Medicine changes

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  1. 1. Silvia Calle del Olmo Lucia Cerezo Nogales 2 Ed. Infantil ABL Oral History project -Fundamentos de las ciencias sociales-
  2. 2. General To achieve a general perspective about the perception of the medicine between 1961 -1966 and the perception of medicine nowadays, 2010-2015. To know how the medicine was practicing between 1961- 1966 and how the medicine is practicing nowadays, 2010- 2015. Thinking about the medicine. When people go to doctors. Thinking about doctors. Technologies, medicines and hospitals. During the 60s People didnt go frequently to the doctor. Practicing in their houses Nowadays People go frequently to the doctor During the 60s They normally used hand-made remedies. Nowadays They consume a lot of pills During 60s They thought that the doctor were an authority person, for it they respect them. Nowadays They think that they know more than the doctor, because they have a solution for their healthy problems on the Internet.
  3. 3. It was a society led by the first year of Franco dictatorship. There was a high economic development. The minimum wage was established (1963). Industrialized society was consolidated. It was a consumption society: first cars, television and massive brands appeared. There was a modernization of the society, women started to be importance, they changed their large dresses for miniskirts. It was known as ye-y society. Students associations were born around 1965 and they wanted political and social changes. In 1963 the Ley de Bases de la Seguridad Social was established, it offered a high range of healthcare coverage: illness, maternity, old age insurances, familiar aids Bipartisan structure. Open-minded and young society. There is a big crisis and, therefore, there are many cuts in education and in healthcare. There are not too much money to finance the healthcare. Really technician healthcare. It has a bad prestige in the society. A long the time
  4. 4. Dr. PEDRO CALLE YUSTE In 1947 he started his studies in medicine specializing in endocrinology. In 1955 he was graduated and he was known CUM LAUDE doctor in 1963 with a research about hepatic cysts. He has worked in many hospitals such as Provincial Hospital of Madrid, Clinico, SOE and as a doctor of APD. In 1960 he achieved a grant to work in Germany as a doctor in Ruhrknappschaft Hospital and he returned to Spain in 1961. He has been a medicine teacher at University since 1953. He gave a lot of conferences and reports and he has published until twenty- four works in medicine magazines: A research about the psychology and mental hygiene published in 1952 in ALCALA university magazine. In 1999 he was retired of Social Security but he continued working as a doctor at home until 2006. MARIA ROMERA NOGALES Maria is a nurse in La Paz. She studied medicine in Salus Infirmorum (Pontificia of Salamanca University) She has been the opportunity to work in many works related with medicine She loves her work and she feels that she still practicing that profession many time
  5. 5. The doctor was a an authority figure. The relation between the doctor and the patient was very cordial and close because they usually treated them from childhood to adulthood. In general, doctors were not refuted on their diagnoses. The diagnosis were short due to the amount of patients and the few technology, some hospitals had an X-Ray machine. This caused many errors. People went to the doctor very often because medicines were free due to the great economic period. Doctors gave them nutrition medicines and hand-made remedies made by pharmacists. Medicine was practiced in hospitals, private offices and in rural places. Hospitals were known for having better doctors and there used to go poor people and patients with pathological illnesses. Private offices were closer to people and they believe totally in doctors. Look an example. To sum up, Spanish medicine was very well evaluated by national and international societies. In this society, everyone heard to the doctors and families usually gave them some gifts.
  6. 6. Medicine is a prestigious degree because they help us, but on the other hand, nowadays the people refute the diagnostic of the doctors because of Internet. The technologies are present in the medicine. Nowadays there is a saturation of medicaments. People go to the doctor and want to take antibiotics In hospitals and in the consults, there is an overabundance of people, but, for that reason the hospitals are proposing a suggestion that the doctors go to the houses of the patients. Refer to the methods of diagnostic, nowadays there are more technologies that make easier the work to the doctor, although the doctors still using the traditional method as concealment or direct contact.
  7. 7. Medicine in sixties began to experience great changes. They began to introduce new technologies. Whiles in society today new technologies are very present in hospitals. In 60s people came very often to the doctor, people used to go for health problems and mainly looking for food babies. Nowadays this trend continue, there is an accumulation of people in consultations and in the waiting rooms. In 60s the medicine was practiced at home and in hospitals. Nowadays the medicine is practicing in hospitals although this is beginning to change. Both, in 60s and now, work as a doctor is really valued in the society, is a prestigious degree that demand a lot of efforts. In 60s doctors were seen as authority people, nerveless, nowadays doctors have been losing their authority and this has been taking to Interne. The technologies in 60s are limited to the X-ray machine, nowadays there is even talk of robots which perform the work of surgeons, portable ultrasound scanners or printers which print 3D anatomical figures. These changes in technology have supposed changes in the way of diagnosing due to fifty years ago, diagnoses were made by the touch and by the information with the patient gave to the doctor. Nowadays, diagnoses are more precise and for that, there are fewer errors in them. In 60s medicines more demanded were hand-made ointments and lotions whereas nowadays people go to the doctor in order to obtain antibiotics and analgesics.
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