwhere they regularlyuse the skills acquiredin the Women’sStudies program orare enrolled in agraduate/professionalprogram connectedwith women’s studiesor women’sleadership.

2018 - 2019 Target Met women's issues andwomen's lives,which is thepurpose of ourdegree. This is thetotal number ofmajors/minors/ISWSemphasis/HonorsWS emphasisstudents who havegraduated fromMUW. Last year Ireported theprogress of fivestudents. This year Iwas able to updateinformation on 10students.

At this point, I do not think it isunreasonable to continue trackingALL of the students who graduatein one of the categories in women'sstudies.

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