Changes In Medicine Timeline

Changes In Medicine Timeline 1845 - The main killer disease in the UK were cholera, TB, typhoid, diphtheria, measles and influenza. 1846 - The gas ether was found to reduce pain and induce unconsciousness. It was used by Liston during operations/amputations. 1847 - James Simpson discovered and used chloroform as an anaesthetic. 1848 - John Snow invented the chloroform inhaler to control dosages and prevent deaths following the death of Hannah Greener. Public health act was passed. 1853 - Queen Victoria used chloroform during childbirth. 1854 - Florence Nightingale takes a team of nurses to Scutari to improve hospital conditions, furthering nursing. 1859 - Notes on Nursing is published. 1861 - Louis Pasteur published his new idea ‘Germ Theory’. 1867 - Joseph Lister used carbolic acid to sterilise surgical instruments. 1869 - Joseph Lister invented Catgut Ligatures, that was covered in carbolic acid. These ligatures dissolved and didn’t spread infection. 1874 - Elizabeth Garrett set up the ‘School Of Medicine For Women’. 1876 - Parliament passed a law entitling women to become register doctors. 1878 - Koch developed the steam steriliser. 1879 - Pasteur created his vaccination for Chicken Cholera. 1882 - Robert Koch identified the cause of Tuberculosis. Louis Pasteur created his vaccination for Rabies. 1890 - Behring discovered Anti-Toxins fight specific diseases, he cured diphtheria. 1895 - Wilhelm Röntgen published his findings on X-Rays after experimenting

Transcript of Changes In Medicine Timeline

Page 1: Changes In Medicine Timeline

Changes In Medicine Timeline1845 - The main killer disease in the UK were cholera, TB, typhoid, diphtheria, measles and influenza.1846 - The gas ether was found to reduce pain and induce unconsciousness. It was used by Liston during operations/amputations.1847 - James Simpson discovered and used chloroform as an anaesthetic.1848 - John Snow invented the chloroform inhaler to control dosages and prevent deaths following the death of Hannah Greener. Public health act was passed.1853 - Queen Victoria used chloroform during childbirth. 1854 - Florence Nightingale takes a team of nurses to Scutari to improve hospital conditions, furthering nursing. 1859 - Notes on Nursing is published.1861 - Louis Pasteur published his new idea ‘Germ Theory’. 1867 - Joseph Lister used carbolic acid to sterilise surgical instruments.1869 - Joseph Lister invented Catgut Ligatures, that was covered in carbolic acid. These ligatures dissolved and didn’t spread infection.1874 - Elizabeth Garrett set up the ‘School Of Medicine For Women’.1876 - Parliament passed a law entitling women to become register doctors.1878 - Koch developed the steam steriliser.1879 - Pasteur created his vaccination for Chicken Cholera.1882 - Robert Koch identified the cause of Tuberculosis. Louis Pasteur created his vaccination for Rabies.1890 - Behring discovered Anti-Toxins fight specific diseases, he cured diphtheria.1895 - Wilhelm Röntgen published his findings on X-Rays after experimenting with cathode tubes.1901 - Landsteiner identified the different blood groups.1905 - Ehrlich develop Salvarson 606, a magic bullet that cured syphilis.1906 - Start of the Liberal Reforms to improve the health of vulnerable people.1916 - Blood storage is now possible by adding sodium citrate. Harold Gillies set up a plastic surgery unit at Aldershot.1929 - Alex Fleming publishes his paper on penicillin, but couldn’t develop and test it due to the lack of funding.1932 - Gerhardt Domagk tests the second magic bullet, Prontosil, a red dye, curing food poisoning.1934 - The Prontosil active ingredient is discovered, known as sulphanilamide.1942 - Florey and Chain ask the US government to mass produce penicillin due to the war going on funding is granted.