Cause Marketing

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Simple words cannot express my profound and spontaneous feeling of deep gratitude, obligation regards and indebtedness to my worthy revered & learned guide Mr.Anshuman Lakhera(manager) ing vysya who in spite of his busy schedule and commitment has extended careful guidance, precious advise & constructive criticism along with the invaluable tips in the field of economics has a one hand helped me in solving the usual problem & on the other hand has remained a source of constant inspiration to me. For his 1

Transcript of Cause Marketing

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Simple words cannot express my profound and spontaneous feeling of deep gratitude, obligation regards and indebtedness to my worthy revered & learned guide Mr.Anshuman Lakhera(manager) ing vysya who in spite of his busy schedule and commitment has extended careful guidance, precious advise & constructive criticism along with the invaluable tips in the field of economics has a one hand helped me in solving the usual problem & on the other hand has remained a source of constant inspiration to me. For his inspiring guidance, formal expression of gratitude in a poor substitution.

I am also extremely grateful to professor Mr.Deependra Sharma for guiding us on how to prepare our project, ing vysya staff, & last but not the least Mr. Deepak Negi without the guidance of whom this project would not have been completed


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Several sources approach the definition of cause marketing from different viewpoints, purpose and expected outcomes, yet all are similar in context.

Cause marketing or cause-related marketing can be defined as a type of marketing involving the cooperative efforts of a "for profit" business and a non-profit organization for mutual benefit. The term is sometimes used more broadly and generally to refer to any type of marketing effort for social and other charitable causes, including in-house marketing efforts by non-profit organizations.

Cause marketing differs from corporate giving (philanthropy) as the latter generally involves a specific donation that is tax deductible, while cause marketing is a marketing relationship generally not based on a donation.


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According to American Express:- the grand-daddy of cause marketing, says that by linking your brand to a nonprofit group or charity — called "cause marketing" by many — you can often boost business and give back to your community at the same time.

The Foundation Center, a resource for non-profits, refers to 'cause marketing' as ' cause-related marketing,' or CRM. They define CRM as "the public association of a for-profit company with a nonprofit organization, intended to promote the company's product or service and to raise money for the nonprofit."

The practice has evolved to include a wide range of activities from simple agreements to donate a percentage of the purchase price for a particular item or items to a charity for a specific project, to longer, more complex arrangements.

Corporations too have been drawn to cause marketing due to the competition of the expanding global marketplace and the need to develop brand loyalty.


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The Corporate Approach to Cause Marketing

Three tips from the cause marketing gurus at American Express:

1. Identify a cause that fits your business.

The goal should be to align your brand with a synergistic nonprofit cause or organization in order to create win-win marketing. Your customer will feel good about buying your product. Your company will gain profile, a reputation for caring, and, depending on the campaign, increased sales.

The nonprofit will generate publicity and awareness for its cause. Win-win, indeed. But all of that only works when your product and the cause share natural affinities. If you own a steakhouse, for example, don't partner with a group that promotes the vegan lifestyle.

"Look at what you sell and understand the targets you're trying to reach. Then align yourself


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with causes that will bring out the emotions of that audience, from a grassroots, a community and a media standpoint," advises Rodger Roeser, who, at Justice & Young Public Relations in Cincinnati, has concluded several deals for small businesses with such groups as Habitat for Humanity, March of Dimes and more.

2. Don't manufacture your concern.

There's no point in supporting an issue you don't really care about — people are bound to catch on. Having a genuine passion or interest in the cause means you'll stay engaged and you'll still feel successful even if marketing efforts fall a tad short. Plus, when the owner is engaged, employees tend to get involved as well.

An example of successful cause marketing is Lisa Bell, who owns Tivoli Partners, a Charlotte, N.C., direct-response marketing agency, chose a cause she cares deeply about that also resonates with her community and clients.

"For more than five years, we've been a major supporter of the Charlotte affiliate of the Susan G.


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Komen Breast Cancer Foundation," Bell says. "In Charlotte, so many lives are touched by breast cancer. Clients and potential clients appreciate our work for Komen and view us as a good corporate citizen. It's definitely helped our business.""Cause marketing is most successful when the mission of the nonprofit truly resonates with the values of the sponsoring company," says Jeetendra Sehdev, a New York brand strategist.

3.Define your cause marketing goals.

Decide upfront why you're getting involved in cause marketing and what you want out of the partnership. There's a range of possible marketing benefits from such sponsorships. Non-tangible benefits of cause marketing include building company credibility, enhancing your reputation, differentiating the brand, strengthening customer loyalty, and improving employee pride and retention.

Tangible benefits of cause marketing might include increased sales and specific publicity, such as increasing the company profile by having the


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name highly visible on walkathons and festivals or on posters and Web sites. You also might seek local media coverage.

Examples of Cause Marketing

One example of cause-marketing would be the partnership of Yoplait's "Save Lids to Save Lives" campaign in support of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. The company packages specific products with a pink lid that consumers turn in, and in turn Yoplait donates 10 cents for each lid.

In 1979, Wally Amos the National Spokesperson for the Literacy Volunteers of America. According to the organization, Wally has alerted more people to the illiteracy problem than any other person in history. This strategic cause-marketing tie-in helped to tell the Famous Amos Cookie story while maintaining visibility and is responsible for many new and expanded literacy programs.


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An example of a nonprofit certification of a product (business) includes the American Heart Association's stamp of approval on Cheerios , the popular breakfast cereal.

Launched in early 2006, Product Red is an example of one the largest cause-related marketing campaigns to date given the number of companies and organizations involved as participants as well as its reach worldwide. It is also an example of a cause marketing campaign that is also a brand on its own. Product Red was created to support The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis & Malaria (aka "The Global Fund") and includes companies such as Apple Computer, Motorola, Giorgio Armani, and The Gap as participant



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Although the term "cause-related marketing" is attributed to American Express and its 1983 Statue of Liberty Restoration project, the history of cause marketing as we know it today dates back even further.    The actual “first” cause marketing campaign may forever remain a mystery.  For example, Marriott and the March of Dimes conducted a cause-focused campaign in 1976.  Famous Amos Cookies and Literacy Volunteers of America also created a long-running cause-related promotion in 1979. American Express copyrighted the term “Cause-Related Marketing” but made no attempt to limit the term’s general use.

Since that time, the terms "cause-related marketing" and "cause marketing" continue to grow in popularity.

The IEG Sponsorship Report predicts that cause marketing will be the fastest growing category of sponsorship spending in 2010, and projects that


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corporate cause sponsorship will rise 6.1% to hit $1.61 billion in 2010.

Cause Marketing Pioneers:  Marriott and the March of Dimes

One of the first "cause marketing" campaigns occurred in 1976 through a partnership between Marriott Corporation and the March of Dimes. Marriott’s objective was to generate highly cost-effective public relations and media coverage for the opening of Marriott’s Great America in Santa Clara, CA.     The March of Dimes' objective was to significantly increase overall donations for their pledge walk and incent their fundraisers to meet a given deadline.  The promotion was conducted simultaneously in 67 cities throughout the Western United States and exceeded all goals to become the most successful promotion in the history of Chapters


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West of the March of Dimes who received $2.5 million in donations (a 40% increase) by their deadline. 

The promotion also resulted in a record-breaking opening day for Great America, attended by 2.2 million people and provided hundreds of thousands of dollars in free publicity.

Cause Marketing Pioneers:  Famous Amos Cookies and Literacy Volunteers of America

Another of the first examples of a "cause-related marketing" campaign was initiated in 1979 by Rosica, Mulhern & Associates for Famous Amos cookies. In this campaign, Wally Amos became the National Spokesperson for the Literacy Volunteers of America. According to the organization, Wally has alerted more people to the illiteracy problem than any other person in history.


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This strategic cause-marketing tie-in helped to tell the Famous Amos Cookie story while maintaining visibility and is responsible for many new and expanded literacy programs. This case study is now used in university classrooms nationwide as an example of successful "cause-related marketing".

Cause Marketing Pioneer:  American Express and The Statue of Liberty Restoration Project

American Express entered the scene in 1983 with its iconic Statue of Liberty Restoration project.  Within the campaign period, every American Express card transaction unlocked a penny toward the effort and for each new card issued, a dollar was given to the preservation of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.  Over a four-month period, $1.75 million was raised for restoration, new users grew by 17% and transaction activity jumped to 28%.


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CAUSE MARKETING:-“bringing cause & marketing together”…..

Cause marketing covers a wide range of marketing activities for a business. Primarily, it aims to link product or services of a company to a social cause. This leads to greater sales and more importantly, builds favorability in the minds of customers.

The creation of the term is credited to American Express, who helped raise close to $2 million over a four-month period for the Statue of Liberty Restoration project. The marketing campaign led by the company used a penny for every use of their card and a dollar for every card they issued for the restoration project.


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The term, ‘cause marketing’ has been mistaken to signify ‘corporate philanthropy’ and ‘social marketing’. However, it cannot be related to either of them. According to the Business in the Community, the leading British corporate social responsibility organization, it (cause marketing) is “a commercial activity by which businesses and charities or causes form a partnership with each other to market an image, product or service for mutual benefit.

How Cause Marketing Helps Businesses?

Clearly, customers prefer and trust on companies, which are socially or environmentally conscious. By turning into a willing community


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partner, companies stand to gain positive reviews and praise from public and employees alike. Such companies are perceived as ‘responsible’ brands too. Cause marketing has been proved to boost sales.

It helps distinguish a company’s products and services from competitors. In fact, a survey revealed that two-thirds of consumers would switch retailers or brands, when quality and price are equal, to a retailer or a brand associated with a social cause. Also, employees would want to work for organizations, which support environment or social causes. Thus, cause marketing improves employee retention and contributes to the recruitment process too.

All parties benefit from a well-intentioned cause marketing partnership. Corporate culture changes for the better while employees and the general public become inspired to help the cause.

Most Influential Cause Marketing Campaigns


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The American Express Statue of Liberty Restoration (1983) effort, which helped raise close to $2 million marked the birth of cause marketing. 1,000 Playgrounds in 1,000 Days was a three-year national program, which aimed to build good places for kids to play at, closer to their homes. The Yoplait Save Lids to Save Lives has remained one of America’s best breast cancer campaigns.

Yoplait yogurt packaged in 4 or 6 oz. cups feature a pink lid during the collection period. These lids when mailed raise 10 cents each for Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Live Strong Bracelet has turned into a worldwide fashion item, selling over 70 million for $1 each. Nike and Lance Armstrong’s idea to raise funds and awareness for the cyclist’s cancer charity has found fans in young and the elderly alike.

U2 frontman Bono and Bobby Shriver of DATA founded Product (Red), which has helped raise over $140 million for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. It continues to attract corporate bigwigs, such as, Nike and Starbucks. Companies create products with the Product Red


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logo and a percentage of the profit goes to the Global Fund.

Cause Marketing Campaigns in India

In India, Procter & Gamble (P&G) has pioneered a number of cause marketing programs, which are aimed at rebuilding lives of young children in India. Project Drishti was aimed to restore sight for nearly 250 blind girls across the country. It was the first ever sight restoration corporate project which was undertaken in association with the National Association for the Blind (NAB). As a part of this, for every pack of Whisper sold, Re 1 went for the project.

‘Shiksha’ is a program by P&G, in association with Child Rights and You (CRY) and Sony Entertainment Television, which aims to support the education of children in India. Tata Tea, one of India’s largest tea brands, started ‘Jaago Re’. It transformed tea from a means of physical


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rejuvenation to a widespread social awakening. The Jaago Re One Billion Votes campaign, which was well-timed (in terms of launch) with the Indian elections, spread the message of the need to vote among citizens.

It is estimated that over 6.5 lakh Indians used the platform to register as voters. Recently, Aircel launched the ‘Save Our Tigers’, a campaign, which is aimed to encourage citizens to blog about the depleting tiger population, and to stay up-to-date with tiger facts. Interested people can also donate money to NGOs working for the cause, like WWF India.

'Project Saraswati' undertaken by the Fair & Lovely Foundation, promoted economic empowerment of India’s young women. Under the project, scholarships of up to a lakh were awarded to young deserving girls from across the country to pursue their graduate and postgraduate course.

According to the IEG Sponsorship Report, cause marketing is predicted to be the fastest growing category of sponsorship spending in 2010. Cause sponsorship stood at $1.51 billion in 2009,


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and witnessed a decline of 0.3% (Source: Cause Marketing Forum). Some have proclaimed ‘cause marketing’ to be a ‘mature’ marketing option. However, it depends on the treatment of the cause programs by the brand. The brand needs to treat the cause marketing initiative with the same level of enthusiasm and dedication, as it does for its other marketing outreaches.

Cause related marketing: Tactic or Strategy?

For many years, community development goals were philanthropic activities that were seen asseparate from business objectives, not fundamental to them. ‘Doing well’ and ‘Doing good’ wereseen as separate pursuits. That is changing today, the emergence of cause marketing programs, have heralded a dramatic shift


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in nonprofit-for-profit relationships. It has established the concept that community development and support could be positioned at the intersection of business objectives (sales/profits) and societal needs. Supporting a specific cause and being public about this support gives companies identifiable personalities, demonstrates what they stand for, andhelps them connect with customers, suppliers, investors, employees, and the community. Causemarketing programs allow the consumers to overtly and publicly express their belief in andsupport for, the causes that are most important to them. Cause marketing has been with us since our local shops and restaurants set up collection boxesfor donations to local causes (more often, orphanages) near their cash counters. It was American Express that first coined the term “Cause-related marketing” in 1983. That year they launched athree-month marketing program around the Statue of Liberty Restoration Project. The objective:to increase card use and new card applications and at the same time raise money, awareness andsupport for the nonprofit Restoration Fund.


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American Express donated one cent for every card transaction and one dollar for every new card application. It backed the program with a $4 millionadvertising campaign aimed at reaching existing customers and drawing new ones. The results were impressive. In just three months, the Restoration Fund raised over $1.7 million. American Express Card usage rose 27% and new card applications rose by 45% compared to the previous year. A fitting outcome to a well planned strategic effort. A clear demonstration that causemarketing could achieve strategic goals by linking a for-profit organization to a cause and enabling its consumers to financially support the cause by doing business with the for-profit organization. From that initial entry into the consumer mind space, and into marketing strategic space, cause marketing programs have evolved into a firmly established practice to be adopted bymarketers. The compulsions to use cause marketing have been brought into sharp focus by the studies doneby Cone Inc., a marketing communications agency that has been tracking American attitudes


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towards corporate support of social issues for more than a decade. According to the 2004 Cone CorporateCitizenship Study, 8 in 10 Americans say that corporate support of causes wins their trust in that company, a 21% increase since 1997. A more significant finding of the report is the response to the statement, “I am likely to switch from one brand to another that is about the same in price and quality, if the other brand is associated with a cause”. A staggering 86% confirmed that they would do so, a rise from 81% in October 2001. ‘Cause’, has therefore become an important differentiator, a means to promote products and enhance bottom lines for marketers of today. According to the IEG Sponsorship Report, Chicago, US spending on Cause Marketing will hit $1.34 billion in 2006. Back in 1990 cause marketing spending was only $120 million.Cause marketing allows a company to put its brand, marketing might and people behind a nonprofit cause that can provide mutual benefits to the company and the nonprofit entity. The cause marketing campaigns can vary in their scope and design, the types of nonprofit


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partners and the nature of the relationships among the companies and their nonprofit partners. In the most common type of relationship, for each purchase made by its customers during a specified periodof time, a portion of it is donated to the nonprofit entity. It is a win-win situation all around.Companies increase their sales, nonprofits get more funds and the consumer benefits because hefeels a part of his purchase is going for a good cause.



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ING Vysya bank has always been committed to making a positive contribution to Society. Promoting education for under-served children is one such cause which has been very close to the bank. Through the ING Vysya Foundation, it seeks to provide less advantaged children an opportunity to secure a better future by providing them with education.

Born out of three business entities of ING in India, ING Vysya Bank, ING Life Insurance, and ING Investment Management, the Foundation has been able to strike the right balance between supporting organizations financially and contributing time and effort of the employees to nurture and mentor these children, for a better future.

ING Vysya Foundation commenced its activities in December 2004 with a water-harvesting project in the Udaipur and Rajasmand districts of Rajasthan, North India. The initiative provided villagers with access to clean water and recharged ground-water wells which in turn support the local agricultural


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The Foundation has also been actively involved in relief efforts following the Tsunami that hit the South Indian coast on 26 December 2004.

In cooperation with the regional headquarters of ING at Hong Kong, ING Vysya Foundation supported a number of projects, including the rebuilding of homes and schools, and other facilities for a number of villages.

Another project included the micro-financing for 40 fishing boats and the attendant equipment for the villages of Mudaliyarkuppam and Arcotuthurai, in Tamilnadu.

As part of the ING Chances for Children programme, the Foundation signed a five-year agreement to support 100 orphans' living and schooling expenses. Additional funds, set up enabled of a day-care centre with training facilities which is used by the community at large.

Other initiatives include ING Investment


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Management's auctions of paintings drawn by street children for the NGO Pratham and ING Vysya Bank's 'Run Ricky Run' in which the bank sent a child back to school for each run the Australian cricket captain Ricky Ponting scored in international one-day matches during a one-year period ending September 2008.

Today, Foundation partners with thirteen local charity organizations in India. It helps children to be in the primary schools to realize their right to education as the first step towards breaking the cycle of poverty.

The Foundation depends on voluntary contributions for all its activities. The Foundation runs an annual fund raising campaign to help garner support from employees of its three entities for the cause


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Board of Trustee:-

Mr. Kshitij Jain, MD & CEO, ING Life Insurance

Mr. Jayant Mehrotra, Chief Financial Officer, ING Vysya Bank

Mr. J M Prasad, Chief Human Resource, ING Vysya Bank

Mr. Appa Rao, Company Secretary, ING Vysya Bank

Ms. Priya Gopalakrishnan, Director- Human Resource

Foundation Functionaries:

Joyatri Ray, Director- Projects


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ING Vysya Foundation (IVF) was incorporated in October 2004 to promote Corporate Social Responsibility of ING Group entities in India. The Bank is the substantial contributor to the Foundation every year. The mandate for the Foundation is to promote primary education for underprivileged children. This approach is part of worldwide “Chances for Children” programme (CFC) of ING Group

During the year, the Foundation has worked with NGO partners, who are engaged in

(a) enrolling children (never been to school and out of school) back to school

(b) preparing children through bridge schools and pre-primary schools for enrolling in formal schools


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(c) retaining and continuing education of the children who are already enrolled.

The partners have different approaches / programmes to cater to various groups of children. The community learning program helps in attaining the age-appropriate learning skills of children living in slums. The residential program provides an opportunity for the drug addicted children and child labourers living on the streets to be in school. Learning centre models are for children who are living in slums or in rural areas and also children from red-light areas.

During the year the foundation has partnered with the following NGOs:

S. No. Name of the NGO Partner - Location - Programme


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1 Ardar - Hyderabad - School Adoption program

2 Akshara Foundation - Bangalore - Community Library program

3 Akshara Foundation - Bangalore - Pre-school program

4 Sukrupa - Bangalore - Residential program for children with single parents/ orphans

5 Makkala Jagriti - Bangalore - Community Learning centre for children living in slums

6 Christel House - Bangalore - Formal School for children living in slums

7 Aurobindo Chaudhari Memorial Great Indian


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Dream Foundation - Delhi -Pre-school program for children living in slums

8 Hamari Muskaan Kolkata Learning centre for children in red-light area

9 Pratham Vulnerable Council for Children - Mumbai - Residential program for former child labourers

10 Support - Mumbai - Residential program for rehabilitated drug addicted street children

11 IIMPACT - Lucknow - Learning centre for girl children

12 UNICEF - India - Chances for Children program


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Annual Fund raising Campaign – “I believe I can Fly” : IVF launched an annual fund raising campaign during the month of September 2009. The employees of the Bank actively participated in the campaign and helped in raising about Rs. 53 Lakh (Rupees Fifty Three Lakh) towards this cause. The amount so collected will be contributed to educate children under the care of existing partners.

Volunteer program : IVF provides opportunities to employees to volunteer for the development and growth of children, living in difficult circumstances, such as children living in slums, child labour, children never been to school, drop outs, orphan children and so on. During the year several volunteer initiatives were organized under the ‘Hope Brigade’ program. One such program was the

‘Home buddies campaign’ aimed to provide a platform for employees to interact with children, under the care of our NGO partners to help develop


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reasoning and logic, and age appropriate learning skill. Around 50 employees enrolled themselves as volunteers for this program, during the year.

Another volunteer program was ‘ING Global Challenge – Chances for Children’. In 2007, Asia pacific had launched ING Global Challenge to raise awareness on the ‘Chances for Children’ program and also to provide its employees an opportunity to volunteer to promote the cause of education for underserved children.

This year’s edition marked the 20th anniversary of the day the UN adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In India, 1,500 employees from Bank along with 1,200 children in 30 locations across the country had celebrated ING Global Challenge. Musical shows, painting competitions, fun picnic, cricket matches, visit to various historical sites and many more events were conducted all over India.

Contribution towards Karnataka and Andhra 34

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Pradesh Flood Relief : The Bank and its employees together had contributed Rs. 66 Lakh (Rupees Sixty Six Lakh) towards the Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh flood relief programmes during October 2009.


The Bank endeavors to ensure that the projects financed by it, are environmentally and socially sound and sustainable. Towards its endeavor for sustainable development, the Bank has adopted the following policies:

I) General Environmental and Social Risk (G-ESR) policy

II) Equator Principles (EP) Policy


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III) Specific Environmental and Social Risk (S-ESR) Policy

The Bank has integrated the following commitments in its General Environmental and Social Risk (G-ESR) policy under para 2.1

• Commitment to Sustainability

• Commitment to ‘Do No Harm’

• Commitment to Responsibility

• Commitment to Accountability

• Commitment to Transparency

Every year the Bank submits the Annual Environmental and Social Performance Report to International Finance Corporation (IFC), covering Environmental Management System and Project Environmental and Social Compliance.


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The Bank has also adopted the Equator Principles (EP) policy. EP is a set of voluntary environmental and social guidelines for ethical project finance. These principles commit banks and other signatories not to finance projects that fail to meet these guidelines.

The EP is based on the social and environmental policies and guidelines of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the World Bank. Child labour, involuntary resettlement and protection of natural heritages are examples of social and environmental issues covered by the EP. The Bank has also adopted the EP, which forms part of its Credit Risk Manual.

Initiatives under Sustainable Development:

• The Bank runs a kids portal to educate the children on nature, environment and saving of money. On


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entering the portal viz., children are taken on a voyage of discovery, hand held by the portal pal “NEO”.

• The Bank and its employees participated in the global movement called “Earth Hour” to show solidarity against climate change. At Bangalore, ING Vysya Bank took lead as in the previous year to spread awareness on Climate Change and Global Warming, joining hands with ‘World Wide Fund of Nature’ (WWF) and ‘The Indus Entrepreneurs’ (TIE). The employees of the Bank participated in the Earth Hour programme on 27-Mar-2010 by switching off lights for an hour, from 8.00 pm to 9.00 pm.

The Bank has also undertaken various “Financial Inclusion” initiatives with the objective of providing banking / financial services to all people in a fair, transparent and equitable manner at affordable cost.


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The Bank has put in place a three year plan for Financial Inclusion with the objective to ensure that all the villages having a population of above 2,000 and allocated to the Bank are financially included and have access to basic banking products and services.

ING Vysya Foundation (A registered Trust under The Indian Trust Act, 1882) (registration number 598/04-05), office of the Sub-registrar, Shivajinagar, Bangalore). The Foundation is registered as a Wholly Charitable Trust under the section 12(a) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

The vision of the Trust is to facilitate enabling environment that actualizes the right to education for children, living in difficult circumstance. It believes that inspiration, encouragement and skills can change the way these children see their lives and



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ING Vysya Bank Ltd is an entity formed in 2002 with coming together of erstwhile Vysya Bank, a premier private Sector Bank and ING. ING is a large global financial services company of Dutch origin with an asset base of Euro 1,247 Billion (as of Dec 2010) and serves over 85 million clients in more than 40 countries with the banking, asset management, and life insurance and retirement solutions.

ING Vysya Bank has over 80 years of experience and serves over 2 million customers in the country and offers the entire range of financial products and services, organized under three strategic lines of business: Retail, Private and Wholesale Banking.[1]

With 491 branches and extension counters, 28 Satellite offices and 377 ATM's (as on 31st December, 2010), ING Vysya Bank offers accounts, deposits, wealth management, consumer loans,


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business banking products and agricultural and rural banking products to retail customers.

The bank has been rapidly expanding the distribution footprint and has created a national brand presence through innovative marketing campaigns.[citation needed] The ING Private Bank operates on an advisory driven model and research remains the focus for introduction of new products.

While, the Wholesale Bank offers both fund based and non fund based products and the business is growing as also its customer base among the leading Indian Multinational Corporate houses.


1930 - The Bank was Incorporated at Bangalore City. The Bank Transacts general banking business of every description.


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1958 - The Bank was granted a licence by the Reserve Bank of India to carry on banking business.

1972 - With effect from 1st January, the Bank was upgraded to `B'class.

1978 - 80,000 Right shares issued at par 1977 in prop. 2:1.

1985 - 6,00,000 Rights equity shares issued at par in prop. 1:2.

1987 - The Vysya Bank Leasing, Ltd. was incorporated on 4th January, as a subsidiary of the Company to take up equipment leasing and such other forms of business as are permissibile through the subsidiary. The Vysya Bank Housing Finance, Ltd., is also subsidiary of the bank.

- 6,00,000 Rights equity shares issued at par in prop.

1990 - The bank introduced the Investors' club activity to render buying and selling of capital market investments on behalf of its members apart from giving loans and providing security for the scrips deposited with the bank.


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1993 - At the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 27th September, a Special Resolution was passed for issue of Rights Shares to the shareholder and Preferential Allotment of Shares to the Managment Group and Employees. The allotment of 24 lakh shares was made to Management Group on 10th December, which was kept in abeyance vide RBI directive dated 15th December.

1994 - The Bank launched new products like VYS STORE – credit facility for constructions of godowns, agro-vehicles for transportation of produce and inputs and cash credit for agricultural lendings. - A new division was set up to strengthened merchant banking

activities of the bank. The bank underwrote 118 capital issues aggregating Rs 34.47 crores.

- A separate cell managed by professionals specialised in investment management was formed to look after the equity investments of the bank.

- The Company's schemes such as vysprime and vysinvest exist


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exclusively for NRIs. Vysbuy for facilitating purchase of consumer articles, vysmobile for purchase of vehicles and vysequity facilitating purchase of shares.

- 2,43,600 shares were allotted at a premium of Rs 10 per share to the employees of the bank and subsidiary companies.

- The RBI has revoked its order letter dated 29thSeptember, and permitted allotment as follows: (i) Issue of 2,66,500 shares of Rs 10 each in the ratio of 50 shares to each employee of its subsidiary companies at a premiuim of Rs 10 per shares,

(ii) Issue of 6,00,000 shares of Rs 10 each to the Management Group at a premium of Rs 364.25 per shares,

(iii)After Completion of the above issues, rights issues to the shareholders including (i) and (ii) in the ratio of 5 shares for every share at a price in accordance with pricing guidelines of RBI.

- 6 lakhs shares were allotted to Management


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Group at a premium of Rs 364.25 as approved by RBI. Balance of 18 lakh shares awaited for the decisive of the Company.

- 1200 shares allotted.

1995 - The bank launched two new schemes, namely Vysdouble Scheme - doubles money in less than 57 months & Vyswift Scheme -A scheme for fast collection of out station cheques.

- The banks has signed a MOU with Bank Brussels Lambert for strategic alliance. It enable the bank to globalise its operations.

- The bank has appointed M/s. KPMC Peat Marwick to conduct a study of the bank for re-engineering the business processes of the bank and suggest an appropriate business strategy to remodel the bank as a World Class Bank.

- 131,32,830 No. of equity shares of Rs 10 each at a prem. of Rs 25 per share allotted to the existing shareholders on rights basis in the ratio of 5:1.

1996 - A MOU was signed with MC Securities Ltd.,


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London a group company of Bank Brussels Lambert for establishing a joint venture company for International Investment Banking.

- 834,800 No. of equity shares of Rs 10 each at a premium of Rs 316.07 per share allotted on preferential basis to BBL Mauritius

-Holdings, a wholly owned subsidiary of Bank Brussels Lavibert, Belgium and 13,435 No. of equity shares of Rs 10 each at premium of Rs 25 per share allotted out of abeyance cases of Rights issue.

1998 - Sri T. B. Dhananjaya Rao, Director, expired on 1st October.

- The Bank set-up V-SATs in 6 Metros using DAMA technology as an internal communication support system through which 200 of the Bank's Branches are proposed to be linked to the Bank's Corporate Office for data transmission and E-Mail Communication.

1999 -The Bank launched Insurance linked Premium Savings Bank Account for individuals.


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- The Bank has signed an MOU with ING for distribution of Life Insurance products, as and when the insurance industry opens up in India.

2000 - Indus Software Private Limited a Pune-based software products company has signed an agreement with the Vysya Bank Ltd., a leading private sector bank in India for the implementation of its product, ISI (lending solutions from Indus).

- Vysya Bank Ltd. signed a MoU with Global TeleSystems Ltd. to utilise their e-commerce payments

processing infrastructure.

- The Bank has signed a memorandum of understanding with the ING group to pick up 26% stake in ING Asset Management Company for a nominal amount of Rs 10 crore.

- Vysya Bank has signed an MoU with Satyam Infoway for its foray into e-commerce.

- The Vysya Bank signed an MoU with Siri Technologies Pvt for a technical and marketing


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partnership to develop, customise and implement remittance/payment processing, software solutions according to a press release issued by Vysya Bank.

- ING Insurance, a sub-holding company of Dutch financial major ING Group, has tied up with Bangalore-based Vysysa Bank to enter the Indian life insurance market.

- Vysya Bank is likely to review its joint venture agreement with Citibank for the credit card business.

- Bangalore-based private sector bank Vysya Bank is to launch a floating rate deposit.

- ING Insurance, Vysya Bank Ltd. and the Damani Group have signed an agreement to form a life insurance joint venture in India.

- The Bank announced launching of VysyAMulya project, envisaging an investment of about Rs. 60 Crores spread over two financial years, which involves setting up of a Data Centre and networking of 125 branches for online real-time Centralised Processing through Sanchez's Core banking suite of


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products -PROFILE/Anyware - IBS.

- The Bank has entered into an agreement with IBM India Ltd for the IT related hardware/software supply and system integration.

- The Bank has also entered into an agreement with M/s. Bangalore Labs for providing suitable and stable communications network design and layout, which will allow bank to operate 24 hours, seven days a week.

- The Bank launched, during the year, two new technology aided products viz., - Vys-Sambandh and Access Plus.

- Sri K R Ramamoorthy, has been re-appointed as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Bank for a period of three years.

2001 - Vysya Bank named a new Managing Director Mr. K Balasubramanian, sees this as the first step in its long-term succession plan for the Bank's top job.

- :Vysya Bank Ltd as part of its restructuring exercise, has merged six regional offices and will be


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opening 30 branches, including extension counters, in the next three years

2002-Vysya Bank announces Employees Voluntary Retirement scheme.

-Vysya Bank Ltd has informed that the following changes have been approved consequent to increase in the stake of equity of BBL (ING Group) from 20% to 43.99%.

The following Directors resigned from the office of Director w.e.f September 09, 2002:a) Mr. M Ramachandra,b) Mr. H N Tarachandani, c) Mr. Yadalam A Subramanyam, d) Mr. K V K Seshavataram e) Mr. G B S Raju. Mr. Peter Alexander Smyth, a nominee of ING Group has been appointed as Director in the casual vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. M K Ramachandra w.e.f. September 09,2002. Mr. Jacques P M Kemp, a nominee of ING Group has been appointed as Director in the casual vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. G R S Raju w.e.f. September 09, 2002.


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-Vysya Bank Ltd has informed that RBI has sanctioned the appointment of Mr Bart Hellemans as Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer and Mr G Mallikarjuna Rao as part time Chairman of the Bank. Mr K Balasubramanian the outgoing Managing Director will continue as non-executive Director of the Bank.

-G Mallikarjuna Rao takes charge as part time Chairman of Vysya Bank.

-Vysya Bank Ltd has informed BSE that The Board of Directors through a Circular Resolution passed on November 9, 2002 has noted the resignation of Mr Leo Willy Janssen, nominee of ING from the Board of the Bank.

2003 -Vysya Bank Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of Vysya Bank Ltd at their meeting held on January 30, 2003 took on record the following: 1. Appointment of Arun Thiagrajan as Additional Director

2. Appointment of K R Ramamorthy as Additional Director effective February 12, 2003 3. Resignation


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of A P Rao as Director effective Jan 30, 2003.

-Western Union, the top American money transfer firm has tied up with ING Vysya Bank for inward money transfer.

-ING Group acquired 23.99% equity of Vysya Bank, and the name has been changed to ING Vysya Bank Ltd.

-Change in the Management Structure:

Appointment of Mr.Arun Thiagrajan as Additional Director

Appointment of K Ramamorthy as Additional Director and

Resignation of A P Rao as the Director.

-Mr Robin Roy, the point man for retail banking of ING Vysya Bank Ltd has resigned.

-Mr Prakash G Apte has been appointed as Additional Director on the

board of the bank.


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-ING Vysya has launched 3 new endowment products:1)Powering Life - Limited payment endowment plan 2) Creating Life - Child Protection plan 3)Reassuring Life - Endowment plan with revisionary bonus.

-ING Vysya Bank Ltd has reported a 26% growth in its net profit for

the year.

-ING Vysya Bank has entered into a subscription and shareholders agreement with Nationale Nederlanden Interfinance BV, Kirti Equities Pvt Ltd and ING Investment Management (India)Pvt Ltd.

-Crisil assigs AA+ rating for the 200cr bond programme of ING vysya bank.

-ING vysya bank has launched new Saving Bank Account called Orange, with facilities like personal accident cover, free annual accident cover.

-ING Vysya's new Registered office: at No 22, M G Road Bangalore 560001. Ph.Nos : 080-5005000 & 5559222 Fax No. 080-5005555.


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-ING-Vysya has raised Rs.200cr through tier-II capital bonds at 6.25%. The bonds are rated AA plus by both Fitch and Crisil.

-Medvin Finance Private Ltd., shareholder of the Bank and a constituent of GMR Group of Companies, Indian Promoters, sells 452521 equity shares amounting to 2% of the paid up capital of the company

-Resignation of Mr. Ramsay Alexander Urquhart and Mr. Jacques P MKemp from the Board of the Bank. Further, the Board of Directors appointed i) Mr. Lars Kramer; ii) Mr. Cees Ovelgonne and iii) Mr. Peter Staal as Directors of the Bank in the casual vacancies arising out of resignation of Mr. Jacques P M Kemp, Mr. Ramsay Alexander Urquhart and Mr. K Balasubramanian respectively as Directors.

-ING Vysya Bank received Rs 4.35 crore to take back bad loans from its erstwhile housing finance arm that had been acquired by Dewan Housing Finance


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-iGate Global Solutions signs outsourcing deal worth approx million with ING Vysya Bank

-Toyota signs agreement with ING Vysya for auto finance

-ING Vysya Life signed an agreement with public sector Madras Fertiliser Ltd (MFL) to sell its life insurance policies to farmers, using the fertiliser company's dealer network in rural sector

2004 -Dolphin Milk forges alliance with ING Vysya Bank

-ING on course to amalgamate with Vysya venture

-ING Vysya inks pact with Madras Fert

-Introduced Protected Home Loans - a housing loan product

2005 -ING Vysya Bank names Mr Ned Swarup as CEO

-Introduced Solo - My Own Account for youth and Customer Service Line

– Phone Banking Service


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-ING Vysya Bank launches an `Advantage Current Account' for mid-sized businesses

-ING Vysya Bank rolls out online money transfer service

2006-ING Vysya Bank Ltd has informed that the Company has appointed Mr. Vaughn Richtor as its new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Managing Director for a three-year term, following approval from the Reserve Bank of India.

-ING Vysya Bank Ltd delists securities of the Bank from Bangalore Stock Exchange Ltd.

-ING Vysya forays into portfolio management biz

-Bank has networked all the branches to facilitate ‘AAA’ transactions i.e. Anywhere, Anytime & Anyhow Banking

2007 -ING Vysya Bank has unveiled a scheme called `Freedom Savings Account.' The features of the account are a zero quarterly balance requirement and a zero penal charge for non-maintenance of minimum quarterly balance.


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2008 - ING Vysya Bank Ltd has appointed Mr. M Damodaran as a Non-Executive & Non Independent Director of the Bank.

2009-ING Vysya Bank Ltd has appointed Mr. Vaughn Nigel Richtor as an Additional Director on the Board, effective June 01, 2009. He will be a Non-Executive and Non-Independent Director.

2010 - Ing Vysya Bank Limited has appointed Mr. Peter Henri Maria Staal as a Non-Executive & Non-Independent Director of the Bank effective on January 21, 2010.


In 2002, ING took over the management of Vysya Bank and RBI gave its permission for the new name of the bank to be 'ING Vysya Bank Ltd'.

In the following year, the bank introduced customer friendly products, mainly Orange Savings, Orange Current and Protected Home Loans. Its innovative products in the coming years included


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Solo - My Own Account for youth and Customer Service Line - Phone Banking Service (2005) and ‘AAA’ transactions - Anywhere, Anytime & Anyhow Banking - through networking of all its braches (2006).

Branches, ATMs & Financial Highlights

As of March 31st 2008, ING Vysya Bank had a total of 677 branches, of which there were 407 Branches, 39 Extension Counters, 28 Satellite Offices and 203 ATMs. At the same time, its Net Worth was Rs 14260.00 millions, Deposits worth Rs. 204980.00 millions, Advanced amounting to Rs. 146500.00 millions and Profits were to the tune of Rs. 1569.00 millions. The bank also has Internet Banking, mi-b@nk and Customer Service Line for Phone Banking Service, within its gamut of services.

There is a completely online mode of sending

money from US to India. Customer, needs follow three simple steps to send money to India.


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1)Register on Miremit site by providing elementary details.

2)Provide your bank details.

3)Provide the receiver's details in India.

Therefore to conclude we can say that ing not only provides various services to the general public but is also well aware of it’s corporate social responsibilities but still it requires new and innovative ideas and better business intelligence network so that it can maintain it’s current position in the market and is also able to grow and develop itself to the fullest extent as possible.


The tragedy of business intelligence/analytics today is that it is seen as technology to present information, and is often disconnected from operational systems. It rarely provides insights or recommendations for specific action.

Peculiarly, the biggest impediment to progress is 59

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not intention but organization design. Most services companies have flawed organizational designs - and hence progress in this area continues to be limited.

Keeping the above in mind we can give following suggestions:-

1) If you are considering BI(business intelligenc) and analytics in your business, centralize your data management and datawarehousing functions but embed analytics and BI into your lines of business function. For example, the risk guys should have their own analytics, the fraud their own,procurement their own and so on.

2) Enhance your business consulting with the above capabilities. There is a huge capability gap in the industry. The gap is NOT on technology. The gap is around blending 4 elements to achieve enhanced business outcomes. These 4 elements are - understanding of the business, understanding mathematical modeling, visualization, and IT foundations.

The best guys to "get it" are business 60

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consultants, these guys are sharp and can learn what is needed to transform business as opposed to leaving it to the technology fraternity.

3) Another way of capturing the market and attaining highest position there, is; by solving a fundamental human problem.

This includes recognition of what are the requirements of the general public, what are the areas which are still untapped and untouched but are mostly required by the customers, these are some questions; the answers for which, one must try to find out and than accordingly give proper sollutions to the company.

3)Since the general consumer of today is well aware of his/her rights, the company must not indulge in any such activities which are against the concept of “utmost good faith”, this includes that the company must not hide any such facts (about it’s product) that are unflattering or which causes any loss or harm to consumers. In short we can say that welfare of consumer over and above the profit of the company


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should come first.

Welfare of general consumer could be achieved by meeting corporate social responsibilities efficiently by the company. No doubt that the bank has been able to achieve this to an extent, but still there are various areas which it needs to identify and strike so that opportunities of growing the business could be achieved by it.


From the above analysis of the whole topic we can say that, cause & marketing are not separate term anymore. In the earlier days of business when the consumer was less aware of their right and their was lesser competition for a business, that time consumer welfare activities were not given as much importance as they are given today.

In today’s competitive scenario if a


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business will not give importance to the welfare of the consumer than it is bound to get failed, cause the consumers of today are much more well aware of their rights.

But a business must not only serve the society out of fear of such things the concept of cause marketing is based upon an idea that since a business functions in a society and uses the physical and the human resources of the society for it’s day to day functioning, it is obliged to serve the society.

No doubt that the main aim of a business is to earn profit but it is dependent upon society for such yield further meeting societal needs is in the best interest of the business itself because it not only improves goodwill, image of the business but also if it incurs any error in it’s working it is given


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waiver of such error because of it’s serving to the society (provided that the error caused must not be not be too large and it must be of such nature which is unavoidable).

Further ethically it’s the duty of the business to give something back in return to the society for what it has taken from it. Today a lot of environmental degradation problems are a result of business activities only; which has resulted not only polluted environment but also extinction of many amazing flora and fauna species. Many of our future generations would not be able to see such biodiversity in actual but will only read in texts about it.

Before it is too late it is the duty of business to heal what it has left as scars on the face of nature than only the future of not


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only the business but also the future of mankind could be secured well.